Study Guide - Multi-Engine Seaplane Rating


Study Guide - Multi-Engine Seaplane Rating
Study Guide
MESRATING.COM & Jones Brother’s Training
150 East Ruby Street
Tavares, Florida 32778
352 508 1800
JAN 2011 Rev.
Table of Contents
Tavares Seaplane Base
Critical Engine
Memory Items
Fuel System
Cross Country Planning
Hydraulic System
Electrical System &
Vacuum System
Flying the Bee
Water Operations
Course Syllabus and
Weight and Balance
Performance Graphs
Check Lists
Review and Study
Tavares Seaplane Base (FA1)
he Tavares Seaplane Base was
opened on April 4th, 2010 with
great fanfare. Governor Charlie Crist
attended and helped the city officials
open the newest public use airport in
the country. It was the outgrowth of an
idea that started many years before
Seaplane City‖ as it’s identity and
incorporated a seaplane into it’s logo.
Tavares has even attracted Searey a
experimental seaplane manufacturer
and is currently working towards
bringing additional aircraft
manufacturers to the shore of Lake
When arriving at Tavares seaplane
pilots are now treated to one of the
finest seaplane destinations in North
America. Featuring AV gas on both
shore and dock plus a ramp for the
amphibs. Lodging and restaurants are
in abundance all within walking
distance of the seaplane base.
when a Florida seaplane pioneer
Margaret Jackson started and held flyins on the shores of Lake Dora. What
happened next was amazing. In 1999
when those splash ins first began in
Tavares it was a by-water town and was
depressed with one downtown
restaurant. When the new city
manager, John Drury, arrived in 2004
he saw the potential of the City’s
Wooton park and began to seek funding
to redevelop it into a economic magnet
for future development. Drury, with a
background in aviation related
management, saw the potential impact
of catering to seaplanes could be
leveraged into an unique advantage for
the city. Thus what started as a
redevelopment of Wooton Park and
Marina turned into the development of
Florida’s newest public seaplane base.
The City trademarked ―America’s
Critical Engine
he Critical Engine is the engine whose
failure would most adversely affect the
performance or handling qualities of an
aircraft. (FAA 1.1) In the case of the Twin
Bee, the LEFT engine is the critical engine.
The main reason our left engine is ―critical‖
is because both engines rotate their
propellers in the same direction (clockwise
if viewed from the cockpit.) See picture
the left. This is caused by the downward
moving blade taking a larger ―bite‖ of air
compared to the upward moving blade.
As is the case of a conventional light twin,
P-Factor is creating that larger amount of
thrust further from the longitudinal axis
on the right engine than the left. (as seen
in figure 1) So, a failure of the left engine
during climb out will cause a greater loss
Figure 3
Roll to Left
Propeller Rotation
There are four factors that make the left
of directional control than a loss of the left
engine critical. (Acronym: PSAT)
engine because of this longer arm.
P-Factor (Creates Yaw)
Spiraling slipstream (Creates Yaw)
During high angles of attack, the
There is a spiraling slipstream caused by
propeller’s descending blade on the right
side of the crankshaft will produce more
thrust compared to the ascending blade on the left engine which hits the tail on the
left side, forcing the tail to the right. This
will counteract the yaw when the right
Figure 2
engine fails. (See Figure 2 Below) In the
case of a left engine failure, the right
engine’s slipstream does come in contact
with the tail. Thus, unable to counteract
any yaw toward the left.
Accelerated slipstream (Creates Roll)
As a result of P-Factor, there is more
induced lift being produced on the right
side of each engine (behind the respective
descending blade.) Again, the longer arm is
located on the right side of the aircraft.
Critical Engine
This places the induced lift further
outboard on the wing, resulting in a
greater rolling tendency away from the
operating engine. (See Figure 2)
the case of a right engine failure, this
torque given off from the left engine
rotation will help to counteract the yaw
created by the asymmetric thrust..
Left Engine Only Supplying
Asymmetrical thrust rotates around
the aircraft’s center of gravity and
yaws the aircraft to the right. P-factor
and Spiraling slipstream offset some of
this yaw, while torque is aiding in
rolling to the left and Accelerated
slipstream in minimized. All of these
Torque (Creates Roll)
Newton’s law of motion states that for
every action there is an opposite and
equal reaction. As a result of our
propellers turning clockwise, the
aircraft has a rolling tendency
counterclockwise/roll to the left. See
figure 3.
Figure 5
Forces Acting On Aircraft Right Engine
are working against asymmetrical
thrust. This will require less control
pressure which produces less drag
when compared to the right engine
only producing thrust.
(See Figure 5.)
Right Engine Only Supplying
During a left engine failure, the left
rolling tendency caused by torque will
just add to the left turning force
created by the asymmetric thrust. In
Asymmetrical thrust rotates around
the aircraft’s center of gravity and
Critical Engine
yaws the aircraft to the left. In this case,
P-Factor is yawing the
aircraft in the same
direction as the asymmetric
thrust (left), spiraling
slipstream has no affect,
while torque and accelerated
slipstream are aiding in the
left turning tendency by
adding a roll toward the
dead engine. To offset these
factors it will require more control
pressure which will produce more drag
when compared to the left engine only
producing thrust. (See figure 6)
This increase in drag will decrease the
Figure 6
Forces Acting On Aircraft Left Engine
The loss of one
engine in a
light piston
results in a
50% loss of available power but an 80%
loss in performance. An airplane’s
performance depends on the excess
Thrust needed to overcome drag and
gravity. Drag becomes a major factor
because when it is increased (like when
an engine fails) it needs to be overcome
by additional thrust, this required
thrust must be taken from the excess
available thrust. With the loss of one
engine this excess thrust is not
available to help the aircraft climb,
maintain altitude or accelerate. With
the loss of an engine, maximum singleengine climb performance is achieved by
maximizing thrust on the operative
engine and minimizing drag by selecting
flaps up, gear up, feather the propeller
and bank 3°-5° into the operative
Single Engine Go-Around
aircraft’s performance.
This maneuver is one that in a light
piston twin is virtually impossible. As
Counter Rotating Engines
stated above we simply do not have the
available excess thrust to achieve a
On aircraft equipped with counter
rotating engines and propellers, as seen meaningful climb. Attempts to do a
single engine go-around should only be
in figure 4, neither engine is critical
made if there is some catastrophic
since the thrust of both engines are
obstacle on the runway or landing area.
equal distances from the aircraft
weight and CG position, and up to 5 deMC is the minimum airspeed at
grees of bank toward the right engine,
which a twin engine aircraft is con- you should be able to control the airtrollable when the critical engine becraft at that speed. For further explanacomes suddenly inoperative with the
tion, see the next page.
operating engine developing take off
It is important to note that any changes
to the above guidelines can change
As previously discussed, when an enVmc. The higher the altitude or the
gine fails in flight a twin engine aircraft warmer temperature, the operating enis subject to asymmetric thrust. The pi- gine
will produce less and less
lot must rectify the
situation or the im6000
mediate effect will be
Stall Speed
a yaw and roll toward
the inoperative engine. The yaw and roll
is counteracted with
rudder and aileron.
The more air flow that
passes over the control surfaces, the
more effective they
will be. Therefore, if
Vmc and Indicated
an engine fails it is
Stall Speed are
most important to
maintain enough airspeed so the flight
controls can overcome Sea Level
the resultant asym10
metric thrust of the
failed engine.
Indicated Stall Speed as Compared to Vmc
VMC for the Twin Bee, as calculated by
the manufacturer and the FAA, is 58
MPH calibrated airspeed. 58 MPH is
marked on the airspeed indicator by a
red radial line. This means that if the
left engine fails (wind-milling) on take
off or initial climb out with the gear up,
flaps in a takeoff position at sea level on
a standard day @ the most unfavorable
power. This will reduce the amount of
asymmetric thrust and you can expect
to control the aircraft at a slower airspeed, so VMC would be a lower.
Since calibrated airspeed differs from
indicated airspeed, and since density
altitude and pilot techniques vary, it is
position. Currently, 14 CFR part 23 calls for
VMC to be determined at the most
unfavorable weight. For twins certificated
under CAR 3 or early 14 CFR part 23, the
weight at which VMC was determined was
not specified. VMC increases as weight is
The Following Excerpt regarding the
calculation of Vmc was taken from the
Airplane Flying Handbook.
Maximum available takeoff power. VMC
increases as power is increased on the
operating engine. With normally aspirated
engines, VMC is highest at takeoff power and
sea level, and decreases with altitude. With
turbocharged engines, takeoff power, and
therefore VMC, remains constant with
increases in altitude up to the engine’s
critical altitude (the altitude where the
engine can no longer maintain 100 percent
power). Above the critical altitude, VMC
decreases just as it would with a normally
aspirated engine, whose critical altitude is
sea level. VMC tests are conducted at a
variety of altitudes. The results of those tests
are then extrapolated toa single, sea level
Windmilling propeller.
VMC increases with increased drag on the
inoperative engine. VMC is highest,
therefore, when the critical engine propeller
is windmilling at the low pitch, high r.p.m.
blade angle. VMC is determined with the
critical engine propeller windmilling in the
takeoff position, unless the engine is
equipped with an autofeather system.
Most unfavorable weight and center-ofgravity position.
VMC increases as the center of gravity is
moved aft. The moment arm of the rudder is
reduced, and therefore its effectivity is
reduced, as the center of gravity is moved aft.
At the same time, the moment arm of the
propeller blade is increased, aggravating
asymmetrical thrust. Invariably, the aft-most
CG limit is the most unfavorable CG
Landing gear retracted.
VMC increases when the landing gear is
retracted. Extended landing gear aids
directional stability, which tends to decrease
Wing flaps in the takeoff position.
For the Twin Bee this will be 20°.
Cowl flaps in the takeoff position.
Airplane trimmed for takeoff.
Maximum of 5° angle of bank.
VMC is highly sensitive to bank angle. To
prevent claims of an unrealistically low VMC
speed in aircraft certification, the
manufacturer is permitted to use a maximum
of a 5° bank angle toward the operative
engine. The horizontal component of lift
generated by the bank assists the rudder in
counteracting the asymmetrical thrust of the
operative engine. The bank angle works in
the manufacturer’s favor in lowering VMC.
Memory Items
Seven Items the manufacturer
uses to determine VMC:
Left engine wind-milling
Right engine at Full Power
Gear Up
Flaps in Take-off Position
Most Unfavorable Weight and CG
6. Sea Level / Standard Day
7. 5° Bank Towards Operating Engine
Best Single Engine Climb Speed BLUE LINE
Best Angle of Climb
Best Rate of Climb
Minimum Control Speed RED LINE
Maximum Flap Extension Speed
Maximum Landing Gear Extension Speed
Stall Speed Landing Configuration
Stall Speed Clean
Maneuvering Speed
Maximum Operating Speed
Never Exceed Speed
Maximum Speed, Sea Level
147 MPH
Cruise @ 75%
131 MPH
900 @ 55%
Rate of Climb, Sea Level
1,525 FPM
Service Ceiling
Maximum Crosswind Component
(Speeds MPH)
20 Land, 12
Water Limitations
MAX Wave Height
Minimum Draft
Weights and Loading & Engines
Gross Weight
3,800 lbs
Empty Weight
2796 lbs
Useful Load
1004 lbs
Fuel Capacity
101 Gal.
1.5 Gal.
Lycoming IO-360-B2D
180 HP
Oil Capacity. Phillips XC 20w50
Minimum Takeoff 6 Quarts
Serviced at 7 Quarts
Max Capicity 8 Quarts
Fuel System
Fuel System
he Twin Bee’s fuel system is fairly
simple, yet different than most
light twins. The system has two tanks;
Main and Aux. The main tank is
located in the hull aft of the second
row of seats. The fill point is located
The engines are fed from this Main
tank and unlike most twins there is no
cross-feed system. There are fuel
valves located on the floor of the
cockpit which the pilot can actuate,
thus controlling the flow of fuel to
each engine. (See picture below.)
The Aux tank is located directly under
the vertical stabilizer and it’s purpose
is primarily to move the CG far
enough aft for water operations.
Location of Main Tank Fill
on the left side of the airplane behind
the strut. The main tank holds a
maximum of 85 gallons with 1.5
gallons unusable. Never overfill and
avoid ―topping off‖ a Twin Bee. The
tank is a bladder type and has been
known to rupture if filled beyond 85
gallons. Use the measuring device to
know how much fuel to pump.
Location of Aux. Tank Fill
Fuel System
The Aux tank MUST be FULL for
seaplane operations.
Clearly the Aux tank also provides
increased fuel load. The tank holds 16
gallons and fuel must be transferred to
the main tank for use. That transfer is
done by gravity feed which requires it to
take place when the main tank quantity
is between 1/8 and 3/4 and in level
flight. Fuel can also be moved from the
Main to the Aux tank by an electric fuel
transfer pump. The rate of movement is
about 1 gallon per minute. Both
transfers are
easily completed
by selection of the
Aux Tank Empty/
Fill switch located
on the instrument
When the switch is
selected to the
Empty position,
the adjacent red
light will come on,
two electric fuel valves will open and
allow fuel to enter the Main tank. When
selected to Fill, the red light will
come on, one separate electric
valve will open, and the transfer
pump will move the fuel from the
Main to the Aux tank.
Like all aviation fuel systems there
are drains located at the lowest
point to facilitate the relief of water
or debris from the system. The
Twin Bee is equipped with 3 such points.
Two are located on the hull near each
tank. (We will not be using either of
these sumps.) The third sump is electric
and is located at the lowest point of the
entire fuel system. This sump drain is
activated from inside in the cockpit and
pumps fuel from that lowest point to a
tube located on the under side of the left
wing. The reason for this design is to
allow the pilot a way to sump fuel while
on the water. This is the system that we
will be using.
There are also two gascolators located in
the system at the wing root behind an
inspection panel. These are drained and
cleaned at 100 hour or annual
65NE is equipped with two Aux. Boost
Pumps. These pumps are activated by
two switches located on the panel. We
will be using these pumps to prime the
engines for both cold and hot starts. On
warm days after
landing these
pumps are
needed to
prevent vapor
lock from
Typically we
will be
simulating the use of these pumps
during critical stages of flight. Unless
your instructor or your examiner tells
you to use these pumps simulate their
use. Of course, if there is any doubt or if
the engine misses or ingests water then
activate the pumps.
Fuel System
here are multiple fuel vents located in the system. A general
knowledge of there location may be
required during as part of an oral examination. Your instructor will insure
you are well versed in there location
They are:
Two auxiliary fuel pump vents.
Base of fuselage just above hull,
left and right side. Should we
witness a stain trailing from one
of these vents it would indicate
wear in the pump. Left Side
Main fuel
filler neck
Shared fuel
transfer vent
Trailing edge of left
wing in front of flap.
Aux Fuel
Tank Main
Electric Fuel
Sump Drain
left wing on the
inboard side of
left engine
Main fuel
tank vent
Cross-Country Planning
Fuel Management during Cross-Country operations:
1. A good round number to use for fuel burn
is 20 us gallons per hour, (10 gal. per
side) in
If your trip does require the use of the Aux
tank fuel, maybe wait until closer to the 1/8
limit than the 3/4. This could improve your
cruise speed as much as 7-8 mph.
Practically speaking unless conducting a long
cross country the fuel in the Aux tank should
be considered ballast. If on a long cross
country you may want to consider using the
fuel, but it limits your operations to land only.
Remember that VFR and IFR reserve requirements are different. Each of these will
change how we use our Aux fuel.
Ask yourself some simple questions regarding
the fuel management. The Twin Bee is no
different than any other aircraft, but we must
pay specific attention to it’s performance data
2. Some thought should be given to the when while contemplating an IFR flight. Come
and if, in regards to the transfer of fuel from prepared with some thoughts on range and
the aux. tank. To the main.
how you would manage fuel for IFR with a required alternate. Does the Twin Bee make a
The disadvantages to it are:
good platform for flying low IFR? For that
matter does any Amphibian?
It will potentially keep you from or delaying a water landing if the need
should arise.
It will degrade
you cruise
speed due to
the shift in CG.
Landings will
generally be
better with fuel
in the Aux
So, if your useful
load allows you to
carry near full fuel
and your flight plan
has a suitable refueling location it
might be prudent to
keep the Aux tank
Hydraulic System
he hydraulic system of the Twin Bee
consists of a 3 and a half pint capacity fluid reservoir, a manually activated electrical hydraulic pump, a manual/backup pump handle, a flap selector handle and a gear selector handle.
The system utilizes a petroleum based
hydraulic fluid, Spec MIL-0-5606. You
can see the hydraulic system reservoir
from the pilot’s seat and can access it
look into the opening.
From the reservoir the system is piped
into the electric pump and on to the
manual pump. The valve selectors must
be placed in the proper direction of desired movement for both the flaps and
landing gear prior to the activation of
the electric pump.
The electric hydraulic pump is a MANUALLY activated pump. The pilot
must press a button located on
the yoke for the system to be activated. This procedure is different
from just about any other plane.
The pump switch is in the normally off position and must be
held by the pilot until the flaps or
gear are in the desired position or
in the locked position.
The valve selectors for the flaps
and gear are located in front of
and between the two front seats.
Closest to the pilot is the
flap valve, in the center
is the manual/ emergency hydraulic pump
handle, furthest away is
the gear valve selector.
Be sure to verify both the
flap and gear selector
valve placards to determine what position each
valve is selection.
easily in flight if needed.
Note: The reservoir
Checking the fluid is simple
should be serviced when
and should be a part of
on land and the gear in
every preflight. Remove the cover and
the down position.
unscrew the top of the reservoir being
UP Position Flap In this position the
very careful not to drop the cover. The valve is set to allow the flaps to retract
fluid level should be above the screen. If to the UP position. The flaps when in
you’re uncertain remove the screen and flight, do not have to be pumped to the
Hydraulic System
Neutral Position Flap
In this position the flaps are isolated in
their current position. UP, DOWN, or
partially deployed the flaps will remain
in that position if the valve is set to
neutral. We use this position if we want
to move the gear and want or need partial flaps.
Remember the flaps and gear share the
same hydraulic system and pump!
Gear Selector
The gear selector valve just as the flaps
must be manually selected to the desired position. To move the lever the top
part of the handle must be pulled up to
allow movement out of the detent. VerDOWN Position Flap In this position
ify that the lever when moved is inside
the valve is selected to extend the flaps. the proper de-tent. Wiggle the lever after
The flaps must be pumped down. The releas-ing the handle and be positive
use of the Electric or hand pump is re- that it cannot move to an ―in between‖
po-sition. This is critical. It is possible
to receive a positive
gear light in ei-ther
direction with the
lever outside the detent. The gear, however, is not locked
unless the valve selector is inside the
detent! The mains
are held in place in
both the up and
down position by
overcenter geometry.
During transit they
are manipulated by
hydraulic pressure.
The Tailwheel is
held both up and
down by hydraulic
UP position. Aerodynamic pressure will
push the flaps to the UP position without any activation of the pump. Merely
the selection of the valve to the UP position will retract the flaps.
Electrical System & Vacuum System
he electrical system consists of
two 14 volt/35 amp alternators. The
alternators provide the power we need
to run our avionics. Like most piston
powered aircraft it does not require the
electrical system to be operational to
provide the current needed to provide
spark to the spark plugs. A magneto
system provides the required power for
Our plane is equipped with a single 12v
battery which is located on the top of
the fuselage between the engine nacelles. It is accessed from outside the
aircraft only.
Each alternator has an on/off switch
located on the instrument panel. There
is only one gauge which must be manually selected to view either the Left or
Right output.
signed so that in the event of an engine
failure or vacuum pump failure, the
check valve on the inoperative side will
close. This will allow the operating
pump to supply the system.
The two relief valves are located on the
left side of each engine underneath the
cowling. With only one engine
operating, a relief valve is set to
obtain 4.5‖ hg. With both engines operating at cruise, the relief valves are set to obtain 5.5‖
The vacuum system consists mainly of
two dry type vacuum pumps, two check
valves, two relief valve, and one suction
he two check valves are located between each wing root rib and the
cabin respectively. The system is de19
hen discussing the eccentricities of
the Twin Bee we must talk about the
―suicide‖ or front opening doors. The doors
on the bee are hinged on their aft side. This
makes the doors especially easy to enter
and exit the plane, but the downside is if
those doors came open in flight bad things
would happen! The doors are located directly in front of the propellers and would
Please Note: A locked light does not guarantee that all latches are closed and secure. Complete the 8 point check!
A second eccentricity of the Bee is it’s a tail
-wheel aircraft. The Bee is a golden era machine and as such is equipped with that
third wheel on the tail. This gives it lots of
versatility for operating from rough
or unimproved strips, but it does
add some complexity. If you are a
tail-wheel rated pilot you will find
that it is a very docile taildragger.
The most difficult thing to master
with this aircraft is taxiing it well
on the ground. It requires full engagement by the operator. Between
the brakes and differential power
the airplane has a mind of it’s own.
The tail wheel itself is fully castoring and has NO detents. A
―shopping cart wheel.‖ You must
plan ahead and be ―way out in
front‖ of this plane.
For take off and landing the Twin
Bee is equipped with a tail wheel
lock. This lock fastens the tail
wheel in the straight position. It
has only one place where it will
lock. It is recommended to use the
lock even on the taxi way if you
have a long distance to travel. By
using the lock when you taxi you’ll
be torn off then passed through the propel- reduce the amount of differential braking
ler for good measure. The amount of dam- and asymmetric thrust required to steer.
age and shrapnel caused by this event
would almost certainly be catastrophic.
The lock actuator is located between the
seats and is a simple movement. The
To combat this possibility, the Twin Bee is locked position is down and the unlocked
equipped with additional locks located at
is up and a quarter turn clockwise. It
the top-front of each door. Additionally it’s takes about 25lbs of upward force to move
equipped with a light system similar to the the locking mechanism.
gear lights. It is imperitive that the doors
When locking the tail wheel on a hard surare secured before takeoff! On the BEFORE face be sure to be moving forward in the
TAKEOFF checklist there is an eight point direction you want it to lock. Confirm that
door check.
the tail is in the locked position before leav20
ing the runway or ramp. This is accomplished by dropping the lock then moving
forward and using differential braking to
determine if the wheel is in the locked position. The lock will then be confirmed as
locked and the take-off roll can commence.
On return to the runway the tail wheel will
still be locked and should remain so until
the plane is at a slow enough speed to control it’s
For student’s coming without a tail wheel
endorsement there is no problem handling
the Bee. With the locking tail wheel it really
behaves. Your instructor will help you, but
your time in the Bee will not qualify you for
a tail wheel endorsement.
Alternate air intake is both an automatic
and manual system. If the ram air should
become blocked the air box has a spring
loaded door that will open and provide air
from inside the cowling . The system can
also be manually activated with the controls located above the pilots head. This
will shut the ram air off and open the same
spring loaded door.
ater tight compartments. The Seabee
is equipped with 6 water tight compartments. The minimum required is 4.
Each compartment must be drained everyday prior to flight. The best practice is to
remove the plugs after the final flight of the
day. The plugs are then stored on the floor
in front of the pilots seat.
If the tail wheel is left
unlocked all is not lost
a safe take off can be
initiated and should
not be aborted because of an unlocked
tail wheel. A land
landing will have to be
a wheel landing as opposed to a three point
landing. This should only be attempted by
your instructor or an experienced tail
wheel pilot. The wheel landing is not a dangerous landing and is really a non-event.
The unlocked tail wheel will just shimmy
and vibrate aggressively care should be
made to keep the tail flying as long as pos-
The Seabee is equipped with a bilge pump
this, however, only drains the front three
compartments. The bilge selector valve is
located under the pilot’s seat. In addition
to the hull plugs each wing float is
equipped with a drain plug.
Flying the Bee
ike all plane the Bee has it’s own unique
features and characteristics. You will
quickly learn these during the first flight in
the Bee. What this section is about to discuss is how you are expected to fly patterns, make approaches and manage the
cockpit. You will find out from your first few
minutes that the Bee is unlike any other
plane you’ve experienced before. This
makes pattern work essential to effectively
managing the Bee. If we do things in an
orderly fashion the training and learning will
become easier. The simplest place to start
is doing something we already know . . . Fly
a pattern. We will use two basic altitudes
during training. 800’ AGL for water operations and 1000’ AGL for Land. As a basic
review see the diagram below
way. The most essential reason for using a
pattern is for us to get some mental and
muscle memory established. During each
phase of the pattern or landing there is
something to do. The most critical part is
to FLY THE PLANE!! To help us do that we
will use a pattern memory anagram.
hile training we will execute full patterns while going to the water or run-
Flying the Bee
Water Operations
ow to manage and begin to master
the seaplane maneuvers in a multiengine seaplane/flying boat this is the
essence of what the multi-engine
seaplane rating is all about. Dealing with
the airplane on the water is quite
different from the single engine world. In
the Twin Seabee we have no water rudder
but have superior directional control on
the water because of differential thrust.
We manage the Bee by using one engine
at a time and utilizing the MINIMUM
amount of thrust to maintain our
direction of choice. Using the minimum
amount of thrust insures that we are
protecting our propellers from the
extremely harmful effects of water
erosion. Propellers are made of
aluminum but water spray with the
engines at a high power setting can
destroy a propeller in just a few seconds.
We must take special care in protecting
those propellers.
advantage by starting off the wind by 20°
in the opposite direction of the turn.
Keeping the inside sponson up, using the
air rudder in the direction of your
intended turn and applying power is what
happens when turning the plane
downwind. The trick is to recognize when
you are nearly downwind and reducing
power and stopping the turn with
opposite power. This is a one engine at a
time maneuver. One engine should be a
idle while the other is being used.
Remember this is a maneuver that seeks
to use the minimum amount of thrust.
The crosswind idle taxi is as simple
as using enough upwind thrust to
hold a crosswind track.
tep Taxi is the type of taxi that
we will use to cover longer
distances. The step taxi is also akin
to the water takeoff. This maneuver
is easiest to transition to out of a
water landing. Instead of allowing
the airplane to settle into a
displaced state we apply power and
keep the airplane on the step. The
step is the area of least drag on the
water. It’s called on the step
because the hull itself resembles a
dle Taxi in the Twin Bee is straight
step. While on the step the airplane is
forward. Maintain directional control
best configured with flaps in the up
with asymmetric thrust and keep the
position and trimmed full forward. This
yoke aft. Turning the Bee downwind from allows for comfortable and easy step taxi
upwind can be a challenge to the new Bee and turns. While on the step we will
pilot. The object is to use the wind to our execute turns both to the left and right.
Special Water Operations
The object while step taxing is to
keep the correct attitude and
maintain wings level. The wing
floats are designed to hold the
wings out of the water while at
idle they are not designed to be
used during high speed taxi.
Burying or dragging a sponson
can result in several different
outcomes. A water loop can occur
and or a sponson strut will break.
Avoiding either one of these is
Turning on the step will provide
you with a few challenges. One of
the interesting things is that the Twin Bee
can enter several adverse proposing
conditions. The airplane can enter a nose
low or nose high porpoise. It is essential
for you to be able to recognize both
conditions. Your instructor will
demonstrate each type of porpoise. Of
course, if a severe porpoise occurs the
immediate recovery technique of power to
idle and full aft yoke should be applied.
ooring and Beaching. Mooring the
Twin (on the Bee presents a few
challenges. The best way to deal with
pulling up to a mooring is approach
upwind and cut power so you may then
the front of the plane. Be sure to activate
and double check the bilge system if
leaving the plane for extended periods.
Beaching the Tbee involves a nice sandy
beach! Using power from both engines
approach the beach at an angle and slide
the Tbee far enough up the beach to
firmly beach it then use asymmetric
thrust to turn the plane outward. Once
secured pump the gear down to provide
an anchor.
amping. This maneuver is one
that you will get to practice.
When approaching the ramp we must
first put the gear down. The Tbee
must be very slow to accomplish this.
Sometimes a turn must be initiated to
take pressure off the hydraulic
system. Remember the system is
pushing the gear forward and having
to overcome the buoyancy of the tires.
Once the gear is down then unlock
the tailwheel. Approach the ramp
slowly. Feet OFF the brakes! When
you feel the ramp apply power. Use
whatever power necessary to keep the
paddle to the mooring. Removing the Coplane moving. NEVER stop on a
pilot yoke and opening the bow door is
ramp! Use up to full power if
the best way to catch the mooring. The
Tbee is equipped with a mooring cleat on required.
Syllabus of Training Course
Ground School
Ground School. We will spend 1– 2 hours reviewing the Twin
Seabee Systems and doing a review of Multi-engine theory.
Ground handling, Then we will depart the Airport, Climb to
3500’AGL and complete air work: Steep Turns - (45°), Slow
Flight #1 All Levels
Flight, Slow Flight into Stalls, Power on Stall, Vmc Demo. Down
To Pattern Altitude and Water Landings.
Continued Water work. Initial Normal and Rough Water
Flight #2 All Levels Landings, Introduction to Step Taxi, Idle Taxi and Downwind
Taxi. Single Engine Emergency Procedure.
Glassy Water, Single Engine Procedures, Static Take-offs, Step
Flight #3 All Levels Taxi advanced, Demonstration of forward and aft porpoise.
Recovery from porpoise, Other System Failures.
Flight #4 All Levels
Glassy Water and Static Take offs, Single Engine Proficiency.
Review of normal and Rough water landings. Airport Landings.
Flight #5 Initial
Commercial and
ATP Levels. ATP
Addon ratings.
We will determine how much time is spent on this flight. This
flight is all about instrument procedures and complex system
failure. The student will be subject to multiple systems
malfunctions under the hood while shooting approaches. Each
student will differ in the amount of time spent doing these
maneuvers. ATP Students will be held to ATP minimums.
Review of the ATP PTS handbook is recommended prior to
Flight #5 addon
Basic Review. Warm up prior to check ride. Plan on about a
half and hour of take offs and landings.
Because the Seabee is an amphibian we must consider when to
operate the gear. On every amphibian it is a good practice when
returning to the airport environment to put the gear down while
entering downwind. Get the gear down early so when you’re
doing the gear checks the gear is in the proper location.
While performing runway ―touch & goes‖ ALWAYS cycle the gear.
Do not shortcut the process and leave the gear down because
you’re not leaving the airport. Many amphibs have been wrecked
because the pilot left the airport then simply forgot that the gear
was left in the down position while doing touch & goes.
Ramping. If a Ramp is available ramping maneuvers will be part
of one or all of the flights.
ach level of rating has it’s own
TP ratings whether they are initial or
expectations of performance. You
addon ratings are the most complex of
should be familiar with the PTS standards the checkrides. If the rating sought is an
for the rating level sought. Typically the
ATP initial MES/MEL you can count on 6
examiner will prepare their own plan of
action for each check ride level. In general
we can safely state that the private check
ride is going to be quite different from the
ATP level ride. Come focused and
prepared. The Bee is a fun and interesting
plane to learn and fly!
o outline some of the course differences
combined MES/MEL private or
commercial initial ratings will do additional
air work including a drag demo. If the
student already has an instrument rating
instrument approaches will be added to the
course syllabus. Approaches at the private
and commercial levels will be held to PTS
required standards. If the ratings is an
MES addon rating no instrument
procedures will be required if the applicant
already posses a MEL with an instrument
full approaches each terminating in a
different way. Procedure turns, holding
and multiple systems failures are all part of
the requirements. The T-bee is a good
behaving airplane and is equipped with a
HSI making the approaches and the VOR
sensing and tracking easier. Be prepared
for single engine procedures that
will include shutdown, feathering
and restart.
ulti Engine Instructor. This
rating and check ride are
required to show proficiency and
ability to teach from the right seat.
You can count on it taking two to
three hours additional to get a
proficiency from the right seat. Be
prepared to be able to accurately
and concisely describe and teach
multi engine concepts like Vmc, and
multi engine maneuvers like the
Vmc demo and drag demos. Take
your understanding to another level
by preparing for an intense oral
examination and show your ability
to teach multi engine concepts. The T-bee
will be considered a landplane during your
checkride and you will not be evaluated on
the basis of any water maneuvers.
rating. Instrument procedures can be
required if the applicant has a VFR only
restriction on their MEL.
Weight & Balance
First get the actual weights for each of
the items listed right. Take each of
those weights and look at Table 4 on
the next page and get the arm for each
of the listed items.
Standard Empty
Pilot and Co-Pilot
Passenger Seat 3/4
Passenger Seat 5
Baggage Above Fuel
Remember Weight X Arm = Moments.
In this case we are working with indexed Moments. To get the correct index number all you need do is move
the decimal place three spaces left.
The actual calcula-tion is to divide the
moment by 1000. Once you’ve totaled
the weights and the indexes place
them on the table above.
Aft Bag Compartment
Anchor & Line
Fire Extinguisher
Main Fuel
Auxiliary Fuel
Weight and Balance
÷ 1000 = INDEX
Pilot & Copilot
X 62.0
÷ 1000 =
Passenger Seats
X 96.0
÷ 1000 =
5th Passenger
X 124.0
÷ 1000 =
Baggage Above
Main Fuel
X 118.0
÷ 1000 =
Baggage Aft
X 142.0
÷ 1000 =
Anchor Compartment
X 40.0
÷ 1000 =
Fire Extinguisher
X 65.0
÷ 1000 =
X 101.9
÷ 1000 =
Main Fuel
X 116.0
÷ 1000 =
Aux. Fuel
X 299.5
÷ 1000 =
Weight & Balance
Standard Empty
Standard Empty
Pilot and Co-Pilot
Pilot and Co-Pilot
Passenger Seat 3/4
Passenger Seat 3/4
Passenger Seat 5
Passenger Seat 5
Baggage Above Fuel
Baggage Above Fuel
Aft Bag Compartment
Aft Bag Compartment
Anchor & Line
Anchor & Line
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Main Fuel
Main Fuel
Auxiliary Fuel
Auxiliary Fuel
Standard Empty
Standard Empty
Pilot and Co-Pilot
Pilot and Co-Pilot
Passenger Seat 3/4
Passenger Seat 3/4
Passenger Seat 5
Passenger Seat 5
Baggage Above Fuel
Baggage Above Fuel
Aft Bag Compartment
Aft Bag Compartment
Anchor & Line
Anchor & Line
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher
Main Fuel
Main Fuel
Auxiliary Fuel
Auxiliary Fuel
Landing over 50’ Obstacle. Zero Wind, 3800lbs, Standard Day
Accelerate - Stop Distance, Zero Wind, 3800lbs
Take off over 50’ Obstacle, Standard Day, Zero Wind, 3800lbs
Take off, Standard Day, Zero Wind, 3800lbs
Take off, Standard Day, Zero Wind, 3800lbs
8 Seconds
4. Mixtures Full Rich
5. Propellers Forward
6. Avionics (Compass, Transponder, Alti)
7. Trim
9. Unlock Brakes
10. Call on Radio
11. Taxi to Runway
12. While Rolling Forward on Center LOCK
the Tailwheel
13. Hold Brakes to 2000 RPM then Release
Airport Information
Bartow Airport
Ground - 121.9 Tower - 121.2
ATIS 123.77
Before Start
1. Flight Controls
2. Circuit Breakers
3. Fuel Valves - ON
4. Propellers - FORWARD
5. Master - ON
6. Beacon - ON
7. Mixtures - FULL RICH
8. Throttles - Cracked
Aux Pumps ON for prime. 5 Sec of Positive
Fuel flow CLOSE Mixture. Throttles OPEN.
Pre-Landing WATER
1. 18” MP Slow to Flap Speed
3. GAS
7. What kind of Landing? Where? Wind?
8. 80-85 MPH, 12”MP . . . Short Final.
Before Start continued
9. Close Doors
10. Start Engines
Pre-Landing RUNWAY
1. 18” MP Hold Altitude and Slow to Gear
2. Prior to entering the Airport Environment
4. GAS
After Start
1. Oil Pressure
2. Avionics Master - ON
3. Headsets
4. Verify Unlocked Tailwheel
Before Take Off
1. Set Brakes / Feet on Brakes
2. Run Up
 1800 RPM
 Mag Check
 Cycle Propeller - 300 RPM Drop
 Suction
 Alternator
 Pressures and Temperatures
3. Set Flaps to Match Aileron (Take off)
Water Take Off
1. Flaps Down
2. Yoke Back
3. Right Wing Low
4. Right of Wind by 30°
5. Lead with Left Engine
6. Match at Halfway
S/N 23 .......... N65NE
AD 53-23-03 (25 hour Wing Strut AD)...............................................Confirm COMPLETE
Control Wheel..................................................................................................RELEASED
Ignition Switches..........................................................................................................OFF
Radio Master Switch....................................................................................................OFF
Master Switch................................................................................................................ON
Fuel Quantity Gauge (Main AND Aux.)...................................................CHECK Amounts
NOTE: Aux. Tank MUST be Full for Water Operations.
Fuel Sump Drain.........................................................................................ON, Then OFF
Master Switch..............................................................................................................OFF
Hydraulic Reservoir..............................................................................CHECK Fluid Level
Fire Extinguisher.................................................................................CONFIRM Onboard
Drain Plugs...........................................................................Remove, Drain, & REPLACE
NOTE: 6 plugs are in the hull & 1 plug in each sponson.
(There are 2 types of plugs, wrenches found in center console.)
ALSO, Check Hull for Dents or Damage while under Fuselage.
Check Props for Water Pits ……………………………………………..Dress as Necessary
Wax Propellers…………………………………………..Gulf Wax Found in Center Console
Main Fuel Tank (Stick Tank with Wooden Stick)......................................CHECK Quantity
Left Main Landing Gear..........................................CHECK Tire, Brake & Strut Extension
Remove Chock.......................................................................................................CHECK
Left Wing Strut........................................................................CHECK Attachment Fittings
Left Prop/Spinner...................................................................................CHECK Condition
Left Engine & Cowling............................................................................................CHECK
Left Leading Edge..................................................................................CHECK Condition
Left Wing Tie-Down.............................................................................................REMOVE
Left Sponson..........................................................................................CHECK Condition
Pitot Tube.............................................................................. Remove Cover and CHECK
Landing/Taxi Light..................................................................................................CHECK
Left Wing Tip/Navigation Light.............................................................. CHECK Condition
Left Aileron...................................................................CHECK Movement & Attachments
Top of Left Wing.....................................................................................CHECK Condition
Left Flap.................................................................................................CHECK Condition
Engine Oil (Left & Right)........................................................................................CHECK
Main & Aux. Tank Drains....................................................................... Drain Periodically
Left Side & Top of Fuselage (Inspection Covers)...................................................CHECK
Left Horizontal Stabilizer........................................................................................CHECK
Rudder Control Lock...........................................................................................REMOVE
Left Elevator.................................................................CHECK Movement & Attachments
Rudder & Rudder Trim Tab...........................................CHECK Movement & Attachments
Tail Navigation Light..................................................................CHECK Beacon & Anchor
Hull Drain Plugs……………………………………………………………Confirm Replaced
Tail wheel................................................................................................CHECK Condition
Tail Tie-Down.......................................................................................................REMOVE
Right Elevator.........................................CHECK Movement & Attachments Elevator Trim
CHECK Condition & Position
Right Horizontal Stabilizer......................................................................................CHECK
Right Side of Fuselage (Inspection Covers)...........................................................CHECK
Right Flap...............................................................................................CHECK Condition
Top of Right Wing...................................................................................CHECK Condition
Right Aileron.................................................................CHECK Movement & Attachments
Right Wing Tip/Navigation Light.............................................................CHECK Condition
Right Leading Edge...............................................................................CHECK Condition
Right Sponson.......................................................................................CHECK Condition
Right Wing Tie-down...........................................................................................REMOVE
Right Engine & Cowling.........................................................................................CHECK
Right Prop/Spinner.................................................................................CHECK Condition
Right Wing Strut.....................................................................CHECK Attachment Fittings
Right Main Landing Gear.................................................................CHECK Tire, Brake &
Strut Extension
Forward Section of Hull.........................................................................CHECK Condition
Spray Rail..............................................................................................CHECK Condition
Bow Door...................................................................................................CHECK Secure
Cockpit Windows...................................................................................CHECK Condition
Exterior Preflight Checklist.............................................................................COMPLETE
Discrepancies / Airworthiness Items
Review Items
Reading Wind
Glassy Band on Upwind Side Flags, Smoke
8K-10K Wind Streaks
10K-12K White Caps
Aircraft on Water Always has Right of way over any landing
aircraft. Must give way to all other water vessel. We are Guests
and flying is a privilege!
Right of Way
FAR 91.115 Right-of-way rules: Water operations.
(a) General. Each person operating an aircraft on the water shall, insofar as
possible, keep clear of all vessels and avoid impeding their navigation, and
shall give way to any vessel or other aircraft that is given the right-of-way by
any rule of this section.
(b) Crossing. When aircraft, or an aircraft and a vessel, are on crossing
courses, the aircraft or vessel to the other's right has the right-of-way.
(c) Approaching head-on. When aircraft, or an aircraft and a vessel, are
approaching head-on, or nearly so, each shall alter its course to the right to
keep well clear.
(d) Overtaking. Each aircraft or vessel that is being overtaken has the right-ofway, and the one overtaking shall alter course to keep well clear.
(e) Special circumstances. When aircraft, or an aircraft and a vessel, approach
so as to involve risk of collision, each aircraft or vessel shall proceed with
careful regard to existing circumstances, including the limitations of the
respective craft.
Beacon Color of
Seaplane Base
White and Yellow
Noise, Towers, Terrain, Obstacles, Wind, Water Condition,
Landing Lane
Ailerons direction you want to travel—Opposite Rudder
Am I allowed to land here? Best ways to find out. Use SPA Water
Landing Directory. Call Local authorities. Find someone with
local knowledge.
Because the Seabee is an amphibian we must consider when to
operate the gear. On every amphibian it is a good practice when
returning to the airport environment to put the gear down while
entering downwind. Get the gear down early so when you’re
doing the gear checks the gear is in the proper location.
While performing runway ―touch & goes‖ ALWAYS cycle the gear.
Do not shortcut the process and leave the gear down because
you’re not leaving the airport. Many amphibians have been
wrecked because the pilot left the airport then simply forgot that
the gear was left in the down position while doing touch & goes.
Study Questions
When on the water what is the best way to determine the wind direction in
the seaplane?
A. Narrow band of slick water next to the shore line
B. Wind Streaks
C. Birds pointing into the wind
D. Letting the airplane weather vane
When flying a seaplane, what is the best indication of wind direction?
A. Narrow band of slick water next to shore line
B. Wave movements
C. Wind streaks
D. Both A. and B.
What method is used to cancel out severe porpoising?
A. Control pressure slightly back from neutral
B. Control pressure forward abruptly
C. Control pressure full aft, power forward
D. Control pressure full aft, power off
E. Attempt to use power and control pressure to control porpoising
What is the technique for a Glassy water landing?
A. Pitch up over the LVR and add appropriate power setting
B. Power to 16‖ then pitch up for landing over LVR
C. Land Parallel to shore line using shore line as LVR
D. Land the aircraft the same as soft field technique for land plane using
the surface of water as LVR
What is the memory list used in the plane three times?
Study Questions
What documents are required in the aircraft before flight?
What documents must be in your possession before operating as PIC?
Name 5 ways to determine wind direction:
Why do boats have the right of way over seaplanes?
At what speed do white caps and wind streaks form?
A plane is on the water and another seaplane is landing. Which one has
the right of way?
What is the color of the rotating beacon at a seaplane base?
What does FAR 91.115 state?
What are the characteristics of a multi-engine airplane approaching Vmc?
What makes glassy water dangerous?
Study Questions
How much performance in a light twin can you expect to lose with the loss
of one engine?
What is a Vmc roll?
When would you attempt a single engine go around?
What happens to Vmc as the aircraft gains altitude?
How is the landing gear ―locked‖ in place?
How many fuel pumps are there? What are they used for?
Is there a relationship between Stall and Vmc speeds?
Why is the left engine critical?
What four forces are acting on the aircraft in flight?
Why does a seaplane porpoise?
Study Questions
What kind of engines are used on the Bee?
What is the minimum amount of oil in each engine?
Are there any AD’s that we need to be familiar with?
Where is the Battery located?
Name the 7 items used in calculating Vmc?
How can the pilot lower Vmc?
Where do we land when we have a gear malfunction?
How much force is needed to break the wing float strut?
Why are the wing float struts designed to fail?