your new life - Bébé Confort


your new life - Bébé Confort
Edition 2014
Pregnant? How did
you share the news?
> page 5
Which stroller
suits you?
> page 10
Car safety,what do
you need to know?
> page 20
E ur
"I hope I am going to
be a great mum."
Nine months. It can feel like a long time, yet so short. A state
of grace, where people kindly consider your situation:
no standing in line and you gladly accept the seat offered
to you on the bus. You are pregnant!
Laura & John
"We hope to al
our child whenways be there for
he needs us."
iras st9 wenee:ks"Aprftereganascntan. I wit aswasovbatrerbyth."e
d to meet m
moon, so excite
Fantastic news: You’re expecting a baby!
You have several months to prepare for the
most exciting event of your life.
Clearly you will also have your doubts. You may have trouble dealing with
your mood swings. And yes, the arrival of a baby means you need an
entirely different daily routine. But don’t worry! Millions of parents have
been there and are doing the parenting thing - successfully.
In this magazine, real parents share their experiences and practical tips.
You will find truly useful information, to help you get ready for what’s to
come in the next few months.
F lora
Enjoy your new life. It starts now.
Belle & Pet
Ana Anastasova-Borie
Natascha & Talor Jai
Brand Group Manager
Bébé Confort
"Our grandparents were both shocked
but over excited at our news!"
ve Gisele’s
"I wish I could ha!"
post-baby bo
Clara & Pau
Amy & Karl
Peter & Ch
Elisa, Lea & Jeanne
nnabelle & Jules
"I hope our daughter will be as
cute as her mother."
In this edition:
4 Enjoying life’s journey in so many ways
5 Pregnant! How did you share the news?
6 Wishlist: Dear Grandma and Grandad
7 The first ride home
8 Shopping Blues
9 Join us online!
10 Which stroller suits you?
11Our strollers in the spotlights
12 Say hello to the new: Loola
13 Stroller accessories
14 What’s new?
15 Ricky’s first ride home
16 Breast, bottle or both
17Enjoy feeding your baby
18Happy mealtimes
20 What you need to know about car safety
22 Which car seat suits you?
23 The best car seats in the spotlight
24 Say hello to the: 2wayFamily
25 What is i-Size?
26 Creating a new style
28 Complete collection overview
29 Car seat overview
32 Stroller overview
the collection
33 Carrying overview
fold out in
34 Accessory overview
the back
35 Equipment overview
Pregnant! How did
you share the news?
> about us
life’s journey
in so many ways
Being pregnant is a big thing and announcing the news to your family and friends
evokes happy, surprised and touching emotions. How did you share the big news?
Everyone at Bébé Confort feels privileged to do what we do. Privileged to be involved in
moments of enjoyment between parents and their children. Not every company can say
that they are in the business of creating happy moments. It’s an attitude that prompts
us to say in our communications to parents “your new life”.
It is this unique relationship between Bébé Confort and its
customers that has fostered a rather special corporate culture.
One that encourages Bébé Confort people to not only care
for their customers but care for their community as well.
On an organizational level, this culture also helps guide
strategy and decision-making.
Peter & Chris
"I told him in
January, we’ll be
Florence & Nicolas
"After 4 pregnancy
tests in four days, we
were convinced that
we were pregnant."
The new Loola has
14% less environmental
impact when compared
to his predecessor
Loola Up
Fanny & Cyril
"We spoke about it during
Thanksgiving, all the family was
here, and we found it perfect to
announce the big news before
enjoying a good meal."
Care for the environment
For example, many Bébé Confort people give their
spare time to organizations such as “CliniClowns” and
the “Theodora Foundation” - initiatives that work for the
well-being of children in hospitals. Bébé Confort and
its parent company are also sponsors of these – and
other charitable activities. You can read more about
how we get involved on >
about us > our engagements > social-responsibility.
Our caring commitment also expresses itself in our
sustainability activities. We believe it is our responsibility
to protect our world for our children and their children.
And we do everything possible to minimize the impact
our products have on the environment. Bébé Confort
uses the latest life-cycle analysis assessment tools
(LCA, also known as eco-balance, and cradle-to-grave
analysis). These are techniques to assess and minimise
the environmental impacts associated with all the
different stages of a product’s life. If you’d like to read
more on this, visit: > about us >
our engagements > environmental engagement.
You too can get involved. See us on our website or on Facebook
" I just showed him the pregnancy
test results."
Sonia & Michael
Natascha & Talor Jai
Annabelle & Jules
"I told my love I had
something itchy on
my belly and asked if
he could take a look.
When he pulled up my
T-shirt, he saw written
on it ‘Hello dad! See ya
on 14th of August."
Jacqueline & Baptiste
Community service
> your story
Annabelle & Jules
"We announced it to our
friends and family into
the fourth month, when
it became impossible to
Sabrina & Jorge
" Our grandparents were
both shocked but over
excited at our news!"
Natascha & Talor Jai
> wishlist
Dear Grandma and Grandad…
Ever since you’ve heard that you were about to become grandparents, you
haven’t stopped asking what you could buy us to help out. While surfing
the web we came across a few ideas - the Bébé Confort wishlist.
The safest car seat
family, 2wayFamily
Top rated safety and one-click
fitting. We only need a single 2wayFix
base unit to fit the Pebble and 2wayPearl
car seat. This will give us a total of 4 years
of rearward facing ISOFIX safety and
ease of use. We like that!
> your story
first ride
Taking your newborn baby
home from hospital is a moment
to remember: your first trip as a
family. What was it like for you?
< Jalil
2wayFix base
S tephan >
< Carolina
The new Loola can recline totally flat for a
perfect sleep for newborns. It also is very
easy to fold, compact and fits in the tiniest
of places. Very use ful!
This footmuff will keep our baby
snug and warm and comes in
a range of colours to match
the Pebble and Créatis.Fix car
seat. Other accessory ideas?
A summer cover, rain cover,
parasol… the list goes on.
Check out the full new collection on our website and
create your own wishlist on
to share it with family and friends!
Doesn’t this carrier look cosi when
we - or you - go out with the baby?
The integrated Physiological Cocoon
of the Easia baby carrier emulates
the natural foetal position to ensure
baby’s absolute comfort. It also will
feel twice as light to carry our baby.
About Stephan:
About Jalil:
When my partner was done with the few trips
between the hospital and our home with the
various luggage and gifts, the three of us stepped
outside and we felt like it was the start of a new
life. The weather was great. We were so proud just
going around the neighborhood as a family. We
had chosen a Bébé Confort car seat for the first few
months, I found it more comfortable for the baby,
and for our first car trip it was very easy to set up,
I have to admit we had done some serious
practicing beforehand. Gerard & Maria
I knew how to use the stroller. The Bébé Confort Elea
is very easy to use, especially since my sister already
had the same model. Paul & Prune
Bringing our baby back home wasn’t
stressful at all, we were ready.
I was so happy! Becoming a parent it’s
the start of a new life!
About Carolina:
It felt almost surreal to bring our baby back
home, we were so excited after all that time spent doing
and undoing the infant car seat, making sure we’d be
ready for D-day. This time there was really someone in that
seat, our baby looked so small in it, it’s at that moment
we fully realized we were parents. Matt & Francisca
> dad’s story
With Billy & Emma >
I really don’t like shopping. I always
manage to say the wrong thing at
the wrong time.
Especially when my wife steps out of the fitting room.
As a result, I try not to speak. And I try not to think about
what I could be doing. I just hang around until she’s done.
I call this feeling the shopping blues. So when she asked if
we could go shopping for baby things, alarm bells started
ringing. But fortunately, it didn’t turn out so bad.
The first time I entered the baby shop, it gave me quite
a start. All these women with their huge round bellies
running around the shop. Like they could give birth at
any moment…
�The men were invisible at
first, but looking again, I noticed
they followed the women at
a short distance.�
Slowly and tentatively. Listening and nodding.
Like they were just hanging around. The shopping blues
were written all over their faces. It is good to know that
you’re not alone. I also noticed couples who were only
just pregnant. Their child-like innocence, their euphoric
mood, as they sauntered along the shelves.
That’s how we were too, my wife and I. Walking hand in
hand, like equals, gazing in wonder at the multitudes of
baby products. Laughing about the cutest baby clothes.
Have you seen these baby sports shoes? So touchingly,
endearingly sweet. I know they’re not meant for running
the marathon, but just try to control yourself when you’re
holding these tiny Nikes in the palm of your hand? I’ll tell
you, I couldn’t. Despite fierce protests from my wife,
my first purchase was a little dog. It had the cutest brown
eyes and lovely long soft ears and the cuddliest face
you’ve ever seen. I can just picture our child dreamily
sucking on its smooth black nose. Lightly, like a woman,
I run my fingers through the baby clothes. At least, that’s
how I imagine myself to look. In fact, it’s a little more
complicated than that. For instance, last week, I came
home with the cutest little baby summer suit. And by
the time, our baby would fit into it, summer would be
long gone. Luckily I’d kept the receipt. I should have kept
the one for the nappies as well. A nappy’s a nappy, you
would think. Well, think again.
These are the small setbacks I’ve suffered.
But I am refusing to slip back into the blues.
�It’s just too much fun.
So I decided to take the best of
both worlds and combine an old
hobby of mine with a brand-new
one: wheels.�
In this case, wheels for the baby. Although it’s early days
yet, I have examined every available option. Carefully,
I check the carriage work. How many wheels? Three or
four? I weigh up the pros and cons of all options. How
fast can it go? What’s the maneuverability like? I carefully
check the tire profiles. How will it handle in the woods?
Or on sandy beaches? I take my new role very seriously.
I travel far and wide to visit test courses. I take buggies for
a trial run whenever I can. And all the time, my wife says
nothing. She just looks at me with a vacant stare. In fact,
it looks rather like the shopping blues.
Enujor y
Share the
joy online!
“You are going to be a parent soon or
perhaps you already have beautiful little
ones running around. Sometimes it’s
hard work, sometimes they give you the
biggest smile on your face or sometimes
they make you crazy. Or perhaps you
are very nervous of what’s yet to come?
Bébé Confort can support you in each
phase of parenting you´re in. Visit our
Facebook page or sign up for the
Bébé Confort newsletter to receive
our e-mailings that will give you the best
tips, checklists, product information.
Making your new life just a little bit
more enjoyable.”
Find out on the website:
> strollers
suits you?
Our strollers
in the spotlights
Quick compact folding and even lighter stroller.
The new, improved Loola can recline totally flat. It’s easy to fold and store, and
fits in the tiniest of places. You will find it effortless to push, even with just one
hand. And because of the flexible travel system, the Loola is the best way to give
your baby great rides from birth up to the age of 3.5 years.
Make it fit your situation
Make it easy on yourself
Did you know that in baby’s first year, you will
probably walk a total of around 1,000 kilometers?
So it’s important you choose a good quality
stroller that will not let you down. Also take into
consideration how you use your stroller: in or
outside the city, do you travel by car or use public
transport? What is your housing situation? When
you live in an apartment building without a lift,
it makes more sense to go for a lightweight and
compact stroller.
The stroller is an item you’ll use every day, so
choose one that’s most practical for you. Is it easy
to steer? Is the pushbar adjustable in height to
fit you and your partner? For your child’s comfy
afternoon nap, check if the stroller has a soft
padded seat and a fully-flat recline position. A good
stroller will enable you to switch the seat in a few
seconds, so that your child can face you or face
How do you use the stroller?
Strollers with suspension and large wheels are
great for off-road walks. Urban life is best navigated
in a (compact) stroller with smaller swivel wheels
to maneuver around the crowds. A good stroller
will have swivel wheels that you can lock. If you’re
a frequent user of public transport, you’ll often
need to lift and (un)fold the stroller, so a compact,
lightweight stroller or buggy is your best choice.
One that folds quickly to a self-standing unit, to
store out of the way on the bus. If you are traveling by
car often, make sure the stroller has a compact
folding system so it easily fits your trunk.
Which accessories do
you need?
Besides the suncanopy and raincover that are
included, you also need a parasol, a footmuff,
carrycot and a nursery bag. These are all usefull
accessories for your stroller.
Accessory tip:
Get your accessor
ies when choosing
your stroller.
That way there is no
chance that you wi
ll need to
wait for your retaile
r to order the one th
your stroller - you wi
ll have it already th
e moment
you need it.
Trio Pack
More info?
The very comfortable lying position and fast-fold system make
the Streety Plus a highly comfortable and convenient stroller.
The Streety Plus gives you total flexibility, because you can easily clip
a carrycot or group 0+ car seat to quickly switch from a car trip to a
stroller walk.
The ideal buggy for urban areas.
The space-saving Mila can be used from the very first days up to 3.5 years
old. You can also attach any Bébé Confort group 0+/1 car seat. Very
compact, very easy to fold, you can store it in the tiniest of spaces and car
trunks. The multi-reclinable backrest ensures continuous usage as your baby
gets older and explores the world sitting up. Even nap times are comfortable
for toddlers, thanks to the totally reclinable flat position.
> strollers
Even more comfort from baby to toddler thanks to
its rigid outer shell with spacious padded seat.
From carrycot to stroller, your little explorer will enjoy the all-day
comfort and lie-flat option of the stylish Elea. Perfect to go shopping,
thanks to the large shopping basket and excellent suspension.
Check the overview in the back of this magazine
or visit us online:
Say hello to
the NEW:
Bébé Confort
Buggy Board
The new, improved Loola can recline totally flat for your
newborn to enjoy the perfect sleep. It’s easy to fold and
store, and fits in the tiniest of places. It’s also effortless
to push, even with just one hand. And because of its
flexible travel system it is the best way to give your baby
great rides from birth up to the age of 3.5 years.
New Loola in short:
Total Black
Original Bag
The bag can be used as a booster seat, but it is also a
nursery bag. Useful for when you are visiting places
where a highchair may not be available. The Orginal bag
comes with its own seat belt that secures the child to the
chair, a changing mat and offers plenty of storage space
for nursery necessities.
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Origami Rose
Modern Black
Square Parasol
Dress Blue
Warm feet are happy feet. But convenience is also desirable
so this Footmuff helps you get your child in and out in
seconds. Used for both babies and toddlers: as your child
grows and starts to wear a jacket, you can keep using the
Footmuff to keep his legs warm. What’s more, the Footmuff
is suitable for all Bébé Confort strollers and buggies.
Visit us
and check
all features
Safety Carrycot
With a baby in the stroller and a toddler by your side,
our Bébé Confort Buggy Board makes walking easier
and safer. It can be used in combination with our Elea,
Loola, Streety Plus and High Trek strollers. You can
easily click the Bébé Confort Buggy Board on the
integrated connection points on the stroller frame.
For older Loola models, adapters are included.
Attractive and practical, this perfect Square Parasol
is a must-have accessory. Easily fitted and simple to
use, you can be confident that your little one’s skin
and eyes will be shaded from direct sunlight.
Graphic Crystal
Windoo Plus
Safety Carrycot
Available colours
me and in small
> Easy storage at ho
instantly with
car trunks as it folds
position (even in
the seat on in any
rearward position
ded of places, you
> In the most crow
ola easily, even
can steer your Lo
with one hand
use both for
> Fully reclinable to
eping infants
newborns and sle
u can clip a
> Total flexibility: yo
p 0+ car seat
carrycot or a grou
m a car trip
to switch easily fro
to a stroller walk
> strollers
Flexi Bag
Original Bag
Bébé Confort
Buggy Board
General Footmuff
> your story
> news
facing travelling
up to 4 years
This highly flexible car seat family offers rearward-facing car travel
from birth up to 4 years old, giving you significantly enhanced
protection for your child’s head and neck. The car seat family
includes the 2wayFix base, the Pebble and 2wayPearl car seats.
The ISOFIX click-and-go installation system also provides visual and
audio confirmation when you have correctly installed the car seat.
> For more info check
2wayPearl is i-Size compliant
The new, improved Loola can recline totally flat. It’s easy to fold
and store, and fits in the tiniest of places. You will find it effortless
to push, even with just one hand. And because of the flexible travel
system, the Loola is the best way to give your baby great rides from
birth up to the age of 3.5 years.
> Quick compact
folding and
even lighter
> For more info check
Mealtime range
ride home
Bill, Ricky & Olivia
Enjoy mealtime >
with your baby
Ricky’s first
We at Bébé Confort are inspired to innovate
through technology and trends. But more
importantly, we are inspired by your lifestyle.
What do you need to make your life with your
child easy and enjoyable? Take a look at these
(new product) suggestions to start your new life.
A new range with smart functions dedicated to each
step specific needs: weaning (4/9 months), imitating
(9/18 months), autonomy (18 months +).
> For more info check
I never expected taking home my
newborn baby would be such a
moving experience.
training. Everything will come naturally.” I go over all
the self-reassuring arguments that I have thoughtup over the past months. I remind myself that I’m
probably better prepared than most other first-time
mothers. I’ve read all the books. I’ve seen the DVDs.
It’s not so hard. Slowly, confidence returns.
But for me, the car trip home from the hospital
was an unforgettable emotional rollercoaster.
And although it was more than three years ago,
I can remember it as if it was yesterday.
�I’ve had no training! No one
has even asked if I am capable.
Yet I’m totally responsible!�
As we walked to the car, the nurses waved and
it seemed as though we were still under their
expert guidance. Everything was right in the world.
We had a beautiful little boy. I was taking him home.
And my husband was by my side. But the instant
I closed the car door, it struck me like lightning:
“Wow, I’m taking this tiny human home with me.
I’m responsible now. Responsible for feeding him,
changing his nappy, bathing him, dressing him…
But I’ve had no training! No one has even asked
if I am capable. Yet I’m totally responsible!”
I pick-up Bill’s phone. There are already plenty of photos
of Ricky on there. I flip through. Mostly, he’s sleeping and
sometimes crying. But always beautiful. A warm glow of
satisfaction and pride builds up inside. Flipping through
the phone photos there’s a close-up of Ricky’s hand
clutching Bill’s finger. Such a tiny, little hand. “What if it
gets trapped in something? What if I didn’t secure him
properly in the baby seat and one of the buckles is loose
and he inserts a finger in it and it gets jammed and…
What-the-heck am I thinking? I’ve never been hysterical
in my life,” I tell myself. “Get a grip.”
The clunk of the car door shutting seemed to
have disconnected me with the hospital, and
I was overwhelmed with a totally unexpected
feeling of being alone. Fortunately, my husband
Bill was, as always, perfectly at ease with everything.
And as we pulled out of the car park, Bill turned and
smiled at me, he put his hand on my knee and said:
“It’s just you, me and Ricky now.” “Exactly!” my brain
screamed. “It is just us. And you’ve had no training
either! What are we doing?” “Get a grip!” I tell myself.
“This is so unlike you. Everything is going to be OK.
And how hard can it be anyway? You don’t need
I ask Bill to stop the car so I can sit next to Ricky in
the back. His face is that of a pure angel. I can’t stop
staring at him. Just looking at him makes me feel happy.
I’m no longer thinking about anything – just looking.
He was asleep the whole time during that trip
back home. I, on the other hand, had experienced
my first ever (and until now only) mild anxiety attack.
But after talking to other first-time mothers, it’s not
uncommon to feel a range of emotions when you take
your first born home in the car. So be prepared, and if
it happens to you, just get in the rear seat and stare.
> baby
Breast, bottle
Enjoy feeding
your baby
or both!
If there’s one thing for sure, breastfeeding is something visceral and will have important
repercussions for your relationship with your baby. The basic idea is to feel at ease so you
can create a strong and serene bond with your newborn.
Breastfeeding, which is strongly recommended by
most professionals and various organizations, helps
you create a unique bond with your baby. It’s the best
way to ward off infections and the most natural way
of developing a baby’s sense of taste. Future mothers
tend to picture it as something innate that will happen
instinctively. Indeed it can be that easy! Or not; it all
depends: a lack of milk, for example, engorgement,
cracks, or a baby who refuses the breast. There are all
sorts of situations. Make sure you are as informed as
possible to avoid too many surprises. Always keep in
mind that this is all as new to your baby as it is to you,
and that you will both need three to four weeks to find
your bearings.
Here are
T he expert tips:
For breastfeeding, I rec
ommend you to be well
prepared and to ask you
r midwife for advice as you
prepare for the birth. The
first time you breastfee
is especially important
and you should get help
guidance right from the
start, and don’t hesitate
continue this assistance
once you leave
maternity hospital.
Sylvette Rambaud, Mid
Bébé Confort partner
Economical, effective, unique in terms
of nutritional quality, ready-to-use.
Engorgement, cracks, pain, doubts:
did the baby get enough to eat?
*Harris Interactive Test – February 2012
More organisation and equipment.
Electric breast pump, breast care accessories,
teats for easy transitioning from breast to
bottle (and vice versa), bottles, equipment for
preparing, sterilising and cleaning bottles.
Breastfeeding + bottle feeding
with baby formula
Rest, shared responsibility.
Less economical, more equipment.
Manual breast pump, teats that the baby will
readily accept, bottles, equipment to prepare,
sterilise and clean bottles, infant formula.
Bottle feeding
Bottle feeding with formula
More freedom for mum and dad.
Finding the right formula!
Manual breast pump, breast care accessories.
Rest, shared responsibility.
Less economical, requires more
organisation and equipment.
Breastfeeding + bottle feeding
with breast milk
Baby benefits from the nutritional qualities
of your breast milk, ideal in cases of painful
breastfeeding, shared responsibility.
The eco designed bottle and natural comfort teat
Teat easily adopted by 95% of babies, whatever their
feeding habits*. Eco designed bottle, with less impact on
the environment. Made in France.
The unique clip & close bottle
The ultimate no leak bottle closes in just one clip.
Approved by 9/10 mums.
“It makes our life easier”
Combination feeding
Bottle feeding with breast milk
For a comfortable nursing
Adjustable suction & soft silicone protection to completely
fit your sensitivity and mimic baby’s sucking rhythm.
Biodegradable nursing pads
Natural and biodegradable: bio-sourced, renewable
material for a more natural breastfeeding. Made in Switzerland.
five different ways to feed your baby:
Electric breast pump, teats the baby will
readily accept bottles, equipment for
preparing, sterilising and cleaning bottles.
Teats the baby will readily accept, bottles,
equipment for preparing, sterilising and
cleaning bottles, infant formula.
The expert soother on the market
Soothe baby’s needs to suck with complete peace
of mind. Healthy dental development, clinically proven.
"I was in labour a very long time and ended up having
a C-section. It was very draining both physically and
mentally, so my breasts didn’t produce enough milk
for my little glutton of 4270 gramms! But thanks to
breastfeeding combined with formula feeding, I was
able to give her the little milk I had – which is better than
nothing! – and with the formula, I was reassured that
she was getting enough to eat."
to give David
“It seemed inconceivable for me not
needed to
my own milk, but since I was so tired I
So I decided
rest and share
on breastfeeding combined with bottle
be able
with my milk.
to give him his bottle, while I had an oppo
to rest; it was
> baby
Stage 2
9/18 months - Imitating
This is the stage of baby’s clumsy beginnings to eating on his own,
and parents help him learn. Baby is getting curious, he wants
to taste everything. He wants to eat on his own, but isn’t yet capable.
Are you apprehending upturned bowls, spilt drinks, and spoons on the floor?
Your baby will start to eat solid food, he will then want to imitate you to finally become autonomous.
Let us help you avoid the mess and enjoy the mealtime journey with your baby. Discover Bébé Confort’s
step by step approach answering to all your concerns for an enjoyable mealtime and baby’s needs. Adapted
products combined with safe materials, smart features and playful designs.
Stage 1
Learning cutlery
Learning plate
Keyo high chair
Cutlery with cleaver bendable heads
to help clumsy babies starting to eat by
The ideal partner for babies’ first
meals: non slip base to avoid small
disasters and hermetic lid to keep
warm and ease transportation.
Safe high chair solution to easily
feed your child at the dinnertable with
the rest of the family. 5 height settings
so it can be used up to 3 years.
Stage 3
18+ months - Autonomy
Baby now wants to act and feel like a grown up. He knows what he wants and starts to
do everything that pleases him – that’s why it is particularly important at this stage to
have decorative designs on mealtime items to catch his attention and charm him.
4/9 months - Weaning
At this stage parents help their baby discover new tastes and new kinds of food. Parents can’t help
feeling a little apprehensive. Questions such as ‘Are the materials secure and reliable? Will my baby
like what I’ll be introducing? Will he accept this change’ are common concerns.
Bowl & plate
Smart products with non-slip base and
attractive décor, to start enjoying his
toddler meal.
Mum’s spoon (size 1/2)
Conservation Box
Keyo bouncer
2 smart spoons with a heat sensitive head
combined in a hygienic box to facilitate
transportation. A no touch point, on the
back of the spoon, comes as an hygienic
protection for the spoon tip. An ideal
answer to first meals.
2 sizes: 150ml and 300ml
Hermetic lid and erasable writing area
to conserve your own made food for
your baby.
The Keyo bouncer entertains
your baby when positioned on
the floor. It reclines to 3 relaxed
reclinable positions and folds
into a compact unit.
Baby starts drinking like a toddler,
safely enough, in a translucent glass
with a non-slip base.
Metal cutlery, even with a knife,
to eat like mum and dad.
> safety
What you need to know
about car safety
You’re off on your first trip with your baby. Exciting?
Maybe, but are you prepared?
Because we have a wide range of car seats, it is
child is in, what area of the body needs protection and
important to know which car seat fits your child needs. when you need to upsize. Hopefully these tips will help
These tips will help you to define which category your you keep the travel enjoyable, comfortable and safe.
Group 0+
0 - 13 kg
(Birth to approx. 1 year)
(40 cm - 85 cm)
Baby/ Toddler
Group 0+/1
0 - 18 kg
(Birth to approx. 4 years)
(0 cm - 105 cm)
Group 1
9 - 18 kg
15 - 36 kg
(approx. 9 months to 4 years) (approx. 3.5 years to 12 years)
(80 cm - 105 cm)
(135 cm - 150 cm)
When is it the best time to move on to the
next category of car seats:
When the top of the babies
ears extend past the top of the
seat back.
The shoulders of the child should be
2 cm above the openings for the shoulder
straps in the toddler seat, when headrest
is set in highest position.
145 cm
130 cm
150 cm
135 cm
You no longer legally require a
child car seat if your child is 1.35
or 1.50 meters tall.
Top tether
Support leg
Recent research has confirmed that babies are
safer in a rearward facing seat up to the age of at
least 15 months. Only then is the child’s neck strong
enough to withstand the impulsive force of an
average forward collision. That’s why the new i-Size
regulation clearly requires using rearward-facing
seats for all babies up to the age of 15 months.
If a baby travels in the car facing forwards, the
relatively heavy head is unrestrained in a forward
collision – the head will be thrown forward. This can
cause serious neck and head injury. Rearward facing
restrains the head and spreads the impact over a
greater area.
The zones that are protected in the different categories:
ISOFIX is an international system, which provides
the safest, simplest and quickest method of correct
installation of a child car seat. Instead of using the
regular car seat belt, the ISOFIX system secures
the baby seat to the car chassis via two specially
incorporated anchor points behind the car seat.
Longer rearward facing
travel is safer
Group 2/3
All ISOFIX anchor points:
It sounds easy, but it’s easily done incorrectly:
installing the seat in the car. Research has shown that
80 percent (!) of parents make mistakes in installing
the car seat or fastening their child into the seat. 20
Percent of these mistakes endanger the life of the
child in an accident.
ISOFIX also helps reduce the forward and sideward
movement of the seat because of the 3rd anchor
point like the top tether or the support leg. For the
past 10 years, EU legislation mandated that all new
cars must have ISOFIX anchor points as standard.
Hence, currently approximately 60% of all cars on
the road have ISOFIX anchor points.
Meet the different categories:
ISOFIX car seat: easy, simple
and safe to install
155 cm
140 cm
Yoann Brunetière,
Dorel Europe Safety Ce
nter Manager
It may feel like it costs quite
some time to install your chi
car seat and your child cor
rectly in the car but if you
have an
accident it can safe your chi
ld’s life.
That’s all for now, more
safety tips in our next issue.
> car seats
> car seats
What is the best
car seat for my child?
You are pregnant and are going to shop for the best
car seat because you’re preparing for the first ride.
But what is your focus? When is it time to switch to
the next stage car seat? And having all those choices
doesn’t make it any easier for you. So, what is the
best car seat for your child? The best car seat is
one that fits your child, fits your car(s) and is easy
to install and to use. Here are some useful tips and
recommendations to help you decide for every age.
Enjoy your car seat
The highest ratings in independent safety test
clearly show that Bébé Confort car seats guarantee
the best safety for your child, in any age category.
The Group 0+ baby car seats are compatible with
and colour match Bébé Confort strollers to create
a smart (looking) travel system.
Go online and find out more how
you can choose the right car seat.
Don‘t forget to check out the checklist!
For toddlers only
In the car, your baby is safest when travelling in a
rearward facing seat until 13 kg (approx. 15 months).
Keep your baby in a rearward-facing seat as long as
possible. Switch to a toddler seat only when the top
of your baby’s ears reach the top of the baby seat.
As your child grows
It may seem a long way off, but time flies! Around
your child’s 3rd birthday, you will still want your child
to be well protected on trips to school, playdates,
football club, ballet class and many more outings!
The lightweight child seats of Bébé Confort are
easy to switch between cars. For your growing
child’s seating comfort, the seats are adjustable in
height and width. The cool designs are geared to
school-age kids with a mind and style of their own.
Top tip:
p tip
s as well. Our to
ok at the base
e it’s in
fits onto a
mind yo little
would be opt
teed peace of
clicks in and ou
e seat simply
ect for busy pa
with ease, perf
One-click fitting without seat belts on FamilyFix or 2wayFix base.
The harness conveniently stays open to get your child in and out of
the seat. The extra recline on the base creates more legroom, so your
baby can travel rearwardfacing for longer. The Pebble car seat is
officially approved for use on the plane.
More than just a convertible 2-in-1 seat from birth to approx. 4 years.
The MiloFix is an ISOFIX seat that first is used rearward facing up to 13 kg.
The seat can be used in forward facing position from 9 - 18 kg (approx.
15/18 months). ISOFIX means top safety and easy one-click installation
without seat belts. Perfect for parents on the go! Covering two consecutive
age groups, the Bébé Confort MiloFix is a value-for-money child safety
GUT (2,3)
Im Test:
GUT (2,3)
20 Kindersitze
MiloFix has a 4 star rating on safety >
Im Test:
20 Kindersitze
Each car seat is tailored to the exact needs of
the age of the child it covers, offering the highest
level of comfort and convenience. Your child’s
safety is Bébé Confort’s top priority, so you can
enjoy those precious moments with your child.
car seat
suits you?
The best car seats
in the spotlight
A 4-star safety rating car seat switching your baby from a car
seat to a separate stroller seat can often upset their routine.
That’s why the Créatis.Fix offers instant click-and-go when used
with the Bébé Confort Créatis.base and can also be clicked on any
Bébé Confort stroller frame. It comes with a removable cushion for
newborns, extra padding for enhanced comfort, and special Side
Protection System. The Créatis.Fix has a belted base.
An excellent value for money infant car seat.
This Streety.fix carseat is lightweight, so very easy to carry from
home to car. The Safe Travel on the side ensures a safe trip for the baby.
It can be installed with the car seat belt, or with the click-and-go Streety.
base that is also a belted base. And because it clicks onto any
Bébé Confort stroller, it offers a flexible travel system.
Say hello to the:
Baby/Toddler group 0+/1
0-18 kg (Birth to approx. 4 years)
The 2wayFamily includes the 2wayFix base, the Pebble
and 2wayPearl car seats. The 2wayFamily is very easy to
use, since it works with the ISOFIX click-and-go installation
system, which also provides visual and audio confirmation
when you have correctly installed the car seat.
Available colours
Raspberry Red
Pebble >
What is i-Size?
Future-proof your baby’s travel safety with
the Bébé Confort 2wayFamily. This highly flexible
solution offers rearward-facing car travel from
birth up to 4 years old, giving you significantly
enhanced protection for your child’s head
and neck.
Total Black
> safety
Walnut Brown
‘i-Size’ is the name of a new EU safety regulation that affects car seats for children.
It provides extra protection in several ways, most notably by stating that babies
must travel rearward-facing for at least the first 15 months.
< 2wayPearl
< 2wayFix
2wayPearl is
i-Size compliant.
2wayFamily in
> Best in cla
ss safety 2w
also i-Size
> The family
supports ve
long-term u
> It’s very ea
sy to install
> The base
contains a c
This extended rearward-facing provides better
head and neck protection. In a forward collision,
the impact is spread across the whole body and
the head is cushioned - not thrust forward. This
is especially important for babies since they have
a relatively large head and weak neck. i-Size also
provides better side-impact protection because,
for the first time in a child car seat regulation, i-Size
includes a specified level of required protection
against side impacts.
One other big improvement is that i-Size will help
prevent up-sizing too soon, because it has a clear
specification for rearward-facing up to at least
15 months and sizes in cm instead of kg.
Size of baby’s head
relative heavy to
whole body
The 5 key points of i-Size
Improved protection at higher forces for side
and front impact and a much better protection
of head and neck
Rearward faced travelling mandatory up to
15 months old
i-Size also requires ISOFIX, which has less chance
of being incorrectly used than belted car seats
i-Size car seats will fit almost all ISOFIX cars
Length classification for easier choosing the
right car seat, similar like clothing sizes
• Adjustable support leg; installation feedback confirms
valid length position of support leg
• Installation feedback on switching off frontal passenger
airbag travelling rearward facing, and not to place baby
Modern Black
(Only for Pebble)
forward facing before turning 15 months
• Full recline for 2wayPearl in front and rear facing position
Good to know
• Easy-in harness in both Pebble and 2wayPearl
i-Size legislation
The 2wayFamily is the perfect answer to the new i-Size
legislation, that states that babies must travel rearward
facing for at least 15 months. Learn more about i-Size and
its improvements on page 25 or visit the safety section
on our website.
• Batteries included and replaceable (2 penlights)
• Compact and modern design to fit most cars
If you would like to learn more on
i-Size, see our safety section on
• Low battery warning signal flashes when energy drops
below 30%. The 2wayFix still functions on an empty
battery, but replacement is highly recommended in
order to retain the lights and sound safety check.
> behind
the scenes
a new
Constance Gerris
Dorel European Styling Manager
Introducing the Graphic Crystal
New collection
Each year, our Bébé Confort stylists create
a new collection of child car seats, strollers
and accessories. A new collection that
reflects the latest trends in colours and
fabrics that helps keep our customers
totally up-to-date. But how do you identify
the most important trends? Our styling
experts share their secrets on creating the
perfect collection for you and your child.
The Pebble
Close-up of
the new fabric
The Windoo Plus
Safety Carrycot
In this fold out you
can get to know the
different categories:
Car seats
Car seat
Coming up >>
2wayPearl with 2wayFix
(with ISOFIX system)
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal Origami Rose
Modern Black
Total Black
(with ISOFIX system)
Group 2/3
Group 1
Total Black
Group 0+
(with ISOFIX system)
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown Modern Black
Total Black
Pearl with FamilyFix
(with ISOFIX system)
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Modern Black
Modern Black
Rodi AirProtect®
Accessories Equipment
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
Origami Rose
Modern Black
Dress Blue
Total Black
Total Black
Total Black
Rodi XP
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
Modern Black
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
Modern Black
Silver Star
Dress Blue
Total Black
Shadow Red
Rodi SPS
Group 0+ / 1
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Modern Black
Total Black
Silver Star
All the variations
Take a look at your favourite Bébé Confort product in all the
different colours it’s available in. This complete collection
overview lets you plan, discuss and select your purchases in
the best way possible - from the comfort of your own living
room. It’s a glimpse of how your life is going to change. Enjoy.
Car seat selectors
When choosing a child car seat there are obviously more
things to consider than just colour and looks, visit our
website for some tips on choosing the product that best fits
your needs and lifestyle.
Top tip:
On our website you can find a car seat
selector tool that helps you find the best
car seat that fits your personal needs.
Also check out the car fitting list to see if
the car seat of your choice fits your car.
Go to the Service section on our website to
find these helpfull tools.
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
(with ISOFIX system)
Modern Black
Accessory Sun Canopy
Iséos Néo+
Raspberry Red
Total Black
Priori SPS
Total Black
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Accessory Summer Cover
Raspberry Red
Rodi AirProtect®
Accessory Summer Cover
(Opal and MiloFix)
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Accessory Rain Cover
Rodi XP
Accessory Summer Cover
Accessory Sun Canopy
(2wayFix and FamilyFix with ISOFIX system)
(2wayPearl, Pearl, Axiss,
Tobi and Rubi)
High Trek
General Footmuff
Graphic Crystal
Origami Rose Modern Black
Dress Blue
Total Black
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Total Black
Graphic Crystal Modern Black
Walnut Brown
Total Black
Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Modern Black
Silver Star
Dress Blue
Total Black
Raspberry Red Graphic Crystal
Origami Rose
Steel Grey
Total Black
Total Black
Raspberry Red
Graphic Crystal
Total Black
Bright Red
Rich Blue
Hot Pink
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
The WWW experience
Graphic Crystal
Modern Black
Dress Blue
Total Black
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
Origami Rose
Dress Blue
Original Bag - 2 in 1 Nursery bag and booster seat
Total Black
Stone Grey
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Total Black
Raspberry Red
Flexi Bag
Compact Safety Carrycot
"To create a new Bébé Confort style – one that
appeals to customers - we start by immersing
ourselves in all kinds of trends from different
but related fields,” says Constance Gerris, Dorel
European Styling Manager. “We survey and
investigate trends in fashion, art, architecture,
and more. Books, magazines, webinars and blogs
are all source material. We also sharpen our
understanding with analysis from full-time trend
forecasters and, of course, by understanding
our own customers’ preferences by analysing
our own sales patterns. We saturate ourselves
with all this input, and then we choose the
trend that applies most to our customers a choice that is based on experience
and intuition.�
Square Parasol
Windoo Plus Safety Carrycot
Streety Plus Mix & Match
Global inspiration
Footmuff (Pebble and Créatis.Fix)
Streety Plus Trio Pack
Total Black
Raspberry Red
Total Black Raspberry Red Walnut Brown
Graphic Crystal
Maia Trio Pack
Graphic Crystal
Raspberry Red
Mila Bumper Bar
Graphic Crystal
�That’s how the ‘Graphic Crystal’ collection
started,” explains Mireille Kraneveld, Lead
Stylist. “We knew that the World Wide Web
plays a big part to young peoples’ lives, and
has done so for many years. But recently the
convergence between the physical world
and the cyber universe has accelerated
tremendously – thanks mainly to smart
phones, tablets and Wi-Fi.
Modern Black
Bébé Confort Buggy Board
T he Original Bag
Nowadays, interacting with friends is
instantaneous, at any time of the day or night,
in any place. This notion of living in a digital
web inspired us to create the Graphic Crystal
collection, featuring a digitalized pattern. A
design that suggests continuous connection
and interaction from anywhere to anywhere
else - just like the digital world.�
�That’s the creative side,” says Constance.
“But we also carefully look at fabric quality
issues. The fabric needs to be comfortable and
safe as well as being able to stay in shape for a
perfect fit. A car seat cover isn’t very good if it
loses its shape after the first wash. Also we try
to constantly reduce the environmental impact
that our fabric production has, you can read
more about that in the ‘About Us’ section
of our website.�
Total Black
Raspberry Red
Walnut Brown
Black Denim Pomegranate Red Devine Denim
Nature Spirit
Keyo Stand Keyo Bouncer
Keyo Highchair seat
Fancy Brown
Fancy Black
Poetic Black
Fancy Red
Fancy Brown Fancy Black
Fizzy Grey
Divine Denim
Nature Spirit
Nature Spirit
Fancy Red
Fizzy Grey
Reflex Table Chair
Hot Chocolate
Aristo Black
Total Black
Playing & Relaxing
Cocon Evolution
Poetic Black
Hot Chocolate
Aristo Black
Nature Spirit
Duo Amplitude / Changing mat
bath stand
changing mat
BB doux
changing mat
BB doux blue
Duo Amplitude
BB doux
Duo Amplitude
BB doux blue
Small Nursery Overview
To see the full collection and possibilities of our small nursery
products, please visit our website
Sometimes children are safer
when you are not watching them
Offer your child the best safety, keep
him rearward facing up to the age of 4
Rearward facing
Birth to approx. 12 months
Rearward facing
Approx. 6 months to 4 years
With Bébé Confort Pebble and 2wayPearl, you can keep your children
Forward facing
15 months to approx. 4 years
rearward facing up to approx. 4 years old. What’s more, both seats
are very easy to use, they click-in in less than a second on the
2wayFix base. All you have to do is enjoy your family trip.
Birth to approx. 4 years
This 2wayPearl is i-Size compliant and therefore your safest
choice. Learn more about the new i-Size regulation on
For more information visit
Enjoy your new life