Currents - Russian River Chamber of Commerce
Currents - Russian River Chamber of Commerce
Russian River Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center July 2010 Currents Meetings: July 14th — Chamber Mixer @ Withywindle Gallery, Main Street Guerneville—6pm NO BOARD MEETING THIS MONTH! July 21st — Up With Downtown Guerneville, 2:30pm @ Johnson’s Beach Office July 13th — Russian River Historical Society Meeting, 6:30pm @ MR Community Center July 20th — RR Fire District Meeting, 7pm @ Guerneville Fire Station July 21st — RR Park & Rec. Board Meeting, 7pm @ RR Senior Center July 22nd — RRROC Meeting 6:00pm @ Guerneville Vet’s Hall Every Tuesday — RR Rotary, 6:30pm @ Highland Dell Inside this issue: News from the Board 2 Member News 4-8 Russian River Jazz/Blues Festival 9 Calendar of Events 12 Contact Us 13 Currents Page 2 News From the Board A Round of Applause to All! On June 12 the Chamber held the fundraiser, Keepin’ the Blues Alive Again, at the Guerneville Vets’ Hall. Headliner, Roy Rogers, experienced chest pain during the show and was rushed to the hospital by Russian River Fire Protection District personnel. He had a stent put in and is extremely grateful to the communities of Guerneville and Santa Rosa for taking good care of him. He is feeling great and already touring again. Thank you to our raffle sponsors: Touch of Greene, Burke’s Canoe Trips, King’s Sport, River’s Edge Kayaks and Canoes, Johnson’s Beach, Russian River Video, Andorno’s Pizza, Coffee Bazaar, Dawn Ranch, Sophie’s Cellars, Howard’s Station, Johnny Garlics/Tex Wasabi, Moshin Vineyards, Occidental Healing Arts, and the Russian River Jazz and Blues Festival. Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the event: John “Milo” Chapman and Midnight Sun, Russian River Rotary Club, Ed Smith, Rick Harrington, Hayley Severe, Diana Nolan, Dale Walters, LaTapatia Taco Truck, Riverlane Resort, Chamber staff—Opal Pullaro, Valerie Munthe and Laura Wigod, and board members—Valerie Haussmann, Richard Lester, Margaret Kennett, Kayte Guglielmino, Art Severe. And thank you to our community and beyond for attending and supporting the Chamber. The proceeds will be going to the Up With Downtown Chamber’s downtown security guard fund this year. Guerneville Meetings are A side note: if an emergency occurs in the Guerneville area, do not call 911 the 4th Wednesdays of the from a cell phone. The call would be routed to Vallejo and could cause delays. Month, at 2:30pm at Please dial dispatch Johnson’s Beach Office and are open to the public Downtown Guerneville Businesses partake in Façade Program The Russian River Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Russian River Redevlopment Oversight Committee, the Community Development Commission, and the Russian River Historical Society to bring a beautiful and enlightening façade to the vacant storefronts in downtown Guerneville. The project, started back in May, was conjured by a group of local concerned citizens who wanted to deliver a positive image of Guerneville’s business sector for visitors and locals to enjoy. The layout consists of posters, already tried and tested in the city of Sonoma, which give photographic reference to the beauty of the area. The collection of posters placed in each window of the vacant buildings will consist of a CDC and RR Chamber collaboration, with beautiful images of our best features, a simple, yet clever, slogan “Your Business Could Be Here” along with landlord contact information. In addition to this poster, the Russian River Historical Society has donated historical images of the area to be displayed as well. In addition to this project, Redevelopment has allocated special loans for building owners to improve their storefronts in addition to the poster; ie. Painting or new awnings, etc. For more information, please contact Sonoma County Community Development Commission at 707-565-7523 or log onto Your Ad Here! Call 707-869-9000 or email [email protected] for details Currents Page 3 Renewed Members ADA Compliance Services Chris Brokate Janitorial Services Coldwell Banker — Jim Laufenberg D&G Equity Management Edward Jones Ferngrove Cottages Highlands Resort Inn @ Occidental Lambert’s Guerneville 76 Northwood Golf Course Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary Porter Creek Vineyards Rio Villa Beach Resort River Bend Resort Riverbeach Properties Riverlane Resort River West Rentals Russian River Vacation Rentals Santa Nella House Sunset Manor of Guerneville West County Health Centers William F. Hollabaugh Printing Services Zeigler Mechanical Currents Vacation Rentals Face New Challenges By Camille LeGrand In December of 2008, we learned that the Permit & Resource Management Department (PRMD) intended to ban vacation rentals in R-1 and RR districts, based on a handful of “problem” vacation rentals in Sonoma Valley. In response, vacation rental management companies in the county formed a Task Force to educate PRMD and the Board of Supervisors regarding the 1000 or so vacation rentals in Sonoma County. The fight to maintain our local tourist-based economy has been on-going for 18 months. Vacation rentals are vital to our local economy, especially in the river area. We estimate that vacation rentals bring over 30,000 visitors here every year. Without these, the loss to our local restaurants, bars, stores, and services would be substantial; indeed, many could not survive. Without vacation rental income, many homes here will fall into foreclosure or undergo forced sales, dragging down all property values. The vacation rental management companies are the largest employers in the area and support many ancillary service businesses as well: contractors, handy folk, cleaners, dog sitters and gardeners, to name a few. In January 2009, the Board of Supervisors rejected the PRMD proposition to ban vacation rentals in part because the direct economic benefit to the county from vacation rentals is in the vicinity of $88,000,000 per year, with $2,000,000 collected from TOT alone. The Board of Supervisors appointed Supervisor Valerie Brown and our Fifth District Supervisor Efren Carrillo as the ad hoc committee for vacation rentals and instructed PRMD to come up with a registration plan and enforcement power over problem houses. Thereupon began a year-long project, involving the Task Force of vacation rental managers, the ad hoc committee, PRMD, Page 4 Member News NORBAR (the realtors association), the Tax Collector, and some angry homeowners who were complaining very loudly of no more than five vacation rentals deemed to be a problem. The result of this collaborative work resulted in a proposed vacation rental ordinance unveiled in January 2010. A public workshop held then invited comments on this proposed ordinance and the Task Force supported it in principle, with the understanding that there were still many details to be worked out, especially with regard to enforcement. At that point, the Task Force felt that this ordinance was huge overkill to deal with a few problem houses, but if the Board of Supervisors wanted regulation, this was regulation we could live with. PRMD went silent after that workshop. In late May, we finally received the new draft ordinance from PRMD. This ordinance bears little resemblance to the January 2010 proposal, it was drafted without regard for any economic consequences, it is draconian in its provisions, inserts an entire septic red herring that was never part of any discussions, and appears to have as its intent the gradual elimination of most vacation rentals---one complaint and the vacation rental permit could be revoked for a year. The ordinance was set for hearing by the Planning Commission on June 10, to be followed by a BOS hearing in mid-July. At the June 10 hearing, the Planning Commission rejected the proposed ordinance and sent it back to PRMD to come up with something simpler and without the negative economic consequences, with the next hearing set for August 5. At this point, the Russian River area is fighting for its economic life since the “problem” houses (except for one or two self-managed vacation rentals in Guerneville) are in Sonoma Valley, but our area will be...(continued to page 8…) Currents Page 5 Fort Ross 200-Year Celebration Needs Volunteers partnerships with committees and organizations. Please join us! The mission of Fort Ross 2012 is to commemorate the 200 years of natural, cultural and human history of Fort Ross (known today as Fort Ross State Historic Park), increase public interest and preserve the rich and vital legacy for future generations through a series of special events featuring the diverse influences of many people, including Kashaya and Coast Miwok Indians, Russians, Native Alaskans, Spanish, Mexican and Americans. Fort Ross State Historic Park and the Fort Ross 2012 Steering Committee are pleased to invite the general public to volunteer for the preparation of the Bicentennial Commemoration of Fort Ross in 2012. The Fort Ross 2012 Steering Committee is seeking individuals as well as Do you love talking about and sharing with people all the wonderful stories that surround Fort Ross? Or California history! Are you an artist, a photographer, or do you love to participate in plays, or write poetry, do you like to work with children, or travel, do you like to work with your hands to create lasting memories, or are you a planner or an office worker or do you love to share stories, are you good at weaving or do you like hosting people from other countries – in particular Russia and Alaska? Then this meeting is for you. We believe that the rich and diverse history associated with 200 years of existence of Fort Ross provides an excellent opportunity to work cooperatively in the development of exhibits, shows, symposia, and concerts which will provide insights into the time when Fort Ross was put the map and also reflect on the establishment of California as a state, on the contributions of different nations and on quests of individuals and organizations then and now. Please contact Robin Joy at 707847-4777 or [email protected] for more information or to volunteer. Volunteer Registry Getting Off the Ground In the year 2007 Robbi Ernst III had an idea of creating three registries of volunteers for the RR area. One registry would be a database of people who want to help others in the community as well as those who already volunteer in various way and projects. This registry would be called the Russian River Volunteers Registry Database that was specific to, and for, the Russian River area. While Santa Rosa has for many years had an excellent staff and volunteers who have maintained an incredibly up-to-date and well-organized database of volunteers he heard too often that people from the Russian River area have had difficulties finding volunteers who were local to the area. A second registry would be compiled mostly of seniors, disabled people who are still capable of doing some limited amount of work. Some of the people who make up this registry will be volunteers; others want to continue to share their skills, talents and abilities that made up their life’s work days before retiring or becoming disabled and want to earn a minimal income to supplement their restricted income. It would be called something like “A RR Registry of Workers” with such skills as carpentry, minor electrical work, plumbing, landscaping or yard work, housecleaning, etc…. The third registry would be an expansion to an already existing Sebastopol based service that provides transportation to doctors’ appointments, renewal of prescriptions and grocery shopping. “My idea is to expand the transportation model and get more of our seniors and disabled people out of their homes so that once again they can share in the activities of the community, such as meetings, golfing tournaments, parades and other social events such as visiting friends, going to a movie or other social activities. A major part of this “Social Transportation Registry” would be to provide Docents for some of the community’s important organizations, such as expanding the already existent Armstrong Woods Docents, provide small business counselors and advisors for our two Chambers of Commerce, provide the historical society with docents who could expand their oral and video histories, instructions or talks on the history of the Russian River, as well as fulfill other needs in the community,” says Ernst. The first of these three registries, the RR Volunteers Registry Database, is almost to the point that Robbi thinks after another four to six months the Committee that has been formed to oversee and maintain it, will be able to do so without a lot of worry or concern. (continued to page 6…) Currents Page 6 July Events for Children from River to Coast Children’s Services River Child Care Services presents: Water Safety IS Water fun. Swim Lessons Return to west Sonoma County & the Rio Nido Roadhouse Pool: SESSION 1 July 6 - 9 at Rio Nido Roadhouse Pool SESSION 2: July 12 - 15 at Rio Nido Roadhouse Pool Ages: 3 years old to adult welcomed to participate! Choose 1/2 hour classes starting at: 9:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:00 AM Cost $8.00 per entire session Sign up early for a preferred time because SPACE IS LIMITED: phone: River to Coast Children's Services (RCCS) at 707.869.3613 or email: [email protected]. Supported by the Russian River Parks and Recreation Department and the Sonoma County Family YMCA. Summer Fun Carnival: Parents and Child Care Providers: Join River to Coast Children's Services for a Summer Fun Carnival at the Forestville Youth Park, 7045 Mirabel Road, Forestville. July 22, 2010 10 AM to Noon Bring a picnic lunch and have fun. It's FREE! Games, Crafts, Prizes designed for younger children. For more information call River to Coast Children's Services (RCCS) at 707.869.3613 Ongoing Activities from River to Coast Children's Services: Children's Activities: River to Coast Children’s Services offers Kindergym Monday and Tuesday mornings 9:45 AM to 12:20 PM in Guerneville at the Guerneville Vets’ Hall, located on the corner of 1st and Church Streets in downtown Guerneville. Features activities for children 0 to 6 years (accompanied by their care givers). Suggested donation is $4 for one child and $1 for each additional child and Family Child Care Providers, $5 per group. For current schedule, call River to Coast Children's Services (RCCS) at 707.869.3613 M-F, 9 to 5 PM. Community Resources: River to Coast Children’s Services (RCCS) offers resources for families and child care providers in west Sonoma County. Free referrals for child care, help paying for child care for eligible families, low cost Car Safety Seat program, low cost counseling for children and their families, children’s seasonal events, Kindergym twice a week in Guerneville, parent education workshops and parent support group, emergency resources for families with young children (underwritten by Community Foundation Sonoma County), resources and training for child care providers, information on shopping for quality child care. RCCS is located in downtown Guerneville at 16300 1st St. Call 707.869.3613 or Volunteers, cont... Valerie Hausmann and Linda Snow, have joined him to help finalize the registration form, expand and grow the number of people registered on the database as well as create a “to do” list for the immediate future. “Valerie and Linda have been simply wonderful. I was so frustrated working by myself, and I realized that I was up against a wall and that I needed help,” says Ernst. Currently the database of Volunteers has registered almost sixty people, most of which are completely new people who have not been volunteering prior to today. People want to help, they simply need to be asked, so, with the Volunteers Registry Database, we have created a means to let producers and organizers of events know that these people exist and simply need to be contacted. The Russian River Chamber of Commerce has been vitally instrumental in helping the Volunteers Registry reach its current level of success. From the first moment we introduced the Volunteers Registry to Margaret Kennett, President of the RR Chamber of Commerce, and to the Chamber, they immediately came on board and have become the vital leader ensuring its success. The Chamber not only backs and supports the Volunteers Registry, they have allocated a prominent place for the Registry on its website. Not only can people go to the Chamber Website ( to learn About the registry, the calendar of events when volunteers are needed in large numbers, people can fill out the registration form on the website and return it to the Chamber with the click on their keyboard. Moreover, the Chamber has provided that Staff Personnel Valerie Munthe will be the contact person in the Chamber office who will oversee the administrative segments of keeping the registrations going out to the public on a regular basis as well as inputting the data into the Chamber website so that when different groups need volunteers for specific projects, they need only go to the Chamber website, click the RRVolunteers Registry button, and get the information and/or the names of specific volunteers necessary so that their project or event will be more successful. Currents Summer Reading Programs @ Guerneville Regional Library Wednesday, July 7 @11 am Summer Reading Program presents Water Works Puppet Show! Puppet Company “Images in Motion” presents an original puppet show using a variety of beautifully crafted rod, shadow, and hand puppets. Ages kindergarten and up. Free! Wednesday, July 14 @ 11 am Summer Reading Program presents Daffy Dave! Do you love magic? Do you love comedy? Do you love magical comedy and singing, too? Well, this is the must-see show for you! Daffy Dave does it all! Ages kindergarten and up. Free! Wednesday, July 21 @ 11 am prises! Summer Reading Finale! Ice Cream! Sur- Ages kindergarten and up. Free! ADULT PROGRAMS Page 7 Art Exhibit @ Quicksilver Sojourns Paintings and Drawings by Louisa King Fraser The Quicksilver Mine Co. in downtown Forestville presents a solo exhibition by Santa Rosa artist Louisa King Fraser beginning on July 9th. This show, Sojourns: Paintings and Drawings 1988—2010, continues in the gallery through August 15th. An Artist Reception for Louisa Fraser will be held on Saturday, July 10th from 4—6pm. Fraser will also be present in the gallery to talk about her work and travels on Thursday evening, August 5th beginning at 7pm. The Quicksilver Mine Co. is located at 6671 Front St./Hwy 116, Forestville. Gallery hours are 11—6 Thursday through Monday; the gallery is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For more information call (707) 887-0799, or visit the gallery website at Thursday, July 8 @ 12:30 pm. Book Discussion group. “Tenderness of Wolves” by Stef Penney. Bring your lunch! Free! Blood Drive & CPR Classes Blood Drive: The Russian River Fire Protection District is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Friday, July 23, 2010, from 4:00-7:00pm. The Drive will be held at St. Hubert’s Hall (behind the Fire Station). Please help us support the Blood Bank by donating blood. Call 707-869-9089 for more information. CPR Classes: The class will be held Tuesday, July 27, 6:00pm, at the Fire Station, 14100 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville. You must sign up in advance by phoning Debbie Miller at 707/869-9089. $25.00 covers the cost of a CPR card (the class is free). Teenagers are welcome! Currents Page 8 Vacation Rentals, continued... disproportionately affected by this ordinance. While it is reasonable for the county to find some way to prevent the few problem houses from continuing to operate as nuisances to their neighbors, we could only wish that they would find a way to curtail all nuisance neighbors, not just the handful that happen to be vacation rentals. The River area must stand up and oppose this ordinance as it is constituted since it will substantially reduce the number of visitors to our area and thus negatively impact most of the businesses here. Speaking up at the August 5 hearing is really important. Nic Pereira, of Spa Dad & Son, ([email protected]) has taken a substantial role in speaking for the vendors but he should have a lot of business folk by his side. Herman Hernandez, of Frank Howard Allen, has tirelessly worked on this issue as well; we’d like to see other real estate professionals join him. Anyone who wants a copy of the next proposed ordinance, which will be considered at the August 5 hearing before the Planning Commission, can email me at [email protected]. PRMD typically does not post the ordinance until a week before the hearing date. Currents Page 9 Page 10 Currents Page 11 Page 12 Special Events For Detailed Events or Updates, please visit our Website at Live Music every night @ Main Street Pizza, 707-869-0501 Live Music Every Weekend @ Rio Nido Roadhouse. 707-869-0821 Every Wednesday: Volunteers @ Riverkeeper Park, clean-up and maintenance. Call Victoria Wikle @ 707-865-2474 Currents July 2010 27 4 11 VineMan 70.3 July 4th: Guerneville Independence Day Celebration! 25 July 18th: VineMan 70.3: July 31st: Fort Ross Culture Heritage Day: July 31st: Full VineMan, Wed Thu Fri Sat 28 29 30 1 2 3 Monte Rio Fireworks 6 7 8 9 Guerneville Fireworks July 3rd: Big Rocky Games and Monte Rio Fireworks: July 17th & 18th: Climb Aboard @ PCAM: 707-575-7900 Tue 5 18 July 17th & 18th: Civil War Days @ Duncans Mills, Mon March June Every Friday for the Month of May: Live music at the Highland Dell. Call 707-865-2300 for details or log onto the Chamber’s online Calendar. July 10th: Sister’s Bingo, “Oh Say Can You” Bingo: Doors open @ 6pm, Games start @ 7pm-9:30pm. $15/ card or $20 for two. 10 Sister’s Bingo 12 13 14 15 16 Mixer 17 Civil War Days Climb Aboard 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 24 31 FT. Ross Culture Heritage Day Vineman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 August Korbel Champagne Cellars Jamaica in July Saturday, July 24 11am to 3:30pm Specially selected champagne & food pairings Special Discounts Live Music by “Caribbean Connection” $15 Admission, Champagne Club Members $10, logo glass included Winery & Garden Tours throughout the day CONTACT: Korbel Champagne Cellars 13250 River Rd., Guerneville, CA 95446 707.824.7316 Advertising Rates: Full Page: $50/edition Half-Page: $25/edition Business Card Size: $15/edition. 16209 First St. P.O. Box 331 Guerneville, Ca 95446 For More information, please contact Valerie Munthe at 707-869-9000 or [email protected] Check us out on the Web: Like the Logo Images??? Posters are now available at the Chamber Office for $5/ea. Choose from individual panels or four-in-one. Posters measure 11”x17” Chamber Board & Staff Opal Pullaro — Chamber Office Manager * Valerie Munthe — Greeter * Susie Markell — Korbel Visitor Center * Julie Thompson — Korbel Visitor Center Shirley Degerlund — Greeter * Laura Wigod — Greeter Margaret Kennett (Fern Grove Cottages) — President Richard Lester (Coffee Bazaar) — Vice President, Membership Laura Wilson (Johnson’s Beach & Cabins) — Treasurer, Up With Downtown Beth Rudometkin (Community First Credit Union) — Secretary Valerie Hausmann (Booker Productions) — Director of Events Stacy Jardine (Guerneville Cottage) — Board Member, Membership, Up With Downtown Art Severe (101 Things To Do) — Board Member Dax Berg (Sonoma Nesting Company) — Board Member Jan Russell (Dawn Ranch Lodge & Roadhouse Restaurant) — Board Member Buck Sierra (Nexus Organic Design) — Board Member Kayte Guglielmino (Gene Gaffney Insurance) — Board Member 16209 First St.—P.O. Box 331 Guerneville, Ca 95446
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