VisionsA publication of the Columbia


VisionsA publication of the Columbia
A publication of the
Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation
Spring 2010
Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation
71 Prospect Avenue
Hudson, New York 12534
518.828.8239 / foundation
Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation
Board of Trustees
Patti Matheney Schrom, Chairman
Gregory C. Fingar, Vice Chairman
Aven A. Kerr, President
Nancy Ginsberg, Vice President
Stephen P. Schaible, Vice President
Richard N. McCarthy, Treasurer
Ann M. Israel, Secretary
The right thing to do
Dear Friends,
At the Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation, we believe
that raising money to support Columbia Memorial is the right
thing to do for our community, because every gift ultimately
saves lives.
Your generosity and caring partnership are visible throughout our Hospital. Thanks to you, the Foundation has helped
Columbia Memorial fund facility renovations and purchase
the very latest medical technology and equipment, all with
the best patient care in mind. From the Intensive Care Unit
and Medical Imaging Department, to beautiful new patient
care rooms and Hospice, your gifts have made a profound
Our current projects include complete renovation of
our fifth and sixth floors, an automated pharmacy delivery
system, and significant improvements to our on-site Laboratory. With proceeds from our Hospital Ball in June, we will be
making important renovations in our Emergency Department
to create an even more efficient, patient-friendly environment.
There are also a variety of smaller, yet important patient
care improvements underway, all brought to life with your
If you would like to learn more, I invite you to visit. A tour
of the entire facility will show you how far we have come, and
the many more areas which could use your support.
Thanks to you, we have made great changes, and with
your ongoing partnership, we will continue to transform the
quality of healthcare in our community – because it is the
right thing to do.
Betsy Gramkow
Executive Director
Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation
G. Andrea Botta
James Sharp Brodsky
Judith Finley
John B. Fraser
James M. Kingsbury
John S. Knott
Stephen Menkes, MD
Joseph Phelan
Rupinder Puri
Anne M. Schomaker
Alfred L. Scott
Jason Shaw
Thomas Tuttle
Jay Wallace
Peter F. Fingar, Trustee Emeritus
Judy Grunberg, Trustee Emeritus
Clara E. Kellner, Trustee Emeritus
Dream Fulfilled
We’re very pleased to announce
the successful completion of our
Fulfilling the Dream Capital Campaign.
The Campaign, which exceeded its
$10 million goal, is the largest and
most successful fundraising effort in
this community’s history. You and our
growing circle of donors have proven
that transforming our Hospital is not
just a dream – it is a reality!
We are very grateful for your
generous gifts to the campaign, the
results of which can be seen in nearly
every corner of our Hospital. Thank
you for Fulfilling the Dream!
Increasing volumes engender new growth
We thank you for your confidence in Columbia Memorial
Hospital and your support. As a result of our increasing
volumes our hospital continues to progress and grow. Our
investments in technology, facilities, and staff have enabled
us to improve care to our patients, and our plan is to continue
to make the necessary investments to provide the best care
We are currently well into the design phase for expansion
and renovation of the psychiatric unit on the 5th floor.
Renovations to the entire 6th floor will provide additional
private rooms for medical surgical patients. Later this spring
you will see work begin to expand our Emergency Department to accommodate our increasing volume of patients and
provide a discreet care area for our mental health patients.
By the end of 2009, we were hitting targets of 100% with
regard to quality of care indicators for care of heart attack and
congestive heart failure as well as prevention of post-operative
complications. Our stroke program is also right on target;
patients receive CT scans and clot-busting therapy within
minutes of arrival in our Emergency Department. We are
focused on improving all of our quality of care indicators
and placing Columbia Memorial in the top 5% of hospitals
in New York State by the end of 2010.
We are proud to be able to offer our community an exceptional level of medical expertise as well as personalized care.
Should you have questions about our services, or should you
wish to take a tour of our facilities, we would be happy to assist
you. Please call my office at 828-8039 and we will be happy to
answer your questions or arrange a tour.
Jane Ehrlich
Patient safety
Sorrel King lost her 18 month old daughter, Josie, to medical
errors at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A breakdown in the system was
the cause. Her message to Columbia Memorial staff did not fall
on deaf ears.
She looks like a cross between actresses Meg
Ryan and Robin Wright Penn. But Sorrel King
is not acting. Her personal drama was so real
that when stages of anger, grief and loss were
over, she set a positive course to change the
way doctors, nurses, patients and their families
communicate so that no harm comes to the
patient. She has been a road warrior since
2001, the year her daughter Josie died because
of a breakdown in hospital communications –
at one of America’s most trusted and prestigious institutions, Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.
Running from plane to plane, to train and
to automobiles, she has taken her message
of creating a culture of patient safety to all
corners of the country. She brought it to
Columbia Memorial to a standing room
only crowd of doctors, nurses, PAs, and
other staffers. And when she spoke, they
were riveted.
According to the Institute of Medicine,
ninety-eight thousand people die from
medical errors in the United States each year.
“Although there is no road map to patient
safety, a few things can be done such as getting
to hearts and heads to engage in best practices
and new ways of communicating to avoid
sentinel events,” said King.
Columbia Memorial has a Patient Safety
Program in place designed to accomplish what
King advocates. And as a refresher, a re-invigoration and focus on safety, Columbia Memorial’s
safety team invited the nationally recognized
Mrs. King to speak.
What happened?
“I had concerns about Josie’s condition. They
listened, but they didn’t hear me,” said King.
According to the Josie King Foundation
website and King’s remarks to the Columbia
Memorial staff, “In January of 2001 Josie was
18 months old and she was admitted to Johns
Hopkins after suffering first and second degree
burns from climbing into a hot bath. She
healed well and within weeks was scheduled
for release. Two days before she was to return
home she died of severe dehydration and
misused narcotics.”
Despite assurances that Josie would not
receive methadone for pain, a nurse, on
doctor’s orders, administered it.
Communication broke down.
“Josie’s three older siblings had prepared
for her welcome home celebration. Josie died
from careless human errors. On top of our
overwhelming sorrow and intense grief we
were consumed by anger. They say anger can
do one of two things to you. It can cause you to
rot away or it can propel you forward.”
King moved forward to where she is today,
a tireless crusader for patient safety. It is all
chronicled in a new book, Josie’s Story: A Mother’s
Inspiring Crusade to Make Medical Care Safe.
“Seventy-five percent of sentinel events arise
because of a breakdown in communication,”
she told the staff packed into the Kellner
Wing waiting room.
“I’m not an expert on cutting edge medicine,” said King, “but I can sure talk about
communication.” King told this writer that even
though Johns Hopkins had been chosen by
U.S. News and World Report as one of the top
ranked hospitals in the nation, a simple failure
of communication killed her daughter.
Columbia Memorial has a Patient Safety
Operational Team. One of the members, Risk
Management Director Christine King (no relation), spoke of staff feedback.
“I received a lot of email from staff.
Although we have systems in place, they
were re-inspired to vigilantly monitor the way
they practice. Hearing from someone who
experienced a medical error the most anguishing way was very meaningful to our staff,” said
Director King.
“The hospital has hired consultants to work
with us on safety issues and we are committed
to educate and train all staff levels in safety
procedures, values, and to provide them with
the tools necessary for safe daily practice.” 5
Surgical excellence
Vascular Group lauds Columbia Memorial Hospital
and has now done thousands of vascular procedures here.
“ There’s no need to go to
Albany for procedures
related to peripheral
vascular disease. The staff
at Columbia Memorial
Hospital’s vascular unit
are highly trained and the
suite is state-of-the-art.”
Paul Kreienberg, MD
“We’re doing the same non-surgical vascular
procedures at Columbia Memorial that we do
in Albany at St. Peter’s and Albany Memorial,”
say surgeons Paul Kreienberg and Kathleen
Ozsvath, of the Vascular Group of Albany,
one of the nation’s pre-eminent vascular
“There’s no need to go to Albany for procedures related to peripheral vascular disease.
The staff at Columbia Memorial Hospital’s
vascular unit are highly trained and the suite
is state-of-the-art. There is no need to inconvenience patients -- making them travel,”
they said.
Kreienberg and Ozsvath gave that assessment in a recent presentation to cardiologists,
orthopedists, pulmonologists, radiologic technologists, internal medicine and critical care
physicians from Columbia Memorial. They
spoke about the benefits of non-surgical,
angioplasty and stent procedures for patients
suffering from vein and artery blockage.
Peripheral vascular diseases are problems
related to circulation in muscle tissue where
blood flow is insufficient to supply the oxygen
needed to exercise muscle. Patients with these
problems often develop pain in the legs, calf,
thigh, foot, hip or buttocks. Sometimes the
pain is so severe that patients cannot continue
walking, according to the visual presentation
by the vascular surgeons. The physicians also
treat coronary or cerebral blockages including
non-invasive carotid artery interventions.
Higher risk patients
People who are at higher risk for these types
of blockages are those who smoke, are hypertensive, are obese, have high cholesterol,
diabetes or a family history of peripheral
vascular disease or heart disease. One in four
Americans has cardiovascular disease. Seven to
twelve percent over the age of 55 are at risk for
leg amputation because of the severity of their
vascular disease. Those with vascular disease
are at risk for stroke, heart attack, pain,
gangrene or even necrosis (death of tissue).
In a surprising statistic, the physicians
showed that those with peripheral artery
disease have a 44% greater chance, over five
years, of dying than those with breast cancer
(15% over five years).
In a presentation the physicians emphasized
that now that there are more advanced procedures, there is often no need to do more
stressful, invasive surgical procedures to
alleviate the debilitating symptoms.
According to Ozsvath, the use of angioplasty
(balloons inflated in plaque in arteries) or the
placement of stents, which open the plaque,
has increased steadily as physician awareness
of the clinical benefits of these interventional
techniques has grown.
The physicians have done more than
1,000 procedures at Columbia Memorial and
are poised to do many more. The vascular
surgeons indicate that now “vascular interventions rival open surgery for effectiveness
in treating patients with venous and arterial
This state-of-the-art vascular suite would not
be available to these surgeons without the
financial support of our community. Dr. Paul Kreienberg
of the Vascular Group
of Albany performs
Our champion
Columbia Memorial loses one of its greatest champions: Paul Kellner.
Hospital CEO Jane Ehrlich reflects on this unstinting benefactor
and great friend.
“ Paul Kellner’s unique spirit,
intelligence, and unsurpassed
generosity has contributed
greatly in making Columbia
Memorial what it is today.
With his wife Clara, they have
championed every move we
have made to make this hospital the region’s best. We will
miss him.”
Jane Ehrlich
The new emergency
department and surgical suites were made
possible by a major
contribution by Paul
and Clara Kellner.
This issue of Visions is dedicated to Paul Kellner
without whose philanthropy Columbia Memorial could never have grown to its present
levels. In fact, Columbia Memorial has always
been special to Paul and the Kellner family –
we now state that Paul and the Kellner family
are “special” to Columbia Memorial.
The diversity of Paul’s background is too
rich to be fully recounted here. His wife, Clara,
many times told me of Paul, Clara and their
young son George’s emigration to this country
with only fifty dollars to their name. Not a man
to be discouraged, Paul and Clara opened a
business manufacturing silk ties which they
developed into a $5 million enterprise.
If humility be the measure of greatness of
men of accomplishment, Paul has more than
met that measure. Upon mention of his many
recognitions both in New York State and in his
native Hungary, Paul, with his customary bowed
head would say: “I’ve been very lucky in my life
to do the things I’ve done.” To those of us who
believe that luck in business is more created
than endowed, the courage, wisdom and determination of Paul become obvious.
My first meeting with Paul became the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Our first conversations were about horses and dogs. He loved
them both and we spoke of them often. He told
me about his rides through his orchards and
how he would pick a couple of apples – one for
him and one for his horse. He knew how to
enjoy life’s simple pleasures. To know Paul was
to instantly know his generosity of spirit, and
his willingness to give to others, which permeated all facets of his life.
Paul was also completely dedicated to his
family. At the tender age of 82 he gave up riding his favorite horse not because he felt too
old to ride but to please his wife, Clara. Clara
shared with me more than once how crazy it
was for him to be riding “at that age.” Paul,
however, always maintained that age was merely
a state of mind. Despite his years I never considered Paul elderly. His demeanor was one of a
young man determined not only to derive the
best from life, but also to contribute to the lives
of those around him. I was friends with Paul
and Clara for several years before I learned
of Paul’s military experience. I was not at all
surprised to learn that he had survived near
death experiences more than once. He always
reminded me of a soldier marching bravely
onward. Solid in build and in character, he was
both a leader and a survivor.
Paul Kellner was knighted by his native
Hungary, and honored by organizations here
in the United States. In his own quiet way he
educated hundreds of students both here and
Continued on following pages
One of the surgical
suites in the
Kellner Wing.
The newly renovated
Paul & Clara
Kellner Café.
Paul and Clara Kellner
in Hungary and in so doing opened their eyes
to democracy and the American way of life.
I’ve never known a greater patriot. Paul was
steadfastly an American, both proud and thankful of what this country had permitted him to
do. One was well cautioned not to criticize the
United States in Paul’s presence as any such
criticism would have resulted not only in
rebuke but also a prolonged effort to cure the
misguidance of the unwitting speaker.
While his philanthropy was primarily aimed
at educating students, especially those from
his native Hungary, he also became an ardent
supporter of Columbia Memorial Hospital. It
was Clara who was on the board, but you don’t
stay married for 70 years without mutually supporting each other. While Paul’s passion was
education, Clara’s was Columbia Memorial.
Together, with their son George and his family,
they were and are formidable in their support
of our hospital. One of the results of their
combined passions was the scholarship program they created for nursing students at
Columbia Greene Community College. Many
of these scholarship recipients have become
proud members of the nursing staff at our
At institutions of higher learning in the
United States and Hungary, the Kellner
Scholarship Programs continue, carried on
by the Kellner family. Just last week a young
woman who was the proud recipient of a
Kellner scholarship dropped by my office.
This particular student worked in administration for a few years prior to pursuing a nursing
degree at Columbia Greene Community
College. She stopped by to visit for the express
purpose of telling me how proud she is to be a
recipient of a Kellner Scholarship. I would have
enjoyed telling Paul how thrilled she is and
how much it means to her.
Every year, over 34,000 patients are treated
in our hospital’s emergency department and
over 4,000 patients undergo surgical procedures in our operating rooms. Both of these
departments are housed in The Kellner Wing,
constructed in 1999 with major support from
the Kellners. Every week hundreds of staff
members and visitors enjoy the services of
our new Paul and Clara Kellner Café, a gift
of George and Bicky Kellner.
Paul Kellner was one of a kind. In life he
made a difference, improving the world for
so many, especially their health and education.
Today, he continues to be an inspiration,
reminding us of the difference one person
can make. We can all learn from Paul Kellner:
how to live, how to give, how to make the
world a better place.
Paul Kellner, 1911 – 2009, we miss you.
Ave atque vale. 11
Urological expertise
Doctor Manoj Subuhdi is one of the newest experts to come to Columbia
Memorial. He joins doctors Daniel Melamed, and Karuvath Enu, in a
state-of-the-art urological practice, Columbia Urology.
Manoj Subudhi is all business. An expert
urologist who has been with Columbia Memorial for two years, he often breaks into an
infectious smile that is supported by an engaging demeanor that makes patients feel totally
at ease. That’s good because he might have to
discuss some of the most delicate topics in
medicine today: prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney stones, impotence, erectile dysfunction and incontinence.
But talk to them he does. He provides
clear information so that he and they can
make informed choices on treatment that
may include anything from prescribing a new
medicine to using the most advanced laser or
laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery
“Having a single hospital and office to work
at, a dedicated hospital and office staff, stateof-the-art medical imaging, oncology and
pathology support all nearby – and positive
support from the hospital’s administration –
make my practice here a joy,” said Subudhi.
“It’s a family atmosphere that engenders
great medicine. Through donations and our
hard work, the hospital is able to keep up with
the fast changes in healthcare delivery such as
having electronic medical records and x-ray
access right in the physician offices. That
equals better care.”
Nobody understands that better than Dr.
Subudhi himself, a major contributor to the
Columbia-Greene Hospital Foundation.
What goes around comes around is his
Attention to detail is why Dr. Subudhi
is highly regarded by patients and co-workers.
Formerly in private practice in urology on
Long Island, Subudhi joined Dr. Daniel
Melamed of Columbia Urology, located in the
Medical Office Building at the hospital. Dr.
Karuvath Enu, a noted local urologist, joined
the group about one year ago. Dr. Subudhi
said that he is happy to have the support of
his associates and is especially appreciative of
Dr. Enu’s experience in complementing areas
of expertise. For example, Dr. Subudhi often
calls on Dr. Enu, who is an expert in pelvic
organ prolapse (dropped uterus or bladder),
to provide surgical support. Together they
collaborate on issues of female incontinence,
pediatric urology and other complicated cases.
Dr. Subudhi prefers to perform minimal
incision surgery to facilitate rapid healing
and recovery without prolonging surgery time.
He also performs minimally invasive prostate
surgery. For men with urinary problems due
to an enlarged prostate, he prefers a laser
procedure, usually an ambulatory surgery that
has less bleeding and faster recovery times.
Dr. Subudhi is a Board Certified Diplomate
of the American Board of Urology, and is
a member of the American Urological Association and the American Medical Association.
He was a visiting clinician receiving specialized
training at the University of Southern California in urological cancer. He also received
special urology surgical training at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Previous to entering private practice,
he was a clinical instructor and resident in
the Departments of Surgery and Urology at
SUNY Health Sciences Center in Syracuse, NY.
Dr. Subudhi supports Columbia Memorial
in so many ways. He supports with his expertise,
his courteous manner, and his consummate
professionalism. But he is more than a talented
practitioner. He is a generous donor, too – a
medical staff champion. Dr. Manoj Subudhi
Fundraising efforts
Winnie Thorn honored at Snow Ball. The event raises $65,000
In Honor of Winnie Thorn
“ Every bit of money raised
during this fun winter event
goes to the enhancement of
furnishings and resident
amenities. These funds are
for the details, the small
things that make such a
great impact on the lives
of our patients and long
term residents. We are
grateful for the support.”
Todd Zbytniewski
Vice President
Kaaterskill Care
The 6th Annual Snow Ball was held Friday,
February 5, 2010 at Anthony’s Banquet Hall
in Leeds, New York. This year’s Snow Ball
honored long-time Hospital and Kaaterskill
Care supporter, Winnie Thorn. The event was
hosted by First Niagara.
Over $65,000 was raised to benefit Kaaterskill
Care Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in
Catskill, and proceeds will be used for furnishings and amenities for residents and patients.
Special thanks to Regina M. Doebler, RN,
Director of Nursing, who chaired the Snow Ball
Committee for the sixth time, and her committee members, Margaret Apa, Geri Blair, Susan
Meyers, Connie Pazin, Howard Scott, and Todd
Zbytniewski for the most successful Snow Ball
to date! Pictured left to right:
Jane Ehrlich, Regina
Doebler, Winnie Thorn,
Todd Zbytniewski, Doug
Thorn, Betsy Gramkow and
Gina Orlando.
Auxiliary donation
Rosemary Maichin, President of the Columbia
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, presents a check
for $25,000 to Betsy Gramkow, Executive
Director of the Columbia-Greene Hospital
Our 2009 Donors
The Donor List 2009 includes cumulative cash gifts,
including Capital Campaign pledge payments, Annual Appeal,
in memoriam, in honorarium & Special Event gifts.
Thank you
Hudson River Bank & Trust
Company Foundation
Landmark Healthcare Facilities, LLC
$50,000 - $149,999
T. Backer Fund
$25,000 - $49,999
Richard & Terez Abatecola Foundation
Estate of H. Jon Collins
Columbia Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Mr. John B. Fraser & Ms. Nancy J. Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. George Kellner
Mid-Hudson Cablevision
$20,000 - $24,999
Columbia Emergency Services, P.C.
Columbia Memorial Hospital
Medical Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Scott
Taconic Farms, Inc.
$15,000 - $19,999
Mr. Jonathan Barton &
Dr. Amanda Foreman
Ms. Jane Ehrlich
Ettinger Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Fingar
Mr. Francis Greenburger &
Ms. Isabelle Autones
Patti Matheney & Michael Schrom
The Second Show
$10,000 - $14,999
Bank of Greene County
Mr. & Mrs. G. Andrea Botta
Ms. Marlene Brody
Mr. & Mrs. David Ginsberg
J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc.
Key Bank, N.A.
The Pershing Square Foundation
Jill Salerno
Mr. Stephen P. Schaible &
Mr. Daron S. Builta
Dr. & Mrs. Manoj K. Subudhi
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wallace
The Columbia-Greene Hospital
Foundation Board thanks all of the
generous individuals and businesses
who contributed in 2009. If we have
omitted or misspelled your name,
please accept our apologies and let us
know so we may correct our records.
$5,000 - $9,999
A. Colarusso & Son, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay P. Cahalan
DRA Imaging, P.C.
Mr. Robert Greenberg &
Ms. Corvova Lee
Ms. Aven A. Kerr
Mr. John S. Knott & Mr. John Fondas
Dr. John F. Mathews &
Mr. Paul J. de Marchin
Mr. Richard N. McCarthy &
Ms. Jean D. Hamilton
National Bank of Coxsackie
Pain Management of
Upstate New York
Mr. & Mrs. James Palmer
Pattison, Koskey, Howe &
Bucci, CPAs, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan
Mr. David Rockefeller
Mr. Louis Ferri
Dr. D. Srinivas & Ms. Usha Kumar
Stewart’s Shops
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wilzig
$3,000 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Anderson
AOW Associates
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Armstrong
Mr. Roy Brown &
Dr. Nicolette Sacco-Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Brian G. Daggett
Mr. Vincent Dingman
Mrs. Regina M. Doebler
Donald Blair Architects
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dunn
Empire BlueCross BlueShield
eRiver Neurology
Mr. Frank Faulkner &
Mr. Philip Kesinger
First Niagara Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kellner
Mr. James M. Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Knauss, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mantica
Ms. Martha McMaster &
Mr. Sheldon Evans
NYOH/Cavell Cancer Treatment
Drs. Ananthakrishnan & Rama Ramani
Rapport, Meyers, Whitbeck, Shaw &
Rodenhausen, LLP
Mr. David Trachtenberg &
Mr. Rick Wilson
Twin County Medical Associates, P.C.
The Vascular Group, PLLC
$2,000 - $2,999
Mr. & Mrs. David Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Beck
Ms. Mary Gail Biebel
Chem Rx
Mr. Alfred M. Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. John Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Funk
Dr. & Mrs. Edward P. Ginouves
Gremlin Medical Supply Corp.
Health Direct Institutional
Pharmacy Services
HCK Recreation, Inc.
Mr. Keith A. Lampman
Mr. & Mrs. James Lapenn
Mrs. Margie K. Laurie
Dr. Marie Lingat &
Mr. Elsworth Pascoe
Lombardi, Walsh, Wakeman, Harrison,
Amodeo & Davenport, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Mara
Dr. Lawrence Perl &
Ms. Jennifer Houston, CNM
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Pierro, Jr.
Dr. Bruce Pinkernell &
Dr. Maureen Killackey
Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation
Mr. Rupinder Puri & Ms. Kusum Gaind
Quadrille Wallpapers & Fabrics, Inc.
Ms. Anne M. Schomaker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tuttle
Veillette-Nifosi Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zbytniewski
Mrs. Warren E. Zittell
$1,000 - $1,999
Dr. Juan Ampuero &
Dr. Marie-Paul Jacob-Ampuero
Mr. David W. Armstrong
Ms. Joanne C. Armstrong
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Asbornsen
Atlas Healthcare Linen Services
Dr. & Mrs. V. Richard Back
Mr. Richard A. Bilotti &
Ms. Jo-Anne Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Brandston
Mr. Stuart Breslow & Dr. Anne Miller
Mr. James S. Brodsky &
Mr. Philip E. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Buchman
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Butenhoff
Clark Home Respiratory Supply, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanor Close
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Constantine
Ms. Margaret Davidson &
Mr. John Stein
Mr. Luigi P. De Maio
Dr. Linda DeMarco
Mr. David DeVoe
Drs. Karuvath & Ayisha Enu
Fingar Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. John Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Fishman
Mr. & Mrs. David Forer
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Fusco
G.E. Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Ginsberg
Ginsberg’s Foods, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Gorczynski
Ms. Ann M. Israel
Jaeger & Flynn Associates, Inc.
Ms. Barbara S. Johnson
Mr. Raymond Jones
Kinderhook Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. King
Mr. Jeffrey S. Koweek
Kozel’s Restaurant
Drs. Edward & Kathleen Marici
Mr. J. Dickinson May &
Ms. Lisa Fox Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Menkes
Mohawk Hospital Equipment, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes Noel
Gina & Frank Orlando
Dr. & Mrs. R. Andrew Packard
Mr. Edward Parran &
Mr. James Guidera
Mr. Larry Patlen
Dr. & Mrs. Gary E. Pearlstein
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Pelaccio
Dr. Scott Pickett
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Pomichter
Protrac Construction
Dr. Andrew Qian
Rich Kraham Design
Roosevelt Island Racquet
Club Associates
Royal Care Pharmacy
Mr. Bruce Sagan &
Ms. Bette Cerf Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schnide
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Shallo, Jr.
Shallo, Galluscio, Bianchi & Fucito
Mr. Jason Shaw & Ms. Kate Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Slominski
Mrs. Myra Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stickles, Jr.
Mrs. Edwina Thorn
Mr. Martin E. Torrey &
Ms. Christine Callahan
Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Ullman
Mr. & Mrs. William Van Slyke
Mrs. Margaret VanBramer
Mr. Keith Volmar
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Weber, Jr.
Mr. James Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. M. Scott Wood, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zindell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zoellner
$500 - $999
Mr. August Abatecola
Dr. & Mrs. James Aisenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Apa
Mr. & Mrs. Vahram Arslanyan
Dr. Rakel Astorga
Baba Louie’s
Dr. Neal Baillargeon
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford S. Barr
The Bassin Family Foundation
Mr. Robert R. Beard &
Mr. Bibhu Mohapatra
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Boyle
Ms. Barbara Brady
Mr. John B. Carroll
Mr. Harold Castellano
Catskill Dental Care
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Cochrane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Colarusso
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. John Cross
Dr. & Mrs. George F. Davis
Ms. Catherine DeChance
Mr. Richard L. Diehl, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah A. Fabiano
Ms. Christina Farley
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Faso
Dr. & Mrs. Abul Fateh
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Feige
Ms. Laura Felpel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Fingar
First Financial Corporate Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flood
Ms. Angela Fogg
Mrs. Joan Folmsbee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friess
Mr. Jonathan Gillibrand &
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Mr. David Graziano
Nan Guterman Foundation
Guterman, Shallo, & Alford, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hartman
Mr. Nicholas Haylett &
Mr. Timothy Husband
Mr. David O. Herman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Iselin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jette
The Honorable Lewis A. Kaplan &
Ms. Lesley Oelsner
Mr. Peter Kellner
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kreienberg
Ms. Megan L. Lanzetta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laurie
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Maben
Mr. & Mrs. David Mack
Dr. Steven Maxwell
Mr. W. Patrick McMullan &
Ms. Rachel MacPherson
Mr. Francis McTernan
Metz Wood Harder, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Monkash
Ms. Claudia Overacker
Ms. Robin Pascuzzi
Ms. Dawn Perlin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phelan
Ms. Mary Ellen Pierro
Mr. Mark Prezorski &
Mr. Owen Davidson
Mrs. Carol M. Race
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rapoport
Mr. Seth L. Rosenberg &
Ms. Catherine Lebow
S & F Technologies Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Salberg
Dr. & Mrs. Nikolay Samedov
Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Smith
Stair Galleries
Dr. Shanda Steenburn &
Mr. Gary Steenburn
Mr. & Mrs. W. Lowell Steinbrenner
Mr. Christian Steiner &
Mr. Franklin Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Surprise
Taconic Associates, LLC
Taconic Farms Employees
(through payroll deduction)
Tech Valley Communications
Mr. Michael Tolan
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Topkis
Trustco Bank
Tuczinski, Cavalier, Burstein
& Collura, PC
Valley Oil Company
Dr. Gretchen Stearns &
Dr. Richard Weininger
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Whitbeck, Jr.
Ken & Jeanette Wilber
Mr. Arthur Baker &
Ms. Jacqueline Wilder
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman &
Dicker LLP
Mr. Daniel Zowak
$250 - $499
Ackerman’s TV & Appliance, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Agata
Ms. Deborah Bolstad
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice S. Bowerman
Mr. Dwight A. Bowler &
Ms. Margaret L. Benedict
Ms. Janice Brodowski
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell
Mr. Jonathan Caplan &
Mr. Angus Cook
Mrs. Joan Castle
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Chapin
Classic Country Home & Garden
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Concra
Mrs. Diane Corrado
Crawford & Associates
Mr. Len D. Daniels
Mr. Martin J. Davidson &
Dr. Virginia Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Delgrande
Ms. Lois E. Dickson
Mr. James Dixon & Mr. Charles Jenkins
Executive Connection
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fingar
Freeman Howard, PC
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Gaffin
Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher
Gallagher’s Stud
Garuc Distributing
Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Gavin
Germantown Lions Club
Mrs. Susan Gladstone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greason
Dr. Hasmukh Harde
Mr. Don Harris
Mr. Andrew Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hurin
Inn at Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Marc M. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Johnson
Mr. Tony Jones & Ms. Vicki Simons
Mr. Peter R. Jung
Mr. Bernhardt Karp
Ms. Colleen M. Kervin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kisselbrack
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knickerson
Ms. Deborah E. Lans &
Ms. Sharon Grubin
Ms. Carol Lavender &
Mr. Edward Depew
Mr. Zohar Lazar & Ms. Megan Kane
The Lofgren Agency, Inc.
Mr. Walter Lowden &
Mr. Dominick Cucinotta
Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Machiz, Esq.
Ms. Marilyn MacKay
Madsen Overhead Doors, Inc.
Ronnie McCue
Ms. Robin Merante
Ms. Susan Meyers
Morris Levy Foundation for Children
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy
Ms. Geraldine Nabozny
Mr. Thomas Neufeld &
Ms. Ann Patman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Newton
Mr. Christopher A. Nolan, III
Northern Dutchess Paramedics, Inc.
Old Ghent Realty
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Pacifico
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paden
Park Row Gallery
Ms. Donna L. Peck &
Mr. Michael Tolan
Ms. Holly Pewtherer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Phillips
Mr. Richard N. Philp &
Mr. David Herman
Ms. Madeleine Rafferty
Ms. Margarita Ramos
Ms. Reba Rossano
Ms. Valerie Sauers &
Mr. Powers Cockcroft
Mr. Stephen Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Roald Schopp
Mr. & Mrs. C. William Schroth
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Sherin
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Smith
Mr. Corey Smith
St. Peter’s Healthcare Foundation
Mr. Brian Stewart
Mr. Donald Tessitore
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard J. Toll, Jr.
VTA Management Services
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Walch
Mr. Dennis Wedlick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weinman
Williams Lumber & Home Centers
Ms. Deborah Yasinski
$100 - $249
Mr. Antonio Abitabile
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Altschuler
Antos Environmental Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baccaro
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bader
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Douglas
Duxbury & Hermans Insurance
Ms. Eunice Ellis
Mr. Bart Elsbach
Mr. Kevin Ely
ESAC Appraisers & Consultants
F.H. Stickles & Son, Inc.
Fairpoint Communications
Mr. Thomas Fish, Jr.
Mr. John Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Forgione
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Forst
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Freiermuht
Mr. & Mrs. Rao Gaddipati
Ms. Georgene Gardner
Ms. Renee Garel
Georgia Ray’s Kitchen
Dr. Jack M. Gershberg
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart E. Gill
Ms. Erin Goldman
Ms. Rosemary Goldman
Ms. Jeanne Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gramkow
Ms. Fayal B. Greene
& Mr. David Sharpe
Ms. Rebecca E. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Griffen
Mr. Edwin Grossman &
Ms. Gwen H. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. John Halloran
Ms. Debra Haner
Mr. Chris Harland
Ms. Alana Hauptmann
Ms. Donna Heath
Hermon T. Huntley Agency, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Herrod
HHS - Alternative Learning Program
High Voltage, Inc.
Hillsdale Supermarket, Inc.
Ms. Libby A. Hinkel
Ms. Carrie Hladik
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Hogan
Ms. Pamela C. Hopkins
Ms. Joan A. Hoppe
Ms. Maureen Hotaling
Mr. & Mrs. Neil L. Howard
Mr. Thomas Hudson &
Ms. Susan Scarola
Hudson Financial, LLC
Hudson Lions Club
Hudson Police Benevolent Association
Hudson Valley Ophthalmologists, PLLC
The Hudson-Catskill Newspapers
Ms. Christina Huether
Ms. Patricia E. Huether
Ms. Susanne Jarvis
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Jason
John A. Alvarez & Sons, Inc.
Karp, Ackerman, Skabowski & Hogan
Keeler Vault Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Keil
Keil Equipment Co., Inc.
Ms. Meaghan Kelleher
Mrs. Joan Kelly
Keyser Well Drilling Company, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Kimball
Kleeber Insurance Services
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Knight
Koch’s Family Restaurant
Ms. Suzanne Komaromi
Mrs. Susan Koskey
Koweek, Cranna & McEvoy, PC
Ms. Mary C. Krapf
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Krauskopf
Mr. Kim Krueger & Ms. Cathy Saros
Mr. James Larney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lazzara
Le Gamin
Ms. Bonnie L. Lennon
Ms. Deborah Litchko
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Little
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Locker
Ms. Deborah Ludwig
Mr. Asbjorn Lunde
MACKS-E-MIZE Professional
Billing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Maichin
Main Brothers Oil Company
Ms. Rhonda Makoske
Ms. Karen Malina
Ms. Shelly Mann
Ms. Jessica L. Marchi
Ms. Alida Margolin
Marshall & Sterling Insurance
Ms. Melinda Martin
Mr. Stanley Martin
Martinez Auto Body Shop, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mazzacano
Ms. Akeria J. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McHale
Mr. & Mrs. Barry McWilliams
Neil & Jane Meicht
Meltz Lumber Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Meltz
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mier
Mr. John Mizerak
Ms. Jennifer Moore
Ms. Anne Mulderry
Mulhern Gas Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Nachbar
Ms. Ruth Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Neefus
Mrs. Bonnie Newkirk
Mr. Kevin Novak
Ordway Research Institute, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Osswald
Mr. & Mrs. James Parrish
Pfizer, Inc.
Mr. John A. Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Post
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Preve
Pro Printers, Inc.
Ms. Jane Pulver
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Quinion
Mr. Francis Ready & Mr. Edward Ready
The Honorable Fran Reiter
Ms. Joyce A. Reynolds
Ms. Vallarie Rice
Richmor Aviation
Rip Van Winkle Realty
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Ritter
Ms. Candice G. Roche
Ms. Janine Rogers
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Rohrlich
Mr. James Romanchuk
Ms. Donna Rose
Mr. Irving Rosen & Ms. Doris Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosen
Mr. Ernest Rubenstein
& Ms. Tova F. Usdan
Ms. Kathy Salisbury
Mr. Anthony Sandagato
Ms. Denise Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sblendido
Mr. James Schamus &
Ms. Nancy Kricorian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schlesinger
Ms. Cathy Schneider-Sohotra
Dr. & Mrs. Barton H. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seltzer
Mr. & Mrs. John Sharpe
Mr. Charles Shattenkirk
Mr. Donald Sheff
Sickler, Torchia, Allen &
Churchill, C.P.A.’s, P.C.
Mrs. Carol Siedsma
Mrs. Thora K. Sigler
Ms. Susan Silvestris
Ms. Judy Simpson
Ms. Anne H. Smith
Mr. Jeremy Soto
Ms. Susan Sparacino
Mr. William Stagias
Stiefel & Winans
Ms. Kimberly Stieberitz
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Stuart
Ms. Carrie Sundheimer
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Super
Ms. Kelly Sweeney & Mr. Wayne Smith
Swoon Kitchenbar
Ms. Debra Tacchino
Ms. Gladys R. Thomas
Ms. Krystal Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thorn
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Turek
Mr. & Mrs. Willard G. Ulmer
Mr. & Mrs. J. Warren Van Deusen
Mr. Daniel VanSlyke
Ms. Lisa Vitale
Mr. George H. Vollmuth &
Ms. Janet Langlois
Ms. Kimberly Vossler
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wager
Dr. John Wapner &
Ms. Cindy Bobseine
Ms. Carrie Waterhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Myles Weintraub
Ms. Mary L. Westover
Ms. Regina Whateley
Ms. Karen White
Ms. Margaret Williams
Ms. Wanda Wojtowicz
Ms. Laura M. Young
Thank you
Ms. Linda Bagnardi
Mrs. Lee F. Barash
Mr. Glenn Barrows
Bates & Anderson Funeral Home
Mr. John Beauchamp
Ms. Evelyn S. Beojekian
Bernie O’s Restaurant
Ms. Kristen Bernockie
Mr. Peter A. Bevacqua &
Mr. Stephen King
Ms. Tani L. Bieler
Ms. Geraldine Blair
Bodhi Holistic Spa
Ms. Cynthia T. Bogardus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bonesteel
Mr. & Mrs. Sion Boney, III
Ms. Crystal G. Booy
Mrs. Peggy Bouchey
Brad Peck, Inc.
Ms. Sherry Bruno
Ms. Terri Bulich
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Burntitus
Callander’s Nursery & Landscaping
Ms. Gloria G. Campeta
Cantele Memorials
Ms. Shirley E. Carr
Mr. Stanley A. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cartwright
The Cascades
Ms. Althea Caswell
Chatham Press
Chatham Wine & Liquor
Ms. Anna Christiana
Mr. & Mrs. James Claro
Claverack Pump Service
Ms. Patricia Clemens
Ms. Marquerite Coates
Coldwell Banker Bartolotta Associates
Ms. Marcia Cole
Ms. Linda Collett
Columbia Cafe Company, LLC
Columbia County Association
in the City of New York, Inc.
Columbia County Community Health
Care Consortium, Inc.
Columbia County Sons & Daughters
of Italy
Columbia Tent Rentals
Columbia Tractor, Inc.
Columbia Travel Bureau
Columbia-Greene Community College
Mr. James Coons
Mrs. Katherine Costacurta
The Country Squire B&B
Mr. Theodore Guterman, II &
Ms. Nancy Cuddihy
Ms. Doreen Curtis
Dr. Robert Danz &
Ms. Lydia Littlefield
Ms. Ulla Darni & Mr. Lawry Swidler
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dekimpe
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Delp
Ms. Alana Denter
Ms. Mary Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dinardi, Sr.
Ms. Marie Doherty
Donna’s Country Grill
Ms. Connie Donnelly
Ms. Marian D’Onofrio
$50 - $100
Mr. & Mrs. Seth H. Agata
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Albert
Ms. Nicole Marie Alger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Altomer
Amercian Express Charitable Fund
Ms. Kathleen Armstrong
Mr. Kyle Aschenbrenner
Ms. Isabelle Autones
Ms. Julie E. Baraz
Ms. Ashley Bartholomew
Mr. Justin Barwell
Ms. Elizabeth Bathrick
Mr. & Mrs. Sam E. Beller
Ms. Denise Birdsell
Ms. Ashley E. Boehlke
Mr. & Mrs. William Bogle, Jr.
Mr. Henry Bohn
Ms. Kathryn M. Bosworth
Ms. Joanna Bradway
Ms. Antoinette M. Bratton
Ms. Ritalynne Brechner
Mr. Paul M. Brown
Mr. Joshua E. Bu
Mr. George Cabanas
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Camardo
Ms. Sarah Casanova
Ms. Megara Cassin
Ms. Mirial M. Clapp
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin B. Clark
Mr. Powers Cockroft
Mr. Daniel Cogan
Columbia-Greene Educational Center
Ms. Angela Colwell
Copake Realty
Mr. & Mrs. John Cottini
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Crews
Ms. Corinne Curry &
Mr. Harold Farberman
Ms. Jeannine Darrigo
Ms. Rebecca Davis
Ms. Melinda Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dellapa
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Donovan
Ms. Linda Drahushuk
Ms. Mary Ann Dufficy &
Ms. Sylvia Cronley
Mr. Kenneth E. Duke
Ms. Adeline Dunphy
Mr. David Edell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eells
Ms. Deborah Enright
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Esrick
Ms. Beatrice Fabiano
Mrs. Muriel Falkey
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ferrone
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Fonda
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gellert
Mrs. Blanka Glickman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Golden
Mr. Andrew Goldman
Mr. Art Greenburg
Greenport Apartments, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hallenbeck
Ms. Rebecca Hamm
Mr. Alston B. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Pavel Hillel
Dr. & Mrs. Marcel Hinds
Ms. Ijunanyan Holder
Ms. Mary Ellen Holdridge
Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Hotaling
Ms. Helen Ihde
Ms. Susan Ivery
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Jarvis
Mr. David Johnson
Ms. Kathleen Jordan
Mr. Peter Kellner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kelly
Ms. Carolyn Klestinec
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Konow, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Koweek
Mr. Andrew Kruppenbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Percy F. Lampman
Ms. Candace Lansing
Ms. Donna Lebrecht
Ms. Karen Leccese
Mr. Gary Leggett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leggett, Sr.
Mr. J. David Lesenger
Mr. David Lewis
Mr. Joseph Macagnone
Mr. William Mancini
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mason
Mr. Peter E. Masti
Mr. Benedict McCaffree &
Mr. Emerson Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Roger McThenia
Ms. Jeannie Melino
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Meyer
Ms. Teresa Mittermayer
Mr. Maury Moore
Mr. Roosevelt Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Mallory M. Mort
Mr. Thomas P. Myers
Ms. Christina Newkirk
Ms. Melissa Norway
Mrs. Manisha Ober
Ms. Loretta O’Dell
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Grady
Mr. Paul H. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. James Osborne
Miligros B. O’Toole
Mr. Nick Papa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Petchesky
Ms. Barbara Poska
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prizer
Ms. Diane Pruiksma
Mrs. Florence Putnam
Ms. Maryellen Reidy & Mr. Leo Ponter
Ms. Marguerite Robillard
Ms. Sophia Rose
Ms. Desirae Rozner
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rundell
Mrs. Kathleen G. Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schneider, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shanley
Ms. Corrie Shattenkirk
Ms. Justine Shultis
Ms. Adele Slocum
Ms. Laura Smith
Ms. Deborah Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stein
Ms. Debra A. Steup
Robert & Jacqueline Stickles
Ms. Patricia Story
Mr. Elike Takyi
Ms. Joyce Teator
Ms. Donna M. Tkacy
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Tortorici
Ms. Kathleeen Triem &
Mr. Peter Franck
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Tuttle
Ms. Rebecca Uhll
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Van Alstyne
Ms. Ann Vehlies
Ms. Cynthia Vitari
Mr. Leonard Wahl
Ms. Holly Wilcocks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson
Wood Hill Veterinary Clinic
Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Yacone
Mr. Fred Zerega
Mr. Ami Ziff
Ms. Kate Aarnio
Ms. Aimee Abbott
Ms. Carol Adams
Ms. Jen Alarcon
Mr. Edwin T. Alata
Ms. Robyn Albergo
Ms. Lady Ruby Alcantara
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd F. Allen
Ms. Linda Allocco
Ms. Karen S. Altomer
Animal Care Clinic
Mr. Robert J. Anthony
Ms. Lauren Antonich
Ms. Mary Anuska
Apple Valley Lawn & Landscape
Ms. Sherri L. Baker
Ms. Dorothy Ball
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Ms. Amber Barnard
Mrs. Kelly Barris
Mrs. Florette C. Barror
Helena, Theodore & Halcyon Barton
Mrs. Linda Bathrick
Ms. Heidi Bauer
Ms. Tiffany N. Beckley
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bell
Ms. Shernette Benjamin
Ms. Monica Benn
Mr. Albrecht Benschop
Ms. Donna Bergamine
Mrs. Paula Berge
Ms. Colleen A. Berman
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Beynart
Mr. Craig Biegel
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bielefeldt
Ms. Nicolina Bisson
Ms. Charlene Blue
Mr. James Boden
Ms. Gloria Bogle
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Bonacker
Ms. Melissa Borsh
Ms. Marie Box
Ms. Donna M. Brady
Ms. Marie-Louise Brauch
Ms. Kathleen Brockett
Ms. Lily H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brown
Ms. Mary Brown
Mr. & Mrs. J. Mark Browne
Ms. Margaret E. Browne
Ms. Susan Bu
Ms. Heather Buffa
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Bufi
Ms. Lisa Buoniconto
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Burkhart
Ms. Diana Burton
Ms. Sara Butler
Mr. Charles Butterfhas
Ms. Mary Buttino
Ms. Donna Caltabiano
Ms. Felicita Camacho
Ms. Maureen Campos
Ms. Linda Caplan
Ms. Kathryn S. Carpenter
Mr. Stanley Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cary, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen K. Charbonneau
Dr. Toby Charney
Ms. Joanna Chiesa
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Christiana
Mrs. Kathleen A. Clark
Ms. Renee L. Clarke
Ms. Patricia Claro
Claverack Package Store, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cobb
Ms. Erica Cole
Ms. Colleen Cole
Ms. Daniele Collier
Columbia County Golden Agers
Mr. Steven M. Colvin
Ms. Kristen Conway
Ms. Marsha Corbett
Mr. Todd Crego
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cummings
Ms. Sara V. Cusumano
Ms. Serena D’Ambrosio
Mr. Walter Daniels
Ms. Alyssa Darling
Mr. & Mrs. Gennaro Davide
Ms. Teresita Davis
Ms. Diane Davis
Ms. Jennifer Davis
Ms. Raquel G. De Candio
Mr. & Mrs. David Dearing
Ms. Gail A. Decker
Ms. Krystalyn DeJesus
Mr. L. Gordon Delp
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Demski
Ms. Charley Dibble
Ms. Amanda J. Dick
Mrs. Lisa Donahue
Ms. Mary C. Donatelli
Ms. Christie Doria
Ms. Guerline Dorlus
Ms. Andrea L. Dunn
Ms. Gina Dunn
Ms. Shirley Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. John Dupier
Ms. Amy Dussault
Ms. Paul Edgington
Ms. Kimberly Eisner
Ms. Michelle Eisner
Miss Nicole Elliott
Ms. Shannon Ellsworth
Mr. Ronald E. Evans
Ms. Tracy Fagan
Ms. Lori Farinacci
Miss Heidi Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feingold
Ms. Marie Finck
Mr. Richard C. Finkle
Mrs. Amanda Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fitzpatrick
Ms. Tanya Fonzo
Ms. Maria Fotiadis
Mr. & Mrs. James Fox
Ms. Karen Franceschi
Ms. Shenell Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Frank
Mr. John Franzese
Ms. Patricia Freligh
Ms. Gloria Fremgen
Ms. Ann Gallo
Ms. Karolyn Garafalo
Ms. Joanna Gerkman
Ms. Heidi Gerlach
Ms. Blake Germano
Ms. Jill Gerrain
Mr. William Gilbert
Mrs. Lisa Gile
Ms. Yolanda Gill
Ms. Amy A. Lendin
Ms. Lisa Lonergan
Ms. Charlanne R. Loomis
Ms. Nicole Louer
Ms. Cathy Mabb
Ms. Heather Mabb
Ms. Joann Maloney
Mr. Robert Manenti
Ms. KellyAnn Marafioti
Mrs. Deanna J. Marotta
Mrs. Kayla J. Marro
Miss Katherine Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Martino
Ms. Tobyjean Marzahl
Ms. Kari Matteson
Ms. Stacey L. May
Mrs. Patricia Maynard
Mr. Agustin Mayorga
Ms. Colleen McCarten
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McCarthy
Mr. Kevin McClarnon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McComb
Ms. Adele McCredie
Ms. Cynthia McPherson
Ms. Takysha Meeks
Mrs. Karen Meicht
Ms. Nicole Melino
Ms. Margaret Melnick
Ms. Penny Meltz
Mr. Peter D. Merante
Ms. Elizabeth Messina
Ms. Audrey Miller
Mrs. Carol A. Miller
Ms. Erica Miller
Ms. Jacqueline Miller
Ms. Krista Miller
Ms. Wonell Miller
Ms. Norma Jean Miller-Roberts
Ms. Michele Miranda
Mr. Spencer Moccio
Mrs. Valerie Molloy
Ms. Alyssa Moore
Ms. Gem Mudge
Ms. Kimberly-Ann T. Murphy
Ms. Christen L. Murray
Mr. James Nero
Ms. Mary Niblock
Ms. Raina Nino
Mr. Brian Northup
Mrs. Mary E. Oakley
Ms. Mary B. O’Connor
Ms. Jere J. O’Dell
Mr. Dave O’Donnell
Mrs. Mary T. Oettinger
Ms. Katharine Osterhoudt
Ms. Angel Otty
Ms. Lauren Papa
Mrs. Gertrude E. Papp
Mrs. Jamie Paquette
Ms. Pamela Parise
Ms. Barbara Parlman
Ms. Denise Parrotta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patrick
Mr. Christopher Peace
Ms. Christine Pearson
Ms. Kelsey Peckovitch
Ms. Renee Peckovitch
Ms. Dana Pelton
Ms. Deborah Perez
Mrs. Brenda Peters
Mr. Salvatore Pisano
Mrs. Kayle Pitcher
Ms. Karrie Pizza
Ms. Maria M. Potter
Mrs. Stacy Potter
Ms. Antoinette Profera
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Quimby
Ms. Anne Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quirk
Ms. Barbara M. Radley
Ms. Susan Randazzo
Ms. Lizbeth Ray
Ms. Ruth Reges
Ms. Tanya Reiley
Ms. Kayla Relyea
Ms. Ivone Ribeiro
Ms. Kimberly Richards
Mr. Matthew Rizzo
Ms. Brittany Roberts
Ms. Candi Rockefeller
Mr. George Rodenhausen &
Ms. Joan C. Steiner
Mr. Paul Rodriquez
Ms. Carol Rogers
Ms. Jessica T. Romero
Ms. Antoinette Romito
Mr. Igor Roninson &
Ms. Eugenia Broude
Ms. Carol Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rotondo
Mr. Zachary Ruckh
Mrs. Roberta Rustici
Ms. Mary Rutherford
S & R Automotive
Ms. S.D. Salov
Ms. Dawn Samperisi
Mrs. Vilet M. Santos
Mrs. Melisa Sardaro
Ms. Sandra Scantlebury
Ms. Melissa Scheriff
Ms. Amanda Schlosser
Mr. & Mrs. Uwe Schneeclaus
Ms. Rosemary Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Schroeppel
Ms. Amy Schulze
Ms. Kathleen Schunk
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schwanse, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Scott
Ms. Janet D. Scott
Ms. Yvonne Scribner
Mr. Sebastian Semel-DeFeo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Seymour
Ms. Marjorie Shanley
Ms. Marcella Shook
Ms. Karoline Shott, R.N.
Ms. Stacey Siemers
Ms. Jennifer Sinnott
Mr. Elias Skiff
Ms. Amanda Slover
Mr. Derrick Smart
Mrs. Carolyn Smith
Ms. Crystal Smith
Miss Megan Smith
Mr. Terrance J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Somers
Ms. Lavisha Spann
Mr. August Spataro
Mrs. Barbara E. Stengel
Ms. Azra Stracuzzi
Mr. Brandon Stutts
Ms. Catherine Sundheim
Ms. Justine Swart
Mr. Joseph Tarantino
Ms. Janeen Thompson
Ms. Sylvia Thompson
Ms. Ashley Thorne
Mr. Scott Thorne
Ms. Ellen V. Thurston
Mr. Shane Tietsworth
Miss Kayla Tirpak
Ms. Laurie Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Torchia
Mr. John Trow
Ms. Lacey Tunstall
Mr. Mohammed B. Ullah
Ms. Aleana Van Alphen
Ms. Crystal Van Alphen
Ms. Lynn Van Wie
Mrs. Angela Varade
Ms. Carmen Vaughan
Ms. Alba Velazquez
Ms. Terissa Velonis
Ms. Mary Vertullo
Ms. Karan Ann Vice
Mr. Gerard Vossler
Ms. Laila Wali
Mr. Kenneth Walther
Ms. Agnes Ward
Ms. Vivien Warren
Mrs. Ellsworth B. Weaver
Ms. Margaret Weaver
Ms. Rafael Webb
Mr. Alfred Weisbart
Ms. Ernestine Welch
Mr. Francis Weld
Mr. John Westervelt
Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Wheat
Ms. Theresa Wheeler
Ms. Lisbeth Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Widjeskog
Ms. Jessica Wilhelm
Mr. David Wilkes
Ms. Jessica Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Wirth
Ms. Margaret Y. Wood
Ms. Shanell Woods
Ms. Laurie Wordon
Ms. Taylor Wright
Mrs. Cheryl Young
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zagaria
Zema’s Nursery, Inc.
Ms. Jacqueline Ziegler
Thank you
Mr. M.J. Gladstone
Mrs. Paulina F. Gobrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Goldberg
Ms. Ruth Gorton
Mrs. Denise Grattan
Ms. Nancy Graziano
Ms. Marie Greco
Ms. Maria Grenci
Ms. Jen Grippin
Ms. Nyhera Guy
Hair We Are
Ms. Chelsea Halsted
Ms. Christa Hamm
Mrs. Tonya Hamm
Ms. Julie Harpis
Ms. Jatifha Harris
Ms. Amanda Hart
Ms. Britni Hasenkopf
Ms. Katie M. Hatt
Mrs. Loretta M. Hawkins
Mrs. Debbie L. Hawks
Ms. Marguerite D. Heald
Ms. Brittany Hendrickson
Ms. Heather Hendrickson
Mrs. Marlin Henry
Mr. Shane Henry
Ms. Barbara Herman
Ms. Emily Hernandez
Ms. Isabel Hernandez
Ms. Maureen V. Hildenbrand
Ms. Miranda Himelright
Ms. Andrea Huber
Ms. Melody L. Hull
Ms. Lorraine Hunter
Ms. Kathleen Ingham
Ms. Heidi Iyok
Ms. Roberta Johnson
Ms. Elaine Jornov
Ms. Lydia Kaczor
Ms. Geraldine Kane
Ms. Kibbum Kang
Ms. Alexa Karic
Mr. Albert P. Kastner
Mr. Rob Keeler
Mr. Dale D. Keenan
Mr. John Kehrer
Mr. Ryan Kelly
Ms. Racquel Kelsey
Ms. Christine Kern
Ms. Teresa Kessler
Mr. Barry King, Jr.
Miss Dianna Kipp
Ms. Doris M. Kipp
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Kline
Ms. Carrie A. Kment
Ms. Penny Knichel
Ms. Tammy Knott
Ms. Christine Knudsen
Mr. & Mrs. James Konderwich
Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Kornbluh
Mr. Bruce Koskowski
Ms. Roxanne Kovler
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Krapf
Mr. Jeffrey Lappies
Ms. Kelly LaRocca
Mr. Neil Larsen
Ms. Amanda L. Laursen
Ms. Amanda LaValley
Ms. Joanne LeBlanc
Ms. Melinda Lee
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Save the Date
22nd Annual Columbia
Memorial Hospital Ball
14th Annual Four Ball
Mixed Golf Scramble
36th Annual Francis Greenburger
Tennis Tournament
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Point in Catskill
Monday, August 2, 2010
Columbia Golf & Country Club
Saturday, September 11 &
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Old Chatham Tennis Club
Taconic Farms, Inc. is pleased to host
The 22nd Annual
Columbia Memorial Hospital Ball
in honor of
Nancy J. Kyle & John B. Fraser
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Point
Catskill, New York