September 2014 Reports - Reading Education Association
September 2014 Reports - Reading Education Association
Member Benefits 2014 Welcome back to the start of the 2014-15 school year! Hopefully everyone had a relaxing summer break! Congratulations to: Katie (Citadel) and Jason ( 10G) Williams on the birth of their daughter. Belinda Horner (LP) and her husband Paul on the birth of their twin sons Jonah and Jameson. Shanalyn (Sweigert) (TS) married Charles Eckenrod. Sabrina Leinbach on her recent marriage. Condolences to: Debbie Lockwood (TS) on the passing of her father. Respectfully submitted by Donna Franke September 2, 2014 Reading Education Association 2014-2015 Operations Budget 13-14 INCOME Interest Income PSEA Reimbursements Local Dues (110 x 1000 members) Savings TOTAL INCOME $ $ $ $ $ Proposed Budget 550.00 500.00 81,000.00 77,785.62 159,835.62 Actual $ 757.88 $ 210.00 $ 83,539.20 $ 72,808.44 $ 157,315.52 13-14 EXPENSES Contributions and Tributes Dues External Communications Audits Governances and Conferences Grievances and Negotiations Internal Communications Office Expenses Local Governance Payroll Petty Cash Social Activities $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Proposed Budget 4,400.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 16,750.00 13,000.00 2,000.00 26,850.00 7,470.00 44,757.98 300.00 13,200.00 139,327.98 Expenses $ 3,585.06 $800.00 $275.00 $6,500.00 $6,829.69 $7,054.72 $3,456.36 $27,374.24 $17,024.00 $43,918.00 $100.00 $7,159.09 $124,076.16 14-15 Proposed Budget $ 500.00 $ 350.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 72,000.00 $ 182,850.00 14-15 Proposed Budget $5,700.00 $1,500.00 $800.00 $8,000.00 $21,000.00 $15,500.00 $5,000.00 $30,000.00 $25,000.00 $46,915.00 $500.00 $15,000.00 $174,915.00 Contributions and Tributes: member welfare, retirement gifts, scholarship awards/trophies Dues: United Labor Council, Berks County Education Association External Communications: Community outreach Audit: External audit Governance and Conferences: Eastern Region, NEA, RA, PSEA HOD, Rep. Council Grievances and Negotiations: Arbitrations, negotiation meetings, general expenses, staff meetings, RSD meetings and hearings Office Expenses: Rent, copier, insurance, materials and supplies, membership cards, postage, communications, water Local Governance: Officers, Building Reps, Chairs, President's Honorarium Payroll: Payroll, taxes, worker's comp, tax preparation Petty Cash: cash Social Activities: Retirement dinner, flings, teacher appreciation day Citadel VP Report September 2014 Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable summer! Welcome to the new teachers in the building! I have a new email this year, [email protected]. Please use this to contact me. Dave Craft has designed a brochure with rep information on it. We will be including it in the beginning of the year information folder. As a reminder, please do not put work information on Facebook. Also, be careful of the pictures you post online. We have weekly meetings with Mr. Brown to discuss any issues that arise. If you ever have any comments or questions, please see a rep or myself, and we will address it in our meetings. We will be having monthly meetings on Mondays to keep you updated of pertinent information. Our first meeting will be/was September 8. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact a rep or myself. My room has changed. I am in 1024A this year. Thanks! ELEMENTARY VP EAST September 2014 WELCOME BACK !!! Welcome back to a new school year! I was very happy and encouraged by the Opening Day activities. It was thrilled to see our new Superintendent make a visit to every school in the district. This was a monumental task on Dr. Mumin’s part and I know that teachers and students alike were excited to meet our new leader. • PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Stay OFF all social networking/media sites during your contracted work hours. During your contracted hours you are charged with the duty of TEACHING children; you are NOT to be texting, emailing, blogging, FACEBOOK-ing, TWEETing, instant messaging anyone!!!! You must cover yourself because your work peers are the very ones that are reporting you to district administration. Also, when you are OFF CONTRACTED HOURS, you are still representing the RSD and are NOT to speak of, or infer, any negativity towards your employer (the READING SCHOOL DISTRICT). • • Lesson plans are required to be on your desk at all times. Respectfully Submitted, Kari Plasha [email protected] 484.818.1412 (cell: call/text) Visit our new REA website at September Report Elementary VP West 1. New Rep Advice- Take a notebook and write down all information when you are asked to represent someone in a meeting. Do not tell anyone private information that you heard in the meeting. 2. Email Address- My email address is [email protected] or you can call me at 610-914-4666. 3. REA Website- Please visit our website at 4. Breakfast in the Classroom- This will start for all elementary students on Tuesday, September 2nd. Each building will run things a little bit differently. This program will be here for the next 4 years. Each building will be given the profits that are earned. There will be a review to see how we can improve the process in about 6 weeks. Let Kari and I know your concerns after you have discussed them with your building principal. 5. Class Size- Please let me know if there is an issue of class size within your building after the first two weeks of school. 6. Planning Time- Please check your schedule and add up to see if you have 180 minutes of planning time each week. Keep in mind that it can not be in 10 minute increments. 7. Protocol- You need to hold a meeting each month to go over the information given to you at the Representative Meeting. Post the reports on your REA bulletin board. Tell the teachers that they first go to you for help, you can contact me, and you or I will go to the president if needed. Post your name and room number on the REA bulletin board so member know who to contact. If you don’t know the answer, you contact me. 8. Physicals- You are eligible for one physical each year. You must get your physical prior to June 30th each year to get two months of your health insurance paid for by the district. The physical does not have to be a year and a day from your last visit. 9. Bone Density Screening- I was told the district doesn’t pay for this. If anyone knows something different, please let me know. 10.KEI Training for K- Keep track of your hours. You get paid for 12 hours of training. You should have a username and password that was sent to you by the district. Here is the order that I think will help you as there isn’t one given to you. Register Copy A Guide to Using the - The Pennsylvania Entry Inventory (15 pages) Copy Demographis page and 30 Indicators (32 pages) Listen to the videos (I think there were 8.) Do Webinar 1 (A little over an hour in length.) Do Webinar 2 (An hour and a half.) Click on your student profiles that were sent to you in your email with the website and login information. I did the demographics page for both students first. Read the profile for one student and on a separate piece of paper write your responses to each of the 30 indicators. Then go in to the program to log your answers. Don’t forget to press submit to save your work. Repeat the process for the second student. To get your results, go to the Proficiency Menu and click on the button labeled Submit Assign. I printed out my results. Welcome back and I look forward to working with you this year! Respectfully submitted, Lori Sherman Grievance Chair September 2014 Monthly Report Welcome back all, here’s hoping for a wonderful year! That said . . . well, I am amazed that some people don’t understand that when we say be careful about what you post on Facebook we mean be careful about what you post on Facebook. Yes, I am chastising because some of our brothers and sisters have made poor choices in what they post. Although nothing illegal was done, we have to be careful in our postings about the appearance of impropriety and anything that could be viewed in a negative light on us as teachers or cast aspersions on the district. Yes, you have a right to privacy, but once you post on Facebook, it becomes public domain and privacy is gone. Yes, you have a right to free speech, but you don’t have a right to keep your job when you speak out publicly against your employer in a negative manner, or when you bash board members or administrators. Some things belong at home and not on the internet! Email me at [email protected] or [email protected], or call me at 484-706-2902; if you have any questions as to what procedure is. Active Grievance List 2/14 – 3/14 Active Complaint List None Level II Currently Held in Abeyance (School Year 2013-14) G1213-60: Board of Directors In-service Days cancelled without pay (Level IV) They have been rescheduled for 8/18 and 8/19. Sorry, they are contractual. - Dropped Level III Level IV Level V G1314-01: RSD Board of Directors Longevity pay discontinued during Status Quo Arbitration held on 4/25/14 Won at Arbitration/Appealed by the district Hearing held 8/19 – awaiting ruling G1314-11: RSHS REA vs. RSD Special Education Administration Inequitable distribution of IEPs. Denied at level III Moved into abeyance Please keep in mind, due to privacy rights you only are allowed in-depth knowledge if you are the grievant, the representative, or the REA officer involved. The only exception to this rule is a class action grievance/complaint. Thank you. There is a new grievance form available that will be posted online at for any representative that needs it; it will be available in both Word 97-03 and PDF format. Respectively Submitted on this Eleventh day of September, Two-thousand Fourteen, David E. Immendorf David E. Immendorf Grievance Officer of the REA Health & Safety Committee Report September 9, 2014 Submitted by Sandy Madeira The first Health & Safety meeting for the school year will be held on September 10th. I will report on the details at the next meeting. To date, there have been no payouts of the hail damage claims. The facilities department has met with the insurance carrier nine times to discuss repairs. There is a total of $700,000 in damages to district buildings. Mold testing was conducted in the buildings this summer and I have requested the results from Todd Conn. Many repairs were conducted over the summer and they continue. Documentation for physicals was due to Loomis by August 1, 2014. As we get started with a new school year, please remind the members that there is a chain of contact to be followed. Issues should be submitted to the Reps who will in turn contact me. I will address these issues with the facilities department and our executive board as needed. Remember, please be sure all univents in your buildings do not have anything on top of them. There is nothing to be placed on top of the univent or within 3 feet of the front of the univent. This is especially important with the arrival of warm weather turning on the air conditioners. Don’t forget, report major life changes to HR within 30 days. RHS Vice President’s Report September 2014 Welcome back to what will hopefully be a calm year. Student schedules should be resolved soon. Alternative Ed. Programs should be in place soon. Please be vigilant in identifying hall walkers so that they can be placed in the alternative programs. Please see me or a building rep. if you have a problem. Do not wait until a small problem becomes a large problem. Have a joyous academic year. Respectfully submitted, Trudi Westley 610-334-6077 Instructional and Professional Development Report Visit and click on the “Teachers, Administrators, and Certifications” link for information about PA certifications, converting, and more. This site also has links to required forms. You can also click on the “Act 48 – Continuing Professional Development” link to get information about Act 48 requirements and to get your PPID number. Visit http://www.psea.orgfor more information about converting and maintaining your certificate. Click on the “Your Profession” tab and find the link that will be most helpful. To find courses that will count toward your Level 2 Certificate, visit Make sure the courses are PDE-approved IU credits (you may need to contact the IU for a list of accredited courses). Please note - Act 48 hours DO NOT count toward your Level 2 certificate. To find courses that will count toward your required 180 Act 48 hours (every 5 years), visit and click on the IU links. Make sure the course you select is a CPE (Continuing Professional Education) course. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for professional development topics for future inservice days. Email me at [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions or for more information! Submitted by Lindsay Evans Labor Relations Officer September 2014 Monthly Report Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and recharging summer. The school year is already off to a fast start, and I am hoping we as teachers are coping well. 2014-15 promises to bring much news; it is my hope to keep the REA updated with labor activity throughout Reading and Berks, and across the Commonwealth. Thank you to those of you that were able to participate in the Labor Day Parade, Monday, Sept 1st. As you are all aware, the REA continues to work with Reading School District in the hopes of reaching a collective bargaining agreement in the near future. I have shared our situation with various members of the United Labor Council in Berks, including Mayor Spencer. They want to relay the message of support they have for our union members and our families. On Tuesday, August 11th, Mitch and I met with Scott Hoh, local attorney and supporter for the Tom Wolf campaign. Scott is reaching out to political and union leaders in the area, in the hopes of creating a new “political organization” to begin meeting sometime this year. Currently, the main focus is on the gubernatorial race, and the necessity to remove Corbett from office. However, Scott is also looking at ways that we as educators can “get our message across” to a larger body of people. While REA has not endorsed any of Scott’s ideas at this time, I will be keeping you well-informed of any activities we may want to consider partaking. Respectively submitted, Robert C. Gillespie – Labor Relations Chair September 4, 2014 Middle School Vice President’s Report September 2014 Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. Hoping that the First Energy Stadium wasn’t just a dog and pony show, I think we are in for a great year. Yes we are still working under our old contract, and we haven’t been given a date for negotiations, but there are some contracts out there that are worse than what we have. We are constantly working on getting a date for negotiations, and sooner or later we will get a date. They are required by law to negotiate with us, and if it looks like they are stalling, an unfair labor practice can be filed. We are looking for contact people from all buildings to disseminate information from the negotiating team. Some of you, or someone from your building will be receiving a phone call soon. If someone in your building is interested in being a contact person, please have them e-mail me at [email protected]. We are presently working to update our sick leave bank policy, and we will be voting to approve that soon. All middle schools are presently undergoing some type of construction. Most of the schools are dusty and some are putting up with unwanted smells. Hopefully, when the new windows arrive, it will have been worth it. The new Superintendent visited Northwest Middle School on Wednesday, and after a tour of the building, he was observed sweating profusely. Even if he can’t do anything about the temperatures at the building, he has an idea what we are going through. I know some of our members were not happy with the dues increase, but if we need money for fighting teacher evaluations, or helping to feed people on the picket line, you will be glad we collected the extra money. Mitch has also promised, if the money isn’t needed it will be returned to the members. Let’s hope that is the case. Remember to bring all contract violations to your building reps, if they can’t be settled with the rep and the administration, they will contact me, and from me to the grievance officer and the president. Wally Wilkinson Negotiations Committee Chairman’s Report September 2014 Welcome back, may your year be rewarding and amazing! We are beginning year number three without a contract. We have not been at the table in over a year. We have been requesting meeting dates on a regular basis but our requests have fallen on deaf ears! The board is not even communicating with its negotiating committee members or labor attorney. They apparently see Status Quo as a way to avoid doing what they are supposed to do. Then, to top all of this off, the state appointed mediator has become very ill and now we are waiting for the state to appoint a new mediator so we can actually have a meeting should that concept ever cross the board’s collective yet vapid mind. So we sit on our hands, jaws clenched with the rage of the ignored, eyes staring with the gaze of the annoyed, all the while realizing we can win this. The race goes not to the swift nor the battle to the strong; but to he who endures to the end! And with your support, sisters and brothers, that shall be us! United we stand! Respectfully submitted on the 11th of September, 2014, David E. Immendorf Negotiations Committee Chair and Chief Negotiator REA Membership Report September 2014 Denise Solecki, NEMS Assistant Treasurer (Membership Chair) Welcome Back Reasons to Join REA $1,000,000 liability coverage Job-related legal service A voice in educational decisions Two free half-hour personal legal consultations Your membership will give you discounts on dining, hotels, recreation, and entertainment, auto rentals, and much more. As the 2014-2015 school year begins so does negotiations for a new contract. We need everyone to have their voice heard. Help me by talking to those in your building who are not REA members and share with them why you are a member and how it has helped you. Note: If you have had any changes over the summer please contact me the REA office to keep us up to date. Or you can simply go on line at Political Officer/PACE Chair Monthly Report for September, 2014 In the coming months you will be hearing a lot from me regarding the PA Gubernatorial Election and ongoing legislation. PSEA endorses Tom Wolf for PA Governor. We are PHONE BANKING on October 30 from 4-6 at the REA OFFICE. We’d like to have at least 1 person from each building in attendance. Please email me at [email protected] Please remember that if you get an e-mail from Mike Crossey, Mitch or myself, regarding legislation that needs your action, you can e-mail, write a postcard, or call your local legislator. There are currently several pieces of legislation that will need your action, below I have included the summaries directly from PSEA. In addition, each building needs a minimum of 1 BAC (Building Action Coordinator). These BAC’s will meet with me on an as needed basis to get information out regarding ongoing political action. Please do your best for find someone in your building who is as concerned about the ongoing attacks on Public Education. Please have names of potential BAC’s to me by 9/19, so that I can start to prepare them for the election. The legislation includes: Pension Reform: The governor's proposal will put the state's pension payments on a credit card again, and dig an even deeper hole. Enacting the governor's plan will undermine the stability of the pension system, and will cost taxpayers billions in the long run. You can't address the debts of the pension system by continuing to ignore the payments. Also gaining momentum is the Tobash Pension Reform plan. Tobash’s plan sounds great at first glance for those of us who think we’re grandfathered into the old plan, “Tobash is working to build support for his pension reform plan, which would only affect new employees entering the state system, and is designed to not change benefits for existing participants.” However it has been brought to our attention that if someone leaves the system for maternity or disability leave, they will be entered into the new “reformed” system upon their return. Please stay informed. Prohibiting Voluntary Payroll Deductions (this will kill unions): Gov. Tom Corbett - and billionaire-funded special interest groups he sides with at every turn - want to prohibit educators, nurses, and other public employees from using voluntary payroll deductions to pay association dues. What is this really about? Gov. Corbett and his allies are bullying us. This is a desperate, unnecessary, politically motivated attack on educators for opposing the governor's school funding cuts and attacks on our pensions. House Bill 1741, legislation which would require school boards to publicly post summaries of tentative contract agreements 48 hours prior to voting on them. School directors are elected by the public to bargain in good faith on behalf of the school district and the taxpayers. We trust that they will represent the interests of their constituents and the students in their care. With the myriad of issues facing public education at this time we need solutions that work for school districts and students. Gov. Tom Corbett and his allies want to give colleges and universities the ability to create charter schools throughout the state regardless of local input, even though it will hurt school district finances and increase property taxes. Finally, thank you for all you do for the students of Reading School District! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at: [email protected], using your personal e-mail address. Respectfully Submitted by Amanda Yeakel President’s Report – September 2014 Mitch Hettinger…[email protected] With professionalism and integrity, we fight for our teachers and those students we teach... IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME This is how I spent my summer vacation...It was pretty quiet on the nonsense side of things during this past summer. There was not much to act on or react to. So, Diane and I had the chance to spend 2 weeks in late June with our Navy son, who was home on leave for the first time since he left for Japan in December 2012. He then left for Naval Gunnery School in San Diego for 5 weeks thru the end of July. So Mom and I took 5 days in July to spend with him in San Diego. What a wonderful time that was. If you never have been to San Diego, make it a point to go…79 degrees every day with little humidity, 63 at night…gorgeous. I hated leaving and flying back to a sultry and hot Philadelphia. Anyway, outside of that and our gardening, it was a quiet but fast summer. Since August 18th, though, it has been putting out one fire after another after another. Some of the really stupid stuff just boggles my consciousness, but then I have come to the conclusion that this is what this job is. SAFETY FIRST, SO WE ALL STAY HEALTHY AND HAPPY! This is an RSD initiative this year and they will be on the lookout for safety issues. Think first before you do something. A HUGE thanks to Donna Franke, Member Welfare Officer and her niece and nephew, and Denise Solecki, Membership Officer and her son, Trudi Westley, RHS VP and Priscilla for the great job in getting the PSEA packs put together and sorted for distribution. If you are teaching outside of your certification, contact your VP, ASAP, so we can rectify that situation. REPS...we need updated building lists w/update phone numbers and home email addresses ...bell schedules for all buildings ...any scheduling SNAFUs that affect prep time, lunch time, or staffing …class sizes ALL CORRESPONDENCES SENT OVER DISTRICT EMAIL ARE PROPERTY OF THE READING SCHOOL DISTRICT. Therefore, messages that contain sensitive information should be sent to your REA officers at their personal/REA addresses listed in their reports. Incidentally, the Reading School Board updated its existing policy to note that RSD Board members will be privy to emails from administrators, but administrators will not have access to board members’ emails. Also, be aware of the fact that the new computers and new system is more efficient. “POLITICS IS PERCEPTION”...and the sooner we realize this the better our lives become when we send Governor Corbett packing in 2014. As we wait to vote Corbett out of office, the receiver in the Chester-Upland School District has put more of the district up for charterization and the vultures are ready to pounce. I’m not so sure that we need to be worried about a state takeover as we should be worried about being charterized. There’s the real threat. I attend the Recovery Task Force meetings this past weekend, and I came away feeling much better about our present situation than I have in a long time. Go on line and check out York, Harrisburg, Chester-Upland, and Duquense. We are still on the watch list, but in a better place than we have been since the BCIU rode into town. “ONE TERM TOM”...needs to be our rallying call when it comes time, which is right now, to start our work to vote this governor out of office. November 4, 2014 is the “ground zero” for our livelihoods, our professions, and our careers. We/you need to get involved now. We cannot allow 38% of our “colleagues” to vote for this guy again. We have to improve on the 18% of PSEA members who give to PACE. The time is now, because later is TOO LATE. REA needs to step up and get the job done. The GOP Governor’s Association just gave Corbett $3.5 million. We keep complaining how we’re getting screwed by Corbett, now is the time for payback. REA needs to step up and HUGE! You are the REA! Get involved! Contribute to PACE! Corbett needs to go, and yesterday, but come November 2014, if we make the same mistake twice...SHAME ON US! Make a phone call! Vote! Contribute to PACE! “ONE TERM TOM” has to go if we want public education, especially urban public education to survive. Facebook is a double edged sword. BE VERY CAREFUL! Visit for news, photos, videos, and other important information. REA is also on Facebook, strangely enough, but only for the business of the REA. It will get shut down the minute it is used for anything other than what its purpose is. Thank you to those who participated in the Labor Day Parade on Monday, 9/1/14. I truly appreciate you taking time out of your (already) well-deserved holiday weekend to stand together with your union colleagues throughout the city at this critical time. Those marching and handing out REA pencils were: Lori Sherman, Trudi Westley, Linda Welford, Patti Loughery, Jen Bard, John Jackson*, Denise Solecki, Adam Solecki*, Tucker Solecki (4-legged variety), Melanie Miller, Lisa Herbinko, Mitch Hettinger. THANK YOU! Thank you to those Building Representatives who have agreed to serve our Association colleagues in 2014-15. While training has been provided, your officers and I are here for you any time throughout the year to address your concerns and needs. Our reps are the first line of defense for our members, and I am proud of the hard work you all do! As always, please read and know the rights to which you are entitled through your REA Constitution and the REA/RSD Collective Bargaining Agreement (your contract). Speaking of contracts, since ours expired on August 31, 2012, we have been in “status quo”. What that means essentially, is that we are working under the same conditions as if the contract were extended another year. OUR position is that RSD needs to honor everything in the contract, including longevity pay since we received it during the 2012-2013 school year. The longevity issue has been appealed by the RSD and is currently in Berks County Court. Stay tuned. I am very pleased to have in place this leadership team that was elected last May. I am looking forward to working with this group of our colleagues who has answered the call to serve the interests of the REA/PSEA/NEA...your interests. Don’t hesitate to go to them with questions and/or concerns that need to be answered and rectified. MEETING PROTOCOLS: Officers/VP’s/SCC’s.....Executive Board/Rep Council......1st Tuesday @ 4 pm VP’s...............................VP meeting..................................4th Wednesday @ 4 pm Building Reps................Rep Council.................................1st Thursday @ 4 pm Building Reps w/level VPs………………….……………August, January, May WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING 8/6 Negotiating Team prep 8/14 BCEA 8/19 Longevity Hearing…Berks County Court Executive Board: Budget Meeting/Sick Bank Revisions 8/20 Rep Council meeting…NO QUORUM 8/21 PSEA Rep Training w/Paul Gottlieb 8/25 Elementary West Reps w/VP 8/26 Elementary East Reps w/VP 8/27 RHS/RIHS/Middle School Reps w/VPs Eastern Region Kick-off Dinner @ Bear Creek Mtn. Resort 8/28 Rep Council Meeting (reconvene)…w/QUORUM: budget 9/1 Labor Day Parade 9/2 New Hires Orientation 9/3 New Hires Orientation 9/5-6 Recovery Task Force, PSEA HQ, Harrisburg Thank you for doing the important work of our noble Association! Sick Bank September 2014 Welcome back! When requesting Sick Bank days please remember the following: 1. You must use all of your accrued district sick days before being eligible for the Sick Bank. 2. You do not have to use your Personal Days when using Sick Bank. 3. Sick Bank days cannot be used to care for family members. 4. Sick Bank days are not granted retroactively. 5. Please direct any inquiries regarding Sick Bank approvals to the REA office, not Human Resources. Sick Bank is operated by REA, not Reading School District. Please send your paperwork directly to the REA Office. Paperwork can be found on the REA website, Email: [email protected] Fax: (610) 374-3173 Snail Mail: Reading Education Association Attn. Sick Bank 1800 N. 12th Street Reading, PA 19604 Paperwork may also be submitted via interoffice mail. It is strongly recommended you send a “heads up” email regarding any paperwork sent interoffice mail. The REA office does not receive interoffice mail on a daily basis. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer C. Mazur Sick Bank Officer September Report - 2014 Social Chair Welcome back! If you are a new building rep. please, see me at the end of this meeting? Retirement Dinner {for 2013-2014 Retirees} Date: Friday, October 17th, 2014 Location: Stokesay Castle RSVP date: Friday, October 10th Social Events for the 2014-2015 school year: New Teacher Dinner There will not be a “New Teacher Dinner” this year. Spring Fling Date & Location: TBA Snowball Bash Date TBA Location: Stokesay Castle Retirement Dinner Date: TBA: Tentatively: October 2015 Location: TBA This message will be included on every Social Report this year. Please note the deadline to be recognized as a retiree at the end of this year. 2014 - 2015 Retirees or Potential Retirees: NEW To be honored at the retirement dinner, your retirement must be approved by the June 2015 School Board Meeting. Contact Priscilla at the REA office at any time during the school year and your retirement information will be kept confidential. Jen Bard [email protected] September 2014 Special Services Report Welcome to the 2014-15 school year! We had a great time on the opening day at First Energy Stadium. I believe we will continue to have a great year. In order for me to assist you with any concerns that you may have, I will need you to include your level VP in any e-mails you send to me. Please CC them so we can all stay on the same page. They need to be aware of your concerns as well so we can address them accordingly. ELA- As of the time I am writing this report, RSD has not filled the position of English as a Second Language Director. Let me know if you have any concerns and I will direct them to Kathy Evison at this time. I will be meeting with the new person on a monthly basis as soon as they find someone to fill the position. Special Education: PD- I am very excited to tell you that Bernie Miller will be coming to RSD again to present new information to our teachers and possibly our assistants as well. I will give you the date ASAP. I will ask Deb Dendas to notify the principals as well so more teachers may attend. CaseloadsChild Count will be here before you know it! Check your caseload on IEP plus and run the cognos reports in order to stay in compliance by being aware of due dates for RRs and IEPs. We will be handing in reports on a monthly basis just like last year. I will be meeting with Deb Dendas to go over all caseloads on a monthly basis. Let me know if you think your caseload is over the FTE maximum for your position. I can help you with the formula if you send me the information . Chrissie Stauffer Special Services VP Special Education Committee Chair Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Lisa Herbinko September 2014 REA Account Listing as of September 2014 Metro Account balances as of Sept. 4th General Checking 4,205.88 General Savings 1,595.93 Dues Savings 72.808.44 FairShare Savings 11,662.63 Scholarship 4,612.18 PACE 100.15 Petty Cash 100.00 Reading Berks Credit Union Savings 64,467.85 Date Description Amount 9/4/14 Transfer from Savings $6,000.00 9/2/14 Comcast Office Expenses: Telephone, Internet, Television ($262.38) L. Herbinko Governance & Conferences: Eastern Region ($35.03) Homestead Internal Communications: Computers, Maintenance, ($15.99) 8/29/14 1286 8/28/14 8/26/14 1287 C. Stauffer Officer & Chairs: Officer & Chairs ($210.00) 8/26/14 1274 PSEA Last installment of member dues ($256,616.53) 8/26/14 1270 P. Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 8/22/14 WB Mason Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($206.18) 8/21/14 Sam’s Club Grievance & Negotiations: Negotiations Expenses ($68.04) 8/18/14 Staples Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($54.39) 8/15/14 1291 8/15/14 Steven Institute Contributions & Tributes: Scholarship Award ($1,500.00) IRS Payroll: Taxes ($759.47) P. Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 8/13/14 Sam’s Club Grievance & Negotiations: Negotiations Expenses ($55.14) 8/13/14 Comcast Office Expenses: Telephone, Internet, Television ($262.54) Berks EIT` Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Berks EIT ($109.50) USPS Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($5.60) 8/13/14 8/11/14 1269 1281 8/11/14 8/6/14 1282 Berks EIT Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Berks EIT ($12.00) 8/5/14 1272 Berks EIT Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Berks EIT ($167.24) 8/1/14 1283 R & B Richmond Corp Office Expenses: Rent ($1,200.00) 8/1/14 1243 J. Skoraszewski Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($180.00) 8/1/14 666 Royer’s Flowers Contributions & Tributes: Intergroup Welfare ($69.94) 7/31/14 PA Unemployment Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: PA Unem ($258.54) 7/31/14 PA Unemployment Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: PA Unem ($5.89) 7/30/14 DeLageLaden Office Expenses: Copier ($159.79) 7/30/14 DeLageLaden Office Expenses: Copier ($167.24) 7/29/14 1280 C Malcolm Smith Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Tax Prep ($185.00) 7/29/14 1268 P. Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 7/29/14 Transfer from savings $257,685.67 7/29/14 Transfer from savings $5,000.00 7/28/14 WB Mason Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($15.99) S. Vought Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) Starlite Diner Grievance & Negotiations: Negotiations Expenses ($45.66) Priscilla Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) IRS Payroll: Taxes ($759.47) 7/25/14 1245 7/17/14 7/16/14 1267 7/15/14 7/14/14 1271 K. Kaufman Internal Communications: Computers, Maintenance, ($538.99) 7/14/14 1263 S. Leinbach Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 7/11/14 1240 D. Dedman Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($90.00) 7/11/14 1213 D. Dedman Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) Arner’s Grievance & Negotiations: Negotiations Expenses ($14.84) 7/10/14 7/8/14 1265 R & B Richmond Corp Office Expenses: Rent ($1,200.00) 7/7/14 1226 F Lawrence Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) WB Mason Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($341.11) P. Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 7/3/14 Deer Park Office Expenses: Water ($141.28) 7/2/14 Adobe Systems Internal Communications: Computers, Maintenance, ($25.31) 7/7/14 7/3/14 1266 7/1/14 1262 M. Lamont Grievance & Negotiations: Arbitration ($1,529.70) 6/30/14 1256 L. Moyer Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/30/14 1202 V Deysher Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) Homestead Internal Communications: Computers, Maintenance, ($15.99) P Hartman Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) WestHost Internal Communications: Computers, Maintenance, ($155.40) L Evans Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/30/14 6/27/14 1219 6/20/14 6/19/14 1231 6/19/14 1221 S Fritz Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/18/14 1261 P Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 6/18/14 1220 B Norton Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/18/14 Harland Clarke Checks Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($12.67) 6/18/14 Harland Clarke Checks Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($4.19) 6/16/14 1248 K Plasha Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($420.00) 6/16/14 1227 J Wocklish Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/16/14 1217 A Noll Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) IRS Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: taxes ($759.47) 6/16/14 6/12/14 1222 S Simons Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/12/14 1216 T Schoenly Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/12/14 1186 Berks EIT Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Berks EIT ($14.00) 6/11/14 1208 A Yeakel Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/10/14 1257 J Richards Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/10/14 1254 L Criss Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/10/14 1251 D Franke Contributions & Tributes: Member Welfare ($69.95) 6/10/14 1249 R & B Richmond Corp Office Expenses: Rent ($1,200.00) 6/10/14 1209 D Franke Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/10/14 1206 D Solecki Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/9/14 1258 R Titus Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1255 J Miller Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1252 L Walton Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1250 S Madeira Governance & Conference: Spring HOD ($64.10) 6/9/14 1247 T Heckman Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1246 L Snyder Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1242 J Mazur Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($90.00) 6/9/14 1241 L Sherman Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($90.00) 6/9/14 1238 C Stauffer Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($90.00) 6/9/14 1233 D Redcay Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/9/14 1230 A Solazzo Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1225 T Therrien Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1223 J Okonski Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1218 K Estock Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1214 E Shumanis Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1212 S Hudak Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/9/14 1210 J Mazur Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/9/14 1207 S Madeira Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/9/14 1204 W Wilkinson Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/9/14 1201 L Sherman Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) Comcast Office Expenses: Telephone, Internet, Television ($545.62) 6/9/14 6/9/14 667 L Herbinko Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($689.00) 6/6/14 1244 B Miller Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/6/14 1239 D Immendorf Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($90.00) 6/6/14 1236 B Gillespie Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/6/14 1224 G Tyson Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/6/14 1211 D Immendorf Officers & Chairs: Officer & Chair ($599.00) 6/6/14 1203 T Westly Officer & Chair: Officer & Chair ($599.00) WB Mason Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($470.34) 6/6/14 6/6/14 1260 M Hettinger Officers & Chairs: President's Honorarium (3mos) ($900.00) 6/6/14 1259 Kristen Morrisey Officers & Chairs: Building Rep ($90.00) 6/5/14 1234 P. Knight Payroll, Taxes, & Workman's Compensation: Priscilla ($1,066.81) 6/5/14 WB Mason Office Expenses: Materials and Supplies ($517.82) 6/5/14 Transfer 6/4/14 Viva 6/4/14 Deposit $20,000.00 Grievance & Negotiations: Negotiations Expenses ($145.53) $323.54
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