Spring 2015 - Ursuline Sisters


Spring 2015 - Ursuline Sisters
Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 2015
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Sr. Jane Quinlan Elected to General Government
A new Congregational Leadership Team was elected on the feast of
St. Ursula, Oct. 21, 2014, during a General Chapter in Pune, India.
The work of the Congregational Leadership Team is to foster the
mission of the Congregation in the Church throughout the world.
The members of the new Team are Sr. Bimla Minj (India) as
Congregational Leader; and her assistants, Sr. Nirmala Kujur (India),
Sr. Bernadette Mwavita (DR Congo), and Sr. Jane Quinlan (US).
Sr. Jyoti Kiro (India) is the secretary. The term of office is six years.
Sr. Bimla Minj, Sr. Bernade1e Mwavita,
Sr. Jane Quinlan and Sr. Nirmala Kujar
Sister Jane Quinlan, from the US Province, moved to Belgium to take
up her new post in February. The Leadership Team lives together in
Brussels in a three-story building called the Generalate, located next
to the Botanical Gardens in one of the busiest parts of the city.
Sr. Jane reflects on her new position and move, “On Feb. 18th I arrived at the National Airport of Belgium, located in
the village of Zaventem, at about 10 km from the center of Brussels. While on my way to my new home, I noticed
about 15 traffic signals unique to Belgium, puzzling crossroad signs, and bike lanes precariously close to the flow of
traffic. It took over a week to convince myself that I could ever drive in Belgium. After a few initial lessons and after
studying “Driving in Belgium from A to Z,” I now feel confident behind the wheel of the Toyota.
I watched the movie If It’s Tuesday, This Must be Belgium and chuckled at how we Americans are viewed abroad. I come
under the heading of ‘expat’ (expatriate). The culture and habits that make Belgium a unique place to live are often
noted by other Americans I’ve met. One example is that the one city can carry two names, one in French and one in
Flemish. Thus Antwerp and Anvers are the same place.
Taking up residence in another country as well as getting used to the food, weather, and driving patterns is always a
challenge. As Mark Twain said after one of his visits to Belgium, ‘In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of
weather inside of 24 hours.’ This is a little exaggerated, but there is some truth to it.
I see my horizons widening over the next 6 years. I look forward to getting to know the culture and life experience of
each sister. This prospect gives me joy as we move into a future filled with hope for our Ursuline Congregation.” Letter from the Provincial
The Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Tildonk strive to make God
known and loved. We make a difference in society through the witness
of our life profoundly rooted in God; a life of simplicity, harmony,
mutuality and hospitality. (Mission Statement)
Dear Co-Ministers,
You are our co-ministers, those who are with us
in the ministry. As such we come to know you,
love you and respect you.
In the first verse of his poem, A Prayer in
Spring, Robert Frost says:
O, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Sr. Catherine Talia
As human beings we are frequently jumping ahead in life. As you read this
edition of the Newsletter, try to stay in the present reality of the people
featured, Sisters Meghan, Jane, Edith and our African and Indian Sisters
who have benefited from your generosity. We are proud of all of our Ursuline Sisters and Associates. We are happy that your generosity contributes to our well-being and to our ability to carry out our mission, “…to
make God known and loved; to make a difference in society through the
witness of our life profoundly rooted in God; a life of simplicity, harmony,
mutuality and hospitality.”
May the new life of spring bring you new life so that you may continue to
make a difference.
Sister Catherine Talia, OSU
Province Leader
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Provincial Leadership
Catherine Talia, OSU
Judith O’Connor, OSU
Valerie Heinonen, OSU
Barbara Gooding, OSU
Mr. Frost’s words are my hopes. In spite of the long winter, in spite of
the daily difficulties we encounter, “keep us here”.
In gratitude,
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk News
Vol. 6, No. 1
Spring 2015
81-15 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica, NY 11432-1308
(718) 591-0681
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk News is a
publication of the Ursuline Sisters of
Tildonk, US Province.
Mission Advancement Office
Development and Communications Manager
Hope Motreuil - ext. 2003
[email protected]
Special Events Planner
Elizabeth Wilson - ext. 2060
[email protected]
Major Donor Outreach Director
Máiréad M. Barrett, OSU
[email protected]
186 Middle Road
Blue Point, NY 11715
(631) 363-2422
website: www.tildonkursuline.org
Spotlight on Service
Sr. Meghan ~ Teacher, Coach, Minister, Mentor
When Sr. Meghan was called to religious life, she never imagined that she would end up
ministering at her alma mater, Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset. Sr. Meghan
professed her first vows on June 28, 2003 and her Final Profession was on June 10, 2006.
Sr. Meghan McArdle
“It is hard to explain the Why in responding to God’s invitation to enter Religious life.
There was no loud boom or phone call or major event that helped me realize my call,”
said Sr. Meghan. The definition of calling is an inner urge; strong impulse. While she was
happy teaching and living her life she kept having that inner urge to discern religious life.
Sr. Meghan was taught by the Ursulines at St. William the Abbott, where the Sisters had an impact on her. “I always
admired how the Sisters were real people who laughed and had fun while living a life dedicated to God.” While discerning religious life Sr. Meghan looked into different religious communities and their Founders and Foundresses.
She was particularly inspired by St. Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, and believed she was called to
be part of a community that was trying to walk in St. Angela’s footsteps.
Her first ministry as an Ursuline was at her alma mater, Our Lady of Mercy Academy, where she currently teaches
10th and 11th graders Theology and coaches JV Volleyball and Varsity Softball. She also served as Campus Minister
for a few years. “The best part of my ministry is being with the students and teaching them that God is part of their
lives every day.” Sr. Meghan feels very comfortable at Our Lady of Mercy as she knows its history and is excited to
help build its future.
During the summer she ministers at another alma mater, St. William the Abbot, directing the Vacation Bible School.
She has run the summer camp for the past fifteen years. This has given her the opportunity to reconnect with the
community. Some of the children who have attended camp are children of Sr. Meghan’s classmates. She enjoys
bringing God to young children and gets to speak about God in a different way...through songs and dances.
Sr. Meghan is also the co-host of Guided by Grace on Telecare. The program is a panel discussion where Catholic
women share their experiences of faith and spirituality.
Sr. Meghan is a graduate of Mount St. Mary’s University, where she played 4 years of varsity softball. She continued
her education at St. John’s University earning a Masters in Moral Theology. In her spare time she coaches her
niece’s volleyball team and plays softball.
“I love my life. I am blessed and truly happy to be a part of the Ursulines, which allows me to be my authentic self.”
St. Ursula Center has space available for
meetings, conferences and family events.
For more information, contact Sandy Horan at 631-363-2422, ext. 2004 or
[email protected]
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Spotlight on Service
Our Ministries
The following are ministries and organizations employing Ursuline Sisters or receiving subsidized or
volunteer services from Ursuline Sisters.
Author, Children’s Books
Consultant, Corporate Responsibility
Education Department,
Diocese of Rockville Centre
New Ground, Hempstead, NY
Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation,
Rockville Centre, NY
United Nations Educational Programs
Weston Priory, Weston, VT
Our Lady of Fatima, Jackson Heights, NY
Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Syosset, NY
Our Lady of Victory, West Haven, CT
St. Gregory the Great, Danbury, CT
Nativity BVM, Ozone Park, NY
Our Lady of Grace, Howard Beach, NY
Our Lady of Victory, West Haven, CT
St. Gregory the Great, Bellerose, NY
St. Gregory the Great, Danbury, CT
St. John Nepomucene, Bohemia, NY
St. Margaret, Middle Village, NY
St. Thomas the Apostle, Oxford, CT
St. William the Abbot, Seaford, NY
Tabor Retreat Center, Oceanside, NY
St. Ursula Center, Blue Point, NY
Maria Regina, Brentwood, NY
St. Charles Hospital, Port Jefferson, NY
St. Ursula Convent, Blue Point, NY
UST Holistic Therapies
Congratulations Sr. Edith Menegus
Sister Edith, the Director of Pastoral Care at St. Charles Hospital, Port Jefferson
was selected as a Finalist for the 2014 Patrick J. Scollard Leadership Award
presented by Catholic Health Services of Long Island.
Sr. Edith Menegus and
James O’Connor, Chief
Administrator Officer,
St. Charles Hospital
Talented leadership is the cornerstone of successful organizations and the Staff at
St. Charles is very grateful to Sister Edith’s colleagues who have chosen to recognize
her for her contributions to Catholic Health Services of Long Island. Recognizing
and supporting the efforts of values-based leaders like Sister Edith, ensures the
hospital staff of continued success in meeting their mission to the people of the
communities they serve.
We congratulate Sister Edith for this honor and we wish her good success as she
continues to serve Catholic Health Services and St. Charles Hospital.
International Financial Aid Fund
The Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk US Province is a part of a larger international congregation which includes
provinces in Belgium, India, and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as Sisters in Guyana and Canada.
The International Financial Aid Fund was created to assist our international Sisters working in impoverish areas
of the world. Our financial help supports projects that provide care for the sick, education for the poor, and
healthy environments for our Sisters and their students. Our hope is to encourage sustainability, self-sufficiency
and empower the poor.
Some of the projects that IFAF helped to support in 2014 are:
IFAF funds provided support of novitiate sisters as they
complete their studies to become teachers and nurses.
A compound wall was built around the Ursuline English
Medium School to provide security for the children.
Two septic tanks at the health center were repaired.
Democratic Republic of Congo:
Funds were provided for an Education project the Sisters
are working on with the Jesuit Refugee Service volunteers
helping traumatized and displaced youth. Our Sisters
provide education in the primary and secondary levels.
They are currently developing an online university. They
Children in the Ursuline English Medium School in India
have 60 young refugees studying online with emphasis on
peace, faith and spirituality. Sister Esperance Hamuli explains,
“To me education is about dignity. It’s about giving children — who have nothing — a way to engage in the society
around them and do something with their lives besides contribute to the violence that surrounds them.”
Children in the Jesuit Refugee Service nursery in
DR Congo
Class for displaced women and children in DR Congo
Our Sisters also received a grant from CHS Caregivers Fund providing an ambulance to both the Ranchi and
Ambikur Provinces. The CHS Caregivers Fund was initiated by the Catholic Healthcare Services (CHS) employees
to assist fellow caregivers who struggle just to obtain basic resources to care for those desperately in need. Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Why I Give
Helen Brown, Howard Beach, NY
As a lifelong resident of Howard Beach, it was only natural that my siblings and I attend Our Lady of Grace School
staffed by the Ursuline Sisters. While there I made lasting friendships with many of the sisters, in particular, Sister
Paula Carey. I visited her after she was transferred to Seafood, Connecticut, Bellerose and finally Blue Point. In
fact, for a few years, I accompanied Sister Paula to Fordham University once a week, as nuns were not permitted to
travel alone on public transportation in the 50s. This only strengthened our friendship.
I can thank the Sisters for reinforcing the faith I received from
my parents and for getting to know many of the saints I otherwise would never have known.
“The Sisters dedicated
their entire lives to
children with little in
The Sisters dedicated their entire lives to the children with little in
return. It is only natural that I give back to help them in their retirement. Many people are unaware that the diocese does not help the nuns and that they are on their own to survive. To give a little each month or annually is not too much to ask of their former students who (in my case)
received a wonderful education for practically nothing.
Would you like to share your reason? Please call 631-363-2422, ext. 2003 or email [email protected]
Saint Angela’s Friendship Circle
We are deeply grateful to the following donors who have joined the St. Angela’s Friendship Circle by making a
commitment to give on a monthly basis. Their commitment to our community helps us ensure the security of our
retired and infirm Sisters, as well as provide our Sisters the ability to serve in various ministries.
Nola Almany
Judith Molloy Barnes
Joan & Arnold Bellmer
Helen Brown
Sr. Germaine Campbell
Richard & Theresa Campbell
Grace Canby
Margaret Chasse
Timothy Connell
Donald & Annette Curran
Linda Cusati
Eugene & Rose Daly
James & Mary Di Chiara
Dennis Doherty
Susan Finnegan-Duffy
Raymond & Margaret Flynn
Denise Ford
Dennis & Joan McCarthy
Mary Romanello
Josephine Sbani
Florence Schretzman
Linda Siani
Barbara Stauffer
Joseph & Bridget Stevens
Barbara Tubito-Megara
Audrey Wetzel
Rosemary Williams
For more information on the Saint Angela’s Friendship Circle
call Hope Motreuil at 631-363-2422, ext. 2003
or email [email protected]
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Prayer Enrollment Cards
Rose Bouquet Prayer Enrollment Cards
Our prayer enrollment cards feature the stained glass image of St. Angela
Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, and can be used for the living and the
deceased. Our “In Honor Of ” cards may be sent in honor of birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and many other special occasions. Roses are placed in the
chapel of the St. Ursula Center in Blue Point, where liturgy and prayer services
are held for all enrolled intentions. The Sisters will remember your intentions in
their daily prayers. All intentions are entered into a remembrance prayer book.
We would be delighted to send you a complimentary packet of
cards at no cost. Please call 631-363-2422 ext. 2001 or email
[email protected]. You may also order cards online to be
sent on your behalf at www.tildonkursuline.org.
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Spa Night
On Friday, March 6th and March 13th, the Ursuline Sisters held their annual Women’s Spa Night fundraiser benefiting
the Ursuline Sisters’ retirement fund.
The women attending were able to participate in three different treatments and therapies. Among the many choices
were various beauty treatments, massage, facials, manicures, reflexology, yoga, tai chi, nutrition and meditation. We
also raffled off 17 beautiful baskets which primarily consisted of items that were donated by local businesses and individuals. Thanks to the 33 practitioners who kindly gave of their time and talent to make the evening so memorable.
Spa night volunteers
Monday, June 22, 2015
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Upcoming Events
A massage room
“Swinging with the Sisters” Golf Outing & Dinner
Knollwood Country Club, Elmsford, NY
Summertime Tea
St. Ursula Center, Blue Point, NY
Ursuline Annual Luncheon
Strathmore Vanderbilt Country Club, Manhasset, NY
Annual Holiday Craft Fair
St. Ursula Center, Blue Point, NY
St. Ursula Center needs volunteers.
Many opportunities are available to share your time and talent with our community.
For more information contact Elizabeth Wilson at 631-363-2422 (x2060); [email protected]
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Annual Holiday Craft Fair
On November 8, 2014 we held our annual Holiday craft fair at the St. Ursula Center. Many came to enjoy handmade crafts, raffle prizes, delicious baked goods and even a visit from Santa.
Volunteers (l-r) Cathy Knopp, Tony Segelski, Sue Segelski,
Judy Ihne and Lisa Ihne
Associates Barbara Tubito-Megara and Barbara Stauffer
Sr. Barbara Gooding and Sr. Joanne Callahan
Handmade General Store Doll House was raffled off.
Sr. Judith O’Connor (center) with volunteers
Gail McIntosh and Arlene Shaffer sell raffles.
Volunteer Pat Duffy decorates the tree.
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Thank You
Thank you for giving so generously to the needs and ministries of the Sisters throughout the year.
You are remembered in the daily prayers of our Sisters.
The following names represent those who provided financial support during the 2014 fiscal year Jan. 1 - Dec. 31.
Ms. Teresa Abramowski
Sr. Theresa Agliardi RSM
Mr. Emmet Agoglia
Ms. Rita Alexander
Ms. Mary Ann Allegra
Ms. Tricia Allen
Ms. Clair Alliegro
Mrs. Mary Ann Alling
Mrs. Nola Almany
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Alu
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Amendola
Ms. Susan Andre7a
Ms. Mary Anglim
Ms. Lore7a Ansbro
Mrs. Theresa Aragon
Mr. Robert Arnone
Mrs. Maureen Aupperlee
Mr. & Mrs. William Azzoli
Mr. & Mrs. John Baptista
Ms. Renee M. Barbis
Mr. & Mrs. William Barne7
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Baruch
Ms. Donna Basile
Mrs. Theresa Bastian
Mr. & Mrs. John Baum
Ms. Carol Bazarewski
Mr. William Beaudry
Bee Ready Fishebien Ha7er & Donovan
Mrs. Terence Bellew
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bellew
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Bellmer
Mrs. Rose Ann Bencivenga
Mrs. Roseann Benedict
Mrs. Edward Bergeron
Kathleen Betjemann & Laura Leschik
Ms. Nancy Bianco
Mrs. Maryann Birch
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bizzoso
Blue Point Fire Department
Ms. Sue Boden
Ms. Elizabeth Boland
Mrs. Christine Borello
Ms. Patricia Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Boyer
Ms. Christine Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boylan
Mrs. Bernade7e Brady
Mrs. Patricia Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bre7
Deacon and Mrs. Alexander Breviario
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Ms. Darlene Brickman
Ms. Lucia Brienza
Ms. Arlene Brown
Ms. Helen F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown
Mrs. Mary Buchanan
Mr. William Buckley
Ms. Louisa Budiarjo
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Buonocore
Ms. Mary Burfeind
Joan Burke
Mrs. Maryann Burns
Ms. Patricia Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bu7igieg
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cabot
Ms. Kathleen Cain
Ms. Jewel Caldeira
Mrs. Mary Calise
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Callahan
Sr. Joanne Callahan OSU
Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan
Sr. Germaine Campbell OSU
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campbell
Ms. Grace Canby
Ms. Jeanne Canner
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Canzoneri
Mr. & Mrs. James Caramico
Ms. Diane Cardello
Ms. Fran Carlson
Ms. Patricia Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Carrabus
Ms. Marie Carraro
Ms. Mary Carrillo
Ms. Patricia Caruso
Ms. Kathleen Cassidy
Ms. Josephine Catania
Mr. Alfred Cavuto
Celebrity Moving
Mr. Francis Celi
Ms. Madeline Cennamo
Mrs. Margaret Chasse
Mr. Anthony Chianese
Mr. Gerald Chiariello
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Clark
Mr. James Cleary
Ms. Patrice Clemens
Ms. Anne7e Cloney
Ms. Camilla Cloney
Cohen Greve and Company
Dr. James Colangelo
Columbie7es of Patchogue #725
Ms. Peggy Commerton
Sr. Geraldine Conklin OSU
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. David Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conley
Mr. & Mrs. James Conmy
Ms. Kathleen Conmy
Mr. Timothy Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Connolly Sr.
Ms. Mary Connors
Ms. Patricia Connors
Paula and Sal Conti
Ms. Alice Conway
Dr. Iris Cook Seymour
Mrs. Robert Corroon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corsi
Ms. Irene Cox
Mr. & Mrs. William Craine
Ms. Veronica Crowley
Mr. Harry Cruse
Ms. Mary Culligan
Ms. Mary Cummins
Mr. Andrew Cuomo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Curran
Fr. Joseph Currie
Mrs. Mary Curtiss
Ms. Dorothy Curto
Ms. Linda Cusati
Mr. & Mrs. John Czygier
Ms. Mary Ellen Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Daly
Mr. Patrick Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrosio
Ms. Luce7a Darragh
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph De Winter
Rev. Stephen De Luca
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DeLucia
Derby Floors
Mr. & Mrs. Andy DeRiggi
Mr. & Mrs. John DeRiso
Mr. & Mrs. William Deterding
Mr. & Mrs. Frank DiBella
Mr. & Mrs. James Di Chiara
Ms. Johanna DiGiovanni
Mr. Donald Dillon
Ms. Helene Dillon
Ms. Maureen Diolosa
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiPreta
Mr. Dennis Doherty
Ms. Teresa Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowd
Ms. Ann Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dtugokenski
Ms. Patricia Duffy
Mrs. Mary Ann Dunn
Most Rev. John Dunne
Mrs. John Durkin
Ms. Marybeth Durkin
Ms. Rosie Earl
Ms. Rosemary Eisenhardt
Ms. Virginia Elms Santana
Emerald Island Supply
Mr. Wilbur Erb
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Errico
Ms. Judith Esparra
Mr. Joseph Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Euring
Ms. Sue Fanning
Ms. Sheila Ferguson
Sr. Margaret Mary Feahilly OSU
Mr. Joseph Ferrara
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferraro
Ms. Alda Finn
Kathi Finnegan
Mrs. Sue Finnegan-Duffy
Ms. Janet M. Finneran
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Finter
Mrs. Janet Fisher
Mrs. Judith Florio
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Flynn
Prof. & Mrs. Martin Fogelman
Ms. Denise Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forstbauer
Ms. Catherine Foudy
Sr. Mary James Fox
Ms. Patrice Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Francis
Ms. Diana Fratello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freebes
Mrs. Virginia Frick
Mr. & Mrs. John Friel
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Frosina
Mr. Arthur Fuccillo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fuina
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fusco
Joseph V. Gallagher, OSF
Mrs. Marcella Gallagher
Mr. Francis Ganun
Ms. Diane GaNun
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert GaNun
Ms. Susana Garcia-Perelli
Sr. Catherine Gardiner
Mrs. Lore7a Garry
Sr. Dawn Gear GNSH
Mrs. Marilou Gee
Dr. Eileen Gentilcore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerhard
Mr. & Mrs. David Gibson
Ms. Rita Gillen
Mr. & Mrs. George Gillespie
Ms. Miriam Gillies
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giorgianni
Mr. Rudolph Giuliani
Mrs. Patricia Glogg
Ms. Lisa Goff
Mr. & Mrs. John Golde
Sr. Margaret Golub, OSU
Sr. Barbara Gooding OSU
Ms. Joan Gorkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gramarossa
Ms. Ruby Greene
Ms. JoAnn Grim
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gronenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grossi
Ms. Mary Grothe
Laura Guerin
Mrs. Patricia Guglielmo
Mr. & Mrs. John Guiliano
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gunning
Ms. Mary Halish
Rev. Hank Hammer F.M.S
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hanft
Mr. Steve Hannan
Mr. Gerard Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hannon
Mrs. Catherine Hannon-Broems
Ms. Josephine Harkins
Ms. Jane Harrigan
Mrs. Eileen Ha8feld
Reverend Robert Hayden
Dr. & Mrs. Ma7hew Hayes
Ms. Olivia Haywood
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Healey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heffernan
Mr. & Mrs. George Heine
Joan Heiniman
Sr. Valerie Heinonen
Rev. Christopher Heller
Hennessy Family Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Herlihy
Mr. & Mrs. James Hesburgh
Mrs. Louise Hill
Ms. Nancy Hill
Sr. M. Pascal Hill RSM
Mrs. Angela Hinchcliff
Mrs. Louise Hobbs
Sr. Mary Grace Hodne7, OSU
Ms. Ann Holland
Ms. Maria Hornung
Mrs. Mary Lu Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. William Hundt
Mrs. Mary Hunt
Ms. Lisa Ihne
Dr. & Mrs. Pascal J. Imperato
Mr. Ralph Iorio
Mrs. Agnes Jackson
Mrs. Mary F. Jeffrey
Mr. John Jeziorkowski Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jobse
Ms. Ann Johnson
Linda Jorgensen
Joseph Stevens Painting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Jugler
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Kahlke
Mr. Tom Kain
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Kalomeris
Ms. Lorraine Kaskoun
Ms. Susan Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kelly
Ms. Maureen Kelly
Ms. Nancy Kelly
Mr. Edward Kenney
Mr. David Keogh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kiefer
Ms. Eileen Kilbride
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kilkelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Killian
Mr. Joseph Kimmerling
Ms. Margaret Kiss-Magyar
Ms. Barbara Klivak
Knapp Swezey Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knight
Knights of Columbus Patchogue #725
Knights Of Columbus, Council 12675
Knollwood Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. George Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. William Korchak
Ms. Kathy Koster
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kraemer
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Krant
Margaret and Eric Kranz
Ms. JoAnn Krapp
Ms. Pauline Kreuscher
Ms. Judith Kuehn
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kugler
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kunsch
Mr. & Mrs. Gaspar La Sala
Ms. Mary Lally
Mr. Richard Langley
Mr. Joseph Lanze7a
Dr. Cherese LaPorta D.O.
Mr. Thomas Lauro, Esq
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Laydon
Mr. Gary Layton
Mr. Daniel J. Lennon
Ms. Phyllis Lentini
Links Trading LLC
Mr. John Linsenmeyer
Ms. Maureen Llewellyn
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Lodato
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lombardi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lombardi
Long Beach Catholic Exchange
Ms. Christine Loomie
Mrs. Maryann Loomis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas LoPrinzi
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lotito
Mr. & Mrs. John Lukens
Mr. Robert Lupo
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Ms. Elizabeth Lynch
Mr. James Lynch
Mr. Thomas Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyon
Mr. & Mrs. David MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Mackiw
Ms. Bernice Madden
Ms. Robyn Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Magistro
Ms. Domenica Manuli
Ms. Lorenza Marche7a
Mr. & Mrs. John Marcic
Mr. & Mrs. John Margaria
Mrs. Rita Marinaro
Ms. Patricia Marques
Mr. & Mrs. George Marr
Ms. Kathleen Martin
Ms. Phyllis Masone
Rev. Jerome Massimino
Ms. Mary Ann Mazzella
Mr. James McCabe
Ms. Eileen McCann
Mrs. Elizabeth McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Justin McCarthy
Ms. Mary Anne McCauley
Mrs. Patricia McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McCready
Mrs. JoAnn McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGoldrick
Ms. Carolyn McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Chester McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Neil McHale
Mr. Donald McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McInnis
Ms. Gini McLaughlin and Mr. Jerry Avolio
Mrs. Shirley McLaughlin
Ms. Maureen McLoughlin
Mr. Edward McNamara
Mrs. Ellen McNamara
Ms. Mary McNamee
Ms. Mary McTigue
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mehler
Mrs. Elissa Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Miller
Mrs. Ellen Miller
Mrs. Marion Millnamow
Dr. Judy Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Milone
Vincent & Theresa Minecci
Mr. Mark Molloy
Mrs. Judith Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mondello
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mone
Mr. John Montefusco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Monteith
Mr. Michael Montesanto
Ms. Alison Mooney
Ms. Margaret Mooney
Ms. Elizabeth Moran
Mrs. Veronica Moran
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Mr. & Mrs. James Morgo
Mrs. Eloise Morton
Ms. Maria Mosca
Ms. Regina Motreuil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moulder
Ms. Mildred Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Murphy
Ms. Grace Murphy
Ms. Kathleen Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Mrs. Virginia Murphy
Deacon & Mrs. William Murphy
Mr. Neil Murray
Mr. Thomas Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Murray
Mr. & Mrs. John Napolitano
Ms. Dana L. Nardi
Nativity Alumni Association
Nativity B.V.M. Holy Name Society
Nativity BVM Columbie7es #12675
Ms. Joyce Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. J Nuevo
Ms. Catherine Nu7er
Ms. Jane O'Brien
Ms. Mary Patricia O'Brien
Ms. Rita O'Brien
Mr. William O'Brien
Mr. Harold O'Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O'Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell
Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Oliviero
Ms. Elizabeth Ophals
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Orenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke
Margaret O'Shea
Dr. Nicole7a Pallo7a
Mr. Ma7hew Panczyk
Ms. Susan Pannell
Mr. Anthony Panza
Mrs. Margaret Pariseau
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pascucci
Mr. & Mrs. William Patchell
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Paulino
Mrs. Deanna Pearson
Ms. Louise Perro7a
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Perry
Mr. Francis Perugi
Mrs. Mary Jane Picche7i
Pinnacle Resource Group Inc.
Hon. Nicholas Pitaro
Ms. Dorothy Poe
Robert & Sandra Powers
Mrs. Ruth Prapuolenis
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Preston
Prince Electric Group
Mrs. Anna Priola
Mr. William Prunka
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pyle
Mrs. Helen Quagliano
Mr. & Mrs. John Quagliano
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quatrale
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Quinlan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinlan
Mr. John Ragano
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rainis
Raja Foods
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rantinella
Ms. Marla Rapini
Ms. Celia Rees
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rehm
Mrs. Maureen Reichardt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Reilly
Ms. Barbara Reinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. James Reisert
Ms. Evelyn Reisert
Joanne Rella
Mrs. Jeanne Reuss
Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Richard
Ms. Mary Richards
Riemann Auto Body
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Riera
Ms. Nicole Rignola
Ms. Margaret Riordan
Mrs. Marie Rizzo
Ms. Sheila Rodgers
Ms. Angela Rodin
Ms. Candida Rodriguez
Ms. Josephine Rogers
Mr. Joe Rohan
Mrs. Mary Romanello
Mrs. Edward Romano
Mr. Michael Rosa
Robert Rosa
Ms. Laure7a Ross
Mr. Eric Rothfeld
Mr. Ed Rudkoski
Mrs. Arlene Russo
Mr. & Mrs. William Ruvolo
Ms. Mary Pat Ryan
Mrs. Patricia Sacco
Ms. Margaret Salaway
Ms. Janice Saleet
Sal's Food Market
Ms. Beatrice Saneski
Mr. & Mrs. William Sangirardi
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sankey
Ms. Jean Sauerwein
Ms. Josephine Sbani
Mrs. George7e Sbano
Ms. Mary Scanlon
Mr. John Schmi7 Jr.
Mr. Thom Schoonmaker
Ms. Marian Schramm
Ms. Debbie Schreiner
Ms. Florence Schre8man
Mr. & Mrs. A. Scipione
Mr. Dennis Selmont
Mr. Carl Semmler
Mrs. Helen Sewell
Ms. Peggy Morgello and Mr. Payton Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sheehan
Mrs. Eileen Shelbourne
Ms. Mary Sherry
Mrs. Agnes Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. John Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Shore
Ms. Linda Siani
Mr. Michael Silipo
Mrs. Joseph Silluzio
Ms. Katherine Sipperley
Mr. Ray Sipperley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sivillo
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Sloan
Ms. Antoine7e Smith
Ms. Barbara Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Smith
Mr. Joseph Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Smith
Ms. Sofia Spangler
Mr. Joseph Spencer
Mrs. Dorothy Spillane
St. Brigid/Our Lady Of Hope
Regional School
Ms. Cecilia St. John
St. John The Baptist DHS
St. William the Abbot School
Mrs. Carol Stabile
Mrs. Barbara Stauffer
Ms. Fran Stefanek
Mr. Robert Stehl
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stevens
Ms. Maureen Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Stinne7
Mr. William Strynkowski
Mrs. Jennie Stuart
Ms. Rita Stufano
Mr. David Stuhr
Mr. David Sullivan
Mr. James Sullivan
Mrs. Marilyn Sullivan
Ms. Mary Sullivan
Ms. Michele Sullivan
Ms. Teresa Sullivan
Msgr. Edward Surwilo
Ms. Mary Swedenburg
Ms. Catherine Sydlo
Ms. Dorothy Tavares
Teamsters Local 808
The INN - Interfaith Nutrition Network
Mrs. Martha Anne Thompson
Ken & Joan Tomczuk
Mr. James Tomlin
Mr. John Toomey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tore7a
Ms. Agnes Toronto
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Torre
Ms. Rae Torre
Mr. & Mrs. Sabino Torre
Sr. Marguerite Torre OSU
Ms. Mary Ann Touchet
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Trent
Trinity Automotive Services
Ms. Barbara Tubito-Megara
Mrs. Margaret Tucker
Mrs. Patricia Turley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Turner
Mr. & Mrs. George Tvelia
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Twohill
Ms. Eileen Tylus
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Udod
Ms. Sonja Urrico
Ursuline Associates
Mrs. Winnie Valcancick
Mrs. Debbie Valentine
Rev. Dominic Valla
Ms. Celia Viglio7a
Mr. Thomas Viglio7a
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Villani
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Von Essen
Mr. & Mrs. William Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh
Mrs. Marybeth Walsh
Mr. Peter Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walsleben
Mrs. Richard Walters
Mrs. Kathleen Walters
Wantagh Inn
Ms. Joan Wasilewski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wa7ers
Ms. Charlo7e Wa7ers Pappas
Mr. Peter Weber
Mr. & Mrs. James Werner
Mrs. Audrey We8el
Ms. Janet We8el
Mrs. Sharon Widing
Ms. Linda Murray- Wilke
Mr. Peter Williams
Ms. Rosemary Williams
Mr. Paul Wineland
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Wohlforth
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Woodley
Mr. David Wright
Mr. Donald W. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John Wyman
Ms. Diane Zanazzi
Mr. Richard Zick
Mr. Craig Zieba
Ms. Marion Zimmer
Donations were received in Memory of:
Sr. Anna Ardiff
Sr. Angela A7anasio
Leonora Azzurro
Joseph Blasig
Margaret (Peg) Butler
Joseph Callahan
Michael Cavuto
Sr. Mary DeMonfort
Sr. Eileen Gallagher
Frank GaNun
William Grady
Alice Hagner
Sr. Raphael McKenna
Sr. Michael McKenna
Eileen McNamara
Sr. Winifred Monks
Sr. Agnes O’Brien
Sr. Philomena O’Brien
Sr. Lorraine O’Neil
Sr. Hedwig Owsiak
Sr. Mary Schramm
Agnes Sherwood
Jennie Talia-Buono
The Talia Family
Margaret Torre
Frank Torre
Richard Walsh
Richard J. Walters
Donations were received in Honor of:
Sr. Mairead Barre7
Sr. Joanne Callahan
Sr. Dennis Farrands
Sr. James Fox
Sr. Gertrude Goldman
Sr. Margaret Golub
Sr. Monica Kevin
Sr. James Francis McDonnell
Sr. Ann McHugh
Sr. Edith Menegus
Sr. Cecilia Moloughney
Sr. Jean Redigan
Sr. Mary Lou Tressy
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
We have received in-kind donations from the following:
“My Way” Cuts Your Way
American Cheese
American Dance Theatre of Long Island
American Museum Of Natural History
Susan Andre7a
Animal Hospital Of Nesconset
Avocados Mexican American Grill
Donna Azzarello
Bagel Lovers
Barbara Peter Antiques
Kathryn Belmonte
Benzel Busch Motor Car Corp.
Berry Fresh (Sayville/Bayport)
Beyond Philly
Eleanor & Peter Bizzoso
Blue Point Bistro & Grille
Blue Point Diner Restaurant
Joan & Walter Boehm
Barbara Bolger
Boris's Barber Shop
James & Nina Caramico
Mary Carrillo
Teresita Catalano
Christmas Tree Shop
Hani Copti
Cornucopia Natural Foods
Country Junque Shop
Gregory & Jennie Cuilwik
Daisy Garden
Bri7any Daly
Suzanne D’Angelo
Debra Canavan Classics
Del Rio Salon Spa
Melissa Dickinson
Maureen Diolosa
Mary DiVisconte
Helene Dunat
East Islip Health and Fitness
Louise Ann Ebert
Honey Ederhardt
Edible Arrangements
Experience The RIDE, LLC
Fabricade Inc
Louise Fadness
Marina Feeney
Theresa Fox
Connie Frey
Peggy Garbarino
Barbara Garre7
Linda Giardinello
Virginia Gissaro
Maureen Guest
Hair Force One
Mary Hawkes
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Louise Hill
Holtsville Ecology Center
Houdek’s Spirit Shoppe
Lisa Ihne
Irish Crossroads Ltd.
Island Lime All Natural Cleaning
J & J Spirit Shop
James Street Players
Barbara Johnston
JT’s On The Bay
Junda’s Pastry Crust & Crumb
Karasmatic Day Spa
Kay Cameron Fine Jewelry
Diane Keil
William & Rosemary Kessler
Gail Kotowski
Daisy Krasensky
La Rage Hair Designers, Inc.
Lake Liquors
Terry Lang
Pat Lovito
Mary Ellen Lundt-Murphy
MaryPat Lyon
Lucinda Maddock
Carolyn M McGuire
Sr. Ann McHugh
Charles & Maureen McIntosh
Sr. Laurentine Morgan
Donna Mujic
Arlene Mulhearn
Kathleen Murphy
Harold & Esther Murray
Maureen Musicaro
Maryann Musso
New York City Ballet, Inc.
New York Jets/Atlantic Health Jets
Training Center
North Island Physical Therapy
Oakdale Antique Plaza
Oceana Knitworks & Trading Co.
Office Of The Superintendent Of
Old World Fine Foods
Opulence Salon
Paper Doll Vintage Boutique
Paris Street Market
Peoples United Bank
Pope Wines & Liquors
Public House 49 Kitchen and Bar
Releve Dance Centre
Remember Yesteryears
Ricky & Co Jewelry
Michael & Vivian Rignola
Donald & Patricia Robberstad
Michael Rosa
Russell and Russo
Carol Sachse
Salsa Salsa
Sammi’s Nail
Beatrice Saneski
Satelite Pizza
Jean Sauerwein
Sayville Antiques
Sayville Flowers
Sayville General Store, Inc.
Sayville Running Company
Serenity Source Health
Arlene Shaffer
Carl Siuro
South Shore Theatre Experience
Spa Bella
Starbuck’s - Patchogue
Starbucks Coffee Company - Bayport
Starbucks Coffee Company - Sayville
Mary Jo Stipe
Stop & Shop
Sun Wave Liquors Inc.
Sundayz Tanning
Sunny B Nails
Sunset Beach Tanning Salon
Sweet Mandarin
Catherine Sydlo
Luke Tarnowski
Hensen Teng
Texas Taco
That Meetball Place
The Cu7ing Club Salon & Day Spa
The Gateway Performing Arts
Center of Suffolk County
The Pilates Studio
The Sayville Chocolatier
The Secret Garden
The Sunshine Shop
Thos. Cornell Galleries, Ltd.
Tiggy Winks Boutique
Time Tunnel Antiques
Tony’s Pizza
Top Of The Rock Observation Deck
At Rockefeller Center
Trendse7ers Hair Care Center
Lelia Truman
Uncle Wally’s
Vinnie’s Mulberry Street
Mary Weisz
West Lake Catering
Woman’s Sacred Journey
Yum May Chinese Restaurant
Cathie & Aldo Zucaro
Special thank you to our events sponsors:
The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation
Celebrity Moving
Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC
Renee M. Barbis
Peggy Morgello & Payton Shaw
Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano LLP
O’Connell’s Landscaping
Mary Romanello
Jane O’Brien
Helms Brothers Inc.
Dr. Ma7hew & Mary Beth Hayes
Statement of Accountability
Public Support and Revenue
Public Support
Total Public Support
$ 319,121
Program Services
Support of ministries
Support of retired/infirm
Total Program services:
Supporting Services
Administrative and General
Total Supporting Services:
Total Expenditures
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
United States Province • 81-15 Utopia Parkway • Jamaica, NY 11432-1308
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