Newsletter 4 - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church


Newsletter 4 - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church
Sammamish Hills
Letter from Pastor John
Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703;
tr. Peer O. Strömme, 1856-1921, alt.
reetings in Christ!
Once again, this
letter is written
several weeks before it will
be read by most. Unknown
at this time is whether the
Seahawks will move past
the Carolina Panthers, let
alone be in the Super Bowl.
Neither do we yet know
how various presidential
candidates fared in the
Iowa and New Hampshire
caucuses. Also unknown is whether or not the CNN
headline, “Wall Street’s disastrous start to 2016 has
caused roughly $1 trillion to vanish from the stock
market,” is ongoing.
Come, let us worship the Lord.
Your servant in Christ,
Pr. John LaMunyon
In reality, there is much we don’t know from day to day
about the days and nights ahead. Which means we
can either step into the future in hope, or shrink back
in despair. Either way, in faith or despair, tomorrow’s
future becomes today’s present.
It isn’t easy to walk into the future in hope, unless there
is a clear foundation for that hope. During the season
of Lent we put away our “Alleluias” and hymns of praise.
In their place at the 9:00a service we’ll sing the simple
and short hymn above for the reason that whatever is
written on our hearts, whatever we carry deep within
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February 10, 2016
Worship Service
E m e r g e n c y 425-392-7799 x28
The season of Lent begins with taking on an ashy
cross, the sign of our death, at the Ash Wednesday
service, in the sanctuary February 10th at 7:30p.
To assist in the work of self-examination and
heart cleaning, we will continue with a series
of weekly gatherings. Beginning Wednesday,
February 17th, we will gather at 6:15p in the
Fellowship Hall for a simple soup supper followed
by Holden Evening Prayer in the Sanctuary at
7p. Wednesday, March 16th, we’ll gather for the
last soup supper followed by “Prayer around the
Cross” in the Sanctuary, accompanied by prayers
for healing.
In this Lenten season, a season of renewal, take
time to look closely at your own heart, do some
spiritual house cleaning, and let the heart of
Christ, imprinted on your heart in Baptism, be
your hope, light, and life.
us, sooner or later defines who we are and how
we live. In hope or despair, what is written on our
hearts proves a primary guide for life.
On my heart imprint your image,
blessed Jesus, king of grace,
that life's troubles nor its pleasures
ever may your work erase.
Let the clear inscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
is my life, my hope's foundation,
all my glory and salvation!
Letter from Pastor Eric
reetings in Christ
Sammamish Hills
Lutheran Church,
Paul tells us in the 10th
chapter of his letter to the
“Anyone who trusts in
Christ will never be put to
shame…. How, then, can
they call on the one they
have not believed in? And
how can they believe in the
one of whom they have not heard? And how can they
hear without someone preaching to them? And how
can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written,
‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good
news!’” (Romans 10:11, 14-15).
Can you name certain people, events, and experiences in your life that have brought you closer to God (or
have revealed just how close God has come to you)?
Chances are the “feet” of those who bore good unto
you have taken on a myriad of appearances in your
life. Do you remember the Sunday school teacher from
whom you first learned the words, “Jesus loves me this
I know…”? Do you remember a confirmation teacher
or pastor who took your first questions of faith, God,
and life seriously? Do you remember a grandparent
who passed on to you an old, worn-out Bible, loved
and read to the point of near disintegration? Do you
remember any person of faith to whom you said somewhere in your heart, “hmm… I want what they have…. I
wish to believe what they believe.”
Chances are the “feet” of those who bore good news
unto you have worn many shoes.
What does it take to bear good news unto another? Do
you think those Sunday school teachers always trusted
the words, “Jesus loves me, this I know…?” Or, do you
think sometimes, just maybe, they were singing those
words to strengthen their own hearts just as they were
singing them to strengthen yours? Do you think your
faith-instructors (confirmation teachers, pastors, parents, etc.) took seriously your own questions of faith
because they knew all the answers? Or, do you think
they took your questions seriously because they were
hoping someone might take theirs seriously too? Do
you think your grandparents’ Bibles were marked and
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scored and bent so often in affirmation and assurance
of things read, or do you think perhaps those biblical
scars were more likely signs of questions and frustrations confronted over and over again? I’m guessing for
everyone, it was a little bit of both.
To whom will you bring the Good News in this New
Year? What qualifications do you think you need? Do
you love God? Put on your socks. Do you love people?
Put on your shoes. Do you have a heart for service?
String up your laces. Do you worry that your own questions, weaknesses, and/or doubts might get in the
way? Say a prayer. Do you trust your Lord has prepared
a mission field for you anyway? Put one foot in front of
the other and see where He leads.
You have feet and you have Good News. Let’s share it
together in 2016. Coming up, here are some ways to
put those feet to work…
Inside Our Doors
• Vacation Bible School always needs adult mentors
to shepherd our kids further in faith. Contact Laney
Brown or Pr. Eric for more details.
• Shoshone Confirmation Camp is a great way for
adult mentors and young adults to share their faith
with the next generation. Contact Anna Morris for
more details.
Outside Our Doors
• Day of Service will help you share in deed the love
of God if words are hard to come by. Contact Pr. John
for more details.
•Our Guatemala Mission Trip is still accepting
registrations. Come and serve with some of the
coolest people on the planet! Again, contact Anna
for details.
•The Table at your Home is an extension of Christ’s
table. Invite a neighbor over for a meal. Invite him or
her to church. Invite them into the hope you have.
In all the ways you serve, you’ve shared the Good News
with me in 2015, thank you for making foot-prints in
my life. God bless you all, it’s a pleasure serving Him
with you,
Pr. Eric Hanson
M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
begins with Ash Wednesday, February 10th. We will be gathered for
worship that evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary to take on our ashy crosses as we
enter the forty day journey into new life. You and yours are invited and encouraged to
participate in the service. The following Wednesday, February 17th, we enter into our
regular Lenten pattern of shared meal, Vespers, then study time will begin. Soup
Suppers begin at 6:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, followed by Holden Evening
Prayer at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Following Vespers the evening is continued
with Confirmation and Adult Bible Study. March 16th we’ll gather for the last soup
supper followed by “Prayer around the Cross” in the Sanctuary, including prayers for healing. Come, let us
worship the Lord.
Congregational Announcements
XYZ! Join us for our Monthly Meetings! Come enjoy the fellowship of others in our 55+ community for
a meal and devotions. We meet on the third Friday of the month and begin at Noon in the Fellowship Hall.
These are potluck events so bring something yummy to share. See you February 19th!
discuss and debate what God is up to in the world today, clink! The picture of new faces and friends (women and
men) coming together in Christian fellowship, clink! February’s gathering will be Tuesday, February 16th
from 7p-9p at the Pine Lake Ale House. Come join us! Clink!
Connect–Young Adult Ministry After our second Connect gathering last month, we are excited to keep
this gathering going! We spent most of the evening catching up and looking at what it means to grow and
stretch our faith. (Really great conversation!) After needing to switch to Starbucks again, we are finally
going to make it to Big Block Brewery at 6:45p, Monday, February 22nd. Their address is 3310 E lake
Sammamish Pkwy SE, Sammamish. Feel free to invite friends, family, co-workers, etc. We look forward to
having you with us! Contact Laney or Anna if you have questions!
Clink! What is it? The sound of two pints coming together, clink! The sound of many voices coming together to
Sermons are Online! You now can access weekly sermons from the website. On the home page
you will see the word ‘Sermons’. Click this link and it will take you out the latest sermon.
Bread Team
will be baking Saturday, February 27th, presenting great treats for the worshipping body on
Sunday, February 28th. Want to join the team? Talk to Pr. John.
Administrative Matters
Business Administrator: Tom Ryan
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 27
The current and recent activities around the church are summarized below.
Benevolence Gifts
The church council approved a Memorial Gifts and
Bequests policy in December. One of the outcomes of this new policy is the need to identify projects that
can be funded by memorial gifts and bequests. There are a few that have been identified, but please let me
know if you have any specific ideas.
Fluorescent Lighting Retrofit
Understanding the potential for retrofitting the fluorescent
lights in the buildings to LED lamps is improving. Costs have been developed and alternatives are being
discussed. The congregation council will be briefed on the economics at the February meeting.
If you are interested in helping out the church by using your time and talents for improving the facilities,
please contact Tom Ryan ([email protected]). There are a number of projects that could use your help.
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with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
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Worship Life
ELCOME TO LENT Although for many of us it seems
as if we just put away the Christmas decorations,
the second week in February brings us head on with
the gateway to Lent: Ash Wednesday. The day we come
into the sanctuary bearing our sins and walk out wearing an ashy cross, sign of our mortality. Gateway to the
season of renewal, which begins with confession and
then entails a forty day walk into forgiveness. A season
for cleaning house, getting rid of all that keeps us off
the well worn track of following Christ through all of life.
We begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday,
February 10th, and then quickly settle into the weekly
rhythm of Sunday worship, followed by midweek gatherings for soup suppers and Vespers. The vast majority
of those evening services we will use Holden Evening
Prayer. However, when we gather for the last in the series, we will enter into what has come to be known as,
“Prayer Around the Cross.” This is a brief service with
simple songs, a few Bible readings, brief meditation, and
then ends with prayers for healing. Who will you invite?
Uniting those five Lenten midweek gatherings will be
a meditation series titled, Five Steps of Faith: following Jesus into life. The series begins with the call to
the journey and ends with a brief discussion of new
life. In between are the steps of surrender, telling the
truth, and forgiveness. Again, the question is asked,
who will you invite? Come, let us worship the Lord.
(NOTE: The readings are included to allow you to prepare
for each Sunday by reading through the assigned biblical
texts. The text which will be the focus of preaching is in
italics and bold type.)
Sunday February 7th
Transfiguration of Our Lord
A Light in the Darkness
Readings: Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36
“I have seen the light!” we say in moments of understanding. Jesus was lit up that day on the mountain, showing
all finally who He truly was. Then Jesus walked down the
mountain, the light went away, He went to the Cross,
and all went dark. What now, when the light is gone?
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Wednesday February 10th
Whenever YOU
Readings: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Psalm 51:1-17;
2 Corinthians 5:20b--6:10;
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
In an all too often repeated scenario, the child, having been turned down to do or buy the latest, coolest
thing, invokes what she thinks is the trump card, “But
the (fill in the blank) let THEIR kids do/have/be it!” To
which the parent(s) respond, “You are not the (fill in
the blank). In a diatribe beginning with admonitions
on how to live out your faith, through to where to store
treasure, Jesus has a few things to tell us. Do we listen?
Sunday February 14th
The First Sunday in Lent
Life in the Wilderness
Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
These forty days called Lent are like no other. It is our
time to return to the God who rescues; to receive the
gifts of God’s grace; to believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths the wonder of God’s love in Jesus;
and to resist temptation. This is no small journey on
which we have just set out. It is a struggle Jesus knew. It
is a struggle Jesus shares. The nearness of the Lord, in
bread and wine, water and word, uphold and sustain us.
Wednesday February 17th - 7p
Lenten Midweek Vespers
Reading: John 1:43-51
M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Sunday February 21st
Readings: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18;
Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
Wednesday February 24th - 7p
Excerpts From our
Ministries Thank you Letters
Reading: John 12:34-36
Lutheran Ministry Services
Sunday February 28th
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Lutheran
Ministry Services, I want to thank you for your
support of LMSN. Our ministry is unique in that it
serves as an extension of Lutheran congregations
in hospitals, care centers, and jails. LMSN is the
prison ministry coordinator for LCMS-NW District...
The Third Sunday in Lent
Disturbing the Roots
Readings: Isaiah 55:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13;
Luke 13:1-9
A fruit tree, in this instance, fig tree, which doesn’t produce
fruit, is worthless. One way to startle it to its life bearing
intent is to “disturb the roots,” by digging around them,
cutting many of the small roots which often become intertwined with one another, thereby forcing them to grow
outward. Sometimes our roots need disturbing.
Wednesday March 2nd - 7p
Lenten Midweek Vespers
Reading: John 8:3-11
lthough officers weren’t yet elected by the
newsletter deadline, we give thanks to the
outgoing members of Council who have served
faithfully, as well as the incoming and continuing
members who will lead us in the year ahead.
Outgoing Council Members: Matt Isenhower, Ivan
Lee, Beth Stamm, and Laura Thomas. Continuing
Council Members: Abbey Abekah, Cam Barsness,
Vicki Brakke, Paul Jennerjohn, and Matt King.
Newly Elected to Council: Natalie Glesener, Bob
Hawkinson, Carolyn Kaiser, and Linda Saddler
Lenten Midweek Vespers
To be loved by God must be both a blessing and a curse. A
blessing for indeed, it is God. A curse because He relentlessly gives to us gifts we oftentimes do not want. Jesus said,
“How often have I longed to gather you as a hen gathers
her young!” Why would we choose to run from those wings?
2016-17 Congregational
The Second Sunday in Lent
God With Us, Whether We Want Him or Not
Thank You’s
Habitat for Humanity
Thank you for your donation. I’m moved by your
generosity and that of our community. Your support
does more than build and repair homes...
Thank you for your support of homeless people in
the community. With your donation to Nightwatch
through the Region, we are able to continue
providing food, shelter, housing, and hope for
hundreds each night...
Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank
...We would like to show our gratitude for your
donation for the Lunch for the Break Program. With
your contributions we are maintaining a strong
foundation for our clients to stand on...
ELCA Malaria Campaign
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church for being among
the Top 200 congregational supporters...
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with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
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Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry Director: Laney Brown
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 15
First Communion Class
Sunday School
ur mission at Sammamish Hills Sunday school is
to create a loving, grace-filled community where
kids and families learn about God, grow in faith,
build relationships, and are empowered to serve.
We start each Sunday with Pastor John or Pastor
Eric calling the kids to the front of the sanctuary for
kid’s church. After kid’s church we head over to the
fellowship hall for worship in a large group where we
sing, dance, and learn about God’s word. The kids
then break into classrooms to learn more about the
Bible story and do story-focused crafts and activities.
If you have not gotten involved in SHLC Sunday school
but would like to, please email Laney at lbrown@ for registration information or visit
February Memory Verse
“Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s
household ... but Christ was faithful as a Son over
His household. And we are that household if we
hold on to the courage and the confidence of our
-Hebrews 3:5-6
Month at a Glance!
•February 7th: Moses was Born and Called
(Genesis Exodus 1:8–2:10,23-25; 3:1–4:20)
•February 14th: Worship with your Family Sunday
(No Sunday School)
•February 21st: The Plagues, the Passover, and the
Crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 5–14)
•February 28th: The Wilderness Test
(Exodus 15:22–17:7)
•February 28th: First Communion Class 6-7:30p
Lenten Calendars
eep an eye out for your Lenten activity calendars!
These calendars are filled with fun and interactive
ways to celebrate the Lenten season with your family.
2016 Vacation Bible School
ark your calendars! Vacation Bible School dates are
here: July 11th-15th. If you would like to be part of
the Vacation Bible School planning team, please contact
Laney Brown at [email protected]. Stay tuned for more info!
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ark your calendars; we will be hosting First
Communion Class on February 28th from 6:007:30p in the Fellowship Hall. First Communion class is
an interactive class that helps your child understand
the meaning and importance of taking communion. The
class is designed for 2nd and 3rd graders, but if your
child is older and did not get to attend in the past, you
are welcome to attend! First Communion Sunday will be
March 13th. Please register by emailing Laney Brown at
[email protected]
Freshman Care Packages
ver the past few months the Sunday School children have been dedicating their offering to an
exciting program known as Freshman Care Packages.
Sometimes going off to college can be intimidating.
The intent behind Freshman Care Packages is that our
recent grads know Sammamish Hills is thinking of and
supporting them by receiving some goodies, letters,
and pictures in the mail. We will be putting together
and sending off the packages in Sunday School on
February 7th. If you are a parent of a college freshman, please send their mailing address to lbrown@ by February 1st.
Sammamish Hills Open Play
oin us for Open Play every Tuesday from 9:30-11:30a
in the Fellowship Hall. This program is for children
ages 0–5 years. Children must be accompanied by a
parent or caregiver. A $1 per child donation is suggested at the door. We will be hosting a special open play
Valentine’s Day Party on Tuesday, February 9th.
Job Opening – Nursery Attendant
ammamish Hills Lutheran Church is seeking a
Nursery Attendant. The Nursery Attendant provides care for children on Sunday mornings from 8:30a
-12:00p. The Nursery Attendant works in concert with
volunteers and the Director of Children’s Ministries to
ensure an effective and safe environment in the nursery for children and families. This is a part-time position, Sundays only, with a pay rate of $50.00 per Sunday. To apply and receive a full position description,
please send resume and cover letter by email to Laney
Brown at [email protected].
M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Student Ministries
High School Ministry
Student Ministries Director: Anna Morris
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 16
Middle School Ministry
his is the month that we finish up our exploration of
the Apostle’s Creed and get to start looking more
deeply at Lutheran Life!
•Wednesday, February 3rd: Confirmation
7-8:30pm, Fellowship Hall
•Wednesday, February 10th: NO Confirmation
Ash Wednesday
•Wednesday, February 17th: Guide Group Night
•Wednesday, February 24th: Confirmation*
7-8:30p, Fellowship Hall
fter a very fun gathering in January where
we were able to simply enjoy each other’s
company, we are excited to continue this fun
ministry. Join us for lunch following worship
from 12-1:30p! This month we will continue the
joy of sharing a meal as well as highs and lows
before digging into the Gospel and sermon from
worship. Make sure to check Sunday bulletins
for updated information as we get closer!
Important Upcoming Dates!
Sunday, February TBD
9th Grade Families in Faith Together
Sunday Night Youth Group
•Thursday, August 4th-7th: Shoshone Weekend!
Middle School Outreach
n January 15th, one of our 8th grade confirmation
groups volunteered to serve dinner with Congregations for the Homeless in Bellevue. We brought 10 students and adults to serve and share a meal of soup, salad, and pulled pork sandwiches with 60-70 men staying
at the shelter. The meals were prepared by the families
of Sammamish Hills Lutherans Church.
We had a lot of fun talking with many of the men there
– one who had extensive knowledge on computers and
technology, one who deeply appreciated being listened
to, one who started a food trend by mixing the two
soup options we brought together (it was delicious!), of
course, many more who were simply thankful that we
came to share our time and a meal with them.
It was a wonderful experience for all who participated
and many of us shared how much we enjoyed the conversations we had and the evening as a whole. HUGE
thanks to the students and adults who participated; we
are already looking forward to signing up again!
ny and all high school students are invited
to meet in the Fellowship Hall from 7-8:30p!
We meet just about every week to hang out, have
conversation about God and life, and play games.
Last month we spent time sharing stories, enjoyed experimenting with marshmallow shooters,
and got to introduce some of the 8th graders to
what the High School Youth Group looks like. Join
us to find out what we will be doing this month!
*Confirmation will begin with the Holden evening
worship in the sanctuary throughout Lent
•Sunday, February 7th, 21st, and 28th:
Fellowship Hall, 7-8:30p
•Sunday, February 14th,
Sammamish Cafe, 7-8:30p
he Mission Auction date has been changed
to April 30th, 2016 at Sammamish Commons Hall.
We want to invite you to join us for our 2016
Missions Auction! We will be serving desserts
and wine as well as holding the Silent and Live
Auctions. This wonderful fundraiser will be held
at Sammamish Commons Hall (across the
street!) from 6:30-9p on April 30th.
If you have something you would like to donate,
please get in touch with Anna Morris or Linda
Saddler. We hope that you will be able to attend
and help support the Guatemala trip as well as
the Eben Ezer school in Tanzania!
Upcoming Guatemala Fundraisers
• Easter Breakfast Sunday, March 27th
Fellowship Hall
• Global Missions Auction
Saturday, April 30th
Sammamish Commons Hall
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with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
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Sammamish Hills Lutheran Preschool News
Director: Kristine Meyer
[email protected] | 425-698-5777
2016-2017 registration is here!
f you would like more information about Sammamish Hills Lutheran Preschool and are interested in registration for
the 2016-2017 school year, please call me and I will share with you all the great things about our school! You can
also check us out on the web at
Mission Statement
We offer an early childhood experience focusing on the social, emotional, spiritual, academic and physical development
of each child. Our preschool is designed to encourage a deep love for learning and build confidence for the years ahead.
Philosophy and Program
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Preschool offers an ageappropriate theme-based curriculum. The preschool day
involves a wide range of activities including circle and
story time, songs and music, center time exploration,
sensory and tactile opportunities, crafts, gross and fine
motor development, active play time and chapel.
Special Programs
Mommy and Me
1½ - 2½ years old
Must be 18 months by August 31, 2016
$60.00/month ($60.00 registration fee)
Older 2’s
Must be 2½ years old by August 31, 2016
Chapel As a Christian preschool, we focus on teaching
3 Year Olds
about God’s unconditional love for us and the world He
created. Each week students will have a chapel time.
Students will learn a Bible story, sing Bible songs and
learn how the Bible stories relate to their lives.
and Movement During this class, students
are exposed to various musical instruments and forms
of music. Students will use their bodies for creative
movement and use sign language while singing.
Lunch Bunch Students in the 3’s, 4’s/Pre-K and Pre-K
classes are given the opportunity to extend their day by
staying for Lunch Bunch (LB). Students eat lunch, plus
have additional time for center exploration and outside
playtime. Classes are usually combined for Lunch Bunch
depending on numbers.
Students have the option to stay for Lunch Bunch daily,
one time a week, or on a drop-in basis.
2016-2017 Classes and Tuition
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30a—12:00p
(or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
Must be 3 years old by August 31, 2016
$200.00 (w/full time LB $250.00/month)
Monday/Wednesday/Friday & 9:15a-12:00p
optional Science Thursday (or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
Must be 4 years old by August 31, 2016
3 days/wk: $260.00 (w/full time LB $335.00/month)
4 days/wk: $330.00 (w/full time LB $430.00)
Older Pre-K
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday &
Thursday (or 1:00p w/Lunch Bunch)
Must be 4 years old by March 31, 2016
$330.00 (w/full time LB $430.00/month)
Lunch Bunch: Once a week for 3’s, Pre-K and Older
Pre-K: $25.00/month (added to tuition)
Drop in Lunch Bunch: $9.00/day
Family discounts are available for monthly tuition.
We will take 10% off of the youngest child’s tuition.
A non-refundable registration fee of $150.00 and May
2017 tuition deposit are due at the time of registration.
(only $60.00 reg. fee for Mommy and Me class)
**All registered students must be up to date
on age appropriate immunizations.**
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M a k e F r i e n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Prayer Corner
Ministry of the Month | 206-901-1685
Got Friends?
Lutheran Community
Services Northwest
I also thank God every day for friends who enrich
our lives and help create and define the people we
become. I am grateful that I had this time with two old
comrades and hope it won’t be another fifty years until
I see them again!
oster parent Tara recently spoke at her church
about the importance and impact of foster
care, but admits that becoming a foster family was
never really on the radar for her and her husband
Andrew. They initially didn’t know a lot about it, just
the mainstream stories told in the media.
“We were wary of fostering,” Tara says. “It has been
somewhat stigmatized. I thought adoption could
possibly be in our future, but not fostering.”
Four years ago she was helping with childcare at
her church and held a beautiful tiny baby. Tara
realized she missed this part of parenthood. When
Tara met the mother of this baby, the woman
explained she was actually a foster mom and
Tara was caught off guard. Tara spoke with her
husband, and together they considered this big
change. Eventually they came to the decision that
it was right for them. Tara knew they had room in
their hearts for a child in need.
It was also my privilege to share my faith with them
through the story of my struggle with chronic illness
and how God’s Grace is sufficient to see us through
even the most difficult of times. I may never know
what impact my faith story will have on them and it
isn’t necessary for me to know. I just pray that God will
work in their lives as He has in mine.
From Unaware to Advocating:
A Journey of Understanding and Education
have just been visited by
childhood friends that I
had not seen for 50 years!
We went to school together
and we were also in the
Sea Rangers as teenagers
which is a branch of
girl scouts in the UK. In
adulthood, we had gone
our separate ways, Dru to
life in Canada and Val to
Germany. We reminisced
about the great times we had camping, hiking and
sailing as well as catching up with what we had been
doing over the half century since we had seen each
other. Pictures of children and grandchildren were
forthcoming from proud parents and grandparents.
Eventually, we talked about some of the difficulties
we had all weathered over the course of our lives:
illness, divorce, death of loved ones. We talked and
talked and it was if we had never been separated by
time and distance.
by Pam Marsh
Referred to Lutheran Community Services
Northwest (LCSNW) by the foster mother at her
church, Tara contacted the Permanency Planning
(PP) Program. The generosity of donors allows
LCSNW Permanency Planning social workers to
have smaller caseloads, and provide each family
with the attention they need.
With the support of LCSNW and the Permanency
Planning staff, Tara and her husband have become
educated about the foster care process. They are
vocal about how LCSNW set them up for success,
and have become advocates on the need for
engaged, informed foster parents.
It is with the generosity of donors like you that Tara
and Andrew can receive this support. Your gifts
have given them the ability to start a new chapter
in their life.
Your generosity is what makes our work possible.
Thank you! For DONATIONS mark your pew
envelope “Ministry of the Month” and place it in
the offering plate.
w ww. s hlc .or g
with us
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 9
Adult Faith Formation
John LaMunyon
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 13
6:30p Men’s Group meets at the Redmond Family Pancake House
9:30a Meets in the Fellowship Hall
7:00p Meets in the Preschool Conference Room
BRING your Bible and a copy of N.T.Wright’s, Luke (N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides). The
study guide may be purchased through our website. Go to and look for the ‘book’ icon.
Thick Book, Good Lunch will run Wednesdays from noon to 1:30p in the Fellowship Hall from January
6-February 10. We’ll be reading through a thick book titled, The Reformation, by Diarmaid MacCulloch. Bring your
own lunch. Pr. John and group participants share in leading each week’s lively discussions.
do I sign up? Buy a copy of the book and join us at noon, in the Fellowship Hall, Wednesdays from noon to
1:30p. You can purchase a copy of the book through our website. Go to and look for the ‘book’ icon.
What is it? The sound of two pints coming together, clink! The sound of many voices coming together to
discuss and debate what God is up to in the world today, clink! The picture of new faces and friends (women and
men) coming together in Christian fellowship, clink! February’s gathering will be Tuesday, February 16th from 7p9p at the Pine Lake Ale House. Come join us! Clink!
Alison Carpenter
[email protected] | 425-392-7799, ext. 23
Automate Your Giving
re you interested in automating your giving to the
church? Through the Simply Giving program, your gifts
are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your
bank account or credit card. Forms can be downloaded
from the church website (,
picked up from the sanctuary pew racks or the church
office. Completed forms should be returned to the church
office. Questions? Please contact Alison.
Vs Budget
Actuals vs Budget
Year to date 2015
12 31 giving chart.xls1/15/2016
age 10
M a k e Internet
F r i eFiles\Content.Outlook\XWF3NWWH\2015
n d s - M ee t G o d - L i v e L i fe B e t t e r
Contact Information
Office Phone: 425-392-7799 Website:
For prayer: email [email protected]
with us
Faith Formation Through the Ages
Sunday School/General Questions
Eric Hanson, [email protected] | ext. 25
Children’s Ministry Director
Laney Brown, [email protected] | ext. 15
Kristine Meyer, [email protected], 425-698-5777
Student Ministries Director
Anna Morris, [email protected] | ext. 16
Adult Ministries
John LaMunyon, [email protected] | ext. 13
Music & Worship Ministries
Sanctuary Choir Director | 9:00a
Brian Olendorf, [email protected]
Contemporary Worship Director | 10:30a
Trev Wilson, [email protected] | ext. 14
Lead Pastor
John LaMunyon, [email protected] | ext. 13
Eric Hanson, [email protected] | ext. 25
Mission Developer
Jimmy Hao, [email protected]
w ww. s hlc .or g
Pastoral Care
February 1, 8, 22 & 29: Quilting Ministry @ 10a-2p
February 3, 10, 17 & 24: Adult Faith Formation
@ 6:30a Men’s Discipleship Group
[Redmond Family Pancake House]
February 3, 10, 17 & 24: Adult Faith Formation
@ 9:30a Fellowship Hall
February 3, 10, 17 & 24: Thick Book, Good Lunch
Adult Faith Formation @ Noon Fellowship Hall
February 3: Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation @ 7p Preschool Conference Room
February 9: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
February 7: Freshman Care Packages
February 10: Ash Wednesday Worship Service @ 7p
February 14: Worship with Your Family Sunday
February 15: Office Closed / President’s Day
February 16: Women’s Fellowship Group @ 6:30p
February 16: Clink @ 7-9p Pine Lake Ale House
February 17 & 24: Lenten Soup Supper @ 6:15p
Holden Evening Prayer @ 7p
February 17 & 24: Adult Faith Formation @ 7:30p
Preschool Conference Room
February 19: XYZ Ministry @ Noon
February 22: Connect @ 6:45p Big Block Brewery
February 27: Bread Team @ 6a
February 28: First Communion Class @ 6-7:30p
March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30: Adult Faith Formation
@ 6:30a Men’s Discipleship Group
[Redmond Family Pancake House]
March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30: Adult Faith Formation
@ 9:30a Fellowship Hall
March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30: Thick Book, Good Lunch
Adult Faith Formation @ Noon Fellowship Hall
March 2, 9, & 16: Lenten Soup Supper @ 6:15p
Holden Evening Prayer @7p
March 2, 9 & 16: Adult Faith Formation @ 7:30p
Preschool Conference Room
March 3, 4, 5, & 6: Women’s Retreat Suncadia
March 7, 14, 21 & 28: Quilting Ministry @ 10a-2p
March 8: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
March 13: First Communion Sunday
March 12: Spring Clean Up #1 @ 9a-Noon
March 15: Women’s Fellowship Group @ 6:30p
March 15: Clink @ 7-9p Pine Lake Ale House
March 18: XYZ Ministry @ Noon
March 20: Palm Sunday
March 23 & 30: Adult Faith Formation @ 7:00p
Preschool Conference Room
March 24: Maundy Thursday Service @ 4p & 7:30p
March 25: Good Friday Community Stations of The
Cross @ Noon
March 25: Good Friday Service @ 7:30p
March 27: Easter Sunday Breakfast
March 27: Easter Sunday
April 4, 11, 18 & 25: Quilting Ministry 10a-2p
April 12: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
April 15: XYZ Ministry @ Noon
April 19: Women’s Fellowship Group @ 6:30p
Support Team
Business Administrator
Tom Ryan, [email protected] | ext. 27
Parish Records Specialist
Alison Carpenter, [email protected] | ext. 23
Administrative Assistant
Cheryl DePrez, [email protected] | ext. 11
Church Council 2016
Officers to be Elected at March,
2016 Council Meeting
Abbey Abekah: Treasurer
[email protected] | 425-557-5535
Cam Barsness
[email protected] | 206-330-1982
Matt King
[email protected] | 425-552-2569
Vicki Brakke
[email protected] | 701-789-1496
Paul Jennerjohn
[email protected] | 425-868-9433
Newly Elected at
January Meeting of Congregation
Natalie Glesener
Bob Hawkinson
Carolyn Kaiser
Linda Saddler
9:00 a & 10:30 a
Page 11
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Sammamish, WA 98074
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Lenten Soup Suppers are informal gatherings on Wednesday for any and all
to enjoy each other’s company around a great bowl of soup and a roll
prior to celebrating evening worship in the Sanctuary.
February 17
February 24
March 2
March 9
March 16
Soup Supper: 6:15p
Worship: 7p
www.shlc.or g
E m e r g e n c y 425-392-7799 x28