inside this issue... - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
l t t a B r e n r e B The March 2014 the newsletter of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley the club for new england berners & their families Winter Walk pages 4 & 5 inside this issue... Calendar of Events..............................2 Training Day & Annual Meeting......3 Winter Walk....................................4, 5 Working Dog Show Results..........6, 7 Rescue Notebook................................8 It’s A Good Thing! Health Tip..........9 Paws ‘N’ Shop....................................10 Regional Specialty.............................12 Welcome! New Members Teresa Mauk & Mickey Wheatley Westport, MA 02790 [email protected] [email protected] BMDCNV Calendar of Events ~ 2014 ~ Cynthia Segal Marlborough, MA 01752 [email protected] April 7–12: BMDCA National Specialty Hampton Roads, VA Sharon & Robert Herrman Fairfield, CT 06824 [email protected] Jill Himes Chester, CT 06412 [email protected] May 4: BMDCNV OFA Clinic Suffield, CT May 31–June 1: BMDCNV Regional Specialty Wrentham, MA Submitting Info to the Blatt is EASY! June 7: BMDCNV Spring Fun Day Westford, MA June 29: Summer Picnic Kittery, Maine The BernerBlatt is your newsletter and we love your submissions! Birthdays, memorials, brags and anything you think is interesting to the members is not only easy, it’s recommended and encouraged. Type your message in the body of an email and attach your favorite, high resolution jpeg photo. July 12: Supported Entry Tunbridge, VT September 13: Supported Entry Falmouth, MA October 4: Fall Fun Day Westford, MA Be sure to include complete name(s) and where you are from. That’s it! We’ll do the rest. October 18 &19: BMDCNV Draft Tests Westford, MA Berner Blatt Editor - Linda Botti Submissions: [email protected] FMI: the BMDCNV President Marge Bumen 207-351-5988 [email protected] Vice President Alise Burbridge 781-749-5253 [email protected] board of directors Secretary Directors: Pat Buickerood 978-433-5267 [email protected] Karen Fox • 860-436-4292 • [email protected] Treasurer Martha McCormick • 860-456-8881 • [email protected] Stephen Diers 603-668-7820 [email protected] Sue Mahan • 978-386-7292 • [email protected] Jean Michael • 508-947-6503 • [email protected] Anya Wittenborg • 781-316-2364 • [email protected] 2 Training Workshop & BMDCNV Annual Meeting Saturday, March 15th Participant Attendee: $20 with or without dog. Training Workshop Participate in the training class. Only 20 slots available with dogs. conducted by Dee Ganley Gallery Attendee: $10 Observe class from the sidelines without dog. CPDT-KSA, CBCC-KA Behavior & Training Consultant & Author of Don’t miss this great opportunity to train or observe Dee and our Berners! Changing People, Changing Dogs 2pm to 5pm Holiday Inn • Boxborough, MA Sunday, March 16th BMDCNV Annual Meeting Featured Speaker: 10am - 12pm Buffet Lunch & Meeting: 12:30 - 3pm Holiday Inn • Boxborough, MA Dr. Harvey Cohen All BMDCNV Members and families encouraged to attend Founder of Dr. Harvey’s Health Foods for Companion animals. Dr. Harvey will present his views developed of 30 years on Nutrition & Longevity. He will discuss his views on healthy Berners, including all you can do as caregivers to prevent and help kidney disease, PAY skin problems and degenerative diseases. BY CREDIT CARD! please tear off and mail Name(s) _____________________________________________________________ Saturday Reservations – $99 Holiday Inn: 978-263-8701 Sales Dept: CODE BMD Number Attending: Tickets: $10 Number Attending: Tickets: $20 Training with Dee Ganley Saturday • 2-5 pm Annual Meeting SU NDAY SATU RDAY ____________________________________________________________________ Number Attending: Children’s Menu $14 Speaker: Dr Harvey scheduled from 10-12 noon Followed by Annual Meeting Buffet at 12:30 Tickets for Buffet Lunch and Dr. Harvey: $35 Includes Lunch & Speaker @ $35 ~ TOTAL $ Cash Bar ~ Available No charge to attend the Annual Meeting Business Portion of the day. Please decide today that you will attend; it helps us tremendously to have early attendance counts. No penalty for cancellation. Refunds issued before March 7th. ~ To Make Reservations and Payment ~ Check ~ Mail Reservation Form and Check Payable to: BMDCNV • Marge Bumen • PO Box 40 • Cape Neddick, Maine 03902 Credit Card ~ Click here to pay on-line at Paws ‘N’ Shop: 3 The Annual BMDCNV Winter Walk T he Winter Walk was held 2/16/14 at the June Norcross Scout Reservation in Ashford, CT. We were fortunate to have a great day for the walk, the weather cooperated after being threatened with heavier snow than we got. Folks and dogs from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut were in attendance with approximately 40 humans and 26 dogs (2 visting breeds). The raffle netted approx. $250 to benefit Berner Inc and the club! A wonderful day and a great time was had by all that attended! — Carol Jensen; Cromwell, CT — Editor’s Note: Great pics from Karen Fox and Carol Jensen. Thank you! 4 The Annual BMDCNV Winter Walk We had a wonderful time at the Winter Walk! We were afraid we wouldn’t be able to attend because of the blizzard warning our area was under the night before. The blizzard never materialized, so we were not disappointed. We hope that next year no one will be kept away by bad weather. A big thanks to Carol & Karen & crew for an enjoyable event—it was a good antidote for our winter weariness! — Linda DeCelles, Gib Otten & Lucy Rowley, MA RU on Club E List? Sign up today! Contact: [email protected] the BMDCNV Berner Blatt Editor Linda Botti [email protected] Breeder Referral Program Megan McTavish [email protected] Historian Vacant [email protected] chairpeople These dedicated chairpeople provide essential services to you, our membership. Please feel free to contact them with your questions, concerns, suggestions, requests for help or offers of help. Our mission is to provide the best for Berners and their families. Membership Jim Todhunter PO Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 [email protected] Public Education Martha Phelps, Diane Smith & Karen Allen [email protected] Rescue Linda DeCelles Gib Otten 1-877-4BMDCNV (toll free) [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator Martha Phelps 802-368-7656 [email protected] Membership List Admin. Jim Todhunter Jeff Nowak [email protected] Puppy Referral Laurel Crowley [email protected] Training Resources Paul Emerson 508-243-3922 [email protected] Ways & Means Judy HartmanWeb Page Retail Lynne BaileyBlatt Custom Orders [email protected] Members List Moderator Sharon Brady [email protected] Regional Club Rep (RCR) Karen Fox [email protected] 5 Trophy Chair Donna Bennett [email protected] Web Master Mimi Englander [email protected] CT River Working Dog Assoc. Show Eastern States Exposition Center - West Spring field, MA • Sunday, March 2, 2014 Judges: David W. Haddock - Regular Classes & Laurie Maulucci - Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes Crimson Harvest’s Sole Inspiration CH Clenmegan’s Journey To Seawind Farm BEST OF BREED GCH TALLPINE’S LIFE OF THE PARTY Owner: Dawn Hitchcock & Stephen Crisp, Simpsonville, SC Breeder: Dawn Hitchcock & Stephen Crisp BEST OF WINNERS AND WINNERS DOG GCH Marben’s Ruffian GCH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party MIROCO CHRIS SPIRIT OF NH V. THARP AWARDS OF MERIT Owner: Constance Gauthier, Sherbrooke QC, CN Breeder: Deborah Tharp Owner: Barbara Beck-Wilczek & William Wilczek & Barrie McMath, Littleton, NH Breeder: Barbara J Beck-Wilczek & William Wilczek GCH TENNESCOTT WHITE MTNS RIPLEY FALLS CD RE NAP NFP BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX GCH MARBEN’S RUFFIAN BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES Owner: Tiggie Gerli, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI ADVENTURE Owner: Sherri Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird WINNERS BITCH CRIMSON HARVEST’S SOLE INSPRIRATION BEST OF OPPOSITE PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES Owner: Susan K Morrill, Cataumet, MA Breeder: Susan K Morrill ALPENSPIRIT CHANCES ARE SELECT DOG GCH GREENWAY’S TEST OF TIME Owner: Maureen & Jack Wilson & Mylene Turbide, Hyde Park, VT Breeder: Mylene Turbide Owner: Dede Laveran & Rose Tamberino & Renee Gallizzo, Radnor, PA Breeder: Dede Laveran BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKES CH MAD MAPLE SUGAR’S SHANTI BEAR SELECT BITCH CH HICKORY’S WHERE FOR ART THOU MY LOVE V LEFLE Owner: Celeste O’Malley, Brattleboro, VT Breeder: Martha Phelps Owner: Rachel Meyers & Daniel Meyers & Jolie Diamond, Southbury, CT Breeder: Amy Tucker & Jolie Diamond AWARDS OF MERIT BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKES Owner: Alise Burbridge & Megan McTavish, Hingham, MA 02043 Breeder: Megan McTavish Owner: Libby E Kesner, Voorheesville, NY Breeder: Libby E Kesner CH GLENMEGAN’S JOURNEY TO SEAWIND FARM CH MAINE’S JOURNEY BY SEA 6 GCH Tennescott White Mtns Ripley Falls CD RE NAP NFP Miroco Chris Spirit of NH V. Tharp — Editor’s Note: Many, many thanks for photos by Peter Estes, Matt George, Karen Fox & Marge Bumen ANNUAL BREEDERS ROUNDTABLE Our lovely Berner models owned by Megan McTavish and Dorri Poppe (far left), enjoyed the cheese rewards for allowing the group to discuss their Berner structure! We had over 30 Members jammed into the Mallary meeting room at the Working Dog Show to hear Dr. Debbie Gross (above right), owner and director of Wizard of Paws, discuss movement of our Berners, fitness goals and puppy structure development. Me too! My Fitness Goal? You’re lookin’ at it! FMI: 7 Rescue Notebook COMING HOME WITH BECKETT by Linda DeCelles, Berner Inc. Rescue Chair N ick and his family had gone through a devastating loss when their five-year-old Berner died from cancer. For many months they didn’t know if they were ready emotionally to adopt another Berner. And then along came Beckett, a 3 year-old Berner boy. Beckett had spent the first years of his life being shuffled from place to place as a breeder dog. When his last owner lost interest in breeding, Beckett needed a home where he could be at the center of a loving family. He found his place in Massachusetts with Nick, his wife Tina and their three teen-agers, Matt, Brittany and Nathan. Beckett and the family hit it off EDUCATION & RESCUE right away. WE ARE THE RESCUE ARM OF THE NASHOBA CLUB There was much about Beckett that reminded them of their first Berner. On his first day, Beckett was right at home, lying on his back soliciting belly rubs. As Beckett settled in, Nick reported on Beckett’s growing closeness with the family: “Beckett’s doing great, getting lots of love and giving right back to us.” Nick says that Beckett is “a happy dog full of play.” Recently, Brittany wrote that “the furry goofball fits right in” with the active family. Beckett is home at last. Zuri Finds A Full-Time Family Z uri, a one-year-old Berner girl, was bought as a puppy by a young woman just starting out in life. All was going well for Zuri and her loving owner until, as so often happens in our unstable economic times, changes in the owner’s circumstances made it clear she could not provide the full attention and resources needed by a young Berner. She was heartbroken to give up Zuri, but cared enough about her to want her to have the home she could not provide at this time in her life. Bright, active and affectionate, Zuri loves being with other dogs. Teresa and Mickey in Massachusetts had been thinking about adopting a companion for their three-year old Berner, Jackson. After a friendly introductory walk around the neighborhood, the Berners were ready for a play session in the back yard. And what fun they had: Play-bowing, running, chasing and tail-wagging side by side. Zuri is now settled happily with her new family. She gets full-time attention from Mickey and Teresa. Zuri and Jackson Bertha have developed a happy sister-brother companionship. Jackson is teaching the younger Zuri how to share toys. Teresa says that it “seems like Zuri’s always been a part of our family.” Both dogs love riding in the car and Mickey takes them for a ride every day. the BERNER INC board of directors President & Director - Alise Burbridge Treasurer & Director – Tom McKinney Clerk & Director – Anya Wittenborg Director – Dawn Flaherty Director – Linda DeCelles Director – Beth Atkinson 8 It’s a good Thing! Monthly Health Tip for keeping our Berners in tip-top shape! Grab your leash and let’s get moving! Exercise = A Happy Dog. Your dog wants to your veterinarian regarding any significant change in weight and before beginning a weight management diet and exercise plan for your berner. please you, so there’s really no limit — depending on their health and overall condition — to the kinds of exercise you can involve him/her in to lose weight. This doubles as quality time with your berner too! Exercise your berner on a consistent basis. An overweight body gets back in shape by taking in fewer calories and expending more energy. Daily exercise, including at least 20 minutes of consistent aerobic activity, will help your berner burn fat and increase muscle tone. Take it slow. If your berner is very overweight or out of shape, take it slow in the beginning and build up gradually to a good daily workout. Just walking is a great start. Increasingly incorporate challenges in your daily walk to include inclines, curbs and straight-aways to build muscle tone. Elevate their heart-rate. Your berner needs to elevate his heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes daily/consistently throughout the week, and the only way to get it done is through heart-thumping, musclebuilding, calorie burning exercise. Sue Nowak and Chance The key to keeping your berner nutritionally fit at Reference: Dr. Karen Becker at the cellular level is with a high protein, moisture rich diet fed in controlled portions, and augmented with plenty of consistent physical activity. Always consult ® Change online shopping for good. In 2008, the BMDCNV membership established a 501(c) (3) charitable organization to address the needs of the everincreasing number of Berners being relinquished by their owners and to educate the public in the responsible care of this wonderful breed. The work of BERNER, Inc. is supported by the generous donations of people like YOU! Please consider honoring the achievements or the life of your dog (or of a friend or family member) with a tax-deductible donation either by Paypal on the web site, or by mail to: BERNER INC NEEDS Get Donations from retailers you shop with on-line! When you register with and designate Berner, Inc as the cause you’d like to support, ALL your on-line purchases will automatically generate a donation from the retailer to Berner, Inc.... at NO cost to you! It’s quick... It’s easy... and FREE! BERNER, Inc. P.O. Box 1221 Arlington, MA 02474 Learn more at 9 OFA Hip & Elbow Clinic Volunteers Wanted! All Breed Clinic Sunday May 4, 2014 Suffield Veterinary Hospital, CT BMDCNV Draft Test October 18 & 19 Westford, MA $200 per dog* -- by appointment only Hosted by the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley With Dr. Griffin O’Connor For appointment or more information contact Karen Fox at: [email protected] Also see clinic calendar on Microchips also available for additional $35 Southwind Bernese Father & Daughter - Zurri (2), Trigger (8) Our fantastic early team of Sue Nowak, Cheryl Brickach and Alison Jaskiewicz welcome the aid and assistance of anyone else who would like to contribute to making this event as fantastic as our club has become well-known for. Suggestions and volunteers for site decoration, volunteer raffles and stewarding will be greeted with enthusiasm... As always, the amount of experience and pre-existing knowledge is ZERO for you to be a part of this event. A few instructions and tips and you will be on your way to being an expert, and you will also get an upclose-and-personal view on what it’s like to exhibit in my favorite Berner performance event...You will go home wanting to get your own cart and get to work! Please respond to [email protected] *Cost includes digital radiographs and sedation, does not include $40 OFA submission fee COVER BERNER A beautiful berner walking a Maine beach, makes the cover of “The Notes”. If you know who it is, let us know! FMI: Thank you! — Elizabeth Malcolmson; Rockport, MA 2014 Draft Test Chair Trophy Donations Needed! You can sponsor a trophy! Concurrent Regional Specialty ~ May 31 ~ Trophies Now Available • ~Deadline April 30 ~ FMI: Abby Patrizio at [email protected] 10 SAVE THE DATE! Spring Fun Day June 7th Westford 4-H Fairground Featuring Best Berner Tricks! Does your Berner have a favorite trick? Here’s your chance to show off your “smarty pants” Berner! Westford, MA We’re looking for members to demonstrate tricks and teach tricks. So start teaching your berner now! This is a great kid/berner activity... A simple trick like: Bow, Yawn or roll-over is easy to teach and a good start. We’re looking forward to seeing those tricks! NEW ITEMS! Paws ‘N’ Shop Millefiore Jewelry by artist Jayne Dwyer Bernese Mountain Dog Socks $8.50 These adorable socks are Ladies “one size fits all” Synthetic blend Free shipping if ordered with something else! Order today! Pin ~ $15 Earrings ~ $22 Light weight- 1” x 1” Simple catch pin clip. Measures 1/2” x 1/2” Unique designs ~ lightweight & rugged (order Black/rust or Red/bk bead) The Berner image appears on back and front of the earrings. On-line at Hand crafted Polymer Clay Art Available only from Nashoba Valley Paws & Shop. 11 THREE SHOWS IN TWO DAYS! Ladies Dog Club All-Breed Dog Show 100th Anniversary • with commemorative pins Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds ~ Wrentham, MA Show Secretary MB-F - Entries Close May 14 BMDCNV Concurrent Regional Specialty Saturday, May 31 Breed Judge: Andrew Ritter Sweepstakes & Veterans Judge: Fara Bushnell Reserve your Catalog ($3) Send email to Marge Bumen at: [email protected] BMDCNV P.O. Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 Veterans Parade Junior Showmanship Best Puppy Best Bred-by Exhibitor Best Veteran Stud Dog Brood Bitch and Brace Parade of Champions & Title Holders Dog Fun Zone Hospitality Tent hosted by BMDCNV MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! Training Workshop: March 15 Annual Meeting: March 16 Pay by credit card: Contact [email protected] to receive an electronic color issue of the Berner-Blatt Specialty Show Chair Marge Bumen BMDCNV Weekend Supported Entry Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 1 Judges: Virginia Lyne Marc Cohen 4-Month Puppy Competition Sponsor a Trophy Deadline - April 30 Abby Patrizio [email protected]
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