Limagito FileMover - Move your files from anywhere to anywhere


Limagito FileMover - Move your files from anywhere to anywhere
Limagito FileMover - Move your
files from anywhere to anywhere
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Limagito FileMover - Move your files from anywhere to anywhere
Use the Limagito FileMover to move your files from anywhere to anywhere. This file mover automation tool can copy,
move or delete files that are added to a specific folder. You can set file and directory filters based on the file name, date
and size. Also rename, encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to
the new destination. Create directories based on the file name or date and check if the file already exists. The file-mover
can move files from/to local folders as well as FTP, SFTP, FTPS directories and to SMTP. This software offers quite a few
features that make the program very flexible and useful for a variety of file management tasks as well as file backups.
Limagito runs in the system tray and automatically monitors the selected folders for any additions that match your file
moving rules. You can set up as many working threads as wanted (Full Version), each with individual settings. Other
features include detailed logging, support for subdirectory scanning, command-line options and much more.
The Single, Site & Corporate License edition can be used as application or service.
Important .. You need help setting up Limagito? Just ask. Setting up is available at no cost.
License Information
The free Lite version is restricted to a single moving rule.
There's a Single User, Site and Corporate License available.
A single user license grants you the right to install and use limagito on a single machine.
A site license allows you the right to install and use limagito across multiple machines in your organization at a single
A corporate license allows you the right to install and use limagito across multiple machines in your organization
regardless of location.
After payment you will receive a license.key file (zipped) by mail. Just copy this license.key file into the directory of
limagito.exe, (re)start limagito and you'll have features available (= Full version). We typically process most orders within
a few hours. However in some cases it can take up to 2 business days.
The License.key file will work with the following versions of Limagito: version 6 -> version 9.
Frequently Asked Question(s)
The service version isn't doing anything. I've exported my settings using the Gui version. I've started the Limagito
Service but nothing happens?
Limagito: In 95% of the cases it's a security problem. You need to change the logon account for the Limagito Service.
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Can I use a different scan time for each moving rule?
Limagito: Click the 'Scan Setup' button (Rule Options Tab) and enable 'Use moving rule scan time'. The moving rule
scan time is used by the selected moving rule only. If 'Use moving rule scan time' is enabled then the global scan time
is ignored (for this moving rule).
I've enabled and configured Scheduled Events but the scan time function is still working. How can I disable the scan
timer for this moving rule. I only want to use scheduled events.
Limagito: Click the 'Scan Setup' button (Rule Options Tab) and enable 'Disable Common an Moving Rule Scan Time'.
I would like to virus scan input files (WIN) first before moving them to their destination. Is this possible?
Limagito: One possibility is to install a command line anti-virus in combination with the command option in Limagito.
You could use the freeware anti-virus ClamWin ( After installation you need to enable
'Execute Command before Move/Copy/Delete' (Command tab) and enable 'Move/Copy/del. when exitcode = 0'
(Command tab). Finally add some code to the command field and you're done:
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"C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe" -d "C:\Documents and Settings\pascal\.clamwin\db" %ID%FN
If you want to remove (be careful) infected files:
"C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe" -d "C:\Documents and Settings\pascal\.clamwin\db" --remove
Info ClamScan.exe (by ClamWin): When run from the command line, a value will be returned, indicating whether or
not a virus was detected. If no virus is found, the return value will be 0. If a virus is found, the return value is 1. Any
other return value indicates an error. Use ClamScan.exe -h if you need more information.
I would like to copy the settings from one moving rule to another. Is this possible?
Limagito: Right click on a selected moving rule in the listbox (source settings) and select 'Copy To'. The 'Copy Settings
From xyz To' form will appear. Select the destination moving rule and click on the 'Copy To' button. When this is
finished you need to restart Limagito.
I would like to know what Limagito is doing (debug). Is this possible?
- Install DebugView for windows (freeware Microsoft product)
- Install en start DebugView for Windows
- Enable the 'Output Debug' option in Limagito (Options tab) for the moving rule you need to debug
- Enable this moving rule
- Check the logwindow in DebugView when Limagito is running (scan started)
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Common Options
Rule Options
Server Options
Application Options
Source Options
Destination Options
Service Options
Common Options
Common Options Tab (Common for all Moving Rules)
It's important to understand the difference between common options and rule options. The common options are used for
all moving rules.
Rule options are specific for the selected moving rule.
Moving Rules: Listbox with all available moving rules.
Scan Time (sec.): The time to wait before checking the source for new files (in seconds).
Moving Rules (qty): Amount of moving rules. Limagito restart needed after changing.
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Start / Stop scanning source of all enabled moving rules.
Execute all enabled moving rules now.
There's a common time schedule available in the Lite version. This common time schedule is common for all moving rules.
In the full version there's also a separate time schedule option for each moving rule.
Enable days not available in the Time Schedule list: Days not available in the Time Schedule list are by default
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Common mail settings. Can be used by the Moving Rule Event Manager. This way you only need to setup the Mail Server
once instead of doing this for each Moving Rule.
With the security options you can enable TLS/SSL support for SMTP.
Possible Moving Rule status.
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Network Folder: network share you want to connect
Username: username you need to provide when connecting to the share
Password: password you need to provide when connecting to the share
Drive Letter: the share will be available as the given drive letter (optional)
Recheck every x minutes: check the availability of the share every x minutes (default = 0 = only at Limagito startup)
Rule Options
Rule Options Tab (Unique for each Moving Rule)
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Toggle switch: Enable/Disable the selected moving rule.
Short name (description) for the selected moving rule.
Show source options screen.
Show destination options screen.
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The default ‘trigger' for a new moving rule is the common scan time. The following ‘triggers' are extra available for each
moving rule:
1) Rule Scan Time
2) Scheduled Events
3) Change Notify (Win32)
1) Rule Scan Time
Disable Common and Moving Rule Scan Time: This will disable the scan time function for the selected moving
rule. Useful if you only want to use Scheduled Events.
Use Moving Rule Scan Time: Use a different scan time for each moving rule.
The moving rule scan time is used by the selected moving rule only. If 'Use Moving Rule Scan Time' is enabled
then the common scan time is ignored (for the selected moving rule).
Thread Priority: Priority indicates how much preference the thread gets when the operating system schedules
CPU time among all the threads in your application. Use a high priority thread to handle time critical tasks, and
a low priority thread to perform other tasks.
2) Scheduled Events
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Use Scheduled Events: Setup scheduled event(s) to trigger the moving rule.
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3) Change Notify
Use Change Notify (Win32): Use the OS change notify event to trigger the moving rule. Only for WIN32 input source.
Execute selected rule now. The selected rule must be enabled. The button is only visible if the rule is enabled.
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There's a common time schedule available in the Lite version. In the full version there's also a time schedule for each
moving rule. The common time schedule is common for all moving rules.
Enable days not available in the Time Schedule list: Days not available in the Time Schedule list are by default
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Error event memory: Trigger error events only once for the same file.
Trigger mail events after scan: Trigger mail events after scan instead of for each file. When this option is enabled only
mail parameter %FN (Filename) can be used.
Output Debug: Output debug information for the selected Limagito thread. This gives you full debug capability when
using a Win32 debug monitor (DebugView, freeware at ).
Enable Log: Enable logging to file for the selected thread (moving rule).
Setup Log: Setup log options for the selected Limagito thread.
Logging Level 1-10: Increase the log level if you need more ‘debug' information (default 1). Don't use level 10 during
production, only for testing.
Log Size: Set the maximum size for the log file.
Log History Count: If log size is reached then the .log file will be renamed to .001. With this option you can set the
amount of history files.
History Log Filter: You can add more then one Log Filter each separated by ';' ( i.e. error;exception ). This will limit
the information in the History Log.
RunTime Log Filter: You can add more then one RunTime Log Filter each separated by ';' ( i.e. error;exception ). This
will limit the information in the RunTime Log.
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Log Filename: Select the filename for the log file.
Save: Save log setup.
Input Ftp, Stay Connected: Do not disconnect between scans.
First example
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In the first example Limagito is going to move the input file to a temp directory if this file exists in the destination directory.
We are using the “Execute Command if destination file exists” option. The Application field is empty. This depends on what
you are going to execute. We are using a command line application.
cmd /c move %ID%FN c:\temp
cmd /c
Carries out the command and then terminates
Moves files and renames files and directories.
Source (Input directory + filename)
Input files are zipped into the subfolder ‘zipped'. The extention .zip is added to the original filename.
Second example
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In this example Limagito is going to zip the input file using the command line version of 7zip. (7za.exe download at We are going to execute the command before the copy function. The Application field is empty.
This depends on what you are going to execute. We are using a command line application.
7za.exe a %ID\Zipped\ %ID%FN
7Zip Command line exe file
7Zip archive command
Destination, Zipped filename (Destination directory + filename)
Source, Unzipped filename (Input directory + filename)
Input files are zipped into the subfolder ‘zipped'. The extention .zip is added to the original filename.
Show or input personal information for the selected moving rule.
Server Options
Server Options Tab
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Enable Http Server: enable build-in Http server for RunTime log.
IP: Host name or IP address of Http server.
Port: Port used by Http server.
Username: Username to log into the Http server.
Password: Password to log into the Http server.
Rule Username en Rule Password: Extra Http Username and Password field for each moving rule. Now you can setup
a different username and password for each moving rule http runtime log.
Enable Execute, this will show the Execute button on the Limagito RunTime page.
Enable Hold, this will show the Hold button on the Limagito RunTime page.
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If you want to use the Limagito Remote Client (LimagitoRC) then you need to setup the Remote Server in Limagito.
Enable Remote Server: enable build-in TCP server for Limagito Remote Client (LimagitoRC).
IP: Host name or IP address of TCP server.
Port: Port used by TCP server (default 3500).
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Username: Authentication identity used when logging into the TCP remote server
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the TCP remote server.
Output Debug: Output debug information for the TCP remote server.
Install DebugView for windows (freeware Microsoft product)
Start DebugView for Windows
Enable 'Output Debug' option
Check the logwindow in DebugView
Application Options
Application Options Tab
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Run @ Startup: Limagito will automatically run at windows startup. (entry in the HKLM registry).
Run in System Tray: Limagito will minimize into the system tray at startup.
Export settings to the service version of Limagito (LimagitoSrv.exe).
Check Service Version Running : Let Limagito warn you @ startup if the Limagito Service is running.
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Open Settings Directory : Open the directory where the Limagito settings are stored (depends on the OS).
Information about the Limagito version you are using
Disable Tabsheets and Groupboxes to create a Basic User Mode.
Basic User Mode, Adjustible Setup
Expert User Mode, Fixed Setup
All "User Mode Settings" are saved in the "UserMode.ini" file. This makes it easy
to transfer this "User Mode settings" to another Limagito installation. Just copy
the "UserMode.ini" file in the Limagito install directory and (re)start Limagito.
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First: Select the directory where you want to put the export files.
Second: Select the moving rules you want to export.
Third: Enable 'Add Common, Server and Application Settings in Export' if you also want to export common, server and
application options. The default export filename here is Limagito.ini.exp (application name + .ini + .exp).
Last: Hit the 'Export' button.
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First (left): Select the moving rule export files (.exp) you want to import.
Second (right): Select the moving rules you want to update/overwrite. You must select as many Moving Rules as
imported .exp files.
Third (left): Select the common, server and application export file (default = Limagito.ini.exp) you want to import
(optional, default = blanc).
Last: Hit the 'Import' button.
RESTART Limagito !
Open Limagito help file ( help.chm ).
Source Options
Source Options
Source Tab
Source Common Tab
Source Backup Tab
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Source Tab
Source Tab
Limagito can scan files from a Win32 or Ftp directory, removable disks and Pop3.
Add / Update Win32 Input Directory. You can drag and drop the folder into the window.
Add / Update Ftp Input Directory.
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Ftp Setup
Host: Host name or IP address of Ftp server.
Port: Port number of Ftp server (default 21).
Directory: Directory on the Ftp server file system.
blanc or slash = root directory (default)
dot = current directory after login
Username: Authentication identity used when logging in to the Ftp server (example: Anonymous).
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the Ftp server.
Connect Ftp: Check Ftp connection setup.
Upd. Ftp: Add / Update Ftp Directory settings.
· Ftp Common Options
Resume Data: Indicates if the server implements the FTP REST command (default disabled).
Passive: Active connections (or when Passive is disabled) indicates that the FTP server will open the connection for the
data channel. In other words, the FTP client will listen for the server to open a connection for the data channel (default
Fast Path: Indicates if the FTP client should use "fast path" connections for traversing firewalls and network address
translators (NAT). Fast Path can enhance the performance of data transfers when the FTP EPSV command is
supported on the server implementation (default disabled).
Enable Compression (MODE Z): Enable Ftp MODE Z Compression.
Input Ftp, Passive Use Control Host:
Output Ftp, Passive Use Control Host:
Input Ftp, Use Host: Implement HOST command as specified by
Output Ftp, Use Host: Implement HOST command as specified by
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· Ftp Security Options (FTPS)
FTPS (also known as FTP Secure and FTP-SSL) is an extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that
adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols.
FTPS should not be confused with the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), an incompatible secure file transfer subsystem
for the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It is also different from Secure FTP, the practice of tunneling FTP through an SSH
Security Type:
Use Implicit TLS/SSL Support: Negotiation is not allowed with implicit FTPS configurations. A client is immediately
expected to challenge the FTPS server with a TLS/SSL ClientHello message. If such a message is not received by the
FTPS server, the server should drop the connection.
Use Explicit TLS/SSL Support: In explicit mode (also known as FTPES), an FTPS client must "explicitly request" security
from an FTPS server and then step-up to a mutually agreed encryption method. If a client does not request security,
the FTPS server can either allow the client to continue insecure or refuse/limit the connection.
Security Method:
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv2
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv23
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv3
Transport Layer Security TLSv1
· Ftp Socket Options
Bound IP: Specifies the local IP address to be used for the Socket connection (default
Bound Port: Specifies the port number to be used for the Socket connection (default 0).
Connect Timeout: Milliseconds to wait for successful completion of a connection attempt (default 60000).
Read Timeout: Number of milliseconds to wait for an FTP protocol response (default 60000).
Transfer Timeout: Timeout value for read operations on the data channel for the FTP client (default 0).
Listen Timeout: Ftp Listen Timeout in milliseconds (default 10000).
Receive Buffer Size: The size of the receive buffer, in bytes (default 32768).
Send Buffer Size: The size of the send buffer, in bytes (default 32768).
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· SFtp Setup
Host: Host name or IP address of SFtp server.
Port: Port number of SFtp server (default 22).
Directory: Directory on the SFtp server file system.
blanc or slash = root directory (default)
dot = current directory after login
Username: Authentication identity used when logging in to the SFtp server (example: Anonymous).
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the SFtp server.
Connect SFtp: Check SFtp connection setup.
Upd. SFtp: Add / Update SFtp Directory settings.
· SFtp Common Options
· SFtp Security Options
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File Options
Include Subdirectories: Include subdirectories during scan.
Stabilize File: Scan will wait until the file is stabilized (not growing). An extra scan is needed to if the file is still
growing. This will double the actual scan time.
Exclude Files in Use: Do not copy/move/delete files that are locked by another process (Windows only).
Exclude Files locked by other moving rules. Only enable this option if multiple rules are scanning the same directory.
Enable this option in all the rules the are scanning this same source.
Include Empty Files: Scan will also pick up empty files (0 bytes).
File PreFix Filter: Scan will only pick up files starting with this prefix.
Filename Include Filter: Scan will only pick up files using this filter(s).
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Filedate Include Filter: Scan will only pick up files using this date filter(s).
Filesize Include Filter: Scan will only pick up files using this size filter(s).
Filename Exclude Filter: Scan will not pick up files using this filter(s).
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Filedate Exclude Filter: Scan will not pick up files using this date filter(s).
Filesize Exclude Filter: Scan will not pick up files using this size filter(s).
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Source Options Tab
Options Tab
· Rename Options
Input Rename Filter: You can use regular expressions to rename the input file. A very good site with information about
regular expressions is
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Replacement Parameters. Now you can add systemdate, filedate, … when renaming files:
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The Formatting string can comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string),
and data formatting characters.
This formatting is best explained by the example code.
The following (non-Asian) formatting character strings can be used in the Formatting string:
y = Year last 2 digits
yy = Year last 2 digits
yyyy = Year as 4 digits
m = Month number no-leading 0
mm = Month number as 2 digits
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mmm = Month using ShortDayNames (Jan)
mmmm = Month using LongDayNames (January)
d = Day number no-leading 0
dd = Day number as 2 digits
ddd = Day using ShortDayNames (Sun)
dddd = Day using LongDayNames (Sunday)
c = Use ShortDateFormat + LongTimeFormat
h = Hour number no-leading 0
hh = Hour number as 2 digits
n= Minute number no-leading 0
nn = Minute number as 2 digits
s = Second number no-leading 0
ss = Second number as 2 digits
z= Milli-sec number no-leading 0s
zzz = Milli-sec number as 3 digits
am/pm = Use after h : gives 12 hours + am/pm
a/p = Use after h : gives 12 hours + a/p
ampm = As a/p but TimeAMString,TimePMString
· File Memory Options
Enabled the file memory option to create a one way sync rule. Don't select the 'Skip or Fail if file exists option' (destination
Win32 or Ftp I tab) when you enable this file memory option.
File memory content: shows the files already copied, moved or deleted by Limagito.
Setup File Memory: What makes a file unique.
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Add Directory to Filename Memory: The filename field in the file memory database will include the file directory. Best
to enable this option if you are scanning input subdirectories.
Clear File Memory: Clear all information in the file Memory.
· Input Options
Max. Files at Once: Maximum files that Limagito will pickup during a scan (default = 0 = No Limit)
Temporary Directory: Temporary directory used by Limagito
Auto Create folder: Temporary directory will be created if not exist.
Source Backup Tab
Backup Tab
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· Backup File Options
Backup Input Files: Possibility to backup the original input file.
Auto Create folder: Backup Input Files Folder will be created if not exist.
Only Newer Files: Only newer files will be backed up. If you enable this in combination with the date time suffix/prefix
option, then you'll have to use the file memory option.
No Move/Copy/Del. On Backup or Verify Error: No move/copy/delete to output destination in case of backup or verify
· Verify Backup File Options
Enable Verify File after Backup: Compares input and backup files for verified transfer integrity.
Checksum Algorithm: Checksum Algorithm used for verified Win32 transfer integrity (SHA1, MD5, …).
Write Checksum result to Log: The Checksum result will be written into the Log file.
Delete Backup File if Verify Fail: The backup file will be deleted if verification fails.
Destination Options
Destination Options
Destination Tab
Destination Common Tab
Destination Crypto Tab
Destination Verify Tab
Destination Tab
Destination Tab
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Limagito can move files to (multiple) Windows and/or Ftp and/or Smtp destinations.
v Destination List: A list of all output destinations. Position of a destination can be changed using the right button click
(Up/Down). Don't forget to select the destination first. Double click on a destination will open a setup screen.
Load Balanced File: Use load balancing technique for output destinations. You must have more then one output
destination. Example with two output destinations: The first source file will go to the first output destination. The
second source file will go to the second output destination. The third source file will go back the first output
Load Balanced Folder: Use load balancing technique for output destinations. You must have more then one output
destination. Example with two output destinations: The files from the first source subdirectory will go to the first output
destination. The files from the second source subdirectory will go to the second output destination. The files from the
third source subdirectory will go back to the first output destination…
Prefer. Order: Use preference technique for output destinations. You must have more then one output destination.
Example with two output destinations: The first file will go to the first output destination if this destination is available.
If not then the first file will go to the second destination. The second file will go to the first output destination if this
destination is available. If not then this second file will go to the second destination.
Destination Memory: Use destination memory technique for output destinations. You must have more then one output
destination. Limagito will remember if copy/move to one of the destinations fails and will try to copy/move the file
during the next scan. It will only try to copy/move the file again to this destination where there was an error.
v Add / Update Win32 Output Directory
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Create Win32 Subdir: Create Subdirectory for the Win32 output destination.
Create Win32 Subdir, option: Subdirectory option textbox. Double click to open subdirectory options screen.
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Fail If Exist: Don't move files that already exist in the Win32 output destination.
Only Newer Files: Only Copy/Move Newer Files (Win Input Only)
Delete Input if Fail: Input file will be deleted if the move to the Win32 output destination fails.
Auto Create Destination: Automatically create Win32 output destination if not exist.
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v Add / Update Ftp Output Directory
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· Ftp Setup
Host: Host name or IP address of Ftp server.
Port: Port number of Ftp server.
Directory: Directory on the FTP server file system.
blanc or slash = root directory (default)
dot = current directory after login
Username: Authentication identity used when logging in to the FTP server (example: Anonymous).
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the FTP server.
Hide Password : Encrypt Password.
Connect Ftp: Check Ftp connection setup.
Upd. Ftp: Add / Update Ftp Directory settings.
· Ftp File & Directory Options
Create Ftp Subdir: Create Subdirectory for the Ftp output destination.
Create Ftp Subdir, option: Subdirectory option textbox. Double click to open subdirectory options screen.
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Fail If Exist (Ftp): Don't move files that already exist in the Ftp output destination.
Delete Input if Fail (Ftp): Input file will be deleted if the move to the Ftp output destination fails.
· Ftp Common Options
Append Data: When Append contains True, the FTP server will append data from the transfer to the end of a file
which already exists on the FTP server. (default disabled).
Passive: Active connections (or when Passive is disabled) indicates that the FTP server will open the connection for the
data channel. In other words, the FTP client will listen for the server to open a connection for the data channel (default
Fast Path: Indicates if the FTP client should use "fast path" connections for traversing firewalls and network address
translators (NAT). Fast Path can enhance the performance of data transfers when the FTP EPSV command is
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supported on the server implementation (default disabled).
Enable the use of MLSD: The MLSD command provided by newer servers to gives users a standard, detailed, readable
directory listing.
Proxy Setup:
Proxy Type
None - No FTP Proxy
UserSite - Send command USER user@hostname
Site - Send command SITE (with logon)
Open - Send command OPEN
UserPass - USER user@firewalluser@hostname / PASS pass@firewallpass
Transparent - First use the USER and PASS command with the firewall username and password, and then
with the target host username and password
UserHostFireWallID - USER hostuserId@hostname firewallUsername
NovellBorder - Novell BorderManager Proxy
· Ftp Security Options (FTPS)
FTPS (also known as FTP Secure and FTP-SSL) is an extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that
adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols.
FTPS should not be confused with the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), an incompatible secure file transfer subsystem
for the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It is also different from Secure FTP, the practice of tunneling FTP through an SSH
Security Type:
Use Implicit TLS/SSL Support: Negotiation is not allowed with implicit FTPS configurations. A client is immediately
expected to challenge the FTPS server with a TLS/SSL ClientHello message. If such a message is not received by the
FTPS server, the server should drop the connection.
Use Explicit TLS/SSL Support: In explicit mode (also known as FTPES), an FTPS client must "explicitly request" security
from an FTPS server and then step-up to a mutually agreed encryption method. If a client does not request security,
the FTPS server can either allow the client to continue insecure or refuse/limit the connection.
Security Method:
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv2
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv23
Secure Sockets Layer SSLv3
Transport Layer Security TLSv1
· Ftp Socket Options
Bound IP: Specifies the local IP address to be used for the Socket connection (default
Bound Port: Specifies the port number to be used for the Socket connection (default 0).
Connect Timeout: Milliseconds to wait for successful completion of a connection attempt (default 60000).
Read Timeout: Number of milliseconds to wait for an FTP protocol response (default 60000).
Transfer Timeout: Timeout value for read operations on the data channel for the FTP client (default 0).
Receive Buffer Size: Ftp receive buffer size.
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Send Buffer Size: Ftp send buffer size.
v Add / Update SFtp Output Directory
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· SFtp Setup
Host: Host name or IP address of SFtp server.
Port: Port number of SFtp server.
Directory: Directory on the SFTP server file system.
blanc or slash = root directory (default)
dot = current directory after login
Username: Authentication identity used when logging in to the SFTP server (example: Anonymous).
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the SFTP server.
Hide Password : Encrypt Password.
Connect SFtp: Check SFtp connection setup.
Upd. SFtp: Add / Update SFtp Directory settings.
v Add / Update Smtp Output Directory
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Host: IP address or host name for the SMTP server.
Username: Authentication identity for the SMTP session.
Password: Authentication credentials for the SMTP session.
Port: Port number for the connection to the SMTP server.
From: Identifies the original author of the message.
To: Identifies the recipients of a message.
CC: Carbon copy recipients for the message.
BCC: Indicates blind carbon copy recipients for the message.
Subject: Identifies the subject for the message.
Body: Represents the body of the message.
Include Input File as Attachment:
Max. Size Attachment in Kbytes:
With the security options you can enable TLS/SSL support for SMTP.
v Delete selected output destination.
Destination Common Tab
Destination Common Tab
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· Common Options
Delete Extention: Delete the extention of the input filename before moving to the output destination(s).
Delete Prefix: Delete the prefix (see file prefix filter input option) of the input filename before moving to the output
Add Security Prefix: Add security prefix number to the output filename. This unique number is generated using the
security base key in combination with the output filename. Mail me for information about this feature.
· Retry Options
· Output FileName Case
Output FileName Case: Use original filename, lower case or upper case for the output filenames.
· Rename Options
Rename Destination Subdirectory: You can use regular expressions to rename the destination subdirectory. A very
good site with information about regular expressions is
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· Function Options
Use MoveFile instead of CopyFile & DeleteFile (Win32): If you have one (Win32) output destination and the output is
on the same drive as the input (Win32) then you can use this option. This will speedup the move function.
CopyFile Function:
Windows (default), use the windows CopyFile API.
Limagito, copy the file in chunks.
With the Limagito CopyFile Function you can terminate the copy/move process anytime you like.
Buffer Size: Size chunks in Kbytes.
Destination Crypto Tab
Crypto Tab
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· Encrypt - Decrypt Options v Encryption & Decryption using the following Encryption algorithms: Blowfish, Cast 128, Cast 256, DES, 3DES, Ice, Thin Ice,
Ice2, IDEA, Mars, Misty1, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, Rijndael (the new AES), Serpent, Tea, Twofish. You can use the following
Hash Algorithms for the password: Haval, MD4, MD5, RipeMD-128, RipeMD-160, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512,
Tiger. Limagito uses a 64 bit Salt. Salt = Random data that is included as part of a session key. When added to a session
key, the plaintext salt data is placed in front of the encrypted key data. Salt values are added to increase the work required
to mount a brute-force (dictionary) attack against data encrypted with a symmetric-key cipher.
v Encryption & Decryption available in Site and Corporate License. Decryption available in Lite and Single License.
Destination Verify Tab
Verify Tab
· Verify Output File Options -
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Enable Verify File after Copy/Move: Compares input and output files for verified transfer integrity.
Checksum Algorithm: Checksum Algorithm used for verified Win32 or FTP transfer integrity (SHA1, MD5, …).
Write Checksum result to Log: The Checksum result will be written into the Log file.
Delete Output File if Verify Fail: The output file will be deleted if verification fails.
Service Options
Service Version LimagitoSrv
Limagito = Application GUI Version
LimagitoSrv = Service Version
Download and Install Limagito Lite
Copy License.key in the directory of Limagito.exe and LimagitoSrv.exe (Only full license users)
Install LimagitoSrv using the 'Install Service' button on the 'Export to Limagito Service' form.
"Please read the following information carefully"
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Start and Setup Limagito
Export Limagito settings to LimagitoSrv using the 'Export to Service' button
Select LimagitoSrv.exe directory and click 'Export' button
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After export you'll be asked to start the service. Click Yes and exit the Limagito application. Never run Limagito and
LimagitoSrv with the same settings at the same time.
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Remote Client
Remote Client
Introduction RC
Options RC
Limagito Remote Client (LimagitoRC)
Check Status & Log of your Limagito Installations.
v Remote Client Options
v If you want to use the Limagito Remote Client (LimagitoRC) then you need to setup the connection options. Select your
Limagito Host and click the “Connection Setup”.
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Connect @ Startup:
Auto reconnect in case of failure:
Host IP: Host name or IP address of TCP remote server (Limagito application).
Host Port: Port used by TCP connection to remote server (default 3500).
Username: Authentication identity used when logging into the TCP remote server
Password: Authentication credentials used when logging into the TCP remote server.
Output Debug: Output debug information for this connection.
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