Executive Minutes January 2015
Executive Minutes January 2015
FORT LANGLEY CANOE CLUB EXECUTIVE MEETING Monday, January 26 , 2015 @ 7:00pm 9167 Glover Road, Fort Langley, BC MINUTES PRESENT: Susan Murray, Sue Tuttle, Cec Welk, Denise Crook, Charmaine Coatta, John Spencer, Grant Rawstron Regrets: Bob Anderson, Katherine Kettler, Julie Kell, In attendance: Pat Barker, Jonathan Wilkins A WELCOME Call to order. The meeting commenced at 7:03 pm B AGENDA MOTION by Susan to adopt the agenda as circulated. Seconded by Denise Carried C Item C-1 MINUTES: MINUTES OF LAST MEETINGS MOTION by Susan to accept the minutes of the meeting as distributed. Seconded by John. Carried. D REPORTS REPORTS Reports are attached to these minutes. All divisions/disciplines/ committee representatives are required to provide regular reports. A reminder to committee representatives to submit to the executive for keeping: agendas, minutes, and brief reports relevant to FLCC. Item D-1 TREASURER A month end financial statement is sent to each executive member prior to meeting or review. Statements are available to any member upon request. MOTION by Susan to adopt the financial reports as distributed. Seconded by Charmaine Carried Item D-2 DIVISIONS ! Dragon Boat (DB) (attached) ! Flatwater/Sprint (FW) (attached) ! Voyageur/Rec Canoe (VOY) (attached) FLCC Executive Meeting ! Outrigger Canoe (OC) (attached) Dragon Boat (DB) (attached) MOTION by Susan to accept the report as circulated. Seconded by Denise Carried ! Flatwater/Sprint (FW) (attached) add MOTION by Susan to accept the report as circulated. Seconded by Grant Carried ! Voyageur/Rec Canoe (VOY) (attached) MOTION by Susan to accept the report as circulated. Seconded by Cec Carried ! Outrigger Canoe (OC) No report Item D-3 SAFETY No report Item D-4 DEPC MOTION by Susan to accept the report as reported by Cec. Seconded by Sue Carried Item D-5 OTHER E Item E-1 CLUB Item E-1.1 General 1.1.1 Canoe Dock 1.1.2 Water Lot Lease BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Coach Boats and Motors Cec reported that after talking to a number of marine service shops and FLCC members familiar with 9.9 motors, the general recommendation was to trade in motors after 3 years. This replacement would ensure that FLCC motors were in good operating condition given the amount of usage by many divisions and teams. MOTION by John to recommend to the membership a motor replacement policy. Seconded by Cec Carried Jonathan was asked at last month’s meeting to make inquiries on the lease on the Riverside Dock. This is the report he presented to the executive at the beginning of the meeting. Expanding the Riverside Dock I met with Jim Marvel, Manager – Recreation Facilities and Services at ToL. You will recall that the idea was to have two U-shaped docks for FLCC, protected by a gated fence and a completely public area that need not be gated at all, thus providing easier access for the pub and paddle steamer AND much improved security for FLCC boats. Although he was impressed by the concept of doubling the water lot and quadrupling our dock space at the same time as creating a public area, he was doubtful that we would get any ToL money 2 FLCC Executive Meeting invested as ToL would gain very little. He suggests that we approach Scott Thompson, Manager, Property Services with: a-‐ A request that the ToL requests an enlargement of the water lot lease to enable this development to be done one day (the last request took more than 2 years). A discussion to determine how the ToL would benefit from the proposal, bearing in mind that the ToL is responsible for the repairs and maintenance of the current structure. This will raise ToL awareness of the cost of the maintenance which may or may not be completed by ToL. If the maintenance is not done, then, one day, the dock will disappear 1.1.3 Fort Property Storage Tabled 1.1.4 Bylaw Review Committee MOTION by Susan to submit the bylaw revisions to the membership for their approval at the AGM. Seconded by John Carried 1.1.5 Strategic Plan After reviewing the 2012 Strategic Plan, John outlined his views on making operational the strategic plan. John will go to each division and operationalize the strategic plan for that division within the next 6 months to present to the AGM in 2016. 1.1.6 FLCC Membership IDs Tabled 1.1.7 Upstream Committee Cec reported on the formation of the UPSTREAM committee. At present Jonathan Wilkins, Glenn Howes and Cheryl MacIntosh have agreed to participate in formulating a plan to present to Metro Vancouver with regards to the Glen Valley Parks. Cec and Glenn made a visit to both Two Bit Bar and Duncan Bar. The various channels, banks and docking places were studied. The committee will meet within the next two weeks to formulate a first draft of the UPSTREAM plan. Sue will put money in the budget to allow for expenses in presenting a plan to Metro Vancouver. Any members wishing to serve on the UPSTREAM committee may email Cec at [email protected] 1.1.8 AGM Update Cec outlined the set up for the AGM on March 2, 2015. Volunteers Each division coordinator was asked to provide at least 2 volunteers. Volunteers are needed to set up tables and chairs, look after membership sign-in, membership dues and proxies as 3 FLCC Executive Meeting well as duties during the meeting. Volunteers can contact Cec at [email protected] Membership Lists Membership lists will be compiled for sign in from the database as of February 9, 2015. Joyce May will forward to Cec and Sue. Meeting Organization Susan requested that Jean Chan be asked to chair the meeting as well as serve as Elections Officer. All members are encouraged to attend the AGM. Coffee/treats will be provided. Treasurer 1.2.1 CRA Updste MOTION by Susan that the FLCC pay the GST immediately to avoid any penalties or interest in the amount of $13652.31. Seconded by Sue Carried Sue, Cheryl MacIntosh, Glenn Howes, Jonathan Wilkins, Marlene Hoyt and Cec attended a meeting with Rose. Rose was able to clarify some of the outstanding questions about how items were included or excluded from the GST. The GST review necessitated many revisions to the financials by Sue and Cheryl. The executive thanked Sue and Cheryl for their hard work in dealing with this difficult issue. 1.2.2 Dropin Fees Tabled 1.2.3 Expense Approval MOTION by Sue that club members attending to club business on behalf of the executive requiring reimbursement of expenses in excess of $150 require the prior approval of the executive. Seconded by Denise Carried. MOTION by Sue to approve the miscellaneous expenses for the dock up to $800. Seconded by Cec Denise Carried. MOTION by Sue to reimburse Carolyn Kessler for the power pack for the Santa Boat. Seconded by Cec Carried 1.2.4 2015 Division Budgets Divisional budgets are near completion with input from all coordinators. Item E-1.3 Safety 1.3.1 Safety Manual & Steering Denise presented drafts of the FLCC Safety Manual and FLCC Steering Manual. After editing, these manual will be added to the 4 FLCC Executive Meeting Manual website for members. Item E-1.4 Facilities/Inventor 1.4.1 Club Inventory The FLCC inventory is still in progress. The online version has made it much easier to add new items to inventory. 1.4.2 Members’ Boat Storage Fees At this time, all members’ boat storage fees are up to date. Sue has given the agreements to Cec. In the discussion about damage to members’ boat while in storage the policy about not locking boats was questioned. MOTION by Charmaine that members storing their private boats in the boathouse can lock their boats. Seconded by Susan Carried Susan will have the policy on the website amended. Item E-2 DRAGON BOAT See report attached. 2.1 6-16 Repairs The 3 6/16s have undergone repairs. Western Canoe and Kayak was able to keep the cost under $1000 per boat. The DB 10 is still off the water. The boat will need these repairs: • Super glue all of the braces, joints so that they are solidly attached to the hull. • Silicone all cracks to seal them. • Install adjustable foot rests so that people will stop bracing against the seats. Most of the cracks are from the bracing against the seats so this last addition will fix that issue. We should also consider getting a cover for this boat as the direct sunlight will cause deterioration of the silicone quicker. Any suggestions as to how or where we can get a cover would be helpful. The boat should last at least another 4 to 5 years provided we pay attention. Item E-3 FLATWATER/SPRINT Also see report attached. 3.1 Sprint Coach Update Another round of advertising has not been successful. Ben Muench continues to provide coaching as well as taking some coaching courses. At present, this is a satisfactory solution. Item E-4 OUTRIGGER No report 5 FLCC Executive Meeting 4.1 Club Outrigger Program Tabled 4.2 Rivers’ Run Regatta Sue and Cec reported that planning continues on pace for Rivers Run Regatta with an option of coordinating a Sprint race on the Saturday under the auspices of the Flatwater Division. Joyce is working on the online registration. Item E-5 VOY/REC CANOE Also see attached report. 5.1 Hoist Proposal Julie is proceeding with the hoist proposal. F NEW BUSINESS Item F-1 Executive Recruitment John Spencer, Denise Crook, Sue Tuttle, Cec Welk and Grant Rawston all indicated that they were will to stand again for positions on the executive. Since Julie and Katherine were not at the meeting, Susan will contact them. Charmaine Coatta will not stand for Member At Large. G Item G-1 Next Meetings NEXT MEETING(S) H Item H-1 Meeting Adjournment ADJOURNMENT Next executive meeting: 7:00pm, Monday, February 23, 2015 Fort Langley Community Hall MOTION by to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm Submitted by Cecilia Welk Attachments: Combined Reports • Dragon Boat • Voyageur • • Sprint Financials 6 FLCC Executive Meeting Dragon Boat Division Report January 2015 Submitted by Denise Crook Winter Dock clearing and Boat Bailing Connie Blundy has recruited 7 volunteers to take on the responsibility of bailing boats and clearing docks after rain / snow days. Volunteers are Connie Blundy, Carolyn Armour, Frank Cox, Bev O’Conner, Wendy Robson, Sandy Sanche and Dianne Shrimpton. Two of the three 616’s are out of the shop at Western Canoe and back in storage at John K’s warehouse. We only had budget for $1000.00 for each boat so Western Canoe worked within that budget Alex from Western Canoe Stated: The first boat did require the full ten hours of labour, as there was a more issues then i had thought there where. We did over a hundred gel fills on the hull. Buffed and waxed the outside, repainted the floor and ends. Repaired the crack in the gunnel. We would have done some work to the wood stringer but honestly where already over the time limit on the boat. So we just applied a coat of teak oil to it to stop water from penetrating. So its sealed but not pretty. The second boat: This one was in better shape than the first one. We had 7 hours of labour in it and $75 in materials. Which brings your total before taxes to $670. We repainted the interior, striped the decals, buffed and waxed the hull, reattached all the seats and clean up the functional but ugly repair that was done to the one side. Our third 616 is now in the shop. The DB10 has been pulled from the water and is now at John’s shop waiting to go to Western. Glenn described the damaged to this boat as follows: We poured about 40 litres of green coloured water into the rear hatch of the DB10 this morning. I do not know how much it would take to completely fill the space between the double walls but quite a bit more than 40. The first green water we noticed leaking into the boat was at the rear right hand side of the aft most rib (those fairly chunky pieces stiffening the hull under each seat). Of course when it rains the water can go the other way and fill the space. It looks to me like several of the ribs have cracks where they attach to the hull, mostly on the RH side of the boat. I am not sure the cause- maybe because of flexing of the hull when people walk or stand in the boat. Maybe very long legged people stress the ribs when they brace their feet against them although that would not be the case for the aft most rib which is under the aft most seat. I imagine the cracks could be cleaned out and sealed but that would not fix the cause of the problem. There might be a way to fill the space between the double walls with expanding foam which would help stiffen the inner hull and leave no room for water to get in. Other people might have ideas and of course the manufacturer might have suggestions. Look forward to your suggestions. Glenn Glenn has sent a picture to Alex at Western but Alex will hopefully be going to John’s shop in the near future to give us a better estimate to see if this boat can be saved. 7 FLCC Executive Meeting Next on the repair list will be the older of the two BUK boats. Then all boats will get new decals. The final draft the Dragon Boat steering manual and the FLCC Safety manual has been sent to the executive for a look. I am waiting for feedback. January 2015 Voyageur Report Submitted by Julie Kell The voyageurs started off 2015 with our annual paddle and potluck on January 1st. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the dock, the gate was locked, and at first I thought we would have to forgo the paddle. However, we came up with a plan B and went out for a lovely paddle in a dragon boat up Kanaka Creek with Glenn steering. This was followed by the potluck hosted at Wayne and Sharon Good’s home. A great time was had by all. Our regular Saturday morning 9:30 a.m. paddles continued throughout January. A tentative schedule has been created for voyageur special events. Feb. 28 March 28 April 25 May 23 July 31 Aug. 3 Aug. 29 Sept. 27 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 Paddle and brunch at Bruce’s Market Golden Ears paddle and BBQ Salmon River Widgeon Creek or Deep Cove paddle and hike Moonlight paddle Brigade days Moonlight paddle Moonlight paddle Apple days Cranberry races Harrison salmon and eagles Sprint Report January 2015 Submitted by Grant Rawstron Practices are still proceeding on water on Saturdays and the mid week practices are dryland training only now. Competition Development ( NCCP) Coach update; In working through the applications there has not been as much interest as we had hoped. In following up on some coaches the responses have not been very favourable and we are not that hopeful with this round. Another recruiting drive will be undertaken in the next few months. In the meantime Ben is continuing to mature as a coach and working more with other coaches. He has taken a prerequisite course at the beginning of the month to prepare for a Comp Dev module he will be taking this coming weekend. Although he has not gained his Entry Level Coaching certificate yet the material in this course will help the athletes he is presently working with and is part of the training level that these athletes need and we were seeking in a new coach. This last week was exciting for some of our top athletes as their new boats arrived from Portugal at the boathouse. 8 FLCC Executive Meeting With the new OC6 arriving we should plan a combined christening for them and a photo opportunity. Fort Langley Canoe Club Treasurer’s Report – December 2014 Revenue and Expenses by division General Club Revenue 212 clothing 90 +ckbc 116 +5.32int Expense 6704 canoe dk exp 8289 T.Burke ,J. WilkinsSurvey,+23 santa suit+ -‐165 HUB*-‐1420 GST** Expense 14801 YE NOT CASH depreciation of equipment Net General -‐21 293 FW Summer Programs Revenue 0 Expense 0 Sprint division Revenue 994 coaching fees 1082+ regatta fees yrend 110 + -‐198GST** Expense 1014 wages exp 1036 + -‐22GST** -‐20 Net FW -‐20 DB DB Programs Revenue 0 Expense _0____ 0 DB Division Revenue 1938 drop-‐in 38 + senior games $2889 + -‐988.19 GST** Expense 631 db repairs 1558 + -‐1504 HUB *+ 667DB storage rent + -‐89GST** 1307 Net DB 1307 Voyageur Revenue 0 drop in 10 + -‐10 GST** Expense -‐185. -‐181 HUB insurance* + -‐3GST** Net Voyageur 185 185 Outrigger Revenue 1744 winter boat usage 1051+open program 200+dropin10+CORA grant 1000 + -‐ 517GST** Expense -‐249 273 OC repairs + -‐358 HUB 2015 insurance + -‐166GST** Net OC 1993 1993 Club Net profit in month -‐17828 *removed HUB insurance out of prepaid and into 2015 so shows as a neg this month. **GST calculated and entered as a JE for January to June 2014 Canoe Dock expansion cost $180 000 =$110 000 from DB + $70 000 from Club -‐ $220 000 approved at AGM Closing Balances $ 183 088 9 FLCC Executive Meeting Club $ 3 197 GST paid $13 652.31 DB $ 73 891 OC $ 18 438 Voyageur $ 25 286 FW $62 224 Consider Riverside (Pub) Dock expansion or alternate OC dock/storage Fund Transfer FW to Club 53 gst Club to FW 0 Current Accounts Payable 1000 to fix the third DB Future Accounts Payable Canoe Dock 500 – gravel, pole caps, cleats DB repairs 1000 + Current Accounts Receivable Storage for 3 private boats 440 Future Accounts Receivable GST $7667.00 refund as of DEC 2014. OC 6 is not recorded as an expense on the DEC Profit and Loss books. It is recorded as a Capital Asset and expensed over its life divided over the next 10 years. . $10 645 PO Box 1098, Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S4 fortlangleycanoeclub.ca 10