Untitled - White Line Magazine


Untitled - White Line Magazine
Feature Articles
Meet the Staff ...................................................1
Event Coverage ........................................... 21
The Shadow Knows ....................................... 2
Miles of Smiles by William K. .................. 22
Chilin' With Ice .....by Bobby S. ................. 3
Fun and Games ........................................... 23
Road Tales ..................................................... 4
Where's Willie Contest .............................. 25
Event Coverage ............................................. 5
Florida Bike Nights .................................... 26
White Line Road Store ................................. 6
Florida Bike Nights cont. .......................... 27
The Adventures of Larry Bear .................... 7
Sights from around the World ................... 28
Babe of the Month ....................................... 8
About the Magazine..................................... 30
Babe of the Month Calendar .................... 9
Events and More ........................................ 10
'Toons for the Road by Jerry King ......... 11
Cover Story .................................................. 13
White Line Remembers the Fallen ........... 31
Our Favorite Links ..................................... 32
Contact Us .................................................... 33
Index of Advertisers
Cover Story ........(cont.).............................. 14
Cover Story ........(cont.).............................. 15
Open Road
Motorcycles, Inc.
Buz Music
Hip's House of
Florida Motorsports
B&D Western
Horoscopes by Carrie M........................... 16
Horoscopes by Carrie M ..cont. ............. 17
Mail Call ..................................................... 18
Sportbike XTreme ... by Rodney M......... 19
In the Beginning
In the beginning it beckoned; calling from the darker side.
To gather chosen spirits, with a wolf as their guide.
They started on a journey; hope and dreams intertwined.
Reality and fantasy, twisted warped and defined.
A true labor of love is born from the kindred;
To share the spirit of freedom is what is intended.
With the blessings of many whitelinemagazine.com is here;
Sharing wisdom and laughter, kinship and good cheer.
The contents of this magazine are the sole property of White Line Magazine and it's owners, and are copyrighted (c) 2007. All rights reserved. Any use in whole
or in part of materials, images or text from this magazine without the express permission of the owners, is punishable by law. White Line Magazine does not
endorse any one riding club or organization above any other and maintains right of refusal.
White Line Magazine, P.O.Box 511686, Punta Gorda, FL 33951-1686
(941) 916-0168
you off this month, and will be adding to it in a more
complete "Shop Talk" column over the next couple
months. Another thing that I am happy to report on
this month, is the reception that our readers have given
Rodney M. and our new Xtreme sport bike column.
Rodney knows what he's talking about and truly enjoys
being involved with the biking community. His
knowledge and love of the bikes shows in his column
and your emails show that you like that. Feel free to
send Rodney email directly at
[email protected] and let him know
how much you like his efforts.
It seems I always start my column with the words "
a lot has been going on this month", but it is invariably
true. Every month we try to get out to cover events,
schedule products for review, and generally deal with
life in a tourist state. Now don't get me wrong, I know
Florida's economy depends on the tourists, but during
these months that they are here, a simple 10 minute job
of going to the post office turns into 30 minutes. And
you HAVE to be careful. Many of the drivers that
come in aren't watching other cars, let alone bikes that
share the road with them! I can't count how many times
I have told fellow riders the "secret" I learned to
surviving on Florida's roadways on a bike. It's as
simple as this... " if you see out of state tags or white
hair on both driver and passenger, don't watch the
driver, don't watch the turn signals, just watch where
the passenger points... that's where they are going!"
Going back to the subject of Daytona and Larry the
Bear ... Keep your eyes open for us while you are in
Daytona this year. Larry will be making his first trip to
Daytona and I will be meeting Greg there to get pix
and take our intrepid bear around to meet some of our
friends in the industry. I will be stopping in at the
International Speedway, Rossmeyer's HD, The Broken
Spoke and others while in town, so you have a good
chance to see me and Larry out and about. If you do,
make sure you stop up and say hello and get your pix
taken with Larry for the magazine. Also keep your
eyes open for some limited edition business cards in
Daytona from White Line and BikerWorlds. These
cool double sided cards have both of our company's
logos on them and we will be announcing a contest
concerning them next month. So get one and hang on
to it!
Anyways, enough rant about traffic, on to better
We have gotten a ton of email concerning our
reports of BW_Larry, the teddy bear traveling the
country raising money for Toys for Tots that
BikerWorlds.com got going. We were proud to
participate and have the final leg of Larry's journey for
the 2006 year. We have done a lot of talking to Greg
B., the owner of BikerWorlds and have formed a sort
of partnership with them. We will be doing an ongoing
column, starting this month, with Larry the Bear and
keeping our readers up on all his adventures. We're
very happy to team up with BikerWorlds for this
worthy cause and to be a part of Larry's ongoing
That's about it for this month... I'm off and running!
Ride safe and free!
As everyone knows, March is the month for
Daytona Bike Week. (Which lasts for like 11 days... go
figure) This is actually the second big bike event of the
year with the first one being the V-Twin Expo in
Cincinnati in Feb. At both of these shows, the best of
the best and all the rest get together to show off what's
new in the motorcycle world. From Eddie Trotta to
Sucker Punch Sally's, from Custom Chrome to
PanOptix, the beginning of the year is time for NEW
and improved. We decided to follow that same theme
for the next couple months as we bring you a look at
some of the new products on the market. We've chosen
a few products that we really liked the look of to start
Motorcycle Dreams
by David Pambianchi
Iron horse, wind, passing scenery, and you glide alert and in control. Something about constant breeze, the open air as you
speed along, gives a feeling of freedom and release, a form of meditation in motion.
Some images of motorcycle culture come to us from Hollywood, the rebellious youth, Marlon Brando in "The Wild One,"
the wandering freestyle explorers of "Easy Rider," or in literature, the development of a father and son relationship through
Buddhist philosophy, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." They keep us riding down the highway of adventure and
sometimes open a door to self-realization.
But whether a haul across the United States or a trip through the local town, the motorcycle provides riders with freespirited quests where the journey often is the destination. Long distance treks allow the mind to contemplate and wander, while
short rides simply provide joy and a chance for social interaction with like-minded riders. While some women drive their own
motorbikes, wind on your face and a woman's arms wrapped around you define a comfort and happiness that most male bikers
would not dispute.
Camaraderie takes many forms, a country trail, hills, lakes, curves, for club riders to anticipate on weekend meets, a
motorcycle rally or show, or a Nathan's parking lot to swap stories and munch hot dogs. Regular "Toys for Tots" runs for children
add a modern perspective of the biker heart. In Europe, bikers give a raised arm in acknowledgment as they pass one another on
the road, no matter what brand they ride.
Built for show, power, speed and maneuverability, motorcycles come in various styles, so do their riders. You can choose a
standard model, elegant and sporty to your taste, or if you want that ultimate sense of individuality, or simply like to be noticed,
you customize. Specialty shops create Dream machines, the magic of form and theme, paint and chrome, quality and eye-candy
As with any vehicle, training, practice, experience, safety and caution are paramount, especially while enjoying this
flyweight of the road. For the enthusiast, the open highway stimulates the pleasure receptors and tempts the thoughts, whether
smelling pine from forest trails, gliding past warm fields and mountains under sunny skies, or following the beach on a cool
moonlit night.
Call a friend, saddle up; the next adventure is just a Motorcycle Dream away.
Have you ever planned a whole trip around the location of a
hotel you’ve never been to before? Well that’s how we ended up
going to Clearwater Beach for the weekend. It was the only hotel
we could find with all the amenities that we wanted and kind of in
the price range we were working with. So we went for it and
made a reservation.
Now I’ll tell you the truth I don’t know if I would be able to
handle all the traffic if there wasn’t all the beautiful water around
to look at while you’re waiting. I’d say I was in awe for at least
15 minutes, the sights were just amazing! And I bet we went
over almost every type of bridge there is. It was truly a
breathtaking little cruise we won’t soon forget.
The main strip was packed with restaurants; Souvenir shops (of course), a fishing pier and several water activities.
There is so much to do we barely even scratched the surface. There really aren’t too many places you can go to take a
casino or pirate cruise, parasail, jet ski, watch the dolphins or
just take a relaxing stroll down a powder soft beach.
Clearwater Beach really does have something for everyone,
no matter your taste.
Then as we were heading back towards home we
happened to stumble upon a park so we decided to go drive
through and check it out. And boy oh boy Pinellas County
really does have some down right gorgeous parks. We were
definitely pleasantly surprised but wished we had found it
earlier in our trip so we could have spent some more time
there. If you’re ever in the area make sure to set some time
aside to at least cruise through some of the parks there.
Clearwater Beach was much more than we were expecting.
The water, bridges, shopping, restaurants and overall
atmosphere really makes for a wonderful trip. Whether it be
for a few minutes to cruise the strip or a few weeks to shop and
enjoy the activities you can’t go wrong with a trip to
Clearwater Beach!
It’s been real…
Thanks for Chillin’ with Ice in Clearwater Beach,
Until next time -Ride Safe
If you have a hot band, or a local hot spot that is perfect for chillin' at that you would like Bobby to review, send your info to
[email protected] along with places and times for him to come check out your show! Please mark the subject
line "Music Review".
When the Legend of the Motorcycle: International Concours
d’Elegance debuted last May, values of its two featured marques,
Brough Superior and Crocker, were strong but steady. For Crocker,
however, that changed overnight.
Referred to as the “Duesenberg of motorcycles” for the
American-made Crocker and the “Rolls-Royce of motorcycles” for
the English-made Brough, both helped the Concours make history
with the largest number of each make ever assembled at one time.
What was particularly impressive was that of the approximately 50
Crockers still known to exist, over half were present.
During their production days in the early half of the 20th
century, each of these performance motorcycles was custom
ordered and hand made, making them highly desirable and very
expensive. The Brough was widely viewed as a gentleman’s bike
while the Crocker was considered more of a hot rod bike. In fact,
creator Al Crocker advertised that if any Crocker were beat by a
stock Harley-Davidson or Indian, he would refund the buyer’s
money. As the story goes, no money was ever refunded.
With WWII and the demise of each company, these legendary
machines became largely forgotten by all but the most ardent
motorcycle enthusiast. But with each marquee taking center stage
at the Concours, the interest in Crockers suddenly exploded.
“The interest was overwhelming”, says co-founder Jared Zaugg. “Immediately following the Concours, several
people contacted me asking if any Crocker owners wanted to sell their bike. So I called some of the owners and they
said the same thing, that they had been getting phone calls of offers to buy.”
“For 50 years you have only a small group of guys who are interested in these old bikes, and then overnight
everybody wants one”, says longtime Crocker owner and enthusiast Jim Lattin. At that time of the premiere of Legend
of the Motorcycle in 2006, a good Crocker road model was worth about the same as a good Brough SS-100, around
$120,000. Six months later Bonhams sold at auction a 1937 Crocker Hemi-head from the Jack Silverman collection for
a record-breaking $276,500. A month later, a 1939 Crocker Small Tank exchanged hands privately for $300,000. It
appears that once the collector world became aware of the rarity, history and sex appeal of the Crocker, values nearly
tripled. And while they still continue to rise, finding one for sale
is akin to finding a four-leaf clover.
What will be interesting to see is how, if at all, the Concours
affects this year’s featured marques Excelsior, Henderson and
Vincent. Stay tuned.
Legend of the Motorcycle: International Concours d’Elegance
takes place May 5th, 2007 at the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay,
California (just south of San Francisco). For more information
and tickets, visit http://www.LegendoftheMotorcycle.com.
For Larry's first official column with White Line he's chosen to give our readers a rundown on his travels and give his thanks
to those who helped him on his journey. White Line is proud to have this little bear join our staff of fine writers! Welcome aboard
GRRRRR - those winter naps take a lot out of a bear! My first duty is to thank all of you who organized, supported and gave me a
ride on my Toys for Tots run. Thanks to you all we raised close to $3,000 dollars for Toys for
Thnx to SCUBADOC for giving me my first ever ride. A big Thnx to CAGEY for taking me
to a Stones Concert up in Seattle! I thank you also for coordinating my trip allowing me to
meet up with some great people.
ROADSTARANGEL2 is one hell of a rider and showed me some great roads.
LADYJ69 showed me around the Northern California and brought me into Vegas for the
night. What happens there stays there - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
RIDESHEROWN got me rolling through the desert southwest down in Az. We had a nice
little run into NM.
NMRIDE Showed me the beautiful State of New Mexico.
FIREHOG and I burned through the west and set record time going into Texas.
ULTRA98MC road me through a good chunk of Texas and was kind enough to have me join him for Thanksgiving dinner. Thank
you sir.
Mistertroll went to great lengths to turn me into a local hero in Dallas. The Christmas show he took me to was a memory I'll never
forget. You rock sir.
DFRNTDRUMMER Hooked me in the bayou. Crawfish and beers - ya'll got to look him up if your passing thru. Thnx man.
liljack made me a local celebrity in Mississippi. We visited a real nice local watering hole and somehow he managed to get our
picture in the local paper. I hope to back through there someday.
BATMIXER Road me through Mississippi and into Alabama. This man made me famous by doing a nice article in
whitelinegmagazine.com . Tnx Batmixer - hope we meet again!
MADHATTER and some others did a 400 mile round trip run from Tn to pick me up. Tnx Madhatter and friends - that was the
coldest leg of my journey. That $1 from the homeless man was priceless. BIKEBEAR made me some chaps - thanks Bear, those
came in handy on the rest of my run.
BREWIZ got me thru the ATL. He's got this great little brewery in the back of his house and he likes to share! The man knows
how to mix it up.
DAWYLDMAN got me in Western Georgia, took me out for the night and the next morning I woke up with a girlfriend!! Stil
don't remember what happened, but I'm pretty sure that
MongoSC had something to do with it!
gagirltrixie and her husband BLACKWING took me through a nice tour of southern Georgia on my way down to Flordia. Loved
the boat ride!
TERRYSC Showed me a good chunk of South Carolina on a pretty nice looking VTX.
FROGHUNTER took me down the road leading into Daytona. We stopped at the Speedway and had a nice little tag made for me.
Shadow_Wolf the editor of White Line Magazine and I had great time heading down to the Keys. Shadow Wolf was kind enough
to let me spend Christmas with his family. Thnx Shadow.
If I missed anyone shoot me a note and remind me - I know a lot of you had friends joining us on the ride and contributing money
to Toys for Tots - please thank them for me. There's a little piece of all of you traveling with me now as I continue my adventures
in 2007.
I need a ride!
Our gorgeous Babe of the Month this month is a local girl. She lives, rides and plays right here in Charlotte County.
Her name is Samantha.
20 year old Samantha works with our guy Rodney at Florida Motorsports and she
agreed to be our first babe on a sportbike. Now we all can appreciate a good bike, no matter
what style it is, but somehow we're having a hard time concentrating on the bike! This little
spitfire draws all your attention with her looks just as hot as the bike she is posing with! She
tells us that she keeps her 36-24-30 figure by walking and playing with the American Pit
Bulls that she breeds.
Samantha has been working at Florida Motorsports for just about 4 months,and loves the
job. It keeps her involved with the riding community and she loves seeing the customers
happy and riding off with a smile. We have a feeling if she was smiling at them to begin
with, they would have to ride off smiling in return!
Even though she's only been working there for 4 months, she has been riding a lot longer
than that. And she rides her own, not a backseat babe this one! She rides a '03 GSXR600.
She smiles big and a bit wickedly as she says, "My favorite sportbike is the R6 though".
If you don't find her on the streets on that bike, or at work, you might want to check out
the fields and open spaces. She also loves to ride 4 wheelers. Samantha is not one to sit
around and do nothing!
If you are in the neighborhood and are looking for a new import bike, you'll definitely want to check out Florida Motorsports.
While you're checking out the sleek lines of the newest import bikes, watch for this charming young woman. If you get to see and
talk to her, we're sure you'll ride off with a smile on your face too!
Going on vacation? Planning a ride? Or just plain want to know what's going on in the world? THE place to check is right
here on White Line's Events & More ! Click on any state name and it will bring up another page with events lists for that state
for the month, as well as any bike shops, biker friendly bars and restaurants and print publications. This is THE place for
biker information! We still have lots of room to add places, so send in the name of your favorite shop or biker friendly
establishment and we'll make sure everyone knows about them!
Florida Events
Mar 02 - 11 2007
Cabage Patch Swap Meet
Bike Week
Daytona, FL
Info: 270-428-2004
Mar 02 - 11 2007
Daytona Spring
Bike Week
Port Orange, FL
Info: 361-287-3444
Mar 02 - 11 2007
Daytona Beach
Bike Week
Daytona Beach, FL
Info: 866-296-8969
Mar 03 2007
DeLand Bike Rally3rd Annual
DeLand, FL
Info: 386-738-0649
Mar 03 - 04 2007
Week Nationals
Gainesville, FL
Info: 336-924-2095
Mar 04 2007
Daytona Bike week
Poker Run/Party
DeLand, FL
Info: 386-740-0522
Apr 01 2007
Motorcycle Rally
Indiantown, FL
Info: 772-597-2184
Apr 14 2007
Bikes & Blues with
Mickey Jones
Ormond Beach, FL
Info: 386-566-6991
Apr 22 2007
Whitey's 3rd Fallen
Riders Run
Orange Park, FL
Info: 904-269-4198
Apr 27 - 29 2007
Leesburg Bikefest
Leesburg, FL
Apr 27 - 29 2007
11th Annual Leesburg
Bikefest 07
Leesburg, FL
Info: 352-365-0053
Apr 27 - 29 2007
Emerald Coast Bikefest
Holt, FL
Info: 850-537-8086
Rossiters Harley
330 Cattleman Rd
Sarasota, FL. 34232-6300
Manatee River Harley
624 67th St. Cir. E.
Bradenton, FL. 34208
Harley Davidson of
Ft. Myers
2160 Colonial Blvd.
Ft. Myers, FL
Daytona Harley
290 N. Beach St.
Daytona, FL
Open Road Motorcycle
Hwy 17
Punta Gorda, FL
Thunder Action Cycle
18290 Paulson Dr.
Port Charlotte, FL
Biker Friendly
Victory Lane
4150 Hancock Bridge
N. Ft. Myers, FL
Boot Hill Saloon
310 Main St.
Daytona, FL
Print Publications
Full Throttle Magazine
850 Dunbar Ave.
Oldsmar, FL 34677
Born to Ride
P.O. Box 3021
Brandon, FL 33509
Florida Motor Sports
Magazine #178
2430 Vanderbilt Bch Rd.
Naples, FL 34109
It's not uncommon for someone during the day to say "so... what's new?". But the answer to that simple question
can be pretty involved if it's asked during the part of the year when all the various bike manufacturers are introducing
their latest and greatest improvements.
The motorcycle industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Motorcycle riding is becoming more "accepted" and
"mainstream", much to the consternation of the old throwback hoodlum bikers. 20 or 30 years ago, it would have been
rare to see motorcycles and their riders portrayed as anything but "bad". Now you can find tv commercials for lawyers
riding their shiny hogs and proudly representing bikers or a wildly popular series about a bike building father and son
team. Almost any street in America will have people wearing t-shirts for Von Dutch or West Coast Choppers.
This brings us to the first of our "new" things. It's new in the sense that there really aren't very many motorcycle
movies made, let alone one
with the kind of star power
this one has. And it's new in
the sense that it won't hit your
theaters until the weekend
after this magazine comes out.
I am speaking, of course, of
the new movie with John
Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin
Lawrence and William H.
Macy called "Wild Hogs".
This movie is about a group of aging friends who are tired with their suburban lives and set out on a cross country
motorcycle trip. Along the way they learn some lessons and grow a bit. But it's the comedic talent and presence on
screen that makes this movie work.
In an interview with Jay Leno, John Travolta said he had a great time filming this movie. According to him, Tim
Allen came on the set from day one and challenged them to "bring their A game", and Travolta had to reach back to his
"Kotter" days to "keep up". Trailers and previews show that Travolta "kept up" very well, as did Lawrence and Macy.
This looks to be a genuinely funny movie that still gives a good portrayal of motorcycling.
Our next "news" comes from more within the motorcycle industry itself. Two of the most interesting
announcements recently concern new models from Harley-Davidson and Victory. Even though 2007 is the 50th
anniversary of the Harley-Davidson Sportster, Harley has said that it will also be the last model year for the Sportster.
So imagine everyone's surprise when HD announced the new
Sportster Nightster in Orlando this past month.
The Nightster is is a beautiful bike. HD went through and
blacked out quite a few of the traditionally chrome parts , like
the handlebars, the air cleaner, and around the rims. It has some
very cool retro styling with the smaller solo seat, the bullet-holed
belt guard and the slash cut exhausts. One of the best features is
the lack of tail light. HD used combination turn signal/tail
light/brake lights on the Nightster and a side mounted license
plate to compliment the lighting setup. If it is the last year for the
Sporty, then this is a good model to go out on! It's beautiful!
Another great American manufacturer that announced a new
model for the 2007 year is Victory Motorcycles. Victory
announced that their new model called the Vision would be
available in fall of 2007 as a 2008 model year bike. There will
actually be two versions of the Vision, the Vision Tour and the
Vision Street. Right now both bikes call for a 100 cubic inch
engine, but that may change before production.
The Vision Tour will be aimed towards the luxury touring
market with integrated GPS and MP3 capabilities accessed
through handlebar controls, integrated saddlebags and top box.
The Vision Street is basically the same bike without the top box. Both bikes will have 6 gallon fuel tanks, a six speed
transmission and belt final drive. An exciting new look and another great model from the folks at Victory.
Saxon Motorcycle Company, is a fairly new builder in the motorcycle marketplace. The company was founded just
three short years ago and in that short time has made a name for
themselves for their quality, innovative motorcycles. The
company operates out of a 40,000 square foot facility in Casa
Grande, AZ. and has risen quickly on a reputation of quality,
value and customer service. Their Griffin model production
chopper was named Production Chopper of the Year this year
at the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati this year.
And to add to their laurels, they announced a new addition to
their production chopper line, the Mad Jack. This bike model
debuted at the Cincinnati V-Twin Expo and the response was
electric. There was constantly a crowd around the floor model
admiring this clean, mean bike. Saxon has definitely come up
with a winning design here. I personally look for this to be a
future " Production Chopper of the Year", but it's definitely
another quality product from Saxon!
Major shows like the V-Twin Expo give not only builders and manufacturers a chance to show off their new
products, but extends the same opportunity to builders and artists big and small. You can find all kinds of new
accessories to add on to your own ground up custom, or just to add a custom flair to your daily ride. One of the nicest
sets of accessories announced this year is the Signature Series by
Leroy Thompson of Mentor, OH.
Leroy Thompson has a complete line of bikes, parts and apparel and
is known for their "hand crafted quality". Thompson's choppers have
held their own against all comers and in the near future they'll be going
up against Dawn Norakas of Stinger Custom Cycles in an upcoming
Biker Build Off, but it's artistry like these signature series products that
make them stand alone. Now you can class up your ride, or put the best
on a new build by using these hand crafted products. High quality
materials and craftsmanship will make you glad you did!.
Another very cool looking new product comes to us from the people at Stevenson's Cycles in Southeast Michigan.
Stevenson's has been in business a long time establishing the business way back in 1969. They moved to their 6000
square foot building in Redford, MI in 1996 and offer
anything from parts to full repair and service. With
experience like that it's not surprising that they have
come up with an accessory kit like they have to give
your bike a truly radical custom look. Stevenson's
produces an all new Split-Rocker Box Kit for
shovelhead engines. This kit gives those older engines
a very unique look at a very reasonable price. While I
admit that there is a limited range of use for this
product, (doesn't work on other engines yet) the "cool
factor" makes this kit worth mentioning. The complete kit comes with everything you need to switch to these unique
rocker boxes including copper line and fittings to vent the engine!
Side by side with the builders and bike part vendors at any show you go to in
the country, are the personal accessory vendors. People who sell the leathers we
wear, or the various knife / knickknack / jewelry vendors. They all will have
interesting items and new styles year after year. But one area I pay attention to, is
the eyeglass vendors. The various riding glasses, goggles, visors and other
eyewear are an important part of safe riding. If you wear prescription lenses you
want a good quality lens, but being a rider it has to protect the eyes from all the possible wind-blown and road-thrown
crap we put up with. Even if you don't need prescription glasses, you want something good in front of your eyes.
PanOptx was established in 1997. They are based on a technology that
combines the benefits and performance of goggles, but with the style of
sunglasses. They specially engineer their glasses for the motorcycle, water sports
and snow sports crowd. They feature waterproof lenses, filtered vents and 100%
UV protection. Oh yeah. And STYLE.
In the Velocity series, engineered for consumers looking for the highest level
of protection and performance, Panoptx introduces Whirlwind, featuring the
patented Orbital Seal™ eyecup with a 100% seal and filtered vents to manage
airflow. And in the Speed Series, the full-wrap Taku sports a thicker air dam
providing a better seal against airborne irritants. All speed styles have the new
revamped EVA air dam, keeping wind and glare at bay and deflecting 75% of
airborne irritants, peripheral glare and wind.
They have a wide range of glasses and lens types to meet all your riding needs.
They make a quality eye protection that you'll be happy to have for years.
This is only a very small sampling of the new items announced at Cincinnati and other recent shows. Over the
next few months we will be looking at more and more of these new innovations and presenting them in our "Shop
Talk" section. But it's a big field with new stuff every day. As we have seen, everyone from the artist/builder to the
clothing manufacturer to the eyewear vendors are coming up with "new and improved", and you can count on White
Line to lead the way and bring it to you as soon as we hear of it!
– The Fish –
– The Twins–
February 19 – March 20
May 21 – June 20
A few curve balls are thrown your way on the 1st, 2nd and
3rd, but you seem to handle things pretty well. On the 8th or
9th a new project pops up, but do you really have the proper
amount of time to invest in it? Things at work run smoother
than usual on the 13th and 14th, enjoy it while it lasts . Put
your ideas down on paper the 18th and 19th, it's amazing
how much that will help. On the 25th try to keep your cool,
it's not worth the extra stress. It may be a hard task to
perform but try and get a few words in with your family on
the 28th or 29th.
On the 1st or 2nd you notice how much things around you
are changing and decide to go with the flow of things for
now. You're not responsible for everything and everybody,
go ahead and let that be known on the 6th or 7th. Find some
time to do that something you've been missing so bad lately,
on the 11th, 12th or 13th. The 17th and 18th hold a few
surprises for you to discover, have fun! On the 24th, 25th or
26th an old friend reveals some disturbing news. The 30th
goes as fast as it came, try not to miss it.
– The Crab –
– The Ram –
June 21 – July 22
March 21 – April 19
Try something new on the 2nd or 3rd, it may become a
favorite of yours. Your ride is calling to you on the 6th or
7th, so hop on and show her some love. Keep your eyes
wide open the 11th and 12th and you may notice something
you've passed by a thousand times before. On the 17th and
18th you have a hard time finding time to do anything other
than the necessities. Be prepared for something on the wild
side the 20th or 21st. You're not afraid to fight for what you
believe in and you show that on the 24th and 25th. On the
29th things begin to settle down once again.
You'll find yourself spending more time than usual making
phone calls and sending e-mails on the 3rd, 4th and 5th.
The 7th and 8th will be a little tougher than you were
expecting, but you'll handle things like a pro. On the 12th or
13th an old friend gets in touch with you, now what are you
going to do? On the 16th and 17th you'll feel as if you're
driving blindfolded, so hold on tight things might get a little
bumpy. Finishing up that project of yours is the top priority
for the 24th and 25th. Try and fit some R & R time into your
schedule on the 28th or 29th.
– The Bull –
– The Lion –
April 20 – May 20
July 23 – August 22
On the 2nd and 3rd going out of your way to help the
people around you will be well worth the extra effort.
Things really go your way on the 8th and 9th. On the 15th
and 16th you feel as if you're headed in several different
directions at once but don't fret, things will calm down by
the 17th. On the 19th romance is in the air but that doesn't
necessarily mean anything is going to happen. I guess you'll
just have to wait and see what is in store for you. On the
22nd go ahead and get one of those projects at home out of
the way. On the 26th and 27th things begin to settle way,
way down.
On the 1st and 2nd take a good look at yourself and see if
there's anything you'd like to change. Make those changes
by the 5th and you'll be well on your way to a new you.
Stand up for what you want on the 8th and 9th, you'll be
amazed at how easy it becomes. Never doubt yourself, if you
have an idea on the 15ht, 16th or 17th run with it until you
can run no more and then run just a little bit further. On the
22nd and 23rd you'll be surprised more than one time. On
the 29th your plans fall through so just make the best of
things and reschedule.
– The Virgin –
– The Centaur –
August 23 – September 22
November 22 – December 21
All eyes are on you the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, so put on your
Sunday best and strut your stuff. Someone comes to you for
advice with a major problem on the 6th or 7th, since when
did you become the town counselor? If you've been waiting
for the right time to get something started go for it on the
13th or 14th. Do something to unwind on the 17th or 18th.
On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd don't rush into anything, a haste
decision could end up costing you more than you're ready to
pay. By the 30th you're ready to take on anything next
month has to throw at you.
On the 1st, 2nd and 3rd take a good look at how things in
your life are going and decide if you need to make any
changes. You'll have the opportunity to get a couple of those
forgotten projects out of the way for good, on the 5th, 6th or
7th. Try gatherin' up a few friends and makin' some new
memories on the 12th or 13th. Make an attempt at getting
some R & R in on the 19th, 20th and 21st. It will really help
you out on the 22nd and 23rd when it seems like you don't
ever get a chance to stop. The 28th and 29th are days you
will not soon forget!
– The Scales –
– The Goat –
September 23 - October 22
December 22 – January 19
On the 1st and 2nd people can't get enough of what you're
saying, so speak up while they are listening! On the 7th and
8th a great deal can be accomplished, as long as you put
your thinking cap on. The 14th is an off day for you. Keep
to yourself to avoid unwanted conflicts. On the 22nd or
23rd you'll hear from an old friend whom you've been
looking for, for quite some time now. Spend a little time
with your loved ones on the 25th or 26th, they miss you but
don't want to put pressure on you. The 30th ends exactly the
way you like it to, with a whopper of a twist!
You may not feel like starting a new project on the 1st or 2nd
but if you do it may lead you in a new and exciting
direction. You are so confident regarding a decision you
make at work on the 7th or 8th you're willing to put your
reputation on the line for it. On the 14th it seems as if
everyone wants something from you. On the 21st and 22nd
you may want to spend some time catching up with your
family and friends. You're feeling pretty good on the 26th,
revel in it while you can. Make special plans for the 28th or
29th and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results.
– The Scorpion –
– The Water Bearer –
October 23 – November 21
January 20 –February 18
As March starts on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd you become
engulfed with a surge of "Get-R-Done" energy, if you can
think of it you can accomplish it! The results are in by the
8th or 9th and you are very happy with what you see. On the
15th and 16th everyone around you will look to you for
guidance. You don't feel like yourself on the 21st and 22nd
but by the 23rd you should feel good as new! On the 26th
evaluate your level of happiness generated by your work, is
it worth your time to stay or are you ready to move on? And
only you can answer that.
March starts off with a laid back kind of feeling allowing
you to recoup from last month on the 1st and 2nd. You enjoy
helping people find direction and meaning in their lives and
on the 6th, 7th and 8th you get a few opportunities to do so.
An unexpected issue comes into the light on the 14th or 15th,
and ignoring it will only make things worse. Work is on
your mind more than usual the 21st and 22nd, maybe it's
time to start planning that next vacation! Someone from
your past will try and make contact with you on the 26th,
27th or 28th. Be Leery they may have ulterior motives.
After hearing the story, I just want to applaud your
magazine and your staff for this undertaking. You have a
truly unique idea and an entertaining magazine. You have
me hooked and I haven't rode a bike since I was a kid. (I'm
72 now) Keep up the good work and I hope to see you and
Larry again next year!
Thanks to all of you who have written in to our
magazine. We are still in the process of getting our email
re-organized and hope you bear with us as mail catches up.
We welcome your feedback both good and bad and are
happy to answer your questions and concerns.
I just wanted to write in to tell you how much I enjoy the
articles about Larry the teddy bear. It's such a cute idea that I
showed it to my co-workers and even the ones who don't
ride love the idea. The way it's written gives the teddy bear a
personality that is easy to relate to. Great work and for a
good cause!
Sam E., Key West, FL
It seems that Larry was the topic of the month in the
emails we've received. We are happy to have a small part in
this effort and have made arrangements with the owners of
BikerWorlds.com to make Larry an ongoing column in the
magazine. "The Adventures of Larry Bear" begins this
month. You can get more info on how to be a part of the
bear's ride by going directly to BikerWorlds.com and
checking the "where's Larry" area of the forums.
Lisa K., Tampa, FL.
I've been following the story about Larry the teddy bear.
How do I get involved? I think this is a great idea to do a
different kind of "teddy bear run" for Toys for Tots. Larry
can ride with me anytime!
That's it for this month folks. If you have questions or
comments for us, or if you want to submit anything for
publication, send them to
[email protected]. Please send event
listings to [email protected]
Adam W., Cleveland, OH
I met some of your staff here in Key West a couple
months ago. They were walking down the strip carrying a
teddy bear. Now you see a lot of things here that are a little
"different", but I still had to check it out.
We all think of riding in a three-dimensional way, there is a cruiser, a sport
bike, and a custom. Well folks you are now entering the fourth dimension. The
roadster!!!!! YEA, it is now a reality. It handles like a sport bike and has the torque
of a cruiser, but sits like a snowmobile. For all of those out there who have ridden a
V-Twin sport bike, such as, a Buell, the RC 51. TL1000, or the Aprilia Mille R, there
is a new kid on the block so to speak. Not only does this new roadster appeal to the
rider who loves the V-Twin, but the rider who doesn’t even know he or SHE is a
The roadster is a three-wheeled bike/snowmobile/on road ATV really what
ever you want to call it. The picture doesn’t do it justice. Now I can speak from
experience. I was out in San Diego for the unveiling of the Can Am Spyder. Not
only did I get to see all that it had to offer, I got to ride it as well. Now let me tell
you, the ride was amazing. The two wheels in the front gave a sense of security that I
was not familiar with, but it still gave the performance and handling that the
enthusiast loves. There are some things on this bike that were cool to have,
traction control, stability control, ABS, just to name a few. The traction
control works by taking out the rear cylinder, it gives the wheel time to catch
up with the rider. Ya, the stability control was one of the coolest things that I
have ever experienced in my life, with the three wheels, it has a tendency to
want to pick up the inside tire in an aggressive turning situation, so the ECU
will put just enough breaking to the wheel that is still on the ground to put
the inside tire back on the street. ABS, it is linked front and back with onefoot pedal no front break. It works GREAT, not sure if there is going to be
an option for a front break “ I hope there is.” You can find out all about the
SPYDER at www.can-am.brp.com it will be worth your time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now back to the SPORT BIKE STUFF… We are all waiting for the new GSX-R 1000 the ’07 should be here
any day now. It is a new monster rebuilt from top to bottom. Duel exhaust, new pistons, and three different maps that
you are able to change on the fly. If you ride as much as I do that you know that it is a necessity. Oh not to mention
that the foot pegs are adjustable three ways. Almost all of the liter bikes came out this year with a newest latest
greatest, Yamaha R1, Suzuki GSX-R 1000, ya more power more power more power. Like I was talking about last
month was the after market of the sport bike world. With all of the new bikes they are fuel injected so the upgrades are
easy. All that it takes is a power commander “jetting of today” to make up for the fuel air mixture inconsistencies that
you have when you change pipes and air filter. Yoshe has come out with full and slip on exhaust for the stubby pipe of
the new 600 and 750. The fender eliminator kits are out as well. Florida
motor sports in Punta Gorda, has a great parts department, and a great
service department with all of the tecs. being riders themselves. If you
haven’t noticed, the BABE OF THE MONTH is on our sales staff. Sam is
a rider as well and yes she has a GSX-R 600 2003 so if you are in the area
make sure you stop in to the shop and see all of the latest greatest and hot
new things out. Aaron is our parts guru, and he will find what you need for
almost any bike imaginable. Once again this is from Rodney’s brain and
not only am I a rider but an enthusiast as well. If you ever have any
questions you can get me at [email protected] Oh and also remember Florida Motor Sports holds a bike
night first Thursday of every month at Coyotes bar and grill in Punta Gorda, Florida we give away a $500 gift
certificate and a free helmet every month.
Marching right along into spring! (Pun intended!) I
feel for all of you folks up in the "great white north" this
winter. Some of you really got nailed! Nope, don't miss
that stuff a bit living in Southwest Florida. I paid my dues
living through Michigan winters. 'Bout the only thing you
can do is laugh to keep warm...
A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the
bar and orders a drink. Looking around, he sees three men
sitting at a corner table. He gets up, staggers to the table,
leans over, looks the biggest, meanest, biker in the face and
says: "I went by your grandma's house today and I saw her
in the hallway buck naked.
Man, she is one fine looking woman!" The biker looks at
him and doesn't say a word.His buddies are confused,
because he is one bad biker and would fight at the drop of a
The drunk leans on the table again and says: "I got it on
with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!" The
biker's buddies are starting to get really mad but the biker
still says nothing.
The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, "I'll
tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it!"
At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the
shoulders looks him square in the eyes and
says.............Grandpa,....... Go home, you're drunk!
--- Bette, Virginia
Redneck Man's pick up lines
1) Did you fart?...cuz you blew me away.
2) Yer parents 'tarded?...cuz ya sure are special.
3) My Love fer ya's like diarrhea, I can't hold it in.
4) Do you have a library card?...cuz I'd like to sign you out.
5) Is there a mirror in yer pants?...cuz I can see myself in
6) If you was a tree I were a Squirrel, I' d store my nuts in
7) You might not be the best lookin girl here, but beauty's
only a light switch away.
8) I know I'm not no Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make
yer bed-rock.
9) Yer eyes are as blue as window cleaner.
10) Yer face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it
my nuts tighten up.
--- Jeanette, FL
A very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walks into
Wal-Mart with her two kids in tow, screaming obscenities at
them all the way through the entrance.
The Wal-Mart Greeter says, "Good morning and
welcome to Wal-Mart....Nice children you've got there - are
they twins?"
The ugly woman stops screaming long enough to say,
"Hell no they ain't, the oldest one, he's 9 and the younger
one, she's 7. Why the hell would you think they're
twins?...Do you really think they look alike?"
"No", replies the greeter, "I just couldn't believe you got
laid twice!
--- Doug, Port Charlotte, FL
One winter morning a husband and his blonde wife in
northern Ohio were listening to the radio during breakfast
when they heard the announcer say, "We are going to have 8
to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the
even-numbered side of the street, so the snowploughs can
get through." So the good wife went out and moved her car.
A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the
radio announcer said, "We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of
snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered
side of the street, so the snowploughs can get through."
Again, the good wife went out and moved her car.
The next week they are again having breakfast, when the
radio announcer says, "We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of
snow today. You must park..." Just at that moment, the
electric power went out.
The good wife was very upset, and with a worried look
on her face she said, "Honey, I don't know what to do.
Which side of the street do I need to park on so the
snowploughs can get through?"
With the love and understanding in his voice that all men
who are married to Blondes exhibit, the husband replied,
"Why don't you just leave it in the garage this time?"
--- MCB, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Little Tony was staying with his grandmother for a few
days. He'd been playing outside with the other kids for
while when he came into the house and asked her,
"Grandma, what's that called when 2 people sleep in the
same room and one is on top of the other?"
She was a little taken back, but she decided to just tell
him the truth. "It's called sexual intercourse, darling"
Little Tony just said, "Oh, OK," and went back outside
to play with the other kids. A few minutes later he came
back in and said angrily, "Grandma, it isn't called sexual
intercourse. It's called Bunk Beds. And Jimmy's mom wants
to talk to you."
--- Jalek, Brooklyn, NY
Keep 'em coming!
[email protected]
March Maze Craze
Daytona Bike Week Word Search
Arlen Ness
Gold Wing Getaway
Atlantic Ocean
Guilty Customs
North Beach Street
Biker Worlds
Broken Spoke
BMW Legends of
New Smyrna Beach
Old Dixie Highway
66th Annual
Daytona Bike Week
Riverfront Park
Dr. Neon's
Iron Horse Saloon
Coleslaw Wrestling
Eddie Trotta
Created by Lyd just for fun!
Hog Roast
Dayton Supercross
Here's the game. We hide Willie's face somewhere in the magazine. ONLY THIS FACE is used for
contest purposes, not pictures that have Willie's face and body ( like the monthly cartoon
or our business card image, or headline banner). We may enlarge, reduce, fade, or even
re-color the image, but it will be this exact image seen here.
When you find Willie in the magazine, send page# and approx. location on page to
[email protected] for your entry. Mark your email subject line with
"Where's Willie Contest". All entries must be received by White Line Magazine by the
20th of each month to be counted, and the winner will be randomly drawn from all
correct entries on the 22nd of the month. Winner receives a White Line Magazine TShirt as well as occasional extras donated by our advertisers. Winners will be announced in the following
issue. Good Luck and Have Fun!
February Winner
Special congrats goes out to Paula R in Medina, OH. She spotted Willie lurking in the form of a tattoo
on Branden, Hawk's son. We'll be sending you out a t-shirt for winning Paula, but keep playing along!
Same goes for the rest of you. All correct entries go into a hat and your name could be drawn same as
anyone else's! So check each page carefully! Good Luck!!!
Answers to Fun and Games Page
Venice: Mel's Diner on Rt 41,
Every 2nd and 4th Monday
starting at 6 P.M
Wesley Chapel: Beef O Brady's,
Every Monday night rain or
shine, 6:-9:00 PM
Firehouse Pub, Every Tuesday
US 192/Vine St
Lakeland: Every Tuesday Night
Bike Bash 863-646-8883
Lakeland: Beef O' Bradys Bike
Night, 98 North (I-4, exit #18N),
6pm to 9pm
Largo: T.C. & Dee's, 9057
Ulmerton Road.
Call 727-586-7511
Largo: Sneaky's Sports Bar &
Grill, 8pm to midnight,
Apopka: Varsity Sports Pub,
6pm-1am, 407-889-0140
Avon Park: Ridge Lounge Bike
Night every other Wednesday
night, 7pm 863-453-5548.
Bartow: Wednesday - Beef O'
Brady's Bartow N.E. Corner of
HWY 98 & S.R. 60 in Bartow.
Bradenton: Cruisers Bike Night
at Hooters
Clearwater: Quaker Steak and
Lube Bike Night, 10400 49th St.
North, 5-10pm
New Port Richey: Brew City
Bike Night Every Tuesday
6pm-9pm 727-816-9433
Clearwater: Gasoline Alley,
things start kickin around 10pm,
No Cover if you Ride Your
Scooter 727-532-0265
Orange City: Steak & Shake,
Cocoa Beach: Sonics every
Wednesday night, 7pm
Riverview: Bike Night, 6pm to
11pm 813-341-8333
Englewood: Bike Night Every
Wednesday 2325 McCall Road,
Englewood. 941-474-8131
Tampa: NEW! Bike Night, 7pm
to ?? at DENNING'S Lounge
13609 N. Florida Ave
Tampa: Hog Pen Saloon, 8001
East Broadway. 813-621-6482
Winter Park: 3rd Street
Saloon118 3rd St. SW,
Downtown Winter Park,
Ybor City: Bike Night at the
world famous Coyote Ugly in
Ybor City (1722 E. 7th Ave),
Ft. Myers: Bike Night, 6pm to
9pm at Shoeless Joe's Sports Cafe
Brandon: Buffalo Wild
Wings, every Thursday.
Starts at 5pm
Brandon: Brandon
Beach House, 7-10 pm
779 W Lumsden Rd,
(corner of Kings &
Largo: Lug Nuts Race
Bar & Grill1479 S.
Belcher Rd,
Lutz: L.A. Hangout,
16411 N. Florida Av
ph 813-964-5631
Pinellas Park:
Carlie's, 7020 North
49th Street.
Call 727-572-5214
Port Charlotte: Bike
Night, 6-10pm at
NEMO'S Sports Cafe,
3192 Harbor Blvd
Sarasota: Bike Night at
Mels Diner, 3740 Bee
Ridge Road.
Call 941-923-6070
St Petersburg: Fast
Eddies American Bar.
9pm til ???
St Petersburg: Sneaky
D's Saloon, 4808 CR 16
(66th St.).
Call 727-547-0202
Boynton Beach:
Miami Subs Grill
call 561 969-7827
Bradenton: Last
Saturday of every
month, Action Kawasaki
Yamaha in Bradenton
Ft. Lauderdale: Sues
Hideout Saloon,
8pm til ?, 954-792-6935
Brandon: Proud Pony
Lounge - Saturday Bike
Night 9pm
Melbourne: Hooters,
877 S. Babcock Street.
From 7pm until you
want to leave. .lol.
Holiday: Classics Bar
& Grill 1436 US 19N,
Ft. Pierce: Rough
Riders Motorcycle Club
Open House, 8pm - ?
561 466-9567.
Miami: Apache Bar &
Grill, 19004 NE 29 Av
Sarasota: Rossiter's
Harley-Davidson 330
Cattleman Road from
11:00am to 2:00pm
Merritt Island:
Brevard County Chapter
of ABATE sponsors
Bike Nite, Falcon’s
Roost 407-452-0568
Sarasota: Sarasota
Cycle World, 4201 N.
Washington Blvd.
Palmetto: Peggy's
Corral, Fri. Bike Night,
8pm to Midnight
Sarasota: Granny's
Motorsports 2001
University Parkway,
Spring Hill: Bike
Night, 3rd Friday of the
every month.
7 pm to 10pm
St Petersburg: Biff
Burger, 6PM 3939 49th
St N, St Pete,
727- 527-5297
Treasure Island:
Gators Cafe & Saloon,
Bike Night
every Friday night
Winter Haven:
New!!!!!! Monthly Bike
Night in Downtown
Winter Haven
4:00pm till 9:00pm
Winter Garden:
Benchwarmers, 1st
Friday of month
Jacksonville: Fast
Boys Wings,
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Limestone: Monthly
BBQ Every Last Sunday
of the month @ "Herb's
Limestone Grocery and
Cuntry Club!" (Near
Arcadia) Limestone, Fl.
From Arcada SR 70,
turn on SR 661 until you
see it or from SR 64
from Ona south on Ona
Road. 1 pm til ? Come
join the fun!
Orange Park:
Whitey's Fish Camp,
Bike night every Sunday
from 4-9 p.m
Palmetto: Peggy's
Corral, home of the
Sunday $1 Bloody
Call 941-729-5442
St Petersburg: Cool
Moe's. For more
information call
Venice: Snook Haven,
outside band 1-5pm,
info (941) 485-7221
We see all kinds of sights in our travels for the magazine,
but these "sights" sent into us by Edward S. are something
special. I don't know of that many ol' ladies out there who will
agree to a body paint job to match your bike! Enjoy.
The information age is upon us. People now plan
their vacations, their free time, their hotel
reservations and their airline flights all in the
privacy of their home, on a computer.
Fuel costs are skyrocketing, making
distribution an ever rising expense. Between the
Ecology and manufacturing costs, paper and
printing are rising costs.
The business world is now dealing in a global
economy, with customers seeing their products,
comparing, and purchasing them, in the comfort of
their home.
For all these reasons, White Line Magazine
exists. We feel that now is the time for an online
magazine that gives all the same benefits and feel
of a print magazine, but has a global reach and
Now, no matter where you are, you can plan
motorcycle events into the trip using our
interactive "Events and More" page. Click on the
state you will be visiting, and you'll get events for
that month in that state, repair shops, biker
friendly bars and restaurants and what print
publications are available.
We also make it possible for you to nominate a
business to be included in these lists!
We offer businesses many ways to let you the
consumer know they exist and are here to help
you. We help drive business to their websites. We
reach a target audience WORLD-wide. And we do
all of that at a cost lower than most print
magazines can afford to.
We aren't just another web site. We are an
ongoing magazine, with the look and "feel" of a
magazine, not a links site. We don't charge you for
an online version of our magazine, or a print
version. There is no membership. We find honest
to goodness interesting content for the ads to
compliment, not the other way around. We don't
have nudity or foul language, so that hopefully,
even school age kids with a passion for riding will
read us. We go after the international market, not
just local, but we give every bit of it a local print
Check us out. Come back month after month as
we feature new articles and stories and event
coverage. see how easy it is to use the "Events and
More" pages. Maybe even send in a riding
experience to share with others, or pictures of your
"fine" ride.
We work at making this "your" magazine. We
give you large and small advertisers. We strive to
have the best in event coverage, stories and
reading material. For businesses, we give you
coverage, we feature businesses who are owned by
motorcyclists on the cover of the magazine and we
give you world-wide exposure. Enjoy!
Please send all comments and requests for
more information to:
[email protected]
The internet is a great tool and that's why we are an internet based magazine. To reach more people! We want to keep the
look and "feel" of a paper magazine, but we also want to give you useful information. In that light, we give you some of our
favorite website links.
Motorcycle City On Line Magazine
Run Central
Classified Ads
Motorcycle Manufacturers
Ironworks Motorcycle
Guilty Customs
Kendall Johnson Customs
Thunder Action Designs
J H Choppers
Bourget's Bike Works
Harley Davidson
Exile Cycles
Kawasaki Home Page
Triumph Motorcycles - Official Website
Suzuki - American Suzuki Motor Corporation Motorcycle &
ATV Division
Motorcycle Parts
American Cycle Accessories
Spokes and Power
Fog Hollow
JC Whitney
Diamond D Parts Locators
Custom Chrome
Drag Specialties
Bux Tools
Exotic Sportbike
Quill Exhausts
Places of Interest
GR8Bike Management
Splittin' the Breeze
Cardio Wireless
Biker - Jon
Easy Biker
EZ Loading Trailers
Larry T Beach 98.9
Motorcycle Jewelry
Milledgeville Thunder Rally
Best Harley Links Info
EZ Rise Trailers
Link & Search Sites
Florida Bike Nights.com
Slick's Scooter Schedule
Gum's Favorite Links
Bike Links
Motorcycle Publications
Full Throttle Magazine
Born To Ride Magazine
US Rider News (formerly Dixie Rider)
Thunder Press
Wind Talk Magazine
Motorcycle Online
Canadian Biker Online
Motorcycle Education
ABATE of Florida
American Motorcyclist Association
Wheels in Motion - Motorcycle Safety Training
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Jan 04 Feb 04 March 04
April 04 May 04 June 04
July 04 August 04 Sept 04
Oct 04 Nov 04
Dec 04
Jan 05
Feb 05 March 05
April 05 May 05 June 05
July 05 August 05 Sept 05
Oct 05 Nov 05
Dec 05
Jan 06 Feb 06 March 06
April 06 May 06 June 06
July 06 August 06 Sept 06
Oct 06
Nov 06
Dec 06
Jan 07 Feb 07 March 07
April 07 May 07 June 07
July 07 August 07 Sept 07
Oct 07 No v07 Dec 07
White Line Magazine seeks potential
“Miss White Line”!
White Line Magazine is looking for women to be a
"Babe of the Month". Guys, send us in photo's of your lady
(with her permission of course!) or gals... you think you got
what it takes to show off as a biker babe? Must be at least 18
and will have to sign release. Entrants will be voted on by
general public and a tally of votes will determine winner in
January of 2006. Winner will be crowned Miss White Line
Events? Parties? Rides?
In future issues we will be expanding our events listings
and calendar of events so that you have the widest possible
range of things to do in the biking community. If you know
of any ride, event or party that you think would be made
better ( mo betta) by having a few hundred of White Line
readers at… then send listings to us at
[email protected]
Below are email addy’s you can use to submit to different
sections of White Line Magazine.
[email protected] ………...............Owner
[email protected] .......................... Owner/
Managing Editor
Sales Positions Available.
[email protected] ...................... Submit pix,
enter contests, or just to send us praise or complaints.
White Line Magazine is growing quickly! Because our
magazine is so greatly accepted, we have positions for
advertising sales staff. The amount of money you can make,
is only limited by your enthusiasm and drive. A generous
commission, a fun atmosphere, some leads provided, and the
chance to get in on the ground floor of the best biker
magazine bar none make this an ideal full or part time job.
Contact Shadow at: [email protected]
[email protected] ........... for more info about
advertising in our magazine.
[email protected] ............. Send
in the name and dates of someone for the Memorial Page.
[email protected] ....................... Got an event
to have listed in the magazine?
or send a resume to
[email protected] .................. Suggest a place for
Ice to chill at, or a band to be reviewed.
[email protected]
[email protected] .......... ........Pix, stories and
anything to do with the sport bike world.