2007 Annual Report - Fund for Armenian Relief


2007 Annual Report - Fund for Armenian Relief
2007 Annual Report
■ Table of Contents
Table of Contents:
About FAR ............................2
Message from the
President and Chairman ..4
Relief Programs .....................5
Social Programs .....................7
Cultural Programs .................9
Education Programs ............10
People of FAR .....................13
FAR Supporters ...................14
Financial Highlights ...........22
About FAR ■
Bay Area Friends of Armenia (BAFA) USA
Bedikian Fund USA
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Constantinople Armenians Relief Society (CARS) USA
Enterprise Incubator Foundation Armenia
Every Child UK
Hagop S. Touloukian Charitable Fund USA
Harold & Josephine Gulamerian Foundation
IRD – International Relief and Development USA
Jerair Nishanian Foundation USA
Jinishian Memorial Foundation USA
Kevork & Sirvart Karamanuk
MIHR Foundation
Shirak Technologies LLC Armenia
United Armenian Fund (UAF) USA
United States Agency for International Development
Women’s Guild Central Council (WGCC) of the Diocese
of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) USA
Ministries, local governments, Universities, health
establishments, orphanages in Armenia
Armenian Apostolic Church
“Tiramair Hayastani” Kusastan Armenia
Child Protection Network of Armenia
The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the past, empowering the present, and ensuring the future for
people in Armenia, Karabagh and Javakhk.
Founded in response to the 1988 earthquake by the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
America (Eastern), FAR was reorganized into a private voluntary organization and recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit by the IRS in March 1993. Since then, FAR has
implemented more than 220 relief, social, educational, and cultural projects valued at over
$265 million.
By catering its programs to the changing needs of the people and by
partnering with donors from around the globe, FAR offers hope to
the most vulnerable segments of the population by giving them the
tools, resources and guidance to build a better future.
Message from the President and Chairman ■
The Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) had an incredible year in 2007!
Not only did FAR continue its well-known programs benefiting Armenia’s children, orphans, young adults, professionals, and elderly, it
also grew as an organization.
distributing much needed assistance to vulnerable children in Armenia’s provinces and in Javakhk (southern Georgia). Additionally,
USAID awarded FAR a new contract for a $3.1 million water rehabilitation project for Artashat town and 27 neighboring villages.
FAR was awarded four stars by Charity Navigator, America’s largest This year marked the second time the Board of Directors traveled
independent evaluator of charities. Their letter informing us of this together to Armenia. In addition to the scheduled Board meeting, we
visited numerous programs and met with staff and beneficiaries. The
rating said:
We express our gratitude to all our highlight of our June 2007 visit was the dedication ceremony of the newly renovated FAR
Charity Navigator salutes your charitable efdonors and supporters. The Board
Yerevan office building in honor of Mr. and
forts. Receiving four out of a possible four
Mrs. Kevork and Sirvart Hovnanian, FAR’s
stars indicates that your organization excels,
founders. More than 200 guests attended, inas compared to other charities in America,
cluding His Holiness Karekin II, leaders of the
in successfully managing the finances of your
and culturally rich Armenia. With
organization in an efficient and effective man- your financial support, our organiza- Armenian government, representatives from
other non-profit organizations, officials from
ner. This rise in your rating is an exceptional
tion will continue to improve and
U.S. Embassy, donors, and beneficiaries of
feat, especially given the economic challenges
strengthen so that we will be ready to
many charities have had to face in the last
The Diocesan Council of the Eastern Diocese
in Armenia. For many, it was the first time
This recognition of FAR’s fiscal transparency, accountability and relithey
realized the breadth of our projects. Diocability is a proud moment for our Board and staff. It demonstrates our
Kalustian said:
reliability to donors, showing that their hard-earned dollars are being
used wisely and that FAR’s programs are making a real impact in the
lives of our beneficiaries.
FAR’s success is truly inspiring beyond words. The projects are really
making a difference in the lives of people who need our help to help
In 2007, FAR continued to undertake new projects helping the themselves. It was also wonderful to see first-hand that FAR is now
Armenian people. The Women’s Guild Central Council of the going beyond just providing aid but is helping people become self sufDiocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) asked ficient by teaching them skills and trades. As inspiring as it was, we
FAR to implement its Children of Armenia Sponsorship Program, soon realized there is still so much to be done.
■ With relief programs, we change lives
In the late 1990s, FAR noticed an alarming increase in the
number of children living on the streets. Unfortunately,
about a decade later, this upward trend has not stopped.
Several factors -- such as poverty, the absence of necessary
protection mechanisms, and the indifference of the welfare
system -- contribute to children being abandoned, neglected
or abused in Armenia.
To fight child abandonment and institutionalization, FAR’s
Homeless Children’s Center has grown since opening in
2000. It is now a full-service facility for at-risk children with
branch locations in the provinces, a national hotline, family
of school. They are usually careless, parentless, or in physical • 32 children benefited from the foster care program
danger, whether environmentally or bodily.
• 201 children were helped through prevention services
Partnering with UNICEF, Every Child UK, as well as the
Child Protection Network in Armenia, the Homeless Chil• 62 children were assisted through the child protection
dren’s Center is reaching out to more high-risk children and
families than ever before. In 2007:
There has been a recent spike in the number of identified
• 148 children were sheltered and received short-term aschildren/families at high risk: 100 cases in 2005, 142 in 2006,
sistance services
and 929 in 2007. FAR’s professionally trained staff works
• 371 children benefited from outreach services
on a monthly caseload of 70-80 children, with 12 to 15
just within the shelter program. In addition, these special• 115 children were reached and supported through the
ists conduct training sessions for child protection advocates
national hotline
from local authorities, schools, Child Protection Marz Units,
Committees on Adoption, Trusteeship and Guardianship,
Committees on Minors with Police, Community Day Centers, and others.
Thanks to its aggressive publicity campaign in Armenia that
included public service announcements and in-depth coverage on television, radio and newspapers, the general public
is more aware of FAR’s Homeless Children’s Center and its
services for at-risk children and their families. A year-end
sold-out concert in the Yerevan Opera House also raised
significant awareness and funds for the Homeless Children’s
outreach and strengthening services, a foster care program, a
national child protection network, training and educational
sessions for social and civil workers, and much more.
FAR’s Center, open 24 hours every day, has a unique multidisciplinary approach. The combined instrumental,
emotional and protective assistance helps rehabilitate the
troubled children, who have been found living alone on the
streets, engaged in begging or vagrancy, having dropped out
FAR Children Center provides
hope to children usually left
careless, parentless, or in
physical danger, whether
environmentally or bodily.
Another key development in 2007 was the creation of the
Homeless Children’s Center Friends Council, a non-formal
diverse group of people concerned with children’s issues.
The overall goal of the Friends Council is to unite and attract new support and resources to help raise an empowered
next generation in Armenia.
“to be loved and cherished is every child’s birthright”
In 2007, the Women’s Guild Central Council of the Diocese
of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) asked FAR
FAR evaluated and designed the reconstruction work
to implement its Children of Armenia Sponsorship Program
to install a new heating system at a specialized kinder(CASP) in Armenia. Through this new partnership, FAR
garten for disabled children. The actual installation
-- in cooperation with the Araratyan Diocese of the Arme- was completed in early 2008.
nian Apostolic Church -- delivers direct, immediate aid from
FAR organized Christmas parties for 726 “forgotten”
CASP’s donors in the Diaspora to 1,307 sponsored orphans
children hosted at five orphanages and specialized
from vulnerable families in Armenia and Javakhk (southern
boarding schools: The Hope Center for Children,
Kharberd Orphanage, Orphanage in The City of Gyumri,
CASP funding helps supply the children with food, clean Vanadzor Orphanage, Gavar Orphanage, and the Yerevan
water, clothing, medical care, education and recreation, as Noubarashen Special Needs School.
well as pay for utilities and capital improvements. In addition to the sponsorship work, CASP requested three special BAFA SOUP KITCHENS
projects in 2007:
Sponsored by the Bay Area Friends of Armenia (BAFA),
FAR operates five soup kitchens -- in Nor Nork, Erebuni,
Shengavit, Nor Hajn, and Ashtarak -- to help meet the basic nutritional needs of the elderly and disadvantaged families and ease social tensions within family members.
Each weekday, 19 employees prepare hot meals to 860 vulnerable Armenians, . The goal of the Soup Kitchen project
is to ensure dignified life to the elderly and other disadvantaged persons by preventing their social-psychological segregation from society.
In 2007, FAR distributed clothes, shoes, food, hygiene kits,
and gifts thanks to in-kind donations from BAFA and International Relief and Development (IRD), a Virginia-based
FAR renovated and furnished the guest house of Gavar
Orphanage. This three-bedroom guest house is intended as a safe home for up to nine older female orphans
(aged 18+) as they transition into the independent, adult
world. By law, orphans in Armenia who reach age 18 are
obliged to leave the only place they know. Boys escape street
life and possible exploitation by serving mandatory military
service. Now Gavar orphanage’s girls have recourse as well.
• Rehabilitate or build shelter, potable and irrigation water
systems, and health facilities to meet about 40% of the
remaining need in all regions of Karabagh
• Train facility staff in the proper use of new equipment
and facility maintenance for all rehabilitated infrastructure facilities.
It’s estimated that in total, more then 30,000 people will receive direct benefit from HAPNK. In 2007, FAR continued
construction/renovation works in the Martakert and Hadrut
regions of Karabagh.
FAR and its HAPNK healthcare partner, the American
University of Armenia (AUA), are charged with training
the 300 doctors and
health practitioners
in Karabagh on public
health care and public health management. In 2007, FAR
and AUA offered
two courses, Adult
Disease Management
and Integrated Management on Childhood Illnesses. Upon
the completion of the
training cycles, expected in early 2008,
FAR will have fully
covered USAID’s targeted 5 training programs.
In the course of the FAR/AUA training programs, medical
In 2002, FAR was awarded a $15 million, multi-year USAID
equipment and supplies have been provided to 134 rural and
contract for Karabagh. The goal of this contract, named the
regional health facilities as well as equipment/furniture to 50
Humanitarian Assistance Program to Nagorno Karabagh
rural health facilities.
(HAPNK), is to reduce human suffering resulting from the
Karabagh conflict by providing humanitarian assistance to
residents who have been victimized by the conflict. HAPNK’s objectives are to:
■ With social programs, we change communities
Every year, children look forward to the summer when they
can spend cheerful time in camp with their peers. This summer camp experience, filled with sports, arts and cultural
extracurricular activities, has existed in Armenia for generations.
In 2007, 142 children, aged 10 to 14, from underprivileged
families in the Shirak province enjoyed the FAR summer
camps in thescenic countryside. It was made possible thanks
to generous support from CASP USA.
Kaps summer camp also creates seasonal employment opportunities for some of the province’s residents. In the past,
FAR renovated the village’s kindergarten building, where
the camp is housed, and installed a water pipeline and sewerage system.
In 2007, FAR continued reaching out to our brothers and
sisters in Javakhk, by supporting the Puppet Theater and
Sunday School Program, as well as through various humanitarian and educational programs.
Launched in 2005 with the support from Jinishian Memorial
Foundation, FAR’s Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Program helps improve the overall health of the Armenian
people through post-graduate training of doctors practicing in the provinces, Karabagh and Javakhk by enhancing
their professional knowledge and skills and by providing opportunities to master innovative approaches, methods and
technologies. FAR sponsors the doctors’ travel and accommodations, and coordinates the post-graduate training with
volunteer doctors in Yerevan who share the specialty, helping to create a hospital network between the outer regions
recreation/game room, chapel, laundry room, medical office, and the capital.
staff room, a storage room and two guest suites. Outdoors,
residents mind a vegetable garden, small orchard, and a fish In 2007, fifty physicians participated in the CME Program.
Not only did they hone their medical knowledge and skills,
and poultry farm.
they also improved their English, English medical terminology, and computer skills. FAR provided the CME program
This initiative helps fill the
deficit of physicians practicing
in the remote provinces.
Thanks to Kevork and Sirvart Karamanuk and the MIHR
Foundation, the Old Age Home in Vanadzor has been continuously operated by FAR since 2002, when French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour’s nonprofit transferred its operations to FAR. Fifty-five of the neediest seniors from Lori
and the surrounding provinces live in the Home, situated
near Vanadzor’s picturesque forest. The Home also provides
mobile services to 10 home-bound elderly in Vanadzor.
FAR employs 25 people to run the Home, including a doctor, nurse and psychologist, and maintains long-term agreements with a nearby hospital and private dental clinic. The
Old Age Home contains a dining hall, kitchen, library and
To help restore their dignity as valued members of Armenian society, FAR coordinates activities and events for the
seniors, celebrating holidays and birthdays, as well as welcoming visitors from the Diaspora, other FAR program beneficiaries, and clergy from the Gugarats Diocese. Vanadzor
area doctors who participated in FAR’s CME Program also
arrived to provide medical attention to the seniors.
This year, the residents’ self-esteem has visibly improved
since the Home purchased a minibus, thanks to the generosity of a French-Armenian donor. Today, the seniors are
able to go to the market and buy fresh fruits and vegetables.
Some enjoy going to the barber shop.
participants with a forum for networking, experience and
information exchange. Also, an online Global Case Library
has been established for case discussions between different
With social programs, we change communities ■
These doctors also attended lectures by members of FAR FAA (alumni of FAR’s medical fellowship program that brought about 80 Armenian doctors to the U.S. in the 1990s), by guest
lecturers from the U.S., Canada and Europe,
and seminars organized by YSMU, Young Scientists Council, ACG Clinics, Arabkir Medical
Centre, and the Anesthetists’ Association. To
learn about the newest products and prescription methods, they met with representatives
from GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffmann-La Roche,
Nikomed, and Gedeon Richter.
In May 2007, USAID awarded FAR a $3.1 million, multiyear contract to implement the “Rehabilitation of Water Supply of Artashat Town
and 27 Designated Villages in the surrounding
area” project. Within USAID’s priorities, this
contract supports the further commercialization
of Armenia Water Company (AW) by improving water services and reducing unaccounted
water lost or theft in the targeted area.
The project’s objectives are:
In addition to the one-month intensive retraining program at leading medical centers in Yere•
To provide continuous (24/7) supply
van, the other major component of the CME
of safe drinking water to all the residents in
Program is the distribution of medical equipArtashat town and the 27 designated vilment and supplies to regional hospitals where
lages in the surrounding area (approximately
trainees practice as well as to Noyemberian and
100,000 people) by the end of 2008
Chambarak hospitals in the border area. One
• To improve the water quality and water supply facilities
of the most significant accomplishments in 2007 was the SENIOR CENTER
(water mains) within Artashat town and the 27 desigcompletion of the two-year installation and now operational
nated villages in the surrounding area
Prominent philanthropists Nishan and Margrit Atinizian asCT Scanner at Vanadzor’s Hospital Complex #1.
sumed the sponsorship of the FAR Senior Center in Gyumri • To reduce energy consumption by increasing the volume
Acknowledging the importance of post-graduate training
as of June 2007. Opened in 2001, this Senior Center serves
of water delivered by gravity flow to the target area from
and FAR’s model as such, the Ministry of Health of Armenia
nutritious hot meals to 200 vulnerable elderly. FAR perithe Garni sources and, thereby, reducing the need to
has begun signing the trainees’ graduation certificates. FAR
odically distributes clothes, firewood and hygiene kits to the
pump water from the deep wells around Artashat.
deems this action as a step towards awarding the CME Proseniors, as well as arranges for medical check-ups.
gram formal credit for physician licensing in Armenia.
The celebration of national holidays is a welcome change
In 2007, FAR’s cooperation with Yerevan State Medical
to routine days for the beneficiaries of the Atinizian Senior
University was also strengthened. Not only has it expanded
Center, who were once the region’s leading scientists, teachthe training base for the CME Program, it also launched the
ers and doctors. Such celebrations and guest visits make an
new Post-Graduate Professional Education Program. This
important difference in their lives, helping to restore their
initiative helps fill the deficit of physicians practicing in the
provinces. Two attending physicians were selected as proThe intention of the Atinizians is to modernize the kitchen
gram beneficiaries. This number will gradually increase.
and enlarge the scope of the Senior Center’s services.
■ With cultural programs, we change attitudes
The Datev Choir has recorded two CDs, available through
FAR. The first, sponsored by Anoosh Mathevosian, is a tribSince 1993, FAR has sponsored the nationally recognized ute to the great composer Nikol Galanderian. The second
Datev Children’s Choir,directed by Vachagan Navasardyan. musical selection presents traditional Armenian folksongs.
Four rehearsals each week prepare the 100 children, aged 8
to 18, for their annual concerts. By invitation, this group
For the seventh year, FAR has supported the Armenian
Painters Association. The program allows artists to be out
in nature and to paint the memorable scenes of their native
landscapes, providing them with paints, brushes, canvases,
and transportation to beautiful Armenian destinations.
About 20 artists took advantage of this program in 2007, taking part in visits to three sites: Yeghegnadzor, Ashtarak, and
Garni-Geghard. The artists expressed desire to visit the Garni
gorge, famous for its Stone Symphone, a natural “forest of basalt tubes.”
On FAR’s 11th annual trip, 12 young professionals from
across the U.S. toured Armenia and Karabagh as a group.
To see Armenia’s treasures and understand its cultural richness, the Diasporans traveled to all four corners of the Armenia, visiting Yerevan’s attractions and staying overnight in
Gyumri, Lake Sevan, Goris, and Karabagh. They met with
Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian and the mayor
of Karabagh’s Askeran region.
FAR let the Young Professionals
recognize the problems of
hard-won independence and the
people who are holding on to it.
During its second reunion, and first in Armenia, the Armenian community from Ethiopia raised about $20,000 to support FAR programs. The Ethio-Armenians, a small, tightknit community that was mostly spread around the world
after a military coup d’état and introduction of communism
in the 1970s, gathered in Armenia in July 2007.
In addition to the tourist sites, FAR offered a glimpse of the
“real” Armenia by taking the group to some of its projects.
By introducing them to beneficiaries at the Homeless ChilFAR thanks the Armenians from Ethiopia and their leaderdren’s Center, a soup kitchen, schools and its innovative
ship, Mr. and Mrs. Hampo and Marie Ghazarossian for their
Gyumri IT Center project, FAR let the Young Professionals has performed for communities throughout the Armenian generosity, response and warm reception.
recognize the problems of hard-won freedom and the people Homeland and has placed in international competitions.
who are holding on to it.
Composers are even writing music for them! These achieveThe FAR Trip attracts people from various states, churches ments give the children a sense of pride and confidence in
and political parties. Although they might not know one an- their abilities beyond singing, reaching into other spheres in
other before the journey, the friendships made in Armenia life.
and Karabagh continue long after the return to the U.S. and
serve to strengthen the bond with Armenia.
With education programs, we change the future ■
revan State Medical University.
Jerair Nishanian Scholarship Program provided 40 undergraduate scholarships and stipends.
ANSEF’s objective is to protect and support scientific and
scholarly research in Armenia, thereby helping to stem the
brain drain. It also encourages and rewards the involvement
of young professionals in cutting-edge scientific, technological and scholarly studies.
In 2007, the Armenian National Science and Education
Fund (ANSEF) awarded 20 teams of researchers in Armenia with annual grants of $5,000 each. Competitive annual
grants are awarded to small groups of scientists and scholars
to implement research projects in physics, natural sciences,
engineering and humanities. Since the first ANSEF grant offering in 2001, nearly 1,400 teams – each comprised of three
to five researchers, half of whom were aged 25-35 – have submitted proposals for consideration.
Coordinated by the Research Council chaired by Dr. Yervant
Terzian, the world-renown astrophysicist at Cornell University, the proposals are peer-reviewed by international experts
in the related fields. Those deemed to be ground-breaking
are then re-evaluated for funding. ANSEF has awarded 162
grants between 2001 and 2007, that’s $810,000.
Ounjian Scholarships sponsored 50 students who graduated
from the Gyumri school he reconstructed in memory of his
Maestro Arsen Sayan Scholarships helped 20 students at
the Komitas Conservatory, his alma mater, achieve their artistic potential.
Azad Shishian Octet Music School Scholarships enabled 50
students, aged 6 to 17, attended this Gyumri music school.
The young generation aspires to
continue Armenia’s reach tradition in sciences but needs our
continued support
In this past year, ANSEF grantees have published 78 scientific articles in journals and conference reports. They have More than 400 students from underprivileged families
participated in national and international conferences, mak- were sponsored through FAR’s scholarship programs in the
2007-2008 academic year. FAR demands a rigorous applicaing presentations on ANSEF-funded research topics.
tion process before awarding its need- & merit-based educaANSEF’s grants are made possible thanks to donations from tional scholarships, including interviews with candidates and
individuals. In recognition of the important contributions their family members, a home visit to assess a family’s true
to the pursuit of knowledge and its sound methodology, FAR socio-economic status, and more. FAR scholars are required
was awarded a $50,000 grant by the Carnegie Foundation for to maintain an outstanding academic record for the duration
ANSEF in 2007.
of their studies, and after graduation, work in Armenia for a
minimum of five years. Within this community, FAR builds
a scholarly network and cultivates the spirit of volunteerism.
Antranig and Betty Berberian Scholarships sponsored 2
students at Yerevan State University, Department of Chemistry and one student at the Komitas Conservatory.
Rose Najarian, Henry and Mary Takoushian Scholarships
helped graduates of the Ounjian School.
Antreas and Jane Ghazarossian Scholarship was offered to a
deserving university student
Avedis and Arsho Baghsarian Scholarships assisted 2 undergraduate students
Raffy and Vicki Hovanessian Scholarships were awarded to
2 graduates of the Azad Shishian Octet Music School.
FAR hosted an Educational Challenge in 2007, initiated and
sponsored by Ashot Hayrapetyan. It was a success, attracting
more than 650 young, elite university students from throughout Armenia and Karabagh. Only the best 100 applicants
were pronounced winners: 85 students from Armenia and 15
from Karabagh.
From 15 different universities and specialties, these young
Mathevosian Scholarship Program sponsored tuition for 46 adults participated in the educational challenge not because
undergraduates, 7 graduate students and 2 residents at the Ye- of the money prize, but for the moral victory. They yearned
■ With education programs, we change the future
for the academic stimulation and genuinely appreciated the books and supplies.
recognition of their accomplishments.
In both the 2006-07 and the 2007-08 academic years, 67 oldDuring a May 2007 ceremony held at the Yerevan State Uni- er orphans have participated in the Gulamerian Program: 11
versity, the 100 winners were given Certificates of Recogni- beneficiaries from Gavar Orphanage, 37 from Vanadzor Ortion as well as their monetary awards. Ashot Hayrapetyan, phanage, and 19 from Yerevan Zatik Orphanage. Of these,
Aram Simonyan, Rector of Yerevan State University, Bagrat 25 children pursued higher education in universities and 42
Sargsyan, FAR’s Country Director, as well as other FAR staff studied at colleges and vocational schools.
and guests attended the special event.
Armenag and Yeghisapet Ounjian School, Gyumri – In
memory of his parents, Armenag and Yeghisabet, Dr. John
The goal of the Gulamerian Program is to smooth the transiOunjian completely reconstructed this school through FAR.
tion of older orphans into independent adult life by equipIt reopened in 2000 and todayhouses 450 students, instructed
ping them with the best skills and education possible. FAR
by 70 teachers and staff. With the active involvement of Dr.
further assists these older orphans in their search for gainful
Ounjian and the Friends of Ounjian School, FAR provides a
employment in a competitive environment, reinforcing their
daily lunch to the 129 children in grades 1 through 3, ensures
standing as productive members of society.
proper heating through the long winter, and helps with the
Since its inception in 1998, the Gulamerian Program has building’s maintenance and cleaning.
sponsored vocational training and higher educational opportunities for older orphans from the Gavar, Vanadzor and Azad Shishian Octet Music School, Gyumri – This school
Yerevan Zatik orphanages, as well as provided them with a received generous support from FAR benefactors Haig and
monthly stipend to help cover basic costs for transportation, Elza Didizian, Raffi and Vicki Hovanessian, Tavit and Sossie
Najarian. Thanks to their generosity, 9 children participated
in the Pan-Armenian Contest, winning diplomas and certificates as well as classic and folk musical instruments. In 2007,
the school received a music sound system, musical literature,
performance space, and new heating.
Catholicos Vasken I School, Gyumri – FAR has supported the Catholicos Vasken I School in Gyumri since 1997,
when it totally reconstructed and furnished it. Close to
600 students from disadvantaged families attend this public
school, considered one of the largest in Gyumri. The new
auditorium and ceremony hall, constructed in memory of
Boghos and Siran Arzoomanian, was completed in 2007.
FAR helped procure a new stage curtain and window blinds
while renovating the area surrounding the new auditorium.
Also, thanks to the generosity of FAR benefactors and CASP
USA, the students are enjoying a new heating system and a
state-of-the-art computer lab with modern IT classes.
Hovhannes Hintliyan School, Kayan Village – Through
FAR, the Constantinople Armenians Relief Society
(CARS), chaired by Berc Araz, furnished the Kayan Special
School #1 (renamed the Hovhanes Hintliyan School) with
school desks, chairs and bookshelves. Kayan, a village with
more than 330 residents, is located in Tavush province, 100
meters from the Armenia-Azeribaijan border. In 2007, FAR GITC students also learn C++ and other programming lanalso provided the Hintliyan School with various books, sta- guages, supplemented by TOEFL and English business conversation classes. In cooperation with the Armenian Center
tionery, handbooks, backpacks and medical supplies.
of Scientific Technical Information, FAR’s students have
The FAR Bedikian Fund also supported the Daniel Varoujan
access to the library’s resources and electronic databases for
School and the Sebastia Educational Center.
research and guidance. Recognizing the potential and significance of the GITC, the Peace Corps, Birthright Armenia and
other organizations have posted knowledgeable volunteers to
help raise the technological and English proficiency.
To promote Armenia’s IT industry expansion from Yerevan
to the Earthquake Zone, FAR opened the Gyumri IT Center
in 2005 to train individuals for world-class real-time projects.
This FAR effort assists in the development of an IT infrastructure as well as helps with the region’s recovery and job
growth. FAR’s GITC reputation for preparing qualified job
candidates has attracted international IT companies to open
branch offices in Gyumri.
GITC’s two-year curriculum of advanced learning methodologies in electrical engineering and web technologiesis
taught by leading specialists who arrive daily from Yerevan
to instruct the classes, which meet six days a week. Open 24
hours a day, seven days a week, the Gyumri IT Center’s computer labs are equipped with the latest technology.
GITC has begun offering summer courses to bring new students up to an appropriate level to start the intensive course.
Specialized courses for non-GITC students are extended to
Gyumri young professionals who need to close technical
knowledge gaps as a part of their employment requirements.
GITC published its first book, titled TITLE.
GITC is a partnership between FAR, private sector companies in the U.S. and Armenia, Enterprise Incubator Foundation, a World Bank project, Shirak Technologies LLC, and
In 2007, GITC had its first graduation, attended by Dr. Ye- entrepreneurs Patrick Sarkissian and Zabel Vassilian.
rvant Zorian, the world-famous Armenian-American IT
specialist. All 17 graduates secured employment upon completing the curriculum and are working in Gyumri. The
2007-2008 academic year has 30 students enrolled in the first
year class and 20 students in the second year class. Admission
is highly competitive.
Gyumri IT Center is promoting
Armenian’s IT industry
expansion from Yerevan as to
the Earthquake Zone.
■ The People of FAR
FAR Board of Directors in Armenia, June 2007. Missing from Picture: Mr. Nishan Atinizian, Ms. Marta Batmasian, Ms. Pontish Yeramian.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, President
Mr. Kevork Hovnanian, Honorary Chairman and Founder
Mr. Randy Sapah-Gulian, Chairman
Dr. Edgar M. Housepian, Vice Chairman
Mr. Carl J. Bazarian, Vice Chairman
Ms. Annette Choolfaian, Vice Chair
Mr. Hagop Kouyoumdjian, Treasurer
Mr. Dennis R. Tarzian, Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Michael Haratunian, Secretary
Ms. Pontish Yeramyan, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Nishan Atinizian
Archbishop Vicken Aykazian
Mrs. Marta Batmasian
Dr. Aram V. Chobanian
Mr. Oscar Tatosian
Mr. Garnik Nanagoulian, Executive Director
Mr. Garnik Nanagoulian, Executive Director
New York Headquarters
Edina Bobelian, Director of Development & Communications
Arto Vorperian, Programs Director
Noune Sukiasian, Controller & Manager
Yerevan Office
Bagrat Sargsyan, Armenia Country Director
Margarit Piliposyan, Deputy Director
Karen Sargsyan, Projects Coordinator
Levon Lachikyan, Press Secretary
Dr. Hambarstum Simonyan, Medical Programs Coordinator
Eduard Karapetyan, ANSEF & Educational Programs
Rafik Martirosyan, Senior Care Programs Coordinator
Gyumri Office
Marina Bazayeva, Office Director
Stepanakert, Karabagh/ USAID Karabagh Project Office
Andranik Sargsian, Office Director
Homeless Children’s Center, Yerevan, Vanadzor, Gavar
Dr. Mira Antonyan, Director
Old Age Home, Vanadzor
Tigran Kocharyan, Director
Research and Copywriting: Edina Bobelian, Margarit Piliposyan,
Levon Lachikyan, Camille Scarborough
Photography: Courtesy of Felix Arustamyan, Levon Lachikyan,
Natalie Gabrielian
Graphic Design and Layout: Scott Neitzke
Printing: EU Services
© 2008 Fund for Armenian Relief, Inc.
2007 FAR Supporters ■
Thank you to all our donors!
Bay Area Friends of Armenia
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi N. & Takuy Kircikoglu
Mr. & Mrs. Randy & Corinne Sapah-Gulian
Mr. & Mrs. Andranik & Anahit Sargsian
Sunday School students of the Eastern Diocese
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. & Linda S. Tarzian
Mr. James Gregory Timourian
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Agavni (Pontish) Yeramyan
Children of Armenia
Sponsorship Program (CASP) $5,000-9,999
Mr. Harold Gulamerian
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Sirvart
Edward and Helen Mardigian
MIHR Foundation
John Ohannes Ounjian
Sarkissian Mason
Ms. Araxie Tashjian ✝
Private Estate ✝
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Jacqueline Atinizian
Mr. & Mrs. Nishan & Margrit Atinizian
Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Linda Bazarian
Jerair Nishanian Foundation
Hamparian Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Ica Kouyoumdjian
TF Educational Foundation
United Armenian Charities
Mr. Jire J. Baran
Mr. & Mrs. Antranig & Betty Berberian
Dr. & Mrs. Aram V. & Jasmine Chobanian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Elza Didizian
Gullabi Gulbenkian Foundation
Mr. Ashot Hayrapetyan
Mr. & Mrs. Hratch & Negdar Arukian
Mr. & Mrs. James & Marta Batmasian, Jr.
Mr. Robert Bronstein
Ms. Annette Choolfaian
Constantinople Armenian Relief Society (CARS)
Mr. & Mrs. Hampo & Marie Ghazarossian
Mr. Tigran Hakobian
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Minas & Marion Housepian
Dr. & Mrs. Raffy & Vicki Hovanessian
Karen & Satik Karapetian
Mr. Greg Kolligian
Mr. Shant Madjarian
Dr. & Mrs. Tavit & Sossie Najarian
Mr. & Mrs. John & Carol Papazian
Paul Foundation
Mrs. Merle Santerian
Sarkisian Foundation
St. James Armenian Church
St. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian School
William Stoecker, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Armeen & Charles C. Stone, Jr.
Mr. Oscar Tatosian
Mr. Jack S. Torosian
Toufayan Bakeries, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Mihran S. & Elizabeth Agbabian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Nadine Ariyan
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Arsho Baghsarian
Mr. & Mrs. Karnig & Karen Durgarian
Mr. & Mrs. Antreas & Jane Ghazarossian
Mr. Kirk Sarkis Kazazian
Ms. Joy M. Mager
National Instruments Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Sandra D. Norian
Dr. Gerard Tertzakian
Rev. Fr. Arakel & Yn. Natasha Aljalian
American Home Mortgage
Mr. & Mrs. Vatche & Anna Arslanian
Mr. & Mrs. Bedros & Rita Aslanian
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel & Margaret Badalian
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Eleanor G. Bagdasarian
Mr. & Mrs. George V. & Irma Bardizban
Mr. Dickran Barsam
Mr. & Mrs. Dikran & Mary Anne Barsamian, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Gigi Bazarian
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. & Gail A. Bedoukian
Dr. & Mrs. Samson A. & Jeanne Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie & Diana Beshesnilian
Mr. & Mrs. Antranik & Sheny Bobelian
Mr. Ara Bohchalian
Mr. Joseph Bozoyan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. & Ethel Dorian, Sr.
Dr. Garabed Fattal
Fesjian Foundation
Dr. Silva Ficici
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hamparian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. & Susan S. Angelastro Hodakowski
Mr. Iven Houssian
Mr. Rafi Hovsepian
Mr. James Kalustian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Sonya Karakashian
Ms. Sirvart Karamanuk
Mr. Matthew Karibian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahak & Teresa Karibian
Mr. Raymond Kassar
Mr. John Kazarosian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Edna Keleshian
Mr. & Mrs. Igor & Larisa L. Khalatian
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Debbie Krikorian
Ms. Yue Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Guy & Anahid Kazanjian Longobardo
Mr. Andrew Malik
Mr. & Mrs. Herair & Valentine Malkasian
Dr. Johathan Mardirossian
Mr. Ardemis Massarlian
Ms. Martha Mensoian
Mr. Ara Michael Mihranian
Mr. Dan Momjian
Ms. Mary Mugurdichian
Mr. & Mrs. Garnik & Karine Nanagoulian
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Mary Ohanessian
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Adele Ourlian
Mr. Jacob Pakradounian
Dr. Victor Pambuccian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Diane Pekmezian
Mrs. Barbara Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Melina Petrossian
Ms. Alice Post
Mr. Antony Sargent
Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Nancy Seabrook
Dr. & Mrs. Mihran & Linda Seferian
St. Gregory of Narek Armenian Church
St. Mary Armenian Church
Mr. Steven Tepikian
Mr. & Mrs. Arshag & Mariam Terjanian
Mr. Misak Terjanyan
The Hye Q’s
Mr. Garo R. Toomajanian
Mr. Haig Toomajanian
Mr. & Mrs. Harutun & Nadya Vaporciyan
Dr. & Mrs. Asbed & Zabel Vassilian
Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Rita Voskanian
Mr. Arden Yerelek
Mr. & Mrs. Yervant & Anie Zanazanian
Armen & Bersabe Jerejian Foundation
Armenian Church of Austin
Mr. Karekin Arzoomanian
Mr. Sahan Arzruni
Mr. & Mrs. Rostom & Araxie Bablanian
Ms. Lena Badalyan
Mr. Steven Baderian
Mr. Garo Bakerjian
Ms. Taline Bamboukian
Mr. & Mrs. B. George & Mabel Bejian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. & Frances G. Blizard
Mr. Ruben Bogosian
Mr. Viken Chakrian
Mr. Stephen Dardaganian
Dr. & Mrs. John Mihran & Marlene Davis
Ms. Astrik Deirmendjian
Mr. & Mrs. Suren & Marta Koven Demirjian
Mr. Gregory Dilian
Dr. & Mrs. Heratch & Sonya Doumanian
Ms. Sosi Ermarkaryan
Mr. & Mrs Thomas & Mary Adinolfi Fithian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Emily Mazgerdian Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Eve M. Gorvetzian
Mr. & Mrs. Garabed A. & Madeleine Grehian
Dr. Celia Mariam Gulbenk, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Hilda Halajian
Holy Trinity Armenian Church
HoVeKim Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Lynn A. Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Karapet & Nuvart Ipekoglu
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander & Edith Johns
Drs. Albert A. & Anita Lurantos Kalustian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Elmon Kazandjian
Mr. Jean Kazandjian
Ms. Sylvie Kevorkian
Dr. & Mrs. Avedis K. & Laura Khachadurian
Mr. Joe Manoukian
Dr. Haroutyoun Margossian
Ms. Joyce M. Mayeresky
Ms. Lori Minasian
■ 2007 FAR Supporters
Mr. Robert Mirak
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. & Lawana F. Mooradian
Mr. Van Vahe Muran
Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. & Anig Nalbandian
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Anoush Vera Nazarian
Mr. & Mrs. Yeprem & Madeleine Nazarian
Dr. & Mrs. Kevork Niksarli
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Nadya Niksarli
Mr. & Mrs. Garnik & Hilda Ohanian
Ms. Therese Ohanian
Pacific Horizon Bancorp, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Christine Bogosian Rattey
Restoration by Costikyan, LTD.
Mr. & Mrs. James Gregory & Maral Sahagian
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. & Victoria Sakayan
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Debra Seferian
Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Brenda Shahinian
Mrs. Lucy Sherman
Ms. Arax Simsarian
Mrs. Violet Soghomonian
Mr. Jeff Standley
Mary & Teresa M. Taraian
Mr. Hagop H. Terzagian
Ms. Kohar Terziyan
Ms. Joyce Vartoukian
Ms. Berjoohie Zakarian
Ms. Grace Zartarian
Ms. Hilda Beatrice Adil
Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. & Kathleen A. Aghjian
Mr. Ohanes Agopian
Mr. & Mrs. Arman & Sylvia K. Akarakian
Dr. & Mrs. Hagop S. & Knarik Akiskal
Dr. & Mrs. Stephan & Sandy Ariyan
Mrs. Alice Avanian
Mr. Michael A. Aznavorian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Nancy Bagdasarian
Dr. & Mrs. Jirayr P. & Annie Balikian
Judge Y. Gladys Barsamian
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon & Judith Basis
Mr. Richard Basmacioglu
Ms. Diane Bazikian
Ms. Mary Bedoian
Mr. Ohannes Beudjekian
Mr. & Mrs. Razmik & Rita Biramian
Mr. & Mrs. Armen. B & Ahahit Dimaksyan Bohossian
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. & Julia Boudakian
Mr. Alan G. Bozian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Lusi Braddock
Mrs. Lisa Kerestedjian Bucci
Mr. Mardiros Camkerten
Mr. & Mrs. Hirant & Ayda Candan
Mr. Michael R. Chalian
Mr. Yervant Chekijian
Ms. Ann Chepjian
Dr. & Mrs. Roupen & Sylvia Dekmezian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Carrie Derderian
Mr. Thomas Derderian
Mr. & Mrs. Zahrap & Mayda Dulgeroglu
Dr. Ohannes Eknoyan
Mr. Nurhan D. Findikyan
Ms. Natalie Gabrelian
Armen E., Ann & Arden Giligian
Dr. & Mrs. Edmond & Marguerite Gorek
Ms. Celia Handigian
Mrs. Mary Haroutunian
Mr. Melkon Harzivartyan
Haylor Cleaning, Inc.
Holy Trinity Armenian Church
Ms. Arda Hovnanian
Mrs. Alice Hovsepian
Ms. Jeri Humphries
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Talin N. Ipek
Mrs. Diruhi Isnar
Mr. & Mrs. Holden & Rita Dederian Johnson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William & Sona Johnston
Dr. Nora Maya Kachaturoff
George & Alice Kachigian
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Veronique Kanburyan
Mr. Dickran Kaprielian
Mr. James Karanfilian
Mrs. Grace Kechian
Mrs. Sophie Kerbeykian
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Rita Dagdelen Keskinyan
Mr. & Mrs. Arto & Elise Kherbekian-Akaeren
Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Adrienne Koochagian
Ms. Carine Liberian
Mr. & Mrs. Craig & Anne Linn
Mr. Harry Madanyan
Mr. Martin Manoogian
Mr. Edward Margosian
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander & Vesna Markarian
Mr. Martin Marootian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Shoushik Martirossian
Mrs. Silva Migirdeyan
Mrs. Helen Mosesian
Mr. Mark Movsesian
Ms. Rose V. Najarian
Ms. Gail O. Nogueira
Mrs. Alice Norsigian
Mrs. Elizabeth Andekian Oldham
Mr. & Mrs. Denis P. & Anne A. Shirinian Orlando
Ms. Makrouhi A. Oxian
Drs. Dennis & Mary Papazian
Mr. Garo A. Partoyan
Mr. & Mrs. Torkom & Alice Pilibossian
Mrs. Nadya Poladian
Mr. William T. Russell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. & Ludmila Sahakian
Mr. & Mrs. David A. & Wendy S. Sahakian
Mr. Saro Sarmazian
Mr. & Mrs. George Semerjian
Mr. & Mrs. Suren A. & Carole M. Semonian
Mr. Toros Shamlian, Jr.
Mr. Vladimir Shekoyan
Mrs. Margaret Dedeian Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Rose Soultanian
Mr. & Dr. Harutiun & Asthig Atanasian Surmenian
Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Gladys Tachdjian
Mr. Berge Tatian
Ms. Sona Tazian
Mr. Aram Terziyan
Ms. Linda Arakelian Varadian
Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Margaret Walls
Mrs. Silva S. Yacoobian
Mr. & Mrs. Norayr & Erica Sonia Yezekyan
Mrs. Shakeh Dildabanian Young
Dr. & Mrs. Misak H. Abdoulian
Jesi, Sera & Rafaella Abeo
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Abrahamian
Mrs. Mary Adil
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Natalie Afacanyan
Mr. & Mrs. Arpiar & Madeleine Afarian
Mr. Kerop Ken Afarian
Mr. & Mrs. Merritt & Sylvia Agabian
Ms. Jean-Clavde Ajemian
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Haig & Anna Ajemian
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Zhanna Akopyan
Mr. & Mrs. Hatchik Alahverdian
Ms. Alice Albertian
Mr. Arthur P. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton & Madeleine Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. & Maura K. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Kegam & Hermine Aliksanyan
Mr. Raffi Allaverdi
Ms. Rose Alyanakian
Ms. Christina Anagnost
Mr. & Mrs. Arman & Arpi Anasa
Mr. & Mrs. Berc & Seda Andrikian
Mr. & Mrs. Souren & Arminuhe Amirian Aprahamian
Mr. & Mrs. Souren & Hripsime Aprahamian
Ms. Armen H. Arakelian
Dr. & Mrs. Arsavir & Martha Arat, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Berc & Armine Araz
Mr. Pierre Arbajian
Mr. Raffi Aroian
Dr. Sona Aronian
Mr. & Mrs. Don & Carolyn Arslanian
Mr. & Mrs. Varujan & Linda Arslanyan
Ms. Marguerite J. Artinian
Ms. Susan Artinian
Ms. Elizabeth Arzoomanian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. & Mary Asadorian
Mrs. Rose Aslanian
Mrs. Seta Atagoksen
Mr. Ara John Atesian
Dr. Richard G. Avadikian
Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Arlene Avakian
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Alice S. Avedikian
Dr. John Avedisian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Avedisian
Mr. & Mrs. Manug & Elizabeth Aydin
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Elizabeth Aynilian
Dr. & Mrs. Vatche H. & Maria Ayvazian
Mr. Oksen Babakhanian
Mr. Serge Babayan
Mr. George Badalian
Mr. Andre Bagdasarian
Mr. Aram Bagdasarian
Mr. Marc Baker
Mr. & Mrs. George & Gladys Balekjian
Ms. Suzy Balian
Mr. Harry Balukjian
Mr. Patrick Barry
Ms. Alice Barsamian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. & Estelle Barsamian
Mr. Walter Barsamian, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Silva P. Batmaz
Kenneth & Kim Bauer III
Anna H. & Lucy A. Bedirian
Mr. & Mrs. Arman & Maria Bedonian
Ms. Nancy S. Bedrosian
Mr. Peter Bedrosian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. & Mary R. Belian
Mr. & Mrs. David B. & Queen M. Benson
Mrs. Rosalie Berberian
Dr. Rose Marie Berberian
Mr. & Dr. Stan & Carmen Mansourian Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Burak & Arus Bestepe
Kalust & Yegsa Bestepe
Mr. George Beylerian
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Karyn Bilezerian
Mr. & Mrs. Ashod A. & Marie M. Bilezikian
Drs. John P. & Sophie B. Bilezikian
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Elizabeth Boghosian
Ms. Nadia Bogosyan
Mr. Barouyr Bohossian
Mr. & Mrs. Horin & Filor Bolat
Mrs. Margaret P. Boosahda
Miss Ani Bostanci
Mr. Charles Boudakian
Thank you to all our donors!
Ms. Anahid Boyajian
Ms. Barbara Boyajian
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Sylvia Boyajian
Mr. & Mrs. Karneg & Jill Boyajian
Mr. Vrage Boyajian
Mr. Michael Bozoian
Mr. & Mrs. Vartkes & Marie Broussalian
Mrs. Melanie Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard & Mariam Attarian Bryer
Mr. & Mrs. John Burke
Mr. & Mrs. John & Victoria Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. & Justine Byars
Mr. & Mrs. Artin & Takuhi Can
Mr. James Casbarian
Cetinkaya Family
Dr. & Mrs. John & Hasmig Chaglassian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Aida Chakarian
Mr. Harut H. Chantikian
Mr. Deron Charkoudian
Mr. & Mrs. Ardis & Ann Cherkinian
Alice & Mary Chilingerian
Ms. Lisa Chobanian
Mr. Gary Chodoroff
Ms. Grace Cholakian
Ms. Annabelle Chookaszian
Mr. Assadour Choungourian
Ms. Alis Cilingiryan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Looise Clarke
Mr. Bruce P. Comjean
Mr. & Mrs. Yetvart & Aznif A. Corluyan
Mr. & Mrs. Val F. & Lilly H. Cotty
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory H. & Teruko Cross
Mr. Dikran O. Dagavarian
Mrs. Oski Dagdelen
Ms. Verzhine Daglyan
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. & Nancy Dalakian
Mr. Martin Dangovian
Ms. Anush Danilyan
Dr. & Mrs. Hamazasp & Vrejouhi Darian
Ms. Diana Demirdjan
Mr. & Mrs. John Demirdjian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Sandy Demirjian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Jeanette Der Khorenian
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. & Sarah Dergazarian
Dr. & Mrs. George & Tamara Dermksian
Dr. Emil Dionysian
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan S. & Elizabeth K. Dodov
Mr. Serge Donikian
Mrs. Annik Donikoglu
Mr. G. David Dorian
Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Mariam Dorian
Mr. & Mrs. Sebuh Steven & Talin T. Dosttur
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Douglas
Douglas Auto Body & Paint, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John & Mary Doursounian
Mr. & Mrs. Demir & Aline Eden
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Arus R. Ehramjian, Sr.
Mr. John Ehramjian
Mardiros & Silva Eprem Ekmekjian
Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP
Mrs. Anjel Elmayan
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy & Cynthia M. Erickson
Essayan Getronagan Alumni, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. & Irene M. Etmekjian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Iskouhie Eurdolian
Mrs. Lusi Ezgilioglu
Mrs. B. Dan Ferguson
Mr. Ara Findik
Mr. Armen G. Fisher
Ms. Parantzem Fourgatian
Ms. Edna Galo
Mr. & Mrs. Galoust & Adelina Galo
Mr. & Mrs. Babgen & Helene M. Galstian
Dr. & Mrs. Charles & Manoushag Garabedian
Ms. Elyse Garabedian
Mr. & Mrs. Haige & Dora Garabedian
Ms. Mary Garabedian
Ms. Roxy Garabedian
Ms. Margaret G. Garabedian McKenzie
Dr. Maggie Garjarian
Mr. Arshag Gechijian
Mrs. Ayda Gezdir
Mihran & Sarpi Gharibian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Laura Giragosian
Mr. & Mrs. Zaven G. & Linda K. Giragosian
Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian
Ms. Madeline Glenn
Mr. Edward Godoshian
Drs. Joseph A. & Nancy A. Gorvetzian
Goshgarian Family
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi & Serena Gostanian
Mr. Nicholas J. Grahame
Dr. & Mrs. Sombat & Elizabeth Gregorian
Mrs. Ania Gross
Mr. Shant Gueyikian
Ms. Helen A. Gulamerian
Herman & Ani Gulbenkian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Joyce Guleserian
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Zivart Gulian
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Barbara Gulian
Mrs. Etvart & Araksy Gullep
Mr. George Kevork Gulluian
Mr. & Mrs. Garo Gumusyan
Mr. Stephen Gurahian
Mr. & Mrs. Kegham & Sabina (Surpuhi) Hachikian
Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Roobina Haghnazarian
Mr. & Mrs. John & Rose G. Hagopian
Ms. Linda Roxanne Haig
Ms. Berjoohy Haigazian
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald C. & Janet E. Hajarian
Mr. Hakop Hakoopian
Mr. & Mrs. John Hamalian
Mrs. Lucy K. Hamalian
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Ani Hamparsumian
Mr. Jirair William Haratunian
Mr. Berj Haroutunian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Laurie Haroutunian
Mrs. Rose Hartunian
Mr. Masis Harzivartian
Mr. & Mrs. John D. & Marie A. Haytaian
Mr. & Mrs. Parnik & Ruth Hazarian
Henrika Conner, C.P.A., P.C.
David & Lori Madajian Hill
Miss Zevart M. Hollisian
Mr. & Mrs. H. David & Zivart S. House
Mr. Jeffrey G. Hovhanesian
Mr. Michael Hovnanian
Mr. & Mrs. Hampy & Ani Hovsepian
Mr. Leo Hylan
Mrs. Armine A. Isbirian
Mr. & Mrs. Aslin & Arpi Isguzar
Mr. Karabet Ishanyan
Mr. Tavit Ishhanian
Ms. Shenorig & Mary Ishkanian
Mr. & Mrs. Aram & Tili Isnar
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop J. & Noyemi Isnar
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Ani Isnar
Mr. & Mrs. Hrant & Lenna Jamgochian
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi & Aline Jamgotchian
Dr. & Mrs. Edward & Alice Jamian
Mr. & Mrs. Edvard & Lucia Jeamgocian
Mr. & Dr. Hagop Shahe & Olympia T. Jebejian
Ms. Karen M. Jehanian
Mrs. Eileen Barsamian Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Nerses & Roxanne Etmekjian Joubanian
Mrs. Althea Kabak
Dr. & Mrs. Hrayr & Zaroug Kabakian
Mr. Ara A. Kabodian
Mrs. Isabelle Kabrielian
Mr. & Mrs. Armand & Claudia Kachigian
Mr. & Mrs. Takvor & Elly Kafedjian
Mr. & Mrs. John & Marylyn Kaishian
Mr. & Mrs. Mesrope & Nancy C. Kaishian
Mr. Stephen H. Kalajian
Mr. Richard Kalbian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Hazel Kalfaian
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kallem
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Helen Kalpakjian
Dr. & Mrs. Krikor Vahe & Silva Karachorlu
Mr. David Karakashian
Dr. & Mrs. Ohan & Ani Karatoprak, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kareken
Setrak & Araxi Karnekian
Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Jean C. Kashgarian
Ms. Elda Kaspar
Mr. Frank Kasparian
Mr. & Mrs. Kaspar & Sosie Kasparian
Ms. Iris Kassabian
Mr. & Mrs. Norayr & Sona Kayserian
Ms. Marie Kazanchy
Ms. Elizabeth Kazanjian
Mr. Hairabet Kazazian
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory J. & Kathleen A. Kechejian
Mr. Haig Kellecian
Ms. Rosa Kesenci
Dr. & Mrs. Albert & Patrice Keshgegian
Mr.& Mrs. Jirair & Sossi Ketchedjian
Mr. David D. Kevanian
Edward & Mary Jo Kevorkian
Mr. Emil Khachatourian
Mr. Michael Kiffney
Ms. Agnes Killabian
Mrs. Iris Costikyan Kinnard
Mr. Aron Kirksharian
Mr. Audrey Klijian
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Shirley Kojaian
Dr. & Mrs. George E. & Louise C. Kolligian
Mr. Richard H. Koomjian
Mr. Robert Koshkarian
Mr. Tigran Kostanyan
Dr. Berjouhi Koukeyan
Ms. Marta M. Koven
Mr. & Mrs. Ben & Clarice Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Melkon & Sirvard Krikorian
Dr. & Mrs. Raffi & Lydia Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Kirkor & Mari Kucukyan
Mr. George M. Kurajian, Jr.
Mr. Raffi Kurdian
Mr. & Mrs. Berc A. & Seta Kurkciyan
Mrs. Naomi Kahrimanian Kuzoian
Mr. Roy Lamendola
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Carol Loshigian, Sr.
Mrs. Nadia Lucchin
Dr. & Mrs. Norman N. & Alice Madanyan
Mr. Shunt Madanyan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Noubar & Nancy Mahdessian
Mr. & Mrs. Karen & Sabina Mailyan
Managed Benefits, Inc.
Mr. Victor Manian, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nurhan & Doris Manukian
Ms. Selena Maranjian
Mr. George Margosian
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Selma Margosian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Anne Markarian
Ms. Alice Manougian Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Arsho Martin
■ 2007 FAR Supporters
Siva & Mary Martin
Mr. & Mrs. David H. & Janet M. Matoesian
Mrs. Clara Mayhanagian
Ms. Beth Mazadoorian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. & Janice B. Mazadoorian
Mr. Joseph A. Mazmanian
Patrick & Yvette McDuff
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Eva Medzorian
Mr. Christopher M. Mensoian
Dr. & Mrs. Murat A. & Carol Merdinolu, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Dikran & Marie Mesrobian
Ms. Victoria Mesropian
Mr. Aret Migirdeyan
Mr. Daron Migirdeyan
Dr. Richard Edward Mikaelian
Mr. & Mrs. Tony (Toros) & Elizabeth Mikaelian
Mr. & Mrs. Stepan & Silva Minakyan
Mr. Arda Mirek
Mr. Sergey Mirzoyan
Mr. Robert M. Mooradian
Catherine & Vivian Mosgofian
Barkey & David H. Mossoian
Mr.& Mrs. Dikran & Veronika Mouradian
Ms. Veronica Mouradian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahak Mousigian
Mr. & Mrs. Karekin & Mary Movsesian
Mr. Justin Moyers
Ms. Bertha Mugurdichian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Varsenia Mukalian
Mr. Alex E. Murad
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Nancy Muserlian
Ms. Carolyn Nakashian
Mr. Pierre Nakashian
Mrs. Anna Nalbandian
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Mary H. Naldjian
Ms. Irina Nanagoulian
Mr. Haig Nargizian
Mr. & Mrs. Shahan & Elizabeth Nazar
Dr. & Mrs. Sarkis M. & Marita Q. Nazarian
Mr. & Mrs. Mourad & Anne Nersesian
Ms. Anna-Marie Eliza Nersessian
Mr. Ralf Nersessian
Mr. & Mrs. Vartkes Nigdelian
Mr. Edward Noroian
Mr. & Mrs. John F. & Karen Nystrom
Ms. Andrea O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Glen & Vickie Odabashian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Odson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. & Barbara S. Ohanesian
Ms. Cynthia Ohanian
Mrs. Marie Ohanyan
Mr. & Mrs. Apkar G. & Florence Omartian
Ms. Victoria Ouligian
Mr. & Mrs. Ludwig E. & Marie A. Ouzoonian
Dr. & Mrs. Simon & Annie Ovanessian
Mr. & Mrs. Sahag & Kayne Oxian
Mr. & Mrs. Varujan & Hilda Ozcan
Mr. & Mrs. Stepan & Vilma Ozcetinkaya
Mr. & Mrs. John Ozdemir
Ms. Helen Pahigian
Mr. & Mrs. Ohanes & Vartouhi Panosian
Mr. Samuel Panossian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. & S. Pantikian
Mr. & Mrs. Sampad K. & Aneta A. Pantikian
Mr. & Mrs. George K. & Catherine B. Papalian
Mr. & Mrs. John M. & Janet F. Papazian
Ms. Elizabeth B. Paragian
Mr. Ara Parseghian
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne & Devorah Pechet
Mr. & Mrs. Perry & Diane J. Pero
Mr. Gregory P. Peterson
Mrs. Anna P. Pietz
Ms. Faith Noel Poelman
Dr. Aida Pogacar
Mrs. Julie K. Postoian
Ms. Violet Proodian
Mr. & Mrs. Vartan S. & Mary T. Proudian
Ms. Josephine Rafajac
Mr. & Mrs. George & Mary Perinjian Reish
Mr. David C. Rick
Mr. & Mrs. Apkar & Adrian Rusenian
Tom & Cindy Rutherford
Mrs. Pearl Safarian
Ms. Hera Sagiroglu
Ms. Mary Ann Sahakian
Mr. Alex Saharian
Mr. & Mrs. Victor & Arlyne J. Sahatdjian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Berjouhi Saladin
Mr. & Mrs. Simpad & Sossie Salbashian
Mr. Omar Salix
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore & Mary J. Sarian
Mr. & Mrs. Hacik & Viktorya Sariminasyan
Mr. Harry S. Sarkisian
Ms. Meri Sarkissian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan & Ann Sarkissian
Ms. Arpiar Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis Savadjian
Michael Savagian
Mr. Sergey Sayev
Mr. Jack Seferian
Mr. Robert Semonian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Alice Seoylemezian
Mr. Stephen Shahabian
Ms. Aida Shahbaz
Mr. & Mrs. John & Ustinjya Shahdanian
David & Edward Shahzade
Mr. John Shamoun
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. & Diane K. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Joel & Joan Yacoobian Shaw
Ms. Margaret Sherbedjian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Hilda K. Biosyan Sheshedian
Ms. Dirouhi Shishmanian
Mr. & Mrs. Edouard & Annie Shnorhokian
Mrs. Norma A. Shooshan
Ms. Marguerite Simonian
Mr. & Mrs. Diran & Leda Simpadian
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory G. & Anne Marie Simsarian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Alis Kilhatir Sisian
Mr. Robert Sislian
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. & Joyce Y. Slowik
Ms. Mary Semerjian Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William & Nancy Hilsenrath Smith
Ms. Wendy Smithson
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. & Alicia M. Sotomayor
Ms. Beverly Spiri Halliday
Ms. Beverly Ann Talanian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Marianna Tarpinian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. & Mary Tartanian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Ann Tarvezian
Ms. Adrienne V. Tashjian
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. & Christina Tashjian
Ms. Gloria Tatarian
Mrs. Mariam Tatosian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tekeian
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Sonia Tekeyan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Nora Telfeyan
Mr. Edward Terzian
Mr. Richard Terzian
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Terziyan
Mr. & Mrs. Athan & Nancy Artinian Theoharis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. & Ruth H. Thomas
Ms. Araxy Toomajanian
Ms. Tamar Toranian
Mr. Haig Torigian
Mrs. Shake Lusaper Torigian
Dr. George Torosian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Suzanne Toufayan
Ms. Silvie Turabian
Ms. Michelle Tutelian, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Adrina Tutunjian
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Elizabeth Tutuyan
Ms. Anahid Ugurlayan
Mr. & Mrs. Norayr & Begikya Uryan
Ms. Janet Vanessian
Mr. Kirakos (Gregory) Vapurciyan
Ms. Gloria Vartanian
Mr. & Mrs. H. Harry Vartanian
Mr. Mher Vartanian
Mr. Vartan Vartanian
Dr. Queenie Vartoukian
Ms. Marine Vorperian
Mr.& Mrs. Peter & Linda Vosbikian
Ms. Elinor Bozyan Warburg
Mrs. Mary Wartanian
Ms. Elise Yacoubian
Ms. Mari Yahdzhiyan
Mr. Michael Yapchaian
Mr. & Mrs. Vrej & Marie Yapoujian
Ms. Rouzanna Yesayan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. & Tulie Yessaian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Susan Yessian
Mr. Michael Yetemian
Mr. & Mrs. Kirkor & Bertha Yigitkurt
Ms. Bercuhi Zakarian
Mr. & Mrs. Garo & Vartouhi Zakarian
Mr. Jacob H. Zakarian
Ms. Diana Zanazanian
Dr. & Mrs. Ross & Natalie Bendian Zoll
Ms. Gale Zorian
Ms. Takouhi Zotian
1121 Foundation Inc.
Mr. John C. Abajian
Mr. & Mrs. Gene & Jeanne Abkarian
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Mary Abrahamian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. & Lillian A. Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. Rupen Agabap
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Else Agajanian
Ms. Talin Agopyan
Mr. Andre V. Ajemian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Cecilia Ajemian
Mr. & Mrs. Arman & Aida Alpian
Mr. Vreg Amirkhanian
Mr. Tatoul Ampagoomian
Mr. Eftik Anasa
Mr. Kegham V. Anbarjian
Mr. & Mrs. David P. & Gilda Andonian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. & Alice I. Andonian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Shakeh Antreasyan
Mr. & Mrs. Garabet & Madeleine Apanian
Ms. Nadya Apelian
Ms. Astrid Aprahamian
Mr. & Mrs. John & Judith C. Aprahamian
Ms. Julia Aprahamian
Mr. Eddie Arabadjian
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Raya Arisian
Mr. & Mrs. Vedat & Adrienne Arkun
Mr. & Mrs. Van M. & Mary B. Aroian
Rose & Vasken F. Arpajian
Mr. Archie Arpiarian
Mrs. Vehan A. Arslanian
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Madlen Arslanoglu
Mr. John Asdoorian
Mr. Nubar Asturian
Thank you to all our donors!
Mr. David Atamian
Mr. Albert Auburn
Ms. Elisabeth Aurand
Ms. Vart Rose Avakian
Mrs. Anoush Haiganous Avanian
Mr. Hagop A. Avedissian
Mr. Diran Aykazian
Dr. Anahit Azaryan
Mr. William V. Aznavourian
Mr. & Mrs. Archie & Joyce Babaian
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Leslie Bagdasarian
Mr. Norman Bailey
Mr. Gregory Balukjian
Mr. & Mrs. James & Margaret Barbato
Mr. & Mrs. Terry & Shushan Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. John Basmajian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Irene Baydarian
Dr. & Mrs. Levon Bedrosian
Kevork & Sylvia Belikian
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. & Mary Anne Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Irma Benzer
Mr. & Mrs. Sarven & Armine Benzer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Athalie Berberian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. & Sally S. Berjian
Mrs. Alice Betrosian
Mr. Ishkhan Hagop Bideci
Mrs. Mary A. Bogosian Vanosdol
Mr. & Mrs. K. George & Ruth I. Bournazian
Mr. & Mrs. Armen K. & Mary L. Boyajian
Mr. Toros Bozoglan
Ms. Florence M. Bozoian
Ms. Sonia Bunch
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Lusi Caparyan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank and Sara Cegelski
Mr. Andrew Chaglasian
Mr. Michael Chakerian
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Maro Chakrian
Ms. Eunice Charles
Mr. Karekin V. Chepjian
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Virginia Cherishian
Mrs. Margaret Cherkezian
Mr. Mark Chutchian
Mr. & Mrs. Garbis Cileli
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop (Jack) & Saynik Cilingiryan
Mr. & Mrs. Hamparsum & Zarouhi Civan
Mr. & Mrs. Josef & Aliza Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. & Serbone Collen
Mrs. Alice Terzian Cotton
Anthony & Alice R. Crugnale
Mrs. Helen M. Dagavarian
Mr. & Mrs. John P. & Violet E. Dagdigian
Mrs. Norma Daniels
Mr. David Davidian
Bob, Dana, Robin & Hunter Davis
Mr. Yervant Demirjian
Ms. Lori Der Hagopian
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Patricia Der Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Elizabeth Derderian
Ms. Anne Derr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dichian
Dr. & Mrs. G. Dickakian
Dr. Dikran T. Dikran
Mr. Gregory Djanikian
Ms. Diane Dolbashian
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. & Alice Donabedian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Armoren Donigian
Mr. Andrew Donoovan
Ms. Adrine Ellouguian
Simon & Anahit Eprem
Mr. & Mrs. Nobar & Silva Erberber
H. & Nadiya Ermarkaryan
Mr. Erutin Esendir
Mr. Robert M. Falvey
Dr. & Mrs. John & Lucille M. Farsakian
Mr. Jason E. Feliciano
Mrs. Arlene Siran Stepanian Felt
Mr. & Mrs. George A. & Silva Ferman
Ms. Deborah Galstian
Mr. & Mrs Ardash & Yester Garabedian
Ms. Rose Gargarian
Drs. Haroutiun & Astra Garjarian
Mr. & Mrs. N. E. & Mary M. Gavrelis
Mr. & Mrs. Arman & Janet Giritlian
Dr. & Mrs. Harry G. & Charlene Goshgarian
William & Ariane Goshgarian
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Rosemarie Goulian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. & Anahid M. Avakian Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Leon & Linda Gregorian
Mr. & Mrs. Hamazasp (Homer) & Maria A. GregorianFard
Mr. Armen Grigorian
Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. & Maro A. Grigorian
Dn. Serafim Grove
Mr. & Mrs. Nazar & Siranus Gulbenk
Mr. & Mrs. Zakariya & Mari Gunusen
Ms. Kristen Gustafson
Naera & Garooneh Haghnazarian
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jack & Dorothy M. Hagopian
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Diane Hagopian
Mrs. Sarah A. Hajenlian
Dr. Deran Hanesian
Mr. & Mrs. Raffie A. Harootian
Ms. Florence Harutunian
Mr. Eric Hayrabedian
Mrs. Lucille Hornburger
Mr. & Mrs. Movses & Osana Hovsepian
Miss Selma Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Mary Humber
Ms. Judy Ichkhanian
Varoujnak & Asbed Iskedjian
Mr. Vatche Iskedjian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. & Louise Jamgochian
Mr. & Mrs. Magardici & Aida Jamgocian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Louise Janigian, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Mildred Jardarian
Mr. Marat Javakov
Dr. & Mrs. Aram & Patricia Jigarjian
Paul R. & Patricia A. Julsrud
Col. & Mrs. George & Lucine Juskalian
Mr. Arthur Kaiserlian
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. & Anne S. Kalayjian
Mr. Chris Khatchadour Kalfayan
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Ovsanna Kalfayan
Mr. Bedros Kamitian
Ms. Mildred Kandanian
Ms. Penny Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Kaprielian
Mrs. Lucienne Kaprielian
Mr. Sedrak Karabadzhakyan
Mr. & Mrs. Aram & Katya Karakuz
Mr. Kevork S. Karamanoukian
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Karinca
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Helen Kashian
Mr & Mrs. Murat S. Kasparian
Mrs. Beatrice Kassapian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan & Soci Kayserian
Mr. & Mrs. Ohanis & Venus Kayserilioglu
Ms, Hasmik Kazandjian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kazanjian
Dr. Nerses N. Kazanjian
Mr. John Kazarian
Mr. Jean Kechichian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Mary Keoleian
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry G. & Dorothy J. Keshian
Mr. Harvey Kevorkian
Mr. Zareh L. Kevorkian
Ms. Nancy Kezlarian
Mr. Arnold Khachaturyan
Mr. Vicken Khatchadourian
Mr.& Mrs. Krikor & Irene Khorozian
John & Louise Karian Kimbler
Ms. Dorothy Kirkorian
Asadur & Anahid Klijian
Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Elise Dadourian Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Anoush Knaian
Ms. Mary Louise Kniffin
Mr. & Mrs. Eduard Kochoumian
S. Kolozian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Virginia K. Komar
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander & Seta Kouyoumdjian
Ms. Aida Kouyoumjian
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Kradjian
Mr. & Mrs. Garabed & Yolande Y. Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Misak K. & Lucy Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Nerses H. & K. P. Krikorian
Dr. & Mrs. Vasken M. & Tina Kroshian
Mr. & Mrs. Sevan & Tamar Kucukyan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alan & Isabel Sarkis Kurkechian
Ms. Deborah Laffey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. & Ruth T. Leslie
Ms. Nora Lindahl
Ms. Nadine Lisecki
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. & Alice LoGrippo
Mr. David Luhrssen
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. & Margaret K. Lulejian
Mr. Gary Manoogian
Mrs. Julia Manoukian
Everett & Rose Marabian
B. & Mihai Marcarian
Lester D. & Jan Margosian
Ms. Anna Markarian
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Markarian
Mr. Nelson Martayan
Mr. Diran Massarlian
Ms. Armeney Mazian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. McFarlan
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Mekreditchian
Mr. Garo Melkonian
Mrs. Ida Merakyan
Mr. Charles Merzian
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Annie Mezadurian
Dr. Sam Mikaelian
Mr. Vito Milano
Mr. & Mrs. Armand K. & Nadia Mirijanian
Mr. & Mrs. Aram & Margaret Mooradian
Mr. & Mrs. Oleg & Diana Mosesov
Mr. & Mrs. Hovig & Taline Moushian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. & Laura B. Munson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. & Robin H. Najarian
Dr. & Mrs. Haig & Mary Najarian
Ms. Lynn Nakashian
Mr. & Mrs. Migirdic & Barbara Nalbantyan
Mr. Henry & Anahid Naldjian
Ms. Angineh Nazarian
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. & Sharon C. Nazarian
Mr. Paul Neeson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Leslie Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Hacop & Janet Nercessian
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Elizabeth Nercessian
Mr. & Mrs. Arra & Ohsana Nergararian
Niagara Carpet Service
Mr. & Mrs. Hayg & Arlene Nigogosian
Mrs. Florence Noroian
Mr. Nazar Norsigian
Ms. Arsine M. Nossardi
Ms. Meri A. Nourikian
■ 2007 FAR Supporters
Mr. Mark Nuckols
Mr. & Mrs. George & Diane Ohanian
Mr. & Mrs. Khachik & Mariyam Ohanian
Ms. Anita Ohriker
Mr. Hovagim Oltaci
Mr. Michael J. Omelian
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Arlen Orakciyan
Mr. Ari Orakciyan
Mr. Sourene Oviguian
Dr. Vahey M. Pahigian
Mrs. Mayda Pamuk
Mr. & Mrs. Murat Pansoy
Mrs. Julie Papadopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Arsen Ralph & Mary Lynn Papakhian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Dorothy Papazian
Ms. Doris Paroonagian
Mr. Hagop Parsamian
Ms. Kathleen Partogian
Ms. Martha G. Pashoian
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick & Anne-Mari Paster, II
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Patterson
Mrs. Alice Philibosian
Mr. Paul-Ara Pichigian
Mr. Paul Piligian
Ara & Diana Piloyan
Ms. Mary A. Pockat
Mr. Mrs. Aharon & Ankine Polatian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Polatian
Mr. Andre & Mary Polissedjian
Mr. & Mrs. James & Cindi Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. & Patricia A. Poulos
Mr. Stephen Pridmore
Mr. & Mrs. John & Elissa A. Putukian
Mr. John Quimjian
Mr. & Mrs. George A. & Helen Riggs Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Grover H. & Yebraksy Patsy Rodgers
Mr. Levon L. Rusenian
Mrs. Helen Rusz
Mrs. Mary Rzepecki
Mr. & Mrs. Harold & Mariam V. Sahakian
Mr. Besim Samanoglu
Mr. Aren Santikyan
Prof. & Mrs. Sam C. & Jeanette Sarkesian
Sam, Chris, Don & Dian Sarkisian
Mr. & Mrs. Arman Sarkissian
Mr. & Mrs. Armenak & Ani Saryan
Ms. Christine Sava
Mr. Sam Seferian
Mr. Joseph Seifert
Ms. Maral Serce
Mr. Simpat Sevan
Mr. Daniel G. Shadbegian
Mr. & Mrs. Vazrik & Linda Shafrazian
Mr. Steven L. Shahbazian
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent & Isabelle Shamamian
Ms. Aghavni (Ann) Simon
Ted & Madelyn Solomon
Mr. Marios Sophocleous
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Surenian
Ms. Elizabeth Takoushian
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan & Lisa Tanal
Mr. Armen Charles Tarjan
S. Tasci
Alice & Roger G. Tashjian
Mrs. Sonia Tashjian
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Tateosian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. & Joni M. Taubman
Mr. & Mrs. Khajag H. & Regina Tchakerian
Mr. Robert Teghtsoonian
Mr. & Mrs. Arsen & Shoghig Terjimanian
Mr. Richard Terzian
Mrs. Silva Terzian
Bradney Thomas
Mrs. Robin T. Thomas
Mrs. Karen Keghlian Timpone
Mr. & Mrs. Atanaghine & Irma Topsacalian
Ms. Sylva Torossian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Beti B. Torunian-Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Anto & Pamela Tossounian
Ms. Armenuhie Tossunian
Mr. & Mrs. Alec & Micheline Toumayan
Mr. & Mrs. Ara L. & Shoghig Tramblian
Mrs. Isabelle (Zabel) Vartan
Mr. & Mrs. Dickran (Dick) S. & Zabelle Vartanian
Ms. Isabelle Herdemian Veyvoda
Mr. & Mrs. Hans & Sonia C. Viertl
Ms. Suzee Wesemann
Mrs. Varsenig Mrlikian Williams
Ms. Florence K. Wolohojian
Mr. Ara Yardum
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Ankine Yazicioglu
Ms. Lori Yeghiayan
Mr. Ara Yerem
Mr. & Mrs. Dan D. & Kathleen C. Yessian
Mr. & Mrs. Migirdic & Susan Yigitkurt
Mrs. Paylan Yigitkurt
Mr. Ara Yilancioglu
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Eileen Zadourian
Ms. Julie Zanaras
Ms. Armena Palouian Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Gladys Abidian
Ms. Narina Agaeva
Miss Nina Agraval
Kirk & Lehart Aharonian
Dr. & Mrs. Vicken J. & Sossy Aharonian
Maj. Carnig Ajamian, Jr.
Ms. Lori Ajamian
Mrs. Ann Akgulian
Mr. Harry Akgulian
Ms. Elizabeth Akian
Bruce S. & C. Kachadourian Albright
Dr. Myron Allukian, Jr.
Ms. Elbis E. Andonian
Ms. Zepure Andreasian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. & Virginia Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Queenie M. Antonucci
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Anahit Antreasyan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. & Dolores L. Apkarian
Mrs. Janice Aprahamian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Elisabeth Arakelian
Mr. & Mrs. Minas & Maria Arakelian
Ms. Karen Aroian
Ms. Lucille Aroosian
Susan & Mary Arzoumanian
Mr. Alexander Arzumanian
Mr. Charles Asadoorian
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest & Rose Asadoorian
Mrs. Hripsime Asadourian
Mrs. Ann Assadourian
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Vicky Atamian
Mr. Barkef Avakian
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Mary Ann Avakian
Dr. David Avakian
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Arpie Avakian
Ruben Ace & Janet E. Avakian
Mr. Valeriy G. Avanesov
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Avdoian
Dr. Albert A. Avedikian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Pauline Avedisian
Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Armineh Avedissian
Mr. Michael Avsharian, Jr.
Mr. Philip R. Ayvazian
Mr. Tony Babaian
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Babayan
Mr. Vladimir S. Babayan
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Arpy H. Babian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Gladys M. Bagdassian
Mrs. Janet Baghdassarians
Valentine Baghdoyan
Mrs. Alice R. Baglieri
Mrs. Paula A. Bakerian
Zareh & Alexander H. Balian
Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Linda Baltaeff, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Alice Balukjian
Dr. Jeremy E. Baptist
Prof. & Mrs. Kevork B. & Flora G. Bardakjian
Ms. Loucine A. Bardizbanian
Ms. Arzivic Baronian
Ms. Elizabeth Barsamian
Ms. Alice Knar Barter-Baird
Mr. Vahan Basmajian
Ms. Nora Baylerian
Mr. Oscar Bedigian
Mr. & Mrs. George R. & Elsie A. Bedrosian
Mr. Karl Bedrosian
Ms. Lucy A. Bedrosian
Mrs. Sonia Bedrosian
Mrs. Vanouhi Benglian
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi (Ralph) & Donna Bennuhan
Mrs. Kay Berberian
Mr. & Mrs. Rupen & Ousanna Berberyan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. & Ankin G. Bertelsen
Ms. Jane Beshar
Mr. Denise Block
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. & Anna Boghigian
Mrs. Olga Boloyan
Mr. & Mrs. Berj Michael & Lucy Boornazian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Marianne Bourghol
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bournazian
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Barbara Bousian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Margaret Boyajian
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Boyajian
Ms. Diana K. Brosnan
Mrs. Soolton Buchaklian
Ms. Anita Bulan
Mrs. Janette Calloway
Mr George Caragulla
Mr. & Mrs. Herman A. & Keguhi L. Carkciyan
Antranig K. & Karen Chalabian
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. & Nivart Chatalbash
Mrs. Leila Chaucer
Mr. Nicholas H. Chengelis
Mr. & Mrs. Martin & Esther Chiarolanzio, Sr.
Ms. Susan Chilingerian
Mr. Thomas Chirigdjian
Mr. & Mrs. John S. & Mary A. Chobanian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Nazaly Chobanian
Mr. Girair Cholakian
Mrs. Araxie Choolgian
Mr. Levon Chorbajian
Mr. Paul Chrisman
Mr. & Mrs. Haig Chutjian
Mr. & Mrs. David & Diana Colpitts
Mrs. Sosie Coopersmith
Mrs. Kathryn Cotler
Dadurian Interior
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Lucy Dakesian
Mr. & Mrs. Sahag R. & Margaret M. Dakesian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. & Anahid Damerau
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Lorraine Damerjian, Sr.
Ms. Mary M. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Sahag & Elizabeth Dedeyan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. & Dorothy Deeran
Thank you to all our donors!
Mr. Arthur Demerjian
Mr. Hagop Demirci Demirdjian
Mr. & Mrs. John M.& Bertha Demirjian
Mr. & Mrs. Agop Kevork & Verkin Demirozu
Ms. Mary Erganian Denning
Ms. Diane Der Bogosian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Barbara Der Kevorkian
Dr. Lucy Der Manuelian
Mr. & Mrs. Antranik A. & Alice Derartinian
Ms. Hosanna Derderian
Mr. John Derderian
Ms. Margaret Derderian
Mr. Daniel Derian
Mr. & Mrs. Garo & Aline Derian
Areka & Edward Derkazarian
Samuel S. & John Devedjian
Mrs. Azadouhi Deverian
Ms. Siran K. Dietz
Mrs. Aurora Dillon
Mr. Charles Diman
Mr. & Mrs. Nazaret & Kathleen Dirinian
Mrs. Sonia Djanikian
Mrs. Dench Dominik
Mr. George Donigian
Mr. Robert Dulgarian
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran Dulgerian
Ms. Margaret Ekizian
Mr. Gary G. Eldemir
Ms. Lillian Elledge
Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Irene Ellyin
Mrs. Peggy Enokian
Mr. Joseph M. Ephremian
Mr. Joseph M. Ephremian
Ms. Renita Esayian
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Esperian
Mr. Mego & Shnorig Essajanian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Beth Eumurian
Rev. John Eumurian
Mr. & Mrs. James & Carol Fierro
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. & Mary Foley
Ms. Joan French
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Linda Friedmann
Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Sonia Gabriel
Julie & Mary Ganjian
Mr. Wachi Garabedian
Mr. & Mrs. Emil & Rosemary Garda
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Lisa Bazarian Gardner
Mr. Hacop Gashian
Mr. Bedros Gharibian
Mr. Hagop B. Ghazarian
Dr. & Mrs. Krikor P. & Carol A. Ghazarian
Mr. Saro Ghazarian
Mrs. Carol Giffin
Mrs. Sara Larian Gifford
Mr. & Mrs. Haike M. & Betty F. Giragosian
Mr. Kevin Giragosian
Tamara & Joshua Goddard
Mrs. Araxy Gokberk
Ms. Elizabeth Golden
Al & Janet Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Carolyn Googasian
Mr. Michael B. Gourdikian
Mr. & Mrs. Cortland F. & Lucy G. Grant
Ms. Helen Chelengarian Greene
Aratoon (Harut) & Edmund Gregorian
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Laurel Gregorian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Marguerite Topalian Griego
Ms. Alice Hacherian
Mr. Khajak Manouk Hacobian Salmasi
Mrs. Rose Hagopian
Mrs. Sonia Hagopian
Dr. William A. Hagopian
Ms. Rose Hakimian
Ms. Arax Hakoupian
Mr. Peter Halpin
Mr. Armand (Panos) Hamamdjian
Mrs. Zepure Hampar
Mr. & Mrs. Dicran & Arpenig Hanoian
Miss Pauline Harabedian
Mr. & Mrs. Popkin & Alice Harabedian
Gordon & Sona Hargrove
Ms. Anna T. Harrison
Mr. Harry Hartunian
Ms. Jeanette Hartunian
Mr. & Mrs. Seroj S. & Alice Harutunian
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Katie (Ekaterini) Hashas
Mr. Ralph Hashoian
Ms. Ann Hatzpanian
Ms. Gayla Katherine Hiar
Mrs. Thelma June Dearbekerian Hill
Mrs. Marian K. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan & Ellada Hovakimian
Mrs. Nancy Hovhanesian
Ms. Betty Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick & Luz Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. & Marie Ipjian
Ms. Anahid Iskian
Mr. & Mrs. Leon & Ann Izmirlian
Mr. & Mrs. David B. & Paula M. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. George & Rose Jamgochian
Ms. Angeline Jamjamian
Mr. & Mrs. John & Nancy Javadi
Ms. Maral S. Jierian
Hrant, Arlene, Eddie & Annie Jilozian
Mrs. Rose Jingozian
Mrs. Diana Johnson
Ms. Dorothy M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William A. & Phyllis L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Marie Kachadoorian
Mr. & Mrs. George N. & Nevart Kaderian
Mr. & Mrs. Garabed & Anahid Kahveciyan
Mr. Ara A. Kahwadjian
Ms. Elizabeth H. Kalagian
Mr. Aram Kalajian
Mr. & Mrs. Mardig Kalarchian
Mr. Edward H. Kalfaian
Mrs. Anjele Kalfayan
Mrs. Iris E. Kalian
Ms. Mary M. Kalman
Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Carmen Kalustian
Robert & Valerie Kalwas
Ms. Alice Karabian
Mrs. Lucy M. Karagosian
Mr. Jack Karian
Alice Kasparian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kasparian
Ms. Lucy Kayajanian
Mr. Jacob Kazanjian
Jeffrey, Michael & Mary J. Kazanjian
Rev. Dr. & Yn. Karnig & Kathi Kazanjian, Jr.
Col. & Mrs. Ramon & Jocelyne Kazanjian
Mr. Ronald Kazanjian
Mr. Robert Kazarian
Mr. John Kedeshian
Mr. Ara Kelerchian
Ms. Elizabeth Kelerchian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keleshian
Mrs. Margaret G Kervorkian
Mr. Sarkis Kesenci
Mrs. Sirpuhi Kesenci
Mr. Christoper Keshishian
Mr. Marlin Keshishian
Mr. Yeghik Levon Keshishian
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Lucy Keurajian
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Khachadourian
Ms. Natalya Khachiyan
Mr. Hapet Kharibian
Mr. Aris Khodaverdian
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kiessling
Mr. George Kirazian
Ms. Jeanette N. Kirishian
Mr. & Mrs. Artin & Mary Apostolos Knadjian
Ms. Araxi B. Kobrin
Mr. Ardash Koljian
Mr. Grant Korkoyan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Elizabeth Kosaian
Mrs. Mary Anne Koshgarian
Ms. Mary A. Kourtjian
Antoine H. & Khorshid Kouzoukian
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Alice Krekorian
Mr. George Kulhanjian
Mrs. Nevart Kuntashian
Mr. Jacob Kupelian
John & Mariam Kurkjian
Mr. James Kuzirian
Mr. Donald Kuzoian
Ms. Marilyn J. Lacroix
Mr. John Lafian
Mr. Fontaine Laing
Mr. Bernie Laleyan
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale & Barbara Simitian Laudicina
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. & Rebecca A. Lauria
Mr. Gerald Lebleboojian
Mr. Arthur Burton Levine
Ms. Dorothy Lousararian
Ms. Annie Lukeian
Mr. Artur (Art) Zareh Luledjian
Ms. Nancy Madanian
Ms. Gladys Malgranian
Ms. Arsine Malkasian
Mr. & Mrs. Leo & Beverly Malkasian
Miss Beatrice Mamigonian
Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Shala Manchester
Mr. Jeff Manookian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Alice Manookian, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Serkis Manosyan
Ms. Rose Manteghian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manuelian
Mr. Sergey Manukyan
Mr. Brett Maranjian
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael L. & Birdella F. Marderosian
Mr. & Mrs. John M. & Elizabeth Mardirosian
Miss Lucy Mardirosian
Mr. & Mrs. John W. & Alice Margosian
Mr. John Markarian
Mr. & Mrs. Roupen & Vivian Maronian
Ms. Anna Apelian Martin
Ms. Julia T. Martin
Mrs. Jean E. Martinian
Mr. & Mrs. George & Mary Mashlakjian
Ms. Elizabeth Mayhanagian
Ms. Margaret K. Maynard
Mr. Merze Mazmanian
Mr. & Mrs. William & Shakeh McMahon
Mr. & Ms. Charles & Margaret Mekjian
Mrs. June Mekjian
Mrs. Elizabeth Melikian
Mr. & Mrs. Melik & Irina Bagdasarova Meliksetyan
Ms. Caroline Melkonian
Mr. Paul Melkonian
Ms. Florene Susan Memegalos
Ms. Peggy Mendikian
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Sylviagene Meneshian
Mr. & Mrs. Ashot & Valerie Merijanian, Phd.
■ 2007 FAR Supporters
Mr. Jack Merjimekian
Mr. & Mrs. Herach S. & Zevart H. Mesdjian
Mr. John Messikian
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest & Helen Michaelian
Edward & Ellen Migoyan
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Juliette Demirian Milian
Mr. Mary Miller
Dr. Andreia Minasian
Mr. Charles Minasian
Mrs. Carol E. Mirakian
Mr. & Mrs. John Miskjian
Ms. Margaret Kushmanian Mojica
Mr. Mark Mooradian
Ms. Jessie Morookian
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Patricia M. Moughamian
Ms. Joanne Mouradjian
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Beatrice Movsesian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Janet Mrazek
Mrs. Theodora Muserlian
Mrs. Virginia Musurlian
Mr. & Mrs. Ardo Nadjarian
Mr. & Mrs. George Y. Najarian
Mr. John W. Najarian
Mr. Louis G. Najarian, Sr.
Mrs. Mary T. Najarian
Mr. Hrand Najimian
Mr. Vicken J. Nakashian
Mrs. Valerie J. Narsasian
Ms. Flora Naturian
Mr. Anthony Nazar
Mr. Makradieg Nazarian
Ms. Helen Nercessian
Ms. Margaret Novak
Mr. Gary Odabashian
Mrs. Ellen M. Ohan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Connie Ohanian
Mr. Oscar A. Ohnigian
Ms. Maryann A. Onanian
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy & Regina Orchanian
Mr. & Mrs. John H. & Carmen E. Osenbaugh
Karnig & Diana A. Ovian
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor Ozbek
Mr. Arman Ozmerin
Ms. Beth J. Pahigian
Mr. John Pakradounian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Queenie Palladino
Mr. & Mrs. Jerair & Irene A. Panossian
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Karine O. Panosyan
Mr. Victor Papakhian
Mr. Donald J. Paparian, Sr.
Mrs. Arshalouyse Parseghian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Linda Patruno
Mr. Hartun D. Pechtimaldjian
Ms. Nina Pecone
Mr. Franklin Penirian
Ms. Claire Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Elizabeth Peterson
Mr. Steven Philibosian
Ms. Mary Ann Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. & Karine M. Pickman
Araxie (Roxann) & Judith Piranian
Ms. Clara Plesa
Ms. Tatyana Portnova
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork Purut
Dr. Shahen (Sharo) Raissi
Ms. Violet Ramezzano
Mr. Bruce Michael Ricciardi
Mr. Henry R. Roubian
Mr. James Royal
Mr. Diran & Asniv Saghdejian
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Elizabeth Sahagian
Mr. & Mrs. Sahag & Alma Sahagian
Ms. Helen Sahakian
Mr. Antranik Sakaryan
Mrs. Roxanne Sakoian Eichler, Esq.
Mr. Seth Salinger
Mr. & Mrs. George & Vivian Samuelian
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Samuelian
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Florence V. Samuelian
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Clare Sandikian
Ms. Gloria Sands
Mr. John K. Saradjian
Ms. Louise Sarafian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Carol A. Sarian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Dolores Sarkisian
Mr. & Mrs. Noray & Ann Sarkisian
Mr. Sam Sarkisian
Mr. Ontcho Sarkissian
Mr. & Mrs. Enrico V. & Rosalie A. (Terzian) Sasso
Ms. Hilda Sayan
Mrs. Mildred Schips
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. & Joyce M. Seferian
Mr. George Seferian
Mr. & Mrs. Selim Alton & Jacqueline K. Seloumi
Mr. George Semerjian
Mr. & Mrs. Skon J. & Rose Semerjian
Ms. June D. Semon
Mrs. Elizabeth Serafin
Ms. Dorothy Shahinian
Ms. Suzanna Shatarevyan
Ms. Merri Lea Shaw
Ms. Elizabeth Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Gloria Shelley
Ms. Linda Shirvanian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Marylou Shirvanian
Ms. Rose Shuklian
Ms. Bizer Simonian
Mr. & Mrs. Guy & Darlene Simonian
Thank you to all our donors!
Mr. Ligor Simyonoglu
Ms. Marie Sinanian
Mr. Charles Siroonian
Ms. Dianne Small
Ms. Barbara Soghigian
Ms. Aleda Stamboulian
Ms. Martha J. Stepanian
Mrs. Patricia Sakayan Stith
Mr. & Mrs. Arten Harry & Joan Sukoian
Mr. John G. Surabian
Ms. Lisa Takoushian
Mr. Larry Talarico
Ms. Leah Talatinian
Ms. Isabelle Taslakian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Stephanie Tatlian
Ms. Johann C. Tatlian
Mr. & Mrs. Parseh G. & Janet B. Tavitian
Mr. & Mrs. Rafi G. & Nedialka G. Vassileva Tavitian
Mr. Arto Telalyan
Mr. & Mrs. Artur & Roubina Ter-Hovanessian
Mr. Marten Terzian
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Brenda H. Thiel
Mr. Thomas Thomas
Ms. Nancy Thorson
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor Z. & Tereza Tomoian
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Kathleen Toomayan
Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. & Mary Topjian
Ms. Anne Torosian
Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Nataliya Tumasyan
Ms. Ruth Upton
Mr. & Mrs. Nurhan Utuciyan
Ms. Elaine Van Cise
Ms. Sonna A. Vankampen
Mrs. Berjouhi Varjabedian
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander & Aznif Vartabedian
Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Mary Vartanian
Ms. Isabel Vartanian
Mr. & Mrs. Vagharshak A. & Margaret Vartanian
Mr. Leo Voskian (Voskan)
Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. & Helen K. Waldron
Ms. Margaret Wasielewski
Mr. & Mrs. John R. & Naomi Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & Pan Whitman
Kirstan Wichern
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Alice Wood, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas & Kathrine Xanthopoulos
Miss Marie Yacoubian
Mr. Marc Yagjian
Ms. Adrine Yassian
Ms. Joann Yazarian
Ms. Lorig Yekhpairian
Ms. Nergiz Yelegen
Mr. Azadouhi Yenicag
Dr. Michael A. Yerian
Mr. & Mrs. Bedros & Lisa Alexanian Yildiz
Mr. Stephen York
Ms. Janice Mosesian Young
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. & Kandice M. Zakarian
Levon & Bette Zakarian
Paul & Sowgol Zakarian
Ms. Irene Zartarian
Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Violet P. Zudock
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zysk
report of this nature, unintentional oversight
may occur. If we have mistakenly spelled, listed or omitted your name, please accept our
apologies and contact the Fund for Armenian
Relief at (212) 889-5150.
Help Armenia and its people prosper by
making a contribution to the Fund for
Armenian Relief. In addition to general
cash donations, you can:
• Donate real estate
• Donate stocks, bonds or
other securities
• Endow a project
• Establish a Charitable Trust
• Make a bequest in your will
Your financial support will honor the
past, empower the present, and ensure
the future for the Armenian people.
Please contact us at (212) 889-5150 for
more information.
Financial Highlights ■
The financial statements of the Fund for Armenian Relief, Inc., for the year ending
December 31, 2007, have been audited by the accounting firm of WithumSmith+Brown.
The Independent Auditors issued an “unqualified opinion” that FAR statements conform to
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and that “the financial statements . . . present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund
for Armenian Relief, Inc.” as of the given date. The audit report is available upon request.
Investment and
Other Income
The following information is an excerpt from the audited financial statements:
Cash and cash equivalents...................................................................................$1,018,625
Investments ..........................................................................................................$2,498,004
USAID contracts receivable ...............................................................................$ 355,973
Contributions receivable .....................................................................................$1,354,373
Prepaid expenses .................................................................................................. $
Property and equipment net ................................................................................$1,326,398
Endowment funds held by ACEF........................................................................$2,630,892
and Other Grants
and Contracts
TOTAL ..............................................................................$9,185,795
Accounts payable ..........................................................................................$ 272,427
Custodial accounts ........................................................................................ $ 13,420
Total liabilities ...............................................................................................$ 285,847
Net Assets:
Unrestricted .................................................................................................$1,881,912
Temporarily restricted..................................................................................$5,092,167
Permanently restricted ................................................................................$1,925,869
Total net assets .........................................................................................$8,899,948
TOTAL ..............................................................................$9,185,795
TOTAL REVENUE ...........................................................$5,952,180
TOTAL EXPENSES .........................................................$4,648,900
Medical Programs
Social, Educational
and Economic
USAID Contracts
Aid Programs
630 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10016
T (212) 889-5150
T (212) 889-4849