The Doorway - Collierville Literacy Council
The Doorway - Collierville Literacy Council
The Doorway Vol. 9, No. 1 Collierville, TN September 2013 From The Director’s Desk: Karen Ray To all of our CLC friends, It’s hard to believe another school year has started! We have been so busy during the last 12 months with the GED program and the increased number of students trying to get their GED diploma. Last year, we served 487 GED students, compared to 343 the year before! It has been hectic, but very rewarding, with 181 GED graduates. As we go forward into 2013-14, the Collierville Literacy Council needs both financial and volunteer support. Watch for information about our SCRABBLE FUNdraising Tournament in November – if you haven’t played yet, you should. It’s a lot of fun on a Sunday afternoon! Also mark your calendars to go to Carriage Crossing and shop at Chico’s on Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. They’ll donate 10% of the sales of everyone who says, “I’m shopping for the Collierville Literacy Council.” Who doesn’t want to check out the sales rack at Chico’s? The number of students asking for our help increases every year – we don’t want to have to cut any services because of a lack of tutors or funding. Helping our adult students learn English, learn to read, and get a high school equivalency diploma are goals that improve the student’s life; but their personal gains also help our entire community. With a diploma, English language skills, or basic reading skills, there is less need for social service support, crime decreases, parents encourage their children to stay in school, and more workers can train in skills that area employers need in their workforce. It’s really a win/win situation for everyone! Collierville Literacy Council board members held a meeting on Jan. 27, 2013 at the Collierville Chamber of Commerce. The members planned for the coming year and finalized the strategic plan. Pictured are (front row, from left) Matt White and Annette Key, (middle row) Wanda Chism, (back row) Sissy Lofton, Nan Gallina, Bettina Roberts, Henry Stokes, Carlton Anderson, Mike Tebbe, Angie Vandenbergh, Joel Tracy and Lynn Wheeler. Dates to Remember Sept. 2 CLC Closed for Labor Day Oct. 18 & 19 CLC Tutor Training Nov. 10 Scrabble FUNdraising Tournament INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Sunday, November 10, 2013 The 9th annual Scrabble FUNdraiser Tournament will be held Sunday, Nov. 10 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at St. George’s Independent School, located at 1880 Wolf River Blvd in Collierville. The cost is $30 for individuals, $75 for teams of three and $250 to be a sponsor. For more information, visit or contact us at 854.0288. 1 Tutor’s Corner 2 New Tutors 3 Student News 4 Staff Tidbits 5 Contributors 6 Tutors: Save the Dates REMINDER We need your monthly tutor report forms. Your volunteer hours are periodically reported to United Way, which provides funding to the CLC. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Incarnation Catholic Church Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m. * In March, Meera Desai Shah took a couple of her ELL students, Kana and Kikumi, to Kroger where they independently spoke to customer services officials about how to get coupons. “They asked for directions about whom to talk to, with a bit of prompting from me. As they have discovered, most Americans are very helpful and kind.” * Jane Dalton’s ELL students gave observations about Life in America: “When I visited my son’s school for the first time, I was surprised that the school had several janitors. Back in Korea every student had to clean his or her classroom every day. We think that is a part of education.” -H.L. “In Japan, we don’t usually wear clothes with sports team logos, except when we’re going to see the game. But here, we can see team logos everywhere. I thought it would be fun to show off my love for the team, so as a start, I got a cap with the Steelers logo.” -K.M. “Sometimes the prices of gasoline are different between two gas stations which are across the street. In such case, in Japan, there would be many more cars in front of the cheaper station. But, American people seem not to mind the difference in the price.” - S. 2 Pictured are Nancy Beeson (front, from left), Emily Williams, Sandy Williams, Mary Kay Roy, Laura Kuhn, (back) Cyndee Ross, Jeff Ross, Margaret Woodward and Don Smith. Not pictured: Florence Gosnell. Attending Tutor Training in February, these tutors are now trained and certified through ProLiteracy to meet with CLC students. Interested in becoming a CLC Tutor? The Collierville Literacy Council will hold Adult Tutor Training on Friday Oct. 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tutors train to assist CLC students in GED, English as a Learned Language (ELL), and Basic Literacy Skills. After an informative session Friday night, participants learn more about a specific program on Saturday. Active tutors can always join in Saturday to freshen up their skills or train in another program. Following training, tutors become officially certified through ProLiteracy after completing individual online studies, and following up with CLC staff. Tutors are then matched with a student, who they typically see on a weekly basis. For more information or to RSVP for October, call 854.0288. Opportunities Can’t commit to being a tutor right now? No problem! We have many other ways your can help out the CLC. Be a SCRABBLE FUNdraiser Sponsor ($100-$5,000) for 2013 or a SCRABBLE player ($75 for a team of 3 players) Dedicate Memorial and/or Honorarium donations for friends and family members Donate “In Kind” gifts such as: grocery store gift cards for Tutor Training/Tutor Support Gathering refreshments Printing and/or postage for our annual report or brochures. Your business organization will be named “The Sponsor.” Office Supply Store gift cards for office supplies Books of Postage Stamps Kroger Cards: Log on to to select the CLC as your community rewards choice. Kroger will make a donation to us each time you shop. 3 CLC Students Remember to sign your name on a slip of paper and put it in the FISH BOWL each time you come to the CLC to work with your tutor. You could win $10 from the monthly drawing! Recent winners include: 2012: October: Brenda’s student, Tuoi November: Rod’s student, Amir December: Becky’s student, Qiu 2013: January: Tom’s student, Courtney April: Jean’s student, Nidya February: Donna’s student, Eun May: Ginny’s student, Kayla March: Tasha’s student, Heather June: Betty’s student, Sujatha Thanks to the Collierville Presbyterian Church for making this attendance incentive possible. 2013 CLC GED DATES: Congratulations to all the 181 GED Graduates! Our congratulations to each of you and to the tutors who helped you reach your goal. Good luck as you move forward! Thursday, October 3 Registration deadline Tuesday, Sept. 24 Thursday, Nov. 7 Registration deadline Tuesday, Oct. 29 The Official Practice Test, known as the OPT, MUST be completed BEFORE registering for the actual GED test. Tutors AND students please let the CLC know if you have stopped meeting, or if your contact information changes. We don’t want to lose track of you! Call us at 854.0288 or email us at [email protected]. 4 Literacy News with Kelly: Hello literacy tutors! This summer, I attended a literacy instruction workshop in Huntsville, Alabama. The workshop, along with instructional materials, was funded through grants from Collierville’s 20th Century and Civitan clubs. The workshop focused on a comprehensive instructional program to improve students’ reading and writing. Although it would be difficult to implement the entire program, we certainly can incorporate many of its elements. Give me a call if your student continues to struggle with blending sounds (sounding out words) and/or segmenting words (spelling). I would love to meet with you and share some of these new instructional strategies. Also, let me know if you are interested in serving as an assistant tutor, which works with a literacy student two times a week for an hour each time. As an assistant tutor you would provide additional instruction and practice on sight words, blending, and writing. Thanks again for all your hard work! ELL News with Pam: Right now, we are not registering new ELL students. We hope to begin accepting new students at the end of September, once Tutor Training is complete and we, hopefully, receive some new ELL tutors. ELL Student News: Whether you are waiting to be matched with a tutor or already have a tutor, you can improve your conversation skills by attending our Talk Time conversation classes. We’d love to have you join us! We will now be meeting for Talk Time at the Holy Apostles Episcopal Church at 1880 Wolf River Blvd in Collierville from 10 a.m. – 11:30 each Wednesday & Thursday. ELL Tutor News: Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to your students. If you are no longer meeting with your student, please let me know so I can update our files. Also, if you are available for another student, you can email me at [email protected] with your availability. GED News with Carol: As many of you know, the GED testing Service will launch their new, updated and computerized “GED 2014” test on Jan. 1. Fees for the 2014 test are expected to increase from $65 to $120 and the content of the test will be more difficult, particularly in the Math section. Testers who have not completed the 2002 series GED test will not be able to carry-over partial scores once the new test is introduced. This has created a huge demand for GED Official Practice tests, tutoring and testing, and the CLC is working hard to provide these services for as many students as possible before the cutoff date. We’ve expanded our office hours, staying open until 7 p.m. Wednesday nights, as well as doubled our test dates in 2013. Our phone has been ringing constantly and our facility is bustling as students from all over Shelby County and beyond seek information, guidance and tutoring, and hope for a seat at one of our tests. We’ve seen our GED student numbers skyrocket by 43% during our 2012-2013 fiscal year, and expect the numbers to grow even more as December 2013 approaches. A GED Diploma can be a life-changer! We applaud our GED tutors for the hours of instruction they provide week after week to help CLC students achieve their dreams for a better future! CLC’s Newest Employee: Christina Morgan Christina began at the CLC in March, stepping into a staff support role, which was created with the departure of former Volunteer Coordinator Julie Parks. Working part-time at the CLC, Christina is also a freelance journalist. You may have seen her byline in The Collierville Herald. Christina and her husband Cory reside in Olive Branch, Miss., with their Akita pup named Koda Bear. Since starting at the CLC, Christina has primarily assisted Carol Faller with GED responsibilities, though she will also be handling the CLC newsletter and other publicity. If you haven’t already met her, stop in and say hello. 5 To Our Faithful Contributors ~ THANK YOU! Mission Statement: The Collierville Literacy Council, a community non-profit agency, develops programs, trains volunteer tutors, and utilizes technological resources to teach adults comprehensive literacy skills rooted in reading, writing, and critical thinking. (November 2012 - July 2013) Donations in memory of Agatha “Nan” Gallina from Nan Gallina Gary Bentley from Lynn Wheeler, Nan Gallina Kim Keough from Glen Burford, Leonard Hughes, M/M Jay Myers, Terry Courtenay, John & Sandy Barrios, Harry Kearney, M/M Roger Albee, Janie Day, M/M George Lofton, Darla Rennegarbe, Samuel Scull IV, Pat Shappley, Rosen Family, S.T. Kramer, Nan Gallina 2013 Governing Board Annette Key, President Henry Stokes, Immediate Past President Wanda Chism, Secretary Carlton Anderson Nan Gallina Bettina Roberts Joel Tracy Matt White Donations in honor of Dave & Julie Parks by Roger Albee, Roger and Pat Albee by George & Marty Sullivan, Henrietta Alvarez by Chris Shields, Julie Parks by Henrietta Alvarez Individual Supporters: John Barrios Elizabeth Lofton Mike Tebbe Lynn Wheeler Angie Vandenbergh Staff Karen Ray, Director Carol Faller, GED Coordinator Kelly Thieme, Literacy Coordinator Pam Rubinstein, ELL Coordinator Christina Morgan, Staff support Elizabeth Wayne, Bookkeeper Betty Owen, Becky Gafford, Anne Smith, Chris Shields, Ginny Mullaney, Janette Vaught, Tommy & Diane Dunagan, John & Clare Griggs, Donna McDermott, Rita & David Compton, Edith Caywood, Barbara Bailey, Alexis McCutchen, Marilyn Meeks, Jack & Betty Only, Maria Bendayan, Dave Schmidt, Nancy Harness, Don Price, Mary Booker, Matt White, Pat Albee, Sarah Walne, Henry Stokes, Sissy Lofton, Lillian McDonald, Judy Hoffman, Allan Hayden, Chris Shields, Chul & Young Kim, Linda Sharp, Paulette Bourdon, Lisa Prestage, Tanya Fischer, Halina Dutkiewicz, Janet Jones, Henry & Kitty Stokes, Lorri Cordelli, Jim & Julia Williams, Ann Evans, Jane Dalton, Keiko Mikami, Leesa Travis, Ameriprise Financial, Kroger, ServiceMaster, Holy Apostles Episcopal Church Volunteers Mary Jane Randolph, Elizabeth Wayne, Janet Jones, Whitney Beach Donations of $500 and above: BancorpSouth, Raymond James Financial, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, New Neighbors Donations In Kind: Monica Evans, Mary Lou Thesmar, Celine Wong, Diane Bernardi, Mickie Kee, Manabu & Tomoko Mariguchi, Patree Ruggieri, David & Elizabeth Sexton, Gene Callaway, Lynn Crosson, Pilar Bendayan, Karlinda Martinez, Janet Jones CONTACT US Collierville Literacy Council 167 Washington St. Collierville TN, 38017 Call 901.854.0288 Fax 901.854.0288 [email protected] United Way Designated Donors: Kevin Giddis, Curt Keough, Lori Jester, Penny Kolesar, Hospira Foundation, Deborah McDonald, Richard Trent Grants: Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis, Town of Collierville, Wal-Mart, M/M John Sheahan, Collierville Civitan Club, Twentieth Century Club, Collierville Presbyterian Church, M/M John Fockler Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 6
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