C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\Desktop\February 2009 Newsletter Final
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\Desktop\February 2009 Newsletter Final
P.S.I. NEWS February, 2009 Volume 11 Issue 1 Precast Services Names Board of Directors W hether you are planning your day, your next vacation, or your retirement, it is important to do just that, plan ahead for a successful outcome. This is exactly what Company President Barry Cooper had in mind when he decided to assemble our Corporate Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is comprised of individuals with extensive experience and knowledge of our industry who not only recognize the absolute necessity of providing our customers with exceptional service, value, and personnel to erect their products, but who have also played active roles in creating this philosophy which has made Precast Services, Inc. a leader in the Industry. Our Board of Directors, as pictured left to right, front row are, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary Paul Entres, Company President Barry Cooper, Project Manager Ron Cooper, and, second row, left to right, Shop Manager Daniel Perko, Project Manager Aaron Vnuk, Vice President of Architectural Precast Michael Drop, and Project Manager Bo Kusznir. As Company President, Barry will continue to lead the dayto-day operations of the Company and will provide guidance to the Board of Directors in their decisions. Although Barry has no immediate plans to retire, the creation of the Board of Directors will allow for a seamless transition of management responsibilities to the next generation when that time eventually arrives. While continuing to maintain the standards Precast Services, Inc. is known for, the Board of Directors is sure to bring a new level of enthusiasm and idea’s to the table which will not only allow Precast Services, Inc. to continue our mission of providing top notch service to our customers, as we have for over twenty years now. It will also enable Precast Services, Inc. the opportunity to continue to provide stable employment for many employees who have played such a major role in our success. PSI Welcomes Frank and Andrew P recast Services, Inc. is pleased to announce two new additions to the PSI family. Frank Zwiercan comes to us from a major precast producer/erector and has joined our team of Project Managers. Frank lives in Reinholds, PA with his wife and three children, and will be primarily involved in our East Coast Operations. A Message From The President The Safety Page Employee Spotlight Andrew Heinesman, a recent graduate with a degree in accounting from Mount Union College, joins our accounting department at the Twinsburg Office. Andrew played college football and helped his school win two NCAA National Championships. Andrew plans on attending Grad School this Summer at Cleveland State University. Welcome aboard! In This Issue: Where in the U.S. is PSI ? Project Photo’s........ and Announcements Frank Andrew President’s Message... A s you know, Precast Services, Inc. now has a Board of Directors in place who will eventually lead Precast Services, Inc. into the future. I decided this would be the best way to assure that Precast Services, Inc. would be a company that our customers can continue to count on to provide the services that are required without interruption. Over the next several years, I feel confident that there will be very few, if any, changes in the way Precast Services, Inc. has been conducting business. For years, the members of the Board of Directors have been involved in decision making of every type on all projects, are all dedicated, and now have a stake in how successful this company will be in the future as we continue to grow. I personally will enjoy watching and helping everyone in the company uphold the standards that Chuck Mayer taught me over the years. One thing which has stuck with me is the constant reminder that no matter what you do, “Your Reputation Is Everything” and it is not to be sacrificed at any cost. I want Precast Services, Inc. to be around for all employees long after my involvement. With the work ethic that we have, there is no reason why we cannot continue Barry L. Cooper - President our success for years and years to come. AL k Ahead..... Project Est. Start Location Project Est. Start Location D’Youville College The Lex PG Wright Patterson Jefferson Center PG St. Joseph Medical Ctr. Doylestown Hosp. PG MVH Heart Tower April 2009 April 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 Cira Center PG Chester Soccer Stadium UK Medical Center Harrison Commons PG Lutron PG Bucks Co. PG Louisville Arena June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Philadelphia, PA Chester, PA Lexington, KY Harrison, NJ Allentown, PA Doylestown, PA Louisville, KY Buffalo, NY Lexington, KY Dayton, OH Louisville, KY Patterson, NJ Doylestown, PA Dayton, OH Employee Spotlight Mark Derus P recast Services, Inc. is blessed with many great employees. The intent of “Employee Spotlight” is to recognize these individuals for their accomplishments, loyalty, and dedication. One of these individuals is Project Foreman Mark Derus. Mark has been with Precast Services, Inc. since 1996 and is a member of Ironworkers Local # 550 in Canton, Ohio. While working for another contractor, Mark kept bumping into Chuck Mayer and Barry Cooper on various projects. Mark must have left a good impression as he was later asked to join Precast Services, Inc. Mark has successfully supervised many major projects, including The Marriott and 100 Madison Place, both in Covington, KY. Mark has also worked on the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH, and Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. In 2002, as a part of the PCI Qualified Erector Program, Mark was also named as a “Primary Erection Crew Foreman”. For these and other reasons too numerous for this space, our “Employee Spotlight” shines on one of PSI‘s most “Happy-Go-Lucky” employees, Mr. Mark Derus. Congratulations Mark! Mark Derus P recast Services, Inc. is playing a big part in developing one of the largest, most uniform & contiguous properties in Atlantic City, NJ. Situated at the Northern end of the Boardwalk adjacent to the Showboat Casino, Revel Entertainment Group is creating “Revel”, a beachfront casino entertainment resort on 20 acres of land which is to include two hotel towers with approx. 1,900 rooms each, 500,000 sq. ft. of dining, 150,000 sq. ft. of casino space, retail and entertainment space including a 5,500 seat theater, a health club & spa, meeting space, a one acre outdoor oceanfront beach, and of course, a massive garage. Erection of the parking garage, consisting of 5,506 pieces, has been underway since August 2008 and is simultaneously being erected by two crews headed by General Foreman Bob Nelson Jr. (pictured below center). The parking garage project is expected to be completed by the end of May 2009. Crane 1 Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 350, Operating Engineers Local # 825, and Teamsters Local # 331 are Project Foreman Mike Hart (pictured right corner), Mike DePaola, William Dreyer, Brandon Florczynski, Steve Gonzales, Drew Logan, William Musey, Al Novak, Jacob Obrikis, Tony Russo, Joseph Seratore, Joseph Weeks, Druley Golden, Lawrence McCauley, John Fox Jr., and Robert Best. Crane 2 Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 350, Operating Engineers Local # 825, and Teamsters Local # 331, are Project Foreman John Elwood (pictured left corner), William Bogner, Derek Christie, Mike Flood, Frank Fumo, John Fox Sr., Steve Gelsleichter, Robert Gilmore, Andrew Grace Sr., Tony Harrison, John McCarthy, James Newell, Ken Parliament, James Price, James Zinn, Ralph Smith, Lucas Warring, and Jason Williams. French Street New Brunswick, NJ This nine story office building, connected to a precast garage previously erected by Precast Services, Inc, provided limited access along congested city streets. It was necessary that crane equipment, at it’s maximum capacity, be utilized to hoist architectural panels across the full length of the building elevation. Erection Team members, representing PSI and Ironworkers Local # 373, were, Project Foreman Mike Hart, Antonio Arellano, David Criscitiello, Anthony David, Steve Gonzales, Anthony Magielnicki, Chris Papas, and Tony Russo. U.S. Courthouse - Buffalo, New York T he October 2007 groundbreaking on the new, 10-story, 265,000 square feet courthouse was the result of nearly 13 years of planning and lobbying by District Court Judges, local political, and business leaders. At $137 million, the courthouse is one of the largest construction projects on the local books and is viewed as a symbol and a guide post to Buffalo and the region’s future. The horseshoe designed South Wall, enclosing the public lobbies, orients the courthouse towards Niagara Square and will be fitted with exterior translucent colored glass panels. P roject Foreman Karl Schneider (pictured) and Erection Team Members representing PSI and Ironworkers Local # 6 were, E. Paul Jones, Chris Charney, James Held, Aaron Martin, Robert Nendza, and Shane O’Merara have been challenged with having to erect the exterior lower level panels during very harsh winter weather conditions. PSI is tentatively scheduled to return in the spring to complete the project. Everest Project - Lebanon, Ohio E rection Team Members representing Precast Services, Inc. and Ironworker’s Local # 290 were, Project Foreman Monte Owczarzak (pictured left), Wade Owczarzak, Mark Derus, Terry Streets, Larry Elwood,cTimcLaymon, BobbyfWard,cJohn Druckenbroad, and Jeremy Burger. Bergentown Mall PG Paramus, New Jersey T he Erection Team Members representing Precast Services, Inc. Ironworker’s Local # 483, and Operating Engineers Local # 825 were, Project Foreman Mike Hart (pictured), Mike DePaola, Andy Flynn, Rothschild Laurenceau, John McCarthy, Donald Meakem, Kevin Mulvaney, James O’Grady, Frank Piscitelli, Julio Smith, Daniel Vantassel, Alfred Frontauria, John Fox, and Lawrence McCauley. Bloomfield Park, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan A developer’s vision, 10 years in the making, to bring a $350 million dollar upscale retail, office and residential complex to suburban Detroit, became a reality when contractors began building Bloomfield Park in the early part of 2008. The complex consists of a theater, eight parks, a health club, hotel, shopping and condos, also has three parking garages and an office building that requires our erection expertise. The eight level, 1,300 car Deck “J” started in April 2007 and finished a month ahead of schedule in August. The eight level, 1,200 car Deck “D” started in June and despite numerous delays finished exactly on time. The office Building “J” (attached to Deck “J”) has precast cladding that started in June and ended in September. The four level, 600 car Deck “E” began in mid-October and was 60% complete before financing issues shutdown the project indefinitely. Developers hope to begin the project again during the summer of 2009. Parking Deck “D” Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 25, & Operating Engineers Local # 324, pictured left to right were, bottom row, Roger Fischer, Project Foreman Loren Cheney, Dan Richards, Tonya Moughler, Tom Moran, Chris Casto, Joe Brown, Dave Molnar, & Don Phillips. Top row, left to right, Doug Shaffer, Danny Fogg, R.D. Mills, Dan Moran, and Jason Unruh. Not pictured: Foreman Ronnie Mills, who’s assistance was appreciated, Jennifer Potvin, William Russo, Tim Keener, Joseph Cassel, & Rich Witzke. Monte Owczarzak Loren Cheney Don Phillips Parking Deck “J” & “E” Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 25, and Operating Engineers Local # 324, were Project Foreman Monte Owczarzak, Terry Streets, Eric Besaw, Glen Howell, Jason Howell, Tom Moran, Wade Owczarzak, Aaron Peach, Mark Pruitt, Brian Rase, Chad Thill, Jerred Thill, Larry Tomczak, Robert Hutchinson, and Richard Hutchinson. Building “J” Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 25, and Operating Engineers Local # 324, were Project Foreman Don Phillips, Terry Streets, Joseph Cassel, Wade Hitchock, Tom Moran, Stephen Smolinski, and Jason Unruh. St. Joseph Regional Medical Center - Mishawaka, IN O nce completed, this new, world class, $355 million Hospital will provide 254 private rooms and baths with hotel-style ambience, a business center for patient’s & visiting family members, and adjacent medical departments for streamlined patient care. Set on 90 acres at Edison Lakes, the facility will maximize patient safety & operational efficiencies thanks to spirited architecture and perceptive design. The sheer size and scope of this project reveal some amazing statistics: * 633,000 square feet of usable space * 375,000 cubic yards of soil was excavated * 2 acres of glass will be installed * 2.3 million square feet of drywall will be hung * 5,000 tons of structural steel was erected * 24,000 cubic yards of concrete for the foundation In addition, the property will also have a park area with ponds and scenic walkways. Sounds like the place to be if you have to be hospitalized! Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local # 292, and Operating Engineers Local # 150, were Project Foreman Joe Fontaine (pictured above), Ben Dodson, Dan Fogg, Joe Brown, Jonah Anderson, Jeffery Books, Jerry Felicicchia, Danny Ferris, Joseph Grishaber, Todd Harbaugh, Brian Rose, Tim Sullivan, and Warren Bolton Jr. Diversified Developers Realty - Beachwood, Ohio Custom lifting brackets that fastened to the back of the panels (pictured right) were used for hoisting all panels fabricated with beveled sill’s so as to avoid having lifting inserts cast into the top of the panels and thus eliminate the possibility that patches may be seen from within the building. Announcements! Serving our Country: The Erection Team members, representing PSI, Ironworkers Local #17 were, bottom row, left to right, Project Foreman Mark Derus, Corey Donaldson (All Erection), Top Row, left to right, Sam DiGeronimo, Jim Komar & Mike Tischler. Not Pictured: Mike Szuhy, Terry Streets, Jim Dunaway and Kevin McCarthy. Congratulations To: Ron & Debbie Cooper Married 9/27/2008 May your life together bring joy and happiness! Dave Schlaufman who Retired in 2008! PSI is grateful for your years of loyalty and service. You and Diane Enjoy! Specialist (Marky) Mark Derus Jr. serving as a gunner in Afghanistan. Academic Achievement: Kristy Kuzmiak graduated from Akron University in August of 2008 with a Masters Degree in Science of Nursing as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and is currently working at University Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. Project Foreman Monte Owczarzak’ son, Montena, (age 12), bagged a 300 lb. black bear in the lower Peninsula of Michigan. Al Novak - Retired Ironworker, Local 350, who was working at the Revel Project. Best Wishes! Do you have an Announcement or other item of interest you would like to share with the PSI family?? Please forward any brief announcements such as wedding anniversaries, births, graduations, etc. you would like to share to Sandy Kuzmiak for publication in future newsletters. The Safety Page Incident Rates and Manhours I t might be a safe bet that you have heard the term “Incident Rate” before, but do you really know what it is and what it means? Every year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics compiles injury data from employers of all types to determine National Average Incident Rates for literally hundreds, if not thousands of employment classifications, from hair dressers to cooks, to construction workers representing all types of construction. There are many different types of incident rates which can be calculated. Generally, OSHA, General Contractors, and Construction Managers are interested in a company’s lost workday, recordable, and restricted case incident rates. Incident rates are the number of injuries, illnesses, lost workday cases, etc. related to a common exposure base of 100 full time workers. This common exposure enables one to make an accurate inter-industry comparison, trend analysis over time, or comparisons among firms regardless of size. The rate is calculated as follows; # of Incidents x 200,000 Manhours (200,000 represents 100 full time workers working 40 hours per week, 50 weeks a year) = Incident Rate Because manhours are used in the calculation, companies with a large amount of manhours who have several injuries per year will see their incident rates remain relatively low, while the smaller contractor, with the same number of injuries, will have a higher incident rate due to the lack of manhours. Nevertheless, the incident rates for both employers will be an apple to apple comparison. The 2007 National Average Recordable Incident Rate for Precast Concrete Contractors is 7.7. This means that 7.7 workers out of 100 had a recordable injury. Precast Services, Inc. is pleased to report our recordable incident rate was below the National Average for calendar year 2008. Example: 3 Recordable Cases: Large Employer (3) Cases x 200,000 Manhours (150,000) Incident Rate Equals = 4.0 Small Employer (3) Cases x 200,000 Manhours (75,000) Incident Rate Equals = 8.0 With your help, we can reduce the number of injuries in 2009, thus, reduce our incident rates even further this year. Vanderbilt Critical Care Nashville, Tennessee Erection Team members, representing PSI and Ironworkers Local # 492 were, Project Foreman Karl Schneider, Donald Hayes, E. Paul Jones, Gabe Wentworth, and Ray Williams. Penn Square Marriott Lancaster, PA Penn Square Marriott & Convention Center Erection Team members, representing PSI, and Ironworkers Local #420, were Project Foreman Mark Derus, John Ammons, Tim Ennis, Phil Gothard, Ryan Hartman, Joe Smith, and Tim Smith. Projects Under Construction Revel Casino PG Atlantic City, New Jersey Gen. Foreman: Bob Nelson Jr. Crane #1 Foreman: Mike Hart Crane #2 Foreman: John Elwood Carousel Mall Expansion Syracuse, New York Foreman: Larry Cole Buffalo Courthouse Buffalo, New York Foreman: Karl Schneider CSU PG Cleveland, Ohio Foreman: Mark Derus Crocker West PG State College, PA (April 2009) Ascend Credit Union Chattanooga, TN (May 2009) 11 7 Hunter Jumper Lexington, Kentucky Foreman: Gabe Wentworth 3 12 13 6 Baptist Memorial Addition Memphis, Tennessee Foreman: E. Paul Jones Franklin County Courthouse Columbus, Ohio Foreman: Joe Fontaine 2 10 9 1 4 Rush University Medical Center Chicago, Illinois Foreman: Loren Cheney 8 5 Knoxville POD Knoxville, Tennessee Foreman: Karl Schneider 14 Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Foreman: Jim Allen SUNY - Bingham Hall (Devon Contracting) Foreman: Loren Cheney Binghamton, New York Port Huron Hospital MOB Port Huron, Michigan Foreman: Monte Owczarzak Click For More! When you see this symbol, Click For More on precastservices.com for more information relating to the project or subject matter covered within this newsletter. Work Safe and Produce Quality Workmanship P.S.I. NEWS February 2009 Twinsburg Office Volume 11 Issue 1 Columbus Office 8200 Boyle Parkway 1725 Jetway Boulevard Twinsburg, OH 44087 Columbus, OH 43219 Phone: 330-425-2880 Phone: 614-428-4541 Fax: 330-963-0150 Fax: 614-428-4542 www.precastservices.com [email protected] © 2009 Precast Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved Published for the employees & friends of Precast Services, Inc. An equal opportunity employer Barry L. Cooper President Paul Entres CFO Jon Smith Executive Vice President Michael J. Drop Vice President Architectural Contributors: Barry Cooper, Michael Drop, Bernie Nowak, Frank Zwiercan, Karl Schneider, Ron Cooper, and Sandy Kuzmiak. Editor: Michael A. Hudgins
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