Scorpion Scoop - May/June, 2016
Scorpion Scoop - May/June, 2016
Scorpion Scoop - May/June, 2016 Sykesville Middle School ● 7301 Springfield Avenue ● Sykesville, MD 21784 ● (410) 751-3545 ● (410) 751-3573 ● What’s In this Newsletter! Message from the Principal • Message from the Principal • Counselor’s Corner - Spotlight on Character Nurse’s Notes: - New Vaccination Requirements - Pick up your medication • May in the Media Center • Info for Everyone - PTO Meeting 5/31/16 - 6th/7th Grade Stratosphere Night on 6/5/16 - Labels for Education - 2015 MD School Report Card • MP3 Honor Roll • 8th Grade Dance Information • 8th Grade Dance - Help needed • 8th Grade Picnic - Help needed Dear Parents, The 2015 – 2016 school year is quickly coming to a close and I would like to take time to recognize our volunteers for their continued support of the school and their outstanding efforts to make our school more than just another building. We are part of the community, the Sykesville family, with all of us working together to provide the best education possible for our children. I encourage all parents to continue communicating with your child’s teacher and the administration so we may finish the year strong. Thank you teachers and staff of Sykesville Middle for your dedication and many hours of work that help each student realize success. Congratulations to our Band and Orchestra students for scoring well and the orchestra’s up-coming performance at the state adjudication. Congratulations to our 8th grade students who will be leaving us for high school in a few weeks. They have given all of us many fond memories, and I would like to send them on with best wishes to each as they begin, what I believe, will be a great high school experience filled with many successes. • Volunteer Training • Cartridges for Cash • School Reward Programs • PTO Scrip Program • 2017 Trip to the Galapagos • Camp COPS • Field Hockey Clinic • CHS Girls Basketball Camps • CHS Tennis Camps • CHS Boys Soccer Camp • May Menu Mr. Chris Roemer will be the principal of Sykesville Middle beginning July 1, 2016 and I will be moving to North Carroll Middle School. I would like to sincerely thank every parent, student, and staff member connected to Sykesville Middle, past and present. It has been an honor serving this community, working alongside talented and caring staff, taking part in educating your children. Parents - your love, devotion, and expecting the best for all students is appreciated more than you may ever know. My years as teacher and administrator here have been filled with wonderful memories and success stories. Thank you all. Approximately 800 students are anticipated to attend Sykesville Middle in grades 6, 7, and 8 for the 2016-2017 school year. Summer is always a busy time as we plan for the children and prepare the building for the start of a new academic year. On behalf of Mr. Roemer, I would like to invite you to contact or visit should you have questions or concerns. The school office will be open from 8:00 to 4:00 weekdays during the summer. Mr. Merson and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping make this a successful year, a great school, and most important, for the support you gave your children and the teachers. We wish a safe and enjoyable summer for each of you and a time to enjoy connecting with your family. A new and exciting 2016-2017 school year awaits the students when they return in August. Ralph Billings Principal COUNSELING CORNER Spotlight on Character RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY RESILIENCY Sykesville Middle focuses our spotlight on three specific traits - Respect, Responsibility, and Resiliency. The following students were selected as “Character Ed Students of the Month” for May/ June. They will make a special appearance on our student-run, live TV segment “Spotlight on Character”. The students will be recognized by Mr. Billings and they will say a few words about why they were selected. Congratulations to: May/June Respect Responsibility Resiliency Team 1 Julia Smith Wyatt Elwood Alexy Lucero-Quesenberry Team 2 Nicole Daniel Andrew Bauer Ellie Fischer Samantha Diehl Colin Wiliams Cayanne Hogan Team 4 Kaitlyn Evans Elise Greenwald Jaclyn LaFever Team 5 Curtis Oliver Katelynn Hanson Skyler Williams Team 6 Andrew Sarver Olivia Tedesco Chase Gladden Team 7 Aly Alter Emma Reilly Minahil Ahmad Andrew Fleming Olivia Carmack Steven Whitman Team 8 Taylor Oden Connor Grow Sean Steras Team 9 Noel Wright-Foster Marissa Colombo Zach Skiles Would you like to watch Spotlight on Character and Scorpion TV on your computer at home? Just go to the SMS website at Click on the Media Center tab and then the Electronic Resources tab. On Tuesday April 5, 2016, all students who received Character Education nominations for the school year were treated to a surprise guest speaker at Sykesville Middle School. Sam Koch, the pro-bowl punter and Super Bowl Champion from the Baltimore Ravens, was invited to speak to our students. He spoke about our Character Education Traits of Respect, Responsibility, and most of all, Resiliency. Mr. Koch spoke about his experiences in the NFL and also related these experiences of hard-work and dedication to school and education. The students were even able to see his Super bowl Ring! Finally, Mr. Koch signed several autographs and posed for photos with the students. It was a fun and rewarding afternoon for all. From the Nurse’s Office Spring is here and along with it sunshine, pollen, humidity and increased temperatures! Physical Education classes have started meeting outdoors for Track & Field, and students are already feeling the effects of the weather and season change on their allergies and asthma. I cannot over emphasize the need for use of allergy and asthma medications as prescribed to prevent allergy/ asthma flair ups. If your child does have asthma, please make sure they have a rescue inhaler kept at school with an appropriate medication form. The weekends will be filled with outdoor activities which will increase our vitamin D production but also the risk for the weekend sunburn. Please encourage all of your family members to apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and protect your eyes with sunglasses. I continue to see lots of students because of symptoms caused by skipping breakfast. They usually complain of dizziness, headache and fatigue. If students miss breakfast at home, they may purchase a delicious breakfast at school on a daily basis. The cost is $1.50 and the reduced rate is 30¢. ****Parents please remember to pick up any medication that you brought in for your child. I am required to discard any medication that is not picked up.**** IMPORTANT—CHANGE IN VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF ALL INCOMING 7TH GRADE STUDENTS (SCHOOL YEAR 2016-2017): The regulations covering school immunizations have changed for the school year 2016. In order to begin the school year 2016-2017 all incoming 7th grade students will be required to have: 1 dose of Tdap vaccine 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine If your child does not have proof of these vaccinations, they will be excluded from school. Please check with your physician to schedule these vaccinations prior to the start of the school year. I need a copy of the student’s updated immunization record - showing the new shot information - from the physician’s office. Lastly, please continue to call me with any questions or concerns. Enjoy the great outdoors … safely! Beth Harkins, RN, BSN School Nurse Use Sunscreen … Even on Cloudy Days. MAY IN THE MEDIA CENTER!! Maryland Black-Eyed Susan We had a wonderful Black-Eyed Susan Voting Breakfast on Tuesday, April 5th. Students and teachers who had read at least three of the nominees enjoyed colossal donuts from Shoppers Food Warehouse. We also voted on our favorites and submitted our votes to the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan committee. We are eagerly waiting to hear the results of voting across the state. As for the Sykesville voters, the winners are: Student Winner: Faculty Winner: The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson Next year’s nominees have already been announced. Visit your public library this summer to read one of these great books! Title Author I Will Always Write Back Alifirenka, Caitlin & Martin The Thing About Jellyfish: A Novel Benjamin, Ali Book Scavenger Chambliss, Jennifer Nightbird Hoffman, Alice House Arrest Holt, K.A. Listen Slowly Lai, Thanhha When Laurie, Victoria I Am Princess X Priest, Cherie No Summit Out of Sight Romero, Jordan Orbiting Jupiter Schmidt, Gary D. The following students and teachers who read at least 3 of the nominated books were on our voting breakfast guest list (those with an * have read ALL 10 books!): Nabeeha Abbas Ella Agius Isabella Battish * Bryan Blowers Gabrielle Bond Patrick Bull Rachel Capria Matthew Coates Danny Crognale Danielle DeLawter Ashley Dietzel Alex Ellis Elise Greenwald Alexis Hamrlik Riley Hanson Jill Haudenshield Eric Hudson Grace Lake Sophia Leiva Julianna Lopez Genevieve McClelland Skylar Moore Lucy Murr * Jackson Reed Brendon Riley Elle Romie Isabella Sanchez Ben Saunders Caleb Sparks Julia Stanley Parker Thorpe Erin Welch Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Bricca * Cane * Davies Fleming * Gerrard Kimble Landry McMahan Paulsgrove * Vondy Whitlow How to View a Scorpion TV News or Spotlight on Character Show On Line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spotlight on Character From the Carroll County Public School Home Page Scroll down to CCPS Video-On-Demand under News and Media Scroll down to the Sykesville Middle School icon Under “Shows” Click on SML EVENTS Click on the episode you would like to watch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scorpion TV / Morning Announcements From the Carroll County Public School Home Page Scroll down to CCPS Video-On-Demand under News and Media Scroll down to the Sykesville Middle School icon Under “Shows” Click on SML NEWS Click on the episode you would like to watch Public Library Book Talks We will host public librarians from Carroll County Public Library on Friday, June 10th. The librarians will share book talks of some great books with students. Your students should come home with some great ideas for books to read over the summer! Office 365 Challenge In an effort to broaden the use of Office 365 among our students, we held an Office 365 Challenge where we invited students to access Office 365 and share a document with Mrs. Bricca. Over 300 of our students have participated so far. Eight homerooms boasted 100% participation - Ms. Hiles and Ms. Watcher’s homerooms won the contest for the donut reward. Office 365 provides web-based versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote, as well as 1TB of storage space for documents. Office 365 is a cloud-based service accessible from any device, anywhere in the world, with an internet connection. The only requirement is that you have your CCPS username and password. Students can access their personal folders on school and home devices in a secure environment. Office 365 provides numerous collaboration tools and opportunities for student and teacher interaction. We cheered for our 7 Battle of the Books teams at this year’s battle on April 8th at Mt. Airy Middle School! The following students did a great job - you make us proud! The Brook Brainiacs The Rainbow Readers Novel Ninjas Paige Calvin Danielle DeLawter Evan DeLawter Riley Hanson Alison Lamdin Juliana Lopez Emma Motter Jackson Reed Brendon Riley Patrick Bull Eric Hudson Will Jones Samantha Mailhot Anna Santoro Julia Shruell Parker Thorpe Maya Tzan Olviia Wanex Kami Barth Matthew Coates Danny Crognale Ashley Dietzel Emily Ellis Hannah Ham Grace Lake Kaitlyn Evans The Cover Girls The Glitter Girls Super Hero Readers Hannah Frost Erin Gounaris Cayanne Hogan Lucy Murr Nabeeha Abbas Alexis Hamrlik Alena Kowalewski Nicole Kowalewski Genevieve McClelland Cypress McGinty Sabina Stanger Caitlyn Atkins Emilia Bartlett Theresa Harrod Jennifer Padilla Naquima Padilla Hernandez Swagalicious Bookworms 3.0 XL Swag Gabbi Bond Rachel Capria Gabi Guerra Sophia Leiva Ellee Romie Isabella Sanchez Julia Stanley Erin Welch INFO FOR EVERYONE Please join us for the last PTO Meeting of the year on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Media Center. You can take this opportunity to wish Mr. Billings “good luck” before he moves to North Carroll Middle School. 6th and 7th Grade - Mark your calendars! Sunday 6/5/16 Stratosphere Night More information to follow. Last Call for Box Tops/Campbell’s Labels The Homeroom competition will be ending on May 20th. Please bring them in to be counted….your student’s homeroom could win a morning breakfast (yum)!! 2015 Maryland School Report Card The 2015 Performance Report: State, School System, and Individual Schools can be found at the following link: . Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the third marking period. Way to go Scorpions! Maggie Abramson Maria Acaron Robert Adams Elizabeth Agius Ashley Agnello Aaron Agyei Chidima Ahulamibe Kelechukwu Ahulamibe Violet Allen Alyson Alter John Amerault Lexi Amerault Jason Amicone Alyssa Amicone Madeline Amsbaugh Megan Anderson Domenic Arena Daniel Arriola Ashley Asiedu Gabriel Atalla Adrian Auber Chamarr Auber Matthew Awalt Danielle Baker Andrew Baran John Bargerstock-Delia Jesse Barkley Abby Barnes Kaylee Barry Madison Barry Kamryn Barth Emilia Bartlett Isabella Battish Gavin Batts Andrew Bauer Hannah Bauer Briannah Beall Janine Beall Samantha Beall-Dennell Ashley Beheler Chloe Berry Bryan Blowers Gabrielle Bond Kathryn Bornyek Margaret Bornyek Mathew Bosley Amber Boyd Grace Boyd Tyler Brady Eva Brandt Conner Breitenbach Owen Brewer Michael Britton Nathaniel Brooks Ryley Brown Sydney Brown Alena Brown Kenton Brown Rachel Brown Landon Bruce Grace Bruce Chett Brunner Deborah Brusio Patrick Bull Rebecca Burch Stephanie Burch Matthew Cady Matilda Cains Jenna Callan Emma Callaway Hope Callaway Sophie Callaway Paige Calvin Katelyn Calvo Ryan Campbell Matthew Canedo Rachel Capria Olivia Carmack Elise Carver Emily Carver Joseph Case Aiden Cass Herleen Chahil Joshua Chenoweth Carla Clagett Benjamin Clark Hannah Clas Teagan Cline Carolyn Clowes Jason Coates Matthew Coates Rachel Cohen Angelina Coleianne Grace Conaway Lily Conaway Jacob Congdon Kaitlin Conway Isis Cook Julia Cookson John Coonts Molly Cooper Spencer Copley Ryan Cozzolino Katelyn Crispens Daniel Crognale Joshua Cromwell Nathan Crouse Brady Crumbacker Nicole Daniel Matthew Daniel Hailey Daniels Keerti Das Julia Dean Sarah Deese Jack DeHart Jordan Deibel Brennan Deibel Andrew DeKowski Danielle DeLawter Evan DeLawter Brayden Delbusso Andrew DeShong Madison Deutsch Arjoneel Dhar Wyatt Dickey Samantha Diehl Austin Diehl Ashlee Dietzel Jessica Diorio Wilfred Dommermuth Christina Downey Madison Downs Ethan Durborow Madison Eckert Cristian Edwards Joshua Edwards Spencer Eldridge Wyatt Elwood Michael Engles Kaitlyn Evans Allison Everton Dylan Fair Mackenzie Feltz Heather Ferguson Anna Finneran Elizabeth Fischer Catherine Fischer Andrew Fleming Noah Fondiller Coleman Forman Gavin Freedman Taylor Frick Mia Friz Hannah Frost Tyler Fucello Payton Gams Noah Gardner Anandita Gaur Courtney Gehr Paul Geiger Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the third marking period. Way to go Scorpions! Christopher Gernand Morgan Gillenwater Chase Gladden Jessi Glass Jackson Glenn Alexandra Gokoyev Carter Gomsak Michael Good Emma Gordon Tyler Gordon Erin Gounaris Riley Granata Michael Granata Alexander Grasso Haley Greenwade Elise Greenwald Garrett Greffe Kyle Grimsley Kate Grimsley Ethan Grissom Owen Grosh Kathryn Grow Connor Grow Anna Guerra Matthew Guyer Taylor Habicht Anna Hackett Kevin Hackett Andrew Hagg Riordan Hall John Hallman Hannah Ham Jake Hamilton Cole Hamlett Alexis Hamrlik Autumn Hamrlik Katelynn Hanson Eden Harrison Olivia Harrison Christina Haspert Kyle Hatmaker Jillian Haudenshield Zowie Haugh Taylor Heaster William Heffernan Evelyn Henriques Carter Hobson Tiffany Hodge Mason Hofmeister Cayanne Hogan Everett Holcombe Matthew Hollander Megan Hollander Ella Hollinger Claire Hollinger John Hood Drake Hornburg Rachel Hornock Mackenzie Houldson Nurlan Howard Benjamin Hroblak Christopher Hrones Mary Huber Kaitlyn Huber Eric Hudson Amanda Huynh Destiny Iampieri Vijay Jetton Chloe Jones Jacob Jones Kailyn Jones Nathan Jones Zipporah Jones-Hamlin Lauren Judge Maxwell Kain Shane Kalmbach Sanghyeok Kang Seth Kaufman Madeline Keffer Garrett Kemp Caroline Kennell Brianna Kessler Bryce Kessler James Kessler Vincent Kessler Eoin Kim Emily King Nathaniel Kitchen Autumn Knight Christian Knox Amanda Kosack Adam Koslosky Caleb Koslosky Alena Kowalewski Nicole Kowalewski Connor Krausman Sarah Krausman Kyle Kropfelder Emma Lach Jaclyn LaFever Grace Lake Jared Lake Hang Lam Alison Lamdin Heather Landry Madison Lansinger Madison Laufer Jayden Leach Gloria Ledesma Mya Lee Amber Lee Sophia Leiva Madison Lester Sawyer Letaw Jaden Lewis Morgan Lewis Caroline Little Laurie Logue-Ruckman Juliana Lopez Alyson Loschen McKenzie Lucas Matthew Maderi Kaylie Magill Samantha Mailhot Samantha Malin Justin Mallow Olivia Manyette Evan Marcinko Nolan Marriott Kellan Marriott Colin Martin Gina Martin Suzanna Martin Madeleine Mason Caroline Mastria Avery Mattox Kara Maurantonio Stephen McAndrew Luke McAuliffe Genevieve McClelland Samuel McCusker Abigail McCusker Cypress McGinty Brayden McGraw Emma McGraw Danielle McIltrot Jacob McInturff Alexis McLaughlin Kyle McMahon Olivia Mead Reagan Mee Ayhan Mehdiyev Erin Mellendick Anne Messerschmidt Abigail Meyers Aiden Michael Jarret Michael Haley Miller Ryan Miller Haley Mills-Germac Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the third marking period. Way to go Scorpions! Jaden Mingee Skylar Moore Jordan Moore Jacob Morey Summer Morrison Emma Motter Emilia Mower Brianna Muchella-Prata Cole Murphy Lucy Murr River Myer Jacob Naill Jenna Naumann Bobby Neeley Emma Neiswender Alexandra Nelson John Nelson HK Nguyen Sydney Nguyen Julia Noll Angellia Norris Juliette Norris Shanklyn Norwood Elsa Oates Alexander Olenik Curtis Oliver Paul Olson Kylie Opatovsky Mason Otto Luke Parrish John Pavlick Mapuana Pekelo Alyssa Peters Connor Peterson Marcello Piccirilli Luca Piccirilli Daniel Pineiro Madeline Plank Charleise Polk Andrew Porter Abigail Poulton Jasmine Prince Dylan Pruitt Adam Radinsky Joshua Raico Yamha Raza Jackson Reed Emma Reilly Maria Rekus Connor Renehan Blake Revay Brendon Riley Adam Ritz Corey Roach Jorja Rodgers Kasey Rogers Mark Rolfes Ryan Rolfes Elizabeth Romie Alexis Rosati Molly Rosewag Rachel Rubenstein Brian Rusk Jessica Rutledge Josiah Samuel Selena Sandbank Camren Santos Andrew Sarver Benjamin Saunders Joshua Schamber Mallory Scheurer Matthew Schuler Elizabeth Schulze Jordan Seidel Samantha Seledee William Sevick Leah Sharkey Hunter Sherman Julia Shruell Jaeho Sim Sarah Simon Fallon Sinkler Kiley Sisk Zachary Skiles Natalie Smith Aaron Smith Allyson Smolley Hannah Sobchak Olivia Sobchak Maxwell Sofianek Caleb Sparks Rachel Spera Shannon St. Pierre Kara Stach Nalina Stallard Sabina Stanger Julia Stanley Sydney Stewart Bayler Stewart Paige Stewart Emily Streett Gavin Suckow Conor Sullivan Joie Sung Jeremy Taylor Olivia Tedesco Parker Thorpe Garrett Thorpe Brison Tichnell Megan Tignor Delaney Tofil Jordan Tripp Myron Truesdale Lillian Uecker Carolyn Upshaw William Usi Adam Usi Nathan Usi Ashley Vajo Nina Valentine Emerson Vichot Grace Vincent Alexa Vintz Justin Walters Marie Walters Olivia Wanex William Wayland Elise We Josh Webber Colby Weishaar Erin Welch Sarah Welsh Tasha White Andrew Wilcox Colin Williams Elizabeth Williams Matthew Williams Alex Willman Ellie Winson Nolan Wise Aidin Witiak Judith Wolf Liam Wolf Miles Wolfe Adrianna Wood Ryan Wowkanyn Noel Wright-Foster Jessica Yankowski Marklin Yi Elena Yockman Celeste Young Jonah Zabik Olivia Zepp Ainsley Zuber Raphael Zukowski Date: Wednesday June 8, 2016 Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Place: Sykesville Middle School Cafeteria Them: Hollywood Red Carpet Dress Code Ladies—Dresses should be tasteful with no cleavage and no underwear visible Gentlemen—Long pants (no jeans), shirts (no T-shirts) and no tie is necessary, but it is acceptable Rules 1. No Limos 2. No one allowed other than current SMS 8th Graders 3. Must buy a ticket in advance 4. Only appropriate and acceptable behavior will be tolerated 5. All school rules are in effect 6. Dates are not necessary There will be a photographer present to take group photos as well as candid pictures throughout the evening. Each student will have a chance to preview and order pictures the Friday morning following the dance (June 10th) during class. No late forms will be accepted due to quick processing time. -Cost $1.00 per picture. No Limit on number ordered. -Student must be in picture. -Payment must be turned in by the end of lunch Friday June10th. -Photos will be delivered by Tuesday June 14th in homeroom. Donations Request Form The Dance Committee is underway and working hard to make this year’s dance a huge success. The dance will be Wednesday, June 8, 2016 from 7-9 PM. Please sign up to donate one of the following: Four 2-liter Bottles of a Beverage (Soda/Lemonade/Ice Tea) Case of Water 50 Pack of Individual Snack/Chip Packages (BJs or Sam’s Club has options) Two Dozen Cookies, Brownies (NO NUTS) or Mini Donuts/Donut Holes Other (Gluten Free/Lactose Free/Nut Free) CLEAR plastic 9 oz. cups We are also in need of a few adults to donate time on the day and evening of the dance. Yes, I can assist with decorating from 1-3 PM on Wednesday, June 8th Yes, I can assist with clean-up from 9-9:30 PM on Wednesday, June 8th Please Print Clearly Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________ Phone Number: ___________________ E-mail: ________________________________ Student: __________________________ Homeroom:__________________ Questions – Contact Helaine Radinsky [email protected] 443-474-3942 or Laura Wolf [email protected] (410) 458-2687. You will be contacted to confirm your donation a week before the dance. Please return the top portion of this form to Mrs. Murphy on or before Wednesday, May 25th. Cut off the bottom portion and use it as a reminder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Reminder Please bring your donation to the office clearly marked “8th Grade Dance” anytime during school hours on Monday 6/6, Tuesday 6/7, or Wednesday 6/8. I am donating: ____________________________________________________________ I am volunteering: _________________________________________________________ Donations Request Form We are quickly reaching the end of the school year! The PTO has started planning for the 8th Grade Farewell Picnic. We are in need of volunteers and donations to make this picnic a success for our kids. The Picnic will be held on Thursday, June 9th We will need help with set-up, clean-up, monitoring games and serving food and drinks. If you are unable to help the day of the picnic, you can help by donating baked goods, drinks or snacks. I can help with: ___ set-up (10:00 am) ___ monitoring games ___ clean-up (2:00-3:00 pm) ___ serving food (11:30 am -2:00 pm) I can donate: ___ cookies, brownies or mini donuts/donut holes ___ individual, single serve bags of chips/pretzels (such as Utz or Dorito multi-pack box or bag) ___ case of water ___ plastic cups/napkins/plates Please Print Clearly Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________ Phone Number: ___________________ E-mail: ________________________________ Student: __________________________ Homeroom:__________________ Questions - Contact Helaine Radinsky [email protected] 443-474-3942 or Laura Wolf [email protected] (410) 458-2687. You will be contacted to confirm your donation a week before the picnic. Please return the top portion of this form to the front office on or before Wednesday, May 25th. Cut off the bottom portion and use it as a reminder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Reminder Please bring your donation to the office clearly marked “8th Grade Picnic” anytime during school hours on Monday 6/6, Tuesday 6/7 or Wednesday 6/8 I am donating: ____________________________________________________________ I am volunteering: _________________________________________________________ VOLUNTEER TRAINING SESSIONS Level II Volunteers (classroom helpers, tutors, chaperones, mentors, etc.) are required to attend an annual training session at least seven (7) school days prior to volunteering. School days are defined as days when schools are open for students. Volunteer training obtained during the 2014-2015 school year expired September 30, 2015. Please note: Prompt arrival for training sessions is required, so please allow adequate travel time in order to arrive before the presentation begins. Attendees must be present for the entire presentation because volunteer training is an annual compliance requirement. You will need to attend another presentation if the training session has begun when you arrive. Any changes to this Training Schedule will be updated on the CCPS website at:: Safety and Security Requirement – Effective July 2014 Anyone planning to volunteer during the 2015-2016 school year must provide valid photo identification at the conclusion of the training session. Inclement Weather: If the snow emergency plan is in effect, CCPS Sponsored Activities are CANCELLED. DATE SCHOOL TIME CONTACT Please call the number provided to confirm the scheduled training session. + precedes a school event/activity ^ follows a school event/activity # part of a school event/activity 5/10 + Piney Ridge Elementary 6:30 PM 410-751-3535 5/11 Eldersburg Elementary 5:00 PM 410-751-3520 5/17 ^ Elmer Wolfe Elementary 8:00 PM 410-751-3307 5/18 + Mechanicsville Elementary 6:15 PM 410-751-3510 5/18 + Sandymount Elementary 6:15 PM 410-751-3215 5/24 Mechanicsville Elementary 10:15 AM 410-751-3510 The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons with regard to its employment practices and in the provision of services, programs, and activities. The CCPS does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. The CCPS provides non-discriminatory access to school facilities in accordance with its policies and regulations regarding the community use of schools (including, but not limited to, the Boy Scouts). The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Gregory J. Bricca, Director of Research and Accountability, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3068. The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Office of Community and Media Relations at 410-751-3020 or [email protected], or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed. Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities or the Supervisor of Community and Media Relations: Raymond Prokop, Director of Facilities Management, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3177, or Carey Gaddis, Supervisor of Community and Media Relations, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3020. Sykesville Middle Register and Shop With several of the partnerships it’s as simple as registering your card and then shopping at these retailers as you normally would. Martin’s, Giant, and Target: To register your card go to: redcard/content/rcw_manage Martin’s - A+ School Rewards School ID# 00437 Giant - A+ School Rewards School ID# 1755 Clip and Save These partnerships involve clipping items off of specially marked purchases. For each Box Top turned in, Sykesville Middle School gets 10¢! And when the Campbell’s “Labels for Education” items are turned in we collect points which can later be used toward a variety of items found in the “Labels for Education” catalog. These include items for academics, athletics and the arts. Please collect and turn in your items to Mrs. Schaper. We collect these throughout the entire year! For a detailed list of participating products click on the links below. Box tops and lebels will be counted twice a year, and the winning homeroom gets a morning breakfast. Participating BoxTop Items Campbell’s Labels for Education Help Families in Need! Sykesville Middle School has a Goodwill Bin! As you drive into school, it is located on the left in the corner of the parking lot - it is big and blue and hard to miss. Carroll County Public Schools and Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley are partnered in an effort to support struggling families in Carroll County. We supply $20 vouchers to families so that they can purchase clothing from Goodwill. CCPS receives these vouchers from Goodwill based upon the weight of donations collected in the Goodwill collection boxes that are placed at many of our schools throughout the county. So far this school year, CCPS has been able to assist 58 families by issuing 144 vouchers. But there are families on a waiting list. Please consider donating your discarded clothing (new, used, even torn and stained) and small household items to Goodwill using the collection box at SMS. Funding Factory Over 500 million printer cartridges are thrown away every year in the United States contributing billions of tons of waste to the nation’s landfills. Inkjet and laser cartridges can be refurbished and Sykesville Middle can earn money by collecting them. Please send in your empty inkjet and laser cartridges! For more information go to: Recycle, recycle, recycle! What Goes in the Paper Retriever® Bin? Newspaper and Inserts – New newsprint can be made from 100% recycled paper. No virgin fiber has to be added when using this type of process. Magazines/catalogs – Our Retriever program is happy to take magazines and catalogs, all slick paper. We can use all this high quality/high fiber paper with the exception of any paper coated in wax. Office/School papers – These types of paper are highly recyclable. Because of the proliferation of paper created by offices and schools, please use the Retriever bin to recycle all that you can. We are able to accept window envelopes, paperback books, workbooks and staples without a problem. Shredded paper is acceptable but please bag the shreds before putting them in the Retriever bin. However, please do not recycle colored paper, wrapping or tissue paper, carbon paper or sticky notes. Mail – Most direct mail is printed on high quality recyclable paper. Please recycle the mail that you feel comfortable putting in our recycling bin. Fundraise for Sykesville Middle School while you do your shopping!!! Great Idea for Birthdays and Graduations! Scrip Fundraising is a program that enables families to raise money for SMS just by purchasing gift cards. Families purchase gift cards at face value and SMS receives a rebate on the card - anywhere from 4% on a Martin’s card or 13% on a Bath And Body Works card. The purchaser pays only the amount of the card. The Scrip Fundraising program offers over 300 of the country's biggest brands, including grocery stores (Martin’s, Safeway, Shoppers), department stores (Macy’s, Nordstrom, Boscovs), gas stations, restaurants (Panera, Chili’s, Dunkin Donuts, Dominos), hotels, home improvement, and more! Just by using Scrip to pay for your normal weekly purchases, you can easily raise money for the school. Let's put your holiday shopping dollars to work!! Gift cards can be purchased as a regular gift card or ScripNow! - an e-card delivered to your email address. If you purchase a physical card from the SMS Scrip program, it can re-filled online at the Scrip Fundraising site and Sykesville Middle will continue to receive fundraising dollars. Here are the EASY steps to start shopping: 1. Go to and click the "REGISTER"button at the top of the screen; 2. Click "Join a Scrip Program" ; 3. Enter the Sykesville Middle School Enrollment Code - 9ACEEFL83814L - by entering this code, your account will be associated with the SMS program. 4. Hit "Register"; 5. Fill in all the required personal information and choose two security challenge questions from the list and provide answers; 5. Start SHOPPING!! 6. When you are finished shopping, check out, you can print your order form and submit it with a check made payable to SMS Scrip Program, or sign up for PrestoPay, and have the payment taken directly out of your checking account. Your child can bring the payment and form to school and give it to their homeroom teacher. Orders are automatically submitted to the coordinator for verification and submission. Because of shipping charges, orders will be placed only when orders equal $300 or once a week, usually on Wednesday. 7. You will be notified when your cards have arrived - usually 5-7 days from placing the order - and arrangements can be made to pick up the cards, or have them sent home with our child. If you choose the option to have the cards sent home with your child, the SMS Scrip Program will not be responsible for lost or stolen cards. Have fun fundraising!! If you have questions, contact the SMS Scrip Coordinator at [email protected]. For more information, you can view the tour website at or contact Ms. Levine at [email protected]. This is not a CCPS sponsored activity and there is a cost to the trip, The trip dates are 6/27/17 to 7/5/17.
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