11-08 Shofar.qxp - Beth El Synagogue


11-08 Shofar.qxp - Beth El Synagogue
We shall go forward with our young and with our old
NOVEMBER 2008 Heshvan 5769 Vol LXXXII
In this issue
Food Drive Best in Beth
El History!....................pg 4
Aleph School
Rocks............................pg 7
Upcoming Youth
programs........................pg 7
Stress & Anxiety
Reduction.......................pg 8
Special Volunteers
Sought.............................pg 9
BEMA concerts
scheduled.....................pg 10
Community Welcomes
USY Emtza Region
Shaliah..........................pg 15
Looking Inside
View From the Bimah...........2
Calendar of Events...............3
Yamim Noraim Highlights....4
B’nai Mitzvah.........................5
Life Cycles.............................5
Education & Youth...............7
Gemilat Hesed......................8-9
November Highlights
Eiger Scholar-in-Residence Weekend
October 31- November 2 (See details below.)
Tikun Olam Dessert Auction and Dinner
November 2 (See page 6 for details.)
Aleph School Book Fair
November 5-7 (See page 18 for details.)
Beth El Women’s Retreat
November 8-9 (There still may be spots open!
See page 6 for details.)
Instrumental Minyan
November 15 at 11:00 a.m. in Victor Hall
It’s back! Join us for the first one of the year!
No 2
Sailing with Noah: The Election and the Jewish Stake
Eiger Torah Scholar-in-Residence Weekend
October 31-November 2, 2008 (2 - 4 Heshvan 5769)
Featuring J.J. Goldberg - Editor of The Forward
Weekend Schedule
N’shama Minyan service at 5:45 p.m. followed by presentation at
8:00 p.m. Journey Through Jewish Politics
See bio on page 17
9:00 a.m. services and d’var torah: The Flood. The Fire. And the 2008 Election.
12:00 p.m. Lunch & Learn following services:
Parashat Noah and Modern Day Threats
9:00 a.m. Minyan
9:30 a.m. Breakfast followed by presentation: The Stakes for Israel in November
Candle Lighting • zexp zwlcd
November 7 . . . . . . .4:35 p.m.
November 14 . . . . . .4:27 p.m.
November 21 . . . . . .4:21 p.m.
November 28 . . . . . .4:17 p.m.
Havdalah • dlcad
November 1 . . . . . . .6:44 p.m.
November 8 . . . . . . .5:35 p.m.
November 15 . . . . . .5:27 p.m.
November 22 . . . . . .5:21 p.m.
November 29 . . . . . .5:17 p.m.
Services • zelitz
Friday Evening • zay a xr
Kabbalat Shabbat . . . 5:45 p.m.
Shabbat • zay
Shaharit . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.
Minha . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:45 p.m.
Sunday & National Holiday Minyan
9:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
Daily Minyan • oipn
7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
5224 W. 26th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
FAX: 952-920-8755
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs....9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Fridays..........9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sundays........9:00 a.m.-Noon
Aleph School: 952-920-4169
Youth Dept: 952-920-3594
a view from the bimah dniadn
Modeh Ani Lifanekha.
by Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky
Year-after-year we
celebrate Thanksgiving.
This wonderful
American holiday
brings football, turkey (unless you’re at
my vegetarian house!), pumpkin pie and
family into the home. It is true that we
can find similarities between Jewish and
secular concepts of Thanksgiving and
connect the holiday to many of our
Jewish festivals. In fact, many Jewish
families have the tradition of reciting the
shehehiyanu at the dinner table—the
Jewish blessing of thanksgiving. But the
notion of thanksgiving should not start
and end at the dinner table on November
27th. Let us take this opportunity,
immersed in the secular season of
thanksgiving, to remind ourselves about
the prayer, Modeh Ani which means “I
am Thankful.”
Every morning, when we wake up, we
are meant to recite: modeh/modah ani
lifanekha melekh hai v’kayam shehehazarta bi nishmati b’hemla rabbah emunatekha – “I am grateful to You, living,
enduring Ruler, for returning my soul in
me compassionately; You are faithful
beyond measure.” But why? Why the
need to begin the day with such acclaim?
It is eerie, but tradition teaches that we
die a small death every night when we go
to sleep. In the morning, when we wake
up, we literally rise again. God restores
our soul to us after having guarded it
throughout the evening. When we wake
up, we proclaim our thanks to God for
restoring our soul, for giving us another
chance at life and at a day. Each day
becomes a lifetime unto itself and a
whole new world to explore.
The month of November is not the only
time of the year to be saying “Thanks.”
It is not the only time for being grateful.
Every morning we should rise with vigor
and thank our Maker. This truly is our
duty and responsibility as we walk
through this immense, complex world of
In navigating this world, the rabbis also
teach us that one who eats without reciting berakhot (blessings) before and after
is like one who steals a loaf of bread
from the baker. So too (and all the more
so!), if we do not express our gratitude
for every breath of life we take on this
green earth, then we are nothing more
than thieves of the soul. We just spent
the better part of the past two months of
holidays convincing God that we are not
deceitful and that we walk upright. And
now, we are overdue on our rental, and
God is welcome to take back God’s gift.
We all can use a little expression of
thanksgiving in our daily lives, and God
needs it too.
As the last leaves fall from th trees, as
the Cowboys and Redskins take to the
field, take note of your mortality and pay
heed to the One who blessed you with
the privilege of being a mortal. It is fifteen seconds every morning – a short
Modeh Ani – and it is surely a powerful
mantra to charge you through the rest of
the day.
Instrumental Minyans are BACK!
SAVE THE DATES! You loved our Shabbat morning musical service so much, we're having more of them. Come sing with Cantor
Abrams, John Orenstein and the Beth El House Band on November
15, February 7 and April 11 to experience Shabbat from new musical heights!
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class to Begin - watch for details
A new two-year cycle of study leading to a group b’nai mitzvah ceremony will begin this Fall. A minimum of twelve participants will
be necessary for this program. If you are interested in registration or
have questions, please contact Cantor Abrams at 952-920-3512, ext.
109 or [email protected]
Upcoming Blood Drives
The next Blood Drive benefiting Memorial Blood Centers and the
community at large will be on November 23 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00
p.m. To register, please contact Judy Radel at 763-522-7202 or Terry
Cohen at 763-544-1676. Next blood drive will be May 3, 2009.
Aleph School Noodles & Co. Fundraiser
You’re invited to a benefit for the Shirley Abelson Aleph School on
Wednesday, November 19th from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Golden
Valley Noodles & Company (7808 Olson Memorial Highway)
Aleph School will receive 25% of your sale when you hand in the
flier on page 16.
Prayerbook Hebrew Class Every Thursday Night
Please join us Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. for a series of helpful
classes to help you improve your Hebrew. No cost for Beth El
members. Class will continue every Thursday evening. Reserve
your spot by contacting Chris Brand at [email protected] or
Please Note: Date change for Sacred Chanting
Due to the election day, Sacred Chanting has been moved
to Nov 11.
Is someone you know in the hospital or homebound?
Because of privacy restrictions, the synagogue is no longer notified
by area hospitals when they have Jewish patients. Please call
Barbara at the synagogue office (952-920-3512, ext. 119) if you or
someone you know is hospitalized or homebound, and tell us the
patient’s name and location.
Attention Snowbirds
Please be sure to notify the synagogue office if you are planning to to fly south for the winter. Non-profit mail unless sent
first class does not forward, so stay connected and let us know
when you’re leaving, where you’ll be and when you’ll be
back. It’s like being a teenager all over again!
gel calendar of events
Ongoing Weekly Happenings
Shabbat: Shorashim (Religious School) 10:00 a.m. Ch. 4
• Sunday Morning Minyan Hevrah - 9:00 a.m.
Fiterman Chapel followed by breakfast
• Healing service 5:45 p.m.
• Intro to Judaism Class 7:30 p.m.
Fridays: Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 p.m.
November 1 - November 30
Shabbat, November 1, 2008
• Apples & Honey 10:00 a.m. Fiterman Chapel
• Eiger Weekend Lunch & Learn
with J.J. Goldberg 12:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
• Breakfast following minyan at 9:00 a.m.
Presentation by J. J. Goldberg
• Tikun Olam Dessert Auction & Dinner at 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 - Election Day
• USY MOA event 7-9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
• Aleph School Book Fair 9:00 - 1:00 Victor Hall
Thursday, November 6, 2008
• Aleph School Book fair 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. and
6:00-8:00 p.m. Victor Hall
Friday, November 7, 2008
• Aleph School Book Fair 9:00 - 1:00 Victor Hall
Shabbat, November 8, 2008
• TaRBuT Parents’ Hr 10:00 a.m. Social hall
• Women’s Retreat begins. See page 6 for details.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
• Sacred Chanting 6:30 p.m. in Fiterman Chapel
Shabbat, November 15, 2008
• Instrumental Minyan 11:00 a.m. Victor Hall
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
• Aleph School Noodles Fundraiser 4-8:00 p.m. at
Golden Valley location
Sunday, November 23, 2008
• Blood Drive 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
November 27-28, 2008
• Office closed
Shofar Deadlines
• December 15, 2008 for the February 09 issue.
• January 15, 2009 for the March 09 issue.
Fax ATTN: Shofar to 952-920-8755
E-mail: [email protected]
b 3
Yamim Noraim 5769 Highlights
2008 Yom Kippur Food Drive
The Biggest in Beth El History!!!!
WE DID IT !!!!! Our congregants brought
over 12,000 pounds of food to the big truck
during the Yom Kippur Food Drive. The STEP
staff was clapping and eagerly awaiting our
arrival since the food shelves were empty
before our truck pulled up. We had a record
number of 75 volunteers who assisted in planning, handing out bags, and unloading the
truck. The theme of the drive was “Double the
Bags, Double the Mitzvah” and our congregation did just that!! Over 500 people will be
helped by our efforts. Rabbi Davis led the
group in dancing through the aisles at the food
shelf to celebrate.
The success of the drive is a result of the many
efforts of the synagogue staff, a record number
of enthusiastic USY’ers, and volunteers
including Jessie Abelson, Sharon Abelson,
Rachel Abrams, Cole Basig, Mark Bass, Carly
Bass, Jack Bass, Elliot Berman, Gary Berman,
Josie Berman, Mia Berman, Allison Birnberg,
Jake Birnberg, Julia Birnberg, Sam Blustin,
Andrea Brink, Julia Burle, Rabbi Alexander
Davis, Rachel Davis, Cathy Erlien-Fendler,
Amy Geller, Ari Geller, Todd Geller, Zachary
Geller, Freada Golden, Pamela Greenberg,
Rebecca Greenberg, Marty Harris, Adam
Heifetz, Phil Herman, Michelle Kaminsky,
Ron Kaplan, Arlene Kase, Harvey Kase, Vonya
Kase, Jesse Kline, Howard Koolick, Alexis
Continued on page 9
B’nai Mitzvah Students Participate In Sacred Burial
On September 28, just before
gathering for the annual
kever avot service at Beth El
cemetery, Beth El congregants gathered to bury old
and worn books and religious
items. Led by Rabbi Davis
and Cantor Abrams, upcoming bnai mitzvah and their
teachers spent part of the
morning studying the laws
and tradition of geniza:
how to treat books, what
items require burial, why
certain items containing
God’s written name are
buried, etc. The actual
burial was proceded by a
short service that consisted of prayers and readings, some of which are included below.
We are Am Ha-Sefer, the People of the Book. It is a title we have worn with
pride. The first gift our synagogue gives our students when they began in
the Religious school was a siddur. Again, at Bnai Mitzvah, we give gifts of
books. At aufrufs, we give books. We are the People of the Book because it
is through them that the doors are opened to our people’s past and to the
beauty of Jewish life. When we drop- a book which contains God's name we kiss it as a sign of respect. We learn that books are almost living beings
and should be treated as we would honor a friend or a teacher. And when a
book is old and worn and no longer of any use, we still treat it with respect
by bury it as we would a friend who we have loved and honored in life.
Just as we bury our dead, so too do we bury our sacred books and ritual
items which contain God’s name, which we use to worship God. The
Romans, the medieval church, and Hitler, among others, burned our books
and Sifre Torah in an attempt to destroy us, but we wrote them again and
made them live. When our sacred items and texts become unusable, we
bury them with loving
care and respect. At this
time of year, as the
leaves drop from the
trees and return to the
earth to enrich the soil,
we commit these boxes to
the earth, where they will
return to the earth, to
enrich the soil, in which
we grow trees, from
which we create more
books! We are participating in an endless chain of life. These old books and ritual items have served
us faithfully. It is time to rest in peace.
miigd xefgn life cycles
Mazal Tov
Matthew & Liz Rappaport
November 2 ………….5th
Ron & Nancy Kaplan
November 3 ………….40th
Michael & Bari Resnick
November 6 ………….15th
David & Lisa Marschinke
November 6 ………….15th
David & Nancy Jo Fursetzer
November 12 ………….30th
Leonard & Fay Ribnick
November 15 ………….55th
Bill & Sharon Torodor
November 21 ………….10th
Richard & Lois Liebo
November 21 ………….35th
Alan & Nancy Goldfarb
November 26 ………….20th
Scott & Beth Puchtel
November 26 ………….30th
Steven & Lisa Neuman
November 27 ………….15th
Irvin & Ruth Schloff
November 28 ………….60th
Condolences To...
(Members’ names are in bold)
• Scott Rutzick and family on the loss
of his mother, Ethyl Rutzick.
• Sally Forbes Friedman and family on
the loss of her mother, Cecelia Forbes.
• Lisa Heilicher and family on the loss
of her father, Amos Heilicher.
• Shirlee Friedman, Loni Stillerman,
Marilyn Shapiro and Sally Forbes
Friedman and families on the loss of
husband, stepfather and father-in-law,
Phillip Friedman.
Celebrating B’nai Mitzvah...
November 8, 2008 • 10 HESHVAN 5769 Lech Lecha
ksuh vktunau hfsrn ic rhtn
Son of Sally & Mickey Perwien
Honoring Micah on his bar mitzvah, his parents, Sally and Mickey
Perwien will be sponsoring the Kiddush.
Hesed Project: Micah’s favorite Mitzvah was packing school supplies for the STEP program. He liked that
they were helping kids get an education and he was a part of helping them. Micah also donated food for
Pesah, packed food at Feed My Starving Children, and along with his dog, Penny, was part of the Puppy
Parade at Roitenberg.
November 22, 2008 • 24 HESHVAN 5769 Hayyei Sarah
kthbxu kthbs ,c ohrn
Daughter of Sonia & Daniel Galinson
Honoring Molly on her bat mitzvah, her grandmother,
Sheila Goldstein will be sponsoring the Kiddush.
Hesed Project: Molly went to the Sojourners Battered Women’s Shelter, a place that helps women and their
children who have been abused by their husbands and boyfriends. She gave manicures to the women and
children for Mother’s Day and enjoyed this project knowing that they could be pampered after all they’d
endured. In addition, Molly and her mother participated in “Relay For Life” which is an all night walk for cancer
in honor of a friend who was a cancer survivor. Molly also went with her Talmud Torah class to Perspectives
to help clean a kitchen for families in need.
November 29, 2008 • 2 KISLEV 5769 Toledot
vbauau ,hng ic hxuh
Son of Nicole & Amit Sela
Honoring Yosi on his bar mitzvah, his parents Amit & Nicole Sela will
be sponsoring the Kiddush and congregational luncheon.
Hesed Project: Throughout Yosi’s childhood, he has done many things to help others. Since he can remember he has donated his birthday presents to Sharing and Caring Hands, where he is
also a volunteer. The most important Mitzvot Yosi feels he’s done over the years is educating his
Grandparents, who are not Jewish, about Judaism. He enjoys doing this because he felt like they were more
knowledgeable about Judaism after the experience, and he feels closer to them the more they know about his
Jewish life. They are both very interested in Judaism and take an active role in helping to form his Jewish
identity. Yosi will continue to educate his Grandparents far beyond his Bar Mitzvah and looks forward to seeing the smile on their faces with each new experience they share.
Mazal Tov to...
Malka & Herman Rice on the birth of their grandchildren, Lila Rose (Leah Ruchel), daughter of Edward & Tess Rice of Orono
and Elliot Samuel (Eli Schmuel), son of Ronald & Libby Rice of Greenfield.
Do you have a special Mazal Tov in order?
A birth? An upcoming marriage? A special award? We would love to share this news with our Beth El Family.
If you would like this published in the Shofar, please call Danelle Cunningham at 952-920-3512 ext.133 or email
[email protected].
d 5
4th Annual Tikun Olam Dessert
Auction and Dinner
Hosted by Beth El USY
Beth El Synagogue
Women’s Retreat 2008!
Saturday, November 8th
Sunday November 9th 2008
Oak Ridge Conference Center, Chaska MN
Nourishing Our Bodies & Souls
Registration begins at 7:00 p.m.
Programming begins at 8:00 p.m.
Food, Fun, Prayer, Tzedakah
and a great book review/discussion of
Eat, Pray, Love
(read the book and bring your copy!*)
There may be spots still available.
Call Pam Lehman 612-867-0914
or Gilah Mashaal 612-269-0763,
[email protected]
Sunday, November 2, 2008
5:00 p.m. Dinner
followed by a
with fabulous auctioneers!!!!
You may have heard about the success of last year:
~ raised over $3200 ~
~ won best Tikun Olam program in Emtza region ~
~ many dollars contributed to scholarships ~
Invite your family & friends for this
very fun evening!
Share your winnings during the evening or take
them home to indulge at your convenience.
$6.00/under 10
($48.00 family max)
If you are unable to attend please consider a
generous donation to help “heal the world.”
To RSVP or for more information,
contact Skylar Werde at
952-920-3594 or [email protected].
*not necessary to read “Eat, Pray, Love”
to enjoy the discussion
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the
world. For indeed that’s all who ever had.”
– Margaret Mead
6 o
x r e p e j e p i g e ducation and youth
Aleph School Children are Rocking & Rolling!
We have had a great start to our school year. Our Musical
Shabbatot on the first Friday of each month are definitely
the place to be. Our music teacher, Laurie Herstig, leads
us in joyous song and lots of movement as we welcome
Shabbat into our hearts and school. Our Rabbis, parents
and grandparents also help bring warmth and excitement to
this special service. On other Friday mornings, our Rabbis
and Cantors continue this same special mood as they bring
their own talents and lead us in prayer and Shabbat fun.
We are continuing with new programs and an integrated
Jewish/secular curriculum that has only enhanced our
warm and nurturing environment. The Aleph School children have participated in an apple orchard visit to provide
us with apples for Rosh Hashana, a fruit and vegetable
tasting to get us ready for Sukkot, as well as walking trips
to neighborhoods sukkahs. Israeli flags for Simhat Torah
and American flags for our upcoming election are all part
of the fun at Aleph School.
We look forward to November and some very special
events. Please mark your calendars for our annual Book
Fair (see page 18) and Noodles Restaurant Fundraiser
(see page 16). Both of these events raise money for family
programming and new equipment for the Aleph School.
The book fair is a great place to shop for Hanukkah Gifts
for children and Adults. Noodles gift cards make great
Hanukkah gifts, too! You can call the Aleph School at 952920-4169 for gift cards and we will get them and deliver
them to your door. Hanukkah shopping was never easier!
Important 2008-2009 TaRBuT Dates:
Mark your calendar now for these dates
you won’t want to miss!
November 8:
November 14:
November 22:
December 12-14:
December 13:
January 10:
January 23:
January 24:
January 31:
February 14:
February 28:
March 14:
April 4:
April 18:
April 25:
May 9:
TaRBuT Parents’ Hour
5th Grade/1st Year Family Dinner
Parents’ Day
TaRBuT Family Retreat
TaRBuT Parents’ Hour
TaRBuT Parents’ Hour
6th Grade/2nd Year Family Dinner
Rimonim Shabbat
5th Grade Parent Education
TaRBuT Parents’ Hour
6th Grade Parent Education
TaRBuT Parents’ Hour
Grandparents’ & Special People’s Day
5th Grade Parent Education
6th Grade Parent Education
TaRBuT & Baccalaureate Shabbat
A Message from the
Youth Director
October has been an incredible month
for the Beth El Youth department. From
learning how to do responsible Graffiti
art to participating in Sukkah Survivor,
this month has been a blast! November
is already turning out to be filled with
fun. Here are the activities coming up
this month:
Skylar Werde
Nov. 2 Dessert Auction (all ages) 5-8:00 p.m.
Come join this exciting opportunity to raise money for a
non-profit group in need! Bring your friends and family,
have dinner and bid on mouthwatering desserts.
Entertainment will be provided!
Nov. 4 MOA Adventures (9-12 grades) 5:45-8:30 p.m.
Ever wonder how the giant Mall of America works, get a
behind-the-scenes tour of this massive mall! Then join us in
the scavenger hunt of a lifetime.
Nov. 18 Feed My Starving Children (9-12 grades)
5:30-8:15 p.m. This fantastic non-profit group needs our
help! Meet us at Beth El and we will help package food for
those who need it most. This is a great way to get community service credit for your college application!
Nov. 23 Rollerdome (5-8 grades) 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Have you ever thought about skating around the
Metrodome? Whirling past the concessions and field? Now
is your chance. Join Beth El as they skate the Metrodome!
Rental skates, pads and helmets will be available.
I want to thank all of you who helped USY raise money for
Kinnus at our first annual Ben and Jerry’s FUNdraiser. It
was a great success all because of the Beth El and Jewish
Community support. Thank you! Please Remember to
RSVP for all events to Skylar Werde at 952-920-3594 or
[email protected].
It’s coming...
The TaRBuT Family Retreat will be held from
December 12-14 at Camp Koronis in
Paynesville, Minnesota. You won’t want to miss
this casual, engaging and fun-filled weekend for
your entire family. Sign up now. You and your
friends (new and old) will have an unforgettable
experience together. For information, contact
Mary Baumgarten at 952-920-3512 ext. 116.
f 7
gemilat hesed corner
cqg zlinb zpit
Non Pharmaceutical
Stress/Anxiety Reduction: Part 2
By Hadassah Zohara, Shul Nurse*
There are options for learning meditation
which include books, internet, and classes.
Personally I prefer classes offered by Tai Chi/Qi Gong/Chinese
Medicine instructors as they tend to focus on the emotional
health/physical aspects without the spiritual aspects often brought into
classes taught by other instructors.
The following is article written by Gene Teglovic, and used by permission, gives a simple technique and more information on meditation.
A Simple Meditation Technique
This is a simple meditation technique that can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, without a formal meditation class or teacher. It's difficult to find something that everyone has in common, but one of those
things is stress. We live in a world with constant stimulation and
demands. What do doctors recommend for reducing stress? Most
doctors now agree that biofeedback techniques such as meditation are
very effective in reducing stress and related illness, I would like to
share some simple techniques for meditating. Meditation is an inexpensive prescription for reducing stress and pain without medication.
Used with traditional medical help it can relieve the disease and
symptoms of asthma, high blood pressure, and others somatic symptoms.
What is meditation? Webster defines it as "1: a discourse intended to
express its author's reflections or to guide others in contemplation,"
and "2: the act or process of meditating."
There are hundreds of techniques that could be labeled meditation.
Some have their roots in religions, while others are simple uses of
sounds, sights or movements. Many view meditation as a way to
quiet the mind, and in the end, to relax and de-stress.
Regardless of your personal view of meditation, or your spiritual
beliefs, the act of quieting the mind with regular meditation can
result in amazing physical and emotional benefits. This has been scientifically proven, and I have personally reaped the rewards of a regular meditation practice over the years.
Many of my friends and family think they cannot meditate. They
think their minds are too active, or they cannot sit still for long. They
simply don't see the purpose, or think they are "doing it wrong" and
give up. They look at meditation as a means to an end, rather than
just a simple way of "being" instead of "doing."
Beth El Small Consumer Electronics
Recycling Fundraiser
Please donate your used hand-held electronics by
bringing them to the Beth El office during regular
business hours. Your items are tax deductible and
will be recycled in accordance with EPA regulations or refurbished by nonprofit EcoPhones. All
proceeds go directly to Beth El programs. The
acceptable items are: cellular phones, inkjet printer cartridges, laptop/notebook computers, MP3
players, digital cameras, digital picture frames,
and portable navigation and GPS devices. For
more information, contact Committee Chair Mike
Frisch, 952-933-3169.
Volunteer for Loaves and Fishes
Upcoming opportunity to volunteer at Loaves
and Fishes is Tuesday, November 25. We provide a wonderful meal for people in need in
South Minneapolis. This is a one time commitment that you will never forget. Call Diana
Rosen at 952-922-7389 to reserve a spot on our
serving team.
Feed My Starving Children
Volunteers from Beth El packed food for starving children on Sept. 16. A total of 5,832 meals
were packed for children of Haiti suffering from
recent hurricanes. The next opportunities to
pack food are Tuesdays, November 18 and
January 13 from 6:00-7:30p.m. For more information or to volunteer, please call Jane
Polansky at 952-544-1462.
Tzedakah Centerpieces
Tzedakah Centerpieces started in 1997 raising
over $22,000 for various charities. Rent our centerpieces today for your special occasion and
help out a charitable organization while you celebrate. Call Cookie Abramson at 952-920-4341
or Betsy Edlavitch at 952-926-9784 to order.
The simple meditation process I am about to describe does not have a
"right or wrong" associated with it. There is no goal or expected
result, other than to introduce you to a
Continued on page 11
* The Congregational Nurse program is made possible in part with grants from the Minneapolis Jewish Community Foundation, the Park Nicollet Foundation, and the Mt. Sinai Foundation.
cqg zlinb zpit gemilat hesed corner
Yom Kippur Food Drive
Contnued frompage 4
Lehman, Harvey Leviton, Isabel
Leviton, Rafael Leviton, Shoshana
Leviton, Elise Lieberthal, Josh
Lieberthal, Sam Lieberthal, Sydney
Mandel, Gil Mann, Martin Margolis,
Colin Meirovitz, Barbara Resnick,
Lee Resnick, Jon Ribnick, Diana
Rosen, Carolyn Rovner, Greg
Rovner, Caron Rubin, Emily
Sanderson, Penny Sanderson, Debbie
Selnick, Danny Sisler, Eddy
Stillman, Simon Tempkin, Sophia
Tempkin, Victoria Thor-Harris, Bob
Walensky, Elayne Walensky, Ari
Weinstein, Dori Weinstein, Lauren Weisberg, Skylar Werde (Youth
Director), Max Wolk, Norma Wolk, Bonnie Zeff and Chairpersons
Lorraine Strauss and Leonard Zeff.
A big thank you to Byerly’s for donating the bags, and Joe Tilsner of
Tilsner Carton Company, for the truck, trailer and drivers. Once again,
we can take pride in being a generous and caring congregation.
Special Volunteers Sought
Our Beth El Loaves and Fishes group is looking for a few very special volunteers. We need to expand
the list of cooks who can help us prepare the wonderful meals we serve to individuals and families in
need, six times a year in south Minneapolis. To cook you must be available from 2:00 in the afternoon until around 4:00
or 4:30 p.m. and be able to stand and work in the kitchen for that length of time under the guidance of our head chef. We
also need hardy individuals who are willing and able to work in the dish room from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. All our
meals are prepared on the fourth Tuesday of our assigned months. A one time, one evening commitment is all we ask!
Please call Diana Rosen at 952-922-7389 if you can help.
Ways to Help
Beth El has many opportunities
for you to perform acts of loving
kindness through our Gemilat
Hesed programs. For more
information on Gemilat Hesed
opportunities, please contact:
Amy Weiss at 952-927-8202,
[email protected] or
Allen Oleisky, 952-935-4961,
[email protected].
Do you need a hand?
We’re here!
Call our hotline at
952-920-3512, ext 602.
Can you lend a hand? We need you!
Contact Midge Frailich at [email protected]
or Jo Ann Gruesner at [email protected] or
call 952-920-3512, ext 602.
h 9
Committees & Affiliates
Help Needed
Women’s League is seeking someone who is
well versed in computers who would like to
become a member of our calendar team. Call
Marlene Bukstein at 763-546-0355.
Save the dates!!!
November 18th Women's League Kibbitz & Play is
returning. Join us for games, noshes and fun. Watch for
December 9th Torah Fund Dinner featuring local entertainer Laurie Herstig. Begins at 6:30 p.m. Watch for
Left to right: Elaine White, Barb Gottlieb, Marcy Pearlman,
Special Thanks
Thanks to Women's League members who so lovingly
polished the Torah silver.
Andrea Brink, Artice Silverman. Not Shown: Marlene Bukstein,
Elaine Cohen & Karen Rubin
Men’s Club Dinner - December 2
Please join us for hors d'oeurves & socializing at 6:30
p.m. followed by buffet dinner service at 7:00 p.m. Then
stay for Richie Z’s One Man Song & Dance. You won’t
want to miss it!
Special Note: Men's Club apologizes for the late notice
cancellation of our October 16th dinner. Under the circumstances, it was the respectful & appropriate course of
action. The Men's Club extends its heartfelt condolences
to Elissa Heilicher and family upon the passing of her
father and our friend, Amos.
Something for everyone!
Save these upcoming concert dates:
February 7, 2009
February 21, 2009
A special BEMA coffeehouse concert
you won’t want to miss featuring
acclaimed guitarist, Tim Sparks and
our very own Tom Lieberman.
Chorale Concert with guest conductor,
Josh Jacobson, Director of the Zamir
Chorale and Arrowhead Choir from
Duluth & participation from local
cantors and choirs.
Watch for more details coming soon…
Learn How to Plan for Tomorrow
and Include Beth El in your plans...
Open Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. For after hour
appointments, call Linda Estrin @ 763-545-4301.
Log on to
Cost is $30 Available in the Gift Shop or by calling
Mickey Bernstein at 612-927-5793.
and click on “Gifts to Beth El” on the left side
and then choose “Planned Giving”.
There you will find a virtual encyclopedia of
information on how and what to give.
There is even a section for your financial advisor.
Stress/Anxiety Reduction
Continued from page 8
simple way of observing your thoughts and being with
yourself for a short period of time. This is the best way to
start a meditation practice.
To prepare, please keep the following in mind:
• There is no pressure or expectation to achieve a specific
• The only goal of this practice is to sit and observe
• If your mind wanders, that is fine. Your thoughts are like a
river, and damming the river only creates more thoughts.
Don't struggle.
When you sit, you will eventually be aware of that part of
yourself that is not your body or your thoughts; this is the
silent observer. Try to nurture that part of your existence
during this exercise.
Several things can happen during this meditation. You could
fall asleep. Your internal dialog could be so active that you
never quiet down. Or, your mind could become quieter.
Remember, there is no right or wrong, and any of these phenomena are fine.
Follow these steps:
• Find a place where you won't be interrupted for 20 minutes.
think about what's most prevalent on your mind at the
moment. That's fine and natural. When it happens, do not
try to stop the thoughts. Rather, gently remind yourself
that you are meditating, and observe the thoughts. Don't
analyze them; simply watch them go by.
Cultivate the silent observer. Who is doing the watching
of the thought? Who is thinking the thought? That person
is different than that thought itself.
Constantly bring your attention back to your breath, gently. Go into thought, back to the breath. Into thought,
back to the breath.
If you find yourself starting to doze off, take a few deep,
deliberate breaths and return to the process of watching
your thoughts. If you are really tired, stop and take a nap,
then try again later.
Don't worry about things that distract you. Little noises
will be in your environment. That's fine. For example:
kids are making noise. Ah, there's noise. Just another
thought. Observe how you are thinking about the noise.
Traffic. Refrigerator running. Back to the breath. Gently.
Back to the breath. Gently.
Repeat this process for 20 minutes. When finished,
ask yourself:
• Did I sense an observer that was not my thoughts?
• Sit comfortably, with your back straight. If you sit back
too far or lie down, you may fall asleep.
• What is really, really on my mind? How important is it?
Are those thoughts serving me?
• After you've taken your seat, close your eyes and be aware
of your breath. Place your awareness on your nostrils where
your breath is coming in and out.
Repeat this process daily, and eventually you'll be ready
for a more formal technique. You will also find yourself
being more aware of your thoughts, instead of letting
them lead you around. This can be very powerful.
Right away, you will notice your thoughts wandering. You'll
` i 11
Beth El Endowments and Program Funds provide an important source of income, enabling Beth El to offer added services and
programs and to make improvements to the facility. You can honor or remember family members and friends with contributions to any of the Beth El
Endowment Funds or Program Funds. Send donations to: Beth El Synagogue, 5224 West 26th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416. Indicate the fund to which
you want to contribute, the purpose of the contribution, and to whom you would like an acknowledgement sent. If you would like to establish a new fund
in your name or in the name of a loved one, please contact Marilyn Weisberg at Beth El, at 952-920-3512, ext.102. A complete listing of funds are
available by calling the front desk at 952-920-3512 or donate online at www.bethelsynagogue.org (click on “Donate” in the upper right corner.)
Beth El Gratefully Acknowledges the Following Contributions
This list reflects donations made to funds from September 4-October 3, 2008. Contributions received after October 3, 2008 will be listed in the
December/January 2008/9 issue of the Shofar. If you do not want your name listed, please include a note when you make your contribution.
Abelson-Aronson Endowment Fund
In memory of Cecelia E. Forbes Mother Sally Forbes Friedman
In memory of David Newman
In memory of Ethyl Rutzik
In memory of Richard Goldblatt
In memory of Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson
Rabbi Kassel Abelson USY Leadership Fund
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Appleman
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Resnick
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Kaynan Appelbaum
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Noah Kupritz
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Rahamim
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Tova Perlman
Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson
Cantor Abrams Celebrate the Arts Fund
In Honor of James Bukstein’s birthday
Leonard & Bonnie Zeff
In Memory of Ellis Winikoff
Marshall & Paula Lehman
In Honor of the birth of Bobby & Elliot Cohen’s new grandchild Greta
Morton & Sandra Greenberg
Cantor Abrams Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of Cantor Audrey Abrams’s commitment to the B’nai
Mitzvah Program
Bruce & Marsha Campbell
Cantor Newman Tribute Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Carol and Bob Mayeron
Cindy and Craig Greenberg family
Gary & Barbara Krupp
Martin & Sharon Kieffer
Morris and Karen Davidman
Richard & Annette Ozer
Steven, Louise and Micah Schoenberger
Congregational Nurse Fund
In Honor of Artice and Morton Silverman’s 50th anniversary
In Honor of Audrey and Alvin Kaufman’s 65th anniversary
In Honor of Dr. Gary Goldish and Dr. Bonnie Bongard’s anniversary
In Honor of Lee and Barbara Resnick’s grandson Jonah’s Bar Mitzvah
In Honor of Roz and Sid Bearman’s anniversary
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Edward & Joyce Prohofsky
Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg Tikkun Olam Endowment
For Speedy Recovery of Fay Ribnick
In Memory of David Newman
Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg
Gemilat Hesed
In Memory of Bill May
Harvey & Arlene Kase
Gunther and Ruth Stern 50th Anniversary book cart
In Memory of David Newman
Gunther & Ruth Stern
Hannah Bialick Yom Shalaim Fund
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Gail Katz
Ivan and Karen Brodsky Presidential Fund
In Memory of Mark Steiman
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
In Honor of Karen and Ivan Brodsky
In Memory of Mark Steiman
Sheryl and Steven Newman
Marilyn & Zorra Sussman Fund for Hearing Impaired
In Honor of Marilyn and Zorra Sussman’s wedding anniversary
Joanna and Peter Sussman
The David & Ida Bach General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Henry Berg’s 80th birthday
In Memory of David Newman
Wendy and Howard Bach
In memory of David Newman
In memory of Cecelia Forbes
In memory of Babe Marvy
Pam & Ron Kaufman
Greater Beth El
In Memory of David Newman
Ayelet Tours, Ltd.
Jane and Gene Borochoff
Justin, Michelle, Robby and Ashley Gendlin
Dr. William & Elaine White
Dr. Mace & Audrey Goldfarb
Bill and Jan Kuretsky
Michael & Linda Platt
Mitzi and Terry Kane
Perry & Loreen Silverman
Sid & Roz Bearman
For Speedy Recovery of Merwin Beckelman
Barry & Carolyn Gerr
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Christopher & Meryll Page
In Honor of Laurence and Maytal Badzin’s marriage
In Honor of Steven Perlman and Jeri Meshbesher’s marriage
In Memory of Abe Olitzky
In Memory of Arnie Soskin
In Memory of Basil Rifkind
In Memory of Ben Fiterman
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Edith Gottesman
In Memory of Jay Abramovitz
In Memory of Leon Bongard
In Memory of Manny Swatez
In Memory of Mark Steiman
In Memory of Mollie Zimmerman Konikoff
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
In Memory of Sheldon Warren
Dennis Leveris & Linda Goldberg
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
For Speedy Recovery of Fay Ribnick
In Memory of Manuel Swatez
Melvin & Ronnie Burstein
Sue and Rob Ribnick
In Memory of Sheldon Warren
Rachel, Gary, Sarah and Hannah Parnes
In Memory of Leo Weiss’s brother Philip
Sedelia Chase
In Memory of Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
The Artice & Morton Silverman Education Fund
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Mollie Zimmerman Konikoff
Morton & Artice Silverman
Summer Pilgram Experience in Israel Fund
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Fred & Andrea Rose
In Honor of Rabbi Alexander Davis’s installation as Senior Rabbi
In Honor of welcoming Rabbi Avi Olitzky
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Michael Davis & Jodi Lebewitz-Davis
North American Jewish Choral Festival Choir Fund
In Honor of Bill Torodor’s 50 years of service
Beth El Choir
In Memory of David Newman
Eugene & Sally Gittelson
The Anna Rubenstein Berman Cultural Arts Fund
In Honor of Mort and Sandra Greenberg’s 50th anniversary
Elliot & Roberta (Bobby) Cohen
Prayer Book/Sanctuary Fund
In Memory of Mollie Zimmerman Konikoff
Dr. Felix & Muriel Zwiebel
In Honor of Bonnie and Gary Goldish’s 25th anniversary
Raoul & Ferna Heifetz
Rabbi Davis Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Rabbi Alexander Davis’s installation as Senior Rabbi
Bruce & Marsha Campbell
David & Carol Rosenblatt
Mickey and Allan Davis
Morris and Karen Davidman
William and Ethel Morrison
Yakir and Cheryl Levin
In Memory of Sheldon Warren
Jennifer Berman
Philip and Rivel Greenberg Family Fund for Holocaust Educators
In Honor of the birth of Phil and Bobby Bloom’s twin grandchildren
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Pat Schreiberg
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Philip & Rivel Greenberg
Rabbi Olitzky Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Rabbi Avi Olitzky’s Installation as Assistant Rabbi
Bruce & Marsha Campbell
Larry & Darlene Braufman
In Memory of Rabbi Avi Olitzky’s grandfather
Mindy, Danny, David and Jonathan Ribnick
Rose & Sol Bukstein Sukkah Fund
For Speedy Recovery of Howard Kampf
For Speedy Recovery of Maxine Molloy
In Honor of Sam Rahamim’s Bar Mitzvah
In Honor of the birth of Mickey Greenberg and Shelley Kornblum’s
granddaughter Dalia Falck
Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein
In Honor of Marlene and Jim Bukstein
Elaine Berman
Seretta Rudin Memorial Fund
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Cindy and Craig Greenberg family
In Honor of Robin Rudin’s special birthday
Elliot & Roberta (Bobby) Cohen
The Fay & Leonard Ribnick Program Fund
For Speedy Recovery of Fay Ribnick
Esther Burke
For Speedy Recovery of Elaine Weber
In Memory of Irving Weber
Mindy, Danny, David and Jonathan Ribnick
zenexz tributes
The Barney & Gladys Applebaum Aleph School
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Shirley Hamburger Glasser
Dr. Dale & Lois Dobrin
In Honor of Sandy and Morton Greenberg’s 50th anniversary
Judy, Richard, Andy and Brian Cook
In Honor of Dick and Dobra Hunegs’s 55th wedding anniversary
In Honor of Morton and Sandra Greenberg’s 50th wedding anniversary and Sandy’s special birthday
In Honor of the birth of Bobby and Elliot Cohen’s new granddaughter
Greta Fabian
Mel & Judith Cofman
The Lou Ann & Leon Bongard Fund for Seniors
For Speedy Recovery of Jeffrey Schachtman
In Honor of Libbi Joffe’s 90th birthday
Dr. Gary Goldish & Dr. Bonnie Bongard
In Honor of Dr. Bonnie and Dr. Gary Goldish’s 25th anniversary
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Manny Swatez
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
In Memory of Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Lou Ann Bongard
In Honor of Bonnie and Gary Goldish’s special anniversary
Mindy and Daniel Ribnick and family
The Dobrin Family Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Sandy and Morton Greenberg’s 50th anniversary and
Sandy’s special birthday
In Honor of the birth of Bobby and Elliot Cohen’s new granddaughter
Stanley & Carol Dobrin
The Alvin & Audrey Kaufman Camp Ramah Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Alvin & Audrey Kaufman
In Honor of Audrey Kaufman’s special birthday
Margo Berdass
In Honor of Audrey and Alvin Kaufman’s 65th wedding anniversary
and Audrey’s special birthday
Marshall & Paula Lehman
In Honor of Audrey and Alvin Kaufman’s 65th anniversary
In Honor of Audrey Kaufman’s 85th birthday
Marty and Kate Bach
In Honor of Audrey and Alvin Kaufman’s 65th anniversary
In Honor of Audrey Kaufman’s special birthday
Shirley Jaffe
In Honor of Audrey and Al Kaufman’s 65th anniversary
In Honor of Audrey Kaufman’s 85th birthday
Wendy and Howard Bach
The Barbara D. & Lee Bearmon Adult Education Fund
In Memory of Dr. Leonard Sadoff
Lee & Barbara Bearmon
The Daryle Silver Aleph School Fund
In Memory of Daryle Silver
Corey Benjamin & Jonna Silver Benjamin
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Sheldon Warren
Ilan and Cindy Sharon
In Memory of David Newman
Jeffrey & Eileen Silver
In Honor of Mara and Troy Beugen’s anniversary
Sally B. Levitan
The Florence & Sam Bright Aleph School Fund
In Memory of Jake Abramovitz
Jane Greenstein Schwarzman
Keeva and Elizabeth Vozoff
Lisa, Steve, Sam and Sydney Neuman
Myra Chazin
Rebecca and David Leffler
Rose and Jules Levin
Ruben & Helen (Toots) Vodovoz
The Jerry Bach N’Shama Minyan Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Barbara Bach
The Harry & Edith Ostrow General Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Beverly Siegle
Sheila Goldstein
The Frailich “Yad V’ Lev” Caring Community Fund
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Barry & Midge Frailich
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Bonnie and Gary Goldish and family
In Memory of Leon Bongard
Francee Altman
The Jacki & Bill Broze Israel Trips for Adults Fund
In Honor of Jacalyn Broze’s birthday
Barry & Midge Frailich
Lou Ann Bongard
Bonnie and Gary Goldish and family
In Memory of Leon Bongard
Ellen Kleinbaum
For Speedy Recovery of Maxine Molloy
In Honor of Libby Joffe’s 90th birthday
In Memory of David Newman
William & Jacalyn Fruen Broze
The Ione & Alan Stiegler and Phyllis & Sheldon Blicker Fund
In Honor of Ione and Alan Stiegler’s milestone anniversary
Cantor Audrey Abrams
In Honor of Ione and Alan Stiegler’s 60th anniversary
Howard (Buddy) & Phyllis Harris
Jeffrey and Cari Shaw
The Murray and Marlene Brandys Family Fund
In Memory of Ellis Winikoff
In Memory of Evelyn Broude
Harvey & Arlene Kase
The Herman & Mildred Jordani Special Needs Fund
In Memory of Billy May
David & Gail Jordani
The Landy Aleph School Enrichment Prog. Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Rita and Larry Covin
The Lawrence M. Spiegel Memorial Discretionary Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Richard & Judith Spiegel
The Mr. & Mrs. Sol Sadoff General Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Leonard Sadoff
Harold & Lorraine Klane
The Nathan Gottesman Torah Fund
In Memory of David Newman
David Sussman
In Memory of Mollie Zimmerman Konikoff
Harvey & Arlene Kase
The Nemerov-Lava General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Sandy and Morton Greenberg’s 50th anniversary
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Jean Karch
Dr. Neil & Diane Hoffman
In Memory of David Newman
Edith and Maurice Lava
The Oleisky-Blumberg Library Supplies and Maintenance
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
In Honor of Jessica Boyd and David Gutteriez’s marriage
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
In Memory of Sheldon Warren
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
The Philip & Bobby Bloom Camp Ramah Fund
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Robin, Mark, Jackie and Jordan Wolff
The Philip & Rose Snyder General Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Mark Rubin
Edward & Joyce Prohofsky
The Rabbi & Mrs. David Aronson Aleph School Fund
In Memory of Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Harvey & Barbara Sussman
The Sally & Sam Greenberg Herzl Camp Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Allan Soposnick’s special birthday
In Honor of Delane Levine’s special birthday
In Memory of David Newman
Harley & Ellen Greenberg
The Ralph Z. & Bess Yellen General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of David Fink’s special birthday
In Honor of Dr. Herb & Donna Freeman’s 45th wedding anniversary
In Memory of David Newman
Stuart & Dian Yellen
The Rita Melamed Accessibility Endowment Fund
For Speedy Recovery of Phillip Friedman
Richard & Lee Diamond
The Roberta Weber Congregational Nurse Fund
For Speedy Recovery of Debra Orenstein
In Honor of Bonnie and Gary Goldish’s 25th anniversary
In Memory of Mollie Zimmerman Konikoff
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Mazel Tov on Larry and Dana Pepper’s 25th anniversary
Gary & Barbara Krupp
For Speedy Recovery of Howard Kampf
Michael & Susan Blehert
In Memory of Arthur Wiss’s mother
In Memory of David Newman
In Memory of Irving Weber
In Memory of Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Philip & Chana Weber
The Roz & Sid Bearman Children’s Library Fund
Mazel Tov on Roz and Sid Bearman’s 60th anniversary
David & Gail Jordani
In Honor of Dr. Gary Goldish and Dr. Bonnie Bongard’s 25th wedding anniversary
In Honor of Roz and Sid Bearman’s 60th anniversary
Lee & Barbara Bearmon
In Honor of Roz and Sid Bearman’s 60th anniversary
Sanford and Faye Borken
In Honor of Sylvia Kamenow’s 85th birthday
Sid & Roz Bearman
The Sally and Isadore Kahn Administrative Fund
In Memory of Mark Rubin
Merna Goldetsky and Dave Gross
The Shirley R. Abelson Aleph School Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Beth and Richard Bachrach
In Memory of Shel Warren
Gary & Arlene Grossman
In honor of the the 20th anniversary of Alan & Nancy Goldfarb
In honor of the 10th anniversary of Bill & Sharon Torodor
In honor of the 15th anniversary of David & Lisa Marschinke
In honor of the 30th anniversary of David & Nancy Jo Fursetzer
In honor of the 60th anniversary of Irvin & Ruth Schloff
In honor of the 55th anniversary of Leonard & Fay Ribnick
In honor of the 5th anniversary of Matthew & Liz Rappaport
In honor of the 15th anniversary of Michael & Bari Resnick
In honor of the the 35th anniversary of Richard & Lois Liebo
In honor of the 40th anniversary of Ron & Nancy Kaplan
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Scot & Beth Puchtel
In honor of the 15th anniversary of Steven & Lisa Neuman
Rabbi Kassel & Joan Abelson
The Stanley & Joyce Segelbaum Gemilat Hesed Fund
In Memory of Bill May
Stanley & Joyce Segelbaum
The Tova Lynn Spiegel General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Les and Elaine Spiegel’s 50th anniversary
Estelle Weiss
In Honor of Elaine and Leslie Spiegel’s 50th wedding anniversary
Mrs Gertrude Alch
USY Ramah High School in Israel Fund
In Memory of Richard Goldblatt
Carol and Jack Saidel
b i 13
tributes zenexz Continued from page 13
Yahrzeit Contributions
Anna Drucker
Harold Drucker
Arnold Schwartz
Sylvia Schwartz
Bessie Gittelson
Morris Gittelson
Eugene Gittelson
Betty Rose Verson
Daryle Silver
Sally B. Levitan
Celia Heilicher
Isadore Swatez
Elissa (Lisa) Heilicher
Clara Sandler
Norman Sandler
Diana Pinkus
Aaron Pinkus
Emanuel Wolf
Libby Rothman
Ephraim Feinberg
Harry Feinberg
Mary Rosen
Esther Messenger
Louis Rovner
Anne Goldberg
Esther Paul
Lois Siegel
Esther Paul
Rose Schwartz
Clare Schwartz
Florence Brodsky
Ben Brodsky
Florence Kalman
Jack Kalman
Marc Kalman &
Dr. Gail Thoen Kalman
Fred Jacobs
Harry Jacobs
Gen Stein
Milton Kirschner
Alan & Gloria Stein
Harry Atkin
Barbara Friedman
Harry Reznick
Charlotte Berke
Hildegard Bearman
Miriam Zukerman
Holocaust family
Murray & Marlene Brandys
Howard Schlaifer
David Schlaifer and family
Howard Schlaifer
Dolores Schlaifer
Ida Rose Geller
Jack Fursetzer
Louis Geller
Leah Fursetzer
Idele Koritz
Harold Koritz
Jack Granat
Toby Berman
Jack Mogelson
Judy Radel
Jerome Bach
Barbara Bach
Jerome Joss
Rita Fisher
Joan and Mort Levy
Lewis and Lillian Garston
Martin & Kay Harris
Joel Clein
Nancy Fursetzer
John Henry Clark
Mary Burland
14 ji
In loving memory of:
Contributed by:
John Stoller
Harold & Susan Koritz
Libby Frank
Bruce Frank
Linda Greenberg
Michael & Gail Milchman
Louis Goldstein
Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein
Mandel Desnick
David Desnick
Marian Handelman
Rose Kivatinetz
Joseph & Shirley Novich
Mary Lebedoff
Lisa Peilen
Maryon Milsten
Howard Ansel
Meyer Tell
Samuel Nass
Dr. Brian Tell & Linda Nass-Tell
Mildred Percansky
Marilyn and Morton Percansky
Morris Herstein
Sam Kvasnik
Nate Streitman
Karl Streitman
Nathan Gottesman
Debra Gottesman
Nathan Rudoy
Florence Rudoy
Nehama Berkovich
Zhan Berkovich
Pearl Weinberg
Ann Rank
Rochel Silverstein
David Silverstein
Rose Kaplan
Harriet Kaplan
Rose Silver
Edward Silberman
Ruth Kronick
Sue Ellen Borken
Sam Greenberg
Myron Greenberg
Sam Greenberg
Philip Greenberg
Sam Greenberg
Harley Greenberg
Sam Jaffy
Tillie Jaffy
Samuel Bearmon
Barbara and Lee Bearmon
and family
Samuel Held
Joel & Lois Held
Samuel Rotenberg
Mark & Amy Rotenberg
Sandra Chisling
Jennifer Berman
Sara Abelman Press
Benton & Sara Press
Selma Cohen
Ruth Silverstein
Sonia Kaiser
Harold Kaiser
Susan Dorothy Stein
Maxine Robbins
Tillie Aldes
Joseph & Donna Brochin
The Seiler-Newman Bema Fund
In Memory of David Newman
Adam, Valerie, Lauren and Eden Brodsky
Alan & Gloria Stein
Allan & Roz Salita
Alli, Tony and Jonah Rubin
Arthur & Marion Oakes
Barb and Cliff Gerstenhaber
Barb, Roger and Tamara Rubin
Barney & Cerene Rosen
Barry & Carolyn Gerr
Beartice Davis
Bernard Sherman
Bernice Fiterman
Bonnie and Gary Goldish and family
Boris & Sara Zuk
David & Gail Jordani
David & Lisa Wolfe
Debra Gottesman
Deera Tychman
Dr. Burton & Sharon Schwartz
Dr. Felix & Muriel Zwiebel
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
Dr. Paul & Sybil Silverstein
Dr. Stephen & Bonnie Litton
Dr. Steve & Suzann Yussen
Dr. Stuart & Sue Ellen Borken
Ellen Kleinbaum
Elliot & Roberta (Bobby) Cohen
Esther Burke
Fred & Andrea Rose
Harold & Eileen Scherling
Harold & Lorraine Klane
Harry and Marilyn Chesnick
Harvey & Arlene Kase
Henry N. & Elaine Lehman Berg
Jerold & Pam Lehman
Jerry & Reva Bronstien
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
Christopher & Meryll Page
Judy and Jerel Shapiro
Kaye Goldberg
Lee & Barbara Bearmon
Leonard & Bonnie Zeff
Linda and David Estrin
Jennifer & Jeremy Zacks
Lois Siegel
Marlene and Sandy Goldberg
Marshall & Paula Lehman
Martin & Sue Ring
Melvin & Ronnie Burstein
Michael & Susan Blehert
Mildred Ingber
Nancy and Steve Schachtman
Nathan & Darlene Schwartz
Paul and Lynette Eastwold
Peter & Serene Simon
Raquel Swanson
Richard & Dobra Hunegs
Richard & Marilyn Chern
Sandi and Gerry Steiman
Sharon and Jerrold Frank
Stanley & Joyce Segelbaum
Stephan & Anne Devitt
Stephen & Fay Gold
Zelda and Annette Walder
Mazel Tov on Mr. and Mrs. Phil Weber’s marriage
Bruce & Marsha Campbell
In Honor of Noah Kupritz’s Bar Mitzvah
In Honor of the birth of Bobby & Elliot Cohen’s granddaughter Greta
In Honor of the birth of Judi & Aaron Nathenson’s new granddaughter
Cantor Neil & Saranee Newman
The Viola & Harry Heifetz Aleph School Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Lenny Sadoff
In Memory of Mark Rubin
Raoul & Ferna Heifetz
The Torodor-Levy Family General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Kaynan Appelbaum
In Honor of Noah Kupritz’s Bar Mitzvah
Bill & Sharon Torodor
In Memory of David Newman
Eleonor, Sharon and Bill Torodor
Melvin & Marlene Lebewitz
The Walter & Shanie Meyers Aleph School Fund
In Appreciation of Sheryl Sue Warren’s commitment to teaching
Torah to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Dan Weiss’s commitment to teaching Torah to
our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Dana Yugend Pepper’s commitment to teaching
Torah to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Danny Solom’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Jenny Hage’s commitment to teaching Torah to
our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Jerry Lehman’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Jesse Goldfarb’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Mike Blehert’s commitment to teaching Torah to
our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Nadav Karasov’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Pam Kermisch’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Rachel Klein’s commitment to teaching Torah to
our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Sara Rubin’s commitment to teaching Torah to
our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
In Appreciation of Steve Blehert’s commitment to teaching Torah
to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students
Cantor Audrey Abrams
USY Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Mollie Konikoff
Lon Rosenfield and Barbara Friedman
The Steven G. Rice Fund for physically & Mentally Challenged
Mazal Tov to Ed, Tess Mattea Ann & Simon on baby naming of
Lillah Rose Rice
Mazal Tov to Ron & Libby Rice on the birth of Elliott Samuel Rice
For thoughtfulness & appreciation to Howard & Carol Brandys
and sons
Healthy safe 48th birthday to Shlomo Gedaliah
Herman & Malka Race
The David and Ida Bach Education Fund
In memory of his David Newman
In memory of Babe Marvy
Pam and Ron Kaufman
Sam & Chick Held Seniors Fund
In memory of Phil Kelner
In memory of Manny Swatez
In honor of Rabbi Alexander Davis becoming Senior Rabbi
For speedy recovery of Kay Goldberg
In honor of Audrey Kaufman’s 85th birthday
In honor of Audrey & Al Kaufman’s 65th anniversary
In memory of David Newman
Chick Held
Jerome Teener Arts Fund
In honor f the 25th anniversary of Drs. Bonnie & Gary Goldish
In honor of the birth of new baby Shiloh Gordon
In honor of the thoughtfulness of Donna Leviton
In memory of Manny Swatez
In memory of David Newman
In memory fo Shirley Hamburger-Glasser
Sophie Teener and Family
xeaiva community
Day School Informational Coffee At
Goldberg-Davis Home On November 20
Welcome to Yitzi Katz—
New USY Shaliah
Rabbi Davis and Esther will host a coffee at their
home for parents interested in learning more about
the Amos and Celia Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish
Day School on Thursday, November 20, at 7:00
p.m. It is never too early or too late to learn
more about HMJDS’s full-day kindergarten –
grade 8 program. The school is open to students
mid-program, with little or no Hebrew language
We want to welcome to our community
our new USY Shaliach, Yitzi Katz, who is
here from Israel for the coming year.
Literacy Tutors—Help a child learn to read
in as little as one hour a week!
Volunteer opportunities available in Minneapolis,
St. Louis Park, and Saint Paul. Volunteer your
time and make a lasting impression in a child’s
life. For further information visit us online at
www.justicejustice.org or contact: Seth Skora at
612-338-7816, [email protected].
The Sabes JCC Jewish Institute for Lifelong
Learning presents Postville, IOWA: The
Book and the Reality
Join instructor Rabbi Alexander Davis in this
thought provoking class scheduled for November
5, 12, 19 and December 10. Delve into the city of
Postville, Iowa, home of one of the largest Kosher
Meat Packing Plants in America. The class will
read sections of the book by Stephen Bloom, learn
about how this story has unfolded, and what is
happening in Postville today. For more information, contact the Sabes JCC at 952-381-3400.
Temple of Aaron Sisterhood presents
Israeli Art Exhibition and Sale
Nov. 20-23 featuring a collection is from the
Safrai Gallery of Jerusalem. A unique collection
of more than 1,500 works of art by more than 100
Israeli artists will be on exhibit and for sale at
Temple of Aaron, 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd.,
St. Paul, Nov. 20-23. The event is open to the public during regular synagogue hours. presented by
The Temple of Aaron Sisterhood. For more information, please call 651-688-3030.
The USY Shaliah position is quite new to
our United Synagogue region, and as you
may know, started several years ago. We
encourage you to reach out to Yitzi, and to help make him feel
welcome in our community. Here is a short message from Yitzi:
My name is Yitzi Katz. I am 22, and I was born not far from
here, in Chicago. Around 15 years ago, my parents made
aliya with me and my siblings to Jerusalem, Israel.
After finishing my High School studies in Jerusalem, I
enrolled in a joint Jewish Studies, army service program
called "Hesder.” I served as a combat soldier in The Givati
Brigade. After completing my army service, I began teaching Jewish Studies in several secular high schools in
Jerusalem. In addition, I began my university studies in philosophy, which are now on hold for the year during my time
in your community. I have been a practicing and performing
pianist for many years, a passion which I intend on using in
forming an Israeli music club with your children this coming
My job as the Shaliah to the EMTZA and SWUSY regions
of USY. I will be working to create a strong connection with
Israel and Israeli issues in these Regional USY chapters for
the coming year.
This past summer I was a madrih on USY Pilgrimage group
in Israel, where I became familiar with USY. From there it
was a short step to Minneapolis. Although I did not grow up
in the USY movement, after working this past summer with
visiting USY youth in Israel, I knew USY was for me!
I know this year is challenging, considering the economic
situation and other events. That said, I still see nothing more
important these days then having a strong connection with
I will be living in St. Louis Park, so I hope to be active in
your community as much as possible. Please feel free to
reach me at if I can be of help.
I am looking forward to meeting you all, and I hope that
together we can strengthen an already deep partnership
between this community and Israel.
Shana Tova, Yitzi Katz - Mid-Continent Region USCJ
Shaliach (952-920-7068, [email protected])
SPAM is not Kosher ...
... It’s not KESHER either!
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What will you get?
• Weekly up-to-date synagogue news
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• and... It’s a great way to feel “green!”
What will you NOT get?
• anymore bad jokes!
So go to www.bethelsynagogue.org and click
on the green Kesher button to get
connected right away!
OR call 952-920-3512 and leave your name and email
address with the front desk.
Try it out!
It’s easy! It’s about time!
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Simply log on to bethelsynagogue.org
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Editorial director J.J.
Goldberg has been
with the Forward
since 2000.
Goldberg is the
author of “Jewish
Power: Inside the
American Jewish Establishment,” published in 1996 by Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co. of Reading, Mass.,
which was named by The Philadelphia
Inquirer as one of the “100 Most
Important Books of 1996” and was
described by The New York Times as a
book that “can teach even the initiated a
thing or two about American Jewish life
in the postwar period.” His previous
books include “Builders and Dreamers”
(Cornwall Books, 1993) and “The
Jewish Americans” (BantamDoubleday-Dell, 1992). His articles
have appeared frequently in The New
York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The
New Republic, the Ottawa Citizen and
numerous other journals. He appears
regularly as a guest on National Public
Radio and other broadcast media.
Before entering journalism, Goldberg
lived and worked in Israel through much
of the 1970s. He served as an education
specialist at the World Zionist
Organization and was a founding member of Kibbutz Gezer, near Tel Aviv,
serving a term as the kibbutz secretarygeneral.
Goldberg lives in New York City with
Shifra Bronznick, an organizational consultant, and their two children, Emma
and Coby.
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Additional Daytime Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
November 5, 6 & 7
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The whole family is invited!
See what’s new at Aleph School!
Dates to Save
Alexander Davis
Assistant Rabbi
Avi S. Olitzky
Rabbi Emeritus
Kassel E. Abelson
Audrey Abrams
Cantor Emeritus
Neil Newman
Women’s League Torah Fund Dinner
Dec. 9
Aleph School Shabbat Dinner
Dec. 12
Dec. 22-29
(1st candle Dec. 21)
Executive Director
Linda Goldberg
Finance Director
Jerry Frick
Education Director
Mary Baumgarten
Marketing & Communications Director
Danelle Cunningham
Shabbat Shira
USY Play
Feb. 19-22
Technology Director
Jessica Zehavi
Aleph School Director
Gail Jordani
Youth Director
Skylar Werde
President, Beth El Synagogue
Gary Krupp
President, United Synagogue Youth
Josh Lieberthal
President, Men's Club
Steve Perlman
5224 W. 26th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
U.S. Postage
Permit #1998
President, Women's League
Marlene Bukstein
President, Bethelders
Freada Golden