The Chatter


The Chatter
The Chatter
of the Pilot Club of Greensboro
Spring Here We Come!
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Division Reports
Pilot Birthdays &
Project Lifesaver
Hugs and Kisses
Anchor News
This month’s meeting
will be April 12, at
6:00 PM at
Muir’s Chapel UMC
Abernathy House
April 2016
From President Kim:
Happy Spring Time!
Finally the warm is here and the sunshine is brighter than
ever! I am excited as we look ahead to the fun participation in
community service for the Haynes-Inman Education Center’s annual Walk-and-Roll, April 22.
Also, the NC District Convention is right around the corner April 29-May 1. Will be providing great information gathered
in Aberdeen, NC.
Our yard sale is beginning to take shape with a wide variety of items. Please get the word out for Saturday, June 4th,
7:00am-12:00pm at Muirs Chapel United Methodist Church on
Muirs Chapel Rd, in Greensboro.
FYI! Our NC District would like to have two major projects
for the upcoming 2016-2017 year. Be thinking how you can
contribute to the Brain Injury Association Camp and Surfers
Healing event.
Please feel free to contact me anytime for anything.
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
314 Muir’s Chapel Rd
Greensboro, NC 27410
If you can not attend
please call or text Laura at
Check the website for all the news about Pilot Club of
The mission of Pilot International is to serve by furthering Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts through charitable, educational and research
programs in communities throughout the world.
Page 2
The Chatter
April Birthday
Gloria Hayes - 17
Pilot Anniversaries
Shannon Clegg 2003
For Your Information
Division Reports
Share Pilot has been postponed to our
October meeting
Mani-Pedi Party has been scheduled
for Thursday, May 19 at the same place as
last year, Perfection Nails & Spa, 1724 Battleground Ave, 27408. It is important that
Pat get a head count as soon as possible in order determine if we will be able to get the discount. (Membership news cont. on page 3)
Ann Dowd still has Rada knives for sale.
They make wonderful gifts. Raya knives
have a large variety from cheese knives,
chef knives, tomato knives and more. So
give Ann a call if you need any. 454-0927
Love and hugs
To Pat Bivens’ co-pilot Tom who
felling coming out of McDonald’s. He
had a amazing recovery, however and is
doing great now!
Pilot Club Annual Yard Sale
Sat June 4th 7:00-12:00 noon
Set up day: Fri June 3rd 10:00am-we finish.
Fellowship Hall, Muirs Chapel UMC
Please pass the word about the yard sale and
post it on Facebook closer to the event. We
still have room for stuff so contact Carol Sanders if you need to place anything in storage.
We will need all hands on deck to help set up
and man the sale. Thanks for your help!!
Auto Bell Car Wash Tickets
Project Lifesaver
Laura reports We have 10 clients at
this point in time. 5 of those are children
with Autism.
We still have car wash tickets $15.00 the cost
if we were going to have a regular wash but
we get to keep the profits. Don’t tell you have
not gotten that salt off your car from the winter weather!!
Nothing new to report. Everything is
going very well.
See the President’s note on page 1
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 3
Club Officers
The Anchor Club of Greensboro
Grimsley has been busy this year!
Kim Smith
On March 22, the members put together a community project involving supplying stuffed animals to the Greensboro Fire Station #5, the
specialty safety and
rescue unit of Guilford County. These
stuffed animals will
be delivered by the
crew to children in
local hospitals. Lots
of smiles as the
stuffed animals were
presented to the station crew!
Laura Keever
Recording Sec
Sherry Greeson
Laura Keever, Project Lifesaver
Pat Bivens, Membership Chair
Elizabeth Spencer &
Ann Dowd Fundraising Chair
(membership continued…)
Our 2nd Manicure- Pedicure
Party is scheduled for Thursday, May 19th at Perfection Nails & Spa . It
is located in the Pastabilities strip shopping center. The address is 1734
Battleground Avenue,G'boro 27408.
Usually a manicure is $ 15 & pedicure is $25 which equals $40. Logan
is giving us a price break; he will charge $35 for the manicure pedicure
if we have 10 people attend our party.
We need 10 people to go to our Mani Pedi Party so we can have the
whole place just for us. I have to call Logan at Perfection Nails& Spa on
April 19 to let him know how many people have signed up to come so he
will know how many technicians to schedule for our party.
At our next meeting , please tell me if you can go to our party so I will be
ready to call in our number to Logan. I will send out another email before April 19th to see if more Pilots and friends can go to the mani pedi .
We plan to order pizza for supper . Please check your calendars and
write Perfection Nails & Spa on Thursday, May 19 at 6:00pm.
Logan & Anna manage Perfection nails. They are personable and fun to
be with. When you have a manicure your back, hand and fingers will be
massaged. It is fun choosing your nail polish; there are so many beautiful
colors. When you have a pedicure your legs will be massaged and your
feet will be pampered in warm water. The pedicure chair has a back
massager with a remote control.
-Pat Bevins
Carol Sanders, Projects Chair
Special Appointments
Chaplain/Patriotism – Pat Bivens
Parliamentarian – Carol Sanders
PIF Representative – Shannon Clegg
Meeting Reservations – Laura Keever
Editor “The Chatter” – Elizabeth Spencer
Club Communications – Elizabeth Spencer
Public Relations – Vashti Forrest
Greensboro Scholarship Liaison – Laura
Project Lifesaver – Vashti Forrest/ Laura
Pat will continue announcing the birthdays and