March 2015 - Saint George Orthodox Church
March 2015 - Saint George Orthodox Church
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #251 Flint, MI St. George Orthodox Church 5191 Lennon Road Flint, MI 48507-1050 Address Service Requested A Church of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America THE VOICE of St. George Published Monthly with Special Editions by St. George Orthodox Church -- Flint, MI March 2015 Volumes 24, Number 7 \ The Orthodox Churches of Greater Flint Assumption (Greek) 2245 Baldwin Road Grand Blanc, MI 48439 810-771-4611 St. George (Antiochian) 5191 Lennon Road Flint, MI 48507 810-732-0720 St. Mary Magdalene (OCA) 2439 South Long Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 810-750-1701 St. Nicholas (OCA) 2143 South Center Road Burton, MI 48519 810-744-0070 Come, Join Us for a Lenten Talk! The Bible: An Orthodox Perspective Saturday, March 28, 2015 St Nicholas Orthodox Church 2143 S. Center Rd. Burton, MI 48519 (810) 744-0070 5:00 pm Great Vespers (Confessions before and after Vespers) 6:00 pm Light Lenten Meal (free will offering) 6:30 pm Presentation followed by Q & A RSVP at (810) 744-0070 by March 25 Guest Speaker Fr. Silviu N. Bunta, PhD. Fr. Silviu specializes in Scriptural studies and has his Ph.D. in Second Temple Judaism from Marquette University. He has his M.A. in New Testament from the University of Oradea (Oradea, Romania). He is a priest of the Diocese of Toledo (OCA) and is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton teaching Bible, ancient Judaism, Hebrew, and Greek. Member Churches of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America A Vision of Orthodox Unity The Orthodox Churches of Greater Flint Assumption (Greek) 2245 Baldwin Road Grand Blanc, MI 48439 810-771-4611 St. George (Antiochian) 5191 Lennon Road Flint, MI 48507 810-732-0720 St. Mary Magdalene (OCA) 2439 S. Long Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 810- 750-1401 St. Nicholas (OCA) 2143 South Center Road Burton, MI 48519 810-744-0070 ~ 2015 Great Fast ~ Pan-Orthodox Divine Services and Potluck Dinners Great Compline (Mondays) We will be celebrating the Great Compline service together every Monday night at St. George. The service begins at 6:30pm. This beautiful service allows us to experience the Great Fast more deeply. Confessions will be available from 6pm–6:30pm and after the service. Lenten Hours (Wednesdays) St. Nicholas will celebrate the Lenten Hours at 9am every Wednesday. Presanctified Divine Liturgy (Wednesdays) We will celebrate the Presanctified Liturgy together beginning at 6pm according to the schedule below. Holy Communion is given at the Presanctified Liturgy. To partake of Holy Communion, please be prepared with prayer and fasting (not eating or drinking anything after 12 Noon). Confessions will be available only prior to the Liturgy from 5:30pm–6pm. On the Great Feast of the Annunciation (see below), Vesperal Divine Liturgy begins at 6pm. Potluck Dinners: A Lenten Dinner follows each Wednesday liturgy. Please bring a covered Lenten Dish (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil or their by-products) to the hall prior to the beginning of liturgy. Please note on the Great Feast of the Annunciation, fish, wine, and olive oil are allowed. If you have questions, call the church office where the combined service will be celebrated. February 25th Presanctified Liturgy or Compline at each church March 4th Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Nicholas March 11th Presanctified Liturgy at each church March 18th Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. Mary Magdalene March 25th Annunciation Vesperal Liturgy Combined at Assumption 6pm April 1st Presanctified Liturgy Combined at St. George April 4th Preparation of Gifts, Raising of Lazarus Divine Liturgy, and Lenten Breakfast Combined at St. George – 9:30am Assumption is located 1 ½ miles west of Holly Road on Baldwin Road. St. George is located between Linden and Dye Roads on Lennon Road. St. Mary Magdalene is located ¼ mile east of Torrey Road on South Long Lake. St. Nicholas is located ½ mile south of Lippincott on Center Road. Member Churches of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North America A Vision of Orthodox Unity TO TITHE IS TO LOVE! 2015 OFFERING UPDATE As of February 12, 2015 The Bible says a “tithe” is giving 10% of our income to God through His Holy Church. In the Old Testament, the tithe was the maximum. For Christians, the tithe is the minimum! ALL of our 240 families need to make an Offering as soon as possible. Don’t let anyone rob themselves of this blessing from God! • Our budget for 2015: $244,453.00 • Total Offered by 64 Families/Individuals: $69,116.00 Number of Families who still need to offer: 176 • New Offerers: 7 • Increase in Offering: 9 • Offering Range: according to how God has blessed you! Your commitment is NEEDED!!! Please fill out the 2015 Offering Form as soon as possible. THANK YOU!!! ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST!!! We thank the following families for turning in their 2015 Offering Form in support of God’s work at St. George. If your name is not listed, please fill out your 2015 Offering Form and mail it to the Church or put it in the Sunday Offering Tray. Thank You and God Bless You! New this year in BOLD (did not fill out a form last year) Increase in Offering is Underlined As of 2/12/2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Mr. and Mrs. Fares Abdallah Mr. and Mrs. Youssif Abousamra Mr. George M. Abuaita Mr. and Mrs. Najeb Abuaita Mr. and Mrs. Tawfiq AbuAita Fr. and Mrs. Joseph Abud Mrs. Laila Abud Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Abueita Mr. and Mrs. Atallah Abueita Mr. and Mrs. Issa Abueita Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alqazaha Mr. and Mrs. Basil Andoni Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar Banna Mr. and Mrs. Adeeb Bathish Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bathish Mr. and Mrs. Issa Daoud Mrs. Iman David Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy David, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Delbridge Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Elia Mr. and Mrs. Ayman Elias Miss Christine Elias Mrs. Gisele Farah Mr. and Mrs. John Farah Mr. Said Farah Mr. and Mrs. Troy Farah Mrs. Vera Farah Miss Betty Froberg Mr. and Mrs. George Gantous Mr. and Mrs. Jamil Ghantous Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green Mr. and Mrs. Nasri Haddad 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Mr. Ronald Haddad Mr. and Mrs. Salim Haddad Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hanna Subdeacon Salim Hanna Miss Areen Bathish-Hutchins Miss Daisy Isaac Mr. John Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Issa Ishaq Mrs. Sally Shaheen Joseph Mrs. Najwa Joubran Mr. and Mrs. Shawki Khoury Miss Amal Koubty Mr. and Mrs. Samir Meshraky Miss Alexandra Nassar Mr. and Mrs. Jamil Nassar Mr. and Mrs. Karam Nassar Mrs. Olga Nassar Mr. and Mrs. Souheil Nassar Mr. and Mrs. George Nassif Mr. and Mrs. Jeries Qumseya Mrs. Aida Raffoul Mrs. and Mrs. Roger Saadeh Miss Deborah Salim Mrs. Mary Salim Miss Elaine Shaheen Mr. and Mrs. William Shaheen,Jr Mr. and Mrs. Ric Shahin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silpoch Mr. and Mrs. William Sophiea Mr. Robert Teunion Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Salim Zarour م 2015 Offering Form St. George Orthodox Church ~ Flint, Michigan &'$ % ،" # Amount ا % of Income ا $ $ $ $ $ 2015 وم ا ور دو ! ودا I Want To Be Counted! Frequency Weekly OR Twice Monthly OR Monthly OR Quarterly OR Annually ت رج أر أن أ ن ا % ت ا ا ! " # $ ر$ %&% ' $ $ $ $ $ %( ~ All Offerings Are Treated Confidentially ~ ) % *% . Please fill out completely. *ا ا+ ت - (ء *ا ا Name(s) ء0/1 ا/ +/ ا ا ان 0ا + ا 3( ) ا+ ر Address City ZIP Telephone +450 ا6 0 ر ا7ء ا Please CHECK this box if it applies to you. I have a concern and wish to be contacted or visited by the priest. I have a concern and wish to be contacted or visited by a Parish Council Member. Signature: ا Date: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse” (Malachi 3:10) Seeing the rich bringing their gifts and then a widow bringing a few pennies, Jesus said, “Truly I say to you that this widow has put in more than all.” (Luke 21:3) . ا*ھ ء7 أ رة, أو ا-" ل/#0 ا12 أن رة, أو ا-" ل/#0 ا12 أن- ا 3 م وا2ھ0ي ا 3 م وا2ھ0ي ا . 8 '* ا9 : __________________ 9 ء _______________________________________ا ر:% ا (10:3 ;75% ) => ) ا ? " ا0 ر$ ھ ( ا ا %ر1ه اN أن ھ+D أ لFG "ا: ة ( م ا * ل عL ا%ر1 وا+)( ن% ءA1 رأى ا% (3:21 ) " 0 +) % O ة أ " أL ا Learning Humility Fr. Paul Jannakos, Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene-Fenton, MI “He who exalts himself will be humbled,” and that “he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11). Humility is the greatest of all the virtues. As the Holy Fathers say, it is humility that gives birth to mercy, forgiveness, patience, meekness, kindness, gentleness, generosity, fortitude, purity, joyfulness, thankfulness, moderation, self-control, and to every other good thing that has as its source the Son of God made flesh from a holy virgin. But the question is how does one learn humility? The answer is by practicing humility. In other words, humility is not simply something one prays for as a gift, but something one must “do” on a continual basis. “For he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Here we find an action statement, a statement showing how humility is something we actualize through certain spiritual disciplines. Such as: 1) Striking down vainglorious thoughts. In the Church we believe that every attitude and action, every disposition and behavior, has as its beginning, a single thought. Good thoughts produce good attitudes and actions. Bad thoughts, the very opposite. As the elder Thaddeus says, “Our life depends on the kind of thoughts we nurture. If our thoughts are peaceful, calm, meek, and kind, then that is what our life is like. If our attention is turned to [worldly] circumstances in which we live, we are drawn into a whirlpool of thoughts and can have neither peace nor tranquility.” As we grow in the faith, what we learn is how to be watchful over what kinds of thoughts we are having. And unfortunately for us, this means watching out for prideful, self-congratulating thoughts, the kind of thoughts that lead us away from God and are an affront to the Holy Spirit. And the very best example of this in the New Testament happens to be in the pseudo-prayer of the Pharisee who stands up in the front of the temple and verbalizes his thoughts by saying, “I thank you, God, that I am not like other men, sinners, adulterers, thieves, or like that tax collector; I fast twice a week and give tithes of all that I possess.” (Luke 18:12). Here again we see how the thought leads to the self-congratulation, to the puffing up of the ego. But what we learn in the Church is how to humble ourselves by countering these thoughts with the simple prayer, “O Lord, there is no good deed I have ever done that hasn’t come from You, for every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from You, the Father of lights.” 2) Accepting positive criticism. As it says in Proverbs, “Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be wiser still.” (Proverbs 9:8). The only way to gain wisdom, in other words, is to humbly accept reproof. In the letter to the Hebrews we find the same things, “For the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and chastises every son He receives.” But along with this we must add one caveat, or a word of warning. Which is that the only criticism we accept is the criticism offered from those who truly love us and care for us. Because if the criticism is not motivated by the love of Christ, it becomes something that tears us down. Good criticism works the very opposite. It builds us up, it enlightens us, it strengthens us, it edifies us. In a word, what we mean is that even though we know deep down that it is always painful to be told that we are doing something wrong, we must test the criticism and learn from it. 3) Keeping the fasts of the Church to the best of our ability. Fasting humbles the flesh. The more we humble the flesh the more we exalt the spirit. The scriptures witness to this clearly: Moses fasted for 40 days on Sinai before receiving the law, Elijah fasted in the wilderness before hearing the “still small voice,” Daniel fasted for the forgiveness of Israel while in Babylon, the people of Nineveh fasted upon the preaching of Jonah, Esther the Queen fasted in order to save the people of Israel, and our Lord fasted for 40 days before He began his 3 year ministry. 4) Accepting all the external trials and hardships that come to us during the course of this life. Which St. Innocent of Alaska writes about this in the following way, “To ‘take up one’s cross’ means to accept without complaint everything unpleasant, painful, sad, difficult and oppressive that may happen to us in life. In other words, to bear all laughter, scorn, weariness, sorrow and annoyance from others; to bear all poverty, misfortune, illness, without regarding yourself as offended. And if, when you are bearing your cross according to the will of God, a proud thought suggests to you that you are not weak like others, but that you are firm, pious and better, root out such thoughts as far as you can, for they ruin all your virtues.” 5) Confessing our sins in the Sacrament of Holy Confession. And once again, we do this on a regular basis in the Church, 6 to 8 times a year because the very act of verbalizing our transgressions eradicates our pride. And we do this because there is no other way to be healed from our passions than to openly confess to one’s father confessor every single sinful thought, intent, word and deed that we have ever committed. There are many who try and evade this teaching by saying “I don’t need to confess my sins to a priest because I can do it secretly in my own private prayer.” But this is nothing else but a lie that proceeds from the mouth of the devil who does everything he possibly can in order to keep us from the Sacraments of the Church – which are the source of our salvation in Christ. May God help us to learn humility by striking down prideful thoughts, by accepting good criticism, by being thankful for all of life’s hardships, and by openly confessing everything we have ever done that has separated us from the love and grace of God. Daily Prayer Life ♦ Remember our parishioners who are ill, recovering, or in need, especially His servants: Archpriest Joseph Abud, Housam Abousamra, Hanna Abuaita, Ceasar Banna, Jonathan Bassett, Inam Bathish, Vera Farah, Nadera Ghantous, Phyllis Good, Carol Haddad, Roland Haddad, Salwa Haddad, Areen Hutchins, Nawal Iseid, Betty Khouri, Edward Khouri, Lourice Matta, Laura Nassar, Elaine Salim, John Salomon, William Sophiea Jr., those who are suffering in the Middle East and the Ukraine, the supporters and benefactors of St. George, the members of our Parish Council, Ladies Auxiliary, Teen SOYO, Altar Servers, Altar Society, Chanters, Choir, Church School, Ushers, and YAF (Young Adult Fellowship). ♦ Remember the servants of God who are with child: Julianna Abuaita (wife of Essa) and Rania Abuaita. For the following, please update Fr. Joe whether they should remain on our prayer list – Thank You! ♦ Remember the family and friends of St. George parishioners: Archimandrite Roman Braga (Dormition Monastery), Clemence Bassett and Shawna Hale (family/friend of Dn. Mike and Pam Bassett), Kinan Turjman (nephew of Sahar Abdallah), Michel Abuaita (father of Mary Khoury), Michel Abuaita (brother of Janett Abuaita), Mariam Ghanem (mother of Manal Abuaita), Youssef and Georgette Damouni (parents of Lina Burbar and May Gantos), John McGee (son-in-law of Vera Farah), Samira Gantous (former parishioner), Maha Qassis and Nadia Ibrahim (sister/mother of Ziyad), Shafeka Qurpan and George Ishak (mother/nephew of Amira Hanna), James Gorr (father of Dr. Melissa Bathish), Renee Nassif (daughter of George and Jeanette), Elias Qumsieh (father of Kholoud Hayek), Elias Ibrahim and Taghrid (uncle/friend of Rula Alkazaha), Annie Guevara, Doug Halstead, Amir Hekmati, Bob Loth, Bella Ward, Anna Oppenheiser, Art Reyes, and Eileen Shaheen (friends/family of Sally Joseph), Hanna AbuNimer (relative of Karam and Aida Nassar), Jenna Marsico (niece of Jim Delbridge), Michelle Kramer, Allen LaBerge and Sue McCarthy (niece/friends of Elaine Shaheen), Nassim Salomon (brother of Janet Abueita), Hilda Zureikat (mother of Sahar Abdallah), Megan Meade (relative of Bob Teunion), Elaine Gejoff, Marcella Moorman, and Dennis Perez (from St. Mary Magdalene), Gloria and John Zelenko (from St. Nicholas), and Gordon Lang and Scott Lints (family/friend of Mary Ghattas). Congratulations and God bless: Jennifer David (daughter of Jimmy and Maggie) and Michael Habbo who were recently engaged to be united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Renea Rishmawi (daughter of Jubrael and Nadia) and David Zuraigat who were recently engaged to be united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Andrew and Sara (daughter of William and Susan Shaheen) Keller on the birth of son Harrison William (February 4th). Jason (son of Jiries and Sharon) and Crystal Abu-Aitah on the birth of son Greyson Paul (February 6th). Announcements FASTING DISCIPLINE FOR MARCH The GREAT FAST began on Monday, February 23rd and continues until Pascha on April 12th. The traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, cheese, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil, or their by-products) is observed on all days with the exception of wine and olive oil being allowed on Saturdays and Sundays and fish, wine, and olive oil being allowed on the Great Feast of the Annunciation (March 25th) and Palm Sunday (April 5th). On the 1st Sunday of the Great Fast, March 1st, we have a special procession celebrating the restoring of the Holy Icons into the Orthodox Church. Please be sure our children bring a Holy Icon from home to carry in the procession! TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian During the Great Fast, THE “prayer of the fast” is that of St. Ephraim the Syrian. Everyone should add this prayer to their daily prayers and to say this special Lenten prayer as often as you can: O Lord and Master of my Life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. (prostration) But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. (prostration) Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions and not to judge my brother, for Thou are blessed, unto ages of ages. Amen. (prostration) ِْ أ، ِ ُ ّ أ ﱡ ا !بﱡ و ) .م ا ﱠ ل,روح ا ِ ِ وا.! ﱢ ا0ُ ِل و#ُ$ُ% ِ وا ِ ﱠ ّ ( ' ) ، 89 ِْ! وا: ! وا-% ،ََ ك ' ﱠ أ6 1ْ 2'وأ ِ ِ عا ِ $ ِ وا%2 !وح ا3 ِ ْ ، 3# و3#'أن أ ِ!فَ ذ ْ ٌ َر ْ0َ وإ ھ-ِ 6ِ ! د ْھ ِ! ا ّ اھA ك ا C 12' َ 'ﱠDE ، #َ F أد َ إG وأن ( ' ). آ ( ' THE HOLY SACRAMENT OF REPENTANCE (CONFESSION) “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) The Great Fast is THE TIME for all parishioners to receive the Holy Sacrament of Repentance (Confession) especially if you plan on receiving Holy Communion on Palm Sunday (April 5th) or Pascha (April 12th). Fr. Joe hears Confessions by appointment before or after most Divine Services, Sundays between 8:30am9:30am, by appointment during the week, and on Saturday evenings after Great Vespers which is the perfect time when no one is rushed. Please do not wait until the last minute! For your convenience, Fr. Joe will also hear confessions on Sunday, March 29th after the Falafel Lunch. Because of many extra responsibilities, Fr. Joseph will not be able to hear Confessions on Palm Sunday or after Holy Tuesday at 6pm (April 15th). In addition, Holy Unction (on Holy Wednesday) is a Sacrament of the Church and we must be prepared with Confession in order to be anointed. If you would like to go to one of the other Orthodox priests during our combined Pan-Orthodox Services, Fr. Paul, Fr. Matthew, and Fr. Angelo are available 30 minutes before each service begins. Confessing of our sins opens the door to our personal celebration of our Lord’s Glorious Resurrection -- PLAN NOW and BE PREPARED!!! LENTEN POTLUCK DINNERS Our Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting Lenten Potluck Dinners after our celebrations of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and our combined celebration of the Raising of Lazarus. Please bring what is listed below according to the first letter in your last name. If you have any questions, please see or call our coordinators Anaam Abueita 810-686-9744 or Wafaa Elias 810-630-0639. FOR W EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH A-F G-J K-R S-Z Desserts Relish Dish or Bread Salad or Side Dish Main Dish FOR W EDNESDAY, MARCH 11TH A-F G-J K-R S-Z Salad or Side Dish Main Dish Desserts Relish Dish or Bread FOR OUR COMBINED CELEBRATION ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST A-F G-J K-R S-Z Main Dish Desserts Relish Dish or Bread Salad or Side Dish PARISH COUNCIL NEWS! ST. GEORGE WANTS YOU!!! Brothers and Sisters, Your representatives on the Parish Council are interested in involving forward-looking people who want to help our church grow and thrive. Many opportunities for you are upcoming. Besides Sunday Divine Liturgy, services of the Great Fast frequently involve meals shared with your parish family. We have the Spring Gala coming up on May 9 to honor the mothers of our community; get some family and friends and come out for a spectacular evening. The Golf Classic will take place on June 6, and you can help by either golfing or working at the event. WE NEED YOUR TALENTS! If we don’t ask you, please let us know how you can help St. George. Our parish family only prospers when all of our brothers and sisters work together. Ric Shahin Parish Council Chairman “I always emphasize that young people should try to live as spiritually as they can before marriage, since preserving their chastity secures their physical and spiritual health. The spiritual life is a basic prerequisite to whatever life one chooses. The world has become like a wheat field that is ready for harvest, but swine enter and trample it. So now everything is in disarray-weeds, mud, wheat stalks; but here and there on some edge, there is an occasional wheat stalk standing upright. The more spiritual work one does during his youth, the easier it will be for him in all things later in life.” Elder Paisios of Mt. Athos The Great Fast continues … Our preparation for the Feast of Feasts (Pascha), begins on Monday, February 23rd and lasts until our midnight celebration of Pascha on April 11th/12th. This preparation is based on our increased participation in the three disciplines of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving (Matthew 6:1-18): 1. Prayer: By attending the Lenten services as well as an increased daily prayer life at home, we spend more time with God. 2. Fasting: By restricting the types and frequency of meals, we experience physical weakness and learn to depend more on God than on ourselves. 3. Almsgiving: By giving to those less fortunate than ourselves, we cease to consider ourselves as the most important of all people (Food for Hungry People and other programs). Our experience of Christ's Resurrection on Pascha truly depends on how deeply we enter into these three disciplines. The additional week day services gives all of us a wonderful opportunity to increase our Prayer life and be strengthened in Fasting and Almsgiving as well. We should strive to come to as many Lenten Services as possible whether we regularly attend Saturday Vespers and Sunday Services or not. Questions? Speak with Fr. Joe for guidance during this special time of seeking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Great Compline ة ا م ا ى – Mondays at 6:30pm at St. George Lenten Hours – most Wednesdays at 9am at St. Nicholas (check weekly bulletin!) Presanctified Liturgy & اس اPotluck – Wednesdays at 6pm (check calendar for location!) Supplication to the Virgin Mary / Madayeh ا – Fridays at 6:30pm at St. George Great Vespers and Confessions – Saturdays at 5pm at St. George SUMMER CAMP The Summer Camping Program at the Antiochian Village (about 1½ hours from Pittsburgh) serves young people ages 9-17 who come from parishes throughout the Archdiocese. The main goal of the camp program is to “present to young people a living experience of the Holy Orthodox Faith in their relationship with God and other campers in an uncluttered, natural environment”. For more information and to register, please check out their web site at: We go to the 2nd Session June 28th-July 10th. If you have questions, would like more information, or have registered for camp, speak with our Camp coordinators, Anaam Abueita (810-686-9744 or [email protected]) or Leslee Abud (810-695-2177 or [email protected]) Midwest Diocesan 2015 Parish Life Conference Bishop Anthony and Saint Nicholas in Grand Rapids, MI invites you to the Annual Midwest Diocesan Parish Life Conference June 24th-28th. Check out their website to make hotel and conference registrations, schedule, parental consent forms, and much more. Please note deadlines! 52ND ANTIOCHIAN ARCHDIOCESAN CONVENTION-BOSTON, MA Hosted by St. Mary-Cambridge, MA July 19-26, 2015 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. The convention room rate is $199 per night, plus tax. Go to to book hotel rooms, register for the convention, purchase event tickets and tickets for Boston excursions, and obtain forms to place a message in the Souvenir Journal. Rooms are booking quickly for this historic convention. Please call their church at 617-547-1234 with any questions. ST. GEORGE LIBRARY Our Children & Young Adult sections are growing! We have a new program with the CHURCH will check out books and return them with a "book report" for a sticker on their incentive charts! There are many new Orthodox books being written and we would love to make these available to our parish. If you are interested in making a donation so that we can buy new books, please see Kh. Leslee after church one Sunday soon! NEW BOOKS NEED DONORS - Recently purchased at the Orthodox Institute and signed by the authors: Inner River, A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Christian Spirituality, Kyriacos C. Markides, $15. Orthodox Spiritual Life, According to St. Silouan the Athonite, Harry Boosalis, $15. Touching Heaven - Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island of Valaam, John Oliver, $15. NORTH END SOUP KITCHEN Please mark your calendars and come to help out during our once-a-month commitment at the soup kitchen on Tuesday, March 24th from 9am-12:30pm. If you have questions or want to sign-up, please contact Jim and Evelyn Delbridge (810-630-2353). Coming Events in April The Great Fast continues 4 Raising of Lazarus Combined Divine Liturgy 5 Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) 5-11 The Great and Holy Week 12 PASCHA, the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior 13-18 Bright Week 25 Consecration of St. Mary Magdalene in Fenton MONTHLY OFFERINGS Our average monthly offerings need to be $20,371 to meet our 2015 Budget. In January, our offerings were $18,166 which means we were short $2,205. If you would like to offer Holy Bread (Holy Oblation) in memory of a loved one, for the health or safety of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion, you may phone the church office (810-732-0720) by 12 Noon of the Wednesday before. If you do not make the Holy Bread, Fr. Joe will purchase it from Balkan Bakery for a cost to you of $35. If you know of a parishioner who has given birth, fallen ill, or admitted to the hospital, please call the church office or Fr. Joe. If you have an item that you would like to place in the Weekly Bulletin, please call the church office by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before. If you would like to host Coffee Fellowship in memory of a loved one, or the occasion of a birthday or anniversary, or in thanksgiving to God, sign up on the poster in the Lounge or speak with Manal Abuaita. Decorations for the Great Fast, Holy Week, and Pascha 5 Icon Flowers for the Madayeh/Akathist $30 each February 27th March 6th (Taken) March 13th March 20th March 27th 2 pounds of Incense $50 each One Pound One Pound Carnations for the Holy Cross (Taken) $235 Palms (Taken) $200 Fern Arrangements - Palm Sunday/Holy Week (8 needed at $40 each) One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement One Arrangement 2 Icon Flowers for Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday $30 each One Icon One Icon 4 Icon Flowers for Holy Week $30 each One Icon One Icon One Icon One Icon Flowers and Decorations for the Tomb (Taken) Rose Water / Bay Leaves for Holy Saturday (Taken) Donations toward Pascha Flowers (Azaleas) $25 each $25 each $25 each $25 each $25 each $25 each 2 Icon Flowers for the Resurrection $30 each One Icon One Icon 3 Paschal Candles $95 each One Candle One Candle One Candle Please print clearly Your name: ____________________________________________________________ For the health of: __________________________________________________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________________________________________________ The names of the Living and Departed will be remembered at the service for which the item will be used. Please fill out this form, put it in an envelope (with check made out to “St. George/Decorations”), and drop it in the Sunday Offering Tray or send it to the church office. March March is Antiochian Woman’s Month Sun 1 1st Sunday of the Fast Orthodoxy Sunday Mon 2 Wed 4 Combined Presanctified Liturgy and Lenten Potluck @ *St. Nicholas -- 6pm Great Compline 6:30pm 9 10 11 15 3rd Sunday of the Fast Procession and Adoration of the Life-Giving Cross 16 22 4th Sunday of the Fast St. John of the Ladder 23 Sat 7 2nd Supplication to the Virgin Mary 6:30pm 12 13 Great Vespers and Confessions 5pm 14 3rd Supplication to the Virgin Mary 6:30pm Presanctified Liturgy and Lenten Potluck @ St. George -- 6pm 17 18 19 20 Great Vespers and Confessions 5pm 21 Lenten Hours @ *St. Nicholas 9am Fr. Joe at MSU’s OCF Combined Presanctified Liturgy and Potluck @ ***St. Mary Magdalene -- 6pm North End Soup Kitchen 9am-12:30pm 25 Annunciation of the Theotokos Great Compline 6:30pm 24 Combined Vesperal Liturgy @**Assumption -- 6pm Great Compline 6:30pm Parish Falafel Lunch Fri 6 Lenten Hours @ *St. Nicholas 9am Great Compline 6:30pm 29 5th Sunday of the Fast St. Mary of Egypt Thu 5 Lenten Hours @ *St. Nicholas 9am Procession of the Holy Icons 8 2nd Sunday of the Fast St. Gregory Palamas Tue 3 30 4th Supplication to the Virgin Mary 6:30pm 26 27 Great Vespers and Confessions 5pm 28 5th Supplication to the Virgin Mary 6:30pm Great Vespers and Confessions 5pm 31 Great Compline 6:30pm * St. Nicholas Church 2143 South Center Road (1/2 mile south of Lippincott) Burton 810-744-0070 **Assumption 2245 Baldwin Road (between Holly and Fenton Roads) Grand Blanc 810-771-4611 ***St. Mary Magdalene 2439 S Long Lake Rd (north of North Road) Fenton 810-750-1401 2015 WOMEN’S LENTEN RETREAT HOLY DORMITION MONASTERY Friday - Sunday, March 20 – 22, 2015 Retreat Schedule: Friday, March 20 5:00 AM Matins, Hours 8:30 AM Presanctified Liturgy 6:00 PM Holy Unction Saturday, March 21 6:30 AM Matins, Hours, Akathist 9 AM Divine Liturgy Lunch Lenten Meditational Presentation 11:30 AM Part 1 15 Minute Break Part 2 (Conclusion, Q & A) Personal Time 5 PM Light Dinner 6 PM Vigil (Combined Vespers and Matins) Sunday, March 22 10 AM Divine Liturgy (followed by Agape Meal) Suggested Donations: Lodging (per night) Saturday attendance w/o lodging $50 $30 Please email the Monastery: [email protected], ASAP if you will need lodging, as lodging capacity is limited. If attending on Saturday only for the day, please call (517-569-2873), or email, no later than Friday, March 13. (If a cancellation occurs, please notify the Monastery ASAP.) Any questions: Please contact Sharon Foster ([email protected]; ph 231-267-3036) Thank you! St. George Ladies Auxiliary Is sponsoring a Falafel Luncheon Sunday, March 29th at St. George Orthodox Church 5191 Lennon Road Flint, MI Menu Falafel, Hummus, Tahini, Salad, Pickles, Pita Bread, Dessert, Coffee, and Juice Cost: $6 – Six years and older $4 - Five years and under All proceeds go to the Midwest Antiochian Women’s 2015 Project, “Nurturing Orthodoxy in America” Namedays, Birthdays and Anniversaries March 1 to March 31, 2015 Birthdays March 1 Sean M. McCann 2 Nisreen AbuFarha 3 Andrew M. Alkazaha Pam K. Bassett 4 Jeremy A. Meshraky 5 O'Myah Vaughn 6 Khaled Abuaita Janet Abueita Samir "Sam" H. Khoury Amanda Rishmawi Martha Shahin 7 Nancy Haddad 9 Sami B. Abuaita 10 Lina Masaad 11 Anthony W. Abu-Farha Kali R. Goff 12 Maggie David Zeid Helal John E. Joseph 13 Sami Abufarha 14 Tony Fakhoury 16 Jon Bassett Branden B. Jones Devin B. Jones 17 Preston Haddad 20 Wadia Albaba Roland "Rollie" Haddad 21 Amal I. Abu-Aita Nidal Ishaq Laney M. Thomas 22 Jack E. Green Aziz M. Rishmawi Raji "Roger" J. Salomon 23 Sandra "Sandy" H. Mitri 24 Issa Alqazaha Samir Haddad Raghda Ishaq 25 Maher Abufarha Sami Alsahouri 26 27 28 29 30 Najwa Joubran Monica J. Rodriguez Amjad N. Abusaada Julian J. Masaad Nicholas F. Abdallah Miar Abu-Aita Vivian N. Isaac James "Jim" Delbridge Anthony R. Abueita Caitlin A. Abu-Farha Laura "Laurie" E. Harrison Namedays March 18 Edward Anton Khouri 25 Miar Abu-Aita Wedding Anniversaries March 1 Mr. and Mrs. Adnan Yacoub 6 Mr. and Mrs. Anan Alkhoury 13 Mr. and Mrs. Karam Nassar God Grant You All Many Years! St. George Orthodox Church G-5191 Lennon Road • Flint, Michigan 48507 • (810) 732-0720 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: V. Rev. Fr. Joseph M. Abud, Pastor Deacon Michael Bassett Divine Services for the Lord's Day • Saturday Great Vespers and Sacrament of Repentance {Confession*} • 5 PM Sunday Sacrament of Repentance {Confession*} 8:30 AM—9:30 AM 8:50 AM Matins {Arabic & English} 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Church School follows Holy Communion from September to May * Confessions may also take place by appointment with Father Joe during the week. Major Feast Days (see Orthodox Churches of Greater Flint schedule of Divine Services) 2014-15 Theme for Church School, Creative Festivals, and Parish Life Conference Parish Council, Departments, & Organizations PARISH COUNCIL • Ric Shahin Chairman 989-631-3696 E-mail: [email protected] Any parishioner may attend meetings and speak during “Parishioner Comments”. ALTAR SERVERS • Subdeacon George Gantous, Head Sacristan 810-714-7332 E-mail: [email protected] ALTAR SOCIETY • Theresa Farah, Coordinator 810-412-6041 E-mail: [email protected] CHOIR • Janet Abueita, Director (temporary) 810-771-7152 E-mail: [email protected] CHURCH SCHOOL • Janet Abueita, Director 810-771-7152 E-mail: [email protected] LADIES AUXILIARY • Hiam Bathish, President 810-238-2152 E-mail: [email protected] TEEN SOYO • Hazar Abu-Aita, President 810-694-1555 E-mail: [email protected] YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP (YAF) • Subdeacon Salim Hanna, Coordinator 810-875-3127 or [email protected] Office Hours CHURCH SECRETARY: Laura Nichols E-mail: [email protected] Monday – Thursday 9am-3pm, Closed on Friday