Wake Up Narcolepsy 2012 Annual Report


Wake Up Narcolepsy 2012 Annual Report
“People with narcolepsy have
been living in the shadows. It’s time to step into the light!” — Kevin J. Cosgrove, Co-founder
Annual Report
Wake Up Narcolepsy, Inc.
PO Box 60293
Worcester, MA 01606
About Wake Up Narcolepsy
“People with narcolepsy have been living in the shadows. It’s time to step into the light.” – Kevin J. Cosgrove, Co-founder
Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to increase narcolepsy awareness and support medical research. WUN
carries out its mission by:
• Increasing public awareness of narcolepsy.
• Providing funding for medical research to speed diagnosis and treatment, and a
cure for narcolepsy.
• Decreasing time-lapse from symptom onset to proper diagnosis.
• Providing supportive resources for people with narcolepsy and their loved
Our History
Upon recognizing the great need to raise awareness and research funds for narcolepsy, Kevin Cosgrove teamed up with Monica and David Gow to establish Wake
Up Narcolepsy, Inc., in 2008.
Wake Up Narcolepsy has quickly become a national leader for enhancing narcolepsy awareness. We are dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention,
treatments, and a cure for narcolepsy. WUN hosts awareness events across the U.S.
and beyond and makes substantial contributions to underwrite pioneering narcolepsy research.
Message from Monica Gow, Executive Director & Co-founder
The Year in Review
Funded Research Update
Three-year Financial Overview
With Gratitude
WUN Leadership Team
Message from Monica Gow
Executive Director & Co-founder
Dear Friends,
The past year has been a remarkable one in our shared journey to create greater understanding of narcolepsy, raise public awareness, and support medical research to
find improved treatments and a cure. Partnering with people living with narcolepsy
and their families continues to be the cornerstone of our efforts to improve their
quality of life and, one day, help bring about a medical breakthrough.
The events and other outreach we sponsor throughout the year are designed to do
precisely that. Through the support of a growing corps of participants, donors and
volunteers, more than ever the outcomes of our initiatives are helping people everywhere suffering from this debilitating, lifelong sleep disorder.
Overall, WUN’s fundraising enabled us to donate $65,000 to narcolepsy research
at leading medical institutions in the United States and Canada.
We’re proud to provide a summary of our 2012 initiatives in this Annual Report.
And our website – www.wakeupnarcolepsy.org – offers much more.
We still have a great deal of work ahead of us. Through the passionate commitment
of our many friends and our medical partners across North America and Canada,
we will work diligently to sustain the confidence entrusted in us.
Thank you so much!
The Year in Review
In the United States alone, more than
200,000 people are living with narcolepsy. Worldwide, the number is some
three million. Though the disorder
doesn’t generate the public visibility of
diseases such as cancer and diabetes,
narcolepsy undermines the quality of
its sufferers’ lives very seriously and for
their entire lives. It is as common as
type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis,
and it often first appears during adolescence or young adulthood.
But because many parents and teachers, and even some physicians, fail to
understand and properly recognize
narcolepsy, diagnosis takes an average
of six years.
Our top priority remains raising narcolepsy awareness, so the time between
onset and diagnosis can be shortened
dramatically. WUN also works to fund
research at leading medical institutions. The goal is to accelerate development of narcolepsy therapies and,
one day, a cure.
To these ends, 2012 was a busy and
exhilarating year for Wake Up Narcolepsy. Beginning in March, during
National Sleep Awareness Week, our
good friend Julie Flygare organized
and with WUN co-hosted SleepWalk
2012 on the National Mall in Washington, DC. In all, more than 100
supporters gathered for a brisk walk
on the Mall to bring greater attention
to narcolepsy.
In April, for the third consecutive year,
five runners raced for a cure for narcolepsy by finishing the Boston Marathon
in grueling 90-degree weather. Our
WUNners team included WUN Board
member Tabitha Crawford, of Nashville;
Kim and Ken MacAskill, of Ontario,
Canada; John Leahy, of Sandwich, MA;
and Monica Gow, of Worcester, MA.
Nancy Chamberlin, PhD, a sleep
researcher at Harvard University’s Beth
Israel Hospital, had planned to run.
But along with many other runners,
Nancy deferred her entry to 2013, an
option wisely offered by the Boston
Athletic Association due to the extreme
The WUNners raised a robust $43,000
in 2012, and they have raised more
than $100,000 in the three years they
have run Boston. We anticipate continued momentum in the 2013 Marathon
and beyond.
Later in the summer, August 23 dawned
picture-perfect here in central Massachusetts – ideal for a day of golf. For
the 96 players signed up for our fourth
annual golf outing at beautiful Wachusett Country Club in West Boylston, this
midweek day on the links, dinner, and
auction to benefit narcolepsy scored
a resounding ace. Rick Middleton, the
affable Boston Bruins legend, spent the
day on the course with us, adding a
hint of celebrity to the occasion.
Capping the year’s major events, our
second annual Wake Up Nashville
and Dream Big! songwriter showcase
brought together Nashville’s finest
talent of today and tomorrow, along
with country music legends — all
to further narcolepsy awareness and
research. This star-studded evening of
entertainment captivated the appreciative audience of more than 250 WUN
Research for Faster Diagnosis
and Improved Treatment All told, in 2012 Wake Up Narcolepsy
donated $65,000 in support of worldleading medical research on narcolepsy. Recipients of these funds include
scientists and physicians at Stanford
University, Harvard University, and the
Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto.
In September, following our Wake Up
Nashville! celebration, WUN co-hosted
a patient awareness day at Nashville’s
St. Thomas Hospital. More than 100
people living with narcolepsy and their
loved ones gathered to hear research
reports from Dr. Emmanuel Mignot,
Director of the Center for Sleep Sciences and the Center for Narcolepsy at
Stanford University’s School of Medicine; and Dr. Kelly Carden, of the St.
Thomas Center for Sleep.
The September patient day mirrored
a gathering in Boston in June, in
conjunction with the annual conference of Associated Professional Sleep
Societies (APSS). During each session,
participants were encouraged to donate
a blood sample, a vital element of research to better understand narcolepsy.
We are proud and gratified to be associated with Drs. Mignot and Carden
and indeed all our medical partners.
We’re Growing! WUN took a major step in 2012 with
creation of Wake Up Narcolepsy Canada. As a federally incorporated nonprofit charitable corporation, donations
to WUN by Canadian citizens are now
tax-deductible under Canadian law.
The WUN Canada team consists of a
Board of Directors chaired by Gordon
Gow, and narcolepsy research investigators at Sick Kids Hospital of Toronto,
Sunnybrook Hospital, and the University of Toronto. Looking forward, WUN
Canada will reach out to enhance narcolepsy awareness across the country
and raise much needed research funds.
We are grateful for everyone’s support
in this historic expansion of Wake Up
Now in our fourth year of service,
WUN has grown into an organization
warranting professional management of
our expanding public presence. To accommodate and broaden this momentum, WUN hired its first paid employee
in 2012. Ken McDonnell, of Holden,
MA, joined WUN as Communications
Director. Ken spearheads our outreach
efforts and plays a leading role in
WUN fundraising.
These exciting developments would
not be possible without the selfless
dedication and generosity of our volunteers, donors, and friends, as well
as the commitment of researchers,
scientists, and other medical professionals. Because of the extraordinary
team who believe in our mission, Wake
Up Narcolepsy continues to seize
every opportunity and take every step
possible to improve the lives of people
everywhere living with narcolepsy.
Funded Research Update
In 2012, WUN donated a total of $65,000 to support narcolepsy research at three
distinguished medical institutions.
Research in the Laboratory of Dr. Emmanuel
Mignot, MD, PhD, Stanford University School of
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences;
Director of the Center for Sleep Sciences and the Center
for Narcolepsy
WUN has helped fund ongoing narcolepsy research at
Stanford for four consecutive years. This support has contributed to projects with three main goals:
• To conduct a genetic study on narcolepsy called the immunochip.
• To search for autoimmune markers that would enable diagnosis of narcolepsy
via a blood test and eventually prevention of narcolepsy in children.
• To initiate a search for hypocretin agonists to treat cases with established narcolepsy/hypocretin deficiency (cases with onset many years prior).
The immunochip study was entirely funded by donations. Results were published
in Plos Genetics (2011 Impact Factor 8.7). In this study, two novel genes predisposing to narcolepsy (TNFSF4 and CTSH) were identified, indicating that narcolepsy is
primarily a disease of antigen presentation. This finding has implications for prevention, detection, and treatment of children close to onset.
Research in the two other areas is ongoing and in need of additional funding. In
the search for autoimmune markers for narcolepsy, Dr. Mignot’s team excluded
a primary involvement of autoantibodies and is now focusing on T cells. Preliminary results of this work are encouraging, indicating that a T cell subpopulation is
specific for narcolepsy. This may explain why narcolepsy has been triggered by the
H1N1 flu.
In their search for hypocretin replacement therapi es, the Stanford group screened
30,000 chemical entities and found possible drugs that may activate or modulate
allosterically the hypocretin receptor. This unfunded project is at a very early stage.
Research in the Laboratory of Dr. Thomas E.
Scammell, MD, Harvard University Medical School
Professor of Neurology; Physician, Associate Professor,
Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Chronic sleepiness is often the most disabling symptom
for patients with narcolepsy, but current therapies rarely
normalize alertness, and they do not address the underlying hypocretin deficiency. To begin developing a better
approach, the researchers used gene therapy to restore
hypocretin signaling in the brains of mice with narcolepsy.
Gene therapy uses DNA to treat a disease. Dr. Scammel and his associates packaged the DNA coding for hypocretins into an adeno-associated viral vector (AAV: a
virus shell with the virus genes removed). By injecting this AAV-hypocretin into the
brains of mice with narcolepsy, the team was able to restore production of hypocretins in thousands of brain cells.
The Harvard researchers found that hypocretin gene therapy substantially improved
the sleepiness of narcoleptic mice. Rescued mice stayed awake as long as normal
mice and had a normal daily pattern of behavior, with the longest periods of wakefulness and the highest amounts of activity in the first hours of the night (when they
are normally active).
The experiments did not produce much improvement in cataplexy, but similar
injections into other parts of the brain have accomplished this previously. These
results suggest that after much more work to establish its safety and efficacy, AAVhypocretin may become a potent therapeutic option for many patients with narcolepsy.
Donors giving
blood samples at
a WUN awareness event. This
is a vital element
of medical research to develop
improved narcolepsy treatments
and a cure.
Research Directed by Dr. Indra Narang, BMEDSCI,
MBBCH, MD, FRCPCH, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON
Director of Sleep Medicine; Assistant Professor of
Pediatrics, University of Toronto
WUN support of Dr. Narang’s research began at the end of
2012. This work, scheduled to begin in 2013, will:
• Assess quality-of-life issues facing children with narcolepsy and their families.
• Establish a registry of children living with narcolepsy
throughout Canada.
In other sleep-related research, Dr. Narang focuses on the cardiovascular consequences of childhood sleep disorders. Specifically, she is examining whether treatment of obesity-related sleep apnea is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular
This work is important because early diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea may
improve long-term cardiac health as children enter adulthood. Further research
interests include evaluation of the impact of opioid treatment in the control of
breathing and predisposition to sleep apnea.
WUN’s Gordon Gow (R) presents
a research funding check to (R-L)
Dr. Indra Narang; Allison Zweerink, Lead Nurse Practitioner, Sleep
Disorder Clinic; and Ryan Baillie,
Director of Events, all of Sick Kids
Stanford’s Dr.
Emmanuel Mignot
delivers a narcolepsy
research update
to attentive
Nashville families in
September 2012.
Wake Up Narcolepsy
Three-year Financial Overview
General Grants
$151,000 Boston Marathon
Golf Outing $29,113 $33,659
Nashville Event $65,020 (1)
$34,205 (2)
Swinging for Sleep
Other Events and Campaigns
$4,297 $176 Total Revenue $328,396
Total Expenses
Excess Revenues Over Expenses $160,475
Stanford University
Harvard University
$25,000 $5,000
SickKids Foundation Toronto
Total Research Donations
(1) Includes event-specific grant of $52,300.
(2) Includes event-specific grant of $25,000.
Revenue and Expense
Three-year Comparison
Boston Marathon
Golf Outing
Nashville Event
Swinging for Sleep
With Gratitude
Wake Up Narcolepsy extends deepest thanks to the individuals, businesses, and
organizations that supported our mission through financial and in-kind donations
in 2012. Large or small, every gift directly benefits our work to help the millions
worldwide living with narcolepsy.
Please know we’ve worked hard to ensure the accuracy of this list, so if your name
has been omitted or misspelled, we apologize. Feel free to contact us at
[email protected] or 978-751-DOZE (3963) to let us know.
15-40 Connection by
Cogmedix and Columbia
Tech, Coghlin Companies
AAA of Southern New
Mary Ellen Adams
Aerial BioPharma
Andrew Aicklen
Beverly & Don Akerson
Caidence Akridge
John Albani
Lloyd Albert
Family Albertson
Mark Allen
Marlene Alt
Carey & Gordon
Chris Andrews
Nikki Anterni, Lia Sophia
Jewelry Patrick Appleby
Hagop & Hrair
Kelly Artrip
Lauren Ashley
Ann Austin
Baba Sushi
Jason Bair
Bancroft School of
Massage Therapy
Judi & Brian Barnes
Barnes & Noble
Rachelle Barton
Jon Bartow
Judy Bath
Angela Bauer
Frederick & Isa Bayon
Carrie Belden
Grace Bell
Heather Bertics
Eileen Biggs
Bikram Yoga
Paul Black
BlackRock Matching Gift
Carl Bleecker
Bose Corporation
Quinn Boss
Boston Red Sox
Dana Bowers
Stephen Bradley
Tom & Jennifer Brady
Chris Brandt
Thomas Braun
Janet Brenchley-Krug
Brite Computers
Doug Brown
Debbie Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Stephen Brunelle
Jim Buckley
Kyle Burrell
Will Byrd
Joseph Catalfamo
Scott Campbell
Elinor Caplan
Dr. Kelly Carden
Don & Jacqui Carroll
Jennifer Carter
Kristen Cassidy
Cassandra Catalanotto
Kathy Catania
Wayne Cazeault
Central Mass Physical
Nancy Chang Restaurant
Jeff Chasen
Checkpoint Software
Lawrence Chen
Greg Chiasson
Ommer Chohan
Carolyn Choong
Laura Clark-Roumpz
Clearbrook Organization
Emily Clerkin
Carole Coale
George Cobleigh
Jeff Cohen
Kristen Cole
Mark Connolly
Constantino Richards
Rizzo LLP
Michael Cooke
Jo Anne Corns
Corvias Group
Heather Cosgrove
Kevin J. Cosgrove
William Cosgrove
John & Diane Cosgrove
Sharon Cotnam
Matt Cottrell
Gwendolyn Coutu
Michael & Deb Covino,
Niche Hospitality Group
Tabitha & Mason Crawford
Bill & Nancy Crimmin
Susan Cronin
Barbara Cummings
Jay Curran
Ian Curry
Peter Curtis
Susan Cyr
Troy D
Brittany Daley
Jim & Julie Dalton
Glenn & Anne Daly
Sue Dambrauskas
John Daniels
Brian Davis
John Dawson
Rhonda DeStefano
LaLa Deaton
Anne Delmastro
Desktone Inc
Amanda Devereux
Michael DiLecce
Jennifer Divincenzo
Michael Doherty
Kim Doherty
Anne Marie Donohue
Chris Doyle
Elaine Doyle
Maggie Dumas
Henry Duncan
Kevin Durkan
Brian Durkin
William Durkin
Cheryl Dynan
Kathy Eagan
Committee to Elect
Joseph D. Early, Jr.
Manorie Edirisinghe
Amy Edwards
Mali Einen
Fran Eisennagel
Patty Elliott
Patricia Erickson
Rick Escher
Stephen Esteves
Scott Evoy
Catherine Fafrowicz
Joanne Fast
Robert & Margaret
Jeffrey Feldgoise
Barbara Ferrell
Brooke Ferrell
Alex Ferris
Marie Firtik
Pamela Fritzsche
Lloyd Fisher
Brandon Flippen
Chris Flygare
Julie Flygare
Katherine Flygare
Michael Flynn
Mary Foley
Debra Ford
The Foundation to Be
Named Later
Derek Fournier
Paul Fournier
Krista L. Franklin
Stewart Fraser
Ernie & Miri Freedman
Theodore Freedman
Steve & Noelle Freeman
Michael & Tricia Fuller
Denise Fussell
Ashley Fussell
Julie Gafney
Dodd Galbreath
The Galeaz Family
Kevin Gallagher
George & Carol
Bill Gibbons, Holy Cross
Dave Gibson & Daisy
Lynn M Gibson
The Gifford Family
Foundation of the Bank
of America Charitable
Gift Fund
Barbara Gignac
Melissa Ginville
Mark Wayne Glasmire
James Glover
Denis Godcharles
Philippe Godin
Peter Gori
David & Monica Gow
Gordon & Charlotte
Leona Gow
Kim & David Grady
John Gray
Jill & David Greblick,
The Greenways
Kathleen Greger
Joseph Gregory
Sara Gridley
Peter Grubb
Kevin & Mary Beth
Carol Gustavson
GV Graphics
Cynthia H
Zofia Hall
Bryan Hallas
Wendy Hamilton
Patricia Hand
The Hanover Theatre
Ty Harrison
Katie Harrison
Michael Hart
Robert Hatch
Nicole Hattabaugh
Brian Hawley
Brandon Haynes
Dr. & Mrs. Brevard
Brian Head
Jennifer Healy
Robert & Beth Healey
Carey Ellen Heberton
Mark Helbock
Amy Herlihy
Sean Higgins
Artie Higgins
Ronald Hill
Jeff & Ruth Hodgins
Dennis & Paggy Hogan
Jeanne Holland
Marcy Hollander
Kevin Holmes
Eveline & Jonathan Honig
Marilyn & Bernard
Jennifer Howes
Clint Hudler
Bobby Hull
Scott Hume
Margie Hunt
Robert Hunter
Edna Ibbotson
Terry & Susan Iles
Kristen Jackson
Lane Jackson
Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Nicole Jeray
Alex Johnson
Hal Johnson
Renee Johnson
The Robert Wood Johnson
“Tracy Orleans”
Troy Johnson
William Jones, Jr.
Cathleen Jordan
Doug Jure
Chris Kagay
Fred Kania
The Kantolas
Jody Keepers
Megan Kelly
Evelyn Kephart
James Kett
John Kim
Celeste Kimball
Paul Kiritsy
Anne Kiritsy
Patricia Kirkconnell
Kristin Knoll
Daniel Kochevar
Kelly Koenig
Gary Koster
Lindsay Kotick
Brian Kulas
Sze-Ping Kuo
Justin Kwong
Jeff La Morre
Paul Lagace
Kerry Larney
Dan & Suzanne Langevin
James LaRue
Patricia Lassart
Paul Laurence
Margaret Laurence
Ann Lauring
Debra LaValley
Diana Lawrence
Mary Leach
Michael Leach
Freea Leahy
John Leahy
Frances Leahy & Family
Jennifer Lemieux
Claude Levesque
Ben Lewis
Claire Lewis
Glenda Lewis
Scott Lickteig
Elizabeth Lightbown
Marty Lile
John III & Melanie Lomax
Nicholas Long
Richard Lucy
Christine Lunn
Patricia Lynch
Kristen Maalouf
Kenneth & Kim MacAskill
Wallace MacAskill
Jeanne and Patrick
Lin Macfarlane
Robert Mack
David MacKinnon
Chris MacLean
Gail MacNeil
Terry MacTaggart
Stephen Madaus
Sam Magdovitz
Paul Mahassel, Tri-Star
Bonnie Mailander
William & Nancy Mallio
Beth Malow
Alison Mann
Steve Markos
Nick Marrone, Wachusett
Country Club
Todd Marrone
Bob Marrs
Julie Marsland
Robert Martin
Bruno Maruzzo
Michael Marzo
Ron & Dee Matheson
Krista Matthews
Imtiaz Mawji
Abdul Mawji
Melissa Maxim
Joan McCalla
Tammy McCallum
Annie McCue
Tom McDavitt
Connor McDavitt
Tammy McDevitt
Amy McDonald
Ken & Deborah
Catie McDowell
Heather McGrath
Peter McKay
Brenda McKenna
Jay McKinnon
John & Mary McKinnon
Denise McLaughlin
Victoria McTaggart
Grant and Margot
Becky Meagher
Tracy Medina
Ann Mercier
Dave Merenda
Paul Metcalf
Roy Meyer
Mark Michel
Austen Michel
Rick Middleton
Perry & Katy Miears
Dr. Emmanuel Mignot
David & Bridget Miles
Todd & Laurin Mills
David Miller
The Mills Family
Marius Milosav
J Mitchell
Michael Modrak
Tracy & Mark Moffatt
Patricia Molineaux
Emo Monterastelli
Tara Moore
Patricia Moore
Tonja Morgan
Carol Morin
Carolyn Morin
Mary Morrisard-Larkin
Denise & Eric Morrison
Kennedy Moser
Susan Moser
Pamela Moynagh
Jo Mueller
Bob & Kathy Mulhall
Scott Munro
Christine Murphy
Jennifer Murphy
Stacey Murphy
Raymond Murphy
Music House Media
Dr. Indra Narang
Hasan Naqvi
Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough LLP
Network For Good
David Norris
Colleen Nouhan
Jennifer Null
Kimber Null
Tanner Null
Richard O’Brien
Jill O’Brien
Kevin O’Connell
Louise O’Connell
Committee to Elect
James O’Day
Shiro Onedera
Lianna Orlando
Tracy and Jeffrey Orleans
Robert Osmon
Aliana Ownbey
Joe Pagano Media
Paul Pagliaca
Ralph Palumbo
Audrey Patterson
Mark Patterson, MD, PhD
Stephen Payne
Carlos Paz-Soldan
Betty Pease
David Perkins
Dave Perley
Danna Peterson
Michael Phillips
Piper Jaffray, Matching Gift
Emma Pierce
Timothy Pitney
Marianne Ploger
Jon & Jen Potokin
Jean Prebble
Emilee Pressman
Daniel Prewitt
Kristi Preyer
Elizabeth Plourde
Joyce Prouty
Pub 99
Marc Puglia
William Purdy
Questor Pharmaceuticals
Chris Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Quinn
Elizabeth Quinn
Rebecca Rabin
Henry Ramos
Matt Rancourt
Russell & Kathleen
Caitlin Rantala
Donna Rapp
Mike Ratte
Jean Regan
Shaun & Cara Real
Recognia Inc.
Haley Redmond
Mark & Deanna
Barbara Redmond
Matthew Remie
Peter Reynolds
Diane Ricciardi
Jim Ricciuti
Blake Riley
Heather Risi
John Rizzo
Deanna Roberson
Michael Roberts
Tim Robey
Jane Rooney
Joann Rose
Lori Rosenberg
Jackie and Lillian
Robbie Roten
Helen Rowe
Karen Roy
Judy Roy
Guy Russo
TJ & Bonnie Ryan
Anne Sado
Heather Salisbury
John Santosuosso
Adrien Saporiti
Bob Saporiti
Dr. Kenneth Sassower
Dr. Stephen Sauls
Nicki Sauls
Kathi Sawka
Dr. Thomas Scammell
Gene Schepici
Gail Scherer
Lawrence Schuman
Joe Schwartz Little League
Edwanna Scott
Katy Scruton
Matt Scullion
Stephanie Seferian
Maria Seville
Thomas Shapiro
Joan Shay
Dan Shimkus
Kevin Shone
John Shortt
Showcase Live, Patriots Place
Anne Siarnacki
Susan Siegel
Gerald Silver
Jeff Silvey
Holly Silvey
Jaime Slocum
Carl Smith
Erik Smith
Joshua Smith
Julie Smith
N Arthur Smith
Paula Smith
Sharon D Smith
Steven Smith
Chris Sodermark
Brian Sollinger
Eric Solomon
Brian Spellane
Beth Spillane
Anne Standish
Carey Stanton
Dan & Debbie Steigman
Jessica Stewart
Amy Stillman
Jill Stivers
Mary Strawn
Jeffrey Stough
St. Thomas Health
Sleep Center
Joan Stuart
John Stuve
Lawrence Sullivan
Stephanie Kraml Suttle
Judi Tetro
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Vickie & Bob Thebeau
Cat & Jonathan Thoma
Cindy Thorp
Beverly Tibbits
Kelly Tillotson
Lynette Townes
Stephen Tozeski
Trader Joe’s
Kathleen Trainor
Carolyn Tremblay
Susan Turner
Allison Turner
Melanie Twyne
Pam Tyska
Unum Group, Matching Gift
Raghu Upender
Helen Van Gelder
Stewart Verge
Vintage Grille
Viva Bene Restaurant
Chris Votta
Betsy Voyles
Elizabeth Wadman
Amy Walsh
Don Wang
Mee Warren
Jimmy Wayne
Rose Weathers
Robin Webster
Jackie Wedelich
Michael Weider
Michael Weiss
Douglas Weir
Lauren Wilde
Jack Williams
Boyd & Joanne Williams
Geoff Williamson
Wilson Family
Nick Wing
Bobby Wood
Stacy & Jack Woods
Steve Woods
Yankee Candle
Chris Zack
Debbie Zavitson
Joe Zenobio
YunYi Zhang
WUN Leadership Team
Board of Directors
Kevin J. Cosgrove, President & Co-founder, Medical Sales Representative for
Aurora Laboratories, Boston, MA David Gow, Vice President & Co-founder, Partner in Ernst & Young’s New
England Private Capital Group, Boston, MA
Tabitha A. Crawford, CEM, Senior Vice President of Sustainability &
Innovation, Balfour Beatty Investments, Nashville, TN
Sean R. Higgins, Clerk, Attorney at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough,
LLP, Boston, MA Medical Advisory Board
Kelly A. Carden, MD
Board-certified Sleep Medicine Expert with Sleep Medicine of Middle Tennessee and Saint Thomas Physician Services, Nashville, TN
Gordon Gow, Business Consultant, President and CEO, Gordon W. Gow
and Associates Incorporated, Toronto, ON
Emmanuel Mignot, MD, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Director of the Center for
Sleep Sciences and the Center for Narcolepsy at the Stanford University
School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
Dr. Indra Narang, BMEDSCI, MBBCH, MD, FRCPCH, Director of Sleep
Medicine at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON; Assistant Professor
of Pediatrics, University of Toronto
Thomas E. Scammell, MD
Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Physician, Associate
Professor, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Cambridge, MA
WUN Staff
Monica Gow, Executive Director & Co-founder, Worcester, MA
Kenneth McDonnell, Communications Director, Holden, MA
Jeffrey Stough, Business Consultant, Nashville, TN
PO Box 60293
Worcester, MA 01606
978-751-DOZE (3693)
[email protected]