Chapter 7 Resource: Earth in Space
Chapter 7 Resource: Earth in Space
Glencoe Science Chapter Resources Earth in Space Includes: Reproducible Student Pages ASSESSMENT TRANSPARENCY ACTIVITIES ✔ Chapter Tests ✔ Section Focus Transparency Activities ✔ Chapter Review ✔ Teaching Transparency Activity HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES ✔ Assessment Transparency Activity ✔ Lab Worksheets for each Student Edition Activity Teacher Support and Planning ✔ Laboratory Activities ✔ Content Outline for Teaching ✔ Foldables–Reading and Study Skills activity sheet ✔ Spanish Resources ✔ Teacher Guide and Answers MEETING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish ✔ Reinforcement ✔ Enrichment ✔ Note-taking Worksheets Glencoe Science Photo Credits Section Focus Transparency 1: (br) Dwight Kuhn, (tr) Dwight Kuhn, (tl) Dwight Kuhn, (bl) Dwight Kuhn Section Focus Transparency 2: (t) Francois Gohier/Photo Researchers, (b) Francois Gohier/Photo Researchers; Section Focus Transparency 3: Norbert Rosing/NGS Image Collection Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with the Earth in Space program. Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN 0-07-867176-0 Printed in the United States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 071 09 08 07 06 05 04 Reproducible Student Pages Reproducible Student Pages ■ Hands-On Activities MiniLAB: Modeling the Moon’s Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MiniLAB: Try at Home Interpreting Your Creature Feature. . . . . . . . . 4 Lab: Viewing the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lab: Model and Invent The Slant of the Sun’s Rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Laboratory Activity 1: Getting Close to the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Laboratory Activity 2: Building a Sundial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Foldables: Reading and Study Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ■ Meeting Individual Needs Extension and Intervention Directed Reading for Content Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Note-taking Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ■ Assessment Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ■ Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparency Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Teaching Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Assessment Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Earth in Space 1 Hands-On Activities Hands-On Activities 2 Earth in Space Date Class Hands-On Activities Name Modeling the Moon’s Rotation Procedure 1. Use masking tape to place a large X on a basketball that will represent the Moon. 2. Ask two students to sit in chairs in the center of the room. 3. Place other students around the outer edge of the room. 4. Slowly walk completely around the two students in the center while holding the basketball so that the side with the X always faces the two students. Data and Observations Table 1 Moon Revolution Student Location where student was sitting Did the Moon turn around? Yes No Student 1 Student 2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Analysis 1. Ask the two students in the center whether they think the basketball turned around as you circled them. Then ask several students along the outer edge of the room whether they think the basketball turned around. 2. Based on these observations, infer whether or not the Moon rotates as it moves around Earth. Explain your answer. Earth in Space 3 Name Date Class Procedure 1. Select any one of the planets or moons in our solar system except Earth. 2. Research its surface conditions. 3. Below, create a life-form that might have developed on your chosen planet or moon. Be sure to indicate how your creature will eat, breathe, and reproduce. Analysis 1. How is this creature protected from its environment? 2. How does your creature obtain nourishment for survival? 4 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Interpreting Your Creature Feature Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Viewing the Moon Lab Preview Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab. 1. Where might you find information about the phases of the Moon? 2. How many phases does the Moon have? The position of the Moon in the sky varies as the phases of the Moon change. Do you know when you might be able to see the Moon during daylight hours? How will viewing the Moon through a telescope be different from viewing it with the unaided eye? Real-World Question Procedure What features of the Moon are visible when viewed through a telescope? 1. Using your own observations, books about astronomy, or other resource materials, determine when the Moon may be visible to you during the day. You will need to find out during which phases the Moon is up during daylight hours, and where in the sky you likely will be able to view it. You will also need to find out when the Moon will be in those phases in the near future. 2. Observe the Moon with your unaided eye. Draw the features that you are able to see in the first box in the Data and Observations section. 3. Using a telescope, observe the Moon again. Adjust the focus of the telescope so that you can see as many features as possible. 4. Draw a new picture of the Moon’s features in the second box in the Data and Observations section. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Materials drawing paper telescope drawing pencils Goals ■ ■ ■ Determine when you may be able to observe the Moon during the day. Use a telescope to observe the Moon. Draw a picture of the Moon’s features as seen through the telescope. Safety Precautions WARNING: Never look directly at the Sun. It can damage your eyes. Earth in Space 5 Name Date Class (continued) Drawing 2 Conclude and Apply 1. Describe what you learned about when the Moon is visible in the sky. If a friend wanted to know when to try to see the Moon during the day next month, what would you say? 2. Describe the differences between how the Moon looked with the naked eye and through the telescope. Did the Moon appear to be the same size when you looked at it both ways? 3. Determine what features you were able to see through the telescope that were not visible with the unaided eye. 4. Observe Was there anything else different about the way the Moon looked through the telescope? Explain your answer. 5. Identify some of the types of features that you included in your drawings. Communicating Your Data The next time you notice the Moon when you are with your family or friends, talk about when the Moon is visible in the sky and the different features that are visible. 6 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations Drawing 1 Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Model and Invent The Slant of the Sun’s Rays Lab Preview Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab. 1. Why should you never look directly at the Sun? 2. Make a hypothesis about which materials will be most affected by changes in the Sun’s rays. During winter in the northern hemisphere, the north pole is positioned away from the Sun. This causes the angle of the Sun’s rays striking Earth to be smaller in winter than in summer, and there are fewer hours of sunlight. The reverse is true during the summer months. The Sun’s rays strike Earth at higher angles that are closer to 90°. Real-World Question Data Source How does the angle of the Sun’s rays affect Earth’s surface temperature? Fill in the data table below, providing angles of the Sun’s rays for your area during different months of the year. Go to to collect this data. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Materials shallow baking pans lined with cardboard *paper, boxes, or box lids thermometers wood blocks *bricks or textbooks protractor clock *stopwatch Table 1 Angle of the Sun’s Rays at Noon at your Latitude Date Angle Dec 22 (winter solstice) *Alternate materials Goals ■ Design a model for simulating the effect of changing angles of the Sun’s rays on Earth’s surface temperatures. Safety Precautions Use thermometers as directed by teacher. Do not use “shake down” lab thermometers. WARNING: Never look directly at the Sun at any time during your experiment. January 22 February 22 March 21 (vernal equinox) April 21 May 21 June 21(summer solstice) Earth in Space 7 Name Date Class (continued) Make a Model 1. Design a model that will duplicate the angle of the Sun’s rays during different seasons of the year. 2. Choose the materials you will need to construct your model. Be certain to provide identical conditions for each angle of the Sun’s rays that you seek to duplicate. 1. Create a model that demonstrates the effects different angles of the Sun’s rays have on the temperature of Earth’s surface. 2. Demonstrate your model during the morning, when the Sun’s rays will hit the flat tray at an angle similar to the Sun’s rays during winter solstice. Measure the angle of the Sun’s rays by laying the protractor flat on the tray. Then sight the angle of the Sun’s rays with respect to the tray. 3. Tilt other trays forward to simulate the Sun’s rays striking Earth at higher angles during different times of the year. Check the Model Plans 1. Present your model design to the class in the form of diagrams, poster, slide show, or video. Ask your classmates how your group’s model design could be adjusted to make it more accurate. 2. Decide on a location that will provide direct sunlight and will allow your classmates to easily observe your model. Conclude and Apply 1. Determine Which angle had the greatest effect on the surface temperatures of your trays? Which angle had the least effect? 2. Predict how each of the seasons in your area would change if the tilt of Earth’s axis changed suddenly from 23.5 degrees to 40 degrees. Communicating Your Data Demonstrate your model for your class. Explain how your model replicated the angle of the Sun’s rays for each of the four seasons in your area. 8 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Plan the Model Date 1 Laboratory Activity Class Getting Close to the Moon The last 50 years have been one of the most exciting times in history for humans and space exploration. In 1969, the first person landed on the Moon and returned safely to Earth. On that trip and several subsequent trips to the Moon, astronauts brought back rocks and took pictures of places that had only been seen before with telescopes. In this lab you will examine a picture of the surface of the Moon and collect your own data about some features of the lunar landscape. Strategy You will learn some of the features of the Moon’s surface. You will collect data about some lunar features. You will make inferences about how some of these features developed. Materials red pencil ruler (in centimeters) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure 1. Examine the picture of the Moon in Figure 1 of this exercise. 2. Find the craters named Kepler, Copernicus, Hercules, Atlas, and Plato. Circle each with your pencil. 3. Locate and circle the maria, or seas, which are large, dry depressions on the Moon’s surface, called Mare Serenitatus, Mare Tranquillitatus, and Mare Nectaris. 4. There are also mountains on the Moon. Find the Caucasus Mountains and circle them. 5. Using your ruler, measure the distance from the center of Mare Nectaris to the edge of the crater Theophilus. Repeat this measurement to the edge of Mare Fecunditatis. Draw a triangle that connects the center of the two maria and the crater edge. Record your data in Table 1 in the Data and Observations section. 6. Remember that you read that craters are caused by meteorites. Find crater Copernicus and notice a wide spray of dust lying around the crater. This kind of debris is called “ejecta.” Measure the diameter of the ejecta spray from north to south. Record this in your table. Then measure the diameter of the ejecta spray from east to west. Record this also. Earth in Space 9 Hands-On Activities Name Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) Plato Sinus roris Atlas ts. m Sinus iridum Ap en ni ne Caucas us m ts. Mare Aristillus Imbrium Autolycus Aristarchus Lambert Eratosthenes Posidonius Copernicus Triesnecker Kepler Lansberg Burg Lacus somniorum Macrobius Mare Serenitatis Manilius Mare Tranquillitatis Sinus aestuum Grimaldi Ptolemacus Mare Crisium Mare Fecunditatis Albategnius Theophilus Gassendi Mare Humorum Mare Nubium Walter Catherine Piccolomini Tycho Longomontanus Clavius 10 Earth in Space Hercules Maurolycus Magnus Mare Nectaris Stevinus Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Figure 1 Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) Data and Observations Table 1 Moon Surface Distance in centimeters Center of Mare Nectaris to Crater Theophilus 1. Center of Mare Nectaris to Mare Fecunditatus 2. Mare Fecunditatus to Crater Theophilus 3. Total distance between Mare Fecunditatus, Crater Theophilus, and Mare Nectaris 4. 1⫹2⫹3⫽ Copernicus ejecta field from north to south 5. Copernicus ejecta field from east to west 6. Questions and Conclusions Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1. Why do you think the Copernicus ejecta field is longer than it is wide? 2. None of the rock samples the astronauts brought back contains fossils. What conclusion can you draw from this fact? Earth in Space 11 Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) 4. Some of the craters, like Kepler and Copernicus, are named for famous astronomers. There are so many craters on the Moon that not all of them have been named. Pick a crater and draw a star around it. If you could name the crater anything you like, what would it be? Write that name on your map near the crater and on the line below. Explain why you chose that name. Strategy Check Can you locate the large craters of the Moon? Can you identify a mare? Can you infer how some lunar surfaces were created? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities 3. There are no complete maps of the far side of the Moon. Why do you think this is so? 12 Earth in Space Date 2 Laboratory Activity Class Building a Sundial For centuries, people have used the shadows cast by the Sun to measure time. As Earth turns, the Sun appears to move across the sky, and shadows change as the position of the Sun changes. The rotation of Earth is very steady and constant. This makes the changing shadows a good way to measure the length of time in a day. People in ancient times used a small stick to make a shadow on the ground. They used the changes in the position of the stick’s shadow in relation to the stick itself to tell time. Today, most people think that sundials are not very accurate and that a watch is better for telling time. This is not true. Sundials are very precise as long as they are correctly placed. People who know a lot about sundials are very good at putting them in the right place and at the correct angle. It takes a lot of practice. In this lab you will make a simple sundial and show how the shadow of the Sun moves across your dial. Strategy You will build a model of a horizontal type of sundial. You will determine how to place your sundial to show that sundials keep accurate time. Materials stiff card paper or construction paper ruler (cm) protractor compass Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure 1. Cut your paper into a strip 30 cm long and 20 cm wide. 2. Draw a line across your paper 2 cm from the top and another line 15 cm from the top. Draw a third line across the paper 1 cm from the bottom. Label the lines A, B, and C. See Figure 1 on next page. 3. Use your ruler to mark a point in the center of line A. This will be your reference point for the center of your protractor and will also be the point where you will place one end of your straw. 4. On both sides of your paper, draw a semicircle around the edge of the protractor using the center mark as your reference point. Make marks at 15 degree intervals on each of the two semicircles. Number the hours as shown in Figure 1. 5. Fold the paper along line B. See Figure 1. Make a small tab by cutting and bending a piece of your paper in the middle of line C. This should fit into one end of your straw. Now make a hole in the center of line A and insert the other end of your straw. scissors drinking straw atlas 6. Use an atlas to find the latitude of your school. Use this number to make an arc of the same degree between the straw and the horizontal part of the paper lying on your table. The straw now represents the part of a sundial called the gnomon. The shadow of the gnomon will fall on the top side of your dial in the summer and the underside in the winter. 7. Now, take your sundial and a compass outdoors and find the direction north. Place your sundial in a direct line with north and mark the spot the shadow hits. Check your sundial every 10 or 15 min and note in the Data and Observations table any changes that occur in the position of the shadow. Earth in Space 13 Hands-On Activities Name Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) N Underside marked similarly cm 6P M 15 5 4 A 3 6A M 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 2 cm Curl tab and push into straw 7 20 cm Arc of latitude C 1 cm B Data and Observations Table 1 Time shown by shadow on sundial Angles in degrees Questions and Conclusions 1. Why does the shadow on the sundial move with time? 2. It is always important to adjust your sundial for the latitude in which you live. Why? 14 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Figure 1 Name Date Class 3. It is obvious that a sundial would not work at night. Under what other conditions would it be impractical to use a sundial? 4. There are two places on Earth that, at certain times of the year, a sundial will work continuously. Where are these two places and when would they work without stopping? Strategy Check Can you model a sundial and track the rotation of Earth? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Can you determine how latitude affects the timing of a sundial’s accuracy? Earth in Space 15 Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Earth in Space Directions: Use this page to label your Foldable at the beginning of the chapter. Alike Different spheres in space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. have dense, iron cores Earth revolves around the Sun. Earth rotates on its axis. The Moon revolves around Earth. The Moon rotates on its axis. There is life on Earth. Earth in Space 17 Meeting Individual Needs Meeting Individual Needs 18 Earth in Space Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Overview Earth in Space Directions: Complete the concept map using the terms below. the planets rotation Earth day and night seasons revolution Meeting Individual Needs The Sun is orbited by 1. which include Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. whose whose 3. 4. around the Sun causes on its axis causes 5. 6. Directions: Circle the item in parentheses that best complete each sentence below. 7. When the bright portion of the Moon’s surface is increasing, it is said to be (waxing, waning). 8. The sun accounts for (75%, 99%) of all the matter in the solar system. 9. When (meteorites, meteoroids) enter Earth’s atmosphere they are called meteors. 10. Pluto is (unlike, exactly like) the other outer planets. 11. Depressions formed by large meteorites are called (maria, craters). Earth in Space 19 Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 1 ■ Section 2 ■ Class Earth’s Motion and Seasons Earth’s Moon Directions: For each of the following, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. Earth’s shape is ______ spherical. a. exactly b. nearly 2. The length of day equals the length of night during the ______. b. equinox 3. ______ can only occur when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth are perfectly lined up. a. Eclipses b. Seasons 4. The spinning of Earth on its axis is called ______. a. revolution b. rotation 5. Evidence gathered by the Apollo space program supports the hypothesis that the Moon formed ______. a. when a large object collided with Earth b. at the same time and from the same material as Earth 6. During summer, Earth’s northern hemisphere is tilted ______ the Sun. a. toward b. away from 7. ______ are regions of the moon that probably formed when lava filled bowl-like basins on the Moon’s surface. a. Maria b. Highlands 8. The waxing phases of the Moon are immediately followed by ______. a. new moon b. full moon 9. The curved shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is evidence of Earth’s ______. a. shape b. density 10. The complete cycle of the Moon’s phases takes about ______ days. a. 32 20 Earth in Space b. 29.5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs a. solstice Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 3 ■ Class Our Solar System 1. Venus often called the ringed planet 2. Uranus closest to the Sun; has high cliffs 3. Pluto largest planet in the solar system 4. Saturn has an atmosphere that includes a layer of ozone 5. Mars Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. Earth has rocks on its surface that have a reddish color made partly of ice and partly of rock 7. Mercury has winds that blow faster than those on any other planet 8. Neptune similar to Earth in size, but covered in thick clouds 9. Jupiter has a blue-green atmosphere due to methane; seventh planet from the Sun Directions: Circle the word in parentheses that correctly completes the sentence. 10. Some scientists believe that the solar system may have formed from the condensation of a large (meteoroid/nebula). 11. The inner planets have (thin/thick) atmospheres and solid (rocky/gaseous) bodies. 12. A belt of (asteroids/comets) separates the inner and outer planets. 13. The atmospheres of the gaseous planets are made up mostly of (hydrogen/oxygen) and helium. 14. (Pluto/Saturn) is completely different from the other outer planets. 15. In 2008, NASA plans to study the ocean of liquid water they believe might exist on (Triton/Europa). Earth in Space 21 Meeting Individual Needs Directions: Draw a line from the planet on the left to the phrase on the right that describes it. Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Key Terms Earth in Space Directions: Match the terms in Column II with the definitions in Column I. Write the letter of the correct term in the blank at the left. Column II Meeting Individual Needs 1. depression formed when a large meteorite strikes the surface of a moon or planet a. rotation 2. occurs when Earth blocks sunlight from the surface of the full moon b. revolution 3. time of year when the Sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of Earth’s equator c. solar eclipse 4. imaginary line drawn from Earth’s north geographic pole to its south geographic pole 5. Earth’s curved path around the Sun d. asteroid e. orbit 6. one of many small, rocky objects that lie in a belt between the inner and outer planets f. solar system 7. made up of small particles of rock and ice; forms a tail as its orbit approaches the Sun g. axis 8. the motion of Earth around the Sun h. solstice 9. unit of length used to measure distances between objects in the solar system i. astronomical unit 10. occurs when the Moon blocks sunlight from part of Earth’s surface j. equinox 11. the spinning of Earth on its axis k. crater 12. time of year when the Sun is directly over Earth’s equator and the length of day equals the length of night all over the world l. lunar eclipse 13. the Sun and all of the objects in orbit around it m. comet 14. Galileo’s name for the dark spots on the lunar surface n. maria 22 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Column I Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Clase Sinopsis La Tierra en el espacio Instrucciones: Completa el mapa de conceptos usando los siguientes términos. los planetas rotación la Tierra día y noche las estaciones revolución Satisface las necesidades individuales Al Sol lo orbitan 1. incluyendo Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. cuya(o) cuya(o) 3. 4. alrededor del Sol e inclinación del eje causan sobre su eje causa 5. 6. Instrucciones: Haz un círculo alrededor del artículo en paréntesis que mejor complete cada oración. 7. Se dice que la Luna está en fase (creciente, menguante) cuando su parte iluminada aumenta. 8. El Sol tiene el (75%, 99%) de toda la materia del sistema solar. 9. Cuando los (meteoritos, meteoroides) entran a la atmósfera terrestre se llaman meteoros. 10. Plutón (no se parece, es exactamente igual) a los otros planetas exteriores. 11. Las depresiones que forman los meteoritos grandes se llaman (maria, cráteres). La Tierra en el espacio 23 Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Sección 1 Clase El movimiento de la Tierra y las estaciones Sección 2 La Luna de la Tierra ■ ■ Instrucciones: En cada una de las siguientes, escribe en el espacio a la izquierda la letra del término o frase que complete mejor cada oración. 1. La forma de la Tierra es ______ esférica. b. casi 2. Durante el ______ la duración del día es igual a la duración de la noche. a. solsticio b. equinoccio 3. Los(as) ______ pueden ocurrir solamente cuando el Sol, la Luna y la Tierra están perfectamente alineados. a. eclipses b. estaciones 4. El movimiento de la Tierra sobre su eje se llama ______. a. traslación b. rotación 5. Las pruebas recogidas por el programa espacial Apolo apoyan la hipótesis de que la Luna se formó ______. a. cuando un cuerpo grande chocó contra la Tierra b. al mismo tiempo y del mismo material que la Tierra 6. Durante el verano, el hemisferio norte de la Tierra está inclinado ______ Sol. a. hacia el b. alejado del Sol 7. Las ______ son regiones de la Luna que probablemente se formaron cuando la lava llenó las depresiones cóncavas de la superficie de la Luna. a. Maria b. tierras altas 8. La fase creciente de la Luna es seguida inmediatamente por la ______. a. luna nueva b. luna llena 9. La sombra curva de la Luna durante un eclipse lunar es prueba de la ______ de la tierra. a. forma b. densidad 10. El ciclo completo de las fases de la Luna demora cerca de _______días. a. 32 24 La Tierra en el espacio b. 29.5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Satisface las necesidades individuales a. exactamente Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Sección 3 Clase ■ Nuestro sistema solar 1. Venus llamado con frecuencia el planeta anillado 2. Urano el más cercano al Sol; tiene altos acantilados 3. Plutón el planeta más grande del sistema solar 4. Saturno tiene una atmósfera que incluye una capa de ozono 5. Marte 6. Tierra 7. Mercurio tiene rocas de color rojizo en la superficie en parte compuesto de hielo y en parte de roca tiene vientos más rápidos que los de cualquier otro planeta similar a la Tierra en tamaño, pero cubierto de nubes densas Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 8. Neptuno 9. Júpiter tiene una atmósfera verde azulada debido al metano; séptimo planeta desde el Sol Instrucciones: Encierra en un círculo el término o términos que completan correctamente cada oración. 10. Algunos científicos piensan que el sistema solar puede haberse formado a partir de la condensación de un(a) gran (meteoroide/nebulosa). 11. Los planetas interiores tienen atmósferas (livianas/densas) y cuerpos (rocosos/gaseosos). 12. Un cinturón de (asteroides/cometas) separa a los planetas interiores de los exteriores. 13. Las atmósferas de los planetas gaseosos están compuestas sobre todo por (hidrógeno/oxígeno) y helio. 14. (Plutón/Saturno) es completamente diferente a los demás planetas exteriores. 15. En 2008, la NASA planea estudiar el océano de agua líquida que se cree puede existir en (Tritón/Europa). La Tierra en el espacio 25 Satisface las necesidades individuales Instrucciones: Une con una línea el planeta, a la izquierda, con la frase que lo describe, a la derecha. Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Clase Términos claves La Tierra en el espacio Instrucciones: Relaciona los términos de la Columna II con las definiciones de la Columna I. Escribe la letra del término correcto en los espacios de la izquierda. Columna II Satisface las necesidades individuales 1. depresión que se forma cuando un meteorito grande golpea la superficie de una luna o planeta a. rotación 2. ocurre cuando la Tierra bloquea la luz del Sol en la superficie de la luna llena b. traslación 3. épocas del año cuando el Sol alcanza la mayor distancia al norte o al sur del ecuador c. eclipse solar 4. línea imaginaria que va desde el polo norte geográfico de la Tierra hasta el polo sur geográfico d. asteroide 5. trayectoria curva de la Tierra alrededor del Sol 6. uno de los muchos cuerpos rocosos que se encuentran en una banda entre los planetas interiores y los exteriores e. órbita f. sistema solar g. eje 7. compuesto por pequeñas partículas de roca y de hielo; forma una cola cuando su órbita se aproxima al Sol h. solsticio 8. movimiento de la Tierra alrededor del Sol i. unidad 9. unidad de longitud que se usa para medir distancias entre los astros del sistema solar astronómica 10. ocurre cuando la Luna bloquea la luz del Sol hacia la superficie terrestre j. equinoccio 11. movimiento de la Tierra sobre su eje k. cráter 12. época del año cuando el Sol está directamente sobre el ecuador de la Tierra y la duración del día es igual a la duración de la noche en todo el mundo l. eclipse lunar 13. el Sol y todos los astros que giran alrededor suyo m. cometa 14. nombre que dio Galileo a las partes oscuras de la superficie de la Luna n. maria 26 La Tierra en el espacio Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Columna I Name 1 Date Reinforcement Class Earth’s Motion and Seasons Directions: Unscramble the terms in italics to complete the sentences below. Write the terms on the lines provided. 1. The Sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator at the summer and winter scissotle. 2. Earth spins on its sixa, an imaginary line drawn through the north geographic and south geographic poles. Meeting Individual Needs 3. The broti of Earth is an ellipsis. 4. The nottairo of Earth on its axis causes us to experience night and day. 5. The seasons occur with the truenovoli of Earth around the Sun. 6. The Sun is directly above Earth’s equator at xonequi. Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct terms. 7. The ____________________ day of the year occurs during the summer solstice. 8. Daylight hours are longer for the hemisphere that is tilted ____________________ the Sun. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 9. Earth is shaped like a ball or ____________________. 10. ____________________ is a force that attracts all objects toward each other. 11. Earth’s tilt and revolution cause ____________________ to occur. 12. The summer ____________________, the longest day of the year, happens on June 21 or 22 for the northern hemisphere and on December 21 or 22 for the southern hemisphere. Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences. 13. What are two pieces of evidence that establish Earth’s spherical shape? 14. What effect does Earth’s tilt have on the seasons? Earth in Space 27 Name 2 Date Class Earth’s Moon Reinforcement Directions: Use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 Meeting Individual Needs 7 8 9 Across 1. Dark areas on the Moon, probably caused by lava flows 5. Astronomer who studied the Moon and named its features 7. When the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are lined up such that the full moon moves into Earth’s shadow 9. When the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching a portion of Earth’s surface 10. During these moon phases, the amount of the lighted side that can be seen begins to decrease. Down 2. U.S. space program that sent astronauts to the moon 3. A light area on the Moon; these hold the oldest Moon rocks analyzed so far 4. Changing views of the Moon as seen from Earth 6. Depressions on the Moon caused by meteorites 8. During these Moon phases, the amount of the lighted side that can be seen begins to increase. 28 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 10 Name 3 Date Reinforcement Class Our Solar System Directions: Study the following diagram. Then identify the objects by filling in the blanks. 3. 5. 7. 1. 9. 2. 8. Meeting Individual Needs 6. 4. 10. Directions: Identify each statement as true or false. Rewrite false statements to make them correct. 11. More than 99 percent of all matter in the solar system is contained in the Sun. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 12. An astronomical unit is the distance from Earth to the Moon. 13. The atmosphere of Mars gives it a reddish color. 14. All but one of the outer planets are gaseous giants with thick atmospheres. 15. Jupiter has the most spectacular ring system of all the planets. 16. Comet tails always point toward the Sun. Earth in Space 29 Name Enrichment Class Will Earth have another ice age? Meeting Individual Needs Over millions of years, Earth has experienced many ice ages. During those times, vast ice caps covered Earth’s poles, and glaciers dipped down across much of the land. What causes an ice age to begin and to end? Scientists have wondered about this for hundreds of years. Early twentieth century Serbian mathematician and physicist Milutin Milankovitch developed a theory after studying Earth’s orbit and tilt. His theory consists of three factors that work together to cause ice ages. Tilt and the Seasons Milankovitch calculated that the tilt of Earth changes about every 41,000 years. The greater the tilt, the hotter the summers and the colder the winters. The smaller the tilt, the cooler the summers and more moderate the winters. When summers are cool, less snow melts near the poles. Over the years ice and snow build up. This marks the beginning of an ice age. Then, after thousands of years, summers become hot again. The snow and ice begin to melt, triggering the end of the ice age. Milankovitch also used mathematics to explain how Earth’s orbit changes. He showed that Earth’s orbit is not always as round as it is today. Sometimes it is much more elliptical, or egg-shaped. The orbit changes from an ellipse to almost a circle and back again about every 100,000 years. When the orbit is elliptical, there are many times that the Earth is farther away from the Sun. At these times, Earth receives less sunlight and is cooler. Earth’s Wobble and Climate Another characteristic of Earth is that it wobbles around its axis much like a spinning top. Although it is impossible to feel the wobble, it happens all the same. This wobbling motion also affects seasons and climate and happens in cycles of about 19,000 to 23,000 years. Is an Ice Age Coming? Milankovitch’s ideas about the changes in Earth’s orbit have received a lot of support from many experiments. Ice cores from Greenland show that concentrations of atmospheric gases have changed in timing cycles that were similar to the times Milankovitch suggested. Will we have another ice age soon? No one really knows what will happen. The only thing that is certain is that Earth’s climate is influenced by its orbit and that the orbit will always change. 1. What might cause major changes in Earth’s climate? 2. Name at least three ways in which the position of Earth changes in space. 3. What information helps support Milankovitch’s theory? 4. Why do you think the three factors in Milankovitch’s theory are called Milankovitch cycles? 30 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1 Date Name Enrichment Moon Rocks From 1969 to 1972, Apollo astronauts from six different missions brought 382 kg of Moon rocks back to Earth. The rocks, collected from different sites near the lunar equator, are many shapes and sizes. In fact, there are 2,415 bits that range from about the size of a grain of sand to a large rock the size of a basketball. In addition, there are many different types of Moon rocks. Most are hard, solid rocks that were broken into pieces and later reformed into new combinations. These are called breccias. Earth also has breccias, most of which are found in volcanic areas such as Hawaii. Clues to the Moon’s Past Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Class Anorthosite, a type of rock found on the surface of the Moon, consists almost entirely of feldspar. Feldspar is a group of crystalline minerals. Because there’s so much feldspar in this type of rock, scientists believe that a large ocean of hot magma once covered the Moon’s surface. That’s because as magma cools, feldspar and minerals like it float to the top. None of the Moon rocks contain water. This is puzzling to scientists because some believe that water-rich comets have smashed into the Moon. That would mean that some rocks should show evidence of water, but they do not. Never Touched By Hand Great care must be taken when handling the rocks. Human hands never touch them. In fact, only aluminum, stainless steel, or equipment coated with nonstick material may touch them. Scientists wear nonstick-coated rubber gloves to avoid contaminating the rocks. Since they must be kept moisture free, they’re also stored in dry nitrogen. Rock Samples Today, about 40 or 50 scientists continue to investigate the rocks. Most of the rocks are located in the Lunar Facility at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Bits are sliced, chiseled, and diced before they’re sent to researchers around the world. Researchers are given only tens of milligrams at a time; that’s about the size of a small sugar cube. Some samples are on display in museums throughout the United States, including the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., and the American Museum of Natural History in New York. And, just to be safe, a small number of moon rocks are kept in a vault at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. 1. What reasons could scientists have for continuing to study Moon rocks more than three decades after the rocks were brought home to Earth? 2. Why do you think people were afraid of the rocks when they were first brought back in the late 1960s and early 1970s? 3. Why did the astronauts bring back so many samples of Moon rocks? Earth in Space 31 Meeting Individual Needs 2 Date Name Enrichment Class Sea Navigation and the Moons of Jupiter Astronomers have been looking upwards for thousands of years. It wasn’t until the invention of the telescope that humans began to see far distant objects in the night sky and learn about our solar system in detail. In 1610, Galileo Galilei was one of the first to use the information he saw in the sky for solving a great geographical problem. Meeting Individual Needs Slow Boat to China European sailing ships had been bringing back valuable quantities of spices and goods from distant countries like India and China. They were eager to find new, quicker routes to these places but were often lost because no one had found a method of calculating longitude. Longitude is one of the artificial graph coordinates placed on the globe to find a position east and west. The other graph line is called latitude, giving north and south location. Longitude could be measured only by using consistent time to measure travel at sea. However, no such reliable timekeeping devices for ships existed then. One of his most promising discoveries was finding the moons of Jupiter. He noticed that the orbits and eclipses of the moons of Jupiter occurred with great precision. For over a year he watched the orbits of these moons and carefully kept track of their positions. He especially noted when they seemed to disappear behind their giant parent, Jupiter. The timing of these eclipses turned out to be a reliable method of determining time from day to day. He recorded over 1,000 eclipses in the course of a year. A Great Discovery Galileo proposed a way in which his records could be used at sea to calculate longitude. Unfortunately, his idea turned out not to be practical because the oceans were frequently covered with clouds and fog. Viewing Jupiter at night under these conditions was impossible. However, this did not make Galileo’s discoveries any less important. Galileo’s Observations Galileo was an excellent astronomer. He was one of the first to see spots on the Sun, Saturn’s rings, and mountains on the Moon. 1. What invention helped Galileo see more detail in the sky? 2. Name a solar feature that Galileo saw. 3. Why did Galileo make such detailed records of the moons of Jupiter? 4. Did Galileo’s discoveries about Jupiter’s moons help the sea captains? Explain your answer. 32 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3 Date Name Date Note-taking Worksheet Section 1 Class Earth in Space Earth’s Motion and Seasons A. Earth is a sphere because ____________ acts on it. 1. Gravity is a force that ________________ all objects toward each other. 2. Gravity depends on how far ______________ and how __________ the objects are. 1. Axis—the ________________ line drawn from the north geographic pole through Earth to the south geographic pole 2. Rotation—the _____________ of Earth on its axis; causes day and night 3. _______________—the motion of Earth traveling around the Sun a. Earth’s revolution causes ____________. b. The Earth’s elliptical path around the Sun is called an ____________. 4. Solstices and equinoxes Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. a. Because Earth’s axis sits at a _____________-degree angle, the Sun’s position relative to Earth’s equator constantly changes. b. Summer and winter solstices—the longest and shortest days of the year; when the Sun reaches its greatest distance ______________ or ______________ of the equator c. Equinox—when the Sun is directly over the ____________; the lengths of day and night are nearly equal all over the world. Section 2 Earth’s Moon A. The Moon’s surface 1. __________—dark-colored areas that look like oceans formed by lava flows 2. Lunar ______________—higher elevation than the maria 3. Craters—depressions formed by _______________ striking the surface; useful for determining how old parts of a moon’s or a planet’s surface are B. The Moon’s interior: crust; mantle; small, dense, _________ core C. Motions of the Moon 1. The Moon always keeps the same side facing __________ . a. It takes the Moon 27.3 days to ______________ Earth. b. It also takes the Moon 27.3 days to rotate once on its _________. Earth in Space 33 Meeting Individual Needs B. Motions of Earth Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) 2. Moon phases—As the Moon orbits around Earth, different amounts of its sunlit surface are seen. a. New moon—The Moon is between Earth and the Sun. The _________ part faces away from Earth. b. The Moon’s phases wax, or _________ in size, as the Moon travels around Earth and more of the lighted part is seen; called first-quarter phase; occurs a week after full moon. c. Full moon—Earth is between the Sun and the Moon; the entire lighted part of the Moon faces toward ___________. e. The complete cycle takes _________ days. D. _____________—shadows cast by Earth or the Moon onto each other 1. Only occur when the ________, the Moon, and Earth are perfectly lined up 2. __________ eclipse—The Moon blocks sunlight from reaching a portion of Earth’s surface; occurs during new moon. 3. __________ eclipse—Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon; the full moon becomes dark; Moon appears deep red. E. Origin of the Moon 1. _________________ hypothesis—Earth and the Moon formed at the same time from the same material. 2. ____________ hypothesis—Earth and the Moon formed at different locations in the solar system, then Earth’s gravity captured the Moon as it passed close to Earth. 3. ____________ hypothesis—The Moon formed from a large mass of material thrown off of a rapidly spinning Earth. 4. ______________ hypothesis—A huge space object collided with Earth, throwing large amounts of gas and debris into orbit around Earth; this material then condensed to form the Moon. Section 3 Our Solar System A. _________________—the Sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects in orbit around the Sun 1. Astronomical unit (AU)—the distance between __________ and the Sun, used to measure distances between objects within the solar system 34 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs d. The Moon’s phases wane, or _____________ in size, and less of the lighted part is seen; called third-quarter phase. Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) 2. The Sun is a _________. a. Produces ___________ by fusing hydrogen into helium in its core b. More than 99% of all ___________ in the solar system is contained in the Sun. B. __________________—have orbits that lie inside the orbit of the asteroid belt; include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars; are solid, rocky bodies with thinner _______________; known as terrestrial planets a. Closest to the ____________; has no atmosphere b. Covered by ____________ and cliffs, some of which are 3 km high 2. __________—second planet from the Sun a. Similar to Earth in _________ and __________; referred to as Earth’s twin b. Thick ____________ trap the Sun’s energy, causing surface temperatures to reach 470°C. 3. __________—third planet from the Sun a. Unique because surface temperatures allow __________ to exist as solid, liquid, and gas Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. b. __________ in the atmosphere protects life from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. 4. __________—fourth planet from the Sun a. _______________, the same material found in rust, causes Mars to be red. b. Has the largest volcano in the solar system, __________________ c. Has two moons—Phobos and Deimos d. Has long channels that may have been carved by flowing _____________ e. Atmosphere is mostly ___________________ and is thinner than Earth’s atmosphere C. __________________—have orbits that lie outside the orbit of the asteroid belt; include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto; are mostly gaseous giants; made up of light elements—hydrogen and helium 1. ____________—fifth planet from the Sun a. ____________ planet in solar system b. Has many ___________, like the Great Red Spot, which has raged for more than 300 years c. 61 __________, one of which may have liquid water d. about twice the width of Earth and rotates every six days Earth in Space 35 Meeting Individual Needs 1. _____________ Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) 2. ___________—sixth planet from the Sun a. spectacular ring system made up of pieces of ________ and __________ b. dense atmosphere made up largely by _____________ and ____________ c. at least 31 moons 3. ___________—seventh planet from the Sun a. atmosphere contains _____________, making planet blue-green b. at least 27 ___________ a. atmosphere contains ____________, making planet blue b. fastest __________ in the solar system, about 2,400 km per hour c. at least 11 satellites including ___________, which has geysers that shoot nitrogen into space 5. __________—ninth planet from the Sun a. different from other outer planets: made of _________ and ______ b. Pluto and its moon, ___________, are so close together that they usually can’t be detected separately. D. Other objects in the solar system include asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. 1. ______________—small, rocky objects that lie in a belt between Mars and Jupiter 2. ___________—made of rock particles and ice a. As their orbits approach the Sun, parts of comets vaporize and form __________. b. Most comets are located in the ________________ beyond Neptune and in the _____________________________ beyond Pluto. 3. _______________—pieces of comets or asteroids that travel through the solar system a. Meteoroids that enter Earth’s atmosphere are called ____________. b. Meteors that fall to Earth are called _______________. E. The solar system may have formed from a cloud of rotating ice, gases, and dust, called a nebula. 1. A nearby ______________ star might have caused the cloud to start condensing. 2. Most of the condensing material formed an early Sun. 36 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs 4. ____________—eighth planet from the Sun Assessment Assessment 38 Earth in Space Name Date Class Earth in Space Chapter Review Part A. Vocabulary Review Directions: Select the term from the following list that matches each description. axis solstice asteroids orbit lunar eclipse comets rotation Moon phases solar system revolution solar eclipse astronomical unit equinox craters nebula 1. depressions caused by large meteorites 2. the spinning of Earth on its axis 3. cloud of gas, ice, and dust in space 4. composed of the Sun, planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects in orbit around the Sun 5. the orbiting of Earth around the Sun 6. imaginary line that runs from the north geographic pole through Earth to the south geographic pole 7. distance of about 150,000,000 km 9. the changing views of the Moon as seen from Earth Assessment Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 8. small, rocky objects that lie in a belt between Mars and Jupiter 10. when Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon 11. when the Sun reaches its greatest distance from the equator 12. when the Moon blocks sunlight from reaching Earth’s surface 13. when the Sun is directly above Earth’s equator 14. objects made mainly of rock and ice that partly vaporize and form tails as they approach the Sun 15. curved path that Earth follows around the Sun Part B. Concept Review 1. Number the planets in the order they appear from the Sun, with the planet closest to the Sun being number 1 and the planet farthest from the Sun being number 9. ______ a. Neptune ______ d. Saturn ______ g. Venus ______ b. Jupiter ______ e. Earth ______ h. Uranus ______ c. Mercury ______ f. Pluto ______ i. Mars Earth in Space 39 Name Date Class Chapter Review (continued) Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 2. How were maria probably formed? 3. Describe the two types of Earth’s motions. How long does each one last? 4. How are Earth and Venus similar? How are they different? Assessment 6. What is the current scientific explanation of the origin of Earth’s Moon? Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct terms. 7. The ____________________ planets are solid, rocky, and Earth-sized. 8. Most of the ____________________ planets are gaseous and have thick atmospheres. 9. The hemisphere tilted ____________________ the Sun receives more daylight than the other hemisphere. 10. Of the five outer planets, the one that seems out of place is ____________________. 40 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 5. What is the asteroid belt and where is it located? Transparency Activities Transparency Activities Earth in Space 45 Name 1 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Turning of the Seasons Transparency Activities 1. Describe the differences among the four pictures. 2. Describe the changing of the seasons in your area. 46 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. What’s the same in each of these four photos? It’s the same tree, of course. The photos show the change of seasons. Name 2 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Moon Power! 1. How might the tides affect the way these boats are tied to the dock? 2. In the days before ships had motors, how do you think the coming and going of the tides affected large sailing ships? Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. On Earth, tides vary from place to place. But even in one place, tides aren’t always the same. The tide below is in the Bay of Fundy, the place with the biggest tides on Earth. 3. What do you think causes the tides? Earth in Space 47 Name 3 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Evening Flow Transparency Activities 1. What objects in our solar system have you seen? 2. Do you think the Moon has similar light displays? Why or why not? 48 Earth in Space Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. There’s a lot more than planets and comets in our solar system. This colorful display, for example, occurs when electrically charged particles, emitted by the Sun, enter our atmosphere. The particles help create beautiful displays near Earth’s poles. These special shows are called auroras. Name Date 1 Teaching Transparency Activity Class Equinoxes/Solstices Spring equinox Summer solstice for northern hemisphere Tropic of Cancer Winter solstice for northern hemisphere Autumn equinox Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Tropic of Capricorn Earth in Space 49 Name Teaching Transparency Activity Date Class (continued) 1. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, what season is it experiencing? 2. Earth’s orbit causes changes in the way the Sun’s light strikes the Earth’s surface. What is the shape of the orbit? 3. What happens when the Sun is directly above the Earth’s equator? 4. What are the days called when we experience the longest (most daylight) and shortest (least daylight) days of the year? 5. Autumn equinox occurs in which month? Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. Do equinoxes and solstices fall on the same dates each year? Explain your answer. 50 Earth in Space Name Date Class Earth in Space Assessment Transparency Activity Directions: Carefully review the graph and answer the following questions. Height of Tide Height of Water (m) 5 4 High Tide 3 High Tide 2 Low Tide Low Tide 1 0 . .M 2A . .M 4A . .M 6A . .M 8A . .M A 10 No on . .M 2P . .M 4P . .M 6P . .M 8P . .M P 10 1. According to the graph, at about what time during the day did waves reach 4.38 m? A 2 A.M. C 3 P.M. B 8 A.M. D 8 P.M. 2. At noon, the height of the tide was about ___. F 1.8 m H 3m G 2.7 m J 4.3 m Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Time of Day 3. The difference in height between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide was about ___. A 1.2 m C 3m B 2.1 m D 4.3 m Earth in Space 51