Newsletter - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
Sammamish Hills
Lutheran Church
Letter from Pastor John
Serving as part-time admin is Christy Elves,
Sammamish Hills Preschool staff and long-term
member of the congregation. Thank you, Christy!
Please make note of August 7th. It will be Jessica
Rame’s last Sunday to lead with us before
heading off to Belmont College in Nashville,
Tennessee, where she will begin studying for her
future as a professional worship leader. Jessica
was four years old when I started as one of your
pastors and for years was simply known as,
“The Youngest Rame.” However, over time she
certainly has found her own voice and gifts on
violin, fiddle, and guitar, as well as some really
promising songs as a lyricist/songwriter. Let’s
come together August 7th and bless her well as
she leaves us for the bright lights of Nashville.
Please keep all of these folks in your prayers, as
we move into God’s future.
See you in Church!
Pr. John LaMunyon
Serving in the role of “Interim Worship Technician” for
the 10:30a worship service is Bailey Roth. Bailey has
already served the worship teams and 10:30a service
folks well in a volunteer position. To simplify things for
worship leaders in the interim period, Bailey is not on
www.shlc.or g
August 28th
E m e r g e n c y 425-392-7799 x28
As of the writing of this letter we had already started
receiving resumes for both positions. It is my hope
by the time you are reading it we will have at least a
new administrative assistant on board. Here’s what’s
happening in the meantime:
The role of Interim Worship Coordinator
will be mine, with a variety of leaders from the
congregation (John Roth and Jessica Rame)
and broader community.
How is your summer
going? This summer
has been a time of
transition at the church,
with the departure of
Administrative Assistant
Cheryl DePrez and
Worship Coordinator
Trev Wilson. Cheryl left us for a job closer to home
working with her husband’s company. With Tausha
(Trev’s spouse) finishing up her term of service in the
Navy, they decided it was time to move closer to both
of their families in the Boise area. We bid Cheryl
Godspeed and farewell the end of May and the same
for the Wilsons after their last Sunday with us July
Director of Student Ministries Anna Morris
will be leading the Youth Band, a change which
will be a complimentary match of her many gifts
and already extensive involvement with the
youth of the Congregation.
in Christ!
Letter from Pastor Eric
Sammamish Hills
Lutheran Church,
As Dorothy made the long
track to OZ on the yellow
brick road her constant
refrain was, “Lions, tigers,
and bears, OH MY! Lions,
tigers, and bears, OH MY!”
Our litany for summer
ministry at Sammamish
Hills Lutheran Church has the same cadence, though
the words change a bit…. We say, “Camps, missions,
retreats, OH MY! Camps, mission, retreats, OH MY!”
So much planning from the year is finally coalescing
into the events themselves. It is a great gift to see
dreams become reality.
Our Student Ministries Director, Anna Morris and
seven of our intrepid youth returned the last week
of June from serving the Blackfeet Nation in NW
Montana. They painted a community center, ran
camps for kids, and put on a sports club for older
kids. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to this group
who put faith into action and represented our church
so well. If you see Anna this month, congratulate
her for putting together her first week-long mission
trip all on her own. A milestone in the life of a youth
worker to be sure!
As I write this, Laney Brown (Children’s Ministries
Director) is putting the finishing touches on the weeklong revelry in Christ we call Vacation Bible School.
“Come join the Roundup!” she’s been shouting for
weeks, alluding to our theme this year. If you’ve
been part of Laney’s team, a heartfelt thanks for
making sure the love of Christ becomes anchored in
the hearts of His Church’s next generation.
Want an easy way to meet some of these folks?
Want to share in a pastime that requires no common
language for mutual enjoyment? If so, here’s your
chance… I give you the first—maybe annual—Church
Picnic Fishing Derby with Grace Chinese Lutheran!!!!!
On August 28th (Church Picnic Sunday) meet Pr.
Jimmy Hao and me under the Beaver Lake Pavilion at
7a. We’ll caffeinate-up with some Starbucks Coffee,
sugar-up with a doughnut breakfast, have a brief
prayer that the fish might bite, and then off to the
lake we go!
All are invited. Bring your favorite rod, bait, lures,
flies, float tubes, canoes, a small pontoon, or anything
else you think might give you an edge. All fisherfolk
over the age of 16 will need to have a current WA
State fishing license. At 9:30a we’ll gather again
under the Pavilion to award prizes. Prizes will be
awarded for the categories of Biggest Fish, Most
Fish, and Smallest Fish. And note: FOR ANY
WITH A KID. Contact Pr. Eric Hanson (preric@shlc.
org) if you plan on coming!
God bless you all, and thank you for being the gasoline
on which the mission of our church runs,
Pr. Eric Hanson
Finally, Pr. John asked a question in last month’s
Newsletter. Do you remember? Here’s a reminder,
“When you look out your front door, how many
nations are represented within four doors on either
side?” Pr. John was hoping we’ve noticed the influx of
neighbors from non-European nations. The Eastside
of Seattle more and more is being called home by
folks from China, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.
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M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Sunday, August 28th
Beaver Lake Park
Contact Pr. Eric for
more information
Readings: Isaiah 58:9b-14; Psalm 103:1-8;
Luke 13:10-17
I love the Book of Psalms, for it encompasses
the most joyous shouts of the human heart
and the deepest sorrows. The Psalms call us
to faith when God is as near as the beating
of our hearts and so far away as the most
desolate hiding place. And yet, even there,
God is near. Bless the Lord, O my soul!
Sunday August 28th
Sunday August 7th
The 15th Sunday After Pentecost
There Goes the Guest List
The 12th Sunday After Pentecost
It’s all about that faith…
Readings: Proverbs 25:6-7; Luke 14:1, 7-14
Readings: Genesis 15:1-6; Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16;
Luke 12:32-40
Abram and Sarai are but the beginning of the “great
cloud of witnesses” we’re called to follow in this life of
faith. Whose faith sustains yours to this day? At the
10:30a service we will bid Godspeed and farewell to
Jessica Rame, who is off to Nashville to study what
she has grown to do so well with us: lead worship.
Sunday August 14th
The 13th Sunday After Pentecost
Unwanted Peace
At a big, fancy dinner or banquet, where do
you like to sit? I like to sit in the back. But, in
truth, I DO like to be recognized as someone
worthy of sitting up front. How about you?
Sunday, August 28th
Beaver Lake Park Picnic Pavilion
This year’s worship service will be
preceded by a fishing derby.
Readings: Psalm 25:1-10; Colossians 1:1-14;
Luke 10:25-37
It is an all too familiar story which still rings harsh to
our ears. We expect grace to come from the priest,
the religious people. Instead, it comes unexpectedly,
with the reminder we, too, are called to be unexpected
bearers of God’s grace. Yes?
(NOTE: The readings are included to allow you to prepare
for each Sunday by reading through the assigned biblical
texts. The text which will be the focus of preaching is in
italics and bold type.)
Sunday August 21st
The 14th Sunday After Pentecost
Bless the Lord, O my SOUL!
s summer draws to a close, Jesus draws closer
to Jerusalem and we come to understand that
his acts of healing have disrupted the status
quo with consequences for all who choose to follow
him. Having seen Jesus’ willingness to confront the
legalism and prejudice that keep people needlessly
sick and suffering, disciples are confronted with
difficult words and choices about what they will value
more, their personal comfort or their public call.
Worship Life in August
Worship begins at 11:00a, followed by
lunch once again graciously provided
by the members of Grace.
Mark the date,
bring a bunch of friends!
w ww. s hlc .or g
with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 3
Congregational Announcements
Save the Date!
Bread of Life Team
It is the heart of summer now, but, very shortly it will be
time to celebrate all the faithful folks who will be back to
worship. We’ve even given that day a name:
It is Summer and we are on break until September. In
the meantime, here’s a recipe for homemade power bars
(courtesy of Roger Sonnichsen, an old hiking buddy in
Ephrata, WA) that will put the spring in your step throughout
the long days of summer recreational pursuits.
To ensure all are fed, body and soul, we’ll even offer up
breakfast in the Fellowship Hall! That’s right, BREAKFAST! Pancakes, Ham, and all the rest.
DATE Sunday, September 4th
HEAT oven to 350F.
TIME 8:15-Noon
3 eggs
2c brown sugar
1c white sugar
1/2t vanilla
2t baking soda
1c butter
1.5c crunchy peanut butter
(or creamy and add peanuts/almonds)
4.5c oatmeal
1c raisins
1c dried cherries
1/2c sunflower seeds
1/2c pumpkin seeds
1C shredded coconut
2c Chocolate Chips
BRING Family, Friends and an appetite!
Want to help? Talk to Pr. John…[email protected]
425-392-7799, ext. 13
CLINK!, aka, “Theology Pub,” aka,
“Get together to talk faith and life”
We will NOT meet in August, although John and the crew
at Big Block are always ready to welcome you!
Next night out will be Tuesday, September
20th, 7p. In the meantime, here’s your song:
Soundboard Corner!
Cream eggs, sugars, vanilla, baking soda, butter, and
peanut butter.
Greetings from the soundboard corner! My name
is Bailey Roth, and I have been gradually learning
the fine art of balancing sound here at SHLC for
the past few years. I am grateful to announce that I
have accepted an offer from the SHLC council during
this time of transition, to fulfill an Interim position in
the 10:30A service Worship Team. Therefore, I am
cordially inviting all who may have an interest in how
a soundboard technician and the production side of
worship works, to join the team as volunteers! Please
contact me on most Sundays after the service, or
email me at [email protected].
Add oatmeal and mix until fully incorporated
Add remaining ingredients, one at a time
(chocolate chips last) mixing well.
Spread onto jelly roll (baking sheet) covered with
parchment paper
Bake for 40-45 minutes Sides will pull away and
become golden brown.
Cut into desired sizes, cool, then freeze in zip lock
Thank you all for the learning experience, and peace
be with you!
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M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Preschool News
Director: Kristine Meyer | 425-698-5777
Soon I will be sending out back to school packets to all preschool families, our Ministry Team will
meet to plan for a new year, and teachers will be back to work setting up their wonderful classrooms.
Continue to spread the word about Sammamish Hills Lutheran Preschool. We still have at least one
spot available in all of our classes (at press time). Families interested in SHLP should contact Kristine
Meyer @ 425-698-5777 or [email protected] You can also check us out at
I hope this summer is bringing you good times with your families! I have enjoyed some down town
in July, relaxing with family and friends, but look forward to getting back to work and welcoming my
preschoolers back soon!
School begins the second week of September. Please keep our preschool families and teachers in
your prayers as we transition into our 2016-2017 school year.
Wednesday 9:30-11:00
1½ - 2½ years old (18 MO—30 MO)
Must be 18 months by August 31, 2016
$60.00/month (only a $60.00 registration fee)
Spots still available for the 2016-2017 school year!
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:30
Must be 2½ years old by August 31, 2016
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30—12:00 (or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
Must be 3 years old by August 31, 2016
$200.00 (w/full time LB $250.00/month)
Monday/Wednesday/Friday and optional Thursday**
Must be 4 years old by August 31, 2016
9:15-12:00 (or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
3 days/wk: $260.00 (w/full time LB $335.00/mo)
4 days/wk: $330.00 (w/full time LB $430.00/mo)
**Thursday is a science exploration theme day**
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:15—12:00 (or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
Must be 4 years old by March 31, 2016
$330.00 (w/full time LB $430.00/month)
Once a week for 3’s, Pre-K & Older Pre-K classes: $25.00/month
Drop in Lunch Bunch: $9.00/day
Weekly Chapel class, weekly music and movement class, and extended day lunch bunch
w ww. s hlc .or g
with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 5
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry Director: Laney Brown
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 15
The Roundup 2016
As we wrap up our week of Vacation Bible School I
am in awe of our amazing kids and volunteers. We
had 65 kids at camp and over 80 volunteers! A big
thank you to our spectacular youth volunteers who
were paired up with groups of kids and truly impacted little lives throughout the week. Also, huge thank
you to the following lead volunteers:
•Jessica Rame & Youth Band: Worship Music
•Cherstin Aageson & Michaela Franzi:
Games Station
•Angela Roesler-Lombardi & Cheri LaMunyon:
Storytelling Station
•Sandra Khatwa & Christie Hanson:
Bible Challenge Station
•Robin Shealy & Makenna Allyn: Crafts Station
•Anna Morris: Snack Station
•Shana Tischaefer & Helen Ellwood:
Outreach Station
•Jeffie Buchanan & Christine Fry:
Early Childhood Group
•Liz Sam: Nursery Lead
•Karen Hoetzel: BBQ Lead
•Christy Elves: Office Administrator
These individuals created an atmosphere of love and
creativity for every camper that stepped foot in the
doors. Thank you for donating countless hours to
changing lives in the name of Jesus!
with the little people in our community and thank you
for trusting me in sharing this message. I feel truly
blessed to work alongside both of you.
Vacation Bible School Open Arms
Outreach Projects
Throughout the week, campers truly experienced
what it means to have “Open Arms” when it comes
to helping their community and world. Following are
the daily themes and the outreach projects we took
part in:
Day 1 Theme: Jesus Cares Now and Forever; Handmade
encouraging cards to seniors in our community
Day 2 Theme: Jesus Provides, Now and Forever; Donate
boxes of cereal with encouraging messages to
Carnation Food Bank
Day 3 Theme: Jesus Leads, Now and Forever; Donate
children’s clothing and items to Eastside Baby
Day 4 Theme: Jesus Forgives, Now and Forever; Donate
stuffed animals and encouraging messages on
ribbons to Lutheran Community Services. These
items will be delivered to foster care and refugee
Day 5 Theme: Jesus is our Savior!; Use the money raised
in our Heifer International coin drive and purchase animals to be sent worldwide and impact
communities in need.
Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped behind the scenes to prepare for camp and those who
volunteered the week of camp in whatever area I A special thank you to Shana Tischaefer for organizneeded. This week would not have been possible ing these amazing projects and truly living an “Open
Arms” lifestyle.
without your willingness to serve.
Thank you to all others who contributed to our Open
Lastly I want to thank Pastor Eric and Pastor John for
Arms Outreach projects.
their endless support of Vacation Bible School. Thank
you for seeing the importance of sharing Christ’s love
Continued on page 8
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M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Student Ministries
Summer Opportunities
Student Ministries Director: Anna Morris
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 16
Middle School Ministry
We are deeply into the summer – and now we are
READY FOR SHOSHONE!! Looking forward to seeing
many of you the first weekend of August for camp!
High School Ministry
Sunday Night Youth Group
•Sunday, August 7th and 14th – NO Senior High
Youth Group
•Sunday, August 21st and 28th – Senior High
Youth Group, Fellowship Hall, 7-9p
July held games of 4square, conversations
about the Holy Spirit, watching Zootopia,
and more!
August 4th-7th
Keep us in your prayers as a group of
50+ students and adults travel into
Idaho for Shoshone Confirmation Camp!
Games, worship, and enjoying God’s
creation will fill our days for this epic long
•Thursday, August 4th-7th
Shoshone Weekend!
•Wednesday, August 17th and 24th – Middle
School Youth Nights
Important Upcoming Dates!
Wednesday, August 17th and 24th
Middle School Youth Night
Fellowship Hall, 7-8:30p
Sunday, August 21st and 28th
Senior High Youth Group
Fellowship Hall, 7-9p
Make sure you are around for the rest of
our summer nights!
Blackfeet Nation 2016 Mission Trip
I cannot thank everyone who supported our Mission Trip to Blackfeet Nation in Montana enough. It was a
blessing to experience a week with the Heart Butte community and to serve where we could.
If you are interested in a future mission trip, be sure to check your emails in September as we start forming
a group to go on a trip the summer of 2017!
w ww. s hlc .or g
with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 7
Prayer Corner
by Pam Marsh
Do you choose Jesus?
Luke 14:27 And anyone who does not carry his
cross and follow me cannot be my disciple
Mark 8:34-37 And when he had called the
people unto him with his disciples also, he said
unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall
lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my
sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or
what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Have you ever wondered what life would have been
like had you made different choices? What if you had
taken that job in Dallas, what if you had married that
girl you liked in high school? I know I have looked at
a few “what ifs” in my life and wondered.
Children’s Ministry
Continued from page 6
Sammamish Summer Line-Up
We have put together a smashing line-up of summer
events for the whole family! Get these dates on the
calendar now, because you do not want to miss out!
August 14th, 2p
Franklin Falls Family Hike
Join us with for this easy 3ish mile roundtrip hike to
Franklin Falls! Kids love it as we meet HUGE trees
and places to dip one’s foot in the creek along the
way. Adults love it as it ends near a spectacular
waterfall. And rumor has it that a few trout may be
caught along the way seeing as Pastor Eric will be
in tow. We’ll meet in the church parking lot at 2p
and carpool to the trail head. Please contact Pr. Eric
([email protected]) to sign up!
The fact is our choices are the building blocks of our
lives. Some choices, good and bad, we will carry
with us the rest of our lives; some drop away but the
consequences leave us humbler and wiser.
August 23rd 1-2p
Kids First! East Sammamish Park
Spend the afternoon in the park with your friends
from SHLC while enjoying a variety of entertainment.
Children’s performances are geared for a toddler
through elementary age audience.
Jesus made it clear to the disciples that following
Him would not be easy but the rewards would be
great. He also knew that the choices He made would
lead to great suffering and death, but He made them
anyway because He loves us so much.
Featured Performer: Toy-Box Trio
Through the whimsical combination of concertina,
toy-piano and double bass, Toy-Box Trio enables
audiences to experience through-composed music
in an entirely new way.
If we love Jesus, we can do no less than pray for
guidance before making any life-changing decision.
If He is not part of the equation, the chances are we
will live to regret it. Of course we will make mistakes
but as it says in 1 John 1:9, God is “faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all
unrighteousness.” Yup, He will pick us up, dust us
off and set us on the right path!
So choose wisely but choose Christ first!
Activity Bulletins
Do you find it’s hard to keep your young ones entertained during worship? We can help! Each Sunday
you can find kids activity bulletins and activity bags at
the information desk in the narthex. Problem solved!
Sunday School 2016-17 Important Dates:
September 4th: Welcome Back Brunch
September 11th: Rally Day
1st day of Sunday School & Orientation
September 18th: Ministry Fair
Page 8
M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Ministry of the Month
[email protected] |
Greetings from the Carnation Public Food Bank
After the Snoqualmie Tribe closed their food bank to go other ways to serve the public, we opened
up across the street in the old county shop building were the food bank started many years ago. We
do not have any ties with the large food groups such as Food Lifeline. While they do a great job in
their area, we feel that there are too many restrictions for us in serving the public.
While we call ourselves the local food bank, we have people come that live in Monroe, Sultan,
Capitol Hill, and many other areas. They have told us that because of the fact that we serve one
and all with NO restrictions, they are able to be served.
We are open every Wednesday of the year. If a Holiday lands on a Wednesday, no matter, we are
open. As I like to say, “Hunger doesn’t take a holiday”. People can rely on the food bank to be
there for them.
We receive our food through the generosity of the local merchants who donate their surplus,
canned food drives, and the generosity of people.
It’s been a long, but fast 2½ years that we have been open for the public. I hope that you notice
that we use the word “Public” in our title. We are open to one and all without any restrictions to
serve the public.
Carnation Public Food Bank
Our greatest need now is to get a cash reserve to help us stay open in the future. Everything we do
comes out of our own pocket. We need a reserve in case we have to move from the city property
we are renting, to rent increase, utilities, etc. We can do this with your help.
Thank you
David Presting, Board VP, Food Collector, and many more jobs.
For DONATIONS Mark your pew envelope “Ministry of the Month” and place it in the offering plate.
w ww. s hlc .or g
with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 9
Alison Carpenter
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 23
Automate Your Giving
re you interested in automating your
giving to the church? Through the Simply
Giving program, your gifts are made through
a pre-authorized withdrawal from your
bank account or credit card. Forms can be
downloaded from the church website (www., picked up from the
sanctuary pew racks or the church office.
Completed forms should be returned to the
church office. Questions? Please contact
Actuals Vs Budget
Actuals vs Budget
Actuals Budget
Year to date 2016
Contact Information
Office Phone: 425-392-7799 Website:
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9a-4p | Fri Closed
Prayer Request: [email protected]
Pastoral Care
Lead Pastor
John LaMunyon, [email protected] | ext. 13
Eric Hanson, [email protected] | ext. 25
Mission Developer
Jimmy Hao, [email protected]
Support Team
Business Administrator
Tom Ryan, [email protected] | ext. 27
Parish Records Specialist
Alison Carpenter, [email protected] | ext. 23
Administrative Assistant
Christy Elves, [email protected] | ext. 11
Faith Formation Through the Ages
Church Council 2016
Sunday School/General Questions
Eric Hanson, [email protected] | ext. 25
Children’s Ministry Director
Laney Brown, [email protected] | ext. 15
Kristine Meyer, [email protected], 425-698-5777
Student Ministries Director
Anna Morris, [email protected] | ext. 16
Adult Ministries
John LaMunyon, [email protected] | ext. 13
Music & Worship Ministries
Sanctuary Choir Director | 9:00a
Brian Olendorf, [email protected]
Contemporary Worship Director | 10:30a
Trev Wilson, [email protected] | ext. 14
Page 10
Cam Barsness: President
[email protected] | 206-330-1982
Matt King: Vice President
[email protected] | 425-552-2569
Bob Hawkinson: Secretary
[email protected] | 425-681-8308
Abbey Abekah: Treasurer
[email protected] | 425-557-5535
Vicki Brakke [email protected] 701-789-1496
Paul Jennerjohn [email protected]
Natalie Glesener [email protected] | 425-242-1988
Carolyn Kaiser [email protected] | 425-985-9489
Linda Saddler [email protected] | 425-922-2398
M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Confirmation Camp
Fishing Derby & Picnic
September 4: Welcome Back Sunday
Pancake Breakfast
September 5: Office Closed / Labor Day
September 10: Bread Team
September 11: Rally Sunday
September 12, 19 & 26: Quilting Ministry 10a-2p
September 13: Council Meeting 6:30p
September 18: Ministry Fair
Ministry Fair
Quilting Ministry
3, 10, 17,
24 & 31
October 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31: Quilting Ministry 10a-2p
October 10: Council Meeting 6:30p
October 12: Confirmation Begins
October 18: Women’s Fellowship
October 21: XYZ Luncheon Noon
October 29: Bread Team
October 30: Confirmation Sunday
with us
Welcome Back Sunday
w ww. s hlc .or g
August 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29: Quilting Ministry 10a-2p
August 4-7: Shoshone Confirmation Base Camp
August 9: Council Meeting 6:30p
August 14: Franklin Falls Family Hike 2p
August 18-21: Fishers of Fish & Folks Trip to Montana
August 23: KidsFirst! Klahanie Park, 1-2p
August 28: Pre-Picnic Fishing Derby with Grace Chinese
Beaver Lake Park
August 28: Church Picnic with Grace Chinese
Beaver Lake Park Pavilion
What’s Happening
Bread Team
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 11
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
22818 SE 8th Street
Sammamish, WA 98074
US Postage
Permit #259
Issaquah, WA
Return Service Requested
Fishing Derby & Church Picnic
August 28th
Join us with Grace Chinese Lutheran Church at Beaver Lake Park
www.shlc.or g
E m e r g e n c y 425-392-7799 x28