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N a n t u c k e t At h e n e u m
Annual report
J u l y 1 , 2 0 0 8 – J u n e 30 , 2 0 0 9
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atheneum Mission
strategic plan
Goal 1: To maintain the quality of
the Nantucket Atheneum’s services
and programs within the limits of
its financial resources
Goal 1: To strengthen the
Nantucket Atheneum’s financial
resources in order to maintain its
historic building and grounds
Goal 1: To increase the Nantucket
community’s knowledge of the
Nantucket Atheneum’s role in the
community and its financial
board of trustees
Alice F. Emerson, Chair
Stephen C. Anderson, Vice-Chair
Christine Harding, Secretary
Alan Forster, Treasurer
Rick Ulmer, Assistant Treasurer
Margaret Gaffney Benedict
Susan Boardman
William J. Charlton
Tharon Dunn
Douglass N. Ellis
Marie H. Field
Erwin Greenberg
Elizabeth Grubbs
Lucille A. Jordan
Kathryn Kay
Emily H. Kilvert
Allan LaFrance
Marion Martin
Jeanne Casey Miller
Ann Oliver
Judith Tindal Opatrny
Thomas L. Rhodes
Ellen Roman
Donald M. Stewart
Bernard L. Swain
Marcia P. Welch
Ronald Winters
Chairman Emeritus
John W. Loose
President Emeritus
Robert F. Mooney
Trustees Emeriti
Nan Geschke
Martha Groetzinger
Nancy A. Newhouse
Honorary Trustees
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diamond Jr.
Lucile W. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Menschel
Richard M. Scaife
Margaret B. Scaife
Executive Director
Molly Anderson
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report of the board chair
Tish Emerson
Chair 2008–2010
Board of Trustees
The Atheneum celebrated its 175th anniversary this year. From
April through October, we paid tribute to those whose work
made this anniversary possible and celebrated through a myriad of
special programs and activities. Two highlights were the
publication of Nantucket Atheneum: A History which told in
words and pictures the story of our past, spearheaded by Nancy
Newhouse, and the community birthday party in August where
over 800 hundred people took part in activities under a tent in
the garden and ate 450 hot dogs! The final 175th event in
October was the placement of a container holding almost 100
individual time capsules underground in the Atheneum Garden
to be opened on the occasion of the 200th Anniversary in 2034.
Thanks are due to many people for making this possible and
especially to Trustee Kathryn Kay who chaired it all.
This was an exceptional year in many ways. The Geschke
lecturers were outstanding and very well received; the number of
visitors to the Atheneum and our circulation broke all records,
and our major fund raising event, The Dance Festival, was a
smashing success with two magical evenings of dance and several
ancillary events. Many thanks to Trustee co-chairs Marcia Welch
and Marion Martin, their committee, and all our sponsors and
supporters. In addition, the Atheneum’s new Strategic Plan for
2010–12 was developed under the skillful leadership of Trustee
Judy Opatrny and her committee.
On the financial front, despite the severe economic downturn and
a ten percent reduction in funding from the Town of Nantucket,
the Atheneum managed to end fiscal ’09 with a balanced budget.
This was achieved only through reductions in activities and
expenditures including a salary freeze, reducing the hours open to
the public and postponing building maintenance. Treasurer
Al Forster, Atheneum Executive Director Molly Anderson, and
Atheneum Business Manager Amy Cabré were tireless and
creative in making all of this happen. The Atheneum was able to
balance its budget thanks to the steadfast and generous financial
support of our many friends.
The annual Membership Campaign achieved its goal under the
stellar leadership of Trustee Steve Anderson, the Cold Turkey
Plunge was successful again, and The Dance Festival made its goal
as well. Without this truly amazing support, the Atheneum would
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not be able to continue as the cultural and educational beacon of
Nantucket. Thank you all very much!
As always, it is people who make the difference. The Atheneum
board members are all active and engaged which makes the
annual turnover of those whose terms are ending bittersweet. In
June of 2009, Susan Boardman, Chris Harding, Erwin
Greenberg, Allan LaFrance, and Rick Ulmer all rotated off the
board, and we welcomed new board members Tim George, Steve
Perelman, and Jane Tyler. There is no more motivated,
professional, and hard working group than the staff of the
Atheneum, led so very ably by Molly Anderson. This group is
supplemented by many dedicated volunteers without whose
service we would not be able to function. Heartfelt thanks to all
of you!
Tish Emerson, Chair
Nantucket Atheneum Board of Trustees
175th Anniversary Celebration Book Parade
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report of the Executive director
Molly Anderson
Executive Director
The Fiscal Year 2008–09 was an active and fulfilling year for the
Nantucket Atheneum. We joyously began the celebration of the
Atheneum’s 175th Anniversary guided by Board Trustee Kathryn
Kay and her committee. We completed a new Strategic Plan under
the attentive leadership of Board Trustee Judy Opatrny. As a result
of the tremendous effort of trustee co-chairs Marion Martin and
Marcia Welch and their committee our major fundraiser, The
Dance Festival, was a home-run in its second year with
outstanding attendance at both performances featuring world class
dancers. In addition, in the midst of these challenging economic
times, the demand for public library services on the island surged
to a record high. With careful cost containment and successful
fund raising efforts, the library was able to balance its budget and
to meet this increased public demand for services.
Let me share with you how much your library’s services and
programs were in demand during the FY2008–09. We
experienced an 11% increase in the number of visitors to the
library with 143,000+ people coming through our doors. And
once here, many of these visitors made good use of our
outstanding selection of books and media for more than 164,000
books, CDs, and DVDs were borrowed during this year—a 10%
increase over last year! More than 8,000 of these visitors made their
way to the Great Hall to search for information through our
reference books and on-line resources. Attendance at Atheneum
cultural and educational programs soared by 24% with more than
29,000 audience members participating in our adult, teen and
children’s programs.
Behind the scenes the Atheneum Board of Trustees and the
Atheneum staff under the very capable leadership of Board Trustee
Judy Opatrny worked many hours to develop a new Strategic Plan
for 2010–12. The three goals of this new strategic plan will guide
our institution over the next few years:
• To maintain the quality of the Nantucket Atheneum’s services and
programs within the limits of its financial resources
• To strengthen the Nantucket Atheneum’s financial resources in order to
maintain its historic building and grounds
• To increase the Nantucket community’s knowledge of the Nantucket
Atheneum’s role in the community and its financial resources.
Following Board approval of the new plan in May 2009, work
commenced immediately to implement these goals.
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Despite adverse conditions during FY2008–09, the Nantucket
Atheneum successfully met the public’s demand for outstanding
library services and programs, balanced its budget, met its
fundraising goals, celebrated our 175th Anniversary and completed
a new Strategic Plan. None of these achievements would have been
possible without the fine caliber of people associated with the
Nantucket Atheneum during this year. The energetic and solutionoriented Board of Trustees, led so ably by Chair Tish Emerson, the
hard-working and creative Atheneum staff, enthusiastic volunteers
and our generous sponsors and donors ensured that the Nantucket
Atheneum is one of the outstanding public libraries in our nation.
Thank you all.
Molly C. Anderson
Executive Director
Time Capsule project and 175 Anniversary Celebration
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Department Reports
From July 2008 through June 2009, 143,978 visitors sought out
the Atheneum for a comprehensive array of services delivered by
our knowledgeable and dedicated staff. This number of visitors
represented an 11% increase over the prior year!
From left to right:
Eileen McGrath
Gillian Lewis
Laura Freedman
Pam McGrady
Kasia Baker
Ellie Coffin
Kate McCombe (not pictured)
In addition to offering our library patrons a peaceful place to relax
and read, the staff worked hard to meet the informational and
recreational reading needs of the Nantucket community. To ensure
that our collection was current, we continued to weed and made
room for nearly 5,000 new items in our total collection of 56,000
items. Playaway, a self- contained, digital audio book, was added to
the adult audio collection and became an instant favorite. We
improved our foreign language collection by adding Mango, which
offers instruction in six languages on our website. We also provided
Overdrive Digital Media, allowing our patrons to download from
a list of 155,000 audio books, eBooks, WMA and music titles to
their computers or MP3 players from the comfort of home.
A clear indication of the demand for the Atheneum’s services
during FY2008–09 was found in the following statistics:
Public Use
• Library visitors: 143,978
• Total library card holders:
• Nantucket card holders:
• Items borrowed: 164,316
• Reference transactions:
• Use of internet:
19 public computers used
392 time per week
• Visits to Atheneum website:
• Hours open: 43.5 hrs. per
• Number of times public
meeting rooms used: 779
• 1,296 new library cards were issued, bringing the total number of
Atheneum cardholders to 17,914, including 7,130 held by Nantucket
• Over 164,316 books, movies, music compact discs, and periodicals were
checked out this year—an increase of 10% over last year.
• Over 17,660 items were received from other libraries, and over 19,650
items were provided to them as a result of our participation in the
CLAMS network of Cape and Island public libraries.
As in years past, a dedicated group of volunteers contributed their
time and talents to help the Circulation staff with shelving and
processing materials, book sales and program events. With their
support, we are proud that the Atheneum has become a
destination for those seeking information, life-long learning,
reading for pleasure, and a life-enriching sense of community.
—Ellie Coffin
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Department Reports
reference/Information Services
During Fiscal Year 2008–09, the Nantucket Atheneum reference
and information services staff welcomed in the Great Hall an
average of 400 computer users per week and answered nearly 160
weekly requests for reference assistance. For example on a typical
day the Great Hall staff might start with an inquiry such as: “Do
you have old copies of the island’s newspapers and can you help
me find an article?” This inquiry might lead to an opportunity to
instruct the patron in the use of the microfilm reader or the
internet. The next patron might ask for assistance in searching our
genealogical resources including the Massachusetts Vital Records,
copies of town records, clippings files, letters and manuscript
collections, and ships’ logs. This request might be followed by an
email or telephone call to further assist in another area of research.
The next patron might be a teen who needs help locating a young
adult book or science fiction title in the circulating collections in
the Great Hall. During the year this information assistance totaled
over 8,000 transactions.
From left to right:
Mary D. Macy
Lincoln Thurber
Paula Williams
Nancy Tyrer (not pictured)
• Massachusetts Board of
Library Commissioners
• Cape Libraries Automated
Materials Sharing (CLAMS)
• Southeastern
Massachusetts Library
System (SEMLS)
• Massachusetts Library
Information Network
• Nantucket Association of
Libraries and Archives
• American Library
Association (ALA)
In addition, with increased online learning throughout the
country, more island residents took online college or training
courses during FY2008–09. The Atheneum continued its role in
assisting these life-long learners by providing exam proctors. The
Reference Librarian this year proctored students taking courses
from Indiana University, Thomas Edison State College, Gulf Coast
Community College, Western Governors University, Maharishi
University (USA), Brigham Young University, and Cape Cod
Community College.
The Reference staff also provided individual instruction to patrons
who needed help learning how to search for information on the
internet and the library’s databases or how to set up email
accounts. If patrons required assistance using the Atheneum’s
online box office or help signing up for library events, they found
the reference staff ready to help in person or over the phone. In
addition, more than 1,984,323 self-guided requests for
information were completed on the Nantucket Atheneum website
during 2008–09.
—Lincoln Thurber
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Department Reports
Adult programming
During the Fiscal Year 2008–09, the Nantucket Atheneum
enhanced and enriched the lives of many adults in the Nantucket
community through a diverse array of programs. The audience
attendance for the 300+ adult programs was over 18,900!
The popular summer Geschke Lecture Series held in July and
August 2008 addressed the theme: “A Country At the Crossroads.”
The speakers were Mike Barnicle, television news commentator;
Former Delaware Governor Pete du Pont; Mara Liason, reporter
for National Public Radio; Robin Wright, journalist for the
Washington Post; And Gwen Ifill, moderator of PBS Washington
Week. The annual Constance Laibe Hays Memorial Lecture, in
honor of New York Times reporter and summer resident Connie
Hays, featured guest speaker, author and educator Samantha
Adult Programming:
Top, from left to right:
Amy Jenness
Nancy Tyrer
Helen Trebby
• Adults: 309 programs with
18,914 in attendance
• Teen: 62 programs with 784
in attendance
• Children: 492 programs
with 9,417 in attendance
The Atheneum continued its popular monthly series during the
quieter months of the year. For example Library Director Molly
Anderson and Maureen Beck facilitated the Worldwide Voices
Book Discussion Group with a lively group of library patrons. The
Atheneum and Sustainable Nantucket joined together to offer a
range of documentary films each month. In addition, a monthly
international film series and monthly concerts featuring both
Nantucket and off-island musicians were held in the Great Hall.
New programs added to the schedule this year were: Tai Chi in the
Atheneum garden, a monthly Craft Circle, and the Nantucket
Oral History Project featuring short films by island film maker
John Stanton. In addition, we offered a new film series this year in
October and November entitled: Power & Politics – The Classics.
As part of the Nantucket Atheneum Dance Festival, dance films
were shown prior to the dance performances in July.
Another service for the community sponsored by the Nantucket
Atheneum was the Literacy Volunteers of the Atheneum (LVA)
program. In its third year, this program continued to offer free
English language classes on a weekly basis and individual tutoring
for adults utilizing volunteer instructors and tutors. Under the
skillful leadership of Atheneum Trustee Tharon Dunn and teacher
Les Ottinger and with the assistance of Helen Trebby, LVA offered
beginner, intermediate and advanced English classes at the library
every week, an additional weekly class at Bartlett Farm and
individual tutoring sessions. The program had 75+ instructors and
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Adult programming continued
tutors and 75+ adult students from over 35 countries. Since its
beginning three years ago, LVA has helped more than 400 adults!
The Atheneum participated with 12 Nantucket nonprofits in the
third year of the community-wide reading program called One
Book One Island. The chosen titles related by the theme of arrival
were American Chica for adults, Seedfolks for young adults and
Abuela for children. Over 1000 free books were distributed
throughout the island in January and February 2009. Book-related
programs included a film series, a gam, and a closing finale with
music, readings and personal stories.
—Amy Jenness
Children & Young aDULTS
Children &
Young Adults:
From left to right:
Margaret Sullivan
Amy Mannino
Ellen Young
Karen Borchert
Andrea Marcavitch
At the beginning of the FY 2008–09, 547 students registered for
the Atheneum Summer Reading Program, “Wild Reads @ your
library,” with the support of two grants, twenty-four island
businesses providing prizes for readers, and the collaboration of the
UMASS Field Station, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation,
and the Linda Loring Nature Foundation. A number of other
programs for children and teens filled the summer calendar,
including garden concerts, workshops, author visits and Family
Nights with MacTalla Mor in July and storyteller, Odds Bodkin,
in August.
Our new young adult space in the Great Hall, opened in January
2008, has been used by more and more teens, for reading,
studying and borrowing a variety of library materials.
We joined with other Nantucket organizations to be part of the
“Nightmare on Nantucket” program on October 25, 2008, with
our “Who Haunts the Great Hall?” mystery program for teens.
We also added a Middle School Book Club, at the suggestion of
our Teen Advisory Board, and they have met several times since
spring 2009. Monthly Blitz Chess Tournaments for all ages were
added in December 2008, and are run during the school year. In
total the Atheneum offered 62 programs for teens with an
attendance totaling 784.
As our program offerings and services to young adults increased,
we kept pace with the constant demands of our younger patrons,
offering story times, music and movement programs on a weekly
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Department Reports
children & Young adults continued
basis, monthly Family Nights of entertainment, and a full schedule
of outreach programs to area preschools and the Nantucket Boys
& Girls Club. Weezie Library for Children offered 492 programs
for children with 9,417 in attendance during FY2008–09!
—Maggie Sullivan
From left to right:
Amy Cabré
Bess Clarke
Kiley Fitch
Atheneum Adult Book
Discussion Group:
Worldwide Voices
Fall 2008–Spring 2009
• Homeground
by Lynn Freed
• Poetry
Various authors
• American Chica
by Maria Arana
• Resistance
by Owen Sheers
• The Secret River
by Kate Grenville
• No Great Mischief
by Alistair MacLeod
• Out Of Place
by Edward Said
The 2009 Membership Campaign which ran from July 2008
through June 2009 met its goal of $446,000 by raising $453,000
as a result of the hard work of the Board Development Committee
led by Steve Anderson and the Development staff. The Seventh
Annual Cold Turkey Plunge held on November 27, 2008 resulted
in a record number of 328 people taking the plunge. As a result,
$50,000 was raised in support of programs and services for the
Weezie Library for Children, thanks to the amazing efforts of the
Cold Turkey Plunge Committee.
The annual summer book sale held over the July 4th weekend
included more than 3,500 books under a tent in the garden. With
the help of 15 volunteers the Atheneum raised $3,182. During
Stroll 2008 and Daffodil 2009 weekends, the library also ran
smaller, one-day, book sales in the Lower Gallery and collected an
additional $2,276. Books left after these sales were distributed to
island and off-island charities. All proceeds from the three sales
were used to fund Atheneum programs and services.
The Ellen J. Goldberg Elegant Tag Sale was held on July 18, and
19, 2009 on North Beach Street. A dedicated group of volunteers
comprised of Ellen’s family and friends organized the sale of
“lightly used” items. The proceeds from the sale which totaled over
$16,000 were put into the Ellen J. Goldberg Memorial Fund of
the Atheneum. Contributions to this fund are directed to
programs and services for teens at the Atheneum.
The Nantucket Atheneum Dance Festival, the Atheneum’s major
fundraiser, was held in the Nantucket High School Auditorium
with two performances on July 24, and 25, 2009. The all-star cast
which featured dancers from New York City Ballet, American
Ballet Theatre and Pacific Northwest Ballet, was led by New York
City Ballet principal dancer and choreographer, Benjamin
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Department Reports
development continued
Staff Book Picks
Millepied. Affordable ticket prices enabled a diverse audience of
1,500 year round and summer residents, including seniors,
students and children, to see the world’s best dancers perform. The
free outreach programs, lecture/demonstration and two Master
Classes for aspiring dancers, earned raves from participants and
will be long remembered. The success of this event was possible
through the stellar work of the Dance Committee co-chaired by
Trustees Marion Martin and Marcia Welch.
October 2009
Womenomics: Write Your
Own Rules for Success by
Claire Shipman and
Katty Kay
The Art of Making Money:
The Story of a Master
by Jason Kersten
The Elegance of the
Hedgehog by Muriel
Strength in What Remains
by Tracy Kidder
April 2009 – Circulation
• Why We Make Mistakes:
How We Look without
Seeing, Forget Things in
Seconds, and Are All Pretty
Sure We Are Way Above
Average by Joseph T.
• Private Patient
by P.D. James
• Cracker, DVD series
• Uncommon Arrangements
Ghost Stories – M.R. James
• Columbine by Dave Cullen
• Smart Home: the 98
Essentials for Starting Out,
Starting Over, Scaling Back
by Barbara Flanagan
• Painless Grammar
by Rebecca Elliott
12 Nantucket ATheneum
In celebration of the Atheneum’s 175th Anniversary several events
were held to commemorate this significant milestone in the
library’s history. In the spring of 2009, the celebration opened up
with the time capsule project. One hundred canisters were sold to
families, businesses and organizations. On October 10, 2009 the
canisters were placed in the time capsule vault and buried in the
Atheneum’s garden. The vault will be unsealed during the
Atheneum’s 200th Anniversary in 2034. A commemorative book,
Nantucket Atheneum: A History, was completed and went on sale
with the help of Nancy Newhouse. On August 22nd the whole
island joined in the anniversary celebration with a free community
party in the garden which drew over 800 adults, teens and
children. Activities throughout the day included a cake contest
with 49 participants in the categories of Professional, Amateur and
Under 15 Years. The cakes were served to those attending the party
while a band provided live entertainment. Free hot dogs, face
painting, signing of the community scroll, a photo booth and
book making station were all part of the festivities. The 175th
Anniversary would not have been possible without the
extraordinary help of the 175th Anniversary Committee, led so
energetically by Trustee Kathryn Kay.
—Bess Clarke
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Department Reports
Buildings & Grounds
From July 2008 through June 2009, the following projects, repairs
and maintenance were undertaken by the Building and Grounds
Department under the leadership of the Facilities Manager Dave
Byer and with the assistance and guidance of the Buildings and
Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees:
Buildings & Grounds:
From left to right:
René Tejada
Dave Byer
Staff Book Picks
• How Many Ways Can
You Catch a Fly
by Steve Jenkins
• The Gift of Nothing
by Patrick McDonnell
• Peace, Locomotion
by Jacqueline Woodson
• The Centaur
by John Updike
• All The Kings Men
by Robert Penn Warren
• Out Stealing Horses
by Per Petterson
• Three Cups of Tea: One
Man’s Mission to Promote
Peace…One School at a
Time by Greg Mortenson
and David Oliver Relin
• Began to develop a comprehensive plan with cost estimates to improve
the energy efficiency of the building through improved HVAC system,
placement of insulation in Great Hall walls and improved storm
• Install new software and replace wiring in the telephone system
• Decreased electric costs by installation of energy efficient bulbs
throughout the building
• Decreased costs of weekly building cleaning through change in vendor
and reducing number of times per week
• Reduced inventory stored off-site allowing Atheneum to terminate rental
of one storage unit and consolidating remaining inventory into one unit
• Replaced several plumbing fixtures
• Repaired and/or replaced woodwork on fences, clapboards, front
columns, rear stairs and several downspouts and gutters
—Dave Byer
Atheneum Garden
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treasurer’s report
The accompanying Statements of Activities and Financial Position clearly show the importance in
FY2008–09 of the financial support provided by the Town of Nantucket and by the Atheneum’s
generous donors. However, this support is under stress as the Town works to address a budget crisis
by reducing the level of funding it provides to the Atheneum and others, and as individuals
endeavor to cope with their own financial challenges. This in turn has forced the Atheneum to cut
back on services, freeze salaries and reduce funding of benefits for staff to help balance the budget.
These financial challenges will continue into 2010, and the Atheneum will clearly need additional
support from the Town and from the year round and summer community if services are to be
maintained at or near current levels. Without this support, the Atheneum will have to reduce
further the level of critically needed library services, programming for children, teens and adults,
and access by community organizations to indoor and outdoor facilities. It will also make it more
difficult to maintain the building and grounds that are the cultural center of downtown Nantucket,
and will necessitate deferral of efforts to make the Atheneum more energy efficient.
So, while the financial condition of the Atheneum was sound at the end of 2009, substantial efforts
will have to be made to keep Nantucket’s public library on solid footing and services at a level that
is responsive to the needs of the community.
—Alan Forster
Statement of Financial Position year ended June 30, 2009
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Account receivable
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Total current assets
Land, buildings and equipment, net
Total assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and other liabilities
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Permanently restricted
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Statement of Activities year ended June 30, 2009
Town of Nantucket contribution
Grant income
Book sales, fines and subscriptions
Interest income
Operating activities
Revenue, gains, and other support
Endowment draw designated for operations
Appropriation of special event revenue
General and administrative
Membership and fund raising
Operating Expenses
Program services
Supporting services
Change in net assets before depreciation
Depreciation expense
Change in net assets from operating activities
Non-operating activities
Grants for capital activities
Investment return in excess of amounts designated for operations
Special fundraising events, net
Change in net assets from non-operating activities
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
$ 10,126,045
Net assets, end of year
The financial statements for 2009 were audited by Bollus Lynch, LLP, who rendered an unqualified opinion on them.
Copies of the complete financial statements are available upon request.
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175th Anniversary
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1846: The Great Fire consumed the
Atheneum and its collections on July
13th. By October, Atheneum hired
architect Frederick Brown Coleman
and builder Charles Wood to design
and construct a new building
1820: Mechanics Library
Society founded by
David Joy, Charles Coffin
plus five other
Nantucket men
1827: Mechanics Library Society and
Columbian Library Society merged to
form United Library Association
1834: Maria Mitchell,
age 18, hired as the
first librarian
1823: Columbian
Library Society
organized by
Samuel Jenks, editor
of the Inquirer,
William Coffin
and other
16 Nantucket ATheneum
1847: Atheneum reopened
in January. Lectures
resumed in the Great Hall
with Horace Mann in April
and Ralph Waldo Emerson
in May
1834: United Library
Association purchased,
renovated, moved into
the former Universalist
Church at the corner
of Federal and Pearl
(now India) and
incorporated as the
Nantucket Atheneum
1841: During an Anti-Slavery Convention,
Frederick Douglass launched his career as
an orator at the Atheneum on August 11th.
Douglass returned to speak at the
Atheneum in 1842,1843, 1850 and 1885
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1890: Frederick Coleman
Sanford bequeathed his
collection of books, paintings
and ships logs to the Atheneum
1860–80s: The Atheneum hosted lectures,
concerts, dance recitals, magic shows, fairs,
abolitionist and temperance meetings, suffrage
conventions, and graduations
1916: First
long distance
telephone call to
the mainland
took place in the
Atheneum Hall
1913: Library
services extended
to ’Sconset
1900: Atheneum became
a free public library
1899: Atheneum started its first card
catalog using the Dewey Decimal
System and the technologically advanced
Hammond Type Writer
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175th Anniversary
1961: Atheneum’s public garden
established with plantings from
the Nantucket Garden Club
1966: Kynett Wing
added to the
Atheneum with a
fireproof vault,
microfilming room,
and a reading room
1922: Atheneum acquired the
neighboring lot for use as a park
1930 and 1940:
During the Great Depression,
the Atheneum’s circulation of
books and number of visitors
increased substantially
Nantucket ATheneum
Renovation of
the second floor
began and
renamed the
Great Hall
1963: Children’s library
constructed in the basement
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1996: Restoration of the
Nantucket Atheneum completed
and the new Weezie Library for
Children opened
2008: Teen section
opened in the Great Hall
2009: The Atheneum
celebrates its 175th
1997: Atheneum joined the
Cape Libraries Automated
Materials Sharing (CLAMS)
Annual Report
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donors to the Nantucket ATheneum
The Nantucket Atheneum gratefully recognizes those donors who made
gifts during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.
2009 Membership Campaign
DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE $10,000 & above
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton
The Dillon Fund
Alice F. Emerson
The Joseph & Marie Field Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke
Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loose
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman
Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986
PARTNER $5,000–9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Gibian
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg
Kaaren & Charles Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lipp
Deedie & Ted McCarthy
Richard & Ronay Menschel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Ellen & David Ross
Jessica Hopfield &
Mark Schneider
Randee & Joe Seiger
Merrielou & Ned Symes
Monique F. Parsons &
David T. Wecker
Ellen & Ron Winters
SPONSOR $2,500–4,999
Susan & Bill Boardman
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lawrence Caperton
Donna & Don Comstock
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell
Nancy Newhouse & Ken Holdgate
The Jockey Hollow Foundation
Lucille Jordan
20 Nantucket ATheneum
Robert A. Kaye
Marion & Terry Martin
Marion & Robert Rosenthal
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley
Mrs. George A. Snell
Kathy & Bob Stansky
Paula & Bernie Swain
Marcia & Joe Welch
PATRON $1,000–2,499
Anonymous (2)
Carrie & Leigh Abramson
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers
Mariann & Mortimer Appley
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey
Barbara & Jim Baisley
Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II
Mr. & Mrs.Geoffrey Beattie
Margaret & Neil Benedict
Robert J. & Karen Z. Bettacchi
Family Fund
Kathy Schuler &
Jonathan I. Blackman
Maureen & Edward Bousa
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Campanella
M. A. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Charpie
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Jr.
Congdon & Coleman Insurance
Suellen Ward & John Copenhaver
The Cox Foundation
Joan & Paul Crowley
Prudence S. & William M. Crozer Jr.
Patti & Robert Deuster
Tharon S. & Lee H. Dunn
Anne & Donald Edwards
Barbara J. Fife
Marcia Weber & James Flaws
Dr. & Mrs. Merle S. Fossen
Mr.* & Mrs. Richard B. Gamble
Susan & Buzz Goodall
Mr.* & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell
Candy & Tom Greig
Lucia & Elliot Gumaer
Mary & Robert Haft
Barbara & Ed Hajim
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harding Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III
Heinz Family Foundation
Julia & William Hobart
Linda & Peter Hoey
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Holch
Mr. & Mrs. Hudson Holland III
The Horchow Family
Tyrrell Flawn & John P. Howe III, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Jones
Judy Family Foundation
Kathryn & Jim Ketelsen
Sara Jo Kobacker
Mr. & Mrs. Allan LaFrance
Cynthia & Anthony Lamport
Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo
Carol & Dick Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Macauley
Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie
Barbara H. Malcolm
Mr & Mrs. Mike Massie
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson
Tani & Michael C. Mauer
Bonnie & Peter McCausland
Patricia & Charles McGill
Toni & Martin McKerrow
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Meister
Mrs. Rachel L. Mellon
Jeanne & Bruce Miller
* deceased
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2009 Membership Campaign
Peggy & George Mitchell
Sarah & Peter Monaco
Mr. Robert F. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Moran
Sonya Keene & John Moy
Suzanne C. & Carl M. Mueller
Charitable Fund
Anne & Paul Noble
Ann & C. Hardy Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O’Neill
Sally & Michael Orr
Valerie & Jeffrey Paley
Mrs. Dorothy Palmer
Ellen Flamm & Richard Peterson
Melissa & Nat Philbrick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pinkas
Ann L. Bissinger & Mark W. Poor
R C Lilly Foundation
Suzanne & Stanley Rand
Mr. & Mrs. L. Richardson Jr.
Susan & Kennedy Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A.F. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Roeder
Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr.
Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote
Mr. & Mrs. John Salmanowitz
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Christine & Alexander Seaver
Seidman Family Foundation
Nancy & Joe Serafini
Mrs. William Sevrens
Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro
Terrence D. Straub &
Elizabeth M. Shepard
Reverend Georgia Ann Snell
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spitler
Stewart Family Fund
Jacqueline Ruth Tullo
Jane & Wat Tyler
Frank F. Herron & Sandra A. Urie
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Vandenberg
The Vermont Community
The Gilbert Verney Foundation
Janet & Fred von Pechmann
Hannah & Bill Wallace Fund of the
Princeton Area Community
Caroline S. F. Helmut Weymar
SUSTAINER $500-999
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bartels
Ms. Clara Bingham
Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr.
Deane & Ken Brasfield
Nancy T. & Arthur G. Broll
Mary & David Brown
Carol & William Browne
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brownlee
Anne DeLaney & Chip Carver
Nancy A. Chase
Ms. Margaret B. Childs
Ms. Barbara G. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. James B.
Chris & Joe Donelan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake
Penny & Bob Fox
Barbara & Robert Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr.
Llura & Gordon Gund
Anne Grieves
Elizabeth & Ray Grubbs
Betsy & Bill Guardenier
Hackett Family Foundation
Dr. John H. Harvey
Hatch’s Package Store
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Hill III
Ann & Peter Holmes
Lois & John Horgan
Joan & Andrew Jessiman
Janet M. & Christopher Larsen
Mrs. John C. Lathrop
The Lenzner Family
Sally & Phil Lochner
Elizabeth & Vincent Mann
Barbara & Alan Medaugh
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV
Daisy & Paul Soros
Judith & Richard Phelan
Honorable Vincent R.
& Monica Rippa
Lenore & James Schilling
Penny Scheerer &
John Schwanbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Hercules Segalas
Mr. Robert L. Simmons
Joly & Jim Stewart
Esta-Lee & Harris Stone
Mr. David Swope, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Todd
Mrs. Carolyn K. Wells
Ms. Kathryn Kay &
Mr. Robert Young
Albert G. Brock Co.
Melanie & Ben Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barney
Katherine & Bill Beattie
Judy & John Belash
Ginny & Bill Birch
Gayle & Bob Blumenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus III
Noel Berry & Paul Bruno
Ms. Karen T. Butler
Eileen & Robert Butler
Dennice & Ray Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Erik M.W. Caspersen
Patti & Pren Claflin
Brenda Williams & Robert Coffin
Mrs. Granville Todd Conway
Christina M. & Frederick O. Cowles
Cumberland Farms, Inc.
Mary V. Drew
Barbara & Bob Erskine
Jane & Richard Eskind &
Family Foundation
Dottie & Lou Gennaro
Kitty & Herbert Glantz
David Goodman
Melissa & Paul Gray
Toby Greenberg
Patricia Casale & Gary Gut
Jean R. Haffenreffer
Dorothy K. Hesselman
Dr. George S. Heyer Jr.
Jeanne & Peter Hicks
Drs. G. Burtt & Ruth Holmes
Dorrie & Bruce Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Benn W. Jesser
Roonie & Jack Kennedy
Annual Report
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2009 Membership Campaign
175th Anniversary
22 Nantucket ATheneum
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kilvert III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Korengold
Susan & Jim Kozera
Ms. Nancy Gillepsie &
Mr. Ulrich Lachler
Lucy & Toby Leske
Leslie Linsley Nantucket
Karen & T.J. Letarte
Peggy & Larry Levy
Elizabeth Wyatt & John Luth
Dudley & John Macfarlane
Ms. Abigail Johnson &
Mr. Christopher McKown
Sandy Medallis & Tom McGrath
Col. & Mrs. G. S. Meader Jr.
Wendy & Michael Morris
Susan & Marvin Moses
Abigail & Michael Murphy
Joan & Michael Nelson
Mr & Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse Jr.
Sarah & Jeff Newton
Rosemary & Elliot Offner
Abby & Steve Perelman
Markie & Ted Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Quinn
Dr. Deborah Hoadley &
Mr. Stephen Reid
Anne & Peter Reiner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sabelhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Saslow
Mrs. Fannette H. Sawyer
Judith Lee &
Robert Schwarzenbach
Mr. Gerald W. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Skelly
Mary & Jeffrey Smith
Suzi K. Spring
Alix & David St. Clair
Stephanie & Harald Stavnes
Wendy & Radford Stone
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Strasenburgh
Ms. Nancy Gillepsie &
Mr. Ulrich Lachler
Leon J. Warms
Judith & Joel D. Weinstein
Whiting R. Willauer
Lisa Wohlleib
Joe Wright
Ms. Lucinda Young
SUPPORTER $100-249
Joyce Allen
Dorothy & Oakes Ames
Yvonne & Joel Archer
Mr. & Mrs. Chris W. Armstrong
Ann & Norman Asher
Mr. Alan F. Atwood
Anne & Tom Bailliere
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F.R. Ballard
Anne & Pat Barnes
Ms. Michele Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bartlett
Mary-Claire & William Barton
Ann & Andrew Bazos
Mary Jo & Gary W. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Belber
Ms. Charity I. Benz
Martha & Ira Berlin
Nancy & Dan Bills
Mrs. Jackson Bond
Mrs. Karen K. Borchert
Mrs. Claire Couch Bosee
Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Breakiron
Penny & Tom Brewer
Ms. Elizabeth J. Brinkerhoff
Amy D. Brock
Mimi & Tom Brome
Elton & Douglas Burch
Mr. & Mrs. Coleman P. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Button
Sharon & Enrico Carlee
Mr. Michael V. Carlisle
Susan & George Carneal
Mary Ellen & Mark Castle
Coffin/Sconset Real Estate
Computer Solutions
The Connors Family
Mr. Robert G. Cook
Frances Karttunen
& Alfred W. Crosby
Mrs. Carol March Emerson Cross
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2009 Membership Campaign
Mrs. Amanda Cross
Thomas Crowell
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dowley
The Downyflake Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Duffy
Rita & Charles Dunleavy
Mary & David Eklund
Ms. Catherine S. Felleman
Sue & David Fine
Capt. & Mrs. Walter Folger
Betsy & Don Freytag
Kim & Rob Frisbie
Joel Leavit & Gail Hano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gibson
Peggy A. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr.
Meg & David Glidden
Janet Glitzenstein
Peggi & Steve Godwin
Phyllis & Leonard Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gross
Joan & Phil Gulley
Rick Hajjar
Dr. Thomas B. & Ellen H. Hakes
Polly Ann Halsted
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hanson
Cary Hazlegrove
Mary Heller
Cathy & Dick Herbst
Kathryn & Donald Heyda
Janet & Eugene Hilzenrath
Joan & Tom Holmes
Mrs. Trudy Mulcahy Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes
Sally & Stanley Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jones Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Judy
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Katz
Dorothy & Morton Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. David Kinsley
Jill Audycki & Ken Knutti
Jacqueline & Eric Kraeutler
Carol & Peter Krogh
Ms. Anne Kronenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Seddon Legg Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Al Paul Lefton Jr.
Susan S. Leonard
Betsy & Lowell Lifschultz
Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren
Judith R. & John F. Lochtefeld
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lohmann
Mr. & Mrs. William R.J. Lothian
Gerry & Jeff Lynch
Gretchen & Mark Lytle
Evelyn W. & Richard B. Mack
Mr. & Mrs. William Q. MacLean
Mr. & Mrs. Harris MacNeill
Madaket Marine
Barbara Mansfield
Theodora & James Markarian
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Kelly Martin
Massik Family Fund
Adrienne A. McCalley
Cynthia & Michael McClintock
Rina & Don McCouch
Deborah & James R. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller
Iris & Earl Mix
Winnie & Chris Mortenson
Mrs. Philip C. Murray
Nantucket Clambake Co.
Nantucket Honey Bee Company
Nantucket Landscapes
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus S. Newell III
Mr. & Mrs. Germain D. Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nieroth
Mary & Al Novissimo
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Obrecht Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Oldham
Anne P. Olsen
Elissa & Bill Oshinsky
Joan & Les Ottinger
Betsy & Charlie Pagnam
Sandra & A. Eugene Palchanis
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Pardo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Phillips
Clarissa & Bill Porter
Wendy L. Powell
Eleanor & Arthur Reade
Margaret Redfield
Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley
Dr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon
Mrs. Jeanne West Riggs
Gretchen & Jay Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Riley
Mr. Randall B. Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr.
Robin & Mickey Rowland
Marcia & Harold Rubin
Rose & Lewis Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick
Priscilla & Lee Saperstein
Elisabeth & Peter Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide
Ms. Allison Schieffelin
Mr. & Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz
Gay E. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Scott Jr.
Claire & Arnie Seaquist
Dr. & Mrs. John Sharp, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Shepherd
Mrs. Joan D. Small
Mrs. Penny F. Snow
Mr. & Mrs. W. Lloyd Snyder III
Elna & Charles Soule
Eve & Peter Sourian
Linda Sonnonstine & Craig Spery
J. Stahler Family
The Reverend Bill &
Linda Steelman
Mrs. Anne Meara &
Mr. Gerald Stiller
Ms. Anne P. Strain
Lynn & Bob Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sziklas
Ann & Fred Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thoman
Marilyn & Richard Thomson
Carrie & Luke Thornewill
Sheila F. Todd
Dr. Allan L. Toole
Mr. Richard Tuck
United Way
Barbara & Michael Varbalow
Mr. & Mrs. Foley Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Vaughter
Venolia Thoman Fund
Annual Report
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2009 Membership Campaign
Nancy & Carlo Vittorini
Ms. Eugenie H. Voorhees
Caroline & John Walker
Pam & Will Waller
Gail & Jay Ward
Kane & Dick White
Andrew P. Wilking, MD
Mr. Warren E. Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Windt
Myra & Charles Wrubel
Jo & Ed Zschau
DONOR $1–99
Mrs. June Albaugh
Susanne Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr.
Mrs. Bertha G. Arnold
Karen, Douglas, & John Beattie
Rebecca & Ted Bent
Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr.
Lucy & Hunt Breed
Mrs. Annette Brodie
Susan & Richard Brooks
Marylyn Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Linwood C. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Carrey
Stephen B. Chase
Coastal Design
Sophie Consagra
Ms. Lilma K. Cook
Mrs. Joan P. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Crecca
Dr. & Mrs. D.F.S. Crowther
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Daley
Mrs. Dawn Darbey-Dugan
Raymond I. Dawson Jr.
Michelle Langlois &
Hugh Dickinson
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney G. Dillon
Deborah & Lawrence Dunham
Jean & Roger Ernst
Ginnie & Howie Faria
Margaret & David Feindel
Ms. Florence Flaster
Mr. William F. Fordyce
24 Nantucket ATheneum
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner
Doralee & Larry Garfinkel
Dr. L. Hennecke & Dr. S. Gitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins
Ms. Cinda Hill
Mr. Randolph Hilst
Grace S. Hinkley
Mrs. Joyce A. Horton
Peggy & Peter Hoyt
J & H Edison Foundation
Mr. George C. Jordan III
Carolyn & J. Richard Judson
Mrs. Stephen J. Karper
Marlys & James P. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kemprecos
Miss Susan F.R. Kenny
Ms. Edith K. Leary
Timothy J. Lepore, MD
Kyra & Palmer LeRoy
Joyce & Michael Levy
June M. Lindsay
Nan & Robert Longley
Ms. Elaine Lowengard
Ms. Sharon MacInnis
Mr. George E. MacVeigh
Margaret & Lawrence McQuade
Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller
Mr. Hal Miller
Brooke Mitchell
Mary Warren & Donald Moffett
Moors End Farm
Joann & Paul Morency
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Mueller
Mrs. Sheffield T. Nasser
Doerte Neudert
Kate & Dermot O’Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Oresman
Mr. John G. Petrasch
Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Pignato
Caroline P. Pollard
Mrs. Joan D. Pratel
Claire S. & Phillip J. Raneri
Mrs. Margaret D. Raymond
Peg & Phil Read
Diana R. Regan
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Rickards
Ms. Nina Rock
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts
Riva & Mort Schlesinger
Jo Schmidt
Ms. Isabelle P. Seeman
Nanette & Sidney Small
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Solomon
Debby & Bob Stanton
Gladys & James Stedman
Mrs. Phoebe P. Swain
Ms. Anne Sweidel
Dorothy & Robert Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Van Deusen
Gay & Dick Vogt
Mr. & Mrs. George Vollans
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wagley
Daphne Dodge Walker
Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Weld
Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Wells
Mrs. Ann W. West
Barbara & Mark White
Cary Williams
Maggie & Peter Wilson
2009 Membership Campaign
Book Discount Program
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Nantucket Bookworks
2009 Membership Campaign
Dining Privilege Program
Kitty Murtagh’s
The SeaGrille
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gifts and grants
Adult Programming
Nantucket Cultural Council
Nantucket Event Media
New England for the Foundation
for the Arts
Mrs. Willard A. Speakman III
Weezie Library for Children
Anonymous Foundation
Max & Heidi* Berry
Len Germinara
Michelle Langlois,
Brass Lantern Inn
LSTA Grant (Institute of Museum
and Library Services, in collaboration
with the Mass. Board of Library
Nantucket Golf Club Foundation
New England for the Foundation
for the Arts
The Polster Family
Marjory Trott
Nancy Tyrer
Paula Swain
Weezie Library for Children
Summer Reading Program
Bartlett’s Farm
Downyflake Restaurant
Foood for Here and There
Force 5 Watersports
Four Winds Gifts
Island Variety
Maria Mitchell Association
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Museum Shop, NHA
Nantucket Bake Shop
Nantucket Cookie Company
Nantucket Video
Nucci’s Italian Ice & Gelato
Sconset Market
Something Natural
Sweet Inspirations
The Toy Boat
Host of Party
Susan & Bill Boardman
Nan & Chuck Geschke
Joyce & Seward Johnson
Jane & John Loose
Pam & Curt Livingston
Jeanne & Bruce Miller
Literacy Volunteers of the
Atheneum Program
Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm
Community Foundation for
Nantucket, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee H. Dunn
Richard Johannes Fund
of the Weezie Library
Mr. & Mrs. Max Polster
Special Gifts
Chestnut House
New England Independent
Booksellers Association
Thirty Acre Wood in honor of Ellen
& Ron Winters’ friends & clients
Ellen J. Goldberg
Elegant Tag Sale Committee
Paige Anathan
Betty Ann Blum
Georgette Boucai
Janis Cohen
Andrea Finard
Jane Forman
Katie Goldberg
Norman Goldberg
Randy Goldberger
Patty Kussell
Marilyn Lane
Carol Levinger
Beth Lowry
Marcia Rubin
Terry Schubach
Sheila Schwab
Nancy Serafini
Marsha Shiff
Avis Skinner
Matching Gift Companies
AXA Rosenberg Investment
Bank of America Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Hartford Foundation
National Grid
New York Times
Pfizer Foundation
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
175th Anniversary Book
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Beman
Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dunham
Mrs. John P. Elder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III
Mrs. Nancy Newhouse &
Mr. Ken Holdgate
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes
Mrs. Eleanor C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loose
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Malcolm
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick
Ms. Penelope Scheerer &
Mr. John Schwanbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sutro
Mrs. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Winship
Ms. Kathryn Kay &
Mr. Robert Young
175th Anniversary Celebration
Maggie Benedict
Nancy Bills
Cara Deheart
Janet Flanagan
Sarah Gillum
Betsy Holch
Dolly Howell
* deceased
Annual Report
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gifts and Grants
Kathryn Kay
Penny Nieroth
Jeanne Miller
Wendy Mills
Sue Ottison
Megan Soverino
Nancy Whitcomb
Ellen Winters
Ellen Young
Sponsor of the 175th Anniversary
Nantucket Island Resorts
Sponsors of the 175th Anniversary
Time Capsule Project
The Bartlett Family
The Lothian/Killen Family
Jane & John Loose
Murray’s Toggery Shop and the
Philip C. Murray Family
Ellen & David Ross
Jane & Wat Tyler
The Richard Wackenhut Family
The Winters Family
Young’s Bicycle Shop
175th Anniversary
Time Capsule Contributors
Sandra Holland
American Seasons
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson
Molly Anderson
Annye’s Whole Foods
Robert McKee & Kasia Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Neil P. Benedict
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Burlingham
Katherine Grover &
Michael Campbell
Coastal Design
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Connelly Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Tristram Coffin Dammin
Denby Real Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dockerty
Egan Maritime Institute
Mrs. Alice F. Emerson
Sandra Flavin
Pamela Forkas
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George
Mr. & Mrs. James Edward Gillum Jr.
Constanze Von Unruh &
Mark Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Tredick Gorham
Ms. Susan Zises Green
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wilson Grubbs
Jessica Stedman Guff
Jen Stone Hochwald
Mrs. Nancy Newhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hoyt
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Jaycobs
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Johnson
Jordan Real Estate
Kim Kilgore
175 Anniversary Celebration Book Parade
Nantucket ATheneum
Ms. Jane King
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kinsley
Mr. & Mrs. David Leary
Linda Loring Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Macy
Mrs. Barbara Malcolm
Maria Mitchell Association
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Kelly Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. McCarthy
Jane McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Melzer
Merchant’s Association
Ms. Rita Lee Mignosa
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller
Amanda Morgan
Nantucket Boys & Girls Club
Nantucket Conservation
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Nantucket Golf Club, Inc.
Nantucket Historical Association
Nantucket Lightshop
Nantucket Looms
Nantucket New School
Nantucket Yacht Club
Clive Ng
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nieroth
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Orenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ottison
Mr. & Mrs. A. Steven Perelman
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Permits Plus
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick
Mr. & Mrs. Goran V. Puljic
Amanda Rapp
Sarah Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Romer
Mr. & Mrs. William Rose
Sankaty Head Foundation
’Sconset Trust
Janet Sharp
Ships Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sutro
Sylvia Antiques/John Sylvia
The Trinity Collection
Ms. Lisa Anderson Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Wayne
Westmoor Club
Ms. Kathryn Kay &
Mr. Robert Young
175th Anniversary Donors (In Kind)
Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm
E.J. Harvey
Joe Zito
Marine Home Center
Nantucket Bake Shop
Neil Patterson Stone Mason
Sandy Flavin
Stop & Shop
Program Collaborators
Artists’ Association of Nantucket
Autism Speaks
Dane Gallery, Bob & Jane Dane
Egan Maritime Foundation
Ha Tien School, Ursula Austin
Linda Loring Foundation
Maria Mitchell Association
Mill Hill Press
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Nantucket Arts Council
Nantucket Bookworks
Nantucket Boys & Girls Club
Nantucket Civic League
Nantucket Community School
Nantucket Conservation
Nantucket Historical Association
Nantucket Lighthouse School
Nantucket New School
Nantucket Public Schools
Nantucket S.T.A.R.
Nantucket Spoken Word
Nantucket Teen Center
NCMC/Nantucket School of
Peace & Justice Committee
ReMain Nantucket
Seaside Shakespeare
Shouldered Oar Films,
John Stanton
Spoken Word Nantucket
Sustainable Nantucket
UMASS Field Station
175 Anniversary Time Capsule Project
Annual Report
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gifts and Grants
Gifts In Honor of…
Gifts In Memory of…
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Ballinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Day
Heidi Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ballou
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Desrocher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Dickson
Ms. Isabelle Scott
Army & Christine Bernstein
Fran Morris-Rosman &
Richard Rosman
Nancy & Dan Bills
Sheila Daume
Karen Borchert
Clarissa & Bill Porter
Julian Edison
Amy Zimet
Tish Emerson
Sheila Daume
Jane Forman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Lubin
Ellen Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Forman
Max, Katie, & Norman Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Serafini
Thomas Gosnell
Elizabeth Jacobsen
Betsy Holch
Sheila Daume
Constance Laibe Hays
AXA Rosenberg Investment
Management, LLC
Max Berry
Maureen Hays
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hays
Eileen McGrath
Clarissa & Bill Porter
Sylvia Markley Kafka
Dr. & Mrs. Hays
Kristen & Nels Olson
Margaret McConville
Frances Lethbridge
Mr. Raymond Dockstader
Rose & Lewis Rubin
Nina & Bob Hellman
Albert Lockett
Maureen Beck
J. Marshall Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Sirota
Amanda Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Roberts
Nancy Whitcomb
Sheila Daume
Philippe Schreiber
Rose & Lewis Rubin
Mrs. Jeanne West Riggs
Barbara & Michael Varbalow
Susan Ward
Elizabeth S. Jacobsen
Jane & Charlie Forman
Terry Schubach & Larry Gelb
Dr. Robert Frick
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Green
Barbara & Alan Medaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James Tyler
Nantucket ATheneum
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2009 Dance Festival
Anonymous (2)
Nan & Chuck Geschke
Jane & John Loose
Wendy & Eric Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes
Sentient Jet Membership
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Buckfire
Donald A. Burns Foundation
Barbara J. Fife
Candy & Tom Greig
Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr.
Marion & Terry Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Macdonald Mathey
Judith & Donald Opatrny
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul
Janet & Sam Bailey
Jane Beasley
Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Belcher
Kim & Steve Bepler
In honor of Steve’s birthday
Nancy T. & Arthur G. Broll
Paula & Bob Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chilton
Patti & Robert Deuster
Tish Emerson
Margee & John Falk
Marie & Joseph Field
Judy & Craig Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster
Barbara & Ed Hajim
Kaaren & Charles Hale
Joyce & Seward Johnson
Jill L. Leinbach
Martha & Robert Lipp
Livingston Family Fund
Osceola Foundation
Dr. Deborah Pilla & Dr. David Volpi
Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr.
Ellen & David Ross
Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote
Samantha & Mark Sandler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV
Randee & Joe Seiger
Daisy & Paul Soros
Miriam & William Spears
Jane & Wat Tyler
Cathy & Stephen Weinroth
Marcia & Joe Welch
Mary & David Wolff
Nancy & Doug Abbey
Marcia & Stephen Anderson
Laura & William Buck
Drs. Helen & Stephen Colen
Jane Falk
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell
Lois & John Horgan
Barbara & Harvey Jones
Lynn & Nick Nicholas
Mary Ann & Robb Peglar
Jay Rosenberg
Margaret & John Ruttenberg
Alison & Thomas Schneider
Denise Scruton & Adam Glick
Pamela Thomas
Mimi & Chas Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Ballinger
Rosemary & Gerry Barth
Susan & Bill Boardman
Roxanne & Trip Casscells
Mr. & Mrs. G. David Cheek
Connie & Tom Cigarran
Jeanne & Jack Cohane
Ms. Barbara Cohen
Mrs. Granville E. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Devin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis
Barbara & Elliot Gewirtz
Mary & John Greenebaum
Kathleen Hay Designs
Lucile & Bill Hays
Carol M. & Richard D. Hanson
Sandra Holland & Alfred Sanford
Kathryn Kay & Robert Young
Robin & Richard Kreitler
Allan & Mary LaFrance
Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Massie
Heidi Ross Mathey
Betsy S. Michel
Sally & Michael Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Payne
Liz & Jeff Peek
Markie & Ted Phillips
Jenny & Michael Price
Sponsors of the Dance Festival
Reading Program and Master
Phyllis & Jerry Rappaport
Penny Scheerer &
John Schwanbeck
Nancy & Joe Serafini
Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro
Catharine & Jeffrey Soros
Maria & Bill Spears
Esta-Lee & Harris E. Stone
Caroline S. & F. Helmut Weymar
Ellen & Ron Winters
Christine & Henry Harding
Virginia Joffe
Mary & Eric Johnson
Winnie & Chris Mortenson
Susan & Marvin Moses
Liz & Geoff Verney
Annual Report
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7th Annual
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Cold Turkey Plunge November 27, 2008
Photo: Mark Crosby
The 7th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge has been made possible by the following committee members and sponsors:
2008 Committee
Barbara Clarke
Bess Clarke
Sherry Copeland
Kady Decker
Gabrielle Gould
Tom Hanlon
Logan O’Connor
2008 Turkey Plunge Sponsors
American Season’s
Andersen Company
Annye’s Whole Foods
Atlantic Eas Real Estate
BE Byrne Trucking
Blue Beetle
Botticelli & Pohl
Donald A. Burns Foundation
Cape Air
Charles W. Hart & Associates
Cisco Brewers
Clarke Brothers Construction, Inc.
Congdon & Coleman Real Estate
Lydia Sussek, Corcoran Group
Real Estate
Cowboy’s Meat Market & Deli
Crowley Construction, Inc.
Nantucket ATheneum
Daily Breads
Davis Flooring, Inc.
Duane Jones & Company
Elin Hilderbrand
Even Keel
Faregrounds Restaurant
Fooods Rose & Crown
Harbor Fuel Oil Corp.
Hehir Group Custom Builders, Inc
Hughes Septic Service, Inc.
Inquirer and Mirror
Island Lumber
The Jetties
Javatime Design/Eileen Powers
J Pepper Frazier
JM Ramos Plumbing
Kitty Murtagh’s
Lebrecht Plumbing & Heating
LightWedge & Great Point Light
Joseph Manning Roofing
Marine Home Center
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Nantucket Bank
Nantucket Catering Company
The Nantucket Independent
Nantucket Looms
Nantucket Real Estate
Naushop Real Estate and Builders
Novation Media
Roger’s Taxi
Rose & Crown
Ryder Electric
Samual & Roka
Sea Grille
Sheep to Shore
Simply with Style Catering
Steve Visco Pumping
Swains Travel
Tom Hanlon Landscaping
Vaughn, Dale and Hunter
The Yoga Room
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atheneum staff
Molly Anderson, Executive Director
Amy Cabré, Business Manager
& Assistant to the Director
Kiley Fitch, Finance Assistant
Bess Clarke, Department Head
Kiley Fitch, Development Assistant
Ellie Coffin, Department Head
Kasia Baker, Acquisitions
Gillian Lewis
Laura Freedman
Pamela McGrady
Eileen McGrath
Kate McCombe
Joanne Polster
Nancy Tyrer
Amy Jenness, Department Head
Nancy Tyrer
Helen Trebby
Lincoln Thurber, Department Head
Mary D. Macy
Paula Williams
Nancy Tyrer
Margaret Sullivan, Department Head
Karen Borchert
Amy Mannino
Ellen Young
Emma Gifford, Alex Kopko,
Madeline Lydon, Elizabeth Skokan
Joe Aguiar
Marcia Aguiar
Maureen Beck
James Burns
Luke Cicerrella
Barbara G. Cohen
Lilma Cook
Judy Coonley
Lucy Dillon
Bobby Dockerty
Jane Duffy
Mary Ann Easley
Tara Grunwald
Stephanie Hodge
Kelly Knight
Maggie Lockett
Frances M. Mazotas
Carolyn Meister
Margrethe Mentes
Victoria Pickwick
Sandra Polchinski
Joanne Polster
Emilie Ratajczak
Peter Roncetti
Lauren Roncetti
Rose Rubin
Morna Ryan
Rachel Salmanowitz
Roger Seitz
Elna Soule
Nancy Stone
Marcia & Craig Strehlow
Paula Swain
Dorothy Vollans
Laura Wasserman
Erik Wendelken
Nancy Whitcomb
The Atheneum would also like to extend a huge thank you to
all of those who volunteered for the following special events:
175th Anniversary Community Celebration
Book Sales
Cold Turkey Plunge
Dance Festival
Holiday Shop volunteers from Cyrus Peirce School
Ellen J. Goldberg Elegant Tag Sale
Photography: Jordi Cabré
Design & Production: Eileen Powers/Javatime Design
Andrea Marcavitch
One India Street P.O. Box 808 Nantucket, MA 02554
508 228 1110
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By Frank Cunningham
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Nantucket Atheneum (founded 1834)
Poem read at the Nantucket Atheneum’s 175th Anniversary Celebration, August 21, 2009
Two tall fluted columns
Iconic might of golden days, impress
As one steps through
To open massive doors—
Breadth of self diminished.
Those with roles within
Like all before
Gladly handle any quest
with knowing ease—
Sole aim to plenish.
Displayed, a visual expanse
of island’s broad beamed draft
Hardbacks stagger centuries
Scrimshaw engrave an era
Paintings peer their ages
Sculptures shade the past.
A darling, walled figurehead
Reminds the day
Ship captains fathomed away
On discourses—
the Atheneum charted.
Today’s islanders do recall—
The first librarian Maria Mitchell—
A lifelong learner beyond the stars
Here Frederick Douglass let loose his words—
Yet he himself a runaway slave
An American Scholar, Ralph Waldo Emerson—
Liberally, betimes, orated the masses
Perused at will, daring plots
Far-reaching to enthrall
Let run to fruition
Or cast aside—
No matter, no need for sail.
Landed we are
At times astray
In Great Hall, Henry David Thoreau,
at lectrum asked—
What shall it profit a man if he gain
The whole world and lose his own soul
Inside this towering hold
of Humanities delights—
Safe anchorage is the cheer.
Calm air of remaining true
Reflects from lined out haul
of illuminating books
Long used and new—
Each a voyage on it’s shelf.
Netted in this main mast
of island watch
A constant beat
The rush of being—
Is chasing valiant dreams.