Annual Report - Sequoia Park Zoo


Annual Report - Sequoia Park Zoo
Annual Report
The Year In Review
Mission Statement
As I begin my second year as the Foundation’s president, I
am pleased to be able to personally thank all of our supporters
for your generous contributions to the Foundation and Zoo, a
remarkable private/public partnership between the Foundation
and the City of Eureka.
The mission of the Sequoia Park Zoo is to connect the community with animals to inspire wonder,
understanding and conservation of wildlife and the natural world.
Since 1907, the City has owned the land and exhibits and funded
the day-to-day operations of the Zoo, providing staffing, animal
care and feeding, veterinary care, and facilities maintenance.
The Foundation (a private 501(c)(3) charitable organization)
was created in 2004 to provide the funding for exhibit upgrades
and renovations, new exhibits, marketing and community
outreach, and guest services, including the gift shop and café.
The mission of the Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation is to promote and stimulate interest in the Sequoia Park
Zoo and support the zoo’s development, operation and education programs through fundraising, marketing,
and other initiatives designed to enhance the zoo experience.
A foundation is often seen as an organization that awards
grants using invested endowment funds or accumulated assets.
The Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation is a little different. We
are the fundraising arm of the Zoo, working with individuals,
businesses, foundations, and government agencies to raise the
funds that provide the extra dollars needed to improve and
enhance the Zoo in support of its 20-year Master Plan.
The highlight of 2011 was the award of a $2.3M California
Parks and Recreation grant to build a River otter, Bald eagle,
salmon exhibit called Watershed Heroes. The grant application
process was a great example of cooperation between the City
and the Foundation: the Foundation’s Development Director
and the City’s Zoo Manager and Education Coordinator jointly
produced a compelling, competitive proposal – one of only three
zoos and aquariums funded from over 300 total submissions.
City staff and the Foundation will continue to work together
to create the exhibit. The grant will be paid to the Foundation
over time and is not reflected in this report. In keeping with
our normal practice of the past eight years, the Foundation will
present the exhibit to the City of Eureka when it is completed.
Even a grant of this size, however, does not cover all the
expenses associated with installing a large new exhibit, so the
Foundation will continue to seek support and funding for this
project as well as others. Your contributions are a vital part
of our effort to sustain the Sequoia Park Zoo’s mission in our
community and region. On behalf of the Foundation’s Board
of Directors, I thank you for your continued support of the Zoo
and the Foundation.
Chuck Dominick, Foundation Board President
Zoo Manager
Gretchen Ziegler
Director of Development
& Communications
Nicole Spencer
Animal Care Staff
Amanda Auston
Camden Bruner
Kelsey Kuhn
Elisa Miller
Nicole Nagel
Natalie Parchman
Lucinda Smith
Janeé Thill
Anders Wirth
Education Staff
Danza Chisholm-Sims
Vanessa Halley
Amber Neilson
Hannah Schwend
Operations Staff
Kathleen Juliano
Damaris McClelland
Nina Nahvi
Laura Turk
Administrative & Events
Megan Stobb
Volunteer Coordinator
Sandra Sanderson
Membership Assistant
Rebecca Koreen
Rentals Assistant
Josey Bunke
Café Staff
Geraldine Bass, Manager
Crystal Lockhart
Harry Stangeland
Board of Directors
Chuck Dominick, President
Pat Bitton, Vice President
Roy Corsetti, Treasurer
Christi Coffman, Secretary
Linda Jo Alexander
Gene Bass
Pete Belak
Jolene Buck
Denise Davi
Annette De Modena
Louise Jacobson
Frank Jager
Naomi Johnson
Jeff Lamoree
Paul McGinty
Donna Pace
Eureka City Council Liaison
Marian Brady
Gift Shop Staff
Arlene Ghera, Manager
Joann Nord
Visitor Statistics
Milestones &
Total 2011 Attendance
Percentage of paid Zoo visits from:
With the recent completion of the Flamingos, Cavies & Screamers, Oh
My! exhibit renovation, the Chilean flamingos are now enjoying their
new and more natural habitat. Visitors can now walk directly across the
exhibit, with the flamingos on one side and the Crested screamers and
Patagonian cavies on the other, to reach the Aviary. This kind of mixedspecies exhibit is a fundamental part of the Zoo’s Master Plan; it allows
us to create a more natural environment for the animals and use our
limited space more effectively. For visitors, it’s a chance to experience
how biodiverse animal communities live.
Humboldt County residents
Other California & Oregon residents
Remainder of U.S.
International visitors
Annual Zoo Visitors
What is ZEAP?
Paid Admissions
# of visitors
Member visits
This exhibit is the first implementation of our “Tropical Andes
Biodiversity Hotspot” zone, which illustrates the importance of
biodiversity on earth by showcasing a particular hotspot – in this case
in South America. As we move forward with implementing the Zoo
Master Plan, this zone will be expanded to include Giant anteater,
capybara, and Maned wolf. The rheas will also be integrated into this
Watershed Heroes Grant Award
ZEAP visits
# of members
Zoo Memberships
52% of admissions-based
Zoo visits come from people
living outside of Humboldt County.
Flamingos, Cavies & Screamers, Oh My!
Renovation Completed
The Zoo Economic Assistance
Program (ZEAP) provides Zoo
access to underserved members
of the community.
In April, the California Department of Parks and Recreation awarded
the Zoo Foundation a Nature Education Facility grant of $2.33 million
to develop and build an educational exhibit entitled Watershed Heroes.
This project will deliver the first elements in the Native Predators zone
of the Zoo’s Master Plan and centers on charismatic wildlife of our
local watershed, including River otters, salmon, and Bald eagles. There
will also be an otter breeding facility, underwater salmon viewing
station, and water lab classroom.
This project will use a variety of cutting-edge techniques to demonstrate
the need for healthy watersheds, the relationships between humans
and these animals, and how each of us can be a better steward of our
environment. The design phase will commence in Spring 2012.
Flamingos, Cavies & Screamers, Oh My!
Project Contributors
BerGel Construction
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Coast Central Credit Union
Bass & Guerrero Concrete
Christine & Jalmer Berg Foundation
Rob & Cherie Arkley
City of Eureka
Don’s Rent-All
Casper Eagle Scout Project
Natzler Landscapes
Rotary Club of Eureka
Trinidad Electric
Zootini 2008 Donors
Animal Care &
New Additions
New Additions
Six Chilean flamingos
Rare, all-white Virginia opossum
Female Golden pheasants
Giant Flemish rabbit
Several new chicken breeds
Female Patagonian cavy
Male Red-crested turaco
Madagascar giant hissing cockroaches
New 2012 Additions
North American porcupine
Bird-eating tarantula
Reeve’s muntjac
Baby cavies, turacos and flamingos!
Our Red panda exhibit has been open for over a year now.
Our two panda brothers Shifu and Sumo have charmed
and delighted visitors and helped provide another unique
experience that everyone looks forward to.
This past year animal care staff learned much about the
pandas’ personalities and behaviors. Shifu is quite shy, while
Sumo is bolder and more active. They shun square bamboo,
but relish golden and black bamboo and fresh spring grass.
They produce an amazingly large volume of poop. They
are shy around strangers, and their claws are razor sharp,
but they will gently accept a grape tidbit from their favorite
keepers. Keepers have trained them to enter a crate, stand
on a scale, and even “paint!” These one-of-a-kind paw print
abstracts are sold in the gift shop in support of the Zoo’s
conservation programs. The pandas themselves have grown
to adulthood and have learned the ins and outs of life in the
redwoods: the windy weather took some getting used to, but
this climate is perfect for their heavy fur coats. Thorough
vet exams have found them to be in exceptionally healthy
Their zoo habitat is maturing too: maple trees are growing,
grass and shrubs are thicker, and keepers planted two
mulberry trees last winter which will one day provide more
canopy climbing and resting areas, plus mulberry fruit
that pandas enjoy. Not surprisingly, the timber and golden
bamboo in the exhibit is nibbled on too regularly to thrive,
but it gives the animals some challenging foraging activity
which is good for them. Our pandas can scale up to the top
of a timber bamboo stalk and back down again with ease.
Red pandas are even able to rotate their ankles in such a way
that allows them to climb down head-first with no problem!
Next year the Species Survival Plan (SSP) coordinators for
Red panda will likely recommend our boys to breed with
females at other zoos, so we may see some new panda faces
at Sequoia Park Zoo, and possibly even a new generation
of young ones. As the pandas have settled so well in this
exhibit, we plan to try mixing other compatible species
with them, including a small, Asian deer species known as
Reeve’s muntjac.
Once people see these beautiful animals in person, many are
motivated to learn more about pandas in the wild which may
help this endangered species continue to survive in its native
homeland in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Monterey Bay Aquarium had six
flamingos that needed placement
within a short time frame. Could
we help out? Absolutely!
Red Panda Review
Flamingos from Monterey Bay Aquarium
Accredited zoos collaborate together in many ways, and one great example of this collaboration involved Sequoia Park Zoo
and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. After completing a space survey for the Flamingo SSP (Species Survival Plan), in which we
indicated that our new exhibit can accommodate a larger flock, the program coordinator called with the news that Monterey had
six birds in need of placement. Could we help out? Absolutely! Once transport logistics were arranged and quarantine space was
readied, Zookeeper Janeé Thill traveled to Monterey and together with one of their keepers, drove the six flamingos back up the
coast to their new home in Eureka.
After their 30-day quarantine period, all six joined the flock and integrated immediately. These birds were hatched at San
Diego Zoo and will be old enough to breed in a few years; it will be interesting to see if they pair with some of our longer-term
residents. Next year the SSP would like us to return the favor by donating some of our birds to the Wildlife Safari in Oregon to
help their small flock grow, as flamingos are highly social birds that do best in flocks of 20 or more. We now have 35 birds, and
we have high hopes for more chicks in the summer.
Thanks to a grant from Humboldt Area Foundation’s Animal Welfare Field of Interest program, the Zoo received funding to
purchase a large animal scale and custom-built stanchion to weigh Barnyard and other zoo animals. Chris Gosney and Roger
Carl from Eureka Boiler Works donated some time to make the stanchion, with design help from Zookeeper Anders Wirth and
other staff. The scale was delivered in December and has
performed well with the donkeys, sheep and other animals.
The animals seem very comfortable standing inside, and the
digital readout is rapid and accurate. The whole system is
designed to be moved around easily, and is rugged enough
to withstand outdoor use and unpredictable animals. Being
Humboldt Area Foundation: Robert L. Richards Memorial Fund
able to weigh our animals on a monthly schedule helps us
Eureka Boiler Works
to monitor their health and responses to diet changes and
other conditions.
Animal Collection Inventory
No. of Species
No. of Individuals
152 (+ invertebrates)
Storm Water Education &
World Oceans Week
Education Programs In 2012
Junior Zookeeper’s School’s Out! (Ages 8-11)
April 10-13, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Cub Club Out of Sight Animals! (Ages 5-7)
April 14, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Cub Club Animal Mask-arade! (Ages 5-7)
May 12, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Cub Club Insect Excursion (Ages 5-7)
June 9, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Jr. Zookeepers ZooSnooze (Ages 8-12)
June 22-June 23 (6 p.m. - 9 a.m.)
Registration opens April 1
ZooSnooze is a new and exciting offering
coming to Sequoia Park Zoo this summer. This
program invites kids ages 8-12 to spend the night
at the Zoo. Activities include a campfire, night hike
and special guest appearance from one of the Zoo’s
education animals. Stay tuned for more details.
Coming soon: Summer Zoofari Adventures!
Classes will run July 9-August 17. More information
will be available in April.
I love teaching classes at the zoo because I get to share
my passion for biology with young minds in a fun,
exciting, and interesting method. Our campers are so
bright and excited to participate in the activities we
worked hard to create. This is the most rewarding job
I have ever had.
Valerie Henderson, Zoo Education Aide
Zoofari Adventures
The Zoofari Adventure program provides thematic, weeklong hands-on learning adventures for youth. Through
various themes, children explored the world of weird and
bizarre animals, observed an animal training session with
the Red pandas, and created animal- and plant-based
art projects like “plant-able paper.” Zoofari Adventures
provided 120 kids with a unique, animal-oriented experience
in 2011. The programs were filled to capacity and, thanks
to a generous grant from Humboldt Sponsors, 25 students
received scholarships to attend.
School Programs & Field Trips
The Zoo offers a unique “outdoor classroom” for teachers to
bring students on field trips. Free activities provided by the
Zoo to enhance class visits include self-guided tour resources
and scavenger hunts, as well as a visit to the Contact Corral
and other Zoo exhibits. For a small fee, classes can also
have a guided tour and a 30-minute movie. In 2011, the Zoo
provided this experience to 1,385 students in grades K-6
and 420 chaperones from throughout Humboldt County.
In the Spring of 2011, the Zoo’s Education
Department, in collaboration with the City
of Eureka Stormwater Division, provided
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Education
presentations to 1,317 students in grades K-5
during school field trips. Each presentation lasted
about 10 minutes and conformed to the California
State Science teaching standards. Through the
use of an interactive watershed model, students
learned how trash and other pollution on our
streets and driveways enter the local watersheds
and drain directly into Humboldt Bay.
Students gathered information about the animals,
returned to the zoo to record observations,
wrote reports and presented them to an audience
of students and parents in front of the animals’
enclosures. It was an enriching experience for all.
In June, the Zoo also celebrated World Oceans
Week, sponsored by the Association of Zoos and
Patti Fuentes, Washington Elementary 5th grade teacher
Aquariums (AZA) in celebration of International
World Oceans Day. One thousand Dr. Seuss One
Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish themed
coloring paper crowns, pencils, erasers and other items were distributed to students from across the county.
As many teachers were teaching their students about oceans in the classroom, these activities and free resources were perfect for
use in the classroom and integration into the curriculum.
OLLI Program
In October, the Zoo hosted its first workshop in collaboration with Humboldt State University’s Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute (OLLI), entitled “You & the Zoo”. The three-session program explored the history of zoos in general and Sequoia Park
Zoo in particular, the role of modern zoos in society, and scenarios for the future of Sequoia Park Zoo. Participants attended
lectures, a special behind-the-scenes zoo tour, an animal training demonstration, and unique animal encounters. The workshop
was very well received by all participants and the
Zoo has been asked to offer the program again in
Fall 2012.
What an illuminating view of “current affairs”
in our local, national, and international zoos!
Amy Stewart’s Wicked Bugs
The staff gave a program that was enjoyed by
New York Times bestselling local author Amy
Stewart took Zoo visitors on a fascinating tour
Judith R., OLLI class participant
of the wild world of bugs in September with
a presentation and art exhibit showcasing her
latest book, Wicked Bugs. While adult visitors
were exploring the world of bed bugs and Brown
recluse spiders, kids were treated to a guided tour of the Zoo focusing on insects, had the opportunity to feed the chickens
with insect treats (crickets), played the Bee Waggle Dance game, and made butterfly masks. During September and October,
artwork and behind-the-scenes stories from Wicked Bugs were showcased in the Zoo’s Secrets of the Forest exhibit, courtesy of
Outhouse Exhibits.
Sequoia Park Zoo is proud to be part of the
efforts of 220 AZA-accredited facilities that
continue to build North America’s largest
wildlife conservation movement.
Sequoia Park Zoo formalized its commitment to wildlife conservation early in 2011 through the creation of the Conservation
Advisory Committee, as a joint endeavor between the Zoo and the Zoo Foundation. The committee’s mission is to raise public
awareness of conservation issues and directly impact conservation efforts outside of the Zoo by providing financial support to
select organizations and field projects.
It has been a long-standing goal to offer conservation lectures to the community, and this year the committee kicked off a
series of free monthly evening talks led by local experts. Dr. Micaela Szykman Gunther, an Associate Professor in Wildlife at
Humboldt State University – and also a member of the committee – gave the first lecture in November, on non-invasive research
techniques with African wild dogs and River otters. Dr. Mark Colwell spoke to a packed audience the following month about his
research with management efforts for the endangered Snowy plover. Additional lectures are scheduled through March and due
to the enthusiastic response from the community, plans are in place to continue the series next winter.
In addition to providing education on conservation issues at the Zoo, the committee raises funds to foster continual growth
of the Zoo’s Conservation Fund and recommends conservation
projects and organizations to receive funding, both locally and
around the world. The Zoo’s Conservation Fund is now at a
level that enabled the Committee to create a Conservation Grant
Gift Shop
program. They began soliciting project proposals in November
2011 and will award these grants on an annual cycle, with the
The Sequoia Park Zoo Gift Shop continues to
first awards occurring in Spring 2012.
showcase hand-crafted items like African snare wire
art that support wildlife conservation around the
This dedicated group continues to explore a variety of additional
world, including projects that benefit African Wild
funding mechanisms to grow the fund more quickly and increase
Dogs and Snow Leopards.
the Zoo’s impact on conservation.
Species Survival Plans
Sequoia Park Zoo participates in several captive animal
breeding programs called Species Survival Plans (SSP) for
Zoo residents including the Chacoan peccary, White-handed
gibbon and Red panda. The SSP programs manage the captive
breeding effort cooperatively among AZA-accredited zoos to
ensure the long-term genetic health of that species.
The EcoCell phone recycing program allows
conscientious folks to recycle used phones at the
Zoo & Eureka City Hall. Phones are refurbished
and donated to organizations in less-developed
countries or completely recycled for re-use.
EcoCell reimburses the Zoo for each phone recycled
and proceeds are
included in the
Conservation Fund.
2,200 ghosts, goblins, pixies and animals
of all shapes and sizes descended on the
Zoo — making it the largest Boo at the Zoo
event in Sequoia Park Zoo history.
Good Old-fashioned Family Fun!
Every year, the zoo offers a variety of events and activities for
families to enjoy. This year, over 1,200 kids of all ages came
out to enjoy some egg-cellent activities during the 15th Annual
Egg-stravagana, including the ever-popular Egg Hunt. Over
350 hard-boiled eggs were dyed & decorated for zoo animals to
enjoy in the days following.
Six months later, 2,200 ghosts, goblins, pixies, and animals of
all shapes and sizes descended on the Zoo—making it the largest
Boo at the Zoo event in history. The afternoon was packed with
frightfully fun activities and the Costume Parade & Contest was
a huge hit!
During the summertime, crowds loosened up and shook their
booties to Speakeasy Saints, Anna Hamilton, The Bump
Foundation and Ishi Dube during an evening series of four
Twilight Summer Concerts that were presented and sponsored
by: KBAE 95.5FM, AppleTree Productions, St. Joseph Health
Systems, Graystone Jewelers, OilStop, CalCourts and KBVU
Fox 28.
Zoo Fundraisers
The Zoo’s annual fundraising events—Zootini and Brew at the
Zoo—are geared toward having a good time while raising funds
for the Zoo. This year, Zootini and Brew collectively raised
$50,000 and we couldn’t have done it without the generous
support of this community. At Zootini, a stunning one-of-a-kind
pendant from Graystone Jewelers fetched over $5,000 at the end
of an exciting live auction bid-off!
We extend a big thank you to all of our donors and sponsors, to
everyone who joined us, and to every single volunteer whose
time and energy made a these events possible. Thank you!
Dates for the Zoo’s major events in 2012 are located on the back
cover of this Annual Report—mark your calendars!
2011 Event Sponsors
KWPT, The Point
KSLG, 94.1 FM
Les Schwab Tires
KBAE 95.5 FM
Mix 95.1 FM
Hagadone Directories, Inc.
Coast Central Credit Union
Urology Associates
Cloney’s Pharmacies
Bear River Casino
St. Joseph Health Systems
Volunteer Program
I like volunteering at the zoo because I love animals.
Volunteering with the YAK program has helped me
learn how to work with people better.
No. of Hours:
Alice Abrams, Age 13, Youth Assistant Keeper
Every year, Sequoia Park Zoo relies heavily on support from volunteers to help us carry out our mission. Volunteers strengthen
our education programs, provide animal care, carry out zoo improvement projects, staff events, and do so much more. Over 100
dedicated volunteers contributed over 5,200 hours of service in 2011 to make the Zoo a better place for animals and visitors
alike. In addition to the volunteer programs highlighted on the opposite page, members of our community help the zoo with
many other special assignments including Zoo clean-up days, membership mailings and office support. Many thanks to every
volunteer for your time and service—we couldn’t do it without you!
New Volunteer Program Created
The Zoo Interpreter Program (ZIP) is a volunteer opportunity for those interested in inspiring the public through interactive
exploration using Discovery Carts that contain animal artifacts and tools that aid the visitor in learning more about wildlife
conservation. This was the first official year that ZIP was implemented and eleven ZIP volunteers reached over 2,000 visitors
between Labor Day and Memorial Day weekend.
Volunteer Coordinator Position Filled
In March, the long awaited goal of having a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator was realized
by securing funding through Experience Works, a federal program that works through
charitable organizations to train and eventually place people into the work force. We are
thrilled to have Sandy Sanderson (right) on staff to recruit and coordinate volunteers for
all City and Foundation activities. The creation of this position has significantly impacted
our ability to meet the needs of the Zoo and engage volunteers to help fulfill our mission.
We hope that as we strengthen our volunteer program, our loyal volunteers will notice
the difference – with better communication, and greater recognition and appreciation for
all that they do.
Just as yaks in the wild are essential to the survival of the
Tibetan people, Youth Assistant Keepers are a vital part
of Sequoia Park Zoo. Working closely with Zoo staff,
children ages 11 to 15 learn about the Zoo’s domestic
animals and what it takes to care for them.
The Zoo Foundation hosts special events each year, and help
is always needed for a variety of functions that range from
running activity stations for the kids to serving up concessions.
No. of Hours:
Board of Directors
The Foundation Board is a hardworking group of volunteers
dedicated to fundraising and promoting the Zoo.
No. of Hours:
The Zoo Interpreter Program (ZIP) is designed for
volunteers interested in inspiring the public through
interactive exploration of the Zoo’s exhibits and animals.
No. of Hours:
Zoo Crew
This year-round program offers
individuals ages 16 and up the
opportunity to take part in some of
the Zoo’s day-to-day activities, like
feeding, observing, cleaning and
handling animals.
No. of Hours:
Total hours volunteered!
2011 Financials
Sequoia Park Zoo, City of Eureka
Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation, 501(c)(3)
Like many accredited zoos across the country which are owned, operated and funded through a local
government entity, Sequoia Park Zoo is owned and operated by the City of Eureka. The Zoo’s annual
operating budget is funded through the City’s general fund and supplemented by Zoo admissions and special
programs. The City funds cover animal care, operations, maintenance, utilities, and education programs.
The Foundation is primarily responsible for capital improvements, but occasionally, small capital purchases
or improvements are funded through this budget.
The Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation is a non-profit support organization that was created in 2004 to support
the City-run Zoo. Working in close partnership with City of Eureka Zoo staff, the Foundation is responsible
for fundraising, marketing, membership, guest services, special events, and other initiatives designed to
enhance the zoo experience, including capital projects.
Statement of Revenue & Expenses for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011
Statement of Revenue & Expenses for the 2011 Calendar Year
Membership Dues
Special Events
Contributed Support & Other Income
Animal care $345,790
Operations $305,440
Special Events
Guest Services
Exhibits & Other Donations to Zoo
Total Expenses
Decrease in Net Assets
Total spent on Zoo Improvement Projects in 2011
Zoo Improvement Projects
Admissions Revenue Trend
Flamingos, Cavies & Screamers Oh My! exhibit
Small Exhibits & Zoo Equipment Watershed Heroes
Total spent on Zoo Improvement Projects
Once an exhibit is completed by the Foundation, the project is “donated” to the
City of Eureka and accounted for in “Exhibits & Other Donations to Zoo”. The
“Total spent on Zoo Improvements Projects” reflects what was actually spent
during the calendar year.
Since the Flamingos, Cavies & Screamers, Oh My! exhibit renovation began in
2010, a portion of the expenditures were reported in the 2010 annual report. The
total value of the project was donated to the City of Eureka in 2011.
(No fee)
In-kind Accounting Services
Guest Services
Total Revenue
(Fee began
Donors & Members
We thank the following individuals, businesses and
organizations for demonstrating their support of
Sequoia Park Zoo.
Donors & Members
Flamingo Society
Foundations, Corporations, Organizations
We thank the following individuals for their
outstanding support of the Zoo’s mission.
We thank the following foundations, corporations and
organizations for their help in enhancing the Zoo.
Scarlet Flamingos ($5,000 & above)
Jeff & Sharon Lamoree
Rosy Flamingos ($1,000-$4,999)
Rob & Cherie Arkley
Jolene Buck
Gary & Kathleen Bryson
Gary & Sharon Chadwick
Mike & Jerri Del Grande
Charles & Nancy Dominick
Robert & Nancy Gardner
Frank & Sarah Jager
Byrd A. Lochtie
Michele McKeegan & Edward C. Olsgard
Beverly A. Morris & Doris Ure
Kenny Sullivan
Pink Flamingos ($500-999)
Linda Jo Alexander
Pete Belak
Sally & John Biggin
Nicole Coyne & Ben Secor
Michele Fell-Casale & Carl Casale
John & Jenny Coleman
Chris & David Fisch
Heather Gates
Kathi Gutierrez
Danielle Jacobson-Elcock
Naomi Johnson & Earl Jacobs
Frederick & Linda Lee
Linda & Del McCuen
Graham Shaw
Laurie Watson-Stone
Fred & Linda Sunquist
Rena & Ernest Weston
Gretchen Ziegler
$5,000 and above
Christine & Jalmer Berg Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Frye’s Care Home
Humboldt Area Foundation, Robert L. Richards
Memorial Fund
Humboldt Sponsors
Humboldt Area Foundation, St. Joseph’s
Health System, Humboldt County; The
Smullin Foundation and the Melvin & Grace
McLean Foundation)
Event Sponsors
We thank the following businesses for their generous
sponsorship of the Zoo’s events in 2011.
Platinum Tamarin ($15,000)
Gold Gibbon ($10,000)
Lost Coast Communications
Silver Flamingo ($5,000)
Les Schwab Tires
The Bay, KBAE 95.5FM
Bronze Bear ($2,500)
Hagadone Directories, Inc.
Mad River Radio Group
Copper Cavy ($1,000)
Bear River Casino
Cloney’s Pharmacies
Coast Central Credit Union
St. Joseph’s Health System
Urology Associates
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our records. If our report contains errors or omissions, please contact us at
707-442-1396 or email [email protected] so that we may extend our apology and correct our records. For accounts
associated with two different last names, listings may be included alphabetically using either name.
Nanette Alexander
Liz Ashby & Rich Baker
Steve & Ellie Beckman
Pat Bitton
Blue Stone Landscapes
Rex Bohn
Paul & Melissa Brisso
Candace Brown & Michael Deaton
Sallie and Wally Burgh
Dennis & Adrienne Cammack
Leah Campbell & Stephanie Yerkins
Jennifer & Michael Cataldi
Renee & Patrick Cloney
Coastal Business Systems
Christiana Coffman
Roy & Jamie Corsetti
Patricia Craig
Joan Davies
Annette De Modena
Elk Prairie Vineyard
Blake & Jessica Finley
Mark & Suzy Gaxiola
Kurt Gierlich & Laurissa Wieler
Glenn G. and Shelle Goldan
Stephanie & Matt Hampton
Happy Dog Day Care and Boarding
Jemima & Oded Harr Russo
Lee & Chris House
Rory & Amy Hubbard
James & Laura Jaworski
Gloria Annette Johnston
Willie & Vicki Knapp
John Kulstad & Patricia Thomas
William Lunt
Portia & Dean Matheson
Dan & Diana McDonald
Rachel & Mike Minton
Aaron Moncrief &
Jeanine Canedo-Moncrief
Sue & Jim Moore
Jeanette M Nusbaum
Kimberly A Oswald
Angela Owen & Bill Snyder
Amber & Kris Patzlaff
Andrea & Mark Pedly
Gene & Claire Perricelli
Hank & Cathy Ray Pierson
Linda & Cliff Powell
Gleezette Roach
Kimberley Pittman Schulz
Annie & Johnson Sicotte
Harold & Pat Smith
Roy & Kathleen Smith
South Fortuna Elementary School
Ted Stewart
Stover Engineering
David Tharp
George Tidwell & Shirley Bass
Jenny & Steve Toler
Stacy & Jason Trabue
Alene & Ronnie Webb
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
LaVerne Sanderson West
Matthew Yadley & Tracy Morgan
Dulcie & Doug Alexy
James Arnot & Krystal Britt
Ron & Janis Barsanti
James K. Bauriedel, M.D. &
Sile Bauriedel
Kris Beck
Tamara & Stephanie Bishop
Ryan & Melissa Bode
Mary Bullwinkel
JoAnne & Jamie Bush
Charles Bussman
Chris & Heather Byfield
Stacey & Daniel Bywater
Anne Carlisle
Lyndsey & Ryan Chamberlain
Jonathan & Tenille Choi
Martha Clague
Crystal Cobian & Zed Ziganti
Connie Combs
Lola Sue Cook
Michael & Shana Cox
Allison & Kameron Crocker
Jean & Greg Crockett
Ann Dedrick
Rebecca Del Grande
Cindy Denbo
Lenore Dias
Edgar Dickinson
Janet Diehl
Susan E. Diehl-McCarthy &
Ralph McCarthy
Daniel & Linda Dionne
Karen Y. Mejia Dominguez &
Fernando Paz
Sylvia & David Douglas
Peter & Karen Dubaldi
Joe Duckett & Kelli Reese
Cheryl Erickson
Patric & Lindsey Esh
Toni Farrar
Sylvia Fontaine
Danny Furlong
Janel & Elliott Gagnon
Kristy Gierek
Kathleen & James Goodlive
Kathy Gropp
Micaela Gunther & Carol Hurley
Harper Motors
Beverly Hart
Bill & Arlene Hartin
Debra Hartridge & Ira Blatt
Adele Hassis
Robin D. & Chris Haynes
Jesse Henning & Autumn Mize
Katherine & Burnette Henry
Sandra Hill
Amber Evon Hoffman
Michael & Charlotte Holland
Carol Hoopes
Humboldt Association of Realtors
Robert W. & Kathleen M. Hutchinson
Kelly Ireland & Whitney Williamson
Linda & Lois Ives
Steve & Shelly Jackson
Paula Jadro
James & Marie Johnson
Robert & Mary Johnson
David & Kathleen Juliano
Bonnie & Howard Julien
Marcia Maloy Kelley
Sam D Kennedy
June & Doug Knott
Gary & Sandy Korn
Matt & Rosemary Kunkler
David Kuszmar & Jennifer Jenkins
Rob F. & Ann T. Lawson
Kathy Layton
Barry M. Lee, D.D.S
Joan & Russ Lee
Kris Lee
Liu’s Oriental Cuisine
Mike & Diane Lyell
Don & Pamela Mac Millen
Rob & Debbie McBeth
Damaris McClelland
Pam and Bill McClendon
Mark & Mary McCulloch
Lynn & Mark McKenna
Justin & Leonilda McLaughlin
Marilyn Miles
Dian & Don Moehnke
Michael Moon & Marion Martinez
Damien & Barbara Mooney
David & Jack Moore
Cynthia Murphy
Denver, Judy & Kristina Nelson
Ralph & Emma Nelson
Burt & Christine Nordstrom
Douglas Scott Olsen
Bruce Osborne & Rachel Carlson
Lauren & Robert Parker
Anne Paulet & Elli Bosques
Charles & Wendy Petty
Beth Powell
Linda Prescott
Dan Reid and Stacia O’Neil
Anita H. Rest
Janice & Tim Rice
Terry Rice
Andrew & Katee Robertson
Jan Rowan & Rhea Houck
Don Rush
Sharon & Stu Russell
Cassie Alice Sanchez
Myron & Lisa Savage
Schmidbauer Lumber
Bill & Sue Scott
Leslie & Bruce Silvey
Carol F. Slack
Mollie Smith
Travis & Holly Smith
Dennis & Joyce Sousa
Danielle Sproul
Mauro & Katerina Staiano
Sara & Peter Starr
Alvin Steer
Richard Stenger & Gretha Omey Stenger
Jack & Barbara Storm
Jennifer Taft & Thomas Hovie
Becky & Herb Tanenhaus
Bruce Thullien
Sara Gabrielle Torres
Vellutini Baking Company
Dolores Vellutini
Vern’s Furniture
Watson Law Office
Jeanne Watson-Carson & Elmer Carson
Howard & Cheryl Welch
Michaele Whiteley
Wesley & Jan Wieman
Steve Wigginton
Richard Will
Rebecca Williams & Kay Burgess
Rick Williams
Elaine Mu & Jason Wolven
Thomas and Sharalee Wrigley
Carolyn K. & Michael Yanke
Brenda & Megan Yarnall
Melissa Zarp & Nate Howe
Paul J. & Sarah M. Abernathy
Janice Albee
Rich Alvarez & Kym Mallett-Alvarez
Bobby Amirkhan
David Ammerman
Judy & Jim Anderson
Taylor Scott Andrews
Karen Angel & Martin Morgan
Brian Baku
Tyler Banks
Lloyd Lone Barker
John Bartholomew
Sarah Bass
Bayview Motel
Charles Bean & Lei Hou
Erica & Robert Beckerdite
BerGel Construction
Gary & Linda Bird
Otto & Valerie Blum
Melinda Booth & Alexander Merkle
Borders, Inc.
Blake Borkowski
Marian Brady
Bruce A. Breckner
Lisa Brockoff
Don & Lynai Brown
Steven Buckingham
Peter Burgess
Raymond Burke
Erik & Shurie Burman
Jamie Bush
Jenna Cardoza
Anthony Carnemolla
Gwynneth & Paul Carothers
Gerald L. Carter
Joanne Carter & Bridget Tyler
Joe Ceriani
Karen Chew & Devin Horvath
Robert Christensen
Donna & Jim Clark
Clayton Construction Contractors
Samuel Clinton & Jeni Stevens
Megen Cloninger & Tyler Kneip
Coldwell Banker Cutten Realty
Nancy D. Cook
Catherine & Jeff Coontz
Nathan Copple & Ellen Weiss
Tiffany & Sean Cotten
Linda & Dennis Crozier
Benjamin Malquist Dale
Ed & Eileen Davenport
Donald Davis & Janice Murayama
June Gonion Davis
Norman & Carma Day
Catherine DeBoer
Rosemary Deck
Cherie Deckert
Jeanette Denning & Judith Martin
Katie & Ben Dens
Tracy A. Dieters & Jasmine Stover
Annjanette Dodd & Patrick Sparks
Susan Doniger
Ray & Connie Doyle
Carol Dunning
Norman & Leslie Dutra
Sally & Chuck Dwelley
Charles T. Ellsworth Jr.
Kerri & Alex Escudero
Jessica Estes
Doris & Pete Evans
Family Foot Care
Ferndale Veterinary, Inc
Catherine & Douglas Fini
Dave Foreman
Gary Frank
The Freixas Family
Shirley & Ralph Fullmer
Gail Fults
Loretta & Jesse Garcia
Ralph & Nancy Giannini
Walter Gibson & Mary Smith
Steve & Karin Grantham
Green Diamond Resource Company
Janelle Griffin
Denise Grinsell
Dennis & Mary Grinsell
Chris Hamer
Judith Horntvedt Haney
Sarah Hanson
Mark Harris
Julia & Jonn Hartwell
Elizabeth & Matt Harvey
Martin & Susan Hauan
George and Kathy Hayes
Corbin Hensley
Linda & Sue Hervey
Robert Higgons
Susan Kay Hill
Janyce & Marc Hinckley
Melissa Hirsch
Rich & Carol Holland
Mykal Anne & Gabriel Hull
Humboldt Audiology
Jennifer Hurst
Marcia Ikeya
Ronald D. and Judith E. Irvin
Dave Isaacs & Laura Bringhurst
J. Michael & Colleen Jacob
Dottie Jacobs
Laura Diane James
William & Saundra James
Valle R. Janes & Kenneth Markurfer
Jerry & Jo Sonja Jansen
Steve & Ann John
Sheryl & Harry Johnson
Carroll V. Johnston
Connie & Dave Jones
Mike & Susie Jones
Rebecca Kalal & Gilbert Yule
Dora M. Kaliamos & David Jager
Bob & Mary Kay
Leslie Kemp & Norman Helmuth
Christy & Omar Khattab
Jessica & William Kilgore
Ron & Debbie Kingsley
Angela Kline
Leah Ann Krause
Virginia Krause
Frank & Linda Kutil
Pete LaCount
Lloyd Larsen
Lynn & Joseph Leger
Lenders Construction Services LLC
Kriss Lewis
Susan Liddle
Jacob & Clare Linder
Joseph & Evelyn Macias
Frances Madrone & Patric Nagle
R. Marino
Geoffrey & Linda Masaki
Dina Mason
Gary & Pamela Mather
Leonard & Diane May
Jonnie & Mike Mayberry
Dan McClelland & Loene Gossett
Winn McEnery
Maurice McMorries
Sadie & Jack Merrill
Linda C. Miler
Crystal & Steve Miller
Mike & Jane Minor
Stephanie S. A. Mitchell
Steve Monk & Aimee Keiser
Elsie Moore
David & Sue Moran
Becky Moyle
Jason & Bonnie Mullaney
Stan and Judy Murdock
Myrtle Avenue Veterinary Hospital
Ashley Neddo & Jayson Gillespie
Robin & Gary Nelson
Mike & Tina Nerat
Mike L Newman
Paul Nicholson
Evelyn Nishinaka
Genevieve Anne Noggle
O & M Industries
Joann & Eric Olson
Stephen Parodi &
Paula Grobe Parodi
Michael Patterson
Sharon Phillips
Pierson Building Center
Alice Poole
John Porter & Eda Bacrach
Alex Powell
Sarah & Pamela Powell
Melissa & Thomas Quinton
Jane & Anna Reinholz
Ashlee Rice
Sue & Amberlee Ringwald
Judy Rishel
Michael & Amber Neilson Robitaille
Emanuel Rose
Lauri Rose & Kira Middleton
Roy’s Club Italian Restaurant
Susan & Thomas Rydz
Leslie Sampson
Jean & Greg Scheffler
Monica & Leo Schill
Lillian L. & John E. Scofield
Dennis Fred Scott
Jill Shaffer
Chip Sharpe & Celestine Armenta
Alice Shinnick & Linda Johnson
Jason & Adrianna Simone
Marvin Singer
Ben Sipma & Inga Townsend
Elaine Skelly
Joshua & Aurora Skipper
Connie Smith & Wallie Fitzpatrick
Lucinda & Donald Smith
The Soderbergs
Angi & Erik Sorensen
Jennifer & Marvin Sorensen
Michelle Souza & Karissa Mandile
Nicole Spencer
Naomi Elizabeth Stamper
Megan & Michael Stobb
Robert & Eleanor Stone
Richard & Deborah Storre
Darryle & Sherrill Story
Debra & Ward Stover
Jay & Joyce Strauss
Charles Strope
Ashley Stuart
Linda Sundberg
Tammy Sylvest & Kathy McNamara
Robert Taborski
Neil & Judi Tarpey
Dennis & Cindy Taylor
Richard Taylor
Anna & Aaron Tempelaere
Dennis Therry
Tiffany Marie Thissell
Leann Thoresen
Lynne & Richard Todoroff
Carolyn & Curt Traina
Brad Tucker D.D.S. &
Garrison Tucker D.D.S.
Kathryn & Andrew Vilha
Abby & James Wasetis
Brett Matthew Watson
Emily Webb
Beverly & Harold Westman
Richard & Susan Whaley
Victoria White & Victoria Light
Lisa Whitten
Kathleen & David Wiens
Mari Wilson
Carolyn Winston-Doble
Linda & Mark Wolgemuth
Richard & Cheryl Wolven
Alice Lynn Woodworth
Robert & Desiree Yarber
Jack & Maureen Yarnall
Idyath & Michael Yassemi
Vikki Young & Bob Clark
Karen Zimbelman & Bella Waters
Aalfs, Evans & Company
Elisa Abelleira
Chris Aberson & Nanda Prato
Al & Julie Abrahamsen
Piri Ackerman-Barge
Lori & Bill Acorn
Robert & Sarah Acorn
Paul & Kimmee Adams
Ted Adams & Rafael Leon
Rebecca Adamson
Margaret Ann Aker
Sue Albert
Christine & John Albertini
Deanna Albo-Dick & Adam Dick
Jesse & Alicia Albritton
Bryan & Shannon Alexander
Elijah Alexander
Michael & Mera Flor Alexander
Dax & Chani Allen
Erich & Carrie Allen
Esther H. & Lowell C. Allen
Jerry & Erica Alston
Shannon & Ted Alves
Philip & Tiffany Alway
Marion Nina Amber
Brandon Amis & Paula McFarland
Rachel Anne-Marie & John Amis
Allan Anderson & Crystal Smith
Cindy Anderson
Gordon Anderson & Susan Powell
Terry & John Anderson
McKenna Andrews &
Catherine Donald
Helen Andrews
Sandra Andrews & Dean Solinsky
Patty Andriese & Rick Alexander
Lora & Tom Anthony
Emilu M. Antonio &
Juancho E. Ignacio
Jesse & Charlott Apelar
Marcus & Elizabeth Appy
Lori & Jesse Arias
Christopher & Tiffany Armstrong
Susan Armstrong
Jennifer Arnett & Peter Johnson
Matthew & Silvia Arnold
Sally & Phil Arnot
Guy & Judy Aronoff
Milandra Arquilevich
Carole Arrington
Beth & Troy Arseneau
Bernadette & Thor Arwood
Loveta Ashley & Natasha Morris
Nathan & Mandy Ask
Nick & Becky Atigedewe
Valerie Atkinson & Greg Mouton
Kathy Atteberry &
Danielle Vigil-Masten
Dorothy Axsmith & Carol Davidson
David & Sue Ayers
Karen & Robert Ayers
Leif Ayers & Katherine Hennessy
Ron & Jackie Baca
Jamey Bacca & Christina Lastra
Babette & Eric Bach
Donald & Helma Bachman
Kert & Samantha Bachman
Eva M. Backus
Lisa Backus
Steve & Cheryl Baer
Letitia Bailey
Mark & Melinda Bailey
Mona & Mark Bailey
Rachel & Chris Bailey
Lynn Bain
Andrea & Scott Baker
Anthony & Jodie Baker
Jeannemarie Baker & Dale Warmuth
Nancie Baker
Amber Ball & Steve Lefebvre
Heather & Brad Ballinger
Martha Baratti & David Pelletier
Barbash Family
Denise & Jess Bareilles
Elizabeth & Paul Bareilles
Gerry Barker
Robert & Mary Barker
Garrett Barnes & Samantha Lallier
Annalisa Barnett
Janet & Scott Barnett
Linzy & Dan Barney
Camila & Drew Barrett
Jane & Julia Barrett
Valerie & Larry Barrote
Jeanette & Dave Barry
Linda Bartleson & Katrina Hoffman
Scott & Carie Bartlett
Jerrie Bartley
Jeff Basham & Scott Zink
Leslie Basney
Gene & Rachel Bass
Sarah Bassett
Sarah & Brett Battle
Jason & Rebecca Baugh
Jim Bauml & Stacy Schaefer
Marcus Baxter
Amanda Beam & Kevin Huky
Amie Beard & Lisa Griffis
Carole Beaton & Will Dvorak
Stephanie & John Beauchaine
Jack Beaupre & Kris Wymer
Michael & Angela Beck
Julia Bednar
J. Nicholas Behre & Kim Browatzki
Andrew & Amanda Beld
Tim & Nancy Belisle
George & Susan Bell
Jack & Pamela Bellah
Donna Bellairs & Chris Wineinger
Tami Beltram
Sarina & Rosamel Benavides-Garb
Julie Benedict
Doranna Benker-Gilkey &
Dan Gilkey
Gabe & Elizabeth Bennett
Mark L. & Roxanne Bennett
Susan G. Bennett & Patrick S. Hurley
Victoria Bennett & Serenity Wilson
Tandy Bergmann & Bob Ducate
Daniel Berman & Sonja Manor
Troy & Catie Bermers
James & Isobel Berry
Cindy Bessellieu
Mardi Bessellieu & Antony Bessellieu-Hill
Jack & Mary Bettis
Donald & Allene Biasca
Michelle & Mike Bibby
Kevin & Kristin Biernacki
Megan Bierwirth
Melody Bigham & Kim Phillips
Marilyn & Marcia Bilderback
Christina & Jefferson Billingsley
Sasha Binford & Avon Leekley
Lynn Bingham
Rene & Santa Birnbaum
Maud Bishop
Casey Bitgood & Hilary Murphy
Karen Black & Nita Break
Petria & Donovan Black
Suzanne Camille Blackburn
Misha Blacker & Nick Matthews
Justin Blackwell & Erika Guevara
Kathy Blair
Rebecca Blanc
Caleb Blanchard
Judy Blanchard
Connie & David Blessing
Elizabeth Blessing
Wes Bliven and Beth Eschenbach
Mitch Block & Denise Newman
Julia & Leonard Blomquist
Eric & Sandra Boardman
Mike & Audrey Bode
Russell & Katy Boham
Janelle & Marcei Bohannan
Luke Bongio
Andrea & William Bonis
M. Colleen Bonner
Joe & Cindy Bonomini
Amy Borden & Lotus Hubbard
Cara-Lee & Harmony Borneleit
Isaac Bortman
Dan & Anna Bosler
Jessica Bostick-Lee & Scott Lee
Angelique E. Boston
David Botkin & Lisa Butterfield
Jessica Botsch & Rodney Ferrario
Fred & Joyce Bottemiller
Bill & Betty Bowles
Lucia M. Boyer & Aaron Karl
Justin & Nicole Boyes
Heather & Tyson Boynton
Shawn Bracamonte
Aisling D. Bradley
Abe Bragg & Meaghan McKinight
Adrienne Bragg
Bonnie Branco
Carol & Josh Brannan
Chris & Christina Brannon
Susan Brauner
Julie Brazil
Kurt Michael Brazzil
Frederick Breckenridge & Lori Pierce
Joann & Sheryl Brekke
Kristine & Edward Brenneman
Ashley Breshears
Debbie Breton & Chelsea Jensen
Amy Brewer & Mishka Straka
Janice & Michelle Briggs
Loran & Maria Briggs
Susan & Jason Brisendine
Elesia Britt
Russ & Pam Britt
India & Travis Broadbent
Sherry & John Broderick
Amy & Brian Brodkorb
Debi & Dave Brogdon
Tom Bronchetti
Bob and Allison Bronkall
Caroline Brooks & John Chaffin
Cindy & Danny Brouillard
Bruce & Susan Brower
Deidre & John Brower
Aaron & Connie Brown
Don Brown & Kavin Delangelo
Justin & Alisa Brown
Justin Brown & Joyce Hill
Nancy Brown
Tom Brown & Chris Miller
Daniel Brumbaugh
Camden Bruner
Michael Bruner & Lisa Polack
Jim & Kelly Bruno
Bill & Kellie Bryan
Mark & Bradley Bryant
Donald & Peggy Buchanan
Jolene Buck & Glenn Crites
Stephen & Jason Buck
Gena Buckley & Clairissa West
Janelle & Jamie Bucklin
Tiffany & Michael Bullman
Jane & Robert Burchit
Judy Burke
Beth & William Burks
Kathrin & Michael Burleson
Hillian N. Burns
Jim Cernohlavek & Susan Burns
Patrick & Jill Burns
Carol Burris & Haillie Cagle
Martha Buss
Andy Butch and Susan Vogt
Bret Butler & Loretta Ferma
Merle & Charlotte Cables
Pam & Dennis Cahill
Jean & Margaret Caldwell
Larissa & Lewis Caldwell
Angela Cameron &
Fabiola Drumm
Kathleen Cameron
Allan & Jeannie Campbell
Amy M. & Michael Campbell
John Campbell & Karen Bazzano
Kierdre Campbell
Stacey Campbell
Susan Campbell
William & Eunice Canedo
Paul Cano & Ana Viramontes
Jessica & Greg Carlson
Karen Carr & Kristina Tatro
Melvin L. Carr II
Michael & Becky Carroll
David & Diane Carstensen
Christi & Joseph Carter
Ginger Carter
Wendy & Keith Caruso
Alex & Lindley J. Casillas, Jr
Carl & Thary Ros Catalano
Cynthia & Charles Causley
Vernon Caylor & Kathy Via
Jim & Sandi Cearley
Debbie & Pedro Cendejas
Amber Cessna & David Safier
Michelle Lynne Chaffin
Susan Chaille & Wes Cramblit
Kari & Leon Chalmers
Jon & Melinda Chambers
Jennifer & Gary Chapman
Kayla & Morgan Chapman
Elaine & David Cherney
Maureen Chesanek &
Christine Udell
Lesli Chesnut & Forest Heil
Patricia & Jennifer Childress
Robert & Stephanie Chipman
Paul & Jean Christen
D. T. Christensen
Elysia Christensen &
James Pressmar
Melinda Ciarabellini
Talia & Justin Ciarabellini
Stanley Kenyon & Ellen Clague
Brian & Holly Clancy
Gerald A. & Tahme Clark
Tyrell Clausen & Garbriella Pratt
Dr. Bill Clawson, Ph.D.
Andrea Claypool
Doug & Bette Clayton
Patricia & Charles Clinton
Kim Coates & Shannon Grinsell
Raven & Greg Coit
Julianne & Anthony Colella
Calli Coleman
Jerry & Evelyn Colivas
Carrie & Clay Collins
Erika & Greg Collins
Joyce & Pat Collins
Michelle & John Collins
Lorraine & Jace Comfort
Dan & Antoinette Conant
Chris Conboy
Brooks & Tracie Conner
Jinny Connolly
Lisa & Bill Connors
Mataya & Ryan Conroy
Manny Constancio & Bob King
Jesse Conway & Theann Faucher
Lynne Manget Conway &
Jeff Conway
Bill & Christine Cook
Constance J. Cook
Kaycee Cook & Michael East
Suzanne Cook
Jasmin & Casey Cookman
Nathan Cooley &
Ande Brown-Cooley
Yvonne & George Cooney
Dave Cooper
Marc Cooper & Bridget Warwick
Tara & Matt Cooper
Nicholas Cordero & Nui Mulvey
Edward A. Cordova
Mike & Amy Cordova
Corky & Annie Cornwell
Paulette J. & Eric A.H. Cortez
Angelina Cossolotto &
Jason Wilson
Zach & Holly Costa
Joseph Costanzo
Carole Cox
Sarah Cox & Allison Grundman
Stephen Cox & Angela Mathews
John Craft Jr.
Tracy & Brandon Craig
Elaine Crawford
Jen Crawford
Jessica & Bryan Crawford
Justin Crawford
Charlotte Creech
Peter & Cindy Cress
Lee Ann Creston
Sue Crivello
Michael & Rebecca Crosby
Curtis & Graico Cross
Keith & Carole Crossley
Abe & Rebecca Crow
Janice Crowe & Kelly Cawthorn
Shannan L Crozier
Suzette M Crozier
Wayne A. & Tamara Crozier
Marguerite Crue
Brook & Ken Cruz
Megan & Jed Cruz
Tim & Julie Cruz
Stephen Csaszar & Jade A. Ryan
Ann F. & Tim P. Cullen
Linda Anne & Mark Cummings
Brad & Gretchen Curtice
Anne Curtis
Marjorie Custis
Suzanne Daley
Ben & Emily Davenport
Jason & Denise Davi
Alysia & John Davidson
Valin Davis Sr. & Ruby Richards
John & Cheryle Davis
Patricia Davis
Anna & David Davison
Sara & Scott Davison
Angela Davy & Louise Andersen
Charles & Megan Day
Nicole De Rosa &
Robert McCauley
Suzanne & Michelle Dedekam
Melissa & Bill Defenbaugh
Mary T. & Donald D. DeHennis
Michael & Joan Delamarian
Ed & Pilar Delmolino
Deborah S. Demarzi
Erika & Robert Demers
Leonard J. Demmer
Jackie Deuschle & Ray Miller
Lisa DeWitt & Neil Morris
Beverly Dickerson & Lori Biggin
Betty & Paula Dickey
Bret & Lynn Diehl
Duke & Ann Diehl
Kanta Dill
Tracy & John Diller
Rachelle Dilley
David & Carol Dillon
Bill & Christine Disbrow
Mark & Teah Distefano
Rebecca Doane Dixon &
Teddee Boylan
David & Krissy Dodge
John E. & Jennifer C. Doerner
Horst & Inge Dohring
Bill & Ana Dolfini
Dustin Donahue
Sharon & Richard Doty
Cheryl & Daniel Dowd
Amanda & Eric Downing
Marie & Gary Draper
David Drickey &
Carol Kriesel-Drickey
Stella Drobnick-Fochovka
Marcia & Pam Dubaldi
Christine Ducey &
Shahram Abbassi
Amy Duerfeldt & Lynn Moore
Lynn & Chris Dugaw
Bonnie DuMond &
Stephen Stewart
Jennifer Duncan & Melissa Ruiz
Brian Dunlap and Sarah Tritchler
Jay Dunlap & Nette Worthey
Pat DuRant
Alef DuRant-Wise
Robert & Ellen Durfee
Mary Durina
Al & Patti Dutton
Teresa & Donna Dutton
Jason & Stacey Eads
Todd Eagle
Diane & Michael Eannarino
Julie & Robert East
Loretta & Steve Eckenrodi
Jennifer & Charles Edwards
Rick Egbert
Felicia & Thomas Ehret
Lauren Eichin & Lyn Winamaki
Robert & Lila Ekholdt
Gene & Diane Eklund
John Elam & LeAnne Morini
Rhonda Elgin
Alexandra & Rick Elliott
Mark Ellis
Michelle Ellis & Robert Morrow
Jamie & Scott Ellsmore
Sarah & Kevin Emmanuel
Andrew & Fiona Endsley
Trevor & Stephanie Enright
Brad & Sharon Erickson
Laurie Ervin & Ray Reel
Peter Esko & Marjorie Malcolm
Carl & Jaime Esposito
Brenda Estes & Barbara Beattie
Eureka Books
Justin Eurotas & Tera Spohr
Bill & Shar Evans
Dwayne & June Evans
Chris Evenson
Ernie & Kristine Fabian
Al & Barbara Fagundes
Colleen Fairless &
Jeremy Rasmussen
Jamie Falicki & Ryan Souther
Peggy & Cissy Falk
Sharon & Steve Falk-Carlsen
Sunny Falling-Rain
Jim Falls & Laura McEwen
Kendahl Faron &
Carol Vander Meer
Christina & Todd Fashant
Heather Faust & Ashley Rhodes
Jay & Shannon Fazio
Doris Fearrien
Sandra K. Fedder
Sharon & Frank Ferreira
Jean Ferroggiaro
Swen & Colleen Fettermann
Marilyn Field
Erin Figueroa
Rikki Finck & Sandra Fuerstenberg
Mitchelle & Eric Finkle
David & Kari Firman
Hank Fischer & Fran Moriarty
John & Helen Fitzhogh
Kelli & Michael Flanagan
Talia Fleming
Ashley & Timothy Flemming
Richard Fletcher
Sandy C. Flippin
Mikkel Foisy & Chris Martinez
Grady Ford & Cindee Rosenberg
Mike & Angel Ford
Travis & Renee Ford
Gregg & Elizabeth Foster
Diena & Kevin Fox
Susan Fox
Ryan Francis & Joanna Stamm
Ronnie Franklin & Sequoyah Hudson
Joseph & Caroline Fratto
Debra & Joe Frazier
Joy & Vene Frazier
Jim & Kathy Fredrickson
Daniel D. Freitas & Alise Furst
Tracie Freitas & Shawn Avila
Madeleine M. French
Tracy Jordan & Richard French
Stephen J. & Nicole Frenzl
Nancy & Doug Frey
Jessica Fuhriman
David Fuller & Karen Kenfield
Mike Gage & Pat Kinsella
Chris & Anna Gaines
Leslie Gallagher & Hector Murillo
Marilyn Gallagher
Lisa M Galland
Tony & Carla Gambino
Robert and Linda Garb
Silvia Garcia & Victor Luna
Peg & Howard Gardner
Khristy Garrelts & Lance Weber
Russ Gaskell & Mia Mulhern
Jamie & Kurt Gast
Daniel Gehling & Amy Owen
James & Alison Geist
Jennifer & Jason Gemmer
Lori & Bob Genelly
Margot Jarvis & Hal Genger
Mendy & Loren Gerard
Lynne & Gabe Gerber
Eric & Michele Gerdes
Carrie Gergits
James Gergits & Carrie Lewis
Manette & Philip Gerstle
James L. Geth & Zu-Kenya Zawadi
Arlene Ghera
Judy Ghera
Maria & R. Giampaolo
Greg and Karen Gibb
Michelle & Freeman Gibbons
Randy & Leslie Gibson
Stephen & Alicia Gieder
Jax Gier
Christine Gierek
John & Heather Gierek
Asher & Julie Gilbride
Michelle & Whelan Gilkerson
April Gilliam-Winkle &
Matthew Winkle
Susan Gillian
Robert Gish & Joan Rainwater-Gish
Mary & Linden Glavich
Merijean & Kerry Glavich
Angela & Michael Glore
Aaron Gold & Kirstin Hall
Elicia & Matthew Goldsworthy
Christina & Jorge Gomes
Deanne & Tim Gomes
Lorraine & Rick Gomes
Ronald & Hermila Gonsalves
Gerardo & Barbarie Gonzalez
Samantha Goodacre & Chris Read
Wendy & Eric Gordon
Melody & Mark Gorona
Lee Ann Gossard
David & Stephanie Gould
Anna & Mark Gower
Melissa & Robert Grace
Laura Granados
Gary Grannis & DeAnn Waldvogel
Amber Grant & Aaron Kane
Janis Grant
Robert & Lori Green
Abraham Greene & Megan McVicar
Michelle & Brian Greenway
Chris Greer & Mariellen Jurkovich
John & CoraLee Griffin
Sarah Jo Griffith
Tina & Fred Griffith
Trev Griffith & Gary Thissell
Tim & Jennifer Grimmett
David Gross & Julie Weeder
Mike & Jackie Grossman
Hal & Alice Grotke
Krista Grow & Rosemary Melendy
Chloe Lynn Grunden
Renee Guillemin & Brie Morris
S. Nicolas & Rebecca M. Guillen
Michelle Gurner
Burt Guthridge & Judith Jackson
Jean Guthrie
Joel & Heidi Guynup
Kitt Haas
Steven & Tycie Hackelberg
Paul & Yara Hailey
Stephanie Haley
Carlina Hall
Joe & Kate Hall
Julie C. & Greg Hall
Bonnie Hamant & Lura Holt Kamp
Michael J. & Donna R. Hames
Karen & Tim Hammer
James E. & Linda L. Hanger
Renee Hanks
Edwina & Tom Hannah
Sally & Brian Hansen
Rory & JoAnn Hanson
Gail H. Harcourt & Peter J. Mateu
Tom & Patty Harmon
Harvey & Wendy Harper
Jeffery Harper
Denise & Ed Harr
Judy Harrison
Leslie & Cliff Hart
Kathryn & Stephen Hartsell
Lonnie Harvey & Katrina Pond
Machael Haskins
Colette & Jim Hawkins
Robert Hayhurst &
Lynn Creaghe-Hayhurst
Paul Heagerty & Steven Masson
Leah Healy
Ethel Hebert
Sandra & Floyd Hecker
William & Amber Hefner
Thomas & Hanne Heilmann
Eric & Kelly Helms
William J & Bee Henderson
Barry & Kimberly Hendrickson
Everett & Ruth Henkle
Betty Hennessy
Bridgett & Shawn Hernandez
Michelle & Suzanne Hernandez
Sarah Herriott
Lauren & Mark Hertz
Sandy Heston & Justine Graney
Melanie & Todd Heustis
John Hewston
Scott & Kathy Hicks
Anita & Bill Hilfiker
Debra L. Hill
Sara & Matthew Hillyard
Jesse & Erica Hindbaugh
Chris & Lauren Hinderyckx
Mary Hinds & Jessica Callahan
Danille & Aaron Hinrichs
Sydney Hinton
Dave Hitchcock & Danelle Merz
Sarah Hobart
Amber & Christopher Hoffman
Niels Holgersen &
Charlotte Holgersen-Baylor
Donna & Austin Holland
Philip & Kristi Holland
Daniel & Sarah Holmes
Yvonne Jeanne Holmes
Robert Holmlund & Lauren Sanzaro
Larry Holsen & Joann Howell
Frank & Betsy Homen
Steve & Barbara Horvitz
Cyndi Hostler & Clarence Hostler Jr.
Joanel & Edward Hotalen
Tina Hover & Shauna Kautko
James Howard
Andrea Howarth
Tasha & Michael Howe
Branden & Jessica Howton
MaryAlice & Burton Hoyle
Jennifer & David Hoyt
Dale & Jan Hubbard
Chris & Pam Huffman
Helen Hui
Jerry Hull & Phylis Geller
Jacque Hulsey & Nicole Henry
Humboldt County Wraparound
Diane Hunt & Jessica Cain
Thomas & Chrissy Hunt
Ryan & Shalome Hurley
Carrie & Robert Hurst
Rose Ann B. Hurst
George & Betsy Husband
Tara Hutcheon & Matt McDonald
Kate & Andy Hutchings
Erin & Hunter Ikeya
Kristen Ince & Brian Derr
Wanne Brenman & George Ingraham
Carol & Matthew Ingram
James S. Irving Jr. & Lindsey Irving
Jesse Irwin & Eliza Onate
Gary & Maria Jackson
Jaime & Bill Jackson
Jyll Jackson & Annie Lemke
Louise Jacobson
Eva Janson & Sherman Schapiro
Morgan Jean & Tina Vest
Daniel Jensen & Alissa Stone
Jack & Erma Jenson
Seth & Megan Johannesen
Darlene & Amy Johannsen
Julie & JJ Johansen
Mike John & Family
Robin & Matthew John
Beth & Jeff Johnson
Beth & Ken Johnson
Carl & Connie Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Gail Johnson
Helen & Jim Johnson
Lila L. & Ed Johnson
Nicole & Kenneth Johnson
Rachel & Todd Johnson
Ron & Janice Johnson
Susan Johnson & Mary Kempton
Pete & Jennifer Johnston
Brittany & Brandon Jones
H. W. Sonny & Pamela Jones
Lindsey Jones
Matt & Hannah Jones
Nick & Brandie Jones
Susan Jones & Laura Swanson
Elizabeth Jordan
Shane Joyer
Sarah & Casey Judd
Michael & Alison Jundt
Phil & Carol Jurick
Awanna Kalal
James Kamb & Caroline Glory
Andy & Erika Karnitz
Cheryl & Michael Kaska
Pam & Peter Kaufhold
Gynden & Jennifer Kaufholz
Rena Kay
Danielle KC
Omshree N KC
Foxi Keane
Catherine & Ken Keating
Ronda & Dave Keating
Kimberly Keisling & Kevin Limberg
Karen Kelley
Carrie & Justin Kelly
Nancy Kelly
Elizabeth Kelsey
Kym Kemp and Kevin Church
Tracie Kern & Richard Shanahe
Diane Carol Kerr
Robert Kerr
Michele Kerrigan & Lori Rudebock
Judy & Richard Kersh
Cameron Khaleeli & Katie Pixley
Candee Fetsch Kimbrell
Damien King & Michelle Miner
Louise King
Erin Kingstrom & Amber Flowers
Bill & Gnesa Kirchman
Ethel & Keith Kirk
Rich and Elmone Kissling
David & Lynn Kitchen
Laurie Kleefeld & Kristen Ireland
Kate Kline
Dave & Holly Klopfenstein
Gwendolyn & David Knife
Mike & Ann Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Knight & Robert Noel
Steve Eric & Dianne Knight
Katrina Knox & Larry Wasson
Britta & Erik Knutsen
Allen Koble & Laurie Freeman
Will Konicke &
Mita Mulvaney-Konicke
Rebecca Koreen & Donald McKnight
Danielle & Mark Koressel
Joey & Anna Kovaly
Anne Marie & Ian Kramer
Larissa & Jamie Krause
Kathleen & Rus Krauss
Jill Krenek
Debby Krukonis
Don & Joyce Kudrna
Lynn Rose Kujawa-Seda &
David R. Seda
Jessalynn Kunkler & Alan Sadler
Maria & John Kusters
Rio Kuteira & Kristie Cannady
Cindy & Guy Kuttner
Johnny Wallace Kvasnicka
Ruth & Lawrence LaBranche
Damian & Mandala Lakey
Lori Lamar & John Hines
Brenda & David Lambert
Nancy & Chris Lamont
Gabriel & Christie Lampro
Heather Landon
Michael & Kristi Landry
Charles & Kimberly Lane
Claire Lang & Cathy Westphal
Marilyn & Kenneth Lang
Terry L. Lange & Babette C. Dias
Judith Langley & Jolleen McLeod
Jean LaPietra
Pamela Largent
The Larkin Family
Kami & Cathy Larripa
Tiffany & Jamie Larsen
Hal & Juanita Larson
Billy & Lorencita Lavine
Valerie & Brett LaViqne
Harold & Maryann Lawrence
Melissa Lawson & Seth Stevens
Paula & Reggie Lawson
Aaron Lea & Clifford Tse
Leslie & Vong Leach
Dianna L. Lee & Brenda Basler
Johnny Lee & Kaydee Savage
Lauren Lee
Nancy Lee
Youa Lee & Chou Xiong
Spencer & Beth Leebolt
Steven Leitheiser
Christina & Conor Lemmon
Suzanne & Kent Lende
Jeff & Michelle Leonard
Julie Lerwill & Michael Fratkin
Gordon & Shelby Lewis
Hannah & Will Lewis
Evelyn Ley Coleman & William Ley
Ann Elizabeth Liedstand
Amanda Lightfoot-Wright &
Austin Wright
Robert & Colleen Likens
Ranae & Matthew Liles
Brandon Lilly & Amanda Lung
David & Sylvia Lindberg
Janice & Dale Lindstrom
Paul & Linda Liska
Dylan & Regina Livingearth
Megan S. Llewellyn &
Donald E. Good
Elizabeth Long
Jason & Kathleen Long
Terry Longcake & Judy Williamson
Israel Lora & Lena Viramontes
Brenda & Joshua Lory
George Lottritz & Davina Smith
Jamal Lourenzo
Katherine Lourenzo
Kari Love & Josie Neibel
Marion Love
Azuree Lovely & Sean Ramsey
Mervin & Rebecca Lowry
Lindsey & Kyle Lucas
Marnie Lucas & Noah Zerbe
Linda & Nick Lucchesi
Crystal & Joe Ludwig
Pamela Lyall
Falon Lynch & Chris Moody
Sandy Lynn
Barbara & John Mac Evoy
Barbara Madaras & Jack Phipps
Lisa & Douglas Madsen
Sandra Madsen
Kathryn D. Maguire
Tiffany & Justin Maher
Crystal Mann
Janet & Lester Margart
Kathy Marie
Tateki Mark & Kaoru Noma
Richard & Robin Marks
Joy Marlow
Paula Marmon & Regina McGuire
Aileen & Jennifer Martin
Jeanetty & Nick Martinelli
Amber Agent-Martinez &
Eduardo Martinez
Jonathan Blake & Heather Mason
Shawn Mason
Stephanie & Robert Mason
Amandy & Tobias Massey
Marti & Liam Massey
David & Karen Mast
Joanna & Scott Mather
Elizabeth & Ryan Mathis
Joe & Shayna Matteoli
Eleanor Mattingly & Bonnie Stevens
Barbara Maxon
David Maxwell
Stephani & Hannah Mayr
Toby & Crystal Mays
Mary McCarthy
Joyce McCarty & Marlys Seitzer
Harold & Norma McClary
Laura & Deryl McClenagan
Dennis & Laurie McCollister
Charlene McCombs
Tim McConnaughy Jr. &
Reada McConnaughy
Shanna & Debbie McCracken
James McCue
Dustin & Crystal McCullough
Jacqueline & Shane McCullough
Kristen & Tim McCutchan
Rose & Thomas McCutchen
Allen & Debbie McFarland
Chris McGee & Kathy Yeager
Paul & Aimee McGinty
Mari-Joan McGovern
Bobbie McKay & Beth Wingfield
Lois McKinney
Mary & Larry McKinney
Kate McKinnon & Calvin I. Robinson
Heidi & Michael McLaughlin
Deborah Ellen McMillan
Mireille McNabb
Marilyn J. McNally
Jean McNeill
Denise & Molly & Patrick McNulty
Richard McWherter
Ashley Meeks & Ysabel Nunes
Megan & Jed Mefford
Josh Meisel & Mary Vironoche
Kathryn Melia & Christopher Bigos
Lois Mellert
Teresa & Kevin Mello
Mary & Albert Mendoza
Grant & Karyn &
Faith Menexas Bechler
Gail Mentink & Jasmijn Kozlowski
Howard Menton & Susan Nelson
Charlotte Merkel & Amanda Blair
Viola Merritt & Ina Weldin
Ryan & Christine Messinger
Lori Metheny
Roxanne Metz & John Martin
Drew & Kit Meyer
Elisa & Jason Meyer
Laura & Fred Meyer
Mary & Paul Meyer
C. Michener
Renee & Michael Miles
Amy Miller
Christina A. & John J. Miller
Cindy Miller & Brandon Canonica
Cliff & Linda Miller
Gretchen & Jason Miller
Heather Miller & Matt Wickman
Robert & Debbie Miller
Ron Miller & Miranda Visser
Steven Miller
Steven & Alice Miller
Joyce & Wendy Mills
Olivia Mills
Sylvia & Marilyn Milota
Laurel Minjiras
Stacey & Darby Mintey
Miriam & Ian Mion
Gloria Miranda
Ann & Derrick Misner
Wally & Sheryl Mitchell
Amy & Jason Mixer
Michele Miyamoto
Cindi and Monty Mola
Dorothy & Adam Molofsky
Scott & Denise Monday
Charly Eitel & Bambi Moon
Marye Moon
Sara & Patrick Moon
W. John & Sara Moore
Michael Edward Moran
Mary & Robert Morones
Allison & Laura Morris
Michael Morris
Rob Morris
Chris Morrison
Courtney & Connie Morrison
Jane Morrison
John R. & Beverly B. Morrison
Eileen & Kate Mosher
Suzanne & Joe Mrotzek
Maria Mueller & Jason Perry-Mueller
Sarah Mullen
Bonnie & Steve Murphy
Patrick Murphy & Deanna Moran
Alison Murray
Peggy & John Murray
Martia & Ken Musante
Nicole & Garrett Nada
Jozset Nagy & Carin Sorisio
Dick & Jeanne Nash
Heather Nash & Dolores Taylor
Jack & Wynona Nash
Susan Neander & Stephen Carey
Patti Needham
Richard & Ruth Needham
Angela Negrete & Howard Barban
Donna Nelson & Carlyne Owens
Janet Nelson
Michelle & Keven Nevil
Ken & Betty Newman
Charles Ng’ang’a & Leishara Ward
Cynthia & David Nichols
Jeanne Nicolds
Arthur Nielsen
Christian & Max Nielsen
Gail & Dean Nielsen
Nathan & Shelly Nilsen
Ryan & Amy Nilsen
Erin & Buck Noel
Tracy & Jay Nord
Jeana Northern
Judith & Lewis Norton
Sid & Diana Noyes
Barbara & Chet Ogan
Bruce O’Gara
Daniel M. & Penne Lee O’Gara
Jourdan Ohanen
Robert Ohlcrich
Jeremy & Katie Ohlsen
Eric & Kathryn Oldford
Jill & Steve Oldham
Dave & Donna Olivieri
Jessica Olsen & Jeremy Ramey-Vicario
Marilyn Olsen
Rebecca Olsen & Justin Tallman
Deborah & Donald Olson
Heather Olson
Jessica & Christopher Olson
John Olson
Linda Olson
Robert Olson
Sara Olson
Jared & Shauna Omaha
Kimberly & Luke Omey
Kimberly O’Neal
Erik & Christine O’Neill
Daniel Opalach
Wendy Orlandi
Yessenia Orozco & Mylee Taylor
Raquel & Chris Ortega
Joseph Ortiz & Trish Gidding-Ortiz
Jan Ostrom & Alexandra Wineland
Jackie M Ouellette
Sarah & Robby Overstreet
Donna & Charlie Pace
Carla & Claudia Paliaga
Amy Palmer & Hans Vedborg
Gary Paoli & Antonia Garog
Madelyn Paperno
Kamran & Liberty Paradise
Rebecca & Mark Pardoe
Barbara E. Parke & Caretaker
Heidi & Andy Parker
James & Eileen Parker
Patricia & Pascal Parker
Justina & Brian Parmer
Inga Passarini
Chrissy & Danny Paul
Kellie Paul & Sheryl Westbrook
Lisa & Rick Paul
Emil & Suzie Pawlus
Catherine Peirsol-Schipper &
James Schipper
Heather Pendery
Randall & Luana Pennington
Sam Pennisi and Sharon Ferrett
Mike Peredia & Michelle Weltch
Caroline Petersen
Dannielle & Christian Petersen
Bettie & Melony Peterson
Brenda & Norbert Peterson
Don & Yvonne Peterson
Erin Peterson & Rhonda Hallock
Francine & Kyung Peterson
Jen Peterson
Danika Petroske
Alison Phillips
Alison & Chunn Phingsavath
Vanessa Pickering
M. & B. Pidgeon
Herb and Sally Pierce
Heather & Victor Pierson
Shirley Pinches & Olena Knyazyeva
Joe & Mona Pinochi
Virginia Plambeck & David Brown
Steven & Christopher Plourde
Eclus & Dorothy Pollock
Jamet Pomerantz & Dean Hart
Shirley & Douglas Pool
Jennifer & Kevin Porter
Larry & April Posey
Brenda & Jerry Powell
Aubrey & Sean Powers
Dena & Shawn Powers
Janis & J.P. Prince & Family
Robert Principe
Nancy L. & Wm. James Pringle
Glenn & Nancy Pritchard
Colleen & Elizabeth Proctor
Ramona Provisor
Dena Pulverman & Mark Pera
Gregory Quast
Jennifer Quigley & Tina Vaughan
Nicole Quinlan
Don & Nancy Quintrell
Lawrence & Edna Quirollo
Wayne & Jennifer Rabang
Terin & Rebecca Raber
Yacenia C. Racines
Alice & Sam Raifaisen
Linus & Andrea Ralph
Chris & Kirsten Ramey
Dianna Ramsey & Jason Smith
Janne Gibbs & Karen Ramsey
Carissa & Noel Ranario
Barbara Randle
Jessica Rasband
Bryson & Rachel Rasmussen
Darci & Brandon Ray
Shoshanna Raybin & Bob Pagliuco
Sharon & Jim Redd
Tara Redner & Mike Larson
C. Eric & John Redstrom
Nina Reichlin
Sarah Ann Reimann
The Reiner Family
Jeannette Reinholtsen
Joseph & Patricia Reis
Beth Reneau & Alan McPherson
Courtney S. & Amy L. Reohr
Margaret M. Reuter
Larry & Lorriane Rhoads
Paula Rhude
Rea T. and William M. Rich
Brooke & Mike Richards
Mike & Linda Richards
Camille Riggs & Debra Roberts
Kriss & Wendy Riggs
Rachael & Indicus Riggs
Rashelle & Joseph Rigney
Mike & Katey Ringle
Anne & Jim Robbins
April Robbins & Tammy Evans
Willow Roberts & Angelo Rocha
David & Shelby Robinson
Erica & Ian Robinson
Daniel & Margaret Roche
Olga & Kerry Rod
Joaquin & Sheri Rodriguez
Karen Roebuck
Gisela Rohde & Barb Thompson
Marylee Rohde
Deena Rolicheck
Barrett Romo
Julie & Monte Romo
Lois Roper
Gabe & Rachel Rose
Jeremiah Ross & Nicole Bockelman
Janet & Lyle Rosser
Susan & Dave Rosso
Debbie & Kylie Row
Casey Rowland
Terry Ruberti
Diane & Roland Rueber
Matthew & Amy Ruedas
Maria Ruiz and Shari Devlin
Francine Rush
Anne Girard & Tim Russell
Kenton Charles Russell
Casey Russo
Patrick Rutherford & Anne Seaquist
Devin Rutor
Cynthia Ryan
Sonia & David Samelson
David and Jenni San Giovanni
Steve Sanches
Lorien Sanchez
Pedro Vega Sanchez Jr. &
Sunntah Martinez-Vega
Erryn McGinnis & Jason Sanders
Lorelie & Dave Sandomeno
Jennifer Sanford &
Emily Sommerman
Catrina Pual & Brittnee Santiago
Steve & Omaira Santos
Scott & Kathy Sattler
Jackie & Dave Saunderson
Dillon & Cindy Savage
Dennis & Victoria Scales
Zia & Dylan Schatz
John & Jessica Schieberl
Nikki & Noah Schiller
George & Erin Schlegel
Janis Schleunes
Dennis Schlotzhauer &
Heather Nyberg-Schlotzhauer
Virginia Schmitz
Terri L. Scholz & Randy Wilson
Jane & Steven Schonfeld
Machelle & Jen Scilacci
Corrie & Mia Scollard
Donald & Judy Scott
Jerry & Mary Scott
Phyllis Scott
Wanda & Scott Swanlund
Jay Scrivnen
David Sczepanski
Denise & Justin Seeger
Ann Seemann
Cheryl A. Seidner & Leona Wilkinson
Megan Seifert
Jody & Kim Sekas
Aiden Semingson & Taffy Stockton
Paul Senyszyn & Amanda Hennessy
Nancy Sessan
Cody Severtson
Mark Seymour
Patrick & Martha Shanahan
Paul & Sarah Shanahan
Mary & Andrew Shannon
Sheree & Ken Shapiro
David & Elizabeth V. Shaw
Jackie Shema
Jillian Sheppard
Norman Sherfield &
Sarah Whorf
Mike & Betty Shirley
Norm & Ginnee Shockley
Reannon & Mark Shuler
Seema & Huzaifa Siddiqui
Leslie Silva
Kathie & Betty Simas
Michael & Shannon Simoni
Linda Sinclair
Steven Sipma
David & Esther Sleeth-Keppler
Ron & Annette Sligh
Alan M. & Kathyleen R. Smith
Bruce M. & Meredith Smith
Charline & Trevor Smith
Ernest & Melissa Smith
Florine & Bart Smith
Jessica Smith
Jessica & Seth Smith
Jodi & Josh Smith
Josh Smith
Kevin Smith
Melody D. & Gary W. Smith
Summer Smith &
Gabe Emerson
Tim & Sybil Smith
Stephanie Smithson &
Steven Schaening
Ralph Snipes & Jean Cooke
Cody Snook
Alyson & Tom Sobehrad
Nicole Soiseth &
Shawna Wicks
Michael Solomon
Brian Solus & Natalie Giannini
Allina & Brannen Sorem
Kari & Brian Sousa
Kori Ann & Edward Sowa
Rebecca & Darren Spadoni
Andy & Mythara Spagel
Lisa Spaugy & Jerry Cross
Jonathan & Nicole Speaker
Ben & Sherry Speaks
Cory & Roxanne Spencer
Heather & Gabe Spetzler
Herrmann Spetzler
Jean Spinas & Family
Nancy & Pete Spruance
Tina & Phil Standish
Lareesa & Jeremy Stanfield
Tommie Stanley
Mandy & Robert Starr
Joyce Startare
Jennifer Stavola & Robert Trent
Rebecca Steele
John Stefanakis & Holly Glavich
Deborah Stein & Caleb Centeno
Naomi & Sal Steinberg
Jeanie Stem & Amy Stem-Faulk
Roxana & Mike Stengl
Margaret Stevens
Zane & Kerri Steves
Ann Stewart
Amber & Jonathan Stickels
Nicholas Stine
Delbert Stockman
Candy Stockton and Lars Joreteg
Kurt & Toni Stoffel
Mike & Danta Stoker
Barbara Stotts & Tahni Morris
Stephen A. Strawn
Kaye Strickland & Angela Davenport
Jamie Stringham
Jason & Sylvie Stuan
Hanna Sturtz
Kimberlyn & Dwane Stutte
Karen Suiker
Sarah & Adam Sullens
Dennis & Cindy Sullivan
Jennifer L. & John J. Sullivan
Lisa & Jason Sullivan
Stacey & Mariah Summerfield
Luye Sun & Mitchell Townsend
Jessica & Ronald Sundberg
Ashley Sundquist
Catherine & Andy Sundquist
Pat & Gary Sundquist
Tami Sundquist
Hailey Susich
Johnathan Susich
Patsy & Sherwood Svarvari
Scott Sway
Allison Sweeten
Neva & Dan Swensen
Marion & John Taijala
Scott & Alison Talbott
Bethany & Mary Taylor
Marge & Richard Taylor
Phil & Nancy Taylor
Tina & John Taylor
Ami & Audrey Tehrani
Angela & Brett Tellez
Michael & Heather Tenore
Dolores Terry
Cliff & Lynn Thiesen
Janeé Thill
Audi & Gwen Thoele
Mary Thoen
Steven & Mary Thomas
Chris & Mike Thompson
Douglass Thompson
Kelly & Maia Thompson
Sarah Thomsen
Tim Thornton & Kathy Marks
Stacey & Todd Thueson
Patrick & Ruby Thurston
Ryan & Liz Tieck
Doris J. Timm
Julie Timmons
Dale & Joy Timpany
Jennifer & Jeremy Tittle
Marcie & Jennie Titus
Vania Tobar
Linnea Tobias & Jerry Murray
Shawna Toews
Trevor Tollefson
Gary & Marie Tonge
Hilda Torres
Matt & Tami Toste
Michele Tourné & Asa Stockton
Teresa Tovar & Helen McCarthy
Carol & Ann Townsend
Johnna & Kent Townsend
Amanda Toy
William & Rhoda Traxler
Ezekial Trigonis
Roy & Marilyn Tucker
Godfrey & Marguerite
Bob Tuel & Frank Duncan
Shirley Tuel
Michael & Jo Ann Tully
Jennifer & Linda Turley
Ron & Jan Turner
Glen Twombly & Sandy Sweitzer
Andrew Underwood
Robert & Jenny Upton
Jessica & Josh Uutela
Tricia & John Valentine
Carlotta & Pete Vallerga
Dave & Deedee Vallerga
Heidi & Charly Van Buskirk
Mike Van Duzer & Leslie Pace
Craig L. Van Housen
Elizabeth & Phil Van Mantgem
Scott Vance & Sandra Cole-Vance
Mary VanCott
Meredith & Eric VandenBranden
Sua Vang & Lor Yang
Heidi Varshock and Karen Mann
Melissa & David Vasquez
Paulette & Joe Vecchio
Nick Venema & Thelma McFarland
Breanna De Vera
Jon, Eileen & Ocoee Verbeck
Judy T. Verbeck
Jody Verlinde
Holly & Ron Vetter
Lenora & Don Viggers
Antonio Vigil Jr. & Khou Yang
David & Jenjira Villec
Robin L. Visser
Marci & Craig Vizenor
Kevin & Cheryl Voorhees
Linda Vosburg & Daniel Osborne
Catherine & Beverly Wachel
Lynn Wachter
Nezzie Wade
Michael & Naomi Wagar
Maren & Todd Wagner
Mary & Mark Wakeman
Jennifer Waldron
Sara & Devin Walker
Teresa Walker & Brett Born
Kathryn & Jonanthan Walkley
Wendie & Tom Wallace
Heidi & Kelly Walsh
Wendy & Ansel Walter
Adam Wanden & Rose Anothony
Merl & Diana Ward
Steven & Amy Washburn
Dylan & Jemima Waste
Rachel & Brian Watson
Bill & Laura Weare
Hannah Webb
Trisha Lynn & James Webster
Teresa Naomi & Donald Weburg
Carole Weeks
Eric & Suzanne Wegmet
Mica J. Welch & Courtney Hall
Ryan Wells
Sarah & Jonathan Weltsch
Alisha & Ken Wence
Kurt & Cynthia Werner
Jamye & Rebecca Weseloh
Kathy Wheeler & James Ramkins
Marky White Murray & James Murray
Frank & Judy White
Natasha & Daniel White
Pam White
Vickie White & Hollie White Sellars
Gretchen & Gary Whitmer
Bobbi & Kris Wibbenhorst
Ross Wickham
David & Trish Wickizer
Caitlin Wik
Nicole & Keejun Wild
Rachel & Chris Wild
Richard F. & Lois C. Wild
Jo N. Wildman
Beal & Mary Willcutt
Birdena Williams
Damon Williams & Jill Griffin
Patricia & Kevin Williams
Samantha & Travis Williams
Sean & Caroline Williams
Todd Williams & Gwen Erickson
Joni Willis & Jonathan Rosales
Greg & Laura Williston
Emely & David Wilson
Jolon Wilson
Mary Wilson
Ron and Betty Wilson
Wayne O. & Mary E. Wilson
Dale & Angela Winogradov
Chris & Rebecca Wissing
Robert & Diana Witte
Lindy & Mary Wolf
Thomas Wolf & Cynthia Gosling
Jan Wolski
Paula Wonderley & Dan Haskins
Brett Wonenberg & Karisa Elloway
Deborah & Michael Wood
Mike & Katie Wood
Whitney Sara Wood
Bridget & Jeff Woods
Dale & Lynde Woolace
Darlene & Eric Wright
Michael & Jasmin Wright
Susan & Jeremy Wright
Pa Yang & John Thao
Stephanie Yantzer & Pablo Midence
Lynn & Ted Yost
Keri & Brian Youkey
Carra Young
Jenny A. & Walter Young
Takasha & Monte Young
Carl & Belinda Zander
Dennis & Vera Zane
Trent & Amy Zelanick
Laurent & Jana Zerlang
Mary Zschokke
Herman & Carol Zwald
Stephanie Zwald
Brenda & Jerry Zwiefelhofer
Cherie Zygaczenko
Jude Zyskowski
Memorial &
Honorary Gifts
Gift in Honor of:
Karen Angel
Emma & Brett John Coleman
Mary, Emily & Brett D. Coleman
Tracy & Rhonda Elgin
Clair & Andrew Lewis
Gift in Memory of:
Glenda Alexander
Leila Allen
Patricia Allen
James Buck
Robert Buss
Dr. Jerry Corbett
Berwyn Dahl
John Dellabalma
Vene Frazier
Duane Hartley
Charles Hellman
Ellen Hodgson
Helen Hoopes
Ann Hurley
Edith Johnson
Blanche Kay
Edna Libera
Robert Lochtie
Mary Luzzi
Beatrice Melanson
Bob Morris
Marilyn Murphy
Russel Pardoe
Ann Pavlich
Clara Perrone
Evelyn Pool
Kate Murphy-Sullivan
Grace Tholcke
Sarie Toste
Helen Vankirk
Debbie Wescott
Gifts In-kind
We thank the following businesses & organizations
for generously supporting the Zoo through donated
services, supplies and labor.
$20,000 & Above
BerGel Construction
Hesse, Green, Piland & Corsetti
Pat Bitton
Roy Corsetti
Chuck Dominick
Kathleen Juliano
$10,000 - $19,999
Bass & Guerrero Concrete
Graystone Jewlers
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Amber Neilson
Nicole Spencer
Megan Stobb
Gretchen Ziegler
Up to $9,999
101 Nail Spa
101 Things To Do
ADS in Motion
Advanced Display & Signs
Alan’s Guide Service
Almquist Lumber Company
Arcata Exchange
Bamboo & Maples
Bear Republic Brewing Company
Bella Baskets
Benbow Inn
Beneficial Biologics
Bless My Soul
Blue Lake Casino
Blue Stone Landscapes
Bode Cellars
Boy Scouts Troop 54, Eagle Scouts
Brick & Fire Bistro
Cal Courts
California Conservation Corps
Cher-Ae Heights Casino
Cypress Grove Chevre
Don’s Rent-All
Eel River Brewing Company
Elk Prairie Vineyards
Eureka Boiler Works
Eureka Brake & Automotive Inc.
Eureka Payments
Eureka Police Department
Eureka Ready Mix
Euresto Partners
The Farm Store
Figueiredo’s Video Movies
Fieldbrook Winery
Filar Photography
Fire & Light
Flying Blue Dog Nursery
FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
Garden Gate
Happy Dog Day Care and Boarding
Heirloom Tomatoes
Henry’s Olives
Holly Yashi Design
Humboldt Bay Oyster Co.
Humboldt Wildlife Care Center
Jade Dragon Medical Spa
Ky’s Hair Designs
Law Office of Craig N. Benich
Les Schwab Tires
Liu’s Oriental Cuisine
Lost Coast Brewery
Lost In The Redwoods Photography
Mad River Brewing Company
Marian Brady Design
Moonstone Crossing
Myrtle Avenue Pet Center
Myrtle Avenue Veterinary Hospital
Myrtletown Lumber
Myrtlewood Liquors
Natzler Landscapes
New Outdoor Store
News Channel Three
Photo Credits
Nilsen Company
Norman’s Dry Cleaning
North Coast Adventure Center
North Coast Fire & Security
Oak World
Old Town Coffee & Chocolates
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Original Basket Boutique
Pierson Building Center
Praxis Fitness
Promises Bridal Shop
Redwood Coast Music Festivals
Reflections Jewelry
Robert Goodman Wines
Roto Rooter
Rustic West Trading Co.
Sacramento Zoo
Sacred Grounds
Schmidbauer Lumber
Scurfield Solar
Security National
Sequoia Humane Society
Shafer’s Ace Hardware
Six Rivers Brewery
Starbucks Coffee
The Sun Valley Group
Sunny Brae Animal Clinic
Tesori Gift Shop
Tomas Jewelry
Trinidad Electric
Ukiah Brewing Company
Universal Vacation Club
Wildberries Marketplace
The Wine Spot
Winnett Winery
Ya Habibi
Crested screamer
Chilean flamingo
Zoo & Foundation Staff
Patagonian cavy
Boy reading flamingo sign
Virginia opossum
Red-crested turaco
Reeve’s muntjac
Red panda
Chilean flamingo
Keepers weighing sheep
Zoofari camper with microscope
Hoot the Owl with Zoofari campers
Student studying peccaries
Boo at the Zoo visitors
Volunteers in the Barnyard
Sandy Sanderson
All photos (Volunteer Ice Cream Social 2011)
Cotton-top tamarin
Chacoan peccaries
Rosemary, North American black bear
Golden pheasant
Common rhea
Bono, White-handed gibbon
Red panda
Mary Brewer
Neva Swensen
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Mary Brewer
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Neva Swensen
Sequoia Park Zoo
Josef Hlasek
Mary Brewer
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Sequoia Park Zoo
Amber Neilson
Amber Neilson
Amber Neilson
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Sequoia Park Zoo
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Sequoia Park Zoo
Mary Brewer
Sequoia Park Zoo
Amber Neilson
Mary Brewer
Mary Brewer
Sequoia Park Zoo
Mary Brewer
Amber Neilson
Western US tree & shrub sketches courtesy of Dover Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 123
Cutten, CA 95534
Nonprofit Org
US Postage
Eureka CA
Permit No. 9
Printed on recycled paper
Mark Your Calendars
2012 Zoo Events
Great Zoo Egg-stravaganza
Saturday, April 7
Fewer than 10% of the approximately 2,400 animal
exhibitors licensed by the United States Department of
Agriculture are AZA accredited! The AZA logo is the
easiest, most reliable way for people to choose zoos and
aquariums that meet their rigorous standards. Sequoia
Park Zoo is proud to be one of the smallest accredited
facilities in the United States.
Brew at the Zoo
Saturday, May 19
Saturday, August 11
Boo at the Zoo
Saturday, October 27
2012 Volunteer Trainings
Zoo Crew
February 26
June 3
September 23
May 5
July 14
June 26-29
Check inside for the 2012 Education Camp & Program Schedule!