SM-0422 - Zither US
SM-0422 - Zither US
I P@P Der Wunschals Fischerl' z Zithers.Jean Fendt. .40' The Sqng of the Nightingale.------- Geo'Lech1er. 20 Buctdeschel. .20 . Caecilia Marsch. (s (! (( r! Tw; Zither.4o+- _--- Three Zilher. 60 ct. !! tt tt violir,'to0 Guitar loq--- complete. 80 Twelve Months Ago To Night.----------------------- 25 Sernade, Gcrman Song.----- Itta schbttische. (( !r (( (( Two Zithers 4o.Three Zithers ------- 60 (l c tr t! violia.{0"---Guitar'10. complete.--- 80 ColIplet.------------- 60 Paft. --------- 20 lsingle 'l My Sweethearts the Man in the Moon'waltz.------ 30 Adams Lehre Walzerlied.----------------Mar Thi11. 20 Kamm.20 Freya Marsch. (g (! t' for i*o zil1.ets------------------------ 40 (1. (l for Four Zithers. (! 7p Tlotnet C ad als,.Gatr ol' He Nevet Cares to Wander from his own Flreside. zo 30 S elections from ttre T1r'olean.(DerVogelhaendler.) Lustige Briider. itfa rch. -------,-------E Ruckdeschel' 20 rt (l (l for Three zitters----------------------" 50 The Maiden's Prayer. -----------------J. Ndroth.op. 13 s0 MJ Qteen.(Wat1z) --------:.------- Arr.tvJ. Ringleben' 3o The Beautiful Prncess (eona) * Seltorann.-----:0 Arr. by John Arao1d.40 See Saw. Les Sifenes.----------------------Arr. by Join Arno1d.40 'Wiener Schwalbert.(Marcn) ------ Arr. ty H' caccia. 20 La Gil?rti^.(Wdvz )----------------.--Atr. l,y Jos. Thome. 20 Lebt alenn meine Male noch. (German Song) ----------- 20 Stahl Jr. 20 Zilherktanz. -' -lg!-r".r*lqe qr",. A.nihewtl(!50 (( ZO ,tt (t ll :: .:. Single ?art. (i Festinarscb. for Four (r (( (! i t r tF !! (! Zithers. J NEW H.Caicia,.io Mary Green Waltz The Dudets March.----- Two Zithers.--- J. Arno1il. 30 . Ta-ra- ra-boom-d€t-e. Oh ffiat A Difference In The Verlassen Plit l,(Gernan so.a,g. Wie Siiss.(Garraa, Song) ----------:------- R. Forster' 25 Im Schoenen Latd Tyrol.----------- E. Ruckdeschel. 3o (( (l (( . (! Two Zithers.----:------------ 60 fiy Annie (! E.Ruckdeschel. z0 Schottlsche (! (t T*., zithers.----------------- 40 Dream After The Ball.----------------- E. Broustet. Hamchents efile Liebe. WldzeeArr. E. Ruckdeschel. (! (r (!fot a( ll (l 40 0o tt T*o Zithe!s.------- !.oo lsl Yiolin. z4ilviolif. Flute.Guitar.Each ?art. {0 (l (l (( ll 1.40 20 Der Wunsch a1s Fischerlll The Picture that is turnedtoword the wall.--------- zo Why cant the Girls Proposel------------------'------ 20 20 Garibaldi -Marsch. Die Holzauction.(Geltktun song-) -------------------* 2o Match from the Tyrolean' (Der Yogslheandler.!--- 20 Radeizky* Marsch. ---------Alr. ty A'Y. Eallinger.30 IIe Never cates to wander from his own Fireside' 20 (( (! (( (for Guitar.) Felix MQ Gle!tror1. 20 Forgotten Sorrows.------------ Arr. try Jos Thome. 40 March from the OpetaErminie. Arr.ttyJoh:rArnold'zo A.v. Auer. 20 Always Jolly. ------: 40 Alter the Ba\1{waltz ) Wien tleib Wien.(ffc rcn)----------- 7. Schrammel' 20 T. Wenzlik. 20 Lovets Yarsoviana. Flower Po1ka.-------:-------------------C-M.Ziehter. 20 30 My Best Regards.(ralla.) YORK. PUBLISHE D BYTHEODOR LOHR, a98 GRAND ST. (NearAllen) Love's Varsoviana. T. Wenztrik. Geo, LecNwr. arr: znn"*.1 ( ]U I A a -Flqr rl At) Ily Per. of t I lVoodwa rr1. Ptthlished rB9s lt b\ Theodor Lohr,N.y. j ctll ildf ,A a) A I l"+l+ +i p l"t+j 1e l--i J.-- f
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