SM-0478 - Zither US
SM-0478 - Zither US
E.(UFFE t0 S, ,'lR.All }lanrlolin and Flute p arts ,ad vertise d ou ihis nage, arc so arranged, Zither or Yiolin, They are also published scp*at€ lbr I or p trltundolins, ..rul! .,/ur6 Alla Zingara. d,r.r . . The stma for 2 Zithers. The sqme lulss Miss A. Hirl..go LLtrl..Jo Ii . .4s | uith Bass Zither. nith 2 Mandolins & | ao I . t.OO | . Guitar.. with lFlute , t cello & r Piano \ad lib). . t.15 | La Czarina. MazurAa Russe.. arr.E. Rilffer. .3O I The same for 2 Zithers.. ,to I Tha sama t) B&ss The sarne The same Zither.. Tha sane witk 2 Mawlotins & t Guitar.. The sane- th r Ftute(or violil.\ -vti Opera Martha. 'E Jfotioes.. Tho same for? Zitheri.. The sane zoitk Bass Zithsr. . ltPiano(ad iib.) . t.s5 arr. E. Riiffer. .3o | I .5O I ,7o I The sane u)ith 2 -llandolins & t Guit(r. . t.ts I (ud lib.) . The snne sane witk wilh t Ftute, Flute, ItCetto&, ce o & !piano t Pieno (udlib.). .t,65 | .t.65 Danube waves ihe snrwfor 2 waltz. Zilhcrs. nhc sane',.tttth B&sr Zither.. Thr sqma u)iih z Mandolins &! The s,mc inith tFtate, t Celto & tlal they can also be played or E.Riiffer..aa . .7o t.Oo .r.JO .2.o0 .2.60 . Guiter.. .. I Piano (ad lib., Echo's from the trIo'untains. Otterture.. .70 | The same for 2 Zithers. . .7O .!.2o I fne sanc for S Zithers. .r.oo 'Iha ttilh I Ftute,t Cetlo & r Piano(ad lib.\ 1.prt I Medley Wa]tz Quarirille. for I zither. E . Riift'er. . 5, The sane with 2Mnndolins li t Guitar.. r.I^6. I Thc _same Molin or l'lutc, JJ At *re lieashore. Seashore. Ovorture. -tt the Ottarture 1,h6 sqne for 2 Zithers. fnt sa-, ybr S Z[thers. arr.E. RiirTer. .5o I .e(, I I'he sulwllith.I Mandolin & Guitar. t.IU fhe saruNilh 2 Xandotins ( I Guit|r. I.8o fhe sdmvwitk Lcallo & !f futu.(nr vittin-) . z.Ho In the Quiet Home. In, stilletu E?im. 'REVEnIUI' fur Zithctl . . Jo.. IIauser,Op.g6. .30 Joyous Retuin. qrOlljrltllltederqr: nen.yor tZithtr.. :lo Ihi sam jtt 2zithers.\!8.)\r rhi 2 Zithers.\!8.)\r Zither zither ad lititu;.). . 6s Th? m( |cil\ !,i nlantlolitts t Guitar. /.14 I I I The saDte sqnte"with &tth Eass Bass ZitLer, Zilher. The samc flith 2 M(ndolins & I Guitqr. .l. gO .p.OO The sarre znith t.Flute.Icello & t.pianoad, lib). .p.6g Stephanie Gavotto, (casy uuungemelt) E.Riiffer. . t '. Tne'san, for z Zilhcrs. ,5e Tho sarrc'with Bass Zither, .ZO Tht saneuith p Mandotirs & r e uitur. t,b Th, ,ur," with t Ftuta.r cdlo 6 tpiono\ad !ih., .1.85 Llt.l"iti Jrlly Slei*hinE sieiarung"hu"i't'. Fartr.. ;u;"' Inrt:otlucins Bells, Bell: -Depr,rture whip, Signat-tor etrc. E. Riiffer. .40 Tne stm.'for 2 Zithcrs. 70 fhe san fot it Zithers. . I,OO Tne san:tiflt B{tss Zitner. t.So The stm|&ttk z Mdndolins & I Gtitar. . 2.0o Tne xwwith ll'tute,ICollo&Ipiqto(a(t lib.). Z,So lln frohen Stunden. fr'ALlER.lfor r Zithcr.. .30 I | I I Leopolds }Iarch. Polka. I Baviria Polka. Golden trIyrtles . VaHz . | .4O | ?he stne for 2 Zithers. .7O I Tho same for 3 Zithcrs. . l'for e zithcrs. . 50 ph.Iuoos . Jo E . Riif fer. . 9O 30 Riiffer. ., .5C ) ,t .7C One Sweet Dream. llaltz for t Zilher. Ihe same Jbr 2 Zithtrs. ,t . t)O . f .OO I Tnc sanc'a'ith Bass Zither, . Thc sane .uith Dass Zilher. . 1.7.o I The same ioith 2 irlan(lolint & t Guiter.. )) Lg' fhe same \x)ith 2 Mandolins &, Ic itar(ad lib). .2.60 Tht Ihe sana ?he sane withlFluterlCello wlth I Flule, t Cello J Jl t Piorro Piano(adlib). same sant with tilh t no.(adlih.t I r Flate,tCello Flule,ICello &r & Piqno.<al Pi lilr.) 1.85 | .30 I| tRoccoco .3O Zithrr, jfor Swiss Jwiss M&rch. March. for tr Zithrr. Waltz.. Waltz.. jf,r .' r Zi!h(r.. Zi!h(r.. . Jo .30 lRoccoco I .5o p . s\n-e-.,f,,,r Zith(rs. I Griissc .\-ijrnberg. von Zithtrs. . .60 i for !!l I ^2 hy L. Freitag.. Ja [Die S_chliiien Posl,.. _..P.olha. lfor t Zuner. . .so | llaria Theresia cavotte..iZ if""""r'5l{pT':i''}"['.fi ap..x,lro.'zz.itA,].1 '-o^l 13il-.:il,,^"ftii]o.fuvr.r"ru,u-q Hungarian Romance. . . By the rustic mill.. .Bo - 3^Miss.A.Ilirr. ,: I rne zithers. The sane for 2 zithers ,5o g zithers . for r zither.s , 60 .70 7or .iane - Jtor . .9O II Ikd'sante The sane zsilh Bass Zither. with Bass Zither. . . . gO NEW YORK ERi{ST By RUf f gn.tos FtRSr AVE. Pueusned | t;:',t",rl::;. AT THE SEA SHORE. Am Meeres Strantl. %ithetl or Solo. . FEST OVERTURE. E. Riiffer. Andante maestoso. Small notes arl lilt . CorJrlght 1890 by E.Riffcn 100 First-4te.NY. ( cl At t-- 1 I T'-'----1 rl U 6r .)l ja. i E I r String. il - - Also published for P Zithers end Club music.ete . -.-
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