Pooginook Merinos are Bydand`s Choice


Pooginook Merinos are Bydand`s Choice
P oo g in oo k
Pooginook Merinos are Bydand’s Choice
■■ Fat
n220 Rams
n1000 Flock Rams Available
sheep and wool production
In this edition…
cattle production
■■ Cropping
nPooginook Merinos are
and fodder production
The company’s properties are situated
in QLD and NSW, forming part of a
strategic investment portfolio in the
agricultural sector.
Bydand’s Choice
Nev Kelly Pastoral Manager & Classer (right) along with Grant
Hardiman classing out Wether tail prior to shearing 2008.
Each property’s characteristics contribute to Bydand’s key objective which is to
successfully integrate productive and/or breeding potential to allow flexibility in operating
and marketing the property’s production.
Bydand’s key Merino breeding property Noorama Station is located SE of Cunnamulla
in the renowned QLD ‘salad bowl’ country. It was chosen for its reputation as highly
productive Merino breeding country. The property is 104,937 hectares (260,000 acres)
and joins 30–35,000 Merino ewes annually plus grower steers aimed at the feedlot
market. The property, managed by Nev Kelly, is responsible for daily operations and the
classing and genetics of the company’s breeding and wool growing operations. Noorama
Station provides:
■■ Self
replacing Merino ewe capability and wool production
■■ Merino
■■ First
Pooginook diary
Pooginook on Property Ram Sale
lamb feedlot production
■■ Beef
August 2009 – edition 38
29 September 2009
Bydand Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
founded by Mike Gordon in late
2004, operates 730,000 hectares of
agricultural land across a number of
geographic regions in Australia with core
activities including;
■■ Merino
Wether replacement or surplus sale stock
cross lamb opportunities with surplus females
The company produces up to 2,300 bales of Merino wool annually. The investment by the
company into a significant Merino ewe flock base is based on:
■■ Strong
belief in Merino wool as a ‘natural fibre’ and its continued role in the
textile industry.
■■ Diversity
of the Merino breed with demand for surplus Merino ewes and
‘value add’ opportunities.
The company’s key objective for its Merino flock is to produce good framed stock with soft,
bulky wools and attributes suitable to the environmental conditions they are running in. All
senior management at Bydand have worked previously with or been associated with the NSW
Stud Merino Industry. They are aware of Pooginook’s excellent reputation and proven track
record and have decided the Pooginook stud best suits the company’s requirements.
Bydand maintains an optimistic view of the role of sheep and agriculture in both the
domestic and world markets.
>Information written and supplied by Angus Muggleton,
General Manager for Bydand.
nWhat’s Happening
at Pooginook?
Summary of the Pooginook
pre-lambing report –
Dr Bruce Farquharson
nClient Update
nTechnology at Pooginook
Identification Devices
ustralian Sheep
Breeding Values
nPooginook Ram Sale
nPooginook Sire Watch
n2009 Flock Rams Available
More sheep
More meat
More wool...
What’s happening at Pooginook?
Southern Australia has enjoyed
a general June break putting
smiles on many anxious faces.
Stock numbers are very low,
with quotes of the eastern
states numbers being down
12% on last year and even
lower in the west.1
Meat prices are at record highs,
breaking through the $5.00 per
kilo for meat and shipper wethers
passing the $150.00 per head,
recently at Katanning WA.2
Wool deliveries are at very low
levels with sale rosters for the
close of season sales down
25% on this time last year.3
Pooginook has always taken
on the challenge and there
is a formula for profit in
the current cycle – BREED
The Land, 11 June 2009
The Land, 18 June 2009
AWEX weekly Market Report, 22 May 2009
Pooginook Special ewes, two days off shears, May 2009
Dr Bruce Farquharson addressing Pooginook growers about Merino health, productivity and management issues at the
Pooginook Open Day 2008.
A Summary of the Pooginook Pre-lambing
Report by Dr Bruce Farquharson
(May 2009)
Dr Bruce Farquharson is a Veterinary
Consultant with over 30 years experience
in the sheep industry.
Recent rains have given good pasture
germination but further follow up rains will
be required to secure a season.
The strategy of an extensive feeding
program and drought lotting of weaners
has preserved the dry feed cover and the
benefits are now being seen.
There has been a lot of time dedicated to
hand feeding resulting in the achievement
of target weights in the weaners and
condition score 3 to 3½ in the lambing
ewes. The payback will be in lambing
percentage and wool production.
2.Mothering ability
3.Milk production
4.Wool production
5.Post weaning growth rate
6.Meat quality
Farquharson says, “It is important to
remember that when buying rams, not
only does the client receive good genetics
but they are given information about
management so they can get full benefit
from those genetics.”
The lamb survival should be good as
the ewes are in ideal condition. I was
particularly pleased with the twin ewes
as they have a little more condition which
should reflect in higher milk production and
higher survival rates. The single bearing
ewes are in ideal condition for lambing.
Steve Lindsay, Cora Lynn Merino Stud, Peak Hill NSW
purchased top price ram at PGK Ram Sale 2008.
Pictured with the ram are Jock Campbell, Steve
Lindsay, John Sutherland, Rob Lindsay and Cora Lynn
classer Alan Clarke.
The ewe hoggets and ram hoggets are in
excellent condition and are on target to
reach adult body weight at 19 months.
The other factor for the ewe weaners is
that growth rate has been steady and so I
would expect them to be highly productive
ewes when they enter the flock.
It is important to continue to measure
the productivity of the Pooginook flock.
There are six outcomes that determine
productivity in a flock;
Pooginook Special ewes, two days off shears,
May 2009.
Performance of Pooginook Blood Flocks
Pooginook Blood
Flocks continue to
perform well
Barry, Leo and Graham Gibson, Rock Glen
Pastoral Company, Manildra, NSW, have
been purchasing rams from Pooginook
since 1980. Initially with the guidance of
Maurice Taylor, and in the past 10 years
with the guidance of Pat Brown, their
4,000 head Merino ewe flock continues
to perform.
Last spring at the Manildra show, the
Gibson’s won the local maiden ewe
competition and were also awarded the
most successful exhibitor at the show.
In mid June 2009, the Gibson’s sold their
Merino wether lambs in the 50 kilogram
weight range for $99.50. These wethers
had been shorn and realised a $30 per
head average return from the wool.
Evan and June Baillie of Glencoe at
Forbes sold wether lambs, to average
25 kilograms, hooked for $4.50 a kilo
in late May 2009, to the specialist
restaurant trade. The lambs spent
10 weeks on saltbush and were sold as
salt bush mutton.
season has broken late but well, long time
Pooginook ram buyers, the Nazzari family
of Tambellup report the sale of 1,100
2½ year old wethers, spring shorn for
$105 on farm, in February this year.
At Serpentine in Victoria, Craig and Bruce
Perry were successful exhibitors last
July at the prestigious Australian Fleece
Competition held in Bendigo, winning the
Reserve Champion Merino Fleece in the
strong wool section.
In South Australia Kym, Peter and Jill
Mosey had great success at the Royal
Adelaide Show in the wool section,
winning the Superfine Fleece from a Ewe
over 1 1/2 years and in the lamb’s wool
competition won the Grand Champion
Lamb’s Wool Fleece of the show.
In Western Australia Gerry and Frank
Clune of Newmarracarra, near Geraldton
report a good opening to their season, and
in the Great Southern of WA, where the
Craig Perry being awarded winning Reserve Champion Fleece
at Bendigo Sheep Show 2008.
Technology at Pooginook
Australian Sheep
Breeding Values
Pooginook has been submitting
performance records to Sheep Genetics
for many years. This data along with
millions of other records from Merino
breeders around the country is used
to create a national database for the
calculation of performance breeding
values. These breeding values are
known as Australian Sheep Breeding
Values (ASBVs). ASBV’s are a tool that
allows stud and commercial breeders to
compare the genetic potential of rams
and ewes.
Pooginook continues to build this index and
is working to supply ASBV’s data on all rams
for the 2009 selling season.
This information will help buyers achieve
their own breeding objectives. For example
ASBV’s will help identify rams that are
likely to have above average Growth Rate,
Wool Cut, Comfort Factor, Carcase Traits
and Fertility.
At scanning, this year ewes with EID were
recorded electronically as having twins,
single or dry and were automatically
drafted into the appropriate mob.
Electronic Tags
The 2009 drop lambs will be the third
age group of Pooginook sheep fitted
with Electronic Identification Device
(EID). The electronic tags are an efficient
and accurate way of collecting and
retrieving data.
Pooginook Sheep Yards, April 2009.
Individual body weights, fleece
measurements and breeding data is easily
recorded and retrieved. This information
is used to help establish Australian Sheep
Breeding Values (ASBV’s).
Fleece weighing has been streamlined so
one person is able to carry out the fleece
weighing for eight shearers.
Nev Kelly using EID information as a classing tool in
September 2008.
The use of the EID and the new sheep yards
at Pooginook have contributed to greater
efficiencies in sheep classing and handling.
Linda Goudie EID scanning for fleece weights at Pooginook
March 2009 shearing.
Pooginook on Property Sale
Tuesday 29 September 2009 – 12.30pm Sale
Take up the challenge to breed more Merinos but make sure they’re Pooginook Merino!
220 Rams for Auction
n Medium wool
n Wool quality-fertility-bodyweight
n Balanced Merinos
n Strong network of PGK
Ram Sale Catalogue online from mid September. Semen enquiries welcome.
Flock Rams
Pooginook has a top
selection of flock rams
available for private selection
from September onwards in
grades from $500 to $1000.
A limited number of selected
rams will be available.
Enquiries are welcome.
Please contact Sales Manager
Pat Brown for an appointment
on 02 6954 4676.
Pooginook: Sire Watch
Pooginook Sapphire continues to
impress with high fertility rates
nLast year Sapphire was single joined to 110 ewes and achieved a
70% twinning rate with 0% dries
nA syndicate of Sapphire’s sons achieved 71% twins and 4% dries
nThis year in tougher conditions Sapphire was single joined to
112 ewes and achieved a 60% twin rate with 8% dry
Sapphire is a 2003 drop ram by Jewel. His September 2008 fleece
measurements FD 21.8, CV 14.2, SD 3.1, CF 98.4 and has a body
weight of 109kg.
Pooginook Malcolm
Malcolm is a 2007 drop ram. His potential
was identified in February 2008 as a
weaner and he was selected as a reserve.
He received enormous interest at Bendigo
and his semen has already been sold.
Pooginook has retained Malcolm and he
was joined to 110 ewes in December
2008. Malcolm has also been used in the
Armidale Central Sire Evaluation. Malcolm
is a structurally correct ram with a pure
face and even deep crimping wool.
Weight percentage 104.5%
■■ Greasy
Selling in action. Pooginook Ram Sale 2008
Maverick is a 2007 drop ram out of
special maiden syndicate. Maverick has
been entered into the Sheep Genetics Sire
evaluation. Retained and single joined at
Pooginook. He is a big, plain, open faced
ram with deep crimpy wool.
■■ Body
Weight percentage 109%
■■ Greasy
■■ Body
Fleece Weight percentage 109%
Fleece Weight
percentage 96%
■■ 2008
fleece measurement FD 16.2,
CV 17.1, SD 2.8, CF 99.6
■■ 2008
fleece measurement FD 18.1,
CV 14.8, SD 2.7,CF 99.5
Pooginook Merino Four Corners Road, Jerilderie, NSW 2716
E pooginook@bigpond. com W www.pooginook.com
Jock Campbell, Manager
T 02
John Sutherland, Regional Manager T 02
Pat Brown, Sales Manager
T 02
Neville Kelly, Classer
T 07
M 0447 546 145
M 0428 953 017
M 0427 546 151
M 0427 093 827
6145 F 02 6954 6168
4676 F 02 6954 4672
E [email protected]
E [email protected]
E [email protected]
E [email protected]
®Registered to Paraway Pastoral Company Limited ABN 14 122 572 641. Macquarie Pastoral Management Limited, ABN 26 122 169 368, AFSL 307086 (“MPML”) is the
offeror and Responsible Entity of the Macquarie Pastoral Fund ARSN 123 245 483 (“MPF”). Paraway Pastoral Company Limited is the operating entity of the MPF. An Information
Memorandum is available from MPML. Anyone who wants to acquire interests in the MPF will need to complete an application form that is in or accompanies the Information
Memorandum. Investment in the MPF is not available to retail clients and is only available to persons who are wholesale clients.
Investments in MPF are not deposits with, or other liabilities of, Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 or any other entity in the Macquarie Group and are subject
to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested. None of Macquarie Bank Limited, MPML, MPS or any other entity in the
Macquarie Group guarantees any particular rate of return of the performance of MPF, nor do they guarantee the repayment of capital from MPF.