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36th CANADIAN SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING / 36e SYMPOSIUM CANADIEN DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Centre / Delta St. John’s, Hôtel et Centre des congrès St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador / St. John’s, Terre-Neuve-etLabrador June 8 – 11, 2015 / 8 – 11 Juin 2015 ABSTRACTS / RÉSUMÉS* *The title, abstract text and authorships are verbatim from the abstract submission. Presenting authors have been updated with information gleaned from the online abstract registrations. / Le titre, texte du résumé, et les noms d’auteurs sont tiré du résumé soumit au SCT. Le nom du présentateur a été mise à jour avec l’information soumit lord de l’inscription du résumé en ligne. List of Sessions / Liste des sessions S1 Airborne Remote Sensing, UAVs / S1 Télédétection aéroportée, drones ............................................. 10 UAS Applications for Local Area Mapping and Volumetric Measurement ............................................. 10 Enabling Technologies for Safe and Long-Range UAV Remote Sensing Operations .............................. 11 Airborne Mapping of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies ................................................................... 12 S2 Data/Image Processing / S2 Traitement des données et images .......................................................... 13 Scan-Line Stripping Correction in Composited Landsat 5 and 7 Image Products ................................... 13 Moderate Resolution Time Series Data Management and Analysis: Automated Large Area Synthesis and Quality Control ................................................................................................................................. 14 Early case studies on geologic applications enabled by SWIR bands on the WorldView-3 Satellite...... 15 S3 Forestry Applications / S3 Applications en foresterie ............................................................................ 16 Object-Based Image Analysis for Operational Forest Mapping Using Aerial Imagery and Digital Surface Model Data ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Ash Decline Assessment in Emerald Ash Borer Infested Forests using High Spatial Remote Sensing Technologies ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Temporal disparity between leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content in temperate deciduous forests: Implications for GPP modelling ................................................................................................. 18 A Novel Algorithm for Reconstructing 3-D Branches from Point Clouds................................................ 19 S4 Remote Sensing for International Development / S4 Télédétection pour le développement international................................................................................................................................... 20 The Role of Remote Sensing in Development ........................................................................................ 20 Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental and Social Due Diligence in International Development........................................................................................................................................... 21 Remote Sensing Research and Education in Developing Countries: What Delivers and Why ............... 22 Towards the remote detection of graves: a four-year study of the ecology and spectral evolution of experimental mass graves in the tropics ................................................................................................ 23 S5 Microwave Radar Applications / S5 Applications du radar micro-ondes............................................... 24 Wave Height Estimation from Ship-Borne X-Band Nautical Radar Images ............................................ 24 Performance Evaluation of an Interacting Multiple Model Marine-Radar Target Tracker .................... 25 Case Study: Pedestrian Bridge Static and Dynamic Monitoring Using Ground-Based Radar ................. 26 Short-Term Drift Trajectory Prediction Using X-band Marine Radar...................................................... 27 S6 Innovative Earth Observation Techniques Supporting Informed Oil & Gas Development – I / S6 Techniques d’observation de la Terre innovatrices en soutien au développement pétrolier et gazier – I ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Earth Observation Contributions to Responsible Resource Development in the Alberta Oil Sands Region ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Anthropogenic Change Detection using Landsat Multispectral Datasets .............................................. 30 Remote Sensing as a Tool to Assess Reclaimed Areas: a Multi-sensor, Multi-data Approach ............... 31 Piloting a Predictive Ecosite Mapping Platform for Alberta ................................................................... 32 2 Using Satellite imagery and Automated Feature Extraction Techniques to Accurately Map Alberta’s Pipeline Corridors.................................................................................................................................... 33 S7 Getting Ready for RADARSAT Constellation Mission / S7 Se préparer pour la Constellation RADARSAT ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 RADARSAT Constellation/ SENTINEL-1 Missions Update........................................................................ 34 RCM Data Utilization & Application Plan (DUAP) ................................................................................... 35 The Development of RCM Value-added Products and Services at Natural Resources Canada .............. 36 RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Opportunity to Expand Soil Moisture Information .......................... 37 RCM Data Utilization & Application Plan (DUAP) Activities at the Canadian Ice Service ....................... 38 S8 Marine Remote Sensing / S8 Télédétection des milieux marins............................................................ 39 Landsat-based kelp mapping in British Columbia ................................................................................... 39 Mapping of Boulders in Seismically Heterogeneous Marine Soils.......................................................... 40 Testing the Capabilities of a Landsat Time Series to Assess Changes in Marine Protected Areas in Eastern Africa .......................................................................................................................................... 41 Results from the first topo-bathymetric lidar surveys of the Chiroptera II sensor for coastal and freshwater sites in Maritime Canada ...................................................................................................... 42 Buried UXO Imaging Survey with a Sub-Bottom Imager™ ...................................................................... 43 S9 Airborne Imaging and Calibration / S9 Imagerie aéroportée et calibration .......................................... 44 Boreal forest and peatland classification integrating GEOBIA and Hyperspectral Imagery ................... 44 Bundle Adjustment of VNIR, SWIR and LWIR Airborne Hyperspectral Systems at Rothera Research Station, Antarctic Peninsula .................................................................................................................... 45 Atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral imagery in diverse tropical ecosystems – lessons learned from Mission Airborne Carbon 13 ............................................................................................. 46 SNR Implications of On-chip vs Off-chip Pixel Summation ..................................................................... 47 S10 Innovative Earth Observation Techniques Supporting Informed Oil & Gas Development – II / S10 Techniques d’observation de la Terre innovatrices en soutien au développement pétrolier et gazier – II ........................................................................................................................................ 48 Utilization of Earth Observation Technologies to Assist Incident Response and Investigation ............. 48 Monitoring Pipeline Right-of-way Encroachment Using Multi-temporal High Resolution SAR ............. 50 Surface water and wetland monitoring in the Peace-Athabasca Delta .................................................. 51 Using ArcGIS as an Alternative or Complimentary Tool to ENVI for Extracting Anthropogenic Footprints from Multispectral Imagery .................................................................................................................... 52 Systematically Derived Leaf Area Index of the Canadian Oilsands Region ............................................. 53 S11 Characterization and Change in Forest Ecosystems / S11 Caractérisation et changements dans les écosystèmes forestiers................................................................................................................... 54 Assessment of Vegetation Conditions over Athabasca Oil Sands Region .............................................. 54 Long-term Trends in and Interrelationships between Central Boreal Plains Ecosystem Succession and Hydro-Climatic Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 55 Using pre-fire variables in combination with Landsat difference Normalized Burn Ratio to improve the accuracy in predicting middle burn severity classes ............................................................................... 56 3 The Multisource Vegetation Inventory: Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Data for Forest Inventory in the Northern Boreal ........................................................................................................... 57 Systematic and Environmental Sensitivities within GLAS Estimates of Canopy Height and Crown Closure in Northern Canada.................................................................................................................... 58 S12 Synergies Between Satellite & Marine Acoustic Remote Sensing / S12 Synergies entre la télédétection satellitaire et la télédétection acoustique marine .................................................. 59 Multiple methods, maps, and management applications: purpose made maps in support of Ocean Management........................................................................................................................................... 59 Where Land Meets Sea: Towards a Complete Coverage for Terrain Analysis of Coastal Environments 60 Acoustic remote sensing of Labrador fjord environments: strengths, challenges and limitations ........ 61 Using Multibeam Bathymetry and Coastal Geomorphology to Predict Shallow Marine Clam Habitat in the Eastern Canadian Arctic .................................................................................................................... 62 Automated sonar image matching ......................................................................................................... 63 S13 River Ice Monitoring / S13 Suivi de la glace de rivière ......................................................................... 64 Augmenting River Ice Flood Forecasting Services Using Satellite Radar Imagery – A User Perspective 64 Operational Monitoring of River Ice Break-up Conditions using RADARSAT-2 Images .......................... 65 Using Multi-Source Satellite Imagery for Operational River Ice Monitoring .......................................... 66 IceFRONT (1): Monitoring River Freeze-up Processes on the Peace River from Optical Images ........... 67 IceFRONT (2): Monitoring River Freeze-up Processes on the Peace River from Radar Images ............. 68 S14 Arctic-Boreal Research and the pre-ABoVE Projects / S14 Projets de recherche sur la vulnérabilité arctique–boréale et les projets pre-ABoVE.................................................................................... 69 The NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and the ABoVE Science Cloud ................................. 69 Quantifying change in North American Arctic lakes between 1990 and present .................................. 70 Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes ................................ 71 Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) ................................................................................ 72 Producing a High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone .......................... 73 S15 Icebergs and Extreme Ice Features / S15 Icebergs et formations glacielles extrêmes ........................ 74 Intercomparison of sea ice freeboard, thickness, and ice concentration extracted from sea ice model with satellite data ................................................................................................................................... 74 Iceberg Detection over Northern Latitudes Using High Resolution TerraSAR-X Images ........................ 75 Detection and Discrimination of Ships and Icebergs using Satellite Altimetry: An Operational Perspective for Estimating Iceberg Populations ..................................................................................... 76 Characterization of Hazardous Ice using Spaceborne SAR and Ice Profiling Sonar ................................ 77 Research and Development in Iceberg Monitoring at the Canadian Ice Service ................................... 78 S16 Global Vegetation Science / S16 Télédétection de la végétation à l'échelle globale .......................... 79 Satellite observed sunlight-mediated seasonality in greenness of wet equatorial Amazonian rainforest ................................................................................................................................................................ 79 Global ENSO Teleconnection Patterns derived from NDVI3g: 1981-2013 ............................................. 80 Earth Observations and Global Environmental Governance .................................................................. 81 4 A Non-Stationary 1981 to 2014 AVHRR NDVI Time Series ..................................................................... 82 Global warming and trends in seasonality of NDVI: Europe 1982-1998 versus 1999-2014 ................... 83 S17 3D Characterization of Canopy Structure using LiDAR and New Technologies – I / S17 Caractérisation du couvert végétal avec le LiDAR et les nouvelles technologies - I ............................................... 84 GLAS Estimates of Canopy Gap Fraction ................................................................................................. 84 An individual tree based framework to support operational forest resources inventory using fullwaveform airborne LiDAR data ............................................................................................................... 85 Predicting Tree Species at the Tree-Level Using LiDAR .......................................................................... 86 Sage grouse hate trees: object-based mapping of juniper encroachment across the sage-grouse range ................................................................................................................................................................ 87 Individual tree detection from LiDAR-derived canopy height models (CHM) in longleaf pine forest .... 88 S18 Monitoring Surface Water and Wetland Ecosystems with SAR – I / S18 Suivi des milieux humides et des surfaces d’eau avec le RSO - I .................................................................................................. 89 Mapping Ephemeral Surface Water Bodies with Radarsat-2 ................................................................. 89 Evaluation of Temporal Filters for SAR Applications in Water Resources .............................................. 90 Early results of inland water-body detection using multipolarized L-band SAR: airborne, Aquarius, and SMAP ....................................................................................................................................................... 91 Monitoring water levels by integrating optical and synthetic aperture radar water masks with lidar DEMs ....................................................................................................................................................... 92 Multitemporal Interferometric SAR for Accurate Water Extent Mapping ............................................. 93 S19 Coastal HF Radar Applications / S19 Applications des radars HF côtiers............................................. 94 An Ionospheric Reflection Coefficient Model for HF Ionosphere-Ocean Propagation........................... 94 Comparison of Antenna-Motion-Incorporated High Frequency Bistatic Radar Cross Sections of the Ocean Surface with Earlier Models ......................................................................................................... 95 Design and Implementation of a High-Frequency Software-Defined Radar (HF-SDR): Initial Results ... 96 Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Coastal Surveillance Applications................................................. 98 Comparison of Spectral Estimation Methods for Rapidly-varying Currents Obtained by High Frequency Surface Wave Radar ................................................................................................................................ 99 S20 Future Canadian Earth Observation Missions / S20 Futures missions canadiennes en observation de la Terre ......................................................................................................................................... 100 The Canadian Hyperspectral Mission Concept ...................................................................................... 100 The Earth Observation Potential of the Polar Communication and Weather (PCW) Mission ............. 101 The WaterSat Mission Concept............................................................................................................. 102 RADARSAT Constellation Mission ......................................................................................................... 103 A Microsatellite-based Canadian Wildland Fire Monitoring System .................................................... 104 S21 3D Characterization of Canopy Structure using LiDAR and New Technologies – I / S21 Caractérisation du couvert végétal avec le LiDAR et les nouvelles technologies – II............................................ 106 Characterizing Fine-scale Understory Plant Diversity and Fuels from Three-dimensional Photogrammetry Points ........................................................................................................................ 106 3D Modeling of Understory Fuels Determined by Overstory Structure ............................................... 107 5 Modeling 3D understory structure for use in physics-based fire behavior simulations....................... 108 Canopy derived fuels drive patterns of in-fire energy release and plant community assembly in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlands ............................................................................................ 109 Upscaling tree density measures from environmental monitoring plots across Eglin Air Force Base using low density lidar .......................................................................................................................... 110 S22 Monitoring Surface Water and Wetland Ecosystems with SAR – II / S22 Suivi des milieux humides et des surfaces d’eau avec le RSO – II .............................................................................................. 111 A Preliminary Study on the Synergistic Use of SAR and High Resolution Optical Data for Wetland Classification in Newfoundland and Labrador ...................................................................................... 111 Water Level Changes Detection in Yellow River Delta Based on Distributed Scatterer Interferometry .............................................................................................................................................................. 112 Temporal Coherence for Wetland Mapping and Monitoring ............................................................... 113 Integration of Multi-Frequency Data into the Periodic Remote Delineation of Wetlands .................. 114 Soil Moisture Monitoring in Mountain Areas Using Different Polarization of Radarsat-2 Data .......... 115 S23 Operational Maritime Surveillance with SAR / S23 Surveillance maritime opérationnelle avec le RSO ...................................................................................................................................................... 116 Maritime NRT Products using TerraSAR-X, Sentinel, and Radarsat data .............................................. 116 Oil Slick Discrimination using RADARSAT-2 Quad Polarized Data ........................................................ 117 Detecting and Tracking Dark Ships from Multiple Satellite Missions .................................................... 118 Evaluation of RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry for ship detection .................. 119 Maritime Operational Use of SAR by Environment Canada’s Canadian Ice Service ............................. 120 S24 Arctic Ecosystem Monitoring / S24 Suivi des écosystèmes arctiques ............................................... 121 Landsat-based Mapping of Thermokarst Lake Dynamics in Continuous Permafrost of Western Canada since 1985 ............................................................................................................................................. 121 Influence of the Environmental Conditions on Surficial Mapping Using LANDSAT-5 TM and RADARSAT2 Polarimetric SAR Images .................................................................................................................... 122 River Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Optical Remote Sensing Images ...................................... 123 Mapping discontinuous permafrost at high spatial resolution using LANDSAT and RADARSAT-2 dual polarized images in northern Ontario, Canada..................................................................................... 124 A Multiscale Study of Tundra Vegetation Changes in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain, NWT ................ 125 S25 Hyperspectral Imaging – I / S25 Imagerie hyperspectrale – I ............................................................ 126 Validation of a Two-Step Model Inversion Approach for Regional Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Remote Sensing Data .................................................................................................................. 126 Improving hyperspectral imagery automatic segmentation by differential analysis ........................... 128 Satellite-derived bathymetry, a Canadian case study .......................................................................... 129 S26 LiDAR with other sensors / S26 LiDAR avec d’autres capteurs .......................................................... 130 Classification of LiDAR Data for Large Areas Using Kurtosis Change Curve .......................................... 130 Multispectral LiDAR Data for Land Cover Classification: Initial Results ................................................ 131 Wetland mapping using polarimetric RADARSAT-2, optical imagery and LiDAR data in Nova Scotia . 132 6 Collaborative case-studies demonstrating the effectiveness of random forest classification using LiDAR, SAR and optical data in various landscapes .............................................................................. 133 S27 Hyperspectral Imaging – II / S27 Imagerie hyperspectrale – II .......................................................... 134 Results of longer-term airborne hyperspectral imaging over single graves in a boreal environment . 134 Multi-angular spectroscopic remote sensing of arctic plant biochemistry .......................................... 135 Direct Imaging of a Shale Gas Leak Using Passive Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging ............... 136 Thermal hyperspectral (8-12 μm) investigation of near surface gases from a clandestine mass grave .............................................................................................................................................................. 137 S28 Land and Vegetation Classification / S28 Classification des terres et de la végétation ..................... 138 Detecting Changes in Sub-Arctic Vegetation Caused by Snow Goose Foraging on Coats Island, Nunavut: A Multi-Temporal Analysis .................................................................................................... 138 Updating the Grassland Vegetation Inventory Using Landsat Imagery-Conversion of Native Grassland to Cultivated Agriculture ....................................................................................................................... 140 Retrieving leaf chlorophyll in crops using Landsat-8 and RapidEye images ......................................... 141 Object-based Classification of WorldView-2 Image for Development of Stormwater Models ............ 142 Exploiting Three Decades of Continuous Satellite Data with the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Long Term Satellite Data Records ......................................................................................................... 143 Classification Uniformisée de la Couverture Terrestre pour une Comptabilité des Terres et des Écosystèmes .......................................................................................................................................... 145 S29 Coastal and Ice / S29 Glace et régions côtières ................................................................................. 147 The SmartICE information system – integrating Inuit knowledge, remote sensing, and in situ measurements for safer sea-ice travel ................................................................................................. 147 Bottom-fast Ice Delineation in the Northwest Territories using Dynamic Time Warping .................... 148 Nature and triggers of submarine mass failure in coastal waters of southeastern Baffin Island, Nunavut................................................................................................................................................. 149 An alternative method for sea surface wind speed determination from GNSS-R delay-Doppler map 150 S30 Monitoring & Modeling Terrestrial Ecosystems (Forests) / S30 Suivi et modélisation des écosystèmes terrestres (forêts) ......................................................................................................................... 151 National, annual, gap-free surface reflectance composites from Landsat to capture long-term forest dynamics, land cover, and forest structure for Canada........................................................................ 151 The Newfoundland Fibre Project: Four Studies that Demonstrate the use of Remote Sensing to Predict Wood Fibre Attributes .......................................................................................................................... 152 Airborne LiDAR enhances the competitiveness of Canada’s forest industry ....................................... 154 High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest loss: validation and application in the Miramichi river basin ............................................................................................................................................. 155 Operational Successes and Challenges of Deriving Forest Inventories from LiDAR in Natural and Managed Forests................................................................................................................................... 156 S31 Classification, Modeling & Northern Applications / S31 Classification, modélisation et applications nordiques ..................................................................................................................................... 157 Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation Productivity for Circumpolar Landmass .............................. 157 7 Remotely Sensed Caribou Habitat Indicators for Enhancing Baseline Information Preparedness for Resource Development in Canada’s North ........................................................................................... 158 Spectral Mixture Analysis for Characterizing Tree Species Composition for a Multisource Vegetation Inventory, Northwest Territories, Canada ............................................................................................ 159 Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring for the Next Decade: Measurement Needs, Technologies and Approaches, with Perspectives on Northern Applications ................................................................... 160 1981 to 2014 Circum-Arctic Tundra Phytomass Production................................................................. 161 S32 Urban / Transportation / S32 Milieu urbain et systèmes de transport ............................................. 162 Automatic Extraction of Highway Light Poles from Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Data ........................... 162 Early Aerial Photography in Canada after the Great War – The Case of the Halifax Air Survey Mission in 1921 ...................................................................................................................................................... 163 Multi-temporal Urban Growth Assessment in Asia Pacific Region using Time Series of Pixel-Based Landsat Imagery Composites ................................................................................................................ 164 Infrastructure Monitoring in Urban Areas using Space Based SAR ...................................................... 165 Analysis of Aerodynamic Roughness Using SAR Data in Urban Areas .................................................. 166 S33 Synthetic Aperture Radar / S33 Radar à synthèse d'ouverture ......................................................... 167 Corner Reflectors in Canada: Challenges and Solutions. ...................................................................... 167 RADARSAT-2 Progress Report ............................................................................................................... 168 Use of RADARSAT-2 and ALOS-PALSAR images for wetland mapping in New Brunswick .................... 169 A Speckle Filtering Approach of SAR Data Based on a Coherent Decomposition ................................ 170 Mapping The C-Band Vertical Backscatter Pattern Through A Conifer Forest Canopy ........................ 171 Posters / Affiches ...................................................................................................................................... 172 Web-based applications for LiDAR data processing and visualizing trees at the plot level ................. 172 Generalizing LIDAR-based, Species-level Biomass Predictions in the Northern Rocky Mountain Ecoregion .............................................................................................................................................. 173 Hyperspectral Non-linear Denoising with High Performance Parallel Computing ............................... 174 Working with DEMs of varying resolution and derivation.................................................................... 175 Buried Geo-Hazard Imaging and Mapping on the Grand Banks using an Acoustic CorerTM ................. 176 Using ArcGIS as an Alternative or Complimentary Tool to ENVI for Extracting Anthropogenic Footprints from Multispectral Imagery .................................................................................................................. 177 Multispectral Lidar for 3D Land Classification and Topography/Bathymetry ...................................... 178 A Study of Microwave Sea Clutter using a Coherent X-band Radar ..................................................... 179 Delineation of within-field Spatial Variability using high resolution optical remote sensing data ...... 180 Modeling Biodiversity Response to Habitat Heterogeneity Using Multi Spatial and Temporal Remote Sensing Data.......................................................................................................................................... 181 Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Close Range Photogrammetry to 3D Model Selkirk College's Castlegar Campus.................................................................................................................................. 182 The Birth and Growth of Pingo in the Canadian Arctic Observed by Satellite Radar Interferometry .. 183 Spatial Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter over Southern Ontario from MODIS Data .................. 184 8 Forest Prairie Landscape Classification Based on Remote Sensing Data Fusion .................................. 185 Investigating the Effects of Input Data on the Results of Random Forest for Classification of Peatland Landscapes ............................................................................................................................................ 186 Extracting sea ice information from the fusion of SAR and optical data .............................................. 187 Using Satellite Imagery for Visual Simulation in Aviation Applications ................................................ 188 Modelling Changes in Forest Dynamics under the Influence of Climate Change and Different Forest Management Practice ........................................................................................................................... 189 Large-Scale Modeling of Forest Height and Biomass using the Metabolic Scaling Theory and WaterEnergy Balance Equation ...................................................................................................................... 190 A Rapid Assessment of Light Geese Damage in the Central and Eastern Arctic using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery Stacks. ........................................................................................................................ 191 Investigating Boreal Forest Physiology and Stand-Age Relationships Using a Landsat TM Derived Chronosequence ................................................................................................................................... 192 Modelling and mapping soil carbon in British Columbia grasslands .................................................... 193 A Landsat-Based Study of Black Rock Coatings Proximal to Base-Metal Smelters, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada .................................................................................................................................................. 194 Mapping northern peatland types using hyperspectral images of different spatial and spectral resolutions ............................................................................................................................................ 195 Relating Low Arctic Tundra – Atmosphere CO2 Exchange to Satellite-Derived NDVI using Phenological Analysis at Daring Lake, NWT ............................................................................................................... 196 Influence of Sample Distribution and Prior Probability Adjustment on Land Cover Classifier Extension .............................................................................................................................................................. 197 Fractional Land Cover Monitoring of the Alberta Oil Sands Region using Landsat multispectral time series and high resolution Geoeye Imagery ......................................................................................... 198 Using Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar to Estimate Biomass of Low-Stature Arctic Tundra Shrubs ........ 199 Change Detection Analysis Using Compact Polarimetry On Simulated RCM Data............................... 200 Comparing the potential of dual-pol TerraSAR-X, Sentinel, and Radarsat data for automated, polarimetric sea ice classification ......................................................................................................... 201 Application Tests of Ground-Based Coherent Radar for Deformation and Vibration Measurements in Canada's Atlantic Region....................................................................................................................... 202 Comparison of Different Methods of Soil Moisture Mapping in Peatlands using Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetric Data ........................................................................................................................ 203 Classification of forest and wetland communities near the Victor Diamond Mine using an integrated optical and radar satellite sensor dataset............................................................................................. 204 Helix Nebula – Supporting science with a comprehensive cloud computing infrastructure: the use case for Earth Observation ........................................................................................................................... 205 9 S1 Airborne Remote Sensing, UAVs / S1 Télédétection aéroportée, drones Dirk Werle, chair / modérateur UAS Applications for Local Area Mapping and Volumetric Measurement Bradley J. Schmidt1*, Dawn Price 1. Business Development, Intergraph Canada, 1600 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613 696-1221, [email protected] 2. Application Consultant, Intergraph Canada, 1600 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613 696-1224, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Bradley J. Schmidt, Business Development, 613 696-1221, [email protected] . ABSTRACT With the advent of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), new applications are emerging for local area mapping purposes. This presentation looks at using low altitude high-resolution UAS photo imagery for the creation of highly accurate point clouds, which are then in turn used for local area mapping, volumetric measurement, and change detection purposes. Imagery was collected using a Nikon camera, flown on an Aibotix multicopter, over an aggregate pit located in Phelpston, Ontario. The Aibot flight was planned and flown, the imagery and GPS data was then combined with the camera information. The resulting data was then processed using an automated workflow to create an orthomosaic, RGB encoded point cloud, and a digital surface model. Using this data various analytics were performed. Given the precision of the point cloud, highly accurate volume measurements were extracted, and compared with other software based methodologies. Changes in volume were also calculated using a second point cloud. The point cloud was then classified to identify ground, vegetation, buildings and other features within the scene. Findings indicated that UAS derived imagery can be used to accurately determine the volume of aggregate piles visible within the imagery. Practical applications include; estimations for the quantity of truckloads required for construction or landscape purposes. The methodology could also be used to measure the amount of debris deposited by a landslide, or snow or salt contained in pile. In conclusion, UAV systems can be deployed quickly and efficiently for generating accurate volumetric output and for general purpose ortho-mapping. 10 Enabling Technologies for Safe and Long-Range UAV Remote Sensing Operations Chris D. Rouse*, Siu O’Young, Vincent M. Contarino, Robert R. MacIsaac, Dilhan J. Balage, Scott X. Fang, Carl Thibault, Jonathan Keck, Timothy Keck 1. Seamatica Aerospace Limited, St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 2T4, 709-864-4488, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Dr. Chris D. Rouse, Industrial R&D Fellow, 709-864-4488, [email protected] ABSTRACT The number of commercial applications for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been growing steadily, especially in the area of airborne remote sensing. Examples include ice field mapping for climate change studies, power line and oil pipeline monitoring and the mapping of coral reefs for ecosystem monitoring. UAVs can also act as first responders during disasters for which it would be dangerous to fly manned aircraft. The primary limitation on the commercial viability of UAVs is that their operation is restricted to visual range, mitigating the risk of collisions with potential air, land or sea traffic. In applications where remote sensing is desired over a relatively large area, this requires that the area be broken into smaller regions—each involving an individual UAV operation—which increases both cost and measurement time. The visual range limitation arises due to deficiencies in current UAV sense and avoid technology. This motivates the development of a safety management system capable of ensuring that the desired section of airspace is clear for safe UAV operation beyond visual range. The associated technologies include automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) and automatic identification system (AIS) for the detection of participating aircraft and vessels, along with a coherent solid state radar system to detect non-participating vehicles. Long-range and wideband communication with the UAV can be achieved via high-gain antennas mounted on a pan-tilt unit which tracks the aircraft during flight. In addition to the design details associated with each enabling technology, test results highlighting their performance and applicability will be presented. 11 Airborne Mapping of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Stephen Achal1*, Warren Shaw2 and Brandon Southgate3 1. Chief Scientist, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada 2. Research Scientist, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada 3. Technical Lead, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada * Presenting Author: Stephen Achal, Chief Scientist, 403 250 9944, [email protected] ABSTRACT On May 5th 2013, a TSR-1800 (a state-of-the-art 1800-pixel real-time airborne thermal search and rescue system) was used on an experimental trial to collect daytime search-and-rescue research data near the coast of Tofino, British Columbia, Canada. Data were acquired over a ten square kilometer area at 25cm/pixel resolution with a temperature finesse of less than 30mK @ 12C. During the trial, several thermal anomalies in the sea surface temperature (SST) were tagged and geo-located. These anomalies included the control targets as well as unexpected marine animal tracks (birds and whales). The animal tracks appeared as cooler SST features. The wakes of fishing boats were observed as cooler persistent SST disturbances. Unusual very large-scale SST structures with intricate fine-scale features were also observed. The SST variation within these structures ranged from 12C to 15C. These SST structures were not likely linked with the typical convection of thermoclines, but likely due to phytoplankton or algae activity near the sea surface. Application of this type of state-of-the-art large-scale airborne thermal mapping of SST over photobiologically active waters may find utility in marine biology and oceanography. Keywords: airborne mapping, ocean thermal imaging, marine animal tracks, ocean thermal anomaly, thermoclines, sea surface temperature 12 S2 Data/Image Processing / S2 Traitement des données et images Bahram Salehi, chair / modérateur Scan-Line Stripping Correction in Composited Landsat 5 and 7 Image Products Darren Pouliot1*, Rasim Latifovic2 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-6341, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7002, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Darren Pouliot, Remote Sensing Scientist, 613 759-6341, [email protected] ABSTRACT In large area multi-scene Landsat 5 and 7 composite products, missing data due to the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failure of Landsat 7 can result in strong stripping artefacts. This is due to the infilling of the missing scan lines with data from alternate dates where atmosphere and ground target conditions vary. Atmosphere correction is often insufficient to account for this due to the difficultly of acquiring detailed information on atmospheric properties. This combined with vegetation phenology and moisture changes can cause significant reflectance variability resulting in errors in land cover classification and change detection applications. In this research a Fourier Transformation correction procedure was developed that consisted of identification of regions with scan line errors, predicting the scan line orientation angle, generating a frequency space mask, frequency space filtering, and conversion back to the time domain. The approach was automated and was used in the generation of a high quality national scale Landsat 5 and 7 mosaic of Canada developed for land cover applications. An overview of the methods and example results will be presented and discussed. 13 Moderate Resolution Time Series Data Management and Analysis: Automated Large Area Synthesis and Quality Control Rasim Latifovic1*, Darren Pouliot2, Lixin Sun2, John Schwarz2, William Parkinson2 1. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7002, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-6341, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7696, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7759, [email protected] 5. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6535, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Rasim Latifovic, . Research Scientist, 613 759-7002, [email protected] ABSTRACT The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) maintains national-scale Long Term Satellite Data Records (LTSDR) as an essential component of Earth Observation based land surface monitoring. The CCRS LTSDR framework provides long-term capability to generate, archive and provide access to value-added satellite data and thematic products addressing various land surface monitoring needs of the Government of Canada. Until recently, cost and availability limited the usefulness of medium resolution (~30m pixel size) data for such analyses. In 2009, the United States Geological Survey made Landsat data freely available. The potential for moderate-resolution time series monitoring has been further strengthened by Landsat-8 and the pending launch of Sentinel 2. For this potential to be realized, new methods and algorithms are required to extract and analyze Landsat Time Series for monitoring aspects of land surface dynamics. CCRS’s new framework, the Moderate Resolution Time Series Data Management and Analysis System (TSDMAS), generates and manages value-added LTSDRs based on TM, ETM+ and OLI sensors on board the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 missions. An overview of the TSDMAS system, and the algorithms implemented therein, will be presented. Specific focus will be on the generation of a circa 2010 Top of Atmosphere Reflectance Coverage of Canada, at 30 m spatial resolution. This product has been generated by TSDMAS from data acquired by TM and ETM+ sensors. Product generation, quality control, and characteristics of the underlying dataset will be described. By providing readily available, national-scale Landsat data products, of “research quality”, TSDMAS harnesses the potential of moderate resolution EO data, and can exponentially increase the downstream generation and use of medium resolution land surface information products. 14 Early case studies on geologic applications enabled by SWIR bands on the WorldView-3 Satellite William Baugh1* 1. Senior Scientist/Product Development and Labs, DigitalGlobe, Longmont, Colorado, USA, 303-684-1481, [email protected] * Presenting Author: William Baugh, Senior Scientist/Product Development and Labs, 303-684-1481, [email protected] ABSTRACT Significant new capabilities for geologic remote sensing were enabled with the successful launch of the WorldView-3 (WV-3) commercial remote sensing satellite on 13 August 2014. Most noteworthy for geologic remote sensing are 8 super-spectral bands in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. These imaging bands are collected at a native 3.7 m resolution, and cover a range of diverse and unique absorption features for minerals. During the calibration phase of WV-3 (and prior to commercial availability), images have been collected over a variety of sites to demonstrate geologic applications and capabilities. This presentation will be a survey of early results from these ongoing WV3 geologic remote sensing case studies. 15 S3 Forestry Applications / S3 Applications en foresterie Joanne White, chair / modérateur Object-Based Image Analysis for Operational Forest Mapping Using Aerial Imagery and Digital Surface Model Data Bahram Salehi1*, William Jefferies2, and Pradeep Bobby3 1. Remote Sensing Engineer, C-CORE/LOOKNorth and Cross-appointed professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] 2. Executive Director, LOOKNorth, C-CORE, 400 March Road, Suite 210, Kanata, ON, Canada, [email protected] 3. Director, Earth Observation, C-CORE, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St. John’s, NL, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Bahram Salehi, Remote Sensing Engineer, 709 864 6701, [email protected] ABSTRACT The standard approach for forest resource inventory mapping is to interpret aerial ortho-photographs and delineate forest stand boundaries by manual digitization of the stereo imagery, usually visualized in 3D. However, manual digitization is costly, time consuming and results are subjective to the interpreter’s knowledge and experience. Although there exist historical and frequently acquired aerial ortho-photos for most Canadian forested areas, sufficient methods are still lacking for automatic delineation of such boundaries for operational purposes in regional and provincial scales. New advances in object-based image analysis techniques provide additional opportunity for automatic delineation of forest stand boundaries using high resolution satellite and aerial imagery. This paper presents an operational object-based image analysis framework for automatic forest mapping using multispectral aerial imagery with sub-meter resolution and corresponding digital surface model (DSM) extracted from stereo-aerial imagery. The framework comprises five steps: pre-processing of the ortho-photos, reconstruction of digital terrain model (DTM) from DSM, image segmentation, and classification of segments. The framework is a hierarchical-based approach which begins with image classification to general classes of water, treed and non-treed areas. In the lower levels of the hierarchy more detailed classes such as narrow water streams and trees with different species and densities patches are delineated. The outputs from the analysis are shape file polygons with attributes which can be directly imported to a GIS system for further analysis. The method provides an automatic and relatively fast approach for operational use in mapping forest types at regional and provincial scales using cost-effective aerial imagery. 16 Ash Decline Assessment in Emerald Ash Borer Infested Forests using High Spatial Remote Sensing Technologies Justin Murfitt1*, Amy Mui2, Jian Yang3 and Yuhong He 4 1. Research Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, (905) 569-4564, [email protected] 2. PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, (905) 569-4564, [email protected] 3. PhD Student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, (905) 569-4564, [email protected] 4. Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, (905) 569-4679, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Justin Murfitt, Research Assistant, 905 569-4564, [email protected] ABSTRACT The Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive Asian beetle that was first identified in Windsor, Ontario in 2002 and has spread throughout the Great Lakes region and into southern areas of Quebec. This pest causes significant damage to ash trees which are a crucial natural resource within Ontario. Due to the spatial extent and intensity of the EAB infestation, remote sensing technologies are being evaluated for identifying and mapping early EAB infestation and subsequent stages. Using high resolution images, the goal of this project is to establish an efficient and reliable remote sensing system for mapping EAB infestation at different stages. EAB infestation field data were collected from three sites (heavily infested, moderately infested, and low infested) in the Credit Valley Watershed in Southeastern Ontario in the summer of 2014. An ash crown map was first produced from the WorldView-2 image of a moderately infested site using a multi-band watershed segmentation approach and a supervised classification. Several different ash health indicators including twig dieback, crown condition, general tree health, canopy transparency, plant area index, and chlorophyll content were used to establish an ash tree health index, which was then related to remote sensing spectral indices. The ash health index-remote sensing regression model was applied to the ash crown image to produce an ash health map that achieved an accuracy of 90%. Our study confirms that it is possible to use high spatial remote sensing images to monitor the decline of ash health within emerald ash borer infested forests. 17 Temporal disparity between leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content in temperate deciduous forests: Implications for GPP modelling Holly Croft1*, Jing M. Chen2, Yongqin Zhang3, Ralf M. Staebler4, Norma Froelich5 and Bin Chen6 1. 1. Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Department of Geography, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada, [email protected] 2. Jing M. Chen, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada [email protected] 3. Yongqin Zhang, Assistant Professor, Delta State University, Division of Biological and Physical Sciences, Cleveland, MS 38733, USA, [email protected] 4. Ralf M. Staebler, Research Scientist, Environment Canada, Atmospheric Processes Research, 4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON, M3H 5T4, Canada, [email protected] 5. Norma Froelich, Assistant Professor, Northern Michigan University, Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department, Marquette, MI 49855, USA, [email protected] 6. Bin Chen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Department of Geography, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, [email protected] ABSTRACT Spatial and temporal variations in canopy structure and leaf biochemistry have considerable influence on fluxes of CO2, water and energy in vegetation. The temporal relationships between canopy structure, leaf chlorophyll (ChlLeaf) and forest carbon uptake were investigated in two temperate, deciduous forests in Ontario, Canada. Ground data including Leaf Area Index (LAI), hyperspectral leaf reflectance/transmittance (400–2500 nm) and ChlLeaf were measured across complete growing seasons (Haliburton Forest in 2004, Borden Forest in 2013). ChlLeaf and LAI phenology were analysed at the landscape scale for Haliburton Forest using ENVISAT MERIS (1200m) data, where LAI- and ChlLeaf- sensitive vegetation indices (NDVI and Macc01) were derived for 33 dates. Phenological metrics were extracted from the satellite time-series using a double logistic model. Results showed that ChlLeaf start of season dates (SOS) lagged 20–35 days behind LAI SOS, and end of season (EOS) LAI dates were between 20 and 30 days later than ChlLeaf EOS. Equivalent LAI and ChlLeaf growing season dynamics were also seen at Borden Forest in 2013, where LAI and ChlLeaf were compared with eddy-covariance flux data to assess relationships with gross primary production (GPP); LAI: R2=0.60 (p<0.05) and Canopy Chlorophyll (ChlCanopy): R2=0.70 (p<0.001). Finally, measured GPP was compared to modelled GPP as a function of LAI*PAR (R 2=0.63, p<0.001) and ChlCanopy*PAR (R2=0.89, p<0.001). The large temporal disparity between ChlCanopy and LAI has important implications for biogeochemical models using NDVI or LAI to represent canopy-absorbed PAR, by neglecting to account for delays in chlorophyll production and thus photosynthetic capacity. 18 A Novel Algorithm for Reconstructing 3-D Branches from Point Clouds Zhouxin Xi1* and Christopher Hopkinson2 1. Student, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Canada, (403) 332-4043, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Canada, (403) 332-4586, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Zhouxin Xi, Student, 403 332-4043, [email protected] ABSTRACT The branch components play a fundamental role in tree structures, for providing the frame for the leaf distribution and water transportation. The increasing resolution of terrestrial laser scan (TLS) makes it possible to model the 3-D branch structure at a fine scale. Various algorithms have been experimented on automatic branch reconstruction. However, gaps are left for understanding the algorithmic performance on diverse branch structures and imperfect scanning conditions. The evaluation of performance at the stage is deficient too, due to the lacking knowledge in parameter tuning complexity and the accuracy assessment. Our study is focused on proposing a stable and flexible algorithm for branch reconstruction with also an emphasis on accuracy assessment. We first simulated point clouds for artificial 3D branch meshes with varying structural parameters. For each set of the parameter values, the point clouds were reconstructed into skeletons and meshes with the combined use of region growth and cylinder fitting. The geometrical errors (missing error and redundant error) and the statistical errors between the reconstructed branches and the original branches are calculated. Results using the simulation dataset show errors lower than 6cm (missing error) and 3cm (redundant error) in best cases. The algorithm performance is affected by branch level, bevel, taper, scan point density and the scan numbers. The effect of branch number underestimation, instable volume estimation is constant, caused by the branch complexity and imperfect scans. We also tested our reconstruction algorithm with the point clouds from in-situ TLS scans with visually appealing results. 19 S4 Remote Sensing for International Development / S4 Télédétection pour le développement international Robert Ryerson, chair / modérateur The Role of Remote Sensing in Development Robert Ryerson1* and Barry Haack2 1. President, Kim Geomatics Corporation, Box 1125, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A9 [email protected] 2. Professor of Geography, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA [email protected] * Presenting Author: Robert Ryerson, President, Kim Geomatics Corporation, 613 692-0185 [email protected] ABSTRACT The importance of remote sensing in development cannot be denied. As has often been said – “everything happens somewhere,” and remote sensing provides a very useful picture of everywhere. However, the use of remote sensing is often at a far lower level in development activities than one would expect given its potential importance for meeting the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, or the targets identified for the Post-2015 Agenda. Remote sensing can and should play a role in the three major stages of development assistance: identification of the need, program development, and program assessment and evaluation. There are a number of considerations and factors that, when taken together, explain the relatively low use of remote sensing in development. This paper examines these considerations and factors drawing on the work of the authors in more than forty developing countries over the past thirty years. With better understanding of these factors it is hoped that the benefits and that have long been promised by the remote sensing community will be delivered. The authors have worked in the area of remote sensing and development in Africa, Asia, South America, and the Pacific. 20 Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental and Social Due Diligence in International Development Olivier Tsui1*, Jason Suwala 2, Andy Dean 3, Thomas Boivin 4 1. Senior Geomatics Specialist, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, +1 604 926 3261, [email protected] 2. Environmental Information Systems Manager, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, +1 604 926 3261, [email protected] 3. Senior Geomatics Specialist and Partner, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 305 - 1228 Kensington Rd. NW, Calgary, AB, Canada, +1 403 351 0191, [email protected] 4. Director of International Operations and Partner, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, +1 604 926 3261, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Olivier Tsui, Senior Geomatics Specialist, 1 604-926-3261, [email protected] ABSTRACT Technologies such as remote sensing can play an important role in international development, providing governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations with cost-effective tools to acquire environmental baseline information and to improve monitoring and management of natural resources. International Financial Institutions and governmental donors are key international partners for many developing countries, providing pro-poor and climate resilient investment for economic growth in key sectors. As part of their operating protocols, these organizations must ensure that social and environmental analysis is part of every investment decision. This review presents how remote sensing technologies can contribute to the evaluation of environmental and social risks associated with a proposed investments by International Financial Institutions and their partners. During project implementation, remote sensing provides a cost-effective means to regularly update all partners with information on how well certain risks are being managed. Leveraging the remote sensing data archives, remote sensing also supports project evaluation following completion. These concepts are illustrated with example case studies, primarily from Southeast Asia. Due diligence systems will be dramatically improved by data streams available from upcoming remote sensing constellation missions, such as Sentinel-2, RapidEye+, UrtheCast, and nano-satellites such as PlanetLabs. The potential impact of these systems will be evaluated with potential use cases. 21 Remote Sensing Research and Education in Developing Countries: What Delivers and Why Robert Ryerson1* and Barry Haack2 1. President, Kim Geomatics Corporation, Box 1125, Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A9 [email protected] 2. Professor of Geography, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA [email protected] * Presenting Author: Robert Ryerson, President, Kim Geomatics Corporation, [email protected] ABSTRACT Research in remote sensing has been undertaken around the world since the 1970s. A number of different models have been used to develop research capacity and education in remote sensing to support development in less developed countries. In some cases students have come to developed countries to pursue PhDs or post-doctoral fellowships. In others, scientists from developed countries have worked for a short time in the developing countries. In still other cases there have been research partnerships between institutions in developed and developing countries. Scientists from developed countries have also served on advisory and examination committees in universities in less developed countries to strengthen them. At the same time, there have been different models to give voice to scientists from less developed countries – different approaches to symposia, and now the Internet. There are also ongoing issues of hardware, software, internet speed, and data availability for education. This paper examines what seems to produce education and research useful to the developing country and why. The authors have worked in research environments involving remote sensing and development in Africa, Asia, South America, and the Pacific. 22 Towards the remote detection of graves: a four-year study of the ecology and spectral evolution of experimental mass graves in the tropics Margaret Kalacska* 1, Pablo Arroyo 1,2, Tim Moore 1, Mike Dalva 1 , George Leblanc 3 1. Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6 2. Geographic Information Centre, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6 3. National Research Council Canada, Flight Research Laboratory, 1920 Research Rd, Building U-61, Ottawa ON Canada K1A 0R6 * Presenting Author: Margaret Kalacska, Department of Geography, McGill University, 514-398-4455, [email protected] ABSTRACT Former studies have illustrated the potential of hyperspectral data for the detection of mass burials in tropical environments and at a temperate site for large commingled burials. While single graves were found to be detectable from airborne hyperspectral imagery both one month and four years after burial, at present there are no longitudinal studies examining the evolution of mass graves from the ecological perspective, the biogeochemistry or the spectral characteristics. For single graves, the spectral properties and the feasibility of detection can vary substantially even within a time frame as short as six months. Knowledge of how graves change over time is crucial in order to facilitate detection. This study illustrates for the first time the vegetation successional patterns, the changes in the biogeochemistry (production of methane and nitrous oxide) by the soil microbial community and the changes in the spectral properties of the dominant vegetation species (Ochorma pyramidale) over the course of four years in three experimental mass graves in Costa Rica. The study also shows that despite being indistinguishable in the landscape from high spatial resolution aerial photography the graves are detectable with no false positives from an airborne platform using VNIR hyperspectral imagery four years after burial. 23 S5 Microwave Radar Applications / S5 Applications du radar microondes Weimin Huang, chair / modérateur Wave Height Estimation from Ship-Borne X-Band Nautical Radar Images Xinlong Liu1*, Weimin Huang2 and Eric W Gill3 1. PhD student, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-765-0702, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-864-8937, [email protected] 3. Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-864-8922, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Xinlong Liu, PhD student, 709-765-0702, [email protected]. ABSTRACT In this paper, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) based method is applied to the problem of estimation of significant wave height (HS) from ship-borne X-band nautical radar images. The method is based on the assumption that the significant wave height is proportional to the square root of the SNR. Although this method has been successfully applied to stationary radar systems, its application to a radar mounted on a moving vessel is investigated here. Low quality images acquired during rain and low wind speed are eliminated by a data quality control algorithm. Time series of sub-images are then selected from the portion around the upwind direction. The normalized scalar product (NSP) method is used to estimate the encounter current velocity, which is incorporated into the dispersion relationship to separate the wave components from the noise. A linear model is sought by curve fitting the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the buoy-derived significant wave height. Finally, based on the obtained model, significant wave height is determined using the estimated SNR. Validation of the method, undertaken by comparing HS obtained from the radar and buoy data, reveals a good agreement, with a correlation coefficient of 0.78 and a root mean square (RMS) difference of 0.49 m. However, some large differences may also be observed, and these are conjectured to result from the movement of the ship. The next phase of this work is to analyze and minimize the effect of ship motion on wave measurements. 24 Performance Evaluation of an Interacting Multiple Model Marine-Radar Target Tracker Reza Shahidi1* 1. Senior Research Scientist, Rutter Technologies, Inc., 63 Thorburn Rd., St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709) 576-6666, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Reza Shahidi, Senior Research Scientist, 709 576-6666, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The 8.1 release of Rutter’s sigma S6 software features a new target tracker compared to previous releases. This new tracker is based on Interacting Multiple Models (IMM), where both constant-velocity and maneuvering targets can be effectively tracked. In this paper, we will be comparing the performance of the new IMM target tracker vs. Rutter’s previous single model tracker on both synthetic and real datasets, and will show that the IMM target tracker significantly outperforms the single model tracker in terms of both probability-of-tracking and accuracy of tracking results. 25 Case Study: Pedestrian Bridge Static and Dynamic Monitoring Using GroundBased Radar Arpik Haikazi Hakobyan1*, Peter McGuire2, Desmond Power3, Cecilia Moloney4, Thomas Puestow5, Guido Luzi6 1. PhD Candidate, C-CORE, MUN, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7097403137, [email protected] 2. Senior Project Engineer, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098642006, [email protected] 3. Vise-President, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098648353, [email protected] 4. Professor, MUN, S.J. Carew Building, 240 Prince Phillip Drive, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 709864896, [email protected] 5. Senior Manager, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098642586, [email protected] 6. Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, CTTC, Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Castelldefels, Spain, 34935569280, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Arpik Hakobyan, PhD Candidate, 709-740-3137, [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper demonstrates the results of applying the ground-based microwave interferometric radar technology in monitoring a pedestrian sky-walk bridge and measuring its oscillation under a controlled loading. The sky-walk consists of a covered bridge that connects the Aquarena and Field House buildings located at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada, and it provides students, faculty, and staff with a safe access to two major facilities at the campus, Aquarena and Field House. The sky-walk bridge is an essential to the university because of the high volume of pedestrians using it, especially during the winter semester. The sky-walk reliability is an important factor for the university business operations without interruption, material damage, unanticipated costs, and possible fatalities. The possible damage to the structure can be caused by a variety of factors, such as harsh weather conditions, high winds, temperature fluctuations, aging of the structure. Therefore, for hazard prevention, risk mitigation and forecasting, it is important to develop a robust and reliable approach to monitor and quantify the safety of the structure. The radar system is able to detect the vibration response of the bridge and identify points with high signal-to-noise ratio along the underside of the structure. Their displacements and timehistories as a response to the load are described. The ground-based radar IBIS-S(Image By Interferometric Survey) is developed by the IDS (Ingegneria dei Sistemi SpA), Italy, and is owned by C-CORE. 26 Short-Term Drift Trajectory Prediction Using X-band Marine Radar Armin Parsa1*, Katrin Hessner2 1. R&D Department, Rutter Inc., 63 Thorburn Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 2. R&D Department, Ocean Waves, Vor dem Bardowicker Tore 6b, Lüneburg, Germany * Presenting Author: Armin Parsa, Senior Research Scientist, 709-576-6666, [email protected] ABSTRACT A commercial marine radar is used for predicting the drift trajectory of a light weight buoy floating on ocean surface at Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. The short-term drift trajectory is predicted by a Monte Carlo simulation which takes into account the drift forces due to wind and surface current. The surface current drifting forces are extracted from a series of radar images using WaMoS II algorithm. The radar images were recorded from a mobile radar platform equipped with a standard marine radar transceiver, a vertical-polarized antenna, and a sigma S6 processor. The wind field information is collected from Argentia weather station which is approximately 1 nmi away from the drifter location, and a spatially uniform wind field is assumed. The drifting buoy consists of a 36 inch diameter fishing buoy covered in a radar reflective jacket. The actual location of the drifter is recorded over time using sigma S6 tracker. The parameters used in drift prediction algorithm are optimized to reduce the error between the actual drift trajectory and the predicted drift trajectory. The optimization parameters include drifter weight, drifter cross sections above and below sea surface, wind direction, and wind speed. 27 S6 Innovative Earth Observation Techniques Supporting Informed Oil & Gas Development – I / S6 Techniques d’observation de la Terre innovatrices en soutien au développement pétrolier et gazier – I Douglas Bancroft, chair / modérateur Earth Observation Contributions to Responsible Resource Development in the Alberta Oil Sands Region Darren Pouliot 1, Richard Fernandes2, Rasim Latifovic3, Vern Singhroy4, Ridha Touzi5, Joost van der Sanden6, Ying Zhang7, Brian Brisco 8, Todd Shipmen9 , and Darren Janzen10 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6341, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7002, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6535, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 1047, [email protected] 5. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7181, [email protected] 6. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7208, [email protected] 7. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7987, [email protected] 8. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-6341, [email protected] 9. Manager Landscapes and Geological Hazards, Alberta Geological Survey, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 780 644 5563, [email protected] 10. Section Head, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6339, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Darren Pouliot, Remote Sensing Scientist, 613 759 6341, [email protected] ABSTRACT Natural Resources are fundamental to Canada’s economy and central to NRCan’s mandate. Responsible development is important not only to Canadians but also for the social license to operate which is key to securing export markets. For effectiveness and credibility, it is essential that science based solutions underpin and document the responsible nature of Canada’s resource development. Earth observation can contribute to this need through improved regulatory compliance, environmental impact assessment, and safety/security. To this end, in collaboration with the Alberta Government and the Canadian Space Agency, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing launched several research and development projects in the Alberta Oil Sands Region. The effort involved development of new methods, datasets and in depth performance evaluations base on a variety of earth observation technologies. The main areas of research included: change monitoring of infrastructure, surface deformation associated with in-situ oil extraction, enhanced classification and monitoring of peatlands, measuring water level change, detailed regional land 28 surface characterization, snow cover retrieval, and river ice monitoring. This presentation will provide an overview of these research efforts and the major outcomes to date. 29 Anthropogenic Change Detection using Landsat Multispectral Datasets Subir Chowdhury 1*, Dennis Chao 2, Todd Shipman 3, and Ying Zhang 4 1. Remote Sensing Specialist, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-427-4115, e-mail: [email protected] 2. GIS Specialist, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-644-5563, e-mail: [email protected] 3. Manager, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-644-5563, e-mail: [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester Street , 6th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, phone: 1-613-759-7987, e-mail: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Subir Chowdhury, Remote Sensing Specialist, 780-427-4115, Email: [email protected]. ABSTRACT Anthropogenic change detection associated with oil and gas activities plays an important role for the development of effective sustainable management practices, compliance monitoring, and well site reclamation. Satellite Earth Observation (EO) data allows us to detect reversible or irreversible changes in infrastructures (e.g., roads, well pads, pipeline corridors, processing facilities, core hole drilling, and access corridors to core hole sites) and transient land disturbances (e.g., cut blocks) associated with oil and gas exploration and extraction. Quantification of these landscape changes using EO data is a solution to the current compliance activities, which include site visits by agency personnel that is both time consuming and costly. The study area is located near Fox Creek, Alberta (NTS 83K / 1, 2, 6, and 7) and represents one of the major conventional oil and gas production sites and has potential for unconventional oil and gas development according to the AER Play-Based Regulation pilot project. Best-Available-Pixel (BAP) composite of Landsat multispectral datasets (2005 – 2012) provided by the Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada were used for anthropogenic change detection study. In addition, publicly available Landsat-8 multispectral datasets (2013 and 2014) provided by the United States Geological Survey were used. The Iteratively Reweighted Multivariate Alteration Detection (IR-MAD) change detection algorithm was applied to 2005 – 2014 multispectral datasets to extract negative (land disturbances) and positive (vegetation recovery) changes for each year. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification was applied to multispectral data of each year to classify land cover types of positive and negative changes. Ground reference datasets were generated by matching clusters generated using the Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique (ISODATA) algorithm with the generalized land cover classes produced by the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. The SVM was trained using 20% pixels from each ground reference class and the rest 80% pixels of each class were used for validation. Six land cover classes were used: developed, cut blocks, shrubland and grassland, boardleaf forest, coniferous forest, and water. Usually, it is difficult to separate cut block class from developed land cover class due to similar spectral characteristics. In this study, developed class was separated from cut blocks to quantify anthropogenic changes, where a producer accuracy of 90% was achieved for this class. 30 Remote Sensing as a Tool to Assess Reclaimed Areas: a Multi-sensor, Multi-data Approach Kaan Ersahin 1, Leslie Brown2, Eduardo Loos3*, Gary Borstad4, Nadia Rochdi5, Karl Staenz6, David Polster7 1. Project Manager, ASL Environmental Sciences, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-656-0177, [email protected] 2. Senior Scientist, ASL Environmental Sciences, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-656-0177, [email protected] 3. Project Manager, ASL Environmental Sciences, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-656-0177, [email protected] 4. Vice-President, ASL Environmental Sciences, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-656-0177, [email protected] 5. Research Scientist, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 403-332-4447, [email protected] 6. Professor, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 403-329-2047, [email protected] 7. President, Polster Environmental Services, Duncan, BC, Canada, 250-746-8052, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Kaan Ersahin, Project Manager, 250-656-0177, [email protected] ABSTRACT The objective of reclamation was usually to cover the bare ground as quickly as possible with agronomic grasses to reduce erosion and was often done with little if any pre-disturbance information. Recent regulation requires forestry, oil, gas, and mining companies to return disturbed land as closely as possible to its original state upon completion of their activities in operating areas. As climate continues to change and resource exploration and extraction increase, mapping the changing landscape becomes key for the conservation and sustainable management of resources. Monitoring of reclaimed sites is a complex, interdisciplinary undertaking, especially in large, disturbed areas with difficult access. In that context, remote sensing is unique and valuable as it provides a synoptic view of an entire reclamation program over time, extending the more detailed but sparsely-distributed in situ monitoring. Remote sensing can provide information about a site’s vegetation history, and whether or not it has reached and maintained biomass above the permit threshold for self-sustaining status. It also helps decision-makers focus remediation efforts on specific locations most needing it, rather than making unnecessary and potentially costly changes to entire sites. The objectives of this CSA-supported project involve: assessment of optical and RADAR remote sensing for characterization of early stage reclamation of disturbed areas; comparison and integration of information from optical and RADAR data analyses for different sites; and development of strategies for remote sensing-based reclamation monitoring, based on site properties. These techniques will have potential for operational, long-term, and widespread utilization in industry and government agencies. 31 Piloting a Predictive Ecosite Mapping Platform for Alberta Craig Aumann1*, John Simms2, Dave Springer3, Jim Schieck4, and Robert MacMillan5 1. Senior Scientist, Environment and Carbon Management, Alberta Innovates – Tech Futures, 250 Karl Clark Rd, Edmonton AB, Canada, 780-450-5260, [email protected] 2. P.O. Box 2773, 602 7th St, Revelstoke BC, Canada, 250-837-3060, [email protected] 3. Silvacom, 3912 91st St, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 780-462-3238, [email protected] 4. Science Co-Director, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Bag 4000, Vegreville, AB, Canada, 780-632-8306, [email protected] 5. LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc., 7415 118A St NW, Edmonton AB, 780-435-4531, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Craig Aumann, Senior Scientist, 780-450-5260, [email protected] ABSTRACT Ecosite are ecologically distinct units formed from the interaction of local topography, climate, and soil characteristics that provide information about the ecological functionality of any site. Despite the need for consistent, comprehensive, province-wide ecosite information, the current approach to obtaining ecosite information in Alberta is beset by information barriers (everyone collects only the minimal information they need), is focused on site-level requirements needed for regulatory approval (not on how to create provincial scale information), and as a result is highly fragmented, inefficient and costly. We are exploring predictive mapping technologies through a pilot project that uses variables derived from LIDAR DEMs and imagery (MODIS, LANDSAT), combined with existing ecosite information, to develop predictive models using machine learning approaches. The geostatistical predictive models are being used to produce maps over northern and southern pilot areas (each ~22,000 km2), and to design field sampling programs to cost effectively assess and improve map accuracy. The approach being piloted will form the core of a future predictive mapping platform for ecosites and potentially many other terrestrial attributes (e.g. soils). The platform will inform industry on the best locations to conduct field sampling based on the predicted spatial accuracy in the area to be sampled and will also support use of information collected by industry and others in subsequent predictive models to iteratively and continuously improve map accuracy across larger regions. This process of continuous improvement ensures that map quality will continue to improve over time in a manner which is feasible, efficient, and cost-effective. 32 Using Satellite imagery and Automated Feature Extraction Techniques to Accurately Map Alberta’s Pipeline Corridors Sam Lieff1*, J.V. Gill2 1. General Manager, BlackBridge Geomatics, 3528-30th St. N., Lethbridge, AB, Canada, (403.381.2800) [email protected] 2. J.V. Gill, Sr. Manager, Operations, BlackBridge Geomatics, 3528-30th St. N., Lethbridge, AB, Canada * Presenting Author: Sam Lieff, General Manager, 403.381.2800, [email protected] ABSTRACT From 2011 - 2013, Alberta Department of Energy worked with BlackBridge Geomatics to capture anthropogenic footprint disturbance caused by Oil and Gas industrial activities. Using high-resolution satellite imagery, BlackBridge developed methodologies to capture footprint of well pads (from oil and gas wells drilled) and oil and gas facilities. The delivered output was spatial data (vector-based polygons) containing relevant attributes, for the whole province of Alberta. Currently, Alberta Energy generates the provincial pipeline footprint (the land area disturbed by pipeline construction) by buffering the mapped pipelines to a standard width. Although this generalization of the pipeline footprint has been adequate for approximation, actual captured data is necessary for more accurate modelling, forecasting, and measuring cumulative effects. BlackBridge is now building an automated workflow and intelligent quality control process to capture the actual anthropogenic footprint disturbances caused by Oil and Gas pipeline constructions and their associated corridors, adding to the collection of earlier footprint data. Again, high-resolution satellite imagery is used as the base data to accurately capture the pipeline corridor locations and sizes. 33 S7 Getting Ready for RADARSAT Constellation Mission / S7 Se préparer pour la Constellation RADARSAT Daniel De Lisle, chair / modérateur RADARSAT Constellation/ SENTINEL-1 Missions Update Daniel De Lisle1 Steve Iris2 and Pierre Potin3 1. RCM Data Utilization & Applications, Canadian Space Agency, 6767 route de l’aéroport, Longueuil, QC, Canada, J3Y 8Y9, 450-926-6611, [email protected] 2. Canadian Space Agency, 6767 route de l’aéroport, Longueuil, QC, Canada, J3Y 8Y9, [email protected] 3. European Space Agency, ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei, 2, 00044 Frascati, Italy, [email protected] * Presenting Author: , Daniel De Lisle, RCM Data Utilization & Applications, 450-926-6611, [email protected] ABSTRACT The number of applications using radar satellite imagery has been significantly growing over the past years. Very active in this field for more than two decades, Canada and Europe continue to maintain leadership within C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar systems. The demand for Earth observation intelligence to support operational monitoring applications, particularly in the maritime domain, requires maintaining an operational satellite capability in orbit to ensure data continuity with the past/current missions and an uninterrupted supply of key information to decision makers. Therefore, the Canadian and European space agency’s respectively work actively on new radar missions; the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) currently in development and Sentinel-1 (A unit already launched, B unit under procurement). The long and successful historical collaboration between the two agencies as well as complementary radar technologies currently in development naturally led to the establishment of an exchange mechanism to explore and maximize the potential synergy between the two missions for the benefit of users. This presentation aims to provide up-to-date information on the RCM and Sentinel-1 missions’ and to describe the main characteristic of these systems. We will also present the collaborative activities implemented between the CSA and ESA with the aim to maximize the potential offered by their respective systems. This cooperation and synergy could provide several benefits to the users in terms of improving coverage of user’s areas of interest, reducing latencies, providing complementary data/modes, and alleviating potential data acquisition conflicts. We will conclude with the activities currently ongoing to facilitate the access to Canadian users of Sentinel data through the Canadian government satellite ground infrastructure which will ensure the availability and continuity of imagery to support Canada’s key operational programs. 34 RCM Data Utilization & Application Plan (DUAP) Daniel De Lisle1*, Steve Iris2 1. RCM Data Utilization & Applications, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l’aéroport, Longueuil (QC), Canada J3Y 8Y9 450-926-6611, [email protected] 2. RCM Mission Manager, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l’aéroport, Longueuil (QC), Canada J3Y 8Y9, 450926-6554, [email protected] * Presenting Author: , Daniel De Lisle, RCM Data Utilization & Applications, 450-926-6611, [email protected] ABSTRACT The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) is scheduled for a launch in 2018. A key component of the RCM Major Crown Project (MCP) is the Data Utilization and Application Program (DUAP) intended to make optimum use of the data when the system becomes operational. The RCM DUAP is aimed at supporting the development of Earth observation applications and user capabilities to facilitate integration and/or transition of those applications into their operations with a goal to start exploiting the benefits of RCM when the system becomes operational. Within the RCM Major Crown Project, a dedicated budget has been allocated to the Data Utilization and Application Program in order to prepare and develop initial applications. The collaboration between the CSA and the government users is focused on applications involving RCM data and specific activities to exploit the unique capabilities and properties offered by the RCM: Facilitate the integration of RCM data into existing operational applications of RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. Support the integration of RCM data into applications that have been demonstrated to the point where they are fully integrated into the operations of OGDs in support of their mandates Support science, research and development activities for potential new applications or improve existing ones. Facilitate the utilization and access to data, products and services produced by RCM to users. This presentation will give an overview of the activities supported by the DUAP in collaboration with other Government Departments. 35 The Development of RCM Value-added Products and Services at Natural Resources Canada Sylvia Thomas1*, Robert Landry2, Sylvain Lemay3, Sergey Samsonov4, Roger DeAbreu5, Mohamed Habbane6, Don Raymond7 1. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Section Head, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4 613 694-2680, [email protected] 2. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Senior Physical Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4, 613 759-7148, [email protected] 3. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Project Manager, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4 ,613 759-7599, [email protected] 4. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4613 759-1186, [email protected] 5. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Section Head, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4613 715-5324, [email protected] 6. Management Services and International Affairs, Deputy Director, Strategic Policy and Operations Branch, NRCan, 588 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0Y7 613 947-1283, [email protected] 7. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Physical Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, NRCan, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E4 ABSTRACT The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), is currently leading three projects that are supported by the Canadian Space Agency’s Data Utilization and Application Program (DUAP) for the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). These projects seek to facilitate the use of RCM data streams by providing users with new and readily accessible value-added products (VAPs) and services. The projects are: The development and delivery of on-demand RCM VAPs via the Earth Observation Data Management System. Specifically, the project will identify, develop and operationalise a suite of VAPs that range from low-level, pre-processing products with a wide user base; mid-level products such as orthorectified imagery and polarimetric decompositions to enable broad use of RCM’s new Compact Polarimetric beam modes; and potentially high-level downstream applications products. The development and delivery of on-demand RCM ground deformation products based on advanced Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology. This project will develop a framework for automatic generation of standard and advanced deformation products based on InSAR technology from RCM data. Through automation it will be possible to extend the mapping of surface deformation to non-SAR experts. The transition of CCMEO’s Emergency Geomatics Service from a RADARSAT-2 based service to the RCM, to enable provision of RCM products and services in near-real time; primarily open water flood extent polygons, ice breakup condition maps and infrastructure damage assessments. This presentation will give an overview of the projects, provide preliminary results where available, and map the way forward over the projects’ five-year duration. 36 RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Opportunity to Expand Soil Moisture Information Jarrett Powers1*, Heather McNairn2, Amine Merzouki3, Anna Pacheco4, Catherine Champagne5, Allan Howard6 1. Manager, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, Manitoba Knowledge & Technology Transfer, 200-303 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, (204) 259-4010, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 759-1815, [email protected] 3. Physical Scientist, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 759-1815, [email protected] 4. Agroclimate Specialist, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, Eastern Cereal & Oilseed Research Centre, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 694-2411, [email protected] 5. Earth Observation Scientist, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, National Agroclimate Information Service, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 715-5255, [email protected] 6. Manager, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Science & Technology Branch, National Agroclimate Information Service, 2010 12th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, (306) 523-6789, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jarrett Powers, Manager, 204 259-4010, [email protected] ABSTRACT Access to timely and accurate soil moisture data is an important data variable for weather forecasting and climate modeling, hydrology and flood forecasting and biophysical systems. The information spans the sectors of agriculture, forestry, environment, water management and public health and safety. For agriculture, soil moisture is vital for predicting irrigation water needs, forecasting crop production and monitoring risks associated with floods/excess moisture, drought, pests and crop diseases. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has worked extensively to successfully develop the processes to derive soil moisture information from the RADARSAT-2 sensor on non-vegetated agricultural soils. Through partnerships with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Environment Canada, Universities and other organizations, AAFC is continuing to develop new approaches to derive soil moisture throughout the crop season, evaluate and adapt these approaches using other SAR sensors such as the RADARSATConstellation Mission (RCM), and investigate the application of the information for agricultural uses. This presentation will provide an overview of AAFC’s plans to adapt current soil moisture retrieval processes to future RCM operations under CSA’s Data Utilization and Application Program. It will also examine efforts undertaken to streamline data processing, allowing AAFC to more readily produce soil moisture products; provide an overview of AAFC’s in-situ soil moisture monitoring network; and discuss examples of agricultural applications for the information. 37 RCM Data Utilization & Application Plan (DUAP) Activities at the Canadian Ice Service Leah Braithwaite1*, Matthew Arkett1, Marilee Pregitzer1, Angela Cheng1, Tom Carrieres1, Lynn Pogson1, David Bradley2, Shahid Khurshid2, and Shannon Kaya2 1. Environment Canada-Canadian Ice Service, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2. Earth Observation & Geomatics, Meteorological Service of Canada, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (613) 996-8637, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Leah Braithwaite, 613 947-7514, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Building on the success of the RADARSAT-1 & 2 missions, the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) primary objectives are to provide greatly improved operational capability, ensure data continuity for existing users of current RADARSAT missions, as well as adding a new series of applications enabled through the constellation approach. With three satellites, RCM will offer more frequent observations of the Canadian territory and its surrounding waters day and night under any weather conditions in support of Government of Canada (GoC) priorities. The national daily coverage and fast revisit capability offered by RCM will significantly increase Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data acquisition from current RADARSAT utilization by the Canadian Ice Service (CIS). Recognizing that current infrastructure and processing techniques to transform data into usable information product may not be adequate to ingest this additional data flow, the CIS will be spending the next five years ensuring that their operational programs will be ready to make optimum use of the SAR data when the system becomes operational. The Data Utilization and Applications Plan (DUAP), a key component of the RCM Major Crown Project (MCP), provides the framework of the technical and financial assistance to GoC departments to upgrade their operational applications using SAR data and integrate new ones exploiting the new capabilities offered by the RCM. These applications are needed to transform the data into value-added information required by user departments to realize their mandate. This paper will provide an overview of the DUAP activities being undertaken at CIS and will describe the associated research and development in ice, oil and iceberg monitoring. 38 S8 Marine Remote Sensing / S8 Télédétection des milieux marins Anders Knudby and Ian Mcdermott, co-chairs / modérateurs Landsat-based kelp mapping in British Columbia Anders Knudby1*, Olympia Koziatek2 1. Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, +1-778782-3876, [email protected] 2. MSc student, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, +1-604-916-1513, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anders Knudby, Assistant Professor, 778-782-3876, [email protected] ABSTRACT The coast of British Columbia is home to large stands of giant kelp (Macrocystis integrifolia) and bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeanaa). Both play a key role in coastal ecosystem dynamics, are sensitive to changes in ocean climate, and support a small harvesting industry. However, the spatial extent of kelp forests in British Columbia is unknown outside pilot sites, as is any long-term change trajectory or short-term variability. As a first step in establishing baseline information on kelp forests in British Columbia, we report on the effectiveness of two methods that have been used successfully to map another species of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) in California, using Landsat data. The first method applies a land-water mask and then uses a simple NDVI threshold to separate kelp from other water areas in a binary classification. The second method uses multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) to assign per-pixel percentage kelp cover, on which a threshold is then applied to produce a binary classification. Validation using 2010 field data from Clayoquot Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island suggests that the two methods produce similar map accuracies when calibrated to a single scene, but also that MESMA processing can be automated and thus has greater potential for time series analysis and upscaling. 39 Mapping of Boulders in Seismically Heterogeneous Marine Soils Adam O. Gogacz1*, Shervin Azad2, Jacques Y. Guigné3, Ryan Laidley4, Ian McDermott5 1. Acoustic Zoom Inc., 685 St. Thomas Line, Paradise, NL, Canada, (709) 895-6088, [email protected] 2. Acoustic Zoom Inc., 685 St. Thomas Line, Paradise, NL, Canada, (709) 895-6088, [email protected] 3. Acoustic Zoom Inc., 685 St. Thomas Line, Paradise, NL, Canada, (709) 895-6088, [email protected] 4. PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709) 739-8032, [email protected] 5. PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709) 739-8032, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Adam O. Gogacz, (709) 895-6088 ext 201, [email protected] ABSTRACT The presence of boulders, defined as rock fragments with diameter larger than 0.3 meters, poses an engineering risk to the construction of marine structures (e.g. offshore wind-turbines or oil and gas platforms) due to either total rejection or deflection of driven foundational piles. The glacial tills found in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Irish Sea, and the Grand Banks bear a substantial number of boulders; these are also regions with increasing oil and gas as well as renewable energy sector activities. Hence, a new technology is required to mitigate the risk in the foundation construction as posed by the boulders. The Acoustic Corer™ is a purpose-built technology designed to acquire a scattering (acoustic) response of the sub-seafloor on a dense grid; this acquisition and processing methodology has been thoroughly tested in the above-mentioned marine environments. Processing of the data is based on a (acoustic) backprojection operator obtained from the first term of the asymptotic expansion of Green’s function (ray theory) and the Born approximation for the scattered field. This processing method, akin to and otherwise known as beamforming or migration, requires that a background compressional-wave (P-wave) speed of the soil be known a priori. The discussed method shows how to determine the background P-wave model based on user-driven diffraction-focusing technique. This technique is illustrated on synthetics as well as real data (Grand Banks) with a discussion of failure to detect boulders if the background P-wave model is not sufficiently accurate. 40 Testing the Capabilities of a Landsat Time Series to Assess Changes in Marine Protected Areas in Eastern Africa Anders Knudby1*, Candace Newman2, Johan Eklöf3, Martin Gullström4 1. Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, +1-778782-3876, [email protected] 2. Postdoc, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, SE- 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden, +1 (778) 938-8490, [email protected] 3. Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, SE- 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 (0) 8 16 13 58, [email protected] 4. Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University, SE- 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden, +46 (0) 8 16 37 75, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anders Knudby, Assistant Professor, 778-782-3876, [email protected] ABSTRACT The implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) around the world continues to grow with recent commitments from developed and developing states that will see several marine areas each larger than 200,000 square kilometers receive protection from fishing, industrial development and other anthropogenic pressures. The reason for this continued expansion of marine protection is the vast empirical evidence that demonstrates well-supported MPAs lead to higher fish biomass, species diversity, and numbers of large organisms both inside and outside the protected area. In Eastern Africa, and many parts of the world, the spatial extent and composition of these variables have been documented using numerous remotely-sensed techniques; however, to-date there has been limited analysis of the long-term change of these variables. The Landsat imagery archive, which contains images from 1972 and covers most coastal regions of the world, could provide an invaluable data source for assessing long-term changes. We assess the capabilities of Landsat imagery to detect changes in the spatial extent and composition of valued substrates protected using MPAs off the coast of Eastern Africa, and report on the extent to which change analysis can be automated, as application of a standard change analysis technique is desired for multiple sites in subsequent project stages. 41 Results from the first topo-bathymetric lidar surveys of the Chiroptera II sensor for coastal and freshwater sites in Maritime Canada Nathan Crowell1*, Kevin McGuigan1, Kate Collins1, Candace MacDonald1 and Tim Webster2 1. Research Associate, Applied Geomatics Research Group, Nova Scotia Community College, Middleton, Nova Scotia, Canada, 902 825 5478 email:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Applied Geomatics Research Group, Nova Scotia Community College, Middleton, Nova Scotia, Canada, 902 825 5475 email:[email protected] * Presenting author: Nathan Crowell 902-825-5478 [email protected] ABSTRACT The Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) within the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) acquired a new shallow water airborne topo-bathymetric lidar sensor, the Chiroptera II, and flew the first missions in September 2014. The survey areas consisted of several embayments along the Northumberland Strait, an area on the Atlantic coast and two freshwater lakes. Many of the areas are sheltered bays that host shellfish aquaculture farms. The low flow rates associated with these bays promote high volumes of sediment cover and the presence of glacial till along the coast promotes fine grained near shore sediments. These sediments can be re-suspended in the water column during periods of increased wave activity. As a result, one must assess both the current environmental conditions (wind, cloud ceiling height) as well as the water clarity conditions that may be influenced by previous conditions such as strong winds, thus adding additional operational constraints. The reflectance of the seabed also influences the maximum depth achieved. Having multiple study areas to choose from during a bathymetric lidar survey campaign allows flexibility to survey areas of optimal water clarity. Results indicate depth penetration of 5-6 m for most of the study sites and the sensor is ideal for differentiating the water surface from the seabed at depths less than 2 m which was problematic in earlier lidars. In addition to generating seamless DEMs of the study areas, reflectance of the green laser is used in combination with elevation variables to map submerged aquatic vegetation. 42 Buried UXO Imaging Survey with a Sub-Bottom Imager™ Alison Brown1*, and Ryan Laidley2, Ian McDermott3 1. Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc, 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032 ext. 238, [email protected] 2.Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032 ext. 242, [email protected] 3. Lead Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc, 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032 ext. 229, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Alison Brown, Geoscientist, 709-739-8032 ext. 238, [email protected]. ABSTRACT PanGeo Subsea was contracted to carry out a survey to locate a buried unexploded ordinance (UXO) target within a dockyard area. Previous attempts to locate the UXO using electromagnetic methods had been unsuccessful. The UXO was known to be 5.8m long by 0.5m diameter. The seafloor in the area consisted of 6m of soft sediment overlying a harder clay layer. The UXO was thought to have sunk through the soft sediment, resting on the underlying clay. PanGeo Subsea deployed their Sub-Bottom Imager™ (SBI) to carry out the survey. The SBI is an acoustic imaging tool designed to be mounted on an ROV, drag arm, or similar mobile subsea platform. It uses chirp sonar transmission, beamforming, and synthetic aperture processing to interrogate the sub-seabed and form a 3D image of any buried objects or structures such as UXO, boulders, and geological formations. The survey operations were complicated by the shallow water depth and proximity to the quayside, and so the standard method of deployment from an ROV was unsuitable. Instead, the SBI assembly was deployed from a mobile crane station on the quayside. In one area with particularly limited maneuverability, the SBI was towed by a dive boat. The target was identified together with several other non-UXO objects. SBI acoustic images and their interpretation are presented. 43 S9 Airborne Imaging and Calibration / S9 Imagerie aéroportée et calibration Raymond Soffer, chair / modérateur Boreal forest and peatland classification integrating GEOBIA and Hyperspectral Imagery Margaret Kalacska1*, Carlomagno Soto1, J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora1,2, Ian Strachan3 1. Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6 2. Geographic Information Centre, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6 3. Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Campus 21111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9 * Presenting Author: Margaret Kalacska, Associate Professor, McGill University, 514 398-4455, [email protected] , ABSTRACT Precise mapping of boreal ecosystems is challenging from remotely sensed data; in particular the separation of classes such as forest and treed peatland. In order to overcome these challenges, analysis of hyperspectral imagery has shown to be an effective alternative to multispectral satellite imagery. In this study we combine airborne hyperspectral imagery with low altitude aerial photographs to systematically classify boreal forest and peatland. Photographs captured with a Canon T1i DSLR (Canon EF-S 18-55mm lens) were mosaicked and geometrically corrected to a final spatial resolution of 8cm, which we define as Very High Resolution Aerial Photographs (VHRP). Using Object-Oriented Image Analysis seven land cover classes were extracted from the VHRP. The VHRP mosaic classification was carried out in eConition 8.2 by developing a series of binary classification rulesets taking into account segment statistics such as the mean brightness, hue and saturation, among others. Using ENVI 5.2 the classes derived from the object-oriented approach were used to train and classify airborne hyperspectral imagery. Results show an overall accuracy of >80% suggesting that the integration of the object oriented approach with the hyperspectral imagery improves the accuracy of landcover classification in boreal forest and peatlands. 44 Bundle Adjustment of VNIR, SWIR and LWIR Airborne Hyperspectral Systems at Rothera Research Station, Antarctic Peninsula Stephen Achal1*, Hugh Corr2, John McFee3, Andrew Fleming4, Ashley Tam5 and Rita Leung6 1. Chief Scientist, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada 2. Glaciologist, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK 3. President, McFysics, Medicine Hat, Canada 4. Environmental Scientist, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK 5. Principal Geomatics Engineer, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada 6. Geomatics Research Engineer, ITRES Research Limited, Calgary, Canada * Presenting Author: Stephen Achal, Chief Scientist, (403) 250 9955, [email protected] ABSTRACT In February 2011, VNIR, SWIR and LWIR hyperspectral imaging systems (CASI-1500, SASI-600, and TASI600 respectively) were installed in a Twin Otter, equipped with a large aerial survey port, at the Rothera Research Station, Antarctic Peninsula. The installation-dependent position and angular offsets between each system’s entrance pupil and the IMU center and GPS antennae were iteratively derived from data acquired during a bundle adjustment (BA) flight. Typically, BA flights are preformed over areas containing well-distributed arrays of precisely surveyed ground control points (GCPs). The corners and edges of easily accessible anthropogenic structures (buildings, roads, etc.) with high contrast in the VNIR, SWIR and LWIR serve as ideal GCPs. Unfortunately, in remote and extreme environments, such as Antarctica, there are very few natural and anthropogenic GCPs that are clearly identifiable in the VNIR, SWIR and LWIR. Predictably, the area surrounding Rothera Research Station contains few GCP candidates. Thus, a proof of concept scheme involving distributing sixteen field-deployable GCPs made of Aluminized Mylar™ within the BA area was attempted. The Aluminized Mylar™ GCPs were clearly identifiable in the data generated by all three instruments during the BA flights (consisting of fourteen north-south flight lines and nine east-west lines crisscrossing a nine square kilometer area). This facilitated the accurate derivation of the BA parameters for the hyperspectral systems’ installation. The BA parameters were subsequently used with in-situ IMU data, DGPS and DEM to ortho-rectify and mosaic the vast quantity of high-spatial resolution VNIR, SWIR and LWIR hyperspectral data collected during the following weeks. 45 Atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral imagery in diverse tropical ecosystems – lessons learned from Mission Airborne Carbon 13 Margaret Kalacska1*, J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora2, Raymond J. Soffer3 1. Associate Professor, Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6, [email protected] 2. Director, Geographic Information Centre, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6, [email protected] 3. Research Council Officer, Flight Research Laboratory, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613)998-5341, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Margaret Kalacska, Associate Professor, (514)398-4347, [email protected] ABSTRACT Across the tropics, forest clearing and anthropogenic forest disturbances such as logging are an important source of gross carbon emissions. Assessments of these land cover changes as well as the quantification of biomass/aboveground carbon stocks are a fundamental requirement of the REDD+ mechanism. A critical step in the derivation of biomass products from imagery is the preprocessing of the data, a key aspect of which is atmospheric correction. In this study we examine the technical aspects of the atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral imagery (CASI-1500 and SASI) using data collected through the Mission Airborne Carbon 13 (MAC13) project. The primary aim of MAC13 is to provide aboveground biomass/carbon accounting from airborne hyperspectral imagery in five highly diverse ecosystems in Costa Rica. We focus on the inclusion of the on-site aerosol optical depth data and simulations with MODTRAN, the utility of MODIS aerosol products as well as potential illumination effects in the ground spectra and the subsequent impact on the vicarious calibration of the imagery. We compare the results obtained from FLAASH and ATCOR to determine the effect of ecosystem (dry vs wet) on the performance of the atmospheric correction modules. Careful consideration must be given to the specifics of each ecosystem in order to obtain the best results from the atmospheric correction module. Furthermore, the importance each of these aspects varies by ecosystem type and topographic characteristics. 46 SNR Implications of On-chip vs Off-chip Pixel Summation Raymond J. Soffer1*, Natalie Cornish2, Margaret Kalacska3 1. Research Council Officer, Flight Research Laboratory, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613)998-5341, [email protected] 2. Research Assistant, Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC Canada H3A 0B9 3. Associate Professor, Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC Canada H3A 0B9 * Presenting Author: Raymond Soffer, Research Council Officer, (613)998-5341, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Certain airborne hyperspectral imaging systems allow the operator to customize the configuration for the number of channels, their locations, and bandwidths. Summing elemental pixels into broader channels within the imaging system is commonly applied to improve the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Alternatively it may be desirable to acquire imagery at the highest possible spectral resolution while allowing for the possibility of summing in post-processing. In this study, the impact on the SNR of summing pixels on- vs off-chip is evaluated. In Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) based systems, the noise model for an individual pixel is a combination of the read-noise, as introduced by the output amplifier, and the shot-noise, which is proportional to the square root of the number of photo- and dark-induced electrons produced within that pixel. When charge is summed on-chip, a single read noise impacts the signal. When pixels are read out individually and summed in post-processing, each pixel to be summed contributes read noise to the resulting pixel. In this presentation we will illustrate the development of a noise model describing the on- and off-chip SNRs with the results validated against laboratory acquired CASI-1500 data of a radiometrically stable integrating sphere. Examples of SNR spectra derived from real world input spectra will be provided demonstrating that for situations in which the read noise is significantly small as compared to the shot noise, summing in post-processing may be achieved with minimal negative impact to the resulting SNR. 47 S10 Innovative Earth Observation Techniques Supporting Informed Oil & Gas Development – II / S10 Techniques d’observation de la Terre innovatrices en soutien au développement pétrolier et gazier – II Douglas Bancroft, chair / modérateur Utilization of Earth Observation Technologies to Assist Incident Response and Investigation Subir Chowdhury 1*, Todd Shipman 2, Greg Schroter 3, and Dennis Chao 4 1. Remote Sensing Specialist, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-427-4115, e-mail: [email protected] 2. Manager, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-644-5563, e-mail: [email protected] 3. Emergency Response Coordinator, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 2nd Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-427-1516, e-mail: [email protected] 4. GIS Specialist, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator, 4999–98 Avenue NW , 4th Floor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, phone: 1-780-644-5563, e-mail: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Subir Chowdhury, Remote Sensing Specialist, Phone: 1-780-427-4115, Email: [email protected]. ABSTRACT The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)/Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) is investigating Earth Observation (EO) technologies to assist incident response and investigation associated with hydrocarbon, produced water, and hazardous gas releases from oil and gas activities. EO datasets are becoming widely available for download and in many cases they are free. AER/AGS has an opportunity to utilize this free resource and to develop the capacity to incorporate this technology as it is introduced. Over past three decades, Landsat data has evolved as a valuable resource for decision makers in various diverse fields, e.g., environmental monitoring, emergency response, agriculture, forestry, land use, water resources, and natural resource exploration. In addition, spaceborne sensors, e.g., Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) currently provides information regarding ambient atmosphere composition. In this study, application of Landsat multispectral datasets are demonstrated for two instances to assist investigation of hydrocarbon and produced water spills. In addition, utilization of OMI hyperspectral datasets for two instances of sulfur dioxide anomalies and two instances of formaldehyde anomalies are shown as possible precursors of hazardous gas release from oil and gas activities. Biomass trends and subpixel level information were used to assess the aftermath of bitumen and produced water release as well as to examine if there was any release before the incident was reported. Biomass trends were computed using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI). In addition, sub-pixel level information was extracted using normalized spectral unmixing and the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) target detection algorithm. For OMI sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde data, time-averaged column amounts were used to produce the map and time-series column amounts were used to produce area statistics. This study demonstrated that extracted information from publicly available multispectral and hyperspectral data can provide evidence for incident response and investigation to support good decisionmaking and to protect public and environment. In addition, it shows the potential of EO technology to 48 track performance measures, e.g., the number of incidents per kilometre of pipelines regulated by the AER. 49 Monitoring Pipeline Right-of-way Encroachment Using Multi-temporal High Resolution SAR Zhaohua Chen1*, Desmond Power2, Michael Lynch3 1. Remote Sensing Research Scientist, C-CORE, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, Tel: 709-864-7264 Email: [email protected] 2. Vice President, C-CORE, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, Tel: 709-8648353 Email: [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing /GIS analyst, C-CORE, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, Tel: 709-864-3727 Email: michael.lynch * Presenting Author: Zhaohua Chen, PhD, Remote Sensing Research Scientist, 709-864-7264 [email protected] ABSTRACT Monitoring and identification of right of way intrusions has been a priority to oil and gas industry to prevent pipeline failure, and to reduce the loss of life and property. Application of radar satellite imagery may offer a cost-effective alternative to field observations and air patrol. Monitoring the oil pipeline encroachment activities usually relies on visual interpretation or change detection based on comparison of bi-date SAR data. Traditional mean ratio change detection and coherence change detection methods using SAR satellite images could be affected by neighborhood backscatter variations or the loss of interferometric coherence due to the phenological change, unstable surface, temporal decorrelation or atmospheric interferences thus produce detection results with high false alarm rate. In this study, we present a patch based change detection method using multi-temporal high resolution SAR. This approach exploits information from multi-temporal acquisition to improve the detection accuracy, and provide both short-term change and long-term change trend information. The procedure involves three steps: multitemporal SAR speckle reduction, patch based change detection and profile analysis using SAR backscatter. An experiment has been tested on monitoring activities along pipeline in Alberta, Canada by using COSOMO-SkyMed imagery. The results of this proposed approach are compared with traditional mean ratio detection method and coherence change detection method. The results show that the proposed method can provide satisfied results. 50 Surface water and wetland monitoring in the Peace-Athabasca Delta Alexander Chichagov 1*, Brian Brisco2, Kevin Murnaghan3 and Lori White4 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E4, (613) 715-5056, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E4, (613) 759-1046, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E4, (613) 759-6237, [email protected] 4. Environmental Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E4, (613) 759-6485, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Alexander Chichagov, Remote Sensing Scientist, 613 715-5056, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Water is an important resource and information about surface water conditions as well as water level can help a number of applications including hydrology, meteorology, ecology, and agronomy. Ample quantities of water are needed for healthy wetlands which are critical for balancing water flows and maintaining water quality. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been is used operationally for flood mapping in Canada since the launch of RADARSAT-1 in 1985 and many other countries have adopted followed our approach for flood mapping. RADARSAT-2 (wide ultra-fine mode) data was processed and analysed to provide spatially and temporally dynamic surface water mapping products in Alberta’s Peace Athabasca Delta (PAD). With the increased availability of seasonal multi-temporal SAR data, new approaches can be used for noise reduction such as temporally filtering the data to reduce speckle and increase interpretability. The multitemporal surface water products masks are generated using a thresholding technique which can be applied to flood response situations or for monitoring seasonal changes in surface water. Previously multi-temporal surface water extent products generated using image thresholding approaches were delivered as well as relative water level change products. These products were generated using interferometric techniques (InSAR), with the use of the in-situ level logger data for the phase ambiguity resolution, and can be used for monitoring surface water and relative water level variations over space and time. This will further enhance the use of SAR for monitoring water resources and producing flood response products which include surface water, water level and flooded vegetation. 51 Using ArcGIS as an Alternative or Complimentary Tool to ENVI for Extracting Anthropogenic Footprints from Multispectral Imagery Todd Shipman1*, Subir Chowdhury2 and Dennis Chao3 1. Manager, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 644-5563, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Specialist, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4 th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 427-4115, [email protected] 3. GIS Specialist, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4 th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 427-0107, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Todd Shipman, Manager, (780) 644-5563, [email protected] ABSTRACT Alberta Geological Survey/Alberta Energy Regulator is investigating how to manage rapid growth within the oil and gas industries though out Alberta. We are utilizing satellite earth observation data such as multispectral imagery to extract anthropogenic footprints relating to exploration activities, such as roads, well pads, processing facilities and access corridors to pump sites, etc. Our study area is about 200km northwest of Edmonton, near Fox Creek where industries are producing and exploring both conventional and unconventional oil and gas. All information is geospatial and integration of this information contextually will help to develop better decision making. Publicity available Landsat8 multispectral imagery (2013 and 2014) from US Geological Survey and high resolution (6m) multispectral SPOT6 imagery for 2013 are used for this analysis. In addition, BestAvailable-Pixel (BAP) composite of Landsat multispectral image stacks (2005-2012) provided by Natural Resources Canada. Landsat8 and SPOT6 imagery are processed as individual scenes using Image Classification functions and different Spatial Analyst filters in ArcGIS 10.1. Anthropogenic footprints from Landsat 8 imagery are also extracted using NDVI and co-occurrence-based texture analysis using ENVI. Results produced by ArcGIS for Landsat8 imagery are similar to ENVI with high degree of accuracy when identifying footprints bigger than 100m and have difficulties detecting linear footprints such as access corridors due to image resolution. Traditional supervised classification algorithm in ENVI, on the other hand, is computationally expensive to process SPOT6 data because high spatial resolution. This problem is resolved by using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst functions with high detection accuracy. Results are then processed in ENVI using post classification techniques (i.e., clump and sieve) to further refine footprint detection. ArcGIS is viable alternative to dedicated remote sensing package such as ENVI for detecting anthropogenic footprints from remote sensing imagery. In addition, it can process high resolution imagery such as SPOT6 more efficiently and to be used for post-processing in ENVI to enhance classification accuracy. 52 Systematically Derived Leaf Area Index of the Canadian Oilsands Region Matthew Maloley1*, RichardFernandes1, Francis Canisius1 1. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa, Canada * Presenting Author: M. J. Maloley, Physical Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 613-759-7993, [email protected] KEY WORDS: Leaf Area Index, Oilsands, SPOT, Landsat, LiDAR, Hyperspectral, ABSTRACT The 140,200km2 oil sands region of central Canada has the 3rd largest proven reserves of oil in the world. Currently, surface mining is concentrated in a ~600km2 region north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. A comprehensive monitoring effort led by the Governments of Canada and Alberta is underway to track the status of the ecosystem in the vicinity of this surface mining region. Many of these models require systematically derived time series of gridded land surface parameters at approximately 1km resolution together with quantified uncertainty. Leaf area index (LAI) is one such parameter that is being systematically derived at various spatial and temporal resolutions. In order to validate coarser 1km resolution MODIS and VGT LAI products, a 20 m resolution map of 2012-13 peak season LAI was produced using a combination of in situ LAI estimates and vegetation indices derived from SPOT 5 satellite imagery. A reduced simple ratio vegetation index was produced for each image to be used in the LAI processing. A total of 204 ground plots were sampled across the study area in July 2012 and August 2013 for the purposes of calibration and validation. Additionally, airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data at approximately 2m resolution were collected for portions of the study area over the summer of 2013 and compared in LAI analysis. Using the 2m and 20m resolution LAI estimates, the performance of coarse spatial resolution but high temporal resolution (i.e. 10 day composite) LAI products were assessed to determine their performance as potential indicators of disturbance from emissions related to mining activities. 53 S11 Characterization and Change in Forest Ecosystems / S11 Caractérisation et changements dans les écosystèmes forestiers Ron Hall, chair / modérateur Assessment of Vegetation Conditions over Athabasca Oil Sands Region Rasim Latifovic1*, Darren Pouliot2 1. Research Scientist, NRCan/Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613-759-7002, [email protected] 2. Physical Scientist, NRCan/Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613-759-6341, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Rasim Latifovic, . Research Scientist, 613-759-7002, [email protected] ABSTRACT The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) has a long history in the development of satellite remote sensing applications for land surface characterization and monitoring. CCRS methods have been used to produce datasets leading to improved understanding of complex interactions between the biosphere and atmosphere, for modelling the effects of climate and land cover change on groundwater recharge, and quantitative landscape studies assessing spatial and temporal land cover dynamics. Resent developments regarding land surface characterization will be presented to inform and possibly inspire cross-disciplinary research or the use of available methodologies/data by other scientists. The priority of environmental research, insofar as responsible natural resources development is concerned, is to improve our understanding of the long-term consequences that industrial activities may have on terrestrial ecosystems. This provides for systematic progress towards effective development of environmental standards and mitigation measures. Satellite remote sensing is an approach that is becoming widely accepted as an observational and analytical tool for use in the scientific understanding of issues related to the environment. Some of the topics where remote sensing observations might serve as an additional source of information include determination of baseline conditions, quantitative impact assessment, analysis and prediction. The methodologies presented here use vegetation indices from longterm Landsat observations to examine trends in vegetation conditions. The results presented highlight areas in the AOSR for which more in-depth monitoring should be undertaken, offer a more quantitative base for future cumulative impact predictions and can inform the development of mitigation measures. In particular this study investigates cumulative long term changes in vegetation condition over the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Alberta, Canada, between 1984 and 2012. It includes: i) analysis of the spatial and temporal pattern of trends as a function of vegetation community, ii) trend confidence based on statistical significance and selected time period, iii) normalization of trends for growing conditions (temperature and precipitation) to assess the potential climate change influence, and iv) detailed change characterization attributing occurrence, magnitude and causation. 54 Long-term Trends in and Interrelationships between Central Boreal Plains Ecosystem Succession and Hydro-Climatic Conditions Laura Chasmer1* Chris Hopkinson1 and Richard Petrone2 1. Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, 403-332-4661, [email protected] 2. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 519-888-4567, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Laura Chasmer, Alberta Innovates Post-Doctoral Fellow, 403-332-4661, [email protected] ABSTRACT In this study we examine the impacts of more than two decades of atmospheric drying on changing vegetation trends within upland forests and lowland peatlands in the Central Boreal Plains region of northcentral Alberta. An index of annual evapotranspiration (ET) (EI) (actual ET / Precipitation) vs. dryness index (DI) (potential ET / precipitation) per water year is compared with water runoff from six watersheds to determine the influence of dry vs. wet periods on basin water balance. Ecosystem sensitivity (resilience or threshold changes) associated with water balance and topography (SRTM) are examined using the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over a 23-year period from Landsat TM. Structural vegetation changes, especially loss of foliage in upland areas and woody vegetation succession into peatlands are further examined as a case study using multi-temporal airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) data in one watershed. We find that catchments with low (detrended) topographic variability containing mostly peatland land cover types are highly resilient due to abundant water supply. Despite their resilience, these catchments are characterised by declining water yield (greater storage) over the period of study and increased greening (~76% of peatlands). This indicates rapid loss and conversion to riparian/forest land cover types as peatlands dry. Catchments containing greater topographic variability with larger fractions of uplands are typically water limited and have experienced significant browning (loss of chlorophyll, leaf cover) within 74% of upland forests and peatlands. A possible explanation for increased catchment yield coincident with reduced green foliage cover is a reduction in ET losses. 55 Using pre-fire variables in combination with Landsat difference Normalized Burn Ratio to improve the accuracy in predicting middle burn severity classes Ignacio San-Miguel1*, Nicholas C. Coops2 and Dave W. Andison3 1. MSc candidate in Forestry. Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Department of Forest Resources Management, 2424 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada. Phone: 604-822-6452. Email: [email protected]. 2. Professor and Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing. Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Department of Forest Resources Management, 2424 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada. Phone: 604-822-6452. Email: [email protected]. 3. Adjunct professor and consultant. Bandaloop Landscape-Ecosystem Services, 1011 Hendecourt Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V7K 2X3. Phone: 604-988-0985. Email: [email protected]. * Presenting Author: Ignacio San-Miguel, MSc candidate in Forestry at University of British Columbia, 604-822-6452, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) has emerged as a dominant paradigm for the management of the Canadian boreal forest. One of the principles of EBM is approximating the Historical Range of Variability (HRV) of disturbance patterns to maintain ecosystem’s function. HRV has been represented by wildfire patterns, which are measured using vegetation severity classes derived from Landsat differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) images. dNBR generally achieves accurate results for low and high severity classes when compared to ground truth data, however is poorer at accurately estimating different gradients of moderate severity classes. One possible reason for this issue is a combination of Landsat’s spatial and radiometric resolution. In this paper we combine a suite of pre-fire landscape variables from a range of datasets along with dNBR to test for an improved detection of moderate middle mortality classes. To do so we compared 6 burn severity classes as defined from Aerial Photo-Interpretation (API) with dNBR images over 10 fires in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. We compared three sets of analysis 1. using dNBR as alone, ; 2. combining dNBR with land cover classes; and 3. combining dNBR with forest inventory data such as pre-fire volume and species. The results suggests that using pre-fire variables from inventory data, as well as land cover vegetation density classes combined with dNBR information, have shown improved results in predicting API middle severity when compared to using dNBR alone. 56 The Multisource Vegetation Inventory: Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Data for Forest Inventory in the Northern Boreal Ron J. Hall1*, Rob .S. Skakun2, Michael Gartrell5, Andre Beaudoin6, Philip Villemaire7, Craig Mahoney8, Chris Hopkinson9, Lisa Smith3 1. Research Scientist, NRCan/Canadian Forest Service, 5320-122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 3S5, Canada, 780435-7209, [email protected] 2. Physical Scientist, NRCan/Canadian Forest Service, 5320-122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 3S5, Canada, 780435-7384, [email protected] 3. Inventory Forester, Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources/Government of Northwest Territories, P.O. Box 4354, Lot 173, Hay River, NWT, X0E 1G3, Canada, 867-874-2009, [email protected] 4. GIS Programmer, NRCan/Canadian Forest Service, 5320-122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6H 3S5, Canada, 780435-7276, [email protected] 5. GIS Programmer Analyst, Natural Resources Canada, 5320 - 122 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6H3S5, 780-4357276, [email protected] 6. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada,1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, Quebec, QC, G1V 4C7,418-648-3440, [email protected] 7. Geomatics and Remote Sensing Analyst, Natural Resources Canada,1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, Quebec, QC G1V 4C7,418-648-4492, [email protected] 8. Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Lethbridge,4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4,403-332-4043, [email protected] 8. Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge,4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4,403-3324586,[email protected] * Presenting Author: R.J. Hall, Research Scientist, 780-435-7209, [email protected] ABSTRACT The Northwest Territories (NWT) has approximately 33 million ha of forest distributed across a territory 128 million ha in size. Describing these forests is challenged by the limited availability of current inventory data and the relative lack of access over its large geographic extent. Optical remote sensing data such as from the Landsat Thematic Mapper has been used to generate land cover maps that depict the composition and spatial distribution of forests in the NWT. More detailed knowledge is needed, however, about forest structure, timber volume and above ground biomass. The vertical characterization of forests was determined by scaling field data with samples of airborne LiDAR that were subsequently related to full waveform satellite LiDAR provided by ICESat-GLAS. Estimates of forest structural attributes at ICESatGLAS footprint locations were subsequently computed and spatially imputed to derive continuous raster surface maps. The challenge was how to integrate these LiDAR-derived surface maps with the satellite land cover and limited coverages of existing forest inventory data into a format convenient for spatial analysis? The presentation describes the data sources, derived models and methods that form the Multisource Vegetation Inventory (MVI). The MVI combines a raster to vector polygonization process of the LiDAR derived attributes, satellite land cover maps and a reclassification of existing NWT inventory data. The result is uniquely integrated forest information derived from satellite LIDAR, optical satellite and air photo-based data sources into a single, digital inventory map product. 57 Systematic and Environmental Sensitivities within GLAS Estimates of Canopy Height and Crown Closure in Northern Canada Craig Mahoney1*, Chris Hopkinson2, Ron J. Hall3, and Michelle Filiatrault4 1. Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6T5, +1 403 332-4043, [email protected] 2. Professor, Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6T5, +1 403 332-4586, [email protected] 3. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 3S5, +1 780 435-7209, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Analyst, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 3S5, +1 780 435-7291, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Craig Mahoney, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 403 332-4043, [email protected] ABSTRACT The northern Canadian boreal forest is a remote, complex, fragmented landscape whose characterization relevant to understanding its role in providing a wide range of ecosystem services. The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) is ideal for characterization of such landscapes due to its unique ability to sample large areas in three dimensions, however, data quality is sensitive to system, temporal, and spatial influences. These sensitivities were explored within the North West Territories (NWT) of Canada using airborne LiDAR data with the objective of identifying optimal GLAS footprints for subsequent canopy attribute modeling. The optimized GLAS data were utilized to obtain spatialized estimates of stand height, and crown closure over a 200,000 km2 area in the NWT. Results were derived from random forest and k-nearest neighbour algorithms, and empirically compared to equivalent data measures from airborne LiDAR data. In addition to providing spatial estimates of 3D canopy attributes within remote northern boreal ecosystems, the study will illustrate the first stages in the development of a new modeling framework. The parallelised model implementation approach adopted makes no a priori assumptions about the most suitable spatialization procedure, while iteratively optimising empirical measures of forest canopy parameters using whichever model approach produces better predictions. 58 S12 Synergies Between Satellite & Marine Acoustic Remote Sensing / S12 Synergies entre la télédétection satellitaire et la télédétection acoustique marine Rodolphe Devillers and Craig Brown, co-chairs / modérateurs Multiple methods, maps, and management applications: purpose made maps in support of Ocean Management Craig J. Brown Research Scientist, Applied Research, Nova Scotia Community College, 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, 902-491-2174, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Craig J. Brown, Research Scientist, 902-491-2174, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The establishment of multibeam echosounders (MBES) as a mainstream tool in ocean mapping has facilitated integrative approaches towards nautical charting, benthic habitat mapping, and seafloor geotechnical surveys. The inherent bathymetric and backscatter information generated by MBES enables marine scientists to present highly accurate bathymetric data with a spatial resolution closely matching that of terrestrial mapping. A range of post-processing approaches can generate customized map products to meet multiple ocean management needs, thus extracting maximum value from a single survey data set. A number of examples are presented showing how primary MBES bathymetric and backscatter data, along with a variety of supplementary data (i.e. in situ video and stills, etc.), can be processed using a variety of methods to generate a series of map products. These maps can provide contextual information on seafloor geo-morphological conditions, relevant to marine engineering, resource management and other geological related applications. In addition, methods conventionally used for classification of terrestrialbased multi-spectral data have been tested for classification of the MBES data set to produce seafloor maps summarizing broad bio-physical characteristics of the seafloor (i.e. Benthoscape maps). These types of map products are of value for use in many aspects of marine spatial planning. Through the process of applying multiple methods to generate multiple maps for specific management needs, the efficient use of survey data sets to maximize the benefit to a wide number of potential end users is demonstrated. 59 Where Land Meets Sea: Towards a Complete Coverage for Terrain Analysis of Coastal Environments Vincent Lecours1*, Vanessa Lucieer2, Aaron Micallef3, Margaret Dolan4, Craig Brown5, Evan Edinger6 and Rodolphe Devillers7 1. Ph.D. Candidate, Marine Geomatics Research Lab, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 232 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-3097, [email protected] 2. Research Fellow, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 613-6227-7219, [email protected] 3. Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, 356-2340-3613, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway, 7390-4267, [email protected] 5. Research Scientist, Department of Applied Research, Nova Scotia Community College, 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, 902-491-2174, [email protected] 6. Associate Professor, Departments of Geography, Biology and Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 232 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-3233, [email protected] 7. Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 232 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-8412, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Vincent Lecours, Ph.D. Candidate, 709-864-3097, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Developments in remote sensing techniques to produce digital terrain models (DTM) have provided new methods for studying terrestrial environments, thereby improving scientific understanding of ecological and geomorphological processes. Geomorphometry, or terrain analysis, uses DTMs to quantify physical characteristics of the land (e.g., slope or rugosity) that are used for different applications such as habitat mapping. The use of multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) to measure seafloor relief has changed the way we study and understand marine environments; techniques from geomorphometry are now commonly applied to these underwater DTMs for the investigation of marine habitats and geomorphology. Due to the inability of satellite remote sensing to collect data in deep waters and the limitations of MBES data collection in shallower waters, there is often a gap in terrain data where land meets sea. A seamless analysis of terrestrial and marine environments requires the combination of terrestrial DTMs, bathymetric data from MBES, and bathymetric LiDAR to fill this gap. The challenges encountered with merging datasets from different sources, such as data uncertainty or spatial resolution, makes such an approach still nascent in the literature. Using data from coastal Newfoundland and Labrador, this contribution reviews the potential uses of continuous terrestrial/marine terrain models, especially for the field of geomorphometry and its application in coastal environments. We argue that such DTMs can become essential to applications like coastal habitat mapping, identification of hazards for navigation in shallow waters, or studying landforms that overlap between environments. We also discuss how some techniques traditionally used in terrestrial studies, such as Geographic object-based image analysis (Geobia), can be applied in marine studies. 60 Acoustic remote sensing of Labrador fjord environments: strengths, challenges and limitations Mallory Carpenter1*, Tanya Brown2, Alison Copeland3, Trevor Bell4, Evan Edinger5 1. Research Associate, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-7417, [email protected] 2. Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-3038, [email protected] 3. Biodiversity Officer, Dept., of Conservation Services, Government of Bermuda, Hamilton, Bermuda, (441) 2992329 x2122, [email protected] 4. Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-2525, [email protected] 5. Associate Professor, Departments of Geography, Biology and Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 709-864-3233, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Mallory Carpenter, Research Associate, (709) 864-7417, [email protected] ABSTRACT Fjords represent a particularly challenging environment for remote sensing of marine habitats, due to their widely varying depths, bottom composition, and strong gradients in water column properties. Marine habitat mapping efforts in fjords of northern, central, and southern Labrador, Canada, have used several multibeam sonar sensors, ground-truthed by drop-video camera and grab samples or box cores. Sites surveyed include Nachvak and Saglek Bays (northern Labrador), Okak Bay and Lake Melville (central Labrador), and Gilbert Bay (southern Labrador), and covered a wide range of depths and bottom types, mostly derived from glacial geomorphic features. Combining bathymetric data acquired at different times using different sensors was straightforward, but integration and comparing backscatter data from various sensors using different frequencies proved much more difficult. Statistically significant differences in species composition among habitat types mostly reduced to hard vs. soft substrates. Acoustic detection of biogenic habitats such as kelp beds and coralline algae (maerl) was particularly challenging; although both kelp and coralline algae were bathymetrically limited, the backscatter strength of these habitat types was generally indistinct from that of the physical substrates upon which the biogenic substrates occurred. Water column properties, particularly temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen content, and stratification are variables likely to affect fjord flora and fauna. Habitat mapping in fjords could be improved by adding data on the spatial variation in these and other water column properties. While satellite remote sensing can provide sea surface temperature and salinity, oxygen availability and stratification are best assessed using in-situ measurements such as CTD profiles. 61 Using Multibeam Bathymetry and Coastal Geomorphology to Predict Shallow Marine Clam Habitat in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Ben Misiuk1*, Trevor Bell2, Evan Edinger3, Alec Aitken4, Beth Cowan5, Janelle Kennedy6, John Hughes Clarke7, Alex Flaherty8, Jonah Keyookta9, Sandrine Baillon10, Tim Siferd11 1. Master’s Student, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, [email protected] 2. Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, [email protected] 3. Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, [email protected] 4. Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Saskatchewan, [email protected] 5. Master’s Student, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland 6. Senior Advisor, Department of Environment, Fisheries and Sealing Division 7. Professor, Ocean Mapping Group, University of New Brunswick 8. Field Coordinator, Department of Environment, Fisheries and Sealing Division 9. Field Assistant, Community of Qikiqtarjuaq 10. PhD Student, Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland 11. Marine Invertebrates Program Lead, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada * Presenting Author: Ben Misiuk, Master’s Student, 709 864-8998, [email protected] ABSTRACT A variety of natural clam resources exist in Nunavut, including Mya spp. near Qikiqtarjuaq, which have been harvested by local gatherers for over a decade. Clam abundance and distribution appear to be influenced by bottom composition and oceanographic conditions. Combined aerial optical and marine acoustic remote sensing may provide a useful approach to mapping and predicting clam distributions. By undertaking a supervised classification of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, the benthic habitats surrounding the community are being classified with respect to Mya spp. Multibeam data, ground-truthed with underwater camera and benthic grab samples, are being used to differentiate areas with high potential for clam occurrence. Coastal and paraglacial geomorphology derived from air photos is also being assessed as a predictor of clam habitat. Multibeam collected in four regions of interest on the eastern side of Broughton Island were ground-truthed using biological and sediment samples from 2013 and 2014 field seasons. Substrates in the Islands region were primarily cobble/boulder with some sand in the northern portion, housing large populations of clams. Many of the Kingnelling Fjord sites were dominated by cobbles, but the eastern portion was sandy with cobble outcrop, with moderate to dense clam population. North Baffin was generally sandy with boulder outcrop and was relatively devoid of benthic macro organisms. South Broughton was highly variable with cobble/boulder areas and sand with moderate clam abundance. Sandy geomorphic features, such as raised deltas and glacial landforms, in areas of limited wave exposure appear to be most conducive to high Mya clam abundances. 62 Automated sonar image matching Peter King1*, Benjamin Anstey2, and Andrew Vardy3 1. MERLIN lab, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, CA 2. REALM Project, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, CA 3. Department of Computer Science – Faculty of Engineering and applied sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, CA * Presenting Author: Peter King, Research Lab Coordinator, [email protected] ABSTRACT Memorial University’s Marine Environmental lab for Intelligent Vehicles (MERLIN) operates an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) which can perform subsea remote sensing using a variety of sensors, including acoustic sensors such as side scan sonar. Over the past five years the MERLIN lab has been developing tools to allow automated geo-referenced image generation, matching and of side scan sonar data in real-time. These tools are developed for and deployed on Memorial’s Explorer AUV in support of our work in autonomy and navigation. These tools employ image processing techniques along with concepts from robotics. Sonar data matching is achieved first through the transposition of raw side scan sonar data to a twodimensional image representation. Using the AUV’s on-board navigation sensors all images are normalized in rotation and scale to improve robustness. The resulting images are then subject to the application of feature based key point extraction and matching. Knowledge of the AUVs position and motion are employed to filter our potential false matches through Bayesian filtering. When regions of sonar coverage are shown to overlap the matching information is used to determine any misalignments in the images. Application of these tools have included autonomous path following using pre-collected sonar data and AUV localization. Other potential applications would include data alignment and mosaicking. 63 S13 River Ice Monitoring / S13 Suivi de la glace de rivière Sherry Warren and Alice Deschamps, co-chairs / modérateurs Augmenting River Ice Flood Forecasting Services Using Satellite Radar Imagery – A User Perspective Amir A. Khan1* and Thomas M. Puestow2 1. Manager, Department of Environment & Conservation, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 709-729-2295, [email protected] 2. Senior Manager, Earth Observation, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, John’s, NL, Canada, 709-8642586, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Amir A. Khan, Manager, Department of Environment & Conservation, 709-7292295, [email protected] ABSTRACT Many northern rivers developing ice covers during the winter season are prone to ice-related flooding. In order to assess flood risk and mitigate its impact, it is imperative to monitor the development of ice covers throughout the ice season, with particular emphasis on the freeze-up and break-up periods. This monitoring is very hard to accomplish. The Town of Badger, located at the confluence of three rivers, has a history of similar ice-related flooding dating back to 1916. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador through the Water Resources Management Division (WRMD) provides an annual flood forecasting service for Badger using a computer simulation model called the "Ice Progression Model" that simulates ice conditions on the Exploits River. Following the severe flood of February 15, 2003, WRMD and C-CORE partnered to augment the flood forecasting service with a satellite-based river ice monitoring service using RADAR imagery from the ENVISAT and RADARSAT polar orbiting satellites. This was the first integration of RADAR imagery into operational flood forecasting of river ice in Canada. Since that introduction, C-CORE has, under its Polar View initiative, pioneered the provision of operational satellite-based river ice monitoring services in Canada, the United States and Russia using the Badger River Ice service template. This presentation describes the River Ice flood forecasting service at Badger and the improvements that were accomplished from WRMD’s perpsective. It describes the ice parameters derived from RADAR data and the use of this information in model calibration and validation. 64 Operational Monitoring of River Ice Break-up Conditions using RADARSAT-2 Images Alice Deschamps 1*, Joost van der Sanden2, George Choma3, Jean-Samuel Proulx-Bourque4, Sylvain Lemay5 2. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), Canada (613) 759-7949, [email protected] 3. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), Canada, (613) 759-7197, [email protected] 4. Centre for Topographic Information, Natural Resources Canada, 2144-010 King Street West, Sherbrooke (QC), Canada, (819) 564-5600 ext. 363, [email protected] 5. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observations- Emergency Geomatics Service (CCMEO-EGS), Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), Canada, (613) 759-7599, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Alice Deschamps, Environmental Scientist, 613 759-7949, [email protected] ABSTRACT River ice governs the winter regime of most Canadian rivers and influences the daily life of those that live or work in riverside areas in various ways. The impact of ice covered rivers on Canadians typically peaks at the time of breakup, in particular, when ice jams form and cause flood and/or damage to nearby infrastructure. Access to up-to-date information on river ice conditions facilitates decision making in the context of river ice breakup and flood risk management. Traditional methods of river ice monitoring at the time of breakup are expensive, provide limited spatial coverage and can be subject to weather conditions. Satellite remote sensing systems make potentially outstanding tools for collecting current information on river ice conditions due to their ability to repeatedly image an area of interest at a synoptic scale. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites such as Canada’s RADARSAT-2 are particularly well suited for the task because of their weather and daylight independent imaging capability, sensitivity to the presence of open water, and sensitivity to the surface roughness of ice cover. From an emergency management perspective, obtaining information on the development of the breaking ice cover roughness (on a scale of decimeters to meters) can provide information on potential ice jam events that can lead to floods. This paper will present a SAR-based approach for the classification of breaking river ice cover developed at Canada Center for Remote Sensing. The approach was recently implemented by CCMEO’s Emergency Geomatics Service (EGS) group to enable operational monitoring river ice breakup. The provision of geomatics products in support of emergency management is among the core mandates of CCMEO-EGS. The performance of the approach will be demonstrated by means of examples from a 2014 demonstration project conducted in Northern Ontario, Manitoba and in Alberta. 65 Using Multi-Source Satellite Imagery for Operational River Ice Monitoring Thomas M. Puestow1* and Amir A. Khan2 1. Senior Manager, Earth Observation, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, John’s, NL, Canada, 709-8642586, [email protected] 2. Manager, Department of Environment & Conservation, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 709-729-2295, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Thomas Puestow, Senior Manager, 709-864-2586, [email protected] ABSTRACT Flooding due to ice jams is a major and frequent hazard for communities located near rivers in cold and northern regions of the world. Ice jams might be formed during the development of ice covers in early winter or during ice cover break up in early spring. A related issue is the management of river flows on regulated rivers, especially the routing of early spring runoff during ice conditions while minimizing the risk of initiating ice jams. Flood forecasting for such rivers is challenging due to the complexities of modelling ice formation and breakup in real-time in an operational context. It is further complicated by the effect of climate change, which has changed historically observed ice cover formation behavior. This paper describes the creation and expansion of an operational river ice monitoring program based on satellite RADAR imagery to address the challenges of flood forecasting, river flow management and climate change adaptation. The program was developed and implemented for the Town of Badger on the island of Newfoundland, Canada, following a severe river ice induced flood in 2003. River ice monitoring at Badger initially relied on the use of satellite RADAR imagery from the ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. The lack of available SAR imagery due to conflict during critical periods of the monitoring season made it necessary to integrate routinely acquired LANDSAT and MODIS data into the monitoring process, although the utility of optical imagery is severely limited by the prevalence of cloud cover. The availability of SENTINEL-1 imagery is expected to reduce the impact of conflict significantly and increase the reliability of spatial and temporal coverage with SAR data. Accordingly, this investigation will present early results of the use of SENTINEL-1 imagery for river ice monitoring, discuss issues of operational integration and describe the initial performance of SENTINEL-1 in characterizing key river ice parameters. 66 IceFRONT (1): Monitoring River Freeze-up Processes on the Peace River from Optical Images Jimmy Poulin1, Yves Gauthier2*, Antoine Padel3, Stéphane Hardy4, Monique Bernier5 and Martin Jasek6 1. Geomatics specialist, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-3729, [email protected] 2. Remote sensing specialist, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-3753, [email protected] 3. Intern, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, [email protected] 4. Associate, Dromadaire Géo-Innovations inc., 8075 Hochelaga, bureau 201, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H1L 2K9, Tel: (514) 493-4695 # 132 [email protected] 5. Professor, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-2585, [email protected] 6. Operations Planning Engineer, BC Hydro, 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, (BC), Canada, V3N 4X8, Tel : (604) 528-2580, [email protected] * Presenting Author Yves, Gauthier, Remote Sensing Specialist, (418) 654-3753, [email protected] ABSTRACT The IceFront project is a collaboration between Dromadaire Geo-Innovations, INRS, DLR and BC Hydro. The initiative is funded in part by the Canadian Space Agency. The objectives of this project are 1) to help hydropower companies to gather from satellite images, the timely information needed for operational river freeze-up monitoring and 2) to speed up and simplify the process of analyzing the satellite images and extracting the required information. The study is conducted on the Peace River (Alberta). The approach integrates optical and radar images. Here we present the approach using medium resolution optical data (MODIS and Landsat-8) to provide quasi-daily information on the timing and location of ice lodgement and on the progression of the ice front. An automated procedure is proposed to produce “ice/no ice” maps from 84 MODIS images of the Peace River in 2013/2014. We first create a mask of the pixels (250m) which are totally included in the river channel in order to exclude mixels or narrow sections. We then calculate thresholds on Band 1 and Band 2 pertaining to open water and full ice cover conditions on these pixels. We finally apply a probability function between these thresholds to estimate the probability of ice. A similar procedure is applied for 19 Landsat-8 images. Accuracy is over 90% in general. It is lower in incised sections (shadow effect) and it is also affected by the quality of the cloud mask. 67 IceFRONT (2): Monitoring River Freeze-up Processes on the Peace River from Radar Images Yves Gauthier 1*, Stéphane Hardy 2, Achim Roth3, Helena Łoś4, Monique Bernier5, Jimmy Poulin6, and Martin Jasek7 1. Remote sensing specialist, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-3753, [email protected] 2. Associate, Dromadaire Géo-Innovations inc., 8075 Hochelaga, bureau 201, Montréal (Québec), Canada, H1L 2K9, Tel: (514) 493-4695 # 132 [email protected] 3. Science Coordinator, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Earth Observation Center, Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Wessling, Germany, Tel: +49 8153 28-2706, [email protected] 4. Intern, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, (PhD candidate, WUT Institute of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS, pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Wasaw, Poland) [email protected] 5. Professor, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-2585, [email protected] 6. Geomatics specialist, INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec (Qc), Canada, G1K 9A9, Tel : (418) 654-3729, [email protected] 7. Operations Planning Engineer, BC Hydro, 6911 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, (BC), Canada, V3N 4X8, Tel : (604) 528-2580, [email protected] * Presenting Author Yves Gauthier, Remote Sensing Specialist, (418) 654-3753, [email protected] ABSTRACT The IceFront project is a collaboration between Dromadaire Geo-Innovations, INRS, DLR and BC Hydro. The initiative is funded in part by the Canadian Space Agency. The objectives of this project are 1) to help hydropower companies to gather from satellite images, the timely information needed for operational river freeze-up monitoring and 2) to speed up and simplify the process of analyzing the satellite images and extracting the required information. The study is conducted on the Peace River (Alberta). The approach integrates optical and radar images. Here we present the approach using multi-platform radar data to provide specific information on the dominant river ice types. Radarsat-2 quadpol data and TerraSAR-X dualpol are used to produce river ice maps at 10m and 3m resolution during the freeze-up of 2013-2014, using the IceMAP-R procedure from INRS. The analysis evaluates the complementarity of C-Band and X-Band data in order to increase image availability for timely high resolution monitoring of river ice. We also study the potential gain of polarimetry in the accuracy of ice characterization when using derived Kennaugh elements for both sensors. One elusive challenge that is being specifically addressed is the improved discrimination between open water and bubble free thermal ice. These conditions occur in calm back channels as well as in skim ice covers. Different polarization combinations (HH/HV and HH/VV) are also compared. Validation is done with the expertise and knowledge of BC Hydro engineers and by cross-comparison with products derived from optical data. 68 S14 Arctic-Boreal Research and the pre-ABoVE Projects / S14 Projets de recherche sur la vulnérabilité arctique–boréale et les projets preABoVE Elizabeth Hoy, chair / modérateur The NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and the ABoVE Science Cloud Elizabeth Hoy1*, Peter Griffith1, Mark McInerney2, Dan Duffy3, Scott Sinno2, J. Hoot Thompson2, Steve Ambrose2 1. Support Scientist, NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office (CCEO) Global Science and Technology, Inc., NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 301-614-6494, [email protected] 2. NASA Climate Model Data Services (CDS) 3. NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) * Presenting Author: Elizabeth Hoy, 301-614-6494, [email protected] ABSTRACT The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), a field campaign sponsored and initiated by NASA’s Terrestrial Ecology Program, is a large-scale study of changes to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic and boreal regions of western North America and the implications of these changes for local, regional, and global social-ecological systems. Research for ABoVE will address questions in six thematic areas: society, disturbance, permafrost, hydrology, flora/fauna, and carbon biogeochemistry through integrating field-based studies, modeling, and data from airborne and satellite remote sensing. In an effort to accelerate the pace of new Arctic science for researchers participating in the field campaign, the NASA Center for Climate Simulation has partnered with the NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office to create a high performance science cloud. The ABoVE Science Cloud combines high performance computing with emerging technologies and data management with tools for analyzing and processing geographic information to create an environment specifically designed for large-scale modeling, analysis of remote sensing data, copious disk storage for “big data” with integrated data management, and integration of core variables from in-situ networks. Furthermore, by using the ABoVE Science Cloud as a shared and centralized resource, researchers reduce costs for their proposed work, making proposed research more competitive. Here we will provide an update on the current status of ABoVE and discuss the ABoVE Science Cloud, which is currently in use by a number of the ABoVE-related projects. 69 Quantifying change in North American Arctic lakes between 1990 and present Mark Carroll1*, Margaret Wooten1, Charlene DiMiceli2, Robert Sohlberg2 and John R.G. Townshend2 1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States 2. University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States * Presenting Author: Mark Carroll, [email protected] ABSTRACT The NASA Arctic and Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) is a new multi-year and mulit-disciplinary field campaign that is set to begin in 2015. One of the primary themes of this campaign is to understand the complicated hydrology of the region. Small lakes and ponds are a prominent feature of the landscape in the High Northern Latitudes. Previous mapping efforts have been accomplished with either single date medium to fine resolution imagery or multiple observations with coarse resolution imagery. The maps from single date imagery are prone to errors relate to weather phenomena such as flood and drought. The coarse resolution products are limited to larger water bodies and miss the many smaller lakes and ponds in the region. We have created a time series of maps from Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper in three epochs (1990 - 1992), (2000 - 2002), and (2010 - 2012) showing the location and extent of water bodies in the region. These maps represent the first comprehensive time series of water bodies in the region that have been generated with a consistent input data set at 30m spatial resolution. We can use these maps to quantify the amount of change that has occurred in the Arctic lakes over the past 20+ years. Here we will present the first versions of the maps with the associated structure and formats and some initial results from analysis of change in northern Canada. 70 Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes Tatiana Loboda1*, Nancy French2, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez3, Mary Ellen Miller4, Liza Jenkins5, Ivan Csiszar6 1. Associate Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, 2181 LeFrak Hall, College Park, Maryland, USA, 1-301-405-8891, [email protected] 2. Senior Research Scientist, Michigan Technological Research Institute, Michigan Technological University, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1-734-913-6844, [email protected] 3. Research Scientist, Michigan Technological Research Institute, Michigan Technological University, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1-734-913-6873, [email protected] 4. Research Engineer, Michigan Technological Research Institute, Michigan Technological University, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1-734-994-7221, [email protected] 5. Research Scientist, Michigan Technological Research Institute, Michigan Technological University, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1-734-913-6869, [email protected] 6. Chief, Environmental Monitoring Branch, Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division, NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP), 5830 University Research Court, College Park, Maryland, USA, 1-301-683-3583, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Tatiana Loboda,301-405-8891, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The greatest rise in global temperature is occurring in High Northern Latitudes (HNL) above 60°N and this recent warming trend is projected to continue. Wildfire is the main disturbance agent in this ecosystem and a major emerging issue identified by the North Slope Science Initiative. Although much research has been done in the forested areas of HNL in the recent decade, little is still known about fire patterns in transitional forest/tundra ecotone and tundra ecosystems. We are developing a consistent data set in support of the NASA Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems Vulnerability Experiment (ABOVE) field campaign. We implement several regional burned area products from coarse and moderate resolution instruments over the full span of circumpolar extent of HNL where data are available. The data set also includes active fire detections and burned area products from a succession of coarse resolution sensors, including Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), to guide the selection and archival of clear surface Landsat images in order to produce moderate resolution fire perimeter and fire impact characterization maps across HNL. We will provide the first formal assessment of VIIRS and the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) capabilities for fire detection and mapping burned areas in HNL thus establishing the continuation of fire mapping in HNL using a consistent algorithm into the future. Finally, we explore the opportunities offered by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors to characterize burns in HNL. 71 Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Kevin Schaefer1*, Lin Liu2, Andrew Parsekian3, Elchin Jafarov1, Albert Chen4, Tingjun Zhang1,5, Alessio Gusmeroli6, Santosh Panda6, Howard A. Zebker4, Tim Schaefer7 1. National Snow and Ice Data Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309; E-Mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 2. Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; EMail: [email protected] 3. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82070; E-Mail: [email protected] 4. Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; E-Mails: [email protected]; [email protected] 5. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730000, China; EMail: [email protected] 6. International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks; E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 7. Galmont Consulting, Chicago, USA; E-Mail: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Kevin Schaefer, Research Scientist, 303-492-8869, [email protected] ABSTRACT Active layer thickness (ALT) is a critical parameter for monitoring the status of permafrost, typically measured at specific locations using probing, in situ temperature sensors, or other ground-based observations. The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) network has conducted ALT measurements over the past two decades, but is under-populated, a gap which can be filled using remote sensing. Here we describe the Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) product developed in support of field operations and other activities for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) field campaign in Alaska and northwest Canada. We use the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique to 1) measure long-term subsidence trends resulting from the melting and subsequent drainage of excess ground ice in permafrost, and 2) measure seasonal subsidence resulting from the expansion of soil water into ice as the active layer freezes and thaws. We estimate ReSALT from the seasonal subsidence assuming a vertical profile of water within the soil column and identify individual thermokarst features as spatial anomalies in the subsidence trends. We present 100x100 km2, 100 m resolution ReSALT products for several sites on the North Slope of Alaska: Prudhoe Bay, Barrow, Toolik Lake, Happy Valley, and the Anaktuvik fire zone. We validated ReSALT using in situ measurements of ALT from CALM and Ground Penetrating Radar. We will develop additional ReSALT products for the Mackenzie River Delta and other sites with concentrated field measurements in the ABoVE domain. ReSALT has proven effective in measuring local variations in ALT and thermokarst activity on the North Slope of Alaska with broader potential applications across the permafrost regions of North America and Eurasia. 72 Producing a High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Christopher Neigh1*, Paul Montesano2, Joe Sexton3, Min Feng4, K. Jon Ranson5, Saurabh Channan6, and Mark Chopping7 1. Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center Biospheric Science Laboratory Code 618, Greenbelt, MD 20771,USA, 301-614-6681, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Science Systems Applications Inc., NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center Biospheric Science Laboratory Code 618, Greenbelt, MD 20771,USA, 301-614-6695, [email protected] 3. Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland College Park Department of Geographical Sciences, College Park, MD 20742, USA, 301-405-8165, [email protected] 4. Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland College Park Department of Geographical Sciences, College Park, MD 20742, USA, 301-314-9299, [email protected] 5. Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center Biospheric Science Laboratory Code 618, Greenbelt, MD 20771,USA, 301-614-6654, [email protected] 6. Director of the Global Land Cover Facility, University of Maryland College Park Department of Geographical Sciences, College Park, MD 20742, USA, 301-314-9299, [email protected] 7. Professor, Mont Clair State University Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair, NJ 07043, USA, 973-655-7384, [email protected], * Presenting Author Christopher Neigh, Research Scientist, 301-614-6681, [email protected] ABSTRACT In the High Northern Latitudes climate change has altered vegetation productivity, carbon sequestration, and many other processes. These changes have been observed within the taiga-tundra ecotone (TTE), which is the transition zone between the two biomes. However, establishing the spatial extent of the TTE is challenging because of variations in vegetation structure owing to site-level interactions between microclimate, topography, winter snow depth, wind, and edaphic conditions. Such interactions have produced TTE forest patterns that include sporadic forest cover patches to growth-stunted trees resembling shrubs. These patterns are evident at local scales that are often not resolvable in imagery from most earth observing satellites. Such scale problems have contributed to large differences in remote observation of the TTE. Recent advances using the global archive of Landsat data have provided vegetation continuous fields (VCF) at 30-m resolution, which may improve TTE delineation. Furthermore, U.S. federal access to sub-meter DigitalGlobe data provides the means to improve estimates of the extent of the TTE with observations of individual trees. We are using these data to optimize the Landsat VCF delineation of the TTE ecotone between 50° and 75° north latitude. The resulting product will help to identify sites of potential TTE forest structure change, and be used as input to ecosystem models. An overview and early results of our current work will be presented. 73 S15 Icebergs and Extreme Ice Features / S15 Icebergs et formations glacielles extrêmes Pradeep Bobby, chair / modérateur Intercomparison of sea ice freeboard, thickness, and ice concentration extracted from sea ice model with satellite data Siva Prasad1*, Igor Zakharov2, Pradeep Bobby3 and Peter McGuire4 1. PhD Student, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 709-763-8304, [email protected] 2. C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709-864-2582, [email protected] 3. Director of Earth Observation, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709-864-8361, [email protected] 4. C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709-864-2006, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Siva Prasad, Student, 709-763-8304, [email protected] ABSTRACT Sea ice parameters, such as thickness, freeboard and ice concentration are important for climate studies and marine operations. The Community Ice CodE (CICE) model was implemented in standalone mode with a high-resolution scale in the regional domain of Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. The ice parameters retrieved from the model were assimilated with OSI-SAF (Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility) ice concentration using a nudging method. Model ice thickness was compared with thickness extracted from SMOS-MIRAS (Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity – Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis). The modelled thickness was found to be within the uncertainty limits of the observed parameters. The standard deviation of the difference between observed freeboard and the model had its highest value when ice was forming during October. Comparisons of the model results with freeboard data observed by satellite altimeter CryoSat-2 indicated a maximum standard deviation of 7.5 cm, corresponding to ice formation period. Model outputs from monthly assimilated ice concentration were compared with daily OSI-SAF products and the best results were found for forecasts of less than four days. The preliminary results also indicate that the accuracy of modeled ice thickness and ice concentration is affected by including mixed layer depth parameterization and sea surface salinity from World Ocean Atlas climatology data. 74 Iceberg Detection over Northern Latitudes Using High Resolution TerraSAR-X Images Anja Frost1*, Rudolf Ressel2, and Susanne Lehner3 1. Researcher, German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), Maritime Security Lab, Henrich-Focke-Straße 4, 28199 Bremen, Germany, +49421244201859, [email protected] 2. Researcher, German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), Maritime Security Lab, Henrich-Focke-Straße 4, 28199 Bremen, Germany, +49421244201858, [email protected] 3. Head of Maritime Security Lab, German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), Henrich-Focke-Straße 4, 28199 Bremen, Germany, +49421244201858, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anja Frost, PhD, 49421244201859, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Over northern latitudes, icebergs frequently cross shipping routes and impair marine traffic. To improve ship routing, we propose a novel algorithm that is intended to detect and chart icebergs from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images provided by the German satellite TerraSAR-X. TerraSAR-X is in a near-polar orbit and fully operational since January 2008. Equipped with an active Xband antenna, it is able to monitor the ocean and frozen waters regardless of cloud cover and darkness, providing a resolution of down to 3 m. Hence, even small icebergs become visible. The proposed algorithm is based on the iterative censoring constant false alarm rate (IC-CFAR) detector, which has proven its usefulness for target detection already. Different from the standard approach, we not only estimate statistical properties of open water backscatter expressed by a probability density function, but also survey in more detail recurring patterns (i.e. waves) building on former studies on wind and sea state retrieval. This allows discriminating icebergs from most false alarms that arise from rough sea and strong winds. Experiments carried out with a series of HH polarized TerraSAR-X StripMap images acquired between 2012 and 2014 confirm that - due to consideration of wave pattern during image processing - the false alarm rate is reduced by factor three. On average, we recorded 0.002 false alarms per km² and a detection rate of 93 %. Since results are output in near real time (NRT), we provide the basis for supporting operational ship routing in remote ice infested areas. 75 Detection and Discrimination of Ships and Icebergs using Satellite Altimetry: An Operational Perspective for Estimating Iceberg Populations Igor Zakharov1, Thomas M. Puestow2* and Andrew H. Fleming2 1. Research Scientist, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, John’s, NL, Canada, 709-864-2582, [email protected] 2. Senior Manager, EO, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, John’s, NL, Canada, 709-864-2586, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Manager, British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK, +44 (0)1223 221451, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Thomas Puestow, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, John’s, NL, Canada, 709-864-2586, [email protected] ABSTRACT This study investigated the utility of multi-source, multi-date satellite altmtery within the context of iceberg monitoring and population assessment over large and generally data-poor areas. Building on the recently documented capabilities of satellite altimneters to detect icebergs, this investigation aimed at improving detection and incorporating the discrmination of ships and icebergs. Satellite altimeters used include JASON-1, JASON-2 and Topex/POSEIDON, all of which operate in both Ku and C-Band. Ship observations for training and validation data were collected in areas of known major shipping routes, well outside any ice-affected areas. Conversely, training and validation data for icebergs were collected in areas of known iceberg occurrence and low probability of vessel traffic. The detection of iceberg and ship targets relied on using the phase of the Fourier-transformed altimetry signals. Each detected target was described by different parameters describing the strength and shape of altimetry Ku and C-Band signatures, including maximum backscatter coefficient, total backscattered power, the number of samples per target, the number of parabolas per target and the number of specular reflectors in parabolas. These parameters were statistically examined to assess their ability to discriminate between ships and icebergs and select appropriate predictor variables for use in supervised classification. In order to identify the appropriate classification methodology, a number of parameteric and non-parameteric machine learning algorithms were examined, including discriminant functions, k-nearest neighbor, neural networks, support vector machines, and decision tree analysis. Several classification scenarios were carried out using single algorithms as well as ensembles of several algorithms. The resulting probabilities of detection and classiofiocation accuracies were assessed using the independent validation sample as well as selected SAR imagery. The operational application for monitoring and historial analyses was assessed. 76 Characterization of Hazardous Ice using Spaceborne SAR and Ice Profiling Sonar Kaan Ersahin*1, Leslie Brown2, Randy Kerr3 ,Michael Henley4, Edward Ross5, Keath Borg6, and David Fissel7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. ASL Environmental Sciences Inc., Victoria, BC, Canada. * Presenting Author: Kaan Ersahin, E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Ice can pose hazard for operations (e.g., transportation, shipping, surveillance, offshore oil and gas exploration) and for infrastructure (e.g., ports, pipelines, offshore structures). There is an increasing need for fine scale characterization of hazardous ice conditions. This information is of interest to many stakeholders including the industry and government departments and agencies. Spaceborne SAR sensors are being used for near-real-time monitoring of the regional ice conditions. Satellite derived sea ice information products typically rely on the interpretation of ice analysts, sometimes supported by semi-automated tools. However, validation of data products is a remaining challenge due to limited or no ground-truth. The ASL Ice Profiling Sonar (IPS) is an upward looking sonar (ULS) device designed for high resolution ice draft measurements. The Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) measure ice velocity, when used in conjunction with IPS, horizontal extent of the ice features can be estimated. Since the mid-1990s, these instruments provided ice draft and velocity measurements in support of research and industrial programs in the Arctic Ocean and marginal ice zones. Analysis of ULS datasets allow us to make inferences regarding the ice conditions that are used as input to the engineering design of structures and the development of operational support programs. From the ULS data we characterize deformed sea ice features, e.g., individual keels and segments of hummocky (rubbled) ice. This work, funded by the Canadian Space Agency (2013-2015), aimed to calibrate and validate satellitebased ice data products using continuous measurements obtained from ULS instruments. We focused on the development of techniques to characterize hazardous ice using quad-polarized Radarsat-2 and corresponding ULS datasets. The results include: Paired satellite and ULS datasets to allow algorithm calibration and validation ULS data overlays on imagery used for interpretation and analysis Assessment of algorithms for ice draft estimation and hazardous ice characterization. Evaluation of simulated RCM compact-pol products for characterization 77 Research and Development in Iceberg Monitoring at the Canadian Ice Service Matthew Arkett1, Leah Braithwaite1, Angela Cheng1*, Tom Carrieres1, Adrienne Tivy1, Stephanie Tremblay-Therrien1 , Melanie Lacelle1, Ronald Saper2, and Derek Mueller3 1. Environment Canada-Canadian Ice Service, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2. Physical Scientist, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, [email protected] 3. Assistant Professor, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, (613) 520-2600 (ext. 1984), [email protected] * Presenting Author: Angela Cheng, 613 947-7514, [email protected] ABSTRACT Every year, roughly 40,000 icebergs migrate through Canada's eastern waters, while more recently, ice islands fragments originating from the ice shelves of northern Ellesmere Island, are drifting as far south as Newfoundland. These extreme ice features pose a significant collision risk to shipping vessels and offshore oil and gas platforms. The Canadian Ice Service (CIS), an agency within the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), and the US Coastguard’s International Ice Patrol (IIP) are the government bodies responsible for producing and releasing iceberg information products for Canadian and US waters. Through their North American Ice Service (NAIS) partnership agreement, both agencies share responsibility for the development of operational iceberg products, helping to ensure the safety of life at sea. In addition to these operational products, the CIS also produces a monthly update on the location of ice islands and their fragments on Canada’s east coast. Historically, both agencies have primarily used aerial reconnaissance and ship-based iceberg and ice island sightings as the principal inputs in product development. In more recent years, ice hazard locations derived from space based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are incorporated into NAIS information products. SAR constellations like Sentinel-1 and the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) will increase the temporal frequency of SAR observations for ice hazard monitoring and should improve the level of ice hazard information available to mariners. This paper will discuss ongoing research at CIS in iceberg detection and discrimination from SAR. The use of these detections in iceberg and ice island drift modelling, ice island monitoring and characterization, and iceberg climatology are also discussed. 78 S16 Global Vegetation Science / S16 Télédétection de la végétation à l'échelle globale Compton (Jim) Tucker, chair / modérateur Satellite observed sunlight-mediated seasonality in greenness of wet equatorial Amazonian rainforest Taejin Park1,*, Yuri Knyazikhin2, Jian Bi3, Sungho Choi4 and Ranga B Myneni5 1. PhD candidate, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-893-1988, [email protected] 2. Research Professor, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-8843, [email protected] 3. PhD candidate, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 857-472-0355, [email protected] 4. PhD candidate, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-8846, [email protected] 5. Professor, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-2525, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Taejin Park, PhD candidate, 617-893-1988, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Amazonian rainforests represent nearly half of the tropical terrestrial biomass and it is a major component of regional and global carbon and hydrological cycles. Understanding their intra- or inter-annual variation of structure and metabolic behavior is critical to projecting their response to climate change. Recent many studies based on space-borne sensors have been conducted to understand the nature and controls of the seasonal variation in greenness of wet equatorial Amazon forest. However, highly complicated sensing conditions such as saturated reflectance and weak sensitivity to changes in canopy properties from this dense forest often hinder to rightly understand the nature and controls of the seasonal variation in greenness. In this study, we suggest a robust approach to interpret such satellite data by analyzing angular signatures of radiation reflected from vegetation. This approach was implemented to investigate seasonality in greenness of wet equatorial Amazonian rainforests and we utilized three independent satellite data from Terra MODIS, MISR and Aqua MODIS sensors for this purpose. Analyzed three independent satellite datasets consistently show higher greenness level during the dry season (June to October) relative to the wet season (November to May). This can be interpreted as dry season increases in leaf flushing, litterfall, photosynthesis and evapotranspiration in this forest. Additionally, this result provides evidence for sunlight-mediated seasonality in greenness, i.e., the light is the limiting factor for productivity of well-hydrated equatorial Amazonian rainforests. 79 Global ENSO Teleconnection Patterns derived from NDVI3g: 1981-2013 Assaf Anyamba1*, Jennifer Small2 and Compton Tucker3 1. Research Scientist, GIMMS Group, Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Code 618.0, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA; +1301-614-6601, [email protected]. 2. Programmer Analyst, GIMMS Group, Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Code 618.0, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA; +1301-614-6602, [email protected]. 3. Senior Scientist, GIMMS Group, Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Code 618.0, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA; +1301-614-6644, [email protected]. * Presenting Author: Assaf Anyamba, Research Scientist, 301-614-6601, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Extremes phases of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomena are known to dominate interannual climate variability of tropical and extra-tropical rainfall and temperature impacting global vegetation dynamics. In this paper, we update the response of global vegetation patterns to ENSO events using the new normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI; version 3g) 1981 to 2013 data set In order the examine relationship between season NDVI and variations in the phase and amplitude of ENSO (represented by sea surface temperature variations in the NINO 3.4 region of the equatorial Pacific ocean: 5N-5S, 170W-120W), we compute monthly standardized NDVI anomalies and correlate them against corresponding NINO 3.4 SST anomalies to produce a global teleconnections map. Our findings show that, the El Niño phase of ENSO causes distinct and simultaneous patterns of anomalous green-up and drought at various regional locations around the world. Specifically, there is a tendency for greener-than-normal conditions associated with above-normal rainfall to occur over Eastern Africa, the southern tier of the United States, northern US and across Canada and coastal Ecuador, and Peru. Similarly, there is a tendency for drought to occur over India, Southeast Asia, Australia, northern and north-eastern Brazil, and Southern Africa. These conditions are largely reversible during the La Niña phase of ENSO. Our results confirm previous findings using precipitations data and provide a method for mapping impacts of climate variability. Continued processing and availability of such long time series data sets is critical to monitoring and mapping the impacts of a variable and changing climate. 80 Earth Observations and Global Environmental Governance Lennart Olsson1* and Yangoh Tambang2 1. Director, Lund University, Centre for Sustainability Studies, Box 170, S-22100 Lund, Sweden +46 (0)46 222 0511, <[email protected]> 2. Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University, Centre for Sustainability Studies, Box 170, S-22100 Lund, Sweden +46 (0)46 222 0511, <[email protected]> * Presenting Author: Lennart Olsson, professor, 46 (0)46 222 0511, <[email protected]> ABSTRACT Timely information on global vegetation is essential for global environmental governance. Environmental policies are increasingly made and evaluated at a supra-national level which puts increasing demands on the remote sensing community to develop technologies that are reliable, affordable, and accessible for the international community. Questions about legitimacy and accountability of decision making have recently come to the forefront in forest governance. Questions about saliency and reliability of remote sensing based monitoring have also come under scrutiny in relation to monitoring of land degradation. Proposed Sustainable Development Goals will give rise to new demands on monitoring global environmental processes and phenomena. We will discuss the role of satellite remote sensing in relation to global environmental politics. Issues of data quality, saliency, and access will be addressed as well as legitimacy and accountability of governance based on Earth observations. 81 A Non-Stationary 1981 to 2014 AVHRR NDVI Time Series Jorge Pinzon1 and Compton Tucker2* 1. Applied Mathematician, Earth Science Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA, 1 301 614 6687, <[email protected]> 2. Physical Scientist, Earth Science Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA 1 301 614-6644 <[email protected]> * Presenting Author: Compton Tucker, Physical Scientist, 301 614 6687, <[email protected]>. ABSTRACT We describe an updated version of a normalized difference vegetation index data set produced from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instruments that extends this record from1981 to 2014 using data only from these instruments. Minor deficiencies in a previous 1981-2011 version of our AVHRR NDVI data set have been corrected and we describe quantification of the seasonal, inter-annual, spatial coherence, temporal coherence, and error components of the data set’s variance. 82 Global warming and trends in seasonality of NDVI: Europe 1982-1998 versus 1999-2014 J. Ronald Eastman 1* and Elia A. MacHado2 1. Professor, Clark University, Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610-1477 USA, 1 508 849-2321, <[email protected]> 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geospatial Sciences, Lehman College, Bronx, NY 10468 USA, 1 718 960 1103, <[email protected]> * Presenting Author: J. Ronald Eastman, professor, 508 849-2321, <[email protected]> ABSTRACT The last 15 years have seen a slowing in the persistent growth of tropospheric temperatures experienced from the 1970's until the end of the century. The reasons for this slowing are still under debate, although 2014 was the warmest year on record globally. However, this change of regime represents an excellent opportunity to evaluate the role of global warming on the seasonality of NDVI. In this exploratory study, we focus on trends in the seasonality of NDVI from 1982-1998 and from 1999-2014 in Europe to gauge the evidence in the NDVI record for a change regime coincident with recent global warming. 83 S17 3D Characterization of Canopy Structure using LiDAR and New Technologies – I / S17 Caractérisation du couvert végétal avec le LiDAR et les nouvelles technologies - I Andrew Hudak, chair / modérateur GLAS Estimates of Canopy Gap Fraction Craig Mahoney1*, and Chris Hopkinson2 1. Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6T5, +1 403 332-4043, [email protected] 2. Professor, Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 6T5, +1 403 332-4586, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Craig Mahoney, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 403 332-4043, [email protected] ABSTRACT Canopy gap fraction is a widely used forest attribute in energy and water balance, ecological and forest resource modeling applications. Modeling gap fraction from both discrete and waveform Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems is an active area of research but is not always straight forwards due to differences in vegetation and ground surface reflectance properties, as well as other localised or system related phenomena. As a modelling solution, waveform ground returns are often calibrated to quasiarbitrary scaling factors, which can be heavily localized. This study utilizes a normalised sampling of Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) waveforms in conjunction with spatially concurrent multiple return airborne laser scanning (ALS) point clouds. The datasets are sourced from multiple sites representing a cross-section of major Australian ecosystems. The sensitivity of waveform ground return scaling functions to localised ecosystem attributes are highlighted, with the aim of both: i) better understanding the physics governing these sensitivities; and ii) developing a generalised approach to GLAS waveform gap fraction assessment that can be applied equally to a wide range of forest canopy conditions. We acknowledge CSIRO, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network and Dr. Alex Held of AusCover for access to multiple sites of ALS data, as well as continued support throughout this study. 84 An individual tree based framework to support operational forest resources inventory using full-waveform airborne LiDAR data Jili Li1*, Laird Van Damme1, John A. Kershaw2 and Arnold Rudy1 1. KBM resources Group, 349 Mooney Ave., Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, 8073455445, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2. Professor, University of New Brunswick, 3 Bailey Drive, Fredericton, NB, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jili Li, 807-345-5445, [email protected] ABSTRACT In the past 20 years, laser scanning and ranging (LiDAR) technology has provided enhanced functionality to advance the Forest Resources Inventory (FRI) and decision making. Several regression models have been built to link LiDAR metrics with important stand parameters (e.g., basal area and volume). Those models are generally created using fixed-area sampling plots measured by field crews, which requires extensive fieldwork. Alternatively, stand parameters can also be estimated with less fieldwork through the integration of individual tree parameters. To date, the tree-based approach using LiDAR has not been operationally applied for supporting FRI in Ontario due to the issues such as: low accuracies in individual tree detection/delineation and species identification; and, high cost in data acquisition and computation. The objective is to design an operationally feasible framework to support FRI by applying full-waveform airborne LiDAR data with minimum pulse density, reducing fieldwork, and improving accuracies of tree/stand parameters. To initialize this process, high-density LiDAR data were flown over a study area near Thunder Bay, Ontario. These LiDAR data were used to create maps of individual trees and their attributes, as the baseline for comparison to conventional ground sampling and a progressive reduction in LiDAR pulse density. We used the pit-free canopy height model combined with a modified individual tree delineation algorithm to improve tree detection; developed a simple but effective approach through the fusion of LiDAR and FRI interpretation data to improve tree species identification; and, estimated stand basal area and piece size distribution from derived trees parameters. We quantitatively evaluated the baseline framework accuracy using stands reconstructed from terrestrial LiDAR data. The research also includes a novel comparison between stand parameters obtained from our framework and those from ground point sampling. Our results suggest that stand parameters obtained from the baseline framework are comparable with those from terrestrial LiDAR and ground based samples. 85 Predicting Tree Species at the Tree-Level Using LiDAR Margaret Penner1*, Murray Woods2, Benoît St-Onge3 and Doug Pitt4 1. Forest Analysis Ltd., 1188 Walker Lake Dr., RR4, Huntsville, ON, CANADA, 705-635-1314, [email protected] 2. Senior Analyst – Forested Landscapes. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, 3301 Trout Lake Road, North Bay, ON, CANADA Phone: 705.475.5561, [email protected] 3 Professor, Département de géographie, Université du Québec à Montréal, 514- 987-3000 x 0280, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Quantitative Silviculture Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Canadian Forest Service, 1219 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, 705-541-5610, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Margaret Penner, Forest Analysis Ltd., 705-635-1314, [email protected] ABSTRACT LiDAR-derived attributes were used to predict species and species groups at the tree level within a managed Great Lakes St. Lawrence forest. A data set consisting of 1000 tree crowns was generated from the automated segmentation of high-resolution LiDAR data followed by species identification by a certified photo interpreter. All trees of the study area were delineated using local maxima detection and region growing. The size and shape of trees were computed and the point cloud of each tree extracted. Eighty-seven percent of the trees were conifer. Ten conifer species and nine hardwood species were represented in the sample. Approximately 800 trees were selected at random to calibrate logistic regression models, with the remaining trees reserved for validation. Initially, models were calibrated to predict trees as hardwood or conifer with a 98% correct classification rate on the validation dataset. Once the trees were classified as conifer, 74% of the validation trees were correctly classified at the species level. LiDAR attributes related to tree size were avoided during the modeling in favour of tree shape (e.g., skewness of returns) and crown texture attributes (e.g., roughness) along with underlying terrain derived attributes (e.g., moisture). The greatest misclassification was associated with larch, jack pine and white spruce. Parallel nonparametric predictions were made from the same calibration dataset using randomForest without loss of prediction accuracy. 86 Sage grouse hate trees: object-based mapping of juniper encroachment across the sage-grouse range Michael J. Falkowski1*, Aaron J. Poznanovic2, Nilam Kayastha3, David E. Naugle4 1. Research Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, 1530 Cleveland Avenue N St. Paul, MN 55108, [email protected] 2. Research Fellow, University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, 1530 Cleveland Avenue N St. Paul, MN 55108, [email protected] 3. Research Associate, University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, 1530 Cleveland Avenue N St. Paul, MN 55108, [email protected] 4. Professor, University of Montana College of Forestry and Conservation, 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Michael J. Falkowski, Research Associate Professor, [email protected] ABSTRACT Conifer encroachment in sage-steppe communities has dramatically accelerated over the last 150 years. Encroachment degrades habitat for sagebrush obligate species, including sage-grouse, by fragmenting these historically open and expansive sagebrush communities. Research demonstrates that sage-grouse abandon leks (breeding areas) where conifer cover is as low as 4%. Subsequently, iconic western species such as the sage-grouse have seen declining populations. To address these threats, we are employing an objected-oriented algorithm, called Spatial Wavelet Analysis (SWA), to map the location and size of individual conifer trees across 425,00 km2 of sage-grouse habitat conservation areas in the western United States. This tree location and size dataset, which is derived from multi-band high-resolution aerial photography (acquired by the National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP), is then used to generate high resolution maps of conifer canopy cover. This canopy cover product sheds light on the extent and distribution of tree canopy cover within the sage-grouse range so that land managers can ultimately make informed decisions on where to improve sage-grouse habitat. The accuracy of the SWA derived canopy cover estimates was determined via a comparison with independent canopy cover measurements and further evaluated against other object oriented approaches (image segmentation) as well as traditional classification methods (random forests, Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis (ISODATA), and maximum likelihood). Tests of statistical equivalence revealed that each of the methods varied considerably in accuracy, with SWA preforming best when conifer cover is below 40 percent and traditional, non-object oriented approaches performing better at high canopy covers. 87 Individual tree detection from LiDAR-derived canopy height models (CHM) in longleaf pine forest Carlos A. Silva1*, Andrew T. Hudak2, Lee A. Vierling3, E. Louise Loudermilk4, Joseph J. O’Brien5, Aaron Poznanovic6, Michael Falkowski7, Carlos A. Gonzalez-Benecke8, Steve Jack9, Heezin Lee10 1. Ph.D. Student. Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive, Moscow, ID -83844, USA, +1 (208) 596- 4510 , [email protected] 2. Research Forester. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID83843, USA, +1 (208) 883-2327, [email protected] 3. Associate professor. Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive, Moscow, ID 83844, USA, +1 (208) 885-5743, [email protected] 4. Research Ecologist. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green St., Athens, GA 30602, USA-, +1 (208) 706 559 4309 , [email protected] 5. Research Ecologist. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green St., Athens, GA 30602, USA-, +1 (706) 559-4336, [email protected] 6. Remote Sensing/GIS Fellow. Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA, +1 (218) 387-4050, [email protected] 7. Research Associate Professor. Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA, +1 (906) 370-7776, [email protected] 8. Program Coordinator. School of Forest Resources and Conservation, P.O. Box 110410, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA, +1 (352)846-0851, [email protected] 9. Conservation Ecologist. Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway, 3988 Jones Center Drive Newton, GA 39870, USA, +1 (229) 734-4706, ext. 247, [email protected] 10. Research Scientist. National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, +1 (510) 642-3991, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Carlos Alberto Silva, Ph.D. student, 208 596-4510, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is currently the best remote sensing technology for characterizing 3D canopy structure. We detected individual trees from a LiDAR-derived canopy height model (CHM) in a longleaf pine forest (Pinus palustris Mill) at Ichauway, Georgia, USA. Tree stem locations and heights were collected in field plots. Individual tree detection from the LiDAR-derived canopy height model (CHM) was realized using the rLiDAR package in R. To validate the performance of the individual tree detection, the original LiDAR point cloud was segmented into individual flight lines and treated as independent observations. A total of 150 square plots of (10m x 10m) were used to evaluate the performance of the individual tree detection. Within each plot, we counted the number of trees detected from two independent CHMs generated from overlapping flight line point clouds, and from the CHM generated from the combined point cloud data. According to preliminary results, in plots where tree density was <100 trees/ha we had an accuracy of 96% for individual tree detection in each of the three CHMs. In plots where the density of the trees was between 100-200 trees/ha, accuracy was ~79% , and where the tree density was >200 trees/ha, accuracy was ~40% from all three CHMs. While we found that tree detection accuracy suffers in denser stands as expected, we also provide evidence that tree locations derived from LiDAR CHMs are more accurate than stem locations mapped in the field using traditional methods and resource-grade GPS. 88 S18 Monitoring Surface Water and Wetland Ecosystems with SAR – I / S18 Suivi des milieux humides et des surfaces d’eau avec le RSO - I Brian Brisco, chair / modérateur Mapping Ephemeral Surface Water Bodies with Radarsat-2 Sandra Bolanos1*, Doug Stiff1, Brian Brisco2, Al Pietroniro3, Stéphane Bélair4 1. Environment Canada, National Hydrological Services; 373 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0H3, Canada 2. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, 588 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0Y7, Canada 3. Environment Canada, National Hydrological Services; 11 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 3H5, Canada 4. Environment Canada, Meteorological Research; 2121 route Transcanadienne, Dorval, Quebec, H9P1J3, Canada * Presenting Author: Sandra Bolanos, Physical Science Officer, 613-943-9786, [email protected] ABSTRACT Prairie potholes are water-holding depressions of glacial origin in the prairies of the northern United States and southern Canada. Studies have found that direct precipitation and spring runoff from snowmelt are the major sources of water supply to prairie potholes, while evapotranspiration and overflow are the major causes of water loss (Pomeroy, 2010). Since they generally form in low topographic terrain, their surficial extent can vary significantly throughout the year making stage/volume relationships difficult to establish for water quantity measurements and it is hypothesized that their surficial extent plays a significant role in surface/atmosphere boundary models (Belair, 2014) and in flooding conditions in the following spring (Pietroniro 2014). Despite their importance on the water balance of prairie basins, these ephemeral water bodies are not consistently or broadly monitored. SAR data is a well suited information source for large scale surface water monitoring, especially in regions where hydrological information is difficult to obtain due to inaccessibility and rapid change. Existing threshold-based methods, used for real time flood mapping, require intensive manual input for water surface mapping, and adjustments on a scene per scene basis. In this work, the feasibility to map ephemeral water bodies using RADARSAT-2 imagery in Fine Wide mode (~6x6m) in an operational way is presented, together with an analysis of the accuracy of this and alternative methods. The ability to measure the extent of individual potholes as well as the ability to detect changes is analyzed using higher resolution SAR data, optical imagery and lidar. 89 Evaluation of Temporal Filters for SAR Applications in Water Resources Lori White1*, Ron Caves2, Kevin Murnaghan3, Brian Brisco4 1. Environmental Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observations (EGS-CCMEO), Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), K1A 0E4, (613) 759-6485, [email protected] 2. Senior Analyst, Research and Development, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd, 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, (604) 278-3411, [email protected] 3. Environmental Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), K1A 0E4, (613) 759-6237, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa (ON), K1A 0E4, (613) 759-1046, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Lori White, Environmental Scientist, 613-759-6485, [email protected] ABSTRACT SAR has long been recognized as a useful sensor for mapping and monitoring surface water and floods due to its all-weather capability and sensitivity to water in the landscape. The traditional approach of using spatial filters to remove speckle effects in SAR data is effective for this application but may cause the loss of spatial information due to the degradation of resolution in the output product. The advent of SAR constellations with more rapid revisit capability allows one to generate stacks of SAR data for various applications. This stack allows us to use temporal filters rather than spatial filter for noise reduction while maintaining resolution. MDA recently developed a temporal filter for agricultural applications and the GAMMA software package has two temporal filters for SAR processing. This study will compare these three different temporal filters with the traditional spatial filtering approach using the signal level ratio, the Equivalent Number of Looks (ENL), the resolution, and the ENL /resolution ratio. This evaluation is conducted for detecting surface water in the Peace Athabasca Delta and for detecting phragmites patches in the Georgian Bay Islands National Park. The results indicate that temporal filtering is an effective way to reduce speckle noise while maintaining resolution for the processing of stacks of SAR data. This helps maintain the edges and find small targets such as water bodies or the small phragmites patches in the landscape. 90 Early results of inland water-body detection using multipolarized L-band SAR: airborne, Aquarius, and SMAP Seungbum Kim1*, Dara Entekhabi2, Simon Yueh3 1. Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. [email protected]. +1-818-354-0435 2. Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 3. Senior Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA * Presenting Author: Seungbum Kim, Research Scientist, 818-354-0435 [email protected]. ABSTRACT The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite will be launched in January 2015 and will provide global measurements of normalized radar cross section (NRCS) at L-band at 8-day revisit. The dual-polarized (HH and VV) NRCS will be used to identify inland water-bodies globally with 3-km resolution at 3-day subrepeat, to support water and carbon science, flood mapping, and soil moisture retrieval. Trade-off between spatial and temporal resolutions would also allow 1-km detection at ~ 32-day interval. We probe the SMAP’s new capability to resolve challenges with the existing satellites in water-body classification: temporal resolution, spatial extent, spatial resolution, varying incidence angle, instrument noise, scene diversity, and the capability to penetrate vegetation and clouds. The proposed approach is to combine a threshold to the HH/VV ratio at -3 dB and a HH threshold at -25 dB. According to the prelaunch testing with airborne radar data, the water detection error is smaller than 10 %. The false alarm rate is smaller than 2%. The proposed approach is robust to the subpixel heterogeneity up to 75% land fraction contributed by barren surface, 10% by shrubland, and 3% by forests. We will also investigate the utility of the Co-/Cross-polarization ratio (HV/HH), which is nominally less than -18 dB for water surfaces and substantially higher for land surfaces. Post-launch validations of the SMAP product include a comparison with known static targets, and with dynamic targets such as flood events identified by spaceborne optical or high-resolution Radarsat data. 91 Monitoring water levels by integrating optical and synthetic aperture radar water masks with lidar DEMs Chris Hopkinson1*, Brian Brisco2, Shane Patterson3 1. University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge AB Canada. [email protected] 2. Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ottawa ON Canada 3. Government of Alberta, Innovation and Advanced Education, Edmonton AB Canada * Presenting Author: Chris Hopkinson, university of Lethbridge, [email protected] ABSTRACT The ability to map and monitor wetland and lake open water extent and levels across the landscape allows improved estimates of watershed water balance, surface storage and flood inundation. The study presents open water classifications over the wetland dominated Sheppard Slough watershed east of Calgary in western Canada using parallel temporal imagery captured from the RapidEye and RadarSat satellites throughout 2013, a year of widespread and costly flood inundation in this region. The optical and SAR-based temporal image stacks were integrated with a high-resolution lidar DEM in order to delineate regions of inundation on the DEM surface. GIS techniques were developed to extract lidarderived water surface elevations and track the spatio-temporal variation in pond and lake water level across the watershed. Water bodies were assigned unique identifiers so that levels could be tracked and linked to their associated watershed channel reach. The procedure of optical image classification through to merging of individual water bodies into watershed channel topology and extracting reach water levels has been automated within python scripts. The presentation will describe: i) the procedures used; ii) a comparison of the SAR and optical classification and water level extraction results; iii) a discussion of the spatio-temporal variations in water level across the Sheppard Slough watershed; and iv) a commentary on how the approach could be implemented for web-based operational monitoring and as simulation initialisation inputs for flood inundation model studies. 92 Multitemporal Interferometric SAR for Accurate Water Extent Mapping Valentin Poncos1* and Andrew Welch2 1. SAR Scientist, Kepler Space Inc., 72 Walden drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 613-883-8184, [email protected] 2. President , JWRL Inc., 128 Creekside Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 613-454-5807, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Valentin Poncos, SAR Scientist, 613-883-8184, [email protected] ABSTRACT Flooding events are usually associated to rainy weather when the cloud coverage makes impossible the use of the space-borne optical systems. Synthetic Aperture Radar has the capability of penetrating the cloud coverage; this capability, associated with its own illumination that makes it usable during the night, makes SAR desirable for operational (almost real-time) monitoring of natural hazards. Moreover, the lower (than optical) operating frequency of SAR makes possible detecting water under vegetation, a characteristic of wetlands and flooded areas. The water extent maps produced with the C-band Radarsat2 combine open-surface water (visible also with optical sensors) with water under vegetation (mostly invisible to optical sensors) as well as water-saturated soil (invisible to optical frequency). These maps are more accurate than any other water-extent map produced with optical sensors because they reveal water masked by vegetation (such as forests, reeds), by surficial organic material covering the ground as well as water in highly-saturated soil. The work presented in this paper is related to three projects financed by the Canadian Space Agency: 1. R&D for Multi Satellite Data Integration, Earth Observation Applications and Utilization. 2. Earth Observation Applications Development Program (EOADP), Development of Applications for Environmental Monitoring and Remediation. 3. Rapid Information Products and Services (RIPS), First Nation Community Monitoring (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada). The goal is to produce accurate water extent maps on various ground conditions and vegetation cover. The processing methodology exploits the SAR amplitude, interferometric phase coherence and the temporal variation of these parameters. 93 S19 Coastal HF Radar Applications / S19 Applications des radars HF côtiers Weimin Huang, chair / modérateur An Ionospheric Reflection Coefficient Model for HF Ionosphere-Ocean Propagation Shuyan Chen1*, Eric W. Gill2, and Weimin Huang3 1. PhD Student, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 240 Prince Philip Dr., St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, 1-(709)7659680, [email protected] 2. Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 240 Prince Philip Dr., St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, 1-(709)8648922, [email protected] 3. Assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 240 Prince Philip Dr., St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5, 1-(709)8648937, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Shuyan Chen, PhD Student, 1-(709)7659680, [email protected]. ABSTRACT High frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR) has been accepted as an important remote sensing device for sea state monitoring. However, the performance of HFSWR may be significantly impacted by unwanted echoes such as ionosphere clutter. During transmission, a portion of the radar radiation may travel upwards to the ionosphere from the transmitting antenna. This may be partially reflected back to the receiving antennas directly or via the ocean surface, the latter being referred to as ionosphere-ocean propagation. Based on the previously derived high frequency (HF) radar cross section for ionosphere-ocean propagation involving a pulsed source, a modified the ionosphere reflection coefficient (IRC) is presented in this paper. The physical influences of the ionospheric electron density on HF radar Doppler spectra are taken into account in this new model. The relationship between the IRC and the ionospheric electron density is derived according to a layered ionosphere model. Then, a typical power-law distribution for the electron density is incorporated into the developed spectral density function of the IRC. Finally, the normalized power for ionosphere-ocean propagation relative to the average first-order ocean clutter power is simulated for different horizontal ionospheric plasma drift velocities and wind directions. 94 Comparison of Antenna-Motion-Incorporated High Frequency Bistatic Radar Cross Sections of the Ocean Surface with Earlier Models Yue Ma1*, Eric W Gill2 and Weimin Huang3 1. PhD student, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-765-0702, [email protected] 2. Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-864-8922, [email protected] 3. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-864-8937, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Yue Ma, PhD student, 709-765-0702, [email protected]. ABSTRACT In this paper, the first- and second-order high frequency bistatic radar cross sections of the ocean surface with the transmitter on a floating platform are presented. When there is no antenna motion, the bistatic radar cross section incorporating antenna motion is shown to reduce to that for the fixed antenna case. Also, when the backscatter geometry is introduced into the bistatic radar cross section which accounts for antenna motion, the model is seen to reduce to an earlier monostatic result. The bistatic radar cross section with antenna motion, the monostatic radar cross section with antenna motion and the bistatic radar cross section with fixed antennas are illustrated. Comparison of the results shows that additional peaks caused by the swaying motion of the platform are symmetrically distributed in the spectra and these motion-induced peaks have less energy in the bistatic cross section than those in the monostatic case. It is also found that the effect of the antenna motion on the second-order radar cross section is much smaller than that on the first-order case. 95 Design and Implementation of a High-Frequency Software-Defined Radar (HFSDR): Initial Results Khalid El-Darymli1*, Noah Hansen 2, and Eric W. Gill3 1. Mr. Khalid El-Darymli is a Senior Engineer with Northern Radar Inc, 25 Anderson Avenue, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1B 3E4, Canada. Email: [email protected] 2. Mr. Noah Hansen is a Senior Engineer with Northern Radar Inc, 25 Anderson Avenue, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1B 3E4, Canada. Email: [email protected] 3. Dr. Eric W. Gill is a professor of electrical and computer engineering with Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 3X5. Email: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Khalid El-Darymli, Senior Engineer, [email protected] ABSTRACT Northern Radar Inc (NRI) is in the process of developing a high-frequency software-defined radar (HFSDR). The transceiver of the system is implemented using software-defined radio (SDR) technology, and the radar utilizes phased-array antennas. In its current set-up, the system is designed to operate in the surface-wave mode. Hence, its main end-market application is oceanography. The SDR is a generic radio communication system in which components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g., the mixer, modulator, demodulator, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or an embedded device. When compared to standard state-of-the-art HF radars in the market today, the two main advantages of the SDR-based system are flexibility and cost-efficiency. Figure 1 illustrates the overall architecture of the HF-SDR system. Primarily, SDRs connected to a host computer function as the transceiver of the system. To provide for long-term clock stability and to synchronize the receive and transmit channels across multiple SDRs, a GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO) is used. For demonstration purposes, a representative range-Doppler map, acquired using this system from the on-site HF antennas, installed by NRI for the HF-ROSA project [1] at the former Naval Station Argentia, Newfoundland [2], is shown in Figure 2. In the full-paper version of this abstract, a more thorough description will be offered along with additional results. REFERENCES [1] High Frequency Radar Ocean Surface Applications (HF-ROSA). (2014, 12) Memorial University of Newfoundland. [Online]. Available: [2] Naval Station Argentia. (2014, 12) Wikipedia. [Online]. Available: 96 Figure 1: The overall architecture of NRI's HF-SDR radar. z Figure 2: Range-Doppler map due to a backscatter collected on October 29, 2014 from a single receive element. The data collection utilized the on-site HF antennas installed by NRI for the HF-ROSA project (HFROSA). This test used a linear frequency modulated continuous wave (LFMCW) up-chirp with the following radar parameters, center frequency = 13.3853 MHz, sweep bandwidth = 100 kHz, sweep time = 0.784 s, and integration time = 20 minutes. 97 Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Coastal Surveillance Applications Raviraj Adve1* and Maryam Ravan2 1. Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 10 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON M5S3G4, Canada, (416) 946 7350 [email protected] 2. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 10 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON M5S3G4, Canada, (416) 946 7350 [email protected] * Presenting Author: Raviraj Adve, Professor, 416 946 7350, [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper presents the use of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) algorithms for coastal surveillance. STAP algorithms generally address interference, whether homogeneous or not, but are tested in environments with a single target or with targets that do not interact with each other. However, a high frequency surface-wave radar (HFSWR) monitoring off-shore activity likely sees many targets closely spaced in angle, Doppler and range. Target detection in coastal surveillance applications is further complicated by nonhomogeneous sea clutter; schemes, such as STAP, that are based on estimating interference statistics, are particularly vulnerable to clutter heterogeneity. Clutter heterogeneity also severely limits data available to train the adaptive processor. In this paper we present the fast fully adaptive (FFA) approach, a STAP algorithm that has an inherent robustness against heterogeneity. Inspired by the fast Fourier transform, the algorithm sub-divides the overall STAP problem into a series of smaller problems; the outputs of each sub-problem are combined adaptively. This is repeated until a single statistic is obtained. By reducing the problem size, the algorithm benefits from significantly reduced required training; furthermore, the repeated combinations of outputs provides an inherent robustness against heterogeneity. The proposed algorithm is tested on measured data provided by Raytheon Canada. A comparison is made to both non-adaptive processing and to another STAP algorithm, Joint Domain Localized processing, which also requires limited training. 98 Comparison of Spectral Estimation Methods for Rapidly-varying Currents Obtained by High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Wei Wang1*, Eric W. Gill2 1. Post doctor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, A1B 3X5, St John’s, NL, Canada, 763-2865, [email protected] 2. Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, A1B 3X5, St John’s, NL, Canada, 864-7922, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Wei Wang, Post doctor, 763-2865, [email protected]. ABSTRACT A comparative study of both conventional spectrum estimation methods, e.g., the periodogram method, and modern techniques, such as the autoregressive and multiple signal classification methods, for current mapping by a high frequency surface wave radar is undertaken. The innovation of this paper is that this analysis is based on time series that are much shorter than the commonly adopted coherent integration times used in such systems. This reduction in the signal length will cause two problems for the conventional periodogram method, namely, poor Doppler resolution and reduction in signal-to-noise ratio. Also, to calculate the radial current velocity, it is important to estimate its associated Doppler shift from the frequency spectrum. Two Doppler shift identification methods, including the conventional centroid method and the symmetric-peak-sum method, are examined in conjunction with each of the spectral estimation techniques. A weighted sum of the current estimates using the two Doppler shift identification methods is also recommended to provide a lower RMS difference. The weighting ratio is optimized using a genetic algorithm. Field data comparison with current measurements obtained from a current meter indicate that, in this case, the use of a combination of the high-resolution spectral estimation methods is capable of providing the same rms difference level for short and long time series, while the RMS of the currents obtained from the periodogram method increase dramatically for short time series. Significant improvements in the retrieved current velocities for both stationary and rapidlyvarying current conditions have been shown. 99 S20 Future Canadian Earth Observation Missions / S20 Futures missions canadiennes en observation de la Terre Martin Bergeron, chair / modérateur The Canadian Hyperspectral Mission Concept Gary Buttner1, Jennifer Busler2*, Antonio Sanz3, Shen-En-Qian4, Martin Bergeron5, Ralph Girard6, Karl Staenz7 and Jinkai Zhang8 1. Business Development Manager, Surveillance and Intelligence Group, MDA Systems Ltd., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, (604) 278-3411, [email protected] 2. Senior Analyst, Surveillance and Intelligence Group, MDA Systems Ltd., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, (604) 278-3411, [email protected] 3. Project Manager, Surveillance and Intelligence Group, MDA Systems Ltd., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, (604) 278-3411, [email protected] 4. Senior Engineer (Optical), Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-4618, [email protected] 5. Senior Programs Officer, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-7728, [email protected] 6. Manager Radars and Antennas (Space Utilization), Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint- Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-4654, [email protected] 7. Professor, Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre and Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, (403) 329-2047, [email protected] 8. Research Associate, Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre and Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, (403) 329-2047, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jennifer Busler, Senior Analyst, 604 278-3411, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The Government of Canada has identified wide-angle hyperspectral system remote sensing as a highly desired capability for both government and commercial users involved in the day-to-day management of the nation’s agricultural, forestry, marine, environmental, and other resources. In response to this, the Canadian Space Agency has funded a variety of feasibility studies aimed at a potential Canadian Hyperspectral Mission (CHM) which would deliver the necessary information products based upon a constellation of microsatellites. The CHM mission concept differs from traditional research-oriented systems in that the spectroradiometric and imaging performance are tailored to support frequent sub-weekly repeat coverage of Canada’s enormous land and coastal regions. This combination of optical performance and large-area coverage presents a variety of technical challenges, particularly for a low-cost microsatellite system. However, early CHM studies have shown that it is indeed feasible to provide this capability with a 10 nm VNIR hyperspectral system and a variety of multispectral SWIR bands using a constellation of three microsatellites. In this paper, we review the needs and applications which drive CHM, some of the image quality analyses which support the proposed system performance, and the overall high-level system end-to-end concept including the spacecraft and ground segments. 100 The Earth Observation Potential of the Polar Communication and Weather (PCW) Mission Martin Bergeron1*, Louis Garand2, Alexander P. Trishchenko3, Pierre Langlois4 1. Senior Programs Officer, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-7728, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canadian Meteorological Centre, 2121, route Transcanadienne, Dorval, Québec, Canada, (514) 421-4749, [email protected] 3. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 759-1446, [email protected] 4. Program Lead, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 9266796, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Martin Bergeron, Senior Programs Officer, Planning, 450 926-7728, [email protected]. ABSTRACT In 2007, the Canadian Space Agency in partnership with the Department of National Defense (DND), Environment Canada (EC), and other Government Departments, initiated the Concept Development and Requirements Identification for a Polar Communication and Weather (PCW) Mission. It proved that a system of two satellites operating in Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) could provide continuous 24/7 broadband communications services and monitor arctic weather and climate change at the required temporal and spatial resolution, throughout all of the Arctic. This was followed by a Mission Analysis and Concept Definition study that ended in 2011 which also considered optional Science Payloads. Since, industry has responded to a Request for Information, whose summary of Feedback and Outcomes has been released in 2014. PCW is conceived as a suite of payloads serving Military and Civil communications, Meteorology and Space Weather in the arctic. This paper focuses on those capacities most relevant to Earth Observation, namely surface parameters obtainable from the Meteorology payload and Auroral Imaging from an optional Ultra-Violet (UV) Imager. The PCW Meteorology payload has very similar characteristics to that of GOESR (0.5-2 km resolution) and would deliver important environmental and climatic applications such as sea or land surface temperature, land cover assessment, snow/ice cover, fire disturbances, atmospheric motion vectors (winds), and more. With regard to Space Weather, an optional UV Imager could deliver the first continuous real-time imagery of the entire auroras oval over the Arctic for accurate nowcasting of the space weather situation useful to space-based and ground-based asset protection, trans-polar flight operations and radio signals distortion. The WaterSat Mission Concept Martin Bergeron1*, Shen-En Qian2, Michael Ott3, Gary Buttner4 1. Senior Programs Officer, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-7728, [email protected] 2. Senior Engineer (Optical), Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Québec, Canada, (450) 926-4618, [email protected] 3. Senior Scientific Advisor, Canadian Hydrographic & Oceanographic Services, 200 Kent Street, Ottawa, Canada, 613-991-6988, [email protected] 4. Business Development Manager, Surveillance and Intelligence Group, MDA Systems Ltd, 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, (604) 278-3411, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Martin Bergeron, Senior Programs Officer, Planning, 450 926-7728, [email protected]. ABSTRACT In 2014, the Canadian Space Agency initiated five feasibilities studies for microsatellites (≤150kg) selected on the basis of Canadian Government needs. Of these, the Canadian Coastal and Inland Waters (WaterSat) mission concept responds to the need to improve the monitoring and better understand the quality and productivity of coastal and inland waters as these needs have an important impact on the health of the population and on economic activities. WaterSat aims to: 1. Provide coastal waters and medium to large bodies freshwater ecological information, 2. Monitor hazards, discharges, effluents and pollution events, 3. Assess productivity of marine coastal ecosystems, 4. Characterize Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), and 5. Monitor medium and large bodies freshwater quality. This initiative was supported by government departments including Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Environment Canada (Water Science & Technology Directorate and the Canadian Ice Service), Natural Resources Canada, Defence Research and Development Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The feasibility study concluded that WaterSat could be implemented on a microsatellite platform as a pushbroom hyperspectral sensor covering the spectral range from 400 to 1000nm with a 7.5nm spectral sampling. A 100m Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) would be achieved over a 300km swath. Signal-tonoise of more than 400:1 (for reference albedo of 5%) would allow the retrieval of the intended products. This paper provides an overview of the mission requirements and proposed concept. Expected benefits are also presented. 102 RADARSAT Constellation Mission Daniel De Lisle1* Steve Iris 1. RCM Data Utilization & Applications, Canadian Space Agency, 6767 route de l’aéroport, Longueuil, QC, Canada, J3Y 8Y9, 450-926-6611, [email protected] 2.RADARSAT Constellation Mission Manager, Canadian Space Agency,6767 route de l’aéroport, Saint-Hubert, Qc, Canada 450-926-6554, [email protected] * Presenting Author: , Daniel De Lisle, RCM Data Utilization & Applications, 450-926-6611, [email protected] ABSTRACT The RADARSAT Constellation is the next step in evolution of the RADARSAT Program with the objective of ensuring data continuity, improved operational use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and improved system reliability. The mission consist of three identical C-band SAR satellites flying in a constellation which will provide complete coverage of Canada's land and oceans offering an average daily revisit, as well as a potential daily access to 95% of any location on the globe. The main objective of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission is on meeting Government of Canada User Department’s needs and requirements in Core Use Areas such as Maritime Surveillance, Disaster Management, Ecosystem Monitoring and Northern Development. The constellation is designed primarily as a wide area monitoring system, offering medium resolution data, but it will also offers high resolution imaging capabilities, including a Spotlight Mode, as well as multiple polarization including Compact Polarimetry and Experimental Quad-Polarization. The greatly enhanced temporal revisit combined with accurate orbital control will enable advanced interferometric applications in between satellites on a four-day cycle that will allow the generation of very accurate coherent change maps. RCM frequent revisit capability, near real-time SAR data availability and vessel identification capabilities (through an AIS payload) will provide the capability to identify and monitor ships up before they enter Canadian waters or ports which will increase the Safety, Sovereignty and Security of Canada. The RADARSAT Constellation Mission is currently under construction with satellite launches planned for 2018. This presentation will describe the RCM space and ground segments, and provide an overall project status. It will focus on the programmatic and technical challenges and realizations, and discuss activities surrounding application development and operational readiness by the government of Canada departmental users. 103 A Microsatellite-based Canadian Wildland Fire Monitoring System Timothy J. Lynham1, Joshua M. Johnston2, Marleen van Mierlo3*, Brian Lawrence4, Paul Briand5, Linh Ngo Phong6, Jean-François Hamel7, Denis Dufour8 1. Forest Fire Research Project Leader, Natural Resources Canada, CFS, 1219 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, 705-541-5537, [email protected] 2. Forest Fire Analyst, Natural Resources Canada, CFS, 1219 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada, 705-5415548, [email protected] 3. Senior Engineer, Space Utilization Development, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, QC, Canada, 450-926-4576, [email protected] 4. Engineer, Space Utilization, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, QC, Canada, 450926-4657, [email protected] 5. Manager, Earth Observation Applications and Utilization Programs, Directorate of Space Utilization, Division of Mission Engineering and Applications, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, QC, Canada, 450-926-6737, [email protected] 6. Research Scientist, Canadian Space Agency, 6767, route de l'Aéroport, Saint-Hubert, QC, Canada, 450-926-4678, [email protected] 7. Project Manager, NGC Aerospace, 1650 rue King Ouest, Bureau 202, Sherbrooke QC, Canada, 819 348-9483 ext. 225, [email protected] 8. Research Scientist, INO, 2740 Einstein Street, Québec, QC, Canada, 418-657-7006, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Marleen van Mierlo Senior Engineer, 450-926-4576, [email protected] ABSTRACT In 2011, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) created an initiative for developing microsatellite missions that will be part of the next generation of Canadian satellites. Five candidate missions were selected based on their ability to respond to the needs of the Canadian government, to be low cost, and to provide a fast turnaround for development. The plan is to launch one microsatellite every two years with the development of the first mission starting in 2016 with a possible launch date in 2020. The selection of the first mission will be take place in the summer of 2015. One of the five microsatellite mission candidates is the Canadian Wildland Fire Monitoring System (CWFMS). CWFMS has a strong user community consisting of Canadian government departments (led by NRCAN) and academic partners. The current proposal for the CWFMS mission includes a novel, Canadian low-cost thermal imaging technology called a micro-bolometer developed jointly by CSA and Institut national d'optique (INO). This sensor has a space heritage after Canada provided a similar detector for launch on a joint NASA/Argentine satellite in 2010. The objective of CWFMS is to develop a Canadian satellite system that has the ability to monitor and track wildland fires within Canada. CWFMS will deliver near real-time information in support of wildland fire management to governments and commercial enterprises by providing information such as fire locations (hotspots), fireline intensity, rate of fire spread, burned area mapping and Fire Radiative Power (FRP). FRP is a measure of the rate of energy released from a fire and can be used to estimate carbon emissions from wildfires. Canada has international obligations for reporting on carbon emissions and for air quality forecasting. Fires have important positive ecological effects but are not tolerated when they threaten human lives, the loss of homes, and cause the evacuation of communities due to the effect of smoke on human health and comfort. Fires also impact the Canadian economy through the loss of timber and commercial 104 infrastructure. Much of Canada is lightly populated therefore satellite monitoring can augment airborne fire monitoring systems, especially in remote areas. CWFMS will use a single satellite of 75-150 kg that will image in a sun-synchronous, low earth orbit of 500850 km above the earth. It will access the whole of Canada every 24 hours using Canadian ground receiving stations. The design life will be 2 years. The CWFMS microsatellite mission is currently undergoing a feasibility study (Phase 0) led by NGC Aerospace, that will be completed in March 2015. CWFMS could be a stepping-stone towards an operational fire monitoring service using a constellation of satellites. 105 S21 3D Characterization of Canopy Structure using LiDAR and New Technologies – I / S21 Caractérisation du couvert végétal avec le LiDAR et les nouvelles technologies – II Andrew Hudak, chair / modérateur Characterizing Fine-scale Understory Plant Diversity and Fuels from Threedimensional Photogrammetry Points Benjamin C. Bright1*, E. Louise Loudermilk2, Scott Pokswinski3, Andrew T. Hudak4, Joseph J. O’Brien5 1. Geographer, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2311, [email protected] 2. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4309, [email protected] 3. Ecologist, University of Nevada at Reno, 1664 N. Virginia MS 0314, Reno, NV 89557, USA, [email protected] 4. Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2327, [email protected] 5. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4336, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Benjamin C. Bright, Geographer, (208) 883-2311, [email protected] ABSTRACT Longleaf pine ecosystems of the southeastern United States are important fire-frequented habitats for many species of concern. Understory plant communities of longleaf pine ecosystems are often highly diverse at sub-meter spatial scales, which is driven by low-intensity frequent fire regime (1-5 years). Methods for quantifying understory plant diversity at fine scales will help in efforts to monitor longleaf pine ecosystems, by relating them to surface fuel and fire behavior characteristics that are constrained by the pine overstory. Methods for measuring fuels at fine spatial scales is an important step to understanding plant-fire interactions across scales. We measured understory plant diversity and fuel cell type and structure on ten 3-m2 plots at a 10 cm resolution. For these same plots, we used photogrammetry to derive three-dimensional point clouds representing understory plant height and color (RGB). Point clouds were summarized into various height and density distributional metrics, similar to conventional LIDAR. Comparison of height and density metrics with in situ measurements showed that photogrammetry points accurately measured plant and fuel heights. We will discuss predictions of understory plant diversity and fuel cell type from photogrammetry metrics using non-linear analyses, such as the Random Forest algorithm. This research illustrates a new, more affordable alternative to using terrestrial LIDAR to characterize fine-scale 3D surface vegetation and fuels. 106 3D Modeling of Understory Fuels Determined by Overstory Structure E. Louise Loudermilk1*, Eric Rowell2, Andrew T. Hudak3, Joseph J. O’Brien4, Benjamin C. Bright5, Carl Seielstad6, Scott Pokswinski6, Lee Dyer7 1. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4309, [email protected] 2.Remote Sensing/Programmer Analyst, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812, USA, (406) 243-2000, [email protected] 3. Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2327, [email protected] 4. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4336, [email protected] 5. Geographer, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2311, [email protected] 6. Associate Research Professor, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812, USA, (406) 243-6200, [email protected] 7. Ecologist, University of Nevada at Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89557, USA, [email protected] 8. Professor, University of Nevada at Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89557, USA, [email protected] * Presenting Author: E. Louise Loudermilk, Research Ecologist, (706) 559-4309, [email protected] ABSTRACT Overstory structure is the main driver of surface fuels in frequent fire conifer ecosystems. Directly, the pines provide the fine fuels (pine needles) that are an easily ignitable and continuous fuel source across stands and landscapes. Indirectly, the pines influence the understory ground cover (shrubs, forbs, grasses) through below or aboveground processes of plant-plant interaction and influences on fine-scale fire behavior, creating an intricate cycle of fuel, fire, and fire effects. Understanding how surface fuels relate to overstory structure provides the link to understanding plant diversity patterns across these fire maintained systems. We present a cross scale analysis and modeling study of fine-scale fuel patterns as predicted by the overstory in a xeric longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forest, located at Eglin Air Force Base in NW FL, USA. Our 3D overstory structure (height, location, etc.) across a pine dominated stand was determined by low density (1 m mean point density) aerial LIDAR. Surface fuels were measured using imagery and photogrammetry techniques as well as point-intercept and biomass sampling in spatially located plots. These data are used to aid in a 3D rendering process, where plot-based data informs the creation of 3D plant models which are distributed in relation to overstory distribution. We used a cross-validation approach (e.g., bootstrapping) to determine the accuracy of our results for predicting fuels (i.e., plant surface area, biomass, and bulk density) across a stand. This approach will be used to further predict fire behavior and fire effects, especially in relation to understory plant community dynamics. 107 Modeling 3D understory structure for use in physics-based fire behavior simulations Eric Rowell1, Carl Seielstad2, E. Louise Loudermilk3*, and Joseph J. O’Brien4 1. Remote Sensing/Programmer Analyst, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, College of Forestry and Conservation, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, (406) 243-2000, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, College of Forestry and Conservation, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, (406) 243-2000, [email protected] 3. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4309, [email protected] 4. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4336, [email protected] * Presenting Author: E. Louise Loudermilk, Research Ecologist, 706 559-4309, [email protected] ABSTRACT As complexity of fire behavior models increase utilizing advanced physics based simulations (i.e. HIGRAD/FIRETEC and Wildland–Urban Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator), improved estimation and characterization of surface fuels is necessary to understand the complex relationship between fuels, topography, and local meteorology that drive wildland fire. Recently, the employment of both airborne and terrestrial LiDAR to estimate surface fuel availability, distribution, and mass in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystems of the southeastern United States suggest that even these systems struggle to adequately characterize fuel objects in sufficient detail to extract meaningful biophysical characteristics to drive physics-based fire behavior models. We present an analysis and modeling research string of fine-scale fuel patterns in xeric longleaf pine forests at Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida panhandle, USA. For this research, 1m sample plot data were used to generate 3D plant models of dominant species of these ecosystems, using the ONYX plant library. Surface fuels were measured using point-intercept and biomass sampling protocols for spatially located plots. Combining high resolution nadir imagery plant objects were distributed across 3D space. A 3D Monte Carlo Ray Tracing algorithm (librat) was used to simulate terrestrial LiDAR point clouds for these landscapes to improve our understanding of energy/matter interactions and the ability of LiDAR to characterize object-based fuel elements in the understory. We believe this approach will produce better estimates of fuel characteristics in these ecosystems as well as provide a ladder between remotely sensed and in situ field data. 108 Canopy derived fuels drive patterns of in-fire energy release and plant community assembly in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlands Joseph J. O’Brien1*, E. Louise Loudermilk2, Benjamin Hornsby3, Andrew T. Hudak4, Benjamin C. Bright5, Lee Dyer6, Scott Pokswinski7 1. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4336, [email protected] 2. Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4309, [email protected] 3. Forester, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA, (706) 559-4307, [email protected] 4. Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2327, [email protected] 5. Geographer, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, (208) 883-2311, [email protected] 6. Professor, Biology & Director, Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Graduate Program, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA, [email protected] 7. Ecologist, University of Nevada at Reno, 1664 N. Virginia MS 0314, Reno, NV 89557, USA, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Joseph J. O’Brien, Research Ecologist, (706) 559-4336, [email protected] ABSTRACT Wildland fire radiant energy emission is one of the only measurements of combustion that can be made at high temporal and spatial resolutions. Furthermore, spatially and temporally-explicit measurements are critical for making inferences about fire effects and useful for examining patterns of fire spread. While the correlation between fire frequency and plant biological diversity in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and other frequently burned coniferous forests is well-known, the ecological mechanisms driving this relationship are unknown. Here we describe our efforts at connecting spatial variability in fire energy release to fuels and fire effects using longwave infrared (LWIR) thermal imagery. We compare nadir LWIR imagery captured at fine (1 to 4 cm) scales to three dimensional fuel structure at similar scales and to plant demography. We hypothesize that the observed variability in fire radiative energy release could be the causal mechanism driving plant community assembly rules in these systems. We hypothesize that since high plant diversity exists at very fine scales (30+ vascular plants per m2) in a relatively homogeneous substrate, neutral processes are likely driving patterns of diversity seen in the frequently burned study sites. Specifically, localized patches of high intensity fire driven by overstory derived fuels causes random mortality in understory plants, a crucial element of ecological neutral theory. We analyzed fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of fire radiant power and energy released in several experimental burns and found a close connection among patterns of fire intensity and plant community responses. Our measurements also illustrated the significance of fuel characteristics, particularly type and connectivity in driving spatial variability of fire intensity at fine-scales. Spatially and temporally resolved data from these techniques show promise to effectively link the combustion environment with post- fire processes, remote sensing at larger scales, and wildland fire modeling efforts. 109 Upscaling tree density measures from environmental monitoring plots across Eglin Air Force Base using low density lidar Andrew T. Hudak1*, Benjamin C. Bright2, E. Louise Loudermilk3, Joseph J. O’Brien4, Carlos A. Silva5, Lee A. Vierling6 1. Research Forester, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID, USA, 208.883.2327, [email protected] 2. Geographer, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID, USA, 208.883.2311, [email protected] 3. Research Ecologist, US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Athens, GA, USA, 706.559.4309, [email protected] 4. Research Ecologist, US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Athens, GA, USA, 706.559.4336, [email protected] 5. Ph.D. Student, University of Idaho, Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences, Moscow, ID, USA, 208.885.5743, [email protected] 6. Associate Professor, University of Idaho, Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences, Moscow, ID, USA, 208.596.4510, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Andrew T. Hudak, Research Forester, 208.883.2327, [email protected] ABSTRACT Longleaf pine ecosystems at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) and elsewhere in the southeastern United States are fire dependent. Land managers maintain forest health by frequently burning surface fuels. Frequent burns limit encroachment by competing tree species, preclude duff and fine fuel accumulations, expose mineral soil, and facilitate longleaf pine seedling recruitment. The frequent fire regime makes longleaf pine cones the predominant source of coarse woody debris on the forest floor. Burning cones produce small patches with relatively high soil heating, which we hypothesize is a major mechanism that drives exceptional fine-scale plant diversity observed in longleaf pine understories (>100 species m-2). Previous studies show that distance to the nearest tree or tree clump is a large determining factor for understory plant species composition and diversity. Therefore, our objective is to upscale fine-scale (3 m2) plot measures of understory plant diversity and surface fuel structure to the stand and landscape levels, using tree density as the forest attribute constraining understory plant diversity and surface fuel structure. We predict tree density from low-density airborne lidar-derived canopy height and density metrics, using as our response variable tree density measures from 201 environmental monitoring field plots (1-ha) sampling the different forest conditions across Eglin AFB. We test the Random Forests machine learning algorithm and some competing modeling approaches, but in all cases assume tree distributions are random. Accuracies are assessed within five management units where high-density lidar and field data are available and where our assumption of randomly distributed trees is tested. 110 S22 Monitoring Surface Water and Wetland Ecosystems with SAR – II / S22 Suivi des milieux humides et des surfaces d’eau avec le RSO – II Brian Brisco, chair / modérateur A Preliminary Study on the Synergistic Use of SAR and High Resolution Optical Data for Wetland Classification in Newfoundland and Labrador Bahram Salehi 1*, Brian Brisco 2, and Sahel Mahdavi3 1. Remote Sensing Engineer, C-CORE/LOOKNorth and Cross-appointed professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] 2. Senior Research Scientist, Earth Science Sector, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa, Canada, [email protected] 3. M. Eng. Student, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada [email protected] * Presenting Author: Bahram Salehi, Remote Sensing Engineer, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] ABSTRACT Although wetlands contribute significant values to society, wetlands in boreal systems remain poorly understood. The need for wetland inventory in Newfoundland and Labrador has been identified for over 30 years. However, despite most of the other Canadian provinces which have a wetland inventory, a comprehensive wetland inventory identifying priority wetland area and types has not been developed for Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). Recent advancement in both radar and optical sensor technologies combined with new development in object-based image analysis techniques provide a unique challenge and opportunity for wetland mapping and monitoring in the harsh environment of NL. Because of spectral and structural similarity of land cover classes within a wetland, neither spectral information of optical imagery nor backscatter information of SAR data alone provides sufficient sensitivity for the separation of representative wetland land cover classes. One promising way to extend the classification observation space is to introduce additional features inherent in the optical and SAR data in the form of object-based image analysis. In addition to the spectral and polarimetric information of individual pixels, this approach would also utilize spectral, polarimetric, textural, contextual, and morphological information of objects to increase the separability of similar classes in a wetland environment. This paper presents a methodology for wetland classification using the combination of SAR data and high resolution multi-temporal optical imagery and aerial ortho-photos through an object-based image analysis framework. The method will be tested on different pilot sites across NL and it will be used later to the creation of a province-wide wetland inventory and wetland monitoring system. 111 Water Level Changes Detection in Yellow River Delta Based on Distributed Scatterer Interferometry Yun Shao1*,Qianjun Zhao2, Chou Xie3, YunjunZhang4 1. Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-10-64878043, [email protected] 2. Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-10-82178013, [email protected] 3. Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-10-64878043, [email protected] 4. Department of Marine Geosciences, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric School, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33149-1098, United States, * Presenting Author: Yun Shao, Professor, 0086-10-64878043, [email protected] ABSTRACT Yellow River Delta provides a productive ecosystem and favorable habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species, and is among the most productive ecological systems in the world. However, population growth and increasing economic development has resulted in extremely rapid degradation and the loss of wetlands. Many wetland-dependent species in Yellow River Delta are in decline, and the status of coastal wetland species, especially migratory birds, is being deteriorated gradually. A key approach for ensuring the future of wetlands and their services is to maintain the quantity and quality of the natural water regimes on which they depend, including the frequency and timing of flows. Stage stations can provide high temporal observations of hydrologic systems. However, the sparsely distributed stage stations cannot supply us with high spatial resolution measurements. Space-borne differential Interferometry SAR has proven a remarkable potential in wetland applications, including water level monitoring with high spatial resolution, which cannot be obtained by any terrestrial-based method. Long term monitoring is essential to evaluate the health performance of a wetland ecosystem. A new approach called Distributed Scatter Interferometry (DSI) has been proposed to retrieve displacement time-series from natural targets. In this study, we adopt the DSI method to obtain long term hydrological information. After identifying statistically homogeneous pixels (SHP) from natural target in wetlands, an adaptive spatial phase filtering is implemented to improve the fringe quality and preserve the spatial resolution of interferograms. An optimum target-dependent subset of interferograms is exploited to maximize the extracted hydrological information and detect temporal and spatial evolution of water level from InSAR data stack. The new method was applied on ALOS PALSAR data set from 2007 to 2010 in the Yellow River Delta. The results demonstrate its effectiveness to provide temporal evolution of water level changes in coastal wetlands. 112 Temporal Coherence for Wetland Mapping and Monitoring Kevin Murnaghan 1*, Frank Ahern 2, Shimon Wdowinski 3, Brian Brisco 4 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1(613)759-6237, [email protected] 2. TerreVista Earth Imaging, 441 Cormac Road, Cormac, Ontario, Canada, 1(613)754-2822, [email protected] 3. University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, Florida, U.S.A., 1(305)421-4730, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1(613)759-6344, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Kevin Murnaghan, Remote Sensing Scientist, (613)759-6237, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Wetlands have several functions including water storage and retention which can reduce flooding and provide continuous flow for hydroelectric generation and irrigation for agriculture. Synthetic Aperture Radar is well suited as a tool for monitoring surface water by supplying acquisitions irrespective of cloud cover or time of day. The wetland can be subdivided into three classes: open water, flooded vegetation and upland. These classes vary seasonally with time and water level changes. Using repeat pass acquisitions InSAR has been demonstrated to estimate water level of flooded vegetation. Radarsat-2 data from the Spotlight mode were processed from 2010-2013 to provide coherence estimates. The coherence of the wetlands is affected by vegetation type, vegetation health, and water level. This allows for the use of coherence change detection for wetland monitoring. Examples from Lake Clear Ontario, PeaceAthabasca Delta Alberta, and Everglades National Park Florida will be shown. Guidelines for which wetlands are suitable for monitoring using InSAR and the use of coherence as a mapping tool for large area monitoring and mapping projects will be discussed. The findings could be used operational for assessing wetlands using Radarsat Constellation Mission data using the rapid revisit capabilities. 113 Integration of Multi-Frequency Data into the Periodic Remote Delineation of Wetlands Andreas Schmitt1*, Brian Brisco2 1. Postdoc, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, D-82234 Weßling, +49-8153-28-3341, [email protected] 2. Brian Brisco, Senior Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa, Canada (formerly CCRS) * Presenting Author Andreas Schmitt, Postdoc, +49-8153-28-3341, [email protected] ABSTRACT Synthetic Aperture Radar turned out to be a suitable tool for diverse monitoring purposes because images can be acquired independently of weather or illumination. Mainly in higher latitudes, this is the only reliable data source available throughout the year. Regarding the increasing number of SAR satellite sensors – each sensor with its own characteristic advantages – it is reasonable to integrate all available image acquisitions in one uniform image processing and evaluation environment. Such a mathematical framework was developed recently for the integration of multi-mode SAR data, i.e. multi-frequency (and therewith multi-sensor), multi-temporal, multi-polarized, and multi-scale. This technique bases on the description of SAR image data by the help of the Kennaugh elements. These layers are orthorectified, further calibrated, and finally normalized in order to restrict all measured variables to the uniform number range regardless of the data source. Thus, images of all current SAR sensors – be it TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2, or ALOS-PALSAR – are processed and evaluated together in the same geometric and radiometric frame. Multi-frequency data consequently can be used to fill temporal gaps in-between the acquisitions of one special sensor on the one hand, but it can also be used to increase the information content by contributing multi-spectral layers on the other hand. The SAR image pre-processing approach additionally includes a sophisticated automated image enhancement step: the multi-scale and multi-directional multi-looking. Instead of applying a uniform look number to the whole image, the look number and therewith the degree of smoothing is adapted locally to the image content both in scale and direction. This primarily results in a smooth, but detail-preserved intensity image. Furthermore, it provides a very valuable texture information layer indicating the appropriate shape, scale, and orientation of a set of pre-defined filter masks, known as “Schmittlets”. This even allows the evaluation of local image patterns. The final step of the processing chain is a very simple, but extremely effective classification technique based on the correlation of local histograms with sample histograms of predefined classes. Thanks to the closed and uniform number range of the normalized Kennaugh elements, the histograms can easily be compared. The occurrences of the single Schmittlets are aggregated to sets of relative angles (e.g. parallel, diagonal, rectangular) in order to describe local patterns regardless of their absolute orientation in the image. Hence, radiometric information (via the Kennaugh elements) and geometric information (via the Schmittlet indices) is utilized in conjunction. In summary, this contribution presents an up-to-date approach to the automated monitoring of land cover and land cover changes on a regional scale (at least) applied on TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 acquisitions of wetlands in the Peace River – Athabasca Lake – Delta in Alberta, Canada. 114 Soil Moisture Monitoring in Mountain Areas Using Different Polarization of Radarsat-2 Data Tingting Zhang1,Yun Shao1*, Qianjun Zhao1, Xun Chai1, and Kaixin Xie1 1. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China * Presenting Author: Yun Shao, Beijing, China, +86-10-6483-8047, ABSTRACT Soil moisture (SM) is a key parameter in the climate studies and a very important parameter in applications such as plateau pasture. C-band RADARSAT-2 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imagery has been identified the potential for soil moisture monitoring. Three experimental campaigns were conducted in the Qinghai Lake watershed, northeastern Tibetan Plateau in September 2012, May 2013 and May 2014 respectively, with simultaneously satellite overpass. Water-cloud model and Dubois model were used to eliminate the effect of vegetation and soil surface roughness. The results demonstrated that backscattering coefficients of HH and VV polarization can be used to build relationship with soil moisture. However, one drawback of the developed models is the monitoring coverage is limited. HH and VV polarizations are available only with the quad polarization data. A model with HH and HV polarizations were developed to predict soil moisture. Backscattering coefficients of HH and HV polarization were used to build relationship with soil moisture. The model got R2 with 0.78, 0.78 and 0.79 for 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively. The results indicated that the potential of new methodology to estimate soil moisture in mountain region with the use of HH and HV polarization. We will try this method on RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR data to acquire large scale soil moisture distribution for plateau pasture. 115 S23 Operational Maritime Surveillance with SAR / S23 Surveillance maritime opérationnelle avec le RSO Gordon Staples, chair / modérateur Maritime NRT Products using TerraSAR-X, Sentinel, and Radarsat data Anja Frost1* and Susanne Lehner 1. German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOC Bremen Airport, Henrich Focke Str. 4, Bremen, 28199, Germany, +49421244201850, [email protected] 2. Head of Research Group, German Aerospace Center (DLR), EOC Bremen Airport, Henrich Focke Str. 4, Bremen, 28199, Germany, +49421244201850, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anja Frost, [email protected] ABSTRACT High resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from TerraSAR-X/Tandem-X satellites are used to determine and monitor the sea surface in near real time (NRT) and all weather and illumination conditions. The radar backscatter of the sea surface is determined by the sea surface roughness caused by the wind field and the sea state. These meteo-marine parameters are modelled by the newly developed algorithms XMOD and XWAVE relating the wind field and sea state, depending on incidence angle and directionality to the radar backscatter sigma0. The TerraSAR-X Modes Stripmap, Scan SAR and Scan SAR Wide are used together with Sentinel and RADARSAT data to detect ships, oil spills and icebergs. The detectability depending on the background conditions is discussed. Several examples from near real time campaigns performed together with users are given. 116 Oil Slick Discrimination using RADARSAT-2 Quad Polarized Data Gordon Staples1* and Suzanne Brunke1 1. MDA, 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC, Canada [email protected] * Presenting Author: Gordon Staples, MDA, [email protected] ABSTRACT RADARSAT-2 quad polarized data was acquired over a controlled oil-on-water exercise in 2011 through 2013. During the exercise, three types of oil were released: plant oil, emulsion, and crude oil. Of the fourteen images that we acquired, five were considered suitable for analysis. The Cloude-Pottier entropy and Touzi scattering phase were calculated from the 3x3 coherency matrix after the application of 5x5 Lee polarimetric filter. For all the data, the co-polarized backscatter was nominally greater than 5 dB above the noise floor, but decreased with increasing incidence angle. In contrast, the cross-polarized backscatter was largely invariant with incidence and was at or very near the noise floor. The entropy indicated discrimination between the three oil types and the ocean surface. The crude oil entropy had the largest value, followed by emulsion, plant oil, and the ocean surface. Note that for all data analyzed, the wind speeds were less than 6 m/s. The increase of the entropy with incidence angle was attributed to the influence of the radar noise floor. In contrast to the entropy, the Touzi scattering phase indicated discrimination between crude and emulsion and plant oil plus the ocean surface, but there was no discrimination between the plant oil and the ocean surface. The discrimination based on the standard deviation was attributed to the relationship between the Touzi scattering phase and the co-polarized phase difference, which are essentially the same when the target helicity approaches zero. Therefore, the Touzi S provides discrimination when there was a difference in the scattering mechanism (i.e. ocean versus crude), but limited discrimination otherwise. In contrast, the standard deviation of the Touzi S provided discrimination between the ocean, plant oil, emulsion, and crude oil. 117 Detecting and Tracking Dark Ships from Multiple Satellite Missions Jennifer Busler1*, Andrew Westwell-Roper2 and Hans Wehn3 1. Senior Analyst, MDA Systems Ltd, 13800 Commerce Pkwy, Richmond, BC, Canada, 604.278.3411, [email protected] 2. Senior Analyst, MDA Systems Ltd, 13800 Commerce Pkwy, Richmond, BC, Canada, 604.278.3411, [email protected] 3. Senior Analyst, MDA Systems Ltd, 13800 Commerce Pkwy, Richmond, BC, Canada, 604.278.3411, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jennifer Busler, Senior Analyst, 604.278.3411, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Maritime safety and security organizations need to detect and track ships that pose a safety or security threat to themselves or others. Currently, the primary method for assessing these threats is through analysis of self-reported data from services such as the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and mandatory voyage reports. Ships that do not want to be tracked, or, as is the case for smaller vessels, are not required by regulation to do so, do not self-report. Such vessels are referred to as “dark ships”. Earth observation satellites can be used to detect dark ships, but it is difficult to use a single satellite source to track a dark ship and reliably assess whether it poses a threat. Obtaining more densely sampled ship position reports from images acquired by multiple satellite missions is a potential solution. With the support of a grant from the Canadian Space Agency, MDA Systems Ltd is currently investigating the feasibility of operationally detecting and tracking dark ships using radar and optical satellites from multiple missions. Our study explores this multi-mission scenario in two stages: 1. Determine the optimum spatio-temporal sampling of vessel detections for tracking purposes obtainable from a multiple-mission satellite constellation under finite but realistic data acquisition scenarios and conditions. 2. Determine the performance of potential dark ship tracking algorithms, given the results of the first stage. This paper will present the results of our investigation, including the impact on our results of the forthcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission. 118 Evaluation of RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry for ship detection Chen Liu1* and Paris W. Vachon1 1. Defence Research and Development Canada – Ottawa Research Centre 3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0Z4, [email protected] and [email protected] * Presenting Author: Chen Liu, [email protected] ABSTRACT The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) will provide compact polarimetry (CP) capability for almost all beam modes. A CP synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system with circular polarization on transmission and two orthogonal linear polarizations on receive offers larger swath coverage than a fully polarimetric (quad-pol) system, while maintaining the ability of observing some of the target backscattering behaviour of the quad-pol system. For maritime surveillance, wide swath coverage is a key consideration. The CP SAR system provides tradeoffs among swath width, resolution and polarimetry. For the RCM Ship Detection Mode with CP, the nominal swath coverage is 350 km, which is similar to the swaths offered by the RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR modes. This paper investigates the benefit of CP for ship detection and ship / iceberg discrimination by using simulated RCM CP products derived from RADARSAT-2 quad-pol data. The preliminary results clearly show the advantage of a CP system for ship detection over linear dualpolarization and single-polarization systems. In particular, the improved detection is superior for ships in higher sea states. The results also show that the dual-polarization target decomposition methods have potential to aid in discrimination between ships and icebergs due to different target signatures from their unique structures, sizes and shapes. RCM is scheduled to launch in 2018. When the RCM CP system becomes operational, it is expected to be beneficial to maritime surveillance applications including ship detection and ship / iceberg discrimination. 119 Maritime Operational Use of SAR by Environment Canada’s Canadian Ice Service Leah Braithwaite1*, Matthew Arkett1, Marilee Pregitzer1, Yi Luo 1, Gaetan Langlois1 1. Environment Canada-Canadian Ice Service, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada * Presenting Author: Leah Braithwaite, Chief, Applied Science-Remote Sensing , (613) 996-4489, [email protected] ABSTRACT For a significant portion of the navigation season, Canadian waters (Arctic, Hudson Bay, Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway and Gulf), remain ice covered. This presents a challenge to efficient marine transportation and a hazard to safety and sustainable development and an important factor in maritime domain awareness. The mission of the Canadian Ice Service (CIS) is to provide, as much as possible, the most timely and accurate information about ice in Canada’s navigable waters. Since the launch of RADARSAT-1, Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) data has been the primary information source for the CIS provision of ice information products and services. The RADARSAT sensors had largely been optimized for ice detection and CIS has maintains outstanding expertise in the interpretation of this data for the preparation of ice charts, bulletins and warnings. Additionally, CIS uses SAR data for the detection and monitoring of illegal marine oil releases in a partnership program with Transport Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard. CIS Remote Sensing and Forecast Operations has evaluated and has begun exploiting SAR data from other sources including TerraSAR-X and Sentinel-1. Additionally, CIS has investigated new modes available from RADARSAT-2 in partnership with Defense Research and Development Canada and, in preparation for RADARSAT Constellation Mission, is assessing automated approaches to identifying lake and sea ice as well as icebergs. This presentation will provide an overview of current CIS operational use of SAR data as well as potential future applications. 120 S24 Arctic Ecosystem Monitoring / S24 Suivi des écosystèmes arctiques Brigitte Leblon, chair / modérateur Landsat-based Mapping of Thermokarst Lake Dynamics in Continuous Permafrost of Western Canada since 1985 Ian Olthof1*, Robert Fraser2 and Carla Schmitt3 1. Physical Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 613759-7629, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 613694-2621, [email protected] 3. Physical Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 613759-7216, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Ian Olthof, Physical Scientist, 613-759-7629, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Several remote sensing studies have documented widespread thermokarst lake expansion in continuous permafrost regions of North America over the past few decades. Other studies have found no long-term trends in water body extents, but large intra- and inter-annual changes driven by precipitation. These differences could be due to geographic variability in physical conditions (geology, climate, permafrost, hydrology) or in the data and methods used to extract water bodies. This study tested water extraction methods over the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain, Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, based on the Landsat shortwave infrared (SWIR) channel and validated them using water extents obtained from 0.5 m resolution orthophoto imagery. Methods included applying optimal hard thresholds and deriving 30 m water fractions from both linear unmixing and a new histogram breakpoint method. Results indicated that the histogram breakpoint method outperforms other methods when evaluated against both the number of 30 m pure water pixels and water fractions obtained from orthophotos. The breakpoint method was then applied to a stack of 17 near peak-of-season Landsat images from 1985 to 2011 to create a water fraction time-series for examining both trends and inter-annual variation in water extent. Unlike previous studies that used a limited number of temporal observations, our results showed an overall expansion of lake area along margins with isolated lakes experiencing rapid drainage likely caused by permafrost melt and lateral breaching. Inter-annual variability and long-term trends are related to climate and geology to explore drivers and mechanisms of thermokarst lake change. 121 Influence of the Environmental Conditions on Surficial Mapping Using LANDSAT5 TM and RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric SAR Images Justin Byatt 1*, Armand LaRocque 1, Brigitte Leblon1, Kara Webster2, Jim McLaughlin3 (1) Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, E3B5A3, Canada; Phone: 506-453-4924; Fax: 506-453-3538, Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (2) Research scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Great Lake Forestry Centre, Sault-Ste-Marie (ON), Canada, 705-541-5520, [email protected] (3) Research Scientist, Ontario Forest Research Institute, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault-Ste-Marie (ON), Canada, 705-946-7418, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Justin Byatt, Student, Phone: 506-447-3430, [email protected] ABSTRACT The study is part of a research program on the use of RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR and LANDSAT-5 TM images for mapping surficial material and land cover in a region of northern Ontario. Surficial material maps have already been produced in previous studies by using LANDSAT and single-, dual-, and multipolairzed, or polarimetric SAR images. In this study, we further assess the influence of wetness conditions at the time of image acquisition on mapping accuracy using a RADARSAT-2 WFQ12 descending polarimetric SAR image and a LANDSAT-5 TM image. The Random Forests (RF) classifier was applied to the following input features: DEM, slope, six LANDSAT-7 ETM+ optical bands, intensity images in the four RADARSAT-2 polarizations (HH, HV, VH, VV), and several polarimetric products, such as total power, four circular backscatters, the Freeman-Durden and Cloude-Pottier decomposition parameters, and 18 polarimetric discriminators. The best classification was obtained using both wet and dry images with LANDSAT-7 ETM+ optical bands, RADARSAT-2 intensity images, slope, and DEM data. Further research is needed to test image combinations that use RADARSAT-2 images acquired at the different beam modes and orbits. This study was funded by the Canadian Space Agency Class Grant and Contribution Program and a NSERC Post-graduate Scholarship. The Canadian Space Agency provided the RADARSAT-2 data to the project via the Canadian Forest Service. The Canadian Forest Service and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources provide field observations. Support to the field work has been provided by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and De Beers Canada. 122 River Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Optical Remote Sensing Images Bing Yue1*, Joseph Chamberland2*, John Mulvie3 C-CORE, 400 March Road, Ottawa, ON, Canada K2K 3H4 1. 613-592-7700 ext 226, [email protected] 2. 613-592-7700 ext 232, [email protected] 3. 613-592-7700 ext 231, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Joseph Chamberland, 613-592-7700 ext 232, [email protected] ABSTRACT Over the last several decades, resource development in the upstream portion of the Slave River watershed has increased in various fields such as oil and gas development, paper mills, coal and uranium mining, agriculture and forestry. Northerners have raised concerns that these activities have impacted the water resources in the Northwest Territories [1]. Since water temperature can affect many processes of the river's ecosystems such as evaporation, oxygen dissolving and aquatic life, the ability to monitor water temperature change can provide knowledge and understanding on pending water quality challenges. In this presentation, we will present our study on water surface temperature reconstruction using LANDSAT thermal image and meteorological data which covers different atmospheric conditions from early spring to late fall. Water surface temperatures were obtained from the digital number (DN) of LANDSAT thermal band based on radiative transfer equation and Plank's law inversion. To remove the atmosphere effect in DN, atmospheric correction was necessary and applied to the data. In this work, two different atmospheric correction approaches converting at-sensor radiance to surface-leaving radiance have been investigated. By comparing the retrieved temperature results to the measured water surface temperatures on the study site, both methods were seen to be able to remove the atmospheric effects efficiently and both can reconstruct the water surface temperature correctly. To address the water quality monitoring requirements, our work also demonstrates the feasibility of an operational remote sensing tool for water surface temperature mapping, especially when higher spatial and temporal resolution thermal band data available. REFERENCE: [1] Report Summary: Slave River Water and Suspended Sediment Quality in the Transboundary Reach of the Slave River, Northwest Territories, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, 2012 123 Mapping discontinuous permafrost at high spatial resolution using LANDSAT and RADARSAT-2 dual polarized images in northern Ontario, Canada Brigitte Leblon1*, Armand LaRocque2*, Chunping Ou3, Yu Zhang4, Kara Webster5, and Jim McLaughlin6 1. Professor, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-453-4924, [email protected] 2. Research associate, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-453-4932, [email protected] 3. Post-doctoral fellow, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-447-3430, [email protected] 4. Research scientist, Canadian Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa (ON), Canada, 613-947-1367, [email protected] 5. Research scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Great Lake Forestry Centre, Sault-Ste-Marie (ON), Canada, 705-541-5520, [email protected] 6. Research Scientist, Ontario Forest Research Institute, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault-Ste-Marie (ON), Canada, 705-946-7418, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Armand LaRocque, Research Associate, 506-453-4932, [email protected] ABSTRACT Permafrost is an important feature that has significant biophysical and socioeconomic impacts on the northern landscape. In order to better understand the distribution and dynamics of permafrost, there is a need to map permafrost at high spatial resolution. This study is part of a research project that aims to map permafrost using RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT images and the Northern Ecosystem Soil Temperature (NEST) model over a discontinuous permafrost region, i.e., Victor Diamond Mine area located in the Hudson Bay Lowland (northern Ontario, Canada). The NEST model was run from 1932 to 2012 using a grid climate datasets. The model outputs were then compared to observations acquired during 2009-2012 at seven peat monitoring stations and two flux towers, located on three major peatland types of the study area (bog, fen, and palsa). The simulated soil temperatures and fluxes show good agreement with the observations, and the simulated ones. The model shows the existence of permafrost only at palsa sites, which is in agreement with field observations. Sensitivity tests indicate that the modelled permafrost variables are sensitive to air temperature, precipitation, and leaf area index. Permafrost maps were derived from land cover and surficial material maps that were derived from RADARSAT-2 and LANDSAT images. This study was funded by the Canadian Space Agency and a NSERC/NBIF Post-graduate Scholarship. The CSA provided the RADARSAT-2 data to the Canadian Forest Service. CFS and OMNR provide field observations. Support to the field work has been provided by OMNR and De Beers Canada. 124 A Multiscale Study of Tundra Vegetation Changes in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain, NWT Robert H. Fraser1, Trevor C. Lantz2, Nina Moffat3, and Ian Olthof4* 1. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, ON, 613-694-2621, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 250-853-3566, [email protected] 3. Graduate Student, School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 250-853-3566, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, ON, 613-694-2621, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Ian Olthof, Remote Sensing Scientist, 613-694-2621, [email protected] ABSTRACT Recent field and remote sensing studies show that shrub expansion has been widespread in low-Arctic ecosystems. However, there are still uncertainties regarding the extent of these changes, the plant functional groups involved, and the relative importance of climate and disturbance as causes of observed changes. One hotspot of Arctic greening identified in studies using coarse-resolution AVHRR NDVI is the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain in Northwest Territories. We investigated the detailed nature of and specific causes for these changes using measurements collected over a range of spatial scales. These included field plots, UAV multicopter photos, repeat ground and large-scale air photos spanning a > 30 year period, and a dense time series (1985-2011) of 30 m resolution Landsat TM and ETM+ satellite imagery. Analysis of data from all scales documented a consistent pattern of widespread upright and dwarf shrub expansion and declines in lichen cover. Shrub expansion was observed in most locations, but to a lesser extent in waterlogged soils and at sites with high shrub crown closure. The best explanation for the rapid and widespread changes in vegetation is recent regional increases in air and ground temperatures, leading to enhanced nutrient mineralization. These vegetation changes are likely to impact the availability of regional lichen forage for caribou and provide additional fuels to promote increased fire activity. 125 S25 Hyperspectral Imaging – I / S25 Imagerie hyperspectrale – I George Leblanc, chair / modérateur Validation of a Two-Step Model Inversion Approach for Regional Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Remote Sensing Data Jing M. Chen1*, Holly Croft2, Joyce Arabian3, Nadine Nesbitt4, Yuhong He5, Jiali Shang6, Yongqin Zhang7, Anita Simic8, Tom Noland9, Ted Hoffman11, and Jiangui Liu12 1. Jing M. Chen, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416-9787085, [email protected] 2. Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416-553-8431, [email protected] 3. Joyce Arabian, M.Sc. student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416859-4815, [email protected] 4. Nadine Nesbitt, M.Sc. student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 905669-1223, [email protected] 5. Yuhong He, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 905-569-4679, [email protected] 6. Jiali Shang, Research Scientist, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Food Canada, 613-759-1435, [email protected] 7. Yongqin Zhang, Assistant Professor, Division of Biological and Physical Sciences, Delta State University, USA, 662846-425, [email protected] 8. Anita Simic, Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Scence, Bowling Green State University, USA, 419-372-4035, [email protected] 9. Tom Noland, Research Scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Canada, 705-946-7421, [email protected] 10. Ted Hoffman, Research Scientist, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Food Canada, 613-759-1846, [email protected] 11. Jiangui Liu, Remote Sensing Analyst, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Food Canada, 613-7591452, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jing M. Chen, Professor, 416-978-7085, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Chlorophyll content of plant leaves is an indicator of plant health and is responsible for light harvesting during photosynthesis. For the purpose of regional and global mapping of leaf chlorophyll content using remote sensing data, we previously developed a two-step model inversion approach: (1) inversion from canopy to leaf reflectance, and (2) inversion from leaf reflectance to chlorophyll content. Compared with empirical approaches based on spectral indices, our model-based approach has the advantage of the ability to incorporate additional information such as vegetation structure, sun-target-view geometry, background optical properties, etc. for chlorophyll estimation. This model-based approach was previously applied to images of the Compact Airborne Spectral Imager (CASI) acquired over boreal and temperate forests in Canada as a scaling step for evaluating its application to satellite sensors including Landsat, CHRIS and MERIS. Ground-based chlorophyll and canopy structural data were acquired from 21 broadleaf and conifer forest stands to validate the retrievals (R2 = 0.63, p<0.001 for CHRIS; R2 = 0.62, p<0.001 for MERIS; and R2 = 0.53, p<0.001 for Landsat 5 TM). During the growing season of 2013, we acquired leaf chlorophyll data from wheat and corn fields near Stratford, Ontario, and canopy-level hyperspectral data 126 were also acquired using a hand-held spectroradiometer to validate the model inversion results. An experimental product of leaf chlorophyll has been produced over Canada’s landmass using MERIS data in 2011. Concurrent LAI data from MODIS based on the GLOBCARBON algorithm and forest background reflectance retrieved from MISR are used as inputs in the inversion. Although we only have limited ground chlorophyll data in 2012 for map validation, we have evaluated our model inversion approach against leaf chlorophyll data acquired at the aforementioned ground sites as well as at sites in the Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan, in forests on the Vancouver Island, and wheat and corn crops near Ottawa. We welcome researchers with chlorophyll data in various locations and ecosystems to participate in this research to refine the algorithm and validate the product. 127 Improving hyperspectral imagery automatic segmentation by differential analysis Kongwen (Frank) Zhang1*, Linhai Jing2, Justin Robinson3 1. Lecturer, Selkirk College, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, BC, Canada, 250-304-6527, [email protected] 2. Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, 010-8217-8106, [email protected] 3. Research assistant, Selkirk Geospatial Research Center, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, BC, Canada, 250-3046527, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Frank Zhang, Lecturer, 250-304-6527, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The automatic segmentation of hyperspectral imagery requires a reduction in the dimension of the data, such as classification and principle component transformation. As a result, different reduction methodologies derive varying information for segmentation, leading to distinct outcomes. In this study, we explore the impact of multiple reduction methods and compare the differences in results. By evaluating alternative outcomes, we propose a new differential analysis that is more effective in selecting dimension-reducing methods, utilizing hyperspectral imagery segmentation. We use two sets of sample hyperspectral data from SpecTIR, Beltsville, MD, USA and Reno, NV, USA, for vegetation and urban cases, respectively. First, four different categories of processes are evaluated: unsupervised classification, principle component transformation, vegetation index, and contribution index weighting. Then, all outputs are stacked together to generate an accuracy matrix. Pixels with three or more concurring process categories are kept as is, and form new segments. For every non-decided pixel, a comparison to the neighbor segments’ average spectrum is performed using a maximum likelihood estimation. Finally, for any remaining pixels, a prior-knowledge based decision system is used, e.g., if the surroundings are vegetation, then the vegetation index result would be adopted. Using this approach, it is very easy to detect any minor differences in spectral and spatial correlations, and directly provides an accuracy matrix when generating the final results. This methodology also eliminates unnecessary iteration and allows the minimization of computation cost by processing all spectral bands. References Gorretta, N., Roger, J. M., Rabatel, G., Fiorio, C., Lelong, C. 2009, “Hyperspectral image segmentation: the buttery approach”, Proceedings of Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS '09). Jia, X. and Richards, J. A., 1999, “Segmented principal components transformation for efficient hyperspectral remote sensing image display and classification”, IEEE transactions of Geosicence and Remote Sensing, 37:1, 538-542. Kruse, F. A., 2005, “Multi-resolution segmentation for improved hyperspectral mapping”, Proceedings of SPIE Symposium of Defense and Security, Orland, FL, USA. Li, J., Bioucas-Dias, J. M., Plaza, A., 2011, “Hyperspectral image segmentation using a new Bayesian approach with active learning”, IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49:10 3947-3960. Ifanrraguerri, A., and Chang, C., 2000, “Unsupervised hyperspectral image analysis with project pursuit”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38:6, 2529 - 2538. 128 Satellite-derived bathymetry, a Canadian case study Christopher Ilori1, Anders Knudby2* 1. PhD student, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada, +1-778-782-4567, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada, +1-778-782-3876, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anders knudby, Assistant Professor, 778-782-3876, [email protected] ABSTRACT Water depth can routinely be derived from multispectral and hyperspectral satellite data in clear tropical waters, but no case studies from mid-latitudes have been reported in the scientific literature. We report on preliminary results from a satellite-derived bathymetry case study in Boundary Bay, British Columbia. In-situ spectral reflectance measurements were used with a realistic range of water optical quality and water depth values to forward-model sea surface reflectance spectra using an open source radiative transfer model. Landsat 8 and WorldView-2 data were atmospherically corrected, and a least squares spectrum matching algorithm was employed to find the best match between observed and modeled sea surface reflectance spectra, from which water depth was then derived. Based on validation using field observations tide-corrected to match each satellite image, results show good agreement between modeled and observed water depths, for both satellite images, in waters shallower than three meters. Errors increase rapidly beyond three meters depth, and the imagery contains practically no information related to water depths beyond five meters. The effectiveness of satellite-derived bathymetry depends on sun elevation, water optical quality, and radiometric, spectral and spatial resolution of the sensor. None of these parameters were optimized in our case study. While the results provide a good first estimate of the depths to satellite-derived bathymetry is possible in southern Canadian waters, we thus expect improved performance to be possible with hyperspectral satellite imagery acquired close to summer solstice, during low tide and low turbidity. 129 S26 LiDAR with other sensors / S26 LiDAR avec d’autres capteurs Ahmed Shaker, chair / modérateur Classification of LiDAR Data for Large Areas Using Kurtosis Change Curve Ahmed Shaker1*, Nagwa El-Ashmawy12 1. Civil Engineering Department, Ryerson University, (416) 979 4658,[email protected] 2. Survey Research Institute, National Water Research Center, 308 Alahram st., 12111, Giza, Giza, Egypt. * Presenting Author: Ahmed Shaker, Civil Engineering Department, Ryerson University, 416 979 4658, [email protected] ABSTRACT LiDAR has contributed to various environmental and civil engineering applications. LiDAR data has proved its ability to contribute to the urban land cover classification. Utilizing the near Infrared signals, LiDAR got advantage of distinguishing the land cover types. Classification techniques based on the statistical analysis segmentation approaches have been introduced to deal with the LiDAR data. Separating terrain and nonterrain points, detecting some features such as roads, vegetation and buildings are the main use of these approaches. Recently, a classification technique which clusters the LiDAR data based on Kurtosis Change curve approach, and assign the produced segments to the appropriate classes, has been introduced. The goal of this paper is to introduce several approaches to speed up the classification process of the large areas using the new introduced classification technique. A modification of the segmentation approach to avoid the iterative process is introduced. Apply the proposed technique on a large area where a huge number of points exist is another aim of this paper. The proposed approach is for partitioning the large area into small areas based on the number of points for faster handling is proposed. The partitioning method is tested with different sizes. 130 Multispectral LiDAR Data for Land Cover Classification: Initial Results Salem Morsy1*, and Ahmed Shaker2 1. Ph.D. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Salem Morsy, 416-979-5000 ext. 4623, [email protected] ABSTRACT Multispectral LiDAR sensors are currently emerging in the industry, allowing new applications and information extraction capabilities for LiDAR. The multispectral LiDAR sensor operates at different wavelengths that allow a diversity of spectral reflectance collected for different land features. Multispectral LiDAR data is now available by Optech’s new sensor “Optech Titan”. This sensor offers the possibility of multispectral active imaging of the environment where it operates at three independent wavelengths of 532 nm, 1064 nm, and 1550 nm. The Optech Titan is designed for a wide-range of surveying tasks, such as land cover classification. In this context, an improvement of land cover classification is presented using multispectral LiDAR data collected by the Optech Titan sensor. A maximum likelihood classifier is applied to a study area covering Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The study area is covered by six feature classes: buildings, trees, roads, grass, soil, and water. 200 reference points are randomly selected to assess the classification results. The results revealed 41.5%, 48.5%, and 34.0% overall accuracy from wavelengths 532 nm, 1604 nm, and 1550 nm, respectively. The overall accuracy of combined intensity image is improved to 65.5%. The classification results are further improved by an additional band – Digital Surface Model (DSM) that is incorporated to the combined intensity image, leading to an overall accuracy of 72.5%. The results are promising and showed that the use of multispectral LiDAR data can improve the land cover classification accuracies. Further investigation is required to explore the capability of multispectral LiDAR data. 131 Wetland mapping using polarimetric RADARSAT-2, optical imagery and LiDAR data in Nova Scotia Raymond Jahncke1, Peter Bush2, Brigitte Leblon3* 1. Student, Master of Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, 6100 University Ave., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, (902) 494-6719, [email protected] 2. Protected Areas Coordinator, Nova Scotia Environment, 1903 Barrington St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, (902) 424-0202, [email protected] 3. Professor, Faculty of Forestry, University of New Brunswick, 28 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (902) 453-4924, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Raymond Jahncke, Student, [email protected] ABSTRACT Nova Scotia introduced a new wetland policy in 2011 which included a goal to have no net loss of wetlands. In order to meet this goal, the Nova Scotia government has committed to updating the provincial wetland inventory. There are, however, wetlands that have not yet been identified in the current wetland inventory that was based on field work and airphoto interpretation. The objective of this study will be to identify wetlands using advanced remote sensing technology and processes based on RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR images, Quickbird imagery, and lidar. Polarimetric radar were combined in various arrangements with optical imagery and lidar terrain derivatives. A non-parametric supervised Random Forest classifier was applied to the different date combinations. The classified images were assessed against information collected in the field and results show a marked improvement when radar is combined to optical imagery and lidar. The project is funded by the Science and Operational Applications Research Education Program. 132 Collaborative case-studies demonstrating the effectiveness of random forest classification using LiDAR, SAR and optical data in various landscapes Millard, K1*., Banks, S2., Dingle-Robertson, L3., Richardson, M4., Duffe, J2., Pasher, J2., 1. PhD Candidate, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Canada 2. Physical Scientist, Environment Canada National Wildlife Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario Canada 3. Visiting Fellow, AgroClimate, Geomatics and Earth Observation, Science and Technology Branch, Agri-Food and Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 4. Assistant Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada * Presenting Author: Koreen Millard, PhD Candidate, [email protected] ABSTRACT Random forest (RF) is a widely used algorithm for classification of remotely sensed data. Here, we demonstrate three innovative applications of RF using the open source program R, which has allowed us to move beyond classifying single images to using RF for land use change over time, and allowed us to build RF models from training data spread throughout several images covering a large area. First, we classified a peatland in eastern Ontario (eight classes) using more than 80 LiDAR derivatives (DEM, DSM and vegetation). RF variable importance was used to reduce input variables to only the most important variables (OOB = 2%, independent error <10 %). Second, we conducted a Land Use Change study in Southern Ontario and built a RF model using training data acquired from a current Landsat-7 image (six classes), then used this model to classify images acquired in the past. The independent error ranged from 10% for 2009 to 32% for 1990 (OOB error of the original model= 2.6%). Our third implementation focused on classifying shoreline types in the Dease Strait, Coronation Gulf, and Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut. A single model was built using training data from 8 strips of Wide Fine Quad-Pol RADARSAT-2 data and 12 Landsat-8 scenes. Variable importance indicates NDVI and HV intensity are the most useful for this application, while OOB error was reported at 9.0% for 6 classes. These applications of RF highlight its ability classify many different types of imagery (LiDAR, SAR, optical), in different landscapes and for different applications. 133 S27 Hyperspectral Imaging – II / S27 Imagerie hyperspectrale – II George Leblanc, chair / modérateur Results of longer-term airborne hyperspectral imaging over single graves in a boreal environment George Leblanc 1*, Margaret Kalacska2, Eva Snirer2, Raymond Soffer1, Gabriela Ifimov1 1. National Research Council of Canada, Flight Research Laboratory, 1920 Research Rd, Building U-61, Ottawa ON Canada K1A 0R6 2. Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 2K6 * Presenting Author: George Leblanc, National Research Council of Canada, ABSTRACT The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and McGill University partnered to develop a wellcontrolled test site for detection of clandestine graves via airborne hyperspectral imaging. The work is based upon the use of pig carcasses (Sus scrofa) as analogues for human cadavers. The site is located on the NRC grounds in Ottawa, Canada and consists of 18 – 1m x 2m (nominal size) grave sites that were dug to either 60 cm or 120 cm depth (shallow and deep, respectively) and separated from each other by 8m. Carcasses were placed in 12 of these sites (6 at shallow and 6 at deep depths) of which 6 carcasses were in a plastic bag, and 6 carcasses, 3 of which were placed in plastic garbage bags, were surface laid. In this study, we have closely followed the changes that have occurred over the site during a period of 1200 days (3.3 years). Results have shown that immediately, and up to 1 month post-burial, all the grave and surface laid sites are easily identifiable within the imagery. Beyond the 1-month post-burial, vegetation begins to return and over the filled sites we observe that the vegetation return is more robust than over the blank sites. Both the quantity of biomass as well as select spectral vegetation indicies (NDVI, SGI, SIPI, etc.) are significantly different between grave/filled grave/surface laid and surrounding natural environment. A peak measurable contrast between filled and blank graves occurred in year 2. 134 Multi-angular spectroscopic remote sensing of arctic plant biochemistry Blair Kennedy1*, Douglas King 2, Scott Mitchell 3, Josée Lévesque 4, H. Peter White 5, Jason Duffe 6 1. Ph.D. candidate, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-990-9949, [email protected] 2. Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-520-2560, [email protected] 3. Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-520-2600 x 2695, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Defence Research and Development Canada, Valcartier, Québec, Canada, [email protected] 5. Research Scientist, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-759-6584, [email protected] 6. Geomatics Research Lab Manager - Habitat Science, National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-998-9393, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Blair Kennedy, Ph.D. candidate, 613-990-9949, [email protected] ABSTRACT Biogeochemical processes are driven by abiotic forces and biotic composition, where the latter is fundamentally connected to vegetation biochemistry. Estimating the spatial distribution of foliar biochemicals can therefore act as an important approach for monitoring plant community characteristics. Spectroscopic instruments, which are typified by narrow spectral bandwidths, allow for an in-depth characterization of foliar reflectance. The physical linkages between foliar chemicals and their reflectance characteristics provide the foundation for spectroscopic remote sensing of plant biochemistry. Imaging spectrometers mounted on satellite platforms provide the means to acquire a substantial amount of spectral data over remote locations. Pointable multi-angular instruments (i.e. CHRIS-PROBA) help to exploit additional reflectance information over nadir looking instruments, thus providing a greater understanding of the independent variables contributing to reflectance. Physically based radiative transfer models (i.e. PROSAIL) are an established technique for evaluating canopy spectral/directional reflectance and retrieving vegetation biochemical properties from this reflectance. In this study, multiangular CHRIS-PROBA imagery, along with in situ vegetation biochemical (i.e. chlorophyll) data were collected along a bioclimatic gradient in the Western Canadian Arctic. The PROSAIL model was parameterized from field measurements to produce a look-up-table (LUT) of expected reflectance. PROSAIL simulated spectra were then compared to CHRIS signatures using various cost functions. Extracted biophysical variables from the PROSAIL inversion were compared to measured variables using goodness-of-fit (r2). Initial results indicate that LUT-based inversion of PROSAIL from CHRIS data is suitable for estimating chlorophyll in tundra plant canopies, where low to mid viewing angles are most suitable (r2= ~0.6). Full results will be presented. 135 Direct Imaging of a Shale Gas Leak Using Passive Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Marc-André Gagnon1*, Pierre Tremblay2, Simon Savary3 and Martin Chamberland4 1. Application Scientist, Telops, 100-2600 Saint-Jean Baptiste, Québec, Québec, Canada, +1-418-864-7808, [email protected] 2. Senior Scientist, Telops, 100-2600 Saint-Jean Baptiste, Québec, Québec, Canada, +1-418-864-7808, [email protected] 3. System Engineer, Telops, 100-2600 Saint-Jean Baptiste, Québec, Québec, Canada, +1-418-864-7808, [email protected] 4. Vice-President, Telops, 100-2600 Saint-Jean Baptiste, Québec, Québec, Canada, +1-418-864-7808, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Marc-André Gagnon, Application Scientist, Telops, +1(418)-864-7808, [email protected] ABSTRACT Natural gas is an energy resource in great demand worldwide. There are many types of gas fields including shale formations which are common especially in the St-Lawrence Valley (Qc). Regardless of its origin, methane (CH4) is the major component of natural gas. Methane gas is odorless, colorless and highly flammable. It is also an important greenhouse gas. Therefore, dealing efficiently with methane emanations and/or leaks is an important and challenging issue for both safety and environmental considerations. In this regard, passive remote sensing represents an interesting approach since it allows characterization of a large areas from a safe location. The high propensity of methane contributing to global warming is mainly due to the fact that it is a highly infrared-active molecule. For this reason, thermal infrared remote sensing represents one of the best approaches for methane investigations. In order to illustrate the potential of passive thermal infrared hyperspectral imaging for research on natural gas, imaging was carried out on a shale gas leak that unexpectedly happen during a geological survey near Hospital Enfant-Jésus (Québec City) in December 2014. Methane was selectively identified in the scene by its unique infrared signature. Quantitative information was also obtained. The results show how this novel technique could be used for research work dealing with methane gas. 136 Thermal hyperspectral (8-12 μm) investigation of near surface gases from a clandestine mass grave Margaret Kalacska1, George Leblanc 2*, Marc-André Gagnon3, Tim Moore1, Mike Dalva1 1. Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke West, Burnside Hall 705, Montreal QC, Canada H3A 0B9 2. National Research Council Canada, Flight Research Laboratory, 1920 Research Rd., Building U61, Ottawa ON, Canada K1A 0R6 3. Telops, 100-2600 St-Jean-Baptiste Ave, Quebec QC, Canada G2E 6J5 * Presenting Author: George Leblanc, Senior Research Officer, National Research Council Canada, Flight Research Laboratory, 1920 Research Rd., Building U61, Ottawa ON, Canada K1A 0R6, (613) 998-3525, [email protected], ABSTRACT Studies that describe the suite of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released through the decomposition process of human remains also reference the production of gases such as methane (CH4) nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) but few have examined in depth the utility of these inorganic gases for locating clandestine graves. In-situ collection of gases and subsequent gas chromatography can be time consuming and requires knowledge of the gases of interest. This study investigates the potential of thermal hyperspectral imagery (LWIR) for the detection of the gases produced through the process of decomposition. Chemical compounds have unique infrared signatures that can be measured outdoors by midwave or longwave infrared hyperspectral sensors as long as certain basic requirements are met; sufficient temperature contrast and a high enough concentration of the compounds. These methods have been successfully used in other studies to detect a variety of chemical compounds, even if the exact gases present in a scene are not known prior to image collection2. This study illustrates for the first time the use a Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer (7.7-11.5 μm) for imaging gases from the surface of an experimental temperate mass grave. Our primary gases of interest, CH4, CO2 and N2O, have identifiable features in that wavelength range. LWIR imagery of the air column immediately above the grave was collected and analyzed in-situ and post collection. Both the real-time in-situ analysis and the post collection analysis illustrated the simultaneous presence of these gases in discrete ephemeral pockets above the grave. 137 S28 Land and Vegetation Classification / S28 Classification des terres et de la végétation Elizabeth Simms, chair / modérateur Detecting Changes in Sub-Arctic Vegetation Caused by Snow Goose Foraging on Coats Island, Nunavut: A Multi-Temporal Analysis Karissa A. Reischke,1*, Mark Mallory2, Paul A. Smith3, David Colville4 1. M.Sc. Applied Geomatics Candidate, Biology Department, Acadia University, 33 Westwood Drive, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, (905) 706-0718, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair, Biology Department, Acadia University, 33 Westwood Drive, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, (902) 585-1798, [email protected] 3. Research Scientist, Environment Canada, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, (613) 998-7362, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Applied Geomatics Research Group, NSCC, 50 Elliot Road, Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada, (902) 825-5476, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Karissa Reischke, M.Sc. Applied Geomatics Candidate, (905) 706-0718, [email protected] ABSTRACT Foraging of overabundant Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) in North America has caused detrimental impacts on vegetation surrounding their sub-arctic breeding grounds [1, 2]. Consequently, this increase in barren land cover removes nesting habitat for sympatric species [3, 1, 2]. Coats Island, Nunavut is a unique study area where changes in vegetation can be investigated before/after Snow Geese have first begun nesting on the island [4, 5]. The objectives in this study were to: (i) create an annual land cover classification of northern Coats Island (1991-2014) from LANDSAT imagery; and (ii) detect changes in vegetation on Coats Island potentially attributable to foraging by Snow Geese. Using LANDSAT 5 TM and LANDSAT 8 OLI satellite images and three ASTER GDEM tiles, a supervised classification with a random forest classifier was used to annually classify northern Coats Island (1991-2014). LANDSAT and DEMderived input variables were also used to improve the classification accuracy. Training areas for six land cover types were created from the ground truthing points (n=85) collected on July 1-22, 2014. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) surfaces were created to assess changes in vegetation quality. Our results show no significant change in July NDVI values (corresponding closely to goose breeding season). Results correspond with on-site field observations which suggest that geese have had no major, negative impact on local vegetation on Coats Island, in contrast to vegetation damage observed at other similar coastal habitat sites with nesting Snow Goose colonies around Hudson Bay. References: [1] Jefferies, R.L., Jano, A.P., & Abraham, K.F. (2006). A biotic agent promotes large-scale catastrophic change in the coastal marshes of Hudson Bay. Journal of Ecology, 94(1), 234-242. [2] Peterson, S.L., Rockwell, R.F., Witte, C.R., & Koons, D.N. (2014). Legacy effects of habitat degradation by Lesser Snow Geese on nesting Savannah Sparrows. The Condor, 116(4), 527-537. 138 [3] Kerbes, R.H., Kotanen, P.M., & Jefferies, R.L. (1990). Destruction of Wetland Habitats by Lesser Snow Geese: A Keystone Species on the West Coast of Hudson Bay. Journal of Applied Ecology, 27(1), 242-258. [4] Gaston, A.J. & Ouellet, H. (1997). Birds and Mammals of Coats Island, N.W.T. Arctic, 50(2), 101-118. [5] Kerbes, R.H., Meeres, K.M., & Alisauskas, R.T. (2014). Surveys Nesting Snow Geese and Ross’s Geese in Arctic Canada, 2002-2009. Arctic Goose Joint Venture Special Publication, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. and Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario. 139 Updating the Grassland Vegetation Inventory Using Landsat Imagery-Conversion of Native Grassland to Cultivated Agriculture Xiaohui Yang1, Anne Smith2*, and Michael Hill3 1. PDF, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 5403-1st Ave S, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 403-327-4561, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 5403-1st Ave S, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 403-317-2285, [email protected] 3. Professor, Earth System Science and Policy, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA, 701-777-2940, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Anne Smith, Research Scientist, 403-317-2285, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The Grassland Vegetation Inventory (GVI) of Alberta is the first detailed spatial, comprehensive biophysical and anthropogenic land use inventory which has its basis in Canada’s native grasslands. The GVI was developed using airborne imagery and manual interpretation (2006-2011) which is not economically viable in terms of updates to determine conversion of grassland to cultivated agriculture every 5 to 10 years. In this study the potential of Landsat TM imagery for updating the GVI was investigated. Vegetation indices (VIs) representing photosynthetic pigments, vegetation and landscape water content, senescent vegetation and soil, and herbaceous biomass were first evaluated for their potential to discriminate native grassland from cultivated agriculture south east of Brooks, Alberta. Results indicated that discrimination was superior with Landsat imagery acquired in July or August compared to May or September. The combination of dMTVI2 (Difference Modified Triangular Vegetation Index II) measuring vegetation photosynthesis and dSWIR32 (Difference Shortwave Infrared Reflectance 3/2 Ratio Index) sensitive to senescent vegetation and soil derived from the July image identified conversion with an accuracy of 100% based on ground validation data. A total of four VIs, dNDII (Difference Normalized Difference Infrared Index), dSWIR32, dSATVI (Difference Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index), and dRGR (Difference Red-Green Ratio Index), were required to achieve the same accuracy when an August image was used. A map indicating the conversion, and thus loss of native grassland during the 5-year period 2006 to 2011 was produced though change vector analysis using the dMTVI2 and dSWIR32 derived from July imagery. 140 Retrieving leaf chlorophyll in crops using Landsat-8 and RapidEye images Joyce Arabian1*, Jing Chen 2, Holly Croft3, Nadine Nesbitt 4, Jiali Shang5 1. Joyce Arabian, M.Sc. student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416859-4815, [email protected] 2. Jing M. Chen, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416-9787085, [email protected] 3. Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 416-553-8431, [email protected] 4. Nadine Nesbitt, M.Sc. student, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 905669-1223, [email protected] 5. Jiali Shang, Research Scientist, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Food Canada, 613-759-1435, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Joyce Arabian, MSc Candidate, 416-859-4815, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Leaf chlorophyll content (Chlab) acts as a main indicator of vegetation health and is vital for cropland management as well as understanding plant productivity. The purpose of this study is to develop an accurate method of modelling crop Chlab using remote sensing data within a physically-based modelling approach. During the 2013 growing season, ground data was collected at 15 wheat sites and 13 corn sites over 11 days between May-September near Stratford, Ontario. Of the total 28 sites, 11 were within controlled areas of zero nitrogen fertilizer applications. Effective leaf area index was measured using the Li-Cor LAI-2000 and hyperspectral leaf reflectance and transmittance data was sampled using an ASD FieldSpecPro spectroradiometer (400-2500 nm). Chlab was chemically extracted and measured using a Cary-1 spectrometer. A two-step inversion process is being developed to model crop Chlab using Landsat8 and RapidEye satellite imagery. In this process, a look-up-table (LUT) is developed using 4-Scale, a geometrical-optical radiative-transfer model, to simulate canopy reflectance values using both canopy structural parameters and viewing/illumination geometry. This LUT will be utilized to calculate leaf level reflectance which is used as an input to PROSPECT, a leaf-level radiative-transfer model in order to estimate leaf-level Chlab. Validation of PROSPECT with ground-based Chlab from Stratford using simulated Landsat-8 bands shows an R²= 0.78 and RMSE=9.73 for corn and R²= 0.85 and RMSE=8.75 for wheat. This research provides an operational basis for modelling within-field variations in Chlab across a growing season, which is critical for precision agriculture applications and managing nutrient optimization programs that increase crop yield. 141 Object-based Classification of WorldView-2 Image for Development of Stormwater Models Moh Moh Lin Khin1, Ahmed Shaker2*, Darko Joksimovic3 and Wai Yeung Yan4 1. MASc Graduate, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, [email protected] 3. Assistant Professor, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, [email protected] 4. Postdoctoral Fellow, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Ahmed Shaker, Associate Professor, 4169795000x6458, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Surface runoff source controls such as Low Impact Development (LID) techniques are being used as retrofit options for older developed areas that lack available land to implement conventional practices, stormwater management ponds. The complexity of the catchment area with LID requires detailed distributed urban drainage models, which need high resolution land cover information to accurately estimate the benefit that LIDs may provide. Most of the urbanized areas lack such detailed information; therefore, this study explores the use of high resolution WorldView-2 satellite image in urban drainage modeling. The objectives of this study are: 1) to assess the accuracy of a proposed two-stage image classification method on WorldView-2 image and 2) to analyze the feasibility of using extracted land cover information in-lieu of GIS data in subsequent urban drainage modelling. A proposed two-stage image classification method is composed of rule-based decision tree in first stage and topological rules in second stage. A proposed method produced 83% accuracy in classifying an urban residential area into tree, grass, road and building. Then, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management Models (SWMM) were developed using the extracted land cover information from WorldView-2. These urban drainage models gave comparable but mixed results for different drainage systems: curb and gutter, roadside ditches and LIDs against the simulated results of models developed using GIS data and observed runoff data. The comparative analyses signified the guidance data to be used for the purpose of planning and managing stormwater systems. 142 Exploiting Three Decades of Continuous Satellite Data with the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Long Term Satellite Data Records Darren Janzen1*, Alexander Trichtchenko2, Rasim Latifovic3, Shusen Wang4, Richard Fernandes5, Darren Pouliot6, Fuqun Zhou7, Junhua Li8, John Schwarz9, Lixin Sun10 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6339, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 1446, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7002, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6462, [email protected] 5. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6193, [email protected] 6. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6341, [email protected] 7. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7963, [email protected] 8. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7205, Li, [email protected] 9. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7759, [email protected] 10. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 7696, Lixin.sun * Presenting Author: Darren Janzen, Remote sensing Scientist, 613 759 6339, [email protected] ABSTRACT How can decades of satellite data help us understand our planet and manage our activities? Canada is vast and has extensive sparsely populated areas. Thus, spatially explicit and detailed long-term records of the environment do not exist for the majority of the country. To assess and address change consistently across Canada, the best available data is satellite imagery spanning decades. However, extracting systematic and meaningful information from raw satellite data requires methods to address a wide range of issues including clouds, cloud shadow, atmospheric haze, viewing geometry, and geolocational accuracy among others. The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing has addressed these challenges, generating the Long Term Satellite Data Records. The foundation of these records are national scale 10-day cloud free composites spanning decades. These data products and their associated methods are used by a wide range of governmental agencies, academia, and commercial groups for monitoring, reporting, decision-making, and facilitating further analysis and research. There are currently over 1,000 composites spanning 30 years of environmental change across Canada. For the first time, these datasets are available to the public through a public data access portal. An overview will be provided on the implementation and exploitation of these datasets, including methods and development for LTSDR successor sensors, application of LTSDR methods to moderate resolution sensors, and efforts to produce comprehensive value-added datasets of national interest, such as land cover, snow 143 cover, albedo, and vegetation indices. Examples will illustrate what these data are telling us about the state of Canada. 144 Classification Uniformisée de la Couverture Terrestre pour une Comptabilité des Terres et des Écosystèmes Standardized Land Cover Classification for Land and Ecosystem Accounting Stéphanie Uhde1, Richard Fournier2*, et Marcel Darveau3 1. Économiste, Direction des statistiques sectorielles et du développement durable, Institut de la statistique du Québec, 200, chemin Sainte-Foy, 3e étage, Québec, Québec, G1R 5T4, Canada, 418-691-2411, p. 3002, [email protected] 2. Professeur titulaire, Département de géomatique appliquée, Centre d’Applications et de Recherches en Télédétection, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 boulevard de l’Université, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1K 2R1, Canada, 819-821-8000 p. 63209, [email protected] 3. Chef, recherche et conservation boréales pour le Québec, Canards Illimités Canada, 710 rue Bouvier, bureau 260, Québec, Québec, G2J 1C2, Canada, 418-623-1650 p. 26, [email protected] * Conférencier/Speaker : Richard Fournier, Professeur titulaire, 819-821-8000 p. 63209, [email protected]. RÉSUMÉ Les effets de plus en plus grands de l’activité humaine sur l’environnement rendent nécessaire une meilleure gestion du capital naturel et des services produits par les écosystèmes. Plusieurs pays ou gouvernements sous-nationaux élaborent actuellement des systèmes de comptabilité des terres et des écosystèmes, qui font appel à des données recueillies par télédétection ou photos aériennes. La comptabilité des terres et des écosystèmes demande un grand niveau de rigueur et de comparabilité, à l’instar du Système de comptabilité économique, dont sont dérivés les grands indicateurs économiques. Nous avons développé une classification uniformisée de la couverture terrestre pour le Québec. Cette classification hiérarchique comprend douze classes de premier niveau et une trentaine de classes de deuxième et troisième niveau. Bien qu’elle ait été élaborée pour être appliquée au Québec, cette classification est conforme à la classification standard du Système de comptabilité environnementale et économique (SCEE), laquelle respecte les concepts du Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) de la FAO. L’ensemble des classes de couverture terrestre, qui sont mutuellement exclusives, permet de décrire la totalité du territoire québécois. La structure hiérarchique de la classification la rend flexible et par le fait même applicable à différents exercices de cartographie et de télédétection. Dans le cadre de la production des comptes des terres pour le sud du Québec, la classification proposée a déjà été utilisée pour l’interprétation des cartes écoforestières du Québec. Elle constitue un aspect important de l’utilisation des produits de la télédétection en appui à la création d’un système rigoureux de comptabilité des écosystèmes pour le Québec. SUMMARY Increasing pressure of human activities on the environment has led to a need to improve the management of natural capital and services produced by ecosystems. Many countries or sub-national governments are presently putting together land and ecosystem accounts, which draw on data acquired by remote sensing or aerial photography. Land and ecosystem accounting requires a high level of rigour and comparability similar to the System of National Accounts used for economical reporting. We developed a standardized land cover classification for Quebec. This hierarchical classification comprises twelve first-level classes and about thirty second145 and third-level classes. Although it was developed for application in Quebec, this classification is compatible with the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)’s classification, which respects FAO’s Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). The land cover classes are mutually exclusive and, taken together, describe all land in Quebec. The classification’s hierarchical structure makes it flexible to apply to mapping and remote sensing exercises at various levels of detail. The proposed classification has already been used in southern Quebec, with forest maps of different dates, for the accounting of land cover change. The proposed classification is an important element guiding the use of remote sensing products in support of the implementation of a rigorous ecosystem accounting system for Quebec. 146 S29 Coastal and Ice / S29 Glace et régions côtières Joseph Chamberland, chair / modérateur The SmartICE information system – integrating Inuit knowledge, remote sensing, and in situ measurements for safer sea-ice travel Robert Briggs1*, Trevor Bell2 1. Research Scientist, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road, St. John's, NL, Canada A1B 3X5, (709) 895-6197, [email protected] 2. University Research Professor, Geography Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, A1B 3X9, (709) 864-2525, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Robert Briggs, Research Scientist, (709) 895-6197, [email protected] ABSTRACT Sea ice is a key component of the Arctic coastal environment. For northern communities, it is a critical part of culture, wellbeing, and livelihood. Recent changes in Arctic climate have led to greater unpredictability in sea-ice conditions, making travel and hunting more hazardous, particularly during the dynamic freeze-up and break-up periods. For northern resource industries and maritime shipping, the presence of sea ice represents additional operational risk. In regions where shipping routes overlap with community on-ice travel routes, the risk is greater; route planning in these coastal areas is less predictable and the potential for delay and additional costs is increased. SmartICE represents a communitygovernment-university-industry collaboration that aims to deliver timely information of sea ice conditions, at the relevant spatial scales, presented in a format that is appropriate for each user group. It will support planning and decision-making, leading to decreased usage conflicts and help ensure safe and efficient winter travel for both local communities and industry. The key components of SmartICE are: (i) A network of automated in situ sensors that measure sea-ice thickness and other characteristics; (ii) Repeat satellite imagery from which sea-ice surface conditions (e.g., concentration, roughness, water content) are mapped following user-defined classification systems; and (iii) GIS Information technology that integrates the in situ and remotely sensed sea-ice data to generate digital products that match the needs of user groups. We present RADARSAT2 derived results for sea-ice season 2013/14 and, for season 2014/15, preliminary results from Sentinel 1 and the automated in situ sensors. 147 Bottom-fast Ice Delineation in the Northwest Territories using Dynamic Time Warping Tsui, Olivier W.1*, Chiang, Michael2, Dean, Andy3 1. Senior Geomatics Specialist, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, +1 604 926 3261, [email protected] 2. Data Scientist, Isturary innovation Labs LLC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, +1 604 299 0388 [email protected] 3. Senior Geomatics Specialist and Partner, Hatfield Consultants Partnership, Suite 305 - 1228 Kensington Rd. NW, Calgary, AB, Canada, +1 403 351 0191, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Olivier W. Tsui, Senior Geomatics Specialist, +1 604 926 3261, [email protected] ABSTRACT Given its size and remoteness, harsh climate, and limited infrastructure, environmental baseline data describing most Canadian northern regions are limited. This is particularly evident for water resources, which can impede effective environmental planning, assessment, and monitoring. In the Northwest Territories, the vast number of freshwater lakes in the North Slave and Central Mackenzie Valley require effective and cost-efficient methods to monitor changes in ice cover and status across large areas. Multi-date RADARSAT-2 Wide Fine dual-polarized data were acquired and processed to provide indirect information of ice thicknesses and water depth through the detection and delineation of bottom-fast ice. A dynamic time warping (DTW) methodology was used, which exploits the temporal profile of radar backscatter as ice growth progresses and then becomes grounded. Backscatter time series for each lake pixel was compared to a set of reference time series, collected using ground penetrating radar, representing different backscatter profiles of bottom-fast ice. The methodology accounted for speckle noise, non-synchronicity (e.g., grounded-ice occurring at different times and rates on different lakes), and scaling (e.g., varying backscatter levels for different lakes due to incidence angle). Individual lakes were used as the fundamental processing unit, with the proportion of bottom-fast or floating ice mapped and visualized. Large volumes of data were processed with little manual intervention. Overall accuracy was obtained using a leave one out cross-validation approach and overall classification accuracy was 89.1%. This study suggests the potential of DTW as an efficient method to map the spatial distribution of bottom-fast ice. 148 Nature and triggers of submarine mass failure in coastal waters of southeastern Baffin Island, Nunavut Robert Deering1*, Trevor Bell2, Donald L. Forbes3 1. MSc. Student, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography, St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X9, (709) 697-3667, [email protected] 2. Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography, St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X9, (709) 864-2525, [email protected] 3. Adjunct Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography, St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X9, (902) 426-7737, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Robert Deering, MSc. Student, (709) 697-3667, [email protected] ABSTRACT With advances in seabed mapping technology and its application in the Canadian Arctic, new records of submarine mass failures (SMF) are being revealed in coastal and nearshore environments. SMFs are typically features of continental and island margins, ranging from small-scale features (<100 m3) to enormous failures (3000 km3). The largest SMFs in shelf and slope environments have received more attention, understandably, than smaller inshore features. Recent mapping, however, has shown that small failures are prevalent in the fjords of eastern Baffin Island, whiles studies in Norway and Scotland have demonstrated that small failures may be potentially destructive hazards; for example, causing tsunamis in fjords and damaging seabed infrastructure. SMFs can be triggered in a number of ways, such as overloading by sediments, undercutting of slopes, and seismic events. Of particular interest is the potential for triggering SMFs by sea-level adjustments. The easternmost fringe of Baffin Island has experienced substantial postglacial relative sea-level rise (30-50 m). Through coring of SMF deposits, it may be possible to determine the ages of events in relation to episodes of rapid relative sea-level change. Our research methods include mapping and characterizing the morphology of mass movements to develop a typology of forms and associated processes, multibeam bathymetric surveying of features to examine the seabed settings in which these events occur, and acoustic subbottom profiling to examine the stratigraphy underlying past events. These data will permit a fuller understanding of SMF events and their seabed settings, as well as their potential triggers in Baffin Island fjords. 149 An alternative method for sea surface wind speed determination from GNSS-R delay-Doppler map Qingyun Yan1* and Weimin Huang2 1. Master student, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-330-3273, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, (709)-864-8937, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Qingyun Yan, Master student, (709)-330-3273, [email protected]. ABSTRACT In this paper, a new method is proposed to retrieve sea surface wind speed from Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) Delay-Doppler Map (DDM). In this work, the maximum-power curve which contains points of maximum power along axes is extracted from DDM for the wind speed retrieval, and this process can reduce the computation cost. The wind speed associated with an initial DDM is known, the maximum-power curve in the initial DDM is deducted from those of new DDMs, generating the maximum-power-difference curve for each. For the first consideration, an assumption is made that the measuring system is stationary so that the power difference between the afterwards maximum-power curve and the initial one is caused by the variation in sea surface wind field. Next, a relationship between power difference and wind speed is fitted based on simulated DDMs. In application, with an initial DDM and associated wind speed, the sea surface wind speed corresponding to a new DDM can be retrieved from the fitted relationship. Based on the discussion of the simplified case, a more general scenario in which the transmitter and receiver are moving is also investigated. The method is tested using simulated data. The retrieval result is compared with the input wind speed values and good consistency is observed. Root mean square errors of 0.12 m/s and 0.53 m/s for the simplified and general scenario are obtained, respectively. Conclusion can be drawn that this method is accurate when the DDM detection interval is less than 0.5 s. 150 S30 Monitoring & Modeling Terrestrial Ecosystems (Forests) / S30 Suivi et modélisation des écosystèmes terrestres (forêts) Richard Fournier and Nicholas Coops, co-chairs / modérateurs National, annual, gap-free surface reflectance composites from Landsat to capture long-term forest dynamics, land cover, and forest structure for Canada Joanne C. White1*, Michael A. Wulder2, Geordie Hobart3, Txomin Hermosilla4, Nicholas C. Coops5 1. Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 250-298-2402, [email protected] 2. Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 250-298-2401, [email protected] 3. Physical Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 250-298-2403, [email protected] 4. Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Forest Resource Management, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 604-822-6452, [email protected] 5. Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing, Department of Forest Resource Management, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 604-822-6452, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Joanne White, Research Scientist, 250-298-2402, [email protected] ABSTRACT It is important for Canada to produce and be able to stand behind data products used for science, reporting, and monitoring of forest ecosystems. To support these aims, we have been using bestavailable-pixel image composites generated from tens of thousands of Landsat images to characterize conditions and changes over Canada's forests from 1984 to 2012. We have developed approaches to produce annual gap-free, surface reflectance image composites (hereafter referred to as proxy composites), as well as a suite of informative change metrics derived from the time series of annual proxy composites. Our ongoing work is focused on investigating the spatial and temporal characteristics of the detected changes, automating change attribution, mapping land cover, and estimating forest structural attributes of interest. Given Landsat’s 30 m spatial resolution, the information products developed are informative and relevant across a range of spatial scales, effectively capturing human and natural processes over large areas in a systematic and repeatable fashion. A consistent, national data set characterizing forests and forest change since 1984 provides valuable baseline information for science, monitoring, and reporting activities. This presentation will describe key methods developed to produce NTEMS products (gap-free annual reflectance imagery, times series change metrics, land cover, and forest structural attributes), provide an update on project status, and communicate key findings to date. 151 The Newfoundland Fibre Project: Four Studies that Demonstrate the use of Remote Sensing to Predict Wood Fibre Attributes Richard A. Fournier1* Joan E. Luther2, Wade W. Bowers3, Tim Moulton4, Olivier R. van Lier5, JeanFrançois Côté6, Danny Blanchette1 and Émilie Lessard1 1. Prof. Titulaire, Département de géomatique appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 boul. de l’Université, Sherbrooke, QC, J1K 2R1, CANADA, 819-821-8000 ext. 63209, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre, 26 University Drive, Corner Brook, A2H 5G5, Canada, 709-637-4917, [email protected] 3. Professor, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 20 University Drive, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 5G4, Canada, 709-637-6200, [email protected] 4. General Operations Superintendent, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, 1 Mill Rd., Corner Brook, NL, A2H 6J4, Canada, 709-637-3393, [email protected] 5. Geospatial Research Assistant, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, 26 University Drive, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 5G5, Canada, 7-9-637-4944, [email protected] 6. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service – Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, University Drive, QC, G1V 4C7, Canada, 418-648-3982, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Richard Fournier, Prof. Titulaire, 819-821-8000 ext. 63209, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Forest industry and forest managers require information regarding variation in wood fibre attributes over large areas in order to expand the economic benefits from wood raw materials and to optimize forest value. The Newfoundland Fibre Inventory Project (NFIP) was initiated in 2009 with a goal to develop new methods and tools to enhance current forest inventories with information on wood fibre attributes. The proposed project had three main objectives aimed towards progressive improvements in the ability to characterize fibre attributes in the forest: (i) quantify relationships among forest and environmental variables and fibre attributes at tree, plot and landscape scales (ii) develop new inventory tools to enhance the measurement of forest characteristics linked to fibre attributes, and (iii) improve mapping of fibre attributes at the landscape scale. These innovative developments were possible because of an extensive university, government and industry partnership and the availability of an exceptional database on wood fibre attributes from about 2,000 trees distributed over about 200 plots in Newfoundland. Terrestrial and airborne lidar data supplemented ground measurements and supplied detailed structural measurements of trees and stands. The NFIP completed four interrelated studies. The first study assessed the capability to predict wood fibre attributes of balsam fir and black spruce forests using environmental variables and forest variables measured at inventory plots or available from stand-level maps. The study provided models to predict fiber attributes at plot and landscape levels and demonstrated potential to map fibre attributes over the boreal forest of Newfoundland. The second study explored the use of terrestrial lidar data to enhance the measurement of forest characteristics linked to fibre attributes and established enhanced predictability of wood fibre attributes using new structural metrics derived from terrestrial lidar data. The third study explored in fine detail which structural characteristics of trees and stands are best related to wood fiber attributes. Lastly, the fourth study quantified statistical relationships between airborne lidar data and wood attributes and demonstrated the predictive capacity of airborne lidar data to map wood attributes. The results demonstrate enhanced inventory tools for forest characterization. New projects are on-going 152 to improve the prediction power of existing models and to improve the capability to predict wood attributes across measurement scales. 153 Airborne LiDAR enhances the competitiveness of Canada’s forest industry Doug Pitt1* Murray Woods2, Greg Adams3, and Chad St. Amand4 1. Research Scientist, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Canadian Forest Service, 1219 Queen St. E. Sault Ste. Marie, ON, CANADA, P6A 2E5, 705-541-5610, [email protected] 2. Senior Analyst – Forested Landscapes, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 3301 Trout Lake Road, North Bay, ON, CANADA, P1A 4L7, 705-475-5561, murray.woods@ontario 3. Manager, R&D, Nurseries and Tree Improvement, J.D. Irving Ltd., 181 Aiton Rd., Sussex East, NB, CANADA, E4G 2V5, 506-432-2844, [email protected] 4. Forest Information Services Coordinator, Tembec, 5310 Hwy 101 West , PO Box 1100, Timmins, ON CANADA, P4N 7H9, 705-360-1283, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Doug Pitt, Research Scientist, 705-541-5610, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Since its introduction to Canadian forest industry in 2005, airborne LiDAR flown in wall-to-wall fashion over large forested tracts has precipitated a sea change in the precision and economy with which forests are managed. Tembec, situated in Northeastern Ontario, and J.D. Irving, in the Maritime Provinces, have been among a small group of forest companies that have helped pioneer the implementation of LiDARderived digital elevation models (DEMs) and area-based predictions of stand metrics for forest management. For example, DEMs approaching 1-m accuracy have resulted in significant cost savings and mitigation of environmental impacts associated with road construction and harvesting operations. These DEMs are enabling forest managers to better understand how water flows across and through forest landscapes, to better size culverts and bridges, and make spatial predictions of the productive capacity of forest soils. Areas of operation and safe machine limits can now be efficiently mapped and displayed onscreen, with GPS providing true spatial awareness to operators, without the cost of physically identifying features on the ground. Accurate predictions of tree size distribution and volume derived from LiDAR point clouds are enabling managers to plan with much more spatial precision than previously possible. Such predictions are enabling the monitoring of silvicultural success and the development of enhanced prescriptions associated with activities such as commercial thinning and the timing of final harvest, with significant cost-savings in the amount of field time needed to accomplish these activities. Airborne LiDAR has truly been a “game changer” for forest industry during a period of serious economic constraint. 154 High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest loss: validation and application in the Miramichi river basin Julia Linke1*, Marie-Josée Fortin2 and Simon Courtenay3 1. NSERC PDF, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, 506 3670987, [email protected] 2. Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Toronto, 25 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, 416 9467886, [email protected] 3. Scientific Director, Canadian Water Network, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada, 519 8884567, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Julia Linke, NSERC PDF, 506 3670987, [email protected] ABSTRACT Monitoring forest resources requires accurate, up-to-date information on the type and extent of forest depletions. While these data may be available for public lands, its attributes or quality vary across jurisdictions, and they may be completely inaccessible for private forests land where the owners may be reluctant to publicly share information on their harvesting operations. An opportunity to tackle this situation could be provided by a new Landsat-based global dataset of forest change developed by Hansen et al. (2013). The dataset contains year-by-year forest changes for the period 2000 to 2012, with annual updates planned. Here we report on the methodology and preliminary findings of our accuracy assessment of this dataset in the basin of the Miramichi river (NB), which was carried out as part of the National Science Engineering Research Council Canadian Network for Aquatic Ecosystem Services (NSERC CNAES) project on the combined cumulative effects of climate change and forestry and agriculture on aquatic systems. We vectorised the portion of the dataset corresponding to public lands in the Miramichi basin (ca. 11,000 polygons, MMU 0.5 ha), for which we had a complete provincial inventory of harvest cutblocks, and compared both datasets through GIS overlays and visual checks in satellite imagery. We present 1) thematic accuracy (harvested or not, year); 2) detectability of various harvest types (standreplacing versus selective); and 3) annual trends of forest loss. Our results confirm the synergies that this global map of forest loss can provide to large-area, multi-disciplinary research efforts. 155 Operational Successes and Challenges of Deriving Forest Inventories from LiDAR in Natural and Managed Forests Murray Woods1*, Doug Pitt2 and Margaret Penner3 1. Senior Analyst – Forested Landscapes, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 3301 Trout Lake Road, North Bay, ON, CANADA, P1A 4L7, 705-475-5561, murray.woods@ontario 2. Research Scientist, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Canadian Forest Service, 1219 Queen St. E. Sault Ste. Marie, ON, CANADA, P6A 2E5, 705-541-5610, [email protected] 3. Forest Analysis Ltd., 1188 Walker Lake Dr., RR4, Huntsville, ON, CANADA, 705-635-1314, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Murray Woods, Senior Analyst – Forested Landscapes, 705-475-5561, murray.woods@ontario. ABSTRACT LiDAR-derived (400m2 raster) forest inventories for large boreal forest management units have been developed and operationally implemented in Ontario and elsewhere. Predicted attributes include height (top, dominant & co-dominant and mean), basal area (merchantable and total), volumes (merchantable and total), quadratic mean diameter and size-class distributions (basal area and volume). The accuracy and precision of these predictions in the largely even-aged stands of the boreal have been suitably high to garner rapid and widespread adoption and implementation by the forest sector. We recently applied similar area-based prediction approaches to a Great-Lakes St. Lawrence forest and encountered larger than anticipated prediction errors. In these species diverse forests, commonly practiced silvicultural systems like uniform shelterwood, single-tree selection and row thinning regimes alter the horizontal and vertical height structure of stands creating unique challenges that are not encountered in the boreal forest . We will present situations where traditional LiDAR area-based modeling approaches performed acceptably in these non-boreal conditions and where approaches need to be modified to adapt to the more challenging structural conditions encountered. 156 S31 Classification, Modeling & Northern Applications / S31 Classification, modélisation et applications nordiques Derek R. Peddle, chair / modérateur Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation Productivity for Circumpolar Landmass Alemu Gonsamo1*and Jing M. Chen1 1. Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto, Rm. 5047, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada * Presenting Author: Alemu Gonsamo, Postdoctoral fellow/Dr., +1 4169467715, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The effects of climate change in the circumpolar north are no longer debatable; radical changes are happening in sea ice, vegetation, and animals. Land surface phenology (LSP) defined as the study of the timing of recurring seasonal pattern of variation in vegetated land surfaces observed from synoptic sensors has become a key research topic in the understanding of the effects of climate change on vegetated lands surface. Despite the fact that LSP has emerged as an important focus for ecological and global change researches, there are still large lingering uncertainties related to the determination of the key phenological phases such as: start of growing season (SOS) and end of growing season (EOS). Uncertainties in interpreting of the most commonly used normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for LSP study arise from limitations such as contaminations by background reflectances from soil, leaf litter, dead branches, snow, soil thaw, snow thaw, and shadows, which also have distinct seasonal dynamics often misinterpreted as vegetation LSP. Here we present an LSP product for circumpolar landmass (>45o N) using a newly developed remote-sensing-based phenology index (PI) which combines the merits of NDVI and normalized difference infrared index (NDII) by taking the difference of squared greenness and wetness to remove the soil and snow cover dynamics from key vegetation LSP cycles. We have also produced vegetation productivity maps using the growing season integrated NDVI. Both the LSP and vegetation productivity maps are for 1999-2013 using the SPOT VGT satellite sensor. 157 Remotely Sensed Caribou Habitat Indicators for Enhancing Baseline Information Preparedness for Resource Development in Canada’s North Wenjun Chen1*, Jan Z. Adamczewski2, Bruno Croft2, Lori White1, Sylvain Leblanc1, Kerri Garner3, Adeline Football3, and Boyan Tracz4 1. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2. Environment and Natural Resources, GNWT, Yellowknife, NT, Canada 3. Tlicho Government, NT, Canada 4. Wek'èezhìi Renewable Resources Board, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada * Presenting Author: Wenjun Chen, Research Scientist, (613) 759-7895, [email protected] ABSTRACT On the one hand, resource development is a cornerstone of economy in Canada’s North. On the other hand, ccaribou are important in economy, culture, health, and way of life of northern aboriginal peoples. Balancing resource development and caribou conservation is thus a top priority in northern governance and decision making. Caribou are affected by many factors such as habitat, harvest, predators, diseases and parasites, extreme weather, climate change, industrial development, and pollution. Their impacts on caribou are compounded in a complex manner spatially and temporally. Assessing the impacts of manmade activities (e.g., resource development) on caribou is thus a very complex task, as illustrated by the “Science and Technology Plan for 2014 to 2019” of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS), in which companies have identified the capacity to distinguish project-specific environmental, social, economic, and health impacts from those that result from broader-scale changes such as global warming or from the cumulative effects of multiple projects in a region as a critical area for science and technological development to support resource development. As a part of NWT CIMP (Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program), we have been working towards a solution to this challenge. By using historical time series of satellite data from the NOAA AVHRR (Advance Very High Resolution Radiometer) acquired and pre-processed by Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, we have estimated the forage availability and quality over the Bathurst caribou summer range since 1985. Community-based vegetation monitoring results from sites near Wekweeti in 2013-14 were used for calibrating these estimates. We calculated a summer range cumulative indicator (SRCI) to measure overall forage capacity by combining forage availability in early summer and late fall with forage quality at the peak of leaf biomass. By determining the upper envelope curve between SRCI and caribou productivity, we were able to quantify the impact of habitat changes on caribou, for the first time at the population level in the world. With SRCI, we explained 54% variation in the late winter calf:cow ratio of Bathurst caribou since 1985. Using the SRCI-caribou productivity relationship as an analogue, we could potentially estimate impacts of resource developments on caribou’s productivity and population changes. However, it should be pointed out that to convert this potential into a scientifically defendable tool, many challenges needed to be addressed. 158 Spectral Mixture Analysis for Characterizing Tree Species Composition for a Multisource Vegetation Inventory, Northwest Territories, Canada Jurjen van der Sluijs 1,3, Ronald J. Hall 2,1, and Derek R. Peddle 1* 1. Department of Geography, and Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre (ATIC), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB., Canada 2. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton AB., Canada 3. Government of the Northwest Territories, NWT Centre for Geomatics, Yellowknife NT., Canada [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] * Presenting Author: Derek R. Peddle, [email protected] ABSTRACT Forest resource management and conservation in the Northwest Territories (NWT) requires land-cover and tree species identification and to support initiatives such as the NWT Biomass Energy Strategy and the Action Plan for Boreal Woodland Caribou conservation. Satellite remote sensing provides a costeffective and time-efficient way to obtain this information for the large, remote, and inaccessible northern boreal forests. However, satellite signals are highly mixed due to the presence of tree shadows and understory vegetation in open canopy forests that are typical in the NWT. Therefore, spectral mixture analysis (SMA) was used to separate sub-pixel scale components and provide a better focus on deriving forest information. SMA of Landsat TM imagery was used to classify four conifer and deciduous forest species, which is an important information need yet a considerable challenge in low-density northern forests. Our first classification product derived leading (or dominant) tree species information for each pixel with 72% accuracy validated over 48 ground plots. Stakeholders indicated a specific need for tree species composition estimates (relative abundance of all tree species) at the scale of the forest stand, and this will be the focus of this presentation in terms of how species composition was determined, as well as its integration into an existing geospatial forest inventory system. The validation indicated that the imagederived species composition was within 20% and 30% of field measured species proportions for 56% and 73% of the 48 field plots, respectively. Work is continuing to improve the species composition estimates through updated image classifications and filtering of erroneous pixels. 159 Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring for the Next Decade: Measurement Needs, Technologies and Approaches, with Perspectives on Northern Applications Forrest G. Hall 1*, Scott J. Goetz 2 1. Senior Research Scientists, NASA GSFC/UMd/Joint Center For Earth System Technology UMBC JCET, c/o NASA GSFC (618.0), Greenbelt, MD, USA. (301) 614-6659. [email protected] 2. Woods Hole Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA 02540, USA (508) 444-1530 [email protected] * Presenting Author: Forrest G. Hall, Senior Research Scientist, (301) 614-6659. [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper summarizes the outcomes of deliberations resulting from a two and one-half day workshop, at the Goddard Space Flight Center in October 2014. The workshop engaged the relevant terrestrial ecosystem, carbon cycle, landcover/landuse change and biodiversity science communities to describe and prioritize measurement needs. Participants included 50 scientists from a range of Earth science research institutions as well as government agencies including NASA, USGS, NSF, NOAA and the DOE. NASA relies on the Earth science community to identify and prioritize societally relevant scientific questions and the observations required to address them. The workshop addressed key objectives articulated in the 2010 NASA Earth science plan: “How is the Earth changing and what are the consequences for life on Earth?” NASA seeks to characterize, understand and predict the current and future state of global Earth systems by addressing three critical science questions; (1) How is the global Earth system changing? (2) What are the sources of change in the Earth system and their magnitudes and trends? (3) How will the Earth system change in the future? Measurement requirements for the next decade were addressed in the context of existing data records and measurement technology (satellite, aircraft and ground) and feasible future technology and measurement approaches to acquire and manage the data collections. A white paper articulating the societal issues, science questions, analysis framework and prioritized measurement needs was published and placed online. Major workshop conclusions will be presented, including perspectives related to northern applications. 160 1981 to 2014 Circum-Arctic Tundra Phytomass Production Compton Tucker1*, Jorge Pinzon2, Donald Walker3, Howard Epstein4, Martha Reynolds5, Umma Bhatt6, and Gerald Frost7 1. Physical Scientist, Earth Science Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA 1 301 614-6644 <[email protected]> 2. Applied Mathematician, Earth Science Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA 1 301 614-6687, <[email protected]> 3. Environmental Biologist, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, 311 Irving St., P.O. Box 757000, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA, 1 907 474-2459,<[email protected]> 4. Ecologist, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4123 USA, 1 434-924-4308,<[email protected]> 5. Arctic Ecologist, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, 311 Irving St., P.O. Box 757000, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA, 1 907-474-6720, <[email protected]> 6. Atmospheric Scientist, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA, 1 907 474-2459, 1 907 474-7558, <[email protected]> 7. Environmental Ecologist, ABR Inc., P.O. Box 80410, Fairbanks AK, 99708, 907 455-6777,<[email protected]> * Presenting Author: Compton Tucker, Senior Earth Scientist, 1 301 614-6644, <[email protected]>. ABSTRACT We describe 34 years of non-stationary photosynthetic capacity 8-km data from the AVHRR instruments from 1981 to 2014 and 15 years of MODIS 250-m data from 2000 to 2014, both covering the entire circum-polar Arctic Tundra. We couple these data with ground-sampled total dry photomass from sites in Eurasia and North America to express our spatially continuous satellite data in units of plant mass. We observed peak tundra phytomass production was still relatively high in 2013 and 2014 for North America and the Arctic as a whole, indicating a continued trend in increasing vegetation productivity, consistent with a longer growing season and warmer summers. We also observe some interesting trends in both Eurasia and the Arctic as a whole, with time-integrated photosynthetic capacity values that suggest increased snow extent in these areas, perhaps delaying the start of the tundra growing season. Since 1999 we also observed increased areas of Arctic photosynthetic capacity decreases, suggesting tundra water limitations as the growing season progresses. We will describe these results and how we use MODIS 250 m data from both Aqua and Terra to confirm our 8 km AVHRR data results from the last fifteen years. 161 S32 Urban / Transportation / S32 Milieu urbain et systèmes de transport Elizabeth Simms, chair / modérateur Automatic Extraction of Highway Light Poles from Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Data Wai Yeung Yan1, Salem Morsy2*, and Ahmed Shaker3 1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] 2. Ph.D. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] 3. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Salem Morsy, Ph.D. Student , 416-979-5000 [email protected] ABSTRACT Maintaining a comprehensive 3D road database is one of the tasks required by the local/municipal transportation authority for inventory purpose. The resulted database can also serve as an input for building a virtual 3D scene to facilitate driving simulation and intelligent vehicle navigation. This study presents a workflow for automatic extraction of light poles and towers from mobile LiDAR data point clouds collected for a section of highway 401 located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A ground filtering algorithm is first implemented to separate the above-ground features from the ground based on a statistical analysis – skewness and slope-based change mechanism. The process results in a layer of aboveground features with normalized height, and this layer is subsequently being used to perform unsupervised clustering where the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm is implemented. The clustered point clouds of the above-ground features are then used to find out the light poles and towers based on certain decision rules. With reference to the specification of highway/street lighting, a set of decision rules is built based on the dimension in order to delineate different types of lighting equipment situated along the highway. The results show that the proposed method can achieve over 95% of detection rate for different types of light poles and towers along the highway 401. 162 Early Aerial Photography in Canada after the Great War – The Case of the Halifax Air Survey Mission in 1921 Dirk Werle1* 1. Partner / Geoscientist, Ærde Environmental Research, 19 Forward Avenue, Halifax, NS, Canada Telephone: (902) 423-2211, E-mail: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Dirk Werle, Partner / Geoscientist, Tel. (902) 423-2211, [email protected] ABSTRACT The paper presents research into the military and civilian history, technological development, and practical outcomes of aerial photography in Canada immediately after the First World War. The collections of early Canadian aerial photography, as well as the institutional and practical circumstances and arrangements of their creation, represent not only an important part of Canada's remote sensing heritage but it also contains valuable information for thematic inquiries and mapping exercises today. An episode of one of the first urban surveys, carried out over Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1921, is highlighted and an air photo mosaic and interpretation is presented. Using the almost one hundred year old air photos and a digitally re-assembled mosaic of a substantial portion of that collection as a guide, a variety of features unique to the post-war urban landscape of the Halifax peninsula are analyzed, illustrated and compared with current land use. The pan-chromatic air photo ensemble at a nominal scale of 1:5,000 is placed into the historical context with contemporary thematic maps, ground-based photography, modern satellite imagery, as well artists’ representations, which – similar to the 1921 air photos – have preserved urban streetscapes that no longer exist. Further research opportunities concerning outcome and present day applications of early Canadian aerial photography are discussed. 163 Multi-temporal Urban Growth Assessment in Asia Pacific Region using Time Series of Pixel-Based Landsat Imagery Composites Yuhao Lu1*, Nicholas C Coops2, and Txomin Hermosilla3 1. Msc Candidate, Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, phone: +1 778-320-3326, e-mail: [email protected] 2. Professor, Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, phone: +1 604-822-6452, e-mail: [email protected] 3. Postdoctoral Fellows, Integrated Remote Sensing Studio, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, phone: +1 604-822-6456, e-mail: [email protected] * Presenting Author: Yuhao Lu, Msc Candidate, +1 778-320-3326, [email protected] ABSTRACT Human modifications in the terrestrial biosphere have intensified over the past several decades. Covering 3% of the Earth’s land surface yet consuming nearly 75% of global primary energy, the urban environment comprises some of the world’s most profound anthropogenic impacts. Satellite imagery and other forms of remote sensing have been utilized to monitor and understand spatial and temporal changes of the urban environment in terms of its physical attributes such as built-up areas, and green space. Yet challenges remain due to the rapidity of city development especially in areas in highly populous regions, such as the Asia-Pacific, spurring need for improved monitoring methods and seamless image data archives. In this paper, we demonstrate an approach to produce a near-annual and gap-free Landsat time series from 1984 to 2012 at 30m spatial resolution. These annual image composites are then used to examine changes in urban density and greenspace in 3 cities in the Asia-Pacific region. To do so we quantify both the trends and interactions between urban expansion, as represented by the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and urban green spaces dynamics, as detected using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Results indicate there is significant potential of gap-filled Landsat imagery to observe changing in urban dynamics, even in areas with high cloud cover, and urban expansion in the focus cities follows known models of geographic urban development. Future work will expand the number of cities and utilize other remote sensing data to provide additional socio-economic context. 164 Infrastructure Monitoring in Urban Areas using Space Based SAR Joseph Chamberland1*, Pierre-Jean Alasset2 and John Mulvie3 400 March Road, Suite 210, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2K 3H4 1*. Director of Ottawa Operations, 1 (613)-592-7700 ext. 232, [email protected]. 2. Senior EO Scientist, 1 (613)-592-7700 ext. 227, pierre-jean.alasset@c-core. 3. Geomatics Analyst, 1 (613)-592-7700 ext. 231, [email protected]. * Presenting Author: Joseph Chamberland, Director of Ottawa Operations, 1 (613) 853-9419, [email protected] address. ABSTRACT The Ottawa City Council approved and awarded the contract for construction of the Confederation Line through downtown Ottawa in December 2012. This $2 billion investment into transportation infrastructure features a 12.5km light rail span, including a 2.5km tunnel through the downtown area. To monitor construction effects, the Ottawa Light Rail Constructors (OLRT) have included extensive GPS and leveling and total stations along the tunnel corridor. They have also worked with C-CORE to define a space based monitoring program using Synthetic Aperture Radar and interferometric processing techniques. The information extracted from the space borne SAR data is used to ensure infrastructure stability of key regions of quick clay (known as leda clay) surrounding the excavation corridor. By using the Small Baseline Subset interferometric SAR (InSAR) technique and frequent SAR data acquisitions using the Italian COSMO-SkyMed constellation, a displacement map of the downtown area was available to the end-users within 4 months of project start. During the continued excavation phase, this map is updated monthly with new acquisitions. The accuracy of the displacement has been evaluated to be within the 3-5mm range and displacement information is measured on city infrastructure, such as fences and buildings, with sufficient coverage that a risk assessment can be made for key buildings in the leda clay zone. This talk will focus on the OLRT monitoring requirements and show how an InSAR monitoring program is meeting these requirements and is a suitable tool for monitoring of city infrastructure. 165 Analysis of Aerodynamic Roughness Using SAR Data in Urban Areas Fengli Zhang1, Qianjun Zhao2, Minmin Sha3, Yun Shao4* 1. Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-10-64838047, [email protected] 2. Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-10- 82178013, [email protected] 3. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 0086-1064838047, [email protected] 4. Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, 8610-648763138047, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Tun Shao, Professor, 8610-648763138047, [email protected] ABSTRACT Urban areas are roughest and most complex among all aerodynamic boundaries. Buildings and trees in urban areas dramatically increase drag and reduce wind speed, and there are great variations for the distribution of these roughness elements within urban areas. Thus estimation of aerodynamic roughness length z0 within urban areas is very important for urban climate studies, air pollution control and urban planning. Backscattering received by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor is very sensitive to the composition and structure of the roughness elements, thus it maybe helpful to aerodynamic roughness estimation in urban areas. This paper analyzed the correlation of backscattering coefficient σ0 and the aerodynamic roughness taking Beijing city as an example. Land use and land cover of Beijing have changed greatly since 1980s, with great spatial variations. Beijing 325-meter high meteorological tower records 15-layer wind velocity and wind direction using anemometers mounted in this tower. It is a member of Urban FluxNet and plays an important role in aerodynamic process studies in Beijing. Totally 11 scenes of ALOS PALSAR images obtained during 2010 was used for experiments. These SAR images were first processed with radiometric correction, geometry correction and co-registration. Field aerodynamic roughness z0 was calculated using the fitting iteration method according to wind data obtained by the meteorological tower. The fetch area was defined as a sector area with the central line same to the wind direction. Then backscattering coefficients σ0 within the fetch area were extracted. Experiments show that there is great consistency between backscattering coefficient extracted from SAR data and aerodynamic roughness measured in field. 166 S33 Synthetic Aperture Radar / S33 Radar à synthèse d'ouverture Tom Lukowski, chair / modérateur Corner Reflectors in Canada: Challenges and Solutions. Kevin Murnaghan1* and Vern Singhroy2 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1(613)759-6237, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1(613)759-1047, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Kevin Murnaghan, Remote Sensing Scientist, (613)759-6237, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Purpose built artificial targets have been used in Synthetic Aperture RADAR for calibration, geolocation, and InSAR since its inception. The trihedral corner reflector is commonly used due to the wide symmetric beam pattern of reflection, ease of construction, and reasonable size. There are many challenges between a theoretical corner reflector and using them in the field. The four main areas of concern are mechanical design, support of the reflector, orientation and the longevity/stability of the deployment. The design of the reflector must ensure flatness and orthogonality of the surfaces and be sized correctly. The support of the reflector is determined by the ground conditions, accessibility, and tools/machinery to be used. The orientation can be estimated or accurately calculated using Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) software Target to Satellite Pointing (TSP). The longevity of the deployment of the radar reflector is affected by the types of damage that it may be subjected to such as snow and ice buildup, rock impacts, vegetation, animals, or human interference. Examples of deployments will be shown from several past and current projects across Canada including: airborne SAR 580 calibration, geohazard InSAR monitoring of pipeline and transportation corridors, wetland monitoring, and carbon sequestration testing. Issues and solutions will provide guidance to help new users in preparation for RCM where InSAR and CCD techniques will be more operational. 167 RADARSAT-2 Progress Report David Belton1* and Warren Cartwright 2 1. Vice President, MDA Geospatial Services Inc., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC, Canada, (604) 231-2736 2. Product Manager, MDA Geospatial Services Inc., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC, Canada, (604) 2312032, [email protected] * Presenting Author: David Belton, Vice President, MDA Geospatial Services Inc., 13800 Commerce Parkway, Richmond, BC, Canada, (604) 231-2736, [email protected] ABSTRACT RADARSAT is one of the most successful and important commercial Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Earth observation programs, having contributed data, products and services to the global Earth Observation community since 1995. MDA has been deeply involved in all aspects of the program, having designed, built and operated all of the missions to date. RADARSAT-1 was launched in November 1995 with a five-year design life, which it exceeded by over 13 years, when it reached its end of life in April 2013. RADARSAT-2, the current mission, was the successful follow-on, and was launched in December 2007. It provides continuity into the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). RCM is a constellation of three SAR Earth observation satellites, and is scheduled to launch in 2018. At the 7-year anniversary of the start of operations of RADARSAT-2, we provide the Earth observation community with an update on the status of the mission. This presentation provides a status summary of the satellite, system, and operations performance, describes some highlights of recent challenges, changes, and achievements, and outlines some enhancement work in progress and in future plans for RADARSAT-2. In addition, the presentation will provide an overview of the plans for the launch and operations of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission, and how RCM will provide data continuity for the users of RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. The RADARSAT Program has a bright future ahead of it, and we encourage you to join us as we explore the past, present and future of the mission. 168 Use of RADARSAT-2 and ALOS-PALSAR images for wetland mapping in New Brunswick Armand LaRocque1*, Brigitte Leblon2, Renata Woodward3, Nancy French4 and Laura Bourgeau-Chavez5 1. Research associate, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-453-4932, [email protected] 2. Professor, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental management, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-453-4924, [email protected] 3. Executive director, Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Fredericton (NB), Canada, 506-457-2398, [email protected] 4. Senior research scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., 734-913-6844, [email protected] 5. Research scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., 734-913-6873, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Armand LaRocque, Research Associate, 506-453-4932, [email protected] ABSTRACT This study used different combinations of LANDSAT-5 TM images with RADARSAT-2 C-band and ALOSPALSAR L-band SAR images for mapping wetland areas in New Brunswick. The resulting maps were compared to GPS field data as well as the two wetland maps currently in use by the Province of New Brunswick, namely the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wetland and forested wetland maps. Whatever the image combination we used (LANDSAT + RADARSAT-2 and/or ALOS-PALSAR), the overall accuracy for the image classification is always higher than 90%, with a maximum of 93.9%. In addition, the number of correctly identified sites is higher with the ALOS-PALSAR-based classified image (91.1%) or the RADARSAT-2-based classified image (88.4%) than with the DNR maps (44.5%). From the classified images, the few misclassifications are due to wetland sites classified in another wetland class. For the DNR maps, about half of them are associated to wetland sites that not being mapped, the remaining half being wetland sites that are not classified in the right wetland class. The classified images show that the RADARSAT-2 C band is more sensitive to detect marshes than the ALOS-PALSAR L band, but this is the opposite for the detection of the shrub wetlands. Therefore, all the SAR images are complementary and their combination gives the best ground-truth identification accuracy (98.6%). The study was funded by two NB Environmental Trust Fund grants and supported by a NASA Interdisciplinary Science Program grant. The RADARSAT-2 images were provided under a Canadian Space Agency SOAR grant awarded to the Province of New Brunswick. 169 A Speckle Filtering Approach of SAR Data Based on a Coherent Decomposition Sahel Mahdavi1*, Yasser Maghsoudi2, Bahram Salehi3 1. Master of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Remote Sensing, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, ValiAsr Street, Mirdamad Cross, Tehran, Iran, +982188770218, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Engineer, C-CORE/LOOKNorth and Cross-appointed professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett Bldg, Morrissey Rd, St John's, NL, Canada, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Sahel Mahdavi, Master of Electrical Engineering, (709) 864 6701, [email protected] ABSTRACT Speckle degrades the radiometric resolution of the image and complicates the visual interpretation of RADAR data. Speckle reduction is an important topic within radar remote sensing community and significant amount of research has been conducted on it. One strategy for speckle reduction is to apply the decomposition to the image followed by filtering of the decomposed image based on the dominant scattering mechanism. This strategy has been previously used for incoherent decomposition. Incoherent decompositions, however, are effective when applied to the filtered image (i.e. after speckle reduction). In this paper, we propose a speckle reduction approach based on the Pauli decomposition which is a coherent decomposition method. This way, pixels with same dominant scattering mechanism within a window are averaged out and speckle noise is filtered in an effective way. The proposed method is, in particular, effective when applied to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of coherent targets such as dominant man-made structure of urban areas. We tested the method on a RADARSAT-2 image of an urban area over San Francisco and results showed that as the size of the filtering window increases, the proposed approach preserves more details compared to the standard average filter. 170 Mapping The C-Band Vertical Backscatter Pattern Through A Conifer Forest Canopy Keith Morrison1*, Svein Solberg2, and John C. Bennett3 1. Radar Group, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8LA, UK, +44 1793 785050, [email protected] 2. Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Pb 115, NO-1431, Ås, Norway, [email protected] 3. Consultant, retired, Sheffield, UK * Presenting Author: Dr. Keith Morrison, Head of GB-SAR Laboratory, +44 1793 785050, [email protected] ABSTRACT Many issues remain to be understood on the interaction of a radar wave with a forest canopy and retrieval of forest parameters. Forest biomass is one of the most significant and some techniques seek to determine it from stand height. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric techniques use a pair of images slightly displaced from each other in order to determine an apparent ‘effective’ scattering height of a canopy, but it provides no detail on the vertical backscatter distribution within the target’s volume. More recently, SAR polarization coherence tomography is an attempt to provide a 2D vertical profile of backscatter through a canopy using as little as a single interferometric image pair. However, the retrieval algorithm is model-based, relying on a priori assumptions about the backscattering pattern. Tomographic profiling (TP) is a recent innovation, and the presented result has many similarities to the final image product from SAR tomographic schemes, but requiring only a single-pass collection. Cranfield University’s portable Ground-Based SAR (GB-SAR) system acquired TP C-band imagery of the vertical polarimetric backscattering patterns through a conifer forest canopy. Each TP scan simultaneously captured along-track image transects over the incidence angle range 0-60 degrees. HH, VV backscatter profiles were very similar through the canopy and 6dB above the cross-polarised return. This likely indicates the radar likely saw the canopy volume as a random collection of scatterers. Backscattering profiles showed close agreement with branch biomass distribution through the canopy. Equivalent interferometric tree heights were estimated from the centre-of-mass of the backscatter-height distributions. 171 Posters / Affiches Web-based applications for LiDAR data processing and visualizing trees at the plot level Carlos A. Silva1*, Andrew T. Hudak2, Lee A. Vierling3, E. Louise Loudermilk4, Joseph J. O’Brien5 1. Ph.D. Student. Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive, Moscow, ID -83843, USA, +1 (208) 596- 4510 , [email protected] 2. Research Forester. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, RMRS, 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, Idaho- 83843, USA, +1 (208)-883-2327, [email protected] 3. Associate professor. Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive, Moscow, ID 83843, USA, +1 (208) 885-5743, [email protected] 4. Research Ecologist. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green St., Athens, GA 30602, USA-, +1 (706) 559 4309 , [email protected] 5. Research Ecologist. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest Disturbance Science, 320 Green St., Athens, GA 30602, USA-, +1 (706) 559-4336, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Carlos Alberto Silva, Ph.D. student, (208) 596-4510, [email protected]. ABSTRACT LiDAR remotely sensed data have been a focus for individual tree attribute extraction for forest inventory and modeling. However, there are few specific software packages available to process LiDAR data efficiently in terms of individual tree detection and extraction. Programming skills are required to create algorithms to perform these tasks. Yet, it is hard to find freely available routines and/or codes. Therefore, we present some simple, free, and publicly available online tools to visualize and process small (plot-scale) LiDAR datasets. We present the Web-LiDAR suite, currently comprised of eight web-based applications for LiDAR data processing and visualization at the individual tree level: LiDARTreeTop for individual tree detection from the LiDAR-derived canopy height model (CHM); LiDARTreeExtractor, LiDAR3DclusterTree, and LiDAR3DClipTree for individual tree extraction from the 3D LiDAR point cloud; LiDARAlphaShape3D for individual canopy volume computation; and LiDARstandModel3D, LiDARstand3D, and LiDARpine3D for virtual tree visualization. The Web-LiDAR applications have three major tab panels. The first one is a short presentation of the tools (i.e. “Welcome panel”); the second is the main page of the application (i.e. “Application panel”), where the users can visualize and process their own LiDAR datasets; and the last one (“About panel”) is the tab panel that describes the web-LiDAR application and presents a tutorial in both pdf and a youtube link to help users better understand how to use the tool. The links to access the WebLiDAR applications suite are presented below: 172 Generalizing LIDAR-based, Species-level Biomass Predictions in the Northern Rocky Mountain Ecoregion Patrick Fekety1*, Michael Falkowski2, Andrew Hudak3 1. Research Fellow, University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources, St. Paul, MN, USA, 208.883.2326, [email protected] 2. Research Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources, St. Paul, MN, USA, [email protected] 3. Research Forester, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID, USA, 208.882.3557, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Patrick Fekety, Research Fellow, 208.883.2326, [email protected] ABSTRACT Airborne scanning LiDAR data are becoming a valuable tool for forest management. Numerous studies have demonstrated that project-level prediction models using LiDAR data can be developed to create wallto-wall estimates of forest attributes such as biomass, basal area, and volume. Combining spatially disparate LiDAR datasets is a promising approach for developing a generalized model to predict biomass across large areas such as ecoregions. In this study, we explored the potential of combining four spatially disparate LiDAR collections across the Northern Rocky Mountain Ecoregion, USA. We leveraged field plot measurements, LiDAR-derived structural metrics, topographic metrics, and climate data to develop a random forest-based imputation model to predict aboveground biomass, dominant species, and biomass of the dominant species across multiple spatial extents. A PCA-convex hull analysis demonstrated that structural conditions among the project areas were similar. Additionally, a “leave-one-study-area-out” analysis provided evidence that the imputation model is spatially transferable within the ecoregion. Preliminary results show the general model had R2 values of 61% and 47% for aboveground biomass and biomass of the dominant species, respectively. The model had a 41% success rate at identifying the dominant species, but had difficulty distinguishing among plots dominated by Douglas-fir, grand fir, and western redcedar. We expect the results of this study will be useful for large-scale planning of forest resources. The results can be used to parameterize climate sensitive forest dynamics models such as LANDIS-II and Climate-FVS to simulate forest responses to a changing climate. 173 Hyperspectral Non-linear Denoising with High Performance Parallel Computing Aimin Guan1* and David Goodenough2 1. Masters Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-885-5333, [email protected] 2. Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC, Canada, 250-516-5157, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Aimin Guan, Masters Student, 250-885-5333, [email protected] ABSTRACT Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery provides high spectral resolution, which enables forest species recognition and forest chemistry mapping for large area forest monitoring. Hyperspectral data noise reduction is an important image pre-processing step and can improve classification and chemistry accuracy. Hyperspectral image data are nonlinear, but in hyperspectral imagery processing, they are often modeled using linear stochastic processes based on the assumption of linearity. It is also assumed the noise and signal are independent. Therefore, commonly used de-noise algorithms deal with the noise based on linearity. Han and Goodenough [1] demonstrated the existence of nonlinearity in a 4-m hyperspectral Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer image acquired over an area of coastal forests on Vancouver Island. A nonlinear noise reduction algorithm was proposed and implemented. The algorithm efficiently reduces noise and boosts image signal to noise ratio. The algorithm is computationally very expensive and demands fast processing solutions. In this paper, we offer a framework which we have implemented and evaluated in high performance parallel computing environment. This frame work can be adapted to other remote sensing applications. Reference: 1. Han, Tian and David G. Goodenough 2008, "Investigation of Nonlinearity in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Surrogate Data Methods," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 2840-2847. 174 Working with DEMs of varying resolution and derivation Shane Furze1*, Jae Ogilvie2, Paul Arp3 1. PhD Candidate, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, 28 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, [email protected] 2. Research Associate, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, 28 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, [email protected] 3. Professor, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, 28 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Shane Furze, PhD Candidate, 506-451-6823, [email protected], ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on improving already existing digital elevation layers such as, e.g., satellite generated data (SRTM, ASTER), photo-grammetrically derived data, and traditional contour elevation data through calibration with LiDAR-derived bare-earth elevation data sets. Doing so provides at least three advantages: (i) a systematic reduction in DEM artifacts such as “ridging” and errors in elevation registration, (ii) the improvements apply for areas that do not as of yet have LiDAR coverage; (iii) for areas with LiDAR coverage, the improvements show whether there have been significant changes in elevation in the time interval between obtaining the original elevation data and the LiDAR data. Preliminary results indicate a 30% reduction of elevation error to within ± 1m. Since many of the non-LiDAR DEM derivations registered canopy top elevations rather than bare-earth elevations, there is also the added opportunity to obtain changes in forest height that are specific to the interim time lapse. This presentation illustrates some of the results obtained, and how the results enable and improve research and operations planning in wetland delineations, flood risk mapping, soil-remapping, and soil trafficability and forest productivity mapping. 175 Buried Geo-Hazard Imaging and Mapping on the Grand Banks using an Acoustic CorerTM Ryan Laidley1*, Ian McDermott2, Alison Brown3, Jacques Guigne4 1. Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032, [email protected] 2. Lead Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032, [email protected] 3. Geoscientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032, [email protected] 4. Chief Scientist, PanGeo Subsea Inc., 430-434 Water St., St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 709-739-8032, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Ryan Laidley, Geoscientist, 709-739-8032, [email protected] ABSTRACT The main objective of an Acoustic Corer™ survey is to interrogate the sub-seabed to identify any buried geo-hazards and to delineate any stratigraphy. The Acoustic Corer™ is an acoustic acquisition tool that transmits and receives with dual subsurface scanning sonar packages on a 12 meter boom that rotates 180o. The received signals are then processed using synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) algorithms, a technique that generates the effect of a large transmit-receive aperture by signal processing means rather than by actual use of a large array. By coherently summing together the returns, the Acoustic Corer™ is able to clearly and accurately identify geohazards. PanGeo Subsea was commissioned to undertake an Acoustic Corer™ geo-hazard survey at a site off the east coast of Newfoundland, on the Grand Banks. Four over-lapping Acoustic Corer™ surveys were completed at the site and the results were interpreted. The survey revealed a sub-seabed with an acoustic character consistent with till. There were numerous acoustic anomalies identified consistent with geohazards exceeding 0.5 m in diameter. Thirteen anomalies were suggestive of isolated boulders and 8 anomalies were identified as clusters of boulders and cobbles. The over-lapping surveys were correlated together to increase confidence in the results. The conclusion of this exercise was that there was good agreement in both acoustic character and positioning of anomalies identified in the overlapping Acoustic Corer™ surveys. This reaffirms the initial independent interpretation of individual Acoustic Corer™ surveys and increases the confidence in these data sets. 176 Using ArcGIS as an Alternative or Complimentary Tool to ENVI for Extracting Anthropogenic Footprints from Multispectral Imagery Dennis Chao1*, Subir Chowdhury2 and Todd Shipman3 1. GIS Specialist, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 427-0107, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Specialist, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4 th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 427-4115, [email protected] 3. Manager, Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey, 4 th floor, 4999 – 98 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (780) 644-5563, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Dennis Chao, GIS Specialist, (780) 427-0107, [email protected] ABSTRACT Alberta Geological Survey/Alberta Energy Regulator is investigating how to manage rapid growth within the oil and gas industries though out Alberta. We are utilizing satellite earth observation data such as multispectral imagery to extract anthropogenic footprints relating to exploration activities, such as roads, well pads, processing facilities and access corridors to pump sites, etc. Our study area is about 200km northwest of Edmonton, near Fox Creek where industries are producing and exploring both conventional and unconventional oil and gas. All information is geospatial and integration of this information contextually will help to develop better decision making. Publicity available Landsat8 multispectral imagery (2013 and 2014) from US Geological Survey and high resolution (6m) multispectral SPOT6 imagery for 2013 are used for this analysis. In addition, BestAvailable-Pixel (BAP) composite of Landsat multispectral image stacks (2005-2012) provided by Natural Resources Canada. Landsat8 and SPOT6 imagery are processed as individual scenes using Image Classification functions and different Spatial Analyst filters in ArcGIS 10.1. Anthropogenic footprints from Landsat 8 imagery are also extracted using NDVI and co-occurrence-based texture analysis using ENVI. Results produced by ArcGIS for Landsat8 imagery are similar to ENVI with high degree of accuracy when identifying footprints bigger than 100m and have difficulties detecting linear footprints such as access corridors due to image resolution. Traditional supervised classification algorithm in ENVI, on the other hand, is computationally expensive to process SPOT6 data because high spatial resolution. This problem is resolved by using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst functions with high detection accuracy. Results are then processed in ENVI using post classification techniques (i.e., clump and sieve) to further refine footprint detection. ArcGIS is viable alternative to dedicated remote sensing package such as ENVI for detecting anthropogenic footprints from remote sensing imagery. In addition, it can process high resolution imagery such as SPOT6 more efficiently and to be used for post-processing in ENVI to enhance classification accuracy. 177 Multispectral Lidar for 3D Land Classification and Topography/Bathymetry Paul LaRocque1* and Ahmed Shaker AbdElrahman2 1. VP Advanced Technology, Optech Incorporated, 300 Interchange Way, Vaughan, ON, Canada, +1 905 660 0808 (ext. 3308), [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, Canada, +1 416 979 5000 (ext. 6458), [email protected] * Presenting Author: Paul LaRocque, VP Advanced Technology, +1 905 660 0808, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Traditional lidar systems employ one or more channels operating at a single wavelength, typically in the infrared for topographic mapping or green for bathymetry. This design has been very successful at creating high-accuracy 3D maps, but it has proven difficult to properly classify survey targets with singlewavelength lidar data without support from passive imagers. Furthermore, no one wavelength can efficiently map both topographic and bathymetric targets, forcing surveyors to either specialize in one domain or acquire multiple lidar systems. Both of these issues can be remedied with a multispectral lidar, which employs multiple laser channels operating at separate wavelengths. By converting the radiometrically corrected intensities from each channel into a raster format, the user can determine how each target reflects light at different wavelengths, enabling automated classification of targets with lidar data alone. Furthermore, a multispectral lidar can employ wavelengths optimal for both topographic and bathymetric mapping, meaning surveyors can transition seamlessly between both applications as the project requirements demand. To realize the potential of this technology, Optech has designed and built the Titan multispectral airborne lidar. Initial testing of Titan’s classification abilities used responses from all three channels plus the DEM to create an unsupervised maximum likelihood classifier, which achieved 78% accuracy. Bathymetric testing shows penetration down to 8 m in Lake Ontario, Canada, with a maximum depth of 15 m expected in clear water. 178 A Study of Microwave Sea Clutter using a Coherent X-band Radar Joseph Ryan1* 1.President, Deltaradar Research Incorporated, PO Box 5414, St John’s, NL, Canada, +1(709)800-0786. [email protected] * Presenting Author: Joseph Ryan, President, (709)800-0786. [email protected] ABSTRACT Microwave marine radar has been used for many years for general purpose navigation and collision avoidance. Most standard marine radars utilize a non-coherent signal source(magnetron)for generation of a high power transmit pulse. These radars cannot take advantage of performance improvements that may be achieved from Doppler processing available when using a coherent signal source and processing. New radar technology is starting to appear in the commercial market that offers full coherence between transmitted and received radar signals. These coherent radars utilize solid state transmitters of relatively low power. They achieve high effective power by using transmit waveform encoding techniques such as pulse compression and FMCW(Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave). While use of coherent radar for civil marine applications has begun the understanding of microwave scattering from the ocean is still not complete and so optimum processing algorithms for target detection and ocean parameter extraction are not available for these radars. This paper provides some preliminary results from a baseline study of microwave sea clutter data collected off the coast of Newfoundland over the past year(2014/2015). The data was collected with a vehicle mounted coherent X-band radar with horizontal and vertical polarization and radar range resolutions from 4 to 16 m. Corresponding to the radar data there is in-situ environmental data that includes sea surface data from a directional wave rider buoy, a current meter and full meteorological information. Results of analysis to date indicate the data to be of very good quality and of sufficient variety to permit the investigation of microwave scattering phenomena for marine applications. Doppler spectra for horizontal and vertical polarizations have been shown to agree with published literature and indicate a marked dependence upon wind speed and direction. 179 Delineation of within-field Spatial Variability using high resolution optical remote sensing data Sow, A.A.1*, Shang, J.1, Liu, J1, Ma, B1., Jiao, X2, Geng, X.1, Huffman, T.1, Kovacs, J.2, Waters, D.2 1. Research Scientists, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada 960 Carling Avenue, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario K1A-0C6, Canada. [email protected] 2. Department of Geography, Nipissing University, Canada. *Presenting Author: A.A. Sow, Research Scientist, 613-759-6930 [email protected] ABSTRACT Within-field spatial variability of soil and crop growth condition may indicate variability in crop yield limiting factors. The delineation of the variability is useful for implementing site-specific management practices in precision agriculture. Remote sensing data has been used for crop and soil biophysical and biochemical parameter estimation, therefore are useful for this purpose. This study used multi-temporal high resolution optical data acquired by the RapidEye 5-satellite constellation for within-field homogeneous zone delineation using a fuzzy k-means unsupervised classification method. The study site is a small farm-based community located in the West Nipissing agricultural district, Verner, Ontario. The soils comprised primarily of azilda clay loam. Production potential is limited by poor drainage, hence much of the land has been systematically tile drained. Remote sensing and field data were acquired in 2012. Crop and field parameters extracted from the remote sensing data are used for zone delineation, and the results of the delineated zones were interpreted according to the estimated crop and field parameters and the measured field variables for two crop types, spring wheat and canola. The results of the study show that the delineated zones relate well to plant and soil parameters. This suggests that high-resolution optical data can provide valuable information in delineating within-field spatial variability and hence determine the optimum N fertilizer rate to maximize yield of canola and wheat. 180 Modeling Biodiversity Response to Habitat Heterogeneity Using Multi Spatial and Temporal Remote Sensing Data Niloofar Alavi1*, Doug King2, Scott Mitchell3, Dennis Duro4, Lenore Fahrig5, Kathryn Linsy6 1. PhD Candidate, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-262-6604, [email protected] 2. Professor and Chair and Co-director of Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Lab (GLEL), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-520-2560, [email protected] 3. Professor and Co-director of Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Lab (GLEL), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613 520 2600 x2695, [email protected] 4. Independent Geomatics Consultant, 3144 rue Marcel-Proust, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 418-558-5019, [email protected] 5. Professor and Co-director of Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Lab (GLEL) Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-520-2600 x 3856 [email protected] 6. Landscape Science Sr. Advisor and Co-director of Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Lab (GLEL), Environment Canada, National Wildlife Research Centre, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-998-7385, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Niloofar Alavi, PhD. Candidate, 613-262-6604, [email protected] ABSTRACT Habitat heterogeneity is defined as the variation in spatial composition and configuration of different land cover patches in a given landscape. The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis assumes that heterogeneous landscapes promote biodiversity by providing available resources and niches for species requirements. Remote sensing data and techniques have been used to model biodiversity response to habitat heterogeneity but most studies have relied on single spatial and temporal resolution data. In this study, Landsat data with moderate spatial resolution and MODIS data with coarse spatial resolution but high temporal resolution are used to model biodiversity response to habitat heterogeneity in agricultural lands. The study sites are comprised of 96 agricultural landscapes located within Eastern Ontario. The dominant crops are corn, soybean and hay, followed by cereals. In a large field study, diversity data for seven taxa (birds, butterflies, bees, syrphids, plants, carabids and spiders) were collected within 1 km × 1 km extents at each landscape in 2011 and 2012. Non-crop area was kept relatively constant and only the cropped areas were sampled. Thus far, biodiversity modelling using metrics such as field size and Shannon Diversity as predictors have shown significant negative effects of field size on biodiversity. A subsequent result also showed that a continuous metric derived directly from the image data (e.g., NDVI texture) was better related to biodiversity than the above two metrics derived from land cover maps. This paper will present the overall study design and preliminary results of biodiversity modelling using multi spatial and temporal metrics as predictors. 181 Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Close Range Photogrammetry to 3D Model Selkirk College's Castlegar Campus Peter LeCouffe1*, Kongwen (Frank) Zhang2 1. Student, Selkirk College, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada, 250-353-3300, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Selkirk Geospatial Research Center, 301 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada,250-304-6527, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Peter LeCouffe, Student, 250-353-3300, [email protected] ABSTRACT 3D ground object reconstruction is crucial for understanding the geospatial properties of the Earth's surface (Zhu and Kanade, 2008). Photogrammetry, a technique previously used in aerial photography on traditional film cameras has been revived by the abundance of consumer grade cameras and the availability of powerful processing hardware (Singh Et al, 2013). The availability of UAV sensed data fills the spatial scale gap in traditional remote sensing. The goal of this project was to combine the use of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and terrestrial close range photogrammetry to create a complete 3D model of Selkirk College's Castlegar campus. Incorporating both surveying and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) methods, the data collected is now properly scaled and georeferenced. Ground control points were established using real time kinetic GPS. The aerial survey has been conducted by Harrier Aerial Surveys using a fixed wing UAV capturing low altitude nadir imagery, georeferenced using the ground control points. A terrestrial survey was conducted using both a digital single lens reflex camera and a consumer grade action camera to capture oblique imagery. Building corners within the aerial data, which were visible in the terrestrial data, then were used as terrestrial control. Using this technique, both data were properly scaled within the same coordinate system. Merging the two datasets then resulted in one complete and georeferenced 3D model of the Selkirk College Castlegar Campus that can now be used for better understanding the geospatial properties of the campus. Keywords: photogrammetry, unmanned aerial vehicle, terrestrial, 3D model Reference Singh, S. P., Jain, K., and Mandla, V. R., 2013. “Virtual 3D Campus Modeling by Using Close Range Photogrammetry”, American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 1(6), pp.200–2005. Zhu, Z. and Kanade, T., 2008, “Modeling and Representations of Large-Scale 3D Scenes”, International Journal of Computer Vision, 78(2–3), pp. 119–120. 182 The Birth and Growth of Pingo in the Canadian Arctic Observed by Satellite Radar Interferometry Sergey Samsonov1, Trevor Lantz2, Steve Kokelj3, Yu Zhang1, Robert Fraser1*and Ian Olthof1 1. Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON Canada, Phone: 613-759-1186, Email: [email protected] 2. Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada 3. Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, Government of the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada * Presenting Author: Robert Fraser, 613-759-1186, [email protected] ABSTRACT In the framework of the Northwest Territories Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) was used to monitor ground deformation related to permafrost thaw in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands. Across this region vertical deformation generally did not exceed 2 cm/year, but we observed one large area of localized heave. In this paper we describe the evidence that this feature is a pingo. Pingos are ice-cored hills that can grow only in the permafrost environment. There are about 5000 or more pingos in the world, of these about 1350 are located in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands. Thirty four high resolution Ultra-Fine RADARSAT-2 images acquired during 2011-2014 were processed with the advanced Multidimensional Small Baseline Subset (MSBAS) DInSAR to produce vertical and horizontal deformation time series and mean deformation rate. Uplift was detected with the maximum deformation rate of 2.7 cm/year in a drained lake bottom. The detected uplifting rate is much larger than the ground surface heave induced by uniform permafrost aggradation after draining of the lake, which suggests that the detected feature is a pingo. Historical stereophotos, field observations and borehole analysis also suggest that the observed feature of the elliptical shape with dimensions of about 600x600 m as a young pingo growing in a recently drained area. Prior to lake drainage the thermal mass of the lake maintains unfrozen talik beneath the lake bottom. Following lake drainage, the bed is exposed to subfreezing air temperature and permafrost aggrades causing pore water to freeze. In the freezing of saturated sandy sediments, volumetric expansion forces about 9% of the pore water and excluded solutes away from the freezing front. This process causes pressure to increase in the unfrozen talik creating conditions favorable for the growth of segregated ice and the generation of heave necessary to deform the frozen lake bottom sediments. Pingo growth can continue until the talik has refrozen. We modeled observed deformation as uniformly loaded elliptical plate with clamped edges, with semi-major and semiminor axis of 348 m and 290 m tilted 27 degrees clockwise and centered at 69.3728N133.1688W. Such model describes observed ground deformation in the spatial domain very well. Acceleration of vertical deformation rate observed during summer, when mean daily temperature reaches maximum. Long term measurement of heave at this site may contribute to better understanding processes governing temporal evolution of pingos and growth of permafrost. 183 Spatial Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter over Southern Ontario from MODIS Data Jane Liu1,*, Jenny Cui1 1. Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto,100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3, 416-978 1672, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Jane Liu, Assistant Professor/Dr., 416-978 1672, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Particulate matter (PM) is a combination of fine solids and liquid droplets suspended in the air. PM 2.5 is fine particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 𝜇m. Epidemiological studies suggested that both acute exposures and chronic exposures of PM impose a significant adverse health impact on people. PM2.5 concentrations were derived from the satellite instruments MODIS (The Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and MISR (The Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer) (van Donkelaar, 2010). The data are used to examine the spatial distribution of PM2.5 concentrations over Ontario, in combination with ground measurements from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. The PM2.5 values derived from satellite data are generally consistent with the PM2.5 observations from the surface, with low PM2.5 at northern cities (Thunder Bay, Sudbury, North Bay, and Sault Ste. Marie), high PM2.5 in southern metropolitan and cities with heavy industrial activities (Toronto, Hamilton, and Windsor), and intermediate PM2.5 for the middle-sized cities (Barrie, London, and Oakville). However, the PM2.5 annual mean for Sarnia from the ground measurement was the highest (11 𝜇g/m3) among the 12 cities and this is not reflected in the satellite image, perhaps due to the coarse horizontal resolution (0.1°) of the satellite data. The strong influence of long-range transport of PM2.5 over large areas in Ontario is indicated by the high correlations among Ontario cities. 184 Forest Prairie Landscape Classification Based on Remote Sensing Data Fusion Junna Yuan1*, Kun Li2, Yun Shao3, Chou Xie4, Fengli Zhang5 1. Assistant Researcher, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Datun Road, Beijing, 100101,China,010-64838047,[email protected] 2. Assistant Researcher, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Datun Road, Beijing, 100101,China,010-64838047,[email protected] 3. Researcher, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Datun Road, Beijing, 100101,China,010-64876313,[email protected] 4. Research Associate, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Datun Road, Beijing, 100101,China,010-64838047,[email protected] 5. Research Associate, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Datun Road, Beijing, 100101,China,010-64838047,[email protected] * Presenting Author: Junna Yuan, Assistant Researcher, 010-64838047, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The shortcoming of traditional use of hyperspectral image classification is that due to a variety of vegetation types mutual mixed and with the impact of foreign body spectrum and synonyms spectrum, the results of the vegetation type recognition accuracy is not high. Radar images have the ability to penetrate through the clouds and fog, and could better display the backscattering characteristics and the space texture feature. However, due to the complexity of the feature distribution of different objects often results in similar backscatter signal characteristics, thus increasing the difficulty of the extracted feature information. At the same time due to the polarization SAR images have a high correlation, it decreases the image classification accuracy. In this study, spectral radiation and spatial texture information of image were used to classify the forest prairie landscape of SaiHanBa area. Both spectral and spatial texture information of the GF-1 optical data and RADARSAT-2 SAR data were used .The first step is data preprocessing which include geometric and radiometric correction、image filtering、orthorectification、geometric registration,etc.Then supervised classification - the method of maximum likelihood classification was conducted. There were 5 landscape units,which were deciduous Coniferous forests, evergreen coniferous forests, grasslands, water, and residential areas. The overall classification accuracy was 85.8175%,the Kappa coefficient was 0.8055.It showed that the classification method can effectively classify forest landscape unit with high accuracy.The hyperspectral data and radar data acquisition are more convenient.So the research has a certain universality. 185 Investigating the Effects of Input Data on the Results of Random Forest for Classification of Peatland Landscapes Koreen Millard 1 and Murray Richardson2 1. PhD Candidate, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2. Assistant Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada * Presenting Author: Koreen Millard, PhD Candidate, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] ABSTRACT Random Forest is a widely used algorithm for classification of remotely sensed data. Most research on image classification with Random Forest has shown it to be extremely useful for producing highly accurate classifications of non-parametric and high-dimensional data, which is generally not possible with traditional, parametric classifiers. In the evaluation of classification effectiveness with Random Forest, most studies focused on performance against traditional parametric classifiers (such as Maximum Likelihood, e.g. Akar and Gungor, 2012) or other machine learning techniques (such as Support Vector Machines, e.g. Adam et al, 2014; Sonobe et al, 2014). A number of studies have examined the two key parameters used in random forest (mtry: the number of variables sampled at the split, and ntree: the number of trees 'grown' in the forest, e.g. Lawrence et al, 2006). We present results of an analysis of the effects of input training data characteristics on Random Forest classifications in a peatland landscape using LiDAR-derived DEM, DSM and vegetation derivatives. Several characteristics of input data are shown to have significant impacts on the results of both out-of-bag and independent classification accuracy. The number of training data samples used in building the model, the proportions of data in each class within the training dataset, correlation of input variables, and the autocorrelation of training data samples were found to lead to changes in the resulting classifications and reported error. These factors have been quantitatively assessed and recommendations will be made on the optimum input data configuration for classification with Random Forest. References: Adam et al (2014) IJRS, 35(10). Sonobe, et al (2014), IJRS, 35(23). Lawrence et al (2006), Remote Sensing of Environment, 100(3). Akar and Gungor (2012), Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation, 1(2). 186 Extracting sea ice information from the fusion of SAR and optical data Igor Zakharov 1*, Pradeep Bobby 2, Desmond Power 3, Matt Arkett 4, Yi Luo 5, Matthew Smith 6, Sherry Warren 7, Mark Howell 8 1. Dr. C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709.864.2582, [email protected] 2. Director of Earth Observation, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709-864-8361, [email protected] 3. Vice President Remote Sensing, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709.864.8535, [email protected] 4. Remote Sensing Manager, Canadian Ice Service, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B1, 613.947.7514, [email protected] 5. Yi Luo, Physical Scientist, Canadian Ice Service, 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B1, 613.943.5755, [email protected] 6. Student, Ocean Mapping program, Marine Institute, 155 Ridge Road, St. John's, NL, 709.687.2162, [email protected] 7. Senior Remote Sensing/GIS Specialist, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709.864.7696, [email protected] 8. GIS Analyst, C-CORE, Captain Robert A. Bartlett Building, Morrissey Road St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3X5, 709.864.8374, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Igor Zakharov, Senior Research Engineer/Scientist, 709.864.2582, [email protected] ABSTRACT Data fusion can be defined as integrating or combining data from multiple sources to provide improved accuracy and information content that cannot be achieved from a single sensor alone. Several data fusion techniques have been analyzed and implemented for combining SAR and optical data of different modes and resolutions in order to extract additional sea ice characteristics. The objectives were focused on understanding possible improvements in identifying and characterizing extreme ice features (features which can cause extreme loads on offshore infrastructures) using medium resolution data and ice types from low resolution data. After preprocessing, MODIS bands were fused with Radarsat-2 (RS-2) ScanSAR imagery using the SARMultispectral Fusion Algorithm (ASMF). Despite limitations of coarse resolution, the fused product was useful for discriminating between ice and open water, especially in high winds which resulted in high SAR ocean clutter. In most cases there is a time difference between MODIS and RS-2 data acquisition which causes difficulties in data interpretation, however this time difference allows to determine the speed and direction of ice floes in the fused image. Several dual polarized Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X data sets, their combinations and color composites were useful for discriminating glacier ice in sea ice. Fusing medium resolution SAR and optical data improves identification of extreme ice features (glacier ice and multiyear hummock fields). Fusion product helps identify multi-year hummock fields surrounded by rubble fields, which is important since they are stronger than first year features and are more hazardous to marine operations. 187 Using Satellite Imagery for Visual Simulation in Aviation Applications Sam Lieff1* 1. General Manager, BlackBridge Geomatics, 3528 30th Street North, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, +014033326011, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Sam Lieff, General Manager, +14033326011, [email protected]. ABSTRACT The best training is real world experience in the safety of a controlled environment. By using satellite imagery, we can create visual solutions to bring reality into the virtual world of simulation. Leveraging the unique capabilities of imagery from the latest satellites, we can produce an ultra-realistic visual model for commercial aviation training applications. The information in a satellite image gives an objective, reliable picture of the Earth’s surface. The imagery is integrated into the simulation environment by processing it to meet the specific and rigorous needs of the simulator. By using the latest software technology and techniques, the imagery is aligned to match the existing spatial database of the airport, such as runway vectors, and building footprints. Colours are then calibrated and matched to blend with the environment, and visual artifacts such as terrain distortions, haze, clouds and sensor errors are removed. Using a multistep process, different images are blended for a seamless transition from one image type (different resolution, color etc.) to another. By creating a multi-resolution environment, we create a solution with high resolution imagery in areas that require extra detail, and lower resolution imagery when the simulation is representing high altitude flight. The end result is a clean, realistic, digital representation of the airport and the surrounding area. 188 Modelling Changes in Forest Dynamics under the Influence of Climate Change and Different Forest Management Practice Nilam Kayastha1*, Michael J. Falkowski2, Andrew T. Hudak3, Patrick A. Fekety4, Linda M. Nagel5, Asim Banskota6 1. Research Associate, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 2. Research Associate Professor, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 3. Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Moscow, ID USA, [email protected] 4. Research Fellow, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 5. Professor, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 6. Research Associate, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Nilam Kayastha. Research Associate, , [email protected] ABSTRACT Over the next century, changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentration are expected to impact forest dynamics by altering forest productivity, disturbance rates, and the distribution of tree species. Understanding climate change impacts on forest composition, structure, and function is essential for mitigating the effects of climate change via forest management adaptation strategies. In this study, we used a spatially explicit forest succession and disturbance model, LANDIS-II, to investigate how the interaction of climate and forest management practices alters the composition and structure of a forest in northern Idaho, USA. LiDAR data was used to parametrize the LANDIS-II model across the study area. Statistical imputation was used to upscale LiDAR-derived forest inventory attributes across the study area. Forest change was simulated over one-hundred years (2000-2100) using three different climate emission scenarios. A current climate scenario was also simulated using the historical climate data from the PRISM climate dataset. Two downscaled climate projections PCM B1 (low emission scenario) and GFDL A1FI (fossil fuel intensive scenario) were used to evaluate the effect of projected climate change in future forest conditions. The three climate scenarios were then combined with different forest management scenarios specifically crafted to enhance forest adaption to a changing climate. Climate change had a significant effect on both aboveground biomass and species diversity across the study area. However, our results also demonstrate that climate related impacts on forests can be somewhat tempered via forest management activities specifically designed to increase forest resilience to a changing climate. 189 Large-Scale Modeling of Forest Height and Biomass using the Metabolic Scaling Theory and Water-Energy Balance Equation Sungho Choi1*, Taejin Park2, Yuri Knyazikhin3, Ranga B. Myneni4 1. PhD candidate, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-8846, [email protected] 2. PhD candidate, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-8846, [email protected] 3. Research Professor, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-8843, [email protected] 4. Professor, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, 617-353-2525, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Sungho Choi, PhD candidate, 617-353-8846, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Forest height and biomass are major biophysical properties to understand carbon cycles across scales. Because in-situ measurement is labor-intensive and thus impractical for the large-scale monitoring, previous studies have used modeling approaches (e.g., spatial statistics or machine learning algorithms) to alleviate the data discontinuity in space and time. In this study, we explored the application of the metabolic scaling theory and water-energy balance equation in the extensive prediction of forest height and aboveground biomass (AGB). Our model, called Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations (ASRL), accounts for the size-dependent metabolism of trees and local availability of light and water. Geospatial predictors incorporated in the model are altitude and long-term monthly precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, vapor pressure and wind speed. Disturbance history is further implemented to estimate contemporary forest height and biomass. This study provides baseline maps (circa 2005; 1 km2 grids) of maximum forest canopy height and AGB over the continental USA. Uncertainties at the pixel-level are also delivered. The modeled canopy height and biomass are validated with field measured data and airborne/spaceborne lidar data. Our approach is promising for prognostic applications because the model grants a simple and clear mechanistic understanding in the large-scale modeling compared to the conventional black-box type approaches. 190 A Rapid Assessment of Light Geese Damage in the Central and Eastern Arctic using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery Stacks. Jon Pasher1, Rasim Latifovic2, Darren Pouliot3, Valerie Wynja4*, Victoria Putinkski5 and Ryan Zimmerling6 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Environment Canada, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-990-9941, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, , 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] 4. Geomatics Analyst, Environment Canada, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-990-9947, [email protected] 5. Geomatics Technician, Environment Canada, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 613-998-8261, [email protected] 6. Management Unit Head, Environment Canada, 351 St. Joseph Blvd., Gatineau, Québec, Canada, 613-404-3900, [email protected] *Presenting Author: Valerie Wynja Geomatics Analyst, 613-9909947, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Light geese (Ross’s and Lesser Snow Geese) populations have been steadily increasing across the Canadian Arctic since the 1970s, likely the result of a trophic cascade, beginning with improved agricultural practices in over-wintering grounds. The avian herbivores cover large areas of marsh, intensively grazing the sedges, sometimes pulling roots and shoots out beyond repair. A positive feedback loop is thus created between grazing, the land’s exposure to sediment and the resulting change in vegetated land. As a result, great swaths of vegetation have been irreversibly degraded due to excessive foraging in the central and eastern arctic. Monitoring these changes in vegetation over large areas with remote sensing is critical for ecosystem and wildlife management. This paper presents the ongoing efforts to perform a rapid assessment of the extent of vegetation damage in three study sites which have experienced varying degrees of goose damage over the past several decades: Queen Maud Gulf Migratory Bird Sanctuary, East Bay Migratory Bird Sanctuary, and La Pérouse Bay. The use of Landsat allows frequent assessment and monitoring, which is necessary to determine the magnitude and extent of vegetation degradation and/or vegetation regeneration. For each study site, Landsat 4/5 TM images were relatively calibrated and assembled into dense time series of images ranging from 1984 to 2011. Several vegetation indices, soil indices and a Tassled Cap Transformation were applied to the image time series. Following this, a trend analysis is being performed to detect subtle vegetation changes caused by geese damage. 191 Investigating Boreal Forest Physiology and Stand-Age Relationships Using a Landsat TM Derived Chronosequence Holly Croft1*, Jing M. Chen2, Thomas L. Noland3 1. Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada, [email protected] 2. Jing M. Chen, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada, [email protected] 3. Thomas L. Noland, Research Scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ontario Forest Research Institute, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Holly Croft, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, [email protected] ABSTRACT Forest stand age affects a number of ecological variables and processes, including biodiversity, leaf area index (LAI), nutrient and water cycling, and biomass production. However, investigations into stand age dependency are limited by the availability of measurement sites and have typically focused on stand structure. This study uses a measured chronosequence of 9 managed Pinus banksiana stands, ranging from 15 to 90 years old. Ground measurements at the sites in Northern Ontario, Canada were collected for a range of canopy structural parameters (LAI, stand density, crown radius, tree height) and leaf chlorophyll (Chlab). A time-series of satellite-derived data (Landsat 5 TM; 30 m) from 1989 to 2011 was used to extend the chronosequence, with Chlab- and LAI- sensitive spectral vegetation indices calculated for each image date. Stand age showed strong relationships with tree height (R2 = 0.95, p<0.001), canopy radius (R2 = 0.68; p<0.01) and stand density (R2 = 0.49; p<0.01). A spherical model was fitted to the LAI and Chlab time-series, where an asymptote was reached at Chlab = 44 years and LAI = 22 years, after which both variables showed no further increase with stand age. Temporal lag variations indicate differences in the maturation period for Chlab or LAI, with LAI likely related to stand density reduction. The demonstrated stand age-dependency of Chlab is crucial for understanding stand age effects on photosynthetic processes and carbon assimilation; for quantifying net primary production within carbon budgets and guiding forest management in light of a changing climate. 192 Modelling and mapping soil carbon in British Columbia grasslands Heather Richardson1*, Lauchlan Fraser2, and David Hill3 1. MSc Candidate, Thompson Rivers University, Environmental Sciences, 900 McGill Road V2C 0C8, Kamloops, BC, Canada, (250) 571-3402, [email protected] 2. Professor, Thompson Rivers University Department of Biological Sciences, 900 McGill Road V2C 0C8, Kamloops, BC, Canada, (250) 377-6135, [email protected] 3. Assistant Professor, Thompson Rivers University Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, 900 McGill Road V2C 0C8, Kamloops, BC, Canada, (250) 828-5099, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Heather Richardson, MSc Candidate, 250 571 3402, [email protected] ABSTRACT Industrialization, production and consumption of fossil fuels, and land use changes have resulted in increased concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causing changes in ecosystem structure and properties. Soil C sequestration, the process of storing carbon dioxide in the soil through crop residues and other organic solids, has been an area under much investigation as it relates to reducing atmospheric carbon and mitigating climate change. Since grasslands predominately sequester carbon below ground through root growth and consequent soil-building processes, they have a high potential for long term C storage and therefore are of major importance for maintaining earth’s carbon cycle. Despite advances in soil C determination in recent years, it remains a challenge to model and monitor soil C across large regions. There are several factors, both anthropogenic and environmental, that influence carbon sequestration. Given this complex system, the possibility of using remote sensing (RS) applications in conjunction with accurate field measurements is a topic of much interest. Here, we examine the mechanisms that affect soil C storage and subsequently model and map soil C in the southern interior grasslands of British Columbia (BC). Soil C prediction will be based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), which have demonstrated high correspondence with soil C distribution in past studies. The relationship of soil C and NDVI/EVI will be evaluated on two scales using: i) MODIS (MOD13Q1, 250m/ 16day resolution) imagery, and ii) a handheld Multispectral Radiometer (MSR16R, Cropscan Inc., 1m resolution ) device. Other factors included in the model are: i) grazing, ii) climate data, iii) vegetation community zones, iv) soil classification and soil drainage, and v) topography. A traditional stepwise linear modelling approach was compared with random forest modelling, which is a recursive partitioning technique that employs randomized bagging and bootstrapping of samples. Based on comparisons of mean squared error, random forest models created better predictions than stepwise linear models. When MSR-derived NDVI data was inputted in models, the percentage of explained variance was greater than for models which used NDVI derived from MODIS data, showing the potential of increased model accuracy with higher resolution RS data. This project will help create the groundwork for effective monitoring techniques of soil C levels using RS techniques and help direct land management efforts to increase C sequestration in BC. 193 A Landsat-Based Study of Black Rock Coatings Proximal to Base-Metal Smelters, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Kelly J. Malcolm1, David W. Leverington2*, and Michael Schindler3 1. Student, Earth Sciences, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, Canada, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, Geosciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, [email protected] 3. Associate Professor, Earth Sciences, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, Canada, [email protected] * Presenting Author: David Leverington, Assoc. Professor, (806) 834-5310, [email protected] ABSTRACT Past emission of metal-bearing particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid by base-metal smelters in the Sudbury region led to widespread loss of vegetation, contamination of soils, and formation of black coatings on rock surfaces. These black coatings formed through the incorporation of smelter-borne particulate matter into the partly-dissolved uppermost layers of siliceous minerals on exposed rock. This study involved assessment of the reflectance properties of black coatings in the Sudbury region, and determination of the spatial distribution of coatings through supervised classification of reflectance data derived from a Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) image. Classifications involved the use of the spectral angle mapper (SAM) and maximum likelihood algorithms. The reflectance spectra of black coatings in the Sudbury region are generally flat and relatively featureless, and are characterized by low reflectance values of under 12% across the visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared. Weak absorption features variously exist in some spectra at ~950-1000, 1400, 1915, 2200, 2210, 2260, 2310, 2350, and 2385 nm. Though SAM classification results are characterized by the widespread mislabeling of uncoated urban and open-pit sites as mantled by black coatings, results generated by the maximum likelihood algorithm properly depict the general distribution of exposed black coatings in the Sudbury region. The mapping of black coatings using remote sensing methods can provide useful information on the spatial character of environmental degradation in the vicinity of smelters, and should be helpful in the monitoring of environmental recovery where emissions have been reduced or eliminated. 194 Mapping northern peatland types using hyperspectral images of different spatial and spectral resolutions Asim Banskota1*, Mary Ellen Miller2, Michael J. Falkowski3, and Laura Bourgeau-Chavez4 1. Research Associate, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 2. Research Engineer, Michigan Technological University, Michigan Tech Research Institute, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, [email protected] 3. Research Associate Professor, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN USA, [email protected] 4. Research Scientist, Michigan Technological University, Michigan Tech Research Institute, 3600 Green Ct Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Asim Banskota. Research Associate, [email protected] ABSTRACT Northern peatlands reserve a large amount of carbon that is vulnerable to climate-induced changes in hydrological dynamics and fire regimes. Understanding the role of peatlands in the global carbon cycle and their future responses under a changing climate requires accurate mapping of peatland features and types. Identifying peatlands, which requires estimating the depth of peat, is challenging with remote sensing data. Alternatively, vegetation maps together with hydrological and geomorphological characteristics can serve as proxy variables for identifying peatland types. In this study, we compare hyperspectral images of different spectral (AVIRIS classic vs AVIRIS Next Generation (NG)) and spatial resolutions (1 m vs 4 m) for their ability to discriminate characteristic peatland types, such as bogs and patterned fens, among others, in the Seney National Wildlife Refuge in Michigan, USA. AVIRIS classic data, with a spectral resolution of 224 bands (10 nm ± 0.1 nm) and a spatial resolution of approximately 3.8 m, were acquired in August 2013. AVIRIS NG data with a spectral resolution of 426 bands (5 nm ±- 0.5 nm) were acquired from two different altitudes in September 2014, yielding spatial resolutions of approximately 3.8 m and 1 m. Ground data characterizing peatland types along several transects were collected coincidently with the AVIRIS over-flights. In order to classify peatlands type, we employ an approach that selects a useful subset of spectral bands and their transformed components (using a continuous wavelet transform) followed by image classification using the Random Forests classifier. The classified map is evaluated using an independent validation data set as well as via a comparison with a peatland type map previously derived from classification of Radarsat-2 data. 195 Relating Low Arctic Tundra – Atmosphere CO2 Exchange to Satellite-Derived NDVI using Phenological Analysis at Daring Lake, NWT Claire Elliott 1*, Elyn Humphreys 2 1. Student, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6, 613-520-2600 x 4125, [email protected] 2. Associate Professor, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6, 613-5202600 x 4125, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Claire Elliott, Student, 613-520-2600 x 4125, [email protected] ABSTRACT Tundra ecosystems facing a rapidly warming climate are predicted to see alterations in vegetation community phenology and composition resulting in changes to carbon cycling. At the Daring Lake Ecosystem Research Station, NWT (64°52 N, 111°35 W) carbon exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere has been monitored continuously since 2004 using eddy covariance systems. Eddy covariance towers placed in three distinct tundra vegetation communities measure net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) over footprints of ~200 m. Spatial and temporal trends of vegetation productivity measured via the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) can be used to infer CO2 exchange should the relation between the two variables be simply generalized over a full growing season. In the summer of 2014 (June – August) a series of nested sampling plots were established in the tower footprints to provide weekly field-based measurements of NDVI at 0.5 m, 5 m, 30 m, and 200 m. Concurrent measurements of leaf area index and percent cover were also collected. For each measurement resolution, the temporal variations in field-based NDVI will be compared with related IKONOS, Landsat 8, and MODIS NDVI data. The satellite derived NDVI data will then be compared with CO2 exchange derived from the eddy covariance towers. This analysis will be executed using TIMESAT software to extract phenological event information from the NDVI and CO2 flux datasets. The fundamental goal of this study is to determine the potential for satellite NDVI-derived phenological indices for estimating growing season CO2 exchange in Low Arctic tundra communities. 196 Influence of Sample Distribution and Prior Probability Adjustment on Land Cover Classifier Extension Darren Pouliot1*, Rasim Latifovic2, William Parkinson3 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-6341, [email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7002, [email protected] 3. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6535, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Darren Pouliot, Remote Sensing Scientist, , 613 759-6341, [email protected] ABSTRACT Machine learning algorithms are widely used for remote sensing based land surface characterization. Successful implementation requires a representative training sample for the domain to which it is applied. However, accessibility and cost strongly limit the acquisition of suitable training samples for large regional applications. Further, it is often desirable to use previously developed datasets where significant resources have already been invested, such as data developed from extensive field survey or high resolution remotely sensed imagery. However, these data often only partially represent the domain of interest and can lead to sample bias. Classifier spatial extension is an extreme case, where a sample is trained from one region (or domain) and applied in another. This approach is desirable from a cost perspective, but achieving acceptable accuracy is often difficult. In this research we investigate two approaches to account for possible differences between the sample and domain of interest land cover distributions. The first is an iterative resampling approach to predict the domain distribution and adjust the sample to match. The second is the use of prior probabilities to adjust class memberships. Results reveal that sample adjustment is superior if the domain distribution is well known. However, if it is not then the use of prior probabilities preforms similarly. Examination of factors influencing the performance of either approach revealed that for a given land cover problem the absolute difference between the sample and application distributions was indicative of the performance improvement. 197 Fractional Land Cover Monitoring of the Alberta Oil Sands Region using Landsat multispectral time series and high resolution Geoeye Imagery William Parkinson1*, Darren Pouliot2, Rasim Latifovic3 1. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759 6535, [email protected] 2. Remote Sensing Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-6341, [email protected] 3. Research Scientist, Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, 560 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4, Canada, 613 759-7002, [email protected] *Presenting Author: William Parkinson, Remote Sensing Scientist, 613 759 6535, [email protected] ABSTRACT For change monitoring in the Alberta Oil Sand Region (AOSR) high resolution (<5 m) multispectral time series would be preferred to capture the varying size and rates of change that occur. However, limited spatial-temporal coverage and cost of current high resolution sensors make such an approach impractical to derive historical information and provide for continued monitoring. Using moderate resolution (~30m) time series such as that available from Landsat together with an appropriate fine resolution sample may provide an alternative. In this research the potential to derive sub-pixel information on land cover was evaluated. Sub-pixel land cover fractions were trained for Landsat using high resolution (2 m) Geoeye data classified into basic land cover types. The point spread function of Landsat was modeled to ensure that the reflectance properties measured by Landsat were coincident with the training footprint in the Geoeye scenes. Random Forest and SEE5 decision tree classifiers were tested for prediction. Results showed that land cover fractions could be extracted over the region with an average error ranging from 7-17%. Sampling exerted a significant effect where validation using a holdout Geoeye scene preformed inferior to sampling from all available scenes by on average 3%. Water and bare covers had limited sampling for fractions between 25-75% and therefore the results for these covers are not indicative of performance. Better controlling for spectral variability, training and Landsat data quality in site specific analysis suggests significant improvement in accuracy of predicting fractions compared to the regional analysis. The improvement for the site specific analysis ranged from 5-10%. Examination of forest fraction sensitivity to change revealed good agreement with forest harvesting and fire. For areas known to not have change the average inter-annual difference was <10%. Additional research will seek to improve regional application for achieving site specific accuracy. 198 Using Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar to Estimate Biomass of Low-Stature Arctic Tundra Shrubs Heather E Greaves1*, Lee A Vierling2, Jan UH Eitel3, Troy S Magney4, Natalie T Boelman5, Kevin L Griffin6 1. PhD Student, Geospatial Laboratory for Environmental Dynamics, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Dr MS 1133, Moscow, ID, 83844 USA. [email protected]. 2. Associate Professor, Geospatial Laboratory for Environmental Dynamics, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Dr MS 1133, Moscow, ID, 83844 USA. [email protected]. 3. Research Assistant Professor, Geospatial Laboratory for Environmental Dynamics, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Dr MS 1133, Moscow, ID, 83844 USA. [email protected]. 4. PhD Candidate, Geospatial Laboratory for Environmental Dynamics, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Dr MS 1133, Moscow, ID, 83844 USA. [email protected]. 5. Assistant Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 61 Rte 9W, Palisades, NY, 10964 USA; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, Mail Code 5505, New York, NY, 10027 USA. [email protected]. 6. Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 61 Rte 9W, Palisades, NY, 10964 USA; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, Mail Code 5505, New York, NY, 10027 USA; Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, 1200 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, 10027 USA. [email protected]. *Presenting Author: Heather E Greaves, PhD Student, 83844 USA. [email protected]. ABSTRACT Rapid climatic warming in Arctic tundra ecosystems may be causing shifts in tundra vegetation composition, including increasing aboveground shrub biomass. Understanding these shifts is important for predicting ecosystem trajectories, but establishing methods for quantifying and scaling biomass in lowstature biomes is challenging. We seek to improve landscape-level estimates of aboveground tundra woody biomass by linking fine-scale destructive biomass measurements to terrestrial and airborne lidar metrics. Using a volumetric surface differencing approach, we found strong relationships between harvested biomass of 2 dominant low-stature (<1.5m) Arctic shrub species and terrestrial lidar metrics in 24 small (1m diameter) plots in north central Alaska, USA. Relationships established using data from 5 or 6 coregistered scans taken at varying distances (2-50m) from the target plots were only slightly less strong (R2 = 0.90; RMSE = 128g) than relationships based on data from 2 close-range (2m) co-registered scans (R2 = 0.92; RMSE = 117g). In an additional 60 small plots located in the overlap of the terrestrial and airborne lidar acquisitions, we similarly found strong relationships between harvested aboveground biomass of all shrubs >5cm tall and terrestrial lidar metrics (R2 = 0.83; RMSE = 96g) and airborne lidar metrics (R2 = 0.77; RMSE = 113g). We also found that the strength of the airborne lidar-shrub biomass relationship depended strongly on the choice of ground-finding algorithm used with the airborne lidar data. Continuing comparison of terrestrial and airborne lidar data will allow us to optimize ground-finding algorithms to permit accurate estimates of tundra shrub biomass across large spatial scales. 199 Change Detection Analysis Using Compact Polarimetry On Simulated RCM Data Vincent Decker1* and François Charbonneau1 1. Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, 560 Rochester, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada * Presenting Author: Vincent Decker, 613-694-2688, [email protected] ABSTRACT The future RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) is designed to respond efficiently to operational user requirements. Consequently, new capability features will be added to the RADARSAT family: Rapid Revisit (RR) and Compact Polarimetry (CP).The RCM CP configuration, circular transmit–linear receive (horizontal and vertical polarizations), will be available on all beam modes and it will compensate partially for the lack of operational fully polarimetric mode. Simulated RCM CP data has shown promising potential over a wide range of valuable applications for the Government of Canada such as ecosystem monitoring (forestry, agriculture, wetlands and coastal change monitoring). Change detection techniques based on the Bhattacharya distance have been performed on fully polarimetric and simulated RCM CP data that was acquired over two sites: Kelowna British Columbia and Elk Island National Park (EINP) Alberta. Change detection products generated from seasonal and multi-year stacks show that CP can perform as well as fully polarimetric data. In EINP, vegetation around lacustrine environments showed the most sensitivity to change with regards to seasonal water levels and ice forming/thawing. Grasses such as cattail also showed high change intensity from spring to summer. In Kelowna, abrupt land cover changes from orchard to urbanized settings showed the highest dispersion in change intensity. Lastly, the classification of types of change between pairs of SAR acquisitions was assessed according to basic scattering mechanisms derived from the m-chi decomposition approach. As development work continues, RCM CP combined with fast revisit may offer an additional source of information to geoscientists studying change detection across a wide range of applications. 200 Comparing the potential of dual-pol TerraSAR-X, Sentinel, and Radarsat data for automated, polarimetric sea ice classification Rudolf Ressel1*, Anja Frost2, and Susanne Lehner3 1. Researcher, DLR EOC Bremen Airport, Henrich Focke Str. 4, Bremen, 28199, Germany, +49421244201858, [email protected] 2. Researcher, DLR EOC Bremen Airport, Henrich Focke Str. 4, Bremen, 28199, Germany, +49421244201859, [email protected] 3. Head of Research Group, DLR EOC Bremen Airport, Henrich Focke Str. 4, Bremen, 28199, Germany, +49421244201850, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Rudolf Ressel, Researcher, +49421244201858, [email protected] . ABSTRACT In contrast to SAR single-pol data, which allow only classical image analysis, SAR dual-pol imagery can be analyzed by means of complex polarimetry. Our work investigates the potential of different dual-pol configurations (co-pol, compact polarimetry) in different satellite SAR sensors (TerraSAR-X, Sentinel; Radarsat) for automatic sea ice classification. The first step of our analysis comprises the extraction of polarimetric features. To enrich the information content of image segments, second order statistics on these polarimetric features are additionally computed. The discriminative power and relevance of the different features are ranked by utilizing the concept of mutual information. Different selections of the most relevant features are then fed into a neural network classifier. We explore different network configurations for optimal classification results. Performance is compared for different selections of relevant features. In order to evaluate the generalizability of trained classifiers, data for classification is taken from various geographical regions (Svalbard, Kara Sea, Baffin Island Coast, Antarctic). The outcome for the different sensors is then also discussed in terms of reliability and applicability. The implemented dual-pol processing chain exhibits improved performance over classical single-pol texture based ice classification approaches and is well-suited for fully automated ice charting purposes in near real-time situations. The promising results we achieved for our single-pol based classification algorithm during field campaigns (Akademik Shokalskyi, Polarstern, Lance) can therefore also be expected for dual-pol data, complementing our portfolio of navigation assistance products. 201 Application Tests of Ground-Based Coherent Radar for Deformation and Vibration Measurements in Canada's Atlantic Region Arpik Haikazi Hakobyan1*, Peter McGuire2, Desmond Power3, Cecilia Moloney4, Thomas Puestow5, Guido Luzi6 1. PhD Candidate, C-CORE, MUN, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7097403137, [email protected] 2. Senior Project Engineer, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098642006, [email protected] 3. Vise-President, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098648353, [email protected] 4. Professor, MUN, S.J. Carew Building, 240 Prince Phillip Drive, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 709864896, [email protected] 5. Senior Manager, C-CORE, 1 Morrissey Road, St. John’s, NL, Canada, 7098642586, [email protected] 6. Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, CTTC, Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, Castelldefels, Spain, 34935569280, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Arpik Hakobyan, PhD Candidate, 7097403137, [email protected] ABSTRACT To reduce and prevent disasters and avoid human and economic loses, our knowledge about ground movements, deformations of critical infrastructures, and their triggering factors must be improved to make the disasters predictable, and thus preventable. One approach to derive deformation measurements and to enhance short- and long-term forecasting methods and techniques is development of advanced remote sensing methods. This research examines the ground-based radar technology in measuring the displacements and deformations of various origin; demonstrates the operational and performance characteristics of ground-based radar through a series of field tests carried out in Atlantic Canada in 2012. The primary goal of case studies presented here is to apply ground-based radar technology to estimate structural instabilities and ground motions, validate the capabilities of the instrument, and to evaluate the instrument in detecting displacements in various application settings. The field tests include data collection cases for the ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar(IBIS-L), and for ground-based Real Aperture Radar(IBIS-S). Some examples of applications include Big Falls Hydro-Electric Generating Plant, a gravel pit, a building on MUN campus, high rise structure such as chimney. The outcomes of data analysis that are presented here underline the feasibility and the importance of such studies. The IBIS(Image By Interferometric Survey) ground-based radar sensor is developed by the IDS (Ingegneria dei Sistemi SpA), Italy, and is owned by C-CORE. 202 Comparison of Different Methods of Soil Moisture Mapping in Peatlands using Synthetic Aperture Radar Polarimetric Data Koreen Millard1 and Murray Richardson2 1. PhD Candidate, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2. Assistant Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada * Presenting Author: Koreen Millard, PhD Candidate, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, [email protected] ABSTRACT Peatland surface soil moisture is important in many biophysical models but access to peatlands is often limited or difficult. Therefore many models currently rely on single point-scale measurements which may not accurately reflect the true spatial variability of soil moisture. Remote sensing provides a synoptic view of inaccessible areas and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is generally thought to be the most promising sensor for soil moisture retrieval due to its sensitivity to the dielectric constant of its targets. Throughout the literature several different modelling approaches have been examined for relating in-situ measurements with remotely sensed SAR data. However, the high degree of variability in both soil and vegetation parameters is widely cited as the fundamental barrier to the development of reliable predictive models. Throughout the summer of 2014, in-situ soil moisture measurements were acquired during the same day as RADARSAT-2 Fine Quad acquisitions in a peatland in Eastern Ontario. Here, we present results of several different modeling techniques for estimating soil moisture in peatlands using polarimetrc SAR data, as well as LiDAR DEM, DSM and canopy derivatives and optical data. Preliminary results show that C-Band SAR intensity data alone were not sufficient for retrieving soil moisture in peatlands (best MLR R2 < 0.4) but the addition of elevation improved the model (R2 > 0.75). Results of the Water Cloud Model and temporal differencing analysis were highly variable depending on date and specific model parameters employed. 203 Classification of forest and wetland communities near the Victor Diamond Mine using an integrated optical and radar satellite sensor dataset Michael Stefanuk1*, Dr. Steven Franklin2, Dr. Oumer Ahmed3 1. Michael Stefanuk*, Undergraduate Student, Trent University, 257 Fern Cr., Waterloo ON, CA, N2V 2P9, 705-9270911, [email protected] 2. Dr. Steven Franklin, Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Dr., Peterborough ON, CA, K9J 7B8, 705-748-1011, [email protected] 3. Dr. Oumer Ahmed - Post-Doctoral Fellow in Geography, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Dr., Peterborough ON, CA, K9J 7B8, 705-748-1011 ext.7965, [email protected] * Presenting Author: Michael Stefanuk, Student, 705-927-0911, [email protected]. ABSTRACT Remote sensing techniques have become a powerful tool for landscape-scale examinations of ecosystems with an ever-increasing degree of accuracy. This analysis can be used to characterize ecosystems for a variety of purposes including mapping for land inventory, resource management and informed development. Optical and radar datasets from satellite sensors have been shown to be independently effective for classifying forest and wetland land cover types. Classification accuracy of optical datasets such as Landsat-7 ETM+ has been shown to be approximately 75%. This accuracy has been shown to be increased to around 80% when analysis is augmented by radar data such as RADARSAT-2 because of radar’s increased ability to sense water and better differentiate between wooded wetlands and upland forests. This research will determine the classification accuracy of forest and wetland communities in the area around the Victor Diamond Mine through analysis of a combination of Landsat-7 ETM+ and Radarsat2 quadpolarization synthetic aperture radar (SAR) dataset using maximum likelihood classification methods. If optical satellite data (e.g., Landsat) and SAR (e.g., Radarsat-2) data are combined into a single dataset for analysis, then the classification accuracy will be higher than if these datasets were classified independently. It is predicted that analysis of the combined Landsat and Radarsat dataset will show increased classification accuracy relative to classifications of either dataset independently. 204 Helix Nebula – Supporting science with a comprehensive cloud computing infrastructure: the use case for Earth Observation Marc-Elian Begin1, Cedric Seynat2* 1. Marc-Elian Begin, Founder and CEO, SixSq, 8 Rue du Bois-du-Lan, 1217 Geneva, Switzerland, [email protected] 2. Cedric Seynat*, Manager, Space Engineering, ADGA-RHEA Group, 6700 Côte-de-Liesse, Suite 105, Montreal, Québec H2T 2B5, Canada, [email protected] *Presenting Author: Cedric Seynat, Manager, [email protected] ABSTRACT ‘Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud’ is a European initiative established in 2011 by 3 large intergovernmental agencies (the European Space Agency, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire). Helix Nebula provides a multidisciplinary cloud platform for data intensive science. It brings together leading IT providers of cloud infrastructure and services with the science community to provide computing capacity and services that elastically meet big science’s growing demand for computing power. The Helix Nebula marketplace (HNX) delivers easy and large-scale access to a range of commercial Cloud Services through innovative broker technology. The European Earth Observation program Copernicus provides a timely opportunity to start an open ecosystem building on the Helix Nebula platform. As a pilot project, the European Space Agency is creating a platform focusing on earthquake and volcano research. The project, named Geohazard Supersites, focuses on monitoring the dynamic and complex solid-Earth system and the assessment of geohazards. Its mission is to support the Group of Earth Observation in the effort to reduce the impact of natural disasters. The project aims to provide an open source, unified e-infrastructure for solid Earth data, and improved data products for solid Earth monitoring. In the long term, the project will provide a platform for the optimal exploitation of EO data, and first choice workspace for scientists and academics, service providers and other value adding organisations. The Helix Nebula initiative is not restricted to Europe, and Canadian scientists and industry can potentially benefit from joining the Helix Nebula initiative and from accessing or contributing to the Helix Nebula marketplace. 205