Japan America Society Calendar


Japan America Society Calendar
Japan America Society of Minnesota
The Tsūshin is a membership publication of the Japan America Society of Minnesota
May 2014 VOL. 23, No. 05
J-Quiz: To Washington D.C. and Back
Annual Sake Tasting Event
On April 10 ,
2014, the three
teams who won
the 2014 J-Quiz
here in
traveled with
their teachers to
D.C. to attend
the National
Japan Bowl and
the annual Sakura Matsuri. The students had a busy weekend,
starting off with the Japan Bowl on the 10th and 11th. There
were 39 participating schools in the National Japan Bowl this
year, making for a total of 239 students competing. During the
preliminary rounds alone, students answered 300 questions
about Japanese language, culture, and history. The students
heard the answer to the question afterwards, as the Japan
Bowl aims to be a learning experience for students. In
addition to the competition, there were several special guests
in attendance, such as the Tamagawa University Dance and
Taiko Group.
- Continued on Page 5 -
JASM is hosting its 3rd
Annual Sake Tasting
Event on Tuesday, June
17th, 2014. Join JASM
in savoring one of
Japan's enduring
traditions - the elegance
of Sake. Sample sake
from a great variety of
family brewers,
employing age-old
techniques from Japan to
craft aromatic and robust flavored brews. Enjoy your sake
tasting while networking and socializing with other JASM
members and friends attending this event.
We are pleased to announce that Sake Story and
Winebow will take part in our event this year as the sake
distributors in addition to other potential participants. More
information will be provided in due time. Join us for this
amazing event that is sure to be a blast!
When: Tuesday, June 17th, 2014
Where: Origami Restaurant (Uptown Location)
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $20 – JASM Member, $25 – Non-member
2014 Mondale Scholarship Application and 2014 Mondale Award Nominations
The Japan America Society of Minnesota (JASM) will award the Mondale Scholarship to Minnesota
undergraduate students enrolled in Minnesota colleges and universities who want to study and travel. JASM will
offer up to $4,500 in scholarships for the 2014-2015 academic year. The selection committee has the discretion
to award up to three $1,000 scholarships or two $1,500 scholarships. Due to the generous donations received at
the Mondale Gala in 2013, the fund for the scholarships has been increased to three scholarships for the next
academic year. The awards are specifically to be used for travel to or within Japan before, during, or after the
student’s specified terms of study. To read the guidelines for application and to download an application form,
please visit our website and look under the link titled “Programs”.
Since 1998, the Mondale Scholarship has made many learning opportunities available to students.
These students have been able to stay with host families, travel, research, and learn in ways that they may have
not been able to without the scholarship.
Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
Photo of Cherry Blossoms
near Hiroshima Castle
taken by a past Mondale
The United States has a long history of sending top-notch people to serve as Ambassador to Japan, and
Minnesota’s own Walter Mondale certainly fits the description. As a former Vice President and Senator, he was Scholarship recipient.
dubbed O-mono (a “magnate”) by the Japanese press when President Bill Clinton appointed him in 1993. He served with distinction,
earning praise in both countries for his deft handling of trade disputes and a serious diplomatic crisis involving U.S. military personnel.
After his return to Minnesota in 1997, the Japan America Society of Minnesota created the Mondale Award for Japan-Minnesota
Partnership to recognize outstanding contributions to the building of understanding, cooperation, and respect between the people of
Japan and Minnesota. The Award was named for—and first presented to—Joan and Walter Mondale to recognize his service as
Ambassador and their ongoing efforts to promote cultural exchange in both countries. Applications for nomination can be found on our
website under the link titled “Programs’.
Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by Monday, July 7th, 2014.
Personal Reflections from the President
Bridging Minnesota and Japan
– My Japanese family
Soon after moving to Japan for
the first time in 1988, I met my
“Japanese Family.” Since then,
they have been an important part
of my life. In the beginning they
proudly shared the rich culture of
Japan. On weekends, my wife
and I were escorted through a
myriad of temples, parks and
shopping districts. We took great
interest in these weekend
adventures and greatly enjoyed spending time with our
second family.
The father spent his career as a high school gym
teacher with a passion for baseball. His wife is a
housewife with a strong interest in art and Japanese
culture. During our initial five-year stay in Japan, I met
my Japanese mother several times per week at local coffee
shops. As she speaks virtually no English, she took great
interest in helping me improve my Japanese so she could
share more of the wonders of Japan.
Some of our fondest memories include celebrating
traditional New Year’s festivities at the Matsue home, our
first sushi bar visit, and having them attend our wedding
in Kentucky. At our wedding they stole the show dressed
smartly in traditional
kimono attire. Everyone
wanted to talk with them
and learn their story.
In 2000, my wife
and I returned to Japan
when our son was three
years and remained until
he was seven years old.
During this period, we
Together on New Year’s Day 2002.
frequently met the Matsue’s
and they consider our son their honorary grandson.
Throughout our son’s early years in Japan, the Matsue’s
helped us celebrate Boys Day, took us to Meiji Shrine for
the Shichi-Go-San blessing and celebrated the Christmas
holiday at our Tokyo home.
Over the past 10 years, I have been doing business
in Japan on a regular basis. I make it a point to spend the
morning of the day of my departure with my Japanese
mother. We stroll through a park or garden, share pictures
and stories of the latest developments in our lives,
remember the past and look forward to the future. It is a
special gift to have cross-cultural friendship that have
endured and strengthened over the past quarter century.
We have many great people in our JASM
community that are open to sharing their rich lives and
culture. I strongly encourage you to volunteer in JASM
programs and activities that touch the lives and souls of so
many people.
- David Smith, JASM President
Nichibei Lecture Series Coming in June
Mark your calendar! The next Nichibe Lecture Series is
coming up in late June. Dr. Hiroshi Nakato, who is an
Associate Professor in the Department of Genetics, Cell
Biology and Development at the University of Minnesota,
will be speaking on Model Organism “Zoo”.
Model organisms are animals that are extensively
studied in the life of sciences to understand particular
biological phenomena. The history and current progress of
the life sciences through these powerful, and sometimes
cute, animals will be discussed at the lecture.
When: Tuesday, June 24th, 2014
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: University of Minnesota
Molecular and Cellular Biology Building
Room #2-138 MCB
420 Washington
Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN
More information will
be available in the
June issue of the
Tsushin, so stay tuned.
Dr. Hiroshi Nakato, guest speaker
Membership News
Thanks to the following
new JASM Members:
Masumi Ito
Thanks to the following
renewing JASM Members:
James Ellinger, Elena Beisel, Erin Tamaki, Peter Wilkins, Gregory Cottles
Thanks to New Non-Profit Members:
U of MN Dept. of Asian Language and Literatures, Japanese Language Program
Thanks to the following
Renewing Corporate Members:
Taiyo International, Inc.; BioBusiness Alliance
of Minnesota; Lion Precision; Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, P.C.
New JASM Annual Membership Renewal Process - Set to Go
Please thank our members with
your support!
We want to express our appreciation for the loyal and generous financial support that members
of the Japan America of Minnesota continually demonstrate through their annual membership
fees. Your support makes it possible for JASM to provide events and activities that build
bridges of understanding, cooperation and international goodwill for the whole community.
Corporate Benefactor Members
In order to streamline our operations and become more efficient, we are implementing a new
membership annual renewal process. We will now ask everyone to pay their annual
membership fee in June of each year for a twelve-month membership with JASM. Beginning
in the month of May, JASM individual members will be receiving a letter of request and an
invoice for the annual membership fee.
3M Company
American Medical Systems, Inc.
Andersen Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Design Ready Control, Inc.
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
Fredrikson & Byron, PA
Gray Plant Mooty
Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, PC
Hubbard Broadcasting
Lion Precision
Mall of America
Medtronic, Inc
Nagai Industries U.S.A. Inc.
St. Jude Medical
Taiyo International, Inc.
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
If you renewed your membership during the past year, or joined JASM as a new member,
please note the following renewal grid:
If you renewed in or before Aug. 2013: You will receive our invoice for the full amount of
your membership fee.
If you renewed in Sept. to Dec. 2013: Your invoice will reflect a 25% credit.
If you renewed in Jan. to Mar. 2014: You will receive a 50% credit.
If you renewed in Apr. to Jun. 2014: You will renew in Jun. 2015.
We believe the new renewal process will be beneficial to JASM through a more efficient and
effective process for membership renewals and enable the JASM office team to focus more
time and endeavors on JASM events and programs. Please note that the Corporate Membership
process will not be affected with this change.
I want to thank you for the financial support you provide to JASM through your membership.
Your generous support helps JASM to build cultural understanding and international
cooperation in the Upper Midwest.
- Ben van Lierop, Executive Director
Anime Detour 2014: More than Meets the Eye
Beginning on Friday afternoon on
April 2nd and running all the way until
the evening of April 4th, Anime Detour
2014 was well underway when I
arrived the morning of April 3rd. Kale
Ganann, the director of charities for
Anime Twin Cities, which is the parent
corporation of Anime Detour, greeted
me with high energy; he was excited to
share with me what both Anime
Detour and Anime Twin Cities were
all about. He showed me all the
different types of programming at the
convention, which was expansive in order to please all 5,000 people in attendance over the
course of the weekend. He also showed me the dealer’s room, where you can buy anything
from manga to figurines, and the consuite, where idle chit-chat about anime and manga as well
as rice and cookies abound. Near and dear to Kale’s heart, though, was the charity auction
room. Items donated from U.S. anime companies like Funimation and from the local dealers up
in the dealers’ room are auctioned off to raise money for some of the many charities and
organizations like JASM that Anime Twin Cities supports.
This was just a sliver of what I continued to find over the
course of my day at Anime Detour.
Anime Twin Cities president, Lauren Ganann,
became involved with Anime Twin Cities several years
ago as a volunteer. During a panel dedicated to educating
people about the parent organization that hosts the beloved
Anime Detour, she mentioned the four branches of ATC.
One of which is dedicated to putting on the convention,
but the other three are related to both charity and social
- Continued on Page 5-
Daikin Applied, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
Corporate Sustaining Members
Corporate Contributing Members
Aveda Corporation
Bloomington Sister City Organization
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
Compart Family Farms
Devicix, LLC
Japan Lifeline Co. Ltd.
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Minnesota Orchestra Musicians
Professional Instruments Company
Proto Labs, Inc.
Satellite Industries
Sysco Asian Foods
Wilson Learning Worldwide
Partners in Service
Fuji-Ya Restaurant
Kiku Enterprises
Origami Restaurant
St. Paul Saints
Sakura Restaurant & Sushi Bar
Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Authority
Saint Paul Saints Baseball Club
Suishin Restaurant
The Voyager Group
Tiger Sushi
Nonprofit Members
Aikido of Minnesota
Anime Twin Cities, Inc.
BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota
Concordia Language Villages
JETAA Minnesota
JETRO Chicago
KCC–Japan Education Exchange
Macalester College Asian Language &
Culture Department
Minneapolis Japanese School
Minnesota International Center
Minnesota Trade Office
Mu Performing Arts
N-Dimensional Japan
U of MN Dept. of Asian Language and
Literature, Japanese Language Program
US-China Business Connections
Winona State Univ. Global Studies Dept.
Star Points/ Tom Haeg
Star Points: Connections Old and
New; Daniel O’Brien, 298 p;
1951 (self-published).
Local author, Daniel O’Brien, is
embarking on a Japan book
series, a literary task to reveal
Japanese culture through the
prism of literary fiction. Star
Points, published in 2011, Book
One in the series, is his flagship
novel. Book Two of the series,
Japanese Ghost in America, will
be published later in 2014.
Star Points is a mystery story of a
young, married couple, Yuri and
Bernd, -she is Japanese and he is German, recently married and
living in modern Japan. Their curiosity entangles them in an
ancient, secret society with global connections and universal
conundrums. The quest is to solve the cryptic riddle of the ‘Star
Points’. It is an interesting journey.
O’Brien does a credible job employing the narrative as
a portal to highlight Japanese culture, customs and the venue.
He frequently interjects romaji (notwithstanding a plethora of
misspellings, e.g., otoosan instead of otousan) to create the
desired tone. Sometimes the romaji is repetitive (we are
reminded several times that Japanese tea is o cha). And, the text
cries out for spell check (under ware for underwear) and a word
cop to avoid garrulousness (e.g., describing children who are
expected to obey their parents, and then belaboring the reader
with the definition of filial piety). Yet, to his credit, he is clever
to point out and explain our protagonists’ behavior from a
Japanese perspective. He has a good grasp of Buddhist
practices, a decent understanding of Shinto teachings, and a firm
hold on Confucius ethics. He also uses the mystery platform to
achieve a moral: to recognize the universal meaning of
humanity by surrendering to the infinity of the stars above.
O’Brien received his masters in Advanced Japanese Studies
from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. He
lived for 12 years in Japan. He used this time to travel to China,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea and Viet Nam. He is an
aficionado of world languages, mysticism and spirituality.
When he is not writing or meditating, -or gazing at the stars at
night, he can be found weaving saori freestyle.
-Tom Haeg, JASM Executive Secretary
Any Plans on Mother’s Day?
Minneapolis – Ibaraki Sister Cities Association cerebrates
the 4th Annual Cherry Tree Festival at Nicollet Island
Park (40 Power St., Minneapolis, MN 55401) on Sunday,
May 11 at 2-3:30p.m. They will have a haiku contest
(theme: cherry blossoms), photos in Kimonos and/or
Yukatas, carnation and card
for all mothers, and more
For more information,
please find Minneapolis
Ibaraki Sister City Association
(MISCA) on facebook.
Meet the New JASM Program Manager
We are pleased to
welcome Rio
Saito to the
JASM office
team as our new
Manager. Rio
will assist us in
many areas,
planning and
managing our
events, leading
the intern team,
and managing
our office.
Rio has
had a very wide
range of
experiences over
the years that
made her the
ideal candidate
for this position.
She was born in
Gunma, Japan
and came to the
U.S. as an exchange student in high school for a year. She
decided to come back to the U.S. for college at the University of
Minnesota and graduate school at the Minneapolis College of
Art and Design. While a graduate student, (at MCAD) Rio
began learning some of the program management skills that she
has as an intern for Martin Weinstein. She then became the
Gallery Manager at the Weinstein Gallery where she assisted
with everything ranging from customer service, to research, and
event coordination.
Right now, Rio is the Administrative Manager for the
School Girl and Mobile Suites: Mechademia Conference for
Asian Popular Cultures. Rio has relished the opportunity that
this brings to connect scholars who study Asian culture,
especially Japanese, from all over the world. As their office
manager, she is in charge of many of the same tasks that she
will be doing here at JASM; she works with schedules,
sponsorship, and supervises volunteers, interns, and other eventspecific staff.
Rio is also an Adjunct Instructor at the Minneapolis
College of Art and Design. Here, she teaches a Japanese
language class that also focuses on history, pop culture, and
contemporary Japanese art. In addition, she was also an
interpreter this year for Anime Detour. This is all part of Rio’s
endeavor to help support a bridge between the U.S. and Japan,
much like we do at JASM. We are pleased to welcome Rio to
the JASM team.
Dance and Taiko
performing at
the National
Japan Bowl
Art in Bloom 2014: Upcoming Event
J-Quiz in D.C. -Continued from Page 1- Continued from Page 1 -
Image from artsmia.org
The 31st annual Art in
Bloom, an event featuring art and flowers at the Minneapolis
Institute of Art, is coming up fast! There will be over 150 floral
arrangements to view, as well as lectures, a Gala Preview Party,
tours, classes, and other activities over the course of the four day
event. There are many arrangement galleries to view, including
some ikebana, bonsai, and various other displays. Several
galleries will be on display from the Ikebana International
school as well.
Price: There are both free and ticketed events over the course of
the weekend. Check www.artsmia.org or call (612)870-3000 for
more information on tickets.
Time: The event will run from May 1st until May 4th. A full
schedule is available online at www.artsmia.org.
After the grueling
competition, the rest of the
weekend was dedicated to
enjoying the Sakura
Matsuri, beautiful Cherry
Blossom trees in full
bloom along the Tidal
Basin near the National
Mall, and other famous popular and historical sights of
Washington D.C. They were even able to meet Senator Amy
Klobuchar in passing. The Sakura Matsuri was packed with
events, activities, shopping, and food. There were many cultural
booths, such as the Japanese craft booth where origami lessons
were given. Japanese food, as well as other Asian and Western
foods, were available at various booths as well. There were also
many performances, including a joint dance performance to the
popular song “Koi suru Fortune Cookie” by the students from the
National Japan Bowl and the students from Keio Academy in
New York.
We are very proud of our students for competing in this
year’s National Japan Bowl and hope that they continue learning
more about Japanese language, culture, and history!
Anime Detour -Continued from Page 3-Continued from Page 3The Social Outreach Service branch host get-together events, such as gathering groups to go to the
Minnesota Renaissance festival, participating in the Polar Plunge as charity work, and getting together
cosplay events outside of the convention. The charities branch is dedicated to helping out the
community. They have a Leg Fund, which has helped several people near and dear to the Anime
community here, such as voice actor Carrie Savage, who credited the “heart” that anime fans at Anime
Detour have for her desire to come back each and every year to do guest signings and panels. They
also are hoping to establish a scholarship to help students study abroad in Japan and were very active
during Japan’s time of crisis back in 2011 after the Earthquake and subsequent Tsunami. They are
hoping to grow this network to be national, as Anime Detour is the only conventions in the U.S. to
have such an extensive community focus and charity force. The clubs branch of ATC teams up with
GPS (Geek Partnership Society) to help students create anime and manga focused clubs at schools, as
well as compiling a directory of local clubs that students can attend.
Beyond the panel rooms was a large area, surrounded by small room parties focused on
various interests like video games or cupcakes, was a sea of cosplayers that I just simply could not
resist. Skills ranged from masters to novice, which were the categories at the cosplay competition later
in the evening. Michael Anderson, dressed as Capitan Harlock, who works at a local costume shop,
even custom orders buttons used to film Pirates of the Caribbean. That evening at the cosplay
competition, those who stood in the long line to enter the ballroom joined a large crowed inside. The
winners of the Anime Music Video contest, which had taken place earlier that day, had their videos
premiered during intermission. The support from the crowd for the cosplayers, judges, and music
video crafters, embodied the theme of the day: a strong sense of community keeps people coming
back to Anime Detour year after year. When asked, cosplayers Amanda Sako and Jessica Upsius,
along with many others, mentioned the bond created over a common interest, community, and
friendship fostered at the convention as reasons for attending year after year.
Registration for Anime Detour fills up early every year, so check out www.animedetour.com
to stay updated on future dates, prices, and registration times. Also check out
www.animetwincities.org to find more information about the organization, see upcoming events
related to anime or geekdom, find anime and manga clubs, and find out about contributing to their
A special thanks to the Anime Twin Cities team for all of the work you do and for all of the help you gave me while writing
this article. JASM is happy to have Anime Twin Cities as a member, and we look forward to working with you in the future.
- Alex Ehret, Media Relations Coordinator
Normandale Japanese Garden Festival
The newly renovated Normandale Japanese Garden will be
hosting a newly formatted fundraising program to help
support the Garden. The event this year will have food,
entertainment, a boutique, and more!
Confirmed entertainment
consists of:
 Kogen Taiko
 Sansei-Yonsei Kai
 Japanese Flute-Player, Leo
 And many others!
Image from www.normandale.edu
Food options:
 Bento box: beef skewers, chicken cutlet, rice, and salad
 Asian dinner salad (vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free option)
9700 France Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota
Saturday, June 14th, 2014 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm
Admission: $6 presale / $8 at the door -- Children 12 and
under are free
Meal: $14 -- Quantity at the door is limited, so prepurchase to guarantee
に781 名を第1回のブラジルに移民を運んだ。農事移民
For ticket purchases, contact Kathy Hara at 763-742-9990 or
at [email protected]
See the Normandale Japanese Garden Facebook page for
more details or contact TJ at [email protected] for inquiries.
Looking for Summer Help
We are looking for summer help for our kids to drive to sports
activities and help with house management. We have
two boys ages 12 and 15.
顔ありて夕べには白骨となれる身なり。“Tell me what
The candidate must have a car to be able to drive to and from
various sports events.
House management will include some cooking, taking care of
our pets and helping with other errands, such as grocery
shopping, as needed. Hours are 6-8 hours per day or about 30
hours per week. The times of work need to be flexible since
the boy's activities vary each week. We would need someone
to start on June 9th through the end of August. Hourly rate
offered is $14.00 per hour + car mileage reimbursement at
Interested candidates should call Ron and Molly Leonhardt at
651-253-1390 to schedule an interview.
Submitted by Ron Leonhardt, former JASM Board Member
For latest JASM updates, visit our website at
www.mn-japan.org, find us on our Facebook
(Japan America Society of Minnesota),
or follow us on Twitter (@MNJAPAN).
is it you are plan to do one wild and precious your life?” 80歳
Yoko Breckenridge
[email protected]
Advertise in the Tsushin!
Advertisement Rates
毎月日本語図書館で日本人会の昼食会(Monthly Nihonjinkai )を行っています。電話などでお誘い合わせの上、お
(4231 Bloomington Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55407)
1/4 page
1/2 page
Full page
Size Cost/issue
5 x 3.5 in $50.00
5 x 7.5 in $90.00
10 x 7.5 in $150.00
80 character line $10/ line
(min. 2 lines)
Ad production and design available in both
Japanese and English for an additional charge.
Deadline for completed ads and classifieds is the
20th of every month.
Questions? Contact
the JASM Office
Tel: 612-627-9357
[email protected]
Japan America Society Calendar
Sake Tasting - June 17th
Nichibei Lecture Series - June 24th
*If you would like to let JASM know about an
upcoming event, e-mail us at [email protected]*
Yoko Breckenridge
Cell phone: (612) 839-0008 E-mail: [email protected]
Nihonjin-kai monthly meeting on 2nd Monday noon
at 4231 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407
Become a JASM Member online!
Support our mission and become a
Go to mn-japan.org
Click on ‘Membership’ at the top
Select your membership type and read the
benefits and instructions.
Japan America Society of Minnesota
O Membership Application O Change of Address
O Tax-deductible Donation
Japanese Speaking Club
The Japanese
Speaking Club is
an informal meeting place for
those wishing to
practice Japanese.
We encourage
those just beginning the language
as well as
native speakers to gather at the Espresso Royale Café
in Downtown
Minneapolis to meet new people, discuss experiences
in Japan, or simply to speak Japanese. Come when you
can, leave when you must.
Date/Time: Ever y Satur day,
any time after 3:00 p.m.
Place: Espr esso Royale Cafe
1229 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55403
Name (2nd adult of a household membership)
I would like to make an additional taxdeductable donation of
Individual Membership
Sustaining……………… $500+
Contributing……………. $100+
Individual ………………. $30
Student/Senior ………… $20
Household ……………... $50
(2 adults plus children under 18)
Amount Enclosed:____________
(Please make checks payable to JASM)
Japan America Society of Minnesota
43 Main Street SE Suite EH—131
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Japan America
Society of Minnesota
Riverplace EH-131
43 Main Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1031
Tel: 612-627-9357
Fax: 612-379-2393
[email protected]
May 2014
The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a
non-profit, non-political association engaged
in bringing the peoples of Japan and the
United States closer together in mutual
understanding, respect, and cooperation.
Through programs and interchange, it
endeavors to promote an appreciation of
cultural, educational, economic, public, and
other affairs of interest to both peoples.
Membership in the society is open to
organizations interested in furthering its
The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a
member of the National Association of
Japan-America Societies.
(Please report any inaccuracies you find in
this publication to [email protected])
Photos from the 2014 National Japan Bowl Trip and 2014 Anime Detour