modulogreen specifications
modulogreen specifications
MODULOGREEN SPECIFICATIONS (Generation 2) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 1 - Specifications............................................................................................................................................ 3 2 - Installation................................................................................................................................................ 6 3 - Irrigation ................................................................................................................................................... 8 4 - Fertilizer.................................................................................................................................................. 12 5 - Drainage ................................................................................................................................................. 12 6 - Building insulation .................................................................................................................................. 13 7 - Growing medium specification .............................................................................................................. 14 8 - Lighting ................................................................................................................................................... 15 9 - Plant palette for indoor applications ..................................................................................................... 17 10 – Plant palette for outdoor applications ................................................................................................ 27 11 – Basic numbers ..................................................................................................................................... 37 2 - ModuloGreen indoor living walls ........................................................................................................... 38 13 - ModuloGreen outdoor living walls ...................................................................................................... 39 14 - ModuloGreen living columns ............................................................................................................... 40 15 - ModuloGreen city scapes ..................................................................................................................... 40 16 - ModuloGreen living fences .................................................................................................................. 40 17 - Recommended hardware ..................................................................................................................... 41 18 - Resource centre ................................................................................................................................... 43 ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 The Modulogreen Living Wall Origin: France Launch: 2003 Track record: More 500,000 square feet installed all over the world Canada: A dozen living wall installations in Canada since 2013 A living ecosystem on your wall - how cool is that? Designed with simplicity in mind, and based on living wall technology popular in Europe, our ModuloGreen Living Wall system ensures your vertical garden will thrive. 1 - Specifications The ModuloGreen is a soil-based living wall system, making water use and the maintenance needs extremely low, thus limiting the long-term cost associated with the system. The horizontal orientation of the planting areas makes it very easy to plant, and the ample space available for the roots to develop allows for a diversity of plants to flourish. The smart design also makes it easy to change the plants according to the season or to customer preferences. 100% recyclable ABS plastic was chosen for its resistance to warping, compatibility with roots and for its thermal properties. Each module is designed to overlap with another, making the entire living wall seamless and completely waterproof. The 2015 ModuloGreen panels present some new features. - Integrated water reservoir for each cell, - Integrated draining filter layer at the bottom of each panel, - Integrated washer all around the panels increasing the water tightness, - Irrigation bridges in case of emitters ending between two panels, - Larger volume of soil per plant (4 Liters), - Possible insulation from the inside to protect the roots, - New sizes and more panels, increasing the versatility of the system. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 2 - Installation Wishbone studs (made of recycled plastics) Aluminum profiles (lightweight) The ModuloGreen Living Wall attachment structure (made of profiles or studs) is fastened to the building wall. Its depth can be adjusted to create a variable air space between the modules and the building wall (see pictures above). This space guarantees optimum air circulation behind the modules to prevent any risk of condensation or other exchange between the building wall and the green wall system. There are many materials on the market that can be used as studs or profiles: Regular 2 x 4” wood studs or aluminum hat track – Mostly for indoor projects. Wishbone studs made of recycled plastics – Great for outdoor projects as they will resist all weather conditions and last forever. Aluminum profiles – Extremely lightweight, they can be mounted on plastic trim to avoid any thermal bridges (energy transfer from the inside of the building to the outside). The system is completely waterproof thanks to the overlap between the interlocking modules which prevents water from running behind the living wall. All ModuloGreen panels are pre-drilled and so very easy to screw or bolt to any support structure mounted on a wall. See drawings below. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 3 - Irrigation The automatic irrigation system is independent of the living wall, invisible, and is controlled by a programmed timer. The drip system allows regular irrigation of 1.2 L/hr from each emitter. Remote monitoring of watering levels is also available, and allows for better upkeep of the garden and faster reactivity to weather changes. Our remote intelligent irrigation system includes moisture sensors and is connected via a Wi-Fi network, and as such can be accessed and controlled online from anywhere in the world. ModuloGreen was designed to preserve water as much as possible. The injection molds we have developed allowed us to create internal curves insuring a great water distribution throughout the entire system. Please be aware that each panel drains to the next one. The average water usage in a temperate climate is 22L/sq.ft/year for outdoor living walls and 11L/sq.ft/year for indoor living walls. Irrigation is the most important part of any living wall, ensuring its health and longevity. Three irrigation options exist. The costs associated with these different systems varies. 1. Hand watering – The best option for small-scale living walls. It is mostly used for small commercial living walls that are installed by interior landscapers, who have a team regularly visiting their jobsites. It is the most risky option as it relies on someone to remember to water the living wall. 2. Close circuit system with water reservoir – A good option for small to medium scale living walls, to be used mostly indoors when there is limited access to water. The irrigation system is connected to a pump (connected to a timer), which is plunged in a water reservoir. The reservoir is usually located at the bottom of the living wall and doubles as a water runoff collector, but can also be placed in an adjacent room. This system also relies on somebody to fill the water reservoir and add some liquid fertiliser once in a while (see below some pictures). ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 3. Connection to the main water supply – This is the best option as the entire system will be fully automated and connected to a fertiliser injector, guaranteeing the long term health and viability of the plants. By far the safest option as it does not rely on anybody for maintenance (besides regular checks). See explanations below. A – Manual valves B – Automatic valves C – Timer D – Fertilizer injector E – Filter F – Pressure gauge G – Backflow preventer H – Shut-off valve with purge I – General filter with purge Water distribution inside the panels Close loop irrigation system connected to the fertiliser injector ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 Details (outdoor situation) regarding the dripline assembly and connections at the top of the panels. Details showing the water supply (1/2” pipe) at the top of the wall and the drain at the bottom. We highly recommend having a water supply with a female thread at the end of it. The dripline will be directly connected to the pipe, while the gutter collecting the excess water will be connected to the drain. The location of these outlets can vary according to the project. It is extremely important to use a dripline with a 6” (max 8”) space between each emitter. Do not use driplines with 12” spaces between the emitters as some plants may not get watered. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 In the case that an emitter ends between 2 ModuloGreen panels, we have developed little connectors, or “water bridges”, that equally distribute the water to the adjacent panels. This drawing shows the loop assembly of the irrigation system which guarantees water distribution inside the system. It is crucial to plan the irrigation system in the early phase of the project design as water supply and drainage for excess water runoff will have to be installed. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 4 - Fertilizer Slow-release, controlled fertilizers are initially incorporated in the growing medium during the planting and are diffused progressively to aid plant assimilation. A water/fertilizer injector is also integrated into the irrigation system to supply the nutrients necessary for the plants to thrive ongoing . 5 - Drainage A few options exists when it comes to dealing with water runoff: Ground drainage – Outside the living wall can simply drain to the ground. A flower bed or a planter can be installed beneath the wall to make the most of the runoff. Drainage to a water reservoir – Mostly for indoor projects with a limited budget or limited access to water. It can also be installed outside and connected to a big water tank. Drainage to a gutter – In this case, a gutter collects the runoff. A slightly risky option as the gutter can overflow if the runoff is greater than the gutter capacity. Gutter connected to a drain – In this case, the gutter collects the water and carries it to a drain. This is the best option, limiting any risk of potential flooding. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 6 - Building insulation In most cases, the building’s insulation will be on the inside of the building. In some cases, the insulation will be outside of the building, and the living wall offers great protection for such insulation. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 7 - Growing medium specification The dependability of the ModuloGreen concept resides also in the nature of the growing medium, which has been engineered and designed to be stable in a vertical growing situation. The ModuloGreen growing medium is inert, offering a healthy environment which does not favour the development and spreading of parasites, and has been designed to guarantee ideal root development over time. Our growing medium does not become compacted over time and provides an excellent balance between water retention and drainage. It is the ideal composition for establishing plants in a living wall. (See substrate composition at the end of the book). It is important to have a drainage layer at the bottom of each panel, consisting of a filter cloth (shown in pink) above the aggregates (shown in brown). This layer prevents fine pieces of the substrate from clogging the system. (See drawing on the left) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 8 - Lighting Outdoor green walls: Plants should be fine under normal daylight conditions but need to be carefully chosen according to the green wall orientation. Indoor living walls: In many cases, a supplemental lighting system is required to ensure the plants’ viability. Different families of artificial lights • Incandescent lights • Halogen lights • Fluorescent lights • LED lights • Metal Halid lights (MH) • High pressure sodium lights (HPS) The basic idea when it comes to choosing a light source: Light creates lumens which are very good for plants. The light emitted from the source is then distributed over the area to be illuminated. The illumination is measured in "lux", a measurement of how many lumens falls on each square meter of surface. An illumination of 1000 lux implies that 1000 lumens are falling on each square meter of surface. IMPORTANT NOTE: We recommend using Metal Halid lights if there is absolutely no natural light available, and LED lights when there is insufficient natural light. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 • Metal Halid lights (MH) MH bulbs emit light that is the strongest at the blue end of the spectrum. It is a stark, cool white light that produces compact, leafy growth. Up to 1000 Watts. • High pressure sodium lights (HPS) High-pressure sodium lights enhance the fruiting and flowering process in plants. Plants use the orange/red spectrum HPS in their reproductive processes, which produces larger harvests of higher quality herbs, vegetables, fruits or flowers. Up to 1000 Watts. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 9 - Plant palette for indoor applications While not exhaustive, this is a list of our favourite species of indoor plants that we have used successfully for living walls. Other species can be used. 1) Aeschynanthus lobbianus 'Mona Lisa' (Lipstick plant) 2) Aglaonema modestum 'Jubilee' (Chinese Evergreen) 3) Aglaonema modestum 'Silver Bay' (Japanese Leaf) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 4) Anthurium species 5) Asparagus plumosus (Asparagus Fern) 6) Dwarf Banana tree ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 7) Calathea Burl Max (Calathea) 8) Chamaedorea elegans (Parlour Palm) 9) Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' (Spider Plant) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 10) Dracaena demerensis 'Janet Craig' (Cornstalk Dracaena) 11) Dracaena warneckii 'Lemon Lime' (Dracaena Lemon Lime) 12) Dracaena warneckii 'Variegated' (Corn Plant) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 13) Epipremnum aureum 'Golden' (Golden Pothos) 14) Epipremum aureum 'Marble Queen' (Marble Queen Pothos) 15) Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' (Neon Pothos) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 16) Hedera helix (Ivy) 17) Maranta leuconeura (Green Prayer) 18) Maranta leuconeura (Red Prayer) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 19) Monstera deliciosa (Monstera) 20) Nephrolepis exaltata (Boston Fern) 21) Peperomia obtusifolia (Peperomia) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 22) Peperomia obtusifolia 'Variegated' (Peperomia Orba) 23) Philodendron bipinnatifidum (Lacy Tree Philidendron) 24) Philodendron cordatum (Heart Leaf Philodendron) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 25) Philodendron erubescens 'Congo Red' (Red Congo) 26) Philodendron species 'Brazil' (Brazil Philodendron) 27) Scindapsus pictus (Satin Pothos) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 28) Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum (Peace Lily) 29) Syngonium podophyllum 'Glo Glo' (left) - 'Whyte Butterfly' (right) (Syngonium) 30) Tradescantia pallid (Wandering jew) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 10 – Plant palette for outdoor applications While not exhaustive, this is a list of our favourite species of outdoor plants that we have used successfully for living walls. Other species can be used. 1) Acorus gramineus (Dwarf Sedge) 2) Bergenia cordifolia (Heartleaf Bergenia) 3) Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 4) Calluna vulgaris (Heather) 5) Carex comans 'Frosty Curls' (Frosty Curls) 6) Carex morowii 'Ice Dance' (Carex Ice Dance) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 7) Carex oshimensis (Evergold) 8) Cerastium tomentosum (Snow in Summer) 9) Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Mop’ (Japanese falsecypress) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 10) Cotoneaster species (Honeysuckle) 11) Dianthus species 12) Euonymus species ‘Emerald N Gold’ (Euonymus Gold) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 13) Euonymus Fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ (Euonymus Silver) 14) Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue) 15) Gaultheria procumbens (Eastern Teaberry) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 16) Heuchera species 17) Hosta species 18) Hypericum calycinum (Hypericum) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 19) Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ (Blue Star Jumiper) 20) Lavendula munstead (Lavender) 21) Liriope muscari (Liriope) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 22) Liriope spicata (Silver Dragon) 23) Lonicera nitida (Lonicera) 24) Luzula nivea (Snowy Woodrush) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 25) Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black Mondo-Grass) 26) Phlox douglasii (Columbia Phlox) 27) Polypodium vulgare (Licorice fern) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 28) Polystichum munitum (western sword fern) 29) Vinca major (Periwinkle) ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 11 – Basic numbers MODULE WEIGHTS AND AREAS MG90x81: 7.8 sq.ft – 15.5lbs (2lbs/sq.ft) MG60x81: 5.2 sq.ft – 8.5lbs (1.6lbs/sq.ft) MG30x81: 2.6 sq.ft – 4.5lbs (1.7lbs/sq.ft) MG90x43: 4.1 sq.ft – 10.5lbs (2.6lbs/sq.ft) MG60x43: 2.7 sq.ft – 5.5lbs (2lbs/sq.ft) MG30x43: 1.4 sq.ft – 3.5lbs (2.5lbs/sq.ft) MG90x24: 2.3 sq.ft – 5.5lbs (2.4lbs/sq.ft) MG60x24: 1.5 sq.ft - 3lbs (2lbs/sq.ft) MG30x24: 0.8 sq.ft - 2lbs (2.5lbs/sq.ft) The largest module contains approximately 60 - 80 liters of growing medium (app 2 bags), depending on the composition, and saturation. ADDITIONAL WEIGHTS Substrate: 4lbs/sq.ft Plant: 4lbs/sq.ft Studs/Wishbones: 2lbs/sq.ft AVERAGE NUMBERS 14 lbs/sq.ft MAX (Including saturation) 63 kg/sq.m MAX (Including saturation) Average saturation - 15 - 20% in weight WATER USAGE Outdoor living wall: 22 L/sq.ft - annually Indoor living wall: 11 L/sq.ft - annually SUBSTRATE Sunterra Reg. Peat - 15% Coarse Peat - 5% Lignocell Coco Chip - 5% Perlite - 5% Pumice - 20% Red Scoria (volcanic rocks) - 50% ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 2 - ModuloGreen indoor living walls ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 13 - ModuloGreen outdoor living walls ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 14 - ModuloGreen living columns 15 - ModuloGreen city scapes 16 - ModuloGreen living fences ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 17 - Recommended hardware Anchor systems: A threaded rod is anchored to the wall/stud, making it easier to slide the pre-drilled panels to the rod and then bolt it in place. An epoxy resin is used to caulk the base of the threaded rod (see below). The pre-drilled panels can also be simply mounted to profiles or studs using stainless or galvanized bolts or screws. Below are some examples. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 Wall studs and brackets: Regular 2x4’’ wood studs can be used for indoor projects while Wishbone studs, made of recycled plastics are generally used for outdoor projects. ( Alternative aluminum studs/profiles are also available. Irrigation parts: Dripline Netafim 17mm Uniram Dripline with .6gph dripper spaced every 6” Black solid Netafim 18MM utility tubing Irrigation fittings. Dripline Netafim 17mm Techline fittings. Black pipe Spears 18MM fittings. RainBird pressure regulator filter RainBird 100DV valve RainBird RZH timer D07RE5 Dosatron fertilizer injector for small projects D14MZ2 Dosatron fertilizer injector for larger projects Please contact us for more information regarding hardware or irrigation supplies. ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 18 - Resource centre Research centre: BCIT Centre for Architectural Ecology: Contractor/installer: Architek Engineered Solutions for Living Building: No Limit Landscaping: Horizon Landscaping: Sustainability: Canada Green Building Council: Green roof for healthy cities: Green plants for green buildings: CONTACT INFORMATION Please contact us to book an info session, a lunch and learn meeting or a free consultation. You are welcome to visit our showroom – Studio 490, 1000 Parker Street, Vancouver, V6A 2H2, BC. General information: 1-888-436-2919 Nicolas Rousseau – President [email protected] 778-321-8023 Fred Collay – Vice President [email protected] 604-418-9217 More information: ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919 ByNature - Showroom: Studio 490 - 1000 Parker Street - Vancouver, BC, V6A 2H2. - 1-800-436-2919