Raider Report Feb 2016
Raider Report Feb 2016
RAIDERREPORT February 2016 MISSIONSTATEMENT At North High School, students, parents, staff, and community members work together to provide equal opportunity for learners to attain their highest level of academic achievement, personal growth, and intellectual development in a safe and caring environment. OPENINGMESSAGE Find the RAIDER REPORT QUARTERLY AT CONNECTWITHUS 2015-2016 North High School Standardized Test Update and More The statewide adoption of the Common Core State Standards has resulted in a change to the statewide annual assessment and school accountability measurement – previously known as the WKCE (Wisconsin Knowledge and Concept Examination) tests. High schools no longer implement the WKCE assessment, but are instead required to implement an ACT Suite of assessments for all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. This accountability and assessment suite is based on multiple measures of college and career readiness, and is the mandatory annual assessment for all Wisconsin high school students. North High School, along with every high school in the state, began implementing the ACT Suite of assessments during the 20142015 school year. Below you will find a summary of our plans for implementation of the ACT Suite for the 2015-2016 school year. During the 2015-2016 school year, the North will provide the ACT and ACT WorkKeys test for all junior level students. All grade 9 and grade 10 students will take the Aspire test of the ACT Suite. Please remember, Aspire, ACT Plus Writing and ACT WorkKeys, are designed to best measure student readiness for post-high school college and career success. The following provides a brief overview of each assessment. Grades 9/10 – Aspire Overview: The ACT Aspire assessment will be given to students in grade 9 and grade 10 in April to provide a growth trend showing individual growth toward the ACT college and career readiness benchmarks. Using multiple question types, this assessment provides information on students’ progress towards meeting educational standards and strengthens a student’s chances to be on target for success in college and employment after high school. ACT Aspire is an assessment system that measures academic achievement in English, math, reading, science, and writing. Three scoring ranges are used for each subject to identify how student performance relates to benchmarks: Ready, Close, and In Need of Support. Grade 11 – ACT Overview: The ACT Plus Writing assessment, developed by ACT, Inc., will be given in March to all juniors. It is an assessment of knowledge, understanding, and skills acquired during K-12 education. It is widely used by colleges for admissions and course placement purposes. State scores from standard time and ACTapproved accommodation testing are accepted at colleges. The NCAA also accepts the ACT scores from State Testing for purposes of Initial Eligibility determination. The ACT Plus Writing, which all Wisconsin students take, consists of four multiple-choice tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science and an essay-based Writing test. Each of the ACT Plus Writing’s four main subject area tests is scored on a scale of 1 to 36. The average of a student’s four test scores is called the Composite score. The Writing test is scored on a scale of 2 to 12 in each of four writing domains. The writing score is calculated from domain scores and is reported on a scale of ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT BOOKMARK OUR WEBSITE! 1 1–36. Students who take the ACT Plus Writing also receive a Combined score, on a scale of 1 to 36, which merges their performance on the English test and the Writing test. Students will be sent an ACT Student Report to the home address they provide on their answer document, approximately 3 to 8 weeks after testing. ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment that will be given to all juniors in March. As part of ACT’s Work Readiness System, ACT WorkKeys has helped millions of people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies build their skills to increase global competitiveness and develop successful career pathways. ACT WorkKeys stresses skill development important for every type of employment. They are also extremely important in today’s colleges. Successful completion of ACT WorkKeys assessments in Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information can lead to earning ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), a portable credential earned by more than 1 million people across the United States. North High School ACT Suite 2015-2016 testing schedule: - All grade 11 students will take the ACT Plus Writing Test March 1, 2016 - All grade 11 students will take the ACT WorkKeys Test March 2, 2016 - All grade 9 and grade 10 students will take the Aspire Test April 26, 2016 and April 28, 2016 Members of the North High School learning community have been working diligently to research and plan for a most successful implementation of the ACT Suite with planned communications via the North High School website, Facebook page, North Twitter and school messaging system. Please support a successful testing cycle for your North student by ensuring he or she: is in attendance on the scheduled test dates. gets plenty of rest the night before and a has healthy breakfast on the morning of the test comes prepared with the necessary materials-Student I.D., No. 2 pencils, calculator, and charged Chromebook (for Aspire testing only). If you should have questions regarding the forthcoming plans, please contact any member of the North High School administrative team. According to ACTFL’s 2015 World Readiness Standard for Learning Languages: • The ability to communicate with respect and cultural understanding in more than one language is an essential element of global competence. • Research indicates that the very process of studying another language may give learners a cognitive boost that enables them to perform at higher levels in other subjects. • Second language learners scored higher on the verbal portion of the SAT than those who did not study another language. •Over time, second language learners achieve higher in their first language. •Compared to other disciplines, instruction in the second language classroom incorporates higher level thinking tasks. •For American students, the ability to function competently in at least one language other than English is vital for success in the interconnected world of the 21st century. • In our global economies, well-developed language and cultural applications increase not only the marketability of the employee, but also the ability of the employer to meet the expectations of the customer. Clearly, language education is critical to our students’ success in the world of the future: a world that will insist upon their need to interact effectively with others who do not speak English. For college and career readiness, our students need to be proficient in other languages, regardless of whether they choose to transition directly to the workforce or to post-secondary education. Language education not only contributes to students’ career and college readiness, it also helps develop the individual; language learners come to understand the world better because of their knowledge of speakers of another language – of people who share many of the same hopes and dreams for their future. According to Student Services at the University of Wisconsin Colleges, Universities and colleges continue to value four years of World Language attainment in the admissions process. UW-Madison is a good example to show “expectation”. They list 4 years attainment as the typical student admitted. North High School World Language classes contain at least two valuable components that higher educational institutions would like to see, rigor and diversity. Grade 11 – ACT WorkKeys Overview: WORLDLANGUAGES CONNECTWITHUS 2 RAIDER REPORT Upcoming Events in the World Language Department • • • • • • • World Language students will have a yearly opportunity to travel to Bemidji, MN to spend an immersion weekend at the Concordia Language Village Chinese students will visit China Town In 2017, French, German and Chinese students will travel abroad Spanish students will travel to Panamá in June Our students will celebrate National World Language Week in March All World Language students will participate in a department-wide Cultural Cuisine Experience World Language students will be working hard to create authentic cuisine to sell at EXPO 2016 COUNSELORCORNER Words From Your Counselors North has five counselors, each with a caseload of 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The counselors are here to meet your student’s as well as your needs this academic year. Please feel free to contact your student’s counselor any time with your questions or concerns. Below is the counselor’s contact information: Counselor Email Amanda Dow (Henn) [email protected] Trevor Tagel [email protected] Ashley Magray [email protected] Ernesto Matus [email protected] Joseph O’Brien [email protected] Phone # 459-3614 459-6794 803-7748 459-3612 803-7603 (If you are unsure of your student’s counselor please call 459-3558.) The counseling department continues to focus on improved parental communication and information sharing. Please be sure to check out our guidance page on the school web site: http://www.sheboygan., click on “Academics”, and then click on “Counseling” - this will take you to our Haiku link. You will find a lot of good and important information that may help you and your student throughout the school year. Please take some time to become familiar with the information on this page/ site. We are all looking forward to working with you this school year. Important Upcoming Dates Seniors: Local Scholarship Applications Wednesday, January 27th 1:55 p.m. Commons All seniors and interested parents are invited to a brief meeting in the cafeteria to receive an application and information on local scholarships. One application is used for about 40+ local scholarships. It is important to note the following: 1) Applications can be completed electronically on the guidance web site, on the scholarship tab, after January 27th. Otherwise, applications should be typed or neatly printed in black ink. 2) Essay must be kept to only one page. Do not add additional pages. 3) Students should be specific and definite about the major and the school they plan to attend (Many local scholarships are chosen because of a specific school, (i.e., UW-Madison) and/or a specific major, (i.e., Engineering). 4) If a student changes his/her mind about the school they will attend or the major they intend to study they must contact Ms. Magray by May 2, 2016. 5) No extra sheets may be attached to the application. You may use only the space provided on the application. 6) There are a number of scholarships for seniors attending Technical Colleges 7) Scholarship recipients are mostly chosen by private parties or individuals who sponsor their specific scholarship. A small number are selected by the NHS scholarship committee. 8) The annual Local Scholarship Night will be held on Wednesday May 18th, 2016 in the NHS auditorium. 9) If you are chosen for a scholarship you will receive an invitation in early May, but specific scholarship information will remain confidential until the scholarship night. Local Scholarship Application Deadline Date Local scholarship applications are due to Mrs. Bitney or Ms. Magray in the Counselling Center NO later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 4th. Applications turned in after the deadline time will NOT be accepted. Miscellaneous Scholarships – Updated every Friday Often churches, community organisations, businesses, etc., give scholarships. Be sure to check these sources for possible money. The Counseling ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT CONNECTWITHUS 3 COUNSELORCORNER Center posts miscellaneous scholarship information that has been sent to the school. Miscellaneous Scholarship listings are updated on a weekly basis, every Friday. Also, updated Miscellaneous Scholarships are posted at the North High website, under “Academics” and then “Counseling” and then under the “Scholarships” tab. Go to for more information. Selective Service Registration Under the federal law, virtually all men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. However, the Selective Service System now accepts early submission of registration information by 17-year-old men. The Agency holds their registration information and automatically enters their data into the system when they turn 18. The fastest way to register is on-line at or call Selective Service at (703) 605-4078 or any post office. Financial Aid: What You Can Do Now - Information on all the federal student aid programs is available free of charge on U.S. Department of Education’s web site at - Try www.fasa4caster.eddeca for an estimated estimator. - Mark your calendar for College Goal Wisconsin for assistance with the FAFSA, Saturday, February 20th, 2016 (10:00 a.m) at Marian University in Fond du Lac, or Wednesday, February 24th at UW–Manitowoc 6:00 p.m. Visit to see what you need to bring to the workshops. Attention Juniors & Seniors CONNECTWITHUS 4 ACT & SAT Free Online Test Preperation Sites **All North High Junior students have FREE access to the ACT company’s ACT Online Prep for 2015-16. Visit the Library/IMC for your username and password. Take advantage of this great opportunity to get ready for the ACT. You are saving $19.95! Dr Zap ACT Test Prep Course Saturday, February 6th - 2016 at North High School, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in room 163. Registration materials will be available in the Counseling Center, or by going online to ACT Prep Classes at UW-Sheboygan There are ACT prep courses being offered through UW Sheboygan this year. There are three different types of prep courses being offered from traditional classes to online offreings. To register or request more info call (920) 459-6617 or register online at ACT & SAT Online Test Prep Sites Free: (contact your counselor or Mrs. Gloede for password and username) RAIDER REPORT - - - 12th Grade Students and Parents Due to a number of technical issues that we have been having with Docufide Secured Transcript service (an electronic transcript service) we are advising that students/parents forgo this service at this time. If you need a transcript to be sent to a college/university - and are not using a different college application platform (like SendEdu or Common Application) then please see/contact your school counselor or Mrs Bitney in the Counseling Center to have us mail an official copy of your transcript. Financial Aid/Scholarship Scams: Phony organizations can take advantage of students’ searches for financial aid to gouge them for little or nothing in return. North High families have in the past received letters from various organisations from New York, Texas, California, etc.. Please beware! Phony scholarships - The student may receive a notice that in some way promises an award. Either the student has been designated as ‘eligible,’ or she has been named a ‘finalist’ or perhaps has ‘already won.” The student is told that to win this award, or enter, or to be registered, she has to pay a fee. Students should be wary of any company that asks for a checking account number or credit card expiration date to ‘confirm eligibility. This information can enable the company to access the account without the student’s knowledge. Phony scholarship matching services - Phony scholarship matching services use different tactics. They charge students a fee for a list of scholarship leads. Typical claims include, “You can’t find this information anywhere else”; “We’ll do all the work for your”; or “We guarantee that you will win an award if you use our service.” The outcome? The student receives nothing for their money or they receive a useless list of awards for which they do not qualify - or which may or may not exist. Phony educational loans - The scammer offers a low-interest loan under the condition that the student pays an up-front fee. The money is paid, but the student never receives the loan. Take care not to be fooled by an ‘official-sounding’ name. While these companies frequently use words like ‘National,’ ‘Federal,’ ‘Foundation,’ or ‘Administration’ in their titles, that doesn’t mean that they are legitimate operations. Phony free seminars - Free seminars about financial aid offered by such groups are often thinly disguised sales pitches for a bogus scholarship search or insurance offer. And although the seminar may be held at an official or educational facility, this does not mean COUNSELORCORNER that the company or scholarship search is legitimate - the group may not be sanctioned by the institution Midwest Student Exchange Program The Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) helps improve access to education through the Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP). The MSEP serves as the Midwest’s largest multi-state tuition reciprocity program. One hundred and forty colleges and universities in Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin have opened their doors to each others’ citizens by offering more affordable tuition rates. This is not a scholarship but rather a means to receive reduced tuition rates. Through the MSEP, public institutions agree to charge students no more than 150% of the in-state resident tuition rate for specific programs; private institutions offer a 20% reduction on their tuition rates. You must enrol as a non-resident student at a participating MSEP campus to receive the tuition. You can access information on degree programs available, the campus enrolment requirements, and contact information for the campus administrator online at Parents Can Help: Tips for Improving Students Academic Performance First quarter has just ended and grades will soon be out. Many students have done well but there are many more who need to work at improving their grades for the semester. Keep in mind that first quarter grades are like a big progress report for the semester grade. The semester will end on January 19th . Students still have time to improve their grades for the semester. It is the semester grades that will follow the student throughout their life on their transcript. Class rank is calculated from the semester grades only. Parents can help by: 1) Providing a designated quiet place to study, away from TV, noise, phones, etc. 2) Setting a regular study time everyday that is marked for schoolwork only, such as right after school, after dinner, 3) Checking the planner. Make sure assignments are written down daily. Contact teachers to initial planner if necessary. 4) Looking over student’s work to make sure it is complete. Don’t take their word for it. Seeing is believing. 5) Monitoring organization of (a) materials and homework in appropriate folders and binders, (b) locker and backpack - the ‘black holes.’ 6) Contacting teachers on a regular bases. Teachers can be emailed by using the first initial of their first name followed by the last name (ie. jsmith) Stay Involved in Your Teen’s Education You can make a big difference in your teen’s life ---and future! Your teen benefits because he or she is more likely to: - get better grades - have a positive attitude about him- or herself and about school - avoid alcohol and other drugs - stay away from gangs and violence - graduate and have more opportunities for good jobs You benefit because taking part in your teen’s education Continued on page 6 ACT Test Dates - go to to register. Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline April 9, 2016 March 4, 2016 March 5-18, 2016 June 11, 2016 May 6, 2016 May 7–20, 2016 North High School Assessment Dates Keep your entire family informed and engaged. The following is the North High School ACT State Assessment Schedule. ACT All Juniors March 1, 2016 WorkKeys All Juniors March 2, 2016 ASPIRE All Freshmen and Sophomores April 26, 2016 & April 28, 2016 CONNECTWITHUS SAT Test Dates - go to to register Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline Mar 5 Feb 5 Feb 23 May 7 Apr 8 Apr 26 Jun 4 May 5 May 22 ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT 5 COUNSELORCORNER can help you: - learn about school and community resources for families - build better relationships at home, at school - and in your community - gain new skills as you work with your teen Course Selection High School students will be selecting courses for next school year in early February (Middle School students in early March). It is important that parents communicate with their children about which classes they are signing up for, what their academic goals are, and how the two tie together. If you are interested in discussing your child’s course selections for next year then please do not hesitate to contact your child’s counselor. The counselors welcome your emails, phone calls, or the opportunity to discuss your child’s course selection and academic goals in person. Sophomores CONNECTWITHUS 6 The Sheboygan Area Chamber of Commerce - Career Connections Field Trip on Monday March 21st, 2016 “CAREER CONNECTIONS” is a field trip for SOPHOMORES to explore different career opportunities. Students will listen to local representatives from different area businesses, services, and organizations about opportunities, advice, and skills that are critical to succeed in their career field. The sophomores will take a bus ride to Lakeshore Technical College at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 12:30 on the day of the field trip. Parent Permission forms were given out and collected with the school registration materials at the beginning of the year. The Counseling Department will be tracking down any students who do not have a parent permission form on file, giving them a new form, and asking that the students return the form signed so that they can attend the Career Connections field trip. If you have any questions about the field trip please contact your child’s counselor. Junior JUMP START – Message for Juniors In the midst of the excitement of high school, the college process is right around the corner. Sometimes it is difficult to know how to begin your journey, so here are some tips, specifically for juniors: 1) Start thinking about what you like best. This is a good time to do a bit of personal inventory. Do you love science? Eager to study a foreign language? Are you an academic explorer who is interested in more than one area? Are you seeking a school where you can continue involvement in community service? This will give you ideas for things to consider as you get to know colleges and universities. 2) Talk to people. RAIDER REPORT Use your network to learn more about schools. Talk to senior classmates, teachers, counselors, neighbors, and family, and ask for suggestions of schools to consider. Remember, everyone will have a different perspective to share with you. All of the advice will be valuable as you make the best choices for yourself. 3) Have a conversation at home Discuss your parents’ expectations, hopes, and concerns, as well as your own, so that the lines of communication are open. 4) Start visiting colleges You don’t have to know exactly where you are going to apply before you start visiting. Consider starting by visiting schools in your area as a junior, even if you plan to go away. It can give you an idea of what you are looking for. Though nothing compares with visiting a college in person, the Internet can also be a good resource. Explore university Web sites to get a better sense of the many options that exist. With a jumpstart during your junior year, you will begin to make good choices for the college journey ahead. (Counselor’s Canvas, Washington University in St. Louis, spring 2007) Now is the Time to Do Some Comparing and Planning Spring and summer is a great time to start visiting college campuses and to begin to formulate post secondary plans. Before you visit the campus, consider some of the options below. It is also important to develop a list of questions and plan specific activities in order to accomplish your goal. Hints for a Campus Visit *Meet with an admission officer *Verify admission requirements (tests and high school preparation) *Discuss your chances for success *Obtain a school calendar and a catalogue *Determine college costs *Ask about financial aid opportunities (deadlines, forms, etc.) *Attend a class to get an idea of typical size and academic atmosphere *Ask about the placement record for graduates in the field you might study *Identify career planning services for undergraduates *Tour the campus. Be sure to check out the dorms, library, dinning halls, etc. *Talk to students about the general academic environment and the study commitment necessary for success *Find out what student activities are available *If you are interested in financial assistance, ask if you can make an appointment with a counselor in the financial aid and/or scholarship office. COUNSELORCORNER Seniors Advanced Placement Exams Advanced Placement Exams, will be administered Monday, May 2, 2015 - Friday, May 13, 2016. Advanced Placement Exams provide students with an opportunity to earn college credit and improve chances of getting into a competitive college. The deadline to register for the exam is Friday March 11th, 2016. The cost per exam is $83. A fee reduction is available to students who meet fee reduction guidelines. For more information or to receive an AP Student/Parent Bulletin, please contact Mr. Matus - or go to PARENT/TEACHERSCONFERENCES North High’s Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held in our Commons and Raider Gym on the following days: Friday, February 5, 2016, 7:45am - 10:45 and 12:45 pm - 3:15 pm Tuesday, February 9, 3:45 pm - 6:15 pm Thursday, February 11, 3:45pm - 6:15pm It is our hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to talk with your child’s teachers about his/her academic progress in classes and discuss strategies that may enable your student to achieve greater success in school. This year, Friday, February 5, 2016 will be an alldistrict Parent/Teacher Conference day. We hope that this will be more convenient for district families. Additionally, we hope that offering the afternoon session on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, and Thursday, February 11, 2016, will make it possible for even more NHS parents to attend conferences. The school schedule will run as usual on these two days. Busses will also operate at the regular times at the end of each of these school days. Our teachers will be assembled alphabetically in the NHS Commons and Raider Gym. Student class schedules will be available at tables on the stage in the Commons. Parents may visit their child’s teachers on a first come, first serve basis. You are asked to keep your discussions brief to allow all parents the opportunity to talk with their child’s teachers. Typically, if you feel you need more than five minutes, you may want to schedule another time with the teacher to continue your exchange of information and ideas. Some staff members, may not be present for the entire time of conferences. If a teacher is not in attendance, there will be a sign-in sheet at that teacher’s table, and if you leave your name, phone number, and email he/she will contact you. If you need further assistance, please call the general office at 459-3534, and we will put you in contact with your son or daughter’s teachers. The school counselors will also be in the commons area to answer any questions or assist with any needs you may have. Please feel free to visit them. No appointment is necessary. We look forward to seeing you at our Parent/ Teacher Conferences! ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT CONNECTWITHUS 7 A R T D E PA RT M E N T Congratulations to the following North High art students. Their work has advanced from the Wisconsin Art Education Association’s Northeast Regional Exhibition to the state level in Madison. There will be an awards ceremony at the Rotunda at the State Capitol on March 11 from 12-1pm as a part of Youth Art Month. Students are Cole Damrow, Noah Fabiano, Natalie Meyers, Kaylee Morton, Peta Silva, and Teagan Yedica. Natatlie Meyers was awarded the David Hockney Award for having the best drawing in the current exhibition at the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass in Neenah. CONNECTWITHUS 8 RAIDER REPORT Youth Art Month is a month of promoting art and art education in the United States. It is observed in March, with thousands of American schools participating, often with the involvement of local art museums and civic organizations. The mission of the Wisconsin Art Education Association is to promote excellence in visual art and design education for all students by providing professional growth opportunities for visual art and design teachers, showcasing student talents and abilities supporting art and design as academic core disciplines, communicating with other art and design organizations, and offering lifelong learning opportunities acting on vital art and design education issues. BOOKSONBIKES Books on Bikes Coming this Summer! The librarians of the Sheboygan Area School District are creating a chapter of Books on Bikes. Books on Bikes is a community outreach and literacy program originally created by the Charlottesville City School librarians and teachers http://www.booksonbikescville. org/. Through this program, the eight librarians in the Sheboygan Area School district will pack up their bikes and pedal out into the community during the summer months to deliver books and the love of reading to the children of Sheboygan. Our goal with this program is to get children in the community excited about reading and visiting their local libraries (school or public) while building relationships with our current and future families. Books on Bikes will meet children on their own turf and bring them book talks, readalouds, enthusiasm for reading -- and their very own books! Books on Bikes will be a team effort involving our entire district and community through the leadership of our tiny but mighty library department. Our librarians are known for making dollars stretch and locating resources for our students. We intend to adapt those skills for this worthy project. In our first month since committing to the project, we have already made great progress in bringing collaborators on-board. For instance, our high school students are ready to design and construct book carriers for the bikes we will ride. Our students are willing to help organize donated and purchased books, maintain the bikes, participate in the rides, and help us identify areas in the community that kids tend to visit during the summer. The Sheboygan Recreation Department will help advertise our summer program. Our district public relations representative has pledged to provide her expertise. We have support from our assistant superintendent of schools and will address our school board at a future board meeting. This project is bigger than just our school district. Community contacts are in the works. We have begun discussion with a local cafe that recycles bikes to give to those in need. We have recently contacted a local group called Sheboygan County Reads, while a district librarian who helps at Bookworm Gardens events will ask for their support. We hope our local bicycle-riding police officers will assist us in developing a route and will escort us on our bike parade kick-off. All will be welcome to decorate their bikes and join us in this parade to kick off summer reading, winding through the community and ending at our public library. As a library department we want to lead beyond our library walls and build a strong foundation for our future learners. Books on Bikes can help make that happen. We need your help. We could use volunteer help in the way of resources to meet our goals as well as donations to go toward purchasing materials and books. We would also like book donations for kids of all ages. Please contact Stacy Gloede, North librarian, 920.459.6789. [email protected] if you think you can be of assistance or want more details. LITTLE RAIDERPRESCHOOL The Child Development 2 classes are planning a preschool and would like your child to attend! The high school students are creating many lessons for working with the children. We are inviting 3-5 year olds * Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. April 7th – May 26th Cost is $25 Must be potty trained For more information and registration materials, please contact Connie Check at [email protected] ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT CONNECTWITHUS 9 REDRAIDERMANUFACTURING The North learning community will look differently beginning in the fall of 2016. Through the combined efforts and generosity of community partners, private investors, and the Sheboygan Area School District Board of Education, North will realize the completion of several construction projects for the start of the 2016-2017 school year. North High School will have a 6,000 square foot addition completed by August 1, 2016. This facility will be added to the south side of the North campus along School Avenue in the area currently in front of the North Fitness Center. This addition will house a Technology Center complete with updated manufacturing equipment, and provide an opportunity for all North students to engage in curriculum that prepares students for successful entrance into programs at two and four-year institutions and/or movement directly into the workforce. Construction for this North High School Technology Center will begin as early as late December 2015, with the first step being a move of the North driveway along School Avenue and fencing of the construction area south of the North Fitness Center. This move of the North driveway will force the closing of the drop-off driveway Monday, December 28, 2015, through January 3, 2016. Please plan accordingly for the closing of this driveway. In addition to this Technology Center, North will realize the remodeling of several classroom areas within the building. Current Technical and Career Education classrooms will be expanded and refurbished to create more and updated work areas for students enrolled in construction trades and automotive courses. The work in these areas is slated to begin late June 2016, with completion targeted for the start of the 2016-2017 school year. Finally, the North learning community will see the addition of four classrooms. An unfinished area of the building referred to as the “shell” will be completed for two new art classrooms along with two multipurpose classrooms for a variety of student-centered work to occur. Work in this shell area will begin near May 2016, and is also targeted for completion by the start of the 2016-2017 school year. As construction begins and continues throughout and around North, communication of progress, potential disruptions to routines, and completion timelines will be provided through a number of venues including the web site, Facebook, Twitter and Raider Report. These are exciting times for the North learning community and the completion of these projects will put North in a position to continue to engage all learners through rigorous and varied experiences that prepare them to be happy, productive citizens. AUDITORIUMSEATS Each member of the North High School learning community remains committed to providing comprehensive offerings through a liberal arts approach to secondary education. With this being said, the North High School auditorium is utilized for a great number of events such as, but not limited to, Scholarship Night; a variety of choral, band, and orchestra concerts; theatrical productions; Baccalaureate; class meetings; and National Honor Society ceremonies. In addition, this auditorium is utilized for community-based events such as EXPO, community rentals, and Sheboygan Theater Company rehearsals. Although the North High School auditorium is included within the walls of North, this arena is integral to the greater Sheboygan area community and, as such, this venue has served and will continue to serve students, families, and community members alike. 10 RAIDER REPORT The cost to recondition all of the seats within the North High School auditorium will be $115, 000. Funds have been allocated from a number of internal budget accounts, including the co-curricular, instructional, and central office facilities accounts, yet a shortfall remains. Your consideration for funds to support the reconditioning of chairs within the North High School auditorium is much appreciated. Any dollar amount that you or your an organization you are associated with could provide would be utilized to refurbish chairs with the far-reaching positive impacts of this project being felt for many years to come by a great number of students, families, and community members. If you have questions regarding this endeavor, please contact Jason Bull directly at 920.459.3603. Thank you for your consideration. PUBLICATIONS Notorious Publications features photos for purchase from various North High events throughout the year. These can be found under the purchase event photos tab located the website Click on the buy photos button on the top right corner to purchase digital copies or prints of a Notorious photos. Any photos purchased online are printed at Bay Photo labs and drop shipped to your door step. ENGAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP/RESPECT 11 SENIORADS LIMITED SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR LAST SECOND SENIOR ADS. Complete and return this form by 2/29. Space is very limited, ads will be acceptred on a first come, first serve basis. 2016 Polaris Senior Ads Order Form Please complete and return this form with your photos, text and payment. Parent/Purchaser name Student name Street address City/State/Zip Daytime phone Email Is this ad to be kept private until book is distributed? Yes FULL PAGE (Max of 15 photos) $450.00 Approximate dimensions: 8.5” wide x 11” high HALF PAGE (Max of 7 photos) $225.00 Approximate dimensions: 8.5” wide x 5.5” high Photos (Instructions, requests, comments): QUARTER PAGE(Max 4 photos) $115.00 Approximate Dimensions: 4” wide x 5.5” high EIGHTH PAGE (Max 2 photos) $60.00 Approximate Dimensions: 4” wide x 2.67” high Copy/Text (for your ad): Payment Total Due Date: Check #: Cash Check 12 No RAIDER REPORT Customer Signature Yes, I would like my photos back. No, they’re copies. Feel free to toss them.