Welcome to CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Children`s Hospital


Welcome to CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Children`s Hospital
Welcome to
Children’s Hospital
When you come to the hospital, you will be given special clothes to
wear. You may hear your nurse call this your hospital gown.
You will also be given an I.D. band with your name and birthday.
Can you find the I.D. band in this picture?
You will be taken to a
room where a nurse will
check your blood
pressure, temperature,
oxygen, weight, and
height. These are called
your vital signs.
Blood pressure:
Your blood pressure tells
us how your blood is pumping
through your body. You may
feel a tight hug on your arm.
Your important job is to hold
your arm still.
A thermometer will tell us
how hot or cold your body is.
You will step on
the scale to see how
much you weigh.
You will stand under a ruler so
that the nurse may see how tall you
Just listening:
The nurses and doctors will use a stethoscope to listen
to your heart and lungs. You may be asked to take a couple
of deep breaths.
Can you take one now?
Pulse oximeter:
This machine tells us how much oxygen is in your blood. There is
a sticker that goes around your finger that has a small light attached to
it. It will make your finger glow red.
When it’s your turn to go to surgery someone will take you and
your family to the Holding Room on the second floor .
You will ride in a wheelchair or on a stretcher (bed with wheels).
The Holding Room
Two people from your family can come with you to
this room.
Here you’ll meet your nurse, your surgeon, and
your anesthesiologist.
Your anesthesiologist is the doctor who will give
you special medicine to help you fall asleep during
your procedure.
These are the doors that
lead into the Operating
What is Rita wearing in this
The staff must wear a hat
and mask to keep you safe
from germs.
This is where you will give mom and dad hugs and kisses and say, “See
you later!”
2nd floor Waiting Room
This is a picture of the Operating Room. You will see many
different things in here. What do you see?
Can you find the lights in this room?
Anesthesia Machine
Do you remember what an anesthesiologist is?
This is the machine your anesthesiologist will use to
give you medicine to help you fall asleep. Once you
are given this medicine, you will not feel anything
during your procedure.
Your anesthesiologist may give you a
mask like this one to breathe through. It
will have medicine to help you fall
Recovery Room
Do you remember what vital signs are?
When you wake up your nurse will check
your temperature, blood pressure, heart
rate and oxygen.
You will also see a blue tube like this one
when you wake up. It will be placed next
to you and blows cool air. This will help
you wake up and might tickle your nose.
After you wake up and are
feeling well, you can play in our
If you have to stay in the
hospital after surgery, we have
lots of fun things for you to do!
Just ask Child Life.