Elwood Bulletin The - Arapahoe Public Mirror


Elwood Bulletin The - Arapahoe Public Mirror
Sign up begins for 4-H speech contest 2016
By: Lori Swanson, Phelps-Gosper Extension Assistant
Nebraska 4-H public
speaking and presentation
contests help teach youth life
skills that are beneficial for a
lifetime in their personal and
professional lives. Developing
self-confidence and effective
public speaking skills are two
goals of the Nebraska 4-H
public speaking/presentations
program for 4-H’ers age 8 to
4-H members in all project
areas are encouraged to give
speeches to their 4-H clubs
and to participate in county,
regional, and state contests.
The 2016 Phelps-Gosper
County 4-H Speech contest
will be held on April 5, 6:30
p.m. at the Phelps County
Ag Center in Holdrege. To
register for the contest, contact
the Extension office by April 4.
Call Phelps County Extension
at 995-4222 or Gosper County
Extension at 785-2390.
Participants prepare and deliver an original speech about
4-H and/or tape a 60 second
radio Public Service Announcement using the theme:
“4-H Grows Confidence”. Specific rules for the contest can
be found at: http://4h.unl.edu/
The top three winners in
each age division in both
speech and PSA categories
of the County Speech Contest
advance to Regional competition. At the Regional Contest,
Senior division speech and
PSA winners will compete for
the opportunity to advance
to the State Speech Contest
at the Nebraska State Fair in
Grand Island, Nebraska.
The Nebraska 4-H Public
Speaking program is sponsored by the Nebraska Rural
Radio Network, which includes
KRVN, KNEB, and KTIC radio
stations. They provide ribbons
for County and Regional Contests, $25 cash awards to the
participants in senior speech
and PSA divisions in the State
Contest and a scholarship to
the top State Senior Champions, Alice Doane in memory
of Dr. Ted Doane provides a
cash award to the State Senior
Reserve Champions.
The College of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
will provide a $250 scholarship to all Senior participants
who compete at the State 4-H
Public Speaking Contest in the
speech division this fall.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
The Elwood Bulletin
Single Issue 75¢ • Volume 109 • Number 38 Elwood, Nebraska • USPS 174-620
Community wellness
survey coming to
Elwood residents
Tri-Basin NRD to offer back-up water system
operator services to Villages in District
In an effort to help protect
drinking water supplies for
district residents and to support
the work of utilities departments of villages in Tri-Basin
Natural Resources District
(NRD), the district’s directors
voted at their March meeting
to offer back-up Water System
Operator services to villages
that desire such assistance. In
recent years, it has sometimes
been difficult for smaller villages in the district to hire and
retain personnel to maintain
their water systems and complete associated record keeping. Tri-Basin staff will contact
villages of less than 500 people
with community water systems
(Wilcox, Funk, Smithfield,
Atlanta, and Loomis) to see
if they are interested in using
Tri-Basin staff as back-up
operators. If enough interest
is shown, two Tri-Basin water
technicians will be trained to
provide the services.
In another effort to protect
the district’s groundwater
supply, Tri-Basin Directors
approved the diversion of
approximately 500 acre-feet
of high Platte River flows
into Central Nebraska Public
Power and Irrigation District’s
(CNPPID) E-65 Canal in
mid-March. TBNRD and the
Nebraska Department of Natural Resources will pay CNPPID
roughly $25,000 to divert the
water, which will help recharge
groundwater in the Platte Basin
area of the district.
Tri-Basin Directors moved
forward with steps in the
Integrated Management Plan
(IMP) processes in two of the
river basins in the district. In
the Platte Basin, directors
designated Larry Reynolds of
Lexington as a representative
and Joe Larson of Loomis as
an alternate to participate in
meetings to update the existing
basin-wide Platte Basin IMP.
They also agreed to invite
the stakeholders who were
involved in the process of
developing the original IMP to
participate again. In the Little
Blue Basin, directors approved
a contract with JEO Engineering to facilitate stakeholder
meetings necessary to develop
Go to arapahoemirror.org to answer this
week’s poll question:
Do You Celebrate St.
Patrick’s Day?
A. Yes
B. No
a voluntary IMP in cooperation
with Little Blue NRD.
Tri-Basin NRD’s board also:
•Approved “Bridges to Opportunity” agreements with
Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Offices in Gosper and Phelps
Counties. These agreements
allow FSA employees to share
information about Tri-Basin
NRD’s conservation programs
with their customers.
•Approved one Farm Service
Agency farm plan, one certified
irrigated acre transfer, and
one request to adjust certified
irrigated acres.
•Approved three applications
for well decommissioning costshare funds totaling $1,500
and ten applications for TriBasin NRD and NSCWP costshare funds totaling $3,973.11.
Tri-Basin NRD’s next Board
of Directors meeting will be
Tuesday, April 5 at 1:30 p.m. at
Tri-Basin NRD, 1723 Burlington
in Holdrege, Nebraska.
The Gosper County 4-H Carnival was held on Monday evening. A large crowd attended and enjoyed the games and concessions. Bryce Reiners, wearing his glasses
won playing one of the games, drops balls into the funnel to land in slots with prizes.
Garret Scholz waits to see what prizes he wins so that he can give them to Reiners.Bulletin Photo by K. Schutz
Board of Education approves gym improvements, hire teachers
The Elwood Board of
Education met for their regular
monthly meeting on Monday,
March 14, 2016.
Those in attendance
included board members Bill
Brell, Kristy Diefenbaugh, Lacie Evans, Shelly Jorges, and
Becker Foundation makes presentation at Elwood
The Todd Becker Foundation of it’s members decided to put
was at Elwood Public school the pastors sermon to work and
last Wednesday to present a asked Todd questions that the
concert and assembly to the minister has asked that mornhigh school students from El- ing. One of them was “Do you
wood and Overton. The pro- know where you will go when
you die?”
Todd, believgram was based on the life of
ing that he wasn’t going
Todd Becker and the choicto die at age 18 blew
es he made in his life. His
the man off. He and
older brother Keith was
his friends decided to
the one who told his story.
party before track sea Todd was killed in
son started. Having
an alcohol related
caused a fight betraffic accident
tween his parents
the spring of
because he was
year in high
till court the
school. Todd
next day Todd
was picked up
snuck out of
for DUI threethe house
weeks before
his friend.
coach told him
even have to use
if he was caught
his fake ID to buy
drinking during
a case of beer
as the clerk
he was off the
had carded
team. His parents
grounded him for
him before
three weeks until his
DUI case appeared
before the judge.
name. At the
Following a church
party, Todd deservice, near where
cided he had to
Todd worked, one
•Continued on Page 3
Keith Becker
Contact the Elwood
Phone 308.785.2251
P.O. Box 115
Elwood, NE 68937
[email protected]
At their respective February
meetings, the Elwood Public
School Board and the Elwood
Village Board of Trustees
agreed to the formation of a
four-member committee to
survey the Village and the
surrounding community about
the need and feasibility of a
joint project to build a wellness
The committee is comprised
of one School Board member,
Kristi Diefenbaugh; a faculty
member, Lori Knoerzer; a Village Board member, Tom Martin and community member,
Kate Reiners. The committee
has prepared a survey that
will be mailed before the end
of March to everyone in the
68937 zip code. A link will also
be available to take the survey
Upon the completion of the
survey, the committee will hold
a public meeting in April or
early May to share the results with the community and
receive further input. Look for
the announcement of that date.
At that time, the committee will
be seeking additional committee members.
Dawson Area Development
is working with the committee
to secure grant funding to offset the costs to the School and
the Village. There are no plans
to fund this project through a
bond issue.
Look for the survey in the
mail and share your thoughts!
Front Page Notes:
Wednesday, March 16:
North Platte Interhigh Day.
Thursday, March 17: 1:00
p.m.-Track @ UNK.
Monday, March 21: Science Olympiad @ UNK.
Tuesday, March 22:
Noon-Area Christian
Women’s Connection @
Kirk’s. Speaker Peggy Lee.
Tom Martin. Nick Niemeier arrived shortly after the meeting
started. Others in attendance
included superintendent Daren
Hatch and principal Kyle Hemmerling. Vistors wers Shawn
and Karma Hicky, Kyle Diefenbaugh, Gary and Catherine
Bodenheimer, Dee KenningPlummer and Ed Erends.
President of the board,
Shelly Jorges, called the 7:30
p.m. meeting to order and
noted that the board followed
the Open Meetings Act which
was posted in the room.
The agenda was approved
as presented as was the Consent Agenda which included
the minutes from the last meeting as well as the general and
activity financial reports.
The monthly claims in the
amount of $396,232.39 were
reviewed and approved for
At this time, public comment
was heard from Ed Arends
who expressed his interest in
keeping Scott Kratzer as the
school trainer. Karma Hicky
expressed her wish to keep
both trainers. She also expressed her wish for an extra
facility that could be used by
both the school and the Village
of Elwood. Kyle Diefenbaugh
asked if it was possible to
have a village owned facility on
school grounds.
Appearing before the board
was Dee Kenning-Plummer
and Catherine Bodenheimber.
Both ladies explained the summer school program and both
requested a $1 per hour raise.
The board thanked them for
the information.
Reservations and cancellations by noon Monday
to Sheri 308-320-0952 or
Teresa 308-324-8386.
Tuesday, March 22: 3:20
p.m.-NHS Induction Ceremony.
Wednesday, March 23:
9:30 a.m.-Maywood Track
Invite @ McCook; FKC
Music Contest @ Elm
During his report to the
board, superintendent Hatch
explained his reasons for going
with the trainer from Lexington
Regional and the benefits to
the students that this decision
has had. Hatch also discussed
the second community meeting
that was held in regards to the
community survey.
Principal Hemmerling reported that enrollment figures
have remained steady at about
215. Thirty new laptop computers have arrived and will be
used in part for NeSA testing.
Hemmerling also reported on
making progress in reducing
the lunch account balance.
At this time, the board approved the pay increase on a
5-1 vote for the summer school
teachers to $20 an hour which
is in line with the after school
program. Brell voted against.
The board also approved the
•2016-2017 school calendar
•Contract with Erin Lambert
as a Pre-K teacher.
•Resignation of Chelsey
•First reading of policies
#3011, #3012, #3013, #3015,
#3016, #3018, #3019, #3020.
•Second reading on policies
#3005, #3007, #3008, #3009,
#3010 and #5505.
•Option out to Lexington for
Rosa Hernandez.
•Option out ot Kearney for
Nolan Debban and Wyatt Debban.
•Option in enrollment for
Preston Anderson from EustisFarnam.
•Option in enrollment for
Memphis Remmenga from
•Lighting proposal from Voss
Lighting for 28 new lights in the
•Lighting proposal for electrician labor for new lights.
•New telescoping bleachers
in the amount of $51,500.
•Gym floor refinishing on a
two year deal with 2016-2017
screening and light refinishing
and for the 2017-2018 school
year a more complete refinishing.
•Gym painting in the amount
of $2,400 from Dan Finken.
•Premium change to cover
the increased valuation of the
•Applying for a planning
grant with the Village of Elwood with matching funds up
to $5,000.
•Contract with Jane Brockman as a 7-12 science
•Title I Consortium with ESU
•Master Service agreement
with ESU #11.
The board also reviewed
and approved a two year contract with both the superintendent and principal with Hatch
receiving a 4.88 percent total
package increase and Hemmerling receiving a 5.99 percent total package increase.
Hemmerling will also be paid
to serve as the transportation
Shelly Jorges shared with
the board her positive experience in attending a recent “Get
Informed” conference.
There being no further
business, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Crystal Theatre
Arapahoe, NE
March 18-21
“Zoolander 2”
Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson,
Penelope Cruz
1 hr 42 min
Community News
Hughes Views
•Area Church News
Our Redeemer Lutheran –
Missouri Synod
Pastor Michael Wolff
“http://www.ourredeemerelwood.com” www.ourredeemerelwood.com
Wednesday, March 16: 8:30
a.m.-Preschool; 5:30 p.m.Lenten Meal; 6:15 p.m.-Midweek & Confirmation Classes;
7:30 p.m.-Lenten Service,
Choir Practice Following.
Thursday, March 17: 8:30
Friday, March 18: 8:30 a.m.Preschool; 5:00 p.m.-Adult
Confirmation Class.
Saturday, March 19: 5:30
p.m.-Communion Worship
Sunday, March 20: 9:30
a.m.-Communion Worship
Service; 10:45 a.m.- Sunday
School and Adult Bible Study;
10:45 a.m.-LYF; 10:45 a.m.Board of Directors Meeting;
Monday, March 21: 8:30
Tuesday, March 22: 8:30
a.m.-Preschool; 9:30 a.m.Women’s Bible Study; 4:30
p.m.-Women’s Bible Study;
Newsletter Deadline.
Wednesday, March 23: 8:30
a.m.-Preschool; No Midweek
& Confirmation Classes.
Thursday, March 24: 8:30
a.m.-Preschool; 7:30 p.m.Lenten Service.
Hope Evangelical Lutheran
Pastor Tim Glendening
Wednesday, March 16: 6:30
p.m.-WINGS & Confirmation;
7:00 p.m.-Midweek Lenten
Service, Choir To Follow.
Thursday, March 15: 1:00
p.m.-Bulletin Deadline; 8:00
p.m.-AA & Alanon.
Sunday, March 20: 9:00
a.m.-Sunday School; 10:00
a.m.-Worship Service, Holy
Communion ; Potato Bar/Confirmation Fund Raiser Following Worship.
Monday, March 21: 1:00
p.m.-Visitor Deadline.
Wednesday, March 23: 6:30
p.m.-WINGS & Confirmation;
7:45 p.m.-Choir.
Thursday, March 24: 1:00
p.m.-Bulletin Deadline; 7:00
p.m.-Maundy Thursday Service; 8:00 p.m.-AA & Alanon.
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Pastor Phyllis Dunlop
Sunday, March 20: 9:45
a.m.-Coffee; 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service.
St. John’s Catholic
Pastor Fr. Thomas Lux
Sunday, March 20: 8:00
a.m.- Chapel Of Divine Mercy;
8:00 a.m.-8:20 a.m.-Confessions; 8:10 a.m.-Rosary; 8:30
a.m.-Sunday Mass.
First United Methodist
Pastor Mary Fuller
Wednesday, March 16:
6:15 p.m.-Kid’s Club & Youth
Thursday, March 17: 6:30
p.m.-Trustees; 7:00 p.m.-Ministries Meeting.
Sunday, March 20: 10:45
a.m.-Confirmation; 11:00 a.m.Palm Sunday Service.
Wednesday, March 23: 2:00
p.m.-ECC; 6:15 p.m.-Kid’s
Club & Youth Group; 7:00
Thursday, March 24: 4:00
p.m.-Food Pantry Meeting.
Subscription Rates - Elwood Bulletin
Gosper County ...........................................$29.00
Out of County ............................................$31.00
Out of State ..............................................$35.00
E-Edition ..................................................$30.00
Call 308-785-2251 for credit card orders or mail
payment to PO Box 115, Elwood, NE 68937
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•Senator Dan Hughes, District 44
Plans coming together for 150th birthday
Capitol View
By J.L. Schmidt
Statehouse Correspondent
The Nebraska Press
Had it not been for a presidential veto, Nebraskans could
be celebrating 150 years of
statehood this year.
It was July 1866 when a
group of Radical Republicans
– take a minute to wrap your
head around that one – proposed making Nebraska the
37th State. Andrew Johnson,
a Jacksonian Democrat who
was the 17th President of the
United States, let the measure
die without his signature when
Congress adjourned.
That’s called a pocket veto,
undoubtedly named for the
practice of putting it in your
pocket and forgetting about it.
Johnson became President after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Jackson didn’t
think that the proposed Nebraska constitution fit his idea
of Reconstruction and blocked
the move.
Those Radical Republicans
came back with the Nebraska
statehood idea again in January of 1867 and offered the
Edmunds Amendment which
would require Nebraska and
any future states to allow blacks
to vote whether their state constitution approved of it or not.
Johnson vetoed the measure
on January 29, 1867. Congress
re-passed it – imagine those
Radical Republicans overriding
a veto – on February 9 which
set the stage for the official
March 1, 1867, recognition of
Nebraska statehood.
But the fighting wasn’t over.
The focus shifted to Omaha,
the site of the territorial capitol
since 1854. A group of politicians living south of the Platte
River wanted the capital moved
to somewhere south of the
Platte. Debate on the subject
was so heated that “fists and
guns” were brandished, according to one report. Makes
the war of words in Nebraska’s
104th Legislature seem tame
by comparison. A Capitol Commission was appointed to find
a suitable location south of the
After months of study, the
commission landed on Lancaster, a small village with two
stores and a shoe shop. History
reports that there were 6 or 7
houses and about 30 residents
in Lancaster which, of course,
later became Lincoln.
Nevada was the 36th State
in 1864. Three years later Nebraska became a state. It was
seven years, 1876, before the
38th State – Colorado – came
along. This statehood business
is tough stuff. No wonder it’s
important to make a big deal
out of the 150th birthday – the
sesquicentennial. Besides, it’s
easier to pronounce than the
125th birthday was – the quasquicentennial.
I have always loved history
and am truly looking forward
•Senior Center
Folks joining us for noon dinner this past week included:
Shari and Dave Giesbrecht,
Shirley Landenberg, Joan Lilyhorn, Jeri Vinzant, Bertrand; Linda Jones,
Chris Hanson, Maria Atterberry,
Thanks for coming
and hope to see you again
soon. Thank you to the community for its support of our
Sunday chicken dinner. You
are the greatest!
Rhonda from WCNAAA will
be here on the 16th to speak
about Medicare. That is also
our birthday/anniversary dinner. Chamber meets for their
monthly meeting on St. Patrick’s day, March 17th.
Remember that we have our
Gift Cupboard for those quick
gift ideas. We have books and
children’s games and several
hand-crafted items. Our ‘Balloons for You’ are still available
here for gift giving and special
Monday, March 21: Pizza,
tossed salad, cottage cheese,
Tuesday, March 22: Chicken
fried steak, scalloped potatoes,
peas, pears, bread.
Wednesday, March 23: Ham
balls, potato salad, baked
beans, mixed fruit, bread.
Thursday, March 24: Chili,
vegetable tray, apple salad,
grilled cheese sandwich.
Friday, March 25: Salmon
patty, potato tots, green beans,
plums, bread.
to what promises to be a real
statewide event. Given that
plans call for a three-day statewide train tour, I am excited that
folks in opposite ends of the
state may have an opportunity
to see the other end. Living in a
state separated by a time zone
from end-to-end to say nothing
of vast weather differences – it
was 46 with pea-size hail in
Scottsbluff the same day it was
79 with sun and wind in Lincoln.
My love of history has caused
me to question the westward
expansion. I often wonder if the
people who decided to park the
oxen and wagon in what became Nebraska were less adventuresome than the folks who
made it to Wyoming or Idaho
or Oregon and Washington. Or
were they just tired? Or did they
really see Nebraska as the land
of opportunity?
Perhaps the stories about
having to hoist those wagons
over the Oregon Trail bluffs at
Windlass Hill (north and west
of Ogallala) made some people
have second thoughts about
moving on west. Or it could
have been tales about cowboys
and Indians.
Maybe it was the first example of Nebraska Nice. I’d like
to think that Nebraskans were
hardy stock who decided they
didn’t want their kids to be born
in Wyoming or Colorado or Nevada or Utah. Maybe they had a
premonition that California was
going to crumble into the ocean
one day.
Bottom line, chances are if
you are reading this column
you know exactly why you are
in Nebraska. Your ancestry may
not span that entire 150 years
– mine goes back to 1902 and
includes places such as Havelock, Fremont, Hastings, Sutton and Scottsbluff in the first
couple decades. If you are a native who can trace roots back to
the homesteads, good for you.
If you moved here for college
and decided to stay, or grew up
here and moved away and then
came back, welcome home.
I encourage all of you to check
out the dedicated website for
the 150th birthday event. You’ll
find out that this great state is
bigger than agriculture and football and politics and tourism. It’s
a delightful tapestry of all that,
and more!
Here’s the link www.ne150.
org Enjoy the exploration!
A bill which took
up a large amount
of time this week
was LB 745,
which would increase available
funds for Nebraska’s Game and
Parks Department, by allowing
the department to charge more
for some types of permits. Nebraska long ago decided on
responsible fiscal policy toward
our natural resources by working to ensure that much of the
operations of Game and Parks
would be funded by fees collected by the department. As
time has gone by, inflation
has raised their costs, but the
amount they are permitted by
law to charge has not. In order
to ensure that that operational
cost increase doesn’t draw
more from the state, I believe
it is best to support Game and
Parks by simply adjusting what
is paid by those who enjoy all
that it offers. In addition to managing the fish and wildlife, they
also have responsibility for all
of the state parks and outdoor
recreation resources. The bill
came up against several hours
of filibuster by Senator Chambers, who emphasized his
support for a ban on mountain
lion hunting, and objected to
increased budgetary authority
for Game and Parks, which administers all hunting permits in
By the time you read this,
we will likely have debated LB
900, which would lift the helmet
requirement for Nebraska motorcyclists over the age of 21,
replacing it with a protective
eyewear requirement. I believe
that this will be an important
step for Nebraska away from
“nanny state” thinking, and toward an emphasis on personal
freedom, coupled with personal
responsibility for the decisions
we make. The bill will also raise
motorcycle registration fees
and penalties for operating a
motorcycle without a license to
do so. The money would be put
toward a new Motorcycle Safety
and Brain Injury Trust Fund.
On Thursday of last week,
the legislature was treated to
delicious bake & take cinnamon
rolls from the Nebraska Wheat
Growers’ Association. My colleagues deeply appreciate what
Nebraska wheat growers do to
feed the state, the nation, and
the world; and of course as a
wheat grower myself, I know
firsthand the positive impact
that our farmers have on Nebraska’s economy.
I always enjoy hearing from
the Nebraskans I represent.
Please feel free to contact my
office with any questions or
concerns that you might have.
My email address is dhughes@
leg.ne.gov and my phone number is (402) 471-2805.You can
read more about bills and other
work of the Legislature at www.
you can click on the Live Video
Streaming NET logo to watch
sessions, hearings, and other
Capitol events.
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One Year Subscription
In Gosper County $29.00; Out of Gosper
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E-Editions $30.00 • Single copy $1.00
The Elwood Bulletin staff reserves the right to edit all news
Kate Warner, CRS
Cell: 970-520-7439
Published each Wednesday by T.M. Gill and Gayle L. Schutz
at Elwood, NE. T.M. Gill and Gayle L. Schutz, Co-Publishers.
Periodical postage paid at the Elwood Post Office, Elwood,
NE 68937
Postmaster: Send change of address to: Elwood Bulletin, PO
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Volume 110 • Number 38
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Community News
•Becker Foundation - Continued from Page 1
was in jail facing charges from
the accident. Keith forgave him
and from this started the Todd
Becker Foundation where the
team travels throughout the
Midwest sharing Todd’s story.
The program includes photos of
Todd in his senior picture, in his
football uniform, pole vaulting,
with his girlfriend, the mangled
car that took his life and his funeral.
It is the hope of the Foundation that it will make the
students think about their life
choices. Keith said. “You can
cry out for help all you want but
there will come a day when our
choices will come back to haunt
us. Whether you’re read or not,
too young or old, everybody will
be held accountable.”
Extension Digital Diagnostic Network
By Erin Laborie, Extension Educator
insect, a weed
in your yard, or
a plant disease?
The Digital Diagnostic Network
can help! All Nebraska Extension offices have
digital microscope cameras.
Bring an item needing identified to your local Extension office for assistance in submitting
questions and accompanying
photos to the digital diagnostic
team. A panel of experts on
plants, insects, wildlife, and related fields will promptly review
and respond to your question.
Clientele can also create an
account at http://digitaldiagnostics.unl.edu/ and submit
questions with accompany-
CCC to offer summer
Juniors and seniors who attend high school within Central
Community College’s 25-county service area can apply for
up to $150 in scholarship assistance to take classes from
CCC this summer.
April 18 is the deadline to apply for the program but early
planning is recommended.
Students must include ACT,
to apply for the scholarship. An
application review process will
be used to select scholarship
Applications for this award
are available from the admissions offices from all learning
center locations; and on the
college website at www.cccneb.edu/Summer$.
•Card Shower
ing high-quality photos from
home. The digital diagnostic
team will respond to the questions via email. Common categories for questions include
insects, field crops, fruits and
vegetables, grasses, trees and
shrubs, weeds, and landscape
ornamentals. With spring just
around the corner, the Digital
Diagnostic Network and local Extension personnel are
available to identify items and
provide answers as questions
Rianna’s Beef bits
Many people always know
certain dates of celebrations
like July 4th, our Nation’s independence; Valentine’s Day on
February 14th; and April Fools
Day on April 1st! But did you
know we celebrate National Ag
Day every year in March? In
fact, every year the Agriculture
Council of America celebrates
the contributions of farmers
and ranchers for a whole week.
This year National Ag Week is
March 13th through the 19th to
draw awareness to the incredible things farmers and ranchers
provide like food, fiber, pharmaceuticals and fuel.
My goal this week is to tell
as many people as I can why I
love living on a ranch and how
farming and ranching touches
their lives every day! Happy Ag
Rodeo Queen titles held by many in the area, more opportunities this summer
The rodeo royalty season is
coming to an end and these
young ladies will be looking
for a chance to hold new titles. There are some young ladies that may be looking for their
first title or pageant. Hopefully
the information in this article will
be of help to them.
This past year was the first
time ever in at least 50 years
that rodeo royalty titles have
been held by several area ladies. Following are pageants in
the area and those whose titles
are held by local young ladies.
The Miss Wilsonville Rodeo
Junior Queen title is currently
held by Chaise Friehe of Culbertson. This title is for young
ladies 15 years of age and
younger. This year’s pageant
will be Friday evening, June 3,
at 7 pm. The first category is
Horsemanship held in the rodeo arena just southof Wilsonville. Anyone interested in this
title should contact Ashley RiceGerlach at 308-340-4566.
The Miss Teen Rodeo Nebraska Queen is Taytum Dickman of Elwood. Taytum shall
give up her title in June. Anyone interested in trying out for
this title doesn’t have long to
enter as the entries have to be
in by April 1, 2016. This title
is the second highest rodeo
royalty held in Nebraska. The
pageant is held in conjunction
with the Miss Rodeo Nebraska
Pageant on June 12th through
June 15th in North Platte. This
title is for young ladies from 15
to 18 years of age. Contact
Kathy Ewing at 308-530-0590.
The Miss Southwest Nebraska Rodeo Queen title is
currently held by Jenna Langer
of Superior. There is another pageant held at the same
time for the Junior Queen Title
which is currently held by Rebel Sjeklocha of Hayes Center. The pageant date is July
16th at the Red Willow County
Fairgrounds in McCook. Both
titles are in unison of each other. The queen title is for young
ladies 16 to 20 years of age as
of January 1st. The Junior
Queen title is for ages 15 and
under as of January 1st. These
two ladies will perform their last
duties at the first night of the
Red Willow County Rodeo on
July 23rd. They will be crowning the new title holders before
the rodeo that night. These two
young ladies will relinquish their
titles after the rodeo and the
new title holders will begin their
title duties on Sunday morning,
July 24, during the rodeo slack
performance. Contact Myrna
Harper at 308-364-2584 or on
Facebook under Southwest Nebraska Rodeo Queen Association. Entries are due by June
Miss Elwood Rodeo Queen
title is currently held by Chyanne Friehe of Culbertson. The
pageant will be held on July
24th, beginning at 9 am at the
Gosper County Fairgrounds
in Elwoood. The crowning will
take place at the rodeo that
evening. Contact Jennifer Kohl
at 308-746-1792 for entry information. The current title holders have
done many tasks during their
reigns. Not only helping at rodeos and riding in parades,
they also have helped at many
county fairs, visited manors and
hospitals, done mock rodeos
for daycare facilities and given
talks/speeches at various organizations and schools. They
have been promoting the
Southwest Nebraska area and
the rodeo they represent. Many
area people are proud of these
young ladies, plus all the ladies
who have held the titles in the
All three of the local pageants are Nebraska State
Rodeo Association title holders. The Miss Rodeo Nebraska
pageants are of the Professional Rodeo Association. We have
1:00-2:00 pm
806 Smith Ave., Elwood
Hosted by Julie Dornhoff
“Where Quality Counts”
April 1, 2016 • 1:00 p.m. CST
Loup City Livestock Commission Co. • Loup City, NE
SELLING: 65 Yearling Bulls • 10 Fall & Coming Two-Year-Old Bulls
SAV Angus Valley • EXAR Upshot • SAV Angus Industry • Mohnen Substantial • ACA Consensus
Emblazon Ang Valley
KD 519
+95 +19
Marb RE
I+.54 I+.56 +121.90
Treffer Cash 508
DAR Industry’s
Image 515
Sire: Barstow Cash
MGS: Basin Max 602C
I+1.4 I+54 I+104 I+17
Marb RE
I+.30 I+.62 +119.02
Sire: SAV Angus Industry 3229
MGS: SAV Net Worth 4200
+2.4 +57 +102 +21
Marb RE
I+.76 I+.43 +152.42
View The Sale Book Online at www.dethlefsangusranch.com
Dethlefs Angus Ranch
Elwood Bulletin
(308) 785-2251
[email protected]
Competitive wages, great benefits and a wonderful region to
live in with Fairbury as the county seat
and many amenities in the area.
Taking applications until 5 p.m. on April 1, 2016.
Send resume to: Jefferson County Clerk,
411 4th St., Fairbury NE 68352
Shirley McCoy Estate PUBLIC AUCTION Trunks.Victorian Full Bed.Marble Top Dresser w/Mirror & Matching Marble Top Washstand.Doilies.Mirrors. Bassi-­‐
net.Dolls.Sitting Table.Clocks.Picture Frames.Cast Iron Pans.Decanters.Floor Lamps&Small Lamps.1950 Cherub Candle Holder.Silverware.Knick/Knacks&Glassware.Plat Maps.Historic Charcoal Picture.Silver Platters.Paper Fan.Blue Oil Lamp.Kerchiefs..Macomb Crock.Flower Pots.Salt&Pepper Shakers.Standing Bird Cage.Cedar Chests.Typewriters.Vintage Clothing.Sewing Machine.Victorian Hand Painted Glass Hang-­‐
ing Lamp w/ Prisms. Community Loading Table.Antique Books. Saturday, March 19th
Subscriptions start at just
$29/year in-county.
Call today!
Jefferson County, Nebraska has an immediate
opening for a Highway Superintendent
Sire: SAV Angus Valley 1867
MGS: OCC Emblazon 854E
Having trouble
staying up on
community events?
Catch the buzz with
The Elwood Bulletin!
Immediate Opening
News and ads may be submitted to elwoodbulletin@gmail.
com or [email protected] Any
copy received after these deadlines will be published in the
next newspaper.
For more info
call 308785-2251.
Katie Klein and Jordan Hagan have been notified that
they have been chosen to represent Post 290 Auxiliary
at this summer’s Girls State held in Lincoln in June.
Saturday: March 19th 9:30 a.m. Ella Missing Center 411 6th St, ARAPAHOE The children of Alvin and Isabell Pfeiffer would like to honor
them with a card shower for
their 55th wedding anniversary on March 19th. Cards can
reach them at 1106 8th Street,
Arapahoe, NE 68922
Deadlines for items/
ads to be printed in
the Elwood Bulletin for
•Display Advertising
•Classified Advertising
•Legal Notices and
•News Articles is
Tuesdays, 9:00 A.M.
Miss Wilsonville Rodeo Queen
title was changed as few years
ago to the Miss Wilsonville Rodeo Junior Queen title. We are
proud of all these ladies successes.
Wishing all young ladies
good luck with their future pageants and titles. - Submitted by Myrna Harper
currently three women who
have held the Miss Rodeo Nebraska Queen with one of them
who also held the Miss Rodeo
America title. They all held
at least one of these Rodeo
Queen titles before they were
crowned Miss Rodeo Nebraska
and they currently live in the
southwest Nebraska area. The
be home by his 12:30 curfew
and one of his friends said he
was ok to drive and would drive
him home. The three friends
left the party, were speeding
and missed a turn, Todd who
was in the back seat was killed.
Keith went on to tell the students about the blame he put
on others before he came to
the understanding that he didn’t
want to face the fact that he was
also to blame. He quoted Matthew 7:13 to the kids and said
he was the one who started him
stepping away from the path by
telling him he knew a guy who
could get him a fake ID, if you
want to drink or be with a girl
come over to my dorm room.
Keith began his healing by
visiting the driver of the car who
Treffer Angus Ranch
Elwood Hometown Cooperative Market
2016 Membership Drive Kick-Off
March 22, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Gosper County Senior Center
The Elwood Hometown Cooperative Market Board
of Directors invites anyone interested in learning
more about the Market to attend this meeting as we
kick-off this year’s membership drive. The Board has
approved a payment plan for stock ownership which
will be explained during the meeting.
GLASSWARE Pink Depression Glass Pepper Shaker.Gold Glass Cut Vase.Green Milkglass Votive.Box of Japanese China.Green Snack Set.Porcelin Rose Dipper.Pink Divided Depression Glass.Hummingbird Bowl.Crystal Ware.Square Footed Crystal Duck Bowl.Flower Pattern China Set.Homer Laughlin Hudson White China.Franciscan Apple Pattern Dishes.Lt Blue Fenton Cornucopias.2 Japanese Ucagco Angels.White Wash Basin.The Friendly Village.Johnson Bros China. HOUSEHOLD Kirby Classic Vacuum.Hoover Wind Tunnel Vacuum.Suitcases. Treadmill.Pillow Cases.Cookie Sheets.Baking Pans. Silver-­‐
ware.Juice Glasses.Roaster Pans.Pie Plates.Rolling Pin. Muffin Tins.Toasters.Bread Pans.Cake Pans.Casserole Dishes.Utensils.Pots&Pans.Cookbooks.Books.Towels.Ironing Board.Board Games.Boyds Bear.Old Paper Stationery.Holiday Decor.Sewing Machine w/Table.Jars APPLIANCES & FURNITURE TV.Small Freezer.Washer.Dryer.Electric Stove.Microwave. End Tables.Klaussner White Couch.Green Wicker Chair&Sofa.Wicker Table.Folding Chairs/Tables.Full Bed Frame.Twin Bed Frame.Dressers.White Canopy Bed w/
Dresser/Mirror.Recliners.Corner Shelf.King Bed Frame YARD EQUP/TOOLS Lawn Chairs.Garden Tools.Ladder.Hand Saws.Grill.Misc. VEHICLES Silver 1998 Mercury Grand Marquis 39,900m.Electric Golf Cart Many Items Too Numerous to Mention-­‐View Sale Bill Online Terms: No items removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or theft. All announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous announcements. All items must be removed the day of sale unless other arrangements are made. Larry Brell, Auctioneer Bill Brell, Auctioneer LeahAnn Brell, Clerk Randy Helms, Auctioneer Cell: 308-­325-­4952 Office: 308-­785-­2093 www.BrellRealty.com WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016
Community News
After winning at one of the games at the 4-H carnival Braxton Kohl get to pick his
prize from Dennis Hinson.-Bulletin Photo by K. Schutz
Lil Green made his appearance at the 4-H Carnival on Monday evening. The kids
enjoyed giving him high fives before he left the Civic Center.-Bulletinn Photo by K.
•Legal Notice
•Legal Notice
•Notice of Trustee’s Sale
You are hereby notified
that pursuant to a power of
sale contained in the Deed of
Trust in the original amount of
$71,500.00 executed by Mark
D. Whittaker and Carmin Whittaker, which was filed of record
on March 4, 2014, in Book 82,
Mortgage Records at Page 439,
as Instrument No. 2014-00106
in the Office of the Register of
Deeds of Gosper County, Nebraska, the property described
below will be sold by the undersigned at Public Auction to the
highest bidder for cash or certified or cashier’s check, at the
West front door of the Gosper
County Courthouse, 507 Smith
Avenue, Elwood, Gosper County, Nebraska at 2:00 o’clock P.
M., on April 19, 2016.
Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four
(4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven
(7), Block Six (6), Original Town
Of Smithfield, Gosper County,
The highest bidder is required to deliver cash or certified funds to the undersigned
by the close of business on the
day of sale, except this requirement is waived when the highest bidder is the Beneficiary.
The purchaser is responsible
for all fees or taxes, including
the Documentary Stamp Tax.
This sale is made without any
warranties as to title or condition of the property.
Dated this 7th day of March,
By: Mark R. McKeone, #18828,
Mark R. McKeone, P. C., L.L.O.
Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 11
Cozad, Nebraska 69130
Telephone: 308-784-4722 Successor Trustee
Publish on March 9, 16, 23,
30, and April 6, 2016 .
Elwood Public School is
accepting applications for a
Pre-Kindergarten aide. Duties include helping with the
supervision of the playground,
lunchroom and other assigned
duties. If interested, please
fill out an application at the office of the Superintendent, Elwood Public School, 502 First
Avenue, Elwood, Nebraska
68937. Phone: (308) 7852491. Successful applicants
may be asked to take state
courses to be an approved PreK aide. Applications need to be
received by March 18, 2016.
2T 3/16, 23 ZNEZ
The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on
April 25, 2016, at 10:00 o’clock
a.m., at the Front Steps of the
Gosper County Courthouse in
Elwood, Gosper County, Nebraska:
Lots 13 and 14, Block 11,
Original Town of Smithfield,
Gosper County, Nebraska
subject to any and all (1) prior
liens, (2) real estate taxes, (3)
special assessments, and (4)
easements, covenants, restrictions of record which affect this
Terms of Sale: For all bidders, other than the Beneficiary,
the highest bidder shall deposit
$5,000.00 in cash or certified
funds at the close of the sale,
which shall be non-refundable,
and the remaining amount due
must be paid in cash or certified
funds to the Trustee by 4:00
p.m. on the day of the sale; except this requirement is waived
if the highest bidder is the current Beneficiary. Upon receipt
of payment, the Trustee shall
execute and deliver its Deed
without warranties to such purchaser. The purchaser shall be
responsible for all applicable
fees or taxes including documentary stamp tax.
This sale is being held pursuant to the power of sale granted
in a Deed of Trust filed November 10, 2014, and recorded in
Book 83 of Mortgages, Page
656 as Inst. No. 2014-551 of
the Records of the County Clerk
of Gosper County, Nebraska, in
which Angel Mitchell and Verna
Barnhouse, are the Borrower.
Dated this 9th day of March,
Todd D. Wilson, Trustee
3/16, 23, 30, 4/6, 13
2016 Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness week is March 21-25
Nebraska Severe Weather
Awareness Week is March 2125, and is observed to increase
awareness of, and response
to, severe weather hazards. A
statewide tornado drill is scheduled as part of the week’s activities at 10 a.m., on Wednesday,
March 23.
“We hope Nebraskans will
take time during our annual
Severe Weather Awareness
Week to prepare for the severe
weather we face in Nebraska
during the spring and summer
months,” said Bryan Tuma,
NEMA assistant director. “Making a safety plan and reviewing
proper safety precautions is a
good practice for those of us
who live in areas affected by
tornadoes, floods and severe
Severe weather can result in
tragic losses that preparation
and planning can prevent.
For more information on severe weather awareness or
preparing for severe weather
visit: https://nema.nebraska.
gov/ (click on the links at the
bottom of the page) or http://
drug free work place
and we are HIRING
for all positions.
• Foreman • carpenters • box culvert foreman • drillers
• directional drillers • equipment operators • laborers.
We offer competitive wages, health insurance, paid vacation,
paid holidays, profit sharing, matching 401k
and a great working atmosphere.
Hiring for
EOE. To apply visit
many local
or email [email protected]
Run this size ad in over 160
Newspapers for just $5.95/newspaper
Place your 2x2 display ad in over 165 Nebraska newspapers & get your message to
over 750,000 readers. Statewide coverage
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cost only $975. Regional ads also available in Central, Northeast, Southeast or
Western Nebraska. Other sizes available.
Call this newspaper or 1-800-369-2850 for more information.
Nebraska 2x2/2x4 Display Ad Network
Paulsen, Inc. is looking for a full time mechanic
to work in the Cozad shop.
These duties include, working on trucks and
various types of equipment.
This position offers 401K, holiday pay and insurance is available.
Contact Andy Pflaster at [email protected] or 308-784-2891.
406 Oakland Ave, Elwood
Beautiful inside and out! 3+ bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home.
Everything you need is on the main floor with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a recently renovated living room, large kitchen with
amazing storage, a large laundry area and a sun room! In the
basement you will find an additional family room and bedroom as
well as another storage area. It doesn’t stop there with a large 2 car
attached garage and another detached heated garage with a work
bench and wall storage.
$ 176,900
LeahAnn M. Brell, Broker/Owner 308.325.4952
311 Bellamy Avenue Elwood, NE 68937
brellrealty.com 308-785-2093
Paulsen Inc. is an EEO employer
Tuesday, March 22
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lexington Regional Health Center is excited
to announce they will be offering services in
Elwood starting March 22. Barb Foss, NP will
be seeing patients on Tuesdays and Thursday
from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Call (308) 785-8175 to schedule an
appointment today. Walk-ins are
also welcome.
202 Smith Ave.
Elwood, Nebraska
(308) 785-8175
Accredited. College-Prep. Online.
This summer students can pursue their interests
and meet their academic goals with online high
school courses from the University of Nebraska.
• Pre-Engineering
• Introduction to Health Care
• Introduction to Web Design
• Entrepreneurship
• Many more!
Credits earned easily transfer to local schools.
•Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that
the following-described limited
liability company has been
organized under the laws of the
State of Nebraska.
1. The name of the company
i s B o d o g a Te r r a H e i f e r
Development, LLC..
2. The address of the
registered office of the company
is 43190 Rd. 735, Elwood, NE
68937. The general nature of
the business to do any lawful
act concerning any and all
lawful business, other than
banking or insurance, for which
a limited liability company may
be organized under the laws of
the State of Nebraska.
3. The company commenced
business on February 12, 2016.
4. The affairs of the company
are to be managed by its
members pursuant to the
Operating Agreement. The
name and address of the initial
member is
Erin P. Bradford
43190 Rd. 735
Elwood, NE 68937
Bodoga Terra Heifer
Development, LLC.
By: Beverly Bogle Louthan,
its attorney
3T-3/ 2, 9, 16 CH ZNEZ
Republican Valley Pheasants
Forever 22nd Annual Banquet,
Saturday March 19, 2016,
Cambridge Community Building.
For Tickets or info contact Deb
697-4250 or Carla 697-3344.
3T-3/2, 9, 16 CH
•Elwood Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2016
6:30 p.m.
Present: Jennifer Ward, Miranda Stoll, Pam Watson, Connie Schmeeckle, Cheryl Brell;
Staff Present: Jane Hilton
and Carol Gruber; Absent: Lori
Pam Watson called the
meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
No conflicts of interest were
shared. No changes to the
agenda. The meeting compliance act was read and noted.
Miranda Stoll read the minutes of the meeting in February.
Connie moved that the minutes
be approved as read, and this
was seconded by Jennifer motion carried. Jennifer Ward read
the treasurer’s report. There
is a total of $18.038.43in the
Pinnacle Bank, and a total of
$6,786.74 in the Security First
Bank totaling to the amount
of $24,825.17. The month’s
total bills are in the amount of
$4,388.51. There was a donation from Ingrid Beckmann
Kutsch in memory of Linda Yost
Nelson and Shirley Umberger.
Cheryl moved to pay the bills in
the amount of $4, 388.51 and
Connie seconded, motion carried.
Circulation report for February was read and there was
1,347 items checked out, OverDrive report was inaccessible.
There were 226 in attendance,
84 meeting room users, and 16
computer users, computer users. This also took in consideration the dates that the library
was closed due to the snowstorm.
Old business discussed included discussion of the Strategic Plan and the plan of action. Miranda will email Richard
Miller and discuss what the
needs of the Strategic Plan and
what we need to do to correct
any of the needs. Connie, Lori
and Miranda will meet once Miranda has heard from Richard.
Jane reported that the LB 969
has not made it further than
the floor and she feels that it
will not be successful. Read
Across America/Dr. Suess Day
went well and the children really
enjoyed the readers and had a
great time!
New business included the
Easter Coloring Contest and
Jane will take the pictures up to
the school on March 14, 2016
and the students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade will participate and then the winners posters will be posted around town.
These posters will then be used
to promote the Easter Egg Hunt
which will be on March 26,
The meeting then went into
closed section at 6:50 p.m.
The meeting then came out of
closed session at 7:10 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at
7:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be April
11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
3/16 ZNEZ
Blue Creek Land Company
April 22, 2016 • Ogallala, NE
11,293 acres
See details + images & Maps
at LashleyLand.com
Scott Saults • 308-289-1383
Join our team!
Service/Installtion Tech
Presell Delivery Rep –
CDL preferred but will
train the right candidate
We offer GREAT benefits including: 401K,
Paid time off, Potential quarterly bonuses,
discounted products and more!!
EEO - Employer post offer drug screen
Visit our website at www.linpepco.com/careers for more info and to apply TODAY!
Classifieds & Legals
•General Public Hearing
•Audiencia pública general
Van’s, $28.28; Verizon, $66.76;
Village of Elwood, $44.79;
Weathercraft Co, $105.00;
SUPPLIES- B’s Ent, $3,200.00;
Central Fire & Safety, $97.80;
CHS Agri Svc Ctr, $39.78; Cross
Dillon Tire, $4,200.00; Elwood
Hometown CoOp Mrkt, $5.48;
Fastenal, $38.70; Gempler’s,
$57.90; Hemelstrands, $36.24;
John Deere, $95.20; Matheson
Tri-Gas, $25.62; Mead Lumber,
$27.48; Rhomar Ind, $720.70;
KENO/LOTTERY FUND- Elwood Post Prom, $100.00;
Motion by Lerdall, seconded
by Monter to approve an Application for County Burial Assistance submitted by Elwood Funeral Home for Homer Beam in
the amount of $1,200.00. Roll
Call Vote: “Aye” Monter, Lerdall,
Bader Motion carried.
Motion by Monter, seconded
by Lerdall to approve two Applications for Permit to Construction Items on County Property submitted by Construction
Water Solutions LLC.
Call Vote “Aye” Bader, Lerdall,
Monter Motion carried.
Sheriff Dennis Ocken was
present to discuss the resignation of Patrick Gerdes as the
Director of Region 15 Emergency Manager effective June
1, 2016. Discussion was held.
No action was taken.
Hwy. Supt. Mike Snyder was
present and gave a road report
on the following: Discussed
the gravel budget; Gave an
update on LB977, if this bill is
approved it would add to the
maintenance cost of county
road budgets without any additional funding from the State,
asphalt and gravel roads life
expectancy would be reduced;
Discussed the overlay of Johnson Lake Drive, it was decided
to go ahead and take bids on
March 30th; Discussed renting a bridge inspection truck or
trailer to inspect three bridges,
the Board approved; Received
a request asking for gravel on
a minimum maintenance road
to build a house, if the Board
would approve this request,
they would need to meet with
the Zoning Board to make
changes to the Zoning regulations; Discussed creating an
inter-local agreement with the
Village of Smithfield for snow
removal, no action was taken.
The Board adjourned at 11:55
Cynthia E. Evans, Clerk
Terry G. Lerdall, Chairperson
The next regular meeting of
the Gosper County Board of
Commissioners will be March
9, 2016, at the Gosper County
Courthouse, Elwood, Nebraska. The Board will convene on
March 30, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., at
the Gosper County Courthouse,
Elwood, Nebraska to conduct
a regular session and to audit
claims. Claims to be audited
shall be filed with the County
Clerk by March 23, 2016.
3/16 ZNEZ
Notice is hereby given that a
public hearing will be held by
RYDE Transit at the Gosper
County Courthouse (Commissioners Meeting Room), 507
Smith Avenue, Elwood, NE on
Thursday, April 7thth 2016 at
10:30 am, for the purpose of
considering a project for which
financial assistance is being
sought from the Federal Transit
Administration, pursuant to the
Federal Transit Act, generally
described as follows:
Notice is hereby given that
RYDE Transit is requesting financial assistance from the
Federal Transit Authority, pursuant to the Federal Transit Act,
generally described below.
Description of the Project:
Purpose of the project is to
purchase an additional ADA
Lowered Floor Mini Van for
general public transportation
and operation of general public
1 (One) – Lowered Floor Mini
$37,500.00 dollars.
Federal Share = $30,000.00
Local Share = $7,550.00 dollars
Elderly and Disabled:
This project will be used in coordination with other agencies
and programs which focus on
the needs of the elderly and disabled populations in Kearney
County and City of Minden. This
project will allow for greater mobility for both populations. This
project conforms to all guidance
set forth by the Federal Transit
Administration, pursuant to the
Federal Transit Act (FTA), with
respect to the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
General Public:
This project will be open to
the general public and will be
applied as a demand responsive general public transportation and support for general
public transportation. This project will conform to the guidelines set forth by the Federal
Transit Administration, pursuant
to the Federal Transit Act, with
respect to accessibility by all
residents wishing to do so.
At the hearing, RYDE Transit will afford an opportunity for
interested persons or agencies
to be heard with respect to the
social, economic and environmental aspects of the project.
Interested persons may submit
orally or in writing evidence and
recommendations with respect
to said project.
A copy of the application for a
Federal Grant for the proposed
project is available for public
inspection at the RYDE Transit
Office (Gosper County Courthouse), 507 Smith Avenue, Elwood, NE, March 28th 2016 thru
April 1st, 2016 from the hours of
8:30am to 12:00pm (Noon).
Written comments for consideration by RYDE Transit will be
accepted at :
RYDE Transit
Attention: Charles McGraw,
Transportation Director
PO Box 2288
Kearney, NE 68848
3/16, 3/30 ZNEZ
•Legal Notice
•Help Wanted
Elwood Public School is accepting applications for an
elementary aide. Duties include helping with the with
classrooms, small groups, supervision of the playground,
lunchroom and other assigned
duties. If interested, please fill
out an application at the office
of the Superintendent, Elwood
Public School, 502 First Avenue, Elwood, Nebraska 68937.
Phone: (308) 785-2491. Applications need to be received by
March 18, 2016.
3/16 ZNEZ
66 Service, 100 West Chandler, Eustis, NE. Looking for
dependable person for station
help. Service vehicles, change
and repair tires, fuel truck
driver would be helpful for this
Must have a valid
driver’s license. Stop in at Eustis 66 Service in Eustis for an
application or if any questions
please call 308-486-3261 OR
308-785-7881 4T 3/16, 23, 4/6
Por medio de la presente se
hace saber que una audiencia
pública se llevará a cabo por la
línea de transporte RYDE en
la Corte del condado de Gosper (sala de reuniones de los
comisionados), 507 Smith
Avenue, Elwood, Nebraska,
el día jueves 7 de abril del
2016 a las 10:30 a.m. con
el objetivo de considerar un
proyecto para el que se solicita
ayuda financiera a la Administración Federal de Transporte
de conformidad con la Ley Federal de Transporte y que se describe de la manera siguiente:
Se hace saber que la línea
de transporte RYDE está solicitando ayuda financiera a
la Administración Federal de
Transporte de conformidad con
la Ley Federal de Transporte y
se describe a continuación.
Descripción del proyecto:
El objetivo del proyecto es
comprar una furgoneta adicional con piso bajo para ser usada como parte del transporte
público general y en las operaciones del transporte público
1 (Una) - Furgoneta con piso
Costo estimado total = $37
Cuota federal = $30 000,00
Cuota local = $7 550,00
Ancianos y discapacitados:
Este proyecto se usará en
coordinación con otros organismos y programas que se centran en las necesidades de los
ancianos y discapacitadas del
condado de Kearney y de la Ciudad de Minden. Este proyecto
permitirá una mayor movilidad
para ambas poblaciones y se
ajusta a todos los lineamientos
establecidos por la Administración Federal de Transporte,
de conformidad con la Ley Federal de Transporte (FTA), con
respecto a la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades.
Público general:
Este proyecto estará abierto al público general y se
aplicará como un transporte
público general que responde
a la demanda y como apoyo
para el transporte público general. Este proyecto se ajustará
a las directrices establecidas
por la Administración Federal
de Transporte, de conformidad
con la Ley Federal de Transporte, en lo que respecta al
acceso de todos los residentes
que deseen usarlo.
En la audiencia, la línea de
transporte RYDE les brindará
una oportunidad a las personas o entidades interesadas
en hablar sobre los aspectos
sociales, económicos y ambientales del proyecto. Las
personas interesadas pueden
presentar su evidencia y las
recomendaciones relacionadas
con este proyecto de forma oral
o escrita.
Una copia de la solicitud
para la subvención federal
del proyecto propuesto está
disponible para la inspección pública en la oficina de
la línea de transporte RYDE
(Corte del condado de Gosper) 507 Smith Avenue, Elwood, Nebraska, a partir del
28 de marzo hasta el 1 de
abril del 2016 desde las 8:30
a.m. hasta las 12:00 del mediodía.
Los comentarios por escritos que la línea de transporte
RYDE tomará en cuenta pueden ser enviados a:
RYDE Transit
Transportation Director
PO Box 2288
Kearney, NE 68848
3/16, 30 ZNEZ
•Gosper County Commissioners Meeting Minutes
works! Place your 25 word ad
into thousands of Nebraska
homes for $225. Contact your
local newspaper or call 1-800369-2850.
consultation. Fast relief from
creditors. Low rates. Statewide
filing. No office appointment
n e c e s s a r y. C a l l S t e f f e n s
Law Office, 308-872-8327.
steffensbankruptcylaw.com. We
are a debt relief agency, which
helps people file bankruptcy
under the bankruptcy code.
service. Send your message
to 170 newspapers across
Nebraska for one low price!
Call 1-800-369-2850 or www.
nebpress.com for more details.
COM CONSIGN your classic or
collectible auto. We will sell any
car, pickup, motorcycle or truck
at this auction Saturday, April
23rd Rod Wright 308.530.4537
Mike Ketter 308.660.9168
The Village of Elwood is accepting applications for the
2016 baseball/softball season
for: Committee Members, Coordinators, Coaches, Umpires,
and Concessions Manager.
Applications are available at the
Village Office, 304 Calvert Avenue or by e-mail, villelwood@
atcjet.net. Applications are due
by March 31, 2016. Call 7852480 for more information.
3/16, 23 ZNEZ
OAT SEED for sale. We have
a large supply of Jury oats,
Everleaf 114 & Everleaf 126
forage oats. For pricing and
information, call 701-497-3082.
Memorial Health Care Systems,
Seward, NE. Competitive wage/
benefits. Requires NE PA
license/certification, Saturday
and ER rotation, previous
experience preferred. Apply
online: www.mhcs.us/about-us/
RNs UP to $45/hour, LPNs up to
$37.50/hour, CNAs up to $22.50/
hour. Free gas/weekly pay,
$2,000 bonus. AACO Nursing
Agency, 800-656-4414 Ext. 5.
CAN YOU dig it? Heavy
Equipment Operator Career! We
offer training and certifications
running bulldozers, backhoes
and excavators. Lifetime job
placement. VA Benefits eligible!
Trucking, Lexington, NE, 800445-0135. Home weekly. Trips
to various Midwest points. Drop
pay, Vacation pay. Excellent
equipment. OTR experience
•Legal Notice
A village representative is
needed to fill the vacancy on the
library board to fill an unexpired
term. Contact Jane Hilton at
the Library for more information.
3/16 ZNEZ
•Advertisement for Bids
Separate sealed BIDS will be
received by the Gosper County
Clerk, at the Gosper County
Courthouse, 507 Smith Avenue,
Elwood, Nebraska on March
30, 2016, until 11:30 AM, Local
Time, and then such BIDS shall
be publicly opened and read
aloud in the Gosper County
Commissioners Meeting Room
for furnishing all equipment, labor, materials and appurtenances required to construct approximately 4,330 Tons of Asphaltic
Concrete Type SPR, 87.7 Sta.
Cold Milling Class 1, 175.4 Sta.
Earth Shoulder Construction,
and other such work as may be
incidental to JOHNSON LAKE
The County (Owner) reserves
the right to reject any or all bids;
and to waive irregularities or
informalities to accept the BID
it deems most beneficial. Bids
received after the specified time
of closing will be returned unopened. The Owner will accept
only those sealed bids, either
hand delivered or received via
U.S. Mail or other commercial
carrier. Items transmitted by
facsimile or electronically will
not be accepted.
The Contract Documents
may be examined at the following locations:
Miller & Associates, 1111
Central Avenue, Kearney, NE
Gosper County Clerk’s Office,
507 Smith Avenue, Elwood, NE
Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the
office of Miller & Associates,
Consulting Engineers, P.C. located at 1111 Central Avenue,
P.O. Box 306, Kearney, Nebraska 68847, Telephone 308/2346456 upon payment of $50 for
each half-size set. Any PLAN
HOLDER, upon returning the
within fourteen (14) days of the
BID OPENING, and in good
condition, will be refunded $15.
A complete set of electronic
copies of drawings, specifications, contract documents and
proposal form may be obtained
from www.miller-engineers.com
for a fee of $25.00 (non-refundable). Once logged into the
website, go to “Bidding Documents” [in the upper right-hand
corner of the homepage] and
you can select the set of documents to download.
Each BIDDER will be required to submit with his proposal, a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond made
payable, without condition, to
the Gosper County Clerk, Elwood, Nebraska, in an amount
equal to five percent (5%) of the
The Owner is an equal opportunity employer and requires all
contractors and consultants to
comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.
The Owner, in accordance
with Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42
U.S.C 2000d to 2000d-4 and
Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the
Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted
programs of the Department of
Transportation issued pursuant
to such Act, hereby notifies all
bidders that it will affirmatively
insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business
enterprises will be afforded full
opportunity to submit bids in
response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated against
on the grounds of race, color,
or national origin, sex, age and
disability/handicap in consideration for an award.
Gosper County EOE/AA
3T 3/16, 23, 30 ZNEZ
•Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given that
a regular meeting of the Gosper County Board of Commissioners will be held at 9:00
a.m. on Wednesday, March
30, 2016 in the County Board
Meeting Room of the Gosper
County Courthouse located at
507 Smith Ave. in Elwood, Nebraska, which meeting will be
open to the public. An agenda
for such meeting, kept continuously current is available for
public inspection at the office
of the County Clerk, Gosper
County Courthouse, 507 Smith
Ave., Elwood, Nebraska.
Cynthia E. Evans
Gosper County Clerk
3/16 ZNEZ
FEBRUARY 29, 2016
A meeting of the Gosper
County Board of Commissioners was convened in open and
public session at 9:00 a.m.
on February 29, 2016, at the
Gosper County Courthouse,
Elwood, Nebraska.
were Chairperson Terry Lerdall
and Members Bruce Bader and
Glen Monter. Clerk Cynthia Evans was present to record the
Notice of the meeting was
given in advance thereof by
publication in the Elwood Bulletin, Elwood, NE on February 24,
2016. Availability of the agenda
was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings
of the Board were taken while
the convened meeting was
open to the attendance of the
The undersigned Clerk hereby certifies that these minutes
were written and available for
public inspection within ten (10)
working days after the date of
said meeting.
The meeting was duly called
to order and Chairman Lerdall
announced and informed the
public that a current copy of the
Nebraska Open Meetings Act is
posted on the wall of the meeting room.
The Minutes of February 10,
2016 were read. Motion by
Monter, seconded by Bader, to
approve the minutes as read.
Roll Call Vote: “Aye” Monter,
Lerdall, Bader. Motion carried.
Audit and approval was made
for the following payrolls and
Payroll: $54,757.74; L. Strickland, $432.36; American Family Life Ins, $667.08; Ameritas, $6,386.83; BC/BS of NE,
$11,878.54; Delta Dental Plan
of NE, $804.60; First Concord
Benefits Group LLC, $541.52;
Illinois Mutual, $15.00; IRS,
$13,552.81; Madison Nat’l
Life Ins, $77.71; Mass Mutual,
$190.00; NE Child Support,
$479.00; NE Dept of Revenue, $1,697.82; Philadelphia
American Life Ins Co, $48.23;
UNL, $3,695.87, T. Wilson PC,
$2,086.98; OPERATING EXPENSES- Agri Comp Sales,
$32.00, AS Central, $173.80;
ATC, $350.00; B. Nott Electric,
$285.23; Comm Action Partnership of Mid NE, $327.45; Dawson Co Climate Ctrl, $1,122.85;
Dawson Co Sheriff, $200.00;
Dawson PPD, $743.64; Elwood
Bulletin, $297.53; Elwood Funeral Home, $1,200.00; Elwood
Public Library, $733.33; Home
Agency, $40.00; Ideal Linen
Supply, $152.58; J. Laudenklos, $45.00; MIPS, $1,175.13;
J. Naputi, $45.00; NE Assn of
Co Clk, ROD & Elect, $50.00;
NE Tech & Telecomm, $609.85;
D. Ocken $45.00; P. Redding,
$242.91; SourceGas, $856.28;
J. Tena Law, $137.50; Urbom
Law, $221.60; Village of Elwood,
$186.16; C. Ward, $45.00;
Woodward’s Disp, $20.00;
SUPPLIES- Aurora CoOp,
$1,100.57; CardMember Svc,
$61.45; Clinch, $277.24;Dugan Bus Forms, $104.67;
Mead Lumber, $61.74; Ofc
Sol, $37.17; U Save, $196.53;
EQUIPMENT RENTAL- Hometown Leasing, $289.59; Mail
Fin, $525.00;CAPITAL OUTLAY- Verizon, $160.10;
ROAD & BRIDGE FUNDFebruary Payroll: $29,158.95;
American Family Life Ins,
$99.10; Ameritas, $3,280.40;
BC/BS of NE, $6,773.20; Delta
Dental Plan of NE, $348.55;
First Concord Benefits Group
LLC, $430.00; IRS, $6,762.18;
Madison Nat’l Life Ins, $18.35;
NE Dept of Revenue, $874.28;
Valley CoOp, $720.14; Arapahoe Pub Mir, $11.74; ATC
Comm, $48.97; Aurora CoOp,
$661.91; Central Hydr Sys &
Equip, $1,300.92, Dawson Co
Climate Ctrl, $509.50; Dawson
PPD, $134.30; Lofquist, $8.00;
NE Tech & Telecom, $173.07;
NMC, $11,638.89; S&W Auto,
$199.29; SourceGas, $651.10;
Classifieds • Cards of Thanks
20¢ per word first insertion with
a $6.50 minimum, 18¢ per word
ssecond and subsequent insertion $6.00 minimum.
All classifieds and cards of thanks are
automotically listed on arapahoemirror.
org and all help wanted are automatically listed on NEHires.com. Call us to
submit your classified. 308-785-2251.
Community News
The kids enjoyed winning cakes, cupcakes or cookies that could be won at the cake
walk at the 4-H Carnival Monday night.-Bulletin Photo by K.Schutz
A. Reynolds, 87, of
Lexington, Nebraska, passed
away Thursday, March 10,
2016, at Plum Creek Healthcare Community in Lexington.
She was born April 28, 1928,
at Benkelman, Nebraska, to
Vernard and Hazel (Walters)
Gummere. Shirley grew up
and attended school in Benkelman where she graduated from
with the class
of 1945. She
for a year prior
to attending the
University of Nebraska. While
at the University she met Norman while roller skating. Shirley had taken a fall and Norman
was there to pick her up.
Shirley was united in marriage to Norman W. Reynolds
on February 29, 1948, in Benkleman. This was Leap Year, so
Norman always figured he only
had to buy an anniversary gift
every four years, Shirley didn’t
think that was quite as funny. The couple made their home
south of Lexington where they
farmed, ranched, and raised
horses. They raised horses for
many years, achieving national
recognition with a quarter horse
stallion, Zippo Pine Bar. She
loved attending horse shows
with her children and grandchildren. An amazing story about
Norman and Shirley is they
never went anywhere without
the other. It was a true love story, and they are together once
Shirley was an active member of First United Methodist
Church, Chapter GR, P.E.O.,
Shirley A. Reynolds
Order of the Eastern Star, leader for Job’s Daughters, several
bridge groups, and the Investment Club.
She enjoyed all Lexington
activities involving youth. She
could be seen at all the sporting events, musical events, etc. She cheered on every child
from Lexington as if he or she
was her own. The Nebraska
Cornhuskers also held a special place in her heart, and as
a younger woman she rarely
missed a game. She enjoyed
entertaining, spending time with
family, especially the grandchildren, and loved cooking for
the farm and ranching crews
throughout the years.
Shirley was a classy lady who
enjoyed dressing nice, as her
mother owned Hazel’s Town &
Country for many years. She
had a wonderful smile, and a
kind nature, and was a friend to
Shirley is survived by two
sons; Larry and wife Jeanne
Reynolds of Lexington, Nebraska, Rod and wife Susan Reynolds of Lexington, Nebraska;
son-in-law, John Snider of Lexington, Nebraska; seven grandchildren; Shannon and her husband Dan Keller of Lexington,
Nebraska, Blake and his wife
Myrna L. Grunden
Myrna Luray Grunden passed
away March 8, 2016, after a
fearless, courageous battle with
pancreatic cancer.
Myrna was born March 3,
1937, to Arnold & Vera (Aldrich)
Elijah Niemeier and Dawson! and Lucas Renken check out the items that were raffled
Hibbs on the family farm near
off during the 4-H Carnival. Council member Tricia Grabenstein drew the names
Elwood, Nebraska. Her earli!
and awarded the prizes.-Bulletin Photo by K. Schutz
est memory was singing “Jesus
Loves Me”, to her Grandma Al!
drich’s Circle at the Methodist
Church in Arapahoe when she
was 2 years old. She stood
on a chair with
her Grandma
!'#( !" " !# !
"#$! " $#( &# %"# &#! !%
her. From then
( $ # $#( !%
on, music was
part of her life.
Myrna attended Elwood Pub!
lic Schools, Smithfield Public
Schools and graduated from
UNSA in Curtis. It was there
that she met her future husband, Harvey Grunden. By the
time she graduated, they knew
they would soon be married.
They felt so strong about it that
although Myrna had graduated
Seminar: Thursday, March 31 n 7 PM (supper at 5 PM)
with honors and had received a
“Low Stress Cattle Handling” presented by Tom Noffsinger, DVM
regents to UNL, she begged the
n 12 Noon (Lunch at 11 AM)
908 Nebr. Ave
school to give the scholarship
to someone else so they could
Arapahoe, NE
Selling 425 Limousin, Lim-Flex
be closer together. She went
& Angus Bulls, 40 Registered Females
This Modern move-in ready Ranch Style Home has central
to Kearney where she received
heat & air, vinyl siding, a Double Detached Garage and is
Visit www.WulfCattle.com
her certificate in teaching. They
located on a corner lot. The open floor plan and cathedral
26406 470th Ave. / Morris, MN 56267 / Office: (320) 392-5802 / [email protected]
finally told her parents 15 years
ceiling add to the charm of this home plus there is lots of
storage. The home consists of a Living Room w/bay winafter they married, that she’d
dow, Dining Room, Kitchen, Master Bedroom & Bath, 2given up a full ride to UNL for
additional Bedrooms, a Full Bath plus a Porch/Utility
Wulf 3.79x2 bw-NE Press Assn.indd 1
3/9/16 10:49 AM
Room. This spacious, maintenance free home is a Must
Myrna and Harvey were marSee!
List Price: $85,500.00
ried on June 26, 1955. They
made their home over on the
For more
George Schick place for just
over 5 years before moving to
Cll 308-962-7745
the home place in 1961. Myrna
Or visit
taught at the Mesa School Dishprelty.et
trict #79 for five years and also
taught at The Denmark School.
She retired from teaching to
raise her family but always con471.64 ACRES
sidered herself a teacher. As
the children grew, Myrna took a
job at Hilltop Nursery in Moorefield, starting out as a planter,
working through several departments until finally settling into
the marketing division. Marketing was a passion and Myrna
Thursday - March 24 - 10:00 AM
loved the challenge.
When she and Harvey began
Elwood, Nebraska
raising Morgan horses in 1969,
Auction to be held in the Legion Hall at the
she started in a new sales posiGosper County Fairgrounds in Elwood
tion. Myrna loved the horses as
much as the entire family and
157.09 ACRES
Tuesday, Nov. 24 • 10:00 a.m.
Full Circle Farms
Sam & Karen Lange,
Auction to be held in the Overton Family Center at the
well located land next to Highway
edge of Overton.
283 - 9 miles south of Elwood and 9 miles north of
Arapahoe. 235.2 acres of non-irrigated cropland,
the remainder pastureland with areas of natural
Plan to attend this auction of excellent quality Platte
haven Pivot
for wildlife.
witha Valley
34, and1 N1/2
of Section
mile north
on Rd.
and possession.
2 miles east on
Rd. 754.
to the highest bidder - plan to attend!
Heirs of Ruth King
Call for brochure or see
for illustrated brochure or see
Contact Miles Marshall
Coming soon......SPRING!
Call us TODAY to line up a program or treatment.
Estimates are FREE!
•Complete Seasonal Programs
•Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide
Turf Types
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We do bluegrass as well as the best; we do buffalograss better than the rest!
2033 Central Ave. - Kearney, NE
OFFICE 308-234-6266
… they ain’t
of it”
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build wealth”
Wessels Lawn LLC
Complete lawn
13 Years of Lawn
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care needs.
Full programs to
individual services.
Stacy Reynolds of Lexington,
Nebraska, Carrie Beth Reynolds of Lincoln, Nebraska, Ryan
Reynolds of Lexington, Nebraska, Regina and her husband
Craig Howard of Lexington, Nebraska, Larry and his wife Lisa
Snider of Smithfield, Nebraska,
and, Stacey Snider-Simon and
her husband Brian of Tucson,
Arizona; as well as several
great-grandchildren, extended
family, and many friends.
Shirley was preceded in
death by her parents; husband,
Norman; daughter, Linda; and
grandson, John.
Funeral Services were held
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at
2:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Lexington with
Reverend Dyton Owen officiating. Memorial P.E.O. Service
was performed by Chapter GR.
Burial in the Robb Cemetery
south of Lexington.
Memorials are suggested to
the Norman & Shirley Reynolds
Scholarship Fund, or the Lexington Community Foundation.
Home in Lexington is assisting
the family with arrangements.
Please share online condolences with the family by visiting:
at Wessels Lawn
soon much of their life revolved
around them. She knew the
bloodlines and the personalities
of the stock and could match
buyer and horse perfectly and
she had a knack for remembering everyone she ever met
or visited with over the phone.
One of her proudest accomplishments was selling the first
Morgan horse to Germany in
1979. Myrna truly loved people
and greatly cherished all the
lasting friendships they made.
She dedicated much of her
life and time to the promotion of the Morgan horse. She
served on the National Committee Board for the AMHA for 17
years, was the editor of the Missouri Valley Morgan Horse Club
Newsletter for over 16 years
and announced the Morgan
Show at the Nebraska State
Fair for nearly 40 years. She
was also a member of the FCE
for 60 years where she served
as Western Director and a
member of the Congregational
Church in Curtis until it closed.
Myrna loved collecting recipes, coupons, big purses and
bold jewelry…anything with
bright colors. She loved gardening, canning and flowers.
She cherished all her dear
friends with the FCE club, the
Morgan Horse community and
all her neighbors, relatives &
Above all, she was proudest
of raising her family. She is survived by Harvey, her husband
of 60 years, Harlan (Tammy),
Curtis; Gina (Dennis) Essink
Syracuse; and Harris (Joanie)
Maxwell, grand- children Hance
Grunden, Curtis; Megan (Dawson) Welch and sons, Lane
& Jett Moorefield, Brandon &
John Essink, Syracuse; Jace
& Dallas Grunden, Maxwell;
her brother Jerrold (Jan) Hibbs,
Smithfield, and a host of family
& friends. She will be missed
by all who knew & loved her.
She was preceded in death
by infant son, parents, Arnold &
Vera Hibbs, in-laws, Forrest &
Blanche Grunden.
Memorials to be directed to
either Curtis Volunteer Fire &
Rescue or the Curtis Methodist
Visitation will be held at Blase-Wetzel-Strauser Memorial
Chapel, Curtis, Nebraska; Friday, March 11, 2016, 2:00 pm
- 8:00 p.m.
Services will be held at First
United Methodist Church - Curtis, March 12, 2016 at 10:30
Interment will follow in the
Curtis Cemetery, Curtis, Nebraska.
To sign the online guest book,
go to www.blasestrauser.com.