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FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER OF PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' COLLEGE, SYDNEY 2016 ISSUE 11 Installation of the 2017 Senior School Leaders at a special assembly that was held on Friday 22 July. IN THIS ISSUE A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear PLC Sydney Community IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS & STUDENTS Parent Seminars Interested in Rowing? Try it out! The Inaugural PLC Sydney Tattoo Fines and Croydon Station Upgrades KEY DATES & UPCOMING EVENTS Year 6 Father Daughter Dinner PLC Sydney and Shore School Combined Concert ArtExpression HSC Visual Arts 2016 Pamela Nutt Address STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 1 Music Success International Science Competition Speech Success Sporting Success Shakespeare Carnival State Champions Installation of 2017 Senior School Leaders STUDENT EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Gifted and Talented Discovery Program Year 4 performance IPSHA trials and AHIGS update HSC Design Exhibition PLC SYDNEY COMMUNITY Parents and Friends' Association Ex-Students' Union Archibald Prize Event Camphora Issue 3 Winter 2016 Stories from the Archives FOLLOW US Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 2 A Message from the Principal Dear PLC Sydney Community Click the image to watch Vlog #4 'From The Principal'. Welcome to Term 3. We are looking forward to a very positive and productive term. We are very proud of the progress we are making as a College. I foresee many developments in the next two terms, including the planning for the new symphony orchestra, the refreshment of our tennis program through a strong partnership with Newington College, the continued redevelopment of Hamilton (our Years 3–6 campus) and the finalisation of our new Cambridge subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics (to be taught concurrently with BOSTES Mathematics) and Physics/Chemistry. I wish to recognise the wonderful work done by staff each day. It is not only in developing initiatives, it is in their very real human support for one another. I need to say that the first half of 2016 has had its personal challenges for staff. A significant number of staff have lost one or both parents this year, often after a long period of care. They have sought to balance work and life, as we all do, seeking to ensure that students are known and are taught well. We grant a certain amount of long-service- leave each year, and some staff have taken advantage of this to care for loved ones. You will recall we had one teacher recovering from a serious accident in Semester 1, one teacher go on leave very early in the year, and one teacher had her son contract a serious illness. And there will be a small number of teachers who leave us for good reasons after excellent service. It is important to recognise the commitment of those who work with our students each day. I wish, in particular, to note that one year group that has been impacted more than others by these changes is Year 7, with each of the aforementioned teachers having a class with that year group. I do wish to thank the teachers who have joined us, each of whom has been excellent. One of the wonderful things about PLC Sydney is in the fact that many teachers of very high standard wish to work here. Mrs Colgan in English, Mr Isgro and Ms Grundy in Science, and Mrs Mawad in Mathematics have all served the students with skill and care. It is good that Mr Pettenon is now back teaching full-time and we will welcome Mrs Dickinson back with us this term, working part-time. PLC Sydney has very low turnover rates for staff, but we are not immune to illness, tragedy or personal hardship. I also wish to thank the student and parent bodies who have been very supportive. I note also that if you believe your daughter has found any change difficult to please tell us. We will seek to address her particular needs. I note also that we have had some challenges with our traffic situation on Boundary Street. I have written separately to families and will continue to work towards a sensible solution. In the term ahead we have much to celebrate. Our wonderful Year 12 cohort, so ably led by School Captain, Lucy Rowse, and her team, will be completing classes, saying farewell and heading off to study for their examinations. They have been exceptional as a group of young women and we are sure they will impact their local, national and even international Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 3 communities positively in the future. I look forward to meeting with them in the term ahead. I look forward to seeing you at the Roundabout, on the sidelines at Sport, or at another school event this term. Dr Paul Burgis Principal Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 4 Important Information for Parents & Students Parent Seminars Letting Go — The Primary School Journey for You and Your Child Letting Go is an informative and practical parent seminar with Bernard Macleod, a child and adolescent psychotherapist. Bernard, with over 15 years experience working with children and young people, will provide information and insight to you as a parent, supporting your child through their Junior School years. Date: Thursday 4 August 2016 Time: 6.30 pm Location: Audrey Keown Theatre (AKT) To register for this event please visit u p c o m i n g e v e n t s Study Skills for Years 7 and 8 (for parents and students) Dr Prue Salter has specialised for the last 15 years in the areas of study skills and self-regulated learning. Not only is Prue an expert in helping students develop the skills they need but her past experience as a secondary teacher and Year Coordinator means she has an insider’s knowledge about the struggles students face. Date: Tuesday 9 August 2016 Time: 7.00 – 8.30 pm Location: Audrey Keown Theatre (AKT) To register for this event please visit u p c o m i n g e v e n t s Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 5 Important Information for Parents & Students Interested in Rowing? Try it out! Click the image to see our PLC Sydney rowers in action. In the last few weeks of Term 2 2016, the rowing team (coaches and current rowers) ran an 'Introduction to Rowing Program' during lunchtimes. It involved a rowing stall where girls had a go on the rowing machines in the playground, trying to complete 100m in the shortest time possible. It also involved an opportunity to try rowing in the pool. We had three single sculls in the pool for three lunchtimes over three weeks at the end of Term 2. Girls had the opportunity to row a boat and learn the basic technique of rowing in a safe, warm environment. B u t t h e r e a r e m o r e o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o t r y r o w i n g coming up for any student wishing to either just try rowing for the experience or to sign up to join the 2016/17 Rowing Team. 1. Sign up for 2016/17 Rowing Team on the Term 4 sports sign-ups page, please visit Enable 2. Sign up to the October Learn to Row Camp, please visit our sports microsite To find out more please visit our sport microsite Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 6 Important Information for Parents & Students The Inaugural PLC Sydney Tattoo Click the image to watch our PLC Sydney Pipes and Drums video. Please join us for a wonderful evening of entertainment as we host PLC Sydney's Inaugural Tattoo. The Pipes and Drums and Wind Ensemble will come together on Drummond Field for a performance of music and marching that is sure to be stirring and memorable. The entertainment will continue in Thompson Hall and showcase many of PLC Sydney's ensembles including the Big Band, Senior Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Strings, and the Concert and Stage Bands. Date: Friday 19 August 2016 Time: 6.00 pm Location: Drummond Field for the first half then into Thompson Hall for the second half Food: To farewell the Big Band who leave for Wolfenbuttel, Germany in September, German-themed food will be available to purchase from the Old Canteen from 5.00 pm Parking: Please note that parking will not be available on Drummond Field due to the performance To rsvp please visit u p c o m i n g e v e n t s . For catering purposes, please indicate if you anticipate purchasing dinner. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 7 Important Information for Parents & Students Fines and Croydon Station Upgrades Email sent to families on Monday 4 July 2016 1. A response to Burwood Council regarding people who were fined for queuing along Boundary Street at the close of Term 2. Download letter here (DocAnnotation.type.70869) 2. Information about the changes to Croydon Railway Station access that occurred during the holiday break. Download information here (DocAnnotation.type.70868). Next step: Meeting with the General Manager of Burwood Council on Tuesday 19th July. Email sent to families on Tuesday 19 July 2016 1. The outcome of the meeting with the General Manager of Burwood Council on Tuesday 19th July. Download email here (DocAnnotation.type.70871) Next step: Reach out to our local member, Ms Jodi Mckay. Email sent to families on Wednesday 20 July 2016 1. The outcome of reaching out to our local member, Ms Jodi Mckay. Download email here (DocAnnotation.type.70873) Next step: Meeting with the Mayor of Burwood Council, Mr Faker, and our local member, Ms Jodi McKay, within the week. Email sent to Junior School families on Wednesday 25 July 2016 1. The outcome of the meeting with the Mayor of Burwood Council, Mr Faker, and our local member, Ms Jodi McKay, on Wednesday 25 July 2016. Download email here (DocAnnotation.type.70872) A reminder: If you were a parent who was booked for being in the queue, could you please send a copy of the ticket to Mrs Sabita Mathews via email [email protected]. I will keep you up to date with our progress. Dr Paul Burgis Principal Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 8 Key Dates & Upcoming Events Year 6 Father Daughter Dinner This is a wonderful opportunity for daughters and their fathers, grandfathers and another significant family member or friend to spend an enjoyable and memorable evening together to celebrate the last year of Junior School. Date: Friday 12 August 2016 Time: 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm Location: Oliveto Ristorante, 443 Concord Road, Rhodes Cost: $80 per head Dress: Smart Casual RSVP by Friday 29 July 2016. Please complete registration and payment online by visiting upcoming events Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 9 Key Dates & Upcoming Events PLC Sydney and Shore School Combined Concert Parents and friends are warmly invited to the PLC Sydney and Shore School combined concert. The night will feature performances from Shore ensembles, PLC Sydney Senior Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir, and will conclude with a combined performance of the Te Deum by Haydn, conducted by Dr Neil McEwan from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Date: Thursday 4 August 2016 Time: 7.30 pm Location: Smith Auditorium at Shore School, William and Blue St, North Sydney Parking: Available from 6.30 pm in the Centenary Building car park which can be accessed from William Street Tickets:* Book online today Note: Participants have rehearsals at Shore School Thursday 4 August from 5.30 pm. PLC Sydney staff will accompany students via train * All performers have seats – you do not require a ticket. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 10 Key Dates & Upcoming Events ArtExpression HSC Visual Arts Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 11 Key Dates & Upcoming Events 2016 Pamela Nutt Address Each year in August PLC Sydney holds The Pamela Nutt Address. The purpose is to consider the relationship between the Christian faith and a subject area in the College (e.g., Science, Language, History). A warm invitation is extended to Parents, friends and the wider community for this year's event. Date: Monday 1 August 2016 Time: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm Location: Level 3 of the Macindoe Research Centre We are very pleased to announce that M r S c o t t M o n kk, awardw i n n i n g j o u r n a l i s t a n d A u s t r a l i a n a u t h o r , will deliver this year's address on 'Faith and Literature'. Mr Monk will take questions and a light supper will be served at the close of the event. e To register for this event please visit u p c o m i n g e v e n t s If you are a parent or friend of the College you are invited to come early to join us at the P & F M e e t i n g , 6 . 3 0 p m o n l e v e l 3 o f the Macindoe Research Centre e. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 12 Student Achievements Music Success Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 13 Student Achievements International Science Competition On Wednesday 1 June 2016, PLC Sydney Science Students, in Years 7–10, participated in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Science Competition. We are pleased to announce we received some excellent results, securing 16 High Distinctions (top 1%), 52 Distinctions (next 10%), 125 Credits (next 25%) and 47 Merits (next 10%). The test is composed of 45 multiple choice questions to be completed in one hour. Angeni Bai in Year 9 achieved the highest score, answering 43 questions correctly. Three students in Year 11 attempted the competition as a trial to determine the value of participation at this level. We anticipate entering Year 11 Science Students in 2017. Certificates of High Distinction and Distinction will be presented at the Science Awards Evening in Term 4. All other certificates have been presented in class. The feedback from the competition provides valuable information about individual and group strengths and weaknesses that will inform teaching strategies. Congratulations to all who participated and a special mention to the following students: High Distinction Horatia Ma and Emily Li (Year 7) Stephanie Howes and Amanda Lu (Year 8) Angeni Bai, Christina Shi, Grace Zhu, Sophie Heasman, Claire Shi and Ziyi Que (Year 9) Shirley Hong, Rebekah Kang, Laurel Lu, Sabena Bhadri and Jennifer Xu (Year 10) Emma Liu (Year 11) Distinction Amelie Larsen, Heidi Osborne, Georgia Tsihlis, Madeleine Hardy, Hannah Ly, Emma O’Dea, Xinyue Zhang, Yian Li, Claire Bui and Jessica Oates (Year 7) Yanna Gralton, Helena Law, Miriam Ly, Eliza Martin, Maddison MacFarlane, Haley Mills, Nina Power, Kate Stirton, Audrey Tanama, Jessica Cheng, Sophie Jones, Caitlyn Wong, LInda Wang, Catherine Zhao, Georgia Dedes and Anneke Sach (Year 8) Taylor Chan, Tay Leung, Wendy Lin, Alexandra Raleigh, Kelly Liu and Minghui Zhong (Year 9) Salina Ai, Samantha Chen, Katarina Kiew, Rhiannon Kumar, Annabelle Mentzines, Lucy Mo, Sherie Pan, Phoebe Denham, Holly Garner, Lucy Huang, Elena Koskinas, Eleanor Lawton-Wade, Lauren McGrath-Wild, Anna McRae, Jessica Romiti, Stella Shannon, Belinda Thomas and Cate Caldis (Year 10) Zoe Shreeve and Gloria Liao (Year 11) Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 14 Student Achievements Speech Success A Rising Star On Sunday 18 June, Lina Cho (Year 10) represented PLC Sydney in the Rostrum Voice of Youth State Finals. She was awarded runner-up in the Junior Division. Lina delivered a convincing prepared speech calling for the cancellation of the provocation plea in murder/manslaughter cases. Her impromptu speech, although more light-hearted, raised our awareness of the lack of philanthropy in Australia compared to other developed countries. Interestingly, Lina finds prepared speaking more stressful than speaking with little or no notice. Rostrum Voice of Youth is open to all high school students across Australia. Over 3000 students participate each year, covering over 500 schools. Lina hopes to be a Barrister and judging by her excellent performance in the State Finals, I think we can all agree that she is well on her way. Congratulations Lina. Image: Lina Cho Heading for Australian Titles Congratulations to all students who auditioned for the Australian Individual Debating and Public Speaking Competition (AIDPSC) at the end of Term 2. The team selected was Jade Lin (Year 11), Kelsey Lu (Year 11), Eleanor Lawton- Wade (Year 10) and Lina Cho (Year 10). These students will carry the PLC Sydney flag to Canberra to take part in four events. High scoring performers will then be eligible for selection to the Australian Representative Team to travel to the World Competition in 2017. This year, AIDPSC will be hosted by Canberra Girls Grammar School on 26–28 September 2016, during the first week of the Term 3 holidays. Additionally, this year we are able to send a development team to Speakfest, which is an opportunity for High School students to enhance their public speaking and debating skills. A further four Year 10 students have been selected to participate in Speakfest: Lauren McGrath-Wild, Annabelle Moore, Jessica Wang and Sophie Ma. This event takes place in tandem with AIDPSC in Canberra. Senior Speech Students Talk Their Way To The Top Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 15 Image (from left): Sophie Ma. Dr Paul Burgis, Eleanor Lawton-Wade, Lina Cho, Lauren McGrath-Wild, Katherine Chen, Annabelle Moore and Sophie Ma On Thursday 23 June 2016, the Senior Speaking Festival took place in College Hall. Whilst the evening was dark and cold, the verbal artistry demonstrated warmed to the core. We marvelled at our Senior students’ ability to interpret mature and challenging texts and speak on a diverse range of subjects with limited preparation time and notes. Many speakers tackled all three divisions: Poetry, Prose Reading and the ever-challenging Impromptu Speaking task. Congratulations to the following students: Poetry 1st Sophie Ma 2nd Katherine Chen 3rd Annabelle Moore 4th Kelsey Lu 5th Alison Chen HC Stephanie Lee and Lina Cho Impromptu Speaking 1st Lina Cho 2nd Eleanor Lawton- Wade 3rd Lauren McGrath- Wild 4th Kelsey Lu 5th Jade Lin HC Alison Chen, Sherie Pan Prose Reading 1st Sherie Pan 2nd Katherine Chen 3rd Eleanor Lawton - Wade 4th Stephanie Lee 5th Lina Cho HC Eliza Otton, Lauren McGrath- Wild Additional congratulations are extended to Sophia Ma, Lina Cho and Sherie Pan for their nominations to the AHIGS Senior Speaking team, who will travel to Abbotsleigh for the 20th Festival of Speech in October. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 16 Student Achievements Sporting Success Images (from left): Lauren Flint and Litiana Field. Diving Congratulations to Diver Lauren Flint (Year 7) who competed in the 2016 Australian Elite Junior Diving Championships held in Adelaide. Lauren finished 4th in the 1 metre, 2nd in the platform and 1st in the 3 metre B group. She was also amongst 3 other NSW Divers named in the National Junior Squad and hopes to represent Australia in the next 12 months.. Congratulations Lauren. Hockey Congratulations to Litiana Field (Year 11) who toured with the Australian School Girls hockey team in the school holidays. Here are some highlights of her trip: "In the previous holidays, I was lucky enough to tour South Africa with the Australian School Girls Hockey Team. The tour started in Cape Town, where we played practice matches against Western Province before travelling to Durban, where we spent a few days on a game reserve getting up close and personal with the African wildlife. We then travelled to Pretoria to play our three test matches against the South African U18s team. Playing for our country was a new experience for us all and singing the national anthem before our games added to our nerves. We won the first match 2-0 and secured the series with our second win 3-1. But the intensity lifted on the last day and we finished the series with a 1-1 draw. The South African tour allowed us to gain international exposure to a different style of hockey while also gaining an amazing cultural experience." Litiana Field Read our interview with Lititana in Camphora, Issue 3 Winter 2016 Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 17 Rhythmics Congratulations to the 17 PLC Sydney gymnasts who participated in the NSW State Multiples Championships. The event was held at the Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatic Centre, Rooty Hill, and the girls performed some strong routines to bring home some great results! Congratulations to all the girls and to coach Jaelle Cohen. Category 1 Pairs: Sophie Chalmers and Kiera McAlister's (Year 2) placed 2nd and Oriel Fei (Year 3) placed 5th. Category 2 Pairs: Aerin Hayes (Year 6) placed 5th, Madeline Chew and Zoe Lee (Year 6) placed 8th and Mia Traver (Year 5) placed 12th. C a t e g o r y 3 T r i o s : Yalani Smith (Year 7), Kim Bui (Year 9) and Clare Bui (Year 7) placed 4th. Category 3 Group p: Emily Le, Jemima Wall and Jenna Zhang (Year 6) placed 4th. C a t e g o r y 4 G r o u p : Linda Wang, Emily Nielson, Summer Wanless and Grace Sheng (Year 7) placed 4th. Also, congratulations to Rhythmic Gymnast Amber Atcheson (Year 9) who, over the holiday period, was received a place in the Junior National Squad! This means Amber is an athlete who will be considered for national representation in the upcoming Olympic Cycle. A fabulous achievement. Congratulations Amber! Snowsports Congratulations to all students who competed in the 2016 Regional Snow Sports Championships. Senior School students in Years 7-10 dominated in the moguls and snowboarding events and our Junior School skiers shon. Our Senior school teams had podium results: Lilli Glenn (Year 10), Taylor Porter (Year 9), Phoebe Cridland (Year 9), Emma Bosco (Year 8), Georgia Coote (Year 8) and Jess Culhane (Year 8). Supported by teammates: Taylor Chan (Year 9), Georgia Smith (Year 9), Maja Buvac (Year 9), Jasmin Wiesner (Year 9), Isabella Hutton (Year 9), Annabel Smith (Year 7), Talia Skuse (Year 7), Chloe Chau (Year 7), Charlie Somboli (Year 7) , Imogen Howell (Year 7) and Maggie O'Reilly (Year 8). The team went on to place 6th overall in the Regional Championships. Our Junior school team dominated in the moguls events: Clare Bosco (Year 6), Dominique DeSouza (Year 5), Alessandra SydunWest (Year 4) and Xanthia Coote (Year 4). Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 18 Xanthia was also named Champion Snowboarder, supported by team mates: Bronte Prentice (Year 6) and Olivia Sader (Year 5), the team was ranked in the top 6 of all schools. For more photos of the Regional Championship visit facebook Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 19 Student Achievements Shakespeare Carnival State Champions Congratulations to our incredible Year 10 Drama students, Karli Musara, Sophie Douglas and Julia Leggat, who won their section at the State Final of the Shakespeare Carnival on Saturday 18 June 2016. The prestigious panel of judges, including Damien Ryan (Artistic Director Sport for Jove), Adam Cook (Course Director at the Actors Centre Australia) and Blazey Best (one of Australia's most admired female actors), commented that they were particularly impressed by our students willingness to inhabit the dark and ugly side of Shakespeare's imagery and their ability to work as an ensemble. The competition, that is run just as Shakespeare would have intended, with minimal set and costumes, allows the language and actor's skill to shine. Our three wonderful young performers filled the large York Theatre with their fine voices, inventive theatricality and brave characterisation. Well done girls! It is hoped that the event will soon become a national competition, with the winners being sent to perform at The Globe, in London. Image: Karli Musarra, Julia Leggat and Sophie Douglas. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 20 Student Achievements Installation of 2017 Senior School Leaders Images (from left): 2017 School Captain, Sandra Magro, The Big Band and 2006 School Captain, Eleanor Mitchell. The Installation of the 2017 Senior School Leaders was held at a special assembly on Friday 22 July. Special guest speaker at the ceremony was 2006 School Captain, Ms Eleanor Mitchell. Eleanor reflected on her time at school and also spoke about the importance of leading by example. The Big Band performed 'Sir Duke' with vocalist Evangelina Tomic and Marie Basile sang both the hymn 'Brother, Sister Let Me Serve You' as well as the School Hymn. We congratulate the following students and wish them every success in carrying out their duties next year: School Captain Sandra Magro School Vice-Captain School Vice-Captain Senior Prefect Sophia Bechara Laura Sweeting Vanessa Lubrano Boarders' Captain Boarders Prefect Holly Finlay Hannah Humphrey Boarders Prefect Art and Design Captain Chaplaincy Captain Tiffany Hung Vanessa Li Christina Bouletos Debating Captain Drama Captain Events Captain International Captain Music Captain Jade Lin Sophia Morrison Madeleine Maloof Lauren Croll Isabella Zhu Productions Captain Public Speaking Captain Publications Captain Service Learning Captain Sports Captain Ruby Phillips Stephanie Lee Alison Chen Kendall Lane Georgina Ryan School Community Prefect School Community Prefect School Community Prefect School Community Prefect School Community Prefect Cindy Chen Lauren Clark Eleanor Davis Angela Gao Erin Harmer School Community Prefect Catherine Ishak Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 21 School Community Prefect School Community Prefect Madison Lane Sophia Law School Community Prefect School Community Prefect Alison Lowe Sarah Peter School Community Prefect Emma Tanevska Anderson House Captain Anderson House Vice-Captain Ferguson House Captain Ferguson House ViceCaptain Harper House Captain Harper House Vice-Captain Kinross House Captain Kinross House Vice-Captain Pickard House Captain Pickard House Vice-Captain Wilkie House Captain Wilkie House Vice-Captain Chloe Yoo Celine Louizos Ella Fergusson Isabella Jobling Tahlia Merlino Claudia Raguz Ottilia Thompson Megan McConnell Keira Hajek Kim Yuan Lexe Meyer Mia Kapetanellis Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 22 Student Events & Activities Gifted and Talented Discovery Program Years 9 and 10 Science Students get a taste of university The opportunity to attend university for three days, listening to lectures, working in labs and meeting other students equally as passionate about Science was so much fun and so motivating. The Gifted and Talented Discovery Program is an annual event organised by the University of Sydney and facilitated by the Young Scientists of Australia (YSA). It ran for three days over the recent holiday break. Selection was gained through a qualifying test with only the top 10% of applicants being invited. PLC Sydney had 27 students from Years 9 and 10 invited, with 11 students managing to secure a place. Each day focussed on a separate type of Science, either Biology, Physics or Chemistry. We attended lectures, demonstrations and lab sessions. Every morning, we participated in a fun science-themed activity run by the YSA staff. We made friends our own age from around Sydney, as well as places like Armidale and the Gold Coast and lots of YSA members who were mostly university students. The fact that we were able to attend with other people who are as excited about Science as we are made the experience so much more enjoyable. The lecturers were PhD students at The University of Sydney, who talked about their research projects, as well as their own experiences at university. One student, Patrick Neumann, had designed a new type of rocket engine and started his own company. Adam Spencer, one of the Sleek Geeks and the university’s Science and Mathematics Ambassador, spoke at the closing ceremony. We really enjoyed the opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like to be a university student, attending lectures and doing experiments in the labs. The PhD lecturers provided an insight into both the level and the type of thinking required in university. They shared a lot of advice about how to extend our scientific interests and also provided us with information about their own existing experiments and projects. One common feature between all the people that we met was the passion and love they have for Science, especially the YSA Staff. Throughout the three days, we bathed in their enthusiasm and encouragement to study Science. We learned to communicate and cooperate with the other young scientists in our groups, and we took home not only knowledge and concepts but also fond memories which made the experience all the more enjoyable. Salina Ai, Angeni Bai, Phoebe Denham, Sophie Heasman, Laura Hooper, Maeve Kelaher, Rhiannon Kumar, Eleanor Lawton -Wade, Tay Leung, Wendy Lin, Laurel Lu, Claire Shi Image: Students at the Gifted and Talented Discovery Program at Sydney University. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 23 Student Events & Activities Year 4 performance The Curious Case of the Missing Porridge Year 4 took the Junior School and parent body by storm on Thursday 23 June when they showcased their dramatic skills in an original production of ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Porridge.’ After weeks of rehearsal, the girls were more than ready to sing, dance and act their way to a solution to this nursery crime. Through this experience, the girls gained an insight into the world of theatrics, whilst developing the important life skills of teamwork, compromise and commitment. Teachers, parents and students were impressed with the high standard and collaborative nature of this performance. Next stop Broadway for these talented young performers! Many thanks Year 4 Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 24 Student Events & Activities IPSHA trials and AHIGS update IPSHA tennis trials for term 4 sport Date: Thursday 18 August Time: 3.40 pm – 4.40 pm Location: PLC Sydney A letter from the AHIGS Dear Students at IGSSA schools, My name is Wayne Mitchell and I am the Director of Sport at IGSSA. Many of you will have enjoyed IGSSA competitions and carnivals as a competitor or spectator. IGSSA stands for the Independent Girls’ Schools Sports Association. IGSSA is a sub-committee of AHIGS, the Association of Heads of Independent Girls’ Schools. This year AHIGS is celebrating its Centenary – 100 years of the Heads of Girls’ Schools working together and we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the various ways that AHIGS provides sporting opportunities for IGSSA students. Many IGSSA students progress to elite levels of competition and this year a number of IGSSA students are participating at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The best way to send an IGSSA Olympian a message is to go to www.olympics.com.au. click on Team. Scroll to fan message. Once here we can send a message to Australian teams or individual athletes. We hope that in showing support to IGSSA Olympic athletes this will inspire, motivate and fill you with a sense of pride. Go IGSSA! Wayne Mitchell Association of Heads of Independent Girls’ Schools IGSSA Director of Sport Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 25 Student Events & Activities HSC Design Exhibition Images (from left): Dr Paul Burgis, Cailin Pascoe, Renee Murray, Georgia Page and Georgia Perivolaris. Georgia Perivolaris and Miss Unjelique Hajjar. Year 11 Food Technology students. This year’s HSC Design Exhibition, showcasing major projects by Year 12 students of Design and Technology (D&T) and Textiles and Design (T&D), opened at Adelaide Perry Gallery on Thursday 21 July. Year 11 Food Technology students catered for the event providing excellent finger food and refreshments to the Gallery visitors. 2015 Art and Design Captain, Miss Unjelique Hajjar, returned as special guest speaker and to officially open the event. She shared some memories of The Croydon from her HSC year and spoke about her endeavours since embarking on studies toward a combined Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Secondary Teaching at the University of New South Wales. She congratulated the girls on their achievements. Head of TAS, Ms Jo Herrmann, continued the official proceedings and commended this year’s HSC D&T and T&D students on their efforts. She spoke with admiration of this year’s group for their ongoing supportiveness of one another as they work towards completing their major projects. Awards were then presented to the following students: T e x t i l e I n n o v a t i o n a n d O u t s t a n d i n g E f f o r t : Georgia Perivolaris and Georgia Page Creative Design and Consistent Effort: Renee Murray and Cailin Pascoe To close proceedings, Georgia Perivolaris (Art and Design Captain), Renee Murray and Cailin Pascoe, thanked The Croydon staff for their support and presentations of thanks were made to Ms Herrmann, Mrs Nastasi and Mr Paxton. The HSC Design Exhibition 2016 continues 8.30 am – 4.00 pm weekdays until midday Friday 29 July. All welcome! Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 26 PLC Sydney Community Parents and Friends' Association Curriculum committee member needed for the NSW Parents Council Are you in a position to provide advice to BOSTES about the monitoring of consultation processes and feedback, and the quality and suitability of curriculum materials for implementation in NSW schools? The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) are seeking candidates to join the Curriculum Committee of the NSW Parents Council for the following learning areas: • Years K–10 PDHPE • Years 11–12 English It is anticipated that the Board Curriculum Committees will first convene in August and will be required to meet on a number of occasions as necessary during syllabus development processes. If you would like to nominate yourself, or require further information, please contact Phil Argy [email protected] Find out more about the NSW Parents' Council via their website Thank you P&F A big thank you to the P&F for providing rugs for our Year 9 students! In Winter, their area (the Sunken Lawn) gets a little damp for the average bottom. Now they are able to enjoy each other's company in comfort. Image: Year 9 students on the Sunken Lawn at PLC Sydney. Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 27 PLC Sydney Community Ex-Students' Union Archibald Prize Event The PLC Sydney Ex-Students’ Union (ESU) invites PLC Sydney family and friends to enjoy a special viewing of the 2016 Archibald, Sulman and Wynne Prize finalists at The Art Gallery of NSW. Join us for an ‘Art Before Hours’ tour with our own guide followed by morning tea at the gallery. All welcome! Date: Thursday 4 August 2016 Time: 9.00 am RSVP: (with payment) by Thursday 28 July 2016 Cost: $60 ESU members $65 non-ESU members Direct deposit PLC Sydney Ex-Students’ Union BSB: 062001 A/C: 00908693 Please remember to include your name For more information, please contact Mrs Robyn McBride 0418 160 615 or [email protected] Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 28 PLC Sydney Community Camphora Issue 3 Winter 2016 Welcome to Issue 3 of Camphora, PLC Sydney’s biannual magazine. In this winter issue of Camphora we look back at the many activities and events that have taken during Semester 1. What a great start to the year! There has been a renewed focus on STEM disciplines in Australia and Dr Burgis talks about how PLC Sydney assists our students to gain capacity and confidence in these subjects. Head of Mathematics, Mrs Dianne Balkizas, lists the programs we have in place to encourage our senior girls to study Mathematics at the highest level and ex-students Edwina Hobson and Chloe Jamieson-Grigg reflect on how their choices of higher level Mathematics subjects at school have helped them at university. And Ms Belinda Martins, STEM IT Teacher, details some of the exciting and innovative programs underway in the Junior School to develop both computational thinking and problem solving. We chat with students Litiana Field and Sienna Cai about their sporting goals and achievements and spend 60 seconds with two wonderful members of staff, Mrs Sarah Waller and Ms Stephanie Cannon. To view this issue of Camphora please visit publications Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 29 PLC Sydney Community Stories from the Archives Everyone has a story to tell, they say, and Grace Thompson’s is a little more unusual than most. She attended PLC in 1904 and 1905, as did her sisters. Three of her sisters later taught at Branxton. Her twin brother, Frank Low Thompson, served as Chairman of our College Council from 1931 to 1974. Her husband, Dr Piero Fiaschi, Clinical Assistant at Sydney Hospital, is remembered by the sculpture Il Porcellino (the piglet) that stands in Macquarie Street near the hospital. But Grace has her own story. She was one of more than 3,000 Australian civilian nurses who volunteered for active service during World War I. She completed her nursing training at Prince Alfred Hospital in 1913. Aged 26 and single, Grace joined the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) as a Staff Nurse and embarked on the HMAS Kyarra on 28 November 1914 bound for Egypt. According to the Nominal Roll, her religion was Presbyterian and her salary was £60 p.a. On the long voyage, she and the other nurses were kept busy assisting with vaccinations and operations and training male orderlies. Grace served with the 2nd Australian General Hospital, which had been established in Mena House, a former royal hunting lodge in Cairo (now a resort with easy access for visiting the Pyramids at Giza). Once the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign started on 25 April 1915, this hospital was soon overcrowded with wounded soldiers and the medical staff worked around the clock. Thompson family history tells us that Nurse Thompson contracted mumps while in Egypt and subsequently undertook nursing duties on the Runic back to Australia. Back home, however, she did not resign from the AANS but rather embarked on the HMAT Orsova on 29 July 1916, this time with the higher rank of 'Sister', to serve with the 14th Australian General Hospital in Abbassia, a neighbourhood in Cairo. Working in this hospital Grace would have been exposed to the horrors of war—soldiers suffering from savage wounds, missing limbs, shell-shock, mustard gas and more. It is also likely that in her time off, she and other nurses enjoyed excursions, by camel, to the nearby Pyramids. These experiences were life-changing and fostered a more worldly view than in women of Grace’s generation. To read more of Grace’s story visit the Archives Microsite Image: Nurse Grace Thompson during World War I. Credit Betty Davis (née Thompson) Connections Newsletter Issue 11 – 28 July 2016 Page 30