The Damnation of the Law - Church of God and Christ


The Damnation of the Law - Church of God and Christ
The Damnation of the Law
Have I become your enemy because I tell the truth
The New Pact
kainos diatheke
The Church of God and Christ
ekklesia theos christos
NB! The translation of THE PACT tries to keep unnecessary capitalization of substantives to a minimum. Substantives such as pharisee and
sadducee are not capitalized. — Why should they be?
The Damnation of the Law
Have I become your enemy because I tell the truth
Cover, front page
A section of the Galatian highland,
— the mound outside of Lystra.
and Galatians with Commentaries,
and Galatians with the Greek text.
Transliterated after Strong’s Hebrew / Greek
The Church of God and Christ
ekklesia theos christos
ISBN: Softcover 978-82-8310-016-7
New, revised edition
Copyright © Arne Jordly, 2014
All rights reserved
An Orientation .............................................................................. Page 005
Introduction to THE PACT ........................................................
“ 006
The Books of the First Pact .........................................................
The Books of the New Pact ..........................................................
Paul’s Books in Correct Order ....................................................
About God’s Pact .........................................................................
The History of the New Pact .......................................................
Overview of Chapters in Galatians ...........................................
Overview of Paragraphs in Galatians .......................................
Overview of Paragraphs with Commentaries in Galatians ....
Galatatians ..................................................................................
Galatians with Commentaries ...................................................
Galatians with the Greek Text ..................................................
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians .................................
The Church of God and Christ .................................................
The Teaching of the Trinity .......................................................
A Comment to the Teaching of the Trinity ..............................
Is God Christ ...............................................................................
Three Words ...............................................................................
A Satan’s Lie! ..............................................................................
Dead in the Flesh — Alive in the Spirit ....................................
The Realm of God .......................................................................
God’s Throne ...............................................................................
“ 205
The Sons of the Realm ................................................................
God’s Heavenly Priesthood ........................................................
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah .............................
The Restoration ...........................................................................
“ 235
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast ......
The Mark of God — the Mark of the Beast .............................
The First Resurrection ...............................................................
The New Creation ......................................................................
God’s Law — Moses’ Law — Christ’s Law ............................
Gr. aggelos — Angel or Messenger ..........................................
Eternal, Eternity .........................................................................
“ 266
The Man Jesus Christ ................................................................
Christ — the Hourglass of the World ......................................
Father in the Heavens ................................................................
The basis of the Jews’ hatred against Paul
Note that Paul in 1TH 02:15 calls the Jews ‘adversaries of all men.’
His statement has been somewhat softened compared to the Greek text which in this
case is more direct than most English translations. Paul says further that they will be
caught up with God’s wrath, which is the final extermination of antichrists, of all
who deny Christ. And that is fair enough if the belief in Christ is a condition of a life
in ages. (JOH 17:03)
And then the extermination of the ungodly is the only alternative both to Jews
and Greeks alike. God does not discriminate or show favoritism.
This is strongly contrary to common Christian preaching maintaining that all physical Jews will be saved, but the Bible does not say anything about that unless you
interpret ROM 11:26-27 in that direction. If so, it builds on a lack of understanding.
ROM 11:26-27, THE PACT: ‘In this way all of Israel will be rescued, as it is written:
‘When the Deliverer comes fro Zion, he will remove ungodliness from Jacob. For
such is the pact I have made with them when I cut them off from their sins.’
ISA 59:20-21
I cannot find such a statement here. On the contrary, they will be cut off from their
sins just like anybody else.
What does jew (jehowdah) mean? It means ‘one who praises Jehovah,’ and it is in
this spiritual meaning the New Pact often uses the word Jew, ref. Romans 02:28-29.
What does israel mean? It means ‘one who has fought with God and won (his blessing),’ and it is in this spiritual meaning the New Pact often uses the word israel, ref.
Romans 09:06, 11:26 and Galatians 06:16.
Again: It does not say in the Bible that all physical Jews will be saved. If so, it would
directly contradict the message of the Bible.
But — when the physical Jews attacked Paul in Jerusalem (Acts chapters 21 and 22)
they were aware that he had written this. And it was just as provoking to the Jews of
that time as it is to many Jew-loving Christians of today!
The New Pact
The Greek Scriptures
A little about THE PACT, a biblical translation with headlines and commentaries:
This translation of the New Pact (The New Testament) is independent of any religious organization whatsoever. Its only goal is to present the absolute truth of the
Bible based on the original Greek text without any kind of prejudiced interpretations.
The translation also places great emphasis on creating a modern and easily understood English language, and at the same time wishing to get away from ingrown religious words and expressions which to many modern people seem empty. In many
countries there has developed a special religious vocabulary. Often such a language
is a hindrance to a deeper understanding of the text.
When referring to other translations sources of origin will be presented, also when
referring to the original text. It is shocking how consciously many biblical translators
try to manipulate the readers’ attitudes in a special direction. But this word of truth
I would like to underline: If someone has been raised on lies and twisted truths, it is
often the raw, pure and uncompromising truth that is rejected as false!
In addition to a complete edition of the New Pact I have also worked out simple and
readily understood commentaries to each of the Pacts 27 books. It is my goal that no
one will be able to say that the word of God is difficult to understand after having
read my extensive, but easily understood commentaries. Here you will not find much
fabling — only clear and sober facts! Do I thereby claim that my commentaries are
infallible? Of course not! I humbly ask that anyone who reads these commentaries,
must himself soberly evaluate them compared to the Pact’s (the Bible’s) additional
contents. Because many say: ‘I interpret the Bible this way,’ and ‘I interpret the Bible
that way.’ Such interpretations are often deceptive, because there exists only one
biblical truth! Therefore it is important to suck in the contents of the Bible exactly
the way it was written, and learning to understand the Bible the way God presents
it. The message of the Bible is God’s Pact with man — and often this message is
contrary to our traditions!
One more thing: God’s Pact, the Bible, may be raw, and I present nothing in silver
wrappings. The way the text was written in the original language, is also how it
should be translated!
With best regards from
Arne Jordly
The First Pact, the Hebrew Scriptures — 39 books
First Samuel
Second Samuel
First Kings
Second Kings
First Chronicles
Second Chronicles
Book of Joshua
Book of Judges
Book of Ruth
First book of Samuel
Second book of Samuel
First book of Kings
Second book of Kings
First book of Chronicles
Second book of Chronicles
Book of Ezra
Book of Nehemiah
Book of Esther
Book of Job
Book of Psalms
Book of proverbs
Book of Solomon
The prophet Isaiah
The prophet Jeremiah
Lamentations of Jeremiah
The prophet Ezekial
The prophet Daniel
The prophet Hosea
The prophet Joel
The prophet Amos
The prophet Obadiah
The prophet Jonah
The prophet Micah
The prophet Nahum
The propher Habakkuk
The prophet Zephaniah
The prophet Haggai
The prophet Zechariah
The prophet Malachi
The New Pact, the Greek Scriptures — 27 books
First Thessalonians
46 (07)
Second Thessalonians
47 (08)
48 (09)
First Corinthians
49 (10)
Second Corinthians
50 (11)
51 (12)
52 (13)
53 (14)
54 (15)
55 (16)
56 (17)
57 (18)
First Timothy
58 (19)
Second Timothy
Peter’s first letter
Peter’s second letter
John’s first letter
John’s second letter
John’s third letter
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
First Thessalonians, Paul’s first
letter to the Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians, Paul’s
second letter to the Thessalonians
Galatians, Paul’s letter to the
First Corinthians, Paul’s first
letter to the Corinthians
Second Corinthians, Paul’s
second letter to the Corinthians
Romans, Paul’s letter to the
Ephesians, Paul’s letter to the
Philippians, Paul’s letter to the
Colosseans, Paul’s letter to the
Paul’s letter to Philemon
Hebrews, Paul’s letter to the
Paul’s letter to Titus
First Timothy, Paul’s first
letter to Timothy
Second Timothy, Paul’s second
letter to Timothy
NB! James’ letter
Peter’s first letter
Peter’s second letter
John’s first letter
John’s second letter
John’s third letter
NB! Jude’s letter
Paul’s 14 Books in Correct Order
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
Unchron. Standard
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
In the column to the left Paul’s letters are presented in the order he wrote them. The
number to the right of the text shows in what year the letter was written. In the
column to the right you see the order in which every translation presents Paul’s
letters. Read Paul’s letter in the order he himself wrote them, and you will find out
how much easier and more natural it becomes to form a picture of Paul’s preachings
and missionary journeys:
The inhabitants in the city of Thessalonica developed a strained relation to the
Christians. Paul and his fellow worker Silas were at the end chased from the City.
They fled to Corinth. From this it is natural that Paul worries about the church there,
and maybe he also feels a need to encourage them. Therefore he wrote his two first
letters to the church in Thessalonica. Thereafter he wrote to the Galatians, naturally
enough, for it was in Galatia he had established his first churches during his first
missionary journey. He wrote the next three letters to the churches in Corinth and
Rome while he was in Ephesus and Corinth. After this Paul wrote more letters during
his imprisonment in Rome at the end of the 50s and at the beginning of the 60s. Of
these Hebrews is considered to be the last, about the year 62.
After his release Paul was a free man only a few years, and he used that time to
visit churches and co-workers. And he writes his two next letters to Titus and
Timothy. But then he was thrown in prison again. There Paul writes his very last
letter to closest co-worker Timothy. In reality it was a farewell letter to him! And —
what could be more natural than Paul taking leave of his closest co-worker when he
now feels that he is nearing the end? This you can see in his last letter to Timothy —
it is a rather sad farewell. Many had left Paul in favor of their worldly desires.
Shortly thereafter Paul was executed on the command of Emperor Nero.
About God’s Pact
THE PACT (The Scripture, the Holy Scripture, the Bible) is the book containing
God’s word to all mankind. And God’s word is God’s pact with man. This Pact is
divided into two major parts:
01. The First Pact based on the law God gave to the sons of Israel through Moses,
and the New Pact built on Jesus’ sacrifice of redemption and his commandments of
02. The New Pact applies to all people. It is the New Pact that gives the whole world
a hope of ageous life through the faith in Jesus Christ — in the heavens and on the
Read MAT 05:05, PSA 37:11 and PSA 37:29. Not until the apostle John during the
years 96 to 98 had fulfilled his scriptures — Revelation, (96) the Message and his
three short letters, God’s pact with all men was complete, ref. 1CO 13:10.
Why THE PACT and not the Bible or the Testaments? In the Hebrew scriptures
God’s word is by God himself referred to as his pact with man as many as 264 times,
the first time in GEN 06:18. In 1CO Paul calls the law the First Pact. And in LUK
22:20 Jesus himself establishes the New Pact with mankind. This is affirmed by Paul
in First Corinthians 11:25. It is of course not wrong using the traditional descriptions
‘Bible’ or ‘Testament’ about the word of God, but still, what could be more natural
than to call the word of God the same as he himself called it? — God’s pact with
man. Therefore THE PACT!
God’s pact with the sons of Israel and all man consists of 66 short books put on
paper by about 40 different scribes from about the year 1500 B.C.E. to about the year
100 C.E. (B.C.E. = Before the Common Era, C.E. = The Common Era).
The First Pact consists of 39 books written down by at least 30 scribes from about
the year 1500 to about the year 440 B.C.E. The period after the Jews returned from
Babylon, the about 450 last years before Christ, are not mentioned in the Bible. It is
this period that is roughly the time of the Jews, until around three and a half years
after Jesus’ resurrection, ref. Daniel 09:20-27.
The New Pact consists of 27 books written by 8 different scribes from about the year
40 to about the year 100 C.E. All of God’s pact, the First and the New, is breathed
in by God. (2TI 03:16)
When the New Pact was complete, the beast, Rome under Emperor Constantin, rose
from the abyss to change the Bible to a tool of a mundane state. (REV 11:07)
The History of the New Pact
The column to the left is abbreviations of the 27 books of the New Pact. When
refering to biblical verses, THE PACT uses these abbreviations. The next column
contains the books’ title, and then place and year of where and when it was written.
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
First Peter
Second Peter
First John
Second John
Third John
Written about year
Those of Paul’s letter that are written in Rome, were written during his first imprisonment there. Also his closest co-workers, Luke and Mark, stayed in Rome at that
time. That is where they wrote down their stories about Jesus. The last letter Paul
wrote, was to his closest friend and co-worker Timothy.
In all probability this letter was written during his last imprisonment in Rome
under Emperor Nero.
An Overview of Chapters in Galatians
Book 08 (47): GAL — Galatians
Message and Faith
The Promises Are through Christ
Freedom in Christ
The Flesh Strives against the Spirit
What You Sow, You Shall Reap
An Overview of Paragraphs in Galatians
GAL 01:01-05
“ 01:06-09
“ 01:10-17
“ 01:18-20
“ 01:21-24
GAL 02:01-10
“ 02:11-21
GAL 03:01-09
“ 03:10-14
“ 03:15-18
“ 03:19-25
“ 03:26-29
GAL 04:01-07
“ 04:08-20
“ 04:21-31
GAL 05:01-15
“ 05:16-18
“ 05:19-21
“ 05:22-26
GAL 06:01-05
“ 06:06-10
“ 06:11
“ 06:12-16
“ 06:17
“ 06:18
Only one message
A Christ’s slave
I first went to Jerusalem —
— then to Syria and Cilicia
About the message
About faith
The right faith
Under the damnation of the law
The pact with Abraham
The law — a schoolmaster
Heirs with Christ
Freed from the law
False preachers
The First and the New Pact
Love through faith
Live by the spirit
The acts of the flesh
The acts of the spirit
Share the burdens
Do good to all
With my own hand
The Lord Jesus’ mark
A short farewell
An Overview of Paragraphs
with Commentaries in Galatians
GAL 01:01-05
“ 01:06-09
“ 01:10-17
“ 01:18-20
“ 01:21-24
GAL 02:01-10
“ 02:11-21
GAL 03:01-09
“ 03:10-14
“ 03:15-18
“ 03:19-25
“ 03:26-29
GAL 04:01-07
“ 04:08-20
“ 04:21-31
GAL 05:01-15
“ 05:16-18
“ 05:19-21
“ 05:22-26
GAL 06:01-05
“ 06:06-10
“ 06:11
“ 06:12-16
“ 06:17
“ 06:18
Only one message
A Christ’s slave
I first went to Jerusalem —
— then to Syria and Cilicia
About the message
About faith
The right faith
Under the damnation of the law
The pact with Abraham
The law — a schoolmaster
Heirs with Christ
Freed from the law
False preachers
The First and the New Pact
Love through faith
Live by the spirit
The acts of the flesh
The acts of the spirit
Share the burdens
Do good to all
With my own hand
The Lord Jesus’ mark
A short farewell
COM. #
COM. 001
COM. 004
COM. 009
COM. 011
COM. 016
COM. 020
Important to get a clear view of Paul’s life and teaching!
We have seen that Paul wrote his first two letters to the church in Thessalonica toward
the end of his second missionary journey while he was still staying in Corinth together
with his closest co-workers. The cause of his writing his first two letters to the Thessalonians, was the severe persecutions this church was exposed to. Paul has now ended his
second missionary journey and returned to Antioch in Syria, the major city of preaching
the message about Christ to those of the peoples. After his return he is made aware that
the situation in Galatia has taken a turn for the worse — the Jews are following in Paul’s
footsteps and tries to convert the Galatians to Judaism (proselytes). Usually Paul uses
scribes to write his letters, but this letter is so important to have delivered to the churches there that he sits down and writes it with his own hand — in big letters. Paul either
had a poor eyesight or was extremely near-sighted.
08 Galatians
Disregarding the special conditions that
prevailed around the church in Thessalonica, and Paul’s worrying about them
because of the hard persecutions they
were exposed to, what could be more
natural than Paul writing his next letter,
the Pact’s book number 47, to the churches in Galatia that he established during
his first missionary journey? The churches were centrally positioned in Galatia,
and the peoples there consisted of Jews
as well as of ethnics, especially Celts and
Gauls. Asia, today’s Turkey, was at that
time subject to the Romans.
Paul begins his message to the Galatians by explaining his own position as
apostle, not chosen by men, but by God
the Almighty through Jesus Christ. ‘Saul,
Saul, why do you persecute me?’ (ACT
The main message in the letter to the
Galatians is the grace of God and rescue
through Christ’s sacrifice of redemption
and not through acts based on the law.
In the letter to the Galatians Paul also
explains the relationship between the
First Pact symbolized by the slave woman Hagar and the New Pact symbolized
by the free woman Sarah, mother of the
It is here Paul says that the whole law
is fulfilled through one word:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
(GAL 04:21-31)
He emphasizes that there is only one
true faith and warns against false preaching, especially the claim from the Jews
that also the Christians had to be circumcised. As a result the question of circumcision was debated among the elders in
Jerusalem. (ACT 15:01-29)
In chapter 05 Paul preaches the free-
dom of the Christians in Christ, bought
free from the law. He also explains the
good fruits of the spirit in contrast to the
evil acts of the flesh.
It is generally thought that Paul wrote
this letter in about the year of 54, but
there are disagreements as to where it
was written, whether it was in Corinth or
in Antioch in Syria which was Paul’s
major basis. It is still probable that the
letter was written shortly before he went
on his third missionary journey some
years later. And then he left from Antioch. Therefore it is reasonable to believe
that he wrote the letter before he went to
the churches in Galatia in the year of 55.
Regardless, the letter is a response to
the false and intense proclamations of
the Jews about circumcision.
The letter to the Galatians is Paul’s
only letter to many churches in one district, to the churches in Antioch, Iconium
and Lystra, and not to a single church or
co-worker. In addition his letter to the
Hebrews is the only one written to a
single group, the Jews.
GAL 01
GAL 01:01-05. Greetings
01 From Paul, an apostle, not by men
or for men, but by Jesus Christ for God,
our Father, he who raised him up from
the dead.
02 To all the brothers in the churches
of Galatia:
03 Grace and peace from God, our
Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
04 He has given himself for our sins
and shall free us from the present wicked
time according to the will of God, our
05 The glory is his in ages. Amen.
GAL 01:06-09. Only one message
06 I am surprised that you so soon
turned away from him who called you to
the grace of Christ, and to a different
message that is in reality no message.
07 But there are some who confuse
you, because they want to turn you away
from the message about Christ.
08 But if any of us, or even a messenger from the heavens, should preach a
message to you that is at strife with the
one I preached to you, then he shall be
09 I have told you before and I also
say it to you again now: He who proclaims a message to you that is at strife
with that which I preached and delivered
to you, shall be condemned!
GAL 01:10-17. A Christ’s slave
10 Is it from people I seek recognition,
or is it from God? Is it people I like to
please? If it were people, then I am not a
slave under Christ.
11 You will know, brothers, that the
message I proclaimed, is not of men.
12 I have not received it from any
man. And neither has it been taught to
me, but revealed to me by Jesus Christ.
13 For you have heard of my previous
way of life under Judaism, how intensely
I persecuted the churches of God and
tried to destroy them.
14 Under Judaism I tried to present
myself as the one who surpassed many
of my contemporary countrymen and behaved more eagerly than they according
to the traditions of my forefathers.
15 But because it pleased God, he
chose me in my mother’s womb and called me by his grace.
16 When he revealed his Son to me,
in order that I should preach the message
about him to the peoples, I did not first
seek advice from those of flesh and
17 Neither did I go up to Jerusalem to
those who had become apostles before
me, but I went to Arabia before I again
returned to Damascus.
GAL 01:18-20. I went first to Jerusalem —
18 Then, after three years, I went up
to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter. I stayed with him for fourteen days.
19 Of the other apostles I saw no one,
except Jacob, the Lord’s brother.
20 It is with great pleasure I write
this, and, see! — before God, because I
do not lie!
GAL 01:21-24. — then to Syria and
21 Then I went to the districts of Syria and Cilicia.
22 Nobody knew my appearance in
the churches of Judea that are in Christ.
23 They had only heard that he who
previously persecuted them, now preached the faith he previously had tried to
24 And they praised God for it.
GAL 02
Message and Faith
GAL 02:01-10. About the message
01 So, fourteen years later, I went up
to Jerusalem again together with Barnabas. I also brought with me Titus.
02 I went up there because of a revelation. I presented before them the message I had preached among the peoples
the way I saw it, because maybe I had
run the course in vain.
03 But not even Titus, who was a Greek, was forced to be circumcised.
04 But some false brothers had come
in among us.
They had sneaked in to spy on the
freedom we had in Christ, because they
wanted to turn us into slaves.
05 But we did not give in or submit to
this for a moment, in order that the message should stand firm with you.
06 But those who were considered to
be prominent — whether they were of
high rank or not of high rank means nothing, because God does not give a man
based on appearance, and those who
were considered to be prominent, did not
contribute to anything.
07 On the contrary. They realized that
the message to the uncircumcised had
been entrusted me and to the circumcised
08 Because he who gave power to the
apostle Peter among the circumcised, he
also gave power to me among the peoples.
09 As Jacob, Caiphas and John, who
were considered to be among the pillars,
realized what I had received, they gave
Barnabas and myself the right hand of
their fellowship. We were to preach to
those of the peoples and they to the circumcised.
10 We just had to remember the poor,
something I was also eager to do.
GAL 02:11-21. About faith
11 When Peter came to Antioch, I
went against him, straight to his face, because he behaved against his better judgement.
12 Because before some came down
here from Jacob, he ate with those of the
peoples. But after they came, he pulled
back and separated himself from them in
fear of the circumcised.
13 The rest of the Jews were also hypocrites together with him, so that even
Barnabas got carried away with their hypocrisy.
14 When I saw that he did not act correctly according to the truth of the message, I said to Peter before all of them:
‘If you who are a Jew, act like one of
the peoples, and not like a Jew, how can
you demand that the peoples shall follow
the customs of the Jews?’
15 For we who have the nature of the
Jews, are not sinners like the peoples.
16 We know that no man is justified
by the acts of the law, but through our
faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore also we
believe in Jesus Christ, in order that we
shall be justified through the faith in Jesus Christ, and not by acts of the law.
Because through acts of the law no flesh
has become justified.
17 But if also we who try to become
justified in Christ, also are found as sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? — It
can never happen!
18 If someone wants to rebuild what
has been torn down, does he not then
make himself into a lawbreaker?
19 Under the law* I was dead, but under the law** I shall live for God.
*Moses’ law **Christ’s law
20 Now I have been impaled* together with Christ. Then I no longer live for
myself, but for Christ. The life I now live
in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son
of God, he who loved me so dearly that
he gave himself for me.
*Gr. stauroo = impale
21 I do not set the grace of God aside,
because if justification* came from the
law, then Jesus died in vain.
*getting the sonship, that is being adopted as
God’s heavenly sons
GAL 03
The Promises Are through Christ
GAL 03:01-05. The right faith
01 You foolish Galatians! Some have
bewitched you so that you will not obey
the truth — you who before your eyes
have received Jesus Christ presented as
the One who was impaled* for you.
*Gr. stauroo = impale
02 Only this I want to know from
you: Did you get the spirit through acts
of the law, or through what you have
heard and through your faith?
03 Are you so foolish that after having started in the spirit, you want to finish in the flesh?
04 Have you gone through all this for
nothing? — If then it has been for nothing?
05 Because — do you execute the
working power of the spirit through acts
of the law, or through what you have
heard and through your faith?
06 This is how it was with Abraham:
‘He believed in Jehovah and was therefore counted as righteous.’ GEN 15:06
07 Understand, therefore, that he who
believes, is a son of Abraham.
08 But in the Scripture God foresaw
that those of the peoples should be justified through faith. Therefore he preached
the message in advance to Abraham:
‘Through you all peoples on the earth
shall be blessed.’
GEN 12:03
09 Those who believe, will be blessed
through the faith of Abraham.
GAL 03:10-14. Under the condemnation of the law
10 He who puts his trust in acts of the
law, is under condemnation, because this
is how it is written:
‘Condemned is he who does not keep
all what is written down in the scroll of
law and acts according to it.’ DEU 27:02
11 No one is justified through the law
after God’s manifest, for: ‘The righteous
shall live in faith.’
HAB 02:04
12 But the law is not of faith.
‘The man who wants to do according
to it, must live by it.’
LEV 18:05
13 But Christ bought us free from the
condemnation of the law through his becoming a condemnation for us, for it is
‘Condemned are all who are hanged
on a tree.’
DEU 21:23
14 Abraham’s blessing happened so
that those of the peoples through Christ
would get the spirit they were promised
through their faith.
GAL 03:15-18. The pact with Abraham
15 Brothers, I speak about what is of
men, because when a man has entered
into a pact with anybody, then no one
will deduct from it or add anything to it.
16 To Abraham and those of his semen the promises were spoken.
But he did not say ‘semens,’ as if to
many, but to one: ‘To those of your semen,’ which is Christ.
17 What I mean is: The pact, which
was established by God [through Christ],
the law, which came four hundred and
thirty years later, cannot make it invalid
or liquidate it.
18 Because if the inheritance was by
law, it can no longer be a promise. But
through his grace God gave Abraham the
inheritance through the promises.
GAL 03:19-25. The law — a schoolmaster
19 Then why did the law come? It
was introduced because of the transgressions until the time when the Semen was
to come, he whom the promises were
And the law was presented by the
Messenger’s hand to a mediator.
20 But a mediator is not for one, even
if God is one.
21 Is the law therefore at strife with
God’s promises?
That could never happen, for if the
law had the power that is necessary to
give life, then justification would have
come through the law.
22 The Scripture has laid everything
under sin, so that the promise through
faith in Jesus Christ would fall on those
who believe.
23 Before the faith came, we were
kept in custody under the law so that we
would be subject to it until the faith was
24 In this way the law became like a
schoolmaster for us until Christ, so that
we would be justified by faith.
25 But because the faith has come,
we are no longer under the schoolmaster.
GAL 03:26-29. Heirs with Christ
26 We are all sons of God through
our faith in Jesus Christ.
27 Because he who is baptized to
Christ, has clothed himself in Christ.
28 Then it is not Jew or Greek, slave
or free, [male or female,] because then
we are all one in Christ.
29 And if you are of Christ, you are
of Abraham’s semen and heirs according
to the promises.
GAL 04
Freedom in Christ
GAL 04:01-07. Freed from the law
01 What I can say with pleasure is
that as long as the heir is an infant, there
is no difference between him and a slave,
even if he is to become master over them
02 He is under guardians and managers until that time which has been predetermined by his father.
03 Such it is also with you. As long
as you are infants, you are in slavery under the basic forces of this world.
04 When time had been fulfilled, God
sent his Son. And it happened under the
05 But he was to buy free those under
the law so that we would get the sonship.
06 And because you are sons, God
sent his Son’s spirit in your hearts, that
which calls out: ‘Abba! Father!’
07 Then you are no longer slaves, but
sons. And because you are sons, you are
also God’s heirs [through Christ].
GAL 04:08-20. False preachers
08 When you did not know God, you
were slaves under such who by nature
were not gods.
09 But now you have learned to know
God, and what is even greater — you are
known by God! How can you then return
to those weak and poor basic forces? —
Or do you again want to be under the slavery?
10 For you pay close attention to
days, months, seasons and years.
11 I am afraid that I might have striven in vain with you!
12 Brothers, I ask you to be as I am.
Because I have become like you, and no
one among you have done me anything
13 As you know it was with weakness
in the flesh I have previously preached
the message to you.
14 And my weakness in the flesh you
neither despised nor rejected me for, but
you received me as a God’s messenger
— as if I were the Christ Jesus.
15 But where has the great pleasure
you had then, gone to? For I can testify
that if possible, you would have torn out
your eyes and given them to me.
16 Have I now become your enemy
because I tell you the truth?
17 They are zealous to win you over,
but not to the good. Because they want to
keep you apart from us so that you may
be zealous for them.
18 It is good to always be zealous for
that which is of the good, and not only
when someone is present with you.
19 My little children whom I again
have birth pains with until Christ takes
shape in you:
20 I wish I could be present with you
so that I could use a different tone.
But I am at a loss concerning you.
GAL 04:21-31. The First and the
New Pact
21 So tell me, you who want to be
under the law: Do you keep the law?
22 Because it is written that Abraham
had two sons — one with the slave girl,
the other with her who was free.
23 The salve girl gave birth in the
flesh, but the free bore according to the
24 This is symbolic, because they
were of the two pacts. The first, she who
gave birth at the mountain Sinai, bore in
slavery. She was Hagar.
25 This Hagar by mount Sinai in Arabia corresponds with the Jerusalem that
is now with her children in slavery.
26 But the Jerusalem up there, is free
and will become the mother of all.
27 For it is written: ‘Rejoice, you who
are barren and unable to bear children.
Break out in shouts, you who have no
birth pains, for she who was barren, has
many more children then she who had a
ISA 54:01
28 And you, brothers, as Isaac, are
children of the promise.
29 He who was born of the flesh, per-
secuted he who was of the promise. That
is also how it is now.
30 About this the Scripture says:
‘Throw out the son of the slave girl,
because her son shall not inherit together with the son of the free.’ GEN 21:10
31 Therefore, brothers, you are not
children of the slave girl, but of the free.
GAL 05
The Flesh Strives against the Spirit
GAL 05:01-15. Love through faith
01 Stand firm in the freedom Christ
has freed us to, and do not again get entangled in the yoke of slavery.
02 See! — I, Paul, say that if you let
yourselves become circumcised, Christ
has been of no use to you!
03 I again testify to all men that if
you let yourselves become circumcised,
you will be obligated to keep the whole
04 For you nullify Christ, you who
want to be justified through the law.
You have fallen out of his grace!
05 In the spirit we hopefully wait for
the justice of the faith.
06 Because in Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means
nothing; only the faith which leads to
07 You ran fast! But who prevented
you from listening to the truth?
08 For the persuasion to this is not
from him who called you.
09 A little sourdough saturates the
whole batch.
10 But I have the confidence in you
through the Lord that you will not
change your understanding, and that
those who confuse you, will get their
punishment, regardless of who they are.
11 Brothers, if I still preach the circumcision, why am I then persecuted?
For then the pole* as a stumbling block
has been cleared away. *Gr. stauros = pole
12 I wish that they cut it off, these
who set themselves up against us.
13 Because you, brothers, are called
to freedom.
But do not make this freedom an opportunity for the flesh.
Be each other’s slaves in love.
14 For the whole law is fulfilled through one word:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
LEV 19:18
15 But if you bite and eat at each other, see to it that you do not eat each other up!
GAL 05:16-18. Live by the spirit
16 This I say: Live by the spirit, so
that you shall not satisfy the desires of
the flesh.
17 Because the desires of the flesh
are against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. These are opposing each
other, so that no one shall do what he
18 But if you are guided by the spirit,
you are not under the law.
GAL 05:19-21. The acts of the flesh
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious:
They are such as fornication, sexual
immorality and unworthy indulgence.
20 They are idolatry, acts of magic,
hatred, envy, anger, scheming, party activity, and the forming of sects.
21 They are also antagonism, murder,
alcoholism, riots, and the like. I have
both said and told you before, that those
who practice these, shall not inherit the
Realm of God.
GAL 05:22-23. The fruits of the
22 The fruits of the spirit, on the contrary, are love, joy, peace, patience, ten-
derness, benevolence, meekness and self
23 Against such there is no law.
24 Those who are of Christ, have impaled the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 And if you want to live by what is
of the spirit, you must also comply with
what is of the spirit.
26 Let us not become self-centered so
that we will not provoke and envy each
GAL 06
What You Sow, You Shall Reap
GAL 06:01-05. Share the burdens
01 Brothers, if some are caught in a
sin, you who are of the spirit, shall admonish him with a mild spirit. But watch
out so that you yourselves are not tempted!
02 Carry each other’s burdens, because then you fulfill the law of Christ.
03 If some one thinks he is something, but without being it, he deceives
04 Each must evaluate his own work,
because then he may boast of what he is
himself, and not of what others are.
05 Each must carry his own burden.
GAL 06:06-10. Do good to all
06 He who is taught the word, must
share all his good things with he who
07 But do not be deceived, for God
will not be blasphemed.
What a man sows, he will also reap.
08 He who sows what is of the flesh,
will reap the destruction of the flesh, and
he who sows what is of the spirit, will by
the spirit reap ageous life.
09 Do not get tired of doing good, for
at the set time we shall reap if we do not
give up.
10 Let us therefore, while we still
have the opportunity, do good to all, and
especially to those who belong to the
GAL 06:11. With my own hand
11 Note that I have written to you in
big letters — with my own hand!
GAL 06:12-16. Warnings
12 It is such that want to look good in
the flesh who want to force you to become circumcised, just so that no one
shall persecute them because of Christ’s
*Gr. sturos = pole, stick
13 Because nobody, not even among
the circumcised, obeys the law. They
want you to become circumcised so that
they may boast about you in the flesh.
14 May it never be that I boast about
anything but the Lord Jesus’ pole.* For
he has impaled what is of this world for
me, and me for what is of this world.
*Gr. stauros = pole
15 For in Jesus Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means
nothing, but becoming the new creation.
16 To those who hold on to this guideline; peace and mercy be with you, and
with God’s Israel.
GAL 06:17. The Lord Jesus’ mark
17 Finally, may no one be bothered
by my weakness, for I carry the Lord Jesus’ mark on my body.
GAL 06:18. A short farewell
18 Brothers, may the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
About Paul’s 14 Letters
Not in a single translation of the word of God have Paul’s letters been placed in the
order he wrote them.
If this not always causes confusion, it still becomes much simpler to relate to
Paul’s establishment of those churches he later addressed his letters to, if the letters
are placed in consecutive order.
Here follows an overview of the order Paul wrote his letters. THE PACT has
chosen to present them in the same order.
In the column to the right follows the order in which other translators have chosen
to present Paul’s books, letters, epistles, writs.
Overview of Paul’s 14 Letters
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
Year Others
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
First Thessalonians
Second Thessalonians
First Timothy
Second Timothy
08 Galatians with Commentaries
Disregarding the special conditions that prevailed around the church in Thessalonica, and Paul’s worrying about them because of the hard persecutions they were
exposed to, what could be more natural than Paul writing his next letter, the Pact’s
book number 47, to the churches in Galatia that he established during his first missionary journey? The churches were centrally positioned in Galatia, and the peoples
there consisted of Jews as well as of ethnics, especially Celts and Gauls.
Asia, today’s Turkey, was at that time subject to the Romans.
Paul begins his message to the Galatians by explaining his own position as apostle, not chosen by men, but by God the Almighty through Jesus Christ. ‘Saul, Saul,
Galatians with Commentaries
why do you persecute me?’ (ACT 09:04) The main message in the letter to the Galatians is the grace of God and rescue through Christ’s sacrifice of redemption and
not through acts based on the law.
In the letter to the Galatians Paul also explains the relationship between the First
Pact symbolized by the slave woman Hagar and the New Pact symbolized by the free
woman Sarah, mother of the promise.
It is here Paul says that the whole law is fulfilled through one word:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (GAL 04:21-31)
He emphasizes that there is only one true faith and warns against false preaching,
especially the claim from the Jews that also the Christians had to be circumcised. As
a result the question of circumcision was debated among the elders in Jerusalem.
(ACT 15:01-29)
In chapter 05 Paul preaches the freedom of the Christians in Christ, bought free
from the law. He also explains the good fruits of the spirit in contrast to the evil acts
of the flesh.
It is generally thought that Paul wrote this letter in about the year of 54, but there
are disagreements as to where it was written, whether it was in Corinth or in Antioch
in Syria which was Paul’s major basis. It is still probable that the letter was written
shortly before he went on his third missionary journey some years later. And then he
left from Antioch. Therefore it is reasonable to believe that he wrote the letter before
he went to the churches in Galatia in the year of 55.
Regardless, the letter is a response to the false and intense proclamations of the
Jews about circumcision.
The letter to the Galatians is Paul’s only letter to many churches in one district,
to the churches in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, and not to a single church or coworker. In addition his letter to the Hebrews is the only one written to a single group,
the Jews.
GAL 01
GAL 01:01-05. Greetings
01 From Paul, an apostle, not by men or for men, but by Jesus Christ for God, our
Father, he who raised him up from the dead.
02 To all the brothers in the churches of Galatia:
03 Grace and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
04 He has given himself for our sins and shall free us from the present wicked time
according to the will of God, our Father.
05 The glory is his in ages. Amen.
Paul finished writing his first two letters to the church in Thesslonica while staying
in Corinth during the one and a half years he stayed there toward the end of his second journey before he returned to Antioch. The next letter he writes, is to the
Galatians with Commentaries
churches in Galatia, centrally situated in the Galatian highlands. Some claim he
wrote also this letter in Corinth, but in all probability he wrote this letter in Antioch
in Syria on his own before he set out on his third and last missionary journey. The
three churches in Galatia were the first three churches he established on his first
journey, the churches in Antioch in Pisidia, in Iconium and Lystra. And he started
his third and last missionary journey by visiting these three churches in opposite
order, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. And in Lystra they met Timothy, a young, eager
disciple who then decided to join them. And they, Paul, Silas and Timothy, continued
westward on foot across the province of Galatia until they reached the province of
Asia on the west coast. Have you ever heard the expression ‘on the stilts of the
apostles?’ It means to walk.
This is where they received the calling not to preach in northern Asia, but to
continue to Macedonia. This you may read about in Acts chapter 16, verses 12-16.
And on this trip Paul brings his third letter which he probably presents in both
Lystra and Iconium before he leaves it with the church in Antioch. And as usual Paul
starts his letter by introducing himself before presenting his greetings. And also this
time he starts by indirectly referring to what he experienced on the road to Damascus. He says that he is not an apostle by men or for men. And what is the difference?
Yes, he was not chosen to his work to serve men, and it was not through the influence of men he took on this work, but directly from God through Christ.
We see in verse 04 that Jesus’ acts were according to the will of God.
He concludes his introduction by stating that the honor for all this belongs to God
in ages.
GAL 01:06-09. Only one message
06 I am surprised that you so soon turned away from him who called you to the
grace of Christ, and to a different message that is in reality no message.
07 But there are some who confuse you, because they want to turn you away from
the message about Christ.
08 But if any of us, or even a messenger from the heavens, should preach a message to you that is at strife with the one I preached to you, then he shall be condemned!
09 I have told you before and I also say it to you again now: He who proclaims
a message to you that is at strife with that which I preached and delivered to you,
shall be condemned!
It was during the establishment of these churches that the Jews stared persecuting
Paul. They preached that also those of the peoples would have to become circumcised if they wanted to be rescued. And it was this question Paul traveled all the way
to Jerusalem to discuss with the elders there, even if he states that he had received
the information through a revelation, directly from Christ, that is. It was at the same
time important to Paul to be able to present the authority of the original apostles in
Galatians with Commentaries
this mater. And through the resolution in Jerusalem where both Jacob, Jesus half
brother, the elders and the whole church were gathered, he had this confirmed in
writing. (ACT 15:22-29) But we see that this false preaching by the Jews in the province of Galatia still continued. And it was to dam up against this false teaching Paul
wrote this letter to the Galatians. And he was crass and direct!
So, what was Paul’s major message to the Galatians in this letter? Yes, after a
short introduction he gets straight to the point attacking those who are conducting the
false preaching: ‘Even if we, or a messenger from the heavens, should preach another
message to you than what we have preached, he shall be condemned!’
(In his own German translation Martin Luther changed the text of this verse.)
In addition Paul says in verse 06 that their message is actually not a message at
all, but a distortion of the message that he and his co-workers preached about Christ!
Does that mean that they are still going to be condemned?
Clearly, because Paul condemns them in the following verse. In addition both a
new message and a distorted message actually becomes a different message form
what was originally preached. And it was especially the law and the circumcision
there were contentions about.
But why was that so important? After all, the circumcision was not originally part
of Moses’s law, but a pact God had entered into with Abraham directly!
Then we need to understand that this pact was about the bringing forth of Jesus
as the Rescuer of this world. The pact was renewed with king David, and the pact of
the circumcision had never applied to anybody but the sons of Israel, or the Jews,
because it was from them Jesus was to be born.
Then, when Jesus was born, this pact had been fulfilled, and then there was no
longer a need to continue this tradition, not even for the Jews. And, as mentioned,
those of the peoples had never been part of this pact that God made with Abraham.
‘The rescue comes from the Jews,’ says Jesus. (JOH 04:22) Jesus then refers to himself as a Jew.
 Gr. ethnos = people, tribe, ethnic group (not heathen, pagan or Gentile)
We see how important it was for Paul to be able to present a correct understanding of the message about the Lord Jesus Christ.
True, this question was also important in general, because these wrong teachers
maintained that this was a question of rescue or no rescue, a life in ages of an extermination in ages.
Do we have a clear parallel to this in today’s situation?
Yes, the teaching of the trinity is also a man-made dogma, the S-Athanasian,
which has become directional to most so-called Christian churches of today. Also
this teaching claim that we must believe its contents in order to be rescued! And that
in spite of the fact that it makes both God and Christ liars! (Read point 24 and then
compare to John 14:28). Therefore it is just as important in today’s situation to watch
out for wrong teachings, because who among men have received God’s authority do
decide who will be rescued or not? (2TH 02:09-10)
You may study the teaching of the trinity from page 116 in this book.
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 01:10-17. A Christ’s slave
10 Is it from people I seek recognition, or is it from God? Is it people I like to
please? If it is people, then I am not a slave under Christ.
11 You will know, brothers, that the message I proclaimed, is not of men.
12 I have not received it from any man. And neither has it been taught to me, but
revealed to me by Jesus Christ.
13 For you have heard of my previous way of life under Judaism, how intensely
I persecuted the churches of God and tried to destroy them.
14 Under Judaism I tried to present myself as the one who surpassed many of my
contemporaries and behaved more eagerly than they according to the traditions of my
15 But because it pleased God, he chose me in my mother’s womb and called me
by his grace.
16 When he revealed his Son to me, in order that I should preach the message
about him to the peoples, I did not first seek advice from those of flesh and blood.
17 Neither did I go up to Jerusalem to those who had become apostles before me,
but I went to Arabia before I again returned to Damascus.
At the beginning of this letter Paul gives a lot of information that Luke has left out
in Acts. When we read Luke we get the impression that Paul started his preaching a
short time after he had met the resurrected Jesus on the way to Damascus, but he
himself tells that he first went to Arabia, most likely another place in Syria which
was also part of Arabia at that time. He stayed there a long time, about three years,
according to himself. Then he moved about in the regions of Syria and Cilicia. Paul
was born in Tarsus in Cilicia, so after he had traveled about in Arabia, he returned
home to Tarsus. There he stayed for a period of about ten years, and even if Paul was
not very active during this period the years 36-46 are still mentioned as his first
period of service.
When you read this introduction that Paul gives about himself, you also see how
clearer it becomes when you read Paul’s letters in the order he wrote them.
GAL 01:18-20. I went first to Jerusalem —
18 Then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter.
I stayed with him for fourteen days.
19 Of the other apostles I saw no one, except Jacob, the Lord’s brother.
20 It is with great pleasure I write this, and, see! — before God, because I do not
Only after Paul had stayed in Damascus for three years, he went to Jerusalem for the
first time after his conversion. There he met, in addition to Jacob, only Peter whom
he stayed with for two weeks. (ACT 09:26-39)
Galatians with Commentaries
Paul says that it is with great pleasure he presents this information — with God
as witness, because all this is true!
Luke’s version of this compared to Paul’s version is the closest I have come to the
Bible contradicting itself. Is it so that Luke tries to elevate Paul here, while Paul himself puts it straight?
GAL 01:21-24. — then to Syria and Celicia
21 Then I went to the districts of Syria and Cilicia.
22 Nobody knew my appearance in the churches of Judea that are in Christ.
23 They had only heard that he who previously persecuted them, now preached
the faith he previously had tried to eradicate.
24 And they praised God for it.
Later Paul went to Syria and Cilicia. And he could do so without being recognized,
because ‘nobody knew my face.’ But the message had preceded him, and the brothers
knew that he had ben converted ad now preached the message about Christ.
In most translations it says that ‘they praised God because of me.’ In the Greek
text it only says: doxazo theos = they praised God, but it implies that they praised
God for what had happened. The Christians had one nuisance less to worry about.
GAL 02
Message and Faith
GAL 02:01-10. About the message
01 So, fourteen years later, I went up to Jerusalem again together with Barnabas.
I also brought with me Titus.
02 I went up there because of a revelation. I presented before them the message
I had preached among the peoples the way I saw it, because maybe I had run the
course in vain.
03 But not even Titus, who was a Greek, was forced to be circumcised.
04 But some false brothers had come in among us.
They had sneaked in to spy on the freedom we had in Christ, because they wanted
to turn us into slaves.
05 But we did not give in or submit to this for a moment, in order that the message should stand firm with you.
06 But those who were considered to be prominent — whether they were of high
rank or not of high rank means nothing, because God does not give a man based on
appearance, and those who were considered to be prominent, did not contribute to
07 On the contrary. They realized that the message to the un circumcised had been
entrusted me and to the circumcised Peter.
08 Because he who gave power to Peter among the circumcised, also gave power
to me among those of the peoples.
Galatians with Commentaries
09 As Jacob, Caiphas and John, who were considered to be among the pillars,
realized what I had received, they gave Barnabas and myself the right hand of their
fellowship. We were to preach to those of the peoples and they to the circumcised.
10 We just had to remember the poor, something I was also eager to do.
Fourteen years later Paul again went up to Jerusalem, this time together with Barnabas and Titus. This time he went there as a reaction to a revelation he had received
about the circumcision, namely that those of the peoples were not subjected to God’s
pact with Abraham about the circumcision.
Paul says that not even the foremost among the apostles had anything to do with
this. They had to accept that Paul had been chosen by God to preach the message
about Christ to those of the peoples in the same way Peter had been chosen to proclaim the message among the circumcised, the Jews. And you clearly see this when
you read Acts. There the first 12 chapters are about Peter and his preaching to the
Jews. The remaining 15 chapters are about Paul and his preaching to those of the
Even Jacob, Caiphas (Peter) and John, who were considered pillars, had nothing
to add to this, except that Paul must not forget the poor.
And this meeting between Paul and the church in Jerusalem about the circumcision is spoken of as the resolution in Jerusalem, or the Jerusalem-decision.
NB! Be aware that this resolution has nothing to do with rescue or destruction,
but includes directions to a respectful co-existence between the Christian Jews and
the Christians of the peoples. Unifying these two groups was not an easy task.
Ž You may read about this in ACT — The Beast from the Abyss, in 15:06-29.
GAL 02:11-21. About faith
11 When Peter came to Antioch, I went against him, straight to his face, because
he behaved against his better judgement.
12 Because before some came down here from Jacob, he ate with those of the
peoples. But after they came, he pulled back and separated himself from them in fear
of the circumcised.
13 The rest of the Jews were also hypocrites together with him, so that even
Barnabas got carried away with their hypocrisy.
14 When I saw that he did not act correctly according to the truth of the message,
I said to Peter before all of them: ‘If you who are a Jew, act like one of the peoples,
and not like a Jew, how can you demand that the peoples shall follow the customs
of the Jews?’
15 For we who have the nature of the Jews, are not sinners like the peoples.
16 We know that no man is justified by the acts of the law, but through our faith
in Jesus Christ. Therefore also we believe in Jesus Christ, in order that we shall be
justified through the faith in Jesus Christ, and not by acts of the law. Because through acts of the law no flesh has become justified.
Galatians with Commentaries
17 But if also we who try to become justified in Christ, also are found as sinners,
is Christ then a servant of sin? — It can never happen!
18 If someone wants to rebuild what has been torn down, does he not then make
himself into a lawbreaker?
19 Under the law* I was dead, but under the law** I shall live for God.
*Moses’ law **Christ’s law
20 Now I have been impaled* together with Christ. Then I no longer live for myself, but for Christ. The life I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of
God, he who loved me so dearly that he gave himself for me. *Gr. stauroo = impale
21 I do not set the grace of God aside, because if justification* came from the
law, then Jesus died in vain. *getting the sonship, that is being adopted as God’s heavenly sons
Jehovah’s Witnesses maintain that the proclamation of the message about Jesus was
directed from Jerusalem. As proof of this claim they refer to the resolution in Jerusalem. For this reason they call the church in Jerusalem ‘the governing body in Jerusalem,’ and then as a parallel to their own ‘governing body in Brooklyn.’ So is not
quite the case. But, fair enough, the preaching to the Jews had its origin in Jerusalem.
The Lutheran Church even claim that Jacob, Jesus’ half brother, was the first
bishop in Jerusalem. But the church has no biblical coverage for such a claim. Jacob
is never mentioned as a bishop in the Bible, but is referred to as ‘one of the elders,’
or as ‘the brother of the Lord.’
The preaching to the peoples originated in Antioch in Syria with Paul as the major
force. And we see in verse 11 that also Peter had come to Antioch.
As long as Peter was alone there, he ate together with those of the peoples, but
after Jacob, the brother of the Lord, had sent some Jews down there, Peter changed
his attitude and would rather have nothing to do with those of the peoples, the way
the law originally demanded. He started eating with the Jews only. Paul calls such
a division between Christian Jews and Christians of the peoples hypocrisy. He says
that Peter ‘behaves to the judgement.’ What does he mean with that? If Peter had
died just there and then, would he then have been lost in ages? No, but maybe he
could have lost the election to a heavenly glory. Yet, this is speculation, because God
had chosen him to a special work together with Jesus, both on the earth and later in
the heavens.
Paul confronts Peter with this, in verse 14, and we see that there developed a
strained relation between Peter and Paul. It easily becomes that way between leaders
in both their fields. In verse 17 Paul calls Peter’s behavior ‘an indisputable sin.’ Paul
also shows that Peter must unclothe himself of the law abiding Jew in favor of the
grace in Christ — a pretty tough behavior by Paul.
Note that Paul in verse 17 refers to ‘that which has been torn down.’ It is then the
law he aims at — the whole law without exception! But, what about the ten commandments? — Those of the peoples have never been subjected to any part of Moses’ law — including the ten commandments!
Galatians with Commentaries
The church that today is the most law-oriented are the Adventists, disregarding
Judaism, ref. the commandment of the Sabbath. The Adventists claim that only the
ceremonial laws were fulfilled through Christ, and also that the rest of the law is still
in effect, for instance the ten commandments which they call ‘the law of the commandments.’ They neither accept that Moses’ law was only given to ‘the sons of Israel and the strangers who lived among them.’ These are dogmas that all build on
‘revelations’ which their false prophetess Ellen Gould White claims to have had into
heaven. There is no biblical coverage of such a claim.
Read DEU 05:10-22 and you will see how clearly it says there. And note verse
03 especially. There it says: ‘Not with our fathers did Jehovah enter into this pact,
but with us who are here today — with all among us who are alive.’
In LEV 05:10-22 it says: ‘And this shall be a law for them in ages: On the tenth
day in the seventh month you shall fast and not do any kind of work, ‘neither you
who are born in the land nor any foreigner who lives in the land.’ And the foreigners living in the land, are such who have accepted the order of the Jews and converted to Judaism. They are called proselytes. This did not apply to such who were
just temporary guests.
In EXO 12:44 it says: ‘Every slave who has been bought for money, you shall
first circumcise. Then he may eat of it.’ And this lamb symbolized Christ.
In LEV 17:12 it says: ‘Therefore I said to the sons of Israel: No one among you
shall eat blood. And neither any strangers (foreigners) who live among you, shall eat
blood.’ Also here we see that the commandment only applies to the sons of Israel and
the foreigners that lived among them. The blood was holy to the Jews until Christ,
but in the same way as with the circumcision, it only applied until the pact had been
fulfilled. And after Jesus having shed his blood, also this pact had been fulfilled.
In DEU 14:21 it says: ‘You are not to eat any self-dead animals. But you may
give it to a stranger who is inside your gates so that he may eat of it. Or you may
sell it to a foreigner. Because you are a holy people to Jehovah your God. —’
Also in these cases we see that the commandment of the blood only applied to the
sons of Israel and the strangers who lived among them. The blood was holy to the
Jews until the death of Jesus, and in the same way as the circumcision it was only
valid until the pact had been fulfilled. And as you see in verse DEU 14:21 the foreigners could eat as much blood as they wanted also before the pact was fulfilled,
because they only became subjected to the pact, the New Pact, through Jesus. And
this clearly refers to the blood, because a self-dead animal has not been slaughtered
and therefore has all its blood in it.
Here Jehovah’s Witnesses are guilty of a total confusion when they even deny
their own children a blood transfusion, often with death as a result. And thereby the
child becomes an offering to God — based on a formidable religious misconception!
In addition Jesus says in MAT 09:13, THE PACT: ‘Try to understand what this
means: I want mercy, not sacrifice. —’ And in verse 21 Paul says: ‘I will not set the
grace of God aside, because if righteousness could have been achieved through the
law, then Christ died in vain.’ — Was not that clear speech?
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 03
The Promises Are through Christ
GAL 03:01-05. The right faith
01 You foolish Galatians! Some have bewitched you so that you will not obey the
truth — you who before your eyes have received Jesus Christ presented as the One
who was impaled* for you.
*Gr. stauroo = impale
02 Only this I want to know from you: Did you get the spirit through acts of the
law, or through what you have heard and through your faith?
03 Are you so foolish that after having started in the spirit, you want to finish in
the flesh?
04 Have you gone through all this for nothing? — If then it has been for nothing?
05 Because — do you execute the working power of the spirit through acts of the
law, or through what you have heard and through your faith?
06 This is how it was with Abraham: ‘He believed in Jehovah and was therefore
counted as righteous.’
GEN 15:06
07 Understand, therefore, that he who believes, is a son of Abraham.
08 But in the Scripture God foresaw that those of the peoples should be justified
through faith. Therefore he preached the message in advance to Abraham:
‘Through you all peoples on the earth shall be blessed.’
GEN 12:03
09 Those who believe, will be blessed through the faith of Abraham.
Paul is again crass. He calls the Galatians fools and wants to know if they had not
had Christ preached as the one who died on the pole. He also wants to know how
they had received the power of the Holy Spirit. Was it not through their belief in Christ?
Are you such fools that you do not understand this? Have you not started to wander in the power and the acts of the spirit? And then they fall back to the acts of the
flesh, the acts of this world?
Has it all been in vain?
Then Paul refers to Abraham, the man of faith. It was because of his faith Abraham was chosen to bring the semen forward to Jesus.
‘Through you all peoples shall be blessed.’
And this blessing again referred to Christ. It is only he who believes in the acts
of Jesus who will become rescued through Abraham.
What will then be the fate of such who do not believe in the acts of Jesus, for instance the Jews and the Muslims? Or Buddhists and Hindus? Or people from the
Western world rejecting Jesus and his acts? Will all these people have to suffer a destruction in ages?
This is a big question that few Christians can give a proper answer to. I will explain all of this in detail, which is God’s total plan for man through the establishment
of the Realm of God, in EPH — One Unity under Christ. There you will also get the
full explanation of what Paul keeps referring to as the ‘mystery of the message.’
Galatians with Commentaries
Does this mean that all righteous Christians will have a heavenly glory together
with Abraham?
No, Abraham is not in the heavens no matter how you interpret the parable of the
rich man and Lazarus. How can I say something like that? It is simple: Jesus says so
himself in John 03:13, THE PACT: ‘Because nobody has ascended to the heavens
except he who descended from the heavens, and that is the Son of Man [who is from
the heavens].’
Think a little now: — Paul says that if the law led to rescue, then Jesus died in
vain. It is the same with God’s faithful from the First Pact. If they came to heaven
when they died, also then Jesus died in vain!
GAL 03:10-14. Under the condemnation of the law
10 He who puts his trust in acts of the law, is under condemnation, because this
is how it is written: ‘Condemned is he who does not keep all what is written down
in the scroll of law and acts according to it.’
DEU 27:02
11 No one is justified through the law after God’s manifest, for: ‘The righteous
shall live in faith.’
HAB 02:04
12 But the law is not of faith. Because: ‘The man who wants to do according to
it, must live by it.’
LEV 18:05
13 But Christ bought us free from the condemnation of the law through his becoming a condemnation for us, for it is written: ‘Condemned are all who are hanged
on a tree.’
DEU 21:23
14 Abraham’s blessing happened so that those of the peoples through Christ
would get the spirit they were promised through their faith.
Here it is clear that he who wants to follow the law, must do so fully. And even then
obedience toward the law will not lead to a heavenly glory together with God and
Why not? It is simple: The law does not include the grace of God through Christ.
Only through the fact that Jesus has bought free man from the condemnation of the
law, has it become possible to achieve a heavenly glory — and then not through acts
based on the law, but through the belief in Jesus’ acts, his sacrificial blood.
Those people who did not manage to keep the law fully and wholly, are condemned under the law. They could not achieve a society with God. And this condemnation included a death sentence to all of them. Many were hanged on a tree. But also
Jesus was hanged on a tree, and he had his relation in order with God. Yes, it is quite
clear that Jesus was not exposed to God’s condemnation. What he did was according
to God’s will. No, the condemnation Jesus was exposed to, was the condemnation
of the Jews. And through this condemnation Jesus took on him the condemnation of
man and in that way bought man free from the condemnation of the law — the Jews
from the law of Moses and those of the peoples from the law of God: ‘From dust you
were taken, and to dust you shall return.’ (GEN 03:19)
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 03:15-18. The pact with Abraham
15 Brothers, I speak about what is of men, because when a man has entered into
a pact with anybody, then no one will deduct from it or add anything to it.
16 To Abraham and those of his semen the promises were spoken.
But he did not say ‘semens,’ as if to many, but to one: ‘To those of your semen,’
who is Christ.
17 What I mean is: The Pact, which was established by God [through Christ], the
law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, cannot make it invalid or liquidate it.
18 Because if the inheritance was by law, it can no longer be a promise. But through his grace God gave Abraham the inheritance through the promises.
Here Paul shows an example from out daily lives: When someone has entered into
an agreement, nobody will present additional demands after the agreement has been
fulfilled. And that is also how it is with God’s pact with Abraham. And that was fulfilled through Christ. Then it is unthinkable to try and prolong parts of this agreement
such as the circumcision and the holiness of the blood — yes, even the very law of
Moses, ref. the Jews. The law was also fulfilled through Christ.
And here comes the direct explanation that this agreement, pact, was about Christ.
In verse 08 Paul refers to Abraham’s blessing: ‘Through you all peoples on the earth
shall be blessed.’
Now, right away, read Genesis 13:15. There it says: ‘For all the earth that you
see, I give to you and those of your semen in ages.’
Do you see how clearly it says that Jesus shall govern the earth?
In verse 16 Paul explains this quite clearly. And I repeat for you to remember and
‘To Abraham and those of his semen the promises were spoken. But he did
not say ‘semens’ as if to many, but to one: ‘To those of your semen,’ who is
Yes, her we see that the very promise is through Christ, and it is only through
Christ and his work this blessing will come into power!
When we read what Moses wrote, there are many who do nor discern that Abraham’s blessing is about Christ. Many preach that the blessing was that Abraham
would become the forefather of many peoples under this world’s order. After all he
became the forefather of the Jews through Sarah and most Arabs through Hagar.
And if that were not enough, he is also considered the forefather of the Indians,
the Chinese and the rest of the Asian peoples through his last woman, Keturah. (GEN
NB! It is verse 06 that shows that Abraham’s sons with Keturah went East. And
he deliberately sent them away from Isaac who was the son of the promise.
In verse 05 it says that Abraham ‘gave all he had to Isaac.’ This has a spiritual
meaning because Isaac was the son of the promise.
Galatians with Commentaries
And it says in verse 06 that Abraham gave gifts to the sons he had with the cowomen he had, also to Ismael with the slave woman Hagar, and to Zimran, Jokshan,
Medan, Median, Ishback and Shuah, the sons he had with Keturah. ‘While he was
still alive,’ it says, he sent them, (the sons of Keturah) away from is son Isaac, to the
land in the East.’
When we think of Abraham as the father of both the Jews and the Palestinians,
that could not possibly have been the blessing. Considering the animosity between
them, this would be more a curse! No, the blessing is through Christ.
Paul also considers that the law which came 430 years after God’s promise to Abraham, cannot set this promise out of power.
Because if the inheritance had been made dependant upon the law, it would no
longer have been a promise. But through his grace God gave the inheritance to Abraham and those of his semen, which is through Christ.
Has it occurred to you that Abraham himself until now has not received any of the
promises God gave him? But they are being repeated throughout the Bible, such as
in Psalms 37:11.
There it says: ‘Blessed are the meek because they shall inherit the earth.’ And this
is the promise that applies to Abraham. Jesus confirms this in Matthew 05:05. It is
also repeated in PSA 37:29, and then even clearer:
‘Blessed are the righteous, for they shall inherit the earth and live on it in ages.’
Only then will God’s promise to Abraham become a reality to Abraham himself!
And now read John 03:13 one more time!
Ok, to save you from having to look it up, I will include it: ‘Because nobody has
ascended to the heavens except he who descended from the heavens, and that is the
Son of Man.’
So many Christians refuse to believe what Jesus says her! Can anyone believe in
Jesus if they refuse to believe what he says?
GAL 03:19-25. The law — a schoolmaster
19 Then why did the law come? It was introduced because of the transgressions
until the time when the Semen was to come, he whom the promises were about. And
the law was presented by the Messenger’s hand to a mediator.
20 But a mediator is not for one, even if God is one.
21 Is the law therefore at strife with God’s promises? That could never have
happen, for if the law had the power that is necessary to give life, then justification
would have come through the law.
22 The Scripture has laid everything under sin, so that the promise through faith
in Jesus Christ would fall on those who believe.
23 Before the faith came, we were kept in custody under the law so that we would
be subject to it until the faith was revealed.
24 In this way the law became like a schoolmaster for us until Christ, so that we
would be justified by faith.
25 But because the faith has come, we are no longer under the schoolmaster.
Galatians with Commentaries
Why did God give the law? Paul says that it ‘was introduced because of the many
transgressions until the Semen had come, he who was the promise.’ The purpose of
the law was to keep the Jews within a certain moral fencing until Christ had come.
But after Christ had come, the law did no longer serve a purpose, because then all
who were to be rescued, live in the faith in Jesus Christ and in pact with God’s spirit
— and through grace! That is what Paul refers to as ‘the circumcision of the heart.’
What does it mean that the law was brought into effect by the Messenger through
a mediator?
Yes, when we read in Exodus how for instance the stone tablets with the ten commandments were produced directly by the Messenger, it is an example that the ten
commandments were brought to power by the Messenger, who was the Messiah. In
EXO 31:18 it says: ‘When Jehovah had finished speaking to him on the mountain
Sinai, he gave him the two stone tablets of the testimony, the stone tablets that were
written with God’s own finger.’
Here we may rest assured that it was not God himself who wrote the tablets, but
they were written with God’s power. And who was the Messenger who performed
the task? Yes, he was the foremost among God’s messengers, Michael, the Messiah,
who represented God directly. (JOH 01:03, 1CO 10:04)
Read also about the Messenger who came to Abraham together with two other
messengers (GEN chapter 18) There Abraham argues directly with Jehovah, but we
know that nobody can see God and live, so it was again the foremost among God’s
messengers, Michael, who represented Jehovah directly. And this he did so convincingly that the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, believe
that Jesus’ heavenly name is Jehovah.
Many have problems accepting that Jesus’ heavenly name is Michael, but the understanding of this is in the very name:
 Hebr. michael = (he who is) like god (the Almighty)
There is only one foremost messenger in the Bible. He is also spoken of a chief
and great prince. He is only mentioned by name in five verses in all of the Bible:
DAN 10:13, DAN 10:20, DAN 12:01, JUD 01:09 and REV 12:07.
We see in verse 19 that the messengers are being presented in the plural. Therefore we may ascertain that the foremost among the messengers, Michael, also had his
helpers. But who was the mediator?
He was Moses. (EXO 20:19, REV 12:07)
And therefore we know for sure that under the First Pact Moses was the mediator
between God and man.
In Deuteronomy 18:15 Moses writes: ‘A prophet like myself Jehovah your God
shall raise up among you from your brothers. Him you shall listen to.’
And this prophet was Christ.
Therefore Moses was the mediator between God and man of the First Pact, that
which we know did not lead to fulfillment. And he who represented God, was always
Galatians with Commentaries
Christ is the mediator between God and man in the New Pact. In First Timothy
Paul writes: ‘Because there is one God and one Mediator between God and man —
and that is the Man Jesus Christ.’
Here it says straight that Jesus is a man, and that is universally accepted. Is it then
possible that Jesus may also be God the Almighty?
‘A prophet like myself,’ says Moses. Was Moses God the Almighty? No, there
has to be a limit!
In 1CO 15:45 Jesus is called ‘the last Adam.’ Was Adam God the Almighty? No,
there has to be a limit!
The allegation that Jesus is God the Almighty is, and always will be, totally absurd!
The word that in First Timothy is translated man is the Greek antropos. It is the
same word that together with the Greek word huios is being translated the Son of
Man. And now you may start counting all the times Jesus in the Bible is spoken of
as a man. Can you, if only once, find a verse where Jesus is spoken of as God the Almighty?
Think! Check it out yourself! Do not blindfoldedly believe in all the unhealthy
preaching you are being presented with from different churches and religious societies! Go home and check it out with the Bible to see if it is correct!
What does it mean in verse 20 that ‘the mediator does not only represent one part,
even if God is one? Yes, it means that Moses as mediator represented both God and
the sons of Israel. But God being one, or the only One, refers to the sovereign position he has in relation to the Pact — and all of the creation.
In most cases during previous times the commandments went directly from God
to the people, but in Exodus chapter 32 when Aaron had made the golden calf, we
see that Moses is also the mediator in favor of the sons of Israel when God wants to
destroy them there and then! But Moses makes him change his mind — for his name!
In verse 09:14 it says, and it was written by Moses: ‘Then Jehovah regretted the
wickedness he had said he would do to his people.’ And that was because of Moses’
argument in favor of the sons of Israel.
In the same was Jesus today argues with God in favor of all man — not with
words, but with his own sacrificial blood. And also Christ has made God change his
mind. Instead of exterminating them (GEN 03:19) he who has faith in Jesus’ acts has
received an offer of a life in ages — a few in the heavens, but the very most on the
Remember God’s judgement of sin in Genesis 03:19. ‘Because from dust you
were taken, and to dust you shall again return!’ It is only the priests or ministers who
say: ‘And from dust you shall again be resurrected.’ And this was a lie until the death
of Jesus Christ. It only became true after his resurrection!
In verse 21 Paul asks if the law opposes God’s promise to Abraham. And he gives
the answer himself: ‘That can never happen!’ But if the law had the power to make
alive, which is to give a life in ages as God’s adopted sons and Jesus’ heavenly brothers, then the righteousness, the Ream of God, would have been a result of the law.
Galatians with Commentaries
Then our rescue would have been without the grace of God and without Jesus’
And we know that this is not the case!
He further says that in the Scripture everything is subjected to sin. And that was
because the promise that is given through the belief in Christ, would be won by those
who believe. This also means that, contrary to the preaching of some churches, there
exists no collective rescue. There is no use in a law, a dogma, a church, a congregation, an assembly or an organization as a tool of rescue. There is only one mediator
between God and man, and he is the Christ. And if you refuse to believe in him, you
have actually sentenced yourself!
In John 08:15 Jesus says: ‘I judge nobody.’ But already in John 09:39 he says:
‘To judgement I have come into this world.’ Is Jesus here directly contradicting himself? No, it is definitely no contradiction, but it takes a deeper understanding of the
Bible to be able to explain it.
Ž Read JOH — Jesus’ New Commandment.
Paul says that the law was supposed to function as a schoolmaster. The word in
Greek is paidagogos which actually means child raiser. But after the faith (Christ)
has come, they were no longer under the schoolmaster, the child raiser.
That is how simply this is explained. That some still let themselves be mislead
to be subjected to the law, if only by one single point, is incredible! Then they must
have fallen into a fox trap, because Jacob, Jesus’ half brother, says in JAC 02:10,
THE PACT: ‘Because he who wants to keep the law, but stumbles at just one point
(of the law), becomes guilty according to the whole law,’ref. the commandment of
the Jews according to the circumcision, and the Adventists commandment of the Sabbath!
‘Then they have fallen out of God’s grace,’ says Paul in Galatians 05:04.
Once more — can it be said any clearer than this?
I have experienced that Adventists refuse to read Paul, because they claim that he
was inspired by Satan when he wrote some of his text. And then they refer to sections where Paul directly contradicts their false prophetess Ellen Gould White. They
claim that what Ellen G. White says, correspond with what Jesus has said, and that
Paul contradicts them!
Maybe it is the other way around?
That what Paul writes agrees with what Jesus said, and that Ellen G. White contradicts them. But — there is no blindness more effective than willed blindness.
GAL 03:26-29. Heirs with Christ
26 We are all sons of God through our faith in Jesus Christ.
27 Because he who is baptized to Christ, has clothed himself in Christ.
28 Then it is not Jew or Greek, slave or free, [male or female,] because then we
are all one in Christ.
29 And if you are of Christ, you are of Abraham’s semen and heirs according to
the promises.
Galatians with Commentaries
‘We are all the sons of God through the faith in Jesus Christ.’
NB! Some translations wrongfully write the children of God here, but let me applaud the New International Version for getting it right this time.
Who are the sons of God?
T01. The first God created was the foremost among the messengers, Michael.
And Michael, later the Messiah, being God’s only generated Son, means that
Michael was the only one that God created, generated, by himself. Everything else,
including all heavenly beings were after that created by God’s work manager
Michael, but through the power of God. (JOH 01:03, PRO 08:30)
KJ-611 has left out the title here, but NIV writes ‘craftsman’ and NWT writes
‘master worker.’ The Good News Translation writes architect, which is solid proof
that they have not understood this. God is the architect, Michael the builder.
NB! Many religious persuasions are very careful to underscore that Michael was
neither created, made nor done, but born in the same was as Adam. And that is correct because God says on many occasions about Jesus: ‘You are my Son. Today I
have born you.’ (HEB 01:05) Okey, but I do not think anybody imagines God nine
months pregnant? Then we understand that this is a picture of how close God and
Christ really are, because Michael is the only one God has ever born. But in the original text it neither says born or created, but generated. And that explains quite a bit!
Everything else was done, or created, or born by God through Michael’s co-operation. Michael did not become the Messiah, the Anointed, until after the fall, in Genesis 03:15.
Now read Proverbs 08:01-06. But be careful not to pick a false translation.
T02. All other heavenly creatures, who also are spoken of as God’s sons (GEN
06:01) were created by Michael through God’s power, among them also Satan, the
black sheep of the family.
You may read the life’s story of Satan in Ezekiel 28:11-19. In verse 15 it says
about Satan: ‘You were perfect in all you wanderings from the day you were born.’
Also read Job 01:06. About Satan it says that also he was created. In other words
he was not as close to God as his only generated son Michael, but his original glory
was extraordinary. In the heavenly organization he was even above Michael!
How can I know that everything was created by Michael through the power of
God? Yes, both in Matthew 26:62 and in Mark 14:62 Jesus says:
‘From now on (sometime in the future) you shall see the Son of Man sit by the
right hand of the Power and come in the clouds of the heavens.’ In Greek the name
of the Power, which is God, is called dunamis. And every time Jesus does any of his
wonders, or powerful acts, the word for powerful is dunamis. And this clearly indicates that the power is from God.
T03. All men who have accepted the message about Jesus. (GAL 03:26)
NB! Many translations have submitted to what in many of today’s societies is
politically correct and write the gender neutral children instead of sons in this verse,
as in many others, but in this verse it causes a special confusion.
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 03:26, S H G: pas huios theos pistis christos iesous
all son
faith christ
NB! The word huios always refer to one of the male gender, an offspring of the
male gender, but not only of humans. It mean son, foal, colt, etc., but is never gender
THE PACT: ‘You are all sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus.’
The reason why it is so important to translate huios correctly, is that almost all of the
Bible is about these God’s sons, those who are to become members of God’s heavenly priesthood, the Melchizedec. (Hebrews chapters 07-10)
I have mentioned on many occasions that there are two groups who will be rescued from Satan to a life in ages — one small group to the heavens and the rest, men
and women, on the earth. Individuals from both these groups are spoken of as sons
of God, but we still see that the heavenly, those in the spirit, get a closer relationship
to God than the earthly, those of the soul.
‘Because he who is baptized to Christ, has clothed himself in Christ.’
What does this verse mean? Paul uses baptism as a picture here. When you submerge in water, it symbolic of having put aside your sinful lifestyle. When you then
ascent fro baptism, the water you are then surrounded with is symbolically considered as if you were dressed in new clothes. And thereby you acknowledge that you
will be subjected to Jesus and his acts fully and wholly.
This picture applies to all of Gods sons, the heavenly and the earthly. ‘Then it is
no longer a question of Jew or Greek, slave or free, [male of female] because then
you all become one in Christ.’ We see one more time that Jesus eradicates divisions
between men.
‘All become one in Christ.’
Does this also apply to women?
‘And if you belong to Christ, you are of Abraham’s semen and heirs according
to the promise.’
Yes, but does it also apply to women?’
The promise does not separate between a heavenly or an earthly glory. A life in
ages applies to both groups. But only few among those who become part of the New
Pact get a heavenly hope.
And we have read that Jesus clearly states that Abraham is not one among those,
even if he died before God established the First Pact with the sons of Israel. Yes, we
all know that Abraham is not in the heavens. So where is he than, because we also
know that he is not in hell. It is with Abraham as with all others who have died in
preparation of the second resurrection — he is resting in his grave together with his
son Isaac and his grandson Jacob, his wife Sarah, his daughter-in-law Rebecca and
his granddaughter-in-law Leah where they all subconsciously are waiting for the second resurrection to a life in ages on the earth and only existing in God’s memory.
And yes, also all women are included in this resurrection!
Galatians with Commentaries
In Genesis 13:15, THE PACT, God said to Abraham: ‘All the earth that you see,
I will give to you and those of your semen in ages.’
To the elect, the holy, for instance the apostles, Paul and many other faithful men
under the New Pact the situation is totally different. The inheritance that they are
destined for, is not a life in ages on the earth, but an election to God’s heavenly
priesthood with Christ as their Highest Priest.
Many discuss how many promises Abraham actually got. He got four promises,
and they are all connected to the birth of Jesus.
T01. The first promise was Isaac, because without Isaac Abraham’s semen could
not have lead to the birth of Christ.
T02. The second promise was the very birth of Christ, because without the birth
of Christ, nobody could have been resurrected to a life in ages.
T03. God’s third promise to Abraham was that all mankind was to be resurrected
on the earth with a possibility of having a life in ages without sin, death and misery,
ref. Adam and Eve. And this resurrection includes all women as well as men, both
righteous, those who believed in God when they died, and all the unrighteous, those
who did not believe in God when they died. (ACT 24:15) There is only one exception: Those who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit will not get a resurrection, but remain dead forever. They have already received the second death. This mostly refers
to the next age, but also to some in this age who have experienced God’s direct power: Adam and Eve, the offsprings of the sons of God, the Nephilim, who lived at
the time of Noah, Korah and the ones who rebelled against Moses in the desert, many
of the pharisees who experienced the direct power of God, but rejected it, and finally
the one whom Jesus himself called the son of perdition, Judas from Iscariot, just to
mention some. Can you think of any other persons or groups? Read Acts 05:01-11.
T04. God’s fourth promise to Abraham was that a very special group of righteous
men were to be resurrected to a heavenly glory together with Christ. It is this group
of one hundred and forty-four thousand plus the One, Jesus, who make up the Realm
of God. It is this group the Bible is mostly about, because this was something new
and unheard of. They are a new creation — men of flesh and blood who are being resurrected to become spiritual persons together with Christ.
Some preachers who have not understood this, or who keep rejecting it, claim that
Abraham only got one promise — the birth of Christ. That is also partly correct, because all the other promises refer to Christ and would have come to nothing if not for
the birth of Jesus. In other words — God’s pact with Abraham was the bringing forth
of the Christ. But God also gave promises directly to Abraham, promises which Abraham did not receive before he died. Therefore we understand that God is obliged
to resurrect Abraham to keep his word. And there is no doubt that this will happen!
How come? All of God’s prophecies have come true so far, and I see no reason why
they will not also come true in the future. Much is happening right now.
Most future prophecies have been given through Christ, he who is the Promise.
And through Christ all of God’s faithful servants may achieve a life in ages, some in
the heavens and the rest on the earth! (MAT 05:02, MAT 05:05)
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 04
Freedom in Christ
GAL 04:01-07. Freed from the law
01 What I can say with pleasure is that as long as the heir is an infant, there is no
difference between him and a slave, even if he is to become master over them all.
02 He is under guardians and managers until that time which has been predetermined by his father.
03 Such it is also with you. As long as you are infants, you are in slavery under
the basic forces of this world.
04 When time had been fulfilled, God sent his Son. And it happened under the
05 But he was to buy free those under the law so that we would get the sonship.
06 And because you are sons, God sent his Son’s spirit in your hearts, that which
calls out: ‘Abba! Father!’
07 Then you are no longer slaves, but sons. And because you are sons, you are
also God’s heirs [through Christ].
Now you need to sharpen your wits a little, because now we are approaching what
Paul often, for instance in ROM 16:29 and EPH 03:02, calls a mystery, God’s mystery or the mystery of the message.
These are the same as the heavenly mystery that is being mentioned in Galatians
as well as in Corinthians and Romans until we get the whole explanation in Ephesians, in EPH — One Unity under Christ.
The Jews were under the First Pact fully aware of God’s pact with Abraham, but
they only had a feeble understanding that this had anything to do with a life in ages
in the heavens. Not even the pharisee and teacher Nicodemus had any idea of such
an existence. (JOH 03:10-12) This surprised Jesus, and he asked him a bit condescendingly: ‘Are you a teacher of Israel and do not understand this?’
Paul explains this in a picture from everyday life: As long as a child is a child, it
is in relation to an inheritance no difference between the child of a slave and the
child of the landlord, even if the child of the landlord later will become the owner of
the whole property. Because a child (the Jews) was subject to guardians and managers (the law) until the day comes when the owner of the house (God) decides that
the child (the sons of God) are to take over the inheritance (a life in ages through the
faith in Christ).
Only on the day God decides do they become the children of God, which are all
sons, made heirs together with Christ. And then it is no longer an earthly inheritance
Paul refers to, but an existence in a heavenly glory in ages!
‘So it is also with us. When we were children, we were slaves subjected to the
principles of the world. But when the time was fulfilled, God sent his Son, born by
a woman and subject to the law. He was to buy free those who were subjects to the
law so that we would get full rights as sons.’
Galatians with Commentaries
Only when these faithful Christians are accepted by God, will they be adopted as
God’s sons and become Jesus’ brothers and co-heirs to the heavenly section of the
Realm of God. They then will become God’s government over the earth as Jesus’ copriests, co-rulers and co-judges. (1CO 15:26, 2TI 02:11-12 and REV 20:06) Does
this apply to all Christians? No, only those 144.000 who get to take part in the first
resurrection, that in the spirit equal to Jesus’ resurrection. And they have a special
task to perform. They are during the thousand years to rule together with Christ until
he again will hand over the power to God the Almighty. (1CO 15:26)
Well into God’s ages they will constitute God’s heavenly government together
with Christ.
GAL 04:06, THE PACT: ‘And because you are sons, God sent his Son’s spirit
in your hearts, that which calls out: ‘Abba! Father!’
Now read Matthew 05:03, THE PACT. It says: ‘Blessed are those who have a
poor spirit (those in need of spiritual fill-up), because the Realm of the heavens is
And these who need a spiritual fill-up call ‘Abba! Father!’
‘Therefore you are no longer slaves (subjected to the law), and because you are
sons (bought free by Christ), you have also become heirs.’ And when they get to take
part in the first resurrection, that of the spirit, they have a special task to perform.
They are to rule together with Christ during the thousand years as God’s adopted
sons and Jesus’ heavenly brothers. Only then do they get the inheritance! — Was this
difficult? No, but think a little on your own:
If they are to be Jesus’ co-priests there will also have to be a congregation. Who
are they?
And if they are to be Jesus’ co-rulers, they will have to have somebody to rule
over. Who are they?
And if they are to be Jesus’ co-judges, there must be somebody to judge. Who are
NB! Note that Paul in verse 06 says that God has laid the spirit of his Son in their
hearts, so that they will call ‘Abba! Father!’
Jesus also called ‘Abba! Father!’ when he prayed to God in Gethsemane. (MAR
GAL 04:08-20. False preachers
08 When you did not know God, you were slaves under such who by nature were
not gods.
09 But now you have learned to know God, and what is even greater — you are
known by God! How can you then return to those weak and poor basic forces? — Or
do you again want to be under the slavery?
10 For you pay close attention to days, months, seasons and years.
11 I am afraid that I might have striven in vain with you!
12 Brothers, I ask you to be as I am. Because I have become like you, and no one
among you have done me anything wrong.
Galatians with Commentaries
13 As you know it was with weakness in the flesh I have previously preached the
message to you.
14 And my weakness in the flesh you neither despised nor rejected me for, but
you received me as a God’s messenger — as if I were the Christ Jesus.
15 But where has the great pleasure you had then, gone to? For I can testify that
if possible, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.
16 Have I now become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
17 They are zealous to win you over, but not to the good. Because they want to
keep you apart from us so that you may be zealous for them.
18 It is good to always be zealous for that which is of the good, and not only when
someone is present with you.
19 My little children whom I again have birth pains with until Christ takes shape
in you:
20 I wish I could be present with you so that I could use a different tone.
But I am at a loss concerning you.
‘Before you learned to know God —’ In John 17:03 it says, THE PACT: ‘And this
as a life in ages: ‘To know you, the only true God, and Jesus, he whom you have
sent.’ And thereby we also understand how important it is to know Jesus.
In this verse NWT writes: ‘This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge
of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.’
‘Taking in knowledge of someone’ is something totally different from knowing
someone. In my younger days I took in a lot of knowledge about John F. Kennedy,
my greatest inspiration in life, and also about Elvis Presley, the greatest entertainer
in my life, but that does not mean I knew them! I never caught as much as a glimpse
of any of them.
In Jeremijah 01:05 Jehovah says: ‘Before I formed you in your mother’s womb,
I knew you. —’
In Romans 09:11 it says that God chose Jabob before the children (Esau and
Jacob) were born. Before they had done neither good nor bad, God chose Jacob.
In Matthew 07:23, NIV, it says about those who were rejected by God: ‘I have
never known you.’ How may that be understood when it says that God knows all,
even the child in its mother’s womb. This translation is directly contrary to what Paul
says at the beginning of this verse: ‘Before you learned to know God.’
This verse is by NIV and most other translations wrongly translated. In the Greek
text it says the opposite: ‘You have never known me.’ Only then does it agree with
the rest of the Bible. How may such mistakes come about? It is quite understandable,
because there is only a limited use of personal pronouns in the ancient Greek language! The two words translated ‘I do not know you,’ but which correctly translated
is ‘you have never known me,’ are oudepote ginosko = never know — they him or
he them? And then we also understand why this discrepency has been able to sneak
into the word of God.
Galatians with Commentaries
When Paul further says in the same verse ‘that they were slaves under such that
by nature were not gods,’ we understand that he refers to the former idolatry of the
Galatians, ref. Acts 14:08-19.
Hoe could they fall back on idolatry and wrong teachings after they had learned
to know God? ‘Do you wish to become subject to slavery once more’ — the law or
idolatry? ‘Because you carefully keep track of days, months and years.’ And that is
why Paul says: ‘I am afraid I have striven in vain with you.’
And why does Paul say so? Yes, he refers to formalities under the law, for instance the commandment of the Sabbath. Such requirements are no longer needed to
be met in relation to the freedom the Christians now have through Christ. And why
is that so important? Paul says in Galatians 05:03 that he who wants to become circumcised, in other words subjected to one point of the law, becomes guilty according
to all of the law. And then he says something that especially Adventists should take
to heart: ‘Then you have fallen out of the grace.’ And Jacob says the same in JAC
02:10. And then we understand why it is so important!
And then Paul presents the well known recommendation: ‘Become as I am.’ Does
not that sound a bit blown up? How would we have reacted if some visitor walked
about telling people to ‘become as I am?’
I must admit that at times I have had some problems with some of Paul’s statements, such as this one. But then I must, in the name of justice, mention that what
Paul here refers to, is the way he relates to his Christian faith. He does not refer to
his own personality, but tries to be an example to those among the peoples who have
received Christ. And in that way his words are in the clear.
Yet, in relation to the un-circumcised Paul could not say ‘become as I am,’ because as a Jew and a pharisee Paul was without doubt circumcised.
In verses 13 and 14 Paul refers to a physical weakness he has to contend with. He
does not directly say what this weakness is, but at the same time he keeps leaving
tracks behind him. One such track we find in Galatians 06:11.
I also explained this under COMMENTARY 001 in First Thessalonians. Paul also
returns to the same question in Second Corinthians 12:07-10. I will, to the best of my
ability, explain in detail then.
In verses 15, 16 and 17 Paul refers to the initial happiness the Galatians showed
when they received the message about Christ. And then he warns the Galatians
against such who tries to lay those in Galatia who have come to believe in Christ, in
under the law, or ‘under the condemnation of the law,’ to quote Paul. Their motives
have stronger traits of own interests that love of God’s truth through Christ.
Paul worries about these churches, because he experiences that they are not
solidly anchored in Christ. They are therefore easily influenced by different teachings than what Paul and his co-workers preached. Paul says that he would like to use
a milder tone to them, but he is confused concerning them!
What happened to these churches? Yes, the were all dissolved. Paul says in his
last letter to Timothy, in 01:15, THE PACT: ‘You know that all in Asia have truned
their backs on me, also Fygelus and Hermogenes.’
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 04:21-31. The First and the New Pact
21 So tell me, you who want to be under the law: Do you keep the law?
22 Because it is written that Abraham had two sons — one with the slave girl, the
other with her who was free.
23 The salve girl gave birth in the flesh, but the free bore according to the promise.
24 This is symbolic, because they were of the two pacts. The first, she who gave
birth at the mountain Sinai, bore in slavery. She was Hagar.
25 This Hagar by mount Sinai in Arabia corresponds with the Jerusalem that is
now with her children in slavery.
26 But the Jerusalem which is up there, is free and will become the mother of all.
27 For it is written: ‘Rejoice, you who are barren and unable to bear children.
Break out in shouts, you who have no birth pains, for she who was barren, has many
more children then she who had a man.’
ISA 54:01
28 And you, brothers, as Isaac, are children of the promise.
29 He who was born of the flesh, persecuted he who was of the promise.
That is also how it is now.
30 About this the Scripture says:
‘Throw out the son of the slave girl, because her son shall not inherit together
with the son of the free.’
GEN 21:10
31 Therefore, brothers, you are not children of the slave girl, but of the free.
Paul shows that not even those who wish to remain under the law, keep the law. It
was then as it often is today — we have difficulties adjusting to the word of God.
And therefore many adjust the word of God to suit their own lifestyles. ‘God is love,
and only love,’ say the homosexuals. They do not want to know the difference between God’s love and their own desires.
Then Paul refers to Abram and his first two sons, one, Ishmael, with the slave woman Hagar and one, Isaac, the son of the promise, with the free woman Sarah.
The slave woman Hagar then represented the law, the child raiser. The other son,
Isaac, represented the promise through Christ. And it was through this promise man
would get his freedom a life in ages through Christ, some on the earth, among others
Abraham, and others in the heavens, among others Paul and those who received the
word under the New Pact. And even if Hagar was of Arab descent, Paul compares
her with the Jerusalem that is now, which is the physical Jerusalem that is now —
unfree and subjected to the law, as it still is.
‘But the Jerusalem which is up there, is free. She is our mother.’
In this verse Paul refers to his heavenly hope, ref. the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:08.
The words woman and mother are often used metaphorically in the Bible.
The woman is someone that some things originate from, and mother as someone
some things belong to. And here Paul refers to his heavenly acceptance.
Galatians with Commentaries
Verse 27 shows that the blessing after all was given to Sarah when she finally had
Isaac, even if she had been sterile all her life.
Because it was through Sarah’s off-spring, Christ through Isaac, that all who receive him, will get a life in ages.
When we read in GEN 21:09-10 how Ishmael kept mocking Isaac, and that Sarah
demanded from Abraham that he would throw out the slave woman and her son, this
clearly refers to the spiritual:
‘The slave woman shall have no inheritance with my son Isaac.’
Paul ends this chapter to the brothers in Galatia by confirming that they are the
sons of the free woman. And this was the main message from Paul through all of this
‘Turn away from the slavery of the law to the freedom you have been bought
free to through Jesus’ sacrificial blood.’
GAL 05
The Flesh Strives against the Spirit
GAL 05:01-15. Love through faith
01 Stand firm in the freedom Christ has freed us to, and do not again get entangled in the yoke of slavery.
02 See! — I, Paul, say that if you let yourselves become circumcised, Christ has
been of no use to you!
03 I again testify to all men that if you let yourselves become circumcised, you
will be obligated to keep the whole law.
04 For you nullify Christ, you who want to be justified through the law.
You have fallen out of his grace!
05 In the spirit we hopefully wait for the justice of the faith.
06 Because in Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means nothing;
only the faith which leads to love.
07 You ran fast! But who prevented you from listening to the truth?
08 For the persuasion to this is not from him who called you.
09 A little sourdough saturates the whole batch.
10 But I have the confidence in you through the Lord that you will not change
your understanding, and that those who confuse you, will get their punishment,
regardless of who they are.
11 Brothers, if I still preach the circumcision, why am I then persecuted? For then
the pole* as a stumbling block has been cleared away.
*Gr. stauros = pole
12 I wish that they cut it off, these who set themselves up against us.
13 Because you, brothers, are called to freedom. But do not make this freedom an
opportunity for the flesh.
Be each other’s slaves in love.
14 For the whole law is fulfilled through one word:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
LEV 19:18
15 But if you bite and eat at each other, see to it that you do not eat each other up!
Galatians with Commentaries
Paul continues his argumentation against those who want to place the believers in
Galatia under the law: ‘Christ had freed us. Do not again get entangled in the yoke
of slavery. If you let yourselves become circumcised, Christ is of no value to you!
For he who becomes circumcised, is obliged to keep the whole law!’
And if you eagerly defend keeping just one of the commandments of the law, for
instance the commandment of the Sabbath, you are obliged to keep the whole law.
And then you have fallen away from the grace of Christ! And this he repeats in verse
04: “You nullify Christ, you who try to be justified through the law. You have fallen
out of his grace!’
And we know that only through the grace of God through Christ is it possible to
achieve a life in ages!’
These were harsh words. But a very current problem to be presented, because
there are so many who, in one way or another, voluntarily subject themselves to the
law thinking they are doing the right thing. But, the law has never been intended to
us of the peoples, but to the sons of Israel, later the Jews, only.
Do I have any examples from the present that somebody chooses to lay themselves under the law? Many! Do you believe in Jesus? Do you also believe what he
says? Well, it is he himself who says so in a parable in MAT 21:33 and MAR 12:01
— as always in a parable. The vineyard he refers to is the Jewish nation, and the
fence that he built around it, is the law.
The most current is probably where there is religious education in the schools, the
pupil have to learn all the commandments by heart until their heads are spinning, and
as if that were not enough, Luther has added his own explanation to each and all of
them without having understood that the law, including the ten commandments, have
only applied to the Jews. And being freed from the damnation of the law, is part of
a Christian’s freedom in Christ.
Some examples are even more scary, because all of today’s priesthoods build on
the First Pact. After Jesus had effectively abolished the Levite priesthood, the only
one ever established by God, and neither God nor Christ ever established another
church. From now on there were to be established churches, assemblies, of elders
only based on the New Pact. Therefore every existing priesthood today is, knowingly
or unknowingly, based on the First Pact, the Law. After Jesus had effectively abolished the Levite priesthood (MAT 21:43) he established the Church of God and Christ with elders to replace the priesthood. And those are the only priesthood and the
only church ever established by God and Christ. The only priesthood that has validity
in today’s situation is the spiritual priesthood, God’s heavenly priesthood, the Melchizedec which was established on the day of the Pentecost in the year 33. — Read
Hebrews chapters 07-08.
I have previously mentioned the eagerness of the Adventists to keep the Sabbath,
and that in spite of the fact they know that they are then acting according to the First
Pact. it is the same abut their refusal to eat meat products and pork. I was once invited to a staunch Adventist for a Sun—, eh, Sabbath dinner consisting of vegetables
Galatians with Commentaries
only, and it tasted excellent. But his major concern was that the fence around his veranda had not been built according to the specifications of the law. Well, I did not
even know there were specifications for veranda fences in the law, but this guy was
planning to tear it down and rebuilt it according to these specifications.
In reality the Adventists do not separate between the provisions of the law and the
freedom in Christ. But the Bible is clear here: The First Pact through Moses was for
the sons of Israel, the New Pact through Christ is for all mankind.
Again: The ten commandments have never applied to any of the peoples! (DEU
chapter 05.) To all, and after Jesus also including the Jews, now applies Jesus’ two
commandments of love, the first relating to God, the second to our neighbor, the
common man and woman.
When Jesus was asked which was the greatest commandment of the law, God’s
law, he answered:
‘The first of all the commandments is this: Listen, Israel, to Jehovah your God.
Jehovah is the only One. And you shall love God of all your heart, of all your
soul, of all your mind and with all you strength. That is the first commandment.’
(DEU 06:04-05, MAR 12:29)
And the other that stands equal to this, is:
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself. No commandment is greater than
these.’ (LEV 19:18, MAR 12:31)
NB! The ancient Greek word for love is agape. Its meaning does not contain any
strong feelings like the English word love, but is more based on a wish of righteous
principles between God and Man, and between the common man and woman.
In verse 07 Paul says: ‘You ran fast!’ What does he mean by that?
He refers to their being so quick to leave the message he had preached to them
and to turn to the message of the Jews. Through some examples I have shown that
people are quick to do the same even today. But at the same time, were there anybody hindering them from holding on to the truth about Jesus? Definitely not Paul!
In verse 09 Paul warns that just a little pinch of sourdough may saturate the whole
dough. And when we read 2TI 01:15 we understand that exactly that turned out to
be the final result. But Paul is confident that those behind the different message that
confuses them, will have their punishment. — Do we know how it went? Have they
got their punishment yet?
Paul refers to the fact that it is through Jesus’ pole, which is Jesus’ acts, that leads
to these persecutions. And he hopes that those who let themselves become circumcised, actually become castrated! And he refers to one of the new commandments:
‘Love your neighbor as your self.’ (LEV 19:18)
And this commandment he calls ‘the fulfillment of the law!’ Jesus refers to the
fulfillment of the law on many occasions. He says for instance in Matthew 05:15 that
he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
If something has been fulfilled, does it then still exist? Actually not, then only the
result remains!
Paul warns those who bite after each other not to consume each other!
Galatians with Commentaries
GAL 05:16-18. Live by the spirit
16 This I say: Live by the spirit, so that you shall not satisfy the desires of the
17 Because the desires of the flesh are against the spirit, and the spirit against the
flesh. These are opposing each other, so that no one shall do what he wants.
18 But if you are guided by the spirit, you are not under the law.
Now we have come to Paul’s well known all to ‘wander in the spirit.’ And if we
wander in the spirit, we get the power to resist the desires of the flesh.
Does this apply to everybody, or only to those who have received the Holy Spirit.
The desires of the flesh are the opposite of the qualities of the spirit, which are
such as love and righteousness. By following the spirit, God’s ways, this becomes
a counterweight to your own desires. And if we are lead by God’s spirit, God’s ways,
we are not under the law.
What law? Any law, because God himself is of course writhing his own laws, and
if we follow God’s laws automatically, follow the spirit, then we do not need another
law, such as the law of Moses. And that is correct, because the law was introduced
to keep the sin in check. It was a paidagogos, a child raiser.
Again: ‘If you are guided by the spirit, you are not under the law.’
Who are guided by the spirit. Well, we know about the apostles. They received
enough of God’s power to resist sin, but yet not always to conquer it. We know that
the spirit is not given by measure, so what about the rest of us who have not received
the spirit in abundance?
Let me give a few examples: You desire a great career resulting in fame and fortune. To achieve your goals you may in many instances go on accord with yourself
and you own conscience!
Just think of those who are struggling to have a career in Hollywood. How much
misery most not many of them tackle on their way to success!
I guess it was the singer Chair, the previous half of Sonny and Chair, who said
that most leading female roles go through the bedroom of the producer.
On a buss ride from Los Angeles to Miami I was sitting right next to one such
Hollywood struggler. After having bragged about Hollywood, he asked if we could
share a meal at the next bus stop. I asked him if he had not made it Hollywood, and
these were his exact words: ‘More than once I had to sell my ass just to survive!’
One of the foremost industrial leaders in the U.S. once said: ‘When a woman suddenly gets promoted, we know that she has been in bed with the boss.’ But the fact
that such promotions today happens to more men that women, nobody speaks loudly
about. But it was such processes that turned many of the famous Hollywood stars
such as Rock Hudson, Montgomery Clift and Anthony Perkins into homosexuals.
And even with splendid Hollywood careers behind them, some, such as Rock Hudson, died of AIDS. If I am not mistaken, so did also the two others.
Wandering in the spirit would have been a hindrance to such careers.
Galatians with Commentaries
Just a couple of more examples: In Germany the Chancellor Angela Merkel is a
Christian democrat. How would she be able to govern Germany is she were to follow
Christian principles? No, it would have been impossible! But how many voted for
her because she was a Christian democrat? Not few!
In Norway they had a Prime Minister belonging to the Christian Peoples Party.
Well, he is even a minister. Yet the government he was the leader of, constantly reduced the welfare of those suffering most in the first place, such as limiting their
welfare. And that he did while increasing his own retirement welfare by as much as
a whole annual salary for a common worker! He has pursued a policy that in direct
contradiction to his own promises have created more poverty, just like the Republicans in the U.S. and both the Conservatives and the Socialists in England. And this
he did as the country is overflowing with milk and honey. He was often on TV bragging that he had introduced a so-called poverty package. Yes, he did indeed. His socalled package increased the woes of the poor. I could have given dozens of examples, but this is not a political statement. I am just showing that you cannot combine
neither a business or political career and at the same time wander in the spirit.
This Prime Minister is a Christian, a member of the Christian People’s Party, and
even a minister. But does he wander in the spirit?
Think now. Can a Prime Minister avoid political struggles? Does he not sometimes have to play hard ball? And in relation to others does he not also present a huge
portion of self elevation? Does he not consider himself much better than other politicians such as Carl I. Hagen? Does not such behavior also contain a solid portion of
self-righteousness? Is it identical to wandering in the spirit?
These were only a few provoking examples. If you consider this, referring to
every day life, you will see thousands.
GAL 05:19-21. The acts of the flesh
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious:
They are such as fornication, sexual immorality and unworthy indulgence.
20 They are idolatry, acts of magic, hatred, envy, anger, scheming, party activity,
and the forming of sects.
21 They are also antagonism, murder, alcoholism, riots, and the like. I have both
said and told you before, that those who practice these, shall not inherit the Realm
of God.
Here Paul reels off a lot of qualities that are of the flesh — a natural sinful human
being of flesh and blood. But he does not by far mention all. He just gives examples.
But Paul’s conclusion is crystal clear: Those who practice such acts, shall not
inherit the Realm of God!
And which of these acts are in today’s situation most prevalent? It is not without
reason he mentions fornication first, because in that field the Bible is so much stricter
than what we today are aware of. So many, even among the clergy, do not know the
Galatians with Commentaries
difference between godly love and homosexual desires! The common cry is: ‘God
is love!’ True, but he has set a condition of his love: That we do his will!
Jesus says in MAT 05:27-28, THE PACT: ‘You have heard it said to those from
the old days: Do not fornicate.’ (EXO 20 :12) But I tell you: He who looks at a woman with desire, has already committed fornication with her in his heart.’
GAL 05:22-23. The fruits of the spirit
22 The fruits of the spirit, on the contrary, are love, joy, peace, patience, tenderness, benevolence, meekness and self restraint.
23 Against such there is no law.
24 Those who are of Christ, have impaled the flesh with its passions and de-sires.
25 And if you want to live by what is of the spirit, you must also comply with
what is of the spirit.
26 Let us not become self-centered so that we will not provoke and envy each
Here Paul reels off those qualities that are a result of wandering in the spirit. And
here it is not by chance that he mentions love first. There is no need of any laws for
those who wander in the spirit, he says — naturally, because they possess such that
the law, the child raiser, is trying to result in.
But note: Paul claims that those who belong to Christ, have nailed the flesh and
its desires to the pole together with Christ.’
And who belongs to Christ? Is it only a small, chosen group, or are they all who
believe in him?
If you look around you and evaluate many of the Christians today, do they wander
in the spirit? Or are you a good Christian if you go to church every Sunday?
GAL 06
What You Sow, You Shall Reap
GAL 06:01-05. Share the burdens
01 Brothers, if some are caught in a sin, you who are of the spirit, shall admonish
him with a mild spirit. But watch out so that you yourselves are not tempted!
02 Carry each other’s burdens, because then you fulfill the law of Christ.
03 If some one thinks he is something, but without being it, he deceives himself.
04 Each must evaluate his own work, because then he may boast of what he is
himself, and not of what others are.
05 Each must carry his own burden.
Paul says that those who are spiritual, of the spirit, shall guide those who are sinners.
And when you are spiritual, you wander in the spirit. Those of the spirit are to guide
between right and wrong, but must be careful not to be tempted himself.
Galatians with Commentaries
And this is what we have seen so much of lately: People who are weak and need
guidance and support, are themselves being exploited in the gravest manner — exactly by those whom they trusted. The pharisees devoured the houses of the widows,
said Jesus. And modern soul-comforters exploit the weakness of women to sexual relations. Betrayal of trust is in reality the worst of all crimes, because against such
crimes there is no defense — neither for the victim nor the offender.
It is exactly the opposite of what Jesus showed as the right way. And here Paul
repeats it: ‘Carry each other’s burdens. Then you fulfill the law of Christ.’ And the
law of Christ is this: ‘A new commandment I give you. As I have loved you, you
shall love each other.’ (JOH 13:34)
How did Christ love us? He loved man so dearly that he gave is own life, temporarily, so that man would not be forever dead, but have a life in ages. And that also
the brothers are to do for each other? — Who is a brother? Well, this is Jesus’ new
commandment — a part of the law of Christ.
‘If some one thinks he is something, without being it, he deceives himself.’ This
is a self-evident statement, but at the same time not so easy to grasp. Perer made that
mistake when he denied Jesus. He though he was stronger than he was. But we are
not to compare ourselves with other. We must on our own evaluate what we are good
for, soberly, or we may end up deceiving ourselves strongly!
Because: ‘Each must carry his own burden.’ But, did not Paul in verse 02 say that
we were to carry each other’s burdens? How does that agree with this verse?
One preacher when preaching over this paragraph always skipped the last verse
here. When I asked why he did that, he answered:
‘I cannot tell people to carry each other’s burdens, and then minutes later tell
them they are actually on their own!’
But this is no contradiction. In a way it is a word play, and Paul has many of
those. But, let us make an example so that we may better understand it: When a person loses that very special one that he loves so dearly, the grief may be heavy. Then
a Christian, based on Jesus’ commandment, is to help carry the burden of this person
by being there for him in his grief and sharing his burden. But even if we may be
there for him, or her, sharing his burden, we cannot take away the grief. That burden
he must carry himself.
GAL 06:06-10. Do good to all
06 He who is taught the word, must share all his good things with he who teaches.
07 But do not be deceived, for God will not be blasphemed.
What a man sows, he will also reap.
08 He who sows what is of the flesh, will reap the destruction of the flesh, and he
who sows what is of the spirit, will by the spirit reap ageous life.
09 Do not get tired of doing good, for at the set time we shall reap if we do not
give up.
10 Let us therefore, while we still have the opportunity, do good to all, and especially to those who belong to the faith.
Galatians with Commentaries
As you see you commit yourself through proper knowledge. Then you must be willing to share your good with he who teaches.
But how may even the teacher be lead astray in such situations? Well, he may
demand so much for his services that it will lead him astray, and at the same time be
a hindrance to him who is being thought. If someone openly overcharges you, will
you then have faith in that person? I think not. And therefore he will receive wages
as deserved. He who sins, sows in the flesh, will reap decay, a death in ages. But he
who sows in the spirit, he who does what is right according to God’s will, shall
receive a life in ages. ‘At the set time we shall reap,’ be rescued to a life in ages —
either in the heavens or on the earth. ‘If we do not give up,’ says Paul.
And that agrees with what Jesus said in MAT 24:13, THE PACT: ‘He who endures until the end, shall be rescued.’
‘Let us therefore keep on doing good while we still have the opportunity, and
especially to those belonging to the faith.’
GAL 06:11. With my own hand
11 Note that I have written to you in big letters — with my own hand!
Paul usually had helpers, scribes, to write his letters. (ROM 16:22) But the letter to
the Galatians is an exception. That he wrote with his own hand — in big letters. Why
in big letters?
GAL 06:12-16. Warnings
12 It is such that want to look good in the flesh who want to force you to become
circumcised, just so that no one shall persecute them because of Christ’s pole.*
*Gr. stauros = pole, stick
13 Because nobody, not even among the circumcised, obeys the law. They want
you to become circumcised so that they may boast about you in the flesh.
14 May it never be that I boast about anything but the Lord Jesus’ pole.* For he
has impaled what is of this world for me, and me for what is of this world.
*Gr. stauros = pole, stick
15 For in Jesus Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means nothing,
but becoming the new creation.
16 To those who hold on to this guideline; peace and mercy be with you, and with
God’s Israel.
What does it mean to ‘look good in the flesh?’ Is it the same as being beautiful? No,
it refers to making a good impression upon people of this world. And it is on their
own initiative these Jews keep traveling around trying to lay those who believe in Jesus, under the law and in that way making proselytes of them, which is the same as
Galatians with Commentaries
converting them to Judaism. And, as we know, the Jews have not even accepted that
the Messiah has yet come in the flesh. They are still waiting for him! And, yes, they
have a long wait ahead of them!
And therefore the Jews became the first big antichrist — refusing to believe that
Jesus was the Messiah born in the flesh. (1JO 02:18) This is what Paul refers to when
he says that ‘no one shall persecute them because of Christ’s pole.
But not even the Jews kept the law! That is what also Jesus refers to in Matthew
23:01-03 when he says that the teachers of the law and the pharisees sit in Moses’s
chair. And therefore the people are to do as the pharisees say, but without following
their acts.
It is nothing new that there may be a big difference between life and teachings.
In verse 15 Paul says that he have nothing to boast about of his own, from when
he was under the law as a pharisee, but only about Jesus’ pole, God’s grace. Together with Christ he has been nailed to the pole — symbolically of having rejected that
which is of this world.
‘For in Jesus Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means nothing,
but becoming the new creation.’
What is the new creation? If you have converted to Christ, become a Christian,
and have started to wander in the spirit to the best of your ability, have you then
become a new creation? No, but that is how it is usually being preached, and that
may to some extent be correct if you think of it symbolically.
But it actually has a concrete meaning: Jesus has been a Man in the flesh, and he
dies. But the fact that he was raised to a spiritual existence in God’s heavens is pretty
clear in the Bible. (ACT 10:40, 1PE 03:18-19, 1CO 15:45, etc.)
And Jesus being spoken of as a Firstfruit clearly refers to his spiritual resurrection
to a life in ages in God’s heavens. There were many in the Bible who were risen from
the dead before Jesus, ref. Lazarus. But he was not risen to a life in ages. Lazarus just
continued living on the earth until he again had to die because of Adam’s disobedience.
But he did not because of that become a new creation.
But when God rose up Jesus from the flesh to a spiritual existence, this was something that had never happened before! Jesus became the first of the new, spiritual creation! And Paul is convinced that he is to have a death and a resurrection equal to
that of Jesus. He died in the flesh, but was resurrected in the spirit. (1PE 03: 18) In
that way also Paul becomes one of the new creation as a firstfruit together with Christ. (REV 14:04)
When will that happen? Who is it all about? Does it apply to all believers? Or is
it just for a few elect? Are these the ones that the Bible, both in the First and the New
Pact, are referred to as ‘the holy of the highest God (DAN 07:27) and whom in the
New Pact are spoken of as ‘the holy?’ (ROM 15:25-26) Note that Paul in verse 16
refers to two groups:
T01. Those who adhere to this rule.
T02. God’s Israel.
Galatians with Commentaries
Most preach that the first group are all Christians, which may be correct. Other
preach that the other group refers to tody’s Jews. That is not the case. God’s Israel
is the same group that get a spiritual resurrection as God’s adopted sons and Jesus’
heavenly brothers. They are the same that God has set his seal on: Those who belong
to God. (2CO 01:22, EPH 01:13)
When they are spoken of a s Israel, it does not refer to those who are today’s Israel in the flesh, but to such who are Israel in the spirit. And to understand that, you
need to know the very meaning of the word israel, which is : he who has fought with
God and won (his blessing), ref. Jacob. Many preach that Jacob won over God in this
case, but that is a ridiculous claim which cannot be true.
You may read about when Jacob fought with Jehovah’s messenger, he who represented God directly, on GEN 32:22-32, and won. But he did not fight against God.
He fought with God to get his blessing. And it was God’s messenger who gave him
his new name, Israel. Because he knew that if he had God’s blessing, Esau who came
against him with 400 men, would not be allowed to kill him. And that Jacob received, and instead of killing him, Esau’s meeting with Jacob became a brotherly
 Hebr. israel = he who fought with God (and received his blessing).
A true Israelite is then not always someone who physically lived in ancient Israel,
or in Judea at the time of Jesus, or in today’s mundane Israel, but someone who has
fought with God and won, no matter where in the world he may live! —
Does that seem far fetched? No, this is clearly the message of the Bible!
We have a similar situation with the word Jew in Romans 02:28-29. There Paul
says: ‘For a true Jew is not one who is a Jew in the flesh, and a true circumcision is
not one done of th flesh, such as cutting off the skin of the head of a boy’s penis. No,
a true circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not by the letter, the law.’
He who is circumcised in that way, will get his praise from God, and not from
Here Paul says that a true Jew is not one who is a physical Jew, outwardly, but
one who is it in the spirit, inwardly. We see that what used to be in the letter, is now
elevated to a spiritual level through Christ. And again, to understand this properly,
it is important to know the meaning of the word jew.
When Leah got her fourth son by Jacob, she became very happy. ‘Now I will
praise Jehovah!’ she exclaimed, and therefore she named her fourth son Jehowdah.
(GEN 29:35)
 Hebr. jehowdah = Jew, praise to Jehowah, who praises Jehovah,
Genesis 29:35, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek: ‘harah ‘owd yalad ben ‘amar pa’am
‘attah yadah yehovah ‘al’ken qara’ shem yehuwdah ‘amad yalad
In this verse from the Hebrew text we find both the name of jehovah = I shall
fulfill, and the name jehowdah = he who praises Jehovah = Jew. And this verse is
also solid proof that the only correct version of God’s proper name is Jehovah.
NB! The pronunciation in German ‘j(eh) ode’ is today almost identical the the
original, the way it was almost 4000 years ago!
Galatians with Commentaries
Then a true Jew is one who praises Jehovah regardless of ethnicity or where he
lives in the world — and regardless of nationality.
I imagine an ironic situation: A Palestinian who worships God and respects Jesus
in the spirit, is a true Jew, but an orthodox Jew who stands nocking his head against
the wailing wall, is not a true Jew as long as he keeps rejecting that Jesus was God’s
We understand that after Jesus’ resurrection it is not the physical that counts as
much as the spiritual.
But, does that apply to all? Just by looking around you, you know the answer!
GAL 06:17. The Lord Jesus’ mark
17 Finally, may no one be bothered by my weakness, for I carry the Lord Jesus’
mark on my body.
This short verse has given me much headache, because most translations have such
a crazy text here that I was unable to understand it.
NIV writes: ‘Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the mark
of Jesus.’ Can you make any sense out of this?
KJ-1611writes: ‘From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in by body the
mark of the Lord Jesus.’ Uff da! The same text. Somebody must have copied somebody! But can you make sense of it? I could not. But then I set my hopes to NWT:
NWT: ‘Henceforth let no one be making trouble for me, for I am carrying on my
body the brand mark of a slave of Jesus.’ Uff da! This was even worse with the same
lack of logic in an elaborated text far beyond that of the original!
I include the Greek text of this verse, then the word by word translation and finally a readable translation into English:
SHG: loipoy medeis medeis kopos -parecho bastazo soma stigma kurios iesous
Trans.: final no one no one bother weakness carry body mark lord jesus
THE PACT: ‘Finally, may no one be bothered by my weakness, for I carry the Lord
Jesus’ mark on my body.’
You see from the Greek text that this is a correct translation. And it is not really
difficult if you just follow the original Greek text instead of copying the mistakes of
King James, but King James have for some reason become the Bible of the bibletranslators.
‘Let nobody be bothered by my weakness.’ And what was Paul’s weakness? Remember he stresses that he has written this letter with his own hand and in big letters.
And probably it was also written unevenly, because Paul was either vision impaired
or very shortsighted. That is what he refers to when he says that he hopes that they
would not be too bothered by this. And this was also the thorn in the flesh that Paul
again refers to in Second Corinthians. You will have a more detailed explanation
But why is this important? Imagine Paul’s situation: He is now in Antioch in
Syria in the year 54, the center of the preaching of the message about Jesus, and planning his third and last missionary journey. Paul has some time ago returned from Corinth after his second journey. Then he learns about the situation of the churches in
Galatia that he and his co-workers, at the risk of their lives, established during Paul’s
first journey. (Acts chapters 13 and 14) He gets upset, which you can hear from his
letter, he sits down and writes this letter to them with his own hand — and in big
letters. (Verse 11) He begs and threatens, and he argues with great knowledge.
But this letter is yet simple compared to many of his other letters. ‘Hold on to the
correct teaching!’
So, would it not have been rather haughty of him to finish his letter with ‘from
now on nobody must bother me any more?’ And on top of everything put the blame
on Jesus! And who has bothered him? No one!
I have had a negative picture of Paul because of this, but luckily it started to improve after I started digging deeper into the Greek text. And today I believe nothing
unless I first check it with the original text. There are so many wrong translations in
addition to willed falsifications!
What does Paul refer to in this verse? He refers to his own handwriting — ‘in big
letters.’ And there is every indication that Paul had an impaired vision, and that this
was the weakness he referred to. And this was a sign that he belonged to Christ. Paul
tells that he has asked Jesus to take away this impairment, but then Jesus kept answering: ‘My grace is enough for you.’ (2CO 12:07-10)
After Jesus struck Paul blind on the way to Damascus, his vision was only partly
‘I will show him how much he will have to suffer because of my name!’ (ACT
GAL 06:18. A short farewell
18 Brothers, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
What does it mean that the grace of the Lord Jesus Crist may be with their spirits?
This simple and short sentence may not be so easy to understand unless you have
accepted that there in fact is a spiritual resurrection. And this is the first resurrection
over which the second death has no power. (REV 20:06)
For that to be possible to someone, the grace of Jesus is a necessity. And this is
what Paul refers to.
But the grace of the Lord Jesus is also a necessity of the second resurrection, the
universal resurrection on the earth. (ACT 24:15) Remember, after Adam’s sin God
sentenced everybody to death — the second death! (GEN 03:09) And without Jesus
there would have been no resurrection — neither the first nor the second!
08 Galatians with the original text and transliterated (word by
Galatians with the Greek Text
word) translations
Here is the Greek text from the most recognized of all original texts, Strong’s
Hebrew / Greek. It is translated directly from the ancient Greek, Koiné, word
by word, that is transliterated, to modern English.
First is presented the Greek text word by word. Then follows the meaning of each
word in English. And finally comes the translation itself. Why is it done like that?
Yes, there are great controversies about the contents of the Bible, and much of it is
consciously falsified to comply with the teachings of the Pope or Luther’s own
interpretations. If you are one of a growing number who is unwilling to accept such
falsifications, but want to know the truth directly from the text that Matthew, Mark,
Luke, John, Paul and the others, wrote, you may look it up there. But if some also
start rejecting the original text, you know that they are not interested in the truth. For
many, yes, the very most, are afraid to read the Bible of fear that what they read may
shake their already deep-rooted attitudes. But nothing can be better than to know
what is right or wrong based on the Bible — and then with the original text as solid
proof. Because it is a fact that if we use the oldest, the original, text, as basis of our
understanding of the Bible, it is impossible to get closer to the original source.
Strong’s Hebrew / Greek uses Latin letters in their original text.
Arne Jordly
GAL 01
GAL 01:01-05. Greetings
GAL 01:01
SHG: paulus apostolos anthropos oude anthropos iesous christos theos pater
Trans.: paul apostle
nor man
jesus christ god father
ho egeiro nekros
who raise dead
THE PACT: From Paul, an apostle, not by men or for men, but by Jesus Christ for
God, our Father, he who raised him up from the dead.
GAL 01:02
SHG: pas adelphos ekklesia galatia
Trans.: all brother church galatia
THE PACT: To all the brothers in the churches of Galatia:
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 01:03
SHG: charis eirene theos pater kurios iesous christos
Trans.: grace peace god father lord jesus christ
THE PACT: Grace and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
GAL 01:04
SHG: ho didomi heautou hamartia exairo ho enistemi ponerus aion kata
Trans.: who give
free what present wicked age after
thelema theos pater
god father
THE PACT: He has given himself for our sins and shall free us from the present
wicked age according to the will of God, our Father.
GAL 01:05
SHG: hos doxa aion aion amen
Trans.: who glory age age amen
THE PACT: The glory is his in ages. Amen.
GAL 01:06-09. Only one message
GAL 01:06
SHG: thaumazo houto tachos metatithemi kaleo en charis iesous christos
Trans.: amaze
this soon turn away call by grace jesus christ
heteros euaggelion hos allos
different message
what other
THE PACT: I am surprised that you so soon turned away from him who called you
to the grace of Christ, and to a different message that is in reality no message.
GAL 01:07
SHG: tis
tarasso thelo metastrepho euaggelion christos
Trans.: some confuse wish turn away message
THE PACT: But there are some who confuse you, because they want to turn you
away from the message about Christ.
GAL 01:08
Galatians with the Greek Text
SHG: -ean e
aggelos ouranos euaggelizo euaggelizo para
Trans.: if
or messenger on high preach
against what
euaggelizo anathema
THE PACT: But if any of us, or even a messenger from the heavens, should preach
a message to you that is at strife with the one I preached to you, then he shall be condemned!
GAL 01:09
SHG: proereo proereo kai lego arti palin ei_tis euaggelizo ei_tis
Trans.: pre-say pre-say also say now again if any peach
if any
euaggelizo para
paralambano anathema
against deliver
THE PACT: I have told you before and I also say it to you again now: He who proclaims a message to you that is at strife with that which I preached and delivered to
you, shall be condemned!
GAL 01:10-17. A Christ’s slave
GAL 01:10
SHG: arti peitho
anthropos e
theos e
Trans.: now recognition man
or god or
aresko anthropos
please man
anthropos ei
doulos christus
slave christ
THE PAC: Is it from people I seek recognition, or is it from God? Is it people I like
to please? If it is people, then I am not a slave under Christ.
GAL 01:11
SHG: gnorizo adelphos euaggelion ho euaggelizo kata anthropos
Trans.: know brother message that preach
after man
THE PACT: You will know, brothers, that the message I proclaimed, is not of men.
GAL 01:12
SHG: oude paralambano anthropos oute didasko apokalupsis iesous christos
Trans.: no
teach reveal
jesus christ
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: I have not received it from any man. And neither has it been taught to
me, but revealed to me by Jesus Christ.
GAL 01:13
SHG: akouo anastrophe pote ioudaismos ioudaismos kata -huperbole
Trans.: hear lifestyle before judaism
full measure
huperbole dioko
ekklesia theos portheo
full measure persecute church god destroy
THE PACT: For you have heard of my previous way of life under Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the churches of God and tried to destroy them.
GAL 01:14
SHG: prokopto ioudaismos ioudaismos huper polus sunolikiotes mon
Trans.: present judaism
surpass many contemporary my
huparcho perissoteros perissoteros zelotes paradosis patrikos
countrymen behave much more much more eager tradition forefather
THE PACT: Under Judaism I tried to present myself as the one who surpassed many
of my contemporary countrymen and behaved more eagerly than they accord-ing to
the traditions of my forefathers.
GAL 01:15
SHG: hoto
eudokeo theos ho aphorizo meter koilia kaleo charis
Trans.: because please god who choose mother womb call grace
THE PACT: But because it pleased God, he chose me in my mother’s womb and
cal-led me by his grace.
GAL 01:16
SHG: apokalupto huios euaggelizo en
ethnos eutheos prosanatithrmi
Trans.: reveal
son preach
among ethnic first
seek advice
sarx haima
flesh blood
THE PACT: When he revealed his Son to me, in order that I should preach the
message about him to the peoples, I did not first seek advice from those of flesh and
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 01:17
SHG: oude anerchomai hierosoluma apostolos pro
aperchomai eis arabia
Trans.: neither go up
jerusalem apostle before go
to arabia
hupostrepho palin damaskos
again damascus
THE PACT: Neither did I go up to Jerusalem to those who had become apostles
before me, but I went to Arabia before I again returned to Damascus.
GAL 01:18-20. I went first to Jerusalem —
GAL 01:18
SHG: epita kata treis etos anerchomai hierosoluma historeo petros
Trans.: so
after three year go up
jerusalem acquaint peter
dekapente hemera
fourteen day
THE PACT: Then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with
Peter. I stayed with him for fourteen days.
GAL 01:19
SHG: heteros apostolos eido ou ei_me iakobos kurios adelphos
Trans.: other apostle
see no but only jacob lord brother
THE PACT: Of the other apostles I saw no one, except Jacob, the Lord’s brother.
GAL 01:20
SHG: hedista
hos grapho idou enopion theos pseudomai
Trans.: great pleasure that write see before god lie
THE PACT: It is with great pleasure I write this, and, see! — before God, because
I do not lie!
GAL 01:21-24. — then to Syria and Celicia
GAL 01:21
SHG: epeita erchomai eis klima suria kilikia
Trans.: then go
to district syria cilicia
THE PACT: Then I went to the districts of Syria and Cilicia.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 01:22
SHG: agnoeo prosopon ekklesia ioudaia ho christos
Trans.: know face
church judea that christ
THE PACT: Nobody knew my appearance in the churches of Judea that are in
GAL 01:23
SHG: akouo monon dioko
pote nun euaggelizo pistis hos pote portheo
Trans.: hear only persecute before now preach
faith that before destroy
THE PACT: They had only heard that he who previously persecuted them, now
preached the faith he previously had tried to eradicate.
GAL 01:24
SHG: doxazo theos
Trans.: praise god
THE PACT: And they praised God for it.
GAL 02
Message and Faith
GAL 02:01-10. About the message
GAL 02:01
SHG: epeita dekatessares etos dia anabaino palin hierosoluma barnabas
Trans.: so
year after go up
again jerusalem barnabas
sumparalambano titos kai
titus also
THE PACT: So, fourteen years later, I went up to Jerusalem again together with
Barnabas. I also brought with me Titus.
GAL 02:02
SHG: anabaino apokalupsis anatithemi euaggelion hos kerusso en
Trans.: go up
revelation present
message that preach among ethnic
kata -idios dokeo mepos mepos pos
trecho trecho kenoo
after self
think so that so that maybe run run
in vain
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: I went up there because of a revelation. I presented before them the
message I had preached among the peoples the way I saw it, because maybe I had run
the course in vain.
GAL 02:03
SHG: oude titos ho en hellen anagkazo peritemno
Trans.: neither titus who be greek force
THE PACT: But not even Titus, who was a Greek, was forced to be circumcised.
GAL 02:04
SHG: dia
pseudadelphos pseudadelphos pareisaktos pareisaktos hostis
Trans.: because false brother alse brother
pareiserchomai pareiserchomai kataskopeo eleutheria hos echo christos iesous
sneak in
sneak in
freedom that have christ jesus
katadouloo katadouloo
make slave make slave
THE PACT: But some false brothers had come in among us. They had sneaked in
to spy on the freedom we had in Christ, because they wanted to turn us into slaves.
COMMENT: These false brothers were such who held on to the law, specially about
the circumcision. They wanted to keep te old order. This is what Paul refers to when
he says they wanted to make then slaves, not under Christ, but under the law.
GAL 02:05
SHG: hos eiko eiko hupotage hora aletheis euaggelion diameno
Trans.: that yield yield submit
hour truth
stand firm
THE PACT: But we did not give in or submit to this for a moment, in order that the
message should stand firm with you.
GAL 02:06
SHG: dokeo
tis hopoios -pote diapheroo oudeis diapheroo theos
Trans.: consider any prominent either high rank no
high rank god
lambano ou anthropos prosopon dokeo prosanatithemi prosanatithemi oudeis
no man
consider contribute
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: But those who were considered to be prominent — whether they were
of high rank or not of high rank means nothing, because God does not give a man
based on appearance, and those who were considered to be prominent, did not contribute to anything.
COMMENT: Here Paul refers to the meeting in Jerusalem about the circumcision
where only Jacob is mentioned by name among the prominent. You may read about
this meeting the way Luke presents it in Acts 15:01-28. And there you also get the
reaction from the elders to Paul’s question.
GAL 02:07
SHG: tounantion eido euaggelion akrobustia
pisteuo peritome
Trans.: contrary see message
uncircumcise entrust circumcise peter
THE PACT: On the contrary. They realized that the message to the uncircumcised
had been entrusted me, and to the circumcised Peter.
GAL 02:08
SHG: energeo energeo petros apostolos peritome kai energeo eis
SHG: power power peter apostle circumcise also power among ethnic
THE PACT: Because he who gave power to the apostle Peter among the circumcised, he also gave power to me among the peoples.
GAL 02:09
SHG: iakobas kaiaphas ioannes ho dokeo stulos ginosko didomi didomi
Trans.: jacob caiphas john
who consider pillar know
barnabas dexios dexios koinonia ethnos peritome
barnabas right
right fellowship ethnic circumcise
THE PACT: When Jacob, Caiphas and John, who were considered to be among the
pillars, realized what I had received, they gave Barnabas and myself the right hand
of their fellowship. We were to preach to those of the peoples, and they to the circumcised.
GAL 02:10
SHG: monon mnemoneuo ptochos autos -touto hos kai spoudazo poieo
Trans.: only remember poor self this what also eager
THE PACT: We just had to remember the poor, something I was also eager to do.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 02:11-21. About faith
GAL 02:11
SHG: hote petros erchomai antiocheia anthistemi prosopon hoti ataginosko
Trans.: when peter come
antioch oppose
for anti knowledge
THE PACT: When Peter came to Antioch, I went against him, straight to his face,
because he behaved against his better judgement.
GAL 02:12
SHG: pro
tis erchomai iakobos sunestio ethnos hote erchomai hupostello
Trans.: before any come
jacob eat with ethnic when come
pull back
aphorizo heautou phobeo peritome
separate self
THE PACT: Because before some came down here from Jacob, he ate with those
of the peoples. But after they had come, he pulled back and separated himself from
them in fear of the circumcised.
GAL 02:13
SHG: loipoy ioudaios sunupokrinomai kai hoste barnabas kai sunapago
Trans.: rest judean* be hypocritic
also this barnabas also carry away
sunapago hupokrisis
carry away hypocrisy
*one who is born or live in Judea, or one born by a Jewish woman
THE PACT: The rest of the Jews were also hypocrites together with him, so that
even Barnabas got carried away with their hypocrisy.
COMMENT: Barnabas was a Levite born on Cyprus. (ACT 04:36) So, Barnabas being born by Levite woman, the Jewish genealogies are always considered through the
woman, not the man, was a Jew. And as a Levite Barnabas may also have had the
possibility of becoming a priest according to the Levite order. And here we see that
Barnabas felt closer to the customs of the circumcised than to those of the peoples.
It was written in the law of Moses that the descendants of Israel were not to eat
together with the uncircumcised. But after Christ this separation was abolished.
(GAL 03:28) And this is an example how easy it is to fall back on ingrown traditions
that you have been brought up with, even if these tradition are not according to God’s
commandments through Christ, ref. child baptism, confirmations, church weddings,
etc. Because even if we know that child baptism is against the law of God, we still
baptize our children — in the name of God and Jesus.
The fear of hell still lingers with us!
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 02:14
SHG: hote eido orthopodeo orthopodeo pos aletheia euaggelion epo petros
Trans.: when see do right
do right
after truth
message say peter
emprosthen pas ei
all if
huparcho ioudaios zao ethnikos ethnikos ioudaikos tis
judean live ethnic ethnic jewish
anagkazo ethnos zao ioudaizo
demand ethnic live jewish
THE PACT: When I saw that he did not act correctly according to the truth of the
message, I said to Peter before all of them: ‘If you who are a Jew, act like one of the
peoples, and not like a Jew, how can you demand that the peoples shall follow the
customs of the Jews?’
GAL 02:15
SHG: ioudaios phusis hamartolos ethnos
Trans.: jew
nature sinner
THE PACT: For we who have the nature of the Jews, are not sinners like the peoples.
GAL 02:16
SHG: eido anthropos dikaioo ergon nomos pistis iesous christos kai
Trans.: know man
justify act law
faith jesus christ also
echo pisteuo iesous christos dikaio pistis christos ergon nomos ergon
have faith jesus christ
justify faith christ
nomos o -pas sarx dikaioo
no all flesh justify
THE PACT: We know that no man is justified by the acts of the law, but through
our faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore also we believe in Jesus Christ, in order that we
shall be justified through the faith in Jesus Christ, and not by acts of the law.
Because through acts of the law no flesh has become justified.
GAL 02:17
SHG: ei zeteo dikaioo christos kai heurisko hamatolos are christos
Trans.: if seek justify christ also find
be christ
diakonos hamartia me
-ginomai me -ginomai
servant sin
never happen never happen
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: But if also we who try to become justified in Christ, also are found as
sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? — It can never happen!
GAL 02:18
SHG: ei oikodomeo palin hos kataluo sunistao emautou parabates
Trans.: if build
again what tear down turn
THE PACT: If someone wants to rebuild what has been torn down, does he not then
make himself into a lawbreaker?
COMMENT: What has been torn down, is the old law of Moses. And he who tries
to rebuild what has been torn down, becomes a lawbreaker in relation to the law of
Christ, the only law that applies after Jesus’ resurrection.
GAL 02:19
SHG: dia nomos apothnesko nomos zao theos
Trans.: by law
live god
THE PACT: Under the law* I was dead, but under the law** I shall live for God.
* Moses’ law **Christ’s law
COMMENT: This about the law confuses many, because when they hear the word
law, they think about Moses’ law. That is not how it is. The Bible refers to the law
in three basic phases:
01. From Adam til Moses the chosen, ref. Adam and Abraham, were directly subjected to God’s law.
02. After Moses received a more extensive and detailed law, the descendants of
Israel became subjected to Moses’ law. And that is how it was until Christ.
03. After Christ we were all subjected to Christ’s law, also the Jews who stand nodding their heads at the wailing wall. They are trying to preserve what has been torn
down. Yet, every law is from God, but all in its right time.
The law that Paul was dead under, was the law of Moses, but the law that he shall
life under for God, is the law of Christ. And therefore, the way Paul writes this,
becomes a game of words. There are many of those in the Bible, and many of them
are complicated. But we must understand them to translate them correctly.
You may read in more detail about God’s law, Moses’ law and Christ’s law on page
254. There you may also read about ‘your mother’s law.’ Because of all the confusion about this, I will give some clarifying examples. But her Paul gave a good one.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 02:20
SHG: susstauroo christos de zao ouketi christos zao hos nun zao sarx zao
Trans.: impale with christ so live longer christ live that now live flesh live
pistis huios theos ho agapao paradidomi heautou
faith son
god who love
THE PACT: Now I have been nailed to the pole together with Christ. Then I no longer live for myself, but then I live for Christ. The life I now live in the flesh, I live
in the faith of the Son of God, he who loved me so dearly that he gave himself for
GAL 02:21
SHG: atheteo charis theos ei dikaiosune nomos ara christos apothnesko
Tras.: set aside grace god if justification law
true christ die
in vain
THE PACT: I do not set the grace of God aside, because if justification* came from
the law, then Jesus died in vain.
*getting the sonship, that is being adopted as God’s heavenly sons
GAL 03
The Promises Are through Christ
GAL 03:01-05. The right faith
GAL 03:01
SHG: anoetos galatos tis baskaino peitho aletheia kata hos opthalmos
Trans.: foolish galatian some bewitch obey truth
before that eye
iesous christos prographo prographo prographo stauroo en
jesus christ present present
impale for
THE PACT: You foolish Galatians! Some have bewitched you so that you will not
obey the truth — you who before your eyes have received Jesus Christ presented as
the One who was nailed to the pole for you.
GAL 03:02
SHG: toto monon thelo manthano lambano pneuma ergon nomos e akouo pistis
Trans.: this only wish know
receive spirit act law
or hear faith
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: Only this I want to know from you: Did you get the spirit through acts
of the law, or through what you have heard and through your faith?
GAL 03:03
SHG: houto anoetos enarchomai pneuma nun epiteleo epiteleo sarx
Trans.: you foolish start
spirit now end
THE PACT: Are you so foolish that after having started in the spirit, you want to
finish in the flesh?
GAL 03:04
SHG: echo pascho tosoutos tosoutos eike
eige kata eike
Trans.: have suffer all this all this no use if after no use
THE PACT: Have you gone through all this for nothing? — If then it has been for
GAL 03:05
SHG: oun epichoregeo pneuma energeo dunamis en ergon nomos e akoue pistis
Trans.: so execute
spirit work power by act law
or hear faith
THE PACT: Because — do you execute the working power of the spirit through
acts of the law, or through what you have heard and through your faith?
GAL 03:06
SHG: kathos abraham pisteuo theos logizomai dikaiosune
Trans.: how abraham believe god* consider righteousness
*Jehovah in the Hebrew text
THE PACT: This is how it was with Abraham: ‘He believed in Jehovah and was
therefore counted as righteous.’
GEN 15:06
COMMENT: This is a direct quote from Genesis 15:06. I include it in Hebrew:
SHG: aman yehovah chashat tsedaqak
Trans.: believe jehovah consider righteousness
English: He believed in Jehovah and that was considered as righteousness.
We see that in the original text it says Jehovah while in the translations they write
God even if it is a direct quote. We are very gullible if we believe this is just a mishap. It is so consistently carried through in all of the Bible that the only correct expression is conscious falsification.
What could be the purpose of that? — To prove that they are dishonest?
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 03:07
SHG: ginosko
pistis houtos huios abraam
Trans.: understand therefore believe this
THE PACT: Understand, therefore, that he who believes, is a son of Abraham.
COMMENT: Here both KJ-1611 and NIV write children where the text says sons.
This is also a conscious falsification to hide the fact that the major message of the
Bible is about the establishment of a heavenly priesthood of men without blemish,
(LEV 21:17-24) the heavenly division of the Realm of God.
Gr. huios = son. The basic meaning is offspring of the male gender and may also be
used about, for instance a foal, a colt, etc. Huios can never mean child, children, but
Gr. teknon = child. This word is gender neutral and may be used about both sons and
GAL 03:08
SHG: graphe proeido theos dikaioo ethnos ek pistis proeuaggelizo-mai
Trans.: scripture presee god righteous ethnic by faith pre-preach message
proeuaggelizo-mai proeuaggelizo-mai abraam pas ethnos enenlogeo
pre-preach message pre-preach message abraham all ethnic bless
THE PACT: But in the Scripture God foresaw that those of the peoples should be
justified through faith. Therefore he preached the message in advance to Abraham:
‘Through you all peoples on the earth shall be blessed.’
GEN 12:03
GAL 03:09
SHG: hoste pistis eulogeo pistos abraam
Trans.: who believe bless
faith abraham
THE PACT: Those who believe are blessed through the faith of Abraham.
GAL 03:10-14. Under the condemnation of the law
GAL 03:10
SHG: hosos ergon nomos hupo katara
grapho epikatartos pas emmeno pas
Trans.: who act law under condemnation write condamn all keep
ho grapho biblion nomos poieo
what write scroll law do
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: He who puts his trust in acts of the law, is under condemnation, because this is how it is written: ‘Condemned is he who does not keep all what is written down in the scroll of law and acts according to it.’
DEU 27:02
GAL 03:11
SHG: oudeis oudeis dikaioo nomos para theos delos
dikaios zao pistis
Trans.: no one no one justify law
after god manifest righteous live faith
THE PACT: No one is justified through the law after God’s manifest, for: ‘The
righteous shall live in faith.’
HAB 02:04
GAL 03:12
SHG: nomos pistis anthropos poieo zao
Trans.: law
faith man
THE PACT: But the law is not of faith. Because: ‘The man who wants to do
according to it, must live by it.’
LEV 18:05
GAL 03:13
SHG: christos exagorazo katara
nomos ginomai katara
Trans.: christ
buy free condemnation law
become condemnation write
epikatartos pas kremannumi epi xulon
all hang
on tree
THE PACT: But Christ bought us free from the condemnation of the law through his
becoming a condemnation for us, for it is written: ‘Condemned are all who are
hanged on a tree.’
DEU 21:23
GAL 03:14
SHG: eulogia abraam ginomai eis ethnos en
Trans.: blessing abraham happen so ethnic by
iesous christos lambano
jesus christ receive
epaggelia pneuma dia
promise spirit
through faith
THE PACT: Abraham’s blessing happened so that those of the peoples through
Christ would get the spirit they were promised through their faith.
GAL 03:15-18. The pact with Abraham
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 03:15
SHG: adelphos lego kata anthropos homos anthropos diatheke kuroo
Trans.: brother speak about man
even man
oudeis oudeis atheteo e epidiatassomai epodiatassomai
no one no one deduct or add
THE PACT: Brothers, I speak about what is of men, because when a man has entered into a pact with anybody, then no one will deduct from it or add anything to it.
GAL 03:16
SHG: de abraam sperma epaggelia rheo lego sperma polus heis sperma
Trans.: now abraham semen promise speak say sperm many one semen
hos christos
who christ
THE PACT: To Abraham and those of his semen the promises were spoken. But he
did not say ‘semens,’ as if to many, but to one: ‘To those of your semen,’ which is
COMMENT: This verse may confuse a little, because many believe that God’s
promise to Abraham and those of his semen, refer to his becoming the father of many
nations, both the Jews and the Arabs, and also to the sons of the East by Keturah. But
the way some of these nations oppose each other as enemies, that would have been
more a curse than a blessing. The promises to Abraham show directly to Christ and
the righteous who shall have a life in ages — a few in the heavens, the rest on the
NB! Be aware that of the promises God gave Abraham, Abraham has not himself
received a single one. Because the promises to Abraham were through Christ, and he
has not yet taken control over the earth. (DAN 02:44) Only after his resurrection on
the earth God’s promises to Abraham will be fulfilled.
Oh, by the way, Abraham did get one promise fulfilled while on the earth. Which one
was that?
GAL 03:17
SHG: touto lego diatheke prokuroo prokuroo theos christos nomos tetrakosioi
Trans.: this say pact
confirm confirm god [christ] law
four hundred
tetrakosioi triakonta etos mete ou akuroo katargeo apaggelia akuroo katargeo
four hundred thirty year after no invalid liquidate promise invalid liquidate
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: What I mean is: The Pact, which was establishes by God [through
Christ],* the law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, cannot make it invalid or liquidate it.
GAL 03:18
SHG: ei kleronomia nomos ouketi eti epaggelia theos charizomai abraam
Trans.: if inheritance law
longer be promise god by grace abraham
THE PACT: Because if the inheritance was by law, it can no longer be a promise.
But through his grace God gave Abraham the inheritance through the promises.
COMMENT: How many promises did god give Abraham? In addition to the promise of Isaac he got two, one with an oath, the other was just a promise. The promise
confirmed by an oath was about those who were to get a heavenly resurrection as
God’s adopted sons and Jesus heavenly brothers. This oath God gave Abraham after
he had been willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac, ref. Jesus. He had then proven his
faithfulness. This you may read about in Genesis 22:14-15.
But Abraham also got another promise from God — a promise to inherit the earth.
This promise you find in Genesis 13:14-15. It says: ‘Then Jehovah said to Abraham
after Lot had left his: ‘Lift your eyes from where you stand and look to the north, to
the south, to the east and to the west. All the earth that you now see I will give to you
and those of your semen in ages.’ Think now: What country has such borders —
from horizon to horizon in every direction? It shows as much of the earth as Abraham could see from where he stood.
And this is the promise that Abraham himself will enjoy after his resurrection.
This promise most Christians do not want to hear so much about. And therefore the
Christians concentrate on God’s heavenly promise, and not the promise that is about
the earth. It is also repeated in most translations that they write the land here, and not
the earth, and they also write the promise instead of promises. Fait enough, when the
promise refer to Christ, it is correct to write the promise, but when referring to
Abraham’s promises, the only correct text is to present it in the plural.
GAL 03:19-25. The law — a schoolmaster
GAL 03:19
SHG: tis oun nomos prostithemi charin
achri -hou sperma
Trans.: why then law add
because of transgression until when semen
Galatians with the Greek Text
erchomai hos epaggello epaggello diatasso aggelos
cheir mesites
who promise promise prescribe messenger hand mediator
THE PACT: Then why did the law come? It was introduced because of the transgressions until the time when the Semen was to come, he whom the promises were
about. And the law was presented by the Messenger’s hand to a mediator.
COMMENT: The Messenger who presented the law was Michael, the Messiah in
his pre-earth existence. The mediator was Moses, and therefore the law of Moses.
(EXO 20:18-21)
Hebr. michael = (he who is) like God.
Hebr. erets = earth, land, region, district
NB! There is no separation between earth and land neither in Hebrew nor Greek!
GAL 03:20
SHG: de meistes heis theos heis
Trans.: but mediator one god one
THE PACT: But a mediator is not for one, even if God is one.
COMMENT: Paul refers to God’s sovereign position as the only true God — ‘Jehovah is the only One.’ (DEU 06:04) Yet Moses became an effective mediator between
God the Almighty and the sons of Israel in the wilderness.
When Aaron made the golden calf to the sons of Israel as an idol in the wilderness,
he ignited God’s wrath to the extent that God wanted to exterminate every single one
of them. But then Moses stepped forward and made God change his mind. (Exodus
chapter 32) And after this God entered into the First Pact with the sons of Israel.
GAL 03:21
SHG: nomos oun kata epaggelia theos me -ginomai me -ginomai ei loven
Trans.: law
then against promise god never happen never happen if law
didomi ho dunamai echo zoopoieo zoopoieo ontos dikaiosune
give what power have give life give life really justification
through law
THE PACT: Is the law therefore at strife with God’s promises? That could never
happen, for if the law had the power that is necessary to give life, then justification
would have come through the law.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 03:22
SHG: graphe sugkleio pas hupo hamartia epaggelia pistis iesous christos
Trans.: scripture embrace all under sin
promise faith jesus christ
didomi pisteuo
THE PACT: The Scripture has laid everything under sin, so that the promise through faith in Jesus Christ would fall on those who believe.
GAL 03:23
SHG: pro
pistis erchomai phroureo hupo nomos sugkleio
Trans.: before faith come
custody under law
pistis mello
faith stay
THE PACT: Before the faith came, we were kept in custody under the law so that
we would be subject to it until the faith was revealed.
GAL 03:24
SHG: hoste nomos paidagogos christos dikaioo pistis
Trans.: so
child raiser christ
justify faith
THE PACT: In this way the law became like a schoolmaster for us until Christ, so
that we would be justified by faith.
GAL 03:25
SHG: pistis erchomai ouketi eti hupo paidagogos
Trans.: faith come
longer any under child raiser
THE PACT: But because the faith has come, we are no longer under the schoolmaster.
GAL 03:26-29. Heirs with Christ
GAL 03:26
SHG: pas huios theos pistis christus iesous
Trans.: all son
god faith christ jesus
THE PACT: We are all sons of God through our faith in Christ Jesus.
Galatians with the Greek Text
COMMENT: Almost all translations write children where the original text writes
sons. There can be little doubt that this is conscious biblical falsifications. An honest
exception is the New World Translation by Jehovah’s Witnesses. There the translation write sons where the original text writes som.
GAL 03:27
SHG: hosos baptizo eis christos enduo christos
Trans.: those baptize to christ clothe christ
THE PACT: Because he who is baptized to Christ, has clothed himself in Christ.
GAL 03:28
SHG: ou ioudaios oude hellen ou doulos oude eleutheros ou arrhen* oude
Trans.: no judean nor greek nor slave nor free
or male nor
thelus** pas heis christos ieasous
female all one christ jesus
*he who is strong to lift **she who is sucked
THE PACT: Then it is not Jew or Greek, slave or free, [male or female,] because
then we are all one in Christ.
GAL 03:29
SHG: ei christos ara
Trans.: if christ be
abraam sperma kleronomes kata epaggelia
abraham semen heir arving after promise
THE PACT: And if you are of Christ, you are of Abraham’s semen and heirs according to the promises.
GAL 04
Freedom in Christ
GAL 04:01-07. Freed from the law
GAL 04:01
SHG: hedista lego kleronomos chronos nepios diaphero oudeis doulos
Trans.: pleasure say heir
infant difference no
kurios pas
lord all
THE PACT: What I can say with pleasure is that as long as the heir is an infant,
there is no difference between him and a slave, even if he is to become master over
them all.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 04:02
SHG: hupo epitropos oikonomos achri prothesmios prothesmios pater
Trans.: under guardian manager until pre-determin pre-determin father
THE PACT: He is under guardians and managers until that time which has been predetermined by his father.
GAL 04:03
SHG: kai houto hote nepios
Trans.: also these while infant
douloo huper stoicheion kosmos
slavery under basic force world
THE PACT: Such it is also with you. As long as you are infants, you are in slavery
under the basic forces of this world.
GAL 04:04
SHG: hote pleroma chronos erchomai theos exapostello exapostello huios
Trans.: when fulfill time
god send out
send out
ginomai ginomai hupo nomos
happen happen under law
THE PACT: When time had been fulfilled, God sent his Son. And it happened under
the law.
GAL 04:05
SHG: exgorazo hupo nomos apoplambano huiothesia huiothesia
Trans.: buy free under law
take part in sonship sonship
THE PACT: But he was to buy free those under the law so that we would get the
GAL 04:06
SHG: hoti
huios theos exapostello exapostello pneuma huios eis humon
Trans.: because son god send out
send out
spirit son in your
kardia crazo abba pater
heart call abba father
THE PACT: And because you are sons, God sent his Son’s spirit in your hearts, that
which calls out: ‘Abba! Father!’
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 04:07
SHG: hoste ei ouketi eti doulos huios ei huios kai kleronomos theos
Trans.: then if longer yet slave son if son also heir
[dia christos]
[through christ]
THE PACT: Then you are no longer slaves, but sons. And because you are sons,
you are also God’s heirs [through Christ].*
GAL 04:08-20. False preachers
GAL 04:08
SHG: alla tote eido theos douleuo phasis me theos
Trans.: all then know god slave
nature no god
THE PACT: When you did not know God, you were slaves under such who by
nature were not gods.
GAL 04:09
SHG: nun ginosko theos de mallon ginosko theos pos epistepho palin asthenes
Trans.: now know god so reater know god how turn
again weak
ptochos stoicheion hos thelo palin -anothon douleuo
basic power that wish again anew
THE PACT: But now you have learned to know God, and what is even greater —
you are known by God! How can you then return to those weak and poor basic
forces? — Or do you again want to be under the slavery?
GAL 04:10
SHG: paratereo hemera men kairos eniantos
Trans.: keep track day
month season year
THE PACT: For you pay close attention to days, months, seasons and years.
GAL 04:11
SHG: phobeo mepos kopiao kopiao eike
Trans.: fear
maybe strive strive in vain
THE PACT: I am afraid that I might have striven in vain with you!
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 04:12
SHG: adelphos deomai adikeo
oudeis oudeis
Trans.: brother ask
do wrong no one no one
THE PACT: Brothers, I ask you to be as I am. Because I have become like you, and
no one among you have done me anything wrong.
GAL 04:13
SHG: eido hoti dia astheneia sarx euaggelizo
Trans.: know that with weakness flesh preach message preach message before
THE PACT: As you know it was with weakness in the flesh I have previously
preached the message to you.
GAL 04:14
SHG: peirasmos sarx exoutheneo oude ekptuo dechomai aggelos theos christos
Trans.: suffering flesh despise
reject receive messenger god christ
THE PACT: And my weakness in the flesh you neither despised nor rejected me for,
but you received me as a God’s messenger — as if I were the Christ Jesus.
GAL 04:15
SHG: tis oun makarismos martureo martureo ei
Trans.: how then great pleasure testify testify if
dunatos exorusso
possible tear out
humon opthalmos didomi
THE PACT: But where has the great pleasure you had then, gone to? For I can
testify that if possible, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me.
GAL 04:16
SHG: hoste ginomai humon ecthros aletheia aletheia
Trans.: now become your enemy truth
THE PACT: Have I now become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
GAL 04:17
SHG: zeloo zeloo kalos alla
thelo ekkleio zeloo
Trans.: zealous zealous good because wish separate zealous
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: They are zealous to win you over, but not to the good. Because they
want to keep you apart from us so that you may be zealous for them.
GAL 04:18
SHG: kalos zeloo zeloo pantote kalos monon en
Trans.: good zeleous zelous always good only when somebody present
THE PACT: It is good to always be zealous for that which is of the good, and not
only when someone is present with you.
GAL 04:19
SHG: teknion
teknion hos odino
palin echri christos morpho
Trans.: little child little child who birthpain birthpain again unto christ shape
THE PACT: My little children whom I again have birth pains with until Christ takes shape in you.
GAL 04:20
SHG: thelo pereimi arti
allasso phone aporeo aporeo
Trans.: wish present so that change voice uncertain uncertain
THE PACT: I wish I could be present with you so that I could use a different tone.
But I am at a loss concerning you.
GAL 04:21-31. The First and the New Pact
GAL 04:21-31
SHG: lego thelo hupo nomos akouo nomos
Trans.: say wish under law
hear law
THE PACT: So tell me, you who want to be under the law: Do you keep the law?
GAL 04:22
SHG: grapho abraam echo duo huios heis paidiske heis eleutheros
Trans.: write abrahan have two son one slavegirl one free
THE PACT: Because it is written that Abraham had two sons — one with the slave
girl, the other with her who was free.
GAL 04:23
SHG: paidiske gennao sarx eleutheros apaggello
Trans.: slavegirl bear
flesh free
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: The salve girl gave birth in the flesh, but the free bore according to the
GAL 04:24
SHG: hostis allegoreo houtos duo diatheke mia oros sina gennao douleia
Trans.: this symbolic these two pact
first mount sinai bear
hostis agar
THE PACT: This is symbolic, because they were of the two pacts. The first, she
who gave birth at the mountain Sinai, bore in slavery. She was Hagar.
GAL 04:25
SHG: ho hagar oros sina arabia sustoicheo hierousalem ho nun
Trans.: this hagar mount sinai arabia correspond jerusalem that now
douleuo teknon
slavery child
THE PACT: This Hagar by mount Sinai in Arabia corresponds with the Jerusalem
that is now with her children in slavery.
GAL 04:26
SHG: hierousalen ano
eleutheros hostis meter pas
Trans.: jerusalem up there free
this mother all
THE PACT: But the Jerusalem which is up there, is free and will become the mother
of all.
GAL 04:27
SHG: grapho euphraino steiros tikto rhegnumi rhegnumi boao odino eremos
Trans.: write rejoice
barren bear break out break out shout pain barren
polus mallon teknon e
echo aner
many more child
than have man
THE PACT: For it is written: ‘Rejoice, you who are barren and unable to bear
children. Break out in shouts, you who have no birth pains, for she who was barren,
has many more children then she who had a man.’
ISA 54:01
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 04:28
SHG: de adelphos isaak teknon epaggallia
Trans.: so brother isaac child promise
THE PACT: And you, brothers, as Isaac, are children of the promise.
GAL 04:29
SHG: tote gennao kata sarx dioko
kata pneuma kai houto nun
Trans.: this bear
after flesh persecute after spirit
also this now
THE PACT: He who was born of the flesh, persecuted he who was of the promise.
That is also how it is now.
GAL 04:30
SHG: alla tis lego graphe ekballo
paidiske huios huios kleronomeo
Trans.: and this say scripture throw out slavegirl son son inherit
huios eleutheros
son free
THE PACT: About this the Scripture says: ‘Throw out the son of the slave girl,
because her son shall not inherit together with the son of the free.’
GEN 21:10
GAL 04:31
SHG: ara
adelphos teknon paidiske eleutheros
Trans.: therefore therefore brother child slavegirl free
THE PACT: Therefore, brothers, you are not children of the slave girl, but of the
GAL 05
The Flesh Strives against the Spirit
GAL 05:01-15. Love through faith
GAL 05:01
SHG: steko oun eleutheria hos christos eleutheroo eleutheroo enecho palin
Trans.: stand then freedom that christ free
entangle again
zugos douleia
yoke slavery
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: Stand firm in the freedom Christ has freed us to, and do not again get
entangled in the yoke of slavery.
GAL 05:02
SHG: ide paulos lego ean peritemno christos pheleo oudeis
Trans.: see paul say if circumcise christ
THE PACT: See! — I, Paul, say that if you let yourselves become circumcised,
Christ has been of no use to you!
GAL 05:03
SHG: marturomai palin pas anthropos peritemno opheiletes poieo holos nomos
Trans.: testify
again all man
circumcise guilty
whole law
THE PACT: I again testify to all men that if you let yourselves become circumcised,
you will be obligated to keep the whole law.
GAL 05:04
SHG: christos katargeo katargeo katargeo hostis dikaioo nomos ekpipto charis
Trans.: christ nullify nullify nullify who justify law
fall out grace
THE PACT: For you nullify Christ, you who want to be justified through the law.
You have fallen out of his grace!
GAL 05:05
SHG: pneuma apekdechomai elpis diakosune pistis
Trans.: spirit
hope justice
THE PACT: In the spirit we hopefully wait for the justice of the faith.
GAL 05:06
SHG: iesous christos oute peritone
ischuo tis oute akrobustia
Trans.: jesus christ no circumcision mean any no uncircumcise faith
energeo agape
THE PACT: Because in Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised means
nothing; only the faith which leads to love.
GAL 05:07
SHG: trecho kalos tis anakopto peitho aletheia
Trans.: run good who prevent
obey truth
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: You ran fast! But who prevented you from listening to the truth?
GAL 05:08
SHG: ho peismone kaleo
Trans.: that persuation call
THE PACT: For the persuasion to this is not from him who called you.
GAL 05:09
SHG: mikros zume
zumoo holos phurama
Trans.: little
sourdough saturate whole dough
THE PACT: A little sourdough saturates the whole batch.
GAL 05:10
SHG: peitho
en kurios oudeis allos proneo
tarasso bastazo
Trans.: confidence in lord no
other understanding bother receive
judgement whoever be
THE PACT: But I have the confidence in you through the Lord that you will not
change your understanding, and that those who confuse you, will get their punishment, regardless of who they are.
GAL 05:11
SHG: adelphos ei eti kerusso peritomne tis eti dioko
Trans.: brother if still preach circumcision why still persecute persecute
ara skandalon
stauros katargeo
real stumbling stone pole
take away
THE PACT: Brothers, if I still preach the circumcision, why am I then persecuted?
Because then the pole as a stumbling block has been cleared away.
GAL 05:12
SHG: ophelon kai apokopto apokopto anastatoo
Trans.: wish
also cut off
cut off
THE PACT: I wish that they cut it off, these who set themselves up against us.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 05:13
SHG: adelphos kaleo eleutheia monon aleutheia aphorne
sarx agape
Trans.: brother call freedom only freedom opportunity flesh love
douleuo allelon allelon
another another
THE PACT: Because you, brothers, are called to freedom. But do not make this
freedom an opportunity for the flesh. Be each other’s slaves in love.
GAL 05:14
SHG: pas nomos pleroo
Trans.: all law fulfill
heis rhema agapao plesion heautou
one word love neighor self
THE PACT: For the whole law is fulfilled through one word: ‘Love your neighbor
as yourself.’
LEV 19:18
GAL 05:15
SHG: ei dakno katesthio allelon plepo analisko allelon allelon
Trans.: if bite eat
another see eat up
another another
THE PACT: But if you bite and eat at each other, see to it that you do not eat each
other up!
GAL 05:16-18. Live by the spirit
GAL 05:16
SHG: lego de peripateo pneuma teleo epithumia sarx
Trans.: say this wander spirit satisfy desire
THE PACT: This I say: Live by the spirit, so that you shall not satisfy the desires
of the flesh.
GAL 05:17
SHG: sarx epithumeo kata
pneuma pneuma kate sarx
tauta antikeimai
Trans.: flesh desire
against spiritt spirit against flesh then oppose
allelon allelon hina me poieo thelo
another another so no do
THE PACT: Because the desires of the flesh are against the spirit, and the spirit
against the flesh. These are opposing each other, so that no one shall do what he
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 05:18
SHG: ei ago pneuma hupo nomos
Trans.: if lead spirit
under law
THE PACT: But if you are guided by the spirit, you are not under the law.
GAL 05:19-21. The acts of the flesh
GAL 05:19
SHG: de ergon sarx phaneros hosti moicheia porneia
Trans.: then act
flesh obvious like fornication sexual immorality unclean
THE PACT: The acts of the flesh are obvious: They are such as fornication, sexual
immorality and unworthy indulgence.
GAL 05:20
SHG: eidololathreia pharmacheia echthra eris
zelos thumos eritheia
Trans.: idolatry
act magic
hatred contention envy anger scheming
party divisions sect formation
THE PACT: They are idolatry, acts of magic, hatred, envy, anger, scheming, party
activity, and the forming of sects.
COMMENT: If you consider carefully now, you will see that today’s Christianity
consists of all this, especially party divisions and sect formations. In today’s society
the various religious parties are opposing each other as more bitter enemies that the
roughest political adversaries. And new sects and divisions are growing up faster
than mushrooms. If you read Revelation chapters 17-19 you will see that God shall
put an end to all such activities. And even if today’s churches may be free of idolatry
and magic acts, none of then can claim that they are free of quarrels and scheming.
GAL 05:21
SHG: phthmos
phonos methe komos
toitos homoios hos prolego
Trans.: antagonism murder killing drunkedness riot like
that presay
prolego kai proepo prolego prasso toitous kleronomeo basileia theos
presay also presay presay practice such
realm god
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: They are also antagonism, murder, alcoholism, riots, and the like. I
have both said and told you before, that those who practice these, shall not inherit the
Realm of God.
COMMENT: What does it mean to inherit the Realm of God? Yes, indeed, there are
contentions about this! And the fablers go out of their way! And that may not be so
strange, because this is very nuanced, and after almost two thousand years of wrong
teachings, it is understandable that many Christians are struggling with this. But yet
it is very clear, based on the Greek text:
Those who inherit the Realm of God, are the same who take part in the first resurrection as God’s adopted sons and Jesus’ heavenly brothers.
They are to be Jesus’ co-priests, co-rulers and co-judges during the thousand years
— they are God’s universal government. And they are to rule over the earth! (REV
05:09-10) After God’s priesthood with Jesus as the Highest priest have been gathered in full number, 144.000, then Jesus together with God’s holy shall eradicate
all devilry from the earth. That is called the great tribulation.
But the Realm of God consists of two division, that of the heavens and that on the
earth! The resurrection to a possible life in ages on the earth, is the second, the universal, resurrection. Those who have taken part in the first resurrection and those
who have been given a life in ages after the second resurrection will constitute one
unity under Christ. (EPH 01:10) Together they make up the Realm of God.
GAL 05:22-23. The fruits of the spirit
GAL 05:22
SHG: korpos pneuma agape chora eirene makrothumia chrestotes
Trans.: fruit spirit love joy peace patience
pistis praiotes egkrateia
benevolence faith mildness self restraint
THE PACT: The fruits of the spirit, on the contrary, are love, joy, peace, patience,
tenderness, benevolence, meekness and self restraint.
GAL 05:23
SHG: kata
toioutos ou nomos
Trans.: against such
no law
THE PACT: Against such there is no law.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 05:24
SHG: christos stauroo sarx pathema
Trans christ impale flesh passion
THE PACT: Those who are of Christ, have impaled the flesh with its passions and
GAL 05:25
SHG: ei zao pneuma kai stoicheo pneuma
Trans.: if live spirit
also comply spirit
THE PACT: And if you want to live by what is of the spirit, you must also comply
with what is of the spirit.
GAL 05:26
SHG: kenodoxos kenodoxos kenodoxos prokaleomai allelon allelon phthoneo
Trans.: self-center self-center self-center provoke
another another envy
allelon allelon
another another
THE PACT: Let us not become self-centered so that we will not provoke and envy
each other.
GAL 06
What You Sow, You Shall Reap
GAL 06:01-05. Share the burdens
GAL 06:01
SHG: adelphos ean anthropos prolambano paraptoma ho pneumatikos
Trans.: brother when man
who spiritual
katartizo toioutos pneuma praiotes skopeo seautou me kai peirazo
spirit mild
watch self
no also tempt
THE PACT: Brothers, if some are caught in a sin, you who are of the spirit, shall
admonish him with a mild spirit. But watch out so that you yourselves are not tempted!
GAL 06:02
SHG: bastazo allelon allelon baros houto anapleroo nomos christos
Trans.: carry another another burden thus fulfill
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: Carry each other’s burdens, because then you fulfill the law of Christ.
GAL 06:03
SHG: ei tis dokeo tis
medeis phrenapatao heautou
Trans.: if any think something nothing deceive
THE PACT: If someone thinks he is something, but without being it, he deceives
GAL 06:04
SHG: hekastos tis dokimazo heautou ergon tote echo kauchema heautou
Trans.: each
that evaluate self
work then have praise
monos heteros
only other
THE PACT: Each must evaluate his own work, because then he may boast of what
he is himself, and not of what others are.
GAL 06:05
SHG: hekastos tis
bastazo idios phortion
Trans.: each
must carry own burden
THE PACT: Each must carry his own burden.
GAL 06:06-10. Do good to all
GAL 06:06
SHG: kathecheo rhema koinoneo katecheo pas agathos
Trans.: teach
word share
all good
THE PACT: He who is taught the word, must share all his good things with he who
GAL 06:07
SHG: planao theos mukteriso hos -ean anthropos speiro kai therizo
Trans.: deceive god mock
that what man
also reap
THE PACT: But do not be deceived, for God will not be blasphemed. What a man
sows, he will also reap.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 06:08
SHG: speiro sarx sarx therizo phthora
speiro pneuma pneuma therizo
Trans.: sow flesh flesh reap destruction sow spirit spirit
zoe aionios
life age
THE PACT: He who sows what is of the flesh, will reap the destruction of the flesh,
and he who sows what is of the spirit, will by the spirit reap ageous life.
COMMENT: There is such a terrible confusion about God’s spirit, the Spirit, or the
Holy Spirit. The spirit is that which exudes from God, and he who sows what is of
God, shall have a life in ages. It is not more difficult than that.
THE PACT usually writes spirit without a capital letter, because there are so many
spirits, the good from God and the evil from Satan, and some good and some bad
from man. Then it becomes confusing to write spirit with a capital letter if the spirit
is fro man, maybe good, maybe bad, or even neutral.
THE PACT writes the Holy Spirit in capital first letters because that is unequivocally
from God. THE PACT also writes God’s spirit with a capital letter of the word God.
Here the spirit is clearly from God. But the spirit in general may either be from God
or from Satan, or from man. The spirit is what exudes from someone From God
exudes everything good and fro Satan everything evil. And that of Satan the Greek
text describes as demons, evil spirits or unclean spirits. And remember that after the
fall man was no longer in God’s image, because Adam took to him of Satan’s spirit
when he ate from the tree of knowledge. After this man became bastards with some
good in them and some evil, in variable balance. So therefore the spirit in lower case
letters only Many snuff at this and claim that man is still in God’s image! But —
think a little: Can you imagine God as an images of sin?
God creating Adam in his image means that Adam was created without sin in a spiritual image of God. Adam is by Paul called the first Adam and Jesus the second Adam
(1CO 15:45) because these two men are the only ones who were created, or born,
without sin. Both of these are in the Bible each separately called the son of God, but
Adam only once, in Luke 03:38.
GAL 06:09
SHG: ekkakeo kalos poieo idios kairos therizo ekluo
Trans.: tire
good do
right time reap weaken
THE PACT: Do not get tired of doing good, for at the set time we shall reap if we
do not give up.
Galatians with the Greek Text
GAL 06:10
SHG: echo ara
-oun kairos ergazomai agathos pas malista oikeios pistis
Trans.: have opportunity the time work
good all special belong faith
THE PACT: Let us therefore, while we still have the opportunity, do good to all,
and especially to those who belong to the faith.
GAL 06:11. With my own hand
GAL 06:11
SHG: eido pelikos pelikos gramma echo grapho emos cheir
Trans.: see large large letter have write my hand
THE PACT: Note that I have written to you in big letters — with my own hand!
COMMENT: Why is it so very special that Paul wrote to the Galaians with his own
hand? After all at that time they neither had type writers of PC’s.
Paul wrote this after he had returned to Antioch from Corinth after his second journey probably just before he started on his third journey. And then he was alone.
Therefore he wrote the letter with his own hand. And, as a result of having an impaired vision, he had to write in big letters. Usually Paul had scribes who wrote his
letters while he dictated to them, ref. Romans 16:22.
GAL 06:12-16. Warnings
GAL 06:12
SHG: hosos thelo euprosopeo euprosopeo sarx anagkazo epitomno
Trans.: those wish look good look good flesh force
circulcision only
-me dioko
stauros christos
because no persecute persecute pole
THE PACT: It is such that want to look good in the flesh who want to force you to
become circumcised, just so that no one shall persecute them because of Christ’s
GAL 06:13
SHG: oude autos peritemno phulasso nomos thelo peritemno kaukaomai
Trans.: no self circumcise keep
law wish circumcise rejoice
humerteros sarx
Galatians with the Greek Text
THE PACT: Because nobody, not even among the circumcised, obeys the law. They
want you to become circumcised so that they may boast about you in the flesh.
GAL 06:14
SHG: me -ginomai me -ginomai kauchaomai ei_me stauros kurios iesous
Trans.: never happen never happen boast
if not pole
lord jesus
christus hos kosmos stauroo kosmos
christ who world empale world
THE PACT: May it never happen that I boast about anything but the Lord Jesus’
pole. For he has impaled what is of this world for me, and me for what is of this
GAL 06:15
SHG: christos iesous oute peritome ischuo tis oude akrobustia
Trans.: christ jesus neither circumcise mean any nor uncircumcise new
THE PACT: Because in Jesus Christ being circumcised or not being circumcised
means nothing, but becoming the new creation.
COMMENT: You do not become a new creation just because you receive Christ.
And neither are you being born anew! The new creation is when a man of flesh and
blood dies, and then get a spiritual resurrection as a spiritual creation. That is the
new creation, because such a creation has never been before. Jesus was the first. In
the heavens there have all the time been spiritual beings, ref. God’s heavenly messengers. And on the earth there have always been creations of flesh, blood and bones,
souls, and among them man is the foremost.
But never before has a man of flesh blood and bones been risen to become a spiritual
creation. And those who get to take part in the first resurrection as God’s adopted,
heavenly sons and Jesus’ heavenly brothers together with Jesus then become the new
creation. — Was not that all right?
GAL 06:16
SHG: hosos stoicheo toutoi kanon
eirene epi eleos israel theos
Trans.: who hold
these guideline peace on mercy israel god
THE PACT: To those who hold on to this guideline; peace and mercy be with you,
and with God’s Israel.
Galatians with the Greek Text
COMMENT: Few understand, and even fewer will accept, that ‘God’s Israel’ has
nothing to do with the mundane, physical state of Israel. Paul here refers to the
spiritual Israel, those who take part in the first resurrection. And then the word is
being used in its correct meaning: He who has fought with God (not against) and won
(his blessing).
And now you also understand how important it is to know the correct meaning of
each name in the Bible, especially from the First Pact.
GAL 06:17. The Lord Jesus’ mark
GAL 06:17
SHG: loipoy medeis medeis kopos -parecho bastazo soma stigma kurios iesous
Trans.: rest no one no one bother weakness carry body mark lord jesus
THE PACT: Finally, may no one be bothered by my weakness, for I carry the Lord
Jesus’ mark on my body.
GAL 06:18. A short farewell
GAL 06:18
SHG: adelphos charis kurios iesous christos humeteros pneuma amen
Trans.: brother grace lord jesus christ your
spirit amen
THE PACT: Brothers, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
NB! Paragraphs, verses, expressions and words in [square brackets] have been
added in translations.
Verses in Galatians that are often wrongly translated
in English and American versions:
Here follows an overview of biblical verses in Galatians that are either directly
wrongly translated or that are twisted to the extent that they do not give a correct understanding of the word of God.
I use the original King James version of 1611, originally a Catholic translation,
and the New International Version, at present the best selling U.S. translation,
and in many cases also the New World Translation by Jehovah’s Witnesses, as
reference Bibles. Their text will then be compared to the original text, and
finally to the translation of THE PACT. At the end follow comments to the text.
Here much dynamite is buried, because much of this is so solidly entrenched in
Christianity that it is often the unmistakable truth that is rejected as false
teaching. But one thing is for sure: If you are going to get a factual and correct
understanding of the Bible, it is a basic prerequisite that it has been correctly
SHG = Strong’s Hebrew / Greek
THE PACT, GAL 01:05. ‘The glory is his in ages. Amen.’
NIV: ‘— to whom be the glory forever and ever.’
KJ-1611: ‘To whom be glory for ever and ever.’
NWT: ‘— to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.’
SHG: hos
doxa aion aion amen
Trans.: whose glory age age amen
THE PACT: ‘The glory is his in ages.’
COMMENT: I have mentioned it before that English and American translations are
often closer to the original text than many international versions. There the words
used are often eternal, eternity which are definitely not a biblical concept, but solidly
established in many Catholic and Lutheran translations. Eternal refers to a time that
is never ending, and the expression through all eternity is construes by translators.
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
The word in Greek is aion, which simply means time, age, but then to an age of long
duration. But definitely not forever or never ending.
So, what is correct? Then we need to check the original text, and therefore that is
included. The word that is being translated eternal or forever is aion which simply
means time, age, but of a long duration. As an adjective it is aionios. But we do not
have a corresponding adjective in English, but aionios is connected to the long time.
The closest I have come to this concept is ageous which in neither quite correct.
Here is an overview of correct translations of the Greek words aion and aionios:
Gr. aion = time, age (implicitly a very ling time or age, but yet not an age without
Gr. aionios = that of time, age.
Correct translation of aion is therefore age or ages, and not eternal, eternity. When
the word aion is used twice after each other, it is often translated through all eternity.
Correct translation is through ages, or through age and ages.
About aionios, the adjective that is tied to the long time, a good word would be
timous, but that already has a slightly different use. Therefore the word ageous is the
closest I can come to a correct translation, although it is not 100% correct. And therefore it is even more important having a correct understanding of the concept.
The construes word eternal has in the Bible developed the meaning of without end,
never ending or forever. But the word aion only refers to a time of long duration, but
does never contain the concept of never ending. This we understand even better when
we know that aion also refers back in time, but no longer than back that to Adam.
This is repeated throughout all of the Bible.
The word eternal is not as widely used in English and American translations as for
instance in Danish and Norwegian translation, but it is still being used.
KJ-1611 writes eternal 47 times in 47 verses and eternity only 1 time.
NIV writes eternal 81 times in 80 verses and eternity 3 times in 3 verses.
In the Greek text the adjective that refers to the long time, aionios, is being used 71
times in 69 verses.
In the Greek text the substantive that refers to the long time, aion, is being used 129
times in 103 verses.
The word aion is being used two times after each other 22 times in 22 verses. Then
some translators write through the eternity of eternities.
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
The fact that the nubmer of time these words are being uses, shows that the tranlators
are not so careful how they transfer word compared to the original text.
THE PACT write the words aion and aionios as many times as they are being used
in the Greek text. That has been done so that the translation will not seem confusing
to an occasional reader, but clarifying. THE PACT follows a clear principle in its
translation: ‘Right is right.’ Tampering with the word of God is of Satan.
THE PACT, GAL 01:24. ‘And they praised God for it.’
NIV: ‘And they praised God because of me.’
KJ-1611: ‘And they glorified God in me.’
NWT: ‘So they began glorifying God because of me.’
SHG: doxazo theos
Trans.: praise god
THE PACT: And they praised God for it.’
COMMENT: It may very well be that the Galatians praised God because of Paul.
And it may well be that they glorified him. But it does not say so in this verse.
The word doxa is special. It may mean glorify, praise, honor, etc. But how can it at
the same time it may mean heaven, ocean and gold? The original meaning is: that
which it shines from. And then you understand. Can it also mean silver? That is
possible, but then it must not be confused with gold. Silver in Greek is argon, which
a little by little has developed to mean money.
THE PACT, GAL 02:09. ‘When Jacob, Caiphas and John, —’
NIV: ‘James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the
right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed
that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews.’
KJ-1611: ‘And when James, Caiaphas , and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given to me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hand
of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.’
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
NWT: ‘ — yes, when they came to know the undeserved kindness that was given to
me, James and Caiaphas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave me and
Barnabas the right hand of sharing together, that we should go to the nations and
they to those who are circumcised.’
NB! The wrong use of names and words have been enhanced.
SHG: iakobas kaiaphas ioannes ho dokeo stulos ginosko didomi didomi
Trans.: jacob caiphas john
who think column learn
receive receive
barnabas dexios dexios koinonia ethnos peritome
barnabas right right fellowship ethnic circumcise
NB! Note that the Greek text write Jacob about Jesus’ half brother, and not James.
In King James of 1611 Jacob’s name was changed to James in honor of King James
who supported this translation. Again: Tempering with the word of God is of Satan.
THE PACT: As Jacob, Caiphas and John, who were considered to be among the pillars, realized what I had received, they gave Barnabas and myself the right hand of
their fellowship. We were to preach to those of the peoples and they to the circumcised.
COMMENT: The Greek word ethnos has entered into everyday speech. WE often
hear talk about ethnic origin, which refer to what group of people some belong to.
This word had through the centuries been wrongly translated heathen in the Bible.
But a heathen is someone subjected to idolatry who know neither God nor Christ.
Peoples is correct here, not Gentile or heathen or nation. Maybe it would be advantageous to write ethnics, and we would see that the Bible does not separate distinctively between the peoples and the Jews, because also the Jews are an ethnic group,
and are as an exception also referred to as an ethnic group, and then it would be insane to translate heathen. Translators then mostly write people referring to the Jewish people. And that agrees with the facts, because also the Jews have an ethnic origin. But this is being translated confusingly different in the various translations.
King James write heathen as many as 150 times in 145 verses. NIV writes heathen
only one time, and then referring to such who do not know God. They write Gentile
11 times in 11 verses. — I have often wondered about the origin of the word Gentile.
NWT wrongly writes nations here, but there is a great difference between a nation,
a political unit, or a people, an ethnic unit.
THE PACT consistently writes peoples where the Greek text writes ethnos, also
when ethnos refers to the Jews. And then we understand that by writing heathens, we
paint ourselves into a corner.
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT, GAL 02:18. ‘If someone wants to rebuild, —’
NIV: ‘If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker.’
Uff da! What a silly translation. What was destroyed, was the law, and it was not
Paul who did that, but Jesus through his sacrifice!
KJ-1611: ‘For if I build again things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.’
Uff da! Same confusion. But now at least we know where NIV has its text from.
NWT: ‘For if the very things that I once threw down, I build up again, I demonstrate
myself to be a trasgressor.’
Uff da! So also NWT has its text from King James. And King James has it from the
Bible of the Pope, LXX, which also has exactly the same text, but in Latin.
NB! You will see this clearly if you read this verse in context with the rest of the
GAL 02:18
SHG: ei oikodomeo palin hos kataluo sunistao emautou parabates
Trans.: if build
again what tear down turn
THE PACT: If someone wants to rebuild what has been torn down, does he not then
make himself into a lawbreaker?
COMMENT: What has been torn down, is the old law of Moses. And he who tries
to rebuild what has been torn down, ref. the Jews, becomes a lawbreaker in relation
to the law of Christ, the only law that applies after Jesus’ resurrection.
And who was it that tore down the entire temple order in three days? Was it Paul?
No, here each has translated ‘with his head under his arm, and his arm in a sling.’
(Oystein Sunde) No, he who did this, was Jesus Christ! Claiming it was Paul, becomes insane.
THE PACT, GAL 02:19. ‘Under the law I was dead, —’
NIV: ‘For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God.’
KJ-1611: ‘For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.’
NWT: ‘As for me, through law I died toward law, that I might come alive toward
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
SHG: dia nomos apothnesko nomos zao theos
Trans.: by law
live god
THE PACT: Under the law* I was dead, but under the law** I shall live for God.
*Moses’ law **Christ’s law
COMMENT: This about the law confuses many, because when they hear the word
law, they think about Moses’ law. That is not how it is. The Bible refers to the law
in three basic phases:
01. From Adam til Moses the chosen, ref. Adam and Abraham, were directly subjected to God’s law.
02. After Moses received a more extensive and detailed law, the descendants of
Israel became subjected to Moses’ law. And that is how it was until Christ.
03. After Christ we were all subjected to Christ’s law, also the Jews who stand nodding their heads at the wailing wall. They are trying to preserve what has been torn
down. Yet, every law is from God, but all in its right time.
The law that Paul was dead under, was the law of Moses, but the law that he shall
life under for God, is the law of Christ. And therefore, the way Paul writes this,
becomes a game of words. There are many of those in the Bible, and many of them
are complicated. But we must understand them to translate them correctly.
THE PACT, GAL 03:06. ‘This is how it was with Abraham:
NIV: ‘Consider Abraham: ‘He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.’
KJ-1611: ‘Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’
NWT: ‘Just as Abraham ‘put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness.’
SHG: kathos abraham pisteuo theos logizomai dikaiosune
Trans.: how abraham believe god* consider righteousness
*Jehovah in the Hebrew text
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT: This is how it was with Abraham: ‘He believed in Jehovah and was
therefore counted as righteous.’
GEN 15:06
COMMENT: This is a direct quote from Genesis 15:06. I include it in Hebrew:
SHG: aman yehovah chashat tsedaqak
Trans.: believe jehovah consider righteousness
English: He believed in Jehovah and that was considered as righteousness.
We see that in the original text it says Jehovah while in the translations they write
God even if it is a direct quote. We are very gullible if we believe this is just a mishap. It is so consistently carried through in all of the Bible that the only correct expression is conscious falsification.
What could be the purpose of that? — To prove that they are dishonest?
THE PACT, GAL 03:07. ‘Understand, therefore, that he —’
NIV: Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham.’
KJ-1611: ‘Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children
of Abraham.’
NWT: ‘Surely you know that those who adhere to faith are the ones who are sons of
SHG: ginosko
pistis houtos huios abraam
Trans.: understand therefore believe this
THE PACT: Understand, therefore, that he who believes, is a son of Abraham.
COMMENT: Here both KJ-1611 and NIV write children where the text says sons.
This is also a conscious falsification to hide the fact that the major message of the
Bible is about the establishment of a heavenly priesthood of men without blemish,
(LEV 21:17-24) the heavenly division of the Realm of God.
Gr. huios = son. The basic meaning is offspring of the male gender and may also be
used about, for instance a foal, a colt, etc. Huios can never mean child, children, but
in defense of such falsifications that is claimed by an increasing number.
Gr. teknon = child. This word is gender neutral and may be used about both sons and
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
Again and again you see that the translators write children where the original text
says sons. And this is done consciously from beginning to end. And not even the
original text is totally free of this falsification. And do not believe in such who try
to explain this away by claiming that huios may mean both child and son. That is a
bluff! The word for child is teknon. Huios, on the other hand, can only means son,
whether of man or animals, because the basic meaning of this word is offspring of the
male gender. And thereby it may also mean foal, colt, etc., but never child.
Why is this so important? Hold on to something solid, because the Bible is mostly
about a priesthood of men without blemish. These are Jesus’ heavenly brothers and
God’s adopted sons, the holy, the elect, the bride, members of the Melchizedec
priesthood, those whom God has set his seal on, etc. These are the ones that God has
chosen to a heavenly existence and who will take part in the first, the heavenly, resurrection. Jesus explains this in detail to Nicodemus in John, chapter 03. The Bible
is crystal clear here, by Satan, how eager the power people of Christianity are to
explain this away. And when they go so far that they consciously falsify the word of
God ti hide God’s truth, we understand that they will not shy away from any means
to hide this fact!
Be aware that Abraham received two promises, and only one with ab oath. This you
may read about in Genesis, chapter 22. There it is all the time referred to the Semen,
whicg is Christ. And also be aware that this oath applies to the members of God’s
heavenly priesthood who are to rule over the earth together with Christ. (REV 05:10)
But Abraham also got another promise that was given without an oath, and also these
shall be blessed through the Semen, Christ. That you may read about in Genesis
13:14-15. There it says, THE PACT: ‘After Lot had left him, Jehovah said to Abraham: ‘Lift your eyes from the place where you stand to the north, to the south, to the
east and to the west. For all the earth that you now see, I will give to you and those
of your semen in ages.’
Many claim that this is the promise of the land Israel. That is not correct. Neither
Israel nor any other country has border such as those described in this verse. This is
God’s promise to Abraham, that those who are of his semen, those who believe in
Jesus, shall inherit the earth and live on it in ages.’ (PSA 37:11, PSA 37:29, MAT
05:05, EPH 01:10, with many, many more.)
THE PACT, GAL 03:16. ‘To Abraham and those of his semen
‘The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say
‘and to his seeds,’ meaning many people, but ‘and to your seed,’ meaning one person, who is Christ.’
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
KJ-1611: ‘Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not And
to seeds, as of many, but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ.’
NWT: ‘Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. it says not ‘And
to seeds,’ as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: ‘And to your seed,
which is Christ.’
SHG: de abraam sperma epaggelia rheo lego sperma polus heis sperma
Trans.: now abraham semen promise speak say sperm many one semen*
hos christos
who christ
*actually, sperm
THE PACT: To Abraham and those of his semen the promises were spoken. But he
did not say ‘semens,’ as if to many, but to one: ‘To those of your semen,’ which is
COMMENT: This verse may confuse a little, because many believe that God’s
promise to Abraham and those of his semen, refer to his becoming the father of many
nations, both the Jews and the Arabs, and also to the sons of the East by Keturah. But
the way some of these nations oppose each other as enemies, that would have been
more a curse than a blessing. The promises to Abraham show directly to Christ and
the righteous who shall have a life in ages — a few in the heavens, the rest on the
NB! Be aware that of the promises God gave Abraham, Abraham has not himself
received a single one. Because the promises to Abraham were through Christ, and he
has not yet taken control over the earth. (DAN 02:44) Only after his resurrection on
the earth God’s promises to Abraham will be fulfilled.
Oh, by the way, Abraham did get one promise fulfilled while on the earth. Which one
was that?
THE PACT, GAL 03:17. ‘What I mean is: The pact, which —’
NIV: ‘What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the
covenant previously established by God, and thus do away with the promise.’
KJ-1611: ‘And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before by God in
Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that
it should make the promise of none effect.’
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
NWT: ‘Further, as to the covenant previously validated by God, the Law that has
come into being four hundred and thirty years later does not invalidate it, so as to
abolish the promise.’
SHG: touto lego diatheke prokuroo prokuroo theos christos nomos tetrakosioi
Trans.: this say pact
confirm confirm god [christ] law
four hundred
tetrakosioi triakonta etos mete ou akuroo katargeo apaggelia akuroo katargeo
four hundred thirty year after no invalid liquidate promise invalid liquidate
THE PACT: What I mean is: The Pact, which was establishes by God [through
Christ],* the law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, cannot make it invalid or liquidate it.
COMMENT: We again see that the translators refer to the promise in the singular,
whicch then refer to the Semen, which is Christ. Transcribers have even been so
eager to include this that they wrongfully have added [through Christ] in the text —
even in the original text! And let it be clear once and for all: When the promise refer
to the Semen, which is Christ, it is of course to be in the singular. But the very promises do not directly refer to Christ They refer to what will be the result of Jesus’ acts:
A heavenly priesthood of men without blemish, the 144.000, the Realm of God, (the
promise given with an oath), who together with Christ are to help reestablish what
Adam destroyed through his disobedience, a life in ages on the earth ti righteous
people (the general promise). These are the two promises God gave Abraham, and
when the text refers to them, they are of course to be presented in the plural, the
promises, rf. also verse 29.
THE PACT, GAL 03:18. ‘Because, if the inheritance —’
NIV: ‘For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on a promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise.’
KJ-1611: ‘For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more a promise: But God gave
it to Abraham by promise.’
NWT: ‘For if the inheritance is due to law, it is no longer due to promise, whereas
God has kindly given it to Abraham through a promise.’
SHG: ei kleronomia nomos ouketi eti epaggelia theos charizomai abraam
Trans.: if inheritance law
longer be promise god by grace abraham
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT: ‘Because if the inheritance was by law, it can no longer be a promise.
But through his grace God gave Abraham the inheritance through the promises.’
COMMENT: How many promises did god give Abraham? In addition to the promise of Isaac he got two, one with an oath, the other was just a promise. The promise
confirmed by an oath was about those who were to get a heavenly resurrection as
God’s adopted sons and Jesus heavenly brothers. This oath God gave Abraham after
he had been willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac, ref. Jesus. He had then proven his
faithfulness. This you may read about in Genesis 22:14-15.
But Abraham also got another promise from God — a promise to inherit the earth.
This promise you find in Genesis 13:14-15. It says: ‘Then Jehovah said to Abraham
after Lot had left his: ‘Lift your eyes from where you stand and look to the north, to
the south, to the east and to the west. All the earth that you now see I will give to you
and those of your semen in ages.’ Think now: What country has such borders —
from horizon to horizon in every direction? It shows as much of the earth as Abraham could see from where he stood.
And this is the promise that Abraham himself will enjoy after his resurrection.
This promise most Christians do not want to hear so much about. And therefore the
Christians concentrate on God’s heavenly promise, and not the promise that is about
the earth. It is also repeated in most translations that they write the land here, and not
the earth, and they also write the promise instead of promises. Fait enough, when the
promise refer to Christ, it is correct to write the promise, but when referring to
Abraham’s promises, the only correct text is to present it in the plural.
THE PACT, GAL 03:24. ‘In that way the law became a schoolmaster —’
NIV: ‘So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified
in Christ.’
KJ-1611: ‘Wherefore the law was a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we
might be justified by faith.’
NWT: ‘Consequently the law became our tutor leading us to Christ, that we might
be declared righteous due to faith.’
SHG: hoste nomos paidagogos christos dikaioo pistis
Trans.: so
child raiser christ
justify faith
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT: ‘In this way the law became like a schoolmaster for us* until Christ,
so that we would be justified by faith.’
*who are us?
COMMENT: The word paidagogos means child raiser, but is being translated in
so many ways. Well, translations become of lesser importance if we know what the
text says in Greek, for instance gehenna, which refers to the garbage dump south of
Jerusalem, and not hell.
THE PACT, GAL 03:26. ‘We are all sons of God —’
NIV: ‘You are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ, —’
NB! Honor to NIV. They got it right this time. But why not do it right all the time?
KJ1611: ‘For ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.’
NB! Uff da! Here you have the same falsification as before. It is done consciously
and consistently!
NWT: ‘You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus.’
SHG: pas huios theos pistis christus iesous
Trans.: all son
god faith christ jesus
THE PACT: We are all sons of God through our faith in Christ Jesus.
COMMENT: So many translations write children here when the original text writes
sons. There is no doubt that this is conscious biblical falsification. Two honest
exceptions here are both NIV and NWT. They write sons where the Greek text writes
The Bible os crystal clear that those who are to inherit the Realm of God are sons.
The major heir have always been sons, ref. heirs to the throne. And the Bible is clear
that those who shall inherit the Realm of God, will be a priesthood without blemish.
(LEV 21:17-24) And when Jesus began the election of his this priesthood, he
confirmed it by choosing twelve men. And it you carefully evaluate who received the
Holy Spirit, the members of this priesthood, you will see that not one of them was
a woman. Then the Holy Spirit was given in a stronger measure on the day of the
Pentecost on the year 33, only eleven of the apostles, plus Matthias, present. (ACT
01:26, ACT 02:01)
But then there is a verse that seem to contradict all this, because already two verses
later, THE PACT, it says: ‘Then it is not Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female,
because then we are all one in Christ.’
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
This is a good example of how detailed the Bible is, because when it comes to the
election of God’s heavenly priesthood, there is no doubt that there are men, sons. But
we have already seen that Abraham had two promises, and one of these was about
those who are to inherit the earth. (MAT 05:05) Therefore, if both promises are seen
as one under Christ, (EPH 01:10) it is equal for men and women, except that the
women are not included as members of God’s priesthood, the promise given with an
They are only included in the general promise that applies to those who get a life in
ages on the earth. And in that way also women become heirs. if not God would have
been unjust, at least seen by those who are in the flesh.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have misunderstood this and claim that also the election to the
priesthood is the same for men and women. But they always write sons in the text,
and claim that even if it says sons in the text, it also include women, because they
will have a change of gender ‘on the way up!’
A woman from Kopervik on Karmoy, Norway, Othalia Mydland, is by Jehovah’s
Witnesses considered as one of the 144.000 heavenly priests. Therefore she was
given her own apartment at the Jehovah’s Witness’ complex outside of Oslo where
she lived until her death. If this were the case, why are then Jehovah’s Witnesses
such intense adversaries of female ministers in the Lutheran Church?
NB! In verse 26 it is correct to include female if it refers to Abrams promise only.
But Paul only writes about those who are included in the first promise that God gave
with an oath, so therefore it is much more probable that ‘male or female’ have been
added during copying the way also daughter has been in Second Corinthians 06:18.
But there it is easier to prove because it is a direct quote from Second Samuel 07:14
in the First Pact where it only says sons, while in the Greek translation it says ‘sons
and daughters’ the way it is being presented in all translations. THE PACT consistently writes sons where it says sons in the original text, which is also the case with
Second Samuel 07:14 — originally.
Long live God’s faithful men — and women, in their quest for gender equality! Soon
God will be presented as a woman and men are to bear children! In some Norwegian
translations brothers have already become siblings, and sons have already been children for a long time. And you will see the dark in their eyes if you try to tell them!
Oh, I feel like telling a joke: One minister of the Norwegian government belonging
to the Socialistic Leftist Party recommended that the teaching about reproduction
should be left out from classes about sexual education, because the teaching of reproduction was discriminatory against lesbians and homosexuals — yes, against lesbians
and homosexuals!
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT, GAL 03:29. ‘And if you are of Christ, —’
NIV: ‘If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to
the promise.’
KJ-1611: ‘And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to
the promise.’
NWT: ‘Moreover,* if you belong to Christ, you are really* Abraham’s seed, heirs
with reference to a promise.”
*Here NWT adds moreover and really which are not from the Greek text. It seems
a bit fetched.
SHG: ei christos ara
Trans.: if christ be
abraam sperma kleronomes kata epaggelia
abraham semen heir
after promise
THE PACT: And if you are of Christ, you are of Abraham’s semen and heirs according to the promises.
COMMENT: Many believe that when it says ‘if you are of Christ,’ that it refers to
them. But it is not so that whatever the Bible says applies to he who at any time may
read it. Jesus, and here Paul, keeps referring to ‘those who are of Christ,’ and then
it only applies to each and every one who have been chosen as members of God’s
heavenly priesthood. And here Paul confirms that they are heirs to the Realm of God.
All of these will take part in the first, the spiritual, resurrection in the same way also
Jesus did. The rest of us, men and women, will have a resurrection on the earth. In
other words we will not be part of the promise God gave Abraham with an oath. We
will be part of God’s general promise of a life in ages on the earth the way God’s original plan was with Adam. We will be part of the second resurrection, the earthly,
that of the soul.
THE PACT, GAL 04:01. ‘What I can say with pleasure, is —’
NIV: ‘What I am saying is that as long as a heir is a child, he is no different from a
slave, although he owns* the whole estate.’ *not at the present, but in the future
KJ-1611: ‘Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from
a servant, though he be lord* of all; —’
*not at the present, but in the future
NWT: ‘Now I say that as long as the heir is a babe he does not differ at all from a
slave, lord of all things though he is,* —’
*not at the present, but in the future
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
SHG: hedista lego kleronomos chronos nepios diaphero oudeis doulos
Trans.: pleasure say heir
infant difference no
kurios pas
lord all
THE PACT: ‘What I can say with pleasure is that as long as the heir is an infant,
there is no difference between him and a slave, even if he is to become* master over
them all.’
*refers to the future
COMMENT: Here Paul talks about an infant, and not a child or a babe. He who is
an infant as a slave, does not separate much from the infant of the heir, but they do
as they grow up, because at the right time the heir is inaugurated as the master of all.
And Paul refers to those who are to be Jesus’ heavenly co-rulers.
They have all omitted that Paul says this with pleasure? Why?
As infants, with reference to their earthly existence, they have no preference over any
of the others who are in the flesh. But as heirs they will all become rulers with Christ
after they become inaugurated, when Jesus takes them to him. And this is a pleasure
to Paul. This is all he lives for!
THE PACT, GAL 04:04. ‘When time had been fulfilled, —’
NIV: ‘But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born
under the law, —’
KJ-1611: ‘But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made
of a woman, made under the law, —’
NWT: ‘But when the full limit of the time arrived, God sent forth his Son, who came
to be out of a woman, and who came to be under law, —’
SHG: hote pleroma chronos erchomai theos exapostello exapostello huios
Trans.: when fulfill time
god send out
send out
ginomai ginomai hupo nomos
happen happen under law
THE PACT: When time had been fulfilled, God sent his Son. And it happened under
the law.
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
COMMENT: KJ-1611 and NIV, as well as NWT, have all included the sentence
‘born of a woman,’ in one form or another. As you can se, that has not been included
in the Greek text. So, where have they got it from? Yes, old King James of 1611 has
of course included it: ‘Made of a women, made under the law.’ And then it is fair to
conclude that also the Pope has included it in his Latin translation, the Vaticanus or
the LXX.
I see this as solid proof that both NIV and NWT have indiscriminately just copied
the text from King James. If not, they would not both have added the same sentence
in the same position. Such coincidences do not occur!
It may seem logical, but totally unnecessary to include such an addition, because
what alternative is there to a man in the flesh being born by a woman? Uff da! Some
times — Well, it should strengthen the respect of the Greek text that it is not included there.
THE PACT, GAL 04:05. ‘But he was to buy free those under
the law, —’
NIV: ‘— to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.’
KJ-1611: ‘To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.’
NWT: ‘— that he might release by purchase those under law, that we, in turn, might
receive the adoption as sons.’
SHG: exgorazo hupo nomos apoplambano huiothesia huiothesia
Trans.: buy free under law
take part in sonship sonship
THE PACT: ‘But he was to buy free those under the law so that we would get the
*adopted as sons
COMMENT: Praise to all three translations in English for having got this correct.
I have said it before, and I repeat: English translations are closer to the original text
than most Scandinavian texts which all write, with an honest exception of the New
World Translation by Jehovah’s Witnesses, childship, being adopted as children. But
I did not have to look far to find an English translation that writes the same. The
Good News Translation says: ‘— to redeem those who were under the law, so that
we might become God’s children.’ This is all inclusive, and with a translation like
this, nobody can understand its real meaning! And that’s the purpose!
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT, GAL 04:14. ‘And my weakness in the flesh, —’
NIV: Even though my illness* was a trial to you, did not treat me with contempt or
scorn. Instead you welcomed me as if I were and angel of God, as if I were Christ
Jesus himself.’
*what illness?
KJ-1611: ‘And my temptation* which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor reject,
but received me as angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.’
*what temptation?
NWT: ‘And what was a trial* to you in my flesh, you did not treat with contempt or
spit at in disgust; but you received me like an angel of God, like Christ Jesus.’
*what was a trial to them in Paul’s flesh?
SHG: peirasmos sarx exoutheneo oude ekptuo dechomai aggelos theos christos
Trans.: suffering flesh despise
reject receive messenger god christ
THE PACT: And my weakness* in the flesh you neither despised nor rejected me
for, but you received me as a God’s messenger — as if I were the Christ Jesus.
*what was Paul’s weakness?
COMMENT: A new example of an endless angel-confusion! Paul does not here
refer to himself as a heavenly being, but to himself as an intermediary of the message
about Christ — an earthly messenger. He shows that his reception among them was
so overwhelming that it was as if he were the Crist Jesus. How does this agree with
his beeing a heavenly being, an angel? it is sad, but when the translators thing it is
about a heavenly being, they write angel. But when they know it is about an earthly
messenger, they correctly write messenger. But in Greek the word is the same, aggelos.
Gr. aggelos = messenger. And this applies whether the aggelos is a heavenly or an
earthy messenger. It is never correct to translate aggelos with angel! But it makes it
more exiting and it does tickle the ears! (2TI 04:03)
By the way, what suffering in the flesh did Paul refer to? Paul had such an impaired
vision that he was barely able to read and write. Therefore he has only written one
of his fourteen letters, this very one to the Galatians! (GAL 06:11) The fact that
Paul’s letters were written by scribes, one of them being Luke, another was Tertius,
you will have confirmed in Romans 16:22. Paul write that he on several occasions
had asked Jesus to rid him of this handicap, but then Jesus had answered: ‘My grace
is enough for you.’ (2CO 12:07-10)
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
Jesus was indeed aware that Paul had tendencies to become haughty or blown up —
much because of his fantastic election directly by God through Jesus, and all the
revelations he received, also directly from God through Jesus. Such experiences
might go to the head of anybody. Remember that he had previously been a pharisee.
‘I will show him how much he will have to suffer because of my name.’ (ACT 09:16)
THE PACT, GAL 05:19. ‘The acts of the flesh are obvious: —’
NIV: ‘The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; —
KJ-1611: ‘Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lasciviousness , —’
NWT: ‘Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are fornication, uncleanliness, loose conduct, —’
SHG: de ergon sarx phaneros hosti moicheia porneia
Trans.: then act
flesh obvious like fornication sexual immorality unclean
THE PACT: The acts of the flesh are obvious: They are such as fornication, sexual
immorality and unworthy indulgence.
COMMENT: The word sarx is used 150 times in 129 verses in the Greek text. Paul
writes sarx as many as 16 times in his short letter to the Galatians. NIV then transtate this word with many different explanations, in this verse sinful nature. THE
PACT consistently writes flesh, and strangely this word cause offence with many
Christians. It sort of becomes too direct. On a few occasions I have been thoroughly
corrected because of this. But why is it so offensive to use the word flesh instead of
different expressions such as sinful nature? After all, flesh has a closer meaning to
the text than sinful nature, and the goal of THE PACT is to present the word of God
as correctly as possible, but in a modern, readable English. I include the 16 times
Paul writes sarx in Galatians: GAL 01:16, 02:16, 02:20, 03:03, 04:13, 04:14, 04:23,
04:29, 05:13, 05:16, 05:17, 05:19, 05:24, 06:08, 06:12, and 06:13. He who wants to
know what is correct , may check it out there. They sometimes overdo it, because not
all that man represents, is sinful. The word sarx, flesh, refers to a man, or a woman,
of flesh and blood, but does not always refer to what is sinful.
Wrongly Translated Verses in Galatians
THE PACT, GAL 06:17. ‘Finally, may no one be bothered —’
NIV: ‘Finally, let no one cause me trouble,* for I bear on my body the mark of Jesus.’
*what was this? A threat?
KJ-1611: ‘From henceforth let no man trouble* me: for I bear in my body the mark
of the Lord Jesus.’
*wow! The same threat, heh?
NWT: ‘Henceforth, let no one be making trouble* for me, for I am carrying on my
body the brand marks of a slave of Jesus.’
*the same threat as before
SHG: loipoy medeis medeis kopos -parecho bastazo soma stigma kurios iesous
Trans.: rest no one no one bother weakness carry body mark lord jesus
THE PACT: Finally, may no one be bothered by my weakness, for I carry the Lord
Jesus’ mark on my body.
COMMENT: Why was nobody to bother Paul because of his mark? No, the way
they write makes no sense. Paul refers to his impaired vision and the fact that he
writes unclearly and with big letters. And the mark of Jesus that he carried on his
body, is his very impaired vision that Jesus gave him as a result of Paul being blinded
on the road to Damascus. Paul had asked Jesus many times to be freed from this
handicap, but then Jesus had answered: ‘My grace is enough for you!’ (1CO 12:0710) He then refers to his election as a member of God’s heavenly priesthood, which
indeed was more than Paul deserved!
‘I will show him how much he will have to suffer because of my name.’ (ACT 09:16)
Besides, Jesus knew how blown up Paul could be at times, which Paul himself refers
to in 2CO 12:07.
And then about NWT that has given in to the desire of sprucing up the text a little,
and actually not so little either. Paul’s impaired vision was not a brand mark. Also
the word slave has been added. It says nothing about ‘the brand mark of a slave’ in
the text. And neither does it agree with reality!
What could be the purpose of this? Sprucing it up so that it will not be so recognizable when compared to King James? It is hard to say, but it is regrettable no matter
who does it. It even makes the text less readable.
The Church of God and Christ
The first time we hear about the Church of Christ in the Bible is in Matthew 16:18.
There Jesus says to Peter, THE PACT: ‘And I tell you, Peter, that on this rock I will
establish my church. Not even the gates to the grave shall overcome it.’
After this Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Realm of the heavens, and Peter used these
keys as the three first churches of God and Christ were established — first among the
Jews, (Acts chapter 02) then among the Samaritans (Acts chapter 08) and finally
among those of the peoples. (Acts chapter 10)
After this we do not hear about the church of Christ until Paul in Romans 16:16
writes: ‘Greet each other with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.’
These are the only two times we hear about the church of Christ in the Bible, and
only once by name. But — note that Paul speaks of them in the plural! And when did
Christ establish his church? Yes, it happened on the day of the Pentecost in the year
33 when the 12 apostles, and only the apostles, received of the Holy Spirit. Peter then
used the first key to the Realm of the heavens.
In the Bible we hear twelve times about the Church of God. Luke mentions it in
Acts, in verses 12:05 and 20:28.*
*the Lord, here being Jesus
In Acts 02:47 we read: ‘They praised God and had the grace of the whole people.
And day by day the LORD (the Father, God, Jehovah) added those to the
church who were to be rescued.’ We also see that it is God himself who adds to
the church, and nobody else! — Not the leaders of the church itself, not the
leader of the congregation or organization, but God himself!
And is that not credible? It is of little use being written down on this or that membership list if we do not have our relation in order with God! Being included in a
church or organization is in other words not according to the word of God. See if you
can find something like that in the Bible. You cannot, because it is of men!
And therefore the Church of God and Christ does not have registered members. And it rejects any form of state support.
Paul uses the expression Church of God ten times in the following verses: First
Corinthians 01:02, 10:32, 11:16, 11:22, and 15:09. In Second Corinthians in verses
01:01, in Galatians 01:13, in First Thessalonians 01:04, in Second Thessalonians
01:04, and finally he writes the Church of God in First Timothy 03:05.
The Church of God and Christ
In First Corinthians 01:10-17 Paul warns seriously about Christians splitting
up into different churches!
In verse 11 he writes, THE PACT: ‘Because I have been told, brothers, by
Chloe, that there are quarrels among you.
In verse 12 he writes: What I refer to is this; that each and every one among you
say: ‘I am with Paul!’ Or: ‘I am with Apollos!’ Or: ‘I am with Caiphas!’ Or:
‘I am with Christ!’
Verse 13: Is Christ divided? Was Paul impaled for you? Or where you baptized
to Paul’s name?’
And really: Is that not exactly what all have done? Some say they are with the Pope
(the Catholics). Others say they are with Luther (the Lutherans), others with Joseph
Smith (the Mormons) etc., almost incessantly. Is not that in direct opposition to
God’s plan? Because — when did Christ establish the Catholic church? The Lutheran church? Or the Baptists? The Adventists? Jehovah’s Witnesses? What about all
the other churches? Has God and Christ ever during the whole history of Christianity
established any other church but the Church of God and Christ? Can you show one
single example?
In Galatians 05:19-21 Paul warns seriously against splitting up into religious parties.
In first Corinthians 03:01-04 he says that such acts is a result of our worldly nature,
the flesh.
In the First Pact God established one priesthood, the Levite. This priesthood rejected
Jesus as God’s Son. ‘He came to his own, but his own did not receive him.’ (JOH
01:11) And therefore Jesus rejected the whole priesthood and replaced it with a
church of common people, both of Jews ans the peoples. That church is the Church
of God and Christ. These two are the only priesthood (HEB 05:05) and the only
church God and Christ have ever established!
But: Is God’s church and Christ’s church the same? Yes, it is. Both in Colosseans
01:08 and 02:19 Jesus is spoken of as the head of the church. In First Corinthians
11:02 Paul writes that God is Christ’s head — in this and every relation! Remember
that it was God who sent of his Holy Spirit — in Jesus’ name! (JOH 14: 26) In First
Corinthians Paul underlines that it is God who elects to rescue.
Therefore there is no doubt that the Church of God and Christ is the only church
established by God and Christ, and that so far back as on the day of the Pentecost in
the year 33! — long before the Catholic church, the Lutheran church, the Adventists,
the Pentecostals or Jehovah’s Witnesses — or any other church!
A direct transcript from
The teaching of the trinity
The dogmatics for laymen
The Book of Concordance
The Lutheran Writs of Confessions by Dr. Philos Olav Valen-Senstad, 1957, page
43 and 44.
On the three-personal God’s oneness. The Athanasian confessions written against
the Arians, theses 1-26.
01. Anyone who wants to be saved, must before anything else hold on to the common (communal) Christian faith.
02. He who does not adhere to it, fully and unviolated, shall without doubt go into
eternal perdition.
03. The common Christian faith is then this, that we honor the one God of the Trinity
and the Trinity of the one God.
04. And neither mix the persons nor separate the one being.
05. Because the person of the Father is one, the person of the Son another, and the
person of the Holy Spirit yet another.
06. But the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one single deity — equal in glory,
and of the same eternal majesty.
07. The way the Father is, so is the Son and so is the Holy Spirit.
08. The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated and the Holy Spirit is uncreated.
09. The Father is unmeasurable, the Son is unmeasurable and the Holy Spirit is unmeasurable.
10. The father is eternal, the Son is eternal and the Holy Spirit is eternal.
11. Yet there are not three eternals, but one eternal.
12. In the same way there are neither three uncreated, nor three unmeasurable, but
there is one uncreated and one unmeasurable.
The Teaching of the Trinity
13. In the same way the Father is Almighty, the Son is Almighty and the Holy Spirit
is Almighty.
14. Yet there are not three Almighties, but one Almighty.
15. The same way the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God.
16. And yet there are not three Gods, but one single God.
17. In the same way the father is Lord, the Son is Lord and the Holy Spirit is Lord.
18. Yet there are not three Lords, but one single Lord.
19. Because when the Christian truth is professed, we speak in the singular of each
person as God and Lord, because the common faith forbids us to speak about three
Gods or three Lords.
20. The Father is neither made, created nor born by anyone.
21. The Son is alone from the father, neither made nor created, but born.
22. The Holy Spirit is of the father and the Son, neither made nor created, but
23. Therefore there is one Father, not three Fathers — one Son, not three Sons —
one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits.
24. In this Trinity nothing is first or last, nothing greater or lesser.
25. But all three persons are equally eternal among each other, and of equal greatness, inasmuch as what has been professed above, through everything, it is both the
Trinity of the oneness and oneness of the Trinity that must be honored.
26. Therefore, he who wants to be saved must hold on to this about the Trinity!
(The rest, theses 27-40, see the following chapter 5, A).
A Comment to the Teaching of the Trinity.
Did you understand anything of this? No, and neither did I. Nor anybody else. Those
who defend this unbiblical philosophy state clearly that it cannot be understood —
but it must be believed! This is what you claim to believe in when you profess to the
teaching of the Trinity. And this is a part of the writs of confession of Lutheran
Churches, the official teaching of the Trinity. The deception in relation to the word
of God speaks for itself here, but I will still comment on this point by point:
Point 01. Who among these philosophers has been given the authority by God to
determine who will be saved or who will be condemned in ages? (MAT 07:01-02)
And what is the common (communal) Christian faith? The Catholic Church? Or state
run Lutheran churches such as the Norwegian Church or the Church of England?
Point 02. This unbiblical teaching must therefore be held on to fully and unviolated,
or you will without doubt ‘go into eternal perdition.’ Where in the Bible does it say
Point 03. This nobody understands.
Point 04. This nobody understands.
Point 05. Yes, this is known teaching, also by churches outside the Catholics and the
Lutherans, especially by the Pentecostals who often speak about ‘the third person of
the Godhead.’ Where in the Bible does it say so?
Point 06. Here they claim that the Father and the Son are equal in glory and of the
same eternal majesty.
What does Jesus say in John 14:28? ‘— If you love me, you will be pleased that
I go to my Father, for my Father is greater than I.’ Who is lying? Consider the
consequences. Could it be true that in order to be saved without doubt, you will first
have to make Jesus a liar? Could it perhaps be the other way around?
Point 07. We have to get away from the unbiblical nonsense that the Holy Spirit is
a person! In John 20:22 Jesus breathed on the disciples saying: ‘Receive the Holy
Spirit.’ Was it then a person he breathed into them?
Point 08: Okey.
Point 09: Not many can explain this.
Point 10. Fair enough.
A Comment to the Teaching of the Trinity
Point 11. If there is only one eternal, who of the three eternals in Point 10 will then
Point 12. This nobody understands.
Point 13. I know that you have heard about God the Almighty. But have you ever
heard about the Son Almighty or the Holy Spirit Almighty. Such claims are pure
Point 14. In relation to the previous point, can you find a clearer contradiction than
Point15. God means mighty, so it will be difficult to reject both Jesus and the Holy
Spirit are mighty, but they can never become God the Almighty!
Point 16. Yes — bull’s eye! God says the same on many occasions, among others in
Deuteronomy 06:04-05. Jesus confirms this in Mark 12:29 and Jacob (James) in 02:
19) But it says exactly the opposite in Point 15!
Point 17. Both God and Christ are referred to as Lord in the Bible, and many others,
for instance Sarah who calls Abraham ‘my lord.’ The Holy Spirit, on the other hand,
has never been referred to as Lord in the Bible. Can you put my claim to shame?
Point 18. Again, this is the exact opposite claim of what they presented in Point 17!
Point 19: And there they contradicted themselves again!
Point 20. Correct! God is without beginning or end! It says so among other places in
Nehemjah 09:05.
Point 21. Correct! Jesus is God’s only generated Son! (JOH 03:16)
Point 22. Correct! Hat trick! And thereby they actually explain that the Holy Spirit
is God’s and Christ’s common power and personality. The Holy Spirit has never
been a person!
Point 23. Correct again!
Point 24. And then they repeated the bluff they presented in Point 06 which is directly contrary to Jesus’ teaching!
Point 25. First they repeat the previous lie one more time, and then they continue
with a lot of nonsense to explain away the previous lie!
A Comment to the Teaching of the Trinity
Point 26. Now I panicked! There are some people who claim that I will be lost in
ages! And to them that means that I will burn in hell! Listen to what God says about
judging others, in Matthew 07:01-02. ‘Do not judge so that you shall not be judged.
For with the same judgement you give others, you yourselves will be judged also.’
What is correct?
Point 20. The Father is neither made, created or born my anyone.
Point 21. The Son alone is of the Father, neither made not crated, but born.
Point 22. The Holy Spirit is of the Father and the Son, neither made nor created, but exuded.
These three point make up the full and whole truth! The rest is not much more
than home brewed philosophy.
Here it says that the Father is of undetermined origin. He makes up a power that has
always been and always will be, from ages to ages.
Here we see that the Son is born by the Father. He is God’s only generated Son! Can
they then be of the same origin? Have you ever heard of a Father and Son being of
the same origin, meaning born at the same time?
This is also correct, because the Holy Spirit is a picture of the common power and
personality that exudes from God and Christ. And thereby it should be perfectly clear
that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but a power and a guidance to a right lifestyle
based on God’s norm.
All of these other points make up direct falsifications and are a philosophical
nonsense only fit to confuse people! They are also directly contradictory and
indeed blasphemous.
They also make Jesus a liar, because Jesus said when he died, in MAT 27:46. ‘My
God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ And in John 14:28 he says directly:
‘— If you love me, you will be pleased that I go to my Father, for my Father is
greater than I.’
Now read Point 24 of this fable!
The first of four cornerstones to a mature understanding of the Bible:
Is God Christ?
All translations from Greek to English are based on Strong’s Hebrew / Greek.
We are here directly addressing the central question of the teaching of the trinity:
Some claim that when Mary from Magdala and the other women after Jesus’ resurrection threw themselves before his feet (and worshiped him), (MAT 28:09. Also see
Luk 24:52) Christ proves that he is God the Almighty. Because in the Scripture it
says: ‘The Lord your God you shall worship, and only him shall you serve.’ (LUK
04:08 after a quote from DEU 06:13) This is the same basic argumentation that the
Catholics are using in their elevation of the virgin Mary, namely: God is the Christ
and Mary is Christ’s mother. And thereby virgin Mary also becomes the Mother of
God! See ROM 01:25 and 2TH 02:09.
01. The Greek word being used in the original text is proskuneo.
Proskuneo = revere, honor, fall down before one’s feet. The word has developed
from the basic meaning of ‘licking one’s master’s hand’ (like a dog). In the Greek
scriptures the word is being used 60 times in 54 verses, but not once meaning worship. The word for worship is proseuchomai which is used only 10 times in the
Greek text. Proskuneo is used to show reverence, to honor, both God and Christ, and
any other person who deserves honor, of course where the honor belongs to the
person honored. (REV 10:25, 19:10 and 22:08) When the word proskuneo is being
translated worship, this does not correspond with its original meaning in Greek.
Luke 04:08, NIV: ‘For it is written: “The Lord your God you shall worship and only
him shall you serve.’”
Strong’s Hebrew / Greek: grapho proskuneo theos monos latreuo
Here proskuneo is being translated with worship in line with a long standing biblical
tradition. But the meaning of the word from Greek to English is: proskuneo, proskoo-neh’o; meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand; to fawn or crouch
to, i.e. (lit. or fig.) prostrate oneself in homage, (do reverence to, adore): --worship.
02. Another form of worship / praise is eulogio.
Another word being used in the Greek text is eulogeo. (LUK 24:53) If we compare
LUK 24:52 to LUK 24:53 (see table) we see that the original text uses the word
eulogio in connection with worship and praise to God. And thereby these two verses
clearly separate between God and Christ in choosing of words, even if this is not
done consistently in the Greek text.
Is God Christ
The word eulogio is also being used in the meaning to bless, not only about the blessings that come from God, but also when the blessing are directed at God. The word
is also used about Christ, but then implying that all true blessings comes from God
the Almighty and not directly from his Son Jesus Christ, but through him.
LUK 24:53, New International Version: ‘And they stayed continually at the temple,
praising God.’
Greek: enanti hieron aineo eulogio theos amen
The original meaning of the word from Greek to English: eulogio, yoo-log-eh-o; to
speak well of, i.e. (religiously) to bless (thank or invoke benediction upon, prosper): bless, praise.
03. The word for call upon, invoke is epikaleomai.
This word is in the Greek text used about both God and Christ, all according to
whom one is calling upon. Some claim that this word only refers to God, but that is
not the case. (ACT 07:59, ROM 10:12) The word also means to call (give name) in
addition to surname, nickname.
The meaning of the word from Greek to English: epokaleomai, ep-ee-kal-eh-omahee, to entitle, by impl, to invoke (for aid, worship, testimony, decision, etc.): appeal (unto), call (on); surname.
04. The word for the true service to God is latreuo.
The meaning of the word from Greek to English: latreuo, lat-ryoo’o; from latris (a
hired meni-al); to minister (to God), i.e. render religious homage: - serve, do the
service, wor-ship(-per).
05. The word for the practical service / help is diakoneo, ref. the difference between
service to God / church service and between priest / deacon.
The meaning of the word from Greek to English: diakoneo, dee-ak-on-eh-o; to be an
attendant, i.e. wait upon (menially or as a host, friend or (fig.) teacher; techn. to act
as a Chr. deakon: — (ad-) minister (unto), serve, use the office as a deacon.
Even if it may be of interest to distinguish between the meaning of the words proskuneo, eulogeo and epikaleomai in reference to the service, these words are not
decisive in the relationship between God and Christ. Because Jesus does not quote
his Father backwards.
He does not say: ‘Jehovah your God you shall serve, and him alone you shall wor-
Is God Christ
ship,’ as many interpret this verse. No, in Matthew 04:10 he says: ‘Jehovah your God
you shall honor, and him alone you shall serve.’ Therefore the word serve is
decisive in the relation between God and Christ, because if the word serve is being
used equally about both God the Almighty and Christ, the argument that God is
Christ have a sounder foundation, because he allowed himself to be served / worshiped. And then the word serve will be decisive in our understanding of the relationship between God and Christ.
The Greek word for serve is latreuo. It is being used 21 times in 20 verses in the
Greek text. This word is only used in the meaning of serving / worshiping God, and
never about Jesus Christ.
True, the word is in ACT 07:42, ROM 01:25 and HEB 08:05 used of what is not
directed at God the Almighty, but then clearly implicating that this is a false service
/ worship to God the Almighty.
But still, can this be correct? Because already in the next verse, in MAT 04:11, it
says about Jesus ‘that messengers came and served him.’ Correct, but this is a different form of service. The word being used here is not latreuo, but diakoneo. (See
overview) NIV correctly writes attend. The word latreuo represents the true service
to God, while the word diakoneo refers to the practical service of help, attention.
Again: Compare the true service to God, the service by a priest to the service of a
NB! It may be confusing to the reader that the translations do not consistently separate between the original meaning of these words, because in the Greek text it is
quite clear. And therefore the basic biblical truths presented by God through Moses,
confirmed by Jesus Christ and repeated by Jesus’ half brother Jacob, is irrefutable:
‘Jehovah your God is the Only One!’ (JAC 02:19)
A. God’s clear commandment to Moses in DEU 06:13, THE PACT: ‘Jehovah your
God you shall honor, and him alone you shall serve! This is also confirmed by
Jesus to Satan in MAT 04:10 and LUK 04:08.
B. What did Jesus answer when he was asked which was the first commandment of
the law? “The greatest commandment of the law is this: ‘Listen, Israel, to Jehovah
your God! Jehovah is the Only One. And you shall love Jehovah your God of all
your heart, of all your soul, of all your mind and with all your strength.’ This is the
greatest commandment.”
C. And Jesus’ half brother Jacob says in JAC 02:19? ‘You believe that God is the
Only One. And rightly so! That also the demons believe, and they shiver.’
Is God Christ
The word latreuo is only used about the true (or false) service to God, and
never, not in a single instant, about Jesus Christ! The word is in every instant
reserved for God the Almighty and never refers to Jesus as part of any godhead! Therefore it is clear that the teaching of the trinity, as presented by the
Pope, Luther and the proponents of this teaching, never has been, and neither
ever will be, part of the basic truths of the Bible.
In addition it is a fact that the philosophy of the trinity was not part of the Christian
teaching until 390 years after Christ (after the synod in Cartaghena) when the Roman
Emperor demanded such an addition after Christianity having become the state
religion of the Roman Empire. (And we all know from a situation with state churches
that the word of God must ‘give up’ in relation to the power of the state, ref. the
question of abortion, female and / or homosexual priests / ministers and church servants. This the Emperor demanded in order to calm uproars in pagan provinces,
especially in Egypt, where the inhabitants refused to accept a religion with only one
God, an particularly not the God of Israel! All of the religions consisted of different
forms of triads. (Not based on biblical, but historical, information.)
It is quite clear that the teaching of the trinity, this Greek (pagan) philosophy (Platon) has never been a part of Jesus’ teaching. On the contrary, Jesus says on many
occations that his Father is greater than himself, ref. MAT 24:36, JOH 05:19, JOH
14:28, 1CO 05:28. Compare with the claim from the proponents of the trinity that
God and Jesus are of the same greatness. Can it be true worship making liars of both
God the Almighty and his only generated Son Jesus Christ?
About the pharisees and the high priests: First they killed God’s only generated Son,
Jesus Christ. And then they worshiped God. — Can such a worship generate blessings?
What then about Jesus’ statement in JOH 10:30, NIV: ‘I and the Father are one?’
Read John 17:21 carefully, and never forget it! There it says: ‘I ask that they must
all be one with us, the way you, Father, is with me and I with you, that also they must
be one with us, so that the world will believe that you have sent me.’ Does the fact
that ‘all believers are to be one with God the way Jesus is one with God,’ that they
then turn into God the Almighty? Of course not! Not more than Christ. It means that
God, Christ and the church shall constitute one unity in the same faith, ‘so that the
world will believe that you have sent me.’
Is God Christ
‘Only God shall you serve.’
Through the teaching of the trinity it is being preached that God the almighty, his
only generated Son Jesus Christ, and their common personality and being, the Holy
Spirit, is one and the same person. But at the same time they are three different persons!
In Second Thessalonians Paul warns strongly against this teaching. He calls it ‘the
miraculous lie!’ And he does for real know what he is talking about, because if this
is not a miraculous lie, there exists no miraculous lie! And in his second and last
letter to his closest friend and co-worker, Timothy, Paul writes in 2TI 04:04, THE
PACT: ‘They shall turn their ears away from the truth and turn to myths.’ This
deception has made it common to impale God instead of Jesus. This is especially true
of the ministers of the Norwegian church through their teaching of the trinity.
A female minister* who preached that it was God who died on the cross, explained
it this way when she was asked who then rose God from the dead:
‘As the Almighty God he did of course have the power to raise himself up from the
dead. And it is self evident that he ruled from the heavens while he lay dead in the
*a quote from the female chaplain Valborg Sinnes in her office at Sveio City Hall
Tuesday 05-25-2004, at 12:10 just before she went for lunch.
In Matthew 04:10, THE PACT, Jesus says to Satan: ‘Jehovah, your God, you shall
honor, and only him shall you serve.’
The word for service in Greek is latreuo. It is in the Greek text only used about God
the Almighty, and never about his only generated Son Jesus Christ. If you care to
study the overview on the next page, you will see how clearly the Bible separates
between God and Christ — without exception!
Is God Christ
An overview of special words separating God from Jesus in the Bible.
01. Proskuneo = honor, is being used 60 times in the following 54 verses in the
Greek text. It may be used about anybody who deserves honor, whether it be God,
Christ or a hobo in the street.
MAT 02:02, 02:08, 02:11, 04:09, 04:10, 08:02, 09:18, 14:33, 15:25, 18:26, 20:20,
28:09, 28:17. MAR 05:05, 15:09. LUK 04:07, 04:08, 24:52. JOH 04:20, 04:21,
04:22, 04:23, 04:24, 09:38, 12:20. ACT 07:43, 08:27, 10:25, 24:11. 1CO 14:25.
HEB 01:06, 11:21. REV 03:09, 04:10, 05:14, 07:11, 09:20, 11:01, 11:16, 13:04,
13:08, 13:12, 13:15, 14:07, 14:09, 14:11, 15:04, 16:02, 19:04, 19:10, 19:20, 20:04,
22:08, 22:09.
02. Diakoneo = attend, help, is being used 40 times in 32 verses in the Bible. It is
never used directly about God, but of any secondary service whether to God or to any
other person.
MAT 04:11, 08:15, 20:28, 25:44, 27:55. MAR 01:13, 01:31, 10:45, 15:41. LUK
04:39, 08:03, 10:40, 15:41. JOH 12:02, 12:26. ACT 06:02, 19:22. 2CO 03:03,
08:19, 08:20. ROM 15:25. PHL 01:13. HEB 06:10. 1TI 03:10, 03:13. 2TI 01:18.
1PE 01:17.
03. Eulogeo = bless, is used 42 times in the following 40 verses of the Greek text.
MAT 05:44, 14:19, 21:09, 23:39, 25:34, 26:26. MAR 06:41, 08:07, 10:16, 11:09,
11:10, 14:22. LUK 01:28, 01:42, 01:64, 02:28, 02:34, 06:28, 09:16, 13:35, 19:38,
24:30, 24:50, 24:51, 24:53. JOH 12:13. ACT 03:26. 1CO 04:12, 10:16, 14:16. GAL
03:09. ROM 12:14. EPH 01:03 HEB 06:14, 07:01, 07:06, 07:07, 11:20, 11:21. JAC
04. Sebomai = fear, respect, is being used 10 times in the following verses in the
Greek text.
MAT 15:09. MAR 07:07. ACT 13:43, 13:50, 16:14, 17:04, 17:17, 18:07, 18:13,
05. Epikaleomai = call on, surname, nickname, is being used 38 times in the following 32 verses of the Greek text.
MAT 10:03. LUK 22:03. ACT 01:23, 02:21, 04:36, 07:59, 09:14, 09:21, 10:05,
10:18, 10,32, 11:13, 12:12, 12:25, 15:17, 15:22, 22:16, 25:11, 25:12, 25:21, 25:25,
26:32, 28:19. 1KO 01:02, 01:23. 2CO 01:23. ROM 10:12, 10:13, 10:14. HEB
11:16. 2TI 02:22. 1PE 01:17.
Is God Christ
05. Latreuo = serve, is being used 21times in the following 20 verses of the Greek
MAT 10:03. LUK 01:74, 02:37, 04:08. ACT 07:07, 07:42, 24:14, 26:07, 27:23.
ROM 01:09, 01:25. PHI 03:03. HEB 08:05, 09:09, 09:14, 10:02, 12:28, 13:10. REV
07:15, 22:03.
NB! The word latreuo is in the Greek text being used about God the Almighty
only, and never about his only generated Son Jesus Christ. And neither is it
being used in connection with anybody else in the Bible. It is reserved for God
the Almighty only, and therefore clearly separates between God and Christ.
06. Proseuchomai = pray (of, to, for), is being used 90 times in the following verses in the Greek text.
MAT 05:44, 06:05, 06:06, 06:07, 6:9, 14:23, 19:13, 23:14, 24:20, 26:36, 26:39,
26:41, 26:42, 26:44. MAR 01:35, 06:46, 11:24, 11:25, 12:40, 13:18, 13:33, 14:32,
14:35, 14:38, 14:39. LUK 01:10, 03:21, 05:16, 06:12, 06:28, 09:18, 09:28, 09:29,
11:01, 11:02, 18:01, 18:10, 18:11, 20:47, 22:40, 22:41, 22:44, 22:46. ACT 01:24,
06:06, 08:15, 09:11, 09:40, 10:09, 10:30, 11:05, 12:12, 13:03, 14:23, 16:25, 20:36,
21:05, 22:17, 28:08. 1TH 05:17, 05:25, 2TH 01:11, 03:01, 1CO 11:04, 11:05, 11:13,
14:13, 14:14, 14:15. ROM 08:26. EPH 06:18. PHI 01:09, COL 01:03, 01:09, 04:03.
HEB 03:18. 1TI 02:08. JAC 05:13, 05:14, 05:17, 05:18. JUD 01:20.
NB! The word proseuchomai is in the Greek text being used about God the
Almighty only, and never about his only generated Son Jesus Christ. And
neither is it being used in connection with anybody else in the Bible. It is reserved for God the Almighty only, and therefore clearly separates between God
and Christ.
Is God Christ
‘How can one God at the same time be three persons?’
av Finn Myklebust
01: It has not been given to one single man to understand or explain God.
02: We experience his power and love, and in our restless world experience his care
and leadership. The only picture we can form of God, is that which he reveals in his
word. But the Bible does not give a complete explanation, an answer under which we
may place a double line, but suffices in revealing what man is in need of.
03:We believe in a threefold God, a concept unknown in the Bible, but which covers
the understanding of the Scripture that God gives. Some claim that this understanding is pagan in its origin, because the expression is not from the Bible.
04: But if we use the word ‘Millennium’ of a biblical period of thousand years, it is
not thereby said that it is contrary to the word of God.
05: The Father has most likely always been considered as God. But the teaching that
Christ and the Holy Spirit also were God, caused great divisions at the beginning of
the 4th Century.
06: Arius, one of the leaders of the church in Alexandria, claimed that Christ was a
created being and that the Holy Spirit only was God’s power and influence. This
quarrel lasted for centuries and created such deep divisions that we can find some of
his followers to this day. In other words the problem is not that the Father is God, but
which place Christ and the Holy Spirit have as part of the Godhead. We will
therefore seek to define the standing of the Son and the Holy Spirit according to what
is revealed in the word of God.
07: Already in the first chapter of the Bible there is an indication of a Godhead. ‘And
God said: “Let us make people in our picture.”’ Gen. 1,26. Here we need to pay
attention to two matters. For one that the name God, from the Hebrew Elohim is in
the plural. Secondly it is followed by us and our. The same is the case in Gen. 3,22.
08: ‘See, man has become like one of us.’ Some will claim that the form here is the
royal We, but the Gospel after John tells that at least one person was present at the
creation: ‘He was in the beginning with God. All has been created through him;
without him nothing has come into being of all that has come into being.’ Joh. 1,2.3.
09: One text that has created problems to many, is Deu 6,4. ‘Hear, Israel! The Lord
is one.’ If he is one, how can he then be three? This thought may be illustrated based
on God’s declaration to the first couple of peoples, Adam and Eve, that they were to
Is God Christ
be ‘one flesh.’ Gen. 2,24. It is the same Hebrew word echad that is being used, and
it is in both cases an expression of a joined unit. It is interesting to note the wording
of the Great Commission where Jesus says that the baptism shall be performed in the
name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28,19. One would think that
name in this case would be presented in the plural in the original text, but Jesus
refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as one when he refers to them in the
10: The writers of the New Testament made no secret of Christ’s deity. Paul says:
‘In him all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.’ To those of his time Jesus
over and over again referred to his godly origin. In many instances his words were
perceived as blasphemy because he forgave sin, accepted worship and wanted to
make himself like God. In sharp contrast to Christ stands the angel Gabriel and the
apostles who refused to accept worship, but instead referred to him who was the true
11: Especially the pharisees and the teachers of the law were after Jesus because of
his claim of being divine. ‘Before Abram was I,’ (Joh. 8,58) Jesus said to the Jews.
This caused a dramatic scene where his countrymen seized stones to kill him. This
reaction was not at random, because Jewish law demanded the death penalty for
blasphemy. (3. Mos. 24, 10-16, 23) The reason for this was that Jesus used a Greek
expression which in Septuagint (LXX - Greek translation of the Old Testament) was
in use as Jehovah.
12: Through their reaction the Jews showed that they considered Jesus’ words as
blasphemy. Because he claimed to have abilities that only belonged to God. A similar situation is reported in Joh. 10,33, where it says that they wanted to stone him
because he pretended to be God.
13: Another clear proof that Christ is God we find when we compare the Old with
the New Testament. When the Septuagint-translation came in about the year 200
B.C., the divine names Jehovah and Elohim were translated respectively Kurios and
Theos. Jesus used these names about the Father. In Joh. 17,3 he calls the Father
Theos, and in Luk. 10:21 Kurios. But the same titles also others use about Christ.
The angels that sang to the shepherds, call him Christ Lord. Luk 2,11. Thomas the
doubter exclaims: ‘My Lord and my God!’ Joh. 20,28. To underscore this truth Jesus
says: ‘You call me Master and Lord, and you do so rightfully, because that I am.’
14: This becomes even more interesting when we compare a number of texts in the
New Testament which are quotes from the Old. Satan was about to tempt Jesus, and
in order to stop him, Jesus speaks: ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’
Matt. 4,7. Here he quotes Deu. 6,16. The words Lord and God corresponds with
Jehovah and Elohim, names and titles that belong to the Godhead.
Is God Christ
15: If Christ was not God, he could never have used Jehova and Elohim about himself.
16: If we compare Psa. 45,7.8 with Heb. 1,8.9 we find that Christ is spoken of as
God, and that statement comes from the Father. And here Christ through his title is
mentioned as the self-existing God. We can easily understand why the Pharisees
asked Jesus to admonish the disciples who called: ‘Blessed in the name of the Lord
is the King, he who comes!’ But Jesus answered: ‘If they are silent, the stones shall
call out!’ Luk. 19,38.40 And they called what was true. It was the Pharisees who
were wrong, because he really was God. John writes: ‘He is the true God and the
eternal life.’ 1. Joh. 5,20.
17: Some claim that Jesus is God because the Father resurrected him to it, but maintains that he was not God from eternity. This does not correspond with the following
statement from Isaiah: ‘You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and my servant, the one
that I have chosen, so that you shall know and believe in me, and understand that
before me no God has come into being, and after me no one shall come.’ Isa. 43,10.
18: But how can Christ be the ‘only begotten’ (Joh.3, 16) and the ‘firstborn?’ (Col.
1, 15). Christ was born when he became man, the only one of his kind. There exists
no others like him; he is the only God who became a human being. When he is referred to as the ‘firstborn,’ this has a special meaning in all of the Bible. It was he
who had the special right to receive the double part of the inheritance. Neither David
nor Ephraim were firstborn, but they are referred to as such. (Psa. 89,28, Jer. 31,9)
If he were the first one to be created, the situation would have been different,
because what has been created is different from the Creator, but what has been born,
is of the same kind.
19: There are many interesting things enlightening the relationship between God and
Christ and Christ as a human being. But what about the Holy Spirit as a Deity? We
meet the Holy Spirit for the first time during creation, where he is hovering above the
waters, (Gen. 1,2) and we meet him in the last chapter of the Bible when he comes
to man with his last request. (Rev. 22,17) The Bible tells that Christ was conceived
by the Holy Spirit. And when Jesus was baptized, we meet the third person of the
Godhead, and time and time again Jesus refers to him.
20: Many have considered the Holy Spirit a being without personality, but only as
one divine whom the Father used to exert his will. The Bible, on the other hand,
describes the Holy Spirit in a different way. The key to the personality of the Holy
Spirit we find through Jesus’ farewell speech to the disciples: ‘I shall ask the Father,
and we will give you a different spokesperson.’ Joh. 14,16. The expression ‘a
different spokesperson’ is an interesting statement: The Holy Spirit is a ‘spokesperson’ and the connection tells what the expression contains. The word ‘spokes-
Is God Christ
person’ comes from the Greek prekletos which means ‘one who is at equal standing
with.’ In Joh. 2,1 also Jesus is referred to as a ‘spokesperson,’ and the Holy Spirit
who is of the same kind as Jesus, is on an equal footing with him. The Greek word
allos which is translated another, means of the same kind. And the Holy Spirit is
therefore of the same kind as Christ. Note that in the same text is used the personal
pronoun him. The Holy Spirit is spoken of as an independent person, and not just as
a power or influence. Paul gives proof of the qualities of the Holy Spirit by
determining that he is in possession of intellect, (1. Cor. 2,11) will, (1. Cor. 12:11)
and feelings. (Eph. 4,30) These qualities can only be attached to persons. In addition
to this we find that he acts as a personality when he speaks, (Hebr. 10,15) teaches,
(Joh. 14,26) testifies, (Joh. 15,26) convinces, (Joh. 11,8) guides, listens and preaches, (Joh. 16,13) hinders and denies, (Act. 16,6.7) determines, (Act. 15,28) inaugurates, (Act. 20:28) interacts with (Rom. 8,26). These qualities belong to a concious
personality and not just a power or influence. If we compare the acts of the Holy
Spirit with what Jesus is concerned with, we understand that he is a spokesperson
like Jesus Christ. Augustin says: ‘Go to Jordan, and you will see the trinity.’
21: Through Jesus’ baptism we meet the Son in the shape of a human who receives
God’s spirit and hears the words of the Father about love. The same offer is given to
men who enters into a covenant with God, because they are baptized in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
22: We cannot understand God, but he who wants to, will experience that his plan
and thoughts are perfect.
An answer to
‘How can one God at the same time be three persons?’
by Arne Jordly
I thank you for your writ about the TRINITY. But I would like to give a reply to the
claims that the writ about the TRINITY by Finn Myklebust presents. The author Finn
Myklebust’s claims are written in bold letters.
Paragraph 01:
It has not been given to one single man to understand or explain God.
Agreed! The only book we can relate to in that respect is the Bible, the word of God.
There God himself explains who he is and what he represents. He says: ‘Listen,
Israel, to Jehovah, your God! Jehovah is the Only One!’ This is the greatest commandment! (MAR 12:29) And this refers to God’s direct speech to Moses in Deuteronomy 06:04. ‘Listen, Israel, to Jehovah, your God! Jehovah is the Only One!’ See
also Jacob (James) 02:19.
Paragraph 02:
We experience his power and love, and in our restless world experience his care
and leadership. The only picture we can form of God, is that which he reveals
in his word. But the Bible does not give a complete explanation, an answer
under which we may place a double line, but suffices in revealing what man is
in need of.
Fair enough! But to what use is it if God in the Bible gives a limited explanation of
whom he is if we refuse to believe even that? It seems to me that God’s own statement that ‘Jehovah is the Only One’ is such a good beginning and so clear that we
do not need any further ‘exhaustive explanation’ or deeper understanding. The only
thing to do with such a clear statement, if we refuse to believe it, is to try and explain it away. But why would anybody wish to do that?
Paragraph 03:
We believe in a threefold God, a concept unknown in the Bible, but which
covers the understanding of the Scripture that God gives. Some claim that this
understanding is pagan in its origin, because the expression does not excist in
the Bible.
It is not because the word treefold, or TRINITY, does not exist in the Bible I believe
it is wrong teaching. It is because what it contains does not comply with the total
contents of the Bible.
In addition it also have a pagan origin. It never was part of Christ’s teachings, and
Is God Christ
neither did it become part of the the creed of any of the churches until after the synod
in the year 390 after Christ, and then by a command from Emperor Constantin who
had made Chistendom into the state religion of the Roman Empire in the year 321.
The TRINITY was introduced because those of the peoples, and especially the
Egyptians, who at that time were subject to the Romans, rebelled against worshiping
the God of the Jews. In addition all of their pagan religions consisted of triads,
pagan deities. Only after the trinity had been introduced as part of the Christian
teaching, they calmed down, ref. also the abolishment of the Sabbath. We all know
from our own conditions that when the state exerts its power, the will of God must
‘give in,’ ref. free abortions, female ministers, homophile and lesbian ministers and
deacons, etc. In just few years all this will be accepted practice in the Lutheran
church and maybe also in other Christian societies. And those who dare to speak
against it, will be branded as wrong teachers (heretics) and expelled!
Paragraph 04:
But if we use the word ‘Millennium’ of a biblical period of thousand years, it
is not thereby said that it is contrary to the word of God.
Yes, that is true, but under the clear condition that the word ‘Millennium’ is not
being twisted to mean something different than what the Bible teaches.
Paragraph 05:
The Father has most likely always been considered as God. But the teaching
that also Christ and the Holy Spirit also were God, caused great divisions at the
beginning of the 4th Century.
Can there be any doubt that the Father is God? But the claim that Christ, the Son, is
also God, the Father, is blasphemous. Lately it has, especially in charismatic movements, but also in Lutheran churches, resulted in a great number of preachers standing forth impaling God, and not Christ. It is also the same approach that has led to
the Mary-worship, based on this argument: God is Christ, and Mary is Christ’s mother. And thereby Mary also becomes God’s mother. Have you not noticed all the
‘Mother of God’ churches spread throughout all of the Catholic world? (Please check
Romans 01:25) Consider also that in the relation God / Christ Christ is the creation
and God the Creator. Besides, does it not ring a bell when you hear that this was not
an actual topic until ‘at the beginning of the 4th Century?’
Paragraph 06:
Arius, one of the leaders of the church in Alexandria, claimed that Christ was
a created being and that the Holy Spirit only was God’s power and influence.
This quarrel lasted for centuries and created such deep divisions we can find
some of his followers to this day. In other words the problem is not that the
Father is God, but which place Christ and the Holy Spirit have as part of the
Is God Christ
Godhead. We will therefore seek to define the standing of the Son and the Holy
Spirit according to what is revealed in the word of God.
Whether Christ was done, created, born or generated becomes nothing but quibbles.
It may also be of secondary interest what a church leader in Alexandria meant about
this about 1700 years ago. But what God himself says about this, it will be very
difficult to explain away! ‘You are my Son, today I have born you.’ ACT 13:33,
a quote from PSA 02:07) Can Father and Son be the same? Is not the trinity what
Paul in Second Thessalonians 02:09 speaks of as ‘the miraculous lie?’ Maybe this
Arius knew what he was talking about, after all?
Why would it be a problem that the Father is God? And how can it be a problem that
Christ is God’s only generated Son, when God himself says that so is the case? (JOH
03:16) And why is it so difficult to accept what Jesus reveals about himself that he
and the Father have the same spirit (personality)? Because this is what is revealed in
the word of God. John 20:22, THE PACT: When he (Christ) has said this, he breathed on them and said to them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ Was it then an unknown
person he breathed into them? Of course not. There has got to be a limit! See ACT
01:04 and JOH 17:21)
Paragraph 07:
Already in the first chapter of the Bible there is an indication of a Godhead.
‘And God said: “Let us make people in our picture.”’ Gen. 1,26. Here we need
to pay attention to two matters. For one that the name God, from the Hebrew
Elohim, is in the plural. Secondly it is followed by us and our. The same is the
case in Gen. 3,22:
This became terribly much biblical fabling. The fact that ‘elohyim’ (no capital letters
in the Hebrew language) is being used in the plural is just a way of showing respect,
often called ‘the royal plural.’
Paragraph 08:
08: ‘See, man has become like one of us.’ Some will claim that the form her is
the royal We, but the Gospel after John tells that at least one person was present at the creation: ‘He was in the beginning with God. All has been created
through him; without him nothing has come into being of all that has come into
being.’ Joh. 1,2.3.
Correct, in John 01:03, THE PACT, is says: ‘Everything came into being through
him, for without coming into being through him, nothing came into being. ‘And here
it says ‘him,’ not ‘them.’ And thereby we see clearly to whom God is speaking, and
you shall add a lot between the lines if you will try to place God’s Holy Spirit into
all this, after first having made it into a person. Is it not called the Holy Spirit?
Is God Christ
Paragraph 09:
One text that has created problems to many, is Deu. 6,4: ‘Hear, Israel! The
Lord is one.’ If he is one, how can he then be three? This thought may be
illustrated based on God’s declaration to the first couple of peoples, Adam and
Eve, that they were to be ‘one flesh.’ Gen. 2,24. It is the same Hebrew word
echad that is being used, and it is in both cases an expression of a joined unit. It
is interesting to note the wording of the Great Commission where Jesus says
that the baptism shall be performed in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Matt. 28,19. One would think that name in this case would be
presented in the plural in the original text, but Jesus refers to the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit as one when he refers to them in the singular.
This is a strange argumentation! First he builds on his own unbiblical claim that God
is three persons and present it as an undisputed biblical fact. And thereby God’s own
claim that he is the Only One, is turned into a lie! Yes, here we have the word of
Finn Myklebust against the word of God. But who is best qualified to know this,
Finn Myklebust or God the Almighty? ‘If he is one.’ Why should God not be the
Only One when he himself says so? Is perhaps Finn Myklebust in possession of some
knowledge about this that God the Almighty does not have access to?
In addition Finn Myklebust argues against himself when he refers to the word echad.
Everybody understands that when God says to Adam and Eve that they are to be ‘one
flesh,’ he does not thereby recreate these two separate persons into one and the same
person! It can only mean that they are to be one close unity! (Actually it refers to the
act of having sex, but that is a different question.) So also with God the Almighty and
his only generated, or only begotten, Son Jesus Christ! Again John 01:21 becomes
very clear here. And after having read John 17:21 one question emerges: ‘Are we
to believe the Bible, or do we know this better ourselves? Does God not know what
he is talking about so that Finn Myklebust needs to correct him?
Of course Jesus speaks of himself, his Father and their common spirit as one unity.
‘I and my Father are one.’ (JOH 10:30) But he not even hints, never in the whole
Bible, that they thereby are one and the same person. Now read John 17:21, with
consideration, and never forget it, because then it becomes totally clear! Oh, by the
way, here is the content of John 17:21, THE PACT: ‘I pray that they all must be one
with each other the way you, Father, is with me, and I with you. I pray that also they
will be one with us, so that the world will believe that you have sent me.’
Does the fact that all Christians are to be one with God mean that they thereby
become God the Almighty? Of course not! No more than Christ! But in this relation
all are to be one with each other the same way they are also to be one with God and
Christ. And thereby we understand, if we want, that it is being one unity in the same
spirit it refers to.
Is God Christ
Paragraph 10:
The writers of the New Testament made no secret of Christ’s’ deity. Paul says:
‘In him all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.’ To those of his time
Jesus over and over again referred to his godly origin. In many instances his
words were perceived as blasphemy because he forgave sin, accepted worship
and wanted to make himself like God. In sharp contrast to Christ stands the
angel Gabriel and the apostles who refused to accept worship, but instead referred to him who was the true God.
Why should anybody try to make Christ’s deity a secret? The fact that he was the
Son of God was after all his major message, but he never claimed, or even hinted,
that he was God the Almighty. On the contrary! He stressed on many occasions that
he was the Son of God and that his Father was greater than he. Among the many
hundred verses in the Bible where Jesus said this, is Mark 13:32, THE PACT: ‘But
the day and the hour nobody knows, not even the messengers in the heavens, and not
even the Son, but only my Father.’ In John 14:28 Jesus says, quite clearly, among
other statements: ‘I go to my Father, because my Father is greater than I.’ Why is
it so difficult to believe these clear statements that Jesus presents?
Is it because he is such a terrible liar?
Then to the worship. I am uncertain where it says that Gabriel refused to receive
worship, because Gabriel is only mentioned four times in the Bible, and only twice
in the New Pact, in Luke 01:19 and LUK 01:26. Possibly it is a reference to the case
in Revelation 19:10 where John wanted to honor, throw himself before the messenger in reverence, but was warned against doing so. Yes, here we are exposed to many
misunderstandings. The Greek word in this case is proskuneo. In Matthew 28: 09 it
is written about the women who met him after his resurrection, that they came forth
and seized his feet (and worshiped him). The major meaning of the word proskuneo
is ‘to throw oneself before one’s feet i reverence,’ and not worship. We may show
reverence, or honor, whomever we want; God, Christ or a hobo in the street, but
under the clear condition that the one we show reverence to, is the one who deserves
reverence, honor. Their showing reverence to Christ, and his allowing them to do so,
does not, by far, prove that he is God the Almighty. It says: ‘Jehovah your God you
shall honor (proskuneo), and only him shall you serve (latreuo).’ (MAT 04:10) it is
therefore the word serve, latreo in Greek, which here refers to the service that is to
benefit God only, because the word latreuo only refers to God the Almighty in the
Greek text, and not in one single instance about anybody else, including Jesus Christ,
messengers or disciples! (Se the overview on page 43) He who cares to study it, will
learn how clearly the Greek text separates between God the Almighty and his only
generated Son Jesus Christ.
I include the Greek text from Matthew 04:10, from Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
Is God Christ
tote lego iesous hupago
hupago satanas: grapho proskuneo kurios theos
then say jesus disappear disappear satan
write honor
lord God
monos latreuo
only serve
THE PACT: Then Jesus said: “Disappear, Satan, for it is written: ‘The Lord* God
you shall honor, and only him shall you serve.’
I include the full meaning of the words proskuneo and latreuo in English:
4352. proskuneo, pros-koo-neh'-o; from G4314 and a prob. der. of G2965 (mean. to
kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (lit. or fig.)
prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):--worship.
3000. latreuo, lat-ryoo'-o; from latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e.
render religious homage:--serve, do the service, worship (-per).
NB! The explanation before the sign :-- refers to the original and correct meaning of
the word. The words after the sign :-- refers to the way the word is usually translated
in English versions. Check them out in detail.
Paragraph 11:
Especially the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were after Jesus because
of his claim of being divine. ‘Before Abram was I,’ (Joh. 8,58) Jesus spoke to the
Jews. This caused a dramatic scene where his countrymen seized stones to kill
him. This reaction was not at random, because Jewish law demanded the death
penalty for blasphemy. (3. Mos. 24, 10-16, 23) The reason for this was that Jesus
used a Greek expression which in Septuaginta (LXX - Greek translation of the
Old Testament) was in use as Jehovah.
Jesus all the time maintained that he was the Son of God, and never, not in a
single instance, that he was God the Almighty! It was Jesus’ repeated claim that
he was God’s heavenly Son, the Pharisees rejected! Jesus having claimed anything
else is a ridiculous thought, especially based on the clear understanding by the Jews
that God is the Only One. It was part of their daily prayer since their escape from
Egypt! It is also so that the biggest obstacle to the Jews converting to Christianity,
is the teaching of the trinity.
This is the Greek text to Johannes 08:58, THE PACT:
John 08:58, SHG: iesous epo amen amen lego prin abraam eimi
jesus say truely truly say before abraham be I
Is God Christ
In English, THE PACT: Jesus said to them: “This truth I tell you: I have been from
before Abraham was.’
Not in a single instance does the original text use a word that the Jews have a reason
to dislike, except for the fact that Jesus had been from before Abraham was, in other
words as God’s heavenly Son. Claiming anything else is ridiculous, and bringing the
Septuagint-translation into this, only causes confusion. In addition the claim is
irrelevant. Besides: Septuagint is a translation from Hebrew to Greek. There are not
many people who can understand that, both the ancient Hebrew and the Ancient,
extinct Greek! Maybe Finn Myklebust is an exception?
The Greek expression for the actual meaning of God’s name Jehovah in EXO 03:14
is hayah hayah (I shall fulfill, I shall fulfill). But some claim that God’s proper name
is Greek, ego eimi, I am, and that every time Jesus says ego eimi, he claims to be God
the Almighty. That is and will always be a biblical falsification of dimensions! God’s
proper name has never been Greek!
Paragraph 12:
Through their reaction the Jews showed that they considered Jesus’ words as
blasphemy. Because he claimed to have abilities that only belonged to God. A
similar situation is reported in Joh. 10,33, where it says that they wanted to
stone him because he pretended to be God.
The claim that Jesus ‘pretended to be God the Almighty,’ is a direct lie! What the
Pharisees wanted to stone him for, was his clear statement the he was the Son of
God! Read John 10:25, just 8 verses previous. By the way, here is John 10:25, THE
PACT: ‘I have told you this, but you do not believe me. The acts that I do in the
name of my Father, testify about me.’
Paragraph 13:
Another clear proof thar Christ is God we find when we compare the Old with
the New Testament. When the Septuagint-translation came in about the year
200 B.C., the divine names Jehovah and Elohim were translated respectively
Kurios and Theos. Jesus used these names about the Father. In Joh. 17,3 he
calls the Father Theos, and in Luk. 10:21 Kurios. But the same titles also others
use about Christ. The angels that sang to the shepherds, call him Christ Lord.
Luk 2,11. Thomas the doubter exclaims: ‘My Lord and my God!’ Joh. 20,28. To
underscore this truth Jesus says: ‘You call me Master and Lord, and you do it
rightfully, because I am.’
This paragraph is teaming with incorrect assertions. Jehovah is never translated
Kurios. The Hebrew name corresponding with kurios in the Hebrew text is adinai,
the Hebrew word for lord. The rest is so insane that it is almost impossible to re-
Is God Christ
spond to it. ‘My Lord and my God,’ is nothing but an expression that neither tells
who is God the Almighty or who is not God! And when Jesus says that they call him
‘Master and Lord,’ you need to stretch the truth quite far if you try to interpret this
to mean that Jesus himself claims to be God the Almighty! Yes, one must resort to
many tricks when one wants to explain away the clear truths of the Bible!
Here is the Greek text of JOH 17:03, THE PACT:
Strong’s H / G: houtos zoe aionios ginosko monos alethinos theos iesous
life age
know only true
god jesus
christos hos apostello
christ who send out
THE PACT: And this is a life in ages, to know the only true God, and Jesus
Christ, he whom he has sent out.’
What is so strange about Jesus calling his Father God? Besides, can you find a
biblical verse that separates clearer between God and Christ than this?
And here is the Greek text to LUK 10:21, SHG:
iesous agalliao pneuma epo exomo-logeo pater kurios ouranos ge
moment jesus delight spirit say praise word father lord
on high earth
apokrupto tauta sophos sunetos apokalupto nepios nai narkissos
pater houto
this wise learned reveal
infant yes self pleasure father this
ginomai eudokia emprosthen
happen price
THE PACT: Simultaneously, jubilant in the spirit, Jesus said: ‘I acknowledge, Father, Lord of the heavens and the earth, that you have kept this hidden from the wise
and knowledgeable, but revealed to those who are like newborn. For truly, glorious
Father, what has happened, is of great pleasure to you!’
Yes, in this verse Jesus calls God Father twice. In addition he refers to his Father as
the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Again you will have to stretch the truth quite
far if you want to make this out to be Jesus himself claiming to be God the Almighty!
Paragraph 14:
This becomes even more interesting when we compare a number of texts in the
New Testament which are quotes from the Old. Satan was about to tempt Jesus,
and in order to stop him, Jesus speaks: ‘You shall not put the Lord your God
to the test.’ Matt. 4,7. Here he quotes Deu. 6,16. The words Lord and God
Is God Christ
corresponds with Jehova and Elohim, names and titles that belong to the
In this claim there is again a formidable biblical confusion. Jehovah is God’s proper
name, not a title the way Lord is. And again: It is not God’s proper name that in the
original text is ‘the Lord,’ but the Hebrew name adonai. (Something totally different
is the fact that modern translators have ceased using God’s proper name Jehovah and
replaced it with LORD in every relation.)
But here is the great confusion: When Jesus says that ‘you shall not put the Lord
(in the Hbrew text ‘adonai jehovih) it is of course not himself he speaks of, but his
Father, God the Almighty! Christ has never used God’s proper name Jehovah about
himself! Any examples of that does not exist in a single instance in all of the Bible!
Jesus’ proper name in Hebrew is Jehowshuvah, the short version being Joshua,
which means Jehovah’s Rescuer. Se the article Three Words.
I include proof of my claims also from the Hebrew text:
Genesis 15:02, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
'abram 'amar 'adonay yehovih mah nathan halak 'ariyriy ben mesheq bayith huw'
'eliy'ezer dammeseq
NB! This is the first time the expression the Lord Jehovah is used in the Bible. It is
being used in as many as 304 times in 294 verses. The most common way of spelling God’s proper name is Jehovah, (used 6528 times in 5522 verses) and not Jehovih. But this is a rule of sound which is used when Jehovah (God’s proper name) is
being used in connection with the title adonai.
New International Version translates the expression ‘adonai jehovih’ with ‘the Lord
God.’ As you see they have omitted God’s proper name. The New World translation
by Jehovah’s Witnesses writes ‘the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.’ They themselves have
added the word ‘sovereign.’
Paragraph 15:
If Christ were not God, he could never have used Jehovah and Elohim about
True. And he never did.
Paragraph 16:
If we compare Psa. 45,7.8 with Heb. 1,8.9 we find that Christ is spoken of as
God, and that statement comes from the Father. And here Christ through his
title is mentioned as the self-existing God. We can easily understand why the
Is God Christ
Pharisees asked Jesus to admonish the disciples who called: ‘Blessed in the
name of the Lord is the King, he who comes!’ But Jesus answered: ‘If they are
silent, the stones shall call out!’ Luk. 19,38.40 And they called what was true.
It was the Pharisees who were wrong, because he really was God. John writes:
‘He is the true God and the eternal life.’ 1. Joh. 5,20.
Psalms 45:07:08, THE PACT:
PSA 45:07.
‘Your throne, God, is forever. A scepter of righteousness is the
scepter of your Realm.
PSA 45:08.
Therefore has God, your God, anointed you with the oil of joy before your brothers.’
Here we see clearly and plainly that David refers to God the Almighty as also
Jesus’ God.
Hebrews 01:08-09, THE PACT:
HEB 01:08.
To the Son he says: ‘Your throne is from God through age and ages,
and your scepter shall be a scepter of righteousness.
HEB 01:09.
For you have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, and
therefore will God, your God, anoint you with the oil of joy before
your co-heirs.’
PSA 45:07-08
NB! Here NIV writes companions instead of co-heirs. They do not see the full perspective of the Realm of God. But they are not the only ones who got this wrong.
Most translations based on the teaching of the trinity write ‘To the Son he says: Your
throne, God, is forever.’ Yes, this translation unequivocally makes Jesus into God
the Almighty! That is of course not the case! See the Greek text of this phrase.
And here is the Greek text:
huios thronos theos aion aion rhabdos euthutes rhabdos basileia
son throne god age age scepter righteousness septer realm
If you care to study the original Greek text, translated from Hebrew, you will clearly
see that correct translation is: ‘But about the Son: God is your throne through age
and ages —’ Here we clearly see that Solomon corresponds with Paul in Hebrews,
and rightfully so! Hebrews is a direct quote from Psalms! One cannot change the
contents just because it is translated from a different language!
NB! Some are so preoccupied with the philosophy of the trinity that they indescriminately translate the Bible to comply with their own faith instead of adhering
to the original text — and often their meanings are directly contrary to the original
Is God Christ
Then to First John 05:20, THE PACT: ‘And we know that the Son of God has come
and that he has given us understanding so that we may know the True One. And we
are in him, the True One, we who are in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God
and the ageous life.’
Many of the worst fablers use this verse as an indisputable proof that God is Christ.
They believe that he in the last sentence shows back to Jesus Christ because those
are the previous words. That is definitely not grammatically correct, because a personal pronoun can not refer back to a compliment, in him, the True. No, he reflects
back to the True One, the three last words in the first line. Then correct meaning is
as follows: ‘We know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us understanding so that we may know the True One (God),’ — — — ‘he who is the true
God and life in ages.’
This is such a clear fact that most who use this verse as proof that God is Christ,
when confronted with it, stop using it and rather concentrate on finding another one
that is more diffuse.
Paragraph 17:
Some claim that Jesus is God because the Father resurrected him to it, but
maintains that he was not God from eternity. This does not correspond with the
following statement from Isaiah: ‘You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and my
servant, the one that I have chosen, so that you shall know and believe in me,
and understand that before me no God has come into being, and after me no
one shall come.’ Ez. 43,10.
Yes, here the Almighty God says quite clearly that before him there has not been an
almighty God, and after him there will not come one! Where does that place Christ?
As God’s Son, of course! And here the Bible is totally clear! By the way, if God
raised Christ from the dead, how could he then possibly be Christ? Can a dead wake
up a dead? And when did God die? On the pole? (ACT 10:40, 13;30, ROM 04:24.
GAL 01:01 and 1PE 01:21) Can God die?
Paragraph 18:
But how can Christ be the ‘only begotten’ (Joh.3, 16) and the ‘firstborn?’ (Col.
1, 15). Christ was born when he became man, the only one of his kind. There
exists no others like him; he is the only God who became a human being. When
he is referred as the ‘firstborn,’ this has a special meaning in all of the Bible. It
was he who had the special right to receive the double part of the inheritance.
Neither David nor Ephraim were firstborn, but they are referred to as such.
(Psa. 89,28, Jer. 31,9) If he were the first one to be created, the situation would
have been different, because what has been created is different from the
Creator, but what has been born, is of the same kind.
Is God Christ
This is not correct! Whether Jesus in John 16:03 is referred to Gud’s only Son or
God’s only begotten Son may be equally correct, but then based on a fully mature
understanding of the Greek word monogenes. What does it mean? Yes, it means the
only generated from, which again means that Christ was the first God created
without participation from anybody else, And thereby he is the firstborn. After this
everything was created by Christ with God’s power. (JOH 01:03) Therefore Christ
(Michael) is also referred to as the first and the last, (REV 02:08) because nobody
else have been directly born, created, made, done, etc, by God directly! Unless what
God says in PSA 02:07, in ACT 13:33, in HEB 01:05 and in HEB 05:05 is a pure lie!
Is God such a big liar? The rest of this argumentation by Finn Myklebust is pure
fabling which the author himself must explain, if possible.
The Greek word translated only or only begotten is monogenes, the only generated
from. It is being used 16 times in the following 09 verses; LUK 07:12, LUK 08:42,
LUK 09:38, JOH 01:14, JOH 01:18, JOH 03:16, JOH 03:18, HEB 11:17, and 1JO
04:19. Read these verses consecutively and you will see something. The word is
being used about Christ as God’s only Son, but also about the son of the widow in
Nain. And in Hebrews also Isaac is referred to as Abraham’s only son. How are we
to understand that? After all, Abraham has seven more sons besides Isaac, one with
Hagar and six with Ketura. Why is Isaac then Abraham’s only generated son?
Paragraph 19:
There are many interesting things enlightening the relationship between God
ans Christ and Christ as a human being. But what about the Holy Spirit as a
Deity? We meet the Holy Spirit for the first time during creation, where he is
hovering above the waters, (1. Mos. 1,2) and we meet him in the last chapter of
the Bible when he comes to man with his last request. (rev. 22,17) The Bible tells
that Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And when Jesus was baptized, we
meet the third person of the Godhead, and time and time again Jesus refers to
All of the first chapter of Genesis is about the physical creation, and nothing else!
‘The spirit of God hovering above the waters,’ simply means that there was a wind
across the earth! It is in the interpretation of verses like these that the worst fablers
reach their ultimate capacity. The Hebrew word for ‘spirit’ is ‘ruwah’ Its major
meaning is breath, wind, storm, stench, etc. In Genesis 27:27 the word ruwah is
translated smell.
NB! Please do not confuse this with the fact that in John 03:08 the Greek word for
spirit, pneuma is wrongly translated wind.
I include a transcript from Strong’s Hebrew / Greek as proof of the meaning of the
Hebrew word ruwah:
Is God Christ
From Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
Genesis 01:02. <307. ruwach, roo'-akh; from H7306; wind; by resemblance breath,
i.e. a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; fig. life, anger, unsubstantiality; by extens. a region of the sky; by resemblance spirit, but only of a rational being (includ.
its expression and functions):--air, anger, blast, breath, X cool, courage, mind, X
quarter, X side, spirit ([-ual]), tempest, X vain, ([whirl-]) wind (-y).
Paragraph 20:
Many have considered the Holy Spirit a being without personality, but only as
one divine whom the Father used to exert his will. The Bible, on the other hand,
describes the Holy Spirit in a different way. The key to the personality of the
Holy Spirit we find through Jesus’ farewell speech to the disciples: ‘I shall ask
the Father, and we will give you a different spokesperson.’ Joh. 14,16. The
expression ‘a different spokesperson’ is an interesting statement: The Holy
Spirit is a ‘spokesperson’ and the connection tells what the expression contains.
The word ‘spokesperson’ comes from the Greek prekletos which means ‘one
who is at equal standing with.’ In Joh. 2,1 also Jesus is referred to as a ‘spokesperson,’ and the Holy Spirit who is of the same kind as Jesus, is on an equal
footing with him. The Greek word allos which is translated another, means of
the same kind. And the Holy Spirit is therefore of the same kind as Christ. Note
that in the same text is used the personal pronoun him. The Holy Spirit is spoken of as an independent person, and not just as a power or influence. Paul
gives proof of the qualities of the Holy Spirit by determining that he is in possession of intellect, (1. Cor. 2,11) will, (1. Cor. 12:11) and feelings. (Eph. 4,30)
These qualities can only be attached to persons. In addition to this we find that
he acts as a personality when he speaks, (Hebr. 10,15) teaches, (Joh. 14,26)
testifies, (Joh. 15,26) convinces, (Joh. 11,8) guides, listens and preaches, (Joh.
16,13) hinders and denies, (Act. 16,6.7) determines, (Act. 15,28) inaugurates,
(Act. 20:28) interacts with (Rom. 8,26). These qualities belong to a conscious
personality and not just a power or influence. If we compare the acts of the
Holy Spirit with what Jesus is concerned with, we understand that he is a
spokesperson like Jesus Christ. Augustin says: ‘Go to Jordan, and you will see
the trinity.’
Jesus only spoke in pictures and parables. (Mark 04:33-34) And he acted in signs.
(MAT 14:14-21, MAT 14:22-33, MAT 21:18-19) When Jesus in John 20:22 breathed on the disciples and said: ‘receive the Holy Spirit,’ was it then a person he
breathed into the disciples? Of course not! Then it becomes easier to understand, but
maybe harder to accept for many, that when Jesus speaks about his own and his
Father’s common spirit, he speaks in pictures, parables. That would have been easier
to understand if the word spokesman would be replaced with a different word such
as a guide, because the word spokesman makes most readers think of a person without reflecting on the fact that it is a parable.
Is God Christ
But, all biblical fabling aside, the Holy Spirit never has been and never will be a
concrete person, but God’s and Christ’s common spirit (personality and power), no
more and no less. (Galatians 05:16-26) It should be unnecessary to go any deeper
into this, because either you are meek enough to adjust your faith to the word of God,
or you will believe that you know this best yourself. A situation that may clearly
illustrate this, may be: When Christ in John 01:29 and in John 01:36 is spoken of as
the Lamb, do you then envision him on four legs eating grass? Everybody understands that this is figurative speech. So it is also with helper, spokesman or spokesperson!
Finally, who is this Augustin? Is he someone who has a greater biblical credibility
than God the Almighty? Read Colosseans 02:08.
Paragraph 21:
Through Jesus’ baptism we meet the Son in the shape of a human who receives
God’s spirit and hears the words of the Father about love. The same offer is
given to men who enters into a covenant with God, because they are baptized
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How can Jesus receive the spirit of the Father and hear the voice of the Father if he
himself is the Father? Not only is it impossible, but will not such a claim be ‘a miraculous lie?’ (2TH 02:09-12)
Paragraph 22:
We cannot understand God, but he who wants to, will experience that his plan
and thoughts are perfect.
Well, we finally agree on something!
In conclusion:
What is the Holy Spirit? In these two following verses Jesus explains quite clearly
what it means to receive the Holy Spirit. Then the question is: Are we to believe
Jesus, or are we to believe all these religious fablers standing forth making Jesus a
Luke 24:49, THE PACT: ‘And see — I am sending my Father’s promise over
you. But wait in the city [Jerusalem] until you are immersed with the power
from the heavens.’ And the power was the Holy Spirit!
Acts 01:08, THE PACT: ‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
over you. Then you will be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and all over Judea
and Samaria, and to the most remote places on the earth.’ And the power was the
Holy Spirit!
Is God Christ
Who raised Christ up from the dead? Himself?
Read Acts 10:40, 13:40, Romans 04:24, Galatians 01:01, Colosseans 02:12, First
Peter 01:21.
Whom did he call on when he died? Himself?
Matthew 27:46.
Whom did he pray to in Gethsemane? Himself? Was it then nothing but a fool’s
play? Can Christ have been that false?
Matthew 26:39.
Can Christ have born himself? If ‘yes,’ can he then be God’s only generated
John 03:16.
When Christ sat himself at his Father’s right hand, was it then himself he sat
down beside?
Luke 22:69, Hebrews 10:12.
When Christ after the thousand years shall surrender the Realm to his Father,
who is it then he surrenders the Realm to? Himself?
First Corinthians 15:24.
Can father and son ever be more of fewer than two? If ‘yes,’ will not such a
claim be ‘a miraculous lie?’
Second Thessalonians 02:09.
The answer to the original question ‘How can one God at the same time be three
persons?’ Therefore becomes quite simple: It is not only impossible, but it is also
a claim that is directly contrary to the word of God.
A quote from Jesus Christ: ‘Listen, Israel, Jehovah your God is the Only One!
This is the greatest commandment.’
Mark 12:29.
An Answer to the Claim That God Is Christ
Most biblical verses are from THE PACT.
by Arne Jordly
01. Isaiah 09:06, New International version:
‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his
shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,* Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace.
[* Or <Wonderful, Counselor>]
NB! This translation causes confusion and is a direct result of the teaching of the
trinity: And it is reduculous! A Son can never be an everlasting Father.
ISA 09:06 from Strong’s Hebrew / Greek: yeled yalad ben nathan misrah shekem
shem quara’ pele’ ya’ats gibbowr ‘el ‘ad ‘ab sar shalowm
The meaning of the word ‘el in detail from Hebrew to English:
‘el, ale; (abbr. for eloyhim = God) strength; as adj. mighty; espec. the Almighty (but
used also of any deity):--God (god), godly, great, idol, might(-y) one); power, strong.
Compare names in -el.
The meaning of the word God (god) from Hebrew to English: Note that the word god
means mighty. It is used about God the Almighty and about everybody else who is
mighty, i.e. many idols. And of course is Christ mighty, but he will never become
God the Almighty.
Note that there are no capital letters in the ancient Hebrew language!
PSA 82:06, NIV: ‘I said, `You are ‘gods;’ you are all sons of the Most High.’ Christ
being wonderful Councelor is correct, and now we also understand that he is one
who is mighty, a mighty god, because he is one of God’s many sons! Here NIV has
not only a correct, but a very good translation.
The meaning of the word ‘ab in detail from Hebrew to English:
‘ab, awb; a prim. word; father (in a lit, and immed., or fig. and remote application): chief, (fore-)father, patrimony, principal. Comp. names in Abi-.
Through translating from Hebrew to English we see that the word for father, ‘ab, not
only means father, but has many other meanings such as chief, master. Then master
is without doubt the correct translation here, and not father. How do I know this?
Yes, Jesus says so himself in Matthew 23:09-10, THE PACT:
MAT 23:09.
‘Call nobody on earth ‘father,’ for the One is your Father, he wo
is in the heavens.
MAT 23:10.
And call nobody ‘master,’ for only one is your Master, and he is the
Is God Christ
And now you understand why so many are using this verse, in a twisted translation,
as proof that God is Christ, or Christ God.
Who was Abimelek? He was the foremost, the master, the king of the Philistines.
(GEN 20:02)
Then the correct translation of this verse becomes: ‘A Child is us born, a Son is given
to us. The dominion will be on his shoulders, and his names are to be: Wonderful
Counselor, mighty god, everlasting Master and Prince of Peace.’
One thing I can guarantee: The Bible never contradicts itself! When it seems
that way, it is always our own understanding that is inadequate!
Note that ‘nobody on earth’ is to be called ‘father,’ ref. ‘the Great Father in Rome.’
02. Romans 09:04-05, THE PACT:
ROM 09:04. ‘Because it was the Israelites who had the sonship (the adoption
as sons), the glory, the pacts, the giving of the law, the service to
God and the promises. This belonged to our fathers, and from them
has Christ descended in the flesh. —
ROM 09:05. He who is above all, God, be praised in ages! Amen.
There is a great controversy over the translation of these verses, again because of the
confusion through the teaching of the trinity. NIV, New International Version, USA
1984, has translated the last of these verses in tree alternatives. It is the first and only
time I have seen a biblical translation in three alternatives: ‘Theirs are the patriarchs,
and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever
praised.’* Amen. (or: ‘Christ, who is over all. God be forever praised!’ Or: ‘—
Christ. God, who is over all be forever praised!)
Of course, all three versions cannot be correct! Then what is correct? Here follows
first the original Greek text of the short verse Romans 09:05, and then the text transliterated — translated word by word:
Romans 09:05, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
ROM 09:05.
ho epi pas theos eulogetes aion amen
he over all god praise
age amen
Again, THE PACT: ‘He who is over all, God, be praised in ages. Amen.’ It should
be unnecessary to underscore that this translation corresponds with the basic thruth
of the Bible that God the Almighty is without beginning or end, and that Jesus Christ
is his only generated Son. It is quite incomprehensible that a short and simple text
like this should cause confusion, except for the teaching of the trinity.
Is God Christ
03. Colosseans 01:16-20, THE PACT:
COL 01:16.
‘For through him everything was created, both the heavens and the
earth, both that which is invisible and visible, whether it be thrones
or dominions, masters or authorities.
COL 01:17.
He came into exsistence before anything else. And everything exists through him.
COL 01:18.
He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the
firstborn of all the dead, and he is exalted above all.
COL 01:19.
Because it was to his* pleasure that everything that was of him*
should dwell in him.**
*God **Christ
COL 01:20.
He* shall create peace through his** blood on the pole, and he*
shall reconcile all with himself* through him** — whether it is on
the earth or in the heavens.’
*God **Christ
The fact that some are using these verses as proof that God is Christ, is incomprehensible! Every part of every sentence separates quite clearly between God and
Christ. When it is written that ‘all who was of him was to dwell in him,’ this is often
interpreted that God himself says that he is Christ. But what about this part of the
sentence: ‘— an reconcile all with himself through him?’ Can this mean that God
himself is Christ? Well, see! — then most of them keep silent!
04. Colosseans 02:08-09, THE PACT:
COL 02:08.
‘Watch out so that nobody will catch you with teachings of wisdom
and empty deceit, such that rest on the basic forces of this world*
and not on Christ.
*the basic forces of this world, GAL 04:03.
COL 02:09.
Because in him all that is fully divine, is presented bodily.’
The fact that ‘in him (Jesus) all that is divine, is presented bodily,’ cannot possibly
make Jesus into God the Almighty. It simply means that what God represents Jesus
now represents as a man in the flesh, bodily. Understanding Jesus is the nearest we
can get to understanding the invisible God.
Read Galatians 04:04, THE PACT: ‘When the time had been fulfilled (when the
right time had come) God sent his Son. And it happened under the law.’ Can it be
said any clearer than this? And does not Paul refer to such doctrines as the teaching
of the trinity when he warns against ‘teachings of wisdom and empty deceit, such
that rest on the basic forces of this world and not on Christ?’ He also calls it ‘the
miraculous lie.’ (2TH 02:09)
05. Hebrews 01:04-09, THE PACT:
HEB 01:04.
‘He has become more worthy than the many messengers, because he
has inherited a more prominent name than them.
HEB 01:05.
Because to whom among the messengers did God ever say: ‘You are
Is God Christ
HEB 01:06.
HEB 01:07.
HEB 01:08.
HEB 01:09.
my Son, today I have born you.’ And further: ‘I will be a Father to
him, and he will be a Son to me.’
PSA 02:07, 2SA 07:14
And later, when God leads his Firstborn into the inhabited earth, he
says: ‘Let all God’s messengers honor him.’
About the messengers he says: ‘I have created my messengers as
spirits and my servants as flaming fire.’
To the Son he says: ‘Your throne is from God through age and ages,
and your scepter shall be a scepter of righteousness.
For you have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, and therefore will God, your God, anoint you with the oil of joy before your
The first emphasized text speaks for itself. How anybody can use this as proof that
God is Christ, is beyond comprehension, because here God says exactly the opposite, not just once, but twice!
But in verse 08 and 09 in many translations God himself calls Jesus God. Those
translations have been altered to comply with the teaching of the trinity. I will present the original text and take a closer look at it:
I will limit my self to presenting God’s direct speech. From Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
huios thronos theos aion aion
son throne god age age
THE PACT: The Son’s throne is from God i age and ages.
In order to evaluate what is correct translation from Greek to English, it is important
to know the Greek’s limited use of the definite article, auxiliaries, prepositions and
personal pronouns.
HEB 01:07-09, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek: 07 aggelos lego hos poieo aggelos pneuma
leitourgos phlox pur 08 huios thronos theos aion aion rhabdos euthutes rhabdos
basileia 09 agapao dikaiosune miseo anomia dia touto theos theos chrio elaion
agalliasis para metochos
THE PACT: 07 About the messengers he says: ‘I have created my messengers as
spirits and my servants as flaming fire.’ 08 To the Son he says: ‘Your throne is from
God through age and ages, and your scepter shall be a scepter of righteousness. 09
For you have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, and therefore will God, your
God, anoint you with the oil of joy before your co-heirs.’
Paul refers to PSA 45:07-08, ref. MAT 26:06-13
By the way, let me mention that correct translation of metochos in this case is cohairs, participants, and not companions. Writing companions takes away a correct
Is God Christ
understanding from the reader. In some Scandinavian translations they even write
enemies. And who are Christ’s co-heirs?
From Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
metochos, met'-okh-os; participant, i.e. (as noun) a sharer; by impl. an associate: -fellow, partaker, partner.
It is reasonable to believe that those who have translated this text, have not understood who are Jesus’s co-heirs, or they deliberately try to hide it.
06. PSA 45:08, New International Version:
‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the
scepter of your kingdom.’
I refer to point 05. If this text refers to God, it is correct. But if this refers to Christ,
correct translation must be: ‘Your throne is from God.’
The correct understanding with the rest of the Bible is: Everything is from God and
of God, and his throne is forever. But he has delegated all of his power to his
heavenly Son Michael, and therefore also Michael’s throne is from God in age and
This verse has many contradicting translations often twisted to comply with the
teaching of the trinity.
07. Exodus 03:14, New International Version:
EXO 03:14.
‘God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.* This is what you are to say
to the Israelites: `I AM has sent me to you.’ [* Or <I WILL BE
EXO 03:15.
God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, `The LORD,* the God
of your fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God
of Jacob - has sent me to you.` This is my name forever, the name by
which I am to be remembered from generation to generation. [* The
Hebrew for <LORD> sounds like and may be derived from the
Hebrew for <I AM> in verse 14.]
They claim that the name of God ‘sounds like and may be derived from a the Hebrew
word for ‘I am’ in verse 14.
What word does NIV refer to? No, they do not say. And neither do they know, but
this is quite common religious teaching which original purpose was only intended to
creat confusion about the meaning of God’s name. I therefore include Exodus 03:14
in Hebrew:
Is God Christ
EXO 03:14, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek.
‘elohiym ‘amar mosheh hayah hayah ‘amar koh ‘amar ben yisra’el hayah shalach
I have never experienced so much biblical fabling about anything as when it comes
to the meaning of God’s proper name JHVH, Jaweh, Jave or Jehovah, maybe with the
exception of the ascention. But note that all original texts use the form Jehovah.
When God the Almighty himself explains the meaning of his name Jehovah, he says
to Moses that it is hayah hayah. He repeats it, or says it twice. The word hayah is
used 1116 times in 1114 verses in the Hebrew text, and never in the meaning of ‘I
Am.’ Its correct meaning is: I shall fulfill (what) I shall fulfill.
From Hebrew to English: hayah, haw-yah; a prim. root; to exist, i.e. be or become,
(always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):--beacon, altogether, be(come, accomplished, committed, like) break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do,
faint, fall, follow, happen, have, last, pertain, quit(one) self, require, use.
As you can see from the translation to English, the main meaning of the word hayah
is to do, let happen, complete, fulfill, finish. God’s proper name is the only one in
all of the Bible that is a verb and not a substantive. As you see from the bold text in
English, the word is always an active verb, and never a copula or auxiliary.
And therefore God’s proper name can never be ‘I Am.’ The translation ‘I Am’ is
based on the Greek expression ego eimi, but God’s proper name has never been
Greek. There had got to be a limit!
The reason the Jews got such a respect for the name Jehovah that they stopped
speaking it, was because every time the Jews were exposed to a period of judgement
God always stood forth as Jehovah — he who fulfills!
08. John 08:54-59, THE PACT:
JOH 08:54.
‘Jesus answered: ‘If I honor myself, my honor is without value. But
I honor my Father, he whom you say is your God.
JOH 08:55.
But you do not know him. And if I said I did not know him, I would
have been a liar like you! But I do know him, and I keep his word.
JOH 08:56.
Your father Abraham was jubilant to see my day. For he got to see
it, and it pleased him.’
JOH 08:57.
Then the Jews said to him: ‘You are not yet fifty years, and you have
seen Abraham!’
JOH 08:58.
But Jesus answered: ‘This truth I tell you: From before Abraham am
I (have I been).’
JOH 08:59.
Then they picked up stones which they threw at him. But Jesus managed to hide and got out of the temple. He went between them, and
in that way he got away.’
Is God Christ
‘From before Abraham am I.’ This short sentence is by many used as an undeniable
proof that Jesus himself says that he is God the Almighty. And who can deny it when
he says so himself? After all he is using Gods name ‘I Am’ about himself. So is not
the case. What Jesus tells the pharisees, is quite simply that he has been, existed,
since long before Abraham was born. But now you also understand why it is so
important to the champions of the trinity to make God’s proper name Jehovah into
‘I Am.’ This is a gross falsification of the word of God.
And again: The ancient Greek language Koiné has a very limited use of auxiliaries,
but it is correct to say that ‘before God I am,’ because Jesus still is. And this corresponds with the contents of the text, because what Jesus here refers to, is his preearth existence.
In conclusion: I know how saturated Christian preaching is by the teaching of the
trinity, but it is far from a biblical teaching. And therefore I strongly warn against this
Greek, pagan philosophy which was not part of ‘Christian teaching’ until 300 years
after Jesus death and resurrection.
09. First John 05:20, THE PACT:
‘And we know that the Son of God has come, and that he has given us understanding
so that we may know the True One. And we are in him, the True One, we who are in
his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and the ageous life.’
Many use this verse as proof that God the Almighty is Jesus Christ. They believe that
he in the last line refers to Jesus Christ. But that is not grammatically correct, because
a personal pronoun can not reflect to a compliment, in this case in his Son Jesus
Christ. He neither reflects on the True One in the previous line, which is also a
complement. No, he in the last line reflects back to the True One which are the two
last words in the first line. When learning this, which is an indisputable fact, the most
stiff-necked proponents of the trinity give up using this verse as proof that God the
Almighty is the Christ, and instead start using verses that are not as evident.
One question in relation to this: Why use a few, unclear biblical verses as basis for
such an important part of your belief, when there are dozens, not to mention hundreds, that are totally clear?
10. John 01:01-02, THE PACT:
JOH 01:01.
‘In the beginning was the Word, the Word was from God, and the
Word became god.*
JOH 01:02.
He was in the beginning with God.’
To get to the correct meaning of these two verses, we need to dig deep into the
original text. In addition it is useful to have a knowledge of basic grammar. We also
need to understand the true meaning of the word god.
Is God Christ
JOH 01:01, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
(In the) beginning (was the) Word, (the) Word (was from) God, (and the) Word
(became) god.’
If we also translate the true meaning of the word god, a fully correct translation becomes: ‘In the beginning was the Word, the Word was from the Mighty One and the
Word became mighty.’
JOH 01:02, transliterated, (translated word by word)
He (was at the ) beginning (with) God.
As you see we must add both auxiliaries and propositions to translate this into a
readable English. The ancient Greek language neither contains the indefinite article.
And if we read verses 01 and 02 with consideration, we see that ‘he was with God is
written twice consecutively. Based on this a correct translation will be: In the
beginning was the Word, the Word was from God, and the word became a god. He
was in the beginning with God.’ (It is little probable that the writer has meant to write
that he was with God twice when the major message was that Christ came from God.
Here I also write in verse 01 ‘that the Word became god, or a god.’ Can that be
correct? We shall see.
In Acts 28:06 it says: ‘They waited for him to start swelling or to suddenly fall over
dead! When they had waited a long time for this without anything unusual happening
to him, they changed their mind and said that he was a god.’ I include the two last
words of this sentence inn Greek: lego theos. These two words are translated: ‘—
and said he was a god.’ Do you see that the indefinite article is missing in both
verses, both in John and Acts, but that in the translations it is included about Paul, but
not about Christ?
One thing is for sure: It must either be left out or included in both verses! But because there is no indefinite article in Greek, but there sure is in English, it ought to
be included in both verses. Is not the indefinite article left out in John 01:01, and the
word god capitalized because we are to believe that God is Christ when we know that
the Word is Christ? And has it not been omitted in Acts because it would be absurd
to claim that Paul was God the Almighty?
This is definitely a clear and conscious falsification of the word of God!
Is God Christ
11. Revelation 01:11, THE PACT:
‘It said: [I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.] What you will see, you shall
write down in a scroll and sent it to the seven churches that are in Ephesus, Smyrna,
Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodikea.’
If you now check with the New International Version, you will see that the text in
square brackets is omitted there. But in many translations it is included. It is my disrespectful claim that this has clearly been added in order to make Christ into God the
Almighty, because in the verse the messenger speaks on behalf of Christ. But it is not
always evident whom the messenger speaks on behalf of in Revelation, because the
messenger sometimes speaks on behalf of God and sometimes of Christ. For instance,
in verse 22:13 who does the messenger speak on behalf of, God or Christ?
12. John 10:30, THE PACT:
‘I and my Father are one.’ This verse is often used by the Pentecostals and the Baptists as proof that God and Christ are one and the same. But remember that in English numbers are not conjugated among the genders, so one is correct in every
situation. That is part of the construction of the language. But the real meaning of this
verse is clearly understood in John 17:21. ‘I pray that they all must be one with each
other the way you, Father, is with me and I with you. I prey that also they will be one
with us, so that the world will believe that you have sent me.’
If this may be interpreted to mean that God and Christ are one and the same, it also
means that everybody who comes to faith becomes the same as God the Almighty.
Then we are back to before God generated Christ!
13. Revelation 22:12-15, THE PACT:
REV 22:12.
‘See! — I come in haste! And I have my reward with me to give
each one in return according to his deeds.
REV 22:13.
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the
REV 22:14.
Blessed is he who does according to the commandments, because he
shall have the right to the tree of life and come in through the gate
to the city.
REV 22:15.
But outside are the dogs, the magicians, the whoremasters, the murderers and the idolaters — and everyone who loves to practice
This has been a difficult text for me, because I have not been able to clearly distinguish if Alpha and Omega refer to God the Almighty or Jesus Christ. But I am aware
that the messenger speaks on behalf of both God and Christ, and that Alpha and
Omega refers to God the Almighty who is without beginning or end. But also Christ
is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, but in different ways than God. Firstly
when he was generated as God’s Son, because after the birth of Michael, he who is
Is God Christ
God, everything else was created through Christ. Christ is also the First and the Last
that God resurrected from the dead. Because after God had raised him up he gave
him the keys to death and the grave so that everybody except Christ himself will be
resurrected by God the Almighty.
But even if this paragraph may be a bit unclear to me, I cannot let this unclear verse
override all the hundreds of times where the Bible is totally clear about this. Then
I have to relate to Psalm 119:160: ‘The sum of your word is the truth, in ages are all
your righteous judgements.’
In conclusion: I have for years tried to understand the teaching of the trinity to arrive
at the undisputed truth about this, because it has always seemed a bit diffuse to me,
to put it mildly. Already as a teenager I rejected the teaching of the trinity, because
when my minister to my confirmation tried to tell me differently, I answered in an
immature way: ‘That is just silly, all that.’ He smiled a bit condescendingly at me,
but I see now that I was right. The childish intuition that made me reject this, is in
full accord with the rest of the Bible.
About Jehovah’s Witnesses:
The only religious organization that has rejected this unbiblical philosophy, are
Jehovah’s Witnesses. And thereby Jehovah’s Witnesses have cut themselves off from
becoming part of the common Christian teaching.
About the Adventists:
Originally also the Adventists rejected this pagan and ungodly philosophy, but in
order to be accepted among the common Christian churches the Adventits have now
come to terms with this. This has caused deep divisions within the Adventist Church,
and many still reject it. But the leadership within the Adventist Church are now stiffneckedly adhering to this false teaching.
The Adventists also had another problem in being accepted among the common
churches: Their clear understanding of the soul as something mortal of flesh and
blood, and not something invisible that will either come to heaven or go to hell when
a human being dies.
This teaching the Adventists were not willing to give up, and it was then accepted
as a compromise as long as they were officially willing to accept the teaching of the
Trinity. And that is how they bargained with the word of God.
The teaching of a hell burning in ages is usually no longer preached actively neither
by the Catholic nor the Protestant churches, but they have still avoided taking a diract confrontation with this disgustingly wrong teaching!
God’s name and and ‘I Am.’
from Dagen October 9th, 2003.
In many, not to say the most, biblical translations there is an underlying message
about Jesus’ statements about himself in John’s Gospel (JOH 04:26, 08:24, 08:28,
08:58, 18:05, 18:06, 18:08) that ‘I am,’ Greek ‘ego eimi,’ is some sort of rendition
of the name of God that we find in Exodus 03:14, which in most translations is
written like this: ‘Then God said to Moses: ‘I am who I am.’ And he said: ‘You shall
say to the children* of Israel: I AM has sent you.’
*correct: sons
In some translations there is a footnote* to the expression ‘I am who I am,’ with the
following explanation: Hebrew: ‘I Am,’ the name of the LORD: JHWH.
What may surprise many is that both the footnote and the translation of Exodus
03:14 are directly wrong. Repeated word by word from Hebrew verse 14 is like this:
Then God said to Moses: ‘I will be the way I will be.’ And he said: ‘This you shall
say to the children* of Israel: ‘I will be’ has sent me to you.’ The actual Hebrew
word in that verse is AHJH (pron. ehjai), which is 1. person singular, imperfectum
of the verb to be. The same word we also find in verse 12 (which strangely has been
translated correctly in Bibles that otherwise write verse 14 wrongly): ‘And he said:
“Truly, I will be with you —”’
The Hebrew word that Gus is using about himself, is in other words AHJH and not
JHWH. The meaning of God’s name, JHWH, we do not quite know what means,
according to knowledgeable Hebrew theologians, except that it is an expression for
the Absolute Existing, He-who-is-through-eternity.
Exodus 03:14 therefore expresses: ‘Then God said to Moses: ‘I will be.’ (Implied:
with you in all other ordeals).
‘And he said: ‘This you shall say to the children* of Israel: ‘I (implied: the God who
always will be with his people) will be has sent me to you.’ This is the meaning of
the content that we usually find in Jewish Bibles, among other The Chumash,
released my Mesorah Publications LTD, New York, 1994, pages 302-305, ref. also
Exodus 03:12 where the same word is used, and where it explicitly says that God will
be with his people.
It is also in verses 12 and 14 that God actually says who he is, while he in verse 15
tells Moses his name: ‘Then God said to Moses: ‘This you shall say to the children*
of Israel: THE LORD (JHWH) has sent me to you. This is my name through eternity.’ God’s name (JHWH) is in other words not ‘I Am.’ (The explanation in Exodus 03:14 is the closest we can come to what the name means).
Is God Christ
God’s name can therefore not be connected to the expression ‘I Am,’ Greek ‘ego
eimi,’ in the New Testament. The expression occurs 48 times in the New Testament
and is usually translated ‘it is I.’ (see i.e. JOH 09:09, MAT 14:27, 26:22 and 26:25.
When Jesus uses the expression in JOH 04:26, 08:24, 8:28, 08:58, 13:19, 18:05,
18:06 and 18:08 it actually means the same, that is ‘it is I.’ meaning ‘it is I who am
the Messiah,’ or ‘I am him — the Messiah.’ (Note the connection in which the expression is being presented.)
The so-called mysterious ‘I am’ in the message after John which supposedly made
the guardsmen and the servants of the High Priests and Pharisees fall to the earth, is
in other words no mysterious proclamation of the godname, a sesam, sesam, but a
straight forward and usual way of ‘it is me’ in Greek.
‘I Am ’ — Jesus’ divine formula of presentation
by Gunnar Johnstad, 1. amanuensis at NLA,
from Dagen, the 30. of October 2003.
In a contribution in Dagen on the 9. of October John Mevik comments on the understanding and the translation of the so-called ‘I Am’ - words in the Gospel of John
(Greek: egi eimi) where they are represented in an absolute way without being followed by a predicate or a compliment, in contrast to the seven ‘I Am’ words in the
Gospel which have a closer determination: ‘I am the bread of life, I am the light of
the world,’ etc. It is about the verses of JOH 08:24, 08:28, 08:58, 13:19, ref. 04:26,
06:20, 06:20 and 18:05-06.
The absolute ‘I AM’ - words
Mevik means that they must be understood on the basis of the Godname JHWH in
Exodus 03:14 the way it is in many biblical translations, among others Norsk Bibel
(NB88) which translates, as an example, JOH 08:20 the following way: ‘When you
have elevated the Son of Man, you will understand that I am who I am.’ Mevik has
in the relation to this a biblically interesting and challenging commentary to Exodus
03:14. He maintains that the translation of this ‘in the very most Bibles is incorrect.’
This claim may and ought to be discussed, but I will not comment on it here. Instead
I will comment on Meveiks understanding of the absolute ‘I Am’ - words in John’s
Gospel. He understands it as a common, daily expression of identification, being ‘it
is me’ (with an explicitly understood predicate: ‘It is I who am the Messiah,’ and that
they here, like in other places in the in the Gospel where the Greek words ego eimi
are used, i.e. in Joh 09:09, it must be understood as a straight forward way of saying
‘it is I.’
Mevik does not mention in his contribution the Bible Society’s translation (NO 78
/ 85) of the words ‘I Am’ in the Gospel of John. But with his understanding of these
words as an everyday expression he will have to disagree with the translation that has
been chosen there, because the ‘I am’ in John 08:24, 08:28 and 13:19 are not
presented as a formula of identification ‘it is I,’ but with the expression ‘I am He.’
The translation ‘I am He’ marks that they do not consider the closest background for
these words to be found in Exodus 03:14, even if one may consider also this text as
an important background, but in the second part of the book of Isaiah, ISA 40-55.
Here the words ani hu are being used repeatedly in the Hebrew text. It means ‘I am
He,’ but it is traditionally translated ‘I am God’ in Norwegian translations, or it is
nearly made invisible. One exception is the Bible, the Word of God, also called the
Norwegian King James translation, which consistently translates ani hu with ‘I Am
Is God Christ
The Hebrew ani hu is on its own a variation of the formula ‘ani JHWH’ which
occurs hundreds of times in the OT, ref. for instance ISA 45:18, HOS 13:04 and JOE
‘I Am’ in Isaiah 40-55.
The ani hu and ani JHWH in Isaiah 40-55 works as a divine presentation formula:
God speaks this way when he confronts his people and represents himself as their
only God. Now it is of decisive importance to the understanding of the john’ish ‘I
Am’ - words to know how the ani hu is translated in the pre-Christian Greek translation of the Old Testament, Septuagint, because it is this Greek bible John mainly
uses when he quotes from or refers to the OT.
The situation is then that Septuagint in many places in the Book of Isaiah, among
others in ISA 41:04, 43:10, 43:25, 46:04, 48:12 and 52:06, translates the Hebrew ani
hu with the Greek ego eimi, in other words with the same words that are being used
in the original text of John 08:24, 08:28 and 13:19.
In the Greek Bible the absolute ego eimi - words seem to be used in a double function: It is on the one side used to present the God of Israel as their only true Rescuer
and Lord, ref. ISA 43:10-11, and at the same time they function as a divine name.
One such case is ISA 43:25 where the Hebrew text says: I Am ‘I Am He’ who deletes
your misdeeds (my translation), to Greek in a way that be repeated in this way in
English: I Am ‘I Am He who deletes your misdeeds.’
It is the same situation in ISA 51:12 where the Greek translation says: ‘I am the ‘I
Am He’ who comforts you.’
The special formula ani hu with variations also has an important position in Jewish
liturgies of festivities and is then used as a regular devine name functioning as a godproclamation.
NO 78 / 85 is not alone in translating the absolute ‘I Am’ - words in the Gospel of
John in light of the places in the Book of Isaiah where the Greek text translates the
Hebrew formula ani hu with ego eimi. A number of recent biblical translations do the
same. I also mean that in addition to the pure philosophical aspects there may also
be other reasons why this is a natural interpretation, but it will lead too far going into
that here.
The OT’s divine ‘I.’
If the ‘I Am’ - words of the fourth Gospel are translated on the basis of the above
mentioned places from the Book of Isaiah, it is the OT’s divine ‘I’ we meet in the
mouth of Jesus. Jesus uses the ‘I Am’ about himself in a way that was unthinkable
by the scribes of his time; God’s holy ‘I’ about himself. His ‘I’ is synonymous with
Is God Christ
the divine ‘I’ of the OT. This is, by the way, in line with a number of other words by
Jesus where he in a sovereign way takes the divine ‘I Am’ in his mouth, such as in
Matthews 11:28-30.
John the Evangelist is known to consciously use a number of expression with a
double meaning, as in JOH 03:08 where he uses the Greek word pneuma meaning
both spirit and wind, and in JOH 03:14 where he uses a word meaning both lifting
up and elevate.
It is well possible at the ‘I Am’ - words in the Gospel of John have a double sound
to them: They may on one hand function as Jesus’ everyday self-identification, and
translating them with ‘it is I’ is fully possible. On the other hand they may at the
same time function as a divine formula of presentation and revelation, and that will
necessitate a translation which to a greater extent preserves the majestic ‘I Am.’
No ‘mystical presentation.’
To those familiar with biblical traditions, this last divine dimension in Jesus’ ‘I Am’
will hardly be seen as especially mysterious, or as ‘a mystical proclamation,’ to use
Mevik’s words. Many will easily have understood what it is all about, and that Jesus
here spoke with an expression which God - and only him - uses in the Book of Isaiah
and which qualifies Jesus’ ‘I Am’ as God’s ‘I Am,’ ref. Jesus words about his being
a life’s unit with the Father in JOH 10:30, ‘I and the Father are one.’ Many understood that Jesus did something unheard of when he took the divine ‘I Am’ in his
mouth as a name the Father had given him, ref. JOH 17:12.
This was a straight forward blasphemous statement that according to the law of Moses was to be punished by death. Therefore Jesus’ audience reacted in line with the
situation as a reaction to his word: ‘Before Abraham, Am I.’ And therefore they took
up stones to throw at him. (JOH 08:58-59)
The ‘I Am’ - words in John is christology in a condensed and exceptionally deepplowing way!
An answer to ‘ego eimi — I Am.’
by Arne Jordly
Jesus had on many occasions tried to explain to the disciples that he would soon be
leaving them, and this caused sadness ans sorrow among them. Then Jesus in John
14:28, THE PACT, says to the disciples: ‘You have heard that I say: I go away, but
I shall come back for you. If you love me, you will be pleased that I go to my Father,
because my Father is greater than I.’ This Jesus said just before his death in the
year 33, almost 2000 years ago.
One thousand and twenty five years later, in 1957, Dr, Philos Valen-Senstad writes
in his doctrine of the trinity, point 24: ‘In this trinity nothing is first or last, nothing
greater or lesser.’ This statement is clearly in direct contradiction to what Jesus said
to his disciples just before he died. So, whom are we to believe? Are we to believe
our Rescuer Jesus Christ or are we to believe the philosopher Valen-Senstad?
Sad to say all of the Lutheran Church and the peoples living under the Lutheran
doctrines have taken a position against Christ in favor of Valen-Senstad! And this is
why such a great part of all Lutherans believe that God the Almighty and Jesus
Christ is the same person — in direct opposition to the message of the Bible! They
have come so far astray that they even impale God the Almighty! This philisophy
that Jesus himself says that he is God the Almighty every time he refers to his own
person, the so-called absolute ‘I Am,’ is one of mankind’s greatest misconceptions.
Because, if Jesus, directly in indirectly, would have claimed to be God the Almighty, the Jews would have been in their full right when they wanted to stone him
to death, because this was clearly in agreement with Moses’ law. (DEU 18:15) What
Jesus struggled to make the priesthood understand, and accept, was the fact that he
was God’s heavenly Son, the promised Messiah.
The pharisees tried to distort this to make it sound as if he claimed to be God the
Almighty. But most Lutherans side with the pharisees and claim that Jesus rightfully
maintained to be God the Almighty. They then refer to the false accusation against
him by the Jews and twist it into the truth! Read John 14:31-33, THE PACT: ‘Then
the Jews again took up stones to stone him with.’ But Jesus answered them: ‘Many
good deeds from my Father I have shown you. For which of these deeds do you
want to stone me?’ The Jews answered him, saying: ‘For a good deed we will not
stone you, but because of your blasphemy, and because you who are a man, make
yourself into God the Almighty!’ Can you in any way interpret this in such a way that
Jesus himself, directly or indirectly, here claims to be God the Almighty?
Then to the verses in John where assistant professor Gunnar Johnstad claims that
Jesus himself says that he is God the Almighty; verses JOH 04:26, 06:20, 08:24,
08:28, 08:58, 13:19 and 18:05-06:
Is God Christ
01. JOH 04:26, THE PACT: And Jesus said: ‘I who speak to you, I am he.’
JOH 04:26, NIV: Then Jesus declared: ‘I who speak to you am he.’
JOH 04:26, SHG: iesous lego: laleo eimi
jesus say speak I am
Here Jesus is conversing with the Samaritan woman. In the previous verse she says
to Jesus: ‘I know that the Messiah shall come — he who is to be called the Christ.
And when he comes, he shall explain everything.’ And then Jesus answers: ‘I who
speak to you, I am he.’
Here it takes a lot of fabling making Jesus into God the Almighty! What Jesus confirms to this woman, is that he is the Prophet whom God shall raise among his
people, (DEU 18:15) God’s Anointed, in Hebrew the Messiah, in Greek the Christ.
The prophecy of God’s Anointed, the Messiah, runs like a thread through all of the
First Pact, and then as the One God will send as a mediator between God and Man
(1TI 02:05) in order to bring mankind back into a right relation with God — that
which Adam destroyed through his disobedience!
Do you now realize how easy it is to be confused by human philosophy and false
02. JOH 06:20, THE PACT: But he said: ‘Do not be afraid.’
JOH 06:20, NIV:
He said to them: ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’
JOH 06:20, SHG:
lego: phobeo
The word lego in Greek is here a typical example of the personal pronoun being hidden in the verb, lego = he said. Here this is easily confirmed when you see the two
words lego: phobeo in Greek. Only THE PACT is correct here!
Again: Note that ‘I am’ is not used in this verse at all. It has been added by the zealous translators of the original King James version and then copied by later translators. And on this non-existent ‘I Am’ philosophers have created that Jesus here
confirms that he is God the Almighty. — There has got to be a limit in falsifying the
Bible, even to philosophers!
This is the story of when Jesus came walking on the water and scared the wits out of
the disciples. In Matthew 14:26 it says that they thought he was a ghost! Then it is
not so strange that he tried to calm them down by comforting them: ‘Do not be
afraid.’ That Jesus in this situation, and contrary to the Bible, should feel the need
to tell them that he was God the Almighty, becomes a contention so absurd that it is
almost inconceivable that normal people with wits and understanding have been led
this far astray — many of them by their own homemade philosophy!
Is God Christ
NB! Again note that it neither says ‘it is I’ nor ‘I Am He’ in this verse. It has been
added by champions of the ungodly teaching of the trinity who later have built an
extensive philosophy around this falsification!
03. J0H 08:24, THE PACT: ‘Therefore I said that you would die in your sins. And
if you will not believe that I am he whom I say I am, you shall remein dead in your
JOH 08:24, New International Version: ‘I told you that you would die in your sins;
if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your
JOH 08:24, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
epo apothnesko humon hamartia ean pisteo eimi apotnesko human hamartia
say die
your si
if believe I am die
your sin
And whom did Jesus claim to be? God’s only generated Son, the Messiah, of course!
Already in verse 26 he refers to the fact that ‘he who has sent me, is true!’ Also
note what he says about such who will not believe that he is God’s only generated
Son: ‘They shall die in their sin!’ But in the Greek text he says something more: If
they will not believe that he is the One he says he is, they shall remain dead in their
sins. He then refers to the second death. In other words, such people will not get a
ressurection! They will remain dead in their sins!
04. JOH 08:28, THE PACT: At that same time Jesus said: ‘When the Son of Man
(does he here refer to God the Almighty?) has been lifted up, you will understand
that I am the One I say I am. Because I do nothing on my own. But my Father has
taught me to say this.’ In reality: Can Jesus be his own Father?
JOH 08:28, NIV: So Jesus said: ‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you
will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak
just what the Father has thought me.’ This is also correct.
JOH 08:28, SHG: tate apo iesous: hotan hupsos huios antropos oun: ginosko eimi
poieo oudeis emauto pater didasko laleo tauta
This is from the same discussion with the pharisees where Jesus refers to his death
on the pole (Greek: stauros = pole, stich; stauroo = impale). Then they will have to
acknowledge that he is Jesus Christ, God’s heavenly Son, the promised Messiah.
And here he clearly states that he does nothing according to his own wish, but only
what his heavenly Father, God the Almighty, has thought him. Should this indicate
that Jesus is God the Almighty? No, such a claim is pure blasphemy! o they think
they will be blessed through making both God and Christ into liars?
Is God Christ
05. JOH 08:58, THE PACT: ‘This truth I tell you: From before Abraham am I.’
JOH 08:58, NIV: ‘I tell the truth,’ Jesus answered,’ before Abraham was born, I am.’
JOH 08:58, SHG: iesous epo: amen lego prin abraham eimi
This verse is special because it is the object of an incredible biblical fabling. Many
claim that Jesus here says directly that he is God the Almighty. That is far from the
case! Jesus here refers to his pre-earth existence as God’s heavenly Son, the promised Messiah. Most Scandinavian translations have falsified this, but not the American New International Version. But of course the original text is correct! Why?
After all the translations are not so far apart. In Scandinavian translations correct
grammar is: ‘From before Abraham have I been.’ And if this verse had been correctly translated based on Scandinavian grammar, we would have been freed from
all this fabling! But, sad to say, it is not in everybody’s interest to present the truth!
Many, such as Catholic priests and Lutheran ministers, depend on preaching the official teaching of the trinity to keep their jobs! Some of them even believe it!
Why is correct translation have been and not am? Scandinavian languages are constructed so that if they refer to something back in time, they say have been even if the
situation continues, and Jesus, after all, still exists! But that is not the way it is in
English, and neither in Greek. There correct text is am as long as the situation continues.
Therefore it is correct in both Greek and English to write I am. But in Scandinavian
languages the correct text is I have been.
A little example: In Norwegian Bondevik would have said: ‘I have been Prime
Minister for three years even if he is still the Prime Minister. That is correct grammar. But that is not how it is in English, and neither in Greek. In English Bush would
have said: ‘I am President for three years.’ Then we understand that his presidential
period is not over. If he had resigned after three years, he would have said: ‘I have
been President for three years.’ And then most English speaking persons would have
known that he is no longer the President.
Here English and Greek grammar are synoptic. Therefore Jesus says according to
correct Greek and English grammar: ‘From before Abraham am I.’
And no one will deny that Jesus still exists, even if he here refers to his heavenly
position as God’s first creation in the universe. Correct English is therefore:
‘From before Abraham am I.’ With correct Scandinavian grammar all Scandinavian
languages will write: ‘From before Abraham have I been.’
Is God Christ
This is nothing but elementary grammar which most of us learned in elementary or
junior high. But maybe this is too elementary for an assistant professor of philosophy? Many put all understanding aside when they open up the Bible, because then
it is time for fables! And that is why they call it philosophy.
Do you not realize how many times God in the Bible warns against this word’s wisdom? He calls it stupidity! (1CO 01:19-21)
06. JOH 13:19, THE PACT: ‘When I say this before it happens, it is because when
it happens, you shall know that I am he.’
JOH 13:19, NIV: ‘I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am He.’ Confusing! They had it correct before.
JOH 13:19, SHG: arti lego pro ginomai hotan ginomai pisteuo eimi
Through capitalizing ‘He’ here NIV falls into the same quagmire as the teachers of
the trinity trying to make Jesus into God the Almighty. But here Jesus tells the
disciples about Judas’ treason against him, which shocked the disciples because Judas was one of them. Jesus refers to the prophecy in Psalms 41:09. He says that he
tells them beforehand so that they will know that it is him this prophecy is all about,
he whom Judas lifts his heel against. It really takes a lot of philosophy to twist this
into Jesus claiming to be God the Almighty!
If you study the Greek text a bit closer, you will see that it does not say ego eimi
there, but only eimi. This is because the personal pronoun ego is only used in Greek
if the the ego is to be accentuated, which is not the case in this verse nor in any of the
other verses throughout the whole Bible! The personal pronoun is understood
through the conjugation of the verb. So strictly speaking it does not say He in the
Greek text; the last word of the English translation. It may be interesting to know that
when translating from Greek to English you need to use more than double the
number of words. The Greek text consists of about 90 000 words, but to translate into
English you need more than 200 000 words. One reason for this is that many of the
short words such as prepositions and personal pronouns are presented through the
conjugation of the verb and are therefore omitted in the text. The ancient Koiné does
neither contain the indefinite article, something the wrong translations of JOH 01:01
have not taken into consideration.
07. JOH 18:05-06, THE PACT:
JOH 18:05. They replied: ‘Jesus from Nazareth.’ And Jesus said: ‘I am he.’ And
Judas, he who was to surrender him, came together with them.
JOH 18:06. When Jesus said: ‘I am he,’ they pulled back from him and fell to the
Is God Christ
JOH 18:05-06, New International Version:
JOH 18:05.
‘Jesus of Nazaret,’ they replied. ‘I am he,’ Jesus said. (And Judas
the traitor was standing there with them.)
JOH 18:06.
When Jesus said, ‘I am he,’ they drew back and fell to the ground.
JOH 18:05-06, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
JOH 18:05.
apikrinimai iesous nazareth iesous lego: eimi ioudas kai ho paradidomi histemi
JOH 18:06.
oun epo: eimi aperchomai eis ho opiso pipto chamai
Also this seventh and last time where it is claimed that Jesus says that he is God the
Almighty, is easy to understand for he who wants to understand the biblical truth and
put all philosophy and fabling aside.
The Priests and the soldiers led by Judas are out looking for Jesus to arrest him.
Jesus, who knew that he had to suffer this, then stood forth asking them: ‘Whom are
you looking for.’ They answered: ‘Jesus from Nazareth.’ Jesus then confirms that he
is Jesus from Nazareth by saying: ‘I am he,’ or ‘He is I.’ Either way is correct grammar, but it has nothing to do with Jesus saying he is God the Almighty or not saying
he is God the Almighty. He simply confirms in a neutral way that he is Jesus from
Nazareth! After all, none of them were looking for God the Almighty.
So simple and so clear is the biblical truth! But people who, based on their own
philosophy, wishes to present Jesus as God the Almighty must resort to many tricks
and distortions to try and make their philosophy fall in place. And in contradiction
to God’s truth they lead many people astray! And they feel so clever in doing it!
Listen to what Jesus says in John 17:03, THE PACT: ‘And this is a life in ages: To
know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, he whom you have sent.’
Firstly, if God sent Christ, can then Christ be God? Secondly, can you say that you
really know two persons if you do not even know the difference between them?
So back to the beginning of this writ:
The Rescuer Jesus Christ says that his Father is greater than he. The philosophy of
the trinity by Valen-Senstad turns Jesus into a liar by contradicting him and saying
that he is just as great as God the Almighty, yes, in fact he says that he is God the
Almighty! (Point 24 and point 11 and 16) Whom are we to believe, our Rescuer
Jesus Christ or the philosopher of the Norwegian State Church Valen-Senstad? Or
are we to believe assistant professor Gunnar Johnstad who is so pleased with his own
philosophy that he calls it ‘christology in a condensed and deep-plowing way?’
Excuse me, but in relation to the biblical truth such claims are and will remain
nothing but philosophical rubbish!
Is God Christ
But how can I explain this: When Jesus confirmed to the Jews who he was, they fell
to the ground in reverence. Does not this clearly show that they considered him to be
God the Almighty? No, such a claim would have been ridiculous and blasphempous
to all Jews! Most Jews considered Jesus to be nothing but the son of Joseph the
Carpenter. But many who had experienced his many good deeds from his Father, had
a profound respect for him. This can refer to nothing but that respect.
It was mostly the priests and the pharisees, the Jewish leadership, who wanted to get
rid of Jesus, because to them he was a threat! And why was he a threat to them?
They were all worried about their positions of power! And is not that how it also is
today? But most people, the Jews in general, showed a great respect for Jesus and his
many good deeds to them. So their falling to the ground in reverence has nothing to
do with their believing that he was God the Almighty! There has got to be a limit
even to philosophers.
In Ephesians 01:17 it says that God is also Christ’s God, the same way he is our God.
Jesus confirmed this when he died on the pole: ‘My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?’ Or — was it all nothing but a fool’s play? Did he call upon himself?
Many champions of the trinity claim that is was God who died on the pole. Such a
claim becomes ludicrous, yes, pure blasphemy, because if you use common sense
instead of philosophical nonsense, the consequences of such a claim must be that a
dead rose a dead from the grave! Can that have happened? No, it says quite clearly
that it was God the Almighty who raised his only generated Son Jesus Christ from
the dead!
Read Acts 02:24, 10:40, 13:30, Galatians 01:21 and First Peter, among many others!
Can you, after having read these biblical verses, still maintain that it was God the
Almighty who died on the pole / cross?
All verses in John where Jesus says ‘I am.’
An answer to a feature by assistant professor at NLA, Gunnar Johnstad, in the
newspaper Dagen on the 30. of October 2003.
By Arne Jordly
In a feature in Dagen John Mevik comments on the understanding of the translation
of the so-called ‘I Am’ - words in the Message after John (Greek: ego eimi) where
it is presented in an absolute form without following predicates or compliments,
separating the seven ‘I Am’ - words in the same message which has a closer definition: ‘I am the bread of life, I am the light of the world,’ etc. The absolute ‘I
Am’ - verses in John refers to 04:26, 06:20, 08:24, 08:28, 08:58, 13:19 and 18:05-06.
Here assistant professor Gunnar Johnstad claims that Jesus uses the expression I am
only seven times in addition to the seven times he uses the absolute I am without
following predicate or compliment. Does Jesus only say I am 14 times in the messagre after John? We shall see. And what about the other messages? Not a single
time? Not once?
All these verses are presented from the Greek text, from Strong’s Hebrew / Greek.
Where NIV is not using I am where it is being used in the Greek text, is accsentuated with a star and separate comment. Verses that make up the so-called absolute
I am are numbered and emphasized.
All references are from THE PACT.
JOH 04:26
JOH 06:35
JOH 06:48
JOH 06:51
JOH 07:28
JOH 07:29
JOH 07:33
JOH 07:34
JOH 08:12
JOH 08:16
JOH 08:18
01 And Jesus said: ‘I who speak to you, I am he.’*
02 ‘I am the bread of life. —’
03 ‘I am the bread of life. —’
04 ‘I am the living bread that has come down from the
heavens. —’
‘— So you know me and you know where I came* from.’
*where I am from
‘I know him, because I come* from him, and it is he who
has sent me.’
*I am from him
‘Yet another short time I will be* among you. And then I
will go away to him who has sent me.’ *I am among you
‘— for where I am going to be,* you cannot come.’
*where I am
‘— I am the light of the world. —’
‘I am not alone about it. I am with my Father about it, —’
‘I am not the one to testify* about myself. But my Father,
he who has sent me, testifies about me.’ *I am a witness
Is God Christ
JOH 08:23
JOH 08:24
JOH 08:28
JOH 08:58
JOH 09:05
JOH 10:07
JOH 10:09
JOH 10:11
JOH 10:14
JOH 11:25
JOH 12:26
JOH 13:13
JOH 13:19
JOH 13:33
JOH 14:03
JOH 14:06
JOH 14:09
JOH 15:01
JOH 15:05
JOH 16:32
JOH 17:11
JOH 17:14
JOH 17:16
‘— I am from up there. You are of this world, but I am not
of this world.’
02 ‘— And if you will not believe that I am he* whom I
say I am, you shall remain dead in your sins.’
*He with a capital letter is a falsification
03 ‘— When the Son of Man has been lifted up, you will
understand that I am the one* I say I am.’
*He with a capital letter is a falsification
04 ‘From before Abraham was, I am.’
‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’
‘I am the gate of the sheep.’
‘I am the door, —’
‘I am the good shepherd, —’
‘I am the good shepherd, —’
‘I am the resurrection to life, —’
‘— and where I am, shall also my servant be.’
‘For you call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you speek correctly, because that I am.’
05 ‘— because when it happens, you shall know that I am
*He with a capital letter is a falsification
Children, I will stay* with you for a little while, as I said to
the Jews. —’
*I am with you
And when I have* gone and prepared a place for you, I will
return and take you with me, —’
*when I am gone
‘I am the way to the truth and to life, —’
How long have I been* with you? And then you do not
know me, Philip? —’ *I am, because Jesus is still with
them, even if only for a short time.
NB! Here ‘I am’ has by NIV been translated with ‘I have
been,’ in full accordance with correct grammar. Why, then,
has NIV not translated JOH 08:58 in the same way when it
says the same in the Greek text?
‘I am the true vine, —’
‘I am the vine, you are the branches, —’
‘— Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.’
‘I will no longer stay* in the world.
*Here Jesus uses the expression I am in Greek, because he
is still in this world, if only for a short time. The Greek text
is constantly consistent here, even if translators may not be.
Remain or stay is still grammatically correct based on a
modern English usage.
‘— as neither I am of this world.’
‘— as neither I am of this world.’
Is God Christ
JOH 18:05
JOH 18:08
JOH 18:37
06 They replied: ‘Jesus from Nazareth.’ And Jesus said: ‘I
am he.’*
*He with a capital letter is a falsification
07 ‘I have told you that I am he.’*
*He with a capital letter is a falsification
‘— I am king, —’
NB! Pay special attention to verse 06:20. New International Version has translated
it in this way: ‘It is I. Do not be afraid.’ This is the eighth so-called absolute time
Jesus says I Am. And based on this assistant professor Gunnar Johnstad claims that
Jesus is God the Almighty.
That cannot possibly be correct because the short sentence ‘it is I’ has been added
during translation. It does not exist in the Greek text. There it only says: ‘Do not be
afraid.’ In Greek: lego: phobeo.
Jesus uses the expression I Am, Greek eimi, and not ego eimi, as many as 41 times
in the message after John, and not just 14, of which 7 are the so-called absolute ‘I
am,’ as assistant professor Gunnar Johnstad claims through his philosophy.
Jesus does not say ego eimi one single time in the Greek text, because I am in Greek
is eimi. The personal pronoun is hidden in the verb. But ego eimi is also being used
in the ancient Greek language when the ego is to be accentuated. An example: ‘I am
clever, not you.’ And from there the expression an egotist.
In every other situation the personal pronoun ego is hidden in the conjugation of the
word eimi.
Will you still claim that Jesus has ever presented himself as God the Almighty?
Three Words
yehovah, yehuwdah, yehowshuwa'
Word 01: yehovah
Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
Genesis 02:04. 'el-leh towledah shamayim 'erets bara' yowm yehovah 'elohiym 'asah
'erets shamayim
Genesis 02:04, NIV: ‘This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they
were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, —
The first time God’s proper name Jehovah is being used in the Bible, is in Genesis
02:04. As you see God’s name Jehovah is not being used in the translation of the
New International Version. It is translated Lord, but written in capital letters LORD.
God’s name is neither being used in any other English or American translations
unknown for what reason. One honest exception is the New World Translation by
Jehovah’s Witnesses. Does the name Jehovah mean Lord? Not at all!
The meaning of God’s proper name is as follows:
Yehovah, yeh-ho-vaw'; from (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish
national name of God:--Jehovah.
Yes, this was an explanation as to who Jehovah is, but not the full meaning of his
name. It was not until in Exodus 03:14, when Moses asked whom he was to tell had
sent him, that God explained the meaning of his name.
Exodus 03:14, SHG: 'elohiym 'amar mosheh hayah hayah 'amar koh 'amar ben
yisra'el hayah shalach
Exodus 03:14-15, New International Version:
EXO 03:14.
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM.* This is what you are to say
to the Israelites: `I AM has sent me to you.`"
EXO 03:15.
God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD,* the
God of your fathers - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the
God of Jacob - has sent me to you.` This is my name forever, the
name by which I am to be remembered from generation to
[* The Hebrew for <LORD> sounds like and may be derived from
the Hebrew for <I AM> in verse 14.]
Three Words
Here is the explanation of the meaning of God’s name Jehovah:
hayah, haw-yaw'; a prim. root; to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always
emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):– beacon, X altogether, be (-come,
accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint,
fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use.
Note that the word ‘hayah’ is being used in as many as 1114 verses in the First Pact.
It is only when it is being used twice after each other that it makes up the full meaning of God’s proper name Jehovah. And note the bold text. Here it says that the
meaning of God’s name can never be an auxiliary, but always an active verb. Therefore the meaning of God’s name cannot be ‘I am,’ which is a passive auxiliary, but
‘to do, fulfill or accomplish.’ By using the word ‘hayah’ twice after each other, it is
repeated and strengthened, so that the full meaning of God’s proper name, Jehovah,
is: ‘I shall fulfill, I shall fulfill,’ Or even more thorough: ‘I shall fulfill what I have
determined to fulfill.’ The claim that the meaning of God’s name is based on the
Greek ego eimi does therefore not agree with reality. God’s name has never been
But what about the forms of Jahve or Javeh? Even if it is maintained that the form
Jahveh is preferred by Jewish traditions, none of these two forms are being used in
the original text, ref. Strong’s Hebrew / Greek. God’s proper name, Jehovah, is used
as many as 6528 times in 5522 verses in the Hebrew text. The short version of God’s
name, yahh, is used as many as 52 times in 48 verses. And the expression Jehovah
God, yehovah elohiym, is uses as many as 915 times in 838 verse and the expression
the Lord Jehovah, yehovih adonai, 299 times in 289 verses. Note that the spelling of
God’s name then is yehovih. This is because of a Hebrew sound rule when the word
yehovah is used together with the word adonai, lord, meaning the Lord Jehovah, in
Hebrew adonai Jehovih.
Word 02: yehuwdah
Strong’s Hebrew / Greek:
Genesis 29:35. harah 'owd yalad ben 'amar pa'am 'attah yadah yehovah 'al ken qara'
shem yehuwdah 'amad yalad
New International Version:
GEN 29:35. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "This
time I will praise the LORD." So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having
children. [<Judah> sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for <praise.>]
COMMENTARY: This is the first time the word yehowdah is used in the Bible.
Judah, Hebr. yehowdah, was Jacob’s fourth son with Leah, and Leah chose this name
because now ‘I will praise Jehovah.’ And thereby she named her fourth son Judah,
Three Words
Hebr, yehowdah, which means ‘one who praises Jehovah.’ Here we lose all details
if we just translate yehowdah with ‘praising the Lord.’ The contention that the name
sounds like the Hebrew name for praise is then at the best a way of explaining away
the name Jehovah, and at worst it is a direct lie!
The word Jew is derived from this word, because all physical Jews are descendants
from Judah. It has the exact same meaning, although in Hebrew written with some
different letters. The first time the word yehowdah (yehudiy) is uses as a reference
to a people, the Jews, is in Esther 02:05.
Esther 02:05. shuwshan biyrah 'iysh yehuwdiy shem mordekay ben ya'iyr ben
shim'iy ben qiysh ben-yemiyniy
3064. Yehuwdiy, yeh-hoo-dee'; patron. from H3063; a Jehudite (i.e. Judaite or Jew),
or desc. of Jehudah (i.e. Judah):--Jew.
The New International Version:
EST 02:05. ‘Now there was in the citadel of Susa a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin,
named Mordecai son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, —’ [the grandson
of Kish. Mordecai was most likely of King Saul’s semen, ref. 1SA 09:01-02.
Word 03: yehowshuwa’
Strongs hebrew / greek:
Mattew 01:21. tikto tikto huios kaleo onoma iesous sozo laos hamartia
2424. Iesous, ee-ay-sooce'; of Heb. or. [H3091]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of
our Lord and two (three) other Isr.:--Jesus.
MAT 01:21. She will have a Son and you shall give him the name Jesus* because he
will save his people from their sins. *Iesous, Gr. = Jehowshua (Joshua), Hebr. =
Jehovah’s Rescuer.
Yes, here we see the Greek version of the name Jesus, Iesous. But it was not the
Greek version the messenger Gabriel (God’s strong man) commanded them to call
Jesus, but the Hebrew version. And it was just because of the meaning of that word
in Hebrew that Gabriel told Joseph what name to give Jesus, which was the long
version yehowshuva, most often abbreviated Joshua, which translated from Hebrew
to English means Jehovah’s Rescuer.
And then we understand why this messenger brought this command to Joseph after
having received the information from God the Almighty.
Three Words
We also know Joshua as the one who led the Sons of Israel into the promised land.
This Joshua was a model after Jesus, Joshua, who to an even grater extent was to
lead his people into ‘the promised land.’
The first time we hear the name yehowshuwa in the Bible is in Exodus 17:09.
Exodus 17:09, SHG:
mosheh 'amar yehowshuwa' bachar 'enowsh yatsa' lacham 'amaleq machar natsab 'al
ro'sh gib'ah matteh 'elohiym: yad
yehowshuwa', yeh-ho-shoo'-ah; or Yehowshu'a, yeh-ho-shoo'-ah; Jehovah saved;
Jehoshua (i.e. Joshua), the Jewish leader:– Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua.
Note that these three words have the same basic origin!
In Hebrew both the word Jesus and the word Jehowdah (Jew) have the name Jehovah in them. Therefore it is not difficult to understand that the word Jehovah is the
original version of God’s proper name simply because it has the same basis as the
two other words that there are no contention about. Then it also becomes easier to
understand Paul’s statement in Romans 02:29 about who is a true Jew, in other words
‘someone who truly praises Jehovah,’ and in Philippians 02:09 where Paul says
about Jesus: ‘Therefore has God elevated him and given him the name (the act)
above all names.’
And the name was Jehowshua, Jehovah’s Rescuer. By replacing God’s proper name
Jehovah with Lord one will lose a correct and detailed understanding of this.
Every interpretation of the Bible which is not based on a correct understanding, is false teaching!
The second of four cornerstones to a mature understanding of the Bible:
A Satan’s Lie!
Straight to the point: What is a soul? Is it visible or invisible? Can it die, or is
it immortal? Here you will find an explanation so thorough that if you are
willing to accept the biblical facts, you will never more let yourself be confused
about this!
In the Hebrew scriptures the word soul (Hebr. nephesh) is being used as many as 749
times, the first time in Genesis 01:20 where all the creatures teaming in the sea are
spoken of as souls.
THE PACT writes soul in total accordance with the original text. Both KJ-1611 and
NIV have omitted the word soul and write creature.
And in this way they are instrumental in hiding the real meaning of the word soul to
the reader.
GEN 01:21, NIV: ‘So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and
moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged
bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.’
GEN 01:21, SHG: ‘elohiym bara’ gadowl tamiyn
kol chay
create great
seacreature all living soul
mayim sharats sharats sharats miyn
kol kanaph miyn
move (swim) sea
shoal shoal shoal species all wing species
‘elohiym ra’ah gadowl
GEN 01:21, THE PACT: ‘Then God created the great sea creatures and all living
souls that swim in shoals in the sea, according to their species, and all winged birds
according to their species. And God saw that it was good!’
I will not include all the 749 times nephesh (soul) is being used in the Hebrew text,
but I will present the word in those verses that are most important for a correct
In the Greek text the word psuche (soul) is being used 105 times; the first time in
Matthew 02:20 where the boy Jesus is referred to as a soul.
A Satan’s Lie!
MAT 02:20, NIV: ‘— and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the
land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead.’”
MAT 02:20, SHG: lego egeiro paralambano paidion paidion meter poreuomai
say rise take
child child mother go
eis ge israel thnesko ho zeteo paidion paidion psuche
to land israel dead
who seek child
child soul
MAT 02:20, THE PACT: ‘He said to him: ‘Get ready! Take with you mother and
child and return to the land Israel, for those who were seeking the child’s soul, are
now dead.’
I will use NIV as an example. In the First Pact the Hebrew word for soul, nephesh,
is used 749 times in 672 verses. In its translation of the First Pact NIV only write
soul 105 times in 94 verses and always where it is not quite clar what the soul is —
something invisible and immortal hocus-pocus that runs out of us when we die, or
the living being itself.
In the New Pact the Greek word for soul, psuche, is used 110 times in 108 verses. In
its translation NIV only writes soul 19 times in 17 verses, and always where it is not
quite clear what the soul is — something invisible and immortal hocus-pocus that
runs out of us when we die, or the living being itself.
Why, then, is it so difficult to accept a correct understanding of this word? Is it not
because the common interpretation of the soul as something invisible and immortal
represents Satan’s first lie? — How come?
Listen to what Satan said to Eve in GEN 03:04: ‘You will not at sall die.’ It is this
statement Jesus refers to when he in JOH 08:44 calls Satan ‘the father of lies,’ because this was this world’s very first lie! And for mankind to believe this lie Satan
has invented the myth of the immortal soul. It is also this Paul refers to when he in
First Timothy 04:07 asks ut to ‘reject ungodly myths as nonsense from old women.’
JOH 08:44, THE PACT: ‘Because you have the Devil for a father, and you long to
do your father’s will. He was a mankiller from the beginning, and he did not keep to
the truth, because there was no truth in him. When he tells lies, he speaks of himself,
for he is the father of lies.’ Contrary to Satan, what did God say about death after Eve
had believed in Satan’s lie and also enticed Adam to do the same?
GEN 03:19, THE PACT:
‘With sweat in your face
you shall eat your bread
until you are back in the earth,
A Satan’s Lie!
because from it you were taken!
From dust you were taken
and to dust you shall return!
Here God explains to the last grain of dust what it means to die! And without doubt
it is much more pleasant to believe in Satan’s cunning lie than in God’s stone hard,
but clear, condemnation!
What really happens when a man goes into decay? Is it true that we return to earth?
Yes, indeed! It has now been scientifically proved what components a body returns
to when it goes into decay — we return to many of the components that earth, mud
and clay consist of!
In Derek M. Marley’s booklet Dead, then what? (page 12-13) this is presented in an
interesting way. And I quote as closely to the original text as possible: ‘In an average
man of 75 kilos there is enough water to fill a barrel of 50 liters, enough fat to make
seven pieces of soap, enough carbon to make seven pencils, enough phosphorus to
make 2200 matches, enough magnesium to salt in your porridge, enough iron for an
average size nail, enough calcium to lime a small lawn and enough sulphur to delouse a dog.’ And all these ingredients are found in the earth!
Then back to Genesis 02:07. It says: ‘And Jehovah God formed man from the dust
of the earth and blew the breath of life in through his nose, so that the man became
a living soul.’ It says that Adam became a living soul, not that he got a living soul!
But here NIV is guilty of two major falsifications: First they skip the first word of
this sentence, Jehovah. And then they wrongly translate the last word of the verse to
being where the Hebrew text says soul. It is a good example of people adhering to
Satan’s first lie! And in that way they hide the fact that the souls is the very living
being, man or animal — any living creature on this earth that needs blood to sustain
life whether that blood is white, red or blue!
Most clearly you see this in GEN 09:04, THE PACT: ‘But flesh of a soul with its
blood in it, you shall not eat.’ Any clearer than this it cannot be said that a soul consists of flesh and blood! And nothing consisting of flesh and blood can be neither
invisible nor immortal! Also here NIV confuses the reader: ‘But you must not eat
meat that has its lifeblood in it.’
GEN 09:04, SHG: basar
nephesh dam achal
flesh (meat) soul
blood devour
GEN 09:04, THE PACT: But flesh of a soul with its blood in it, you must not eat.
Do you now realize how consciously NIV avoids using the word soul in verses where
it is clear that the soul is either a person or an animal of flesh and blood? And they
A Satan’s Lie!
are not alone. Most translators eagerly adhere to Satan’s first lie! And because of this
most people believe that the soul is something invisible and immortal that people
walk around with inside themselves! That is nothing but an ungodly myth! It is a
Satan’s lie!
The immortal soul’s eternal torment in an everlasting burning hell!
Where does hell fit into all this? Well, that is evident, because without an immortal
soul there cannot be an eternal torment — long lasting, maybe, but not forever! And
thereby no eternal torment in a burning hell!
So, where do the doctrine of hell come from? Well, first it builds on a lack of understanding that when Jesus explained something, he always explained in pictures! Besides, it was not in the interest of the Pope, the origin of this false teaching, to correct this. Because of mankind’s fear of ending up in hell, the money binges of the
Pope were filled to the rim.
The priests traveled around selling forgiveness of sins, absolution, to the ignorant
people of the Middle Ages — and they could charge almost anything for a so-called
letter of absolution! And this people believed in! I have many times called this the
world’s greatest business idea! Read Second Thessalonians 02:01-12.
From the Hebrew Scriptures
In the Hebrew scriptures we read about the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Hinnom’s sons’
Valley) 13 times in 11 verses. I include all of these verses so that you will clearly
understand the picture Jesus refers to when he talks about this:
JOS 15:08, NIV: ‘Then it ran up the Valley of Ben Hinnom along the southern
slope of the Jebusite city (that is, Jerusalem). From there it climbed to the top of the
hill west of the Hinnom Valley at the northern end of the Valley of Rephaim.’
Here we see that this valley is situated near what at that time was Jebus, a city of the
Jebusites, the group of people that lived in the city of that district. And that city later
became Jerusalem. Ben Hinnom’s Valley is in other words situated just south of
JOS 18:16, NIV: ‘The boundary went down to the foot of the hill facing the Valley
of Ben Hinnom, north of the Valley of Rephaim. It continued down the Hinnom
Valley along the southern slope of the Jebusite city and so to En Rogel.’
Here Joshua describes the borders of the region allotted to Israel’s son Judah, later
called Judea.
A Satan’s Lie!
2KI 23:10, NIV: ‘He desecrated Topheth, which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom,
so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in* the fire to Molech.’
[* Or <to make his son or daughter pass through>]
Now we are beginning to see the contours of the ‘hell’ which Jesus referred to in is
parables. It was here the Canaaneans had their places of sacrifice where they sacrificed their firstborn sons on the fire of the altar to the idol Molech. In other words
this was an altar to the idol Molech where they sacrificed human beings — their firstborn sons.
This was a pagan ritual, probably a misunderstanding of God’s command that all
who opened the womb, all firstborn sons, were to belong to him. (EXO 13:02) This
was in anticipation of God’s firstborn Jesus Christ. And it was in order to fulfill this
commandment Jesus was taken to Jerusalem as a boy and presented in the temple.
(LUK 02:22)
Have you read God’s promise to Abraham that he was only to take over the land
when the evil of the sons of Canaan had reached its full measure? (GEN 15:16) And
these child offerings developed to such an extent that the time was well ripe when
the sons of Israel entered the region and drove the original inhabitants away — those
who were not killed. Only a few were allowed to remain, and then as servants.
2CH 28:03, NIV: ‘He burned sacrifices in the Valley of Ben Hinnom and sacrificed his sons in the fire, following the detestable ways of the nations the LORD*
had driven out before the Israelites.’
We see that King Ahaz followed the customs of the pagans, the Canaaneans. He did
what was evil in the eyes of Jehovah.
05. 2CH 33:06, NIV: ‘He sacrificed his sons in* the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced sorcery, divination and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD,* provoking him to anger.’
[* Or <He made his sons pass through>]
Again we see that this valley was the place of much idolatry and sorcery, all which
were evil in the eyes of Jehovah. And the king representing this evil is now Manasseh. It says that he drove Jehovah to anger. And this king, as many of the kings of
Israel, was one of Jesus’ forefathers. Especially therefore Jehovah was angered.
NEH 11:30, NIV: ‘Zanoah, Adullam and their villages, in Lachish and its fields, and
A Satan’s Lie!
in Azekah and its settlements. So they were living all the way from Beersheba to the
Valley of Hinnom.’
Here we hear about some of the sons of Israel and where they settled — all the way
from Beersheba in the north to the Valley of Ben Hinnom in the south.
JER 07:31, NIV: ‘ They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben
Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire - something I did not command,
nor did it enter my mind.’
God states in a clear way that such child offerings had never been in his mind. This
was not the way it was to be just because all the firstborn were to belong to him!
They were, of course, not to be sacrificed in the fire, but just presented before God
the way Jesus was when he was twelve years old.
JER 07:32, NIV: ‘So beware, the days are coming, declares the LORD*, when
people will no longer call it Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley
of Slaughter, for they will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room.’
This prophecy by Jeremiah had been fulfilled at the time of Jesus. Those who did not
get a burial place in any other place, were buried here, ref. the two robbers who died
together with Jesus. They were simply thrown into the fire without any form of
funeral! The valley was also the place of a great slaughter when King Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem.
JER 19:02, NIV: ‘— and go out to the Valley of Ben Hinnom, near the entrance of
the Potsherd Gate. There proclaim the words I tell you, —’
And the proclamation was a message of doom by God over the sons of Israel. And
this refers to King Nebuchadnezzar’s second attack on Jerusalem where the last king
of King David’s semen was captured and led to Babylon together with his eight sons.
They were all slaughtered by King Nebuchadnezzar.
10. JER 19:06, NIV: ‘So beware, the days are coming, declares the LORD,* when
people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the
Valley of Slaughter.’
And this happened after the Jews returned from Babylon. But as we shall see, the
valley retained it original name in the Greek language.
A Satan’s Lie!
JER 32:35, NIV: ‘They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to
sacrifice their sons and daughters* to Molech, though I never commanded, nor did
it enter my mind, that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin.’
[* Or <to make their sons and daughters pass through [the fire]>]
This was the last of the 11 verses where the expression ben Hinnom’s Valley is used
in the First Pact. As you see it was clearly a pagan place of sacrifice of living human
beings, mostly children, in the fire. It is this picture Jesus refers to in his parables!
This valley was declared unclean by the godfearing King Josiah. (2KI 23:10) As time
passed it developed into the garbage dump of Jerusalem. And that was the situation
at the time of Jesus when also the two robbers where thrown into Gehenna.
NB! I have chosen to include only the verses where the Valley of Ben Hinnom,
the valley of the sons of Hinnom, is mentioned directly. But to get a full understanding of the picture Jesus is using, it may be smart to read some verses both
before and after.
From the Greek Scriptures
We will further take a closer look at the Greek scriptures and those verses where Jesus uses this constantly burning garbage dump as a picture. In Greek this valley was
called Ge-Hinnom or Geenna (Gehenna). It is referred to in 12 verses in the New
Pact. I will first present the text of the New International Version and then compare
it to the text of THE PACT.
MAT 05:22, NIV: ‘But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother* will be
subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, `Raca,+` is answerable
to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, `You fool!` will be in danger of the fire of
*correct: Gehenna
[* Some manuscripts <brother without cause>]
[+ An Aramaic term of contempt]
I will also present the Greek text of this first verse:
MAT 05:22, SHG: lego pas -ho orgizo adelphos eike
say all who angry brother no cause no cause guilty
hos -an epo adelphos rhaka enochos sunedrion hos -an epo moros
judgment who that say brother raca guilty sanhedrin who that say moron
enochos genna
guilty gehenna fire
A Satan’s Lie!
MAT 05:22, THE PACT: ‘But I say: Anyone who gets angry with a brother for no
reason and calls his brother ‘raca’ is guilty before the Sanhedrin. And he who calls
him a moron, is guilty to the fire of Gehenna.’*
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
Yes, here we see for the first time that the Valley og Ben Hinnom, Hebr. and GeHinnom or Gehenna, Greek, is made into a burning hell! And let us get it straight
right away — the word hell does not exist in any original biblical connection! It has
been construed! And, as you can also see, it is not the name of a condition — it is a
place name.
It is the name of the valley south of Jerusalem that was made into the garbage dump
of the city!
We will take a closer look at the other places where Ge-Hinnom, or Gehenna, has
been made into a burning hell:
MAT 05:29, NIV: ‘If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it
away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to
be thrown into hell.’*
*correct: Gehenna
MAT 05:29, THE PACT: ‘If your right eye leads you to stumble, then gauge it out
and throw it away. For it is better to lose a part of your body than to be thrown into
* the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
MAT 05:30, NIV: ‘And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it
away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to
go into hell.’*
*correct: Gehenna
MAT 05:30, THE PACT: ‘And if your hand leads you to stumble, then cut it off and
throw it away. For it is better to lose a part of your body than to have your whole
body thrown into the fire of Gehenna.’*
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
MAT 10:28, NIV: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the
soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body* in hell.**
*prevent anybody from getting a life in ages **correct: Gehenna
MAT 10:28, THE PACT: ‘Do not be afraid of those who can only destroy the body,
but not the soul. Rather pay respect to him who can throw both body and soul in
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
A Satan’s Lie!
MAT 18:09, NIV: ‘And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.
It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into
the fire of hell.’*
*correct: Gehenna
MAT 18:09, THE PACT: ‘And if your eye tempts you to stumble, then tear it out and
throw it away. For it is better to enter life with one eye, than to have two eyes and be
thrown into the fire of Gehenna.’*
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem where the fire was always sustained
MAT 23:15, NIV: ‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you
make him twice as much a son of hell* as you are.’
*correct: sons of Gehenna — such who are destined to be discarded by God
MAT 23:15, THE PACT: ‘Grieve, you teachers of the law and you pharisees — you
hypocrites. For you travel across sea and dry land to convert a proselyte,* and when
you find him, you make him a son of Gehenna** twice as strongly as you are yourselves.’ *one who has been converted to Judaism **the garbage dump south of
Jerusalem. Sons of Gehenna are such who will be discarded by God.
MAT 23:33, NIV: ‘You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being
condemned to hell?’*
*correct: Gehenna
MAT 23:33, THE PACT: ‘You snakes. You brood of vipers. How can you escape
the judgement of Gehenna?’*
*the grabage dump south of Jerusalem.
The judgement of Gehenna = being discarded by God as waste.
MAR 09:43, NIV: ‘If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to
enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell,* where the fire never goes out,
*correct: Gehenna
MAR 09:43, THE PACT: ‘If your hand makes you stumble, cut it off. For it is better
to wander into ageous life as a cripple, than to have two hands and be thrown into the
fire of Gehenna* which is never quenched.’
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem where the fire was always sustained
MAR 09:45, NIV: ‘And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you
to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell.’*
*correct: Gehenna
A Satan’s Lie!
MAR 09:45, THE PACT: ‘And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. For it
is better to wander into a life in ages as a cripple, than to legs and be thrown into the
fire of Gehenna* which is never quenched.’
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem where the fire was always sustained
MAR 09:47, NIV: ‘And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you
to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into
*correct: Gehenna
MAR 09:47, THE PACT: ‘If your eye makes you stumble, then tear it out. For it is
better to wander into the Realm of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be
thrown into the fire of Gehenna.’*
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
LUK 12:05, NIV: ‘But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after
the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell.* Yes, I tell you, fear him.’
*correct: Gehenna
LUK 12:06, THE PACT: ‘Let me show you whom you ought to fear: Fear him who,
after he has killed, also have the right to throw you into Gehenna.’*
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
JAC 03:06, NIV: ‘The tongue is also a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the
body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of life on fire, and is itself
set on fire by hell.’*
*correct: Gehenna
JAC 03:06, THE PACT: ‘Also the tongue is like a fire — like a world of injustice.
The tongue as a limb may contaminate the whole body and set the ways of nature on
fire! Itself it will be put on fire in Gehenna.’ *
*the garbage dump south of Jerusalem
NB! I have added a footnote showing the real meaning of these verses. Therefore I am convinced that you will see this picture quite clearly.
From today’s situation:
Think a little of garbage dumps and how factual Jesus’ use of these parables really
are when compared to today’s situation:
Outside of every town or city, even villages, it has been necessary to establish garbage dumps. And the authorities have usually chosen valleys for such dumps, and
that is how it is to this day.
A Satan’s Lie!
But because of environmental considerations the garbage is no longer burned. Instead it is often covered by fertile soil. Then when the valleys are all filled up, there
are in many places established great golf courses over the fillings. Or, as in other
places, they are being used for industrial sites.
In Jerusalem, when something was no longer worth holding on to, they said: ‘Throw
it on the fire of Gehenna.’ And that is still the situation in many places even today.
When something is no longer useful, people all over the world keep saying: ‘Throw
it in the garbage!’
They said the same in Jerusalem: ‘Throw it on the fire of Gehenna!’ And in some
places the garbage is still being nourished with sulphur or other liquids to keep the
fire burning and to prevent it from being quenched!
When you see this, you also see how factual the Bible really is! But, sad to say, many
so-called Christians have through their own philosophy made it into an incredible
From today’s churches:
Is the soul as invisible and immortal as it has been through centuries of false teachings? Is hell still burning as strongly as it has been ever since the Pope invented these
ungodly doctrines?
The Pentecostals are by all measure the church which today preaches the teaching
of the immortal soul and the everlasting torment in an everlasting burning hell with,
literally speaking, most burning effort. Most of those whom I have talked to, refuse
to listen to any other presentation. They chose to call every effort to present this in
accord with the Bible, wrong teaching. So there the soul is as immortal as ever and
hell burning as strong as ever — if not even stronger!
The Catholic Church has not officially discarded the teachings of the immortal soul
and the eternally burning hell, because that would cause them to lose credibility, in
their own opinion. But even if the Popal church has not officially quenched the fire
of hell altogether, it is at least burning much weaker than before.
The Lutheran Church has had a similar development as the Catholic Church. It has
not taken a clear confrontation with this abomination, but it is quite clear that also
there the fire of hell is about to die out. It is no longer actively preached! But it is still
being defended.
At a church meal one Lutheran minister admitted that hell was no longer preached
in the Lutheran Church. But he still maintained that infants who die unbaptized, will
without doubt go straight to hell!
A Satan’s Lie!
The Adventists are in some areas quite clear, yes, clearer than many of the others,
and the teaching of the immortal soul and the burning hell are two such areas. They
have long past rejected the immortal soul and quenched the fire of hell, even it they
are not actively preaching their positions on this. Either they shy away from unpleasant confrontations or it is old news to them, I think.
Jehovah’s Witnesses must be mentioned especially in this context, because they are
the ones who have struggled hardest go get rid of this religious abomination! And
they have been strongly critisized and condemned because of this — by the priesthoods! But ‘honor him who honor is due,’ and in this situation that is Jehovah’s
Witnesses. All honor to them for having been at the forefront in opposing this
horrible wrong teaching and for having been able to quench the papal misconception
of the immortal soul’s everlasting torment in an everlasting burning hell!
NB! New International Version consistently writes ‘causes you to sin.’ The Greek
word is skandalizo which means to stumble. In other words: If you have been exposed to a scandal, you have stumbled. The word is today widely used in everyday
CONCLUSION: The teaching of the immortal soul’s everlasting torment in an
everlasting burning hell is not consistent with a loving God. It has never been
a biblical teaching, naturally, because it builds on Satan’s first lie: ‘You shall
not at all die!’ (GEN 03:04)
Satan trying to create a wrong picture of God, is understandable, but that sensible Christians can believe this Satanic myth, is harder to comprehend.
Read Secong Timothy 04:04-05.
Can you think of any reason why it is so important to so many ‘Christians’ to
preserve the abominable wrong teaching about hell?
Can it be that they walk about rejoicing over an unpopular neighbor’s future
misery while they themselves feel so pleased thinking that they will get away?
A common question by many of these Christians is: ‘If there is no hell, why
should we then be Christians? What would we then be struggling for?’
And this question proves that they have got it all wrong! Is being a Christian a
struggle to avoid hell? Or is it a desire to be part of God’s future glory?
The third of four cornerstones to a mature understanding of the Bible:
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
A quote from WWW, While We Wait by John and Elin Berglund, Adventists, no. 15,
2. quarter 1996, third column, at the bottom of page 07: ‘Enoch, Moses and Elijah
were surely there, because they were taken to the heaven as a firstfruit from the
earth. The same are the many who were risen through Jesus’ death. Matt,
27:52. Maybe they are the 24 elders that John got to see?’
About Enoch
I allow myself being doubtful to such speculative claims because they do not build
on the Bible’s clear presentation of what happened. Let us take Enoch first. It says
nowhere that he was taken into the heaven, neither in the First Pact nor in the New
Pact. In GEN 05:24 it says that ‘God took him away.’ In Hebrews 11:05, THE
PACT, it says: ‘By faith Enoch was taken away so that he would not see death. He
was not found because God had taken him away.’ (GEN 05:24) It never says that he
was taken up to the heavens. Besides, if these people from the First Pact were
firstfuits, how can Jesus then be the Firstfruit hundreds of years later? (1CO 15:20,
1CO 15:23)
I phrase from a country song: ‘Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants
to die!’ I will rephrase this: ‘Everybody wants to believe in Jesus, but nobody wants
to believe what he says.’ What am I referring to? Yes, in John 03:13 Jesus says it
straight: ‘Nobody has ascended to the heavens except he who descended from the
heavens, and that is the Son of Man.’
From the genealogies in Genesis 05:18-24, NIV:
‘When Jared had lived 162 years, he became the father of Enoch. 19 And after he
became the father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.
20 Altogether, Jared lived 962 years, and then he died. 21 When Enoch had lived 65
years, he became the father of Methuselah. 22 And after he became the father of
Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.
23 Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God; then he was no
more, because God took him away.’
1MO 05:24, hebr. - chanowk haqak 'elohiym 'elohiym laqach
laqach:H3947 .
3947. laqach, law-kakh'; a prim. root; to take (in the widest variety of applications):--accept, bring, buy, carry away, drawn, fetch, get, infold, X many, mingle,
place, receive , reserve, seize, send for, take (away, -ing, up), use, win.
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
HEB 11:05, THE PACT: ‘By faith Enoch was taken away so that he would not see
death. He was not found, because God had taken him away. But before he was taken
away, he had received testimony that he pleased God.’ (GEN 05:24)
JUD 01:14-15, THE PACT: ‘Enoch, the seventh after Adam, prophesized about these
when he said: See! — the LORD* comes with tens of thousands** of his holy to pass
judgement on them all and to punish the ungodly of all their ungodly acts, and of all
the harsh words these sinners in their ungodliness have spoken against him!’
*JHVH **the 144 000
Neither Judas, Jesus’ half brother, says that Enoch was taken up to heaven. But here
it is quite clear that Enoch prophesized against all the evil that prevailed on the earth,
already that early in time, that which the offsprings of the godsons, the Nephilims,
(GEN 06:04-06) represented. It was to exterminate this evil God sent the flood. But
this is all that is said about Enoch in the Bible, and not in a single place in these
verses is it mentioned or indicated that he was ‘taken up to heaven.’ It only says that
‘he was taken away.’
Many then interpret this to mean that he was taken alive up to heaven, but that cannot possibly be the case. Paul says in First Corinthians 15:50 that ‘flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Realm of God.’ And again: If Enoch had been taken up to the
heavens, he would have been the Firstfruit, and not Christ.
About Moses
DEU 34:05-07, New International Version:
DEU 34:05.
‘And Moses the servant of the LORD* died there in Moab, as the
LORD* had said.
*correct: Jehovah
DEU 34:06.
He buried him* in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to
this day no one knows where his grave is.
[* Or <He was buried>]
DEU 34:07.
Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his
eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.’
NB! Note that it says that Jehovah buried Moses, not that he took him up to
JUD 01:09, THE PACT: And when the foremost of the messengers, Michael, resisted the Devil and quarreled over Moses’ body, he did not dare bring slanderous
accusations against him, but said: ‘Jehovah will rebuke you!’
JUD 01:09, NIV: ‘But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the
devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against
him, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’’
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
Neither Judas, Jesus’ half brother, says that Moses was taken up to heaven. If so was
the case, the foremost messenger Michael, could not have quarreled with the Devil
over Moses’ body, even if Moses’ spirit could have had a heavenly resurrection. But
anybody claiming anything like that, cannot possibly have understood the meaning
of Jesus’ sacrificial death!
About Elijah
2KI 02:11, NIV: ‘As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a
chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah
went up to heaven in a whirlwind.’
Here it undeniably and in clear text says that ‘Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.’ But which heaven? God’s dwelling? Or just the skies? What about the horses
and the chariot? Were also they taken up to heaven, God’s dwelling? Of course not.
And neither was Elijah!
Second Chronicles 21:12, NIV: ‘Jehoram received a letter from Elijah the prophet,
which said: ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: ‘You have
not walked in the ways of your father Jehoshaphat or of Asa, king of Judah.’
Here it is clear that King Jehoram received a letter from the prophet Elijah. The
question is: ‘Did Jehoram receive this letter before or after Elijah was taken ‘up to
the heaven?’
The text and the genealogies of the kings show that that King Jehoram received this
letter six to seven years after Elijah ‘was taken up to the heaven,’ and then it could
not possibly be ‘God’s dwelling’ he had been taken up to. And here the argument
that ‘nothing is impossible to God,’ is far from valid, because anything like that
would clearly be contrary to God’s plan and will!
When this letter was sent, Elijah was in Judah, in the south, but when he was ‘taken
up to heaven,’ he was in the north, in Israel. He was ordered to deliver a message
about King Ahaziah’s death. One reason why many get confused here, is that Elijah
in all probability was taken ‘up to the heaven’ under King Jehoram, but not the same
Jehoram that he later sent a letter to, because also the king of Israel, Ahazia’s successor, was named Jehoram at that time. And it says clearly in Second Chronicles
21:05 that it was the king of Judah who received the letter. And this happened six to
seven years after Elijah ‘was taken up to the heaven.’
What happened to Elijah? He was of course transferred by God in the same way
Philip was transferred after he had baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, ref. ACT 08:3940. The Bible is, here as in many other situations, self-explanatory if people were
only willing to take it to heart.
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
Still, can this be correct? because in Matthew 08:11-12 Jesus says, THE PACT:
MAT 08:11.
‘I tell you: Many will come from east to west to lean at the table
with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Realm of the heavens.
MAT 08:12.
But the sons of the Realm shall be thrown into the deepest darkness
where they will weep and gnash their teeth.’
Yes, this undeniably seems like a contradiction until you realize the throughout all
of the Bible Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are used as a picture of God’s chosen, among
many places in GEN 50:24, EXO 02:24, 03:15, 06:03, 06:08, etc. Then it becomes
But what about the Transformation? Did not the disciples then get to ‘see into the
heaven?’ They received a vision, no more and no less, the same way John got his
revelation. Moses represents the law and Elijah the prophets. It was this vision that
specifically confirmed Jesus statement that he fulfills both the law and the prophecies, among other places in Matthew 11:13. And then also that became clear!
About Christ
In addition to these stories how can I maintain this with such certainty? Yes, I
have Jesus’ direct words that so is the case!
JOHN 03:13, THE PACT: ‘Nobody has ascended to the heavens except he who
descended from the heavens, and he is the Son of Man [who is from the heavens].’ Why is it so difficult to believe what Jesus says in the Bible? Is it not because
most people place their own philosophical abilities above the simple biblical truth?
Why not just grab and hold on to what it says?
And further in JOH 14:06, THE PACT: ‘I am the way to the truth and to life, because nobody comes to my Father except through me.’ And here Jesus refers to
his sacrificial death. But I am aware of the many attempts to explain away the content of this verse, and thereby many are led astray.
Then to the Firstfruit —
1CO 15:20, THE PACT: But now Christ has risen from the dead as the Firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep.
Here it says clearly that Christ is the Firstfruit, and nobody from the First Pact
is ever in the Bible spoken of as a heavenly firstfruit.
— and Jesus’ sacrificial death
Matthew 27:50-53, THE PACT:
MAT 27:50.
‘Jesus again called out in a loud voice and gave up the spirit.
MAT 27:51.
And, see — the curtain in the sanctuary tore in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks cracked!
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
MAT 25:52.
The tombs opened and many bodies of the holy who had fallen
asleep, were risen.
MAT 25:53.
They came out from their tombs after their resurrection and went
into the holy city. This has been confirmed by many.’
It does not say anywhere that they went into heaven! On the contrary. It says that
they went into the city of Jerusalem, and that it was confirmed by many!
Those who were resurrected from the grave were not risen to a life in ages, but to
live further on the earth until they again would have to die as a result of Adam’s
disobedience, ref. the resurrection of Lazarus. How can I say that? Yes, it says that
the bodies of the dead were risen! In addition Jesus is the Firstfruit, because God
did not use formerly deceased or robbers to open the Realm of the heavens to mankind. Then Jesus died in vain! In the same way: If God’s faithful men from the First
Pact entered the heavens when they died, Jesus might as well have stayed where he
was, because also then he died in vain! The curtain in the sanctuary tearing in two
by his death, shows that the Realm of the heavens was no longer closed to man, the
members of the heavenly Melchizedec priesthood.
But what about Jesus? Was he not resurrected in the body? Of course not, because
then he could not have been the Firstfruit! All the others who were risen from the
dead, were risen to a further life on the earth until they again had to die because of
Adam’s sin. But Jesus was not risen in the body! He died in the flesh, but was
made alive in the spirit!
In First Peter 03:18, THT PACT, it says: ‘Because also Christ suffered once for our
sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to lead us forward to God. He died
in the flesh, but was made alive in the spirit.’
Also read First Corinthians where it says, THE PACT: ‘So it is written: The first
Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.’
This is the key to a complete understanding of Jesus’ resurrection. When God rose
him from the dead as the Firstfruit of those who have fallen asleep, he rose him in
the spirit to a life in the heavens in ages. (1CO 15:20) And no one before him had
been risen from the dead in the spirit to a heavenly life in ages!
This means that Christ had the quality of a messenger and could materialize in the
same way. His resurrection became in that way an example of both the heavenly, the
first, and the earthly, the second, resurrection.
The heavenly: He rose in the spirit, invisible, with the ability to go through matter
and with the ability to materialize and dematerialize, among many other places in
LUK 24:31 and LUK 24:36.
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
The earthly: He was visible of flesh and blood just like a human being, ref. among
many other places in LUK 24:39. Here it says flesh and bones, and not blood. Some
of the worst fablers claim that Jesus her maintains to be a vampire because he is
without blood. And that coincides with his death on the pole, because it says ‘that he
gave his blood for man!’ Uff da!
When the messenger in ACT 01:11 says that Jesus is to return in the same way he
was taken up, it does of course mean the he will return in the same way he was taken
up, in the spirit. But he was materialized, because if he had not been materialized
before the disciples, they would have been without knowledge about his ascension.
And thereby it becomes easy to understand, but maybe more difficult to accept, the
further consequences of this.
A correct understanding of the Bible demands that you adjust your faith according
to the Bible — not the Bible according to your faith. And that is decisive, because
most are brought up on the Pope’s and Luther’s many misunderstandings and lack
of knowledge. Luther was born and raised as a Catholic, and toward the end of his
life he wanted to become reconciled with the Catholic Church. But he died being
The reason so many European countries chose to convert to Protestantism was not
because of any fundamental difference in teaching. But many rulers of that time saw
it as a golden opportunity to place the church under the state. And state ownership
has always appealed to socialistic Scandinavian countries because it will give more
power to those who are already powerful. And power corrupts!
In biblical connection this make up ‘the prostitute’s ride on the beast.’ (REV 17:0106) The prostitute is a picture of a false Christianity. The beeast is a picture of the
mundane state.
Greek: therion = beast (that which tears apart)
The beast is a symbol of a military power. Why do you think England has chosen the
lion as its national symbol? The US has the bald eagle, Russia the bear and China the
dragon. Coincidental?
You may read the explanation of the great prostitute and her ride on the beast in
Revelation, in REV — The Locusts from the Abyss.
NB! The table on the following page shows that Elijah was not taken up to heaven
lik so many claim. It shows that he was in Judah many years after he had been ‘taken up to heaven.’
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
From the Study Bible by editor Thoralf Gilbrant, copyright 1998, page 1140.
An overview of kings and prophets
in Israel and Judah from 931-721
Rehoboam, 17 years
Shishak’s invasion
Abijah, 03 years
Asa, 41 years
Zerah’s invation
Jehoshaphat, 25 year
Jehoram, 8 år
Ahaziah, ca. 1 year
Athaliah, 6 years
Joash, 40 years
Amasiah, 29 years
Asariah, 52 years.
Zedekiah, 29 years
Jehaziel, Elizser
Samaria, capital
Jeroboam, 22 år
Nadab, 2 år
Basea, 24 år
Ela, 2 år
Simri, 7 dager
Omri, 12 år
Akab, 22 år
Akasjah, 2 år
Jehoram, 12 år
Jehu, 28 år
Jojahkas, 17 år
Joas, 16 år
Jeroboam, II, 41 år
Sakarjah, 6 mndr.
Sallum, 1 mnd.
Menahem, 10 år
Pekajah, 2 år
Pekajah, 20 år
Hosea, 9 år
Elisha, Joel
taken by
Sargon II.
People of
Israel led
to Assyria,
721 b. Chr.
A direct copy from the Study Bible
About Elijah:
Fra Second Kings 02:01-15, New International Version
2KI 02:01,
‘When the LORD* was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. *JHVH
2KI 02:02.
2KI 02.03.
2KI 02:04.
2KI 02:05.
2KI 02:06.
2KI 02:07.
2KI 02:08.
2KI 02:09.
2KI 02:10.
2KI 02:11.
2KI 02:12.
2KI 02:13.
2KI 02:14.
2KI 0215.
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the LORD* has sent me to Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As surely as the LORD* lives and as you
live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel. *JHVH
The company of the prophets at Bethel came out to Elisha and
asked, “Do you know that the LORD* is going to take your master
from you today?” “Yes, I know,” Elisha replied, “but do not speak
of it.”
Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here, Elisha; the LORD* has sent me
to Jericho.” And he replied, “As surely as the LORD* lives and as
you live, I will not leave you.” So they went to Jericho. *JHVH
The company of the prophets at Jericho went up to Elisha and asked
him, “Do you know that the LORD* is going to take your master
from you today?” “Yes, I know,” he replied, “but do not speak of
Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here; the LORD* has sent me to the
Jordan.” And he replied, “As surely as the LORD* lives and as you
live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them walked on. *JHVH
Fifty men of the company of the prophets went and stood at a distance, facing the place where Elijah and Elisha had stopped at the
Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The
water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I
do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double
portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.
“You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me
when I am taken from you, it will be yours - otherwise not.”
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a
chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the
two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots
and horsemen of Israel!” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took
hold of his own clothes and tore them apart.
He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and went back
and stood on the bank of the Jordan.
Then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water
with it. “Where now is the LORD,* the God of Elijah?” he asked.
When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and
he crossed over.
The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching,
said, “The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to
meet him and bowed to the ground before him.’
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
All of this paragraph is packed full with symbolism. Not only is much of the First
Pact written in pictures, but it also contains a great number of examples. Elijah was
an example of John the Baptist (MAT 17:10-13) while Elisha was an example of
Christ, which you may understand when you read about Elisha’s wish and his taking
over Elijah’s cloak while he at the same time received double of Elijah’s spirit.
Much of the understanding of the First Pact is also in the meaning of the very name
which at all times refers to the acts:
elijah = my God is Jehovah, el being the short version of God in Hebrew, while
jah is the short version of God’s proper name Jehovah, Jah.
hallelujah = praise Jehovah
elisha = my God is rescue. You can tell from the name that it is reaching forward
toward Christ.
Then to the claim that Elijah was taken up to ‘the heaven.’ It cannot possibly be
correct because some 6-8 years later Elijah sent a letter to King Jehoram of Judah.
And thereby we can confirm with great certainty that Elijah was, through the power
of God, moved from one place to another on the earth, from Jordan to where God
wantd him to prophesize. Many translators, especially from the US, write stormwind
or whirlwind. This would have become even clearer if they had written tornado. Do
you then not envision a powerful tornado with the ability to move both cars, and even
whole houses, before they are set down maybe many kilometers away. And that is
exactly what happened to Elijah! But in formal order and by God’s power. And this
happened in the south under King Jehoram.
If so were the case that Elijah was taken to the heavens, what then about the horse
and chariot? Did also they come to heaven? Is it Elijah’s horse and chariot that are
to drive around on streets of gold in ages?
It is a basic prerequisite to understanding the Bible that you are aware of, and
accept, that there can be nothing material in a spiritual existence!
Then to the situation when Elijah sent a letter to King Jehoram of Judah.
From Second Chronicles 21:12-15, New International Version.
2CH 21:12.
‘Jehoram received a letter from Elijah the prophet, which said:
“This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: ‘You
have not walked in the ways of your father Jehoshaphat or of Asa,
king of Judah.
2CH 21:13.
But you have walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and you
have led Judah and the people of Jerusalem to prostitute themselves, just as the house of Ahab did. You have also murdered your
own brothers, members of your father's house, men who were better
than you.
2CH 21:14.
2CH 21:15.
2CH 21:16.
2CH 21:17.
Dead in the Flesh, Alive in the Spirit
So now the LORD* is about to strike your people, your sons, your
wives and everything that is yours, with a heavy blow. *JHVH
You yourself will be very ill with a lingering disease of the bowels,
until the disease causes your bowels to come out.`"
The LORD* aroused against Jehoram the hostility of the Philistines
and of the Arabs who lived near the Cushites.
They attacked Judah, invaded it and carried off all the goods found
in the king's palace, together with his sons and wives. Not a son was
left to him except Ahaziah,* the youngest.’
[* Hebrew <Jehoahaz,> a variant of <Ahaziah>]
This happened 6-8 years after Elijah had been ‘taken up to the heaven.’ So if that was
the case, could he then have sent a letter to King Jehoram of Judah 6-8 years later?
And — would Jesus then have been the Firstfruit?
But how can we know that Elijah sent this letter after he had been ‘taken up to the
heaven?’ Then you must study the table on page 116 and use that as a basis for your
calculations. It may take some time, but it is worth the effort if yu really want a basic knowledge about this.
In addition, are there any examples from the Bible that are so clear that we unequivocably can understand this? Do we have a proof? Yes, if we are only willing to stop
fabling on our own, but factually keep to the message of the Bible, it is always selfexplanatory. And then we must go to Acts and the apostle Philip:
From Acts 08:39-40, THE PACT:
ACT 08:39.
‘When they came out of the water, the spirit of the LORD* took
Philip away so that the eunuch no longer could see him. *JHVH
ACT 08:40.
But Philip was found in Azotus where he went about preaching the
message in all the towns he passed through until Caesarea.’
Here we see that God directly moved Phillip so that he could continue his preaching
where God chose him to preach. The same happened to Elijah who was near the
Jordan when he was moved, and who later continued prophesizing in the southern
kingdom of Judah, ref. the letter he sent to King Jehoram of the southern kingdom.
And again: There can be nothing of matter in a spiritual existence. Therefore Jesus
died in the flesh, as a human being, but was risen in the spirit as a spiritual person
and a Firstfruit of God. He became the first of the new creation. (2CO 05:17)
The fourth of four cornerstones to a mature understanding of the Bible:
The Realm of God
Is the Realm of God in the heaven? If so, only in the heavens? Is also the earth part
of God’s Realm? Or only the earth? Is the Realm of God Christ? (MAT 12:28, LUK
11:20) or is the Realm of God something totally different — only a feeling we bear
within ourselves? (KJ-1611, NIV 17:21)
But is it so important to understand this? Everybody understands the rescue, the
grace, the blood and Jesus’ death on the pole. Is that not enough? Just hearing the
words is enough to make some Christians faint!
Hear what Jesus says about this in Matthew 13:19, THE PACT: ‘When someone
hears the word of the Realm and does not understand it, it is because the Devil
comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. These are the seeds that fell
along the road.’ In MAT 13:23 Jesus draws this conclusion: ‘But he who received
seeds in good soil, is he who hears the word and understands it. He bears fruit and
gives yield; one a hundred times, one sixty times, one thirty.’
Also hear what Jesus says in MAT 24:14, THE PACT: ‘Therefore the message of the
Realm shall be proclaimed across all of the populated world. It will be a testimony
to all peoples. Then the end will come.’ And then we are beginning to understand
how important it is to understand the message of the Realm of God. It was that Jesus
preached! (LUK 04:43) And note that Jesus’ death was no goal in itself, but a means
of establishing the Realm of God.
In the Sermon on the Mount, in MAT 05:03, THE PACT, Jesus says: ‘Blessed are
those who have a poor spirit, because the Realm of the heavens is theirs.’ Yes, here
some will get the Realm of the heavens as their possession. But already in MAT
05:05 Jesus says: ‘Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.’
Do we understand this? No, not yet, but it is beginning to dawn upon us that some
will be in the heavens while others will stay on the earth. And the fact that some will
inherit the earth, refers to Psalm 37:11. In Psalm 37:29 it is even clearer: ‘The
righteous shall inherit the earth an live on it forever.’ From this we may draw the
conclusion that this the men of God from the First Pact were aware of, but that some
would be owning the heavens, is something new that Jesus tells, something few have
been aware of before although it was one of God’s promises to Abraham.
If we do not see this clearly yet, at least we se that some will own the heavens and
others will inherit the earth. And then we have to be talking about two separate
groups. And, really, is that not also the way it is today?
The Realm of God
But it does say straight in the Bible that there will be ‘new heavens and a new earth.’
How does that fit into this? Then we must not forget the last four words of this verse:
‘Where justice shall live.’ (2PE 03:13) And that is what is new: Satan’s rebellion
against God in the heavens will be crushed (REV 12:07-12) and all the devilry
among people on earth shall vanish!
In MAT 06:09-13 Jesus teaches the disciples to pray. And even if you may have said
Father in the Heavens thousands of times, maybe you have not thought thoroughly
through what it means? ‘Father in the heavens, let your name be holy. Let your
Realm come, and let your will happen on the earth and in the heavens.’ In MAT
28:18 Jesus says: ‘I shall receive all authority in the heavens and on the earth.—’
Can the Realm of God then have come? No, not until Jesus has received all power
in the heavens — and on the earth!
We did read in Father in the Heavens that God’s will shall happen both in the
heavens and on the earth. Now it is getting clearer that the Realm of God will make
up both the heavens and the earth: ‘Let your will happen on the earth and in the
We read further: In John, chapter 10, Jesus tells the disciples the well known parable
of Jesus being the good shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. But in verse 16 he
says something that ought to make everybody open their eyes:
‘But I also have other sheep that are not of this pen. Also them I must lead and
they will hear my voice. But there is to be one flock and one shepherd.’
Here Jesus explains to the disciples, as always in pictures, about the heavenly, but
he says that he also have another pen with ‘other sheep’ which he will be a shepherd
to. Is the other pen of sheep those who are to inherit the earth? It may seem so, even
if Jesus does not say it straight. But is there any place in the Bible where this is said
so straight forward that all doubt me be swept aside? The answer is ‘yes.’ Two verses
stand out here: We read further until we get to Acts 03:21. There it says about Jesus,
THE PACT: ‘He is the One whom the heavens shall receive until the time comes
when God shall restore all that he has spoken of through the mouths of the
prophets from the beginning of this age.’ Here we see that something is to be
restored. And a prerequisite of something being restored, is that it has been lost or
destroyed. Has man ever had anything in the heavens that has been lost or broken?
Of course not! What about the earth? Quite clearly! Because of Adam’s disobedience
we have lost the possibility of having a life in ages as perfect individuals without sin,
need, death and misery. It is therefore without doubt what Adam squandered on the
earth Jesus is to restore. And through his sacrificial death he has made the restoration ready for anyone who wants to accept it!
The Realm of God
We still have a far way to go. But what prophecies is it referred to? Almost all, because all prophecies have statements about the establishment of the Realm of God
on the earth, but because the very most believe that they come to heaven when they
die, they do not understand this and believe that it refers to a new time of greatness
for the state of Israel. That is not correct! Read PSA 37, PSA 72, PSA 96, PSA 98,
Ezekiel 37, Hosea 14, Joel 03:23-26, Amos 09:11-15, Obadjah 17:21, Mika 07:14-20,
and more. Just keep your mind open when you read.
We keep on reading until we get to Ephesians: Then there is no longer any doubt of
what is the Realm of God. Read all of the first chapter, but pay special attention to
EPH 01:10, THE PACT: ‘But there will be one administration, because when the
time has been fulfilled, he shall bring everything together as one under Christ, both
that which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth.’ And only then has the
Realm of God been established!
Then it finally became clear: The Realm of God will be one unity under Christ, both
that which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth. But, note that the expressions ‘the Realm of God’ and ‘the Realm of the heavens’ are being used alternatively, and then sometimes about the heavens and other times about both the heavens
and the earth. It is only Matthew who uses the expression ‘the Realm of the heavens.’
Fine! Now we know that the earth and the heavens together make up the Realm of
God, and that both the heavens and the earth will be one unity under Christ.
But who are ‘the poor in spirit’ who shall own the heavens and who are the
‘meek’ who shall inherit the earth? Who will make up God’s heavenly pen, and
who are ‘the other sheep’ who shall make up the other pen?
On the earth
Let us stay down to earth and take a look at the earth first. A natural question to ask
is: What had the earth been like if Adam had not sinned; been disobedient to God?
Yes, he would have still be walking the earth and been as youthful as he was when
God blew the breath of life in through his nose so that he became a living soul!
He would have had a life in ages on the earth without sin, need, death and misery. That is what he squandered, and that is what is going to be restored!
First and foremost: All who have died before Jesus suffered death for the sins of
man, will be resurrected on the earth. None of them will be resurrected in the spirit
to a life in ages in the heavens. How can I say so? Yes, because also Jesus says so in
JOH 03:13, and that so clearly that no one need to be in doubt how to understand it:
‘Nobody has ascended to the heavens except he who descended from the heavens, and he is the Son of Man.’ Rejecting such a clear statement as this, is the same
as making Jesus a liar which many Christians keep doing. Peter confirms the same
The Realm of God
in his speech to the Jews after God had established his first church in Jerusa-lem, the
Church of God and Christ. (ACT 02:34) He says: ‘David did not ascend to the
heavens.’ Jesus says the same about John the Baptist: ‘Among men born by women
there has never been anyone greater than John. And still, the very smallest in the
Realm of the heavens is greater than he.’ (MAT:11:11)
Here Jesus clearly shows that John died under the First Pact. It is also so that those
resurrected from the dead, including Lazarus, were only risen to life in the body, not
in the spirit. That means that they all continued living on the earth until they again
had to die because of Adam’s sin. Only after the curtain had tore in two from top to
bottom by Jesus’ death, it symbolized that the access to the Realm of God was now
open to man, specifically to members of the heavenly priesthood, the Melchizedec.
(MAT 57:51)
In First Corinthians 15:20, THE PACT, it says: ‘But now Christ has been risen from
the dead. He is the Firstfruit of all who have fallen asleep.’ This means in clear text
that of all people who have fallen asleep, Jesus is the first who have been resurrected in the spirit to a life in the heavens. In 1PE 03:18, THE PACT, it says: ‘— He
died in the flesh, but was made alive in the spirit.’ And in ACT 10:40, THE PACT,
it says: ‘But God rose him up on the third day and allowed that he became visible.’
And everybody understands that if Jesus had been resurrected as a human being, it
would not have been necessary for God to let him become visible. We of the flesh
have only one way to appear — visibly!
A question: If it were so that God’s faithful men and women were taken to the heavens before Jesus’ death, what was then the purpose of his dying? Would his sufferings on the earth then have been necessary?
Those among the Jew who knew the Scripture were only aware of the earthly resurrection. Listen to what Martha says in JOH 11:24 when Jesus says about Lazarus:
‘He will be risen.’ Martha says to him: ‘I know that he will be risen during the
resurrection on the last day.’
Then Jesus in verse 26 says something strange to her: ‘He who lives and believes in
me, shall never in ages die! Do you believe this?’ There are consequently a group of
people who shall never die! Who are they? Yes, they make up a group that come out
of the great tribulation and will enter straight into the thousand years without first
having to die. You may read about that group in Revelation 07:09-17.
In addition all who are resurrected on the earth on the day of judgement, those who
on that day are found worthy to a life in ages under the rule of the Realm of God, will
continue to live on the earth. Everybody understands that no one can first be risen to
a life in ages in the spirit (the first resurrection, REV 20:06) and thereafter be
The Realm of God
resurrected to the judgement on the earth. (ACT 24:15) Those who are risen on the
earth, get to take part in the second resurrection. Many of these will make the same
choice Adam did and be exterminated once and for all. (REV 20:07-10) That is the
second death. Those who will not suffer the second death, will live in ages on the
AGAIN: Nobody can first be risen to a life in ages in the heavens and then be
resurrected to the judgement on the earth!
In the heavens
We know that Jesus ascended to the heavens and that he is the Firstfruit of all who
have fallen asleep. And he shall rule over the earth and the heavens during the thousand years, which is basically the day / time of the Lord. The thousand years make
up the day of judgement. It is during this period the dead will be resurrected from the
graves, and the judgement is about who will be eradicated or who will be allowed to
live in ages on the earth. During this period Jesus shall rule as Highest Priest,
Sovereign King and Supreme Judge according to the order of Malchizedec, GEN 14:
18-24, HEB chapters 07-08. But — is Jesus to rule alone as Highest Priest, Sovereign
King and Supreme Judge during the thousand years? No, he has chosen a special
group of righteous persons, men without a blemish, as his spiritual co-priests, corulers and co-judges.
Then back to Ephesians, chapter 01, verse 10. And we continue directly to verses 13
and 14. It says, THE PACT:
EPH 01:13.
‘Also you, after you heard the word of truth, that which is the message of your rescue, you who also believed in him, were set seal on
by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of promise.
EPH 01:14.
It is the pawn to our inheritance until the redemption of his bought
property in praise of his glory.’
Here we hear about a group that has been set seal on. Who are they? Oh, by the way,
what does it mean that they have been set seal on? Yes, God’s seal proves that they
belong to God. But who are they? And how many? Nobody knew the number of
those who were set seal on, until John got to see it in Revelation.
Now if we go to Revelation 07:04, it is a direct continuation of where Paul ended:
‘And I heard the number of those who had been set seal on: One hundred and
forty-four thousand of all of the Children of the tribes of Israel were set seal
on.’ And then John lists the names of the tribes which the 144.000 come from.
Many are caught up in the expression ‘Israel’s tribes’ children’ and claim that this
is only for the Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth, because Jesus has rejected the Jews, not as individuals, but as a chosen group. (MAT 21:43) There is no
longer a chosen, earthly priesthood like the Levites, only the spiritual, heavenly, the
The Realm of God
Melchizedec, with Jesus as Highest Priest. But all agree that we shall all before the
judgement. In MAT 19:28 Jesus also calls all who are to be judged ‘the twelve tribes
of Israel.’ In addition the twelve tribes that are listed in Revelation, are not identical
to Israel’s twelve physical tribes, e.g. was Joseph not one of the original tribes, and
neither was Levi, the priests. Ephraim and Dan have also been left out. Then we
understand that they are prophetic pictures. The number twelve in the Bible always
symbolizes that of the heavens and is always a picture of that which is a total, ref. a
dozen. There were twelve tribes, twelve disciples, twelve gates to Jerusalem, and the
number 144 is divisible with twelve, etc. In addition to these 144.000 who had been
set seal on, there is also one more who has been set seal on, Jesus Christ! (JOH
06:27) And in Revelation 14:01, THE PACT; it says:
‘I saw, and, see! — a Lamb standing on Mount Zion! Together with him stood
the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had the name of the Father
written on their foreheads.’ And in REV 14:03, only two verses later, it says directly that only these 144.000 have received a heavenly election: ‘And nobody could
learn this song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who are bought free
from the earth.’ Any clearer than this it cannot be said!
What is then the purpose of raising up a limited number of 144.000 to a spiritual life
in ages? Both Paul and John, and especially Jesus, explains this clearly. MAT 19: 28,
THE PACT: ‘— when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, also you shall sit
on twelve thrones and judge Israel’s twelve tribes.’ Here we see that they have been
chosen to be Jesus’ co-judges on the day of judgement. Paul confirms this in 1CO
06:02: ‘— Do you not know that the holy shall judge the world?’ —’ And to his
good friend and co-worker, Timothy, Paul writes in Second Timothy 02:12, THE
PACT: ‘— If we persevere, we shall also rule with him.’ And here we see that Paul
is aware that they are also to be Jesus’ co-rulers. In REV 03:21 Jesus says through
one of the messengers: ‘He who overcomes, I will give to sit with me on my throne,
as also I have overcome and sat down on my Father’s throne.’
And now, read carefully what it says in Revelation 05:09-10, THE PACT:
REV 05:09.
‘And they sang a new song: You are worthy to take the scroll and
break its seals. For you have been slaughtered and have with your
blood bought us free to our God from each tribe and tongue, from
each people and nation.
REV 05:10.
You have made us kings and priests before our God, and we shall
rule over the earth.’
Think now. If all were in the heavens, how could then anybody rule over the earth?
In Revelation 20:04, we also see that the holy shall judge and rule with Christ during
the thousand years, which is the day of judgement. ‘— they are made alive, and
they shall rule with Christ for a thousand years.’
The Realm of God
The Realm of God consists of both the heavens and the earth. What was destroyed
when Adam sinned, will be restored on the earth by Christ. To assist in the process
God has chosen 144.000 faithful servants to be his co-priests, co-rulers and co-judges
after the order of Melchizedec during the thousand years.
Zion is a picture of Christ’s power center the way Zion also made up King David’s
power center. The New Jerusalem, ref. Jerusalem, is Christ’s dominion together with
the 144.000 who shall rule from the heavens and carry out their righteousness all
across the earth. (REV 21:22-27)
After the thousand years are over Christ will again hand the power over to God the
Almighty. (1CO 15:20-28) Only after the thousand years are over, Satan will again
be let loose for a short time until he is exterminated by God himself. (REV 20:07)
And then God has confirmed his statement: ‘The revenge is mine!’ (DEU 32:35)
After this those who have been obedient to God, will get a life in ages on the
earth. ‘Being made alive again’ means given life in ages.
And then we are back to where Adam was before he sinned! The Realm of God
God’s Throne
Jesus often talked about ‘my Father’s throne’ when he was on the earth, the first time
in the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 05:35. Many then envision God sitting on
a physical throne, but God is of spirit with a spiritual existence in the heavens. And
it is self-evident that in a spiritual existence there can be nothing material, like a
physical throne. As always Jesus speaks in pictures. An earthly throne is where the
power originates from, and Jesus uses this picture to explaining God’s power. What
is then God’s throne? Yes, Jesus explains this straight forward the very first time he
uses the expression, in MAT 05:35. There he says: ‘For the heavens are God’s
throne, the earth is his footstool and Jerusalem the Great King’s city.’ Here Jesus
says it straight forward that the heavens are God’s throne. And then we understand,
if we want to, that the throne is a picture of the power that God exerts directly from
the heavens.
When Jesus in Revelation 03:21 says that ‘I have sat myself on my Father’s throne,’
he refers to his heavenly existence and the power he will exert as the Highest Priest
of all the universe. But Jesus says something more in REV 03:21. He says: ‘He who
overcomes, I will let him sit with me on my Father’s throne, the way I have overcome and sit on my Father’s throne.’ Here we see that also those who overcome,
those who persevere with God and Christ, (MAT 24:13) will get a heavenly existence together with God and Christ, and also they will be directly subject to God’s
power through Christ.
Jesus confirms that all the apostles were elected to a heavenly existence when he in
MAT 19:28 says to them: ‘This truth I tell you: In the resurrection when the Son of
Man sits on his glorious throne, also you who have followed me, shall sit on twelve
thrones and judge Israel’s twelve tribes.’
When Jesus uses the expression ‘sit on twelve thrones,’ he refers to the disciples’
heavenly existence where they, together with Christ, will be directly subjected to
God’s power as Jesus’ co-judges and co-rulers.
NB! Note the expression ‘Israel’s twelve tribes.’ If we know that we all are to stand
before the judgement, we also understand that the expression is a picture of that
which is total. Israel consisted of twelve tribes , ref. REV 07:04. The number twelve
is always symbolic of that which is of the heavens. It was not coincidental that Jesus
elected twelve apostles. Knowing that Judas was to betray him, he could have chosen thirteen, but then the symbolism would have been incorrect. It was also a prophecy that had to be fulfilled.
Jesus here refers to the twelve thrones belonging to the twelve apostles. When he
said this before Judas betrayed him, he referred to a prophecy by David that Judas
was to be replaced with another apostle, Mattias. (PSA 109:08, ACT 01:26) In ad-
God’s Throne
dition we also know of two other heavenly thrones, those of God and Christ. Does
then the heavenly exist of a total of fourteen thrones? No, we read from REV 04:04
where it says: ‘In a circle around the throne there were twenty-four thrones, and on
the thrones I saw the twenty four elders sitting there, clothed in white kirtles. And
they had crowns* of gold on their heads.’
*stephanos = garland
Now maybe you begin to see that the Jewish priesthood had been divided in the same
way, as an example of the heavenly. (HEB 08:05) And if the Levite priesthood had
not been rejected, all these twenty-four thrones would have been occupied by Levite
priests, but as you see they are not twenty-four priests, but twenty-four elders. And
thereby we also understand that they were elected according to the New Pact. Twelve
of them are Jesus apostles. Can we, without fabling, but quite factual and concrete,
find out who the other twelve are? Yes, to a great extent we can!
We know that Jesus will be sitting on the throne together with God. The proof of that
was that when he was on the earth, he was directly subjected to God’s power. It was
through God’s power he forgave sins, raised the dead, healed the sick, doctored the
mentally ill (symbolically: drove out demons), fed thousands of people with a few
pieces of bread, etc. All of this were only examples of the power he will be exerting
as the Highest Priest of the universe when he has established the Realm of God. Then
he will exterminate all such sufferings, no longer as examples, but once and for all
— for everybody! And Jesus’ co-rulers in that process are the twenty-four elders.
Also they will be directly subjected to God’s power, in other words sit on twentyfour thrones together with Christ.
But — do we have any examples of that from the earth? Yes, Jesus’ twelve apostles
had this power directly from God, even if they did not possess it equally. ‘God does
not give the spirit by measure.’ (JOH 03:24) — So far the apostles. But do we know
of anybody else? Yes, Paul was one of them. Also he was directly subjected to God’s
power almost to the same extent Jesus was. In the same way people got well just by
touching Jesus’ clothes, they also got well by touching Paul’s clothes even it he did
not wear them. (ACT 19:12, THE PACT 19:18) And he prophesized and spoke in
tongues. And he received some great revelations from God. But all this was only
examples of the power he will exert together with Jesus as a High Priest of the
Melchizedec priesthood!
Now maybe you begin to see that all these twenty-four elders have the same ability,
the power to perform God’s powerful acts? And after all the twenty-four were chosen, this ability was to end. Man would no longer have the ability to speak in foreign
languages, prophesize or perform powerful acts such as raising the dead. In First
Corinthians 13:08 Paul says this straight, THE PACT: ‘Love shall never come to
an end! But the prophetic gifts shall cease, (we have already received all the
revelations God is willing to give us about his plan through Paul’s prophecies and
God’s Throne
John’s revelation) tongues shall be silent (it is no longer necessary to speak in foreign tongus the way it was at the beginning of Christianity. It was through the power
of God people started believing in Jesus) and knowledge shall end.’ And then Paul
is not talking about the knowledge of the word of God. That is only to increase. Here
Paul refers to the special ability to perform powerful acts.
Is so-called Christians would only accept the knowledge from the Bible, we would
no longer have this unworthy fablings about healings, people who claim they have
the ability to raise the dead, etc. If that had been the case, we could have discontinued all of our health care systems! We all know that is not the case! It is nothing but
unworthy playacts trying to resemble Jesus. But all that they are fabling about, will
be a reality after the Realm of God has been established! Only then will Isaiah’s
beautiful prophecy (ISA 53:04), which Matthew refers to in MAT 08:17, become a
reality. ‘He took upon him our diseases and our infirmities.’ Everybody knows it is
not like that today. Sickness, need, death and misery prevail!
I have mentioned Paul? Can you think of anybody else who were subject to God’s
power at the beginning of Christianity? I may mention Cornelius, the first Christian
among the peoples. (ACT 10:44-48) What about Stephen, the first martyr? (ACT 07:
54-60) What about Timothy? Luke? Mark? The magician Simon from Samaria?
(ACT 08:09-13) Any of the popes? Martin Luther? Were any of them women? —
When you understand the expression ‘God’s throne,’ you are able to evaluate who
were directly subject to God’s power. Do we know all twenty-four?
In Acts 19:11 NIV writes: ‘God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, —’ Here
they are guilty of a sin of omission by not translating this verse fully! And thereby
they are also partly guilty of the confusion that prevails around this! KJ-1611 as well
as NWT are guilty of the same omission!
Here is the Greek text from Strong’s Hebrew / Greek.
ACT 19:11, (19:17, THE PACT):
theos poieo ou*
-paradidomi -tugchano dunamis cheir paulus
Translit.: god do no one get
perform power hand paul
*Ou is a small word with an important meaning. It is always in the negative.
Correct translation, THE PACT: ‘God made it so that no one could perform powerful acts except by Paul’s hands.’ And that is totally different from NIV’s translation.
It also agrees with what Paul writes in 1CO 13:08. Such translations have a great
responsibility that charismatic halfwits are running around convincing themselves
and others that they have the ability to heal and to raise up the dead. It is the world’s
most extensive and most unworthy playact!
The Sons of the Realm
The expression ‘the sons of the Realm’ is quite special in biblical relations. The
expression is only used by Matthew, and only in two verses, in Matthew 08:12 and
There is a great confusion about this, and therefore I include the translations of both
KJ-1611 and NIV, and also the New World Translation.
MAT 08:12, King James - 1611: ‘But the children* of the kingdom shall be cast out
into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ *correct: sons
MAT 08:12, New International Version: ‘But the subjects* of the kingdom will be
thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of
*correct: sons
MAT 08:12, New World Translation: ‘— whereas the sons of the of the kingdom
will be thrown out into the darkness outside. There is where their weeping and
gnashing of teeth will be.’
Only the New World Transtation has a correct text here, by correctly writing sons.
This verse is so important in getting a correct understanding of God’s plan and will
that I also include the Greek text and the translation of THE PACT:
MAT 08:12, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek, SHG, gresk:
huios basileia* ekballo eis exoteros skotos ekei
klauthmos brugmos odous
son realm
throw in utmost darkness where weep
MAT 08:12, THE PACT: ‘But the sons of the Realm shall be thrown into the deepest darkness where they will weep and gnash their teeth.’
Both King James and NIV has omitted translating sons here. King James write
children, which is incorrect. NIV is even further off and writes subjects.
Who are these sons who are to be thrown into the darkness? They are the priests of
the Levite priesthood who, after having rejected Christ, will not be taken into consideration when God establishes his Realm. They broke the original pact with God
and rejected his Son Jesus. Therefore they were in return rejected by God.
‘He came to his own, but his own did not receive him.’ (JOH 01:11) And his own
were the members of the Levite priesthood. He had been pre-determined by God to
be their Highest Priest in ages.
The Sons of the Realm
When God establishes his Realm through the Melchizedec priesthood, it was God’s
original plan that they would be chosen from the Levite priesthood, but that was not
to be. They broke the pact and were found unworthy. The First Pact did not lead to
the goal.
But when we come to Matthew 13:38, it says, KJ-1611: ‘The field is the world; the
good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the
wicked [one]; —’
MAT 13:38, NIV: ‘The field is the world, and the good seeds stands for the sons*
of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons* of the evil one, —’
*here NIV correctly writes sons
MAT 13:38, NWT: ‘— the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons*
of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons* of the wicked one, —’
*NWT has a correct text here by writing sons
MAT 13:38, Strong’s Hebrew / Greek
agros kosmos kalos sperma huios basileia* zizanion huios poneros**
field world
good seed son realm
son evil
*sons of the Realm **sons of the evil One
MAT 13:38, THE PACT: ‘The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the
Realm and the weeds are the sons of the evil One.’
As you may have noticed that versions of many Greek words are also used in English. Maybe you have also noticed the ancient Greek is without auxiliaries, prepositions and personal pronouns?
We see that both NIV and NWT correctly write sons here, while KJ-1611 incorrectly sticks to children. Why? Why do they twist this when it is so evident that the
correct word is sons?
Now compare these two verses. Many claim that these two verses contradict each
other, but that is not the case. When the Bible seems contradictory, it is always our
understanding that falls short — until the day when we do understand.
Verse 01, MAT 08:12. ‘But the sons of the Realm shall be thrown into the deepest
darkness where they will weep and gnash their teeth.’
Verse 02, MAT 13:38. ‘The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the
Realm and the weeds are the sons of the evil One.’
The Sons of the Realm
In verse 01 who are the sons of the Realm who shall be thrown into the deepest
darkness? In verse 02 who are the sons who make up the good seeds?
Yes, this does seem like a huge contradiction, because in verse 01 the sons of the
Realm are to be thrown into the deepest darkness, but in verse 02 they shall make up
the good seeds. How can this harmonize with the rest of the Bible?
No, this is far from simple, and that is also one of the reasons of the many confusing
and contradictory translations. Or seeing it from the opposite side: It is the many
confusing translations that create such great confusion among true believers. But let
me make it clear: When King James consistently writes children where the Greek
text writes sons, it is a conscious attempt to hide the fact that all of the Bible is about
these sons and the One, Jesus Christ. They are the ones to make up the Realm of the
heavens or the Realm of God.
Here is the explanation: In the First Pact God chose the Levites as his earthly priesthood. It was then God’s intention to choose those who were to make up his heavenly
priesthood, the Melchizedec, from the Levite priesthood. This priesthood was only
to consist of men without blemish, (LEV 21:16-24) an example of Jesus who was
without blemish and who was chosen to be the Highest Priest of this priesthood
throughout ages. But the Levite priesthood broke God’s pact and also refused to
accept Christ as their Highest Priest. And therefore this priesthood was rejected. In
Matthew 21:43 Jesus tells the priests: ‘The Realm of God will be taken away from
you and given to the peoples who will produce its fruits.’ In that way the members
of the original priesthood, the Levites, were thrown into the deepest darkness!
Consequently God rejected his original priesthood, and after this, a new earthly
priesthood has never been established neither by God nor Christ! Paul says that no
no can take such an honor by himself, but he must be chosen by God the way Aaron
was. (HEB 05:04) Based on this we may surely confirm that none of today’s priesthoods are established by God! Both the Catholic and the Lutheran, or any other
earthly priesthood, are according to this false priesthoods who have taken this honor
by themselves. Such priesthoods are not from God, but of men!
But what is then God’s plan? Has it been changed? No, after Jesus had rejected the
Levite priests God started electing members to his heavenly priesthood from common people, from carpenters, farmers and fishermen, ref. the twelve apostles. To
replace the rejected priesthood, God established a new church on the day of the
Pentecost in the year 33 when the twelve apostles received the Holy Spirit. After this
there has only been one church, the Church of God and Christ. And from this church
God will now, through Christ, choose his heavenly priesthood. (ACT 02:47)
And today this is the only valid church in an endless confusion of churches!
The Sons of the Realm
In this church only God chooses who are to become members or not, (ACT 02:47)
and therefore it is also God alone who can expel. There is no so-called chapter of
excommunication in the Bible. (Jehovah’s Witnesses, MAT 18:15-20). From this
church God will now chose his heavenly, the Melchizedec, priesthood. It was in
order to elect this priesthood God entered into a New Pact with all mankind through
Christ. And it was this election Jesus started when he elected the twelve apostles!
Read the parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-32.
Earlier the priesthood was separated from the common people, but from now on the
sons of the Realm and the sons of the evil One will grow up together, in Matthew 13:
24-30, ref Christians and worldly. And God himself elects whom among the Church
of God and Christ will belong to this priesthood, the holy, the elect, those with God’s
seal on them, the 144.000. Only these will get a spiritual resurrection to a life in ages
in God’s heavens. They will become God’s adopted sons and Jesus heavenly brothers! They are the sons of the Realm! (ROM 08:15-17, REV 20:06.)
It is this priesthood that is now chosen as the sons of the Realm, the good seeds. Also
this priesthood will consist of men without blemish, because — how many women
did Jesus elect among his apostles?
And now you understand why it is so insane to write children or subjects where it
says the sons of the Realm in the original text.
You also see that the question of women priests and ministers, or not, is irrelevant,
because God does not choose the members of this priesthood based on political equal
rights! And whether a false priest is a man or a woman is irrelevant to God! And
neither is he about to change his plan to comply with the many false teachings of the
Pope, Luther or any other churches!
Read about the Melchizedec priesthood in Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, chapters 05-09.
Finally, many claim that the Bible is discriminating against women. Sush a claim is
also discriminating against the Bible, because it is not only based on a negative
attitude, but also on a total lack of understanding of the message of the Bible.
A question: If a journalist is making a report from a football / soccer match where
twelve men are playing against twelve men, is it then discriminating against women
not to mention any women in that match?
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
We know from Genesis that God created Adam in his picture (as a human being
without sin) so that he would live on the earth in ages. (GEN 02:16-17) But Satan
managed to thwart that plan. (GEN 03:04-08) Right after God made a new plan to
restore that which Adam had destroyed: He would send his only generated Son to the
earth so that he would make up a worthy sacrifice to take away this world’s sin, that
which was a result of Adam’s disobedience. (GEN 03:15, ACT 03:21) In order to
make the restoration God decided to elect a heavenly priesthood which, together with
his Son, would get the major responsibility to carry this through.
We will follow the development of this priesthood from its very beginning on the
earth to its establishment in the heavens. This is to be God’s own priesthood with
Jesus as the Highest Priest in ages. This priesthood is referred to by many names in
the Bible: The holy, the elect, those who are set seal on, God’s Israel, etc. Paul consistently preached about this priesthood, but he did not know how many they were.
Only when the apostle John received his revelation, did God made it known how
many they were. (REV 07:04) Paul calls this priesthood a mystery.
From the First Pact:
The First Pact was entered into with the Sons of Israel at Mount Sinai after Moses
had led the sons of Israel out from their captivity in Egypt.
In Exodus 19:04-06 God says to the sons of Israel, NIV:
EXO 19:04.
‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried
you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
EXO 19:05.
Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all
nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole
earth is mine,
EXO 19:06.
you* will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.`
These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.’*
[* [5, 6] Or <possession, for the whole earth is mine. [6] You>]
‘You are to be kings and priests before me — a holy people.
These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.’*
*correct: sons of Israel
Exodus, 19:07-08, New International Version:
EXO 19:07.
‘So Moses went back and summoned the elders of the people and
set before them all the words the LORD* had commanded him to
EXO 19:08.
‘The people all responded together, ‘We will do everything the
LORD* has said.’ So Moses brought their answer back to the
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
Let us carefully study the words God said to the sons of Israel: ‘If you obey me fully
and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. You are to be kings and priests before me — a holy people.’
Many think that this is God’s election of the Jews as his own people, but that is only
partly correct. It may be that a whole people is elected as holy, but can a whole
people be kings and priests? If they are kings, who are they to rule over? And if they
are priests, who will then be their congregation?
We have now found the first thin tread to God’s priesthood in ages! In verse 06 it is
not first and foremost the sons of Israel who are to be a holy people, but those among
the people who are chosen as members of God’s heavenly priesthood. And to be an
example of this priesthood, the Melchizedec, God established the Levite priesthood,
the only priesthood God has ever established on the earth! —
We are now to follow this thin thread all the way until we see the establishment of
the Realm of God.
As a token of God’s pact the sons of Israel received the law. And through keeping
every commandment of the law one of the tribes of Israel’s sons, the Levites, were
to be chosen to this priesthood. First they got the ten commandments, Israel’s constitution. And later God gave them the rest of the law. This law was to apply to all
of Israel’s twelve tribes, but would have a special significance to the Levites. To be
chosen as a future heavenly priest they had to keep the commandments of the law.
The next that happens is that Moses is commanded to built a sanctuary for Jehovah.
This command you find in Exodus 25:08-09, NIV:
EXO 25:08.
‘You are to build a sanctuary to me, so that I can live among them!
EXO 25:09.
Make this tabernacle* and all its furnishings exactly like the
pattern I will show you.’
Here Moses gets the drawings of the sanctuary, God’s plan of the heavenly. It may
not be easy to see this from what we have read so far, but as opposed to those who
were subject to the First Pact, we also have the New Pact. And Paul explains in
Hebrews 08:04, THE PACT: ‘— see to it that you do everything according to the
model I showed you on the mountain.’ Paul also gives a closer explanation to this in
Hebrews, chapter 08.
Do not get confused here. It is not so that there is a sanctuary in the heavens, but it
is the heavens that are this sanctuary. So what Moses got a drawing of from God
through Michael, was the heavenly organization itself! And it was necessary for God
to show Moses how the new creation, the members of the Melchizedec priesthood,
would fit into this.
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
And one of the commands Moses were given on Mont Sinai, was to make clothes to
the priests — exactly the way God had determined. (EXO 28:01) And coincidental
with this God establishes his earthly priesthood as an example of the heavenly, the
Levite priesthood as compared to the Melchizedec priesthood. And God said to
Moses, NIV: ‘Have Aaron your brother brought to you from among the Israelites,*
along with his sons Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, so they may serve me as
priests.’ And both Moses and Aaron were Levites, so when God chose Aaron as his
first High Priest, was this the very beginning of the Levite priesthood. In Exodus
29:01-37 you may read about the inaugural ceremonies for Aaron and his sons. After
the exodus from Egypt almost all of this book is about the establishment of the
Aaronite, or the Levite, priesthood, later identical to the Jewish priesthood. And that
is not coincidental, considering the great importance this priesthood was intended
*correct: sons of Israel
From Hebrews I showed how clearly it is presented that the tent in the wilderness
constituted a picture of God’s heavenly order. (HEB 08:05) But already at the end
of Exodus God says so directly. And if we have an observant spirit when we read
this, we will understand it.
Exodus, 40:13-15, New International Version:
EXO 40:13.
‘Then dress Aaron in the sacred garments, anoint him and consecrate him so he may serve me as priest.
EXO 40:14.
Bring his sons and dress them in tunics.
EXO 40:15
Anoint them just as you anointed their father, so they may serve me
as priests. Their anointing will be to a priesthood that will continue
for all generations to come.’
And it goes without saying that this priesthood was to consist of men only — Aaron
and his sons (descendants of the male gender). And here God also explains to them
about the election to the heavens, which they were aware of, because the promises
had already been given to Abraham.
You may read about the regulations of this priesthood in Leviticus 21:15-24. There
you will clearly see that this priesthood will consist of men without a blemish only
— an example of Christ and the heavenly.
The fact that only Levites were to make up this priesthood, is evident in Numbers,
Chapter 03:09-10, New International Version:
NUM 03:09. NUM 03:09. ‘Give the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they are the
Israelites** who are to be given wholly to him.*
[* Most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text; some manuscripts of the
Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint (see also
Num. 8: 16) <to me>]’
*correct: sons of Israel
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests; anyone else who
approaches the sanctuary must be put to death.’
Only Aaron and his sons could approach the sanctuary. If anyone else would only
approach, they would be put to death. It says in verse 09 that ‘the Levites were to be
given to Aaron and his sons. They are the sons of Israel who are to be given wholly
to him.’
NUM 03:10.
In Number 03:40-41, New International Version:
NUM 03:40. ‘The LORD** said to Moses, ‘Count all the firstborn Israelite males* who are a month old or more and make a list of their names.
*correct: sons of Israel **JHVH
NUM 03:41. Take the Levites for me in place of all the firstborn of the Israelites,* and the livestock of the Levites in place of all the firstborn of
the livestock of the Israelites.* I am the LORD.’**
*correct: sons of Israel **JHVH
NB! Many translations sometimes write sons where it is evident that it is a male, and
sometimes children, where it is not so evident that it is about males. The word in
both cases is huios. Its basic meaning is ‘offspring of the male gender.’ It can never
correctly be translated child. Child in Greek is teknon. NIV is guilty of the same sin.
And where it says the sons of Israel they consistently write Israelites. It is evidently
done on purpose, but it is still hard to understand the purpose of it. The way it is
written is also the way it should be translated. It should never be a question of what
is politically correct based on gender equality!
In Numbers it becomes ever clearer that the priests were to be Levites. In NUM 18:
02, NIV; it says: ‘Bring your fellow Levites from your ancestral tribe to join you and
assist you when you and your sons minister before the Tent of the Testimony.’
The fact that the Levites were to be elected to a heavenly priesthood is also indicated through the fact that when the sons of Israel captured the promised land, the
Levites did not get their own land. They were spread around in all the tribes to serve
them, and often they had to settle outside the city walls.
Before the sons of Israel were allowed to get access to the promised land, Moses
repeats the law and all the regulations to them. This you may read about in Deuteronomy, the law a second time. And from Deuteronomy we have the symbolism of
the celebration of both Easter and Pentecost. Many believe that the Pentecost was
celebrated for the first time when the first twelve of God’s elect received the Holy
Spirit, but so is not the case. Most know that the celebration of Easter was a symbolic celebration until the coming of the Messiah, and that the Easter lamb that is
slaughtered, is a picture of Christ, God’s Lamb. And the lamb was to be a firstborn
animal of the male gender as a symbolism of Christ as the Firstfruit, a male without
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
But few have grasped that also the Pentecost is an ancient Jewish holiday. At the
Pentecost there was also to be a sacrifice, a firstfruit of wheat. And the sheaves of
wheat that were to be offered were a picture of those who would make up the members of God’s heavenly priesthood! Pentecost means fifty, and when God introduced
this holiday almost 4000 years ago, it was determined in detail that there would pass
fifty days from the Passover to the Pentecost. In DEU 16:08-09, NIV, it says:
DEU 16:08.
‘For six days eat unleavened bread and on the seventh day hold an
assembly to the LORD* your God and do no work.
DEU 16:09.
Count off seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to
the standing grain.’
And the offering of the standing grain, a firstfruit of wheat, symbolizes the 144.000,
the heavenly priesthood as a firstfruit with Christ. All this coincides with Jesus death
and resurrection. He was the Firstfruit. But those who were elected to his heavenly
priesthood, the ears of wheat, are also called a firstfruit with Christ. It says so
directly in Revelation 14:03-04. And this is so important to a full understanding of
God’s plan that I include both verses, THE PACT:
REV 14:03.
‘They sing a new song before the throne, before the four creatures
and the elders. And nobody could learn this song except the one
hundred and forty-four thousands who had been bought free from
the earth.
REV 14:04.
These are those who have not made themselves unclean with women,* for they are like virgins. And they follow the Lamb wherever
he goes. These are those who are bought free from men to be a
firstfruit for God and the Lamb.’
*unclean with women is a picture of idolatry
And throughout all of the First Pact it is underscored by God that every firstborn and
every firstfruit is to belong to him. And then the symbolism always refers to Jesus
and the 144.000, the holy, the elect, those who have been set seal on, the firstfruit
with Christ, God’s Israel, etc.
But God had also warned this priesthood against what would happen if they broke
the pact, the First Pact. In DEU 28:63-64 ir says, NIV:
DEU 28:63.
‘Just as it pleased the LORD* to make you prosper and increase in
number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you. You will be
uprooted from the land you are entering to possess.
DEU 28:64.
Then the LORD* will scatter you among all nations, from one end
of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods - gods
of wood and stone, gods which neither you nor your fathers have
We all constantly hear that we have a loving God. His pleasure in revenge nobody
seems to be willing to talk about. But here you have it directly from God — if you
are disobedient, it will please him to ruin and destroy you! And this is exactly what
happened to the Jews both when they were abducted to Babylon and to Rome.
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
The prophecy of the Realm of God
The establishment of the Realm of God has been described in detail by the Prophet
Isaiah in chapter 66:07-09, New International Version:
ISA 66:07.
‘Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come
upon her, she delivers a son.
ISA 66.08.
Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such
things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth
in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to
her children.
ISA 66:09.
Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?’ says the
LORD.* ‘Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?’ says
your God.
This is the prophetic description of when God receives the elect and establishes his
Realm in the heavens. The capital of this Realm is the New Jerusalem. The power
center is Zion. In biblical relations the woman is often a picture of someone that
something stems from, naturally. And the child is a picture of something new.
NB! This parable has nothing to do with Jesus’ mother Mary or the boy Jesus.
You may read about this and how it happened in detail in Revelation, chapter 12.
And, yes, it has already taken place! Jesus is now the Sovereign Ruler in the heavens. But the Realm of God has not yet been established on the earth! But if you keep
your eyes open, you will se that the process is well on its way!
The temple
Finally in connection with the First Pact I want to show a simple little verse in First
Kings 06:07 which explains this in a fantastic way. Read it and see if you understand it. But you need to be very observant in the spirit to see it properly.
1KI 06:07, NIV: ‘In building the temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used,
and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was
being built.’
The house that was built was the very temple of King Solomon. And the temple was
identical to the tent in the wilderness both symbolizing the heavenly organization.
The stones that were finished in the quarry, are those who through God’s law and
upbringing were found worthy to a heavenly existence in ages. The quarry is this
world, and the stones that were hoisted in place without a sound of chisel or iron
tools, refer to the invisible and soundless resurrection of God’s heavenly priesthood.
These are the stones that Jesus referred to when he says that ‘the stone (Christ) that
the builders (the Levite priesthood) rejected, has become the very headstone (the
heavenly Highest Priest). MAT 21:42, MAR 12:10, LUK 20:17, 1PE 02:07.
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
From God’s establishment of the Levite priesthood and until Christ, the heavenly
Highest Priest in ages, almost 2000 years passed. The prophecies about Christ are
about to be fulfilled and God is ready to start harvesting the heavenly firstfruit. That
is why he sent his Son, the High Priest, to the earth. His purpose was, and still is, to
restore that which Adam destroyed through his disobedience. But: ‘Christ came to
his own, (the priests) but his own did not receive him.’ (JOH 01:11) This was already foreseen by God, and therefore Jesus could start electing the first twelve
members of this priesthood when he chose the twelve apostles, the first twelve of the
firstfruit with Christ.
From the New Pact:
We know from reading the New Pact that Jesus’ relation with the priests were problematic. No matter what acts he performed, they refused to accept him as the promised Messiah, God’s Son and their own heavenly High Priest. They said: ‘We know
that God spoke to Moses. But where this man (Jesus) comes from, we do not know.’
(JOH 09:29)
Based on the fact that the priests rejected him as the promised Messiah, Jesus did not
have much choice but to reject the whole priesthood, in MAT 21:43, THE PACT:
‘Therefore I tell you that the Realm of God shall be taken away from you and given
to the peoples who will produce its fruits.’
But this did not come as a surprise neither to God nor Christ. The decadence and
self-elevation of the priests is a known situation. They had already broken the Pact
even before Moses returned from the mountain and through their rejection of Jesus,
he right away started electing members to the priesthood from common people, the
disciples. The Jewish priesthood was rejected once and for all! The holy would now
be elected from faithful, common people.
After this God never established another priesthood. Therefore all of today’s
priesthoods, including the Jewish, are false priesthoods! From now on the
heavenly priesthood is elected from common, righteous people! And the first
twelve who were chosen to this priesthood, were Jesus’ twelve apostles!
Jesus confirms this in Luke 22:27-30 when he says, THE PACT:
LUK 22:27.
‘Who is the greatest, he who leans at the table or he who serves? Is
it not he who is leaning at the table? Yet I am among you as a
LUK 22:28.
But you have stood with me during my trials.
LUK 22:29.
Therefore I leave the Realm to you in the same way my Father
has left the Realm to me.
LUK 22:30.
You shall eat and drink at my table in my Realm. And you shall sit
on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’
God’s Heavenly Priesthood
In JOH 06:27 John writes that God has set his seal on him. And God having set his
seal on him, means that he belongs to God. Is it only Jesus who will belong to God?
No, in Ephesians 01:13-14 it says, THE PACT:
EPH 01:13.
‘Also you, after you heard the word of truth, that which is the message of your rescue, you who also believed in him, were set seal on
by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of promise.
EPH 01:14.
It is the pawn of our inheritance until the redemption of his bought
property in praise of his glory.’
Here we see that Paul talks about those whom God has set his seal on. They are the
same who are called the elect, the holy. But nobody knew how many they were until
it was revealed to John in the vision he received on Patmos. If you will now read
what Paul writes, and then go directly to Revelation 07:04 it is almost as John continues where Paul left off:
‘And I heard the number of those who were set seal on. One hundred and fortyfour thousand from all of the tribes of Israel’s sons were set seal on.’
In First Thessalonians Paul explains in detail how the first resurrection will take
place. But I will not present the whole explanation here. You will find a thorough
review in 1TH — The First Resurrection. The very establishment of the Realm of
God in the heavens you may read about in Revelation, chapter 12. And in Revelation
05:09-10 your get the conclusion of all of God’s plan, because then the holy, those
whom God has set his seal on, the elect, the chosen, the 144.000, God’s Israel, sing
a new song:
‘You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals. For you have been
slaughtered and have with your blood bought us free to our God from each
tribe and tongue, from each people and nation. You have made us kings and
priests before our God. And we shall rule over the earth!’
Do you now remember the beginning of God’s plan in Exodus 19:06?
‘You shall be kings and priests for me — a holy people.’
Finally: Can you think of a simple reason why today’s Christianity shows such an
unlimited hatred toward God’s holy, the 144.000?
The Age (Day) of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
The seven ages of the Bible
All of the Bible has been divided into seven ages only. And that is by far a coincident, because in biblical relations the number seven always refer to that which is of
the earth. And then the number seven does not always concretely mean seven, but is
a picture of that which is total — usually that which is of God, but it is not consistent. It may also refer to that which is of Satan, but it always refers to, when the number is used metaphorically, that which is total, ref. the seven world powers, the seven
beasts, which again is a picture of the political and military systems which these
seven world powers represent. The last of these seven world powers, the angloamerican, is now. When for instance the seventh day is holy, set aside, then also that
is a total, but of God. And when the Bible has been divided into seven ages, also that
order is of God.
Few realize that the Bible has been divided into seven ages. Therefore there is a lot
of fabling about the last ages. But when the Bible refers to the last ages, it does not
refer to the so-called end time, but to the last three of the Bible’s seven ages. And
only the last three ages of the Bible have been given names. They are the age of the
Jews, the age of the peoples and the age of the Lord.
In order to make the first four ages more readily understood I have also named those
ages, but then it is important to know that it has been done for practical reasons. It
is not an attempt to present these names as biblical. The very ages are biblical, but
not the names are not, ref. the Millennium, which is not a biblical term. The Bible
writes ‘the thousand years.’
The transition of one age to the next in the Bible, refers to drastic events in world
history based on God’s plan to restore that which Adam destroyed when he broke
God’s commandment. All of the Bible is about that! And here you get God’s plan
presented in chronological order with correct references to current verses.
01. The first age of the Bible: The first prehistoric age
Naturally the first age of the Bible starts with Adam and the creation. And then it did
not tale long until the world was subject to sin, the disobedience against God. John
writes in First John 03:04, THE PACT: ‘All who sin are also lawbreakers, for he
who break the law,* sin. And breaking the law leads to breaking the law.’ In other
words, one sin leads to another.
But which law did Adam break? After all he was not subjected to the law of Moses.
Quite correct! He was subjected to God’s law directly and not through a middle man.
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
In Genesis 02:16-17, NIV, it says: ‘”And the LORD* God commanded the man,**
“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree
of knowledge, because when you eat from it, you will surely die.”
*Jehovah in the Hebrew text **Adam in the Hebrew text
And this was the law of God Adam broke when he lead the world into sin. And as a
result of this sin developed until sin was so extensive that God regretted having
crated man! And as a result he sent the flood to exterminate all devilry from the
earth. Only eight righteous souls survived. And when that happened, it was the end
of the first age which lasted from the year 01 to the year 1656. The flood happened
in the tenth generation after Adam, in the year 1656. This you may figure out on your
own if follow the Bible’s overview of genealogies . And those who are mentioned,
are always the ones leading the semen forward to Christ. — Now the first of the
seven ages of the Bible is over.
02. The second age of the Bible: The second prehistoric age
Back to square one! Now Noah is in almost the same situation that Adam was in1656
years ago. And God commands Noah to propagate the world and become the ruler
of it. And this time it works, temporarily, because God has now ended the possibility
that caused the godsons to inhabit the earth and multiply with the beautiful women
of the earth, those whom they desired. And it was the offspring of these godsons and
the beautiful women of the earth that God sent the flood to exterminate. (GEN 06:0108) But it was only a matter of time until sin again started to develop.
Then comes next stage of God’s total plan. IN the year 2048 after Adam Abraham
is born. He was a righteous man whom God had a very special plan for. The birth of
Abraham separates between the second age and the third age of the Bible’s seven
ages. And the third age is the age of the patriarchs. The bible does not tell very much
about the time between Noah and Abraham, but time passes and God all the time
chooses the most righteous people to lead the semen forward to Christ.
03. The third age of the Bible: The age of the patriarchs
Now God makes a big step in the direction of carrying through his new plan. And
what is that? All of the Bible is about God’ new plan to restore that which was lost
through Adam’s disobedience: A life in ages on the earth without sin, sorrow, misery
and death totally in line with God’s original plan — in other words without sin. And
that is the very reason he chooses Abraham asking him to leave his father’s house
and go to a strange land that God will show him. And because of Abrahams faithfulness God gives hin two promises, ne as a promise. The second was also a promise
but confirmed with an oath. The first promise Abraham received was this, in GEN
13:14-15, NIV: ‘The LORD* said to Abraham after Lot had departed from him: “Lift
up your eyes from where you are and see north and south, east and west. All the
land** that you see I will give you and your offspring forever.” *Jehovah **earth
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
It is God’s promise to Abraham that he and his offspring, those from his semen through Christ, shall live on the earth in ages. And when Jesus dies, he died just as
clearly for the great, white flock as he died for the few chosen who will have a spiritual resurrection to the heavens. When you read Ephesians 01:10 you will see how
clearly is says so there: ‘But there will be one administration, because when the time
has been fulfilled, he shall bring everything together as one under Christ, bith that
which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth.’
If you read the two verses, GEN 13:14-15, with consideration, you will see that they
have nothing to do with the borders of Israel, but refer to all that Abraham was able
to see of the earth, from horizon to horizon in every direction. And it is life on earth
in ages that in reality is the restoration. (ACT 03:21)
The promise Abraham got with an oath, you may read about in Genesis 22:15-18.
This also refers to Christ, but now to the small flock that will rule with Christ from
the heavens during the thousand years. They are a firstfruit with Jesus and will have
a heavenly resurrection, the holy, the elect, the 144.00. (REV 14:01-05)
There is a great contention about the 144.000, much because it is part of the teaching
of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But here the Bible is quite clear, because the Levite priesthood was an example of the heavenly priesthood. And if you study carefully the
divisions of the Levite priesthood of men without blemish, you will see that the
Melchizedec priesthood is divided after the same pattern. So whether you accept or
reject this is a question of how honest you want to be to the word of God, and finally
toward yourself. And it is not so that you need to take care of your childhood faith.
If it is wrong, it is important that you reject it! I also know a Muslim who is faithful
to his childhood teaching. And if you had been born in Rome, your childhood teaching would most likely have been Catholicism! And if you had been borne on Fiji
about two hundred years ago, you would have had no problems with cannibalism.
So you see that having a clear conscience is no God-gift. It only reflect the way you
were brought up.
The age of the patriarchs extend somewhat further than just to the very patriarchs,
who are usually considered to be Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons.
But then follows God’s plan of a reign through judges. And this is how it remains
until the sons of Israel starts complaining and would rather have a rule through kings.
And God accepts this. And thereby the Benjamite Saul was inaugurated as king of
Israel’s twelve tribes. He ruled for about 40 years. But there were few blessings
during his kingdom because he was not directly chosen by God. And neither was he
of the tribe of Judah as King David was. ‘The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor
the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it* belongs, and the
obedience of the nation is his.’ And we shall see that this prophecy to only referred
to the kings of Israel, who were all descendants of Judah, but directly to Christ and
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
his heavenly kingdom in ages. And based on this prophecy we also see that God had
anticipated the Israelites wanted a kingdom. And for this kingdom to function according to his plan, God chose a young shepherd as future king of the Israelites, David. And through the inauguration of David as king of Israel, we enter into the fourth
and last age that has not been named in the Bible, the age of kings.
04. The fourth age of the Bible: The age of the kings
The inauguration of David as king sets a clear division of the development in Israel,
because the rule of King David was an example of Jesus’ heavenly reign, in the same
way that also the Levite priesthood was an example of Jesus’ heavenly priesthood.
It is with basis in the reign of King David Jesus refers to the heavenly Mount Zion
and the New Jerusalem. But the Jews were not aware that the establishment of
David’s kingdom was an example of Jesus’ heavenly kingdom, his presence. They
took it literally and thought Jesus would physically reestablish David’s kingdom on
the earth so that the Jews would then enter into a new era of greatness. But remember
what Jesus said to Pilate: ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ (JOH 18:36) He said the
same to his apostles.
The house of David continued to rule over Israel, some good, some bad, until the last
independent king of Israel, Jehoiakin, was abducted to Babylon by King Nedbukhadnezar in the year 607 B.C.E. True, Jerusalem was besieged on two separate occasions, but it was on this occasion the kingdom of David ended. Also true, another person of the hose of David, Hezekiah, gained the throne, but then as deputy king under
Nebukhadnezar. And therefore did the kingdom of David end in the year 607 B.C.E.
And after this Israel did not get its independence until 1948 when the U.N. accepted
the establishment of the mundane state of Israel. But note that when that happened,
it did not include all of Jerusalem. ‘Jerusalem shall lie downtrodden until the age of
the peoples have expired.’ (LUK 21:24, THE PACT)
Israel did not get full control of Jerusalem until after the 6-day war in 1967. Then
Jerusalem had been under foreign rule for as long as 2574 years! And based on Luke,
even if he does not refer to a specific year, at least we know that when this happened,
the age of the peoples have already expired and the day, age, of the Lord begun. —
But how far are we into the day of the Lord when this happens?
05. THE AGE OF THE PEOPLES, the first period
After the kingdom of David had been laid in shambles by King Nebukhadnezar, we
enter into the age of the peoples, and the example of this is Nebukhadnezar himself.
It is also he who is the example of the age of the peoples. And now we have entered
into the age of the peoples, and thereby ‘the last ages.’ And then we understand that
‘the last ages’ are in no way identical to the so-called end time.
This is exciting, so now it is important to stay alert, because now King Nebukhad-
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
nezar will make up the example of the age of the peoples, and we will see that with
Nebukhadnezar as an example we will be able to figure out the age of the peoples
from the first to the last year. And then we must be aware that a biblical year, or
time, is always 360 days. They did not use our calendar at that time.
The story about Nebukhadnezar we find in Daniel. And in Daniel chapters 04 and 05
we read about the dream of the king and Daniel’s explanation of the dream. No
sooner had Daniel explained the dream before the king lost his mind and thought he
was an animal. And for seven years he ate grass together with the animals. And these
seven years are a picture of the peoples’ rule over Israel. And if you do something
as simple as figuring one day for one year, which is a biblical norm of the figuring
of prophecies, a norm that is especially used as a norm of punishment of disobedience to God.
In Numbers 14:34, NIV, it says: ‘For forty years — one year for each of the forty
days you explored the land — you will suffer for sins and know what it is like to
have me against you.’
After the same principle of punishment, and Nebukhadnezar’s conquering of Israel
was nothing but a punishment of Israel’s disobedience, you will see that the time
after the kingdom of david and until Jesus establishes hin Realm in the heavens, passes 360 days x 07 days is 2520 days, but based on God’s standard of punishment, it
is 2520 years. And if you figure 2520 years from the year 607, you come to 1913.
When realizing this I became pretty dumbfounded, because I only lacked one year
for this to agree with Jehovah’s Witnesses understanding that Jesus took power in
the heavens in 1914. Then I put it aside for a while, but it kept popping up in my
mind. Why was I one year short? Or, why did Jehovah’s Witnesses have one year too
many? Have they just added one year to compensate for the so-called zero-problems?
And when I asked, nobody could explain the extra year. And then I realized that the
zero-problems did not exist! Correct year is 1913, not 1914. But Jehovah’s Witnesses
have considered the zero-problems and just added one year! And they say that then
it also coincides with the outbreak of the First World War. ‘Peace was taken away
from the earth.’ (REV 06:04) But there are no such problems as ‘the zero-problems.’
The age of the peoples reaches as far as to 1913. And then we enter into the age, or
day, of the Lord, which is Jesus’ presence when he starts exerting his power from the
heavens over the earth. But, if the age of the peoples is the third last and the day of
the Lord the very last, what has then happened to the second last age, the age of the
Jews? Then it is imperative to know that these ages do not follow in correct succession, because the age of the Jews runs parallel with the age of the peoples for a period of 490 years, from the year 455 B.C.E. and until the year 36 C.E.
The age of the Jews is thoroughly explained in Daniel’s prophecy about the seventy
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
weeks. It is not difficult to understand, but it may seem confusing that two separate
prophecies are intertwined into one and the same prophecy. What then makes it difficult, is the fact that the prophecy that has been intertwined in the same prophecy as
the prophecy about the age of the Jews, is about the destruction of Jerusalem in the
year 70. I include the whole prophecy of the age of the Jews, the seventy weeks, but
the part that is about the destruction of Jerusalem, I include in square brackets. And
afterward I present each prophecy separately. Then you will see that it is relatively
simple to understand, but all according to how much biblical knowledge you are sitting on.
NB! If you over a longer period of time have been subjected to a confusion from
other churches in this field, you will probably have difficulties discerning it. Because
it is not the very word of God that is the most difficult to understand for a reader of
the Bible, but sorting from the Bible all the wrong teachings that we have been raised
with, especially by the catholic and the Protestant churches. If the message of the
Bible had been presented correctly without the influence of the Pope and Luther,
most people would have understood the Bible — believe it or not!
06. THE AGE OF THE JEWS (The seventy weeks)
Daniel 09:24, NIV: ‘
Dan 9,24. "Seventy `sevens`* are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish+ transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.**
[* Or <`weeks`>; also in verses 25 and 26]
[+ Or <restrain>]
[** Or <Most Holy Place>; or <most holy One>]
Dan 9,25. "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree* to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,+ the ruler, comes, there will be seven
`sevens,` and sixty-two `sevens.` It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in
times of trouble.
[* Or <word>]
[+ Or <an anointed one>; also in verse 26]
Dan 9,26. After the sixty-two `sevens,` the Anointed One will be cut off and will
have nothing.*
[The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The
end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have
been decreed.]
NB! Refers to the destruction of Jerusalem.
[* Or <off and will have no one>; or <off, but not for himself>]
Dan 9,27. He will confirm a covenant with many for one `seven.`* In the middle of
the `seven`+ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
[And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation,
until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.**"++]
NB! Refers to the destruction of Jerusalem.
[* Or <`week `>]
[+ Or <`week `>]
[** Or <it>]
[++ Or <And one who causes desolation will come upon the pinnacle of the abominable [temple], until the end that is decreed is poured out on the desolated [city]>]
NB! Refers to the destruction of Jerusalem.
This is about the poorest translation I have read of these verses, and definitely the
most confusing, but I will try to work with it.
In order to make the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah easier to follow, I extract
the prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem and presents it as a separate prophecy.
And I will explain that first.
[The people (the Roman army) of the ruler (the Roman Emperor) who will come will
destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the temple). The end (the destruction
of Jerusalem in the year 70) will come like a flood: (the Roam army flooded all of
Judea with its soldiers. Among town that were destroyed in the flood were Bethsaida
and Korazin) War will continue until the end, and desolations (the destruction of
Jerusalem) have been decreed (firmly decided).] [And on a wing [of the temple]
(wrongly translated. The text refers to a holy ground outside Jerusalem),he will set
up an abomination (the Roman army) that causes desolation (the destruction of
Jerusalem), until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.**"++]
Again, to make it a bit clearer: The people (the Roman army) of a ruler (the Roman
Emperor) shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the temple). The end
shall be like a flood (the Roman army spread all over Judea like a flood). Until the
end (until Jerusalem and the temple have been destroyed) there shall be war (the
Roman army was fighting in Egypt and Judea at the same time. And in Judea not
only Jerusalem was destroyed, but also many other towns around Judea and Galilee,
for instance the home towns of Peter and Jacob, Philip and Matthew, ref. Jesus’ condemnation of these towns in in Matthew 11:20-24). The destruction have been firmly
decided (the destruction of Jerusalem was God’s punishment on the Jews for having
killed Jesus, ref. Jesus’ judgement on Jerusalem in Luke 21:20-24. Jesus cried over
the city, because he knew there was no way back).
And then to the prophecy of the seven weeks:
Dan 9,24. "Seventy `sevens`* are decreed for your people and your holy city to fiish+ transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.**
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
This first verse is a general description of what is to happen. How long is seventy
weeks, or seventy ‘sevens?’ The Bible follows the same principle as before, one day
is one year. The 7 days are 7x7 = 49 years. Sixty-two weeks x 7 = 434 das = 434
years. and 1 week is 7 days = 7 years, all together 490 weeks = 490 years. During this
time they are to finish transgression, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seel up
vision and to anoint the most holy.’ All these expressions refer to the last week when
Jesus will have to suffer death resulting in al this happening: Forgiveness of sin,
everlasting righteousness, end of prophecies and the anointment of the holy.’ But
anointing the holy does not refer to the temple in Jerusalem. That has been anointed,
established since centuries. The holy which is now established is God’s heavenly
order. When the curtain tore in the temple, it showed that the most holy, the very
heavens, were now available to those who were chosen to a heavenly glory, the
members of the Melchizedec priesthood which the Levite priesthood had been an
example of.
Dan 9,25. "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree* to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,+ the ruler, comes, there will be seven
`sevens,` and sixty-two `sevens.` It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in
times of trouble.
Here comes a decisive statement: ‘From the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem is sent out —’ When was that?
Then we must go to the prophet Nehemjah who refes to the twentieth year of King
Antaxerxes’ rule, and based on historical facts that happened in 457 B.C.E. But the
decree to rebuild Jerusalem was not issued until two years later when Antaxerxes in
Nehemjah 02:08 sent a letter to Nehemjah that he would receive timber to from the
king’s forests to this. And then started the first week in the year 455 B.C.E. And to
rebuild the walls and the gates took 49 years, the first week. Then we have come to
the year 406 B.C.E. And this period, the roughly 450 years before the coming of the
Christ, is not mentioned in the Bible. Life just went on in anticipation of the
Messiah. And a little by little life in Jerusalem began to return to normal even if the
times were difficult. The Jews were surrounded by enemies. And as a total now passes 484 years, the first 49 years and the other 62 x 7 years = 434 years. And now
there is only one week, seven years, left of the age of the Jews, from the year 29 to
the year 36 C.E.
Dan 9,26 After the sixty-two `sevens,` the Anointed One will be cut off and will have
We know that the Anointed is the Messiah, or the Christ. Therefore this refers to
Jesus’ death. He was cut off, had to suffer death, and in that way he was left with
nothing. And then, in the next and last verse, we get the conclusion:
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
Dan 9,27. He will confirm a covenant with many for one `seven.` In the middle of the
`seven`+ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.
Here we may clearly see that this refers to Jesus’ death. During the last week, the last
seven, and this was after the first 7 x 7 =49 and the 62 x 7 is 434, the total of 490 less
49 plus 434 totals 483 which only leave one seven, one week left. And that week
refers to Jesus acts on the earth. Then in the middle for ths week, this seven, Jesus
dies. His period of active service was only 3,5 year. And when Jesus dies we have
reached spring, Easter in the year 33. That is when Jesus confirms God’s covenant
with the many. Both of God’s promises to Abraham are now about to come true
through Christ. In the middle of the week, through his death, Jesus put an end to
sacrifice and offerings, the symbolic sacrifice and offerings of animals, because now
the real sacrifice had taken place! And we know that after three nights and three days
he was resurrected. Then Jesus had, symbolically, torn down the temple. Through
Jesus’ death and resurrection it no longer had a purpose. It had outplayed its role. If
not, God would never have allowed it to be destroyed!
But there are still 3,5 years left of the age of the Jews. What happens then? Yes, after
Jesus’ death we hear about the apostles’ preaching to the Jews, and only to the Jews.
And during this period Peter was the most dominant figure. It is now he stats using
the keys to the Realm of God. (MAT 16:19) Jesus had said earlier that he would
build, confirm his church through Peter, the rock. And that he did as the the Holy
Spirit was poured out, first on the Jews, (Acts, chapter 02) then on the Samaritans,
(Acts, chapter 08) and finally on those of the peoples. (Acts, chapter 10) And Peter
was always part of it, because if Peter was not active in this, nobody received the
Holy Spirit. Only when Peter used the third and the last key to the Realm of the
heavens, and he did so when the first among the peoples, the centurion Cornelius,
received the Holy Spirit in the fall of the year 36, 3,5 years after Jesus; death, was
the end of the age of the Jews. Before that the message about Christ had been reserved to the Jews only. But after that the preaching continued to the peoples through
the apostle Paul. And after this the age of the peoples stood forth much clearer than
05b. THE AGE OF THE PEOPLES, the second and last period.
And then continued the preaching to those of the peoples. And this happened during
the time when it had become evident that the Jews had rejected Jesus as their
Rescuer. And it is all the tine the establishment of the Realm of God, the election of
the members to God’s heavenly priesthood that is the major point. Unlike common
teaching Jesus’ death was no goal in itself, but a means to the establishment of the
Real of God. And Jesus underscores time and time again the reason he was sent, was
to preach the Realm of God. In Luke 05:43 he says so straight: ‘I must bring the
message of the Realm of God to other towns also, because that is why I was sent.’
And even if this statement is easily understood, few Christians accept it! But Jesus
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
also says something in reference to his rejection of the Jews: ‘The Realm of God
shall be taken away from you and given to those of the peoples who will bear its
fruits.’ (MAT 21:43) So, what about the Jews? Did Jesus completely reject them?
No, not at all, says Paul. This only refers to the Levite priesthood, and not to individuals. But they no longer have a monopoly on the election to God’s heavenly
priesthood. They have now been placed equal to those of the peoples as individuals.
But their hearts had become hardened against Jesus so that the very most of them
continued to reject Jesus as God’s heavenly Son, their own Rescuer. And that is how
it is to this day. They reject the prophecies of Daniel and are still waiting for the first
coming of their Messiah!
The process of electing righteous people as members of God’s heavenly priesthood
continued all the time until the end of the age of the peoples. This is quite a lottery
to man, because out of all the millions on the earth, only an average of about 70
person are elected each year. And only God knows who they are! But the election
still continues now that we are far into the age of the Lord. But before that, at the beginning of the day of the Lord, something drastic happened in the heavens which also
had great consequences on the earth! What was that?
07. THE DAY OF THE LORD, the seventh and last age of the Bible
That is when Jesus rides out on the white horse in the heavens! (REV 06:02) And in
the wake of the white horse, also the red, the black and the pale horses rode out,
representing death, war and famine on the earth. And all these horses are still riding,
and will continue to ride until the Realm of God has been established also on the
earth. And this process that now happens, refers to the direct establishment of the
Realm of God in the heavens. (EPH 01:10)
The details of what happened in the heavens when Jesus rode out on the white horse,
you may read about in Revelation chapter 12, verses 07-12. Then he goes to war
against Satan and throws him out of the heavens together with his demons! And the
Devil was thrown down to the earth with great wrath, because he knows that he only
has a short time left. And then the old order of the world was turned upside down and
the First World War broke out. And since ten there has been talk about nothing but
wars, misery and immorality on the earth! Well, to such was the situation also before,
but not closely to the extent that it has developed afterward. Also people who will
not accept the story about Jesus, most historians, basically agree that the world changed character after 1913. I think it was Winston Churchill who said that the world
will never be the same as it was before the First World War! And this development
only increases form year to year. All the horses keep riding, and the influence of evil
gets stronger and stronger. Satan is now opposing the establishment of the Realm of
God on the earth and keeps fighting to gain an ever stronger influence on every individual on the earth. It is an intense and long lasting spiritual battle, but according to
the Bible, Jesus will prevail at the end. (REV 20:01-03)
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
But there is joy in the heavens because Satan has been thrown out. And only now
starts the direct spiritual gathering of the members of God’s heavenly priesthood, of
the first division, those who have been waiting for this in their graves!
In John 14:02, THE PACT, Jesus said to the apostles: ‘My Father’s house is a dwelling for many. If not, I would have told you. I go there to prepare a place for you.’
Why did Jesus have to wait for almost two thousand years before he could take the
apostles and all the other righteous members of his priesthood to him — all those
who have been waiting in their graves for a longer or sorter time? That builds on a
prophecy by King David in Psalm 110:01, THE PACT: ‘Sit by my right hand until
I have put your enemies as footstool under your feet.’ This prophecy is also referred
to by Matthew in MAT 22:44, in Mark 12:36 and in Luke 20:42, and again by Luke
in Acts 02:34, and finally by Paul in HEB 01:13. He had to wait until God had made
his enemies as footstool before his feet. That happened when Satan and his demons
were thrown down to the earth. Only then could he take them to him in a spiritual
resurrection, a resurrection equal to his own. And that is how he returned to them,
to each and every one of them. Jesus will never return to earth as a physical human
being, a soul of flesh and blood!
I have so many times wondered why Christians who say that they believe in Jesus,
keep rejecting so much of what he has said. Can they then really believe in him?
Hear what he himself says about this: ‘Just a little while longer and those of this
world shall never see me again. But you (the members of his heavenly priesthood)
shall see me. For I live, and you shall live.’ (JOH 14:19)
Only at the end of Revelation, in 21:27 do we learn why Jesus had to wait so long
before he could take them to him. ‘But there will never come anything into it (the
new, heavenly Jerusalem) that is unclean, or anyone who commits abominations, and
neither anybody who lies, but only those who are inscribed in the book of life by the
Lamb.’ And then we understand why God did not allow Jesus to take them to him
until after he, by the power of God, had thrown out Satan and his demons, because
they were the cause of abominations and lies. They were all unclean and were not
written down in the book of life by the Lamb.
And then begins the first resurrection of those who are dead in Christ, those who will
make up God’s heavenly priesthood. (1TH 04:16) After Jesus has taken to him all
of his heavenly priesthood, the elect, the chosen, those whom God has set his seal on,
the holy, the one hundred and forty-four thousand, the ,embers of the Melchizedec
priesthood, etc., begins the very wedding feast, because it is this group who is metaphorically called the bride, which refers to their closeness to Christ. He is like a
bridegroom to them, and they are like a bride to him. And then starts the extermination of all the devilry on the earth, which is the very wedding feast! Also then
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
starts Jesus’ presence together with all his holy. At the same time begins the harvesting of the great, white flock, (REV 07:09-17) those who live and enter into the thousand years without having to die first. (JOH 11:26, REV 07:14) Think also of Noah
and his righteous sons and their women as examples.
The word is now developing in line with God’s new plan, the restoration of what
Adam destroyed through his disobedience. And through all of the Bible we hear
about a day of wrath. ref. Job 20:28, PSA 110:05, ISA 13:13, LAM 01:12, LAM 02:
21, LAM 02:22, EZE 07:19, SEP 08:18, SEP 02:02, SEP 02:03, REV 06:17, and
Jesus has now taken to him all of his heavenly priesthood, the bride, and the wedding
feast may now begin, metaphorically of God and Christ now making their presence
felt on the earth and starting to establish the Realm of God also im the earth as in the
heavens. (MAT 06:10) And in the same way that it happened in the heavens when
Jesus exterminated all devilry in the heaven and took the power there, the same will
now take place on the earth. And then all ungodliness on the earth will be exterminated. It is scary, but it says in Isaiah that the inhabitants on the earth will be as rare
as gold from Ophir. ‘I will make man scarcer that pure gold, more rear than the gold
of Ophir.’ (ISA 13:12, NIV)
It is this process Paul now tells the Thessalonians about as the day of Jehovah, the
terrible. But Paul does not go into details as he only refers to those of the first resurrection. And when this day happens on the earth, they are all experienced a heavenly
glory. And in the Bible a day may be very long, because a biblical day has nothing
to do with 24 hours. A biblical day refers to a period of time, long or short. But Paul
does not explain in detail. On the contrary he says time and moment it is no use talking about, because this day will come as a thief — suddenly and without forewarning! Also Jesus said that nobody knows that day except God — ‘not the messengers
in the heavens, and not even the Son, but only my Father.’ (MAR 13:32) Also in
Revelation 10:04 it is confirmed that this will be hidden to the very most, because
it is this period with extensive upheavals on the earth that is spoken of as the seven
thunders: ‘After the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write it down. But I
heard a voice from the heavens saying: ‘Set seal on what the seven thunders have
spoken, and do not write it down.’ So this will not be revealed to man. But, of course,
those who have understood this, will realize it when it happens. And therefore Paul
says: ‘But you, brothers, are not in the dark so that this day will come over you like
a thief.’ (1TH 05:04) In other words, some will understand this based on the signs
God has given us through the whole Bible. (REV 01:03) And Paul gives some weak
hints: ‘When some say ‘peace and security,’ a sudden destruction comes over them
like the labor pains come over a woman who gives birth! And they shall not escape!
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
NB! If you read translations that say ‘peace and no danger,’ or ‘peace and safety,’
you will have no chance of understanding it, because you will not realize it when it
happens. Not only that, but you have to stay alert to it all the time, and keep an open
eye on world developments. (REV 01:03) And do not forget what it says there, if it
is correctly translated, because that is a precondition of understanding it! It says,
THE PACT: ‘Blessed is he who reads and listens to the words of this prophecy, and
holds on to what is written in it, because his own* time is near.’
And keep your ears open, because here comes the decisive explanation of what
happens, and also what has happened: When in world development has anybody talked about ‘peace and security?’ Or has in not happened yet? Yes, it has! When the
Soviet Union fell, the American president George Bush, a representative of the seventh and the last beast, was constantly talking about ‘peace and security.’ I was staying in the U.S. at that time, so I heard his statements, but without putting too much
into them at hat time. But this is what he said, word by word, in English: ‘We are
now entering a period of peace and security.’ And he repeated it on many occasions:
‘We are now entering a period of peace and security.’ But that is when a sudden
destruction would come over them! And ironically it was the son of president Bush,
George Walker Bush, who was to experience this destruction when the twin towers
collapsed through a terrorist act in New York City. And today nobody disagreed that
this was a history-making incident in world history, because then started the socalled fight against terrorism. ‘They did not escape.’ But this was only the beginning,
because it would be like the ‘pains of a woman in labor.’ And the expression is not
incidental, because the woman is a picture of someone that something exudes from,
and what is now about to be born on the earth, is the Realm of God.
NB. There is an extensive prophecy about the establishment of the Realm of God in
the heavens in Isaiah. You may read about it in Isaiah 66:05-13.
It also says that ‘they shall not escape,’ and that is correct, because through the fight
against terrorism, they have been held responsible of their evil acts! When Prime
Minister Tony Blair was to justify the attack on Iraq and Saddam Hussein (So’damn
Insane in the U.S.) together with the Americans, he used one major reasoning: ‘We
need peace and security.’ ‘We need peace and security.’ ‘We need peace and security.’ And he used the expression three or four times in the same speech as a reason for
going to war against Iraq. I happened to listen to his speech on BBC through a program send sent in Norwegian broadcasting called Alltid nyheter, Always News. It
was around midnight, and I sat straight up in bed. Could this be incidental? I did not
think so, because I recognized the phrase from the Bible and remembered the statements by President George Bush. And both Blair and Bush were major representatives of the seventh and the last beast. And we know what happened. The beast went
to war against Iraq, a war which continues to this day and keeps rapidly spreading
in one form or another — in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and so on.
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
Some claim that the Americans lost this war. What rubbish! They won the very war
against So’damn Insane in just a few weeks. But they failed to achieve the peace. It
is impossible to impose peace on someone who wants war. And they are still fighting
even more intensely than before — with or without the presence of the Americans
and the British. And the war is spreading, slowly, but surely, across the rest of the
world, ref. Africa — Nigeria, the Central Republic of Congo — and Asia, in Indonesia, now Burma and also in the Philippines. What about Norther Ireland? Have
they achieved a lasting peace? Hostilities between Catholics and Protestants may
flair up at any moment.
We are now in the process that the Bible refers to as ‘the day of Jehovah, or the day
for God the Almighty’s great wrath. How long it will take before it reaches its final
climax is hard to say, but in these days it may be wise to keep an eye on the development word wide, also in Africa and Asia. And not in the least on Iran! Remember
that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu has said that after the agreement between the west and Iran the world has become a more dangerous place. But
it is hard to say where the final showdown will take place, between Iran and the west
(religious) or between China and Japan including the west (territorial). The former
president of Iran has said that Iran will bomb Israel into extinction and Great Britain
to Alaska. Is that statement still valid? — Well, we are heading for exciting times.
And do not forget that God also uses the forces of nature — hurricanes, typhoons,
earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc., in this fight.
It is this relatively short period that is called the day of Jehovah. For some time it
runs parallel with the day of the Lord in the same way the age of the Jews for some
time ran parallel with the age of the peoples.
We have witnesses the establishment of the Realm of God in the heaven, and we
have seen the beginning process of the establishment of the Realm of God on the
earth. How long it will take we do not know, but we do know that it will happen
during the period when the seventh and the last beast rules the world, ref. Daniel
02:44, THE PACT: ‘In the days of these kings (Great Britain and the United States,
the Anglo-American world power, the seventh and the last beast) God shall establish
a Realm which never in ages will be destroyed. The Realm will never be left to any
other people (no one can conquer it).’ It will break and destroy all the other kingdoms, but will itself be standing in ages.’
And then we are entering the thousand years
We have seen that the great, white flock will enter into the thousand years without
first having to die. And after an almost total destruction of man-made structures on
the earth, atomic plants and so on, those who have survived God’s great wrath, will
ha quite a cleaning-up job to do, just like Noah and his descendants. And just like
Noah ans his sons, they will continue to bear children, but these children will not
The Age of the Lord — the Day of Jehovah
dieduring their younger years unless for a special reason, such as blasphemy against
the Holy Spirit. And remember, even if the great white flock will number millions,
they will be scarce compared to today’s population. And it will take some time to
clean up the mess after Bush, Blair and Bondevik. And then, toward the end of the
thousand years starts the second resurrection of those who will remain on the earth.
These will, after their resurrection, not bear children. In that respect they will become
like the messengers in the heavens. (MAT 22:30) They have been risen to the possibility of a life in ages. The first will be the last, so the last to be resurrected was the
first to die, Abel. And the resurrection of Abel will constitute the end of the Thousand Years. Then we are back to where Adam was before he sinned, and God’s original plan, with some variations, has been restored.
Only after the thousand years are over, Jesus will again hand over the power to God
the Almighty. (1CO 15:20-28) And then God shall release Satan for short time from
his captivity. And he shall again, true to his personality, deceive those who live on
the earth. (REV 20:07) And that is the final judgement: Will you now, after you have
directly experienced God’s power, side with Satan the way Adam did? Over Satan
and his demons, and the people who make the wrong decision, God will let it rain
fire from the heavens and destroy them all! What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah
is an example of this. And then Satan and his followers, both those of the spirit and
those of the soul, have all been exterminated once and for all. ‘Vengeance is mine.’
DEU 32:35)
But those who side with God ans Christ in the final showdown, will now become part
of God’s righteousness on the earth in age and ages. And then, not after their resurrection, but after they have been through the judgement, they will be made alive, get
a life in ages. (REV 20:05)
Think now: If Adam had not sinned, where would he have been? In the heavens as
so many claim? After he sinned, did God tell him: ‘Adam, you have been bad! But
I will reward your disobedience with eternal life in the heavens.’ No, God said differently, in GEN 03:19, THE PACT: ‘In the sweat of your face you shall eat your
bread until you return to the earth. because from that you were taken, and to earth
you shall return.’
Again: But think carefully now: Where would Adam have been if he had not sinned?
Where are he and Eve now? In the heavens? In the grave? Or exterminated?
God has now finished all of his plan to restore what Adam destroyed through his
disobedience. (ACT 03:24) And it has been a long lasting process.
Think carefully one more time: Why did it take so long?
The Restoration
We know from the Bible that the first man God created, was Adam, and that God’s
plan with Adam was that he and all his descendants were to live on the earth in ages.
But God’s condition was that Adam was obedient to God, and that he was not. He
sinned, and God sentenced him to death! (Genesis 03:19) And thereby a life in ages
on the earth without sin, sorrow and misery was lost to all mankind!
But, will it always be that way? No, in Acts 03:21 we read: ‘He (Jesus) is the one
whom the heavens shall receive until the time comes when God shall restore all that
he has spoken of through the mouths of his prophets since the beginning of ths age.’
The word restore is a key here, because a prerequisite that anything is to be restored,
is that something must have been lost or destroyed. And what have we lost? A life
in the heavens in ages? No, men of flesh and blood have never had anything to do in
the heavens! But we have lost what Adam destroyed through his disobedience. This
is what is to be restored! And to carry through his new plan for man, God sent his
only generated Son to the earth so that he would become a corresponding ransom
(Gr. antilutron = corresponding ransom, lutron = ransom) of sin — a perfect man
without sin — the way Adam was before his sinned. Therefore Jesus had to suffer
for our sins. And through his sacrificial death as a man of flesh and blood, he has
now become the Mediator between God and man. In First Timothy 02:05 it says:
‘For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men — and he is the Man
Jesus Christ.’ Jesus gave his sin-free body as a sacrifice so that we men would get
our relation with God back in order and thereby have a future in ages on the earth
without sin, sorrow and misery! The Bible is clear on this. It says directly that God’s
final solution is that everything is to become one unity under Christ — both what
is in the heavens and what is on the earth! (Ephesians 01:10) Just imagine what
Jesus teaches us to pray for in Father in the heaven, Matthew 06:10. ‘Let your Realm
come, and let your will happen on the earth and in the heavens.’ ‘Let your Realm
come.’ And what will happen then? Yes, then ‘your will shall happen on the earth
and in the heavens.’ And what is the will of God? That men shall be obedient without
sin exactly the way he had planned from the beginning! Satan’s cunning plan will not
One single verse is important here, because it explains everything in a nutshell! ‘But
according to his promise we look forward to new heavens and a new earth where
justice shall live.’ (2PE 03:13) Many hysterical preachers claim the world will burn
up completely, but note that it also says heavens, and no one in his right mind would
believe that God will destroy his own existence? We find the correct explanation in
the last four words which are usually omitted by the howlers when this verse is being
quoted — ‘where justice shall live!’
The Restoration
And we all understand that there cannot possibly exist righteousness neither on the
earth nor in the heavens if everything is to be destroyed!
What are then the new heavens? It refers to two relations:
01: There will be justice in God’s heavens after Satan and his demons have been
thrown out. (REV 12:07-09)
02: The Greek word ouranos, which is usually translated heaven in the singular, but
which THE PACT consistently write in the plural, actually means that, or those, that
is / are elevated. And who are elevated under this world’s system? Yes, kings, presidents, priesthoods, judicial systems, judges, etc. — all that is elevated above the
common man and woman.
All these are the ones that will become new on the earth — and contrary to today’s
corrupt system, they are to exert justice upon the earth. Do we know who they are?
No, but chances are that God’s faithful servants, such as John the Baptist, will be this
world’s leaders after their resurrection. Remember that Jesus said John was the
greatest born by a woman, and that greatness has to refer to something better than
being beheaded by King Herod.
The Greek word for earth is ge — that which is flat. And what is flat in this relation,
are the common men and women. The new that is to come, contrary to the way it is
today, is that all of mankind who gets access to the Realm of God, shall exert justice
toward one another! Then there has been established new heavens and a new earth
— where justice shall live! The Realm of God has then become a reality! So simple
and so easily understood is actually God’s plan for man.
But, is it God’s plan that Jesus must carry through his new plan all alone? No, to aid
in this work, God will through Christ elect a special group of righteous persons, men
without blemish, who will get a spiritual resurrection with Christ. This is the first resurrection which the second death has no power over. In Revelation 20:06 it says:
‘Blessed and holy are those who get to take part in the first resurrection. Over them
the second death has no power, because they will become priests before God and
Christ, and they shall rule with Christ for thousand years.’
Think now: If they are to be priests, who will be their congregation? And if they are
to rule with Christ, whom will they rule over? It can only be one group: Those who
are risen from the graves to the judgement on the earth. Because, if the dead will be
physically risen from their graves, it must be on the earth because that is where they
lie buried. This is the second resurrection. The Bible does not say much about it, but
you may read about the second resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous
in Acts 24:15.
How does this agree with the teaching of the Pope and Luther that the unrighteous
The Restoration
shall burn in hell after their death? It does not agree with the Bible which clearly says
that those who have died the first death because of Adam’s disobedience, have been
bough free from their sins. (ROM 06:07, 1CO 05:05, ISA 22:14) They lie in the
grave in expectation of the resurrection to the judgement on the earth. And what is
the judgement? Jesus says in John 08:15. ‘I judge nobody.’ But in John 09:19 he
says: ‘To judgement I have come into this world —’ Does Jesus contradict himself?
No, the judgement is the choice we make ourselves after the resurrection and after
the thousand years when Satan is again released. Will we then side with God and Jesus’ — or Satan? He who sides with Satan the way Adam did, will suffer the second
death the way Adam and Eve have already done, but he who accepts Jesus, will receive a life in ages — on the earth. (MAT 05:05, PSA 37:11, PSA 37:29) In that way
the final judgement will be based on our own choice, and not on Adam’s. That is the
way of God, the only righteous way!
These holy who get to take part in the first, the spiritual, resurrection, are also spoken
of as sealed in the Bible. (EPH 01:13) Many have wondered whom those who God
has set his seal on, may be. It is this, together with the fact that the heavenly election
will no longer take place through the Jewish priesthood, the Levites, Paul on many
occasions, among others in Romans 16:25-27, calls ‘the mystery of God’s message.’
Only in Revelation did John learn how many they were. God refers to them as ‘the
one hundred and forty-four thousand who have been bought free from the earth.’
(REV 07:04, 14:03. And nobody else but these one hundred and forty-four thousand
have been bought free from the earth! The rest of us, both righteous and unrighteous,
will have a resurrection of the soul, Gr. psuchikos, on the earth. Read Acts 24:15
until you know it by heart. It is one of the Bible’s many important verses!
Is it only these one hundred and forty-four thousand that are spoken of as sealed,
belonging to God, in the Bible? No, there is one more — Christ. These one hundred
and forty-four plus the One, Christ, shall make up God’s government, which is the
Realm of God (MAT 19:28) during the restoration (Gr. apokastasis) of what Adam
destroyed for us human beings — a life in ages on the earth — without sin, sorrow
and misery and death.
The Greek word apokastasis is used only this one time in the Greek text. It means to
restore, reconstruct, reestablish.
Jesus proved through his acts on the earth that he had of God’s power to carry
through all this, because if we sum up all the powerful (Gr. dunamis = power) Jesus
did, the sum of them equals the taking away of Adams sin. He forgives sin, raises up
dead, heals sick, feeds the hungry, make blind see, etc. And all this was the result of
Adam’s sin! (In Matthew 26:64 and Mark 14:64 the Power is God the Almighty.)
If you add up Jesus’ acts on the earth, you will see that the sum of all he did, is a
The Restoration
picture of the very restoration! He did not do it to show how clever he was or how
merciful he was. No, he showed through his acts that he was directly subject to
God’s power, that which is a total necessity to manage the restoration! The same
were many of the disciples after they received the Holy Spirit on the day of the
Pentecost in the year 33 the same way Jesus did when he was baptized. The dove and
the tongues of fire were only the visible proof that they were now accepted by God
and had received the part of God’s power which was necessary to carry through the
work they had been chosen to!
Have you never wondered who the chosen are when reading the Bible? Because,
would it have had any purpose preaching the word if all had been chosen beforehand?
Are you one among the many who deny the one hundred and forty-four thousand?
Do you think they are a symbolic figure? Do you think it applies to Jews only because it says ‘the twelve tribes of Israel?’
Then you owe it to yourself to study this a little closer. Those who will stand before
the judgement, are also called ‘the twelve tribes of Israel.’ (MAT 19:28) Is it only
Israel who is to stand before he judgement?
Note also that the twelve tribes in Revelation are not identical to the twelve physical
tribes of Israel. The number twelve is always symbolic of that of the heavens, for
instance when Jesus chose the twelve apostles. But they were still concretely twelve
individuals. The number one hundred and forty-four thousand is dividable by twelve,
symbolic of the heavenly, but the number itself is still a concrete number.
Why were there twelve gates into Jerusalem? Why is the New Jerusalem 12.000 stadia (2200 km.) by 12.000 stadia by 12.000 stadia?
These one hundred and forty-four who are chosen by God because of their righteousness and faithfulness, are to serve God as Jesus’ co-priests, co-rulers and co-judges
after the Realm of God has been established — the new, heavenly Jerusalem that
shall make up a righteous government over the earth — in age and ages!
Then there have been established ‘new heavens and a new earth — where righteousness shall live.’ God’s original plan has been restored and the Realm of God
has become a reality through Christ and his heavenly priesthood, the one hundred and forty-four thousand! (2PE 03:13, REV 21:01-07)
If you get to be part of this, either in the heavens or on the earth, only then you
can say: ‘Now I have been rescued from Satan’s grip!’
The False Prophet, the Lawless,
Antichrist, and the Beast
We will check thoroughly what forces the false prophet, the lawless, the antichrist
and the beast represent in the Bible. And then we might just as well clarify sooner
rather than later that the false prophet is not a specific person or group. The false
prophet is a personified expression of any false prophets or prophecies ref. the Bible’s extensive use of pictures. In the same way neither the lawless is a specific person or group, but a personification of all who do not follow God’s law, but use the
word of God falsely to their own advantage, ref. so called Christian politicians and
extreme Islamists. Basically the same goes for antichrist and the beast.
Yet I underscore that these expressions may also refer to individuals and groups, then
based on the fact every system consists of single individuals forming greater groups.
In Deuteronomy Moses explains what signifies a false prophet: In DEU 18:15, NIV,
he says: ‘ The LORD (Jehovah in the Hebrew text) your God will raise up a prophet
like me from among your brothers. You must listen to him.’
This is one of the Bible’s many prophecies about Christ. And here we learn that God
himself shall raise him up as a prophet. Based on this we may draw the conclusion
that both Moses and Jesus were sent out as prophets directly by God, and they are
then examples of the true prophets, ref. also many other prophets called by God under the First Pact. But those who have read some about the prophets, know that under
the First Pact also false prophets stood forth, such who were not sent by God.
False prophets, such who are not sent by God, Moses explains how to distinguish in
Deuteronomy 18:20-22, NIV: ‘But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name
anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of
other gods, must be put to death. 21 You may say to yourselves, How do we know
when a message has not been spoken by the LORD. (Jehovah in the Hebrew text) 22
If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD (Jehovah in the Hebrew text)
does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD (Jehovah in the Hebrew text) has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid
of him.’
Do we have any examples from our own time of such whom God here warns against?
Yes, by the numbers. And that specifically refers to prophecies about Jesus second
coming, and that in spite of the fact that the Bible, actually Jesus himself, says that
day and hour (of Jesus’ second coming) nobody knows, not even the messengers in
the heavens, nor the Son, but only God.’ (MAR 13:32)
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
The false prophetess of the Adventists, Ellen Gould White proclaimed Jesus coming
in the year 1844, but when nothing happened, she has in the book Toward the Climax
of History tried to explain away why it did not happen. She says that through another
vision into the heavens she saw Jesus move from the Holy Place to the Holiest Place
in the heavens. And that was what confused her. And in that has she even clearer
exposed her false prophecies, because there is no physical temple in the heavens. The
temple on earth was a direct picture of the heavens, and there can be nothing material
in a spiritual existence! She also claims that on another occasion she could see directly into the heavens, and then she saw a special light surrounding the commandment
of the Sabbath on the stone tablets. The commandment to keep the Sabbath holy was
introduced in the Garden of Eden, she proclaims.
The very most of this is at best free imagination. The teaching of the Adventists is
identical to Ellen Gould White’s false prophecies, and where she contradicts the
Bible, they stress that all of Ellen G. White’s prophecies are correct and given in pictures directly by God, ref. Revelation 02:20. Long live all these willed misconceptions! I find it strange.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are also guilty of extensive prophesizing about Jesus second
coming. First he was to come in 1914, then in 1918, in 1954 and finally in 1975. But
nothing happened. They also have a house standing empty in California, an inheritance, where they will receive the prophet Jeremiah when he returns. Their own great
prophet is the Watchtower organization in Brooklyn, and a Jehovah’s Witness cannot
preach anything from the Bible unless it has first been explained by ‘the holy in
Brooklyn,’ the so-called Governing Body. If they are shown that any of their preaching does not agree with the Bible, such as the holiness of the blood, they answer
with consideration: ‘I have the great faith in the wise and faithful slave (the Watchtower organization in Brooklyn) that he will give the proper food at the right time.’
But that does not always happen. Clearly contrary to the Bible they also claim that
their organization in Brooklyn is ‘God’s own organization of rescue on the earth.’
The Bible clearly shows that there is only one mediator between God and man, and
that is the Man Jesus Christ. (1TI 02:05) Any collective rescue does not exist, and
therefore Jehovah’s Witnesses does not have an ‘organization of rescue on the earth.’
The Mormons also have their own great prophet, Joseph Smith. He claims that he
physically met both God and Christ on a mountain ridge in upstate New York, and
that a God’s messenger later came and showed him where some golden plates lay
buried. And these plates were the manuscript to the Book of Mormon which Joseph
Smith, at that time 14 years of age, was ordered to translate from an ancient language
into U.S. English. And when this work of translation was finished, the plates disappeared in a mysterious way. The Mormons also claim to believe in the Bible, and
they conduct long, superficial studies of the Bible. And when the Bible does not
agree with the Book of Mormon, it is always the book of Mormon that is correct,
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
they claim, because that came last. They also claim that God sends them prophets to
this day, even if the Bible says differently! Read Hebrews 01:01-02, with consideration, and you will see that God does not send prophets today. Paul also confirms in
First Corinthians 13:08 that the prophetic gift will cease. But why? That is obvious.
We have received all the prophecies we need in order to understand God’s total plan
through Paul and John!
What will finally happen to such false prophets and their descendants? It says in Revelation 20:10 that the false prophet will be thrown into the sea of fire, metaphorically for being eradicated. And again: The false prophet is a personification of everybody, individuals or groups, that do false prophecies without being chosen to such
a task by God. When the Realm of God has been established, all such falseness shall
no longer exist.
Are there any other great false prophets that have stood forth down the years? Yes,
the greatest of them all is the Muslim’s own Muhammed — ‘the prophet Muhammed.’
This was only a few examples of the greatest among the false prophet. If you consider it carefully, I am sure you can think of many. Today they grow up like mushrooms all over the world. — By the way — what about the Pope or Luther?
Second Thessalonians 02:08-09, THE PACT: ‘Then the lawless shall be revealed,
he whom the Lord will destroy with the breath of his mouth and exterminate when
he* makes his presence known. The presence of the lawless is of Satan’s work with
all his power, his signs and miraculous lies.’
*the Lord Jesus
These are the only two times in the Bible that the expression the lawless is being
used. Most think, especially the Adventists, that this refers directly to the Pope and
the church of the Pope, and if you read all of chapter 02 it may seem to be true. But
even if the lawless directly refers to the Pope in this chapter, it is still so that the lawless is a personalized expression of each single person or group that represents something that is against God’s law, from Adam to Christ.
The Catholic Church is the largest of all churches. How may it then be the lawless?
That is basically simple, because through all the history of the power of the Pope it
has represented an official teaching that directly contradicts the word of God. It is
enough just to mention dogmas like the trinity, the immortal soul’s eternal torment
in hell, the invisibility of the soul, purgatory, etc. But furthest away from the word
of God, is the practice of absolution, being able to buy yourself free from sin. In
addition I could have reeled off almost incessantly, ref. the misuse of quire boys by
homosexual priests to their sexual satisfaction while pretending to live in celibacy.
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
During the later years, on the other hand, the Pope is more faithful to the teachings
of the Bible than the Lutheran Church, ref. the Pope’s attitude toward prevention,
abortion, women priests, gay priests and same sex marriages, hiring homosexuals in
the church, etc.
Right now the Lutheran Church is having two extensive political debates that relates
to the word of God — 01) The question if the house of God is to be run by a mundane state with worldly, yes even atheistic ministers as head of the church. 02) The
question of same sex marriages. In Norway the bishops voted unanimously to allow
homosexuals to marry in the church. If you have kept an open eye to these debates
you may have noticed that it is not at all a question of what is right and wrong according to the Bible. The Bible has not been mentioned once, not even by so-called
Christians. This is a clear example of the works of the lawless which we have just
read is of Satan! Many of these church leaders do not even know that the Bible is the
word of God. Here is a quote from one of them: ‘The Bible is no cookbook. We must
create a religion that most people will accept!’
The word antichrist is being used four times in the Bible, and only by the apostle
01: First John 02:18, THE PACT: ‘Little children, we are in the last ages and you
know that antichrist will come. But already now there are many antichrists.’
02: First John, 02:22, THE PACT: ‘Who is the liar? Is it not he who denies that Jesus
is the Christ? He is an antichrist, and he disowns both the Father and the Son.’
03: First John 04:03, THE PACT: ‘Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus has
not come in the flesh, is not of God. This is antichrist that you have heard will come,
and that already now is in the world.’
04: Second John, 01:07, THE PACT: ‘Many deceivers have gone into this world.
They are such who profess that Jesus has not come in the flesh. They are deceivers
and antichrists.’
NB! It is wrong writing antichrist with a capital A. Antichrist is not a person.
Many interpreters confuse the lawless and antichrist and make them into one and the
same person, a great and powerful Jew who will rule the world from a rebuilt temple
in Jerusalem. (A charismatic interpretation.) Such interpretations are usually great
misinterpretations. By the way, you cannot interpret the Bible the way you see fit.
If you do not understand what you read, be careful not no make up your mind on
false pretenses. Rather leave the question until sometime later.
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
The beast
Gr. theirion = beast (that which tears apart)
Gr. tetrapous = animal (four-legged)
The beast is being mentioned throughout all of the Bible, both in the First and the
New Pact. It is always a picture of a worldly, political unit, a military power (that
which tears apart).
The Bible presents seven major beasts which have all influenced God’s plan, and the
prophet Daniel presents five of them. But in Revelation 17:10 the apostle John writes: ‘There are seven kings. (the major powers of the beast) Five have fallen. (Egypt,
Assyria, Babylon, Medio / Persia and Greece) One is now. (the Roman Empire)
Another (the seventh and the last) has not yet come, but when he comes, he will only
last a short time. (the Anglo / American world power).’ We who live today, can say:
‘There are seven kings. Six have fallen, and the seventh and the last is now.’
Also something as simple as this causes divisions, and Ellen G. White has interpreted
antichrist to be the Pope in person and at the same time she interprets the beast from
the sea in Revelation Chapter 13 to be the Pope. And she has skipped the two first
beasts altogether. The reason may be that Daniel starts his prophecy of the beasts
with the third (the head of the golden statue) which is Nebukhadnezar, the king of
Babylon. Revelation also refers to ten beasts, and it is a common interpretation that
they refer to Rome tractate and the establishment of EU, which originally consisted
of ten states. That is not correct. The number ten in Revelation is not a concrete number, but a sign. It refers to that which is total, in other words all the kingdoms that are
in addition to the seven. Ten fingers, for instance is our total number of fingers. The
number ten in Revelation is always a sign of that which is total and of the earth. By
the way, the Rome tractate today consists of more that 30 states, but that they close
their eyes to. Besides, God never reestablishes something that has been tried and
discarded of like the Roman Empire. They have outplayed their role.
The purpose of studying the false prophet, the lawless, antichrist and the beast in
such detail, is to learn how to distinguish between these four biblical, personified
powers so that we may avoid being subjected to all the confusing proclamations in
these eras. And remember: These are four separate powers that may sometimes represent the same, but far from always. And we will learn to separate them through
concrete examples.
The false prophet being a personification of every person or group giving false prophecies the very most have accepted, except those who are subject to special doctrines. It is a clear message of the Bible that during the last days all prophecies are
to take place through Christ and the two last prophets that were chosen by Christ,
Paul and John. And after having received both the First and the New Pact, we have
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
also received a total picture of God’s plan. Any prophecies beyond these we no longer need, ref. Hebrews 01:02.
How, then, may we distinguish between the false prophet and the lawless, and between antichrist and the beast? Let us study a few examples:
John writes in 2JO 01:07 that an antichrist is one who denies that Christ, the Anointed, has come in the flesh, that is as God’s heavenly Son being born as a man. In 1JO
04:04 he writes that antichrist already now (almost two thousand years ago) had
come to the world. Who is, based on this, the very first antichrist? That should not
be very difficult, because the Jews denied from the very beginning that Jesus was the
promised Messiah.
Therefore the Jews were the first big antichrist. And they have remained a big antichrist to this day! Also every single person who rejects that Jesus has come in the
flesh, as a man, for instance such who claim that he is God the Almighty, or only a
half-god, are according to this antichrists.
What about the Muslims? Yes, the Muslims deny that Jesus was God’s heavenly
Son, the Messiah. They accept him as a regular prophet — one much lesser than Muhammed. And therefore the Muslim teaching is today’s biggest antichrist — one who
denies that Jesus is the Son of God who has come in the flesh, that is as a man.
The biggest antichrist that ever existed was communism, a political direction that rejected the existence of both God and Christ. But it happened to communism what
will happen to all anichrists — they will be terminated! — Also the Jews? Yes, if
they do not repent. Actually, in the eyes of God Judaism has already been terminated.
What about Hitler? Was he an antichrist? No, far from it! He stands together with the
Pope as a concrete picture of the lawless! Why? Yes, because Hitler denied neither
God nor Christ. On the contrary, he used the Bible as a tool to achieve political
power. One reason why the Germans got such strong faith in Hitler, was the he, with
reference to the thousand years in the Bible, promised the Germans peace and prosperity for thousand years! He also chose one of the Pope’s cardinals, von Popen, as
his second in command. This was the stroke of a genius, because thereby the Pope
terminated his support of the German Center Party and gave his full support to Hitler and his national-socialists. Contrary to God’s law he used God’s word to further
his own political progress.
And throughout all of the war the Pope was faithful to Hitler almost as one unity.
Think carefully now: Have we ever in England or the United States had any political
leaders who have used the word of God to achieve his own political power?
The False Prophet, the Lawless, Antichrist and the Beast
What about the reelection of George W. Bush? He did not win his reelection because
of the war in Iraq or the great economy, but because he stood forth as a staunch
Methodist. When John Kerry tried the same, he looked silly. Then George W. Bush
represented both the false prophet, the lawless and the beast, but he was far from being an antichrist.
What about the Jews? Were they a beast? Yes, also in Judea there were leaders with
military forces, ref. the great uprising in 67, and that in spite of Judea being subject
to Roman rule, one of the world’s major seven beasts in the Bible. We have seen that
the Jews were an antichrist. And we know how Jesus rebuked their leaders for their
lawlessness. Therefore we may safely say that Judea at the time of Jesus constituted
both the lawless, antichrist and the beast.
Are the Muslims a beast? No, not as a religious group. As a religious group they are
an antichrist, the false prophet, Muhammed, and the lawless. Only when these forces
make up a political unit, do they also represent the beast. A Muslim state, such as
Saudi-Arabia, or the state os Iran, symbolizes today the beast and at the same time
they are an antichrist, a lawless and a false prophet through their belief in Muhammed.
Neither communism as an ideology was a beast, but an antichrist. Only when this
ideology became a political and military unit, for instance the Soviet-Union or Cuba,
did they make up a beast, and because they rejected all of God’s laws, they also became two major lawless.
Do we know any other groups that today have great influence in their opposition to
the word of God? What about the humanistic-ethesists? It speaks for itself. They
have no political state and therefore do not represent the beast. And they are not conducting false prophesies. But they reject both God and Christ and consistently refuse
to follow God’s laws. Therefore they are a big antichrist and an equally big lawless.
When we a little by little become comfortable with distinguishing between the false
prophet, the lawless, antichrist and the beast, it also becomes possible to understand
the Revelation’s reference to the beast and the mark of the beast. And also who worship the mark of the beast and what consequences it will have for them.
Read therefore also the Mark of Cain, the Mark of God and the Mark of the Beast.
The Bible is a sober and factual book. Heed therefore Paul’s warning in being sober
in everything you do. (Second Timothy 04:05, THE PACT.)
The Mark of God —
The Mark of the Beast
There is a great confusion over what the many marks of the Bible represent. This is
a simple examination of these marks, with reference to the related biblical verses.
This is not a full explanation of these marks. My thinking is that you will read all the
verses that I refer to, and that you read both some of text before the verses and also
some of the verses that follow.
The first time we hear about a mark in the Bible, is in Genesis 04:05 after Cain has
slain Abel. And God said to Cain: ‘Therefore he who kills Cain will be revenged
seven times.’ And Jehovah set a mark on Cain so that those who met him, would not
slay him. What mark did God set on Cain? When young I thought that maybe God
made Cain a leper so that no one dared come near him. But that did not agree with
Cain taking women and having many children. Then, after having gone through all
the marks that exist in the Bible, I realized that God did not set a visible mark on
Cain, but that God himself took the mark of Cain on his forehead — he remembered
Cain and placed him under his protection.
Then we come to Exodus 13:01-10 where God commands the sons of Israel to celebrate the Passover, the Pascha, every year in remembrance of the exodus from Egypt.
In verse 09 it says: ‘This is to be a sign to you on your hand and a mark of remembrance between you eyes (on the forehead), so that the law of Jehovah will remain
in your mouth.’
Based on this we understand that the mark between their eyes, on their forehead,
means that this they must remember, and the sign on their hands mean that they must
act accordingly. And this was a command to the sons of Israel only. We of the peoples have never been part of this, neither the exodus nor the celebration! Well, we
celbrate Passover, Easter, but it has never been a commandment from God!
Deuteronomy chapter 06 is about the greatest commandment. In verse 08 Moses
writes: ‘You shall bind them (the words God commands) as a sign around your hand
and they are to be marks of remembrance between your eyes.’
Again God commands the sons of Israel that the words he has given them shall be
like ‘marks of memory between your eyes,’ they were to remember them, and ‘bind
them as a sign around their hands,’ in other words act accordingly.’ And again we
see that the mark on the forehead refers to remembrance and the sign on their hand
were to lead to action. That is how factual it is. But there is a lot of fabling over it!
The Mark of God — the Mark of the Beast
We have now come to Ezekiel chapter 09. The Babylonian army stands outside of
Jerusalem and is ready to conquer the city. And this was God’s punishment on the
Jews because they had drifted so far away in relation to God’s commandment and
pact they had entered into with God. About 90% of the inhabitants in Jerusalem were
killed by the Babylonians. But some rescued their lives and was taken to Babylon as
prisoners. And among them were Daniel and his friends. And then we read in verse
09 that Jehovah said to one of his messenger, most likely Michael: ‘Go through the
city and place a mark on those people who sigh and moan over all the wickedness
thet is being done in her (Jerusalem’s) midst.’ And then God’s messenger is commanded to kill indiscriminately and without mercy, in order to exterminate all the ungodliness from Jerusalem. But in verse 06 God commands: ‘But do not get near anyone who has the mark on them!’ And those who had God’s mark on their forehead
were without exception such who lived according to God’s law and sought his righteousness. These were spared! And this time we see that the mark on their forehead
was given to such who remembered God’s law and lived according to God’s commandments!
Then we do not hear of any more marks until we get to Revelation. But then it is not
the mark of Cain we hear about, nor the mark of God. And neither do we hear about
such who will get God’s protection, but about such who God is to condemn. But
why? Yes, these have taken the mark of the beast on their forehead and in their hands
— they think and act fully in line with what the beast represents — contrary to God’s
And who is the beast? Yes, the beast in biblical relation is metaphorical of a political
unit with a military power. The Greek word for beast is therion, that which tears to
pieces. Just an animal in Greek is tetrapous, a four-legged. And in Revelation the
beast especially refers to the seventh and last of the world’s political powers which
have an influence on the carrying through of God’s plan. This kingdom, the Anglo
/ American world power acts contrary to God’s plan. Like all the other beasts it does
not represent God, but this world’s mundane interests.
In Revelation 13:16-18, THE PACT, it says: ‘It (the beast) made it so that everybody,
little or great, received a mark on his right hand and on his forehead. And nobody
could buy or sell unless they had the mark of the beast, or its name, or the number
of its name. Here is the wisdom: He who has insight, can count the number of the
beast, because it is a name from men. And the number is six hundred and sixty six.’
‘Nobody can buy or sell unless he has the number of the beast.’ This verse has made
many worried, and many have wondered how that would manage to live rightly
before God and at the same time get something to sustain their lives — the most
The Mark of God — the Mark of the Beast
Taking the mark of the beast is the same as to subject oneself to what the beast represents. And what do you need to do in today’s societies if you want to start selling or
buying, in other words start a business? Yes, you have to register and get a business
registration number. And if you start a business without first being registered, it will
not take long before the beast comes and stops you. In worst cases you may even
have to go to jail. And that is nearly a world wide situation today.
I ran a small hotel in the U.S. There you may not even open a bank account unless
you can show the registration number of your business. ‘I need your business identification number, please.’ To open this account I had to wait until I was registered as
a business. — I had to take the mark of the beast to be able to start a business!
Is it that way for private individuals also? Yes, it is increasingly so. It is no longer
enough to give your name when you enter a public office, see a doctor, hospital,
bank, etc. If you cannot show your name and personal number you may easily experience being rejected. Myself I have been asked to present my personal number just to
buy a personal computer and printer. And just paying cash was not good enough. The
reason being that then the warranty would not be valid. I bought PC and printer
elsewhere. Some time ago I tried to open a bank account for a small, unregistered
congregation. I was then informed that it was impossible. It would have to be registered as a church. The only way to get around it, was to use my own name and personal number. I thanked ‘no.’ It was another example of having to take the mark of
the beast.
Finally, note that it is not those who have to take the mark of the beast under pressure, that will be lost, but such who worship the mark of the beast, those jubilant
over what the beast represents. Do you know anybody like that? What about top
politicians, those who created this system? There has got to be some of them both in
Great Britain and the United States! And in Norway! Maybe George W. Bush? Tony
Blair? Kjell Magne Bondevik? — Bush, Blair and Bondevik! Yes, they all love the
In Jacob 04:04, THE PACT, it says: ‘You ought to know that friendship with the
world, is animosity against God. Because he who wants to be a friend of this world,
becomes God’s enemy.’ That sounds tough! Why? Simple. What this world represents is of Satan! — Uff da!
They are such who will be among the many who are destroyed when God decides
that enough is enough and exterminates all devilry from the earth before he establishes his own rule. (DAN 02:44)
But there is no talk about a torment in ages in a burning hell. There is only talk about
a death without resurrection — the second death!
The First Resurrection
The people at the time of Jesus were aware that there would take place a resurrection
from the dead. In John 11:11 Jesus says about Lazarus: ‘Lazarus is asleep.’ The word
for sleep is koimao, to be in a coma. And that is how Jesus considers the first death,
that which all must suffer because of Adam’s sin. And from this first death there will
take place a resurrection, ref. those who Jesus used as examples by waking them up,
temporarily, from the dead. Luke writes in Acts, a quote from Paul, that there will
take place a resurrection of ‘both the righteous and the unrighteous.’ In other words:
All are to be resurrected to the judgement on the earth. This is the second resurrection which will take place after the first resurrection has taken place. The second resurrection, that of the soul, will take place on the earth.
In Revelation 02:11, 20:06, 20:14 and 21:08 we read about the second death. What
is the difference between the first and the second death? It is factual and easily understood the way the Bible presents it, but there is an extensively confusing preaching in this respect.
The simple explanation is this: Adam broke God’s law, and therefore god sentenced
him to death together with his woman Eve. And thereby all mankind was subjected
to this death. But it is undeniably unreasonable strict that all of mankind would have
to die because of one man’s disobedience about 6000 years ago. And therefore God
sent Christ to annul this sentence on mankind so that the would be a resurrection
from the first death.
What about the second death? To suffer the second death we must unequivocally
have been subjected to God’s power and rejected it. We have then blasphemed the
Holy Spirit and must suffer a death in ages, not because of Adam’s disobedience, but
because of our own. That is the second death which Adam and Eve have already
suffered. From the second death there will be no resurrection.
But there will also be a first and a second resurrection. A small group of righteous
men without blemish will be resurrected to a spiritual, heavenly existence. They will
be a firstfruit with Christ as his heavenly brothers and God’s adopted sons, the holy,
the elect, the sealed, the one hundred and forty-four thousand, etc. And it is only this
group, a priesthood of men without blemish, who will take part in the first resurrection. And it will happen in two divisions, first those who have been waiting in their
graves in anticipation of this, those who have dies in Christ. After this comes ‘those
those who live and are left until Jesus’ presence. They are not taken up to the heavens as a special group, but God through Jesus takes them to him one by one as they
die. It is this first resurrection Paul explains about to the Thessalonians in his fort
writ to them, in chapter 04, verses 13-18. I give the explanation to this verse by verse
based on THE PACT’s proper use of prepositions and personal pronouns:
The First Resurrection
1TH 04:13-18. The first resurrection
13 I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about those who have fallen asleep.
Do not grieve like the others who are without hope.
14 Because if we believe that Jesus died and was risen again, then also those who
have fallen asleep in Christ, shall be brought together with him by God.
15 This we say with the Lord’s word: Those who live and are left during the presence of the Lord, shall not come before those who have fallen asleep.
16 Because the Lord himself will descend from the heavens with a call, with the
voice of the foremost messenger as if it were God’s trumpet, and those who are dead
in Christ shall rise first.
17 After that those who live and are left, will be taken up together with us in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we shall always be with the Lord.
18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.
Verse 13, THE PACT: ‘I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about those who
have fallen asleep. Do not grieve like the others who are without hope.’
What Paul says here, does not apply in general to all who have died, fallen asleep in
the first death, but to a determined group elected faithful God’s servants, those who
will become embers of God’s heavenly priesthood, the Melchizedec. It was this
priesthood Jesus started the election of when he chose the twelve apostles: And
believe it or not, but it is the election of this group, plus Christ, the whole Bible is
about — the one hundred and forty-four thousand, those whom God has set his seal
on (REV 07:01-08) plus the one in addition whom God has set is seal on, Jesus
Christ. (JOH 06:27) It says, THE PACT: ‘Work not for the food that gets devoured,
but for the food that endures to a life in ages, that which the Son of Man gives you.
Because God, my Father, has set his seal on him.’ And it is only Jesus together
with the 144.000 God has set his seal on, which is the proof that they belong to him,
ref. cattle branding in the Wild West. And the very proof of this election was their
receiving of the Holy Spirit to a lesser or greater degree. (JOH 03:34, EPH 01:13-14)
Those who get to be part of the second resurrection, that of the soul, with a possibility to live in ages on the earth, are only mentioned with few references in the Bible, such as in Acts 24:15. But when Paul refers to such who are without hope, he
refers to those who will not take part in the first resurrection.
Verse 14, THE PACT: ‘Because if we believe that Jesus died and was risen again,
then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ, shall be brought together with him
by God.’
Here Paul sets one condition to take part in the first resurrection: You must believe
that Jesus died and was resurrected! The those who have died with, or to, Christ, will
be brought together with Jesus by God. And be aware that not everybody who has
The First Resurrection
died, not even the best Christians, who have fallen asleep with Christ. It applies only
to those who are chosen to a heavenly glory as members of God’s heavenly priesthood, a priesthood of men without blemish. (LEV 21:17-24)
Verse 15, THE PACT: ‘This we say with the Lord’s word: Those who live and are
left during the presence of the Lord, shall not come before those who have fallen
First a controversial question: When is the presence of the Lord? Jesus’ presence, his
spiritual attention toward the earth, began after he had thrown Satan out of the heavens, and lasts until he again hands over the power to God the Almighty at the end of
the thousand years. At the beginning of this period he also takes to him his heavenly
priesthood, the bride. The first he took to him after he had thrown Satan out of the
heavens, were all who had fallen asleep in their graves.
It is this attention toward the earth, and Jesus’ thousand year long heavenly rule over
the earth that is called the wedding feat n Matthew. But at the beginning of Jesus’
heavenly rule this priesthood is not in full number. And that is why the first resurrection happened in two stages, because the presence of the Lord did not start until
Satan had been thrown out of the heavens. This you may read about in Revelation 12:
07-12. But those who were living at that time, shall not come before those who have
fallen asleep, literally from the Greek text, ‘fallen into a coma.’
Paul claims that he says this with the Lord’s word, and in all probability the Lord
here is Jesus. The New World Translation write Jehovah here, but the one who always spoke to Paul, was Jesus.
NB! Almost every translation writes ‘the coming of Jesus’ instead of ‘the presence
of Jesus,’ and then the reader will not have a snowball’s chance of understanding it!
It is sad, but honesty to the word of God is not a common feature among Christians!
Verse 16, THE PACT: ‘Because the Lord himself will descend from the heavens
with a call, with the voice of the foremost messenger as if it were God’s trumpet, and
those who are dead in Christ shall rise first.’
This is powerful! Now the Lord himself, Jesus in his heavenly existence, shall
descend from the heavens to wake up ‘those who have dies in Christ.’ This is what
is Jesus’ second coming for this special group, and it was this Jesus promised the
apostles, and only the apostles, when he in John 14:19, THE PACT, said to them:
‘Just a short while and those of this world shall never see me again. But you
shall see me. For I live, and you shall live.’ Here Jesus says it straight that those
of this world shall never see him again, but only those who get to take part in the first
resurrection. It is a bit sad, bus few preachers realize that the are making Jesus a liar
The First Resurrection
when they proclaim Jesus’ second coming in the flesh. Why would he do that? Did
he not finish his work the first time when he was on the earth? (JOH 19:30)
There is little doubt that these happenings may be dated based on Daniel’s prophecies. The year is 1913, which I explain in the article The Age of the Lord — the Day
of Jehovah.
Why did the first group have to wait in their graves for so long? Then we must go all
the way to Revelation 21:27, THE PACT, for the answer: ‘But there will never come
anything into it (the New Jerusalem) that is unclean or anyone who commits abominations, and neither anybody who lies, but only those who are inscribed in the book
of life by the Lamb.’ And this condition was not fulfilled until Satan and his demons
had been thrown out of the heavens and down to the earth. (REV 12:07-12) Only
then had God put his enemies as footstool under his feet. And remember that in Matthew 05:35 the earth is spoken of as God’s footstool.
This resurrection happens at the same time for all who have died in Christ, those who
have been resting in their graves for a shorter or longer time. And thereby the first
phase of the first resurrection have been completed. How many these are, we do not
know, but we do know that both phases will all together be 144.000 — plus the One.
Let us also take a closer look at the number 1444.000 whic so many reject as symbolic. And they are partly right, because the number 12 is always symbolic of the
heavens. Also when Jesus chose his twelve apostles, the number was symbolic of the
heavens. But the 12 apostles were still 12 physical persons. So it is also with the 144.
000, which is 12.000 x 12.000 =144.000. False interpreters claim that the 144.000
only apply to the 12 tribes of Israel, because they refer to the physical 12 tribes of Israel. But that is not correct. The 12 tribes in Revelation are not identical to the 12
tribes of Israel, because neither Levi nor Joseph were of the 12 tribes of Israel. ‘The
12 tribes of the sons of Israel’ is a picture of that which is total. Or will you also deny
that everybody shall stand before the judgement? Then you will see that those who
are to stand before the judgement are also referred to as ‘the twelve tribes of Israel.’
(MAT 19:28) And therefore it cannot possibly be so that this only applies to the
physical Israel. It is a picture of what is total!
In Revelation 05:10 it says that those who are bought free from the earth, are of
‘every tribe, tongue and people.’ Therefore, those who claim that this only refers to
Israel, are consciously making God a liar! And please remember the real meaning of
Israel — he who fought with God and won (his blessing).
Verse 17, THE PACT: ‘After that those who live and are left, will be taken up together with us in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we shall always be with
the Lord.’
The First Resurrection
Now we have come to those who are still alive during Jesus’ presence, which is after
1913. As those who have been chosen as members of God’s heavenly priesthood, the
Mechizedec (Hebrews chapters 07 and 08) now die, they do not have to wait in the
grave to be resurrected, because now there is nothing unclean in the heavens. Satan
and his demons have been thrown out. Then God through Christ takes them to him
as their bodies die, but their personality does not die, because at the same moment
their souls die, they are resurrected in the spirit. They are then united with all who
have already taken part in the first resurrection, and in that way they will always be
together with the Lord in a spiritual existence. And when the last of these die and is
resurrected, the first resurrection has been completed. They have now become God’s
adopted sons and Jesus’ heavenly brothers.
In this short letter, Paul’s first to the Thessalonians, he uses the word brother as
many as 18 times. And that is not by chance. The Bible also writes sons were most
translations write children. And now some translators have come so far astray that
they have started writing siblings where the Greek text writes brothers. And this they
do for two specific reasons:
01: To consciously hide that the Bible is about a heavenly priesthood of men without
blemish and make it gender neutral.
02: To adjust the Bible to the modern day policies of gender equality.
After this God and Christ will direct their attention, their spiritual presence, toward
the earth. And then a process similar to what happened in the heavens, will also take
place on the earth. The ungodly, those who are of Satan, will be exterminated and
Satan laid in chains. This is what is called ‘the great tribulation.’ And those who survive, the righteous, the great, white flock, will then enter into the thousand years
without first having to die, ref. Noah and is sons.
But those who survive the great tribulation on the earth, will not get a life in ages
until they have passed the last test after Satan again, for a shot time, has been released from his captivity. Those who stand the test after the thousand years are over,
both those of the great, white flock and those being risen from the dead in the second
resurrection, will then ‘be made alive,’ (REV 20:05) receive a life in ages.
Then we are back to where Adam was before he sinned and the restoration of God’s
original plan has been fulfilled!
Verse 18, THE PACT: ‘Therefore encourage each other with these words.’
The New Creation
Galatians 06:15, THE PACT: ‘Because in Jesus Christ being circumcised or nor being circumcised means nothing, but becoming the new creation.’
Second Corinthians 05:17, THE PACT: ‘Therefore, if so is that anybody is in Christ,
he shall become a new creation. The old is gone, for see! — all becomes new.’
Do you become a new creation when you accept Jesus? Is it then so that all who believe in Jesus walk about as new creations? Many preachers claim that becoming the
new creation is identical to the conversion to Christ. Then you become a new creation, because then you begin to live by what is of the spirit, in other words according to what God represents. And we have seen what changes that is supposed to give:
Love, goodness, consideration, care, etc. Is it so that all Christians become better
people after they have accepted Jesus? Do not as many of the world fulfill these
qualities as Christians? Or is it automatically so theat Christians become better
people after they have received Jesus in their hearts? No, they are far from becoming
a new creation, but continue in the same shape as before, even it the few honest
among them make strenuous efforts to live better lives. They try to follow what is the
will of God, in other words they wander by what is of the spirit. But it is not so, yes,
amen, that all who convert becomes better persons of that reason. I have noticed that
just as often Christians use Jesus as a cover of their evil acts, so-called ‘Sunday
Christians.’ Claiming that such persons have become new creations would be a claim
hard to accept.
The basis of man’s existence, the way the Bible describes it, is the power that exudes
from God as a spiritual person. And be then aware that a person is not only identical
to an earthly being of flesh, blood and bones, but also include spiritual beings. When
God is presented as a person, it does not only refer to his power, but to God as a
separate spiritual being. What this separate being would look like if we got to se him
in a physical picture, nobody knows, but common sense tells us that a heavenly,
spiritual being cannot physically look like a person of flesh, blood and bones. And
be aware that when it says in Genesis that God created Adam in his picture, it does
not refer to Adam’s physical appearance, but to his spirituality as a sin-free person.
After Adam sinned nobody but Jesus has been created in God’s picture — as a human being free of sin. (1CO 15:45) After Adam’s fall we have all become bastards
with a little bit of God and a little bit of Satan in us.
Consequently we see that those of the heavens, the spirituals, are one creation and
those of the earth of flesh blood and bones, those of the soul, are a totally different
creation. And when God created Adam, also he was a new creation, because anything
like Adam the universe had never experienced before. But time took its course, and
The New Creation
today nobody would even consider calling a human being a new c reation. But are
these two forms of creation, except for animals, that this universe has ever seen? No,
the world has also been exposed to a third for of creation, the giants of old times, the
Nephilimes. The way this is being presented by Moses is that some of the sons of
God, heavenly beings, saw that the daughters of the earth were attractive and took
in marriage those that they desired. That means that they at that time had the ability
to materialize in the same way as the messengers that visited Abraham. And taking
in marriage sooner or later leads to offsprings, But this offspring was contrary to
God’s work of creation. They were of Satan’s demons and therefore became full of
devilry. They were through and through evil. And it was in order to exterminate this
ungodly evil God send the great flood. And thereby the universe was back to the two
original creations that were of God — the heavenly spirituals and those of the soul
on the earth. All this you may read about in Genesis chap. 06.
When Adam through his disobedience against God had laid the whole world under
sin, God, together with Michael, the Messiah in his pre-earthly existence, made a
new plan to reestablish what had been destroyed through Adam — a life in ages on
the earth without sin, death and misery. And under this new order not only Christ and
the heavenly messengers were to be God’s servant the way it was under the First
Pact. No, God decided that together with Christ he would elect a group of righteous
persons, a priesthood of men without blemish, (Leviticus 21:17-24) who were to
become Jesus’ co-priests, co-rulers and co-judges in the process leading to the reestablishment of what Adam had destroyed, had been fulfilled. It was the election of
this priesthood Jesus started when he chose the twelve apostles, all of them men
without blemish, physical handicaps.
The Levite priesthood had been an example of this heavenly priesthood, the Melchizedec. And if you study the structure of the Levite priesthood, you will see that its
service was divided into 24 shifts of two weeks each. And after lengthy studies of the
heavenly priesthood you will see that it has the same division made up of one hundred and forty-four priests divided into twelve divisions. And twelve times two is
twenty-four. it is this priesthood that is the bride, and it is only these one hundred and
forty-four thousand that get to take part in the first, the spiritual, resurrection to a
heavenly existence. They then get the sonship, in other word they are being adopted
as God’s heavenly sons and Jesus heavenly brothers. And their being men without
blemish, is a picture of Jesus’ perfection and their own justification, cleansing, by
God through Jesus’ blood.
These one hundred and forty-four thousand, plus the One whom God has set his seal
on, are to belong to God. And God having set his seal on Christ, you will have confirmed in John 06:27. And this is the only place in the Bible where it says so straight.
Ad God having set his seal on the one hundred and forty-four thousand you will have
confirmed directly in Revelation 07:04. And believe me or let it be, or even better —
The New Creation
find out for yourself, it is the election to this heavenly priesthood, the members of the
Realm of God, that the Bible is all about. The rest of us, men as women, who will not
have a heavenly existence, are through all of the Bible referred to as subordinate, ref.
JOH 10:16, JOH 11:24, ACT 24:14, and clearest of all in REV 07:09-17. We on the
earth will then become subjects under this heavenly priesthood, this Realm and this
group of judges under God’s final order!
But how will these people, the one hundred and forty-four thousand, be transformed
from human beings to spiritual, heavenly beings? it is not so easy to understand, and
the Bible refers to it as a mystery, but simply explained it happens a man of flesh,
blood and bones, one who has lived on the earth, after his physical death, that f the
soul, will have a resurrection in the spirit the same way Jesus did. Peter writes about
Jesus tat ‘he died in the flesh, but was made alive in the spirit.’ (1PE 03:18) And then
we understand that the one hundred and forty-four thousand will have the same resurrection! In that way, together with Jesus, they have become God’s new creation! It
is they who die as souls of flesh, blood and bones, but are resurrected in the spirit.
as heavenly beings. And this is something that has never happened before! It is also
this that the Bible refers to as the rescue.
And now you also understand what it means to be born from above the way Jesus
tells Nicodemus in John cap. 03. But be aware! There are many wrong translations
in this chapter, for instance in verse 08 it is not supposed to say ‘wind,’ but ‘those
of the spirit.’ And then you see that Jesus explains the first resurrection to Nicodemus. ‘
JOH 03:10-12, THE PACT:
10 ‘(What!) Are you a teacher of Israel and do not understand this!
11 For this truth I tell you: I speak of what you know and testify to what you have
seen, and you do not accept my testimony!
12 When I speak to you about earthly matters, you do not believe me. How will
you then believe me when I speak about heavenly matters!’ Do you believe Jesus
on this?
You may read about the first resurrection in First Thessalonians 04:13-18 and in First
Corinthians 15:20-28. — By the way, I have included it from page 249 in this book
— with a thorough explanation!
It is a bit sad that so many Christians reject God’s solution and rather believe the
Pope, or Luther or their own interpretations. And that is a bit hard to understand, because then they knowingly and willingly deceive themselves!
I quote Jesus : ’Do you not understand this!’
God’s Law — Moses’ Law — Christ’s Law
ROMANS 07:08. THE PACT: ‘And sin took advantage if the commandments and
awoke all kinds of desires in us. Because without law sin is dead.’
Here many translations write the law, and in that way referring to the law of Moses.
But here Paul refers to law in general.
NIV: ‘But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment produced in me
every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead.’ That last sentence
was a bit unclear, but at least here NIV presents sin in general.
KJ-1611, writes: ‘But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all
manner of conqupiscence.* For without the law, sin was dead.’ Here King James
wrongfully write the law, and in that way referring to the law of Moses. But the law
of Moses did in no way originate sin. That the law of God did, ref. Adam. *desire
So, what does it mean that ‘sin took advantage of the commandment?’ It almost
speaks for itself, but may yet be a bit difficult to understand off hand. Because the
way it is today, it also was at that time, for it is part of human nature that when we
are told not to do something, that is exactly what we yearn to do!
I was once attending a thorough study of Paul’s letter to the Romans in a small
church in Bergen, Norway. Then the teacher used King James’ translation and kept
referring to the law, the law of Moses. ‘Without the law sin is dead.’ I was somewhat
skeptical to that and sat thinking: ‘Yes, tell that to Adam! He was not under Moses’
law, but was still judges by God. Maybe the teacher grasped by skepticism, because
he suddenly asked me by name: ‘Arne, did you understand this?’ ‘No,’ I answered,
‘because how could God then judge Adam to death? Adam was not under Moses’
law.’ This not only confused him, but irritated him to the extent that he mumbled
something about staying alert during classes. But he did not give a plausible explanation to the question I was pondering. What law, then, was it that gave God the right
to sentence Adam to death? And do not just tell me that God can do whatever he
wants! No, God sentenced Adam to death based on the law he himself had given him
directly! And it was only Adam who received this law, before God created Eve. But
also Eve was under the same law, because she had been told by Adam. ‘And Jehovah
God commanded Adam and said: “Of every tree in the garden you may freely eat.
But from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, because the day
you eat of that, you shall truly die!”’ Not only did God give his law to Adam, but he
also warned him what the consequences of breaking his law would be! And then it
agrees with: ‘Without law sin is dead.’ Because if God had not warned Adam not to
God’s Law — Moses’s Law — Christ’s Law
eat from the tree of knowledge, he would have had no basis of judging him. And that
is also how it is in every-day life. You do not get a ticket for driving too fast on a
German motor way, because there are no speed limits there. This principle has also
been laid down in the constitution of most democracies. Something totally different
is the fact that governments break their own constitution without it causing any consequences to them, for instance when a minister from the Socialistic Leftist Party in
Norway, Oystein Djupedal, introduced a prohibition against private schools, and also
included those who had already been granted such a permission from the previous
government. And now Siv Jensen from the Progress Party wants to change the law
so that the Muslin terrorist mulla Krekar may be expelled from the country, and then
directly contrary to the statute in the constitution of giving new laws retroactive effects. To me such incidences are just proofs of how factual the Bible is even in daily
relations around us. It is only so sad that (un)knowledgeable people have turned this
factual book into a fabel!
One more thing: At that time God had not laid down a commandment against incest,
because if he had done so, the early inhabitants of this world could not have propagated, because the sons and daughters of Adam had to copulate with each other in
order to fulfill God’s commandment of increasing in number to lay the world under
them. (GEN 05:04) In Genesis 01:28 God said to Adam and Eve, KJ-1611: ‘And God
blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the
earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish in the sea, and over the fowl
in the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’
Also Abraham lived in an incestuous relationship with his half-sister Sarah. In Genesis 20:12 Abraham says to Abimelech, the king of the Philistines: ‘Besides, she is
also in reality my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my
mother. And she became my woman.’ Only under Moses there was introduced an
official prohibition against incest.
Who else but Adam and Eve were directly subjected to God’s laws? The First Pact
has many examples of individuals subjected to the law of God, and one of them was
Noah with his family. But he was obedient to God’s law, NIV: ‘Make yourself an ark
of cypress wood, make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.’ And in
verse 15: ‘This is how you are to build it: —’ And then Noah is explained how he is
to build the ark; an instruction he followed to the last detail. And because Noah
obeyed God’s law, he and his family were rescued from the flood and subjected to
God’s blessings. But what about all the others who had not heard God’s commandment and were drowned during the flood? It took 70 years to build the ark, and
during all of that time Noah and his sons preached God’s plan of a flood, but nobody
believed them. Because until then it had not rained on the earth! And because of their
lack of faith, they were all destroyed. This is an example of the destruction under the
great tribulation. ‘But the way at was at the time of Noah —’ (MAT 24:36-44)
God’s Law — Moses’s Law — Christ’s Law
And then we move forward to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons,
the patriarchs. All the time God addressed Abraham with one law after the other. But
Abraham did not only get commandments. He also received promises of what his
rewards would be as a result of his obedience, but these promises will not be fulfilled
to Abraham until after the second resurrection on the earth. True, Abraham’s one
promise referred to Christ, and that has been fulfilled. But Abraham himself did not
live to experience that, and neither will he experience it until after his resurrection
on the earth, the resurrection of the soul. Many keep fabling that Abraham is already
in the heavens, much because of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. And
thereby they clearly demonstrate their own lack of understanding the word of God,
because if God’s faithful men and women from the First Pact went to heaven when
they died, then Jesus died in vain. Besides, only the priests had access to the very
holy, so when the curtain tore in two, it tore for the priests only. In addition they also
make Jesus a liar, because this is what he said: ‘Nobody has ascended to the heavens
except he who descended from the heavens, and he is the Son of Man.’ I cannot help
but wonder if these bible-fablers at all believe in Jesus. Because, can you believe in
someone when you will not believe what he says? Instead they keep making him a
liar by contradicting him!
Neither Isaac, Jacob or the sons of Jacob were subjected to the law of Moses — nor
the Hebrews who were under slavery in Egypt. But those who were chosen by God,
did get his commandments directly from God through the Messenger — Michael.
Then we have come to Moses, and also he was directly subjected to the law of God
until the day he stood forth as the mediator between God and the sons of Israel. But
then he had already received the ten commandments on the mountain, and from then
on also he became subjected to the law of Moses — through God. And note one
more thing: All the time we keep hearing about those who are chosen by God, but we
hear little about judgement at this time, because without law there are few to judge
except those who opposed God directly, such as Korah* in the desert, and that they
were all subject to God’s general judgement through Adam — death!
But those who have died because of Adam, will get a resurrection on the earth, the
second resurrection of the soul. They are not automatically resurrected to a life in
ages, but to the judgement. And the judgement is the decision they make themselves
after Satan has been freed from his imprisonment after the thousand years are over.
‘I* have this faith in God, which also these** have, that there shall be a resurrection
of both the righteous and the unrighteous.’ *Paul **those who wanted to kill him
(ACT 24:15)
NB! Note the text in this verse. It does not say that there will be a resurrection of the
righteous and the saved. It says that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous
God’s Law — Moses’s Law — Christ’s Law
and the unrighteous! And who are the righteous? They are those who have believed
in God, ref. Abraham. And then it almost speaks for itself that the unrighteous are
those who have not believed in God. How does this agree with those who stand howling that if you do not believe in God and die tonight, you will wake up in hell tomorrow! But if you are good, you will wake up in heaven. Such teaching are not from
God! It is pure Satanism! What then about Abraham? And David? (ACT 02:34) According to God’s plan both Abraham and David will rest in their graves all the time
until the end of the thousand years. And by then they will only exist in God’s memory — in pact with God’s plan for the resurrection!
What happens when you sow potatoes? Yes, then the sowed potato must first die for
new potatoes to grow forth. And then it is not so that the farmer remembers every
potato that he sowed, but he knows that alle the potatoes are subject to the forces of
nature so that they will grow up and give new fruits. And a human being who is laid
in the grave and goes into decay, basically consists of the same ingredients as a potato or a seed. And in that way they exist in God’s memory until they are resurrected.
Why were the sons of Israel subjected to Moses’ law? Paul asks the same question
in Galatians 03:19, and in the same paragraph, from 19-25, he gives the answer. The
law was generally given to all of Israel’s descendants, but when the Bible refers to
the sons of Israel, it especially refers to the Levite priesthood, the example of the
heavenly. But as we know the law did not lead to the goal and the curtain did not tear
until Jesus’ death. But then the Levites had already been rejected and God and Christ
were about to establish a new order in replacement of the priests. And it was to replace the Levite priests he started the election of the apostles. But God’s new plan
did not go into effect until the day of the Pentecost in the year 33 when the twelve
apostles, the first members of God’s heavenly priesthood, received the Holy Spirit
in form of tongues of fire. Only then did God accept the election of the apostles as
worthy together with Jesus Christ. And after this God has never established a new
priesthood! (HEB 05:04) And neither has he established a different church than the
Church of God and Christ. (ACT 02:47, 1CO 01:10-17, 3CO 03:01-04)
NB! Note that the Levites did not make up one of Israel’s twelve tribes, and therefore
did not get their own land area. They settled outside the city gates around all the
twelve tribes, which is symbolic of their heavenly election. And this is one example
that it is important to have an understanding of from the First Pact in order to understand the New and also to be able to understand the key of the Bible, Revelation.
And then we have come to Christ, and after his resurrection we are all subject to his
law, also those who were under Moses’ law. And Christ’s law only Paul refers to in
the Bible, and only twice, in Galatians 06:02 and in First Corinthians 09:21. Paul
writes in Galatians: ‘Carry each others’ burdens because then you fulfill the law of
God’s Law — Moses’s Law — Christ’s Law
Christ.’ Is it enough just to carry each others’ burdens? No, the law of Christ may
best be summed up through the commandment ‘you shall love your neighbor like
your self.’ This commandment was also part of the First Pact, in Leviticus 19:18, but
did not become central until after Jesus’ death. Then this commandment became the
commandment that all of the New Pact builds on. It is mentioned in Matthew 19:19
and 22:39, in Mark 12:31, Luke 10:22, Romans 13:09, Galatians 05:14 and JAC
02:08. And under this commandment there is no mention about ‘you shall not, you
shall not,’ because if you love your neighbor like your self, you will not kill him,
steal from him, fornicate with his woman, etc. We then understand that Christ’s law
is very simplified compared to the law of Moses, but yet builds on the same basics
as the law of Moses. In addition Jesus ended many of the commandments of the First
Pact. He first refers to the First Pact, and then he says: ‘But I tell you: —’
And then he liquidates many of the commandments from the First Pact. One example
is enough: In Matthew Jesus refers to the law of an eye for an eye, —. (EXO 21:24)
Then he says: ‘But I say: —’ And then he often rejects one of the old commandments
and replaces it with one of his own. And in Matthew 28:20, the Great Commission,
he says: ‘— and tech them to keep everything I have commended you.’
But Jesus also gave a new commandment that does not build on the law: ‘As I have
loved you, you shall love each other.’ (JOH 13:34) And he then refers to his death
with himself as an example of how far the Christian brothers are to go when carrying
each others’ burdens.
The worst fablers keep saying that ‘God is the same today as he was yesterday.’ Yes,
but his plans for man have not always been the same, and it keeps changing as the
reestablishment of what Adam destroyed through his disobedience, runs its course.
The development through God’s law, first directly, then through Moses as a mediator of few, and finally through Christ as a mediator for many, shows this. And we
know that the final solution will happen through Christ — first the establishment of
a heavenly, a spiritual priesthood and realm that are to rule over the earth. That is the
first resurrection. And when that has been completed, God has fulfilled the promise
he gave to Abraham with an oath. But this promise Abraham will not be directly part
of. Only when the second resurrection takes place on the earth will the promise that
was given without an oath become a reality to Abraham — the resurrection on the
earth. And when Abraham toward the end of the thousand years has been resurrected
on the earth, has God fulfilled his promise to Abraham. After this God shall release
Satan for a short time, but then he will exterminate all who side with Satan with a
fire from the heavens. And then Satan is thrown in the sea of fire — metaphorically
of his being exterminated.
And then we are back to where Adam was before he sinned! Only then has the reestablishment been completed. (ACT 03:21) And thereafter we shall live under Christ in ages — on the earth!
Gr. aggelos — Angel or Messenger
The Greek word aggelos has caused confusion in almost every translation. I have
only read one translation that has used the word correctly, which I think is the American New Living Bible.
So, what is the confusion all about? Yes, when the translators think that the word
refers to a heavenly being, they translate angel. But when aggelos is about an earthly
person, they write messenger. And this leads to some strange translation which I will
here show some examples of.
THE PACT has chosen to write messenger in every verse where aggelos is being
used in the Greek text. In that way THE PACT will not interpret the contents before
translating, but unconditionally stick to the correct meaning of the word aggelos
which in no instance means angel, but messenger.
Here are some examples from the New International Version compared to THE
PACT: MAT 01:20, NIV. ‘But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord
appeared to him in a dream and said: “Joseph, son of David —’
THE PACT: ‘He kept pondering over this. And, see! — a LORD’s* messenger
appeared before him in a dream! He said to him: “Joseph, son of David, —’
NIV writes angel. THE PACT writes messenger. And probably this messenger was
a heavenly being, but still — it was a dream. Note also that NIV writes Lord, and not
LORD as they usually do when LORD refers to God. So therefore they think that this
messenger is a Christ’s messenger. That is not the case.
MAT 11:10, NIV, about John the Baptist. ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.’
THE PACT: ‘And, see — I will send my messenger before you —’ Here everybody
understands that John the Baptist is not a heavenly being. Therefore they write
I once explained to a Jehovah’s Witness that the Greek text also writes aggelos about
John, and that the word aggelos means messenger. Then he sniffed contemptuously
and exclaimed: “Hahh! The angel John! That is the stupidest I have ever heard!”
In MAT 13:39 NIV writes: ‘— and the harvesters are angels.’ What kind of harvesting do the angels do?
THE PACT: ‘— and the harvesters are the messengers.’
Gr. aggelos — Angel or Messenger
What kind of harvesting do the harvesters do? Yes, they walk about preaching in the
same way Jesus sent out the twelve and the seventy. And then we understand that the
harvesters are those who preach the message. Invisible ‘angels’ do not walk about
preaching! A Jehovah’s Witness once explained very naively: ‘You know, we Jehovah’s Witnesses are being lead by angels. We have one in each church.’ She was not
aware that when preaching the message, she herself was that ‘angel.’
HEB 13:02, NIV: ‘Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people
have entertained angels without knowing it.’ Wow! Read this one again! Where is
the logic? Every time I read this verse I must smile a little. Because, is it possible to
entertain someone you do not even know is visiting? And on top of everything someone invisible! A Pentecostalist took this so literally that he added an extra plate every
time he set the table. I wonder if he ever experienced that some of his food vanished
into thin air? — Then, how is this to be understood?
Yes, but here it is not enough just to exchange angel with messenger, because it stays
almost as confusing. No, here we must study how it is written in the original text
without letting ourselves be confused by heavenly beings. Then we see that the
whole verse has been wrongly translated simply because the original translators of
KJ-1611 thought they were dealing with invisible beings. But — when translators do
not understand the contents, they should at least adhere to the original text!
THE PACT: ‘And do not forget your hospitality, because by it some of you shall
receive strange messengers so that you will not remain ignorant.’ And who are the
‘strange messengers?’ Yes, they are such who walk about preaching the message, ref.
the apostles at the time of Jesus and Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons today.
If you just shut your door in their faces, you will be the one who remain ignorant. It
is always good to learn, anyway.
‘Knowledge is no heavy burden. It is the lack of knowledge that may be heavy,’ says
an old proverb. Just because I have opened up and discussed with Jehovah’s
Witnesses and listened to the Mor-mons, I know when the are correct according to
the Bible — and when they are gravely wrong! For instance are Jehovah’s Witnesses
way off in relation to eating blood products and refusing blood transfusions. But they
have understood that both the heavens and the earth will be one unity under Christ.
(EPH 01:10) Neither the Pope nor Luther understood that.
And when the Mormons naively preach that 14 year old Joseph Smith met both God
and Jesus on a hillsid in Upstate New York, most of us understand that it is free
fantasy. Well, right or wrong, it is safe to know.
I will include one more example that makes me want to smile a little when I read it.
And each of the messages of the seven churches in Asia begins in the same way.
Gr. aggelos — Angel or Messenger
I will only use the first as an example:
REV 02:01, NIV. ‘To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: —’
Who is ‘the angel of the church in Ephesus?’ Is it true as Jehovah’s Witnesses and
some charismatics claim that they have an angel in each church? Yes, but none of
them are heavenly beings! Everybody understands, after some consideration, that
John cannot sent letters to heavenly beings and then later have them read the letter
in the churches! Uff da.
Who is then ‘the angel’ of the church in Ephesus? Yes, without exception he who
presents the message to the congregation whether he does it from the pulpit or from
any other position in the church!
In this case the messenger (angel) is he who reads the message that John wrote to
each of the seven churches in Asia. He was of course no invisible being! And it is the
same with the ‘angels’ that make up the harvesters. They are no invisible beings!
There has got to be a limit!
The picture Jesus is using in Matthew 13:39 is that the time from the death of Jesus
and to the establishment of the Real of God on the earth, is a ‘harvesting.’ In Matthews 09:37 and in Luke 10:02 Jesus says: ‘The harvesting is extensive, but the
workers are few.’ Here the harvesting is a picture of the extensive work of preaching
the message, but the workers, those who walk about teaching, are few.
When you are aware of this about ‘angels,’ it is not difficult to understand, but many
who thrive on biblical misunderstandings will still stiff-neckedly deny that it is correct. But in order that you may feel very secure about this, if you are among those
who doubt or do not wish to accept facts, you will find an overview of all the verses
where the word aggelos is being used in the New Pact. It is not the greatest of all
questions, but it may be good to have misunderstandings clarified — no matter what!
Now, in First Corinthians 11:10, which ‘angel’ is it that demands such respect that
a woman is forced to cover her head in church?
What is the purpose of reading the Bible if we distort and twist what it says there?
Or are you one of those who are under the crazy notion that you may interpret it as
you see fit?
Gr. aggelos — a heavenly angel,
an earthly messenger — or both?
The word aggelos, Gr. = (angel), messenger
The word aggelos is being used 185 times in the New Pact. Under COMMENTARY 52 in HEB — God’s Heavenly priesthood I explain correct use of this word
while at the same time referring to some senseless translations. Here is an overview of all the verses in the New Pact where the Greek word aggelos is being used.
MAT, 19 times: 01:20, 01:24, 02:13, 02:19, 04:16, 11:10, 13:39, 13:41, 13:49,
16:27, 18:10, 22:30, 24:31, 24:36, 25:31, 25:41, 26:53, 28:02, 28:05
MAR, 06 times: 01:02, 01:13, 08:38, 12:25, 13:27, 13:32
LUK, 26 times: 01:11, 01:13, 01:18, 01:19, 01:26, 01:28, 01:30, 01:34, 01:35,
01:38, 02:09, 02:10, 02:13, 02:15, 02:21, 04:10, 07:24, 07:27, 09:26, 09:52, 12:08,
12:09, 15:10, 16:22, 22:43, 24:23, JOH 04 times: 01:51, 05:04, 12:29, 20:12
ACT, 20 ganger: 05:19, 06:15, 07:30, 07:35, 07:38, 07:53, 08:26, 10:03, 10:07,
10:22, 11:13, 12:07, 12:08, 12:09, 12:10, 12:11, 12:23, 23:08, 23:09, 27:23
2TH, 01 time: 01:07. GAL, 03 times: 01:08, 03:19, 04:14
1CO, 04 times: 04:09, 06:03, 11:10, 13:01. 2CO, 02 times: 11:14, 12:07
ROM, 01 time: 08:38. COL, 01 time: 02:18
HEB, 12 times: 01:04, 01:05, 01:06, 01:07, 01:13, 02:02, 02:05, 02:07, 02:09,
02:16, 12:22, 13:02
JAC, (JAM), 01 time: 02:25. 1PE, 02 times: 01:12, 03:22. 2PE, 02 times: 02:04,
02:11, JUD, 01 time: 01:06
REV, 70 times: 01:01, 01:20, 02:01, 02:08, 02:12, 02:18, 03:01, 03:05, 03:07,
03:14, 05:02, 05:11, 07:01, 07:02, 08:02, 08:03, 08:04, 08:05, 08:06, 08:07, 08:08,
08:10, 08:12, 08:13, 09:01, 09:11, 09:13, 09:14, 09:15, 10:01, 10:05, 10:07, 10:08,
10:09, 10:10, 11:01, 11:15, 12:07, 12:09, 14:06, 14:08, 14:09, 14:10, 14:15, 14:17,
14:08, 14:19, 15:01, 15:06, 15:07, 15:08, 16:01, 16:03, 16:04, 16:05, 16:08, 16:10,
16:12, 16:17, 17:01, 17:07, 18:01, 19:17, 20:01, 21:09, 21:12, 21:17, 22:06, 22:08,
Eternal, eternity, through eternity, through all eternity,
through eternities of eternities
The Greek word aion = time, age
The translation of the word aion, Gr. = age, creates great confusion in biblical relations. It is in most versions translated eternal. In Eglish it is also being translated
forever. ever lasting, etc. In many verses aion, Gr. is also translated age or ages. But
in English it is difficult to find a proper adjective to the word age.
The word aion in Greek does not contain the meaning without end, endless, as we
usually connect with the word eternal. Aion simply means time, of undetermined or
variable length. Aion always refer to a longer period of time, an epoch, but it is not
always endless the way we cinsider the meaning of the word eternal.
A clear example of this is the translation of Matthews 12:32, THE PACT: ‘He who
speaks words against the Son of Man, shall be forgiven, but he who speaks against
the Holy Spirit, shall not be forgiven neither in this age* nor in the one to come.”
King James of 1611 writes: ‘— in this world or the world* to come,’ indicating a
new world. That is far from correct, because the original text writes age, an epoch.
When we know the message of the Bible that this age under Satan shall come to an
end, but without destroying the world as such, we understand that the word aion, Gr.
(often translated eternal) not always mean without end (eternal, eternity).
In some verses the word aion is used only once. THE PACT then writes age where
aion is used in the original text.
In many verses aion is being used twice after each other. THE PACT then consistently wries age and ages, and not eternal which is a construed word in biblical relations.
 Gr. aion = age
 Gr. aion aion = age and ages
 Gr. aionios = ageous (a longer period) It is hard to find a good adjective here.
Check how aion = age, is being translated in your Bible. Where it says aion aion,
age and ages, in the original text, some translators strengthen its contents by writing
through eternities of eternities, but without being consistent.
Here follows an overview of all verses in the New Pact where the word aion, Gr.
is being used:
*= 02 times after each other
AION, Gr. = time, age, (eternal, eternity). Used 129 times in 103 verses in New Pact.
MAT 06:13, 12:32, 13:22, 13:39, 13:40, 13:49, 21:19, 24:03, 28:20
MAR 03:29, 04:19, 10:30, 11:14
LUK 01:33, 01:55, 01:70, 16:08, 18:30, 20:34, 20:35
JOH 04:14, 06:35, 06:51, 06:58, 08:35, 08:51, 08:52, 09:32, 10:28, 11:26, 12:34,
13:08, 14:16
ACT 03:21, 15:18. GAL 01:04, 01:05*
1CO 01:20, 02:06, 02:07, 02:08, 03:18, 08:13, 10:11
2CO 04:04, 09:09, 11:31
ROM 01:25, 09:05, 11:36, 12:02
EPH 01:21, 02:02, 02:07, 03:09, 03:11, 03:21,* 06:12
PHI 04:20.* KOL 01:26
HEB 01:02, 01:08,* 05:06, 06:05, 06:20, 07:17, 07:21, 07:24, 07:28, 09:26, 11:03,
13:08, 13:21*
TIT 02:12
1TI 01:17, 06:17. 2TI 04:10, 04:18*
1PE 01:23, 01:25, 04:11,* 05:11.* 2PE 02:17, 03:18
1JO 02:17. 2JO 01:02, JUD 01:13, 01:25
REV 01:25,* 01:06, 01:18,* 04:09,** 04:10,* 05:13,* (05:14, bare KJ*), 07:12,*
10:06,* 11:15,* 14:11,* 15:07,* 19:03,* 20:10,* 22:05*
*= 2 times after each other in the same verse, ** = 4 times
The Man Jesus Christ
In the New Pact the word man is being used as many as 560 times in 503 verses; in
Matthew 117 times in 105 verses. Jesus calls himself the Son of Man as many as 33
times in 32 verses in Matthew alone.
When he in MAT 04:04 says that ‘man does not live by bread alone,’ he refers to
himself, but the statement is also in general of all people. In addition also Peter refer
to Jesus as a man in MAT 26:72 and 26:74. ‘I do not know this Man.’
In MAT 09:08 Jesus is spoken of as a man by those who witnessed his powerful acts.
 Gr. anthropos = man, human being
 Gr. huios = son, foal (actually male offspring and is used both about animals and
humans, but never gender neutral)
 Gr. teknon = child (is being used as gender neutral about the offsprings of man)
Jesus is spoken of as a man, or calls himself the Son of Man in the following verses
in the message after Matthew alone: 04:04, 08:20, 09:06, 10:23, 11:19, 12:08, 12:32,
12:40, 13:37, 13:41, 16:13, 16.27, 16:28, 17:09, 17:12, 17:22, 18.11, 19:28, 20:18,
20:28, 24:27, 24:30, 24:37, 24:39, 24:44, 25:13, 25:31, 26:02, 26:24,* 26:25 and in
Jesus is never spoken of as God the Almighty in the Bible! God presents
him as the first of his work of creation (COL 01:15, REV 03:14) and the
foremost among his servants, among many other places in ACT 03:13, 03:
26, 04:27 and 04:30. Jesus is also presented as God’s foremost servant in
MAT 12:15-21 which refers to Isaiah 42:01-04.
Can the created be the Creator, and can a Lord be the same as his servant?
In First Timothy 02:05 it says: ‘For there is one God and one Mediator
between God and man, and that is the Man* Jesus Christ.’
 *Gr. anthropos = man, human being
Christ — the Hourglass of the World
Millions of years ago God generated Michael, later the Messiah, as the first of his
work of creation. (COL 01:15, REV 03:14) After this Michael, through God’s authority, created everything that was later created. And therefore the Messiah is called
‘the first and the last’ because God has only generated him. Everything else came
into being through Christ — through the power of God. (JOH 01:03)
Finally God created adama, the man of earth, Adam. ‘Let us create a man in our picture —’ (GEN 03:21) And God’s plan was that Adam was symbolically to eat from
the tree of life — be obedient to God — and live on the earth in ages — without sin.
But Adam fell and God’s original plan was destroyed! Therefore God decided that
what Adam had destroyed Michael, the Messiah, the Christ, or Jehowshuwah, or Joshua, would reestablish. (GEN 03:15, ACT 03:21) And all of the First Pact is about
the bringing forth of the Semen which God called him in Genesis 03:15. No matter
what would happen, the Semen, which is Christ, was to be brought forth.
Just imagine the hourglass!
The time until the birth of Christ is nearing and Jesus is finally born. The first half
of the hourglass has run out! After this we even get a new calendar. And through
Jesus’ death and resurrection both the law and the prophecies were fulfilled! Yes,
Jesus said it best himself when he breathed his last: ‘It has been fulfilled.’
But that cannot possibly be correct! Just imagine Revelation and the prophecies that
John writes about there! Not a single prophecy of Revelation had been fulfilled by
Jesus’ resurrection! And the same with Paul! Correct! But all the prophecies that
were not fulfilled by Jesus’ resurrection, will yet be fulfilled through Christ, but now
as the ruler of the heavens and the earth. In addition: It was Jesus himself who chose
John when he elected him as one of his apostles. And it was also Jesus who chose
Paul, directly, when on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians there.
Turn the hourglass!
When the hourglass has run out this time we have entered God’s ages — we are back
to were Adam was before he sinned. And all of the law and the prophecies have been
fulfilled through Christ! And John the Baptist, ‘the greatest born by a woman,’ who
died under the First Pact, has been resurrected to a life in ages on the earth! Only
then may we learn why God did not rescue him from Herod. He will without doubt
be resurrected to one of the greatest assignments on the earth! (HEB 11:35)
Father in the Heavens
MAT 06:09-13
pater ho ouranos
pat-ayr ho oo-ran-os’
Father in the heavens
father you on high
hagiazo onoma
hag-ee-ad’-zo on’om-ah
let your name be holy.
hallow name
basilaia erchomai
bas-il-i-ah er’-khom-ahee
Let your Realm come,
realm come
thelema ginomai
thel’-ay-mah ghin’-om-ahee
and let your will be done
will happen
ge ouranous
ghay oo-ran-os
on earth and in the heavens.
earth on High
didomi semeron
did’-o-mee say-mer-on
Give us today
give today
semerom epiosios artos
say’-mer-on ep-ee-oo’-sees ar’-tos
the bread we need for this day,
today needing bread
aphiemi opheilema
af-ee’ay-mee of-i-lei’ma
and forgive us our debts
forgive debt
aphiemi opheiletes
af-ee’ay-mee of-i-let’ace
the way we forgive our debtors.
forgive debtors
eisphero eis peirasmos
ice-fer’-o eis pi-ras-mos’
Let us not be led into temptations,
lead temptation
rhuomai poneros
hroo’-om-ahee pon-ay-ros’
but free us from the evil One.
free evil
[sou basileia
[soo bas-il-i’-ah
[For the Realm is yours ,
[your realm
dunamis doxa
doo’-nam-is dox’-ah
the power and the glory
power glory
aion amen]
ahee-ohn’ am-ane’]
in ages. Amen.]
(i) time amen]