1 Million Donation
1 Million Donation
Octllber 15, 2007 .4l1li1.. EM curtain Memorial Hospital 'II1II1" Idabel, Oklahoma landscapes and Portraits In Health SI MILLION DONATION McCurtain Memorial Medical Management. Inc.. the operator of the McCurtain Memorial Hospital in Idabel. Oklahoma donated 11.000.00010 Ih. McCurtain County Hospital Authority Board to supplement the countywide sales tax revenue controlled and managed by the Authority BoaN:!, The Authority Board and the Management Board are embarking on a $14 million renovation and construction program designed to update the hospital facility and equipment. The two boards have pledged to work together on the project using tax money and money from operations of the hospital to finance the systems and remodel the entire facility, '1he systems of the hospital are simply worn out", according to John Grugan. Chief Engineer and Director of Plant Operations. '1here has been no major upgrade for 34 years", he said. In addition to upgrading the infrastructurf and remodeling. the hospital also plans on constructing a new rehabilitation unit complete with an exercise pool that will house physical therapy. occupational therapy, speech therapy, respiriilory therapy. and cardiac rehabilitation services, The new departments will also offer exerdse programs that will be open to the public. This is part of the new 'wellness focus' of the hospital. 114.000.000 project. M~Curtain "lemerial Medical The project is designed to upgrade the infrastructure of the hospital including the electrical. mechanical, air and heating "lanayement Inc, danates nDDD.DDD te the Hospital Authcrity, Ldt to RiBIrt: Front ROl'I: James J. Campbell. DudlCl' Pars~ns. both AiJ· t~mrity Buord Iotembers, Billie r~m1insiln, Chillrwilm~n. McCurtain Iotem~ rial "ledicallotanaQement Inc_ Donald R. ShlM, Chairman HaSlJitai Autllarity. Pat Ba9Bs, HeSl)ital Authority Bod Row:Julene CunninBham, 4uthcrity Board. Jared Johnsen. and l!'Iin Jones. bath "lanagement Board members. Workingfor a lIealthier Community Inside this issue: 2 Independent Audit Results 2 The Price of Tea in China Strategic Plan Retreat 3 Employee of the Month 3 Did You Know 4 Health Fair 2007 People and Places 4 5 To Your Health 6 Annual Picnic 6 Current Events 7 In the Spotlight 7 ® Page 2 Landscapes and Portraits In Health The Price of Tea in China pound loaf of whole wheat bread last month was up 24% compared to one year ago according to the Bureau 01 labor Statistics. Whole milk was up 26% lor the same period at $3.81 a gallon. The most disturbing aspect of this trend is that the economists expect it to last as long as a decade or longer. When I was grtlwing up in rural America. I clearly remember the old adage. 'What does that have to do with the price 01 tea in China?' This was usually used to rebuff an argumentthat had no bearing on the topic being discussed. Well. today most everything has to do with prices in This rally in grain prices started about China. ayear ago when the government anWhile doing some research for a talk nounced huge subsidies to alternative I recently gave, I ran across an arti- fuel producers. The rest is history. cle in the Wall Street Journal that Ethanol was supposed to be an answer gave me pause and also made me to the shortage in world luel supplies angry. The article NSoaring Demand and energy dependence on rogue for Grain Roils Global Mar- regimes around the world. Well, kets," (Scott Kilman. Wall Street maybe it is but the price may be too Journal, September 29, 2007) states high. We now not only have record that rising prices and surging de- fuel prices but record food prices. mand for the crops that supply hall the world calories are altering the ~ow. what does China have to do with this? Over hall of the world's hogs live economic landscape. in China and their dairy herd has inAmerican families spend almost 10% creased three fold in the last six years of their diSjlosable income on food according to the Department of Agriaccording to the Department of Agri- culture. culture, These lamilies are now The Chinese government is one of the lacing the fastest rising food prices biggest importers of all grains from in 17 years according to Mr. Kilman. America. Agriculture Department The average rclail price of aone- economists expect exports to hit a record S79 billion in the fiscal year ending September 30, up 15% frtlm last year, Why does this bother me? Icertainly do not begrudge a rising middle class in developing countries having a beller diet. (I am concerned about the worlds poorest having access to food at these prices) and I'm glad the fanners in Kansas and Iowa are making some money. My concern is when I see unemployment in McCurtain County higher than any other county in the state and our per capita income among the lowest in the nation; when we have among the highest rates of children and adults without health insurance in the state and the highest death rates frtlm diseases that could be prevented and when we have 100% of the students in some school districts eligible lor Iree or reduced lunches and when many of our children go to school hungr)'- why do we subsidize huge grain fanns with our tax money only to have them export it to China? We already suffer under the burden 01 high oil prices; why do we need this added burden? It is a tax an those who can least affoN:! it. It makes me angry. But then. what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? -By Brit Messer. CEll Annual Independent Audit Results Received The hospital recently received the results 01 our outside independent audit conducted by EideBailly, Inc.. a national accounting firm. As in past years the hospital was given an unqualified opinion leiter stating that the audit firm found that the financial statements present fairly the linancial position of the hospital, The final net income was adjusted upward to $761.000 which was significantly above the budget for year end 6/30/07 and well above last year. -By Ray Whitmore. CFO Page 3 Strategic Planning Retreat McCurtain Memurial Huspital held its annual Strategic Planning Retreat at the forest Heritage Center ul Beavers Bend Resurt north uf Broken Buw. Dklahoma un Saturday. September 291k. The meeting. hosted by the hospital, had participants lrom the McCurtain Cuunty Hospital Authority: the McCurtain Memorial Medical Management Inc. Board representative 01 the McCurtain Memorial Medical Staff; Huspital Department Managers and Seniur Management 01 the huspital. The purpose of the annual meeting is to review the progress made over the proceeding year on the goals established in the strategic plan and to evaluate the overall direction 01 the hOSlJital in light of changes that have occurred in our marketplace and to louk at future trends that might have an impact un the strategic plan. evaluates changes and trends in demographic and SlIcioeconorric cunditions in their man.:et place. "The Management BoaN:! adopted a 'gNlwth strategy' some thM!e years ago," said Brit Messer. CEO. "This strategy lit out market conditions at the time and means that the hospital will devote its resuurces toward establishing new services. expanding existing unes and capturing additional man.:et share." The annual strategic planning retreat is designed tu see if market conditions have changed enough to warrant a change in our growth strategy. he said. Dver the last three years the hospital has been evaluating six 'bellwether topics' that impact the hospital planning process. These include population. education. health status. income, payment source and medical stafl analysis, In making this detennination. Messer said the hospital thoroughly Strat~gic Phmning M~~ling King, An::hil~ct for~ground-Matl Employee Of The Month-Cassie Davis Althuugh Cassie has only been an RN lor afew short months. (she won:ed here as an tPN) she is very conscientious and strives to make her department agood place to work. Cassie works in Women's Services. She is invulved in the Duality Improvement Project that is unguing. Cassie is becuming more familiar with all the areas 01 her department and she will be able tu work all uf them equally well. Cassie always has asmile on her face and ahelping hand for whoever needs one. »1 would love to have mOM! nurses 01 her caliber!" said Pam Johnson, RN. eND. Currently. Cassie lives in the Valliant area where she was born and raised. Cassie will receive SIOD for being selected as employee 01 the munth. Congratulations Cassie!! Cassie Davis, RN Employee of the Month ® Pag.4 Landscapes and Portraits In Health Oid You Know? l~ura Educational Opportunities Muck. RT ( R) pass~d h~r Kryslal Keisler. Cassie Davis and Radiology Registry on 8/30/07 Carrie Taylor recently attended a Neonatal Resuscitation Prugram Jeanne Parnell. Physical Therapy Department. will be attending a2 day seminar on Functional Assessments 10 Exercise Prtlgram. MargaM!! Lappin. NM ER. will attend a seminar on Key Concepts in the Emergen~ Department. Ashley Downing (laboralol)') has I'tlsigned as a day shift phlebotomist. She is moving 10 Florida. Her lasl day with us will be taught here by Leslie King. RN and Julie Stansbury, RT The Autism Spectrum Disorders support group meets in the private dining mom the 2nd Monday of each month al 6pm. The Alzheimer Support GrtlUp meets in the private dining room the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 8:30 pm. Radiology Department: Mammography Seminar Oct. 8th 8 7tl1. 2007 Nursing: CPR Recertification: 101m 9am-12 pm 2nd floor classroom. IV Refresher CourSll10/25 9 am-l pm 2nd floor classroom. 10/17/07. Health Fair 2007 TheM! were over 500 participants at this years fair according the Brit Messer. CEO of McCurtain Memorial Hospital. ~We were very gratified with the turnout. This was our Wrr( of saying thank-you to the community that has supported the hospital over the years". said Messer. 1he fair also gave the community a chance to see the CUlling-edge technology that has been purchased by their tax money and it provided the participants a chance to experience the real-life. personal benefits of such technology.u The results of many of the diagnostic tests perfonned at the health fair will be mailed out to the participants this week. The hospital performed lIVer 150 EKG's (electrocardiograph): 58 PSA's (prostate): 374 bone mineral density tests (osteoporosis): and 391 cardiac calcium storing exams. Other tests performed included cholesterol. glucose, PFT (pulmonary function test) and blood preSSUM! exams. The hospital also plans on offering 'specials' throughout the coming year to further acquaint the public with the capabilities of McCurtain Memorial Hospital. "Most residents don't M!alize how much McCur· tain Memorial Hospital has progressed over the last few years". said Messer. '-Iealth Fair 2007 Page 5 People and Places New Hires: Health Information Systems: Virginia Chappell EmeNlency Department: LeAnn Gastolt RN, Mary Real, RN. Paula Kn(]x. RN James Smith ER Tech. November 7th-13th Anniversaries: Mike and LeAnn Gaston-!O/24 Cheryl and Lyle Lester-9/18-25 years Phyllis and David Newman. 10/16-3 years Sterile Processing, Central Services and Materials Management Week October 7th-13th Emergency Roam Nurses Week Pam J(]hnson was honored Friday, Oc!(]ber 5, 2007 as the first ever Kiamichi Technology Center Champion. Ms. Johnson was honored with a luncheon before a dining room CNlwd of her co-workers, peers. and alumni. Eddie Coleman. Interim Superintendent of the center and Johnny Meredith. Kiamichi Technology Center Director. presented this award to her. The Champion Award is presented to outstanding individuals who have overcome adversities in their lives to obtain their formal education. October 21st-27th Pam Johnson, RN, CND Respiratory Care Week Births: Donna Grammer (Health Information Systems) is the proud grandmother of Kylie Lynlt born 9/26/07 November 5th-9th Marcella 68illy Jones (Imaging) are the proud grandparents of Jaymon Shay Poor8uffalo. born 9/10/07 Radiology Week Sherrie Anderson (Physical Therapy) is the proud "NeNe" and Leah ... Morgan (Med Surg) is the proud grandmother of 8rody Shane Mor- ~ gan, born 10/3/07 wt71bs 15oz, 191/t long. Myra Christine CNlwelt born 9/12/07. 71bs 7oz. Most beautiful baby in the world-looks just like her grandmother. Pam Fredman ( Nursing), o Contact lnfonnation: Phone: 580-208-3100 Fa" 580·108·3188 E-mail: adm~mmhok.com Website: MMHok,com ® Pag. S Landscapes and Portraits In Health To Your Health- The Best Medicine Discovered by McCurtain Memorial Hospital McCurtain Memorial HCSlJilal announced today the discovery 01 a new medication that many call a miracle drug. Just some 01 the benefits of this medication include: managing your WElight controlling your blood pressure: decreasing your risk of heart attach: lowering your risk of slrokll; boosting good cholesterol: reducing your risk of breast caner: rfducing the risk 01 type 2 diabetes; avoiding the need for gall slone surgery; and protecting you against hip fracture. The list goes on and on. Much of the reseilrt:h on this new medication announced today also can help: • * * * * Prfvenl depression. colon cancer. constipation. oslEmpo- msls. impotence. lengthen life span lower stress levels Relieve arthritis and back pain Strengthen muscles bones and joints • • Improve sleep Elevate overall mood and sense of well being The new medication has other attributes that far exceed any medication on the mark~ today. First. there is no prescription necessary and secondly there is no cos! for this medication. You've probably figured out by now that the new medication is walking. Our new Garden Meadows Walking Trail is becoming more and more popular with the public and is no doubt making an impact on the Quality of life of those who use it McCurtain Memorial Hospital encourages anyone in the community to take advantage of our walking track, The track has easy access with easy parking and is lighted lor nighttime walking also, It is also in a safe location with security prtlvided at night That pretty well eliminates all the ex· cuses you want to use except the weather. At times there are even people ignoring that and using an umbrella while walking on our track. Any amount 01 walking is good, but the experts recommend that we walk for 30 minutes at least 5 times aweek at a bricl. pace to get the best health results, AJso a steady routine is probably the most important factor in getting the most out of your walking program. It is all too easy to slump back into old habits which Quickly overtake the bene- Employee Family Picnic The hospital's annual Employee Family Picnic will be held on Saturday. October 13.2007 fmm 4 pm to 7:30 pm at the GaNlen Meadows Walking Trail in fmnt of the hospital. This will be the first time the picnic will be held in this location, The picnic will not only host a volley balltournamenl. but will also fits that you may have gained by walking. Garden Meadows Walking Trail leature the give-away to employees present of over $1.000 in beautiful. useful gifts including outdoor grills and sturdy outdoor furniture. Games will be available for children present and as usual. hot dogs and hamburgers and all the side dishes will be available, You are asked to bring your own lawn chair if possible so you can position yourself under one of the shade trees available. The weather is guaranteed to be perfect so please join us on SatuNlay. Page 7 Current and Upcoming Events An article written by Or. Holden Metical Director of New Directions and Betsy Dew. Quality IfTVllVement entitled Telemedicine in a Rural Gero-Psychiatric Inpatient Iklit: I:omparison of PerceptionlSatisfaction to Onsite Psychiatric Care' has been aplX"U¥ed I... pOOIication in 'e1emelicine ... eII,,'h "" off<;~ journal of the American 131h 4pm-IJO pm. 'elemedicine Association. Halloween Coslume ConOr. Holden has been test and Pu~in Decorating Coolest 00 Friday. asked to lecture at the National Convention of October 26th. Geriatric Care Millagers Annual McClI'tain Merroin Santa Fe. New Mexico rial Hospital Elf1Iloyee on Octooer 26. 2DD7. Cm~mas P,...,. friday. Anooal McClI'tain Merro- Oecermer 7th. rial Hospital FaTi~ Picric. SatlJ'day. October IN THE SPOTlIGHT: Billie Tomlinson. 'Madam Chairma" Ms. Tomlinson. better know as Billie by those who know her, first came to the Board of Directors 01 McCurtain Memorial Medical Management.lnc. in August of 2002 to fill an unexpired vacancy created by a resignation. She was also appointed as Secretary to the Board at that time. She was then elected President of the Board in January, 2008 and has served in that capacity since. "Billie has brought leadership and continuity to the Board" said Brit Messer. CEO. "Sh. han- works lireless~ for Ihe dles delicale and conlro- benefit of others. Billie versial issues with skill has two daughters and and most 01 all brings !:Wo sons, all of whom the board together as a live in Texas. team. The meetings are MI am very excited about productive and lun he our Strategic Plan and said. the progress we are making. Our end objecBillie has resided in tive is to develop the Broken Bow. Oklahoma for over 23 years where hospital into a regional she has been active in referral center that will civic affairs. Her career allow the residents of has spanned building. our area to obtain real estate, and manage- needed medical care locally without the travel ment. She also worked for a lime for Texas to distant facilities". said Billie. ''I'm glad to be Instruments. involved in this growth" She enjoys traveling and she said, civic activities and M , U.S. Adults Spent More on Lipitor in 2IJD4 than Any other Drug. With a total nearly S5 billion. Lipitor, a choiestel"'lll-reducing dMlg. ranked tim Ul tems of total spending on prescription medicinES by adults ages 18-64 in 2IJ04. and amrther cholesternlfighting drug.locor, ranked forth at S2.3 billion. according tu the latest News and Numbers from the A!lency for Healthcare Research and Duality. Rounding out the top fIVe prescribed dMlgs for adults were second-and third- ranked Nexium (S2.7 billion) and Prevacid (S2.4) • prulonilump inhibitor drugs that reduce stomach acidand loloft an antidepressant (S1.B billion), which ranked fihh. Billie Tomlinson