Spring - KSDS, Inc.


Spring - KSDS, Inc.
Spring 2009 | Volume 10, Issue 1
Promoting the independence and inclusion of people with disabilities as
fully participating, contributing members of their communities and society.
Their Story: KSDS Graduates,
Diplomats and Ambassadors
Don’t miss these
upcoming events!
Jill Jensen and her Service Dog Yankee
• Kansas Sampler Festival:
May 2-3
Concordia, KS
This past fall, Bob and Jill Jensen, and
Jill’s service dog, Yankee, traveled to the
Northeast region of our USA. The purpose
of the trip was to visit their daughter who
recently moved to New York City and with
careful planning the
trip was scheduled
to coincide with the
beautiful fall leaf colors.
Jill told us the flight was
smooth and Yankee was
waited on ‘paws and
paws’ and that she was
occasionally asked if she
needed something.
An event promoting tourism in Kansas.
• Sturgis on the River
June 17-20
Davenport, IA
Join us for a great time and chance to
talk to lots of people about KSDS and
take donations at our booth.
• Summer Graduation:
Saturday, June 27
11 a.m., Washington, KS
Celebrate the accomplishments of the
teams completing training. Canine
Housing Unit tours are available after
• Graduate Retreat:
July 9-11
Washington, KS
An opportunity for graduates to get
together and get further training
assistance and socialize.
Fife, Puppy in Training
Groups in Colorado, Iowa, Lawrence/KC,
Manhattan, and Wichita
have regular get-togethers.
To find out more, contact
KSDS (785) 325-2256.
were conspicuously being studied by men
in black suits talking into their sleeves. Jill
says she and Yankee were ‘onto’ them, and
immediately made it look like they were
someone very important! Yankee even gave
Jill the ‘side glance’ code
for act like a diplomat
and she immediately
followed his lead.
The reason for all the
security was because of
diplomats staying at the
hotel during the UN
Summit and Mahmoud
Upon arrival at JFK, a
President, was hosting
Jill and Yankee take in the sights.
flight attendant hailed a
a banquet at the hotel.
van and all of Jill’s ‘stuff’ was loaded and Jill
Several protesters lined the streets adding
admits she requires lots of ‘stuff’. When they
to the noise and crowd of people. Jill and
arrived in Manhattan, they found the New
Yankee were finally allowed to get out of the
York Police Department had barricaded all
cab and Jill into her wheelchair, with a lot of
streets leading to their hotel. The cab driver,
assistance from the men in black.
aware of all the ‘stuff’ loaded into the cab,
insisted the NYPD move the barricade so
The Jensens were told they must wait outside
Bob, Jill, and Yankee could be dropped off at
until the security finishes screening other
the front door of the hotel. His request was
hotel guests. Fifteen minutes later Bob, Jill,
granted by the officer guarding the barricade,
and Yankee were allowed to proceed into the
her hand, though, rested on her revolver the
hotel. During the wait Yankee remained in
whole time Bob was moving the barricade.
his ‘diplomat’ mode acting very calm, cool,
and collected while shouting, bright lights,
The Jensen’s finally arrived at the hotel, but
and sirens were blaring. As they passed
as the doorman opened the door of the
through the front door, they were told their
van, police officers, secret servicemen, and
bodies and luggage would be screened for
the FBI surrounded the van. As Bob was
explosives. Bob, Jill, Yankee and the luggage
unloading the wheelchair and the cab driver
checked out ok, but the couple ahead of them
was unloading the luggage, Jill and Yankee
had something suspicious in their luggage.
Jill Jensen and Yankee (Cont. on Page 3)
The beginning of
aN adventure
KSDS, Inc.
A nonprofit, charitable
124 West 7th Street
Washington, KS 66968
(785) 325-2256
– Staff –
Judy Sifers, CEO
Debbie Tegethoff, Training Instructor
Michelle Woerner, Training Instructor
Sarah Callow, Trainer Apprentice
Kim Nelson, Trainer Apprentice
Thom Kirk, Trainer Apprentice &
Client Services
Marcia Funke, Development Coordinator
Terri Gauby, Administrative Assistant
Gene Martin, Maintenance
JoAnn Nider, Receptionist
Merry Roop, Bookkeeper
– Board –
Roger Post, President
Glenda Keller, Vice President
Midge Miller, Secretary
Lila Keesecker, Treasurer
Brent Boring, Member
Jack Haller, Member
Regina Linenberger, Member
Marilyn McGown, Member
Abby Murray, Member
KSDS, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization
dedicated to the training and placement of
assistance dogs for individuals with disabilities.
KSDS, Inc. is proud to
be a fully accredited
program by Assistance
Dogs International, Inc.
For more information
visit www.assistancedogsinternational.org.
Born to proud parents Little Ness and
Brinks on September 10, 2008 were 4
golden retriever puppies. This litter follows
a Scottish theme and they are now with their
puppy raisers. Libby Eaton is raising Loch,
a male; Jan Broxterman is raising Paisley, a
Above: Sisters Paisley and Fife
female; Connie and Paul Kamps are raising Below: Brothers Loch and Kirkcaldy
Fife, a female; LaFonda Sharp is raising
Kirkcaldy, a male.
On March 9, 2009, Hilton and Buck became
the proud parents of 7 black and yellow lab
puppies. Hilton is an attentive mom and the
puppies are growing quickly.
Hilton is the proud mother of 7 healthy,
squirmy puppies.
The 5 black puppies and 2 yellow Labrador
puppies are cute as buttons.
Do you shop or sell on
If the answer is yes, then you have just
found another way to support KSDS. It’s
a recently formed program by eBay, called
“eBay Giving Works.”
Sellers, through community selling, are
given the means to donate 10% to 100% of
the final sale price of an item to a selected
nonprofit organization of their choice and
will be issued a tax receipt. As a seller, if you
are interested in this program you’ll need
to register with eBay. It’s pretty simple. Log
on, search for “Giving Works” and follow
the instructions.
Buyers, items being sold that support a cause
are listed with a blue and yellow ribbon in
the description area. You can check out the
specified cause being confident the seller
has agreed to donate to it. You then receive
a product you want and indirectly helped a
cause you care about. Or search for a cause
and see what items are listed to support that
cause and then purchase the item(s) that
appeal to you. Again, log on and search for
“Giving Works” to locate selected charities.
KSDS, Inc. has now been certified for the
“eBay Giving Works” program. If you’re a
seller please consider donating and if you’re
a buyer, please look for items that support
our mission! Another alternative way to give
to KSDS.
What do Volunteers and Ford have in common?
Assistance Dogs International North America Regional
KSDS was once again recognized as an
accredited organization by ADI.
Successor Dogs, and a panel of graduates
were also well attended seminars. A tour
of Canine Companions for Independence
Southeast facility and a trip to Sea World were
also a part of the agenda. Michelle was part
of a team that presented on how to motivate
staff and increase teamwork. The banquet was
a murder mystery dinner and proved to be
very entertaining as Michelle was a ‘person of
What do Volunteers and Coke and Pepsi have in common?
Jill Jensen and Yankee (Cont. from Page 1)
One of the men in black leaned over to Jill
and said, “Ma’am, we have a bomb sniffing
dog coming in to go through the luggage on
the table. We want you to know so you and
your service dog aren’t caught by surprise.”
Jill tightened her grip on the harness handle
and told Yankee to “leave it and mind his
business.” The bomb sniffing dog came in
and glanced at Yankee. Yankee wagged his
tail and saw the other dog was in working
mode. Yankee assumed his ‘secret service
stance’ with straight stiff legs, shoulders
high, and head facing forward with eyes only
diverted to the side to keep an eye on the
other dog. The secret service man stood very
close to Yankee and Jill, just in case he needed
to intervene and assist. Yankee and Jill were
pros and the secret service man looked at Jill
and Yankee and said, “Impressive!”
Jill is always proud of Yankee, but especially
so during their stay in New York City. Jill
says Yankee walked over every manhole and
every grate, ignored the masses of people on
the New York sidewalks, the honking horns
and the blaring sirens.
In closing, Jill sent a huge Thank You to
everyone at KSDS for her partner Yankee
being such a well trained and exemplary
creature. We would like to pass the thank you
on to every volunteer and supporter of our
mission at KSDS. It is truly a team effort that
allows the completion of the KSDS mission.
Whether you volunteer your time as a puppy
raiser, giving programs, sewing blankets for
the whelping boxes, sending items from our
Wish List, preparing newsletters for mailing,
holding fundraisers or graciously sending in
donations or corporate sponsorships, we send
our gratitude and appreciation to you all. We
thank all of our graduates for their support
of KSDS and their continued commitment
to be exemplary ambassadors for KSDS, Inc.
We appreciate the thank yous, but Jill and all
of our other graduates as well….don’t forget
who is at the ‘other end of the leash’. Keep up
the good work!
Thom Kirk
apprentice Trainer and
Client Services
Hi, I am Thom Kirk. My family
and I are honored to have moved
to Washington so I can join the
KSDS staff. My first experience
with this fine organization was
in 2007, when I graduated from
Social Class and took my partner,
Peso, to Iowa to work with me. She
touched many lives interacting
with thousands of special-needs
campers and guests. Last year, we
took on the joys and challenges
of being puppy raisers! My wife,
Ginny, my 8 year old son, Wyatt,
and I stay completely entertained
with Hansel around!
My years of experience training,
teaching, and guest services have
prepared me well for this dual
position. I will coordinate client
services as well as being a trainer.
I look forward to meeting and
assisting many of you in the future.
Cobra, Service Dog
Orlando, Florida was the site for the 2009
Assistance Dogs International Conference.
Assistance Dogs International sets forth
the ethics and standards for member
organizations in the assistance dog industry.
Accreditation by ADI means the organization
is meeting or exceeding the standards for
assistance dog schools.
While Kansas was hosting some cold
winter weather in January, Judy Sifers, Deb
Tegethoff, Michelle Woerner and Terri Gauby
traveled to Florida to attend the conference.
The conference was well planned with lots
of educational speakers. Topics included
Training Dogs for Veterans, training dogs for
people with Diabetes and Autism, selecting
your dream Board of Directors, and a
presentation on the Evolution of the Cognitive
Dog. Clicker Training, Courthouse Dogs,
The Newest
face of KSDS.
Dialog in the Dark
Aspen, Puppy in Training
A new way of looking at the world around us
support from
KSDS would like to express
their appreciation and thanks to
the people who coordinated and
organized the following fundraising events and to the donors
who supported them
On Monday, February 16, KSDS staff
traveled to Kansas City’s Union Station for a
very distinctive experience. We traveled thru
the Dialog in the Dark exhibition.
Our guide for this trip is blind and usually
travels with a guide dog. That day she was
traveling with a white cane. We all entered
the first room of the exhibit and were handed
a white cane to travel with. As we sat there
receiving our instructions the lights slowly
dimmed until it was totally dark. Our guide
asked each of us to reach into the box beside
us and take out one item. We each then
described by touch and smell what we had
in our hand.
We were then instructed to form a line and
proceed into the next room for our tour. As
we traveled thru the exhibit we walked thru a
park, visited a farmers market, went on a boat
ride, walked along a busy city street and went
into a restaurant to purchase refreshments.
Our sense of smell, touch and sound were all
greatly increased during this trip.
• Golf Tournament
Wichita, KS
Wichita Westlink Lions Club
• Dog Celebration - Antioch
Park, Merriam, KS
Kristen Hellstrom &
Cynthia Hinman
We could feel the grasses blowing in the
wind, hear the birds chirp, felt the trees and
flowers, smelled the fruits and vegetables in
the market. We experienced the cars going
very fast around the corner as we waited at
• Martha’s Circle
Salem Lutheran Church
Axtell, KS
• Phantom Ball
• 2008 Midwest Health &
Abilities Expo, Wichita, KS
James & Ann Ford
A group prepares to tour the Dialog in the
Dark exhibit. It’s an hour long experience
in blindness.
the curb, identified things hanging on the
walls and felt the path change under our feet
frequently. We paid for our soda and candy
bar at the restaurant, (did we give them a one
dollar bill or a five dollar bill?).
We found that if we didn’t follow the wall and
made a wrong turn that we were easily lost
and would bump into someone. We learned
that if we talked to the person in front of and
behind us it was much easier to keep track
of where we were going. Our guide was very
good at knowing exactly where we were from
the direction of our voices and could tell us
which way to go.
It was truly amazing to travel, totally in the
dark, for a short while, the path that many of
our guide students travel every day.
Taking a Moment to say Thanks
• 1st Presbyterian Church
& Villisca Lions Club
Villisca, IA
KSDS volunteers really make a difference
Boomer, Retired Breeder and Willie, Puppy in Training
List inclusive from Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2008.
An assortment of amazing volunteers bring an
array of unique and diverse talents, that are
truly gifts to KSDS and the people we serve.
KSDS values each and every volunteer. It is with
sincere gratitude that we recognize you and the
valuable role you play. You make a difference
by your exceptional response to our needs,
eagerness to help and your dependability.
There are many ways to volunteer no
matter where you live. To find out how you
can get involved today contact KSDS
by calling (785)-325-2256 or emailing
[email protected].
Three volunteers mothers help with dinner
preparations in the kitchen. KSDS is so
grateful to all the assistance volunteers
are so eager to provide.
Young people making a difference.
The Leo’s Objective
“To provide the youth of the world with an
opportunity for development and contribution,
individually and collectively, as responsible
members of the local, national, and
international community.”
Each Leo’s Club is sponsored by a Lion’s
Club. The sponsoring Lion’s Club guides and
directs the Leo’s as follows:
• to provide young people with the
opportunity to develop leadership abilities;
• to alert young people to the circumstances
of persons who are less fortunate than
The Waterville Leo’s Club Community
project is KSDS, Inc. Each December the
A Unique Way to Honor
This year Issac and Jessie Medina and
Alex Laughlin made the trip with sponsor
Sharon King to deliver the supplies. We
would like to say THANKS to this group
who is so dedicated to KSDS, Inc
Leo’s use the money from their fundraiser to
purchase supplies on the KSDS Wish List.
The 2008 fundraiser was a child care service
so parents could holiday shop alone.
What do Volunteers and Dial Soap have in common?
Puppies in Flight
US Airways supports ADI Schools.
US Airways fulfills its commitment to
corporate citizenship through corporate
support of a broad range of nonprofit
organizations, including arts and culture,
environment and civic, foundation giving
and employees’ involvement in their local
communities through volunteerism and
service on nonprofit boards. US Airways
employees are actively involved in making a
difference in the community. In 2008, the
employees volunteered more than 20,000
hours with 150 nonprofit organizations.
their disabled partners and assists in travel
arrangements for assistance dogs to journey
from location to location.
KSDS, our puppy raisers and our graduates
are extremely thankful to be recognized
as organizational programs worthy of
their support and would like to take this
opportunity to express it.
US Airways has partnered with Assistance
Dogs International and encourages their
employees to volunteer their time and utilize
travel benefits to transport and familiarize
assistance dogs in training with aircraft and
air travel in preparation for future flights with
What do Volunteers and VO5 have in common?
Wooden jigsaw shaped puzzle
pieces hang in the training
building under the words ‘Cheers
to Careers’. The pieces illustrate
the value of friendships one
encounters along their life’s
journey. Brass plates are affixed to
the pieces inscribed with special
messages and/or names that
honor those special friendships.
Following is an example of an
inscription honoring both twolegged and four-legged friends:
Beautiful friendships uniquely
fashioned – hold them dear.
Bill and Carolyn Miller
Many guests, graduates and
family members who have passed
through our facilities have read
and pondered these inscriptions.
We invite you to do so, too.
Would you like to honor a special
friend who has touched your life?
Label your gift of $50 or more to
KSDS, Inc. as Cheers to Careers.
Include an inscription of 15
words or less or contact KSDS for
assistance. Your gift will help the
special work of KSDS!
Saline, Puppy in Training
• to offer young people the opportunity
to help others through organized and
productive service activities;
Cheers to
Careers Display
Graduate Glimpses: Spring 2009 Graduation
Gary Dodd
Sondra Lee
Todd Anderson
My name is Gary Dodd and my new
partner is Atlanta, a yellow lab from the
Race Track litter. Lanta, as I call him, will
be my successor guide dog. I am legally
blind as I have no peripheral vision.
My name is Sondra Lee and I’m legally
blind. I lost my sight after I retired, 19
years ago at the age of 58. Harvey, my new
partner, a golden retriever from the Royals
litter, is my third guide dog from KSDS.
The internet can be a great research tool
and that is just how Todd Anderson’s wife,
Ann, learned about KSDS. Easy access to
information via the internet, along with
the central Midwest location, helped the
Andersons make the decision to apply for
a service dog.
Atlanta - guide
I live in Ottawa, KS which has a population
of about 12,000. I am unemployed outside
the home. I am the perfect example of
“Mr. Mom.” My wife, Karen, is the bread
winner of the family, so I am in charge of
the house, as well as the laundry and the
dishes. With two teenage sons in the house,
there are plenty of those chores to do and
it never stays done or clean for very long.
Whether you’re a man or a woman, there
are just some things that are just never very
much fun to do. I have a friend who runs a
mechanic ship and Lanta will help me get
safely to and from his shop as I look forward
to getting out of the house and away from
my chores.
My first guide dog, Rocky, retired after
seven years of service. She will become a
very spoiled pet in my home. She deserves
What do Volunteers and
Hallmark have in common?
What do Volunteers and
Standard Oil have in common?
Harvey - guide
I was born and raised in Salina, KS and
consider myself a native. Salina is a
very accessible, very progressive and a
moderately diverse community of 50,000. I
travel all over the city with my dog, I’m very
actively involved. I have served two terms
on the city’s Accessibility Commission
and continue to research and recommend
to the city on these issues. The city keeps
future and continued accessibility upfront
with any new construction or building.
“Who knows” said Sondra, “in the future
Salina may be one of the most accessible
cities in the nation.”
I can do lots of volunteering and feel very
independent because of my guide dog and
the easy access of the city. I volunteered
for the last 6 years with the Salina Animal
Shelter. I try to never miss an opportunity
to speak to clubs and organizations about
what my guide dog(s) have allowed me to
accomplish. I even have gained permission
to take my dog to a couple of different
schools to allow children to read to them.
It’s making a difference in the reading skills
of the children and it’s a wonderful feeling
to give a little something back to someone
else and help them better their lives!
Hampton - service
Todd has called Derby, KS his home for the
last 14 years. The city is growing rapidly,
but accessibility is sometimes a challenge
for Todd. Derby hosts the Special Olympics
at the local high school football field and is
home to a new water park and golf course
that bring people from surrounding areas,
so Todd hopes accessibility improvements
could be in the future for the community.
Todd, with his service dog, Hampton,
a black lab from the hotel litter, will be
independent wherever they go.
Todd foresees Hampton being a big help to
him, allowing him to go out safely to shop
and for walks. He also knows Hampton
will assist him with his volunteer job and
his computer work. Todd’s looking forward
to experiencing new independence and
being more self-sufficient. Todd also hopes
to educate family, friends and youth about
disabilities and the use of service dogs.
Todd says this of KSDS, “They have very
high standards and I’m hoping Hampton
and I can live up to them, they are something
to strive for. The KSDS training, staff and
facility far exceeded all expectations that I
had. I also want to give the volunteer puppy
raisers a huge ‘At-A-Boy’ for all the effort
they put in bringing the puppies to the level
of learning they have.”
Congratulations on your Many accomplishments
Johnathan Carroll
Andrea Kiess
Pam Soderholm
Medford, OR officially known for it’s
summer “Britt” concerts, Crater Lake and
Mt. Ashland, will now be known for being
the home for a second KSDS graduate Johnathan Carroll. 2006 Service Graduate
Nancy Doll referred Johnathan and his
family to KSDS. Johnathan is now one of
five service graduates who call Oregon home.
Andrea celebrated her thirty first birthday
at KSDS training with her service dog
Ramada, a female black lab from the
hotel litter. Andrea has Friedreich’s Ataxia
which decreases her stamina and reaction
time, requiring her to rely on friends and
family for assistance. Ramada will help
pull Andrea’s wheelchair for long distances,
saving her energy for other things.
Having had two previous service dogs from
KSDS, Pam knows what a first-class school KSDS
is. On the other hand, she also knows what an
astonishing thing a service dog can be and what
freedom one loses when your partner is no longer
there to assist you.
Johnathan has Cerebral Palsy (CP), which
affects his balance and increases the chance
of falling. Having a low energy level requires
Johnathan to depend on others for support.
His new service dog, Regent, a black lab
from the hotel litter, will be changing all
that. “Reg” as Johnathan calls him, will
help him become more independent. With
Reg’s assistance he’ll be able to stay home
by himself and venture out with his friends
more often, gaining confidence and self
assurance. Training at KSDS was challenging
at times for Johnathan, but when he finally
got to use his dog for bracing and walking it
made all that hard work worth it. He is now
making plans to go shopping at the local
Wal-Mart and Walgreens stores, go bowling
and visit the hospital.
With Ramada by her side, Andrea will
be more confident to go places alone and
be more self reliant at work by retrieving
dropped objects for her. Andrea works for
Business Technology Career Opportunities,
Inc. (BTCO), in Wichita as a consultant.
BTCO focuses on imaging, document
management and conversion services for
Federal government customers and others
using all the leading capture, index and
retrieval software.
Regent - Service
Johnathan and his family want to say how
much they appreciate the KSDS staff’s
patience and express their pleasure at how
well the dogs are matched up with the
person. Johnathan and Reg are very laid
back and like to take their time with things.
They fit together perfectly.
Ramada - Service
Wichita, a city of 350,000, is accessible and
diverse, with many special interest areas like
Bontanica, Cowtown, Sedgwick County Zoo
and Exploration Place, not to mention the
malls, theaters and cinemas available. All of
which Ramada will assist Andrea in going to.
Andrea comments on her adventure here at
KSDS as “A life changing experience and
partnership - Ramada loves to do what I
need to have done, retrieve items for me,
she’s happy to do it and I’m happy she does
it for me! Going through the training here
and seeing how much the staff is concerned
about training and about matching
personalities with people, makes me so glad
I chose KSDS. I know if I need help in the
future, KSDS will be there for me.”
splitorff - Service
Without her constant trusted champion, friend
and assistant, she’s seen her energy levels drop.
Her life was most changed by not having a helper
to make the things that were difficult easier or
make the impossible, “possible”. For example,
the simple things like standing for long periods
of time, walking great distances, bending and
picking up items she’s dropped, then standing
upright again without teetering or falling are
some of the challenges Pam faces.
Pam’s new champion, friend and assistant,
Splitorff, a golden retriever from the Royals litter,
will help her overcome those things again. Pam
will continue to give private horseback riding
lessons, and “Split” as she affectionately calls him,
will assist her with the lessons. Upon returning
home, they have to continue working on the
bonding process and service skill tasks so Split
and she can become a smooth working assistance
dog team.
Pam also plans on participating in many other
things as well, like pet therapy activities when
Split is “off duty”, the “Paw to Read” program
at the local children’s library, visiting patients at
a cancer treatment center and at the Wounded
Warrior unit at the local CO army base.
Pam says, “Thank you to the KSDS staff for
their continued devotion and commitment to
providing her/us with our wonderful working
partners. What a gift we have been given! Being
back at KSDS is truly a life-changing experience.
This is my 3rd time attending Team Training and
KSDS just keeps getting better and better. The
staff is very professional, caring and supportive
and they do everything possible to help us become
successful working teams.”
Spring 2009 Graduates Continued
Denise beason
ashkesh - Social
Denise Beason, a school social worker from
Topeka’s Mission Valley School District, was
a bit nervous her first day at school with
AshKesh. She wondered how the children
and the adults were going to respond. Denise
questioned if she would be able to do all
the things that she learned, and would Ash
be comfortable in the new environment?
As a team they were still new to each other
and had just left the security of KSDS and
the intense, but awesome week of training.
AshKesh, or Ashi as she is lovingly called,
seemed excited and ready to go! When they
entered the building there were kids waiting
for them, LOTS of them and for the next 30
minutes they were surrounded by a multitude
of children.
Ash and Denise cannot get to her office until
all the kids are in their classrooms and class
has started. The students are excited once they
see Ash, and they cannot walk a foot without
several children surrounding them and telling
them about their day, about their dog, or
commenting on Ash. It has been amazing
to see how having AshKesh at school has
changed people’s attitudes and mood. Ash has
a daily affect on both children and adults in
the school. Denise says it’s difficult to come
up with just one story to share, because
there are positive things that happen daily.
Ash’s presence seems to calm and interrupt
aggression and kids with attention disorders
finish their assigned tasks when Ashi was
beside them. Children get excited when Ashi
responds so positively to them.
AshKesh quickly became a part of Mission
Valley School District and each day is
exciting and positive. Ashi is a loving and
nonjudgmental companion to help them be
the best they can be!!
lorelei woerner
toma - Social
Lorelei, an occupational therapist, said t
receiving her social dog from KSDS has
been a tremendous learning experience.
Loreli and her social colleague, Toma, a
female Golden Retriever from the Royals
litter, have returned home to Malibu CA
and settled into a routine. When Lorelei
sees what Toma does, it makes her want
to share Toma with others. Lorelei is
considering volunteering with Toma in
local school programs.
Frequent walks on the beach which keeps
them both centered and focused allowing
them to prepare for the work they want to
accomplish each day. All the staff at Lorelei’s
employment love Toma, their newest staff
member. Other therapists are also using
her, with Lorelei present, assisting and
guiding. Kids dress Toma, pick pretend
bugs off of her with tweezers, play tug with
her to improve grasp strength, kick balls to
her while working on timing and balance,
compete in wheelbarrow races against
her and Lorelei’s favorite, writing letters
to Toma, that Lorelei keeps in a running
notebook. Toma is a great motivator for
working on handwriting – one of the
toughest challenges in her job.
Soon Toma will have her own business
cards to present to clients and associates as
she has recently attended an OT conference
and plans to attend more in the future.
Jessica nelson
sweeney - Social
Sweeney, a golden retriever from the Royal’s
litter, and I work in an elementary school
that has about 500 students. I have become
the most popular teacher since Sweeney has
arrived. When I walk through the hallways
and I do not have Sweeney, I get 20 questions
from 20 different people concerned about
where she is! It is so great the students and the
staff have fallen in love with her.
A typical day for Sweeney begins when we
arrive at school about 7:30 am. Sweeney
likes to survey the situation and sniff around
the room when she arrives. She will retrieve
anything the vacuum did not pick up from
the night before! I tell people she likes to
clean the room before all the students get to
school. Every morning, 10-12 staff members
come to see Sweeney to get the day started
right! Students start coming about 8:20 am.
Sweeney and I walk through our hallway
and greet some of the students. Sweeney
likes to give kisses and the students love to
reciprocate. I teach from 8:30-10:00 am. I
have about 10 students in my room during
this time and Sweeney walks around greeting
them and letting them pet her. It is amazing
they can continue working while she walks
around the room. She likes to get their pencils
for them when they drop them and carry my
water bottle to the recycling bin when I am
done drinking it.
At 11:20 am she goes to recess with the 1st
graders. They still swarm her everyday, but
she loves it! After recess she gets a break and
walk with a paraprofessional around 12:30
pm. The rest of Sweeney’s afternoon is spent
visiting classrooms, walking with students,
and sitting in the reading corner listening to
students read.
Sweeney has been a great addition to our
school. All staff and students are so in love
with her and she is a joy to have!
Magnolia (Maggie), Puppy in Training
Left: JoAnn Nider assists attendees at the merchandise table. Center: Magician Garry Carson elevates
a table amazing the crowd. Right: Larry Braddy and Cinnamon talk about KSDS during intermission.
Fundraiser Makes Magic Happen
Las Vegas Magician Garry Carson helps KSDS raise thousands
After months of planning, the big day was
finally here. Wednesday, April 1, 2009, Kansas
City played host to visiting Las
Vegas Magician Garry Carson
and his wife Kelsey Kara at the
historic Folly Theater.
The Carson Entertainment
team donated the proceeds of
the ticket sales as a fundraiser
to KSDS. Over 800 people
attended this family friendly
show giving KSDS the opportunity to educate
a captivated audience about assistance dogs.
Entertainment for the evening included
comedy, amazing magic, exotic animals, and
lots of audience participation. As always, the
dogs were a big hit among attendees and puppy
raiser Larry Braddy got to do a
short talk about KSDS during
A great big thank you to
everyone who made this event a
huge success. We are anxiously
looking forward to the next one.
Special thanks to the KC Cadillac Club. Not
only did they volunteer to help, but they have
also selected KSDS as their charity of choice. We
appreciate their partnership.
KSDS Wish List
Paper Towels
Puppy Blankets – 37” X 37” to fit
whelping box
Panasonic DVD RAM for
camcorder (1.4 Gb or bigger)
Swiffer refill pads
Scrub Brushes and Squeegees
Disposable Rubber & Latex Gloves
Clorox Wipes/Clorox Bleach
Fabric Softener/Dryer Sheets
Dyson Upright Vacuum
Rug Shampooer with Attachments
Furnace Filters (20x20x1);
(20x25x1) and (12x20x1)
Vacuum Bags (Eureka AA)
First Alert Plug-In Carbon
Monoxide Alarm
DVD Movies (Various Titles)
12” round wall clocks
Cases of bottled water
Set of heavy duty pots and pans for
training building
12 1/2 x 18 1/8 padded envelopes
6x9 manila envelopes (no clasp)
Left: Mandi Holsten (Mimosa), DeAnna Wiggett (Catalpa), Marion Taylor (Linden), Rita Jones
(Magnolia), Gale Tallis, Larry Braddy (Cinnamon), Garry Carson, Kelsey Kara, Tom Cruit (Daytona), Jim
Jones, Thom Kirk (Ellsworth) are just a few of people who made the Magic Act possible. Right: Judy
Sifers (Ellie), Doug & Marcia Redman (volunteers from the KC Cadillac Club), Larry Braddy (Cinnamon).
Magic Show Program Ommissions
KSDS would like to acknowledge the following
Magic Show Sponsors that did not get added to
the program:
• Bob & Diana Hoyt, Heritage Designs,
Phoenix, AZ – Bronze Paw Sponsor
• Kelysn Rooks, Blackbird Home Theater,
Overland Park, KS – Silver Paw Sponsor
• Mary Alice Pacey, Washington, KS - Bronze
Paw Sponsor
Support like this helps nurture the amazing
changes in the lives of people with disabilities
increasing personal independence and inclusion
in the community and society.
What do Volunteers and Frosted Flakes have in common?
High quality letter size copy paper
Photo paper
Colored ink pads
HP ink cartridges (21, 22, 56, 57,
92, 93, C9730A)
JP laser jet ink cartridge (Q2612A)
Xerox ink cartridges (113 R007 19,
113 R007 20, 113 R007 21, 113
R007 22)
Gift cards to (Target, Walmart,
Sam’s Club, Home Depot
Fire proof file cabinet
Flat, Big Screen TV (for low vision
Making it all possible. Thank you to our Donors.
Ronald & Rosemary Abbott
Clifton Lions Club
Tara Frasier
Carroll & Velma Hess
Dale & Lila Keesecker
Sharon Meis
Virginia & George Ablah
Martha & Robert Clock
Donald & Ruth Frazee
Arthur & Josephine Hetzke
Glenda & Paul Keller
Vi Menzies
Active Prime Timers Travel
Tina Cole
Ron & Marcia Funke
Harriet A. Hickman
Karen & Bill Kerr
Donald & Cherie Meredith
Ag Management Services
Community Health Charities
of KS & MO
Lucille Gassert
Terry & Jessie Higgins
Dee & Harry Metz
Douglas Conlan
Raymond & Erma Gaul
Highland Lions Club
Marilee & Thomas Kort
Bruce & Theresa Meyer
Timothy & Laura Geary
Vance & Kay Hight
David & Joan Kuhl
Sharon & Lowell Meyer
Brenda Gebhardt
Howard Hildenbrand
Debra & Patrick Lange
Midwest Motel
General Electric Company
Elizabeth Hillman
Eunice Larson
Shirley Miles
Ruth Gennrich
Leslie & Ruth Hindman
Jack & Marian Larson
Kathy Miller
Genstler Eye Center
Berdene Hird
Kevin & Melissa Laub
David & Patricia Mills
Kenneth & Toyoko Cruit
Gerald Oppenheimer Family
Donald & Norma Hirt
Elmer & Donna Lawver
Missouri State Council of ESA
Tom Cruit
Rose Mary Gergick
Hoffman Family Foundation
Lincoln Lions Club
Mike & Gail Moore
Breckin Cubie
Girard Lions Club
Ann L. Hoover
Lydia J Lindquist
Jannel Morris
Susan Curran
Glen Elder Lions Club
Horton Lions Club
Cletus & Marta Linenberger
Jeff Muckenthaler
Dane G Hansen Foundation
Good Sam Club - Winfield
Hospira Foundation
Regina Linenberger
Abby & Donald Murray
Douglas E. Daniels
Mark Goodman
House of Treasures
Philip Litchfield
Doris & Lee Nanninga
Megan Dauenhauer
Karen & Stephen Graf
Howard Area Lions Club
Leonard & Shirley Loganbill
Letha Nelson
Davidson Family Foundation
Ronnie & Susan Graham
Jennifer Howard
Lila B Lothson
Linda Nelson
Anne Davis
Great Bend Noon Lions Club
Malessia Howland
Louisburg Lions Club
Dorothy Neu
Derby Lions Club
Paul & JoAnn Grimm
Jason Hughes
J C & Carole Love
Larry & Janet Sue Newman
Brian & Patricia Derx
GT Midwest
Stephanie Hughes
Harlon & Marlene Loving
Robert & Catherine Nicolay
Karen Derx
Karl & Janice & Mark
Ivan Hula
LaVerne & Verda Lutte
Steve or Rachel Nieman
Larry & Marie Hulsopple
Jean Lytle
Daniel & Susan Nix
Mary L Huntley
Joseph Magrath
Amanda & Neil O’Brien
Cecily Hutchison
Joseph & Marjorie Malsick
Patricia O’Neill
Thea Ide
Janis Manke
Olympic Car Wash Systems
Sandy Iennaccaro
Heather Markham
Bettie Garrison Ore
Independence Lions Club
Marshall County Abstract &
Title Co.
Sally & Robert Orth
Marysville Evang. United
Church of Christ
Mary Alice Pacey
Walter & Vera Aikman
Eli Anderson
Jody & Dale Anderson
Animal Charities of America CFC
Sarah Anson
Atwood Lions Club
George & Mary Kay Avila
Bailey Fund Charitable Trust
James & Shirley Barloon
Carolyn M Barry
Bob & Sandy Bartkoski
Diane Baskerville
Robin Baumbach
Baxter Springs Lions Club
F. M. Beam, DVM
Bill & Marsha Beckett
Carolyn Woods Beery
Erlena & Jeff Benning
Alison Bernstein
Dale Biegert
Anita & Paul Bjorling
Randi Black
Sherri Blankenship
Elton & Rose Blooomberg
Blue Rapids Lions Club
Boeing Charitable Trust
Joan Boller
Mitch & Kimberly Borger
Brent & Marcia Boring
Phillip & Sharon Boring
Robert & Ruby Bork
Carla Boyd
Norville & Norma Boyer
Larry Braddy
Josephine Brehm
Janet Brendemuehl
Roger & Judy Broers
Randy Brooks
John & Darlene Brown
Martha Buford
Jacqueline Bunnell
Phyllis Burdge
Frances Corke
Irene Costello
Martha Countryman
Countryside Veterinary Clinic
Michelle & Randy Crow
Thomas Dickmeyer
Richard & Marilyn Dinwiddie
Gary & Karen Dodd
Bruce & Barbara Dodds
Nancy Doll
Douglass Lions Club
David & Barbara Downing
Downs Lions Club
Dr Tom & Denise Dragastin
Roberta & Mark Dunham
Gary & Charlotte Earley
Libby Eaton
Dr Ruth Eisen & Dr Scott
Rosie Elam
Hannah & Oltjen DDS
Barbara or F. Gerald Hansen
Mary & Bernard Hardin
Dr. Lucinda Harman
Kippi & Kent Harraid
Daniel & Janice Harrington
Franklin & Shirley Hartranft
Robert & Debra Emal
Heart of Jackson Humane
Emma Balsiger Foundation
ExxonMobile Foundation
Gabriel & Nancy Faimon
Robert & Marilyn Fairchild
Farmington 4-H Club
Betty Campbell
Bret & Melissa Fernandes
Caney Lions Club
Christine & Steven Fief
Susan & Richard Carlisle
Bobette Figler
Nancy & Roy Carter
First Presbyterian Church
-Villisca IA
Marc, Kristin & Alex Clements
Robert & Margaret Hankins
Catherine Hayes
Delmar & Evelyn Falen
Clay Center Lions Club
Renee’ Hanchett
Lucile Hawks
Alfred & Sara Campbell
Judie Christensen
Kim Hamlin
Colin Ellse & Caroline
Robert & Natalie Byrnes
Chapman Lions Club
Jack & Maxine Haller
Leland & Karen Elliott
Jackson & Janet Byars
Diana & Preston Chapel
Robert & Carol Hall
Harvey & Missy Jabara Family
Faith United Presbyterian
Women, Clifton
Cathleen L Murray Foundation
Harold & Carol Gurtler
Mary & Wilbert Heiberger
Brenda Herndon
Ty & Vickie Herron
Fred & Millie Irwig
Dennis Jackson
Norman & Claudia Jackson
Jeanette C. Jensen
Mike & Julie Jensen
Robert & Jill Jensen
Robert & Ruth Johnson
Tracy A. Johnson
Anne M Jones
Jr Clio Club - Mankato
Junction City Sundowners
Lions Club
Just Left Inc
Roy & Sharon Kapteina
Nancy Landon Kassebaum
Deborah Kassien
Betty Kastl
Michael & Christine Mathews
Tim & Jan Matlack
Eugene & Mary Jean Pageler
Henry L Palacios
David M Parker
Max Woodbury
Lyndell Paxson
Ernie & Carole Mazza
Pat Payne DVM
David L. McConnell
Jeff & Jacqueline McCullough
McCune Lions Club
Jalene & Patrick McFadden
Marilyn McGown
Joleen Pearman
Leslie Pelfrey dba Stanley Vet
Joyce Pellettera
Catherine Perel
Mike & Sally McGuigan
Tim & Katrina McGuigan
Carla McGuire
Kathryn Petersen
Dennis & Donise Peterson
Donald R Peterson
McPherson Lions Club
Doris Jean Peterson
Milton & Margre Mech
Nancy Phillips
KSDS, INC. Corporate Sponsors
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
Eric Ford
James & Ann Ford
Marjorie Foster
Fran & Geri Jabara Family
Thank you for helping KSDS, Inc., continue our work
in placements of guide, service and social dogs.
Donor list in inclusive of October 1-December 31, 2008.
Omission of any name is not intentional and upon
notification will be published in the next newsletter.
T E & Joan Osterkamp
Answers & Low Prices Down Every Aisle SM
Trego, Puppy in Training making friends with a
neighborhood pot bellied pig
Making it all possible. Thank you to our Donors.
Joleen Pianalto
Alan & Julie Schneider
Pamela J Soderholm
Deb & Don Tegethoff
Betty Pinkston
Ellie Schneider
Solomon Lions Club
Thelma Tegethoff
Virginia Porterfield
Jessica Schneider
Mark & Catherine Sousa
Tescott Lions Club
Jody & Don Portuese
Harold & Lela Schooler
Marilyn Thaler
Ross & Phyllis Potter
Vaneta Schroeder
South Central Kansas Kennel
Ken Price
Wendy Schroeder
Susan Spain
Vera Thompson
Jennifer & Jeff Pringle
John & Pat Schwartz
Betty Jo Rader
Bridgid Schwilling
Eris & Phyllis Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Seaman
C. Dale Rein
Randell L Sedlacek
Dawna Rein
Jessica Seiler
Barbara Richards
Margaret Senne
Daniel & Kathryn Richardson
Serendipity Good Sam Club
Jennifer Richter
Kelly & Roger Shambaugh
Carl & Joyce Roberts
Sharp Bros Seed
Marcia & Marion Roberts
Daniel & LaFonda Sharp
Calvin & Merry Roop
Shelly R Shetley
Loren & Martha Roush
Judy & Tom Sifers
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Rowen
Colleen & B Fletcher Simons
Sabetha Lions Club
William & Helen Skidmore
Doris Sanchez
SkillBuilders Fund
Gelene Savage
Dr. Jim & B.J. Smart
Vida Mae Schell
Smith Center Lions Club
Carol Schilling
Lyle & Tamara Smith
Darlene Schmale
Ray & Nadine Smith
Drs Luke & Renee Schmid DVM
Ronald & Cheryl Smith
Julie & Wm Spiegel
Lucienne & Fred Sprang
St Francis Lions Club
Gary & Georgeann Steffens
Douglas & Kathy Stevens
Aunt Lorena Brunsilicus’ birthday
Carol & Dennis Alexander & family
Bill & Lou Kern & Family
Dianne Smith
Ralph & Judy Stewart
Rod & Kannette Stewart
Kim Stone
Randy Storms
Ruth Stromer
Michelle Studebaker
Eldon & Beverly Sundgren
Sylvan Grove Lions Club
Leonard & Kathy Szopinski
Tampa Lions Club
Marion & Tim Taylor
Terry & Jan Taylor
Timothy T Taylor DDS
Hank & Shirley (deceased) Wassenberg
Daniel & Amy Cohorst
Valarie & Vanessa Lamoureux
Thomas and Barbara Wassenberg
Laurence & Geraldine Urich
Doris & Ron Van Etten
Lillian Vankat
Richard & Nancy Varner
Richard & Ellen Verell
Veterinary Imaging Services
Villisca Lions Club
Darrin & Lisa Vittetoe
Wal*Mart #1507 - Wichita
William & Judith Walker
Victor & Leah Wall
Mrs. Dwane Wallace
Juanita Waser
Washington Lumber Co
Washington Veterinary Clinic
Earl & Sharon Williams
Robert, Diana & Cassie Wasser
Wilsey Lions Club
Watters Refrigeration
Joyce & Tom Wilson
W. Charles & Mary Weickert
Lila Wingo
Charles & June Jepson Werns
Duane & Cris Wood
A A & Bertha Wessel
Paula Woods
Wetmore Lions Club
Mildred Woodworth
Gloria Weyer
Greg Wright
Wheatbelt Sams
Evelyn White
Janet Wright
Clarence & Phyllis Wullschleger
Terry Whitenight
Margaret Yarger
Whitewater Lions Club
Callie Yeater
Marilyn Whitley
Janet Younkin
Wichita Northwest Lions Club
Gary Zabokrtsky
Wichita Westlink Lions Club
Richard Zackula
Deanna Wiggett
Jerry & Carol Zanker
Wilhelm Heating & Hardware
Rae Jean Ziegelbein
To Remember...
Emily Compton
Billie Compton
Katherine Compton
James Geary
Fanning Family
Judy Sifers
Jerry & Suzanne Goodpaster
Gene Martin
Cork & Dana Holle
Mary Gawronski
Joyce Castle
James & Patsy Tubach
Krista Van Diest
Katy Baker
Charles & Nancy Baker
Travis, Misty, Logan & Hunter Kier
Nancy and Ed Maynard
Robert & Natalie & Anna Byrnes
Ann Tozier
Norman Stewart & Marcella
Tara Frasier and Mamba
Michele Hartzler
Poppy and her new adventure
Joan Riffel
Kissick Construction Co., Inc.
Linda & Brad Laurance
Mike & Celia McDonald
Mr. & Ms. CC Watkins
Patrick & Sarah Regan
Paul & Connie Kamps
Pete Browne
Steven & Kathryn Streff
William & Trish Kamps
Topeka Lions Foundation Club
United Methodist Women Washington
Betty Behrens & Marie Layton
Carol Babcock
Rick Anderson
Jim and JoAnn Bond
Janet Dawson
Christy Lonergan
Tipton Lions Club
Linda & John T. Stewart
To Honor...
Brent & Marcia Boring & puppy May
Carol & Dennis Alexander & family
Bill & Lou Kern & family
Dianne Smith
Ann & Peter Thompson
Heather Meredith & Charcoal, James Geary
& Schwan, Julianna Fash & Bang, Megan
Dauenhauer & Olive Garden, and the wanna
be team with Nutmeg
Anne M. Jones
Wish list items in honor of Karlena Cahalan
Mark & Jana Linenberger
Regina & Shawn Linenberger
RoseMarie Laas
Phyllis & Robert Mackie
Achmed Ann Maloukis
Julia C Maloukis
Cindy & Kirk Martin
Elizabeth Patton
Terry Jackson’s birthday, Janeen Sands’ birthday,
Mary Raysa’s birthday, & Susan Missler’s birthday
Dianne Smith
All of her grandchildren
Phyllis Smith
Letha Nelson’s birthday
Arthur & Judy Thomas
Margaret E. Thorp
James & Margaret Thorp
Ann Beckett
Brent & Marcia Boring
Larry Braddy
Lori & Charles Huber
Calvin & Merry Roop
Sandy Iennaccaro
James & Rita Jones
Dale & Lila Keesecker
Anita & Gene Martin
Deryth McGuire & Carla McGuire
Letha Nelson
Mike & Sally McGuigan
Brenda Rust
George & Sharon Short
Cirrus, Athos, and Cubby
Robert & Natalie & Anna Byrnes
Aksana, Harley, Lobo, and Midnight
Debra Cather
June (Shalz) O’Hara
E and S Cersovsky
Gary Cooper
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Colby
Bruce & Cleona Flipse
Jim Huenergarde
Oakley Veterinary Service
Ron Shalz
J D & Lisa Schehrer
Betty Sloan
Edith Taylor
Thomas County Bar Association
Steven & Linda Vaughn
Kathy Zimmerman
Delmar & Evelyn Falen
Karen Price
Ron & Marcia Funke
Irma Hackerott
F. W. & Dona-rose Hackerott
Kim Hamlin
Target, Johnny & Simba
Cynthia Hinman
Karen Parker
David & Stacy Schieffer
Christie & Mark Cody
Darrell Bruna family’s Copper (Welsh Corgi)
Laverna Huffman
Karla Greer Schumacher
“Puppy” (Mike Schreiber)
Mike & Julie Jensen
Judy Kerns
Stuart & Arlene Pastine
Judy Pascarella
Jason Regier
Bridgid Schwillling
Verna Post
Janice L Earl
Marjorie Foster’s dog Opal
Heather Stotz
Irene Stotz
Little Ness
Libby Eaton
Merlin Toedter
Aline Toedter
Paul Wilkinson
Janet J Elliott
Leroy Michael Posch
Mick & Michele Walter
Thank you for helping KSDS, Inc., continue our work in placements of guide, service and social dogs. Donor list in inclusive of October 1-December 31, 2008.
Omission of any name is not intentional and upon notification will be published in the next newsletter.
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Make a Difference!
• Educate yourself so you can
educate others…
KSDS, Inc.
124 West 7th Street
Washington, KS 66968
• Read a book or watch a movie
about assistance dogs
• Visit the Assistance Dog
International web site and learn
about the different dogs, training
standards and assistance dog laws.
Tinsel, In Formal Training
• Share KSDS’ youth activity books
with your children, grandchildren,
schools, clubs and organizations.
Spring 2009
• Visit KSDS’ website and learn
about the life of an assistant dog,
assistant dog training and assistant
dog etiquette.
Address Service Requested
What are Volunteers?
Volunteers are like Ford… they have better ideas.
Volunteers are like Coke… they’re the real thing.
Volunteers are like Pepsi… they’ve got a lot to give.
Volunteers are like Dial Soap… they care more, don’t you wish everyone did.
Volunteers are like VO5 Hair Spray… they hold in all kinds of weather.
Volunteers are like Hallmark… they
care enough to give the very best.
Volunteers are like Standard Oil…
you expect more and you get it.
But most of all, volunteers are like
Frosted Flakes… THEY’RE
A young volunteer donates his
time to socialize a litter of curious,
labrador retriever puppies.
Permit #60
Washington, Ks