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Join Us in Fulfilling the Great Commission!
Table of Contents
Winter 2013E:
15 Years of Faithful
03 Pastor’s Perspective
04 Proclaiming Liberty
06 Prophecy Page
09 Responding to Tradgedy
14 Christian Finance
15 Book Review
16 Music Notes
17 Testimony Corner
18 Bible Q&A
20 Christian Inspiration and Living
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The Gospel of Peace is published quarterly by:
Staff: Ethan Webb, Daniel Goodwin, Kate Goodwin,
Sharon Senji and Derrick Hayden
2 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
Gospel Assembly Church
Pastor’s Perspective
From the desk of the pastor Glenn Goodwin
ith this issue of The Gospel of Peace, we mark the passing of 15 years of service as pastor of the Des Moines
Gospel Assembly Church. While I had thought I might be serving in the ministry, I had never, ever, dreamed of
being the pastor of this church. In fact, after launching a career as a trial lawyer, I had about given up on being
called to the ministry: I thought the law would be my ministry, and I would assist the body of Christ as a legal missionary.
My life was comfortable in the late 1990s. I was a partner in a major law firm. My income was good. God had blessed me
with a good family, and a good church. I was content. But major changes began in July, 1996. My uncle, Lloyd Goodwin,
died suddenly. He died as he would have wanted, in church, after delivering a powerful message. But many saints and
ministers in our portion of the body of Christ were not ready for his death. They lost their direction and foundation. Our
assembly lost 2/3rd of its congregation in the next 16 months.
My father, Bro. Vernon Goodwin, was appointed pastor. He was a good man, with the heart of a shepherd. He taught
good lessons, and loved God’s people. The healing of the body of Christ, from our perspective, actually began during my
father’s ministry. But some ministers and many of our local saints were not ready to accept Bro. Vernon as pastor of this
church. Every church department director resigned, most of the congregation left, and we wondered if this church would
survive. During Bro. Vernon’s 16 month ministry, I was called on to serve as an elder, visiting churches as a representative,
performing weddings, and other responsibilities.
I was ready to stand by my father’s ministry as a loyal servant, but after 16 months, he was also taken by death. I was asked
to step in as pastor. I was reluctant and frightened. Should the church really be pastored by yet a third member of the
Goodwin family? Was I called of God to this ministry? Would the rest of the people leave? Was I going to just be the pastor
of a dissolving church?
But I had three supernatural experiences that assured me that the Lord was not through with this church, and that He was
going to help me. I resigned my position in the law firm, and committed to this church. We’d either stand or fall together.
And God has been our helper. 15 years later, we are still here. We are striving to see that the Lord keeps the candlestick in
Des Moines. We’ve seen new people added to the church, and some who had left have returned; but we’ve also seen some
leave. We have seen children born to our families; and we have buried faithful saints. We’ve rejoiced; and we’ve cried.
We’ve been weary; we’ve been refreshed. We’ve had successes; and we’ve made mistakes. But through it all, God has been
with us.
It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as pastor of the Des Moines Gospel Assembly Church for the last 15 years.
I have tried to do my best, but I hope I can do better in the future – by the grace of God. I appreciate the wonderful support
of our local elders, the church staff and every member of this church. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of
God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.” II Corinthians 13:14.
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 3
Proclaiming Liberty
by Glenn GoodwinE:
mericans are a freedom-loving people. We have
fought wars to preserve our liberties and our
independence. We sing songs glorifying the fact
that we are free. This is the land of the free. But Americans
don’t understand what true freedom is. It is not casting
off any restraints. It is not the ability to do whatever feels
good. It is not breaking all the rules. True freedom is not the
ability to do whatever you want; it is the ability to do what
you should.
In Christ Jesus, there is freedom and liberty. The Lord said
in John 8:36, whom the Lord makes free is free indeed. But
what does it mean to be “free indeed”? The Apostle Paul
wrote in II Corinthians 3:17, “...where the Spirit of the Lord
is, there is liberty.” But what is true, biblical liberty? People
are willing to fight to preserve their liberties. But they often
confuse liberty with bondage.
We should look to the Scriptures for an understanding
of the wonderful freedom that we have as blood-bought
children of the Lord. Galatians 5:1 says we stand in liberty,
and have been made free. Romans 8:21 proclaims there is
a glorious liberty of children of the Lord. Jesus said in John
8:32 that you shall know truth and truth makes you free.
God’s law provided for a Jubilee, when the priests would
proclaim liberty throughout the land. Leviticus 25:10.
Again, some people think they are free, but they are in
4 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
bondage. They feel free in their sin; but sin is the cruelest
taskmaster of all. Some think they have liberty to drink
alcohol; but addiction is a malicious slavery. I could cite
other examples, but think about it: the things some
consider to be their liberties have brought them under
bondage. The liberty of Christ doesn’t do that.
Biblical freedom is real freedom. But real freedom is not a
lack of constraints. It is not a choice to decide for yourself
what is good and what is evil. It is not the ability to do or
say whatever you want. No, real freedom is found in giving
up everything the world thinks is freedom. True freedom is
found in a voluntary surrendering of our will to God’s will.
“Not my will, but Thy will be done.”
In the fourth century, Augustine taught that true freedom is
not unfettered choice or a lack of any constraints, but rather
was being what you were meant to be. He understood that
humans were created to be in the image of God. Genesis
1:26. That image became marred by sin. The only true
image of God is Jesus Christ. Hebrews 1:3. True freedom,
then, is not found in moving farther and farther from the
image of God, but in becoming more like Christ, who is the
express image of His Father. The further we are from God,
the less freedom we have.
It seems inconsistent to fallen man, but the route to true
freedom is through obedience. Jesus said it well in Matthew
16:25, when He told His disciples that if they would lose
their life, they would find it. In Matthew 20:26-27, He
taught that the route to greatness is through serving.
The entire Bible teaches that real freedom is found in
obedience and servanthood. But that truth runs counter
to our culture’s concepts. We’ve been brainwashed by the
devil to believe that freedom means self-assertion, insisting
on your rights, throwing off any constraints imposed on
us, and creating ourselves in our own image. Frank Sinatra
sang: “The record shows, I took the blows, and did it my
The Biblical account begins in Genesis, with Adam and
Eve. They were placed in a garden, and told not to eat of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God placed
boundaries on them. They were to stay in the garden,
they were not to eat of one particular tree. But those
were voluntary boundaries. Our first parents could choose
whether to be obedient or to disobey. You know the story.
But consider this, when were Adam and Eve the most free?
Were they more free voluntarily obeying in Eden than they
were when they were free to roam around and eat anything
they wanted? Freedom, within God’s limitations, is true
freedom. Freedom that violates God’s limitations is no
freedom at all, it brings bondage to the Curse.
The Lord asks us to voluntarily obey,
and gives us true freedom through
obedience. So I ask: “What are you
willing to give up for the Lord?”
Nobody takes anything from you
– you have to willingly give up
whatever hinders your relationship
with your Lord. In John 21:18, Jesus
said Peter would voluntarily stretch
forth his hands, and allow himself to
be shackled and led where he did not
want to go.
their refusal meant they lost their freedom. When they
didn’t listen to Jeremiah, they were taken as slaves to
Babylon. When they didn’t listen to Jesus and the apostles,
Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the nation again went into
captivity in 70 A.D. The theme of true freedom through
obedience and servanthood is so pervasive and so plain
in the Bible that a church of Bible-believing Christians
cannot miss it. If you read the Bible, you will see the road
to freedom comes through serving God and His people, and
living the way He wants you to live.
In Psalms 119:45, David rejoiced in his liberty to walk
in God’s precepts. The Apostle Paul wrote a lot about
our liberty in Christ. We have been made free from the
ordinances of the law. Our relationship to God is by
grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
Law-keeping will not merit salvation. We have freedom.
Yet throughout his epistles, Paul constantly tells the
Christians that they should voluntarily give up their rights
and freedoms for the sake of spreading the gospel and
protecting the conscience of others. Romans 14 and I
Corinthians 8 stand against the proposition that liberty
means we can live any way we want and do whatever we
want. He said in I Corinthians 9:19 that he was free, but a
voluntary servant of all.
I don’t serve God because I have to; I serve God because
I want to. I don’t go to church because I have to; I go
because I want to. I don’t stay out of bars and casinos
True freedom and movie theaters because someone makes me;
I choose to. I don’t dress in modesty and holinesss
is not the
because that is required by my church; I get to dress
ability to do this way because it pleases God. I have voluntarily
to live by the constraints that God says are
whatever you chosen
good for me.
want; it is
the ability to
do what you
True freedom is not in being forced to
act a certain way, dress a certain way,
not do this, avoid that, etc. Gospel
freedom is a free choice, not imposed
obedience. We don’t serve God because
we fear the consequences. We aren’t obedient to avoid the
fires of hell. Gospel obedience is always voluntary. We serve
because we want to. Whenever obedience is forced, or
becomes a drudgery, or some reluctant, cringing conformity
to something we really don’t want to do, it is no longer
Gospel obedience. But when the obedience is freely given,
when it stems from a heart of gratitude, when it is joyful, it
leads to true freedom. We can be who we are meant to be
– in the image of God.
I can sum up the history of Old Testament Israel in a
nutshell: the law and the prophets asked the people to
voluntarily obey God’s rules; they repeatedly refused; and
A train is most free when it is constrained within
the boundaries of the track. When there is no track,
the train loses its freedom. We don’t have to keep
God’s law; we don’t have to do anything. We have
been saved freely by grace. But our gratefulness for
what the Lord has done for us causes us to want to
serve Him. And in serving and obeying, we find great
freedom. If we reject God’s rules and regulations, if we
leave the rails, we will only become a train-wreck.
Psalms 119:165 promises great peace through loving God’s
law. Isaiah 54:13 shows that when people are taught of the
Lord, great peace results. Gospel freedom is wonderful.
It is freedom from fear, freedom from guilt and shame,
and freedom from the penalty for sin. It’s a freedom that
produces peace of mind, and joy of heart. It is a freedom to
love, to laugh, to breathe easy, and to enjoy your salvation.
The liberty Christ gives brings pleasure without pain, joy
without remorse, and contentment without envy. This
freedom and liberty is the birthright of every child of God.
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 5
Prophecy Page
What does the Bible say about what’s happening today?
Russia Developing ‘Iron Fist’ to Deter West
SOURCE:, October 8, 2012
the West. This article also states that
Russia is demonstrating its power by
“increasing its long range strategic
bomber flights close to the United States
and increasing its submarine patrols
near U.S. shores.”
“WASHINGTON – Russia is on its way once again to
becoming a world military power, based on promises by
Russian President Vladimir Putin and what he is projecting
in the way of defense spending over the next six years, says
a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.”
Putin has promised to “reindustrialize Russia” by rebuilding
the defense industry and turn it into an “iron fist” against
The Cold War might be over, the U.S.S.R.
may be gone, but Bible prophecy
foretells a militaristic Russia in the
future. Ezekiel 38 shows the build-up
to the Battle of Armageddon. We have
in many prior issues of this magazine
shown that Gog in Ezekiel 38:2 is Russia,
“chief prince of Rosh.” The re-built
Russian military might will be unleashed
in the future in a massive battle that will
end only because of the return of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
This regular feature of
the Gospel of Peace
Newsletter surveys
recent newspaper
articles and other
publications that
are relevant to Bible
prophecy. One test
of any religion is its
ability to accurately
predict the future.
Unlike the sacred
writings of every
other religion, the
Bible abounds with
prophecy. One-fourth
of the Bible is prophecy; and one-third
of that prophecy has
already been fulfilled.
We are living in a time
when two to threethousand-year-old
prophecies are being
Rebuilding the Temple - From the Fringes to the Mainstream
SOURCE:, October 15, 2012
in Malachi is written as if there is to be a temple built for
the Lord to come to at His coming. “Behold, I will send my
messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and
the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple,
even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in:
behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:1.
“Eight Jewish Israelis have been arrested on Temple Mount
in Jerusalem over the past two days after police feared their
attempts to pray there would incite violence. . . Though the
arrests may suggest otherwise, the Temple Mount Faithful
movement has recently made a giant leap towards the
There has long been a small minority of Jews who sought to
build a third temple in Jerusalem. Bible prophecy envisions
a temple in Jerusalem during the millennial reign of Christ.
See Psalms 68:29; latter chapters of Ezekiel. It is very likely
that the Jews will build, or at least start to build, a temple
in Jerusalem before the return of the Lord. The prophecy
6 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
Such a temple would provoke rabid Islamic rage. They
consider the Temple Mount to be theirs and have built
mosques on it. And it would require a broad consensus
among the Israeli Jews. That consensus is starting to form.
“The Temple Mount Faithful take pride in the growing
list of rabbis who withdrew their ban on visiting the
Temple Mount, some of whom even visited the holy site
themselves. They also note the growing number of Jewish
worshippers visiting the site for spiritual reasons.”
We suspect that a false peace will be established in the
Middle East, facilitated by the ten kings and the false
prophet of Revelation. “For when they shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.”
I Thessalonians 5:3. Islamics, Jews and Christians all claim
the Temple Mount as sacred soil. Perhaps a worship center
on that Mount, with separate sections for those of these
three great faiths, will be part of that pseudo-peace. We will
watch for further developments on this.
A Stubborn Terror
SOURCE: Newsweek, September 17, 2012
“Eleven years after 9/11, al Qaeda is fighting back. Despite
a focused and concerted American-led global effort –
despite the blows inflicted on it by drones, SEALs, and spies
– the terror group is thriving in the Arab world, thanks to
revolutions that swept across it in the last 18 months. And
the group remains intent on striking inside America and
As we have reported in this column in prior issues, the socalled “Arab Spring” has not brought democracy, freedom
and peace to the Middle East. Instead, Islamic terror groups
are thriving, and developing movements that play a role in
end-time events. Even though Osama bin Laden was killed
on President Obama’s orders, and U.S. drones have killed
many of his lieutenants, “bin Laden’s successor, Ayman alZawahiri, is still orchestrating a global terror network and
communicating with its followers.”
“Most important, al Qaeda’s allies in Pakistan, the Taliban
and Lashkar-e-Taiba has a global network with cells in
America, England, and the Persian Gulf.” Newsweek
reports that in the Arabian Peninsula, “al Qaeda is really
multiplying.” It also reports on a new al Qaeda affiliate in
the Sinai Peninsula, “where it is trying to provoke a war
between Egypt and Israel.”
“Attacking targets in America and Europe remains a high
priority . . . In fighting terror, our team has to stay lucky 100
percent of the time. Al Qaeda needs to be lucky only once.”
American intelligence and diligence has foiled attempts to
repeat the successes of 9/11, but Islamic terrorists are still
killing American troops in Afghanistan, the United States
Ambassador to Libya, and other actions.
Even here in the United States, terrorism is going to become
a fact of everyday life. Times will become uncertain.
Innocent civilians will die because of religiously-motivated
hatred of the Christian West. The goal of terrorists is to
inflict “terror.” But a true child of God, who trusts in His
providential care, has nothing to fear. “I will both lay me
down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me
dwell in safety.” Psalms 4:8. We should take precautions,
our nation should employ weapons against radical Islamic
terrorists, but ultimately all weaponry is vain in battle, “but
safety is of the LORD.” Proverbs 21:31.
Experts say Iran’s missile arsenal poses threat to U.S.,
SOURCE: USA Today, September 25, 2012
“Threats from Iran that it will attack the forces of the U.S.
or any country that tries to take out its nuclear program are
not mere boasts, say experts, but any such strike could be
met with devastating counterattacks.”
Iran, ancient Persia, is a growing military power, and military
threat, in the Middle East. “Iran has been expanding its
defense and offensive capabilities with the help of China,
Russia and other nations amid demands from the United
Nations and Western nations that it prove its nuclear
program is not for making a bomb in violation of its
international agreements.”
A related article from on September 4,
2012 says, “the head of Iran’s navy says the country aims to
put its warships in international waters off the U.S. coast ‘in
the next few years.’” Iran is a real threat to world peace. But
just as the world stood by and did nothing to stop Hitler’s
Nazi Germany from developing into a threat, so the world
postures but does nothing to stop Iran from becoming
an even greater threat. But Iran is not just a threat in the
Middle East, its ballistic missiles reportedly can reach
Europe, and it is planning to put warships within striking
distance of the U.S. mainland. Iran is a threat to the world.
Ezekiel 38:5 lists Iran (Persia) first among the allies that
Russia will have as it moves into position for Armageddon.
The world needs a peacemaker; but there can be no real,
true peace without the return of the Prince of Peace.
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 7
Survey Shows 74 Percent Increase in U.S. Mosques in Past Decade
SOURCE:, September 10, 2012
A survey conducted by a coalition of religious organizations
shows that the number of mosques in the United States has
grown by 74 percent in the past 11 years – up from 1,209 in
2001 to 2106 in 2011.”
There is nothing inherently illegal or sinful about Islamic
people having mosques in which to worship. But the trend
of rapidly-increasing number of mosques shows another
parallel trend: the increasing number of Islamic people
living in the United States. Most Muslims in America are
decent, law-abiding citizens. The overwhelming majority
are freedom-loving, peaceable citizens. But there are radical
terrorists among them – just as there are some evil people
among the co-called Christians of America.
Worldwide, only a small percentage of Muslims are radical
terrorists, or who actively support terrorism. Estimates vary,
but some say as few as 3% of the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims
support terror. (3% of 1.4 billion is 42 million.) Maybe
it is even a smaller percentage in the United States. But
whatever percentage, however small – there is a growing
number of people in this country who support murder and
mayhem in the name of religion. Some of them follow a
radical version of Islam that is at war with the West. In
absolute numbers, they are growing. There are active
terror cells in America. Not every mosque is a front for
terrorism, or even supports terrorism, but the significant
trend is a growing number of Muslims in America. As their
total number grows, the number of potential terrorists
and terrorism-supporters grows. Also, increasing Muslim
population has the potential to affect political races, our
national support of Israel, etc.
Lawsuit challenges California ban on gay conversion therapy for youth
SOURCE: The Chicago Tribune, October 2, 2012
“A Christian legal group has filed a federal lawsuit
challenging a landmark California law that bars a
controversial therapy aimed at reversing homosexuality
from being used on children and teens, calling it a violation
of privacy and free speech rights.California’s Democratic
Governor Jerry Brown signed the ban into law over the
weekend, making the nation’s most populous state the
first to ban so-called conversion therapy among youth. Gay
rights advocates say the therapy can psychologically harm
gay and lesbian youth.
8 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
A September 10 article on www.foxnews called the
legislation, “A first-of-its-kind state law that would restrict
parents from trying to ‘cure’ their minor children’s samesex attractions.” The moral degeneration of society follows
this pattern: what we once rejected, we learn to tolerate,
and what we tolerate, we learn to embrace. Society once
rejected homosexuality as morally and biblically-wrong,
but over the years has learned to tolerate homosexual
behavior as acceptable. Now, society is moving beyond
toleration to embracing that sinful lifestyle. We consider
it to be normal, wholesome and right. Any attempt to
convince children that same-sex relationships are wrong
and sinful must be prohibited by law. Parents who try to
stop their minor children from engaging in homosexual
relationships will be criminals.
Society cannot change God’s unchanging moral code.
Homosexuality is now, and has always been, morallywrong. Leviticus 18:22; 20:13. Jesus called His generation
wicked and perverse. Matthew 12:45; 17:17. What would
He say about our generation? If God destroyed the
Sodomites of Sodom, what will He do to this society?
Responding To Tradegy
:By Glenn Goodwin
he senseless massacre of innocents in Newtown,
Connecticut on December 14 was a terrible tragedy.
Twenty kindergarten students, 6 school staff adults,
and the gunman’s mother were brutally murdered, and the
gunman then killed himself. There was no merriment in the
holidays for the families and friends of the victims of this
mass murder. Our hearts grieve for their losses.
In times of great tragedy, Satan prompts people to ask:
“Where was God in all this? If God is real; if God is a loving
God; why did He allow those innocent children and adults
to be killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School?” Those who
ask these questions often are led to conclude that there is
no God, or that God is not in control of every situation, or
that God is not good. But those are the wrong conclusions.
Galatians 1:4 says Jesus came to “deliver us from this
present evil world.” We are cursed to live in a very evil
world. Stupendous, inexplicable evil reigns in this world.
Wickedness and maliciousness will continue to wax worse
and worse. Jesus called Satan the “prince of this world”
in John14:30. Paul called him “the god of this world” in II
Corinthians 4:4. And he called him “the prince of the power
of the air” in Ephesians 2:2. This is Satan’s world. And he
inspires havoc, hubris and mayhem. Jesus is King of kings in
title only and not yet in reality.
Revelation 11:15assures us that one day, the kingdoms of
the world will become the kingdoms of the Lord and His
Christ. Daniel 2:44 and Daniel 7:13-14 speak of a coming
kingdom that belongs to the Lord and to the saints of the
Most High God. But for now, this world is in the grips of an
evil power. Satan rules his world. In the temptation of the
wilderness, Satan offered Jesus the crown without the cross
– but Jesus wisely refused. But the offer was valid. Luke 4:56. It is the devil’s world.
We know this, and yet we are still shocked at the magnitude
of evil in an incident like a massacre at an elementary
Jesus visited this world 2000 years ago. He was born in
Bethlehem, in a very wicked society. He grew up in a
fierce, evil, unfair and cruel world. In His ministry, He was
constantly confronted with the evil of this world. He was
moved with compassion, He wept at the terrible conditions,
and He went about doing good. Jesus healed the sick,
opened blinded eyes, unstopped deaf ears, cleansed lepers,
cast out demons, and raised the dead. Somebody may
have said, “Where is God in all the suffering” of the people
in Galilee and Judea in the first century? The answer was
that God was in Jesus – working to alleviate some of that
suffering, and taking our sins to the cross so that we might
be saved from the wicked one’s cruel world. II Corinthians
God was in Connecticut when Satan-inspired evil was
wrought. He was in the policemen running toward the
school building, laying their lives on the line to try to save
others. He was in the other teachers, calming their students
and dying to protect them. God is in the outpouring of grief,
condolences and prayers that the nation, even the world,
has offered for the families and friends of the victims. But
most of all, God is in the plan of salvation that will once
and for all rid this world from satanic evil. The reality of
confronting evil leads us to look ever more intently for the
Lord to come back.
God’s people have longed for the Second Coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ since His ascension from the Mount of
Olives 40 days after His resurrection. Paul wrote in Titus
2:13 of the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our
Lord. Our hope is not that society will improve, but that
Jesus will come back to establish His millennial kingdom.
What is the significance of Him coming to earth? What is
He going to do here that could not be done in Heaven? Why
doesn’t He just take all the redeemed to Heaven and leave
this world to its own evil devices? There are some, called
amillennialists, who believe that is exactly what is going to
happen. But the Bible tells us that He is coming here. He is
coming to do something wonderful. In 1000 years He will
completely transform this world into the very paradise of
God – the loveliest spot in all of Creation. See Revelation
20:1-6. This 1000 reign of peace will become a reality soon.
So many things revolve around the establishment of
the kingdom of God. The entire plan of salvation and
redemption of creation is intimately associated with the
establishment of the kingdom. Prior to the 1000 year reign
of Christ, everything is chaos and disorder; after this 1000
years, everything is at peace and perfect. It is the defining
event in all of history and God’s plan.
In the Garden of Eden there was no curse. There was to
be no sickness, pain, sorrow, suffering, anxiety, worry,
hatred, and no death. Satan, that old serpent, entered
and destroyed that. But Jesus Christ triumphed over sin.
Hebrews 2:14 says that Jesus came to “destroy him that
had the power of death, that is, the devil.” In the coming
millennial kingdom, there will be no curse. Revelation
22:3. There will be no tears, death, sorrow, crying or
pain. Revelation 21:4. Gladness and joy will replace sorrow
and mourning. Isaiah 51:11.
The kingdom is a reality because Jesus Christ came 2000
years ago. Without His atonement, His substitutionary
death, His resurrection; there could be no millennial
kingdom. One day, we will live in a redeemed world, a land
of peace and prosperity, and a place where wickedness will
never be seen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 9
1997 - 2012
of Faithful service
rother Glenn Goodwin has been faithfully serving as
our pastor for 15 years. He and his wife, Sis. Pam, have
seen the Lord, and this congregation, stand with them.
By the grace of God, Bro. Goodwin has been able to steer
“the ship of Zion” through storms and battles; we haven’t
broken up on the reefs; and we remain on course to reach
that distant harbor. In this issue, we commemorate what
the Lord has done for us during the last decade and a half.
Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving.
only weathered the storm, we have progressed. We have
done more than barely survived, the church has moved
We cannot adequately summarize all that God has done in
just a short article. Of necessity, much will be left out of the
account. But Bro. Goodwin began his tenure during a time
of trouble. Our assembly had lost two pastors in 16 months;
we had lost 2/3rd of our congregation – and there were
those who proclaimed the assembly would cease to exist.
But by God’s help, we have survived and even grown. We
can only briefly survey three areas.
There has been a special emphasis on saving and retaining
our youth. For many years, we dedicated the first Sunday
evening of each month as a youth-led service. We have
monthly youth gatherings. Our Christian school (K-12)
continues to perform well. We began Vacation Bible School
again. Youth have traveled to youth meetings, we’ve hosted
youth meetings, and three of our young men went on an
extended overseas mission trip.
Healing of the Body
Perhaps the greatest miracle of our time is the healing of
the body of Christ. Bro. Lloyd Goodwin had prophesied
that a healed beast necessitates a healed body – not
the entirety, but a remnant of the whole. We have seen
this happening before our eyes. For us, it began during
the ministry of Bro. Vernon Goodwin, but continued and
flourished during the last 15 years. We have seen brethren
from different groups, all with the same spiritual heritage,
come together. They are learning to love and respect one
another, and to work in harmony to build the body of Christ.
It has been wonderful to meet and grow to love ministers
and saints that we did not know during our years of
separation, and to renew some old friendships that had
been interrupted for decades. Our May meetings have
been blessed by the ministry and our departments helped
by the saints. We have traveled to places that some of us
only heard about: the Shepherdsville Campground, the
Convention Center, Houston, Godfrey, Warren, Tulsa, Belle
Fourche, and so many more.
We are more convinced than ever that our Lord is going
to have a glorious church in these last days; one with a
restoration of the message and order of the early church.
Our watchmen will see eye-to-eye when the Lord restores
Zion. We will come to the unity of the faith. The mission of
the church will go forward, and will fulfill Bible prophecy.
The Local Church
Again, Bro. Glenn Goodwin became pastor at a critical time
in our local assembly. There were those who proclaimed
him unqualified, and who predicted the dissolution and
destruction of this local assembly. But we are still here by
the grace of God. The Des Moines Gospel Assembly has not
10 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
There has been spiritual growth in the church. Saints have
matured, some have received the baptism of the Holy
Ghost and many have been baptized in water. We have laid
away saints for the first resurrection. Some who had left
church returned to be functioning members during the last
fifteen years, and the Lord has added new people.
Groups from this assembly have taken biblically-based
overseas tours to places like Israel, Greece and Turkey, and
we’ve taken groups to overseas meetings in Africa and
India. This is in addition to our pastor’s encouragement
to visit churches and attend meetings here in the United
Outreach ministries have been a major focus. We’ve
improved and re-instituted a quarterly magazine, The
Gospel of Peace, we’ve established a web site: www., we’ve been on radio stations with our message,
and we’ve sent out hundreds of thousands of hours of
teaching tapes, CDs, and DVDs.
There have also been improvements to the church
property. We purchased an additional two acres of
property, where we constructed a Printing and Mailing
Facility, and a parsonage. There have been various
remodeling projects to improve the church building. We’ve
tried to generally upgrade our school, apartments and
other buildings and grounds. This ten-plus acre property
is a silent testimony to the fact that this little congregation
loves God.
The Body of Christ
Our focus has not just been on our local church; in the
last decade and a half we have hosted 15 International
Conventions. Our Memorial Day weekends have been
dedicated to hosting ministers and saints from across the
country and around the world. Each May Meeting has
been blessed of God, with great moves of His Spirit and
anointed preaching and teaching. We’ve also hosted two
youth meetings, that were well-attended and spirituallybeneficial.
Our pastor has been tirelessly working to be a help to
the body of Christ internationally. He has logged nearly
one million airline miles in the last 15 years, traveling to
overseas churches and meetings. He has ministered in 25
Brother Goodwin has also been active in visiting churches
and attending conventions in the body of Christ in the
United States. General meetings, ministers’ meetings,
regional fellowship meetings, local services – it seems as
if he is on the field almost as much as he is here. He and
Sis. Pam spend more than 100 nights each year away from
home – working for the Lord. We believe this has been
beneficial, as God has used our pastor at times to bless
others in the body.
So much more could be said, but we will limit it to just
adding a “Thank you” to the Lord for the gift of the ministry
He has given us, and will express our appreciation to Bro.
and Sis. Goodwin for their faithful service for these last 15
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 11
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Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 13
S t o p P u t t i n g Yo u r M o n e y I n t o A B a g W i t h H o l e s
by Joshua Goodwin:
e have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye
have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with
drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he
that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with
holes. Haggai 1:6.
Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to get ahead
financially in life? Sure you make a lot more money than you
did years ago, but you’re no better off for it. Building wealth
is completely different than making money. Most people
spend every dime they make (and then some). They have
good intentions about saving money, but they just seem to
keep putting their money into a “bag with holes” as Haggai
so eloquently put it. Even people that earn six-figure incomes
often file for bankruptcy, because they didn’t understand
how to build wealth. In this article we take a quick look at 10
ways to help you build wealth.
It’s really hard for God to bless someone that isn’t following
His instructions. Tithing has been a common theme in all
of the Christian Finance articles that I’ve written, because I
believe strongly in the tithing principle found in Malachi 3.
I have “proven” the Lord on this concept and found it to be
Use debt wisely
A person that is working to build their personal wealth buys
assets. A person that is living to enjoy life buys liabilities.
Think about that for a minute. Wealthy people use debt, but
it’s typically to purchase an asset that will result in a cash
flow or a future gain. This could be a college education, real
estate, stocks & bonds, etc. However, others use debt to pay
for their vacations or new TV. They haven’t used debt wisely,
but have rather purchased a liability that will cost them for
months or years to come.
Buy on sale
Other than for the bare necessities, it’s rare that I ever buy
anything that’s not on sale. Regardless whether it’s buying
Christmas presents or a new car….I want a good deal! I stay
in hotels that I’ve “Pricelined”, I give gifts that I’ve found
on Amazon’s lightning deals and I buy pizza using coupons.
Even if you can save only a couple of dollars, it all adds up.
To build real wealth, you not only have to be prudent with
your purchases, but just as importantly you have to save the
money that you didn’t spend and not just find somewhere
else to spend it.
Max out your 401k
If someone walked up to you on the street corner and
offered you a fistful of dollars, you would probably take it. Yet
many people fail to take full advantage of their employer’s
company match for their 401k program. Since contributions
made to 401k plans are made with pre-tax dollars, those
14 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
serious about creating wealth often contribute well beyond
the level their employer matches.
Own vs. lease
In most cases choosing to buy makes more financial sense
than leasing. Whether it’s a car, house or furniture you save
money in the long-run by buying rather than renting. There’s
something very refreshing about owning something outright
(e.g. debt free) rather than just renting it with the knowledge
that you will never own it.
Adequate insurance
One of the leading causes of bankruptcy is health bills
resulting from having inadequate medical insurance.
However, the principle applies to all types of insurance –
health, auto and life. It’s never fun paying those premiums
every month, but you sure will be glad you did if a real
catastrophe strikes. It’s no fun eliminating your savings
account or wiping out your 401k account just to pay doctor’s
Pay on time
Late fees and interest can eat away at your ability to build
your personal nest egg. This can be avoided by ensuring that
you make all of your payments on time. Even credit cards can
be used responsibly if used in this manner. Most credit cards
don’t charge you any interest if you pay it off in full by the
due date. However, if you’re late…you are stuck paying high
late fees and pointless interest payments.
(continued on page 19)
The Christian in Complete Armour
by Vidyanand Senji:
pieces of godly armour and weapons, and their use in offence
and defense.
As someone said, “ . . . it is more pastoral and practical than
theological, Gurnall’s work is filled with spiritual insight,
encouraging exhortations, and inspiring words . . .” I will not
be able to review this book chapter by chapter because it is
too vast and I will not do justice to the truth that is contained
in this book.
The main theme and aim of the book is spiritual warfare and
to furnish the Christian with “spiritual arms for the battle”
against his Satanic foe and how to be strong in the Lord and
His mighty power. It is easy to read, you can read any volume
at any page, every phrase and sentence begins to provide
Biblical insight on how to live a Christian life, and have a
Christian approach, outlook and behavior.
William Gurnall (1616 - 1679), was a graduate of Emmanuel
College, Cambridge, England, a university under a strong
Puritan influence. He was appointed as a rector of Lavenham,
in Suffolk from 1644 until his death in 1679.
s true Christians, we must reconcile to the fact that
we face a powerful enemy, the Devil and his army,
whose goal is to defeat us and the Church of Christ.
There will be continuous spiritual warfare till the Lord’s
return. Even though we are assured of victory, we must
engage in this struggle. In our spiritual growth, which is not
an easy one, the Devil like a roaring lion, seeks to defeat us
every step of the way.
Paul said in Eph 6:12-13, “For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the
whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in
the evil day.” Hence it is pertinent that as we are buffeted by
Satan, we should have a better understanding of the viles
and methods of the Devil and the practical implication of the
armour and be securely armed.
The Christian In Complete Armour by the Puritan writer
William Gurnall, provides a complete practical insight into
this armour. Originally written in 3 volumes (1655 - 1662) the
first volume covers the Christian’s call to arms and describes
the nature of the battle and the character of our enemy.
The second and third volume explains in detail, the various
In Charles Spurgeon’s words, “Gurnall’s work is peerless
and priceless; every line is full of wisdom; every sentence is
suggestive. The whole book has been preached over scores
of times, and is, in our judgment, the best thought-breeder
in all our library.”
John Newton (1725-1807) who wrote ‘Amazing Grace’ said,
“If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would
choose The Christian In Complete Armour.”
The first Bishop of Liverpool, J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) has said
of it, “You will often find in a line and a half some great truth,
put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how
so much thought could be got into so few words.”
The first time I came across this book was in 1975, in its
original Puritan language. It had a profound effect on my life.
At first I thought it was too long, but as I went on reading,
I appreciated William Gurnall. I have not come across any
writer that has dealt with the subject of Christian Armour in
such detail.
The book is now available in modernized abridgement in
three volumes published by The Banner of Truth Trust. I
strongly recommend that every Christian leader, teacher,
pastor, evangelist or Christian worker read the book
prayerfully. God bless!
This book is currently available on Amazon:
of Peace
The Gospel
of Peace- | 17
Orchestral Arrangements
by Larry Nelson
e as members of the Body of Christ would agree
that we should want to bring the work of God up
on as high a level as possible. In our Pentecostal
worship services, not every service is the same. There are
encouragement, worship, and praise songs. The song leader
and band director should seek to be led of the spirit as to
what songs are played and when. Orchestral arrangements
should be played at the right time and for the right
Arrangements are written to facilitate worship, inspire us,
and help get our minds turned toward God. Writing and
playing orchestral arrangements is an important art that
should not be overlooked, and definitely not forgotten. The
beauty and depth that can be produced through special
arrangements transform songs into works of art, inspire the
saints to reach out to God, elevate our minds, and remind
us that there is a higher and greater calling on our lives.
We are designed to worship the Father. Some services and
events simply require great inspirational music and worship.
What kinds of music might there be at the marriage supper
of the Lamb? It will not be average music, and definitely
ceremonial, to commemorate the awesome event.
Specials require practice for everyone in the band or choir.
Just recently, the Des Moines assembly celebrated the
15th anniversary for our pastor and his wife. The pastor’s
favorite songs were sung and played, and there was a
special arrangement of six acoustic guitar players and one
harmonica player. Most everyone in the congregation had
never heard the song, and it accomplished what specials
are intended to do, to lift the hearts and minds upward
toward God. It took seven individuals who were willing
to practice and play the arrangement, and it was uplifting
and absolutely beautiful sounding! We are blessed to have
talented individuals within our churches who can arrange
these types of specials. Arrangements are not part of every
worship service, but definitely have their purpose, and
place, and time.
Singing is a part of the activity that surrounds God’s throne
and will continue into eternity. Revelation 14:2-3”… and I
heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And
they sung as it were a new song before the throne…”
Angels worship God, and sing His praises, and we; God’s
chosen have been allowed the same privilege. We know
that the musicians and singers in King David’s time played
skillfully and sang psalms, and there was great order to
the song services. There were specific meanings and
purposes behind the psalms played in the temple. These
arrangements were both vocal and instrumental.
Many of the churches in the Body of Christ have band
members who play woodwinds and brass instruments
16 |- The
of of
which allows for a great orchestral arrangement. In stark
contrast, many church bands are outfitted with just a bass
guitar, drums, electric guitar, and a synthesizer, and play
styles of music like rock and contemporary music, that lacks
depth and cannot produce the purest worship, nor be on a
level that truly lifts up God. An orchestral arrangement in a
church service is not intended to be of the length and scope
of “Christmas at St. Olaf”, but the goal today is to remind
those in their local music departments, that the work of
God in the true church needs to be lifted up, and remain on
a higher level. After all, we are worshipping our heavenly
Father. We are headed for a glorious transformation when
we resurrect, and we know we will be like Him. I John 3:2
“…when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall
see Him as He is.” Special arrangements are to remind us of
God’s glory and majesty, and to remind us of the hope that
lies within us.
Music, when arranged properly, can elevate the mind
and spirit, and create an atmosphere of genuine heartfelt
worship, yet perhaps on an even higher level than just
“regular” preludes or choruses. Arrangements do not
detract from, but compliment the rest of the song service.
Specials are not designed to take the place of a regular song
service, and are used on a much more limited basis.
The desired result is a greater worship, hopefully with the
spirit of God moving. We are greatly benefitted when we
can get our minds off of the world and focus on Him. Music
is a powerful tool that can inspire the saints to reach out to
God, and be of one mind and one accord.
How might special arrangements continue be written and
played in our local churches into the next generations?
Does the song leader or band leader need to have studied
music theory, or have extensive musical training in order
to create an arrangement? Perhaps not, but it does at least
take someone who has written some music, knows chord
structures, and how to combine and blend the instruments
and voices. They must have the skills to write a proper and
effective arrangement. It takes a musician with insight and
a measure of talent to arrange a particular song, or trio
of songs. It requires someone with the maturity to know
the purpose behind the arrangement, and how to convey
that purpose in an end result that lifts up our God, inspires,
and blesses the saints. It takes more than just a beautiful
sound, and the song must be arranged in a way that effects
worship. Just like a good preacher can effect changes in
your mind and spirit, so can a well thought out musical
arrangement. The song leaders and band directors should
also teach the youth this art of special arrangements, so
that it is preserved for the future of our churches.
(continued on page 19)
Te s t i m o n y o f C h a r l e s W e b b
by Kate GoodwinUE:
od is the master designer who weaves a
complicated tapestry in the lives of His chosen
people. If you were to view a tapestry from the
back side, you would see a confusing mess of threads
crossing one another, over lapping, tied together in various
places. It may seem a random, tangled design to any who
stop to take a look. As we go through our life, often times it
seems to be just a series of events, one after another, as the
world turns. But remember there is a Master at work.
So it was in the life of Charles Webb. Raised by a devout
Catholic family in Cummings, Iowa, he was instilled with a
love for God from childhood. The first threads were woven.
While he loved God, there was something on the inside that
still felt as though something was missing. During his teen
years, Charles searched but could not find that peace that
passes understanding. Instead he found ways, as most did,
to numb the void in his life and learn to get by.
Charles spent his early adult years in the military aboard
the USS Yosemite destroyer tender. While on ship, he came
to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. The
threads of his life continued to weave as he became close
with a group of Pentecostal shipmates. One fellow sailor,
Ron Pearson, prayed Charles through to the Holy Ghost,
right aboard the Yosemite. Another shipmate was a young
man who had grown up under Brother William Sowders’
ministry. After returning from leave, Robert Pullham
brought back a book that would have a bigger impact on
Charles’ life than either man would have imagined. The
book was a compilation of Brother Sowders’ papers on
holiness, hell and other topics. Charles read it and at the
time, filed the information away in the back of his mind.
The Master was at work.
While in Florida, Charles went to services in the church in
Jacksonville under Brother Boggs’ ministry. One service
a minister came up from Fort Lauderdale and preached
a message on the “Man of Sin”. This one sermon was an
integral thread of the tapestry. His eyes were opened in a
way they never had been before. The truth of these words
spoke straight to his heart and his vision was clear.
Charles knew God was moving in his life and felt the Lord
no longer wanted him in the military. Following God’s
call, he moved back home to Iowa and settled in to a job
at Venetian Iron Works. His new co-workers were quick
to tell him to steer clear of one particular employee, who
was a Christian. Intrigued, Charles sought the man out
to talk about God. As he spoke to this man he had been
warned to stay away from, Delbert Luitjens, a familiarity
stirred in his heart. Partway through their conversation,
Charles said, “You sound like a group of people that
Charles Webb
came from William Sowders.” Taken by surprise, Delbert
confirmed that indeed, his pastor Brother Lloyd Goodwin
was a product of Brother Sowders’ ministry. The threads
were weaving furiously in the background as, during this
single conversation, the picture began to form. The image
was a culmination of events that started back on a navy
vessel, the USS Yosemite. In 1977, God used Brother
Delbert Luitjens to bring Charles to the Des Moines Gospel
Assembly church where his tapestry would continue to
grow under God’s perfect plan.
Remember that image of the tangled thread we began
with? If we turn the tapestry over, it is there we can see
the beautiful picture that God had planned from the start.
Every string was woven with care, all a part of the Master’s
of Peace
The Gospel
of Peace- |15
Bible Questions & Answers
W H AT S A I T H T H E S C R I P T U R E S ?
QUESTION: Please explain I Corinthians 11:5: “But every woman that prayeth
or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head.”
Does that mean that women in church should wear a hat or scarf
or some type of cloth head covering?
Paul is writing here about a spiritual covering, and not a natural one.
He said in verse four that a man praying or prophesying with his head
covered dishonored his head. That doesn’t mean a natural hat. A man
praying or even preaching with a hat on is not dishonoring himself
or his head, Jesus Christ. It may not be good manners to wear a hat
while praying or preaching, but it isn’t sinful or dishonorable. But if
there is a spiritual covering over that man, something between him
and His head, Jesus Christ; then he dishonors the Lord. That is, if there
is a state superintendant, or a regional bishop, or some ecclesiastical
authority between a God-called minister of the Gospel and Jesus Christ
– this is dishonorable. God’s man must be free to be directed by his
heavenly head, Jesus.
Women operating in the ministry (like Philip’s daughters who
prophesied in Acts 21:9) must have a spiritual covering. There has
to be a man of God who is responsible for their actions. This is God’s
order. “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is
Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ
is God.” I Corinthians 11:3.
Sometimes a natural object symbolizes something spiritual – like
water baptism symbolizes our separation from an old life. It could be
that a woman may want a cloth to cover her head, to symbolize that
she is operating under the covering of a man of God. But that is not
what Paul was saying in I Corinthians 11:5-6. There he writes of a
woman without her head covered being dishonorable, and says “let
her be covered.” He explains what he meant in verse 15: “her hair
is given her for a covering.” Paul is saying in this chapter that long
hair on women is a sign of her covering. He isn’t talking about cloths
on the head; he is talking about hair length. Men have short hair to
symbolize they have no earthly covering; women let their hair grow
long to symbolize that they have an earthly covering. It is sad when
men disregard this important symbol and let their hair grow long, or
when women dishonor their head by cutting their hair short.
18 | The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
Who is the Creator? Did God the
Father create all things, or did
Jesus Christ? I’ve heard that Jesus
created all things, but Proverbs
8 contains verses that sound like
Jesus was a witness when His
Father created the Universe.
The creation of our Universe, as we
know it, was a joint work of Jesus (in
His pre-existent state before His birth
in Bethlehem) and His Father. God
said in Genesis 1:26: “Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness.”
Notice the plural “us.” Paul explained
this cooperation clearly in Ephesians
3:9. He wrote about God the Father,
“who created all things by Jesus
Christ.” Creation was God’s plan, but
He directed His Son to implement that
plan. Hebrews 1:2 says that God has
spoken to us through His Son, “by
whom also he made the worlds.”
One of the most plain statements on
this is Colossians 1:15-17. There, Paul
wrote that Jesus is the image of the
invisible God. Then he said, “For by
him were all things created, that are in
heaven, and that are in earth, visible
and invisible, whether they be thrones,
or dominions, or principalities, or
powers: all things were created by
him, and for him.” Verse 16.
Proverbs 8 tells us that Jesus rejoiced
in His Father’s plan, and was delighted
to implement it. As He said in John
8:29, “I do always those things that
please him.”
I have a question on I Corinthians 15:29. Is this talking about Jesus or
baptizing for the dead? Thank you so much for your help.
I Corinthians 15:29 is an often-misunderstood verse. Mormons have interpreted it to mean that you can be baptized
for someone else, even someone who died years or even centuries ago. It doesn’t matter to them that the person
died an unrepentant sinner; they feel they can save that dead person by being baptized for them. That is an incorrect
interpretation of that verse. We all must give an account of ourselves before God. Romans 14:12.
I believe Paul may have had a double meaning when he wrote this verse. First, he may have referred to the death of
our Savior, Jesus Christ. Remember, he is proving the reality of the first resurrection in this chapter. He marshals several
arguments in favor of the fact that the righteous dead will resurrect. In verse 29, he argues: Why are persons baptized in
the name of a dead Savior, a Savior who remains among the dead, if the dead rise not? The fact that Jesus Christ rose from
the dead is proof positive that there is a resurrection after this life is over.
But a more primary meaning of this verse may refer to the act of baptism itself. Water baptism is symbolic. We immerse;
we don’t just sprinkle water on someone’s head. Going down into the water, being completely covered, and coming back
up out of the water symbolizes our death to our old sinful life, its burial in the water, and our resurrection to live as new
creatures. See Romans 6:4 (not a verse about water baptism, but illustrates the point of baptism as a symbol of death);
II Corinthians 5:17. That symbol of death, burial and resurrection demonstrates our faith in a physical resurrection after
this life ends. Paul argues in this verse that it would be foolish to symbolize a resurrection from the dead if there were no
physical resurrection of the dead.
Christian Finance
Orchestral Arrangements
Stop Putting Your Money Into A Bag With Holes
I Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be
done decently and in order.” Since we
are all concerned about the work of
God, it is important to not slop things
up. We should as musicians desire
to play skillfully for the work of God,
and in order to accomplish this, it is
vital to have regularly scheduled band
practices, preferably each week. A
great benefit is the unity that comes
from weekly practice, and practices
before each service, which becomes a
strengthening influence for our local
Live below your means
One great attribute of the Depression-era generation is that they often chose
to live below their financial means. That meant not spending every dollar they
earned. They saved religiously knowing that the prudent man foreseeth the evil
and hides himself. You may not live as lavish a lifestyle as your neighbors, but you
will be much further along the pathway to true financial independence if you can
implement this discipline. There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of
the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. Proverbs 21:20.
We certainly cannot afford to lose the
art of writing and playing orchestral
arrangements. It is one more avenue
to worshipping our God. Psalm 147:
1 “Praise ye the LORD: for it is good
to sing praises unto our God; for it is
pleasant; and praise is comely.” Our
God operates on a much higher level
than we can possibly imagine, and our
worship through music can only begin
to honor such a great and awesome
Maximize your earning potential
You may start out your career in a minimum wage position, but you have to find
ways to increase your earnings potential if you want to build real wealth. This
could require going to college or a trade school to increase your skills and thus
your employability. Even if you have a good job, you could increase your earnings
potential by taking on freelance projects or starting a side business. “Wealth
gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall
increase.” Proverbs 13:11.
Save your raises
Most people get an annual review that is often accompanied by a salary increase.
Unfortunately, most people often just adjust their spending levels higher to
account for the increased income rather than increasing their savings. Even taking
just half of your raise each year and saving it will go a long way towards building
Just following these 10 principles will allow you to build real wealth, rather than
just spinning on the treadmill of life while living from paycheck to paycheck.
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 19
(articles continued from pages 14 &16)
Music notes
Christian Inspiration & Living
I m p o s s i b l e To Wa l k O n T h e F e n c e
by Christina Mercer
Avoiding Foolishness
would say for most of my adult life I could be classified
as a “fence-post” Christian. You know the kind of person
who stays on the fence to dabble a little in the church
and dabble a little in the world, but never commit fully one
way or the other. James 1:8 says, “A double minded man is
unstable in all his ways.” Speaking from experience I know
this scripture is pure truth.
knew it would be wrong to tear down the ministry or the
saints and was sure to never do so. I think Brother Vernon
knew that I would come back to church someday, and he
didn’t want me to carry that burden or guilt that comes
with tearing down God’s precious people. I only wish I
would’ve had the opportunity to thank him for looking out
for me.
The first 18 years of my life, I was always in church. I
attended four services a week and the rest of the week
I was working in some church or school related activity.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved church and being active, but
I was serving because it was the right thing to do, and not
because I had a willing heart. My family was very dedicated
to the church and therefore I was too. When I turned 18
years old, I had a “brilliant”, yet rebellious plan. I was an
adult and I was going to leave church and make my own
way in the big wide world. I had no reason to leave church,
it was my life, it was all I knew, but I thought the grass was
greener on the other side of the fence. How bad could it
be anyway? I will never forget telling my pastor, Brother
Vernon Goodwin that I was leaving the church; I can still
see the tears in his eyes and the hurt expression on his
face. I knew my decision was hurting my pastor. He gave
me sound advice. He said, “Christina, always remember
where you belong, and don’t burn your bridges.” I may have
disappointed him that day, but I took his advice to heart. I
The next 10 or so years of my life, I was in and out of
churches of all kinds, even my home church in Des Moines.
I got married, had a family, and thought “I need to have
my family in church.” But again, I didn’t want to get off the
fence. So I would go to church a year or so, then leave, and
so on, the pattern kept repeating itself. My spiritual life
was unstable, just like it says in James 1:8. You see once I
hopped off the fence for a while and dabbled in the world,
it was so hard to let it go. It was nice to have my weekends
free to do whatever I wanted. I even remember saying at
times, “not going to church lets me spend more time with
my family.” Yes, I was so blind. I would say the grass isn’t
greener on the other side, but the air is hazy which keeps
you from seeing clearly.
20| The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
I was always told when I was growing up that God can
always get your attention with a pillow or with a baseball
bat. I was in and out of church so much, but never got the
message with the pillow. When I was 28 years old my dad
passed away rather suddenly. In his last days I spent so
many hours with him talking about the sovereignty of God
and finding God’s will. My dad loved God and I knew this,
but I didn’t realize how much faith he had until his final
days. I was so convicted through this process of watching
my dad drift away in this life and yet he wasn’t bitter, he
was READY! Even the day before he passed away, he was in
and out of consciousness throughout the day, and one time
he sat up and looked around the room and said, “I’m not
gone yet?” His journey was over and he was ready to go.
This was the baseball bat! Through this experience I realized
that I wasn’t ready to go, I was nowhere near ready to go. I
had lost sight of the goal, why we strive to do right, why we
serve willingly and work for the Lord.
I made a decision and talked with my family and we came
home, to our home church, where we were received with
open arms and felt the amazing love of God’s precious
people. Brother Glenn Goodwin welcomed us just like the
father welcomed home the Prodigal Son. I’m so thankful
to have a pastor with a father’s heart. I attended church
regularly, and worked in different departments serving the
Lord. I thought I was on fire for God, but I was still on the
fence. My commitment wasn’t genuine, it was conditional.
After all the Lord had brought me through the first 28 or so
years of my life, and kept me safe in His hand, yet I wasn’t
willing to give Him my whole heart, my whole life. I was
still holding on to the world, I let the world in and it was so
hard to get it out. I kept on serving and going to church, the
saints would encourage me and God just kept working in my
life and in my family’s life.
This year Brother Glenn delivered several messages about
sacrifice, the 2nd cross. He was teaching about “dying” to
yourself and to your talents so you can live fully in Christ.
He gave similar messages over several weekends, and one
Sunday I finally realized the message was for me. God was
hitting me with that pillow again. Thank the Lord for grace
and mercy, and that they are renewed every morning. I
don’t even know how to put into words what God did in
my heart and mind that service, but it was my own miracle.
I was sitting there as Brother Glenn was teaching and tears
just kept streaming down my face. I was tired of walking
on the fence. I was tired of the instability in my life, peace
one day, no peace the next. Isaiah 26:3 says, “Thou wilt
keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in Thee.” God is faithful and He asks
no more of me than to be faithful. God gave the ultimate
sacrifice, His Son, to purchase my redemption and to
adopt me into His family with unconditional love. The little
things I was holding onto and not willing to sacrifice were
so insignificant. How can I deny the Lord my whole heart,
mind and soul, when that is the very least I can offer? God
chose me from the foundation of the earth; He called me
to serve Him faithfully and with my whole heart. In one
service, God evoked a change in my heart, my attitude
and my thinking in an instant. I rededicated my life to God
that morning, not because it was the right thing to do, but
because it was the ONLY thing to do. I wouldn’t trade any
experience I’ve been through on either side of the fence,
because it has drawn me closer to the Lord through the
years. The Potter is still working in the clay, to make me a
vessel fit for His use and I’m willing Lord. I know there are
many trials and tribulations ahead, but He promised that
He would never leave me or forsake me and He will carry
me through it all.
John 21:18 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou
wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither
though wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt
stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and
carry thee whither thou wouldest not.” My heart is so full
of thanksgiving and praise because the Lord grabbed me
off the fence and planted me firmly in the center of His
will, right where I belong.
Hot Chocolate
5 pints of LIGHT CREAM or 1/2 & 1/2.
12 Hershey candy bars.
Slowly heat cream on stove, break candy bars in small pieces and slowly add to warm
cream. Stir until melted candy is fully mixed.
Serve ASAP and try not to go into a coma.
Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 21
Activity Page!
22| The Gospel of Peace Winter 2013
Gospel Assembly
International Seminary and Bible School
7135 Meredith Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50322 U.S.A.
Telephone: (515) 276-1331
Fax: (515) 276-1409
The Gospel Assembly International Seminary and Bible
School now has off-campus correspondence courses available. We currently have twelve (12) five-hour courses.
When all twelve courses have been completed, the Bible
student will be awarded an Associate in Practical Theology
degree (Th. A.).
Tuition and fees are only $50 U.S. per course. For an application and catalog, please write to the above address. Or
you can apply online and charge your tuition to a major credit
card at:
The Associate of Practical Theology degree program consists
of twelve courses containing five credit hours each. Those
taking these courses by correspondence will be able to work
at their own pace, although it is anticipated that the program
will take approximately two years to complete.
The following courses are currently available:
Bible 101 - The Word of God
Bible 102 - New Testament Survey
Theology 204 - Ecclesiology
Theology 205 - Death, Hell and the
Bible 103 - Old Testament Survey
Theology 206 - Bible Prophecy
Theology 201 - Christology
Theology 207 - Spirit World
Theology 202 - Sin and Salvation
Theology 208 - Mystery Babylon
Theology 203 - Sovereignty and Election Counseling 201 - Christian Counseling I
Join Us in Fulfilling the
Great Commission!
The Des Moines Gospel Assembly has always had a great
emphasis on fulfilling the Great Commission to go and preach
the Gospel to all creatures. See Matthew 28:19-20. We take our
“outreach ministries” seriously.
We strive to fulfill this duty in various ways: local radio ministry,
duplication and mailing of tapes, CDs and DVDs of services and
conventions, printing and sending out books, booklets, tracts,
and papers; and in operating a local and international Bible
School and Seminary. With costs always on the rise, donations
are always very much welcome and appreciated.
If you enjoy this newsletter and would like to be a part of these
outreach ministries, please send your offering to:
Gospel Assembly Church
7135 Meredith Drive, Des Moines, IA 50322
(This church is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, and all contributions to this work are
On the Look-Out for Christian Music?
The Des Moines Gospel Assembly is pleased to bring you a compilation of songs from the past and the present. All songs are played by
the church here in Des Moines. Songs included are:
Gospel Assembly Music - Past & Present
His Love, His Undefiled .................................... Bro. Lloyd Goodwin
The Highest Praise ................................................ Church Band
Give the World a Smile ..................................... Church Band (offering number)
Hatikva................................................................................. Church Band
Let Me Walk With You Jesus ...................... Bro. Lloyd & Sis. June Goodwin
God Make Us Your Family ............................ Church Band
When Elijah Comes .............................................. Church Band (offering number)
Keep Silent Ye Mountains .............................. Bro. Lloyd Goodwin
Holy City ............................................................................ Church Band & Bro. Charles Webb
Receive Our Praise ............................................... Church Band
I Must Tell Jesus ....................................................... Adult Choir
It Will Be Worth It All............................................. Church Band
If you would like a copy of this CD, just mail your request along with a
check for $14.95 (per CD) to:
Gospel Assembly Church
7135 Meredith Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50322 U.S.A.
Telephone: (515) 276-1331
Fax: (515) 276-1409
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Winter 2013 The Gospel of Peace | 23
7135 Meredith Drive
Des Moines, Iowa 50322
Non-Profit Org.
Des Moines, Iowa
Permit No. 1953
PHONE: (515) 276-1331
FAX: (515) 276-1409
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Church a minimum of .70 cents per address correction. Thank you for your help.