ntx5310 strip-till system
ntx5310 strip-till system
NTX5310 STRIP-TILL SYSTEM THE CASE IH NTX5310 STRIP-TILL SYSTEM STRIP-TILL MAKES SENSE The proven performance of DMI Strip-till is now a proud addition to the Case IH product line. The Case IH NTX5310 Strip-till System has a unique design that tackles your agronomic objectives while keeping soil conservation in mind. The final result is a better return on your investment. Strip-till combines the best parts of conventional tillage within the field conditions of No-till. Many growers find it difficult to achieve desirable results with No-till corn but are motivated by the idea of lessening the environmental impact of tillage. Strip-till is the solution. Strip-till allows farmers to take advantage of early planting dates and 2 higher yields while experiencing the residue control and water-use efficiency of traditional No-till. Strip-till uses residue to help reduce erosion and retain moisture between the rows, positively influencing plant growth and yield. It provides a uniform seed bed and better seed-to-soil contact for more consistent emergence. Strip-till also allows for faster dry-down and warm-up for earlier planting. The NTX5310 manages your crop residue, improves soil tilth, bands plant food in the root zone and enhances your seed bed conditions, all while meeting the requirements of conservation tillage. The Case IH NTX5310 accomplishes all of the agronomic requirements that are critical for Strip-till success! NO-TILL FARMERS CAN HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS The first time No-till farmers encounter cold and wet soil conditions at planting time can be enough to make them give up on No-till altogether. Seeing their plants experience slower germination and sluggish growth can cause a quick switch back to more conventional tillage. But, there is a solution. The NTX5310 Strip-till System helps solve the problem of cold, wet springs. And it still provides the erosion control and water-use efficiency of traditional No-till. IMPROVES SOIL TILTH Both air and water need to be in the soil for germination to take place and root growth to occur. When the NTX5310 breaks up compacted soil, this allows air and water to move freely through the soil, and root growth and yields are increased. The NTX5310 provides the surface residue cover of No-till with the benefits of tillage in the row. MANAGES CROP RESIDUE Strip-till protects soil tilth by absorbing the compaction force of rain, which reduces erosion. The Case IH NTX5310 uses residue to help retain moisture between the rows. It also helps improve the soil environment, positively influencing plant growth and yield in both wet and dry soil conditions. ENHANCES SEED BED CONDITIONS Strip-till encourages plants to start growing fast. And when plants start growing fast, they are able to maximize their profit potential during stressful weather conditions. The NTX5310 optimizes seed bed conditions, allowing air to infiltrate for quick soil warm-up, optimal seed-to-soil contact, fast and uniform germination and early plant growth. Shown with NH3 plumbing and control systems available at your Case IH Application Equipment Distributor. 3 AN ALTERNATIVE TO PURE NO-TILL THAT PAYS DIVIDENDS REAP THE BENEFITS OF THE ULTIMATE STRIP-TILL SYSTEM RESPONSIBLE RESIDUE MANAGEMENT The NTX5310 Strip-till System is the ultimate choice for strip-tillage and precision fertilizer placement while keeping your agronomic and economic objectives the top priority. The NTX5310 uses the large coulters for operation in extra-heavy residue, eliminating plugging and bunching. These, 24 in. diameter coulters cut the residue, smooth residue flow and prevent residue from mixing into the seed bed. FIRST-CLASS FERTILIZER PLACEMENT The Strip-till knife places dry, liquid and/or NH3 fertilizer in the root zone. The shank and knife design ensures a more uniform tillage depth and consistent nutrient placement, ensuring that fertilizer will be available to your plants throughout the growing season. CONTROLLING COMPACTION, CREATING GOOD SOIL TILTH Soil tilth determines the level of root and plant growth the soil will support. Correcting soil compaction is the first step toward getting better root growth and yield out of your plants. The exclusive, High Clearance Shank (HCS)™ provides a holding force of 1,150 pounds, strong enough to hold in the most difficult soil conditions and keep the fertilizer band at the proper depth. AVOID THE TRENCHES The optional berm condition’r basket sizes clods while reducing holes in the berm for better seed-to-soil contact and improved germination and emergence. SHAPE UP YOUR SEED BED The berm build’r™ attachment has blades properly positioned to retain soil off the knife and provide the optimum berm height and shape. And with the pivot at the toolbar mount instead of the shank, the berm build’r stays in position even when the shank trips. The large, 18 in. diameter blades provide ideal down force to minimize the mixing of residue into the berm or grooves along the side of the berm. The result is a more uniform seed bed. EXTRA CLEAN-UP The optional Case IH row cleaner reduces the residue on the berm by up to 90%. MARK THE WAY Index your rows for planting with cut-out blades that are easy to see. 4 GET MORE R.O.I. FOR EVERY FERTILIZER DOLLAR INJECT THE ROOT ZONE WITH THE POWER OF PROFIT Maximize your nutrient uptake, minimize runoff and increase the return on your fertilizer investment. The proven root zone banding legacy of DMI is now a proud addition to the Case IH product line. Case IH Fertilizer Placement Equipment places nutrients deep in the root zone where they are more readily available to plants during the growing season. This illustration shows the benefits of deep-placing fertilizer in firm, moist soil. Plant roots are naturally drawn deep to the moisture in the soil, and Case IH Fertilizer Placement Equipment places the valuable nutrients essential for plant growth precisely where these roots grow. 5 INCREASE PLANT FOOD AVAILABILITY It is important to remember that the amount of food available to plants does not depend on the amount of nutrients present in the soil, but the amount that the roots are able to take up for plant use. Increasing this availability is an important step in managing the soil environment for creating higher yields. So, even if a soil test indicates a large quantity of nutrients present, the growth success of the plant is dependent on good soil tilth and the ability of the root system to take up the nutrients. The Case IH NTX5310 bands the nutrients in the soil, improving efficiency and fertilizer utilization, and reducing runoff and water contamination. SPECIFICATIONS An investment that quickly pays for itself. Let’s say you purchase an NTX5310 for $36,000. Test results have shown that the Strip-till advantage over No-till yields to be $23.20/acre. If you have 1,000 acres x $23.20/acre, you may make $23,200* more than No-till, a 64% return on your investment the first year alone! And after 5-years, the total cash benefit is $80,000! And, when nutrient uptake is maximized by the plant, your fertilizer utilization is maximized as well. The NTX5310 Strip-till System is a smart business investment quick to pay for itself. Corn Yields 180 170 Strip-till Advantage: $23.20/acre* 160 Mainframe & Wing Tubing 140 Yield results based on 6-site yield average - Klossner, MN; Deer Creek, IL; Samsville, IL; Reynolds, IN; Tipton, IN; Clinton, IA; 1998. Individual results may vary. Results are not guaranteed. SAFETY NEVER HURTS!™Always read the Operator’s Manual before operating any equipment. Inspect equipment before using it, and be sure it is operating properly. Follow the product safety signs, and use any safety features provided. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC Any trademarks referred to herein, in association with goods and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies. CNH America LLC reserves the right to make improvements in design and changes in specifications at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation to install them on units previously sold. Specifications, descriptions and illustrative material herein are as accurate as known at time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. This literature has been published for worldwide circulation.Availability of some models and equipment builds varies according to the country in which the equipment is used. 3-point mounted Pull-type 12- & 16-ROW Pull-type NA 4 in. x 8 in. attached to the front and rear bar (10 cm x 20 cm) 15 ft. or 20 ft (4.6 m or 6.1 m) 20 ft. (6.1 m) (12-row) 30 ft. (16-row) 40 ft. (9.1 m) (12.2 m) 7.5L x 14 Pin adjust Tandem 11L x 15 Tandem 12.5L x 15 FI (F) NA NA Tandem 9.5L x 15 (8-PR) (optional) Tandem 9.5L x 15 FI (F) Transport dimensions 17 ft. 3 in. width (5.3 m) 19 ft. 9 in. width (6.0 m) 19 ft. 9 in. width x 13 ft. 6 in. high (6.0 m) (4.1 m) Row Marker (optional) Single-fold Double-fold Double-fold with spring breakaway (30 in. centers) (76 cm centers) Mainframe Wheels Wing gauge wheels Clevis Strip-till 8-ROW 4 in. x 6 in. double-rank with diagonal bracing (10 cm x 15 cm) A-Frame Tubing Working Width 6- or 8-ROW 4 in. x 6 in. double-rank (10 cm x 15 cm) Rear hitch (optional) 150 No-till Yield Frame Style 174 bu 162.4 bu 130 NTX5310 STRIP-TILL SYSTEM Hydraulic Narrow wagon-mate™ constant height (3-point Cat III) Combo Single & Double Clevis 3000 psi; all required cylinders and hoses Shanks: Standard HCS™ spring reset (edge-bent style) Shanks: Optional Rigid 1 in. x 2 in. shank (2.5 cm x 5 cm) Shank Spacing Horsepower requirements Coulters Row cleaners Sealers Conditioning Baskets Flashing and Warning Tail Lamps 30 in. row spacing (76 cm) 17 - 22 hp per shank 24 in. heavy-duty residue cutting (61 cm) (optional) with parallel linkage* Exclusive berm-build’r™ design w/ 18 in. dull blades* (46 cm) (optional) berm-condition’r™ 14 in. diameter* (36 cm) Standard * not available on Rigid 1in. x 2 in. shank option Form No. CIH7140502 Replaces None © 2005 CNH America LLC All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. www.caseih.com