SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES PORTFOLIO 2013 - COLOMBIA L ib ert y O rd e n 1 Sergio Díaz-Granados Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia Juan Carlos Garavito General Manager Productive Transformation Program EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Alejandro Sarasti Director of Infrastructure and Sustainability Productive Transformation Program Jessica Angulo Productive Transformation Program Juliana Del Castillo Productive Transformation Program ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development for their cooperation and support, especially to Marcela Bonilla, Carlos Jairo Ramirez, Carolina Martinez and Ricardo Mendoza. Also, we would like to thank the National Center for Cleaner Production and Environmental Technologies, to Carlos Arango, Adriana Alzate and Monica Borrero for their valuable contributions during the evaluation process. GREETINGS FROM THE MINISTER OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND TOURISM 6 SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA 9 SUSTAINABILITY CATEGORIES 14 MANUFACTURING 16 AGRIBUSINESS 38 SERVICES 50 TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE COMPANIES 75 SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 81 THE GREEN PAGES 96 Last year’s launch of the first Sustainable Goods and Services Portfolio from the Productive Transformation Program marked an important landmark in the development and promotion of social and environmental sustainability issues in world-class sectors. This initiative was recognized for the Global Compact as a good example to be replicated and it was also highlighted in the International Environment Fair FIMA. Both honors pleased us and motivate us to continue working for the sustainability of the production system in Colombia. This year’s competition had a significant increase in participating companies. Last year, 31 companies were recognized in this selected group and this year we received more than 60 nominations. To meet this demand, besides working jointly with the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, we made an alliance with the National Center for Cleaner Productions and Environmental Technologies, who helped us with the verification of documents to ensure the accuracy of the information, to buyers. Besides having a wider range of products and sustainable services from the PTP, this year´s portfolio includes two new chapters that encourage sustainable public procurement and companies providing any services related to the environment. The sustainable public procurement chapter aims to inform about the products and sustainability criteria that the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has prioritized, to other public sector entities, so we can include them in future tenders and procurement plans to encourage this market into our country. Another novelty that we can find in this year`s Portfolio is that we sealed an alliance with “The Green Pages”, a Mexican organization who came to Colombia this year to develop a sustainable business directory. Through this alliance, products of this portfolio will be highlighted in the Colombian “Green Pages”, an initiative that has an important marketing strategy and that will surely result in benefits for the PTP sector companies. Again congratulations to all who participated in this initiative and to all our partners, who have made possible the vision of having a Colombian sustainable products and services offer. Sergio Díaz-Granados Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia On the other hand, there is chapter that includes a list of companies that although not necessarily comply with sustainability criteria’s, they do offer a service or product that promotes sustainability. For instance, there are examples of software companies focused on developing applications for environmental monitoring of an organization or other related services to the environment. desarrollar un directorio de empresas sostenibles. Gracias a esta alianza los productos de este portafolio estarán resaltados en “Las Páginas Verdes” colombianas, iniciativa que tiene una estrategia de mercadeo importante y seguro redundará en beneficio para las empresas de los sectores del PTP. 6 7 SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA Environmental and social criteria of the goods or services that appear in this portfolio are described below, without having a specific order of importance. Each good or service in this Portfolio met one or more of these attributes. It is important to clarify that environmental and social aspects required by law are not considered as sustainability criteria. These criterions mentioned below are implemented in an additional and voluntary way, looking to add value to the companies’ goods and services. Besides increasing the supply of sustainable goods and services, this year we have expanded the number of sustainability criteria`s in order to make room for more specific criteria in social responsibility issues. This guarantees that companies of all kinds can demonstrate sustainability criteria as well. This selection of criteria has been designed so that big, small and medium companies can learn about sustainability issues and document the achievements in terms of social and environmental topics. 8 ( ) USEFUL LIFE The useful life is the estimated duration that a good or service can have, meeting correctly the function for which it was created. A product with a superior lifetime to those produced conventionally, represents a smaller demand of resources to make new products of the same characteristics. Thus a product with more durability diminishes the generation of residues or waste. These goods provide a benefit to consumers because they represent savings in costs due to a longer lifetime. 9 ( ) LIFE CYCLE APPROACH OF GOODS OR SERVICES 1 ( ) RECYCLABILITY OF MATERIALS AND / OR USE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS The environmental component within sustainability must ensure the identification of the main aspects and impacts associated with the cycle of the good or service life , ensuring all stages analysis: extraction and processing of raw materials, production, transportation and distribution, use, maintenance and final disposal. The recyclability (of a product or package) is identified when different alternatives are considered in the selection of materials with equivalent or superior properties from the conventional materials in order to facilitate the recovery and return to the production cycle at the end of the materials useful life. A company with a focus on sustainability should –once the final impacts along the life cycle are known- work to decrease these impacts directly or indirectly through the proper management along with the suppliers and users. This will guarantee that the main impacts associated with the good or services are being managed properly. Related actions may include topics such as: supplier’s management, training and development, ecodesign, communication and awareness, promotion of good practices, technological changes, and other actions to ensure a decrease and control of the generated impacts. In the same way, this approach is also contemplated for those goods that for their manufacturing process use recycled materials. Ecodesign is closely related to this approach, since it is aimed at optimizing the functionality characteristics of the goods or services thus making comparative advantages, for example, due to its lower weight and size (requiring less raw materials to manufacture and less waste for final disposal), because they are made with materials that facilitate its ability to be reused / recycled, or because they use water or energy in a more efficient way compared with others of the same category. ( ) SUBSTITUTION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES OR MATERIALS2 This criterion refers to products that have traditionally used hazardous substances or materials and through changes in their design, they have achieved to replace those hazardous materials or substances. Currently there is a trend that focuses on replacing substances or other hazardous materials for others that pose a lower risk to health and the environment. However, we must understand that this trend is not always possible to adopt because of the technological, functional and designing conditions of some products, making the option of replacement limited. One may observe a criterion of sustainability when the functional technological conditions and the design of goods and services – that traditionally use hazardous substances or materials – suffer a change by applying a substitution with alternative substances or materials, because they help to reduce the harmful risk to human health and the environment. 1. The life cycle approach is a technique to assess the potential environmental impact, the process or activity of a product, throughout all stages by quantifying the use of resources called “inputs” (such as energy, raw materials, water, and other inputs), and by quantifying emissions to the environment, called “outputs” (to air, water and soil). 10 2. A hazardous substance is one that because its nature and properties may affect (temporary or permanent) human health, animal or plant and / or materials. Such features or properties are: corrosivity, reactivity, explosivity, toxicity, flammability and pathogenicity. ( ) EFFICIENT AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF THE RESOURCES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES This criterion relates to the manufacturing stage of the product, in which all the steps required are taken in order to use the least amount possible and in a sustainable way the natural resources (water, energy, raw materials) achieving a rational and efficient use during the production process. Related to this criterion can be for example, the use of cleaner technologies in industry, or sustainable management of the ecosystems from which hydro biological resources come from: plants and animal wildlife. . ( ) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO THE INTERIOR OF THE COMPANY Companies that for production and delivery their goods or services consider ethical treatment and fair working conditions for its direct employees and shareholders, and promote issues such as: > Quality of formal employment (better social benefits and payment of wages, exceeding the ones required by law). > Recruitment of vulnerable population (disabled, ethnic minorities, displaced by violence, demobilized from armed groups or single mothers). > Equal opportunities (between different hierarchical levels, gender, race or religion). > Supports the creation of internal funds for the welfare of the worker. > Supports special programs to improve the quality of life of its employees and their families: housing, formal and informal education, culture, recreation and sports, preparation retirement program and the retirement of its employees. > Supports the implementation of innovation programs on security issues and occupational health (in addition to what is required by law). > Payment of a fair rate to shareholders and employees (bonds) of the company´s dividends. 11 ( ) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE VALUE CHAIN OF THE COMPANY Companies that for the production and delivery of their goods or services consider encouraging the development of their value chain and sharing their best sustainability practices with their suppliers, outsourced services and customers, promoting aspects such as: > Doing fair and inclusive business with their suppliers. > Responsible provision in the supply chain (sustainable procurement) and supplier development. > Recruitment of social economy enterprises, MSMEs and the promotion of linked strategies. > To provide customers with quality products at reasonable prices, according to their needs. > To encourage the compliance with sustainability and CSR policies to their suppliers, outsourced services and customers. > To promote packaging and container return practices to clients, additional to those provided by law. ( ) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE COMPANY Companies that manage their impacts on areas outside the influence of the production and delivery of their goods or services, considering communities, the government, consumers and society at large, promoting issues such as: ( ) COMMUNICATION FROM SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES OR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATED WITH GOODS OR SERVICES Communication of social or environmental attributes of a good or service should be consistent with the company management in order to ensure sustainability. For this reason it is essential to involve the different actors in the chain when implementing communication strategies in order to achieve a successful advertising of those features that highlight environmental and social management of the good or service. Considering this, it is extremely important that the attribute that highlights social or environmental aspects of a good or service in the market is accurate and not misleading, and ensuring accurate backing when being verified by consumer or the different actors involved in the chain to protect their rights. ( ) ENVIRONMENTAL OR SOCIAL SCHEMES, PROGRAMS OR AWARDS IMPLEMENTED OR RECEIVED Companies who postulate their products or services may demonstrate implementation of models or sustainability-oriented programs (with or without certification) as well as other merits received from third parties such as verifications, mentions, endorsements or awards with a clear scope of sustainability. Note: Projects involving natural resource investments may be presented themselves as own models or programs focused on the conservation and proper management of natural resources. > To contribute to the local economy through the generation of employment. > Carry out social investment programs aimed at community development and the generation of employment and income, poverty reduction, progress and sustainable development of the country. > Supporting foundations or organizations that encourage the implementation of social inclusion programs, environmental protection or inclusive business generation. > To have and abide their transparency and ethics policy with their interest groups (Government, communities, NGOs). > To promote awareness programs for the consumers to be responsible and sustainable. > To promote to clients packaging and container return practices, additional to those provided by law. 12 13 Abarco Category [Cariniana pyrimorfis] Abarco is classified as a critically endangered (CR) species. It faces a high risk of becoming extinct in wild state by the overexploitation of its wood, which presents excellent hardness (even outdoors), and multiple applications given its high resistance. This tree can reach more than 2 meters of diameter and up to 40 meters of height. With this species we identify those products and services that have developed or applied for their production or provision both environmental and social sustainability aspects. Cedar Category [Cedrela odorata] Cedar is catalogued as an endangered species [EN]. It faces a high risk of becoming extinct in wild state. Its wood has been highly valued by its aroma and its reddish color, which is very resistant. That is why it has been used in an extensive range of products: for laminates, plywood, carpentry and fine cabinet making. This tree presents a broad and rounded top and reaches from 10 to 20 meters of height and a diameter of 60 cm to 2 m. SUSTAINABILITY CATEGORIES The following categories were defined, in association with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development in order to classify the goods and services of this Portfolio. This exercise highlights the compliance with one or several criteria in the social and environmental aspects (or both), according to the information submitted by the participant companies. The names of these three categories were established in order to raise awareness on three timber species in Colombia that are in different degrees of threat, according to the Red Book of Colombian Species – Threatened Timber species2 - and red lists established by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) employed for the past 30 years to draw attention on species that are in danger of extinction worldwide. 14 2 15 February 2006 version With this species we identify those products and services that have developed or applied for its production or provision environmental sustainability aspects Oak Category [Quercus humboldtii] Oak is classified as a vulnerable Species (VU). It is facing a high risk of becoming extinct in wild state. It is almost an exclusive species of Colombia that is distributed throughout the mountainous regions. Its wood has been used in construction, cabinet making and, even in the production of wood charcoal. This species reaches heights of up to 25 meters with a width of up to 1 meter. With this species we identify those products or services that have developed or applied during their production or provision, social sustainability aspects. 15 MANUFACTURING The PTP manufacturing sectors are becoming more and more conscious about their social and environmental impacts. For this reason, this chapter has been strengthened by a greater participation of fashion system companies and the graphic communications industry. This year we have examples of companies that show a commitment to vulnerable communities and the use of raw materials that generate less environmental impact. 16 The sectors of cosmetics and toiletries, auto parts and vehicles also have examples of sustainability leadership. We also welcome the metalworking, steel and shipyard sectors who also participated in this initiative. 17 EMPRESA COOPERATIVA DE FIBRAS NATURALES DE SANTANDER LTDA. ECOFIBRAS Manufacturing Honorable Mention CI HERMECO S.A. Design, production and marketing of clothes from ecological fibers Handmade utility Products made in domestic vegetable fibers José Delio Porras Guarguatí Cra. 9 # 9 - 43. Curití, Santander (57+7) 718 7558 - (57) 311 4504343 - (57) 312 4359197 [email protected] This Cooperative Company leads the design and development of utility products from sisal fiber processing, promoting job creation, teamwork and cultural revival of indigenous Guanes traditions. The products made in Ecofibras promote the development of the region through linking farmers who grow and defibred sisal, promoting also what comes out of the hands of artisans that: lash, dye, spin and weave to get a natural fiber resistant, with biodegradable properties, coupled with its excellent quality and design. The contribution to sustainability is based on inclusion and appreciation of women`s work and on linking farmers, with a view to strengthening sisal production chain, where the search for ecological and environmental alternatives that can economically benefit farmers has been prioritized. Ecofibras is one of the most recognized and most valued companies of all Guanentina and Comunera area in Santander, not only for the quality of its products and the technological level of its production plant, but because of the collective social and development approach that handles. Ecofibras is distinguished by its special sensitivity in the social and for being an example of responsible corporate management with employees, customers and contractors. • Products classified as “ecoproducts” of the Program “Santander Mercados Verdes” of the Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga (CMDB). • Craftsmanship Medal, awarded by the Ministry of Development and Artesanías de Colombia. • Second place in the preservation of natural resources and the environment, prize granted by PROCOMUN, Eternit and LUIS CARLOS GALAN FOUNDATION. • International Trophy for textile quality and apparel Awarded by the Editorial Oficce and the Trade Leaders Club. Madrid, Spain. • Corporate governance and contribution to development, competitiveness and productivity in the region Awarded by the Santander Chamber of Commerce of San Gil. • Coat of Arms of the City, awarded by the Municipality of San Gil. 18 Carlos Ignacio Gomez Muñoz (57+4) 384 7153 - (57) 312 7950508 Cra. 46 # 27 - 59. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] C. I. HERMECO SA is a company dedicated to the design, production and marketing of costumes and accessories for children and babies that operates in accordance with the principles and values contained in its code of good corporate governance and business ethics. The company´s commitment to sustainability is framed through the use of fibers produced using recyclable raw materials (like plastic) giving rise to organic clothing called EKO PET Textile, where the fibers are obtained from recycling processes. Additionally, Hermeco receives and buys hooks that are reused or they are milled to manufacture new hooks. This process generates significant savings in energy and in the use of virgin materials. Within the company, Hermeco encourages the balance between family, personal and work life promoting a culture of working for results rather than compliance times. The internal social responsibility programs include extra benefits for workers, in health, housing, recreation, travel, insurance vehicles, and agreements with financial institutions. Additionally there is the Hermeco Education School, where there is training and transferring knowledge between employees, the Improvement Ideas Program, professional performance recognition events and career development plans. In relation to external social responsibility, the company has made several campaigns with children, training lectures and advising parents of Bebemundo, commercial relationships with the Minuto de Dios Industrial Corporation to generate jobs for people in need and other community projects. Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) - Recertification in 2012. Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company comply with environmental criteria textiles iii), iv), v) and social transverse i), iv), v), vi), ix), xi), xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) of the national strategy of CPS. (See p. 89) 19 CORPORACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LA MUJER COLOMBIA DDU LTDA. Corporate and commercial products made from recycled material María Isabel Pérez Piñeros (57+1) 400 9595 Mónica Fonnegra Alarcón (57+1) 240 1165 - (57) 314 3576381 Calle 31 # 13A - 51 Edificio Panorama, 0ficinas 315 y 316. Bogotá D.C. Calle 67 # 50B - 52. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] The Corporación Mundial de la Mujer Colombia (Women’s World Corporation Colombia) is an organization with more than 20 years of experience providing thousands of Colombians with a low income, real opportunities to improve their standard of living, with a transparent, efficient and committed management. The products made by the communities supported by the CMMC, which are made with recovered materials (such as canvas and tents, banner or banners, tetrapacks, plastic bags) are environmentally friendly, providing effective and practical solutions to the pollution that the materials used to produce. Raw materials coming from the waste of other companies are used and transformed into innovative and utilitary products with a wide broad of applications in and out of organizations. All this process is framed in awareness programs for consumers for them to be responsible and sustainable in incorporating packaging and containers recycling practices. The Corporation articulates social and environmental awareness, promoting the local economy through local sustainable business generation, carrying out social investment programs and community development aimed at employment generation, especially with economically vulnerable women. In this way, the organization contributes to the development of their community, the reduction of poverty and the progress and development of the country. • Companies such as Givaudan, Bavaria and Caracol have been recognized by the CMMC products, due to its social and environmental impact. • Invitation from the National Agency for Overcoming Extreme Poverty (ANSPE) to participate in the awards for the best initiatives to overcome poverty. 20 Eco-intelligent Provisions, printed ecological advertising and recycling merchandising DDU (Dotamos Diseñamos Unificamos-We endow, Design and Unify) develops clothes in natural fibers specialized to allow proper performance and protection in any environment or working climate with biodegradable finishes that do not pollute and save water. DDU operates as a network of entrepreneurs in constant innovation and added value in nanotechnology, ecology and social responsibility, managing the value chain from the quality, respect and fairness. The company bases its work on the recovery of craftsmanship, offering to a conscious market all kind of eco-friendly industrial endowments, and promotional items made from recovered waste. In its work, the company promotes social responsibility and social inclusion, through life projects for young women in prison and young people in ´barras futboleras´ (angry soccer fans) through awareness and training processes in order to generate productive units, managing to be an inclusive network with these vulnerable communities. In addition, it establishes partnerships with public and private companies that return the product after the end of its useful life for reuse. • Implementation of the ISO 6001 management system standard processes. • Winners of Destapa futuro 2011. • Responsible Fashion, Ministry of Economic Development. • Level 3 digital maturity models. • Level 1 global mypime strategies. EAN • Productive cluster Fashion improvement model of Bogota. • Innovation model for MSMEs. • In process of certification of ISO 6001. Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for textiles iv), v) and social transverse i), x), xi), xvi) of the national strategy for CPS. (See p. 89) 21 ENKA DE COLOMBIA S.A. FABRICATO EKO® Fibers Dyeing of denim fabrics (denim) with pre-reduced indigo Marta Isabel Jaramillo Lopera (57+4) 319 5106 Germán Serrano Gómez (57+4) 448 3500 Ext. 2265 Cra. 37A # 8 - 43, Oficina 901. Medellín, Antioquia Cra. 50 # 38 - 320. Bello, Antioquia [email protected] [email protected] Enka de Colombia SA produces and sells polymer and polyester fibers, nylon and industrial raw materials in different ways. Enka has become the leading PET recycling company in Colombia, processing millions of bottles that are transformed into products with high added value, that otherwise if not recycled it would take over 100 years to decompose, and finally in that way producing EKO® brand fibers. These EKO® low titer fibers (1.7 dtex) are used for the production of 100% polyester yarn or cotton blend. EKO® Fibers with older titles are used in non-woven fabrics and fillings. Environmental Benefits: - The recycled resin uses less energy than the process for manufacturing the same product with virgin raw materials. - Savings in energy consumption is equivalent to the consumption of a population close to 100,000 inhabitants. - CO2 emissions, including raw material and transportation, were reduced substantially when compared with virgin resin production. Social benefits: - More than 3,100 people benefited, from collecting bottles to fiber manufacturing, favoring to the collection centers to the most vulnerable (single mothers, displaced and demobilized). - Income over $ 12,800 million pesos annually for the recycling industry. Fabricato is a textile Company that has implemented an automated dyeing process with the latest technology for the mixed fiber or denim that improves the process efficiency and the fiber quality, reducing the chemical consumption, while minimizing the environmental impact and the production costs. The project consisted in the implementation of a new technology where the indigo dye powder was replaced by pre-reduced liquid hydrogen (not contaminant), meaning for the production system a decrease in the use of sodium hydrosulfite and caustic soda required for the reduction of the dye that occurs when the dye permeates the fiber. In this way, the process achieves a significant reduction in the generation of discharges produced by yarn dyeing machines, in the generation of particulate material (dust) and in its transport, storage and handling of chemicals and harmful products. Also, the removal of pallets, packaging cardboard and plastics in wich came the indigo powder was achieved because the pre-reduced comes directly from the factory in iso-tanks and eliminates the amount of dye and auxiliary chemicals that were not absorbed by the fiber in the dyeing process and were therefore discarded in the waste when emptying the machine. • ISO 9000 (2008). • Cedar category recognized Company in the Portfolio of Sustainable Goods and Services (2012) of PTP. • ISO 9001 (2008). • BASC (2008). • Company recognized in the Portfolio of Sustainable Goods and Services (2012) of PTP, Abarco Category. 22 Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for textiles iii), iv), v) and social transverse i), iii), iv), v), vi), ix) x) xi) xii) xiii), xv) xvi) of the national strategy of CPS. (See p. 89) Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for textiles iii) social and transverse i), iv) national strategy CPS. (See p. 89) 23 GENERAL MOTORS COLMOTORES S.A. MATERIALES BIOCOMPUESTOS Y PANELES S.A.S. – BIOPANEL S.A.S. Private vehicles for passengers and cargo Biopanel®-Transport Elkin Espitia, Alejandra Catacolí (57+1) 740 0111 Ext. 1639 o 1460 Av. Boyacá Cll. 56A Sur # 33 - 53. Bogotá D.C. [email protected]; [email protected] GM Colmotores assembles and sells high-quality vehicles with a high commitment to sustainability and efficiency of the different processes within the company. Its factory environmental performance is characterized by the reduction in energy and water consumption, use and recovery of waste generated in the vehicle manufacturing process and reducing solid waste sent to landfill. Because of the nature of the business, the company is aware that in order to manufacture or sell a vehicle, the company has to meet the needs of society: to move freely, to access, to communicate, trade and establish relationships. The company has identified the challenges associated with mobility, and therefore is committed to the development of education programs in the responsible use of vehicles, with strategies such as the Sustainable Mobility Business Plans (PEMS), which aim to create a network of companies focused on the development of sustainable alternatives for the mobility of Bogotá, and campaigns like Chevrolet Econductor, an educational initiative designed to teach simple practices to save fuel, reduce CO2 emissions and improve urban mobility. Through the Chevrolet Foundation, the company has launched employability strategies for vulnerable populations thanks to the Partnership with Pacto Motor, which offers technical training in mechanics and bodywork to youth communities in vulnerable situations, in order to increase their chances of employment. Believing in their competitiveness, GM Colomotores has begun a industrial transformation plan with an investment of 380 billion pesos that will let pass from assembling to manufacture vehicles, which will make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the business and to the automotive industry in Colombia. José Luis Montoya Posada (57+4) 278 2385 y 278 0022 Cra. 49 # 125 sur - 153. Caldas, Antioquia [email protected] Biopanel is a manufacturer company of composite parts that has created value for organic products, minerals and synthetics of several local industries. The company currently produces for the automotive industry the Biopanel – Transportation, a compound applied in mass and colective transit systems with excellent mechanical properties, including some natural origin materials and achieving a good cost / benefit ratio, considering that installing light structures in vehicles can contribute to lower fuel consumption. The structure consists in two layers of fiberglass and resin on manually drawn processes with pressure and atmosphere temperature, which requires no water consumption. As a stiffening material that joins both sides, the company uses a honey-comb (comb bee) made from cellulose fibers impregnated with resin. This binding gives a fine structure, reliability and overall weight reduction for the vehicle. All this process reflects in the reduction of fuel consumption contributing for a more efficient and sustainable means of transportation. As organic component to complete enforcement points, connecting shims between panels and filler material, coffee husk is added, which is easily processed and locally achieved thanks to thresher companies that put together rural families. • Winner Enterprise Fund. National Call No.8 of 2010. • Winner Antójate de Antioquia - Technological and Innovative Betting Category 2010. • Winner Antójate de Antioquia - Winners Antójate 2011 Category. • ISO 9001, ISO 14001. • Cruz Esmeralda - Safety Excellence (1999-2005). For the CCS. • For 4 consecutive years, the company has received the highest rating in the PREAD (20022005). • Award for ‘Best Strategic Alliance “- United Way International, 2003 • Corporate Citizenship Award - Secretary of State of the United States, 2006 • Prize “Love for Bogota 2009” - Mayor of Bogota • Quality Seal Certification in the chassis assembly for transport vehicles 5206 NTC passengers. 24 Correlation with the Procurement Strategy criteria This company comply with environmental criteria for vehicles i) social and transverse i), iv), v), vi), xii), xiii), xviii) national strategy CPS. (See page 87). Correlation criteria Shopping Strate Correlation with the Sustainable Public Shopping Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria vehicles i) national strategy CPS. (See page 87). 25 RAPISCOL S.A. CADENA S.A. Material Handling Solutions Extracts and services outsourcing Guillermo Zuluaga Duque (57+1) 595 3240 Ext. 100 [email protected] Rapiscol SA is a company with 60 years experience in the conceptualization, design, manufacture, installation of equipment and materials handling systems in three lines: bulk, packaged and unit load handling. CADENA S.A. is a company dedicated to the production and distribution of statements and invoices that has been implementing measures to improve the sustainability of the service on your value chain. The company`s commitment with the environment is materialized in including top quality raw materials to ensure a longer life, helping its customers to make their ideas come true with a sustainable strategy of mutual benefit, which makes them socially responsible. The company has obtained the FSCTM certification in the chain of custody, which covers all of statements and invoices produced and distributed by CADENA in all the areas of the organization. In addition, it also includes a review of the chain of custody of the paper used, ensuring that this input comes from environmentally and socially responsible sources. Estimating the carbon footprint and offset it. This has allowed educating consumers about the impact that the service causes on climate change and allows CADENA to have a basis for making decisions on the reducing and offsetting emissions. They have a scheme that allows them to perform the identification and management of environmental impacts along the production process. Also, the company has other processes of separation to allow recovery and further marketing of recyclable waste and the use of recyclable materials such as steel products. In terms of social responsibility, there is a fund of employees within the company that promotes wellness for their members and their families and promotes Credit union offers. The company also provides incentives for the promotion of education among its employees. The of the company`s external social responsibility is given in the link of the organization with the `Fundación del quemado´ Foundation, which serves the needs of reconstruction of burn victims through PRIL program. • ISO 9001:2008 Certification. • Audit management program in occupational health and environment for hydrocarbons contractors (RUC)-Colombian Safety Council. 26 (57+4) 378 6666 Ext. 187 Cra 50 # 97A Sur - 150, La Estrella. Medellín, Antioquia Cra. 67 # 58 - 31 Sur. Bogota D.C. [email protected] Sandra Gómez Gallego The company has achieved a positive social impact through the creation of a subsidiary called CADENA Courrier that generates direct employment. Also, trought the “Dar Ayuda” (Give help) organization, CADENA continues to promote its labor inclusion policy-priority vulnerable single mothers and low-income communities, which on average generates over 860 jobs per year. In the final consumers’ education, messages are generated in order to communicate social and environmental attributes of the extract or invoice, to inform consumers about the sustainable origin of the fibers of the paper, the calculation and offset of the carbon footprint and recyclability of the material. • ISO 9001:2008. • Certification Chain of Custody FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). 27 CARVAJAL TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES Electronic bill Víctor Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez Av. Eldorado 90 - 10 . Bogota D.C. (57+1) 410 6766 Ext. 18402 [email protected] Carvajal Technology and Services has developed the e-billing service, one current practice that helps reduce administrative burdens and improves relationships between companies, customers and suppliers. This solution is offered by Carvajal in Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and Peru, seeking the benefit of its customers and society at large with representative aspects such as: - Promoting the use of ICT in SMEs. - Optimizing the administrative processes of its customers. - Improvements for accessibility to information. - Contribution to sustainable development policies. - Cost reduction in emission and reception of documents by eliminating paper, the cheapening of electronic media over traditional media postage and eliminating the expense of filing of documents. - Social responsibility, as the adoption of an electronic billing system has great impact, especially with regard to environmental responsibility. Moving from traditional billing to electronic billing does not only saves large amounts of money by using less paper, but has a direct impact on the forest conservation, water use and energy saving. • ISO 9001:2008. • ISO 14001:2004. • OHSAS 18001. 28 EXCELSIOR IMPRESORES S.A.S. Offset Printing and Printing on paper. Products: text books, magazines, POP materials, brochures, calendars, flyers, booklets, books, packaging and bags Claudia Elena Villegas (57+1) 231 1104 - (57) 315 605 8269 Calle 71 # 28A - 11. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] Excelsior promotes the use of FSC-certified paper, manufactured from bagasse or recycled, and elemental chlorine free. It also promotes the delivery of residual to the authorized mills for recycling and in that way manufacture new paper trough its program RECYCLED that is offered to customers. In the industrial process, the company only uses soy-based and vegetable oils inks, free of heavy metals, biodegradable plates and biodegradable materials and supplies free of solvents, and chlorine bleaches, ensuring reduction in impacts to the environment. Also, isopropyl alcohol is not used in the printing process. In the social field, the company has developed the Family Growing Kit, in order to allow families of its employees, as the basis of society, to improve communication and trust between parents and children, through fun and experiential methodology (learning by doing), facilitating the development of values and skills in children needed to achieve to be happy and successful in life. Also, Excelsior has implemented the `Taza Roja´ (Red Cup) program which invites suppliers, customers and allies to corporative sustainability talks in the company sharing experiences and good practices in the field, and to also take advantage of business management between the companies. • ISO 9001:2008. • ISO: 12647 in color management, awarded by AIDO of Spain. • Honorable Manufacturing Mention, Abarco category in the Portfolio of Goods and Sustainable Services (2012) of PTP. • More than 30 awards from the Quality Graphics in Colombia awarded by open competition of Andigraf. Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for printing i), ii), iii), iv), v), vi), vii), viii), ix) xii) xiii) and social transverse i), v) , vi), xi), xviii) of the national strategy for CPS. (See p. 85 and 86) 29 GRÁFICAS COVARÍA LTDA. GRUPO PHOENIX Printed graphics products Thermoforming and printing of rigid products such as: paper cups, plastic, geopack and flexibles products e.g. aluminum covers Camilo Covaría, Andrés Aros Cra. 30A # 4A - 24. Bogotá D.C. (57+1) 237 2023 Ext. 14 y 18 Gráficas Covaria (Covaria Graphics), printing company with 17 years experience in the sector, offers products such as Agendas, paper bags, calendars, folders, booklets, catalogs, books, packaging, labels, flyers, brochures, forms, booklets, books, letterheads, postcards, envelopes, cards, and any other type of printed media, which are manufactured under environmental guidelines using raw materials and inputs that are friendly to the environment in particular vegetable-based inks in order to prevent environmental impacts caused by their activity. Graficas Covaria, consolidates its value chain day after day by incorporating environmental selection criteria for suppliers that contribute to the development of the products that Graficov offers, managing their hazardous and non hazardous wastes according to environmental legislation, contributing to the valuation of recyclable waste and its use for the development of new products and having committed staff to environmental stewardship. Graficov has several awards to validate their commitment to the environment and society. • Compliance Agreement of Environmental Graphic Management industry sector(AGAS) District Secretary of the Environment 2011. • Adoption of Level 2 - Corporate Environmental Management Program (GAE) - Ministry of Environment 2011. • Adoption of Level 3 - Corporate Environmental Management Program (GAE) - Environmental Management Systems - District Secretary t of the Environment 2012. • Eco-Company in the Business Directory of the District Secretary of Environment. • In process of certification to ISO 14001. Certificate C013/5235 30 Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria (57+1) 422 2000 Ext. 2248 y 2160 Calle 17F # 126 - 90. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] We are involved in printing life to your company David Bolaño Giraldo Besides thermoforming and printing of rigid products processes, Multidimensionales (Multidimensional), a Phoenix Group company, has developed a new line of products called Geopack® products which consists in containers made from sugar cane bagasse pulp and glasses made out of biopolymer INGEO based on cornstarch (PLA). The brand is leader in the sustainable packaging segment, the materials that are included in the line reduces CO2 emissions and provide different disposal options such as: mechanical recycling, chemical, composting and incineration with energy recovery. The results of the tests (ASTM 6400 standard specification for compostable plastics) show that this glass and inks Water based applied can be composted in a limited period of 12 weeks, with applications in soil fertilizer for reforestation, agriculture and nurseries. Inside the company there is a program of solid waste management, and has also indicators and target projections for energy and water consumption, besides programs to make optimal use of raw materials. As part of its social management the company hires disabled staff, promotes the promotion of staff through internal calls, provides spaces for cultural entertainment, recreation and sports and has several types of environmental programs with customers and suppliers (such as recovery and reuse of materials). The company has supported training programs for recovery and marketing cooperatives of waste plastics. The company also supported the construction of the Centro Amar (Love center) in Fontibon to take care of children of collectors and prostitutes and at the same time, it promotes an internal corporate volunteer center attention. • FDA, Food and Drug Administration. • ISO 9000. • Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC). • Honorable Mention in Level 3 Zoom Program “Environmental Management System”. • Recognition as a company “Running District environmental excellence” of the PREAD distinction of the Department of Environment. • Recognition Kimberly Environmental Management. • Participation in the Global Compact with Alpina HS. • Andina Pack 2009 GOLD Award Sustainability Category. Our portfolio in: This company would meet the environmental criteria for print i), ii), iii), v), vi), vii), viii), ix), x) xii) xiii) and social transverse i), iv) , v), vi) xi) xii) of the national strategy of CPS. (See p. 85 and 86) Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for print i), ii), iii), vi), viii), x) xi) xii) xiii) and social transverse i), ii), vi), xi) , xi), xii), xiii, xiv) of the National Strategy for CPS. (See p. 85 and 86) 31 RICOH COLOMBIA NATURA COSMÉTICOS Ricoh Multifunctional Printers Cosmetics based on natural ingredients of Brazilian biodiversity Diana Rojas (57+1) 457 8999 - (57) 310 3496691 Cra. 85D # 46A - 65 Carolina Moreno Avenida 7 # 77 - 07, piso 14. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] Ricoh S.A. provides excellence to its customers through innovative products and services that will deliver new value and exceeds their level of satisfaction. Ricoh maintains its long-term commitment to develop green solutions and superior functions for saving energy and supplies, without compromising productivity, such as compliance with Energy Star standards, Our Earth Our Tomorrow seal, screens showing eco-friendly indicators per user to increase environmental awareness during the operation and energy saving buttons, among others. In Colombia, the company is a member of EcoCómputo, collective system of selective waste and environmental management of computers and peripherals, supported by ANDI. It also performs the collection and stacking of the waste and recycling material to be delivered as a donation to the `Fundación del Quemado` (The Burnt one Foundation), which are managed through the strategic alliance with the Recycling Association of Puerta de Oro. The company also promotes on consumers recycling back packaging and container practices, in addition to what is established by law. Ricoh Colombia has established in its own quality policies the preservation and the need to protect the environment a continuous improvement in the safety of company`s information. That is why the company has obtained the respective certifications ensuring its own good performance. NATURA develops several programs in education, climate change, solid waste and quality of relationships, to reduce the environmental impact of its production and distribution. In education, the company manages some programs such as the ´Creer Para Ver´ (Believing to see) Program, which is financed by the sale of products line of the same name. The company develops compensation programs to global warming with two projects of reforestation with native species in 12,500 hectares of land degraded by livestock and gold mining in Antioquia and Arauca. In the other hand, the reduction of waste generated in the distribution and use of their products is minimized by garbage collection. In 2012, 340 tons of wastes were collected accounting for 40% of the amount issued in Colombia. In production, the company does not test on animals and strictly observes the most stringent international safety standards. The `Revista Natura` (Nature Journal), it’s one of the channels by which the company shows to the public in Colombia, the products available for sale in each market cycle. This journal is generated in paper with the FSC seal (Forest Stewardship Council), which means that the material the magazine is made of, is paper made from responsible sources. Also in the magazine the weight of the paper was reduced, reducing the CO2 emitted atmosphere to cycle to cycle. The printing of the magazine takes into account recruiting responsible suppliers who are expected to have friendly environmental indicators. • Company recognized in the Portfolio of Sustainable Goods and Services (2012) of the PTP, Category Cedro. • Regional Competition of Packaging Design - Andina Pack (2012). REVISTA REVISTA • ISO 9001 – 2008. • ISO 14001. • ISO 27001. (57+1) 326 8787 Ext. 813 02 022013 2013 2013 ciclo ciclo ciclo Es Es tiempo tiempo de de celebrar. celebrar. Llegó Llegó Llególala lacosecha cosecha cosecha Natura Natura Ekos Ekos Açaí Açaí 32 33 PROCLEANER S.A.S. PRODUCTOS FAMILIA S.A. Biodegradable cleaning products Natural hand towels Julie Andrea Mujica Mejía (57+4) 413 1410 - (57) 310 5907591 ProCleaner provides cleaning and sanitizing solutions to the industrial (maintenance of facilities, equipment and heavy machinery), institutional and commercial sectors with biodegradable (more than 80% of the certificate) and highly concentrated products, allowing the end customer an excellent cost / benefit, with high efficiency, high performance, without risks to workers health and to the environment. Its management and commitment with the environment, involves the value chain and includes the use of recycled plastic containers that can be recycled by the consumer. In addition, the company offers its customers the reuse of packaging for future purchases. In the internal management of the company, the company performs source separation using eco points for the provision of Ordinary solid waste. In the social field, Procleaner focuses on hiring vulnerable sectors such as young people between 18 and 24 years old and single mothers, who have access to training and continuous training in different professional improvement topics. In terms of managing our suppliers, we link small and medium-enterprises with environmental protection policies, and therefore promoting employment as a socio-economic contribution to the region. • Certification of Biodegradability, laboratory of environmental studies, University of Antioquia. • Regional Undertake Fund Winners Call No 59. Backed Contest by: SENA, Department of Antioquia, Republic of Colombia, FONADE Enterprise Fund and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. • Winners of Third Call City Business Accompaniment Program E (Mayor of Medellin, Comfama) Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria (57+4) 360 9712 Cra 50 # 8 sur - 117. Medellín, Antioquia Calle 42C # 81 - 78. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] Susan Irwin This company would meet the environmental criteria for cleaning detergents i), ii), iii), v), viii), ix), x) and social transverse i), ii), v), xi), xv), xviii ) national strategy CPS. (See page 90.) [email protected] FAMILIA produces the natural hand towel, a biodegradable product and with Conforsec technology that helps reduce consumption by offering greater absorbency and softness. Product available in two forms: folded and rolled, continuous and precut, these towels are made of 100% recycled fiber and certified in FSC ™ Recycled chain of custody, guaranteeing the consumer a sustainable source of the raw materials of the product. The steam generated in the drying paper process is obtained from natural gas, reducing by more than 45% of potential CO2 emissions (compared with generation from coal). In addition, water consumption is 26% lower than the average of the business and 90% of the waste generated in production is recycled or recovered. As part of its social commitment, the company offers several benefits for its employees. Through the Grupo Familia Foundation, it supports the work of recyclers, so that people find better living conditions, through the accompaniment seeks self-sustainability of the business units recycling. Other programs outside the company that are highlighted are the awareness and advocacy work with users of good culture around of the bathrooms and the responsible use of the products. As part of the strategy, the company has a program called “Creciendo en Familia” (Growing in Family), an activity designed for the growth of the BEING for the their client`s maids. Additionally, “Baños que provocan” (Bathrooms that provoke) is another program that sensitizes the costumer to use only what is necessary in products that they can find for them in bathrooms and to keep them nice and clean. • Chain of Custody FSC ™ (Recycled 85%). • ISO 9001:2000. Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for paper ii), iii) social and transverse i), iii), iv), v), vi), xi), xii), xiv) of the CPS national strategy. (See p. 84) 35 UNILEVER ANDINA COLOMBIA LTDA. Sustainable Living Plan: Rama® - spreadable; Dove® - personal care products: soaps, creams, hair care, FAB® – detergent Juan Carlos Castro (57+1) 423 9700 Av. Eldorado # 69B - 45. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] UNILEVER is an Anglo-Dutch company leader in mass consuming products that, since 2010, has implemented the Sustainable Living Plan as a strategy across the entire business, having as an objective to double its size, while reducing the environmental impact and increasing the social impact by 2020. The company plan includes: 1. Helping more than one billion people to improve their health and wellbeing. The goal is to double the proportion of the range of products that meet the highest nutritional and dietary standards recognized worldwide. The company will improve the quality of their social intervention in the countries that operates, to help improve the quality of life of communities in line with the pillars of nutrition, hygiene, sanitation and self esteem. In the case of Colombia, Unilever has a specific strategy, it’s called “Se parte del plan” (Be part of the plan), where the company employees can actively participate in voluntary social activities. Additionally, the company makes social investments in the communities surrounding its production centers in Valle del Cauca with schools and community gardens. 2. To reduce by half the environmental impact of its production processes. 3. Ensure that 100% of its agricultural raw materials come from sustainable sources. In addition, Unilever has launched product campaigns with messages that promote healthy living, promoting self-esteem and child development: - Rama®: spreadable, consisting essentially from free vegetable oils and fats Trans (Promotion of good nutrition and healthy lifestyles). - DOVE®: personal care line to skin and hair moisturizer ¼ (The campaign focuses on the “real-Care, Real Beauty” - to promote self-esteem). - FAB®: household detergent for washing clothes (“Learning is, the spots disappear” promotes child development). • ISO 14001 plant HPC (Home and Personal care). • HPC plant OSHAS 18001. • ISO 9001 HPC plant. • Down Jones S (Global). • FTSE 4 Good (Global). • LAZOS Award 2012 (local). • Planting Award Colombia (local). 36 37 AGRIBUSINESS This year we welcome companies from the dairy industry involved in the Goods and Services Sustainable Portfolio convening. This new sector of the PTP, spread throughout the whole nation, has samples of sustainable enterprises, including examples in plants built with sustainability criteria and organic products. Also the palm, fats, oils and biofuels sector demonstrate a growing interest in environmental certifications and supplies substitution. This chapter illustrates more companies in this sector that have been advancing in sustainability initiatives. 38 Other examples that renew their participation in these practices are companies in the sectors of chocolate, confectionery and raw materials, beef and shrimp. 39 DEL LLANO S.A. Vegetable oil palm: Creamy Oil (RBD), liquid (palm olein) and solid (stearin Palma) ASTIPALMA S.A.S. Fresh palm fruit racieme Agribusiness Honorable Mention Tatiana Galindo Ríos Calle 100 # 14 - 63, oficina 901. Bogotá D.C. (57) 315 3156182 - (57) 311 5699758 - (57+8) 6819160 Ext. 1005 [email protected] Del Llano S.A. is a company located in Villavicencio (Meta) dedicated to the production of oils, fats and oil-based margarines palm. It characterizes for the pursuit of regional development and a comprehensive environmental commitment. Outstanding environmental practices: - Implement a system that eliminates the generation of industrial waste water, treating domestic discharges and reusing them in different activities. All this process is accompanied by awareness of good practices. With this work, the company has achieved zero waste discharges and 43.52% decrease in the amount of water collected. - The implementation of four micro turbines for cogeneration of electricity, the implementation process of ISO 50001:2011 standard, staff awareness and optimization of processes and equipment has allowed Del Llano to know and control their energy consumption, obtaining favorable results in the gradual decrease of their energy consumption. Carlos Manrique Parra (57) 311 3009694 Anillo vial, Valmonti casa 56. Bucaramanga, Santander [email protected] ASTIPALMA S.A.S. Produces palm oil raciemes and provides comprehensive technical services in the environmental, social and technical scopes, especially to oil palm plantations, in order to reduce the negative impacts on the environmental, social and economic aspects in the chain value and supporting its customers by providing services focused on regulatory compliance and market demands. The Company contributes to the construction of a more competitive global and inclusive market, encouraging more prosperous societies through linking the Fruto Social de la Palma Foundation, which generates synergies with stakeholders of the palm industry in order to improve the quality of life of its direct and indirect workers, by prioritizing and further planning their needs with programs and projects that aim to improve socioeconomic conditions. • In ISO 9001:2008 certification process. - Using composting in the only residue of the process the company can obtain an organic soil conditioner based in filtered lands. Social practices highlights: - Del Llano performs monthly donations of products to more than 50 nonprofit organizations, selling products at low cost to the families of the community, provide scholarships to low-income children in schools and supporting educational projects. • ISO 9001:2008. • Recognition of the Community Action Board (Vereda la Poyata-Meta) for their Environmental Performance. • Recognized Company in the Portfolio of Goods and Services Sustainable PTP (2012), Category Abarco 40 Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for vegetable oils i), iii) social and transverse i) xii) xiii) xiv) of the National Strategy for CPS. (See page 88.) Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for vegetable oils (1), (2) social and cross (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) of the CPS national strategy (see page 88.) 41 ALPINA PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS S.A. C.I. SIGRA S.A. “Industrial margarines and fat environmentally friendly packaging products” Victor Prieto, Luisa Fernanda Boada, Adriana Vargas Z Cra. 46 # 13-95. Bogotá D.C. (57+1) 5 19 0900 Isabela Zuluaga [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] The packaging of industrial margarines C.I. SIGRA S.A. is made with the additive d2w® in polyethylene, which reduces its useful life by 70%. d2w® is an additive that incorporates the normal manufacturing process of the plastic and produces its disintegration without harming the environment, as it is decomposes into carbon dioxide and water by the effect of light, water, air and microorganisms, turning the plastic oxo - biodegradable. SIGRA performs lifecycle analysis of all its products following the methodology of ISO 14040. It internally manages performance indicators and makes weekly monitoring of water consumption, and energy efficiency in production lines and process plants. In the management of the value chain, its cardboard packaging suppliers have the FSC Chain of Custody and as a condition for the entry of new suppliers, the company inquires this supplier candidates into aspects related to safety and the environment and empowers small and medium industries in developing friendly management systems with the environment. Social management is promoted mainly through the Fundación Sigra (Sigra Foundation) that offers study savings benefit for company members and children of company members, where every savedpeso ($COP) , the Foundation contributes the same amount. Additionally, in an education partnership with the Colombian Institute of Bakery and Pastry (ICPP), the formalization of the Baking industry in Colombia is promoted by giving them training, courses and technical career. • Elite company recognition in the framework of environmental excellence PREAD of the Department of Environment of Bogotá. • Recognition of third place on the score obtained in XII convocation of PREAD • ISO 9001:2008 Certification. • Kosher Parve VKB 42 Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria Alpina Food Products This company would meet the environmental criteria for vegetable oils iii), vi) and social transverse i), iii), v), xi), xii), xiv), xviii) of the national strategy of CPS. (See page 88.) (57+1) 423 8600 Ext. 1639 Cra 63 # 14 -97, Bogotá D.C. [email protected] ALPINA is a company that produces food and dairy products with the purpose of generating greater collective prosperity in places where it has presence. Alpina develops relevant initiatives such as: Sustainable Business: organizational strengthening work of small producers associations of blackberry and strawberry in the department of Caldas with permanent support, in order to implement business practices that can assure their proper functioning and growth. Environment – Alpina and Carvajal Packaging Alliance: Alpina has reduced by 51% the carbon footprint in the process of providing packaging for their products. This means an annual reduction of 985 tonnes of equivalent CO2 because of reducing transport fuel consumption. Social Value - ZOLIP in Sopo: The Organization participated in shaping of the first Extreme Poverty Free Zone (ZOLIP) in the town of Sopo (Cundinamarca), a neighboring community next to the main production facility and home to the Organization for 67 years now. Nutrition-Food Security and Nutrition (SAN): In addition to handling appropriate environmental aspects to eliminate or minimize impacts, Alpina seeks to create sustainable value solutions, with a focus on closed cycles and Applying the precepts of industrial ecology. • ISO9001, ISO14000, HACCP, BASC. Among others, the company has had the following awards: • Business Elite Survey - Portfolio: First place in the top 10 in the category of Colombia’s most admired companies. • La Barra 2012: Recognizing the best brand of milk . • Effie Awards: Soka, Effie Bronze, Frupper Effie Oro, Bon Yurt Neon Alpina, Effie Oro. • Workforce Investment Board - Wib: Business of the Year Award 2012 in the county of Genesee • El Colombiano: The Colombian Exemplary Award to Alpina, Economy category. • Merco: fourth place in the ranking of the most responsible of Colombia and fourth most reputable company. • Portafolio Awards 2012: Winner in environmental protection category. • Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá: Fourth place in ranking of the most committed to the Creating Shared Value. • Reputation Institute: most reputable company in Colombia 43 HACIENDA LUCERNA S.A.S SOCIEDAD CENTRAL GANADERA Silvopastoral systems Benefit of cattle and swine Juan Fernando Suárez López (57+2) 223 6203 - (57) 320 6867198 Alexander Morales Serna (57+4) 471 0183 Ext. 156 Calle 24 # 33A - 41. Tuluá, Valle del Cauca Calle 103EE # 63D - 70 Autopista Norte. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] [email protected] The Hacienda Lucerna produces organic products and is committed to the sustainability through the management of “high density silvopastoral systems” where livestock and dairy production is committed to the conservation and recovery of the environment through efficient water management, sustainable management of crops and disposal of chemicals in the production processes. Everything above harmonized with improved social standards of the region by the direct employment to maximize the benefit of the population. • Organic food stamp, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) for products: milk (bovine), meat (cattle, sheep, pigs), cane, brown sugar, honey concentrated - Bio tropic certificate (Colombia). • Certified organic cane sugar, brown sugar, concentrated honeys JAS - CERES (Certification of environmental standards GmbH). • Certified organic cane sugar, brown sugar, honey concentrated - MAYACERT SA (Guatemala). The Sociedad Central Ganadera (Central Cattle Society) specializes in the marketing of all kinds of cattle, the promotion and development of commercial activities related to livestock as auctions, fairs, slaughtering and cold centrals, meat and by-products marketing, both domestically and for export. The by-products of the beneficiation process of swine and cattle are used and sold as raw material to other stakeholders (fats, hair, blood, manure and recyclable waste such as pasta, cardboard, scrap). In the development of its activities, the Central Cattle Society focusses on the social area where there are different programs and initiatives that promote the welfare of its employees and their families, such as: the employee and health week, continued formation based on club serhacer (to be, do) and ganaderitos (little cowboys) club where traditions are promoted for the attending children’s, grandchildren’s and nephews. The Company also has retirement and preretirement and women’s clubs and spaces where recreational and training activities are regularly carried out in the year. Additionally, the promotion of different types of courses such as dancing and stalls and photography contests are also carried out by the organization. • Certification in the 8 pillars of the Corporate Social Responsibility - Fenalco SOLIDARIO. • ISO 9001:2000 - Cattle Fair Medellin. 44 45 OCÉANOS S.A. COMPAÑÍA NACIONAL DE CHOCOLATES S.A.S Shrimp farming and processing Cocoa products Juan Carlos Morales Arango (57+5) 668 5188 Carretera Mamonal # 1 - 504. Cartagena, Bolívar [email protected] OCEANS S.A. company that produces shrimp crops in Colombia, has 1,052 hectares in crop water mirror in the Caribbean region with a processing capacity at its plant of more than 7,000 tons of shrimp, which are sold nationally and internationally. Focused primarily on sustainable production, it has as pillars: - Social Management: Strongly supporting the economic sustainability of the Social Foundation PROBESO, consisting mainly of single mothers, working in the areas of health, education, recreation and sports, environment and infrastructure. - Environment: The commitment to the environment has led to the elimination of fertilizers and pesticides uses in farm and pools. Also, the company manages environmental performances through the optimization of resources, with environmental performance indicators that demonstrate the commitment of saving and the efficient use of energy and water, making the proper waste management of conventional and hazardous waste generated in the operation and establishing agreements for recyclable waste. Sustainable management of OCEANOS has been published in the sustainability report according to the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, presenting the environmental, social, financial, legal and safety management of the company. • ISO 14000:2004. • HACCP system, INVIMA. • Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) - Recertification in 2012. 46 Santiago Pérez (57+4) 325 8640 Carrera 43A # 1A Sur - 143, Edificio Santillana. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] The National Chocolate Company adopted a strong commitment to focus actions in the permanent search for greater energy efficiency and use of cleaner technologies, leading to reduce Greenhouse Gases-GHG and the proper use of water, energy and raw materials in processes and products. The organization has a collective agreement in order to ensure extralegal delivery benefits, aid and loans, among others. It has anual investment in occupational health, periodic reviews and demographic studies that identify the essential needs of the staff. Through Nutresa Foundation, the Company is committed to the local development of communities, with which it interacts, strengthening and encouraging work programs for the benefit of society. Additionally, the Foundation’s has participation in sustainable productive projects that respond to the social development of the communities that promote decent living standards and develop socio-entrepreneurial skills in growers associations. • BRC (2008) - Food Safety. • HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. • ISO 9001 (2008). • ISO 14001 (2004). • OHSAS 18001 (2007). • Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC). • Recognition to Chocolyne by the Colombian League against Cancer because of the Pink Ribbon campaign. • Portafolio Award for Corporate Social Responsibility. • PREAD District Environmental Excellence Program: Elite level Generating Development. • Sustainable environmental performance thanks to Bogota Factory - District Department of the Environment. • Great Leader Progresa: exalting the high environmental performance of the National Chocolate Company - awarded by Cornare. 47 TEAMFOODS S.A Edible vegetable oils in presentations: 250, 500, 1000, 3000 cc Brands: Z, Soy Sabor, Oliosoya, Girasoli, Oleopalma Edinson Bejarano Arismendi (57+1) 651 5700 Ext. 1072 CRA. 11 # 84 - 09, piso 4. Bogotá D.C [email protected] Team is an expert company in lipids with presence in Colombia, Chile and Mexico. The brands made by Team in Colombia are subject to the process of Oil chemical refining which has included a sustainability component when implementing the enzymatic degumming process, achieving a decrease in the water consumption, the generation of byproducts and a decrease in the use of resources for storage and maintenance. This is reflected also in the reduction of water volume and pollutant load. The remaining 17% uses 100% products from refining palm and along with the 83% mentioned above, it’s submitted to physical refining process. In this process it is also performed the optimization of water and energy resources and the reuse of filter lands in other chains such as animal feed, fertilizer, fertilizer and compost. Both processes have reduced the environmental impact by not generate waste water and solid waste to landfills. Another challenge made by this company was the measurement of corporate carbon footprint, achieving a reduction in CO2 emissions, due to the effectiveness of programs for energy efficiency, fuel switching, and optimization empty freight. In social issues the company has wellness programs, policies and codes of conduct to ensure the compliance of the labor and human rights. Also, it develops initiatives with key suppliers to promote compliance of sustainability and CSR policies. In addition, the organization makes donations to support the disadvantaged sectors in society. Finally, the company is in the Standard RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) process of certification and is an active member of it. • ISO 14001:2004. • ISO 9001:2008. • OHSAS 18001:2007. • ISO 28000:2008 - supply chain security. • PREAD. • Invima HACCP. • CTPAT - Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. • Kosher OU. 48 Correlation with the Sustainable Public Procurement Strategy criteria This company would meet the environmental criteria for vegetable oils iii), iv), vi) and social transverse i), ix), xi), xiii), xviii) of the national strategy of CPS. (See page 88.) 49 SERVICES Two new sectors have strengthened the services macro sector of the PTP (Productive Transformation Program) this year. It is the nature tourism and wellness tourism sectors. This chapter provides examples of companies in these sectors with wide advances in sustainability, highlighting certifications like the Colombian Environmental Label - SAC for hotels. Also, in this chapter we highlight other sectors, from welfare centers that have a policy of sustainable product suppliers, to sustainable diving companies. 50 On the other hand, this year we have the participation of companies in the software sector and information technology sector, which have been increasingly worrying for sustainability issues. Other important examples are outsourcing sector companies and electricity services, goods and related services, which have also shown significant developments in sustainability. 51 AQUARELLA HOTEL DIVING PLANET Rural accommodation Tourism services with social and environmental responsibility Honorable Services Mention Yolanda Pérez Arroyave (57) 315 4790007 - 314 6507684 Km 8 vía la Tebaida - Cali. Quindío [email protected] Andrés Obregón (57+5) 664 2171 Calle Estanco del Aguardiente # 5 - 94. Cartagena, Bolívar [email protected] Aquarella Hotel is an accommodation and lodging establishment certificated on Tourism Quality that meets the requirements of the NTS-TS-002 and Environmental Colombian Seal NTC 5133 (2006). DIVING PLANET is a dive center that offers fun and safe diving adventures in the Parque Nacional de Corales (Corales National Park) with a variety of hard and soft corals and reef fish. The Aquarella Hotel sustainability policy is based on implementing, maintaining and support programs and actions that promote the management of environmental, sociocultural and economic issues originated from the activities made. This 5 STAR PADI diving center is conformed by a group of professional experts that guarantee an exciting, fun and above all, safe experience. The contribution of users to Diving Planet represents resources that enable implement activities to the study, conservation and environmental protection like the reproduction of corals, lionfish control, underwater cleaning, among many other campaigns. Among the activities that the hotel develops, the ones to be highlighted are: the shift to detergent or biodegradable cleaning products and aerosols that do not cause emission problems for the ozone layer, the adequate separation management and disposal of hazardous and ordinary waste generated by the hotel. The implementation of a measurement system in consumption and natural resources management with periodic consumption indicators (daily), reduction targets and actions to achieve them. Also, direct and indirect hotel personnel are trained continuously so can provide sustainable service guidelines. The hotel hires only legal regional suppliers that are responsible with the environment. The hotel also implements programs as community orchards that promote the good use of land and the cooperation outside the company. With the provision of these services, Diving Planet offers employment for native people of low income to replace their fishing and become responsible eco-guides and drivers. Diving Planet also develops activities for people with disabilities, thus developing inclusive tourism and opening the world of diving for all. • PADI Dive Center (professional diving instructors association) with score of 5 stars. • Recognition as Green dive center PADI. • Colombian Environmental Certified Label, NTC 5133 - Criteria for lodging and accommodations facilities. • Certificate sectorial technical standard NTS-TS-002 in tourism and sustainability environment quality. 52 53 ECOLODGE EL ALMEJAL S.A.S ECOPARQUE MUNDO AMAZÓNICO Ecotourism / Nature Tourism Ecopark Cesar Isaza Vásquez Bahía Solano, Chocó (57+4) 412 5050 - (57) 320 6867177 [email protected]; [email protected] EL ALMEJAL is a lodge and natural beach and rainforest reserve, located in Bahia Solano on Colombia’s Pacific coast, in a magical contrast surrounded by the stunning Pacific Ocean and the tropical rainforest of Chocó biogeography. It specializes in offering programs related to nature, through the interpretation of attraction with activities such as birds, turtles and whales watching. Its pillars conservation and community support, framed in the context of sustainability. Its main objective is to promote and develop Eco touristic potential of the region in a sustainable and conservationist way, seeking a balance between wise use of natural resources and the development of a great travel experience. • Honorable Mention in the 2006 Portafolio awards, Environment Category. • Outlined as one of the 65 best cases in the world by the World Organization UNWTO Tourism in the book “Compilation of good ecotourism practices in SMEs”. ISBN: 9284406234. 54 Rafael Clavijo (57) 312 3614606 Vía Leticia - Tarapacá, Amazonas [email protected] The ¨Parque Mundo Amazónico¨ (Amazon World Park) is the first and only environmental interpretation ethno botany center. Tourist attractions in this park revolve around the traditional use of native plants, where you can meet commercial, traditional and medicine uses by which it promotes traditional knowledge of the region. Visitors can enjoy an interactive, fun and unforgettable experience, getting to know about indigenous communities, productive processes through educational stations and biodiversity in the “Etuena” aquarium where fish are native to the Amazon. Processes within the Park have a sustainable approach. For example, the production of Amazonian aromatic dried leaves, the production of native honey and the handling of oils for soap manufacturing. Everything in this process is accompanied by education and environmental interpretation campaigns for the sustainable management of resources and workshops on waste management with students and local people. • FIRST PLACE NATIONWIDE - National Competition for entrepreneurs VENTURES 2011 Category Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. 55 FINCA HOTEL LA MORALEJA La Moraleja Natural Reserve Isabel Cristina Rincón FUNDACIÓN BIOLÓGICA AROMA VERDE Platforms that reveal the secrets of the forest canopy for its use, conservation and sustainability (CANOPY) (57) 320 6834432 - 312 7775263 Ligia Yaneth Giraldo Ospina (57) 311 2119364 - 316 2660147 Kilómetro 7 Vía Calarcá - Barcelona. Calarcá, Quindío Calle 125 # 21A - 70, oficina 303, Edificio Santa Barbara. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] Finca Hotel “La Moraleja”, has been declared a nature reserve and has been certified Colombian Environmental Label. The hotel emphasizes on environmental and farming awareness for all their guests and visitors, especially with the student community of the Quindio department, supporting the PRAE (Environmental Education Projects), with transfer tools in the methodological, recreational and educational fields in order to promote the preservation and conservation of natural resources. The Hotel also supports university students in process of becoming sustainability managers, complementing their already acquired knowledge. With the mentioned above, La Moraleja contributes to the region with decent jobs in the country side, being regional leaders in issues like coffee culture landscapes and environmental sustainability. The staff is trained to offer a service that includes safety measures, continuous improvement and environmental education. Additionally, the Hotel works with biodegradable detergents, minimizing the use of agrochemicals and using efficiently, water and energy. On social issues the Finca Hotel provides free visits for students from local new and rural schools and supports students from the REDSPORT sports school to promote sports and healthy living in vulnerable neighborhoods of Armenia (Quindio). The ¨Fundación Aroma Verde¨ gives nature tourism services and has intended that their projects and programs to be aimed to conservation, protection of natural resources and the development of indigenous communities of the ´Almidon´ Indiguenous Reserve, Community of La Ceiba (Guanía). All this is possible because of an agreement among multiple sectors for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in ancestral territories. This type of tourism helps indigenous communities to gain certain benefits, seeking permanence of culture in the region and the natural heritage conservation. All this to improve: quality of life, a proper community management, research and to encourage productive project management, aiming to consolidate territorial sustainability. Currently, the Foundation has tours among and over the forest canopy, through five platforms in emerging trees. The natural scenarios where the platforms are settling have not had human intervention that allows spotting wildlife fauna. The company has partnerships with public and private educational institutions and leads each one to a “School Crusade for Significant Experiences that push the Development and the Conservation of Ancestral territories “. • Certified with the Colombian Environmental Label, NTC 5133 - Criteria for lodging and accommodations facilities. 56 57 HOTEL SAN LUIS VILLAGE CORPORACIÓN SERRANIAGUA Beach hotel Nature tourism (community birdwatching) Álvaro Zuloaga Perlaza (57+8) 513 0500 (57+2) 207 7388 Vía San Luis, Sound Bay # 71 - 27. San Andrés Isla Cra. 4 # 8 - 44. El Cairo, Valle del Cauca [email protected] [email protected] It is a certified Tourism Quality and Colombian Environmental Label accommodation which operates under the concept of environmentally friendly, casual, relaxed and fun accommodation. The Hotel philosophy is to enjoy in a responsible way the Sea Flower Biosphere Reserve (San Andres Island), respecting and learning from its natural beauty, cultural heritage, customs and people. The Hotel has several management programs focused on sustainability efficient and rational use of water and energy, chemical substitution, management strengthening and solid waste management. All these programs are framed in the awareness of its staff, guests and visitors in general. In the social field the hotel is implementing a policy of hiring single mothers and strengthening local supply chains, through the purchase of food producers and fishermen in the region. • Certified Colombian Environmental Label, NTC 5133 - Criteria for accommodation and lodging establishments. • Certificate sectoral technical standard NTS-TS-002 in tourist quality and sustainability environment. • Current Nomination Green Market Program (Sustainable Development Corporation of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, CORALINA). 58 César Antonio Franco Laverde Serraniagua Corporation has a large lead in offering services in community birdwatching in the corridor of the Tatama National Natural Park - Serranía de los Paraguas, which have reported to date, 410 species of birds and has exceptional nature reserves thanks to its biodiversity, such as ´El Inglés´ Hill (epicenter of scientific tourism and community conservation model), Galapagos and the town of El Cairo - Valle del Cauca, included in the Declaration of the Coffee Cultural Landscape as UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Corporation has received recognitions that have made it an important social and community player in the conservation of protected areas and the production of environmentally friendly goods, organic and socially responsible as coffee, organic cocoa, brown sugar and honey under the Generic brand COMAM (environmental community). Additionally, we find the gastronomic initiatives of the Rural Women’s Network where the rural landowner associates production with conservation and makes team with a specialized group of local guides in nature. • UNDP Equator Prize 2008 / IUCN. • Emperor Morpho Butterfly Award at 2001 Watershed Protector. Corpocuencas - Government of Valle del Cauca. • Decoration of the Departmental Assembly of Valle del Cauca for leadership in the Coffee Cultural Landscape declaration as a UNESCO World Heritage 2012. 59 CENTROS ESPECIALIZADOS DE SAN VICENTE FUNDACIÓN Health procedures Andrés Molina González GENAVíe. Medical and therapeutic services with non pharmacological compounds medica (57+4) 444 8717 Andrea Riaño Vives (57) 315 338 6425 Calle 64 # 51D - 154. Medellín, Antioquia Calle 106 # 50 - 67, piso 2. C.C. Gran Boulevard. Barranquilla, Atlántico [email protected] [email protected] The ´Centros Especializados de San Vicente Fundación is a hospital with LEED certification for its installations. The provision of health services are developed under programs with efficient use of energy, water and raw materials such as: saving faucets use, recycling water, rainwater use, sewage plant and gray and potable water treatment. It also employs solar panels and heat recovery of air conditioning devices, use of natural lighting, energy saving lamps and lighting control. Basically, it is an environmentally friendly construction which design and operation, are based on the conservation of water resources, flora and fauna, being an easy maintenance automated building, versatile and adaptable. Additionally, health services are provided under policies of purchasing supplies and raw materials that attend to sustainability criteria. On the social side, the ´Centros Especializados de San Vicete Fundación´ has an employee fund that looks after the welfare of its employees and promotes the human, social, cultural and educational thereof. Additionally, the Foundation is a nonprofit organization that reinvests its earnings in the expanding coverage to patients with low ability to pay. • Certified LEED for New Construction V 2.2, silver category. • Company recognized by Sustainable Goods and Services Portfolio (2012) of PTP, Cedar category. • Recognition BIBO 2012 companies with better environmental practices - Water Category first place. 60 INVERSIONES LAYNE S.A.S GENAVíe is a World Class Wellness Center dedicated to the provision of homeopathic medical services using detoxification, revitalization and relaxation therapies to improve the health and quality of life of patients. All this process is complemented with Bio regulated drugs, which are free of pharmacological compounds and have no side effects on health. The Center´s philosophy is based on providing their patients conscience of being, environmental and social awareness. GENAVíe activities are framed in the efficient and sustainable use of resources. They have water reuse programs in housekeeping and intelligent and energy-saving air conditioners. GENAVíe has established a policy of purchasing from suppliers who demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Examples are the tasting coffee activities using 100% Colombian Coffee (San Alberto), and appreciating the national process of gathering and production of coffee. There is also the example of the towel acquisition process where purchasing organic cotton has been established as a criterion for them. Also, that this material has to come from crops that protect the soil and prioritize women head of household to work with are also taken to action of the company. • In ISO 14001 certification process. • The company Trade Leaders Investment Club-Spain granted Inversiones Layne a recognition for being an outstanding company in tourism. 61 CORPORACIÓN ECCOS CONTACTO COLOMBIA ANDES BPO S.A.S Contact center services and BPO Juan Alberto Ortiz Álzate Inclusive labor model for people with physical or visual disability- Call and contact center agents training program (57+4) 553 7866 (57+1) 407 6969 Ext. 1005 Km. 2 Via al Tambo. La Ceja, Antioquia Cara. 57B # 67A - 69. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] BPO Andes, is a company located in the municipality of La Ceja, committed to social and economic development of Eastern Antioquia. It is known for its commitment in creating first job opportunities for the young community, contributing to the development and learning of people. Through the training school, the company has an alliance with the government with academic programs that are aimed at the contact center and BPO industry knowledge, which strengthens the skills of their workers, seeking ever greater quality and value to their products for customer satisfaction. These training programs are carried out with the support of SENA training center and certification programs for job skills with internal evaluators. It is a company that thinks every day to improve their social conditions, through inclusion and recruitment of adults and young single mothers. It Improves environmental conditions promoting good practices for solid waste management, water and energy efficiency and further motivates its employees to use the bicycle as transportation, all framed in a vision to strengthen the progress of the region. In this sense, Andes BPO has offered its employees the opportunity to enrich their professional life; personal and intellectual certifying them in different occupational skills standards and in the process already has four evaluators by competencies within the company. • Company recognized by the PTP Portfolio Sustainable Goods and Services (2012), Oak Category. • Recognition of the Universidad Católica de Oriente to the Manager Juan Alberto Ortiz Entrepreneur Uconiano. • Letter of recognition from the City Council of the municipality of La Ceja by the degree of competence of the first group certified in job skills. • Recognition of the municipal mayor titling reviewers. 62 Maritza Silva Vargas The Corporation Eccos Contact Colombia is a nonprofit organization Founded four years ago that works for the future of the country driving workable and sustainable life projects through its comprehensive care model for vulnerable people with physical and / or visual disability, providing its beneficiaries real training opportunities as phone representatives in a Call and Contact Center. Its main objective is the improvement of the social, economic and labor conditions of the beneficiaries. The Eccos formation process with this vulnerable population includes psychosocial intervention for the personal and labor skills development and the support of public and private companies that perform the labor inclusion of this population, ensuring high levels of productivity and low rotation thereof. That is how Eccos becomes a strategic partner in the private and public sector, where through sustainable inclusive labor processes; the company achieves high social impact results that combine the achievement of business objectives, with actions that contribute to the transformation of the quality of life of the population, contributing to the generation of new opportunities, poverty and inequality reduction. • Case Study 2008 - V Andean Congress Call Centers - Contact Centers and CRM - Colombian Association of Call Centers. • National Award for Industry Excellence Contact Center and BPO, 2012 Edition - Best Social Responsibility - “Case Study Contact Center Americas”. •Honorable Mention - Services, Oak Category, Portfolio Sustainable Goods and Services (2012) of PTP. 63 LC WEB CONSULTORES SAS PRODUCTORA DE SOFTWARE S.A. Ecoweb environmental management Software development tailor-made services, software factory and ERP systems Leonardo Muñoz Cardona (57+1) 211 1369 - (57) 320 8016932 (57+4) 372 2022 Calle 72 # 9 - 55, oficina 902. Bogotá D.C. Cra. 42 (Autopista sur) # 72 - 11, Piso 4. Itagüí, Antioquia [email protected] [email protected] Ecoweb is an information system developed under the technology of “Cloud Computing”, designed for environmental management, process efficiency and minimization of waste generation. Enables the integrated management of all activities related to the management, control and monitoring of environmental management. Additionally it offers environmental indicators and provides management reports for critical decisions in the context of sustainable development. PSL is a world-leading organization for the adoption of best practices in software engineering and systems engineering in the world. The company has over 28 years experience in the market and has two main lines of business: outsourcing services and pre-programmed software product development. PSL is an official business partner of Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and Motorola Mobility (of Google). Today the company has provided services to some of the major clients in the region and the world. The technology of “Cloud Computing” allows the user to access a catalog of specialized information systems and respond to business needs in a flexible and adaptive way, providing access to information from any geographical location and on any mobile device. All PSL products and services are developed within the framework of their guiding principles of social responsibility and environmental awareness, commitment reflected through their quality processes, information security, occupational health and environment (including environmental management programs that support the initiative to create a way of life in harmony with nature). Action plans have been developed inside the company for efficient use of resources with indicators and targets to improve its performance. LC Web also works on a permanent training and applied knowledge transfer through agreements with higher education institutions. 64 Ana Lucía Aramburo Siegert • ISO 9001. • ISO 27001. • OHSAS 18001. • RUC - Colombian Safety Council. • Eighth company in the world to achieve CMMI Level 5 (the highest level of practice software engineering in the world) and the first in Latin America. • IEEE / SEI INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROCESS SOFTWARE. • INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE EXCELLENCE AWARD, the highest award of Engineering Software Europe. • In process of certification to ISO 14001. 65 COBRES DE COLOMBIA LTDA. COMPAÑÍA DE PARTES Y ACCESORIOS - COMPAC S.A.S Solid rod copper for grounding KIT Metal and polymeric boxes for power meter Dolcey Casas Rodríguez (57+2) 664 4576 Ext. 5241 Ing. Carlos E. Castiblanco Cra. 40 # 11 - 33, Acopi. Yumbo, Valle del Cauca Cra. 32A # 6A-25. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] (57+1) 201 6050 Cobres de Colombia (Coppers of Colombia) produces a solid rod copper grounding KIT obtaining its raw material from the remnants disaggregated copper that comes directly from the electric utilities, telecommunications and industrial companies that generate waste copper and its alloys. The company is aware of its responsibility to the environment, which is why the organization has implemented control programs to reduce environmental pollution sources arising from the production process. It also features control and monitoring systems for the treatment of effluents and air emissions and has eliminated sulfuric acid consumption through the acquisition of an extrusion press. COMPAC SAS is a metalworking sector company founded in 1983 dedicated to the manufacture of parts, accessories and finished plastic and metal products for different sectors of the economy. Additionally, the company promotes social and responsibility policies at its suppliers. Its raw material supply policy has a philosophy of environmental protection and sustainable development, performing a supplier’s selection considering their performance regarding current environmental regulations. Many of their suppliers are also MSMEs or SMEs, who are considered key players in the value chain. On social issues, COMPAC has established a policy of hiring single mothers’ as labor in the assembly line. Additionally, the company fosters a responsibility culture of packaging with suppliers for them to be reused again in their products. It also makes the evaluation of its suppliers considering quality and environmental guidelines. The company supports foundations and organizations that endorse social inclusion programs: Computadores para Educar (computers to educate), Club Rotatorio (Rotary Club), Colegio Villa del Sur (Villa del Sur High School), between others. • ISO 9001:2008. • ISO 14001:2004. • Certification No. 04860 Product Conformity issued by CIDET. • Environmental Excellence Award 2010 by CVC. • Recognition of environmentally clean remnants disaggregating by CVC. Aware of the impact that may result from its processes and activities, COMPAC evaluates its environmental impacts throughout the products life cycle and provides strategies to help reduce pollution, implementing a system for water treatment and mechanisms to control emissions. It also implements programs for the management of hazardous and conventional waste. Environment (Certified ACERCAR-LEVEL I, SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION - LEVEL II ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - LEVEL III). • LEVEL IV, District Environmental Excellence Program (PREAD). • ISO 9001:2008. • Certificate of conformity of product conformity mark CIDET No. 02542, polymeric boxes Designation for energy measuring. • Certification mark in accordance CIDET No. 03073, name derivation boxes. • Certification CIDET folded metal boxes mark of conformity No. 02541, Designation energy meter boxes. DE VARILLA MACIZA DE COBRE PARA PUESTA A TIERRA MARCA COPPER GROUND 66 67 EXCELEC INTERNATIONAL S.A.S GERS S.A. ILUPLUS – Public lighting remote management equipment Consulting services, supply of equipment and software in the field of engineering Edison Valencia Herrera (57+4) 561 3577 Cra. 48 # 48 Sur - 75, oficina 156. Medellín, Antioquia. [email protected] (57+2) 489 7000 Calle 3ªA # 65 - 118. Cali, Valle del Cauca [email protected] Excelec has developed Iluplus ®, a smart photocell that measures power consumption, with communications and power reduction at the hours that is not required the total intensity of public lamps or lighting fixtures. Iluplus reports in real time the luminaries and its components failures without having to visit every photocell in order to find the defective fixtures. It also measures the consumption of power of each light, paying the exact power consumed instead of paying an inaccurate consumption of electricity. GERS provides consultancy services in electrical system studies, designs and engineering, power quality and energy efficiency, audit and consulting, testing and commissioning of electrical projects, services in IEC61850, smart grids, equipment supply, specialized courses and software. In addition to these services, in alliance with partner companies, the company offers solutions for EPC projects (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), in both electrical substations and industrial projects. Additionally, Iluplus allows the luminaries to lower the power at the times when they are not required to operate at full power. Some of the environmental benefits obtained with Iluplus are related to the rational use of energy, savings in searching luminaries failures, costs decreasing fuel consumption, time reduction between the fault and repair, monitoring of environmental and network conditions, and lower maintenance costs. Additionally this equipment is made of recyclable materials and lead-free solders (complying with the European Directive ROHS) in Excelec International production plant, located in the permanent free trade zone of Rionegro, Antioquia. GERS provides its services in accordance with its policy of health, safety and environment, which is manifested in the fulfillment of the law applicable to their projects, environmental impact mitigation, and beneficial relationship with its stakeholders, caring for the welfare of its workers. The company also has management programs in occupational health and environment for contractors’ hydrocarbons (RUC). The execution of these programs is audited annually by the Colombian Safety Council. The use of Iluplus gives the users total satisfaction not only when they perceive their positive environmental impact, but also the economic impact and the social responsibility of the service manager when it checks that public lighting´s bill are fair. • Mención de Honor a la Innovación en Premios Portafolio 2003. • People’s Choice Award, Design Award for PPKW at NPE 2009. • ISO 9001 (2008). Product Certifications: • IEC62053-21, IEC62052-11. • CIDET Certification. • STS Certification. • EMV Level 1 and 2. 68 Luis Eduardo Aragón In an effort to boost the performance and improve the collaborators quality of life, the company promotes additional social benefits as 42.5 working hours a week, payment of 100% of the disability, educational assistance for higher education, aids for ophthalmology, birth of workers babies, marriage, and agreements with banks to make loans to discounted payroll warrant, among others. • Ecopetrol - Strategic partner for excellence in performance (September 2012). • Audit management program in occupational health and environment for contractors´ hydrocarbons (RUC) - Colombian Safety Council. 69 PROCABLES S.A.S SOLUCIONES MDS S.A.S. Production and marketing of electrical wire and cable Products for electrical installations Nancy Mahecha Lagos (57+1) 404 2666 Ext. 433 y 454 Calle 20 # 68B - 71. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] (57+1) 247 1255 Ext. 131 y 150 Calle 12A # 21 - 21. Bogotá D.C. Procables SAS is a company dedicated to the design, development, production and marketing of copper and aluminum electric wire and cables. The company has been part of Colombia’s energy sector for over seventy years in the production not only of bare copper conductors, aluminum and aluminum with steel core, but in making polyethylene insulated conductors and PVC, for low voltage, medium tension conductors and glazed products. The company has its environmental management system under ISO 14001 which shows the environmental commitment from three primary axes: - Preventive focus in activities, aimed at environmental protection challenge. - Promotion of greater environmental responsibility of all staff. - Sustainable consumption and use of natural resources. Environmental work conducted under these three areas has allowed achievements such as: cost reduction in processes due to energy efficiency, savings in water consumption, substitution of raw material inputs whit lower environmental impact, solid waste management and technological conversion, which promotes the improvement of the processes and therefore, the contribution to the environmental protection. Environmental management has enabled Procables to make strategic alliances and the access to suppliers and customers in international markets. Additionally, it has achieved other intangible benefits such as the culture change of workers through the acquisition of environmental responsibility values. • ISO 14001: 2004. • ISO 14001: 2004. • Recognition Program Environmental Excellence (PREAD) - District Secretariat Environment, Bogotá. 70 Jairo Alberto Chaves Martinez [email protected] MDS Solutions, PROELECTRICOS, is a company that develops products for power installations and it´s committed to sustainable development, which is evident in its combined management system that keeps environmental certifications and quality such as ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and RETIE. The products that are currently supported with the brand PROELECTRICOS are: - Metal and plastic versions Conduit Boxes. - Cabinets and cupboards. - Pipelines and gutters. - Fixing and stands. - Boxes and enclosures for power meters. The corporate environmental management involves the implementation of the efficient use of resources program, which has achieved a significant reduction in water consumption. They have developed agreements with suppliers of chemical products for packaging reuse of raw materials needed for the production process, reducing hazardous waste generation and consumption of non-renewable natural resources. The company has included in its procurement process the signing of an environmental commitment by the supplier, which is evaluated periodically. Within the company, hiring vulnerable people in the production process is a commitment and the company has developed an education and training program for their employees. • ISO 14001 certification. • ISO 9001 certification. • Certification RETIE of products. • Level II, Promotion for sustainable production and consumption, Corporate Environmental Management Program of the Department of Environment. •Level III, corporate environmental management systems, Corporate Environmental Management Program of the Department of Environment. 71 RYMEL INGENIERÍA ELÉCTRICA S.A.S SIEMENS S.A. Distribution transformers with vegetable oil, dry type transformers and wildlife protectors Biodegradable liquid immersed transformers with windings in aluminum / copper Andrés Felipe Cardona Martínez (57+4) 444 0430 Ext. 135 Auto. Norte Paraje El Noral, 900m después de Copacabana, Antioquia [email protected] With over 30 years of experience, Rymel designs, produces and markets transformation and measurements products for the electricity sector. Three of its products stand out by extending the useful life of transformers and minimizing environmental impacts: WILDLIFE PROTECTORS: devices used to protect energized parts of the terminal insulators in the different equipment installed in the power distribution system. The fixture is used to prevent animals from causing equipment failures or for them to get killed by contact with the energized parts. This extends the lifetime of the equipment and protects wildlife that is present in the installation site. DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS: they do not require refrigerants because it cools down with air. This reduces the negative environmental impacts associated with dielectric oil contaminants because of its low biodegradability. At the end of its lifetime cycle the most of the elements of such transformers can be recycled and a lower percentage goes to a final disposal, generating a less environmental impact. DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS WITH VEGETABLE OIL: The oil used comes from vegetable origin, which is biodegradable. Rymel hires disabled people, single mothers, local staff and family members of the internal staff. It also offers programs such as housing and education loans. Also donates wastes to companies formed by single mothers. Andrés Villate Daza (57+1) 294 2568 Autopista Medellín Km. 8.5, costado sur. Tenjo, Cundinamarca [email protected] The Siemens bio-transformers, produced in Tenjo´s plant, Colombia, are Refrigerant biodegradable oil immersed transformers incorporating windings in aluminum and / or copper in whole or in part, which are subject to the most stringent tests to ensure their reliability. This new technology, as a Siemens sustainable response to the rational use of natural resources, uses widely available and recyclable raw materials such as aluminum. The use of biodegradable dielectric coolants oils reduces considerably the environmental impact during the Siemens Bio-transformers lifecycle, until its final disposal. Following a clear quality management policy, Siemens Transformers Colombia focuses on the integration of the interests of all its trading partners: customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and local communities. The company is committed to improve the quality of life of its employees and to support the development of human talent, building stronger leadership and innovation within the guidelines of sustainability and social responsibility of the company. • ISO 9001. • ISO 14001. • OSHAS 18001. • Certification RETIE. • Second Place. Colombian Association of Power Distributors Award. - National Operation Council for Research and Development V. 2011 work “Transformers Immersed in Biodegradable liquids”. • Certificate of compliance of product for conventional distribution transformers and pedestal with Aluminum BT windings issued by the CIDET (Certificates 003210, 003211, 003293, 003947). • ISO 9001:2008. • ISO 14001:2004. 72 73 TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF BUSINESS The products and services shown in this section are from companies that participated in the Portfolio convening but did not document the requirements with any sustainability criteria. We decided to highlight these companies as they provide services or technologies associated with sustainability, which can support other companies in the Productive Transformation Program and other sectors. 74 75 COMERCIALIZADORA AGRÍCOLA E INDUSTRIAL, COINDAGRO S.A.S DESARROLLADORA DE ZONAS FRANCAS S.A. Used cooking oil collection and final disposal Zf Towers Building Santiago Montejo Villalobos Giancarlo Salamanca Cadavid (57+1) 629 2800 Ext. 120 - (57) 321 3204537 Cra. 106 # 15A - 25, Casillero 3. Bogotá D.C. Cra. 7C # 126 - 12. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] [email protected] Coindagro offers a sustainable solution to the used cooking oil management. The process consists on collecting and ensuring to its customers, that these residues will have a proper disposal. Its management not only seeks to minimize the environmental and social impacts that generate used cooking oils, but they seek to value them by obtaining biodiesel, which generates other environmental benefits such as reducing the carbon footprint. (57+1) 4046644 Ext. 154 The Desarrolladora de Zonas Francas S.A. (Free Trade Zone Developer S.A.) is building the first premises of the Technology and Services park, the ZF Towers Services & Technology Park, which will offer an infrastructure as a service to outsourcing companies (BPO, ITO, KPO) and general services companies. The project has LEED certification and it is designed to the welfare of the people who will work in these premises, in a harmonious integration with the Cluster Zone of services of the Bogota´s Free Trade Zone. The building will have 27,931 m² built, located in the Bogota´s Free Trade Zone, Colombia, conceived over 6 floors with modular areas from 136 m² to 2,508 m² per floor, adjustable offices to the individual needs of each company. Designed under the LEED standard (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), and pre-certified in the category Silver, the project seeks efficiency in water and energy consumption, using friendly and responsible building materials with the environment, designed in order that the people who occupy it have optimum indoor environment conditions reflected in air quality, temperature, humidity and natural and artificial lighting, thereby achieving higher productivity, less absenteeism and a more pleasant work space. Therefore, it is a service for sustainability, in harmony with the site, connected to the community that visits it, integrated to the mass transit system and with the benefits available in the Bogota´s Free Trade Zone Park, such as commercial, financial and health entities, education offers and training programs, access to the employment portal and the robust energy and connectivity infrastructure. 76 77 GAIA TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN S.A.S Design, supply and installation of photovoltaic power systems and equipments Andrea Macías (57+4) 444 7504 Opción 2 Cra. 43 # 25A - 124, oficina 201. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] Company that provides design and installation services of solar energy systems as a sustainable alternative for electricity generation. GAIA TI offers innovative ideas for different urban areas and products developed for ZNI (not interconnected zones), ie, zones that do not have electricity. Its main product is a SOLAR KIT with appliances such as a 209 liters fridge, 4 LED bulbs luminous flux 700 LM, a 22 “ TV and a radio. All these work with direct current DC and 24 Volts, powered by three solar panels, batteries and a control cabinet. It is an easy system to install were the initial investment (including appliances) contributes to improve the quality of life of people in some areas of the country. This kit can be useful for camps, homes, offices and schools offering an alternative to replace fossil fuel for cleaner energy. GAIA IT has a team of engineers to serve their customers by offering solutions of all kinds for the use of solar energy. GAIA is then an ally for sustainable construction projects (LEED) or that incorporate renewable energy as a solution to the problems of electricity generation in ZNI areas. 78 URE SOLUCIONES S.A.S. Consulting services for the rational and efficient use of energy Edgar Ramírez (57+4) 234 9540 Cra. 86 # 64 - 79. Medellín, Antioquia [email protected] URE SOLUTIONS is a company aimed at achieving economic, environmental and energy sustainability in the industrial, commercial, health, hotel and residential sectors through the following services: 1. Energy efficiency projects: optimizing the use of coal, natural gas, electric power, steam and compressed air at each of the processes. 2. ISO 50001: Energy Management System. 3. Efficient metrology: Through control systems and measurement equipment relevant to the requirements of the process, it manages to an efficient control of variables within companies. Laboratory Certification Consulting according to NTC ISO 17025 standard. 4. Engineering services: design and assembly of electrical installations, manufacturing special parts, equipment and devices, mechanical design and assembly. 79 SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENTS (CPS- COMPRAS PUBLICAS SOSTENIBLES) L ib erta y O rd e n The Sustainable Public Procurements (CPS) is defined as “... the process by which public organizations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that the process achieves a high performance based on an analysis of the entire life cycle, resulting in benefits not only for the organization but also to society and the economy, whilst minimizing the damage to the environment.1 “ The CPS represent a great opportunity to drive markets towards sustainability and innovation, considering that public spending represents a significant percentage of the gross domestic product of Colombia2 . Through CPS, governments and environmental authorities in particular can lead by example, transforming markets, maintain austerity in public spending, conserve natural resources and creating new jobs (UNEP, 2009). The National Policy on Sustainable Production and Consumption (PyCS) establishes in its strategies to promote Sustainable Procurement of goods and services seeking to have an impact on purchasing decisions of producers and consumers. In this policy it has been established that the state should buy to the 2014 at least 10% of goods and services taking into account prioritized sustainability criteria’s, and a 30% for 2019. 1 Source: Procuring the Future - the report of the UK Sustainable Procurement Task Force (June 2006). The life cycle approach in the CPS refers to the process of purchasing a public entity should consider the environmental, social and economic consequences of: design, use of non-renewable materials, manufacturing and production methods, logistics, service delivery, use, operation, maintenance, reuse, recycling options, disposal and the supplier´s ability to address these consequences throughout the supply chain. 2. Public procurement represents about 15% of GDP in OECD countries and up to 30% of GDP in developing 80 countries ( 81 Among the most recent activities related to the national strategy of CPS, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS- Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible) with support from the National Centre for Cleaner Production and Environmental Technologies (CNPMLTA- Centro Nacional de Produccion más Limpia y Tecnologías Ambientales) designed in 2012 a conceptual and methodological guide for the implementation of the CPS, which includes environmental and social criteria for the acquisition of goods and prioritized services. These 16 goods and services were prioritized based on previous studies by the MADS in the pilot project “Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement” in Colombia3 (2010), and from there, it reprioritized other sectors taking into account the following criteria: VARIABLES OF PRIORITIZATION Availability of information on the sector. Economic relevance (annual sales and contributions to the country’s GDP). If it belongs to the sectors of PTP. If it belongs to one of the five economic locomotives of the National Development Plan 2010 to 2014 The social and environmental impact that the sector generates. NOTE There are environmental and social cross-sectional criteria, which in effect apply to any sector that may be required by public entities to meet CPS goals. The criteria of the CPS will be requested by public entities under the technical Product specifications to acquire, the priority that the entity gives to certain social or environmental aspects by internal command and the ability of response that sectors have to comply with these requirements. In other words, it is up to public authorities to decide which sustainability criteria require their suppliers and over what period of time they will begin to request them. The MADS will continue to define environmental and social criteria for more goods and services through technical datasheets, and expanding (or becoming more strict) the ones presented in this first implementation stage of the strategy. In the same way, public bodies may define their own criteria for products they want to purchase and are not yet defined by the technical datasheets of the MADS CPS. It’s potential to participate in Green Markets. 16 PRIORITY GOODS AND SERVICES FOR CPS Coffee Desktop Computers Cement Laser Printers Fuels Mouse Textiles Paint for interiors Luminaires Ceramic tiles Detergents Paper Edible oils Promotional pens Vehicles Printed products Six of the prioritized ( ) in the MADS CPS strategy are part of 5 sectors of the Productive Transformation Program (PTP), namely: a) Paper, b) printed products, c) vehicles, d) edible oil, e) textiles f) cleaning detergents. 3 Project funded by the United Nations Environment Program - UNEP. 82 What is the relationship between the national CPS strategy and the PTP´s Sustainable Goods and Services Portfolio? This portfolio will show to the general public and State buyers, to both national and regional order, that the goods and services of the Productive Transformation Program that have sustainability features and the sustainability criteria’s could be included in tenders and calls to meet the goals of CPS in Colombia. It also seeks to give the private sector the market opportunities that the established demand represents in the government procurement goals and motivate this sector to transform its offer. Sustainability criteria in the sustainable public procurements and its relation to the portfolio´s criteria There is a close relationship between the criteria defined for the public summon of the PTP´s sustainable goods and services´ Portfolio 2013 and the datasheets defined in the national strategy CPS4 . Actually, all the criteria are related, but those in the technical datasheets of the national strategy for CPS have higher technical specifications (according to the sector). Here are the environmental and social criteria of both Initiatives and their relationship: 4. These datasheets with 16 sustainable goods and services can be found in the “conceptual and methodological guide Sustainable Public Procurement”, produced by the MADS in agreement with the CNPMLTA and which will be available to the public soon 83 ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA OF THE PTP´S SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES PORTFOLIO 1. Useful life 2. Life cycle approach 3. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials 4. Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials 5. Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production SOCIAL CRITERIA OF THE PTP´S SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES PORTFOLIO 6. Social responsibility within the company 7. Social responsibility in the company´s value chain 8. Social responsibility outside the company 84 ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA OF THE MADS´ CPS STRATEGY 85 1. PAPER 2. PRINTED PRODUCTS CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS (1) To Produce elemental chlorine free paper. (2) Producing paper from: agribusiness wastes, recycled paper, or wood from sustainable forest sources. REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS Life cycle approach Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (3) Having energy saving initiatives, water consumption, decrease in pollution load in the waste water and minimizing the emissions produced by the manufacturing process. (4) Use packing paper to pack from: agribusiness wastes, recycled fibers, wood from sustainable sources or a mixture of the above. CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Useful Life Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials (1) Having saving and efficient use of water and energy programs. Minimization of solid and liquid waste. (2) To have a program of integrated waste management including: strategies for minimization, source separation, internal transport, storage, differentiated presentation (separation and identification), utilization, and waste disposal. Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Useful Life Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (3) Having control mechanisms and management of discharges. Life cycle approach (4) Having ISO 90015 and / or ISO 140016, OHSAS 18001 or RUC7, ISO 500018, FSC or PEFC9, ISO 1264710 or others. Life cycle approach (5) It has mechanisms for pollution control and protection of workers exposed to vapors in processes using adhesives and varnishes containing COV11. (6) To provide seized product alternatives with less damaging substances that the conventional ones and / or raw materials and supplies from renewable sources or with some percentage of recycled material. (7) Existing a replacement alternative, using inks that DO NOT contain mercury, lead, cadmium or hexavalent chromium or that releases amines. Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials Substitution of hazardous substances or materials 5. Quality Management System 6. Environmental Management System 7. Occupational Health and Safety 8. Integrated management of energy systems 9. Certified paper 10. Color standardization 11. Volatile Organic Compounds 86 For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) 87 2. PRINTED PRODUCTS 3. VEHICLES CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA REGARDING CONSUMPTION (8) Existing a replacement alternative, using inks 100% based on water (or with solvent concentrations, such as the 10% of the total weight of the formula) Or inks based on mineral oil or vegetables oil. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (9) To demonstrate good management of fountain solution and its wastes or the replacement of isopropyl alcohol. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (10) Use packaging made from agribusiness waste, recycled fibers, wood from sustainable sources and / or a mix of the above. Useful Life (11) Use plastic with a percentage of recycled material or that can be recycled when the packaging material is plastic. Useful Life Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (13) To use a supplier of inks, solvents and / or paper that is associated with a post-consumer program for the correct disposal and / or recovery of wastes. 88 (2) Acquire visual indicators that have efficient driving (indicator driving on the board). (3) Acquire low cylinder vehicles in the case of requiring them only for city driving. Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Useful Life Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials REGARDING CONSUMPTION (12) To inform customers about product features, usage and disposal. (1) To prefer those with lower fuel consumption per kilometer for vehicles in the same category. (4) Being able to recieve a vehicle as part of payment for a new one (to swap). Useful Life Life cycle approach REGARDING MAINTENANCE (5) Evidence of the proper handling and disposal of fats, oils, tow and other wastes generated during maintenance. Life cycle approach (6) Evidence of efficient use of water and energy in vehicle maintenance. The car wash detergent must meet CPS criteria for detergents. Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Life cycle approach Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Useful Life Life cycle approach For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) 89 4. VEGETABLE OILS 5. TEXTILES CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA REGARDING CROPS REGARDING CROPS (1) To implement self-management programs to reduce the use of pesticides and / or fertilizers and demonstrate the reduction of these. (2) To check that the crops are not located in areas where a forest was (at least 20 years ago). Life cycle approach (4) To produce refined palm oil which its raw material is RSPO12 certified or to have proof to work in its implementation. (5) To capture and / or use the methane generated during the extraction process in the wastewater treatment system. (6) To use containers, packaging and product packaging containing a percentage of recycled material or having a reduced use of materials (ecodesign), fulfilling the technical regulation of fats and oils. (1) Controlling the use of agrochemicals in farming. Life cycle approach Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Life cycle approach (2) Controlling water consumption in the crops. Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS (3) Having saving initiatives in energy and water consumption, decrease in pollution load in wastewater and minimization of emissions. CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (3) Having saving initiatives in energy and water consumption, decrease in pollution load in wastewater and minimizing emissions from the production process. Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (4) Use packing and packaging of products containing a percentage of recycled material. Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Useful Life Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Life cycle approach REGARDING CONSUMPTION (5) The seller, distributor or supplier must have a post-consumer program for proper disposal and / or utilization of product packing and packaging and waste that may be generated in the production process of the garment (eg scraps). Useful Life Life cycle approach REGARDING CONSUMPTION (7) Being associated with a program for the use of used edible oils, to give them a different use than human consumption. Useful Life Life cycle approach 12. Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil 90 For products that meet these criteria see chapter agribusiness (Pages 36 to 47) For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) 91 6. INSTITUTIONAL CLEANING DETERGENT CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESS (1) Having initiatives in energy saving and efficient use of water, pollutant load reduction in wastewater and minimizing emissions from the manufacturing process. Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production (2) To use containers, packaging and packing of products containing a percentage of recycled material. Useful Life (3) Use of biodegradable surfactant or at least have a 60% biodegradability13. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (4) To avoid toxic dyes involving risk to aquatic organisms and / or may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Life cycle approach (5) Not to exceed the limits of phosphorus concentrations and surfactants set in the national standard. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (6) To not have more than 10 wt% of VOCs with boiling point less than 150 ° C 1414. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (7) To avoid the following ingredients: Alquilfenoltoxilatos (APEO) and its derivatives, EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetate) and its salts, NTA (nitrilo-triacetate) Nitromusks and polycyclic musks. Substitution of hazardous substances or materials (8) To avoid ingredients that have the following classifications15: Substitution of hazardous substances or materials Life cycle approach Recyclability of materials and / or use of recycled materials - Carcinogenic effect - May cause heritable genetic - Possibility of irreversible effects - Toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause - long-term adverse effects in the environment aquatic - Dangerous for the ozone layer - May impair fertility - Possible risk of adverse pregnancy to the fetus - May be harmful to the infant - Possibility of irreversible effects or any combination of these. 13. NTC 5131 14. NTC 5131 15. NTC 5131 REGARDING CONSUMPTION (9) To provide customer training on the use, proper dilution process and disposal of chemicals or cleaning materials. (10) The seller, distributor or supplier must be associated with a post-consumer program for proper disposal and / or utilization of product packaging. 92 Life cycle approach Efficient and sustainable use of resources for production Useful Life Life cycle approach For products that meet these criteria see chapter on manufacturing (Pages 14 to 35) CROSS SOCIAL CRITERIA OF THE CPS STRATEGY OF MADS 93 THE MANUFACTURER, DISTRIBUTOR AND / OR SELLER THE MANUFACTURER, DISTRIBUTOR AND / OR SELLER CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA CORRELATION WITH THE PTP´S PORTFOLIO CRITERIA (1) Meets the social security payments (benefits), minimum wage and no child labor16 . (2) It has a rate of hiring single mothers, or vulnerable personnel (disabled, ethnic minorities, displaced by violence, armed groups demobilized). (3) Promotes and supports the formation of internal funds for the welfare of the worker. Social responsibility within the company Social responsibility within the company Social responsibility within the company (5) It has special programs (housing, formal and nonformal education) through which it promotes the improvement of the quality of life of its employees and their families. Social responsibility within the company (6) It has special cultural, recreation and sports for their programs employees and family. Social responsibility within the company (7) It has a program of preparation for the retirement of its employees. Social responsibility within the company (8) It promotes free association of its employees. Social responsibility within the company (9) Maintains an organizational environment of equal opportunity (between different hierarchical levels, gender, race or religion). Social responsibility within the company (10) Performs inclusive and fair business with suppliers Social responsibility in the value chain of the company (12) Performs social investment programs and community development aimed at generating employment and income, poverty reduction, progress and sustainable development of the country. (13) It makes donations and charity activities for disadvantaged sectors of society. (14) Support foundations or organizations that support the implementation of programs for social or inclusive business generation. 16. Legal requirements but the intension is to reinforce this theme through the CPS. (15) It hires social economy enterprises, MSMEs and SMEs and supports chaining strategies. (16) Support foundations or organizations made up of single mothers or people in vulnerable condition. Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company (17) It has corporate policies aligned with respect for human rights and its surveillance. Social responsibility within the company Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company (4) It is a leader and an example for other companies in its industry regarding the implementation of innovative safety and occupational health programs (SISO). (11) Performs responsible sourcing in the supply chain (sustainable procurement) and supports the development of these providers so they can meet the standards. 94 Social responsibility within the company (18) It has, it respects and enforces its policy of transparency and ethics with its stakeholders. Social responsibility within the company Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company Social responsibility outside the company Social responsibility in the value chain of the company Social responsibility outside the company 95 THE GREEN PAGES The Green Pages is a social organization dedicated since 2008 to the green providers linking with the end consumer as well as the dissemination of sustainable consumption. This is a nonprofit project whose mission is to promote sustainable consumption and it achieves it by two lines of action: 1) Linking the supply of organic products with stakeholders and 2) Increasing the sustainable consumer base. The Green Pages now has the largest directory of sustainable products and services in Latin America with editions published in Mexico with more than 2,500 companies listed and over one million consumers annually. Colombia is the first country for the expansion of this strategy and through the partnership of PTP with The Green Pages, companies that are part of this Portfolio will be incorporated into the first publication of this national directory of products and sustainable services. 96 97 98 Printed on Earth Pact paper made from 100% sugar cane fiber and using inks made from soybeans. 99 L ib erta y O rd e n with the support of 15 Años 100