AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTION 2016 SUMMARY The main areas of development for this fashion Maison 3 MAISON LEJABY’s theme 4 The construction of the collection 6 Autumn/Winter Collection 2016 7 2 →SUMMARY THE MAIN A R E AS O F D E V E L O P M E N T F O R T H I S FA S H I O N M A I S O N STYLE PA R A S O L C O L L E C T I O N • Parisian allure • Sensual elegance • Bold classic style • Desirability • 5 themes • Recruit • Repeat purchase TEAMS H É R I TA G E • Know how • Create credibility and perpetuate PRODUCT Creation Quality IMAGE C O M M U N I C AT I O N • Visibility • Desirability • Recruit • Multiple skills • Integration of new specialisations M U LT I - C H A N N E L D I S T R I B U T I O N • Expand SERVICE FOR END CUSTOMERS • Create loyalty 3 →SUMMARY ONE BRAND: ONE COLLECTION 5 THEMES LINGERIE MAKER DESIGNER Lingerie makers who love women and the modern era KNOW-HOW C R E AT I O N • Fine lingerie • Well-cut pieces • The most noble materials • A well-designed fit • Parisian allure • Sensual elegance • Bold classic style DESIGN WORKSHOPS The iconics The Spirit of the Moment The Couture Spirit Plus Size Elixir Swimwear Starting at €70 Starting at €70 Starting at €234 Starting at €98 Starting at €120 END CUSTOMER • A cleverly designed wardrobe • Lingerie for life 4 →SUMMARY AN ART FORM As the longest-standing French corsetry Maison, MAISON LEJABY has been developing its art form since 1930, through the expertise of its workshops in Lyon. This genuine Maison de Creation and Design is perpetuating and reinventing finely-worked lingerie with a perfect fit, made with state-of-the-art expertise using the noblest of materials. 5 →SUMMARY A C R E AT I V E S I G N AT U R E O F F E R I N G L I N G E R I E FOR EVERY OCCASION MAISON LEJABY offers a range of lingerie to suit every occasion, combining elegance and spirit to guarantee a very Parisian, classic yet daring look at all times. It creates lingerie for every situation, comprised of essential pieces, punctuated with some more daring designs and exceptional models. A UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE ON WOMEN A creative corset-maker devoted primarily to women and moving with the times. Maison Lejaby places lingerie at the heart of women’s lives, with the firm belief that the most seductive women are those who dare to be themselves. 6 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTION 2016 The Theme 8 The Colours 9 The Iconics 20 The Spirit of the Moment 33 The Couture Spirit 67 Plus Size Elixir 71 7 →SUMMARY THE THEME: P R I VAT E H O T E L A Parisian environment, full of contrasts yet elegant, that echoes a cleverly designed lingerie wardrobe from MAISON LEJABY. A charming environment for a unique style. 8 →SUMMARY THE COLOURS AUTUMN/WINTER 2016 9 →SUMMARY CRAZY RED From Redcurrant to Grand Cru, shades of intoxicating reds. Gaby Corolle Officier Miss Lejaby Rosae Demoiselle 10 →SUMMARY FA D E T O G R E Y From Anthracite to Pearl, a heady Marbled ombré Crystal Geisha Soie Belle 11 →SUMMARY THE BLUE HOUR From Sapphire by day to Ink by night to “arty” Klein Miss Lejaby Fleur de dentelle Enlace-moi Divine Guipure Attrape-Cœur 12 →SUMMARY COSMETIC CLOAK From Pink Cream to Divine Opaline, exquisite “nudes” Soie Belle Émotion Geisha Hanaé 13 →SUMMARY IMPERIAL VIOLET From Amethyst to Plum, the season’s Aubergine! Divine Guipure Soie Belle Attrape-Cœur 14 →SUMMARY B L A C K A N D L I LY Timeless colours! Miss Lejaby Fleur de dentelle Corolle Officier Victoria Rock Rosae Demoiselle Demoiselle Enlace-moi Caprice 15 →SUMMARY 1 S T M AY 2 0 1 6 DELIVERY SCHEDULE 1 ST J U N E 2 0 1 6 Sapphire Blue (278) Black (04) AUTUMN/WINTER 2016 Garnet (131) Sapphire Blue (278) Redcurrant (325) Divine Guipure Miss Lejaby Soie Belle 1 S T J U LY 2 0 1 6 Marbled (296) Black (04) Plum (698) Anthracite (957) Silver (960) Klein Blue (282) Crystal Divine Guipure Fleur de dentelle Soie Belle Geisha 1 ST S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 Grand cru (283) Gaby Corolle Black (04) Black (04) Tango (293) Grand cru (283) Officier Black (04) Victoria Rock 16 →SUMMARY 1 S T M AY 2 0 1 6 1 ST J U N E 2 0 1 6 Sapphire Blue (278) Black (04) DELIVERY SCHEDULE AUTUMN/WINTER 2016 PLUS SIZE ELIXIR Strawberry (175) Lily (801) Attrape-Cœur Demoiselle 1 S T J U LY 2 0 1 6 Black (04) Opium (916) Sapphire Blue (278) Enlace-moi Attrape-Cœur 1 ST S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 Black (04) Tango (293) Rosaé 17 →SUMMARY PRICE POSITIONING AUTUMN/WINTER 2016 SET PRICE 234 LEVEL 4 €180-235 190 188 124 LEVEL 3 €115-125 118 118 LEVEL 2 €90-115 OFFICIER C R Y S TA L GEISHA 130 114 FLEUR DE D. 130 114 COROLLE 130 CAPRICE SOIE BELLE 254 210 228 VICTORIA ROCK 138 140 104 D I V I N E G U I P. 118 88 LEVEL 1 €65-90 84 68 GA BY New arrivals 120 M I S S L E J A BY 110 Carry over 94 NUAGE PUR PRICE 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 18 →SUMMARY PRICE POSITIONING AUTUMN/WINTER 2016 PLUS SIZE ELIXIR SET PRICE 124 LEVEL 2 €115-120 98 141 ROSAE 118 141 AT T R A P E - C Œ U R 114 141 ROXANE 110 LEVEL 1 €95-115 147 ENLACE-MOI LEVEL 3 € 1 2 0 - 1 3 0 120 134 ILLUSION 110 DEMOISELLE 131 New arrivals 110 HANAÉ 131 Carry over 125 NUE PRICE 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 19 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 THE ICONICS The collection dedicated to the Maison’s timeless icons. 20 →SUMMARY THE ICONICS Crystal Gaby SUMMARY Nuage Pur Invisibles 21 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY C R Y S TA L THE ICONICS Padded demi-cup bra 08731 Tanga briefs 08761 Padded demi-cup bra 08731 Thong 08760 Full-cup bra 08733 Tanga briefs 08761 22 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY C R Y S TA L THE ICONICS Full-cup bra 08733 Bikini briefs 08763 Padded demi-cup bra 08731 Thong 08760 Garter Belt 08770 Contour push-up bra with inserts 08735 Boxer 08769 23 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY C R Y S TA L 0 8 7 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 0 8 7 3 1 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 2-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 Available in Lily and black, the Maison’s cult line combining Chantilly lace, mesh-draped elastic and Swarovski rhinestones, also includes a Marbled anthracite flower print. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 08735 — CONTOUR PUSH-UP BRA WITH INSERTS A 85-95 / 34-36 / 75-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 0 8 7 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL - Original characteristic line. Best seller since 2008 - Emblematic shape of the padded demi-cup bra - The bold style of lace combined with draped knit fabric COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane / Cotton D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st July 2016: Marbled COLOURS 08769 — BOXERS 08760 — THONG* 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-4 / XS S M L 08763 — BIKINI BRIEFS 0 8 7 7 0 — G A R T E R B E LT * 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-4 / XS S M L *Only available in Black and Lily BlackMarbled Lily (04) (296)(801) NEW 24 →THE ICONICS G A BY THE ICONICS Full-cup bra 13833 Bikini briefs 13863 →SUMMARY Full-cup bra 13833 Bikini briefs 13863 Full-cup bra 13833 Full briefs 13864 Soft-cup bra 13843 Shaper briefs 13856 25 →THE ICONICS THE ICONICS →SUMMARY G A BY Bodysuit 13853 26 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY G ABY 1 3 8 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 1 3 8 4 3 — S O F T- C U P B R A B 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 C 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 B 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 C 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 13864 — FULL BRIEFS 13863 — BIKINI BRIEFS 2-5 / S M L XL 2-5 / S M L XL Available in black, white and smoky pink, the standard, iconic, timeless line, combining comfort and support, named after Maison founder Gabrielle Viannay, available in a new colour range: Grand Cru. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A classic, timeless and iconic line - Shaped for excellent, form-fitting support - Priced affordably M AT E R I A L S A line made entirely of stretch Lace and net COMPOSITION 13856 — SHAPER BRIEFS 2-5 / S M L XL Polyamide / Elastane 13853 — BODYSUIT* B 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 C 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st september 2016 COLOURS White BlackSmokyGrand (03) (04)pink cru (247) (283) NEW * Only available in White, Black and Smoky pink 27 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY NUAGE PUR THE ICONICS Contour balconette bra 5515 Boxers 5569 Strapless bra 5514 Bikini briefs 5563 Bodysuit 5552 28 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY NUAGE PUR THE ICONICS Strapless bra 5514 Full briefs 5564 Moulded full-cup bra 5513 Tanga briefs 5562 Contour demi-cup bra 5516 Tanga briefs 5562 29 →THE ICONICS 5 5 1 3 — M O U L D E D F U L L- C U P B R A B 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 C 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 NUAGE PUR 5515 — CONTOUR BALCONETTE BRA A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 →SUMMARY Modern styles and best sellers are the key to this line. Nuage Pur combines a return to the popular shapes of 1995 with a vintage look combining matt with a touch of shine, dainty bows and satin folds. 5514 — STRAPLESS BRA 5516 — CONTOUR DEMI-CUP BRA A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - The ultimate in Invisible underwear thanks to its innovative knit fabric and matt/shiny contrast (historic innovation from 1995 updated in 2012) - Wide range of colours and shapes available - Long-lasting garments (high-quality knit fabric) 5564 — FULL BRIEFS 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL M AT E R I A L S 5 5 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S A matt-shiny mix of ultrafine microfibre with satin trim 1-5 / XS S M L XL COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane / Cotton 5563 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL COLOURS 5552 — BODYSUIT B 90-100 / 34-38 / 72-85 C 90-100 / 34-38 / 72-85 D 90-100 / 34-38 / 72-85 E 90-100 / 34-38 / 72-85 Black SkinNude Lily (04) (20) (145)(801) 5569 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 30 →THE ICONICS →SUMMARY INVISIBLES THE ICONICS High-waist bikini briefs 5303 Full briefs 5304 31 →THE ICONICS 5 3 0 3 — H I G H - WA I S T B I K I N I BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL →SUMMARY INVISIBLES 5304 — FULL BRIEFS A must-have range combining unparalleled comfort with 100% invisibility. 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL M AT E R I A L S Lycra microfibre with ultra-smooth trim COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / Cotton COLOURS WhiteBlack SkinNude Lily (03) (04) (20) (145)(801) 32 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT The collection that shows off the Maison’s creative palette through lines that are both very much on-trend and highly representative of the brand’s DNA. 33 →SUMMARY N E W A R R I VA L S Miss Lejaby Fleur de Dentelle THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Corolle Officier Victoria Rock CARRY OVER SUMMARY Audace Caprice Passion Emotion Divine Guipure Geisha Petra 34 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT N E W A R R I VA L S 35 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Triangle bra 16442 Full briefs 16464 Push-up bra 16431 Tanga briefs 16462 →SUMMARY M I S S L E J A BY Full-cup bra 16433 Bikini briefs 16463 Demi-cup spacer bra 16432 Tanga briefs 16462 36 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY M I S S L E J A BY Bodysuit 16453 37 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY M I S S L E J A BY 1 6 4 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 16442 — TRIANGLE BRA B 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 C 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A modern update to the MISS LIBERTY line introduced in 1972, with stretch lace in on-trend colours. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A line for every day, modern, fresh and timeless - On-trend colours - Good price positioning 1 6 4 3 1 — P U S H - U P B R A* * 1 6 4 3 2 — D E M I - C U P S PA C E R B R A* * * B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 M AT E R I A L S • Stretch lace • Hemstitched elastic strap SUPPLIER The same as before: Desseilles! COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / Polyester LYCRA FIBER 16464 — FULL BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 16463 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st june 2016 COLOURS BlackSapphire Red (04) bluecurrant (278) (325) 1 6 4 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL *Only available in Black **Only available in Black and Redcurrant ***Only available in Black and Sapphire Blue 16453 — BODYSUIT* 1-3 / XS S M 38 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY M I S S L E J A BY SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE TRIANGLE BRA • Triangle bra with cup made entirely of stretch lace with dart • V-shaped décolleté with hemstitched elastic edging •S atin shoulder straps finished with elastic hemstitched edging •U nderband and back finished with elastic edging •S traight back made of stretch lace FULL-CUP BRA •U pper part of the cup made of stretch lace •L ower part of the cup made of lace and lined with tulle for support and coverage •S lightly plunging centre •D écolleté trimmed with hemstitched elastic edging continuing along the satin shoulder straps • Wings made of lined stretch lace for support • Straight back made of stretch tulle with hemstitched rubber edge 39 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY M I S S L E J A BY SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE DEMI-CUP SPACER BRA •S pacer cups with satin-trim décolleté •C entre with hemstitched stretch band, lined for support •S atin shoulder straps finished with elastic hemstitched edging •L ace back with hemstitched stretch rubber edge •H ook and eye on stretch tulle PUSH-UP BRA •P ush-up bra made entirely of lace with darts • Tulle-edged décolleté •S houlder straps finished with elastic hemstitched edging 40 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra 16633 Boxers 16669 →SUMMARY FLEUR DE DENTELLE Padded demi-cup bra 16632 Tanga briefs 16662 Full-cup bra 16633 Bikini briefs 16663 41 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY FLEUR DE DENTELLE 1 6 6 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 1 6 6 3 2 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 In 1999, MAISON LEJABY launched the “tattoo” effect with the Esprit line. Firmly anchored in the Maison’s DNA, Fleur de Dentelle offers a new version of this savoir-faire with this most delicate embroidered lace that seems to be at one with the skin. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 16663 — BIKINI BRIEFS 16669 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-4 / XS S M L - A short line, highly consistent with Maison Lejaby - A refined, elegant line - The delicateness of this hand-cut lace flower that is then inlaid and embroidered on tulle M AT E R I A L S 1 6 6 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL • Stretch lace • Flower motifs in lace inlaid on tulle SUPPLIER Interspitzen COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / Polyester LYCRA FIBER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st july 2016 COLOURS Black Blue (04)Klein (282) 42 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY FLEUR DE DENTELLE SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE FULL-CUP BRA •C ups made of lace flowers inlaid on tulle, with darts •L ace side panel • Décolleté trimmed with Valenciennes lace •L ace centre adorned with a dart • Wings made of lace and lined for support •S atin shoulder straps •S traight back made of stretch tulle for support PADDED DEMI-CUP BRA •P added cups covered in lace flowers inlaid on tulle, with darts •L ined lace centre for support • Wings made of lace and lined for support •S atin shoulder straps •S traight back made of stretch tulle 43 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT COROLLE THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra 16533 Bikini briefs 16563 Contour push-up bra with inserts 16531 Boxers 16569 →SUMMARY Unpadded demi-cup bra 16532 Tanga briefs 16562 Bodysuit 16592 44 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY COROLLE 16531 — CONTOUR PUSH-UP BRA WITH INSERTS 1 6 5 3 2 — U N PA D D E D D E M I - C U P BRA A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 This line features volute embroidery for an unexpected look which is a reflection of Maison Lejaby’s expertise in lingerie. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 1 6 5 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 16569 — BOXERS B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1-4 / XS S M L - A full cup for support and seduction. Upper part of the cup is transparent - A line that is both creative and sophisticated - Based on the popular full cup in the Divine Guipure line - Bras are highlighted with a dainty fringed pendant in the centre - Invisible trim at the leg openings M AT E R I A L S • Volute embroidery • Knit fabric • Fringed pendant SUPPLIER Embrex 1 6 5 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL COMPOSITION 16592 — BODYSUIT* Polyamide / Elastane / Polyester LYCRA FIBER 1-4 / XS S M L D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st september 2016 COLOURS 16563 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL * Only available in Black BlackTango (04)(293) 45 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY COROLLE SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE FULL-CUP BRA •D ivine Guipure shape • Cups with darts, made entirely of volute embroidery inlaid over tulle • Tulle upper cup for transparency • Tulle centre adorned with a pendant • Wings lined for support •S atin shoulder straps finished with graphic trim •S traight back made of stretch tulle UNPADDED DEMI-CUP BRA •U npadded cups with darts made of graphic volute embroidery, with embellished décolleté •C entre made of lined tulle for support with band for a cut-out effect •C entre adorned with a pendant •S atin shoulder straps finished with graphic trim •S traight back made of stretch tulle PUSH-UP BRA •C ontour cups with removable inserts •C ups covered in volute embroidery with embellished décolleté •L ined tulle centre adorned with a pendant •S atin shoulder straps finished with graphic trim •S traight back made of stretch tulle 46 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT OFFICIER THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra 16733 Bikini briefs 16763 Demi-cup bustier 16735 Bikini briefs 16763 →SUMMARY Triangle Bustier 16742 Tanga briefs 16762 Demi-cup bustier 16735 Bikini briefs 16763 Girdle 16771 47 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY OFFICIER 16735 — DEMI-CUP BUSTIER 1 6 7 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 At MAISONLEJABY, lingerie is getting an upgrade and is marching in-step to the end of the year! A new lace line, crafted with a velvet underband, for a glamourous, well-defined military look. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 1 6 74 2 — T R I A N G L E B U S T I E R 1 6 7 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1-5 / XS S M L XL - A new blend of materials combining velvet, lace, guipure and Brandebourg - Restrained sophistication that is perfectly in tune with the spirit of the moment - Velvet underband featuring a «Brandebourg» motif for comfort and support M AT E R I A L S • Lace panel • Velvet ribbon • «Brandebourg» motif 16763 — BIKINI BRIEFS 16771 — GIRDLE* 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-3 / XS S M SUPPLIERS Jabouley for lace - Interspitzen for guipure COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / Polyester LYCRA FIBER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st september 2016 COLOURS *Only available in black Black (04) Grand cru (283) 48 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY OFFICIER SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE FULL-CUP BRA •C ups made entirely of lace •L ower cups are lined for support •D écolleté trimmed with hemstitched guipure •C entre made of lined tulle for support •C entre features «Brandebourg» motif and velvet ribbon bow • Wings made of lace and lined for support with velvet band •S atin shoulder straps finished with hemstitched guipure •S traight back made of stretch tulle for support DEMI-CUP BUSTIER •L ace-covered padded cups •D écolleté trimmed with hemstitched guipure •S atin shoulder straps covered with hemstitched guipure • V-shape with tulle in the centre • Velvet underband embellished with a «Brandebourg» motif and a velvet ribbon in the centre • Wings in lined tulle with wire for support •S traight back made of stretch tulle for support TRIANGLE BUSTIER •D arted cups made entirely of lace •D écolleté trimmed with hemstitched guipure •S atin shoulder straps covered with hemstitched guipure •F oam-lined velvet underband embellished with a «Brandebourg» motif on each side, joined with a velvet ribbon •S traight back made of stretch tulle for support 49 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Triangle Bustier C4443 Tanga briefs C4461 →SUMMARY VICTORIA ROCK Full-cup bra C4433 Tanga briefs C4461 Demi-cup bustier C4435 Tanga briefs C4461 50 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY VICTORIA ROCK Removable necklace C4443 — TRIANGLE BUSTIER C4435 — DEMI-CUP BUSTIER B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 Removable necklace C 4 4 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A This line brings to life the very Victorian ambient spirit through sumptuously worked sets in a romantic rock style. The lace is the result of true innovation with the material: never has such fine lace been so strong. The culmination of an exclusive technique resulting from a flurry of new points that MAISONLEJABY has the exclusive rights to launch! S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 - Each bra features an adjustable Guipure necklace - Leather, Leavers lace, guipure... A blend of noble materials, reflecting the contrasted elegance of Maison Lejaby M AT E R I A L S C 4 4 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S C4463 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-4 / XS S M L 1-4 / XS S M L • Leavers lace • Imitation leather band • Guipure SUPPLIER Desseilles COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Polyurethane D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st september 2016 COLOURS Black (04) 51 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT CARRY OVER 52 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY AUDACE THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra 16233 Brazilian Tanga briefs 16262 Padded demi-cup bra 16232 Boxers 16269 53 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY AUDACE 1 6 2 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 1 6 2 3 2 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 New Cornely-style lustrous lace, with scalloped trim at the décolleté, enhanced with a petitgrain ribbon edging. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A line featuring refined, elegant embroidery - Padded demi-cup bra with underband - A full cup for support and seduction. Upper part of the cup is transparent 1 6 2 6 2 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 16263 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL M AT E R I A L S • Graphic embroidery • Stretch tulle COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane / LYCRA FIBER 16269 — BOXERS COLOURS 1-4 / XS S M L White (03) 54 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT CAPRICE THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra C3933 Tanga briefs C3961 →SUMMARY Demi-cup bra C3932 Bikini briefs C3963 Negligee C3996 55 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY CAPRICE C 3 9 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A C3932 — DEMI-CUP BRA B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 D 85-90 / 32-34 / 70-75 A line featuring distinctive lace enhanced with guipure for a unique look. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S C 3 9 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S C3963 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-4 / XS S M L 1-4 / XS S M L - Unique Calais lace highlighting the impact of the guipure - Guipure embellishment to enhance the décolleté - Demi-cup with narrow underband for a retro look to wear with bikini briefs featuring lace at the back - A knit-fabric negligee adorned with guipure balls to wear “dessus-dessous» M AT E R I A L S • Calais lace • Guipure embellishment • Viscose negligee C3996 — NEGLIGEE SML COLOURS Black (04) 56 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Triangle full-cup bra 15134 Brazilian tanga briefs 15162 →SUMMARY DIVINE GUIPURE Triangle full-cup bra 15134 Brazilian tanga briefs 15162 Push-up bra with inserts 15131 Brazilian tanga briefs 15162 57 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY DIVINE GUIPURE 1 5 1 3 4 — F U L L- C U P T R I A N G L E BRA B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1 5 1 3 2 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P B R A A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A highly visual line where tulle is enhanced with guipure flowers. Revisited in solid sapphire blue and ombré aubergine (Plum). S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S NEW - A surprising combination of guipure and transparency - Affordable positioning M AT E R I A L S 1 5 1 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 15131 — PUSH-UP* B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A line made entirely of rigid tulle with appliqued guipure as an embellishment COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / Polyester D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1 may 2016: Sapphire blue 1st july 2016: Plum st 15163 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1 5 1 6 2 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-5 / XS S M L XL COLOURS White BlackSapphire Plum (03) (04) blue(698) (278) N E W N E W 15169 — BOXERS* 1-5 / XS S M L XL *Only available in White and Black 58 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT GEISHA THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Unpadded demi-cup bra 15532 Bikini briefs 15563 Full-cup bra 15533 Brazilian tanga briefs 15562 →SUMMARY Contour push-up bra with inserts 15531 Bikini briefs 15563 Unpadded demi-cup bra 15532 Full briefs 15564 59 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY GEISHA 1 5 5 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 1 5 5 3 2 — U N PA D D E D D E M I - C U P BRA B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A line made entirely of embroidery and satin, inspired by Japanese flower gardens. Reinvented in shades of grey with glints of silver. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A line that complements our products - A style in the spirit of couture with contrasting embroidery - Positioned at an attractive price M AT E R I A L S 15531 — CONTOUR PUSH-UP BRA WITH INSERTS 1 5 5 6 2 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS A 85-95 / 32-36 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1-5 / XS S M L XL • Japanese-style floral embroidery on rigid tulle • Satiny knit fabric • Breathable knit fabric • Satin shoulder straps with origami motif • Swarovski cabochons COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st july 2016 15563 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1 5 5 74 — N I G H T I E * COLOURS 1-5 / XS S M L XL DuneSilver (128)(960) N E W 15564 — FULL BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL *Only available in Dune 60 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT PETRA THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Padded demi-cup bra 14132 Bikini briefs 14163 Contour bra 14116 Boxers 14169 →SUMMARY Full-cup bra 14133 Brazilian Tanga briefs 14161 Nightdress 14174 61 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY PETRA 1 4 1 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A 1 41 3 2 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 A lined inspired by the mashrabiyas of the Near East. Leavers lace draped with an opalescent knit fabric. A line with very delicate finishes. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 14116 — CONTOUR BRA A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1 41 6 1 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL - Sophisticated lace, draped effect and decorative finishes - Perfect for every day, elegant and stylish at an affordable price - Complementarity of the available models M AT E R I A L S • Highly geometric stretch Leavers lace embellishment combined with opalescent knit fabric • Stunning decorative details COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane 14169 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1 41 74 — N I G H T D R E S S COLOURS 1-5 / XS S M L XL BlackLily (04)(801) 14163 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 62 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT PA S S I O N THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Full-cup bra 141233 Sexy Boxers 141269 Full-cup bra 141233 Bikini briefs 141263 →SUMMARY Padded demi-cup bra 141232 Couture Thong 141261 Sexy Nightdress 141274 63 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY PA S S I O N 1 4 1 2 3 2 — PA D D E D D E M I - C U P BRA A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1 41 2 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 This line highlights magnificent Leavers lace, delicate pleats and feminine details. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - Bow and rhinestone details - The quality and unique style of genuine Calais-Leavers lace 141261 — COUTURE THON G 1 41 2 6 3 — B I K I N I B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-5 / XS S M L XL M AT E R I A L S A line that combines stunning Leavers lace with crushed velvet COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane COLOURS 141269 — SEXY BOX ERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1 41 2 74 — S E X Y N I G H T D R E S S * Black Pink (04)Cream (149) 1-5 / XS S M L XL *Only available in Black 64 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT EMOTION THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT Contour demi-cup bra 16316 Bikini briefs 16363 →SUMMARY Moulded full-cup bra 16313 Boxer 16369 Contour push-up bra with inserts 16331 Brazilian tanga briefs 16362 65 →THE SPIRIT OF THE MOMENT →SUMMARY EMOTION 1 6 3 1 3 — M O U L D E D F U L L- C U P BRA 16316 — CONTOUR DEMI-CUP BRA B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 DD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 Invisible no-seam sheath-style underwear. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S 16331 — PUSH-UP CONTOUR BRA WITH INSERTS 1 6 3 6 2 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS A 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 B 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 C 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 D 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 1-5 / XS S M L XL - A modern and feminine line, seductive and invisible - Technical innovation with edging at the leg openings - Sheath finishes at the back for comfort and invisibility M AT E R I A L S • Delicate, silky knit fabric • Moulded one-way-stretch lace • Attached finishes 16363 — BIKINI BRIEFS 16369 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-4 / XS S M L COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane / LYCRA FIBER COLOURS 1 6 3 9 8 — T R A N S PA R E N T SUSPENDERS 1 6 3 9 9 — T R A N S PA R E N T SUSPENDERS WITH JEWELS ONE SIZE ONE SIZE BlackPraline Lily (04)(269)(801) 66 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 THE COUTURE SPIRIT The collection that expresses the quintessential savoir-faire of the designers with the most sumptuous lines and exceptional pieces. This approach also allows for a bespoke service and personalisation. 67 →SUMMARY SOIE BELLE THE COUTURE SPIRIT Full-cup bra C4033 Tanga briefs C4061 Full-cup bra C4033 Tanga briefs C4061 Push-up bra C4031 Bikini briefs C4063 Full-cup bra C4033 Tanga briefs C4061 68 →SUMMARY SOIE BELLE THE COUTURE SPIRIT Camisole C4073 Shorts C4065 Nightdress C4074 Negligee C4096 Pullover C4089 Shorts C4065 69 →SUMMARY C4031 — PUSH-UP BRA C 4 0 3 3 — F U L L- C U P B R A BC 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 D 85-90 / 32-34 / 70-75 BCD 85-95 / 32-36 / 70-80 C4063 — BIKINI BRIEFS C 4 0 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-4 / XS S M L 1-4 / XS S M L SOIE BELLE Lingerie sets and coordinating pieces made of silk inlaid with Calais lace. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A silk push-up bra with lace accents for a beautiful décolleté thanks to a rounded contour cup with removable pads - Soft, comfortable and on-trend triangle shape - Beautiful night-time lingerie made from noble materials - Matching pullover in wool and baby mohair C4065– SHORTS M AT E R I A L S SML • Silk satin • Leavers lace motifs • Tulle • Pullover in baby mohair C 4 0 74 — N I G H T D R E S S SML D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1 juin 2016 : Grenadine 1er juillet 2016 : Anthracite er C4073 — CAMISOLE SML COLOURS C4089 — PULLOVER* SML Garnet DivineAnthracite (131)opaline (957) N E W (240) N E W C4096 — NEGLIGEE SML *Only available in Divine Opaline 70 →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 PLUS SIZE ELIXIR The seduction collection for full busts, with each line combining style, support, comfort and sensuality. 71 →SUMMARY N E W A R R I VA L S Rosae Demoiselle PLUS SIZE ELIXIR Enlace-moi CARRY OVER SUMMARY Illusion Hanae Roxane Theodora Atrape-Cœur Nue 72 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 PLUS SIZE ELIXIR N E W A R R I VA L S 73 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROSAE PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G51633 Bikini briefs G51663 3P Semi-padded balconette bra G51631 High-waisted briefs G51664 3P Semi-padded balconette bra G51631 Tanga briefs G51662 74 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROSAE G 5 1 6 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 5 1 6 3 1 — 3 P S E M I - PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 Rosae is the incarnation of the femme fatale in all her splendour! This line is both very much on-trend and reminiscent of mythical 1960s cinematographic glamour. It emanates a subtle hint of the “dolce vita” with a French twist. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S G51663 — BIKINI BRIEFS G 5 1 6 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S 2-6 / S M L XL XXL 1-5 / XS S M L XL - Seductive and surprising, this line sets us apart from the other embroidery specialists in the market - The rose, pinned right at the heart highlights a magnificent interlacing of embroidered scrolls - The offer of a “set/couture stockings” outfit that outlines a feminine silhouette M AT E R I A L S • Volute embroidery • Guipure rose decoration • Mesh SUPPLIERS G 5 1 6 6 4 — H I G H - WA I S T E D BRIEFS* 2-6 / S M L XL XXL Embrex for the embroidery - Bischoff for the guipure rose G 5 1 6 8 3 — M AT C H I N G I T E M S : STOCKINGS* COMPOSITION 1-4 / XS S M L Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane LYCRA FIBER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st september 2016 COLOURS *Only available in Black BlackTango (04)(293) 75 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROSAE SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE 3P FULL-CUP BRA • 3 P cups •C ups made of volute embroidery, lower part lined for support •C entre made of lined volute embroidery for support •E mbellished satin shoulder straps •L eft shoulder strap features an embroidered rose •R acer back made of responsive satinette 3P SEMI-PADDED BALCONETTE BRA • 3 P cups •U pper part of the cup made of volute embroidery •P added lower cups covered in seamless draped knit fabric gathered in the centre for a shirred effect •L ined knit fabric centre for support •E mbellished satin shoulder straps •L eft shoulder strap features an embroidered rose •R acer back made of responsive satinette 76 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY DEMOISELLE PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P Balconette bra G31631 Tanga briefs G31662 3P full-cup bra G31633 Bikini briefs G31663 3P Balconette bra G31631 Boxers G31669 77 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY DEMOISELLE 3P full-cup bra G31633 Tanga briefs G31662 Garter Belt G31670 Nightie G31674 78 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY DEMOISELLE G31631 — 3P BALCONETTE BRA G 3 1 6 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 90-105 / 34-40 / 75-90 DD 80-95 / 30-36 / 65-80 E 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 Demoiselle is a flirty line that conceals its secret powers, masking highly effective support under an appearance of unbearable lightness. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - Distinctive lace, unique style - The freshness of lace inlaid over Dotted Swiss - Lace that loves plus sizes. Only the MAISONLEJABY Elixir collection dares to adventure over this terrain! G 3 1 6 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S G31669 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 1-5 / XS S M L XL M AT E R I A L S • Rigid lace • Dotted Swiss • Knit fabric • Frilly Dotted Swiss shoulder straps SUPPLIERS G31663 — BIKINI BRIEFS G31664 — FULL BRIEFS 2-6 / S M L XL XXL 2-6 / S M L XL XXL Noyon for lace Jabouley for the Dotted Swiss COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane LYCRA FIBER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st june 2016 G 3 1 6 7 0 — G A R T E R B E LT * * COLOURS 1-5 / XS S M L XL G 3 1 6 74 — N I G H T I E * 2-5 / S M L XL *Only available in Black **Only available in Black and Lily BlackStrawberry Lily (04) (175)(801) 79 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY DEMOISELLE SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE 3P FULL-CUP BRA • 3 P cups •U pper part of the cup made of rigid lace •L ower part of the cup made of lace inlaid over Dotted Swiss tulle and lined for support •C entre made of lined tulle for support and embellished with a large Dotted Swiss bow •S atin shoulder straps finished with a band of shirred tulle • Wings in lined Dotted Swiss for support •R acer back in responsive tulle 3P BALCONETTE BRA • 3 P cups •U pper part of the cup made of rigid lace •L ower part of the cup made of lace inlaid over Dotted Swiss tulle and lined for support •C entre made of Dotted Swiss tulle, embellished at the bottom with a band of shirred tulle •S atin shoulder straps finished with a band of shirred tulle • Wings in lined Dotted Swiss for support •R acer back in responsive tulle 80 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ENLACE-MOI 3P full-cup bra G41633 Bikini briefs G41663 3P demi-cup bra G41631 Shaper Briefs G41656 81 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ENLACE-MOI G 4 1 6 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A G 41 6 3 1 — 3 P D E M I - C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 Enlace-moi evokes timeless sensuality. A sexy and elegant line based on a «lacing» theme that is difficult not to succumb to! S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S G 4 1 6 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S G 41 6 6 3 — B I K I N I B R I E F S 1-5 / XS S M L XL 2-6 / S M L XL XXL - Creative and seductive line reflecting the latest trends - A powerful classic! - Satin, ribbon, lacing, ladder hem... The materials create a teasing effect that inspires indulgence - A “strate-chic” play on transparency and concealment M AT E R I A L S • Embroidery • Nano-stich satiny knit fabric (courtisane) • Ladder hem decoration SUPPLIER G41656 — SHAPER BRI EFS* 2-6 / S M L XL XXL Potencier for the embroidery COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane LYCRA FIBER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st july 2016 COLOURS BlackSapphire (04)blue (278) *Only available in Black 82 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ENLACE-MOI SPOTLIGHT ON SHAPE 3P FULL-CUP BRA • 3 P cups •U pper part of the cup made of embroidery and a braid band •L ower part of the cup made of nano-stitch satiny knit fabric lined with tulle for support •L adder stitching along the centre of the cups •C entre in nano-stitch satiny knit fabric adorned with a small bow •C entre of the underband decorated with an embroidered half moon •S atin shoulder straps finished with braid detail •R acer back made of responsive satinette 3P DEMI-CUP BRA • 3 P cups •O uter sides of the cups made of nano-stitch satiny knit fabric and lined with tulle for support •L adder stitching along the cups • I nner part of the cups made of embroidered braid band • Centre with ties •S houlder straps finished with braid detail •B ack made of responsive satinette 83 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY AUTUMN/WINTER COLLECTIONS 2016 PLUS SIZE ELIXIR CARRY OVER 84 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ILLUSION PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G11633 Tanga briefs G11661 3P padded balconette bra G11632 Bikini briefs G11663 3P full-cup bra G11633 Boxers G11669 85 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ILLUSION G 1 1 6 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 1 1 6 3 2 — 3 P PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 This line combines a guipure embellishment appliqued over trilobal voile, decorated with hand-made pompom detail and a touch of net lace. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A line where boldness meets seduction thanks to the embellishments - A line with complementary models G 1 1 6 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S G11663 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-5 / XS S M L XL 2-6 / S M L XL XXL M AT E R I A L S • Trilobal voile • Net • Embellishment motifs COMPOSITION Polyamide / Polyester / Elastane LYCRA FIBER G11669 — BOXERS 1-5 / XS S M L XL COLOURS Lily (801) 86 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR HANAE PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G51533 Shaper Briefs G51556 →SUMMARY 3P padded balconette bra G51531 Tanga briefs G51561 3P padded balconette bra G51531 Tanga briefs G51561 3P full-cup bra G51533 Full briefs G51564 87 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY HANAE G 5 1 5 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 5 1 5 3 1 — 3 P PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 A line combining stretch elastic decorative knit fabric, providing comfort and support, essential for deep cups. NEW S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S G51564 — FULL BRIEFS G51556 — SHAPER BRIEFS 2-6 / S M L XL XXL 2-5 / S M L XL - A timeless and practical line - A reassuring shape that meets the needs of the market - Positioned at an attractive price M AT E R I A L S • Floral stretch lace • Opaque crushed jacquard knit fabric • Intricate satin ribbon detail G 5 1 5 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1st july 2016 COLOURS BlackSmoky Lily (04)Pink(801) (247) 88 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROXANE PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G61533 Full briefs G61564 3P padded balconette bra G61531 Invisible tanga briefs G61561 89 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROXANE 3P full-cup bra G61533 Panty girdle G61556 90 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY ROXANE G 6 1 5 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 6 1 5 3 1 — 3 P PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 A sophisticated line in graphic embroidery, for a feminine and sensual silhouette. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S G61564 — FULL BRIEFS G 6 1 5 5 6 — PA N T Y G I R D L E * 2-6 / S M L XL XXL 2-5 / S M L XL - A sophisticated and seductive line combining embroidery over lace and lace net - Complementary models - Positioned at an attractive price M AT E R I A L S • Volute embroidery over rigid tulle • Lace net • Vinyl or leather-look ribbon with pompom G 6 1 5 6 1 — I N V I S I B L E TA N G A G61563 — BIKINI BRIEFS 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane COLOURS White Black (03)(04) *Only available in Black 91 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR THEODORA PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P Unpadded balconette bra G71331 Brazilian tanga briefs G71361 →SUMMARY 3P Sexy demi-cup bra G71337 Bikini briefs G71363 3P full-cup bra G71333 Full briefs G71364 Basque G71338 Tanga briefs G71362 92 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR G71331 — 3P BALCONETTE BRA G 7 1 3 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G71337 — 3P SEXY DEMI-CUP BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 90-105 / 34-40 / 75-90 DD 80-95 / 30-36 / 65-80 E 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G71364 — FULL BRIEFS 2-6 / S M L XL XXL G 7 1 3 6 1 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL G 7 1 3 6 2 — TA N G A B R I E F S →SUMMARY THEODORA Sexy and glamorous, this line made entirely of lace will reveal and enhance the bust, while providing excellent support. A timeless, seductive line perfect for beautiful curves. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - A line offering playful seduction and support, unrivalled on the market for fuller figures - Stitched lace, guipure embellishment and sophisticated trim embody the Couture Spirit - Very wide range of models available M AT E R I A L S Line made entirely out of non-stretch lace for support, enhanced with guipure motif finishes 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL COMPOSITION Polyamide / Elastane COLOURS G71363 — BIKINI BRIEFS 2-6 / S M L XL XXL G71338 — BASQUE C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 90-105 / 34-40 / 75-90 DD 80-95 / 30-36 / 65-80 E 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 Black (04) 93 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR AT T R A P E - C Œ U R PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G61433 Tanga briefs G61461 →SUMMARY 3P full-cup bra G61433 Tanga briefs G61461 3P padded balconette bra G61432 Full briefs G61464 3P full-cup bra G61433 Cheeky Boxer G61469 Garter Belt G61470 94 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY AT T R A P E - C Œ U R 3P Sexy demi-cup bra G61437 Tanga briefs G61461 3P padded balconette bra G61432 Cheeky Boxer G61469 95 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY AT T R A P E - C Œ U R G 6 1 4 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 6 1 4 3 2 — 3 P PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 A unique line combining draped fabric, transparency and a guipure heart. Glamorous shapes, a seductive line, for a sensual and feminine silhouette, available this season in Opium and Sapphire Blue. S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S - Unique style thanks to transparent elements and the guipure heart - Playful seduction and support, unrivalled on the market for fuller figures - Very wide range of models available G61437 — 3P SEXY DEMI-CUP BRA C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 90-105 / 34-40 / 75-90 DD 80-95 / 30-36 / 65-80 E 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G61464 — FULL BRIEFS M AT E R I A L S 2-6 / S M L XL XXL Trilobal voile draped with microfibre and adorned with a guipure motif COMPOSITION Polyester / Polyamide / Lycra G61469 — CHEEKY BOXER D E L I V E R Y D AT E 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL 1 may 2016: Sapphire blue 1st july 2016: Opium st G 6 1 4 6 1 — TA N G A B R I E F S 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL COLOURS BlackSapphire Lily Opium (04) blue(801)(916) (278) N E W N E W G 6 1 4 7 0 — G A R T E R B E LT * 1-4 / XS S M L *Only available in Black and Lily 96 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY NUE PLUS SIZE ELIXIR 3P full-cup bra G41433 Brazilian tanga briefs G41461 3P padded balconette bra G41431 Full briefs G41464 3P padded balconette bra G41431 Bikini briefs G41463 97 →PLUS SIZE ELIXIR →SUMMARY NUE G 4 1 4 3 3 — 3 P F U L L- C U P B R A C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 E 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 F 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 85-100 / 32-38 / 70-85 G 4 1 4 6 1 — B R A Z I L I A N TA N G A BRIEFS 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL G 41 4 3 1 — 3 P PA D D E D BALCONETTE BRA An invisible and feminine line for deep cups. Intricate details, modern shapes and timeless colours make this invisible line a success. C 95-105 / 36-40 / 80-90 D 85-105 / 32-40 / 70-90 DD 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 E 80-105 / 30-40 / 65-90 F 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 G 80-100 / 30-38 / 65-85 S P E C I F I C D E TA I L S G 41 4 6 3 — B I K I N I B R I E F S • A flawless fit • Nude colour for perfect invisibility • Exceptional comfort 1-6 / XS S M L XL XXL M AT E R I A L S Comfortable opaque knit fabric combined with run-proof stretch jacquard decorated with bands of satin COMPOSITION G41464 — FULL BRI EFS Polyamide / Elastane 2-6 / S M L XL XXL COLOURS WhiteBlackNude (03) (04)(145) 98
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