November 2007 Issue


November 2007 Issue
Neighborly News and Views from Uptown · November 2007
Heads or Tails? It was all down to a toss of a coin …
Thanks to the twenty and some odd people that came down to Tunica, burning their gas money for the week in order
to win a little sumptin’ sumptin’ for the Uptown Community Association. Let’s back up. When Uptown heard
about the world’s largest coin toss contest that 98.9 KIMFM was hosting at Sam’s Town, giving the winner $2,500
to go to the charity of said winners choice, it was clear that Uptown could use that money. We don’t have a fabulous
community by accident. It has taken lots of time, participation, and money. And all three ingredients were there on
Friday, October 19th.
Uptowners got to show off a little talent too; singing karaoke before the coin toss. Some of us showed very little
talent, but some of us shined. Rob (50 Cent) Levine brought down the house with a rap tune professing his need
for a hug. And Nicol wowed the audience with her stunning voice during a Mariah Carey solo! Della had her Tina
Turner legs as she and Erin sang Rollin’ on the River. The Uptowners, consisting of Amy, Julie, Troy, Gary and
Nicol, tried to take us to Margaritaville, though I think best left to
Jimmy Buffet, we had loads of fun.
Then the World’s Largest Coin Toss began …. Uptown had the
largest group in attendance, which helped, but we also had a strategy! Anyone who has ever taken a basic statistics class knows
there is only way to hope to beat a coin toss, so we had our plan
in place. With each throw, the group standing got smaller and
smaller, and by the last toss of the coin, there were three people
Della representing Uptown and Missy representing the Girls and
Boys Club stood for heads. Julie representing Uptown was solo
standing on tails.
Tom Prestigiacomo with 98.9 KIM FM and Matt Gallagher, GM
of Sam’s Town watched on as Brett, the coin tosser, held the coin
for the (hopefully) last toss. The room was breathless. If the coin
came down heads, it would be a battle between Della (Uptown)
and Missy (Girls and Boys Club). Tails would produce an immediate win for Julie (Uptown).
Up the coin flipped, coming down … TAILS!
Yeah Uptown! We couldn’t have won without the odds stacked
in our favor - the generous participation of all the folks from Uptown. We made it happen, with special thanks to 98.9 KIMFM
and Sam’s Town.
Thumbs Up everyone from the neighborhood who came out to support Uptown
during the KIMFM / Sam’s Town $2500
Charity Giveaway! It was wonderful to have such a
great group dedicated to one singular cause! Our
hard work and effort paid off!
Thumbs Down to the City of Memphis for
ignoring the problems happening on our
streets with new stop signs, missing stop
signs and traffic accidents! How many more cars
have to be totaled until something is done?
Thumbs Up to all our residents who have
decorated their porches, balconies and front
yards for the Fall Season! The neighborhood
is looking so festive and welcoming! And remember,
when you’re done with your hay bales, they make
great natural bedding in outdoor dog houses!
Thumbs Down to the “porch pilferers”.
You know who you are and before long we
will too! We don’t tolerate this kind of behavior in our community and are working hard to
make changes that will benefit everyone! let’s stay
connected and alert!
If you would like to contribute to Thumbs Uptown or any other section of the On The Front Porch newsletter,
please email your submission to [email protected].
Of course, we reserve the right to edit any submissions for either content or length,
and may even reformat them to fit the space allotted.
On The Front Porch has a monthly distribution of over 1,200 copies
throughout the Uptown area. If you are interested in advertising,
please email us at [email protected].
Advertising Rates and Sizes:
1/8 page (3.75” x 2”) $20
1/4 page (3.75” x 5”) $30
1/2 page (5” x 7.5”) $55
Full page (7.5” x 10”) $100
Please make checks payable to Uptown Community Association
Community Building Projects and Program in Uptown
Detric Golden - Hoop Dreams
Detric Golden grew up a boy with a dream. While living in the Hurt Village projects he wanted to grow-up and play basketball as a Memphis Tiger. Years later
he would achieve that dream and much, much more…
Detric played collegiate basketball at the junior college level for two years where
he was selected as a Junior
College All-American. After two stellar years
lighting up the scoreboards he transferred to his hometown team at Memphis but
he left the team after one season despite earning second-team Conference USA
honors. Shortly after leaving the Tigers, he transferred to Troy State University
in Troy, Alabama. His joining the team began a huge turnaround at Troy State, a
school Golden had never heard of. Previously, the Troy State Trojans struggled
to compete when they joined the Trans America Athletic Conference at the Division I level. The next season they were on top of the world as they finished the
season as conference champions. Detric also won accolades as Newcomer of
the Year, Player of the Year, and led the Conference in scoring and assists.
Golden graduated in 2000 and was offered an overseas professional basketball
contract in Hamburg, Germany. He decided that it was his calling to play professionally in Europe so he packed up and traveled to Germany while his immediate family stayed in the US. “It was hard to leave everyone back home but I knew
that I was playing for the right reasons so it was worth it.” When Detric talks
about the right reasons, he means that he went to play professionally so he could
start-up a ministry with a focus on youth back home.
Now, sit back and fast forward to the year 2007. That same local basketball legend named Detric Golden (now aged 30) works
with downtown youth. His work with the children is quickly
eclipsing any statistics that he
compiled while playing basketball. Golden's dedication to youth in the area is astounding. “My
phone rings at all hours but that is okay because one phone conversation could make a huge impact on the life of a child.”
Golden Child Ministries is Detric’s non-profit ministry. This
ministry is geared to provide guidance to at risk youth spiritually, socially, educationally, and also economically. Currently
over 50 children participate in the programs offered by Golden
Child Ministries. Programs include mentoring, recreation and
the opportunity to learn computer skills among others.
Golden Child Ministries runs out of the Greenlaw Community
Center and is currently seeking volunteers to help Wednesday –
Thursday from 4 PM until 7:30 PM. For more information
please call (901) 644-2646.
Article by Becky Gould-Levine
Roxie’s Restoration Project - Update
Have you noticed something different about Roxie’s?
Gone is the picture of the famous burger – now you see a
nicely painted store.
On Saturday, September 29th it was heart warming to see
neighborhood residents show up for the Roxie’s Grocery
Makeover. It took us a while to get started because the
volunteers wanted to savor the last eyeful of the painted
Dressed in Uptown t-shirts, and Sherwin Williams hats, the volunteers started painting.
We painted, and painted, and painted, until we realized that we needed more than a willing heart, paint brushes or
rollers to cover red brick – we needed a sprayer!
After deliberating over a Roxie’s Special (Large cheeseburger, fries and a can soda), we called in the professionals!
All of a sudden the work seemed so much easier and quicker! The paint went on smoothly, and everyone was happy
- especially the former rollers / brushers who were now promoted to supervisors sitting on the upturned pickle buckets which were kindly dumped out by Roosevelt.
We all got covered in tiny specks of paint flying around in the wind,
but a good time was had by all. We still have one side and the front
to go and next time we’ll know better - bring on the sprayer!!
Stay tuned for the next episode of the Great Roxie’s Makover!
Article by Tanja Mitchell
Making A Good Impression!
Uptown IS a beautiful neighborhood, thanks to the majority of residents who take an active role in helping keep
our neighborhood a great place to live.
Uptown is still a wonder to many Memphians, as we see onlookers ‘checking us out’ all the time. Let continue to
make a good impression by ensuring our homes and yards are properly maintained. The time it takes to pick up
trash, roll your trash bin from the curb, or plant a flower is minimal; the benefits are lasting. If we all do our part,
we will all reap the rewards of a better community.
Let's also continue to work towards a "no-tolerance zone" for crime and problem properties in Uptown. We'll need
the help of all of you in order to do it. It will take all of our eyes watching for and reporting any suspicious activity.
It will take all of us reporting problem properties- making property owners accountable for the actions of their tenants and the condition of their property. It will take all of us letting the mayor and city council know what we expect in regard to public safety.
It will take many more of you participating in Neighborhood Watch, and making the safety of Uptown a priority.
One hour per month, per household, participating in ways to make a difference in the safety of your neighborhood;
that’s all we ask.
For reporting:
Criminal / Suspicious Activity
Memphis Police Department
South Main Precinct
Animals - Dangerous/Uncontrolled
Animal Control
Overgrown Lots / Weeds
Dept. General Services
Public Playgrounds Parks / Community Centers Services
Problem Properties
email [email protected]
Street Lights Out
Trash Not Being Picked Up
Dept. Public Works
Junk Vehicles Code Enforcement
Johnnie McKay
Greenlaw Place Apartments
Raychel Griffin, ALCO Mgt.
Uptown Square Apartments
Christy Miller, ALCO Mgt.
The Metropolitan Apartments
Amy Greer, ALCO Mgt.
Uptown Homes Rental Compliance Office Pauline Olden, ALCO Mgt.
Truancy Officer
Juveniles hanging out / disturbing peace
(Need name and address)
Top Ten Reasons Uptowners Are Thankful ...
1. I am thankful that the beautiful cooler weather is finally here! - Ashleigh and Jenn
2. I am thankful for a park just across the street for the kids, and neighbor kids for them to play with! - Kaleigh
3. I am thankful for my nice neighbors and all the good friends I have met since moving here! - Stray Hamster
4. I am thankful for a job that allows me to help make a positive difference in people’s lives! - Tanja
5. I am thankful my house is still in one piece! - Matt’s wife
6. I am thankful that Thanksgiving is this month because it means green bean casserole! - Alexandra
7. I am thankful for my Dad’s surgery becoming successful and his recovery going smoothly! - Wysteria
8. I am thankful for kissing! - Kaleigh
9. I am thankful because one day in the next two weeks my wife will
probably give birth to my daughter (Madeline Spencer Kennedy)! Gary
10. I am thankful that it’s Friday! - Jonnyek
Uptown Residents - In Their Own Words
2nd Annual Uptown Chili-Cooking Contest and Pumpkin Decorating Contests!
On Sunday, October 28th, the 2nd Annual Uptown Chili Cook-off (unofficially called THE Chili Smack-down) was
held in Uptown Park. Our winners were:
1st Place (meat)
2nd Place (meat)
3rd Place (meat)
Vegetarian Chili
Eddie Blackmon (again, for the second year running)
Matt & Lindsey Dickerson
Tim & Jessica Meyers
Casey Bonds
Now, I’m no food connoisseur, aw heck, who am I kidding, I eat food all the time. Too much. But next year, we
may have to have some honorable mentions. There were some fabulous chilis that didn’t win and unless Eddie
Blackmon moves out of the neighborhood, I don’t think she’ll be shoved out of the first place position.
Lastly, I want to impart some neighborhood Chili facts that you might not have been aware. Apparently, husband
and wife duo, Kaleigh and Rich are so competitive, they BOTH entered their own Chili. Allison, well, she was
celebrating her second wedding anniversary and forgot about the cook-off till late in the day and suspects her chili
was undercooked. Jenn almost didn’t have enough Chili in her crock pot for the judges as apparently her and
Fonda had a “Chili Munch-down” the night before. Drew thought toppings constituted cheating. But we all know
from our Memphis political scene, whatever wins!
So get your aprons starched and your beans soaked for the next Chili Smack-down. We’ll see you there.
And thanks to Uptown Alliance for donating the pumpkins for the Pumpkin carving contest. We had over fifty
children in attendance all doing their best pumpkin decorating with sharpies (rather than actual sharp knives) and
some even had accessories!
Then of course there was Lindsay, Gary’s lovely wife who swallowed the pumpkin seed and grew her own jack-olantern. Might we suggest you call your new arrival Jackie?
What’s On and What’s Up in Uptown
Saturday, November 3-
Uptown Neighborhood Watch Meeting
10:00 a.m.
Home of Matt & Lindsay Dickerson
237 Looney Avenue
Coffee and Breakfast Snacks will be served
Last Neighborhood Watch Meeting of 2007
Wednesday, November 7-
Wine Dinner (by Pyramid Wine & Spirits)
7:00 p.m.
Spindini - 383 South Main Street
Reservations - 578-2773
Wednesday, November 14-
Citizens Police Academy Graduation
6:30 p.m.
Rose Theater (University of Memphis campus)
Thursday, November 15-
Uptown Thanksgiving Progressive PotLuck Dinner
6:00 p.m. start
821 Woodlawn
call or email Tanja Mitchell for more info (949-1309 / [email protected])
Thursday, November 22-
As residents of the Uptown neighborhood, you may ask yourselves: “Why
should I join the Uptown Community Association?”
The answers are many and varied, and often different for different people,
but essentially, the Uptown Community Association exists for you, to promote the common interest of the residents located in and around the area
known as the Uptown Community. We work together to involve
neighbors in a collective effort to enhance and celebrate the quality of life
in Uptown Memphis.
Membership dues are only $15 for individuals, or $25 for a family. Your
membership helps to support our many neighborhood activities - cookouts
in the park, Meet and Greet evenings, etc.
For more information, and/or to join electronically, contact Julie Ray at
[email protected].
Welcome our new UCA members:
Greenlaw Place Apartments - Business Member
The Metropolitan Apartments - Business Member
Uptown Square Apartments - Business Member
Uptown Alliance - Business Member