What to do Next Important Adoption Facts How to Help Contact Us
What to do Next Important Adoption Facts How to Help Contact Us
What to do Next Call MARE for information on adoption, questions about specific waiting children or any other adoption related inquiry. You can also visit our website at www.mareinc.org and inquire on-line. MARE has been finding adoptive families for children in foster care since 1957 How to Help Important Adoption Facts • Hundreds of Massachusetts children in foster care are waiting to be adopted, and more than 114,000 in the U.S. • It costs little or nothing to adopt a child from foster care. • You can be any age as long as you are at least 18 years old. • You can be married, single or partnered. • Gay and lesbian singles and couples are eligible to adopt. • You can have nearly any income level as long as your income is stable and can support a child. • You don’t need to be a homeowner. • Health issues or disabilities do not automatically disqualify you. • You don’t need to be the same race, ethnicity or religion as the child. • Once you are homestudied and approved, you are eligible to adopt children from foster care nationwide. • There are often financial and medical subsidies available after you adopt. • There are free post-adoption services available statewide. 1. To volunteer at MARE, please call the MARE office. 2. Make a donation to MARE on our website or by mail to our address below. Many companies have a matching gift program, so check with your company to see if they can match your gift to MARE. 3. Donate your car through the MARE Car Donation Program. For more information call or go to the MARE website. Contact Us MARE 45 Franklin Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301 617-54-ADOPT or 1-800-882-1176 Fax: 617-542-1006 TTY: 617-542-7772 www.mareinc.org MARE is funded in part by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Did you know: There are roughly 10,000 children in foster care in Massachusetts; Over 600 are waiting to be adopted, maybe right in your neighborhood! adoptive parents in casual and fun settings. Each party is held in a different region of the state. Adults or families can learn more about adoption, meet waiting children and network with social workers. Since 1998, Jordan’s Furniture has partnered with MARE and DCF to host adoption parties and address the needs of waiting children through public education. What is MARE? The Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) is a private, non-profit agency that exists to find “a place to call HOME” for childreN waiting in foster care, including sibling groups, children of color of all ages and children with intellectual, physical or emotional difficulties or disabilities. We do this by recruiting, educating, supporting and advocating for FAMILIES throughout the adoption process. Founded in 1957, MARE works in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) and private agencies to help find permanent adoptive families for children in state foster care. MARE provides a variety of programs and services for families, waiting children and their social workers. Information/Referral Anyone seeking adoption information can call MARE. Staff members are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions regarding specific children and the adoption process in general. We can send you an information packet and/or refer you to adoption agencies to start the process. Registration/Matching Social workers register waiting children with MARE to find families for them through our wide array of programs and services. Individuals and families who have been homestudied and approved to adopt a child from foster care can also register with MARE for our free matching service. Non-registered families can also use our Online Matching program to search and make inquiries on any child listed with MARE, based on the criteria the family inputs. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids MARE Photolisting® MARE maintains a book containing biographical descriptions and photographs of children who are registered with MARE and available for adoption. Updated monthly, the MARE Photolisting® is located in most public libraries statewide, as well as in many adoption agencies. Our Online MARE Photolisting includes many children photolisted with MARE. Media Campaigns MARE coordinates numerous ongoing media & recruitment campaigns featuring specific children available for adoption. Below are just a few of our campaigns: • Wednesday’s Child with Jack Williams on WBZ-TV4, Boston • Sunday’s Child® in the Boston Globe • The Heart Gallery, a photo exhibit of waiting children • En Busca de un Hogar with Sara Suarez on Univision The full listing is on our website. Adoption Parties Four to six times per year, MARE hosts adoption parties to bring together social workers, waiting children and prospective MARE is the proud recipient of grants from The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a non-profit public charity dedicated to dramatically increasing adoptions of children in North America’s foster care systems. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids (a signature program of the Foundation) recruiters employ a child-focused recruitment strategy which involves regular meetings with children, adoption preparation and the creation of recruitment plans to find families for children waiting to be adopted. AdoptUsKids MARE serves as the Massachusetts Response Team for the national family recruitment campaign conducted by the Adoption Exchange Association, the Children’s Bureau’s Collaboration to AdoptUsKids, and the Ad Council. MARE staff personally respond to and maintain contact with families who inquire through this initiative in both English and Spanish.
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