Yangon Photo Festival 2012


Yangon Photo Festival 2012
Our Environment
uREfkyfwdk h&J hywf0ef;usif
Lu Guang, Pollution in China
MAK Remissa, Water is life
Saturday, January 28: YANGON PHOTO NIGHT
5:00 p.m.: Inauguration of the exhibits:
"Fukushima" by Christine Cibert (France)
"The Moken, Sea Gypsies" by Andrew Testa (UK)
MAK Remissa, Water is life
"Pollution in China" by Lu Guang (China)
"Water is life" by MAK Remissa/Asia Motion (Cambodia)
"The honey gatherers" by Eric Tourneret (France)
"Pastoral" by Alexander Gronsky (Estonia)
"Shanghai : Memories and Prejudice" by Vincent Su (China)
"Katrina" by Cédric Faimali / Collectif Argos (France)
"Save the poles" by Nicolas Dubreuil (France) (exhibition situated at Alamanda Inn)
6:15 p.m. : Screening of the photo-essays. Myanmar photographers compete for the
" Best Photo-Essays of the Year " awards.
8:00 p.m.: Award ceremony for the Best photo-essays of the year and the open-to-all
Canon-Kodak Photo Contest. Distribution of many prizes worth $5000.
Gardens of the French Institute of Myanmar- Free entrance
The Festival is placed under the high patronage of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
president of the 2012 jury
Zefe0g&D 28 &uf? &efukef"mwfykHyJGawmfn
nae 5 em&D/ "mwfykH jyyGJ zGifhyGJ
Nyifopf,Ofaus;rIXmeNrufcif;Nyif? 340? Nynfvrf;? prf;acsmif; (0ifaMu;tcrJh)
yifv,faysmf qvkHrsm;
Lu Guang (China) : w½kwfNynfrS ywf0ef;usifnpfnrf;rI
MAK Remissa/Asia Motion (Cambodia) : a&onf touf
Eric Tourneret (France) : ysm;&nf&SmazGpkaqmif;olrsm;
Christine Cibert (France) :
Andrew Testa (UK) :
Vincent Su, Shanghai:
Memories and Prejudice
Alexandre Gronsky (Estonia) : "Pastoral"
Vincent Su (China) : ½Sef[dkif; rS trSwfw&rsm; ESifh cH,lcsuf
Cedric Faimali/Collectif Argos (France) : ux&Dem
Nicolas Dubreuil (France) : 0if½kd;pGef;rsm;udkxdef;odrf;umuG,fMuygpYdk
("mwfykHNyyGJae&m –
Alamanda Inn,
60^bD ?a½TawmifMum;vrf; ? A[ef;)
nae 6 em&D 15 - wpfESpfwm Zmwfvrf;aemufcH taumif;qkH; "mwfykHqkrsm; twGuf yg0if,SOfNydKifaom
jrefrm"mwfykHq&mrsm; \"mwfykHrsm; NyoNcif;
n 8 em&D - wpfESpfwm Zmwfvrf;aemufcH taumif;qkH; "mwfykHqk ESifh Canon-Kodak
"gwfykHNydKifyGJwGif a':atmifqef;pkMunfrS 'kdifvlBuD;tzGJYOuúXtjzpf BuD;Muyfaqmif&Gufay;ygrnf/
Wed, January 25, 6:00 p.m.: Lecture about the Dawei port project and its
environmental issues, by Zaw Oo, director of Loka Ahlinn. In English
Thu, January 26, 5:00 p.m.: Conference by the Pikture Man. In Myanmar
Fri, January 27, 6:30 p.m.: Pictures in Motion,"Les Nuits Photographiques Festival
Paris". Screening of 2011 Prize winners, by Nicolas Havette. In English
Sat, January 28, 2:00 p.m.: Lecture on” Media incidents in China,” by Dr Cao Pinxin, Ph.D.,
dean of the School of Photography, Communication University of China, Nanjing. In English
Sat, January 28, 3:30 p.m. : Lecture on “Environmental issues in China” by Jean
Lôh, owner of the Beaugeste Gallery in Shanghai and Christophe Loviny, photographer.
In English
Reading Room- French Institute of Myanmar
Free Entrance
Friday, January 27, 8:00 p.m : “Save the Poles”
by Nicolas Dubreuil (France). Alamanda Inn,
60/B Shwe Taung Gyar Rd, Bahan tsp. Free
Nicolas Dubreuil, Save the Poles
Nyifopf,Ofaus;rIXme ? pmzwfcef;r ? 0ifaMu;tcrJh /
Zefe0g&D 25? Ak'¨[l;ae h? nae 6 em&D - a[maNymol – aZmfOD; ('g½kdufwm^avmutvif;)
taMumif;t&m – xm;0,fvkyfief; pDrHudef; \ywf0ef;usifqkdif&m taMumif;t&mrsm; (t*FvdyfbmomNzifh)
Zefe0g&D 26? Mumoyaw;ae h? nae 5 em&D - a[maNymol – Pikture man (NrefrmbmomNzifh)
Zefe0g&D 27? aomMumaeY? n 6em&D cGJ - a[maNymol – Nicolas Havette
taMumif;t&m – ouf0ifvIyf½Sm;aeaom "mwfykHrsm; “ yg&D "mwfykHyGJawmf nrsm;” ? 2011 "mwfykHqk&olrsm;&JU
vuf&mrsm; (t*FvdyfbmomNzifh)
Zefe0g&D 28? paeae h? ae hvnf 2em&D - a[maNymol – Dr. Cao Pinxin, Ph.D., "mwfykHynm&yfqdkif&m ausmif;tkyf
Communication University of China Nanjing
taMumif;t&m – w½kwfEkdifiH owif;avmurS tNzpftysufrsm; (t*FvdyfbmomNzifh)
Zefe0g&D 28? paeae h? ae hvnf 3 em&D cGJ - a[maNymol – Jean Loh, ½Sef[dkif;½Sd Beaugeste "mwfykHNycef; ykdif½Sif ESifh
Christophe Loviny, "mwfykHq&m
taMumif;t&m – w½kwfEkdifiHrS ywf0ef;usifqdkif&m taMumif;t&mrsm; (t*FvdyfbmomNzifh)
"mwfykHNyyGJzGifhyGJ - Zefe0g&D 27 ? n 8 em&D/
Nicolas Dubreuil (France) : 0if½kd;pGef;rsm;udk xdef;odrf;umuG,fMuygpdk h /
"mwfykHNyYyGJae&m – Alamanda Inn; 60 ^bD ? a½TawmifMum;vrf; ? A[ef; / 0ifaMu;tcrJh
January 12 to 19 : Workshop with Kyee Myint. In Myanmar.
Kyee Myint, official photographer of the Shwedagon Pagoda and trainer of "Yangon
Photo training" at Canon Club Myanmar, will share his experience in this workshop
specially designed for enthusiastic beginners.The workshop will cover DSLR camera
basics, photography rules, regulations, ethics, photo compositions and of course dos and
don'ts. Bring along your own camera.
Register with Valentine or Adeline at the French Institute. Tel : 536 900/537 122. Free of charge.
January 14 to 21: Advanced Photo-Essay Workshop. In English.
Take a big step in photography: from being able to take a good photo to composing a real
body of work.Designed for professionals and all those who have already developed a
special interest in photography, this 8-day workshop will help you to expand your skills by
creating a narrative photo essay. The best works will be shown during the Yangon Photo
Night and will receive awards and prizes worth $5000.
Selection on January 12-13. Bring your port-folio on prints or on a USB stick, and
prepare your own ideas about topics for a photo essay.
Register with Valentine or Adeline at the French Institute. Tel: 536 900/537 122. Free of charge.
"mwfykHoifwef;rsm; (0ifaMu;tcrJh)
Zefe0g&D 12 rS 19 &uf - "mwfykHq&m OD;MuD;Nrifh (NrefrmbmomNzifh)
a½Twd*kHapwDawmf\w&m;0if"mwfykHq&m wpfOD;NzpfNyD; NrefrmEkdifiH
"mwfykHuvyfrS avhusifhoifMum;ay;olvnf;Nzpfaom OD;BuD;Nrifh
rS "mwfykH0goemtdk;rsm;twGufzGifhvSpfr,fh taNccHoifwef;Nzpfygw,f/
oifwef;rSm DSLR uifr&m taNccHenf;pepfrsm; ? "mwfykHynmqdkif&m
pnf;rsOf;rsm; ? odxm;oifhaom enf;Oya'orsm; ? aqmif&ef a½Smif&ef
tcsufrsm; ESifh "mwfykH aygif;pyfrIynm pwmawGudk oifMum;ydk hcsoGm;rSm
jzpfygw,f/ (rdrdudk,fydkifuifr&mrsm; ,laqmifvmyg&ef)/
qufoG,f&ef - 'D;'D; ? zkef; - 536900 ? 537122/
Zefe0g&D 14 rS 21 &uf - tqifhNrifh"mwfykHoifwef; (t*FvdyfbmomNzifh)
wu,fhZmwfvrf;wpfyk'fudk taNccHNyD; "mwfykHaumif;wpfykHNzpfwnfvmEdkifatmifavhvmoif,lMu&atmif/
ynm½Sifrsm; ESifh "mwfykHynm&yfudktxl;wvnfpdwf0ifpm;olrsm; 'D 8-&ufMumoifwef;rSm Zmwfvrf;aemufcH "mwfykH
awGzefwD;&if; oifwdYkvuf&nfawGudk jrSifhwifMuygpdkY/ taumif;qkH;"mwfykHrsm;udk &efukef"mwfykHyGJawmfnrSm
NyooGm;rSmNzpfNyD; a':vm 5000 wefqkrsm;csD;NrSifhygr,f/
qufoG,f&ef - 'D;'D; ? zkef; - 536900 ? 537122/ oifwef;om;a½G;cs,fNcif; - Zefe0g&D 12 &uf ? 13 &uf/ "mwfykHrsm;udk
zvif odkYr[kwf USB stick NzifhNyifqif,laqmifvmyg&ef/
Eric Tourneret, The Honey Gatherers
Theme of the contest : “Nature in the city”. What is the role of the nature in the city ? What
impact has the development of the city on nature ? What are the stakes of the preservation of
nature in the city ?
Each participant can submit 3 photos. Prints must be made on Kodak paper, 9x12 inches.
Write down your name, contact number and e-mail at the back of the prints. Submit your
pictures to DiDi at the French Institute before January 14.
1 prize: SLR CANON EOS 600D (18-55 mm IS)
2nd prize: Canon Power Shot
3rd prize: Canon Power Shot
4th, 5th, 6th prizes: Coupons to be used in any Kodak print shop
2012 Canon Kodak "mwfykHNydKifyGJ
NrdK hNyrSm obm0 &J htcef;u@u bmvJ/ NrdK hNyzGH hNzdK;rI u obm0ywf0ef;usifay:rSm b,fvdk tusdL;oufa&mufrI ½SdvJ/
NrdK hNyrSm obm0ywf0ef;usif xdef;odrf;rItwGuf vdktyfwJhaqmif½GufcsufawGu bmawGvJ/ NydKifyGJacgif;pOfu NrdK hNy ESifh
obm0ywf0ef;usifNzpfNyD; yg0if,SOfNydKifolrsm;[m "mwfykH 3 ykHwifNycGifh½SdNyD; xdk"mwfykHrsm;udk 9 _ 12 vufr t½G,f
zvifrsm;Nzifhomul;aq;ykHxkwf&ygr,f/ ykHrsm;aemufzufwGif emrnf ? vdyfpm ? zkef;eHygwf tNynfhtpkHa&;NyD; Zefe0g&D 14
&ufrwdkifrD Nyifopf,Ofaus;rIXme ? trSwf 340 Nynfvrf; rS 'D;'D; xHodk hqufoG,f ay;ykd h&rSm Nzpfygw,f /
yxrqk - SLR EOS 600D (18-55 mm IS) ? 'kwd,qk - Canon Power Shot ? wwd,qk - Canon Power Shot ?
pwkw¬ ? yÍör ESifh qXr qkrsm; - Kodak "mwfykHqdkifrsm;wGif tokH;NyKEdkifaom ulyGefrsm;
Andrew Testa,The Moken, Sea gypsies
Cédric Faimali (Collectif Argos), Katrina

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