July-Aug 2010 - Heritage Hill
July-Aug 2010 - Heritage Hill
The Heritage Hill Association Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Grand Rapids, MI Permit No. 523 126 College SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Heritage Herald The Newsletter of Heritage Hill JULY/AUGUST 2010 Volume XXXVI, No. 4 Heritage Hill Association’s Classifieds DATES TO REMEMBER All Heritage Hill Association Meetings are open to neighbors. Affordable Cleaning - $15 OFF(mention this ad, thru 8/30/10) Home or Office. Experienced. SAVE MONEY. We also do Construction cleanup, painting and install tile. 616-717-2651. ***Note 2010 Board Meetings are held the third WEDNESDAY of the month*** Tuesday, August 3rd 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Heritage Hill Night-Out Picnic Enjoy a summer night with fun and food! *****Wednesday, August 18th, 2010**** HHA Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m. GRCC East Campus (Davenport) Robert Sneden Academic Building Lecture Hall 415 East Fulton *****Wednesday, September 15th, 2010**** HHA Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m. GRCC East Campus (Davenport) Robert Sneden Academic Building Lecture Hall 415 East Fulton Annual Heritage Hill Association Events to Remember: Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3, 2010 2010 Heritage Hill Weekend Tour of Homes We welcome you inside 11 or more historic homes. Friday, December 3, 2010 Holiday Potluck and Annual Meeting Holiday Cheer, Great Food and conversation with Heritage Hill neighbors. Santa comes, you should too! National Night Out in Foster Park Cherry and Madison SE Plant Health Care Pruning Removals Cabling & Bracing Tree Fertilization Insect/Disease Control • IPM Programs • • • • • • Brian McKenzie ISA Certified Arborist 1-877-BARTLETT 616-245-9449 www.bartlett.com SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:00 am (June 20 - September 5) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP & NURSERY CARE PROVIDED www.wpcgr.org 456-1456 47 Jefferson · Downtown · Grand Rapids Camp Henry 459-2267 Child Development Center 458-8480 Food Pantry 456-6115 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Potluck Picnic Bring a dish to share and a chair or blanket. We’ll provide hot dogs, brats, beverage and utensils. Fun Stuff: Door Prizes Kids Activities GRPD K9 Unit Fire Truck City Officials Candidates Water Play The Heritage Hill Association 126 College S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-8950 Fax: 616-459-2409 Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Mon. - Fri.. Answering machine available for after-hours messages. EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.heritagehillweb.org Purpose: The purpose of the Heritage Hill Association is to provide neighbors a way of collectively building a healthy, historically preserved community in which people can live and work in a secure and stable environment. Office Staff: Jan Earl, Executive Director Barb Lester, Crime Prevention Organizer Maria Zache, Administrative Assistant Wilhelmina Daniels, Afternoon Receptionist COMPETITOR’S COUPONS This summer is HOT, Hot, hot! Some like it … others (like me) long for the cool, and even more important, dry breezes. Whatever your heat tolerance, it is summer in Heritage Hill and the best time to porch or stoop sit. Enjoy your neighbors with this idle time – It’s too hot to do much else! Great neighbors, Kathi Barkan and Nikki Hoort and their band of Garden Tour volunteers, did it all for the 2010 Garden Tour. It was a beautiful weekend and people really appreciated the glorious gardens in Heritage Hill. Thanks so much for raising $3,900 for the Association. The Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors President **Mike Clark, 310 Washington SE, (C) 644-6453 Vice President *Steve Yared, 259 Morris SE, (H) 454-2703 Treasurer **Tom Czerwinski, 457 Paris SE, (H) 443-5608 Secretary *Jackie Taylor, 5155 N Quail Crest Dr SE, 49546 (H) 942-5941 Hats off too to Steve Yared for rounding up all needs for the Association’s participation in the Texas Hold-em at TJ’s Charity Game We will accept all Competitor’s Coupons. Must mention & provide coupon to receive matching offer. Room. This is a no-glory fundraiser and not really associated with the Heritage Hill neighborhood, but it works. Volunteers staffed the money side of the event; selling and redeeming poker chips, signing up participants for the tournament. Thanks to the 16 volunteers for earning $3071 for the Association’s programs. Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. PERSONAL PIZZA AND A POP Enjoy the remaining summer months … but don’t forget that Home Tour is coming on October 2 and 3! Volunteer, buy tickets, invite friends, carry on! ArtPrize will also be happening and there will be over 40 artists showcasing their work in our neighborhood. These are two big events and two great reasons to invite your out-of-town friends and family to enjoy our cool city! Jan Earl, Executive Director 10” Personal 2-Topping Pizza One 20 oz. Pop $ Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 FEAST FOR 4 16” Large 2-Topping Pizza and Breadsticks with Sauce $ **Kathi Barkan, 253 Morris SE, (H) 451-1906 *Deb Bryker, 6601 36th Ave, Hudsonville 49426, 669-6754 * Justin Fales, 233 College SE #1, 581-1472 *Margaret Farratell, 41 Prospect NE, 885-2518 *Vicki Hudson, 250 Morris SE, 456-9032 **Nikki Hoort, 135 Lafayette NE, (H) 454-5101 **Jane Lovett, 29 Gay SE, (H) 458-4504 *Jaime Misner, 303 Madison SE, (H) 454-3309 *Jim Payne, 27 College NE, (H) 454-2367 *Mary Robinson, , 220 Union SE, (H) 459-2119 *Amy Ruis, 414 Prospect SE, (H) 822-9451 FREE BREADSTICKS WITH CHEESE Buy any 14”, 16” or 18” Specialty Pizza and Receive One Order of Breadsticks with Cheese & Sauce FREE Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 The Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors meets at 7 pm the third Wednesday of each month at GRCC East Campus, 415 East Fulton. The meeting is in the Robert Sneden Lecture Hall #1 and is open to the public. DOUBLE DEUCE Two - 2 Topping Pizzas The Heritage Hill Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Barbara L. Roelofs, 227 College SE, 459-0091 James Booth Burr, Jr., 1244 Lake Drive SE, 458-1246 Sam Cummings, 15 Ionia SW, 458-5235 Rebecca Smith Hoffman, 454-5373 Jim James, 3082 Thornapple River Dr. SE, 949-8484 Milt Rohwer, 30 College SE, #64, 235-7528 2- 12” Small $ 15 99 $ 2- 18” X-Large 2799 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 XL SPECIAL State 18” Extra Large 3-Topping Pizza Prospect Fulton Lafayette Jefferson LATE NIGHT DELIVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 2:30 AM $ Cherry Foster Park Limited delivery area designed with safety in mind. Delivery charges apply. $8.00 minimum order for delivery. 1549 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 G.R.P.D., Grand Rapids Pizza & Delivery, is not affiliated with the Grand Rapids Police Department (GRPD). FREE FOOD Save proof of purchase seals off your boxes for FREE FOOD ITEMS order online now www.grandrapidspizza.net F011735 The Heritage Herald - Circulation 4,800 The Heritage Herald is published by the Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors six times a year (bimonthly). The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Board of Directors. We reserve the right to edit. Address correspondence to The Heritage Herald, 126 College SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. 1499 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 * 1st Term ** 2nd Term Heritage Hill Association Committee Chairs Block Rep: Barb Lester, 459-8950 Garden Tour: Kathi Barkan, (H) 451-1906 Nikki Hoort, (H) 454-5101 Finance: Tom Czerwinski, (H) 443-5608 Newsletter: Jan Earl, 459-8950 Pledge Drive: Jackie Taylor, (H) 942-5941 Preservation: Jaime Misner, (H) 454-3309 Traffic and Mike Clark, (C) 644-6453 Parking: Barb Lester, (W) 459-8950 Zoning: Craig Nobbelin, 458-0471 Home Tour: Judy Jorgenson, 454-2583 Staffing: Chris Truesdale, 456-5448 Sue Karsen, 455-1223 Distribution: Don Rietema, 776-1716 Publicity: Tom Truesdale, 456-5448 599 10 = 14” 1 Topping Pizza FREE 10 = Any Oven Baked Sub FREE 10 = 6 pc. Wings FREE 10 = House or Chef Salad FREE 5 = Regular or Cinnamon Breadsticks FREE 5 = 3 Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies FREE Typography & Printing: Storr Printing Services, Inc. 2 15 Serve your neighborhood and volunteer for the Weekend Tour of Homes ruoy evreS dna doohrobhgien eht rof reetnulov semoH fo ruoT dnekeeW All-Stars Among Us eb ot ksA ?reetnulov denosaeS .tuoba si ssuf eht lla tahw ees dna emoC ?reetnuloV emit tsriF First time Volunteer? Come and see what all the fuss is about. Seasoned volunteer? Ask to be fo esneHeritage s taerg tahHill’s t ot noiown tidda Gordy ni tekcit ruoT emoH eerf a eviecer sreetnulov llA !detomorp promoted! All volunteers receive a free Home Tour ticket in addition to that great sense of fo reVanHaitsma siardnuf tsegral swas ’noithonored aicossA ehby t si the ruoT emoH sA .sgnirb gnireetnulov taht noitapicitrap ot evigDetroit nac uoyTigers stfig tseat ggithe b eh2010 t fo enoAll-Star si semoH ruoT emoH ehtparticipation fo eno ta gnirethat etnulvolunteering ov ,raey eht brings. As Home Tour is the Association’s largest fundraiser of the year, volunteering . u o y d e e n e w – n o i t a i c o s s a d o o h r o b hgieat n rone uoy of the Home Tour Homes is one of the biggest gifts you can give to game for his efforts in improving your neighborhood association – we need you. communities. He won the state-wide competition, 0 sponsored 598-954 Eby CIFPeople FO AHH EHT LLAC ESAELP Magazine andTMajor FIHS DLeague NA YADBaseball. DERREFERP RUOY HTIW PLEASE CALL THE HHA OFFICE 459-8950 VanHaitsma was nominated ta su liam-e ro segassem sruoh-retfa rof elbaliava si liamecioV WITH YOUR PREFERRED DAY AND SHIFT for his volunteer work grorefurbishing .bewllihegatireh@egatireh Voicemail is available for after-hours messages or e-mail us at bikes and giving gthem tolliOakdale ro.bew hgatireh.www :ofni erom roF [email protected] Christian Elementary students who For more info: www.heritaghillweb.org :stfihS ruoT emoH read 15 books. Gord 03:5 ot 0 0:2 dnhas a 03worked :2 ot 03:0as 1 the:dn2 rebotcO ,yadrutaS custodian Home Tour Shifts: 03at :6 this ot 00school :3 dna 0for 3:3many ot 03:1years. 1 :dr3 rebotcO ,yadnuS His students call him “Mr. Gordy”, Saturday, October 2nd: 10:30 to 2:30 and 2:00 to 5:30 Sunday, October 3rd: 11:30 to 3:30 and 3:00 to 6:30 and Heritage Hill congratulates him for his great community spirit and efforts to improve young people’s lives through books and bikes! Call the Police Any Emergency: 911 Fire Crime in progress Fight – weapons involved Very suspicious activity Non-emergency: 456-3400 Loud music Fight - no weapons To report a crime that already occurred bestway CLEANING SERVICES windows • carpets commercial • residential insured • bonded ROBERT I. DANIELS P.O. Box 68492 Phone 616.827.8473 Grand Rapids MI 49508 Fax 616.827.8828 2010 Line-Up of Homes Highlights October 2nd & 3rd Tour And Spring 2011 Tour Follows Hot on the Heels of Our Final Fall Tour - Tom Truesdale As you read this Heritage Hill Annual Weekend Tour of Homes update, our October 2010 line-up is set – or nearly so – and work is on-going in preparation for the neighborhood’s final Fall Tour of Homes. And though it will be the final Fall Tour, there will be no lack of great homes for public viewing or for things to do before, after and in-between house tours. During this 2nd year of Artprize, many more venues than last year will be located within or very near the Heritage Hill neighborhood borders. Our 2010 Annual Tour’s eight to nine homes will be punctuated by various artists’ exhibits adding a cross-cultural flavor to the already great Tour of our neighborhood. A detailed outline of this year’s offerings will appear in our Tour of Homes edition of the Heritage Herald in September. Also, in this year’s Tour map/ booklet, we will try to label each Artprize venue in and near our district boundaries so you can plan your tour around all the sites – artwork and homes - as you traverse the neighborhood. While it will be sad to see our historical Fall event disappear - a perennial favorite on the West Michigan Fall schedule for so many years excitement is building among the Tour committee, and through portions of the Hill and its households, in anticipation of the Annual Tour of Homes new Spring reincarnation. We don’t have to tell you - our friends and neighbors – that the opportunity to show off our streets and homes in the Spring is the chance to present to our visitors Heritage Hill at its most beautiful. Though several smaller fundraising events occur throughout the year, the Annual Heritage Hill Tour of Homes remains the largest fundraiser for the Heritage Hill Association. Between 350 and 400 volunteers contribute to making the weekend a success with all proceeds going right back into programs for the Heritage Hill neighborhood. Some of these programs include block club organizing, crime prevention, community and resource education, landuse planning, and preservation of the district’s historic character. And while it’s sometimes more complicated than that, more often than not, the programs are simply focused on helping neighbors maintain and/or improve their quality of life in Heritage Hill. Looking for 2011 Tour Homes - How You Can Help The Heritage Hill Association and the many neighbors and friends who comprise the Heritage Hill neighborhood association hope you or someone you know might be interested in opening your home(s) for the annual Tour. The search for a homeowner’s “pride and joy” or even an interesting “work in progress” continues. We are currently looking for a few more homes for the May 2011 Tour. This will be the first Heritage Hill Annual Weekend Tour of Homes Spring Tour in more than 35 years. When members of the Tour Committee, or my wife and I, come visit (Cont'd on page 4) [email protected] Cell 616.498.2004 Report all crimes: After you call police, call the Heritage Hill Association at 459-8950 Remember Heritage Hill Property Owners: There is a City Preservation Ordinance that governs all exterior changes, repairs and/ or additions to Heritage Hill properties. Call the Grand Rapids Historic Preservation Commission at 456-3451 for information on approvals. You can access the application form at the City’s website, www. ci.grand-rapids.mi.us at the Planning Department section or at the Heritage Hill Association’s www.heritagehillweb.org. This ordinance applies to all exterior changes, repairs, and/ or additions to your home and property. Items such as doors and windows including storms, yard structures, driveway and sidewalk approaches, and fences do need HPC approvals. 14 Historic Building Restoration Residential & Institutional corner of College & Fulton serving Grand Rapids from the heart of Heritage Hill with Join us for classic and liberating theology Addie’s worship Pantry & Addie’s Diner every Sunday at 9:30am 616-454-9337 www.grandriverbuilders.com Join us for classic worship and Embellish Handbell Choir Concert liberating theology every Sunday at 9:30am April 18 4pm Quality Child Care Provided Corner of College & Fulton serving Grand Rapids from the heart of Heritage Hill with Addie’s Pantry & Addie’s Diner www.centralreformedchurch.org www.centralreformedchurch.org 3 How Would Heritage Hill Look Today If? 2010 Line-Up of Homes (Cont'd from page 3) some of you in these next few months, please consider the generous act we ask of you: Opening your home for Heritage Hill’s Annual Weekend Tour of Homes. The dates for our May Tour will be Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, 2011. While it may be difficult to remember dates, think of it as the 3rd weekend of May - OR - the weekend prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Now or in the Future And please remember, though we are looking for Tour homes for this next year, more importantly, we are also looking to create a list of potential tour homes for upcoming years. The Tour committee loves to work with any perspective Tour homeowner and wants to schedule a date that can be met without creating too much anxiety on the part of those readying their home for Tour. For some, that may mean next May. For others, it may be two to three years away. We want to put your name on the list and to let you know we appreciate your involvement regardless of your dateline. While there are many people involved in the orchestration of our neighborhood Tour each year, none are more important than those who actually open the doors of their homes for the public to view. Bylsma Painting Company Over 30 years of excellence 616-308-8849 No one has painted more houses in Heritage Hill. rickbylsmapainting.com 4 property greatly enhanced in value. But they were never able to secure possession of land west of Jefferson Avenue to carry out their cherished plans. Had they been successful the aspect of the commercial center of the city would doubtless have been greatly changed from what it is now. One could imagine big business blocks where now there are some of the largest and handsomest residences of the city. Advantage Animal Control Problem Wildlife Removal • Moles Licensed & • Bats • Raccoons Insured 901-2212 Their Plans Miscarried State Street Was Originally Intended to Join Monroe Street MAKE A DIFFERENCE MAKE A PLEDGE . . . . . . a neighborhood association is only as strong as its Membership! Donate Today. If the plans of Cant Smith and E. B. Bostwick had not miscarried back in the 1840’s, Monroe Street, the principal business thoroughfare of this city, would now be double its present length. Few people of the present day have stopped to consider that State Street is very nearly in a direct line with Monroe street, and if cut through would join Monroe Street at its upper end, making a continuous street to Madison Avenue. Back in the pioneer days from scratch... everyday. DOWNTOWN "IDENTITY" LOCATION 2213 Wealthy SE, Suite 200 East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Office: (616) 458-3655 Direct Line: (616) 974-6910 Direct Fax: (616) 974-6911 Cell: (616) 581-4472 ALAN STOCKTON [email protected] Realtor® that part of the city east of Division Street was very little settled, and a considerable portion of it an oak wilderness. It was along about 1846 that Cant Smith, landlord of the old National Hotel, and E. B. Bostwick, a large property holder of the early days, purchased from “Uncle Louis” Campau 20 or 30 acres lying east of Jefferson Avenue, between Cherry and Washington streets. They had the property surveyed, and State Street was laid out and cut through from Jefferson Avenue to Madison Avenue. They figured on getting possession of enough land lying between the foot of State Street and the head of Monroe Street to continue State Street through to the business center. They saw the business interests of the town pushed eastward in the future, and their Grand Rapids Evening Press, Jan 31, 1898, page 2 Memorial to our Union Avenue Neighbor James Blaine Williams passed away on June 2, 2010. James and his wife Willowdean have lived on the 300 block of Union Avenue SE since 1971. He was born in Grenada, MS and moved to Chicago where he met Willowdean, his mate for the next 51 years. Mrs. Williams said they moved to Grand Rapids to raise their family in a safe area. Mr. Williams served in Korea for the U.S. Army and later worked for the Steelcase Corp. He is remembered by his family, friends and neighbors in Heritage Hill. The city wasn’t yet fifty years old in the 1890’s, and the character of State Street, one of Grand Rapids’ “handsomest” residential neighborhoods, almost became something else. The following article appeared in the Grand Rapids Evening Press 112 years ago. The writer tells of a certain historic roadway that in different circumstances would look today quite foreign to us in Heritage Hill; perhaps high-rise commercial buildings! The tradition handed down is that State Street was laid out along an ancient Native American trail that began along the eastern shore of the Owashtanong (Grand River) at the foot of Monroe Street – where the McKay Tower now stands. The trail headed southeasterly from there; up the gradual hills then covered with virgin oak. After non-native settlement, the “State Road” continued as an important transportation route to places southeast of Grand Rapids. Looking at a modern-day map and comparing antique maps of the area, it is not difficult to imagine what is being described. – Don Bryant | [email protected] ON-SITE PARKING OFFICE LEASE 2,300 SQ FT GR FL 30 Jefferson s.e. grand rapids mi 49503 MARK LEVANDOSKI (616) 452-5503 Heritage Family Dental Bruce M. Weny, DDS 616/451-2336 255 Washington SE, Suite 4, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Open Everyday: 8 am until 11 pm 208 Union Ave. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Telephone: (616) 726-6609 www.NantucketBakingCo.com 13 Hollyhocks stand guard all summer at the College & Cherry Corner Garden Thank you to the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Gerontology Network and Tazzia Landscaping for their generous contribution in both talent and dollars in continuing to keep our neighborhood beautiful. Tidy Home Helpers offers very affordable and professional home and small office cleaning services to those in the greater Grand Rapids area. We use environmentally-friendly Green Seal certified products so you, your loved ones, and your environment are safe in our hands. “At Tidy Home Helpers we’ll keep your home looking great.” Call 616-233-4832 to set up a free assessment Or Visit Us Online: www.tidyhomehelpers.com Texas Hold-em Yippy Ki Yai We corralled a few good folks to spend their 4th of July weekend hosting a Texas Hold-em at TJ’s Charity Game Room. Hats off and yippy ki yai’s to the following 9/14/2009 12:08:00 PMHill: for great service to Heritage Maria Zache, Jim Starkey, Mary Robinson, Tom Simmons, Nikki Hoort, G.F. Korreck, Jim Payne, Char Kruchak, Jan Earl, Barb Lester, Mike Chielens, Chris Roe, Tom Czerwinski; and an extra yip to Steve Yared for heading this new fundraising effort. With the success of this initial effort, we will likely be doing it again. The work is pain free and the time goes quickly. If you want to get into this posse, give the office a call, 459-8950. We’ll try to avoid holiday weekends in the future! Many thanks to our sponsors of the 2010 Heritage Hill Garden Tour: Elders’ Helpers Live on your own with a helper in your home. 1407 Robinson Rd. 454-8305 www.eldershelpers.com Storr Printing Services, Inc Offset and Digital Printing 938 Cherry SE 459-0068 www.storrprinting.com Tidy Home Helpers Tough on Dirt. Gentle on your environment. 1407 Robinson Rd. (616) 233-4832 www.tidyhomeshelpers.com Wealthy Street Businesses Wealthy Street Bakery Art of the Table Wealthy at Charles The Winchester Literary Life 12 Board Notes Discussion at the June, 2010 Heritage Hill Association Board Meeting included: Public Comment: Grand Rapids city employee, Barbara Small presented plans for the city’s new Single Stream recycling program set to begin this summer. Soon all recycling will go into wheeled carts with no need to separate or bag any items. Batteries will no longer be accepted (drop-off centers will be available,) but phone books will. A letter and card will be sent to all residents for their choice of three different cart sizes; the current bins will be exchanged for a cart in July. The carts will have a computer chip linking that cart to its address; the current bins will be recycled into carts. Treasurer’s Report: Tom C. reported that the Rental Service income continues to be down but the financial picture overall is good for this time of year. Staff Reports: Jan E. reported on the meeting with ArtPrize concerning possible joint marketing efforts with Home Tour. Jan also stated that 1) she would be meeting with ICCF and would inquire as to further details of development plans for the former Little Jack’s party and surrounding properties. 2) The city’s Street-Lighting Initiative is off the table for now and that 3) the longempty house at 111 Lafayette NE was sold to a couple with two small children. Committee/Liaison Reports: Institutional Liaisons – Jan E. reported on a neighbors’ meeting with Saint Mary’s concerning the plans for the hospitality center at Saint Luke’s and associated renovation. Nominating/Personnel – Jackie T. stated that Jan’s evaluation will be held later this year. Board Attendance Policy – Steve Y. stated that the Executive Committee encourages attendance and participation and suggested a discussion of the absences and reinstatement policy. General discussion included possible credit for committee work and the possibility of reinstatement being handled at the Executive Committee level. Garden Tour – Nikki H. reported that the TV ads have been running and that they arranged a reciprocal marketing program with the Ottawa Hills Garden Tour. Kathi B. reported that approximately 100 advance tickets had been sold and that a few volunteers were still needed. Home Tour – Jan E. reported that the Home Tour Committee had met the previous evening and that recruitment was still extremely slow. Many good prospects have been made and the committee hopes to have the line-up finalized by the end of July. A plea was made again to members to solicit their neighbors’ participation. Jan also reported that the Friends and Sponsors campaign is on track. Pledge Drive – Jackie T. reported that the drive is going well. Texas Hold-em – Steve Y. stated that 4 volunteers are still needed for the 3-day fundraiser. The HHA Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third WEDNESDAY of every month at GRCC East (formerly Davenport,) 415 East Fulton at the Robert Sneden Lecture Hall. Neighbors are welcome to attend. If you would like an item placed on the Board agenda, please call the HHA office at 459-8950 before 4:00 p.m. of the second WEDNESDAY of the month. If you would like to address the Board regarding an agenda item, public comment is taken at the beginning of each meeting. For non- agenda items, public comment is taken at the end of each meeting. Typically, Board meetings last from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Traditional in Style Progressive in Thought Engaged in the Community 10 East Park Place NE • Grand Rapids 616.459.3203 • www.parkchurchgr.org Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 5 Mark Levandoski hired VanDerKolk Painting to perform architectural paint restoration in the Heritage Hill District. Mark, what would you like your Heritage Hill neighbors to know about VanDerKolk Painting? Tom seems to take a genuine interest in your property. He wants to do the right thing for you and will discuss the pros and cons on different approaches. He takes the time to achieve consensus. What impressed you most about VanDerKolk Painting’s craftsmen? They work as a team and respect what each is doing, knowing it all is part of achieving a good job. I never noticed the haughty "pecking order" I have seen with past work crews. How was your budget addressed for your painting project by VanDerKolk Painting? Well, good work is not going to be inexpensive. I think with painting you really do "get what you pay for." While VanDerKolk "talks the talk," they deliver what you pay for. Let's face it, once a crew takes over your property, you are pretty much at their mercy. As the days went on, I felt better and better that I budgeted higher for my job because VanDerKolk delivered what I paid for. Overall, how would you grade VanDerKolk Painting’s quality, value and customer service? I was pleased with the detail work, meaning the prep work; anybody can spread paint. The value of a good job takes some time to appreciate. Tom communicates well; it is not a one way street. He calls you and stays in touch during the job's progression. This is becoming rare and I knew I made the right decision because the communication did not stop after the contract was signed. NEW EPA LEAD LAW MANDATES CONTRACTOR TRAINING. On April 22, 2010, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will enforce a new law that all contractors must have proper certification for dealing with lead on homes built prior to 1978. For example, pressure washing for paint removal will be outlawed. VanDerKolk Painting's paint shaving system utilizes HEPA equipment to safely contain lead based paint. This process provides 15 years of durability and has a 5 year warranty. VanDerKolk Painting has completed their certification process. Our employees are trained in the safety practices and removal of lead-based paints. If you have questions about a painting project that involves lead paint, contact VanDerKolk Painting. Huge thanks to our recent Heritage Hill Association contributors: Glenn and Kathi Barkan Ken and Kristin Bauer Larry and Nancy Beckwith Angela Bopra Robin and Margaret Bowles Amber Brown Gertrude Calmese Mike and Kathleen Cavanaugh Bob and Julie Connors John and Sylvia Cooper Roger and Dawn Cornell Fred Coutchie Dan and Kate Diedrich Jerry Dreyer Mark D. Dykstra Jim and Eileen Gould Kate Eberhard Roger and Rose Ellis Justin Fales James and Minnie Forbes Deborah Gelinas Marvin and Beverly Hall Coleen Hamman Jennifer Hankinson Jack and Susan Hessler James Honeycutt Mark Hutchison C. M. Johnson Paul Kutsche Virginia and James La Grand Dean Lantinga Ray and Beth Lantinga Rozelle and Phyllis Lazenby Ealry Lyons Elizabeth and Andrey Marchena Martha’s Viveyard Myron and Willa Mast Kevin and Cynthia McCurren Paula McNeely Michael Mesnak Jaime Misner Michelle Mott Craig Nobbelin and Mei Chow Phil Ondersma Laura Piersma Ellen Pool Mary Robinson and Tom Simmons Milton and Barbara Rohwer Steve and Amy Ruis Jim Russell Stu Saints and Lisa McManus Linda Samuelson Ken Schmidt and Bill Russell George Seamon Donna and Doug Sieplinga Mary Lou Smith Jacqueline Taylor Tom and Chris Truesdale Cheryl and John Tully Matthew Veneklase Mary Ann Walters Clare Wade and Tom Koetsier Sandy Ward The Waters House Apartments Marge Wielsma E. Miles Wilson Fred and Wendy Wooden Schedule an estimate 24/7 at www.vanderkolkpainting.com or call 616.475.4300 6 11 ArtPrize Comes to Foster Park Please remember us when your apartment needs renters. Your dollars not only find you tenants but also support the programs of the Heritage Hill Association! You can list your apartment right at the website or stop by the HHA office. We welcome you! RENT HERITAGEHILLWEB.ORG Heritage Hill Apartment Rental and Home Sales Listings All sizes and prices -- Spread the word!!! Foster Park is an official ArtPrize venue. Sculpture Vic Lupu describes his work and motivation: “This sculpture (“Freedom”) was inspired by my memories of the televised events showing Serbian protestors starting their demonstration in front of the Parliament building in Belgrade in 2000. Their intent was to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic and his government. Having grown up in Yugoslavia, I understood their desperation, frustration and urge to experience the freedom I came to enjoy upon immigrating to America. Therefore, I dedicated this sculpture to those demonstrators for freedom. I began it as they were entering the Parliament building to tale over the government and overthrow Milosevic. It was completed this year to mark the tenth anniversary of the protest. I was honored to work on this piece dedicated to my former countrymen who were risking their lives for freedom. It is in their honor that I titled this work Freedom.” (ArtPrize Bio) Lupu visited with Heritage Hill Association staff and we took he and his wife Nancy to Foster Park to choose the placement site. They are thrilled with the venue and the neighborhood. We are equally happy to welcome the them and all ArtPrize tourists to the State, Cherry, and Madison business area. Other nearby venues include two at the corner of College and Cherry, 14 artists will show at 311 State Street (old Gateway School) and 18 artists will show at Peaches Bed and Breakfast at 29 Gay SE. SHOP LOCAL – EXPERT AUTO REPAIR – SHOP LOCAL- IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOREIGN - DOMESTIC - BRAKES - EXHAUST - SHOCKS STRUTS - ALIGNMENTS -TUNEUPS - MOST REPAIRS –– FREE ESTIMATES & LOCAL TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM 90 days same as cash McGRAW TIRE (F I R E S T O N E) SINCE 1927 HERITAGE HILL AND DOWNTOWN 141 WEALTHY SE (AT LaGRAVE) 459-3393 10 Vote August 3 Vote August 3 www.jimtalen.com www.jimtalen.com The Garden Tour Committee would like to thank the following fabulous participants: Tour Hosts: Melissa and David LaGrand Jack Sytsma and Paul Asselin Kay and Chris Gibbons Michael Meredith Steelcase Corporation / Meyer May House Anne and Tom Logan David Klinzing, Todd Thiesen and Patrick Tischler The Public Museum of Grand Rapids / The Voigt House Jack Lensink, Paula McNeely and Kerry & Mitch Baldwin Coleen Hamman and Chris & Tom Truesdale Jane and Reid Taylor Phyllis Ball Fred Hulce Cheryl and John Tully Tour Volunteers: Karen Schousen Mary Manguse Ken and Kristin Bauer Jack Sytsma and Paul Asselin Carol Postma Sara Bremmer Mary Thomas and her Nieces Ken Gates Esther VanAllsburg Joan Smith Shirley Arrigo Mark Hutchinson Char Kruzich and Jim Payne Kate Diedrich Margaret and Robin Bowles Mary Robinson Ken Schmidt Tom Hicks Rob Pease John Kershek Phil Makinen Chris and Tom Truesdale Mary Frye Rich Morris Sue Karsen Stephanie Gerdes Steve Yared Glenn Barkan Prezlei and Kyleigh Garland Margaret Farratell James Kelley Sheila McGrath Rick Stevens / Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Joyce Makinen / Voigt House Don Dekker / Meyer May House Special Thanks to Jack Sytsma for Host Recruitment Special Thanks to Nikki Hoort and staff for offers of additional help Special Thanks to Jackie Taylor for her work at the Ticket Booth Thanks also to the Host-recruited volunteers whose names we do not have – you are all appreciated! Special Thanks Again to Committee Chairs Kathi Barkan and Nikki Hoort for a wonderful event. 7 N e i g h b o r h o o d Neighborhood Night Out Picnic, Tuesday, August 3, 5:30 p.m. at Foster Park at the intersection of Cherry, State and Madison SE. Bring a dish to pass and something to sit on. Firefighters, police officers, city officials and political candidates will be on hand to hose you down, haul you off , hug you and kiss your baby. We will be roasting brats and dogs and all utensils will be provided. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. Volunteers still needed – call 459-8950. Thank You Foster Park Volunteers: Those below weeded, edged, planted and enjoyed a beautiful Saturday morning in Foster Park on Grand Rapids I Love My Park Day 2010! Thank you to Meijer Inc. for donating $50 gift card for a lilac and some flowering perennials. Volunteers were Matthew Hutchison; Tina Demling; Randy Sciba; Sarah Sciba; Teyland Avery; Marci`a Hernandez Freeman; Jim Talen; Mirian Slager; Bill Bruursema; Ayanna Freeman; Ken Schmidt; Colleen Swanberg and “Jeff” a passer-by who stopped to pitch in. Welcome Home! To hundreds of students, instructors and new homeowners and tenants who have moved into the Heritage Hill Historic District this summer welcome to Heritage Hill. This is a great neighborhood with lots of wonderful homes and apartments. A Tenant Survival Guide is on our Facebook page for your convenience – go to www.heritagehillweb. org to check it out. Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up: Pick-up day is Tuesday for those living south of Wealthy Street and Wednesday for those living north of Wealthy SE. For those living on Wealthy the south side is picked up on Tuesday and the north side is picked up on Wednesday. Recycling pick-up occurs every other week on your regular garbage pick-up day. Single Stream Recycling: No more exciting hours of separating glass, metal, plastic, paper and cardboard for recycling pick-up day. The city is moving to a single stream recycling program and will provide new free recycle carts on wheels with capacities of 35, 64 or 96 gallons for all. Each cart is made with 40% recycled plastic and will have a bright yellow lid. There is no charge to city residents. Go to the city website at www.mygrcity.us to find out more. 8 Party Warning: Sorry if you are planning big blowouts for all your friends this summer and fall. Heritage Hill is a neighborhood full of people who get up early in the morning and like listening to their own music. Lowkey gatherings moved inside after dark are fine but we get complaints from neighbors when they hear laughing, loud talking, loud music or anything else from houses nextdoor when they are chilling out for the night. Sorry if this seems unfriendly but it's better to find out ahead of time than have a cop show up at your door or have the rental owner get a call. Peace. Tenant and Owner Rights and Responsibilities – Free booklets: The Association also has free booklets on rights and responsibilities for rental owners and tenants based on Michigan State Law. These were provided by our state reps Roy Schmidt and Dave Hildenbrand in Lansing. The booklets are helpful when you have questions about what is right and what is wrong in renting. Stop by and pick one up at our office at 126 College SE, BEHIND WOOD TV – Go up their driveway and come into the little house in the back parking lot – our office. Want your bike back? Make sure the cops have your number! There were three recent instances of bike theft in the Hill. One survivor called the Heritage Hill 616.915.6060 Diane Griffin BROKER - REALTOR® 616.916.5960 cell 616.588.6395 fax Association to give us a great tip to pass along to all neighbors. Find your bike’s serial number and write it down. Take a photo of your bike too. Her bike was stolen out of her garage but even if the police find the bike she will never get it back. Why not? The Police Department must have documentation that the bike is yours. The serial number is the proof. So find that number and write it down. Or better yet, take the bike to the nearest Fire Station and register it and they will send the info to the GRPD to be on file should they find a bike. Stop Bike Theft: Owners have found chains cut and locks broken after securing on porches, next to the house, in yards, and even inside garages. If you do not have a garage that is not securely locked keep your bike inside your apartment or home. If you must keep it outside make sure to hide it as well as possible. Lay it down, lock it up, and keep it out of sight of prowlers. Home Burglary: Grand Rapids Police report a 9 percent increase in burglaries in the city for the first six months of 2010 but an overall decrease in crime from 2009. Most neighbors are old hands at keeping doors and windows secured but newcomers may not know they invite intruders when leaving garage doors unlocked or open, 2. windows wide open when gone or asleep, 3. doors unlocked, by Barb Lester 4. and valuables lying around the yard. These offer an easy opportunity for a thief. Thieves like windows that are not locked even if they have to cut a screen to get in. If they have to grab a trash cart to get up to the window they will. A locked or “pinned” window is a deterrent. We also have the occasional “doorknobshaker” too. They don’t want any trouble; they open your unlocked door, slip in unnoticed to take a purse, wallet, keys or laptop off the counter while you are in the basement, watching TV or working in the garden. Free Home/Apartment Security Checks for all: Have our Crime Prevention Organizer come check your place for vulnerable spots in building security. There are a number of basic home security requirements in the City Housing Code. Call me at the Heritage Hill Association, 459-8950 to set up a free appointment and see if your apartment or home is up to code on home security. Please remember to share the road with bikers and pedestrians, they leave a lot of parking spaces for the rest of us. 630 Kenmoor SE Suite 101 • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 96981 griffin ad bw.indd 1 P o t p o u r r i 1/12/09 10:07:04 AM Barb Lester Community Organizer, HHA Winter-Troutwine Associates, Inc. Preservation Architecture and Planning Specializing in historic: • Restoration, planning and design • Community planning • Mainstreet design and consulting • Tax credits • National Register Nominations [email protected] 616-451-8331 Grand Rapids, Michigan Our Neighbor Mrs. Jessie (Rosie Bell) Russell celebrated her 106! birthday on July 23. Here she is seen in a photo of five-generations of Russell women when she was just a 100-year-young lady. See more info on this historic lady in our September Herald. 9 N e i g h b o r h o o d Neighborhood Night Out Picnic, Tuesday, August 3, 5:30 p.m. at Foster Park at the intersection of Cherry, State and Madison SE. Bring a dish to pass and something to sit on. Firefighters, police officers, city officials and political candidates will be on hand to hose you down, haul you off , hug you and kiss your baby. We will be roasting brats and dogs and all utensils will be provided. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. Volunteers still needed – call 459-8950. Thank You Foster Park Volunteers: Those below weeded, edged, planted and enjoyed a beautiful Saturday morning in Foster Park on Grand Rapids I Love My Park Day 2010! Thank you to Meijer Inc. for donating $50 gift card for a lilac and some flowering perennials. Volunteers were Matthew Hutchison; Tina Demling; Randy Sciba; Sarah Sciba; Teyland Avery; Marci`a Hernandez Freeman; Jim Talen; Mirian Slager; Bill Bruursema; Ayanna Freeman; Ken Schmidt; Colleen Swanberg and “Jeff” a passer-by who stopped to pitch in. Welcome Home! To hundreds of students, instructors and new homeowners and tenants who have moved into the Heritage Hill Historic District this summer welcome to Heritage Hill. This is a great neighborhood with lots of wonderful homes and apartments. A Tenant Survival Guide is on our Facebook page for your convenience – go to www.heritagehillweb. org to check it out. Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up: Pick-up day is Tuesday for those living south of Wealthy Street and Wednesday for those living north of Wealthy SE. For those living on Wealthy the south side is picked up on Tuesday and the north side is picked up on Wednesday. Recycling pick-up occurs every other week on your regular garbage pick-up day. Single Stream Recycling: No more exciting hours of separating glass, metal, plastic, paper and cardboard for recycling pick-up day. The city is moving to a single stream recycling program and will provide new free recycle carts on wheels with capacities of 35, 64 or 96 gallons for all. Each cart is made with 40% recycled plastic and will have a bright yellow lid. There is no charge to city residents. Go to the city website at www.mygrcity.us to find out more. 8 Party Warning: Sorry if you are planning big blowouts for all your friends this summer and fall. Heritage Hill is a neighborhood full of people who get up early in the morning and like listening to their own music. Lowkey gatherings moved inside after dark are fine but we get complaints from neighbors when they hear laughing, loud talking, loud music or anything else from houses nextdoor when they are chilling out for the night. Sorry if this seems unfriendly but it's better to find out ahead of time than have a cop show up at your door or have the rental owner get a call. Peace. Tenant and Owner Rights and Responsibilities – Free booklets: The Association also has free booklets on rights and responsibilities for rental owners and tenants based on Michigan State Law. These were provided by our state reps Roy Schmidt and Dave Hildenbrand in Lansing. The booklets are helpful when you have questions about what is right and what is wrong in renting. Stop by and pick one up at our office at 126 College SE, BEHIND WOOD TV – Go up their driveway and come into the little house in the back parking lot – our office. Want your bike back? Make sure the cops have your number! There were three recent instances of bike theft in the Hill. One survivor called the Heritage Hill 616.915.6060 Diane Griffin BROKER - REALTOR® 616.916.5960 cell 616.588.6395 fax Association to give us a great tip to pass along to all neighbors. Find your bike’s serial number and write it down. Take a photo of your bike too. Her bike was stolen out of her garage but even if the police find the bike she will never get it back. Why not? The Police Department must have documentation that the bike is yours. The serial number is the proof. So find that number and write it down. Or better yet, take the bike to the nearest Fire Station and register it and they will send the info to the GRPD to be on file should they find a bike. Stop Bike Theft: Owners have found chains cut and locks broken after securing on porches, next to the house, in yards, and even inside garages. If you do not have a garage that is not securely locked keep your bike inside your apartment or home. If you must keep it outside make sure to hide it as well as possible. Lay it down, lock it up, and keep it out of sight of prowlers. Home Burglary: Grand Rapids Police report a 9 percent increase in burglaries in the city for the first six months of 2010 but an overall decrease in crime from 2009. Most neighbors are old hands at keeping doors and windows secured but newcomers may not know they invite intruders when leaving garage doors unlocked or open, 2. windows wide open when gone or asleep, 3. doors unlocked, by Barb Lester 4. and valuables lying around the yard. These offer an easy opportunity for a thief. Thieves like windows that are not locked even if they have to cut a screen to get in. If they have to grab a trash cart to get up to the window they will. A locked or “pinned” window is a deterrent. We also have the occasional “doorknobshaker” too. They don’t want any trouble; they open your unlocked door, slip in unnoticed to take a purse, wallet, keys or laptop off the counter while you are in the basement, watching TV or working in the garden. Free Home/Apartment Security Checks for all: Have our Crime Prevention Organizer come check your place for vulnerable spots in building security. There are a number of basic home security requirements in the City Housing Code. Call me at the Heritage Hill Association, 459-8950 to set up a free appointment and see if your apartment or home is up to code on home security. Please remember to share the road with bikers and pedestrians, they leave a lot of parking spaces for the rest of us. 630 Kenmoor SE Suite 101 • Grand Rapids, MI 49546 96981 griffin ad bw.indd 1 P o t p o u r r i 1/12/09 10:07:04 AM Barb Lester Community Organizer, HHA Winter-Troutwine Associates, Inc. Preservation Architecture and Planning Specializing in historic: • Restoration, planning and design • Community planning • Mainstreet design and consulting • Tax credits • National Register Nominations [email protected] 616-451-8331 Grand Rapids, Michigan Our Neighbor Mrs. Jessie (Rosie Bell) Russell celebrated her 106! birthday on July 23. Here she is seen in a photo of five-generations of Russell women when she was just a 100-year-young lady. See more info on this historic lady in our September Herald. 9 ArtPrize Comes to Foster Park Please remember us when your apartment needs renters. Your dollars not only find you tenants but also support the programs of the Heritage Hill Association! You can list your apartment right at the website or stop by the HHA office. We welcome you! RENT HERITAGEHILLWEB.ORG Heritage Hill Apartment Rental and Home Sales Listings All sizes and prices -- Spread the word!!! Foster Park is an official ArtPrize venue. Sculpture Vic Lupu describes his work and motivation: “This sculpture (“Freedom”) was inspired by my memories of the televised events showing Serbian protestors starting their demonstration in front of the Parliament building in Belgrade in 2000. Their intent was to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic and his government. Having grown up in Yugoslavia, I understood their desperation, frustration and urge to experience the freedom I came to enjoy upon immigrating to America. Therefore, I dedicated this sculpture to those demonstrators for freedom. I began it as they were entering the Parliament building to tale over the government and overthrow Milosevic. It was completed this year to mark the tenth anniversary of the protest. I was honored to work on this piece dedicated to my former countrymen who were risking their lives for freedom. It is in their honor that I titled this work Freedom.” (ArtPrize Bio) Lupu visited with Heritage Hill Association staff and we took he and his wife Nancy to Foster Park to choose the placement site. They are thrilled with the venue and the neighborhood. We are equally happy to welcome the them and all ArtPrize tourists to the State, Cherry, and Madison business area. Other nearby venues include two at the corner of College and Cherry, 14 artists will show at 311 State Street (old Gateway School) and 18 artists will show at Peaches Bed and Breakfast at 29 Gay SE. SHOP LOCAL – EXPERT AUTO REPAIR – SHOP LOCAL- IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOREIGN - DOMESTIC - BRAKES - EXHAUST - SHOCKS STRUTS - ALIGNMENTS -TUNEUPS - MOST REPAIRS –– FREE ESTIMATES & LOCAL TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM 90 days same as cash McGRAW TIRE (F I R E S T O N E) SINCE 1927 HERITAGE HILL AND DOWNTOWN 141 WEALTHY SE (AT LaGRAVE) 459-3393 10 Vote August 3 Vote August 3 www.jimtalen.com www.jimtalen.com The Garden Tour Committee would like to thank the following fabulous participants: Tour Hosts: Melissa and David LaGrand Jack Sytsma and Paul Asselin Kay and Chris Gibbons Michael Meredith Steelcase Corporation / Meyer May House Anne and Tom Logan David Klinzing, Todd Thiesen and Patrick Tischler The Public Museum of Grand Rapids / The Voigt House Jack Lensink, Paula McNeely and Kerry & Mitch Baldwin Coleen Hamman and Chris & Tom Truesdale Jane and Reid Taylor Phyllis Ball Fred Hulce Cheryl and John Tully Tour Volunteers: Karen Schousen Mary Manguse Ken and Kristin Bauer Jack Sytsma and Paul Asselin Carol Postma Sara Bremmer Mary Thomas and her Nieces Ken Gates Esther VanAllsburg Joan Smith Shirley Arrigo Mark Hutchinson Char Kruzich and Jim Payne Kate Diedrich Margaret and Robin Bowles Mary Robinson Ken Schmidt Tom Hicks Rob Pease John Kershek Phil Makinen Chris and Tom Truesdale Mary Frye Rich Morris Sue Karsen Stephanie Gerdes Steve Yared Glenn Barkan Prezlei and Kyleigh Garland Margaret Farratell James Kelley Sheila McGrath Rick Stevens / Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Joyce Makinen / Voigt House Don Dekker / Meyer May House Special Thanks to Jack Sytsma for Host Recruitment Special Thanks to Nikki Hoort and staff for offers of additional help Special Thanks to Jackie Taylor for her work at the Ticket Booth Thanks also to the Host-recruited volunteers whose names we do not have – you are all appreciated! Special Thanks Again to Committee Chairs Kathi Barkan and Nikki Hoort for a wonderful event. 7 Mark Levandoski hired VanDerKolk Painting to perform architectural paint restoration in the Heritage Hill District. Mark, what would you like your Heritage Hill neighbors to know about VanDerKolk Painting? Tom seems to take a genuine interest in your property. He wants to do the right thing for you and will discuss the pros and cons on different approaches. He takes the time to achieve consensus. What impressed you most about VanDerKolk Painting’s craftsmen? They work as a team and respect what each is doing, knowing it all is part of achieving a good job. I never noticed the haughty "pecking order" I have seen with past work crews. How was your budget addressed for your painting project by VanDerKolk Painting? Well, good work is not going to be inexpensive. I think with painting you really do "get what you pay for." While VanDerKolk "talks the talk," they deliver what you pay for. Let's face it, once a crew takes over your property, you are pretty much at their mercy. As the days went on, I felt better and better that I budgeted higher for my job because VanDerKolk delivered what I paid for. Overall, how would you grade VanDerKolk Painting’s quality, value and customer service? I was pleased with the detail work, meaning the prep work; anybody can spread paint. The value of a good job takes some time to appreciate. Tom communicates well; it is not a one way street. He calls you and stays in touch during the job's progression. This is becoming rare and I knew I made the right decision because the communication did not stop after the contract was signed. NEW EPA LEAD LAW MANDATES CONTRACTOR TRAINING. On April 22, 2010, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will enforce a new law that all contractors must have proper certification for dealing with lead on homes built prior to 1978. For example, pressure washing for paint removal will be outlawed. VanDerKolk Painting's paint shaving system utilizes HEPA equipment to safely contain lead based paint. This process provides 15 years of durability and has a 5 year warranty. VanDerKolk Painting has completed their certification process. Our employees are trained in the safety practices and removal of lead-based paints. If you have questions about a painting project that involves lead paint, contact VanDerKolk Painting. Huge thanks to our recent Heritage Hill Association contributors: Glenn and Kathi Barkan Ken and Kristin Bauer Larry and Nancy Beckwith Angela Bopra Robin and Margaret Bowles Amber Brown Gertrude Calmese Mike and Kathleen Cavanaugh Bob and Julie Connors John and Sylvia Cooper Roger and Dawn Cornell Fred Coutchie Dan and Kate Diedrich Jerry Dreyer Mark D. Dykstra Jim and Eileen Gould Kate Eberhard Roger and Rose Ellis Justin Fales James and Minnie Forbes Deborah Gelinas Marvin and Beverly Hall Coleen Hamman Jennifer Hankinson Jack and Susan Hessler James Honeycutt Mark Hutchison C. M. Johnson Paul Kutsche Virginia and James La Grand Dean Lantinga Ray and Beth Lantinga Rozelle and Phyllis Lazenby Ealry Lyons Elizabeth and Andrey Marchena Martha’s Viveyard Myron and Willa Mast Kevin and Cynthia McCurren Paula McNeely Michael Mesnak Jaime Misner Michelle Mott Craig Nobbelin and Mei Chow Phil Ondersma Laura Piersma Ellen Pool Mary Robinson and Tom Simmons Milton and Barbara Rohwer Steve and Amy Ruis Jim Russell Stu Saints and Lisa McManus Linda Samuelson Ken Schmidt and Bill Russell George Seamon Donna and Doug Sieplinga Mary Lou Smith Jacqueline Taylor Tom and Chris Truesdale Cheryl and John Tully Matthew Veneklase Mary Ann Walters Clare Wade and Tom Koetsier Sandy Ward The Waters House Apartments Marge Wielsma E. Miles Wilson Fred and Wendy Wooden Schedule an estimate 24/7 at www.vanderkolkpainting.com or call 616.475.4300 6 11 Hollyhocks stand guard all summer at the College & Cherry Corner Garden Thank you to the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Gerontology Network and Tazzia Landscaping for their generous contribution in both talent and dollars in continuing to keep our neighborhood beautiful. Tidy Home Helpers offers very affordable and professional home and small office cleaning services to those in the greater Grand Rapids area. We use environmentally-friendly Green Seal certified products so you, your loved ones, and your environment are safe in our hands. “At Tidy Home Helpers we’ll keep your home looking great.” Call 616-233-4832 to set up a free assessment Or Visit Us Online: www.tidyhomehelpers.com Texas Hold-em Yippy Ki Yai We corralled a few good folks to spend their 4th of July weekend hosting a Texas Hold-em at TJ’s Charity Game Room. Hats off and yippy ki yai’s to the following 9/14/2009 12:08:00 PMHill: for great service to Heritage Maria Zache, Jim Starkey, Mary Robinson, Tom Simmons, Nikki Hoort, G.F. Korreck, Jim Payne, Char Kruchak, Jan Earl, Barb Lester, Mike Chielens, Chris Roe, Tom Czerwinski; and an extra yip to Steve Yared for heading this new fundraising effort. With the success of this initial effort, we will likely be doing it again. The work is pain free and the time goes quickly. If you want to get into this posse, give the office a call, 459-8950. We’ll try to avoid holiday weekends in the future! Many thanks to our sponsors of the 2010 Heritage Hill Garden Tour: Elders’ Helpers Live on your own with a helper in your home. 1407 Robinson Rd. 454-8305 www.eldershelpers.com Storr Printing Services, Inc Offset and Digital Printing 938 Cherry SE 459-0068 www.storrprinting.com Tidy Home Helpers Tough on Dirt. Gentle on your environment. 1407 Robinson Rd. (616) 233-4832 www.tidyhomeshelpers.com Wealthy Street Businesses Wealthy Street Bakery Art of the Table Wealthy at Charles The Winchester Literary Life 12 Board Notes Discussion at the June, 2010 Heritage Hill Association Board Meeting included: Public Comment: Grand Rapids city employee, Barbara Small presented plans for the city’s new Single Stream recycling program set to begin this summer. Soon all recycling will go into wheeled carts with no need to separate or bag any items. Batteries will no longer be accepted (drop-off centers will be available,) but phone books will. A letter and card will be sent to all residents for their choice of three different cart sizes; the current bins will be exchanged for a cart in July. The carts will have a computer chip linking that cart to its address; the current bins will be recycled into carts. Treasurer’s Report: Tom C. reported that the Rental Service income continues to be down but the financial picture overall is good for this time of year. Staff Reports: Jan E. reported on the meeting with ArtPrize concerning possible joint marketing efforts with Home Tour. Jan also stated that 1) she would be meeting with ICCF and would inquire as to further details of development plans for the former Little Jack’s party and surrounding properties. 2) The city’s Street-Lighting Initiative is off the table for now and that 3) the longempty house at 111 Lafayette NE was sold to a couple with two small children. Committee/Liaison Reports: Institutional Liaisons – Jan E. reported on a neighbors’ meeting with Saint Mary’s concerning the plans for the hospitality center at Saint Luke’s and associated renovation. Nominating/Personnel – Jackie T. stated that Jan’s evaluation will be held later this year. Board Attendance Policy – Steve Y. stated that the Executive Committee encourages attendance and participation and suggested a discussion of the absences and reinstatement policy. General discussion included possible credit for committee work and the possibility of reinstatement being handled at the Executive Committee level. Garden Tour – Nikki H. reported that the TV ads have been running and that they arranged a reciprocal marketing program with the Ottawa Hills Garden Tour. Kathi B. reported that approximately 100 advance tickets had been sold and that a few volunteers were still needed. Home Tour – Jan E. reported that the Home Tour Committee had met the previous evening and that recruitment was still extremely slow. Many good prospects have been made and the committee hopes to have the line-up finalized by the end of July. A plea was made again to members to solicit their neighbors’ participation. Jan also reported that the Friends and Sponsors campaign is on track. Pledge Drive – Jackie T. reported that the drive is going well. Texas Hold-em – Steve Y. stated that 4 volunteers are still needed for the 3-day fundraiser. The HHA Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third WEDNESDAY of every month at GRCC East (formerly Davenport,) 415 East Fulton at the Robert Sneden Lecture Hall. Neighbors are welcome to attend. If you would like an item placed on the Board agenda, please call the HHA office at 459-8950 before 4:00 p.m. of the second WEDNESDAY of the month. If you would like to address the Board regarding an agenda item, public comment is taken at the beginning of each meeting. For non- agenda items, public comment is taken at the end of each meeting. Typically, Board meetings last from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Traditional in Style Progressive in Thought Engaged in the Community 10 East Park Place NE • Grand Rapids 616.459.3203 • www.parkchurchgr.org Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 5 How Would Heritage Hill Look Today If? 2010 Line-Up of Homes (Cont'd from page 3) some of you in these next few months, please consider the generous act we ask of you: Opening your home for Heritage Hill’s Annual Weekend Tour of Homes. The dates for our May Tour will be Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, 2011. While it may be difficult to remember dates, think of it as the 3rd weekend of May - OR - the weekend prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Now or in the Future And please remember, though we are looking for Tour homes for this next year, more importantly, we are also looking to create a list of potential tour homes for upcoming years. The Tour committee loves to work with any perspective Tour homeowner and wants to schedule a date that can be met without creating too much anxiety on the part of those readying their home for Tour. For some, that may mean next May. For others, it may be two to three years away. We want to put your name on the list and to let you know we appreciate your involvement regardless of your dateline. While there are many people involved in the orchestration of our neighborhood Tour each year, none are more important than those who actually open the doors of their homes for the public to view. Bylsma Painting Company Over 30 years of excellence 616-308-8849 No one has painted more houses in Heritage Hill. rickbylsmapainting.com 4 property greatly enhanced in value. But they were never able to secure possession of land west of Jefferson Avenue to carry out their cherished plans. Had they been successful the aspect of the commercial center of the city would doubtless have been greatly changed from what it is now. One could imagine big business blocks where now there are some of the largest and handsomest residences of the city. Advantage Animal Control Problem Wildlife Removal • Moles Licensed & • Bats • Raccoons Insured 901-2212 Their Plans Miscarried State Street Was Originally Intended to Join Monroe Street MAKE A DIFFERENCE MAKE A PLEDGE . . . . . . a neighborhood association is only as strong as its Membership! Donate Today. If the plans of Cant Smith and E. B. Bostwick had not miscarried back in the 1840’s, Monroe Street, the principal business thoroughfare of this city, would now be double its present length. Few people of the present day have stopped to consider that State Street is very nearly in a direct line with Monroe street, and if cut through would join Monroe Street at its upper end, making a continuous street to Madison Avenue. Back in the pioneer days from scratch... everyday. DOWNTOWN "IDENTITY" LOCATION 2213 Wealthy SE, Suite 200 East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Office: (616) 458-3655 Direct Line: (616) 974-6910 Direct Fax: (616) 974-6911 Cell: (616) 581-4472 ALAN STOCKTON [email protected] Realtor® that part of the city east of Division Street was very little settled, and a considerable portion of it an oak wilderness. It was along about 1846 that Cant Smith, landlord of the old National Hotel, and E. B. Bostwick, a large property holder of the early days, purchased from “Uncle Louis” Campau 20 or 30 acres lying east of Jefferson Avenue, between Cherry and Washington streets. They had the property surveyed, and State Street was laid out and cut through from Jefferson Avenue to Madison Avenue. They figured on getting possession of enough land lying between the foot of State Street and the head of Monroe Street to continue State Street through to the business center. They saw the business interests of the town pushed eastward in the future, and their Grand Rapids Evening Press, Jan 31, 1898, page 2 Memorial to our Union Avenue Neighbor James Blaine Williams passed away on June 2, 2010. James and his wife Willowdean have lived on the 300 block of Union Avenue SE since 1971. He was born in Grenada, MS and moved to Chicago where he met Willowdean, his mate for the next 51 years. Mrs. Williams said they moved to Grand Rapids to raise their family in a safe area. Mr. Williams served in Korea for the U.S. Army and later worked for the Steelcase Corp. He is remembered by his family, friends and neighbors in Heritage Hill. The city wasn’t yet fifty years old in the 1890’s, and the character of State Street, one of Grand Rapids’ “handsomest” residential neighborhoods, almost became something else. The following article appeared in the Grand Rapids Evening Press 112 years ago. The writer tells of a certain historic roadway that in different circumstances would look today quite foreign to us in Heritage Hill; perhaps high-rise commercial buildings! The tradition handed down is that State Street was laid out along an ancient Native American trail that began along the eastern shore of the Owashtanong (Grand River) at the foot of Monroe Street – where the McKay Tower now stands. The trail headed southeasterly from there; up the gradual hills then covered with virgin oak. After non-native settlement, the “State Road” continued as an important transportation route to places southeast of Grand Rapids. Looking at a modern-day map and comparing antique maps of the area, it is not difficult to imagine what is being described. – Don Bryant | [email protected] ON-SITE PARKING OFFICE LEASE 2,300 SQ FT GR FL 30 Jefferson s.e. grand rapids mi 49503 MARK LEVANDOSKI (616) 452-5503 Heritage Family Dental Bruce M. Weny, DDS 616/451-2336 255 Washington SE, Suite 4, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Open Everyday: 8 am until 11 pm 208 Union Ave. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Telephone: (616) 726-6609 www.NantucketBakingCo.com 13 Serve your neighborhood and volunteer for the Weekend Tour of Homes ruoy evreS dna doohrobhgien eht rof reetnulov semoH fo ruoT dnekeeW All-Stars Among Us eb ot ksA ?reetnulov denosaeS .tuoba si ssuf eht lla tahw ees dna emoC ?reetnuloV emit tsriF First time Volunteer? Come and see what all the fuss is about. Seasoned volunteer? Ask to be fo esneHeritage s taerg tahHill’s t ot noiown tidda Gordy ni tekcit ruoT emoH eerf a eviecer sreetnulov llA !detomorp promoted! All volunteers receive a free Home Tour ticket in addition to that great sense of fo reVanHaitsma siardnuf tsegral swas ’noithonored aicossA ehby t si the ruoT emoH sA .sgnirb gnireetnulov taht noitapicitrap ot evigDetroit nac uoyTigers stfig tseat ggithe b eh2010 t fo enoAll-Star si semoH ruoT emoH ehtparticipation fo eno ta gnirethat etnulvolunteering ov ,raey eht brings. As Home Tour is the Association’s largest fundraiser of the year, volunteering . u o y d e e n e w – n o i t a i c o s s a d o o h r o b hgieat n rone uoy of the Home Tour Homes is one of the biggest gifts you can give to game for his efforts in improving your neighborhood association – we need you. communities. He won the state-wide competition, 0 sponsored 598-954 Eby CIFPeople FO AHH EHT LLAC ESAELP Magazine andTMajor FIHS DLeague NA YADBaseball. DERREFERP RUOY HTIW PLEASE CALL THE HHA OFFICE 459-8950 VanHaitsma was nominated ta su liam-e ro segassem sruoh-retfa rof elbaliava si liamecioV WITH YOUR PREFERRED DAY AND SHIFT for his volunteer work grorefurbishing .bewllihegatireh@egatireh Voicemail is available for after-hours messages or e-mail us at bikes and giving gthem tolliOakdale ro.bew hgatireh.www :ofni erom roF [email protected] Christian Elementary students who For more info: www.heritaghillweb.org :stfihS ruoT emoH read 15 books. Gord 03:5 ot 0 0:2 dnhas a 03worked :2 ot 03:0as 1 the:dn2 rebotcO ,yadrutaS custodian Home Tour Shifts: 03at :6 this ot 00school :3 dna 0for 3:3many ot 03:1years. 1 :dr3 rebotcO ,yadnuS His students call him “Mr. Gordy”, Saturday, October 2nd: 10:30 to 2:30 and 2:00 to 5:30 Sunday, October 3rd: 11:30 to 3:30 and 3:00 to 6:30 and Heritage Hill congratulates him for his great community spirit and efforts to improve young people’s lives through books and bikes! Call the Police Any Emergency: 911 Fire Crime in progress Fight – weapons involved Very suspicious activity Non-emergency: 456-3400 Loud music Fight - no weapons To report a crime that already occurred bestway CLEANING SERVICES windows • carpets commercial • residential insured • bonded ROBERT I. DANIELS P.O. Box 68492 Phone 616.827.8473 Grand Rapids MI 49508 Fax 616.827.8828 2010 Line-Up of Homes Highlights October 2nd & 3rd Tour And Spring 2011 Tour Follows Hot on the Heels of Our Final Fall Tour - Tom Truesdale As you read this Heritage Hill Annual Weekend Tour of Homes update, our October 2010 line-up is set – or nearly so – and work is on-going in preparation for the neighborhood’s final Fall Tour of Homes. And though it will be the final Fall Tour, there will be no lack of great homes for public viewing or for things to do before, after and in-between house tours. During this 2nd year of Artprize, many more venues than last year will be located within or very near the Heritage Hill neighborhood borders. Our 2010 Annual Tour’s eight to nine homes will be punctuated by various artists’ exhibits adding a cross-cultural flavor to the already great Tour of our neighborhood. A detailed outline of this year’s offerings will appear in our Tour of Homes edition of the Heritage Herald in September. Also, in this year’s Tour map/ booklet, we will try to label each Artprize venue in and near our district boundaries so you can plan your tour around all the sites – artwork and homes - as you traverse the neighborhood. While it will be sad to see our historical Fall event disappear - a perennial favorite on the West Michigan Fall schedule for so many years excitement is building among the Tour committee, and through portions of the Hill and its households, in anticipation of the Annual Tour of Homes new Spring reincarnation. We don’t have to tell you - our friends and neighbors – that the opportunity to show off our streets and homes in the Spring is the chance to present to our visitors Heritage Hill at its most beautiful. Though several smaller fundraising events occur throughout the year, the Annual Heritage Hill Tour of Homes remains the largest fundraiser for the Heritage Hill Association. Between 350 and 400 volunteers contribute to making the weekend a success with all proceeds going right back into programs for the Heritage Hill neighborhood. Some of these programs include block club organizing, crime prevention, community and resource education, landuse planning, and preservation of the district’s historic character. And while it’s sometimes more complicated than that, more often than not, the programs are simply focused on helping neighbors maintain and/or improve their quality of life in Heritage Hill. Looking for 2011 Tour Homes - How You Can Help The Heritage Hill Association and the many neighbors and friends who comprise the Heritage Hill neighborhood association hope you or someone you know might be interested in opening your home(s) for the annual Tour. The search for a homeowner’s “pride and joy” or even an interesting “work in progress” continues. We are currently looking for a few more homes for the May 2011 Tour. This will be the first Heritage Hill Annual Weekend Tour of Homes Spring Tour in more than 35 years. When members of the Tour Committee, or my wife and I, come visit (Cont'd on page 4) [email protected] Cell 616.498.2004 Report all crimes: After you call police, call the Heritage Hill Association at 459-8950 Remember Heritage Hill Property Owners: There is a City Preservation Ordinance that governs all exterior changes, repairs and/ or additions to Heritage Hill properties. Call the Grand Rapids Historic Preservation Commission at 456-3451 for information on approvals. You can access the application form at the City’s website, www. ci.grand-rapids.mi.us at the Planning Department section or at the Heritage Hill Association’s www.heritagehillweb.org. This ordinance applies to all exterior changes, repairs, and/ or additions to your home and property. Items such as doors and windows including storms, yard structures, driveway and sidewalk approaches, and fences do need HPC approvals. 14 Historic Building Restoration Residential & Institutional corner of College & Fulton serving Grand Rapids from the heart of Heritage Hill with Join us for classic and liberating theology Addie’s worship Pantry & Addie’s Diner every Sunday at 9:30am 616-454-9337 www.grandriverbuilders.com Join us for classic worship and Embellish Handbell Choir Concert liberating theology every Sunday at 9:30am April 18 4pm Quality Child Care Provided Corner of College & Fulton serving Grand Rapids from the heart of Heritage Hill with Addie’s Pantry & Addie’s Diner www.centralreformedchurch.org www.centralreformedchurch.org 3 The Heritage Hill Association 126 College S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-8950 Fax: 616-459-2409 Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Mon. - Fri.. Answering machine available for after-hours messages. EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.heritagehillweb.org Purpose: The purpose of the Heritage Hill Association is to provide neighbors a way of collectively building a healthy, historically preserved community in which people can live and work in a secure and stable environment. Office Staff: Jan Earl, Executive Director Barb Lester, Crime Prevention Organizer Maria Zache, Administrative Assistant Wilhelmina Daniels, Afternoon Receptionist COMPETITOR’S COUPONS This summer is HOT, Hot, hot! Some like it … others (like me) long for the cool, and even more important, dry breezes. Whatever your heat tolerance, it is summer in Heritage Hill and the best time to porch or stoop sit. Enjoy your neighbors with this idle time – It’s too hot to do much else! Great neighbors, Kathi Barkan and Nikki Hoort and their band of Garden Tour volunteers, did it all for the 2010 Garden Tour. It was a beautiful weekend and people really appreciated the glorious gardens in Heritage Hill. Thanks so much for raising $3,900 for the Association. The Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors President **Mike Clark, 310 Washington SE, (C) 644-6453 Vice President *Steve Yared, 259 Morris SE, (H) 454-2703 Treasurer **Tom Czerwinski, 457 Paris SE, (H) 443-5608 Secretary *Jackie Taylor, 5155 N Quail Crest Dr SE, 49546 (H) 942-5941 Hats off too to Steve Yared for rounding up all needs for the Association’s participation in the Texas Hold-em at TJ’s Charity Game We will accept all Competitor’s Coupons. Must mention & provide coupon to receive matching offer. Room. This is a no-glory fundraiser and not really associated with the Heritage Hill neighborhood, but it works. Volunteers staffed the money side of the event; selling and redeeming poker chips, signing up participants for the tournament. Thanks to the 16 volunteers for earning $3071 for the Association’s programs. Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. PERSONAL PIZZA AND A POP Enjoy the remaining summer months … but don’t forget that Home Tour is coming on October 2 and 3! Volunteer, buy tickets, invite friends, carry on! ArtPrize will also be happening and there will be over 40 artists showcasing their work in our neighborhood. These are two big events and two great reasons to invite your out-of-town friends and family to enjoy our cool city! Jan Earl, Executive Director 10” Personal 2-Topping Pizza One 20 oz. Pop $ Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 FEAST FOR 4 16” Large 2-Topping Pizza and Breadsticks with Sauce $ **Kathi Barkan, 253 Morris SE, (H) 451-1906 *Deb Bryker, 6601 36th Ave, Hudsonville 49426, 669-6754 * Justin Fales, 233 College SE #1, 581-1472 *Margaret Farratell, 41 Prospect NE, 885-2518 *Vicki Hudson, 250 Morris SE, 456-9032 **Nikki Hoort, 135 Lafayette NE, (H) 454-5101 **Jane Lovett, 29 Gay SE, (H) 458-4504 *Jaime Misner, 303 Madison SE, (H) 454-3309 *Jim Payne, 27 College NE, (H) 454-2367 *Mary Robinson, , 220 Union SE, (H) 459-2119 *Amy Ruis, 414 Prospect SE, (H) 822-9451 FREE BREADSTICKS WITH CHEESE Buy any 14”, 16” or 18” Specialty Pizza and Receive One Order of Breadsticks with Cheese & Sauce FREE Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 The Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors meets at 7 pm the third Wednesday of each month at GRCC East Campus, 415 East Fulton. The meeting is in the Robert Sneden Lecture Hall #1 and is open to the public. DOUBLE DEUCE Two - 2 Topping Pizzas The Heritage Hill Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Barbara L. Roelofs, 227 College SE, 459-0091 James Booth Burr, Jr., 1244 Lake Drive SE, 458-1246 Sam Cummings, 15 Ionia SW, 458-5235 Rebecca Smith Hoffman, 454-5373 Jim James, 3082 Thornapple River Dr. SE, 949-8484 Milt Rohwer, 30 College SE, #64, 235-7528 2- 12” Small $ 15 99 $ 2- 18” X-Large 2799 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 XL SPECIAL State 18” Extra Large 3-Topping Pizza Prospect Fulton Lafayette Jefferson LATE NIGHT DELIVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 2:30 AM $ Cherry Foster Park Limited delivery area designed with safety in mind. Delivery charges apply. $8.00 minimum order for delivery. 1549 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 G.R.P.D., Grand Rapids Pizza & Delivery, is not affiliated with the Grand Rapids Police Department (GRPD). FREE FOOD Save proof of purchase seals off your boxes for FREE FOOD ITEMS order online now www.grandrapidspizza.net F011735 The Heritage Herald - Circulation 4,800 The Heritage Herald is published by the Heritage Hill Association Board of Directors six times a year (bimonthly). The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Board of Directors. We reserve the right to edit. Address correspondence to The Heritage Herald, 126 College SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. 1499 Double cheese and additional items extra. All prices subject to tax. Coupons cannot be combined with other discount offers. Present or mention coupon when ordering. Expires 9/30/10 * 1st Term ** 2nd Term Heritage Hill Association Committee Chairs Block Rep: Barb Lester, 459-8950 Garden Tour: Kathi Barkan, (H) 451-1906 Nikki Hoort, (H) 454-5101 Finance: Tom Czerwinski, (H) 443-5608 Newsletter: Jan Earl, 459-8950 Pledge Drive: Jackie Taylor, (H) 942-5941 Preservation: Jaime Misner, (H) 454-3309 Traffic and Mike Clark, (C) 644-6453 Parking: Barb Lester, (W) 459-8950 Zoning: Craig Nobbelin, 458-0471 Home Tour: Judy Jorgenson, 454-2583 Staffing: Chris Truesdale, 456-5448 Sue Karsen, 455-1223 Distribution: Don Rietema, 776-1716 Publicity: Tom Truesdale, 456-5448 599 10 = 14” 1 Topping Pizza FREE 10 = Any Oven Baked Sub FREE 10 = 6 pc. Wings FREE 10 = House or Chef Salad FREE 5 = Regular or Cinnamon Breadsticks FREE 5 = 3 Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies FREE Typography & Printing: Storr Printing Services, Inc. 2 15 The Heritage Hill Association Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Grand Rapids, MI Permit No. 523 126 College SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Heritage Herald The Newsletter of Heritage Hill JULY/AUGUST 2010 Volume XXXVI, No. 4 Heritage Hill Association’s Classifieds DATES TO REMEMBER All Heritage Hill Association Meetings are open to neighbors. Affordable Cleaning - $15 OFF(mention this ad, thru 8/30/10) Home or Office. Experienced. SAVE MONEY. We also do Construction cleanup, painting and install tile. 616-717-2651. ***Note 2010 Board Meetings are held the third WEDNESDAY of the month*** Tuesday, August 3rd 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Heritage Hill Night-Out Picnic Enjoy a summer night with fun and food! *****Wednesday, August 18th, 2010**** HHA Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m. GRCC East Campus (Davenport) Robert Sneden Academic Building Lecture Hall 415 East Fulton *****Wednesday, September 15th, 2010**** HHA Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m. GRCC East Campus (Davenport) Robert Sneden Academic Building Lecture Hall 415 East Fulton Annual Heritage Hill Association Events to Remember: Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3, 2010 2010 Heritage Hill Weekend Tour of Homes We welcome you inside 11 or more historic homes. Friday, December 3, 2010 Holiday Potluck and Annual Meeting Holiday Cheer, Great Food and conversation with Heritage Hill neighbors. Santa comes, you should too! National Night Out in Foster Park Cherry and Madison SE Plant Health Care Pruning Removals Cabling & Bracing Tree Fertilization Insect/Disease Control • IPM Programs • • • • • • Brian McKenzie ISA Certified Arborist 1-877-BARTLETT 616-245-9449 www.bartlett.com SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:00 am (June 20 - September 5) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP & NURSERY CARE PROVIDED www.wpcgr.org 456-1456 47 Jefferson · Downtown · Grand Rapids Camp Henry 459-2267 Child Development Center 458-8480 Food Pantry 456-6115 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Potluck Picnic Bring a dish to share and a chair or blanket. We’ll provide hot dogs, brats, beverage and utensils. Fun Stuff: Door Prizes Kids Activities GRPD K9 Unit Fire Truck City Officials Candidates Water Play
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For Immediate Release: April, 2015 Heritage Hill Association; 126 College SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 459-8950; www.heritagehillweb.org
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