When a champagne toast turns to vinegar


When a champagne toast turns to vinegar
May 30 2014 / 1 Sivan 5774
Volume 18 – Number 19
Jewish Report
south african
here again!
(page 9)
Photo: Ilan Ossendryver
SA and Israel
When a champagne toast
turns to vinegar
Themba Rubushe (left), chief director Middle East in the Department of International Relations and Co-operation, seen here clinking a glass with Israel’s
Ambassador to South Africa Arthur Lenk, caused quite a stir this week when he was a guest - representing the South African government - at Israel’s birthday bash
at the Israeli embassy in Pretoria. The 66th birthday party, with hundreds of friends of Israel, members of the diplomatic corps, the media and representatives of an
array of political parties attending, was a joyous occasion. Although Rubushe did wish Israel well and paid homage to Jewish Struggle stalwarts and stressed that
the two countries should maintain healthy relations, he laid the blame for the Middle East impasse squarely at the door of Israel. See page 3.
Making sense of Pope
Francis’ Mideast trip
No issue OF OUR
week, owing to
His itinerary is significant. What
he goes to visit first was very
well thought-out. The order of
the people he sees, and shakes
hands with, and the sites he
visits, is very significant.
SAZF: Anti-Jewish hate
crimes in Europe concern
SA Jewish authorities
SA delegation holds
fruitful discussion with
Israeli leaders
Casting Zionism as a cancer
which must be excised from
world polity, smacks of the same
rhetoric to remove Jews forever.
President Peres stressed the
importance of Jews everywhere
maintaining their moral compass
at all times.
Generation Sinai expands
by leaps and bounds
“It’s not every day you get
homework from the Chief
Rabbi.” Last year an estimated
9 000 SA children took part in
Generation Sinai.
May the words of Torah fill your homes
with eternal happiness
011 731 0300
Generation Sinai expanding
by leaps and bounds
Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein’s unity brainchild - Generation Sinai: Sharing our Legacy - has grown in numbers and countries in this, the fourth massive Torah
educational project of its kind being held today (May
30). Held on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, now on an annual
basis, parents, and even grandparents, are visiting the
various Jewish nursery and day schools in the major
centres in South Africa - Johannesburg, Cape Town,
Pretoria, Durban/Umhlanga and Port Elizabeth.
This is the second time there is participation by
schools in other countries - Israel, Australia, the United
States, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Germany, the
Ukraine, Russia and the United Kingdom.
The content of the course has been translated this
year from English into Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish
and German and comprises the Story of Ruth both as
a CD and a transcript. There are two modules on “Life
Lessons from the Story of Ruth”.
The first module looks at how people who are
“different” are treated throughout the story by various
characters, while the second module looks at guidelines from sources through the Oral Torah on how to
treat people.
Both of these modules were supplied to every child
taking part. When sending the material out to parents,
Rabbi Goldstein quipped: “It’s not every day you get
homework from the Chief Rabbi.” He urged parents
to listen to the story with their children before coming
Nazirites and Nunneries
to school.
“Together we have made Generation Sinai a
major highlight of the Jewish calendar. Riding on this
positive energy, Generation Sinai 2014 is launching
something new - special features that will help you
take this awesome experience of Torah learning with
your children home with you,” he said.
Family members paired up with learners in primary
or high schools, while nursery school children worked
on appropriate crafts. Teachers assisted learners who
did not have a family member present.
Last year, in South Africa, it was estimated that
9 000 children took part in Generation Sinai and,
coupled with their family members, the number was
probably double that. This year, the numbers were
expected to increase even more.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan was the chosen date as that
was the day on which the Jewish people first arrived
at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. They stood there
“as one man with one heart”, united and focused on
receiving the word of Hashem.
The Chief Rabbi commented on the video, which
was part of the programme, on the “power, energy,
positivity and inspiration”. It was an outpouring of
emotion, he said.
He exhorted parents: “Take that home with you.
The material is designed to be accessible and relevant
throughout the year... The real place where Jewish
learning happens is in the home between parents and
children. Bring the magic home!”
New Sefer Torah at
Chabad of Sandton
Dignitaries included Rabbis Shabsi Chaiton, Levi
Wineberg, Alex Carlebach, Dovid Chazdan and
Shauli Minkowitz.
Unfortunately Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein was
unable to attend, but sent his best wishes and
support for such a wonderful occasion.
Weinberg said a few words about his late father
and told of his memories of a kind, wonderful man
who was an accomplished musician and played
the drums in the band along with the late Archie
Silansky and Dan Hill. Leon Weinberg is survived
by his wife Mona and children Paul, Melanie Sherman and Suanne Cohen.
Photo: Ilan Ossendryver
A new Sefer Torah has been presented to Chabad
of Sandton by Paul Weinberg and family, Karen,
David and Jonathan Weinberg. The new Torah is in
loving memory of Paul’s late father, Leon Isodore
Weinberg on Leon’s 17th Yarzeit, 23 Iyar 5774.
There was much celebration and fanfare Friday
afternoon May 23, where the last letters of the
Torah in the presence of approximately 150 family, friends and members of Chabad of Sandton
congregation. The completion of the letters was
overseen by Rabbis Chaim Klein and Yossi Hecht.
Rabbi Yossi Hecht of Chabad Sandton; Paul Weinberg; and sofer, Rabbi Chaim Klein.
- 08
– 13June
Parshat Naso
Rabbi Yossy Goldman
Sydenham Shul
The mightiest man in the Bible was, of course,
Samson. He took on the most savage of beasts
and levelled a stadium with his bare hands. In
the end, Samson was undone by Delilah who cut
his hair.
So, why should such an innocuous event have
sapped his strength? The answer is that Samson
was a Nazirite. And as we read in this week’s
parsha, the sacred vow of the Nazirite precludes
him from cutting his hair, coming into contact
with the dead and drinking wine.
At the end of a person’s Nazirite period there
were certain atonement offerings he needed
to bring to the Temple. The Talmud asks why
should a Nazirite, who essentially was taking
upon himself voluntary prohibitions beyond
what the letter of the law, be required to seek
atonement. What sin did he commit?
One Talmudic opinion suggests that because
he denied himself the pleasure of drinking wine
it is considered sinful.
Now the question is why is it wrong to deny
oneself anything? Just because the Creator allows us to enjoy the fruit of the vine is it wrong
to decline? Will I really be held accountable for
every product that the Beth Din approves as
kosher which I choose to do without?
Just because a popular ice cream is kosher,
am I a sinner for sticking to sorbet? And if I
haven’t yet made it to that fancy kosher restaurant in Manhattan, am I desperately in need of
some atonement?
The answer, it would appear, has more to do
with attitude than with iniquity. What is the
right way to live? What should be our approach
to G-d’s creation and the material world? Do we
need to divorce ourselves from society in order
to be holy? Should we reject anything that isn’t
wholly spiritual because we fear it may interfere
with our piety?
There are ideologies which preach celibacy
and revere those who sequester themselves
from the daily grind of worldly activity. They see
the body as unclean and marriage is a less than
ideal concession to human frailty.
Then there are some who climb mountains to
escape to the spiritual realms. The heavens are
far more blissful and sublimely beautiful than
the crass street corners and alleyways of city
Judaism sees it differently. We follow neither
rejectionist nor escapist theologies. We embrace
and engage G-d’s world. Of course, there are
clear guidelines, even rules and regulations. But
within the Torah framework we should work
with the Almighty’s universe.
“In the beginning G-d created heaven and
earth.” Earthiness, too, is part of His vast, eternal plan. That plan is that earthly beings, men
and women, should invest their time, energy,
wealth and wisdom to infuse G-dliness into the
material realm. Every mitzvah we do achieves
just that. We take the physical and transform
it to the spiritual, not by breaking it or running
away from it, but by confronting it and moulding it into something sacred and purposeful.
“Jews have no nunneries,” goes the proverb.
A yeshiva is not meant to be a monastery but a
school which will teach and train our students
to add spiritual value within the material world.
So, the Nazirite who, in his quest for heightened spirituality, found it necessary because
of his own moral weakness to distance himself
from that which the Creator has permitted us, is
somewhat sinful after all. And his attitude does
indeed require some atonement.
Judaism calls upon us to live a higher, otherworldly, life within this world. Rather than
allowing the emptiness of a society to bring us
down, we are challenged to assertively insist on
changing our society for the better. By all means
drink the wine, but do it with a Kiddush and a
Shabbat and YomTov Times
May 30 / 1 Sivan
May 31 / 2 Sivan
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
Erev Shavuot: Candle Lighting
Tuesday June 3/5 Sivan
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
2nd day Shavuot (light from pre-existing flame)
Wednesday June 4/6 Sivan
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
Yomtov ends Thursday June 5/7 Sivan
Cape Town
Port Elizabeth
East London
Parshat Beha’alotcha
June 6/8 Sivan
June 7/9 Sivan
17:05 17:56Johannesburg
Cape Town
16:45 17:38Durban
17:06 17:59Bloemfontein
Port Elizabeth
East London
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Jewish Report
South African
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30 May – 13 June 2014
The South African Zionist Federation (Cape Council) in a media release
“strongly condemns” the death of four
people at the Jewish museum in Brussels and the groundswell of anti-Jewish
feelings that led to the latest in a series
of anti-Semitic hate crimes.
“Following hot on the heels of the
Anti-Defamation League’s international survey of anti-Semitism, which
confirmed that a quarter of the world’s
people harbour clear and classic antiJewish views, two unfortunate incidents
in Europe have shaken our complacency.
“The first occurred in Spain, reputedly
Europe’s third most anti-Jewish country,
following the victory of Maccabi Tel
Aviv over Real Madrid in the Basketball
Euro League. Within days over 25 000
anti-Semitic messages were posted on
Facebook and Twitter.
The Anti-Defamation League survey,
ranked Greece and France as being more
prejudiced against Jews.
“Greece captured the ignominious title
of being the most anti-Semitic country
in Europe. While Greece has a small Jewish population, France has a much larger
community, which is haemorrhaging
Jews badly through emigration, either to
Israel or to North America.
“The anti-Jewish sentiment in France
has been further exacerbated following
the stabbing of two young Jewish boys
(of 16 and 22) outside a synagogue in
Creteil, on May 24.
Photo: Cnaan Liphshiz
Anti-Jewish hate crimes in Europe
concern SA Jewish authorities
Adults and children in a silent vigil outside the Jewish Museum of Belgium in
Brussels for victims of a shooting there by an unidentified gunman, May 25, 2014.
“With 69 per cent of Greeks espousing anti-Semitic views, according to the
survey, Greece was on par with Saudi
Arabia, more anti-Semitic than Iran (56
per cent) and nearly twice as anti-Semitic as Europe’s second-most anti-Semitic
country, France (37 per cent).
The SAZF says the wave of anti-Jewish
hate sweeping across Europe, adding fuel
to the fire, is the negative portrayal of
Israel in the European press. Haim Fireberg, director of research at the Kantor
Centre for the Study of Contemporary
European Jewry at Tel Aviv University,
responding to the global survey confirmed as much when he declared that
“anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism”.
“As bad as European anti-Jewish feelings are, they are generally worse across
North Africa and the Middle East, where
propaganda tends to blame Israel for all
the ills in the world. Conspiracy theories
abound in these societies, blaming Zionists for being behind every setback that
befalls the Arab peoples.
“Casting Zionism as a cancer, which
must be excised from the world polity,
smacks of the same rhetoric to remove
Jews. It is imperative to view the campaign to weaken and delegitimise Israel
for what it truly is a continuation of one
of the oldest hates in the world!”
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A member of the JCA Family of Organisations
SA berates Israel for
stalled peace process
The impasse on a Middle East
solution was laid squarely at the
door of Israel by the chief director
Middle East, in the Department
of International Relations and Cooperation, Themba Rubushe.
Speaking as the South African
government’s representative at
the Israeli embassy function this
week to celebrate Israel’s 66th
birthday, Rubushe’s remarks did
not fit in with the good wishes
extended overall at the birthday
party. But he did pay tribute to
the Jewish Struggle stalwarts
and remarked favourably on the
bilateral relations between the
two countries over many years.
Hundreds of friends of Israel
attended the annual function to
celebrate Israel’s birthday. There
was a real party atmosphere and
the hospitality was enjoyed by all.
Included in the impressive
guest list were members of the
diplomatic corps, media, Jewish
leadership and Christian Friends
of Israel.
After a warm welcoming
speech by Israel’s Ambassador
to SA Arthur Lenk, who reiterated
the successes of Israel and that
country’s efforts to work with the
South African communities in
offering aid and assistance, he
called on Ambassador Rubushe,
to say a few words.
Rubushe extended the South
African Government’s best
wishes, reflecting on the bilateral
relations between the two countries over many years and that
South Africa’s relations with the
Jewish community dated back
even longer, mentioning the number of Jews who had supported
the liberation struggle.
Then he turned to the Israeli/
Palestinian conflict and said the
South African Government
believed that serious negotiations
were the only way forward to
peace as both sides had already
suffered tremendous loss of life,
hoping for the establishment of a
viable Palestinian state, existing
side by side in peace with Israel.
Rubushe made it clear,
however, that “the deadlock in
the peace process clearly lay
with Israel”. He said the stalled
peace talks remained “a serious
concern” to South Africa and
suggested that Israel was faced
with a unique opportunity to reengage in negotiations.
A source in the Israeli
Embassy said it doesn’t see any
change in SA policy towards
Israel, despite Rubushe’s comments. He concluded by wishing
the State of Israel all the best for
the future.
World News
News in Brief
Netanyahu open to
unilateral moves
if peace process
Maccabi Tel Aviv
2 000 mourn
basketball title
Brussels victims at
spurs Spanish anti- silent vigil
Semitic tweets
BRUSSELS - A crowd of some 2 000
JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu said he would be
open to entertaining ideas of unilateral
annexation of certain areas of the West
Bank if the peace process failed.
“The idea of taking unilateral steps
is gaining ground, from the centre-left
to the centre-right,” Netanyahu said
in an interview with Bloomberg View
columnist Jeffrey Goldberg.
“Many Israelis are asking themselves
if there are certain unilateral steps that
could theoretically make sense,” he
Amos Yadlin, the former head of
the Israel Defence Forces Military
Intelligence Directorate, recently told
JNS.org that if peace was unachievable,
“moving independently to shape the
borders of Israel is the better course.
BARCELONA - About 18 000 anti-Semitic
Spanish tweets were posted following
Maccabi Tel Aviv’s recent win over Real
Madrid in the Euroleague basketball
finals. The Jewish community in
Catalonia, Spain, now plans to file a legal
complaint on the tweets.
The tweets, many using the hashtag
#putosjudios (f******g Jews), included
statements such as “F****** Jews. This
didn’t happen under Hitler”, “F******
Jews... they should stick you all in an
oven. F******BASTARDS!” and “F******
Israel and f****** Jews. I have always said
that and I’ll carry on saying it.”
The ensuing lawsuit, which will be
filed by the Barcelona Jewish community
and other local Jewish organisations,
identifies five people who tweeted many
of the anti-Semitic statements, says
Spanish newspaper El Pais. (JNS.org)
people on Sunday gathered for a silent
vigil in front of the Jewish Museum in
Brussels where an unidentified shooter
killed four people.
The gathering came 24 hours after
the shooting at the Jewish Museum of
Belgium in the centre of the country’s
Prime Minister Elio di Rupo was among
the Belgian politicians who cleared time
to attend the vigil on Election Day.
“Elections are usually a celebration for
democracy, but this year that celebration
is in the shadow by this terrorist
attack,” he said later that day at a news
conference. “My thoughts go out to the
Jewish community and their families.”
At the vigil, many lit candles in memory
of the four victims and placed flowers and
Israeli and Belgian flags at the museum’s
Two of the victims were an Israeli
- 08
– 13June
couple on vacation. Emanuel and Miriam
Riva of Tel Aviv, both in their 50s, were
shot in the head and died instantly, as did
Dominique Chabrier, a French volunteer at
the museum.
A fourth fatality was identified as
Alexandre Strens, a museum employee in
his 20s. Strens died in the hospital hours
after he was shot.
“It is good to hear the Belgian
politicians sharing their outrage at this
Saturday’s attack,” said Robin Sclafani,
director of CEJI, a Jewish Brussels-based
not-for-profit which promotes tolerance
through education. “I hope they can finally
hear the alarm this time for what is a
wake-up call that has been snoozed too
many times already.”
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director
of the European Jewish Association, or
EJA, called on European governments to
set up a pan-European task force to fight
“Condemnation after a predictable
attack is nothing but a way to cleanse
one’s conscious” unless it is accompanied
by concrete actions, he said.
Also on Sunday, police released
security camera footage of the
perpetrator entering the museum with an
automatic assault rifle and asked for the
public’s help in locating him and other
accomplices, including a driver who drove
him to the museum in an Audi. (JTA)
Is Palestinian death
video a forgery?
JERUSALEM - A senior Israel Defence
Forces official has cast doubt on the
accuracy of a recently released video
that purportedly shows the deaths of
two Palestinian teens near the Ofer
military prison on May 15.
“Since I have a lot of experience
with forgery, I won’t say anything
unequivocal until we conclude the
investigation,” the anonymous IDF
official told Haaretz.
“We have asked to be given the
additional bullets that were found, and
we are willing to receive them now to
conclude the inquiry,” said the official.
“Since the video appeared, we will try
to corroborate it against the battalion
commander who was there.” (JNS.org)
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Ask the
Rabbis and
QUESTION (anonymous):
There is a talk coming up by the world-renowned sexologist Dr Ruth.
Do you think it is appropriate for there to be mixed seating?
Rebbetzen Aviva Thurgood, Beit Midrash Morasha, answers:
Judaism distinguishes between pritzut (promiscuity) and intimacy in
marriage, which can and should be holy. Sexology - the study of human
sexuality - is, like most sciences “morally neutral” meaning that it doesn’t
concern itself with right or wrong, holy or unholy.
Separate seating (in the contexts in which halacha requires or advises it)
helps to create an atmosphere conducive to holiness. So, before we decide
whether there should be separate seating, we need to know if this is a situation that can be conducive to holiness.
What will the tone of Dr Ruth’s presentation be? What messages will
she send about marital fidelity? Will she teach that our sexuality carries
responsibilities towards ourselves, our spouse and G-d, or that it is a guiltfree pleasure? I believe that those questions are far more critical. Where
we are directing people’s hearts, minds and souls should be addressed
before we direct their placements of their tochus.
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30 May – 13 June 2014
SA delegation holds fruitful
discussion with Israeli leaders
Nature’s way of
making you rise and shine
Did you
have your oats
this morning?
Photo supplied
SAJBD President Zev Krengel, together with
SAZF committee member Greg Kinross and
IUA-UCF Director Naomi Hadar, were in Israel
last week to take part in the Young International Jewish Leaders Forum. The Forum was
addressed by, among others, Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon
The South African delegation also met
separately with Foreign Minister Avigdor
Lieberman, Deputy Finance Minister Mickey
Levy, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister
Jonathan Scheckter, Minister of Justice Tzipi
Livni and former Knesset Speaker Reuven
In the course of Netanyahu’s address,
Krengel asked what Diaspora Jewry could do
for Israel. In response Netanyahu identified
three areas, namely that at the individual level
Jews should invest in and do business with
Israel, take on the role of foot soldiers against
those seeking to delegitimise the Jewish state
and to make aliyah.
President Peres stressed the importance of
Diaspora Jews maintaining their Jewishness
and of Jews everywhere maintaining their
moral compass at all times.
In the meeting with Minister Lieberman,
who last year controversially suggested that
Jews in South Africa were in imminent danger
because of their government’s negative stance
against Israel, Krengel stressed that the Jewish community felt completely comfortable
and secure in living a fully Jewish life.
Orthodox Jews like himself, had no problem in wearing a yarmulke in public, something that would not be the case in much of
Regarding the relationship between government and the community, he said that this
was on the whole a very close and positive
one. The only real sticking point concerned
their respective stances over Israel, and where
necessary the Jewish leadership, as had been
the case regarding the proposed relabeling of
Israeli products from the West Bank, did not
shrink from challenging government. Lieberman said that he had approached the South
African government with a view to including
South Africa in his forthcoming visit to various African countries.
However, he was told that such a visit
would be difficult at this stage as it would be
just after the elections and a new government
would be taking office.
Minister Livni related her disappointment
in the fact that the recent peace negotiations,
in which she had invested nine months of
her life, had not yielded any positive results.
Contrary to what was reported in much of
the media, she felt that US Secretary of State
John Kerry had well understood Israel’s issues
and concerns.
MK Rivlin, who is being touted by some to
replace Peres as president, said he was not
surprised by the failure of the talks as in his
view the PA was not a real partner for peace.
In the meeting with Schechter, Krengel
conveyed the sense of concern felt by Jews in
South Africa over attempts to isolate Israel
in the same way as the apartheid regime had
been isolated.
Minister Levy focused mainly on the Israeli
economy, which he said continued to be very
robust but still had major challenges to negotiate in future if it was to remain that way.
SAJBD President Zev Krengel; Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman; IUA-UCF Director
Naomi Hadar; and SAZF committee member, Greg Kinross, during the meeting of the
South African delegation with Lieberman. The South Africans were in Israel for the Young
International Jewish Leaders Forum.
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Opinion and Analysis
Jewish Report
south african
Stop shouting
across the oceans
With President Jacob Zuma’s new Cabinet in place and
the electioneering hype over, we can return to pragmatism and the country’s best interests.
The link with Israel is a thorny issue this Cabinet must
tackle for Jewish citizens to feel their interests are taken
seriously. Although the diplomatic relationship is “correct”, it is cold. Jews feel South Africa is hostile towards
Israel and sees only the Palestinian viewpoint, even
though its official policy is support for the two-state solution.
South Africa must take the bull by the horns and actively engage with Israel, including on the PalestinianIsraeli issue. Zuma has never shown himself to be fundamentally antagonistic, and in his final term he may feel
politically able to do things he couldn’t do before.
South Africa’s present ambassador to Israel, Sisa
Ngombane, has proved willing to listen and debate - a
breath of fresh air compared with his predecessor, Ismail Coovadia. He is trying to improve ties while still
telling it as he sees it.
In a wide-ranging, frank interview this week in the
Times of Israel, he commented on several hot topics.
Some of his views will please Jews; others will rile them.
He said that “the ANC consideres itself a friend of Israel”, but also that the government is opposed to Israel’s
treatment of the Palestinians and that while urging Hamas to abandon violence and seek to co-exist with Israel,
he considers Hamas “a national liberation movement”,
rather than a terrorist organisation.
On another note, he said: “I’m hoping that the President [Zuma] will feel in his second term that he needs
to see ways how to engage, not from afar, not from a
distance”, adding that a first step towards warming ties
with Israel would be sending a senior Cabinet minister
on an official visit to “see what’s happening” in Israel
and the Palestinian territories. The South African Embassy, he said, had “a lot of plans for visits” and is urging
Pretoria to send ministers to Israel.
Neither Israel nor the Palestinians are above criticism.
And it doesn’t necessarily mean that if a minister visits Israel, he will come back giving it a glowing report
- other South Africans have gone there and returned
still negative. However, if South Africa regards itself as a
“friend”, it must criticise through genuine dialogue, not
basic hostility.
High-profile visits like this are exactly what should
happen. Is it inconceivable that even Zuma himself
might take the leap? Imagine the diplomatic flurry from
The government has been wary of too much open
friendliness towards Israel in order to avoid appearing
disloyal to the Palestinians and South African Muslims.
But South Africa’s guiding philosophy - for which it is respected - is that sometimes it’s better to talk to people,
even if you don’t always agree with them.
It is important to keep the conversation going. This
means candidly talking to Israel about the Palestinian
situation, rather than - in the ambassador’s words “shouting at each other from across the ocean”.
The era of iconic figures like former President Nelson
Mandela, who made a dramatic visit to Israel accompanied by Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris - whom he called “my
rabbi” - is over. We now need serious, thorough diplomatic engagement aimed at fostering healthy relations
and possibly even prodding Israelis and Palestinians towards a rapprochement.
Pope Francis gave a superb example of the hands-on
approach this past past week by visiting the Middle East
and spending time at major emotional sites for both Palestinians and Israelis, such as Israel’s separation barrier
in the West Bank and Yad Vashem.
The message is that you have to actually go there, with
an open mind, to understand the feelings of each side.
Let’s stop shouting from across the oceans and engage
directly at a high level. Israel and South Africa have a lot
to give each other.
– Geoff Sifrin, Editor
30 May – 13 June 2014
Making sense of Pope Francis’
whirlwind Mideast trip
Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90
Pope Francis seen with Israeli President Shimon Peres at a ceremony held at the president’s residence in Jerusalem on May 26.
After intense days of religious ceremonies in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials, unscheduled photo opportunities, Israelis and interfaith relations experts are trying
to attach appropriate symbolism to Pope Francis’ visit to the region.
Nearly every stop made by him was subjected to simultaneous
scrutiny and praise. While long-term tensions between the Jewish
people and Catholic Church were made apparent by the trip, some
experts acknowledge a thaw in Israel-Vatican relations.
“The Jewish people and the Catholic Church in recent years have
found that their 40 years of dialogue have paid off and friendly relationships have resulted,” said Betty Ehrenberg, executive director of
the North American branch of the World Jewish Congress and chairman of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, an umbrella organisation representing prominent Jewish
organisations in discussions with leaders of other faiths.
Ehrenberg, who attended a meeting between the pope and Israeli President Shimon Peres, told JNS.org there was “a friendship
between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people that should be
nurtured” and there “certainly was a warmth to this visit. We have
to realise that we have problems in common, and we have to work
together on these problems,” she said.
Pope Francis planted roots for improved interfaith relations even
before being elected pontiff, said Giuseppe Platania, founder of Italy’s
Israel Allies Caucus, an alliance fostering co-operation and dialogue
between the Italian Senate and Israeli Knesset. He is a friend of the
Jewish people, probably more than others before him, and is open
to dialogue. Francis made a “significant” symbolic gesture during his
first week as pope by making a phone call to Rome’s chief rabbi.
“Back in Argentina, the pope had a strong relationship with the
Jewish community. So he grew up with a strong, positive relationship from before he became pope...When you become a leader of over
a billion people, what you do carries tremendous weight,” he said.
Appropriately, then, every stop by Pope Francis on his Israel trip -
Pope Francis touching the wall that separates Israel from the
West Bank on his way to celebrate a mass in Manger Square in
Bethlehem, May 25. (Nour Shamaly/POOL/Flash90)
planned and unplanned - was scrutinised for its symbolism.
“His itinerary is significant,” Platania said. “What he goes to visit
first was very well thought-out. The order of the people he sees, and
shakes hands with, and the sites he visits, is very significant.”
The pope referred to Palestinian Authority-controlled territory as
the “Palestinian State”, a move that contradicts the UN status of the
Palestinian Authority as a “non-member observer state”. Francis also
landed first in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, a day before his official state welcome by Israel at Ben-Gurion International Airport.
According to Platania, Francis was not the first pope to visit Palestinian-controlled territory before setting foot in fully sovereign
Jewish territory, and the order of the pope’s itinerary may have had
more to do with religion than politics. The New Testament identifies
Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus.
Ehrenberg said there was nothing new about the Vatican’s policy
toward Palestinian statehood. “The Vatican recognised a Palestinian
state many years ago already,” she said.
The pope then surprised many by making an unscheduled prayer
stop at concrete sections of a wall separating Bethlehem from Jerusalem, erected in 2002 to prevent terror infiltrations into Jewish
population centres. He prayed in front of graffiti that read “Free Palestine” and “Bethlehem look like Warsaw Ghetto”, leading to widely
distributed photos.
Ehrenberg said the photo-op in front of the Israeli security fence
“can be interpreted as a PR coup for the Palestinians”, but that Israeli
PM Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the issue when he spoke to the
pope “and explained that the fence was built particularly to prevent
the acts of terror that the international community is so against”.
“It’s not because Israel wanted to build it there,” Ehrenberg said of
the fence. “It was forced upon Israel by terrorist attacks. [Netanyahu]
showed the Pope the plaque remembering the terrorist attacks perpetrated [at the AMIA Jewish Centre] in Buenos Aires.”
Platania said: “This pope is coming across as charismatic, peopleoriented. Some people think that’s great. Others think he has an
agenda. Praying at the security wall was a sign of peace; I wonder
if he wanted to come across as exposing the wall and Israeli policy.”
Even “the best of our friends, eventually even with the best intentions, may want to use that friendliness, the diplomatic efforts,
smiles, and phone calls to rabbis to help promote their own agendas”,
Platania explained. A longer-term issue between Israel and the Vatican relates to Jewish artefacts dating back to the period of the First
Temple and believed to be held in Vatican archives.
“The issue of artefacts is a big deal,” Platania said. “Many people
have asked to visit the archive, and have been denied. It is believed
that there are a lot of items that belong to Jewish heritage - things
that could potentially be from the Temple, but even if they are not,
still belong to the Jewish people, and could be given back.
Returning the items, according to Platania, would be an “amazing
act of reconciliation and friendship”.
Yet the Israeli government appears patient on the artefacts issue,
and is hopeful that there is much to be gained by improving relations with the Vatican. Peres and Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, accepted an invitation from the pope
to pray for peace at the Vatican, on June 6. (JNS.org)
30 May – 13 June 2014
The Pope’s South African media co-ordinator
Photo: www.aed-france.org
Father David Neuhaus, the patriarchal vicar of Hebrewspeaking Catholics in Israel and media co-ordinator for the
pope’s visit to Israel, has strong Jewish South
African credentials. Born in Johannesburg in
1962, he was the grandson of German Jews
who had escaped the Holocaust, and lived in
Yeoville, Johannesburg.
He became a Jesuit monk in 1988, was
ordained a priest 12 years later, and was appointed Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics in 2009. Neuhaus, who considers himself a “standard Israeli leftist” was as
a 15-year-old, sent by his Jewish school to
Jerusalem for four months to deepen ties to
Israel and Judaism.
He was spellbound by Jerusalem from the
moment he arrived. Enjoying a passionate
Read the South African
Jewish Report online www.sajr.co.za
interest in European aristocracy, he followed threads of
historical interest in a variety of directions, including a
meeting with Mother Barbara, an elderly Orthodox nun.
This encounter marked the beginning of a long journey to
When he was 17, after matriculating in
Johannesburg, Neuhaus arrived in Jerusalem.
He studied psychology, political science and
political philosophy at the Hebrew University,
and wrote his PhD on the role of religion in
the political life of Israeli Arabs.
An awareness of the importance of documentation is what led him to accept an invitation to join the board of the human rights
group B’Tselem in 2005.
“We do not have the luxury of playing
games like other nations,” he said, describing
contemporary Israel. “Not because of a religious mission, but because of our history.”
Disclaimer The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a
range of views on any given topic to be expressed. Opinions articulated
in the letters are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the editor, staff or directors of the Jewish Report.
Guidelines for letters Letters up to 400 words get preference. Provide
your full name, place of residence, and daytime contact phone number.
We do not publish letters under noms de plume. Letters should be
e-mailed. Letters may be edited or shortened.
The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected]
Let Habonim first make inroads among the Palestinians
Israel’s brave, moral and ethical soldiers who protect us, and
It seems that once again we have a high ranking member of
the Nazi occupation forces? Shame on you and all those who
Habonim in South Africa making statements that are a little
difficult to comprehend. Let us try and apply some rationality perpetuate that kind of hate speech.
So kind of you to exclude the Shoah. This is truly a myth.
to his viewpoints, as well as taking notes of some of his other
We have just seen a soldier who dared to cock his rifle when
quotes and comments.
threatened, being disciplined by the army, an act which
It is true that there are many Israelis who support a twobrought ridicule to his prosecutors from all normal thinking
state solution. Most of those, however, are of the opinion
that a two-state solution is only possible if both sides accept
We know of soldiers overstepping the bounds and we know
the independence of both states.
that many have served prison sentences for it. We know of
There already was a two-state solution accepted by the
Israeli soldiers who paid the ultimate price for hesitating to
world, with the exception of Israel’s Arab neighbours. We
fire in self-defence when there was a possibility of innocent
now live with the results of that war and the many following
Arab civilians being injured or killed.
wars that were thrust upon Israel. Each time, Israel has been
We also know of Jewish pregnant women and little chilthreatened and attacked, with G-d’s help and the IDF, she has
dren being shot by the terrorists at point-blank range as they
been victorious.
sat injured in a car and we know of a three- month-old baby
Israel has paid a monumental price for these wars. A tiny
having his throat slit by these “freedom fighters”.
country has lost over 23 000 of its people to war and terrorWhen hard questions are asked of those who hold the
ism, a large percentage being innocent children and civilians.
belief that Israel is at fault for not making peace, they tend to
The Arab pastime of murdering defenceless Jews did not
not have time, or tell us to stop living in the past. Are you also
start with the declaration of the state. We know of the masrunning this Dror programme among those who support the
sacre of doctors and nurses on Har HaZeitim, of the murder,
Palestinian cause, or do you make an excuse for only speaking
mutilation and rape of Jews in Hebron after living side by
to those who want peace, namely Jews?
side in peace for many years, and many others.
Perhaps in this one instance you are realists. Perhaps, deep
We also know what happens when we unilaterally hand
down, you know that they will not listen to any constructive
over a territory like Gaza. Habonim’s Ilan Price regards the
solution which will give Israel security and recognition. Why
idea of sitting under a bombardment of missiles from the
don’t you make inroads on the Palestinian side first, and then
West Bank as a myth. Mind boggling.
try to convince us?
So, let’s make an agreement with the Palestinians. How
Perhaps that is a bridge too far.
do you make an agreement with someone whose basis of
negotiations is, no recognition, no compromise on JerusaMichael Rootshtain, Johannesburg
lem, no compromise on any territories, no Jews to live in any
Palestinian territory, no… no… no?
This letter has been slightly shortened – Ed
Finally, how dare anyone make a comparison between
Kathrada expresses extremely selective concern over Palestinians
where in the world” and “freedom and dignity of Palestinians”,
The response of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation in SAJR of
why has he marked these million or so people absent?
May 23, extols him as one of the great human rights activists
His concern for the Palestinians is well-founded, but why
of our time and his integrity cannot be challenged. However,
only one sector of that population? The occupation is somein the context of injustice and comparing SA apartheid to his
thing that must and will end. But life under the occupation
views on Israel, he leaves one more than perplexed.
Let’s for just a moment acknowledge his argument on Israel for these people might be a tad more appealing to those living
and its actions - and while I certainly do not concur and in fact in Lebanon and perhaps he need ask any Palestinian living in
Syria where they would rather be living?
could present more than a convincing argument backed up
It is no secret that to date thousands of Syrians have and
with facts, international law, and history - but for the sake of
are being treated in Israeli hospitals. It is no secret that
this particular issue he has a view to which he is entitled.
Where I am confused, actually mystified, are his motives for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living under occupasingling out only one country for its treatment of the Palestin- tion avail themselves of First World medical care in Israeli
ian peoples. What about the more than one million other “for- hospitals. Perhaps if he were to visit a children’s cancer ward at
Hadassah Hospital, he may arrive at a different viewpoint.
gotten” Palestinians? One can’t believe that he is not aware of
But again one must question Kathrada’s scale of measurethe suffering of nearly half a million Palestinians in Lebanon,
ment when he judges human rights abuses around the world.
suffering under a system of degradation and humiliation far
worse than what ever existed under apartheid in South Africa. Would his perception of abuse, lack of freedom and dignity be
that much more vile in Israel than in any of her neighbors?
Worse still, over 15 000 Palestinians have been slaughtered
Where on his scale would he rate, for instance, Syria, Daronly this month and almost half a million more face a similar
fur, The DRC or Zimbabwe, Sudan, Iran or Saudi Arabia?
fate of being butchered or starved to death to add to the
300 000 people in Syria who have already perished under a
Allan Wolman, Johannesburg
demented regime where our government still maintains a
diplomatic presence.
This letter has been slightly shortened – Ed
Given his concern for human rights, the oppressed “any-
Wishing you all a Chag Semeach
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- 08
– 13June
Kathrada ‘a rankled man so excellently exposed’ by Ariel Ziv
Ouch, it must have hurt to have such stingingly true words from Ariel Ziv (in his letter
from Israel on www.sajr.co.za, taking issue
with Ahmed Kathrada). No wonder a whole
section of the newspaper was demanded by
those representing a rankled man so excellently exposed.
Let us now be absolutely clear about what
Ahmed Kathrada has said:
Regarding Fatah and Hamas: “If they resort
to violence I’ll support them.”
Therefore he supports the murder of the
Fogel family, including their three-month-old
daughter whose throat was slashed as she
slept in her cot, by a full-grown Palestinian
and the murder of the 17-year-old Merkaz
yeshiva students among the hundreds of other
massacres. No comment from our violence“supporting” Mr Kathrada on this. When
Jews are murdered - evidently by his lack of
response - it is fine.
Kathrada declares that Israel treats Palestinians more terribly than “the worst days of
apartheid”. Interesting. I see no signs “Slegs
Israelis” on seats, beaches and toilets. I see Arabs taking part in Israeli elections and gaining
seats in the Knesset.
But alas, it appears Mr Kathrada will not
observe this, nor note that in the worst days of
apartheid no rockets were fired from Soweto
hitting Johannesburg, the way Israel is hit day
after day, making life itself a misery for the
people subjected to this.
Yes, Ben Turok will give the usual platitudinous moan and will say he’s seen no anti-Jewish sentiment against himself from Kathrada
and he’ll carp that pro-Israel supporters are so
disagreeable because they tell the truth. What
exactly apart from Jewish-by-descent does
Kathrada have to hate Turok for? His
flagrantly announced atheism, dissociation
from Jewish life or perhaps his hatred of
Israel? Protesting the lie that he is anti-Israel
and not anti-Jewish, Kathrada is no “man of
integrity”. For when he promotes the murder
of innocent civilians, he joins the ranks of
terrorism. He attempts to repudiate Martin
Luther King’s factual declaration: “When we
talk of anti-Zionism we mean anti-Semitism.”
A man of integrity protests when a threemonth-old baby is murdered by a full-grown
slaughterer; he does not chillingly say: “I’ll
support them.”
Alistair Swaythling
We’re able to learn and grow from life stories of others
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win a
copy of Professor Karabus’ book, “Blood Money The Cyril Karabus Story”, for allowing those overseas to be able to view the current news through
the online site, and for giving us the opportunity
to take part in activities such as this competition.
Finding ourselves at the period of Sefirat
HaOmer - a time when we should all be learning and taking particular note of the teachings
in Pirkei Avot - simple decent behaviour in our
interactions with others, with the Creator and
with ourselves(!) I found it fitting to quote the
teachings of Ben Zoma who says (Pirkei Avot
4:1), “Who is wise? One who learns from every
Spending time reading an autobiography
or even a part of a biography written about a
person’s life can often be one the greatest ways
of learning from the other. Real wisdom comes
to one - as Ben Zoma teaches - when we focus
on the other and see them as being able to offer
something of their own self, to our lives.
When we spend our time seeking to gain a
part of something special that the other has, or
through learning from their experience, we avail
ourselves of the opportunity to truly grow in life.
Personally, I know how much I have gained in
my own life from learning about the lives of others and seeing how much they offer the world,
even when it seems to many that
they have nothing to offer.
We all have our own autobiographies, even if
they aren’t written down. Consequently, every
moment when we interact with another, we have
the opportunity to pause and consider that in
front of us is a person with his or her very own
autobiography and to respect their challenges.
Winning the book now comes at this wonderful
time as we focus on Ben Zoma’s teaching during
these few weeks.
One of the greatest ways for us to grow in life is
to prepare ourselves to truly hear from the other,
see their lives, difficulties, frustrations, loves
and more and to value them for those qualities
they do possess. Through that we stand to gain
a mutual respect and ultimately the additional
advantage of becoming so much wiser ourselves!
Eliyahu Shear
Beitar Illit, Israel
Another thrilled Karabus book winner
Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the prize winners of the Karabus book prize. I
am absolutely thrilled at winning the book and look forward to reading it shortly.
Lucille Liebowitz, Randburg
Looking for any records on Rietfontein Jewish cemetery
In 1995 Rietfontein Hospital celebrated 100
years and opened its doors and grounds to visitors. I took the opportunity (to attend).
The guide told us that there was also a Jewish graveyard on the premises but no records
of that (or in fact any other death of the 7 000
people) has been kept - all disappeared.
In a battle against the “Linksfield low cost
housing proposed development”, the developers deny many things, among them the Jewish
graveyard. The Chevrah Kadisha tried 20 years
ago to locate this graveyard, but as no records
were available, they did not find anything.
So, we are trying to look for evidence with
the help of Jewish Report readers.
Has anybody lost a relative to the plague
who is buried at Rietfontein grounds? Do you
know of people who has relatives buried there
(not necessarily Jewish, but it will help anyway
as there is no record).
Do you know any Jewish people who were
patients at the Rietfontein Hospital? Do you
have any record or evidence written somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any help! The hospital
has no records and nothing was found at the
Pretoria National Archives.
Naomi Dinur
Daniel Linde says he is not ‘from Habonim Dror’
Daniel Linde points out that Naomi Dinur in a letter in Jewish Report of May 23, which discusses a recent
debate he took part in, claims that he is “from Habonim”.
Linde says that as the current Mazkir Klali of Habonim Dror noted clearly at the debate, he (Linde) did
not participate in any way as a representative of that movement.
Says Linde: “While I am personally very proud of the work that my ex-movement is doing, I have in fact
not been ‘from Habonim’ since December 2009.”
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Sydenham Shul brings out
Shwekey - for a third time
In an ambitious initiative, Sydenham Shul is
bringing out Jewish music superstar, Yaakov
Shwekey, 37 (pictured), for the third time in
four years.
In a one-night-only concert at Carnival
City in Brakpan on July 3, Shwekey performs
with composer Baruch Levine, and a 22-piece
orchestra co-ordinated by multi-award-winning local musical performer/arranger Bryan
Schimmel and conducted by Yochi Briskman,
Shwekey’s drummer-producer. Thereafter, he
and his wife Jenine will spend time with Chief
Rabbi Warren Goldstein and his family.
Speaking from New York, last week,
Shwekey told the SAJR his feelings about
visiting South Africa again “are very positive.
“I know how much my performing in South
Africa means to the community,” he referred
to the huge successes of his concerts - also
organised by Sydenham Shul - in 2011 and
2012. “The people are great, as is the level of
Jewish music appreciation.”
Arguably international Jewry’s contemporary music best, Shwekey is a coup for South
African Jewry.
Brooklyn-raised Shwekey’s career began
when he and his brother sang with the Miami
Boys Choir. Balancing Torah learning with
performing, Shwekey, today a father of four,
is known as a singer who gives life to others’
He’s produced 15 solo albums since 2001;
his latest is Kolot, released this year. Shuddering at the thought of condensing reflections on this very special album into too few
telephonic minutes, he promises that South
African audiences will hear “quite a few” tunes
from it in July’s concert.
Most of his pieces are liturgically based.
One of his best known songs, Racheim, draws
from the bensching. “It’s prayer,” he said. “Not
just song. In connecting with G-d; we ask him
for mercy.”
Shwekey is also known for his rendition of
Vehi She’amdah composed by Yonatan Razel.
Speaking to Jewish Report, Schimmel, who
authoritatively handled the musical direction
of Shwekey’s last two South Africa’s concerts,
said: “It’s a combination of things that’s given
Shwekey such status. I think he’s talented; as
with many artists, careful managing and packaging do a lot. When he’s on stage, it’s a good
voice, there’s no question. And he really gets
crowds going.”
Is Schimmel becoming a poster boy for Jewish music? He laughs. “I enjoy being asked.
I enjoy partaking. I also enjoy the buttons I
push. I’m proudly Jewish; proudly irreligious.
Rabbi Yossy Goldman respects me for who I
am; he doesn’t proselytise. I respect that.
“They were wise to put Shwekey with Levine, who is also very revered,” he adds.
Shwekey agrees: “Baruch is extremely talented as a composer, rebbe and teacher.” He
refers, in particular, to the song Refuah which
he and Levine collaborated on.
Rabbi Goldman says this mega event will be
unforgettable. “A once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Imagine 3 000 people, singing, swaying (even
swooning) to music of Shwekey and Levine!”
At the time of going to press, Rabbi Goldman confirmed tickets were selling like hot
cakes; over two thirds were already gone.
Booking is through Computicket and the shul,
where you can get separate seating for men
and women. Call (011) 640-5021.
A N I G H T O F S T U D Y, M U S I C & I D E N T I T Y
P l e n a r y P a n e l : R e v e l a t i o n i n i t s D i f f e r e n t Fa c e t s M s . A r i e l l a
M i l n e r : “ T h e c a s e o f C u l t u r a l J u d a i s m ” P r o f. D a v i d B i l c h i t z :
“ I n d e f e n c e o f O r t h o d o x y ” R a b b i S a ’a r S h a k e d : “ B e i n g a
P r o g r e s s i v e J e w ” C h a i r P r o f. M e r l e W i l l i a m s
R a b b i J o e l O s e r a n : ”A l l J e w s
are mutually responsible to
one another”: The stor y of the
Wo r l d U n i o n f o r P r o g r e s s i v e
Ms. Adina Roth :
“The Sapphire Stone:
experiences of the divine”
D r. D o r a W y n c h a n k : “ R i t u a l
or Shackle: obsessive
behaviour amongst religious
M r. L e w i s L e v i n : O u r M a s t e r
sages on Mt. Sinai
Ms. Jessica Sherman : Songs
of Freedom, for Freedom,
about Freedom
M r. J a m e s L o m b e r g : S o c i a l
Justice as a form of revelation
Tikkun Chatzot – midnight songs & study session with Rabbi
S a ’a r S h a k e d
T U E S D A Y, J U N E 3 R D 2 0 1 4 , 1 8 : 0 0 T I L L A F T E R M I D N I G H T
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30 May – 13 June 2014
Community Talk
Soul Workout’s Soul Sport to be released soon
Soul Workout, the educational Jewish outreach organisation,
will be releasing the 2014 mid-year edition of the spectacular
Jewish Sports magazine, Soul Sport. Look out for another
sensational publication that captures South African Jewish
sport with dynamism and distinction.
Some Soul Sport features: Mandy Yachad, Selwyn
Nathan, Lance Metz, Maccabi SA, Rugby Legends,
Olympic athletes, World Cup 2014, Launching Yehudah
the Gladiator, competitions and prizes, Jewish inspiration
on sport, health and exercise.
Other exciting features include, motor-racing, rugby,
soccer. Contribution by Helen Zille, Heyneke Meyer,
Francois Pienaar and other amazing legends. Also a
specialised feature on kids and health.
Soul Sport touches past, present and future Jewish SA
sports across the sporting spectrum. Don’t miss it!
Soul Sport will have a limited distribution to synagogues and
Jewish day schools countrywide. Soul Sport will also be available
at KosherWorld Supermarket at a cost of R35.
To ensure that you receive a copy, you can also order one to be posted to you by e-mailing
the word Order in the heading bar to [email protected] and follow the reply e-mail
Milchik Shavuot dinner at Waverley Shul
Waverley shul will be having a Milchik
Shavuot dinner in the shul hall, catered by
Jenny Diner R140 per adult, R70 for kids
between 4 and 12.
Bookings through the shul office on (011)
786-0437. Following the dinner there will be
a learning programme at 10pm with Rabbi
Aharon Rose and Rabbi Gabi Bookatz. At
midnight, there will be a debate starring our
youth and teenagers, followed by all night
learning with Rabbi Rose and various textual
sources. Snacks provided throughout the
night and shacharit will be at 6am. Normal
shacharit minyan will also be held at 8.40am
There are also exciting programmes for the
days of Shavuot. The 10 commandments will
be heard. There will be scrumptious brochas
with cheese cake. There will also be ice
cream during the day for the kids.
Friday night 6 June
After the normal Friday night service we have
lined up for what would be our usual Sushi
and Poncho Brocha, Israeli archaeologist Jon
Seligman, who will speak on the subject of
‘Archaeology and the Jews - the Sources
and the Finds’. This promises to be a most
interesting and informative talk.
g e t t h e c o m m u n i t y ’ s at t e n t i o n ! a d v e rt i s e o n o u r m o s t ta l k e d - a b o u t c o m m u n i t y ta l k pa g e !
Jewish Report
south african
Community TALK
The Jewish Report has launched our new and exciting Community Talk, a value-added service to the community OPTION ONE
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HOD starts in 1974 in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
The breakthrough to establish lodges beyond the borders of South Africa came with the formation of the first lodge in Bulawayo,
(in then Rhodesia) in 1974 and followed by the establishment of Lodge Netanya in Salisbury, now Harare in 1977.
Lodge Ashkelon in Bulawayo,
After extensive discussions and visits and
the presentation of a formal application for
a charter to establish a lodge in Bulawayo,
the consecration of the new lodge took
place on September 1, 1974 amid great
acclaim and celebration.
Excitement had grown to the extent that
a special plane was chartered to take the
members from all corners of South Africa
to attend the ceremony in Bulawayo.
Lodge Ashkelon participated actively in
all communal endeavours and are proud
of the fact that almost all major activities
in Bulawayo were in some way sponsored and run by the members of Lodge
Sponsorship of the African Feeding
Scheme raised substantial sums for helping African children to maintain themselves. The Order in South Africa continues to this day to assist Savyon Lodge,
the Jewish aged home, with the delivery
of medical supplies and other items for the
residents who are entertained and visited.
A regular feature each year was the
Chanukah party for the Jewish community
and the dances and quizzes were very
much part of the life in Bulawayo. The
Lodge regularly organised a communal
seder that ensured everyone sat at a seder
table for Pesach. Numerous fundraising
activities benefitted many local charities.
The highlight for underprivileged children
was the annual trip to Victoria Falls, which
enabled so many children to enjoy this
wonderful outing. Presentations we re
made and prizes and school books for
Jewish day schools were made every year.
Close links were maintained with Lodge
Netanya in Harare. The Matzo Project, assisted by the brethren in South Africa, was
a great success and enabled the lodges to
make adequate provisions for all the Jewish families.
Past Presidents Heinz Simon, Irving
Hebrew Order of David Ashkelon Lodge No 39 BULAWAYO
Schmulian, Cookie Sher and Basil Boyer
and many other members, became active
in lodges in South Africa and Johnny Sonnabend, a former member of this lodge
served as Grand Secretary of the Hebrew
Order of David International.
Lodge Netanya in Harare - Zimbabwe
In 1976, the Grand Lodge of the Hebrew
Order of David, having confirmed the
feasibility of forming a lodge of the Hebrew
Order of David, appointed Arthur Kenigsberg to chair a steering committee formed
to start a new lodge in Salisbury.
Charged with the task of forming
Lodge Netanya were: president-elect
Wolfie Blacher; vice-president-elect
Reuben Moss; Jack Amato; Roy Cohen; Adolph Leon; and Eddie Salomon.
Others who became involved were W
Wigoder; Aron King; Roy Sacks; Hugo
Bamberger; Allan Michalowsky; Roy
Narks; Eric Brod; Leon Mayo; Freddie
Wiessenbacher; Ainsley Le Roith; Percy
Simpson; Dave Epstein; Frank Sacks;
Henri Pelham; and Adolph Leon.
The consecration weekend and installation of officers was carried out with dignity,
pomp and ceremony. A large contingent of
visiting brethren from Grand Lodge, Lodge
Ashkelon and many South African lodges
arrived by chartered flight. The tradition of
the installation weekend was carried on
over the years and was the festive highlight of the year. In the first seven years of
its existence the lodge grew from strength
to strength, attracting members from all
the congregations in Harare – Sephardi,
Ashkenazi and Reform. The lodge was the
great unifying factor in the community.
The lodge raised funds for many worthy
charities and continued until it closed, to
ensure the maintenance of communal
activities. Particular reference must be
made to the social activities that ensured
the close bonds between all members of
the community.
Sadly the Hebrew Order of David International is no longer operating in Zimbabwe but does continue to support Savyon
Lodge home for the aged in Bulawayo with
medical and other supplies.
Donations can be made to the bank account shown below or alternatively anyone
able to supply medical and other items
can write to [email protected] for a list of
the items required. The Order will facilitate
delivery to Savyon Lodge.
Bank details
Hebrew Order of David SA Governing
Lodge. Investec Bank
Account No: 10011632410
Hebrew Order of David Lodge Netanya No 42 SALISBURY
HOD International spotlight on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
Last month we featured the Randfontein
Lodge of the Hebrew Order of David
International. Judging by the overwhelming number of messages from people who
lived in Randfontein and surrounds, it must
have been wonderful during those days
and the Hebrew Order of David was at the
heart of that community.
The photographs published in this series
are part of the records of the Order and
while we appreciate that many of the faces
have been identified, we are looking for
more, much more. We want stories and
memorabilia from those who lived and
worked in these towns and had strong
ties to the Order via friends and family.
We want to increase our knowledge of the
Order and its connections with the community. This month we are highlighting
Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and we hope that
many of you will respond with tales of life
across the border.
The Order is calling on the community
in South Africa and around the world, for
assistance in filling in the missing information and recovering items of interest to add
to our archives.
Please search your cupboards and
drawers and that old suitcase sitting in the
garage and see if you can find anything
that will add to our archives. We know
that the Hebrew Order of David touched
the lives of so many South African Jews
in many ways and are asking for you, the
knowing community to be a part of this
Work is currently under way to open
new lodges in Johannesburg, Dallas and
Atlanta. The intention is to grow the Order
and to spread the good work of the Order
around the world, so wherever you are and
if you are interested, we want to meet you.
If you want to send information, you can
scan and fax to 086 608 9233 or e-mail to
[email protected]. We have representatives willing to collect items in your area
or we’ll arrange for a courier to collect at
our expense. Of course if you want to join
a growing Jewish fraternity, you should
contact us by e-mail to [email protected]
or by phone (011) 640-3017 and we’ll get
together for a discussion.
Lisa Vetten
Has worked in the field of Violence Against Women
since 1991 as a counsellor, para-legal trainer and researcher.
Sheri Hanson
Social Worker and presently running “Kidsafe” for
Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein.
A survivor of family abuse will speak out.
Wednesday 11th June, 2014
9:00am for 9:30am
Beyachad Auditorium, No 2 Elray Street, Raedene.
Tea will be served
Donation: R50
RSVP Barbara (011) 645-2591
Email [email protected]
Booking essential for catering purposes
- 08
– 13June
The children of Sydenham Hebrew Pre-Primary School
are counting the days until we get the Torah on Har Sinai. They have been introduced to the different names
of Shavuot and the Story of Ruth will be read.
Beautiful artwork adorns the classes and the children have been singing Shavuot songs. In preparation
for the upcoming chag of Shavuot, the children had a
hands-on experience and turned cream into butter as
it is customary to eat dairy products on Shavuot. The
butter was then spread on their challah and thoroughly
enjoyed by all.
We look forward to Generation Sinai where we will
be spending an inspiring morning learning together
with parents and children.
Chase Cohen turns cream into butter.
Photo: Hayley Brest
Sydenham Pre-Primary tots get
ready for Shavuot
TA Primary’s hot chocolate brings
succour to waiting patients
Photo: Estee Stern
Shalom Bayit
Under the auspices of the
Co-ordinating Council of National
Jewish Women’s Organizations
of S.A. and Judith Harrisberg
Memorial Fund
What started as 67 minutes of community service
for former President Nelson Mandela’s birthday
last year, has become an ongoing outreach project
by children from Torah Academy Primary School
- handing out hot chocolate and sandwiches to
patients of all ages at the Orchards Clinic adjacent
to Torah Academy. With the cold, wintry mornings
having set in, patients queue from as early as 05:00
for their regular check-ups and medication and, by
the time they are ready to receive attention from the
doctors and nursing sisters, they are tired, cold and
hungry. Many of them go straight from the clinic to
their respective jobs, while the pupils go next door
to start their classes. The TA children visit the clinic
on a fortnightly basis, alternating with other schools.
Pictured are Chanan Benjamin, Eitan Henen, Rafi
Ash and Aviel Shenker.
30 May – 13 June 2014
Today Friday (May 30)
• UZLC hosts David Saks on “South African
Jewry and the 2014 Elections”. Venue: Our
Parents Home. Time: 12:45 - 14:00. Cost:
Members R50, non-members R55. Contact:
Gloria, 072-127-9421 or (011) 485-4851.
Sunday (June 1)
• RCHCC rescreens by popular demand the
documentary, “The Ritchie Boys”. Venue:
Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30.
Donation: R70 (incl refreshments). Booking:
Hazel or René (011) 728-8088/8378, a/h:
(011) 728-8378, or e-mail: rchcc@telkomsa.
net or [email protected] or www.
De Klerk receives
honorary doctorate
from Haifa University
The University of Haifa on Tuesday conferred
an honorary doctorate of philosophy on former
President FW de Klerk, “the University of Haifa’s
highest accolade”. De Klerk was honoured along
with a number of other recipients.
In a media release, the university quoted the
following words of De Klerk at the ceremony.
“In the beginning of the ‘90s a historic window
of opportunities opened up before us. We knew
that the circumstances will never again be so
favourable. Leaders must have an open eye for
windows of opportunity that allow them to take
bold steps.”
De Klerk, with former president Nelson Mandela,
received a Nobel peace prize for his role in the
smooth, bloodless transition to a democratic South
Africa, bringing an end to apartheid.
Added De Klerk: “We had to acknowledge the
fact that the apartheid policy was bad for the
people of South Africa, and that we had to make a
He received a standing ovation from a crowd of
hundreds that filled the Hecht Museum auditorium
at the university.
De Klerk said that in order to bring about
historical changes, a number of factors must be
met. In the case of South Africa those factors
were the government’s understanding that the
racial segregation policy had failed and that it
was morally unjustifiable, as well as the role that
Nelson Mandela played in leading to a non-violent
political change.
Even the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the
time helped to make clear that only democracy
would lead to prosperity. He also noted that leading
the change would not have been possible had the
attempts been made 10 or 20 years earlier.
“History moves at its own pace: sometimes in
a painfully slow way, and sometimes very rapidly.
The role of the leader is to identify these shifts and
act at the right time.
“With all humility, I would like to dedicate this
honorary degree to all South Africans, whose
courage and belief in a better future enabled such
a change.”
He hoped that the lessons learned in South
Africa, about conducting non-violent negotiations
and the ability to recognise windows of opportunity,
would be of use to other countries dealing with
What’s On
• Les Weil Humanitarian Trust hosts a
presentation and documentary by Ilan
Ossendryver on “The Last of the Remaining
Jews of Ethiopia”. Venue: Home of Dori
Weil, 30 Saxon Road, Sandhurst. Time:
15:00. Donation: R150 pp (incl tea).
Proceeds to assist disadvantaged Ethiopian
children living in Israel. Booking essential:
(011) 645-2591 or Barbara at ujwexec@
• Second Innings hosts Kathy Kaler, CEO of
ChaiFM on “A Morning with Kathy Kaler”.
Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden
Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20
members, R30 visitors. Contact: Linda
Fleishman or Hylton Marks on (011) 5329616.
• JWBS has a book fair and morning market
at Jabula Recreation Centre, Sandringham
from 08:30 onwards. Many exciting stalls,
fun for the kids, good food and thousands
of well-sorted second-hand books.
Enquiries: (011) 485-5232.
Monday (June 2)
• WIZO Tzabar hosts a Shavuot morning
filled with cheese and inspiration.
Roz Basserabie will speak on ‘’Being a
Woman… Your Power and Your Magic’’.
Time: 10:00. Cost: R60. RSVP for
catering purposes and venue details to:
Ayala, (011) 882-9875 or 082-412-2269,
Graciela, (011) 882-6060 or 082-9250924.
Tuesday (June 3)
• B eit Emanuel in Parktown hosts a Shavuot
service followed by a light dairy meal
and cheesecake competition. Join us
afterwards for an evening of study, music
and identity with guest speakers Rabbi
Joel Oseran and many others such as
Rabbi Sa’ar Shaked, Prof David Bilchitz,
Prof Merle Williams etc. Time: 18:00.
Contact: (011) 646-6170.
Thursday (June 5)
• Join WIZO every Thursday for a “Lunch
& Learn” shiur with Rabbi Michael
Katz. Venue: Beyachad. Time: 13:00.
Information: WIZO office (011) 645-2515.
Community Columns
To book your classified notice or advert contact:
Tel (011) 274-1400, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected]
A column of the Chevrah Kadisha
Death be not proud
• Commercialism has no place
I remember learning a poem by
in our cemetery. We have no
that title at school. Many of you
catalogues offering a selection of
probably learned it too. The gist
solid wood, satin-lined, bronzeof it is the writer’s defiance. He
edged coffins to choose from
addresses death directly, refusing
and Tahara and Kaddish are
to be cowered and telling it that
not optional extras (or added
we have nothing to fear because,
ultimately, death will itself die
Every Jew in Johannesburg
when people are granted eternal
is buried in a simple pine coffin
life in the World to Come.
and in each case the Tahara
Those are brave words. As
is conducted with the same
much as it is a part of life and
reverence, prayers are recited
inevitable, death remains a subject
in the same manner and no
we approach with great sensitivity
differentiation is made between
at the Chev. An integral part of
Partners in a prince and a pauper - everyone
our work, Jewish law and custom
being completely equal in death.
provides strict guidelines for
Michael Sieff • Our charges are all-inclusive
treating death and the departed
Group CEO
and moderate by comparison
with particular respect and
with those in other countries.
Make no mistake, the costs are real and
That part is universally Jewish. But
R21 550 makes us no profit. I have heard
where this Chevrah Kadisha - your Chevrah
that funeral charges can start from $30 000
Kadisha - is entirely unique is that:
in the US and every additional item - even
• We never demand up-front payment
collecting the body - is an extra charge.
before a funeral. First we do what must be
• Finally, I am in no fear of contradiction
done, in the identical way and with equal
when I say that we are the only Chevrah
dignity, for every person we bury. It is only
Kadisha in the world that takes
afterwards that we request payment to
responsibility, not only for the departed,
cover our costs.
I know from many sources that in Europe, but for the living as well.
We receive innumerable letters of thanks
the US and elsewhere, unless payment is
and praise for our burial services and that
made in full beforehand, no funeral will
is a badge of honour we share with you.
take place. For us, accustomed to higher
Ours is not only a unique Chevrah Kadisha,
standards of kindness and consideration at
it takes a unique community to build a
a difficult time, this is unthinkable.
Chevrah Kadisha like this.
An extension and practical result of
May our partnership continue to thrive!
our policy is that the funerals of indigent
Please communicate with me on feedback@
people without family, are financed by the
This column is paid for by the Chevrah Kadisha
Hawley Marble and
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Community Columns
30 May – 13 June 2014
A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies
In face of anti-Semitism, be vigilant
The start of the week was unfortunately taken up by
responding to the tragic weekend events, in which four
people were killed in an attack by a gunman at the Jewish
Museum in Brussels. On the same day, two Jewish community members in Paris were assaulted and injured, in
one case seriously, when leaving the synagogue.
The Board has since conveyed its concerns to the Belgian and French embassies, as well as its condolences to
the Jewish leadership of the two countries. In times like
this, world Jewry can only express their solidarity with
Above Board one another and pledge to assist in any way they can.
At the recent American Jewish Committee conference,
Mary Kluk
of the main focuses of discussion was the rise in antiNational Chairman
Semitism in Europe. These attacks have sadly demonstrated how well-founded these fears are. Certainly, the
governments of the respective countries involved have a
responsibility to take appropriate steps to combat such
dangerous trends, but Jews themselves must obviously
do whatever they can to protect themselves.
Here, it is necessary to adopt a short-term and longterm strategy, the first dealing with the symptoms and
the second the underlying causes of anti-Semitism. Thus,
all Jewish communities need to adopt whatever measures they can to ensure the immediate security of their
installations and the safety of their members.
This entails constant vigilance combined, wherever
possible, with bringing to book those responsible
for ant-Semitic acts. At the same time, we have to
recognise that the underlying cause of anti-Semitism
is irrational prejudice based on ignorance.
Here, we must make a difference through promoting human rights education, something I am
fortunate enough to be involved in on a daily basis
through my work with the SA Holocaust and Genocide Foundation.
The aim of the Foundation’s educational programmes is, in teaching about the Holocaust, to make
visitors aware of the horrific consequences unchecked racial discrimination and xenophobia can have.
Because the Holocaust forms part
of the curriculum for grade nine
learners, a substantial proportion of those who are
exposed to these programmes are younger people
shortly about to enter adult society.
They are taught the fundamental lesson that while
the Nazi genocide ended in acts of murder, it began
with hateful words, unfounded slanders against an
entire people that were allowed to gradually seep into
and poison the collective consciousness.
Every individual is confronted with choices every
day about how he or she treats other people; through
the SA Holocaust Foundation, we stress the responsibility they have to choose correctly.
It makes me very proud that in South Africa, there
is a great deal of political will to deal with all forms of
prejudice, through the political and law enforcement
structures as well as in the civil society arena.
As Jews, we are both beneficiaries of and participants
in that culture. It can never be something we can take for
granted, but instead has to be constantly guarded and
strengthened to ensure that the iniquities of the past are
not revisited on future generations.
• Listen to Charisse Zeifert on ChaiFM every Friday 12:00
- 13:00. This week, she talks to SAJBD Gauteng chair on
Jews and football, and Swedish filmmaker Magnus Gertten
on his movie, Harbour of Hope .
This column paid for by SA Jewish Board of Deputies
the again
Comrades madness strikes
line within five hours 59 minutes and 59
The silver cut-off gun is fired on seven
hours 30 minutes. There is still a Bill Rowan
BOAT medal at nine hours. You’ve still got 11
Jack Milner
hours to win a bronze. There’s a final cutoff at 12 hours.
A Jewish South African who has become a
I do not profess to be an authority on
in this race is Vic Boston (pictured).
rugby. During my time at school I actually
line up on Sunday morning
Pietermadeveloped a hatred for the game because
in his 38th successive
it was continually jammed down our
He was just 18 when
1977 and has won a
I However,
use the word
as I got older and became
runs - 17 Silvers, 11
more involved in the world of sport and
and nine Bill Rowthey
began to understand the nuts and bolts
than nine hours).
of the game, I actually began to enjoy
of seven
it very much. Whatever I might think I
hours eight minutes and 21
sets in. After 70km they
know, I will always bow in admiration to
in the by
will reach Pinetown and
Cricketer Faf duseconds
Plessis is
his tea
the likes of commentator Dan Retief who
then begin the climb up
has a marvellous understanding of the
Now 54, Vic has to find
Cowie’s Hill. By then most
he took advantage of a lucky bounce of
the gruelling race getting
participants are panting for
However, what I have learned during
the ball to score the only try - and furtougher and tougher but he
air and the shuffle converts
thermore superb
defence by the Boks.
continues to compete.
to a walk.
the past
years that
By then the 10 gold
consider him totally com- of
medallists are safely back at
and not Cricket
becomeStaa “fan with a pen”.
attacking rugby.
In theother
20 minutes
I only
to see the
of the game they
were probably
lucky to
he needs
to be committed.
in Durban.
To earn
half of the
versus Eng- have spent twoBut
of itthose
in the
a remarkable
Wally Hayward
on finishing
Sunday morning I sat
England half. The
remaining 18 minutes
have Test
to cross
through the replay. Knowing the result,
I could put the excitement of a close
encounter behind and dispassionately
interpret what I had watched.
After a little thought I came to the
following conclusion: In simple terms, all
that won us the game was an inspirational moment from Willem Alberts in which
was played somewhere on the Boks’ 22m
There is little doubt that England,
when it comes to attacking, are equally
inept and they certainly had enough
chances. We kept conceding penalties in
the dying moments but one has to say
that England’s decision to go for posts
What’s On
professor of English at Wits, on “Please
a Chag
Sir, I Want Some More”, Charles Dickenstruly
and children in this his bicentenary
film, “The Debt”, directedSupermarket
by John
year. Time: 09:30. Contact: (011) 648only
Madden and starring Helen Mirren,
fax 086 273-3044. Donation:
Kosher Supermarket
in South1053,
Sam Worthington, Jessica Castain and
R20. Join UJW for an informal tea after
is on your doorstep
Tom Wilkinson. Venue: Clive M Beck
the lecture.
Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation:
R60. Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- Thursday (December 6)
8088/8378, after hours (011) 728-8378,
| CALL: 011 440 9517 | [email protected] | www.kosherworld.co.za
e-mail: [email protected]
or rene.s@ • UJW CT adult education division hosts
FRI: 7AM-4PM |or
- 10PM
Isaac| SUN:
will talk on “Jewish Life
in the Island of Rhodes – From Begin• JJMC, with musical director Evelyn
ning to End”. Venue: Stonehaven. Time:
Green presents a musical tribute to the
10:00 for 10:30. Entrance: R20 (incl
Chag Sameach!
Wishing you a happy Shavuot