Nellie Lutcher Honored Proud Supporters of Quality Education
Nellie Lutcher Honored Proud Supporters of Quality Education
Volume 33, Number 1 November, 2007 Proud Supporters of Quality Education McNeese Cowboys Recognized Chamber/SWLA Quality Award At the November School Board meeting several members of the McNeese State University Football team were recognized. There was a bus accident involving MJ Kaufman children and The Cowboys were on their way to practice when this happened. On the scene to help were Tammy LeBlanc, fi rst responder, and Jim Murphy, MSU trainer. The team members recognized were Kenneth Lundy, LaDairus Key, John Hamilton, Detrick Taylor, Travis Thibodeaux, David Turnage, Vaalyn Jackson, Garren Jim, Tyson Sibley, John Ledet, Bernardo Henry, Bryant Mason, Josh Ellison, John Vigers, Geremy Pilate, Allen Nelson, Brian Harvey and Josh Wagner. The Chamber Foundation SWLA and the Southwest Louisiana Quality Council held its annual Quality Day on October 10, 2007. During the Awards Luncheon, recipients of the Southwest Louisiana Quality Awards were recognized. This year Dolby Elementary School was awarded the SWLA Quality Award for Highest Achievement for outstanding progress. They have demonstrated excellence and continue to strive for improvement and results based under the Baldrige Performance Criteria. Pam Quebodeux, Principal, along with several members of her faculty were present to accept the distinguished award. TOTL Grant Calcasieu Hosts LAEA Conference Milken Award Winner Regional Principal of the Year Maplewood Middle School will be the fi rst of 54 schools in the state of Louisiana to receive laptop computers through the Turn On To Learning education initiative. The initiative provides Apple MacBook laptops to two classes of sixth-grade students in each school district in the state. Fifty students and four teachers at Maplewood received nearly $70,000 worth of technology. Sabra Soileau, teacher at Moss Bluff Middle, received $25,000 from the Milken Foundation for her outstanding teaching abilities. Nellie Lutcher Honored To commemorate famed rhythm-and-blues artist Nellie Lutcher as a product of a local school system and to celebrate her achievements, the Calcasieu Parish School Board has presented a plaque to the Imperial Calcasieu Museum. Lutcher attended Second Ward School in Lake Charles. Presenting the plaque are Jim McGough, from left, Imperial Calcasieu board president; Susan Reed, museum executive director; Wayne Savoy, superintendent of Calcasieu schools; Fred Hardy, District 2 School Board member; and Mack Dellafosse, District 7 School Board member. The Art Studio of the Calcasieu Parish School System hosted the Louisiana Art Educators Association conference this past weekend. They had over a hundred people register and had workshops and presentations at McNeese State University. They ended the evening at the Isle of Capri with an Awards Banquet. Keith Bonin, Sulphur High School Principal, was recently recognized at the BESE board meeting as Regional Principal of the Year. Parent Resource Center Opened J D Clifton held a grand opening for their Parent Resource Center, headed by Latisia Phillips, Bridget Roberson and Diane Bailey. The center is a place for parents and family to have access to and assistance with job searches, online job applications as well as information on child rearing. The Parent Resource Center staff is pictured with Calcasieu Superintendent of Schools Wayne Savoy. All Children are Important to Us. Produced by the Office of Public Information Charlene Chiasson, PIO Board Spotlight R.L. Webb District 1 Fredman Hardy District 2 Clara F. Duhon District 3 Bill Jongbloed District 6 Mack Dellafosse District 7 James W. Pitre, V. Pres. District 8 Chad Guidry District 11 Joe A. Andrepont District 12 Billy Breaux District 13 Annette Ballard District 4 Dale B. Bernard District 5 Randall Burleigh District 9 James Karr, Sr. District 10 Elray Victorian District 14 Brian LaRocque, Pres. District 15 The School Board members had their annual retreat on Friday, November 9th. They met at Graywood Plantation and went over the district’s vision, mission, goals and dashboard. Page 2 SHARE Proud parents of J.F.K. Elementary The entire faculty and staff would like to thank all parents for coming out to help make this school year a more positive year. On September 5, 2007, John F. Kennedy held its first Open House. Parents were encouraged to come out and learn about the many new programs. They were impressed and excited about the new Scantron Program, Quiz Bowl, 21st Century Lab, Read 180, Quality, 4H Club and the Dial Homework Program. They were also very impressed with the After School Program, teachers, teacher assistants, and the different strategies and techniques utilized to prepare our students for LEAP and ILEAP testing. Parents were able to visit all classrooms, view their child(ren)’s work, projects, quality binders, and discuss best strategies to help their children prepare for rigorous testing in the spring. Working Together We Can and Will Do Great Things for Our Children! Again, we thank you. Nashville, Tennessee: Janis Ehlers, RN and Mary Guillory, RN, Calcasieu Parish School Board Nursing Supervisors, attended the 39th Annual Conference of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) June 28-July 1, 2007. Janis and Mary were among more than a thousand other school nurses and other experts from around the country who address school health issues on a daily basis. — Alicia Zaunbrecher Read for the Record: “The Story of Ferdinand” Hurricane Katrina. Attending were faculty, staff, and other members of the community during this presentation. The guests were treated to a red beans and rice dinner prepared by the students at the school. The Gulf Restoration Network sponsored over 100 screenings that were held across the country of Louisiana Public Broadcasting. “Washing Away” is an award-winning documentary by independent producer Christina Melton, that artfully illustrates the connection between ever more devastating hurricane damage and Louisiana’s shrinking wetlands by telling the story of six Louisianans struggling to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and Rita. In the documentary, each of these individuals represents a cross-section of the varied cultural and social “gumbo” that is Louisiana yet they all rely on a healthy coastline to support their communities, lives, and livelihood. — Liz Hoffpauir DeQuincy Middle School’s New Horticulture Class A student and faculty program was held at the Calcasieu Career Center last month prior to the planting of two Bradford Pear trees in memory of two special young men from our parish, Christopher and Quentin Bruchhaus. Speaking at the assembly was Pastor Jerry Snider, Coach Shaver, and Coach Cecchini from Barbe High School. Also attending the ceremony was Superintendent Wayne Savoy, Leo Miller. Jr., Bill Jongbloed, and Charlie Adkins who were introduced by Kenny Brown, Principal of the Calcasieu Career Center. After the assembly, guests, family, friends, faculty, and students proceeded to the school courtyard where Pastor Jerry Snider said a prayer and dedicated the trees in the memory of Chris and Quentin. Both Chris and Quentin attended Barbe High school where they were outstanding athletes in football and baseball. Both men attended college and were working offshore prior to their death. They touched the lives of so many in our community with their friendship and awesome athletic ability and are remembered and missed by their family and friends. We thank Jay and Mary Wilkinson for the donation of the two trees that stand tall in the courtyard of the school. — Liz Hoffpauir Cheryl Kibodeaux of the Calcasieu Career Center invited the public to attend the viewing of “Washing Away” from 5-7:00p.m. on August 29, 2007, as part of remembering the two year anniversary of Volume 32, Number 1 TNT Conference was well represented by members of Oak Park Elementary staff that presented information to teachers around the parish. — Dayna Hoffpauir Oak Park Elementary was visited by musicians from the Celtic Nations. Teachers and students enjoyed their visit. —Cathy Parnell The ninth annual Regional Teaching aNd Technology (TNT) Conference was held October 13, 2007 from 8 AM – 3 PM at the Calcasieu Parish School Board Technology Training Center and Reynaud Middle School. Sponsored by the Calcasieu Parish School Board Technology Department, the Calcasieu Association of Educators, Region V LACUE and Region V TLTC, this conference was open to all educators in Calcasieu, Cameron, Allen, Beauregard and Jeff Davis parishes. Nearly 700 attendees enjoyed the best that technology has to offer in Southwest Louisiana at the TNT Conference. Teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators participated in 90 sessions that empowered them to become more productive through the use of technology in the school and in the classroom. To see pictures and highlights from the conference, visit the TNT web site at — Phyllis Derise Pre-K Parent Luncheon This year DeQuincy Middle School added horticulture to its options for enrichment classes. Teacher, Honda Brown, says, “The class is going well! In only one six weeks we have landscaped the front of the school, built a greenhouse, and planted lots of things.” The students love this class, and it is a very good outside enrichment for students to participate in. A big plus for this enrichment is that our school looks great! LeBlanc Middle School Student Council hosted spirit week from October 17th through October 23rd. Students celebrated being a LeBlanc Student by wearing Camouflage, Neck-ties with their uniform, Crazy Socks, their favorite sports shirt/jersey, and really decking out with school colors. The week culminated with a Pep Rally that celebrated the Volleyball and Football teams and the hard work they demonstrated throughout the season. — Carla Craddock J.D. Clifton Head Start participated with hundreds of thousands of children and adults who read the same book, The Story of Ferdinand on September 20, 2007. Jumpstart, a national nonprofit organization, encouraged hundreds of thousands of children and adults to read the same book on the same day. All of the Head Start classes in Calcasieu Parish took part in this “shared reading experience.” The students at J.D. Clifton participated in art projects, listening and acting out of the story. Deundre Hall, Chris Ledet, Kendall Steward, Jacobie Stevenson, Jasmine Vital, Klay Williams. — Erin Canik Gabby is a survivor! Gabrielle Hydle of DeQuincy Elementary was a burn victim in a house fire last January. A team of specialist from Shriners Hospitals for Children in Galveston came to DES to host a re-entry program for Gabby to return to school for all faculty and students. The hosts were Maria Mordente; Gabby’s nurse, Christina Holmes; Occupational Therapist, and Meghaan Jarrell; Child Life Specialist. Gabby is a survivor! She actively participates in every part of our day. Gabby has lots of friends who are excited to do anything and everything for her, but most of the time you will notice that she would “rather do it on her own”! Under the direction of Erin Canik, Oak Park Elementary Art Club Members are for 3rd grade: Lyric Babineaux, Sapphire Meche, Kameron Mumford, Robert Owens, Justice Smith, 4th grade: Jacory Carter, Dennis Evans, Catherine Guillory, Aja Jordan, Keondra Porter, David Pullard, Bashia Rideau, Herman Semien, Kierra Thomas, Jaylon Vital, 5th grade: Jeffery Coleman, Jalen Cullivan, Micah Dugas, Marlana Etienne, Waylon Fontenot, Larry Fowlkes, Henry Gatewood, Kerry Guillory, Vincent Settlement Elementary held a Pre-K parent luncheon on October 18, 2007. Several parents came to enjoy fried chicken with their children. After lunch, the parents came back to the classroom to look at the pumpkins their children decorated for Halloween. Everyone had a great time! Pictured are Mrs. Tina Harris’ Pre-K students. Sheryl Abshire, Administrator of Technology for Calcasieu Parish Schools, was recently notified by LATI (Louisiana Assistive Technology Initiative) at the Louisiana Department of Education that the Technology Department had been awarded a state grant of $230,000 for a Regional Assistive Technology Center. Many students with special needs are not successful in general education because they simply cannot fully access services and resources. When integrated into the overall curriculum, assistive technology (AT) provides the means by which these students may have full access. The need in Region V exists for a more comprehensive approach to the delivery of AT services to students. A regional facility will definitely assist in addressing this need; and, Region V (consisting of a regional consortium among Allen, Beauregard, Cameron, Calcasieu, and Jeff Davis Parishes, along with McNeese State University) is committed to providing equal access to education using tools and technology wherever possible. Specifically, the Region V Consortium hopes to develop tools and strategies to make students more successful in their educational goals. The Regional Consortium believes that by partnering they will be able to expand the scope and magnitude of services currently being provided. Collaborative efforts among the five districts and MSU will enable all districts to meet the needs of students, regardless of the number of students in a district and/or the degree/intensity of their AT needs. With a comprehensive and collaborative model in place, the districts will be able to ensure that AT supports are available to students when needed for them to access a “Free Appropriate Public Education.” All participating parishes have expressed the need to further their AT knowledge and services within their respective parishes and expect the outcomes of the proposed project to fulfi ll this expectation. By incorporating AT and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, teachers will empower the 6,000+ students with disabilities to show academic and social Page 3 improvement as a result of the services provided from the proposed project. — Phyllis Derise to Cool for Drugs!” while they wore their red shirts, sunglasses, and backwards caps. — Trina L. Gann field trip ended with a tour of the National World War II Museum. — Mary Lanier The Body Walk Joy Beth Williams’ Pre-K students were interviewed during their morning routine by Pamela Dixon for KPLC-TV. Students eagerly stated the days of the week, months of the year, and counted to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s. They also identified and spelled the primary and secondary colors. — Arlene Hobaugh Test Celebration The Body Walk, a traveling exhibit, visited our school on October 17th. The Body Walk is a unique educational program that involved pre-k through fi fth grade students in learning the skills and choices for a healthy lifestyle. The Body Walk is one of three components of the Smart Bodies program, a comprehensive health program that provides nutrition education and promotes increased physical activity. Smart Bodies is collaboration between the LSU Ag Center and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation. Thanks to Mary Cole and Sheila Chisholm for organizing this wonderful and educational event. M.J.Kaufman Elementary School was a recent recipient of the annual School Health Award, sponsored jointly by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), the Louisiana Department of Education, and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The School Health Award was created to recognize activities that promote opportunities for students to develop lifelong healthful eating and physical activity habits. Students made a virtual run to Disney World in Orlando,Florida. They did all of their running on school grounds, and added up the miles. Coach Elaine Floyd tracked their progress using a map on her bulletin board. Toe tokens were awarded to all those reaching their destination. — Marj Gustine Test Celebration Oak Park Elementary PTO officers are as follows: President Willis Chretien, Vice President Alicia Joseph, Secretary Laura Belle, Assistant Secretary Dana Bryant, Treasurer/Bookkeeper Jacquette Fontenot, Parliamentarian Rachel Rosado, and School Representatives are Karen Lee and Cathy Parnell. Wayne Savoy and Mac Delafosse were also present at the Open House Oak Park Elementary put on for the parents. SJ Welsh Middle hosted an OPEN HOUSE in September. The turnout was record breaking. More than 1200 participants fi lled the girl’s gym for Opening Remarks and Principal’s Comments. This year’s Student Council President, Christian Salvador, began the program by welcoming those in attendance. Buzz Sarver thanked Wayne Savoy for his attendance. Wayne Savoy shared some positive thoughts about our school system with the parents and students of SJW. He challenged our students and parents to make READING a life-long endeavor. The board members representing SJ Welsh visited with many parents and friends that evening. We appreciate all of these special guests for their attendance. The parents followed their students’ schedule to visit classes as bells rang. Special thanks to all the parents and family members who showed their school spirit and support that evening. — Teresa Chance Testing Celebration Ms. Jeannie Miller of Levingston Engineers enjoys the Testing Celebration Afternoon at Watkins Elem. Levingston Engineers provided Space Walks for the students. The students at Vincent Settlement participated in Red Ribbon Week, during the week of October 22nd-26th. Each day, there was a different theme for the students. On Monday, the students were allowed to wear sports shirts to celebrate the theme “We’ve got better things to do!” Tuesday’s theme was “Tie one on Against Drugs!” and the students wore neck ties. “Join the Fight against Drugs” was the theme for Wednesday with the students dressed in Camouflage. The students wore crazy sock for Thursday’s theme. On Friday the students “We’re School Board Mambers Mack Delafosse and Elray Victorian bought ice cream for students at Watkins Elem. for the Testing Celebration. Both members attended and passed out cake and ice cream to show support. T.S. Cooley 5th grade students have the opportunity to choose a new enrichment class in addition to the advanced art class and choir class, the T.S. Cooley Tigers Typing Tattletales Newsletter Class. The newsletter class taught by librarian, Mary Lanier, is conducted three times a week during the enrichment period. Eight fi fth graders comprise the class: Carmen Lee, Kaleigh Irwin, Alex Mata, Jacob Stump, Hunter Little, Erica Long, Daniela Cadenas, and Hanaiah Morris. The students are responsible for interviewing people to obtain their information, reporting the news, writing the articles, taking pictures, creating the layout, editing, and publishing the school newsletter which is distributed to the students and parents of Cooley each six weeks. The newsletter includes a letter from Fritzi Fralick, principal, information about activities that take place at the school, field trips classes take, club news, a counselor column with tips for parents, news from the school’s Partners in Education: Basell and the Sleep Disorder Center of Louisiana, and parish-wide news from Dolores Hicks, Administrative Supervisor of Elementary Schools. Thanks to the newsletter sponsors, the newsletter is professionally printed by KMI Printed Products. The newsletter sponsors are: Citgo; Lanier Plumbing, Inc.; Lou’s Monograms; Sweetlake Land and Oil CO, LLC; and North American Land Co, LLC. The newsletter can be accessed on the school’s web site. The newsletter class students recently took a trip to New Orleans to visit WDSU television station and the Times Picayune newspaper office to learn about two different types of media. They watched from the set and the control booth as the noon news was broadcasted live at the WDSU NBC affi liate. They interviewed the weather anchorman and were given the tour of the station where they met on-camera reporters and other personnel. Their host for the tour was Lisa Collins, evening news producer and niece of Mary Lanier. At the Times Picayune, they toured the offices of the reporters, the printing press room, and interviewed an environmentalist reporter. The tour guide, Ann Isaacs, explained the origins of the newspaper and the process by which a newspaper is produced. The Mr. Leo Miller, CPSB Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and Kay Victorian, Principal pose for a photo at the Test Celebration at Watkins Elem. Students were rewarded for the 14.5 index points growth. Moss Bluff Middle School Tours Europe In June of 2007, a group of fifteen, including five Moss Bluff Middle School students as well as parents, teachers, and university students, travelled to Europe for a twelve-day tour of the famous cities of London, Paris, and Rome. The group explored such places as St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, London Bridge, and Houses of Parliament in London; experienced the Champs-Élysées, Louvre museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Versailles, and Eiffel Tower in Paris; continued on to Florence and then Rome to take in the Vatican City and Colosseum; and ended the trip with visits to the famous archeological site of Pompeii and the Isle of Capri. Participants discovered first hand some of the most important hallmarks and history of modern western culture and civilization and were encouraged to link their discoveries to their scholastic studies. In addition, participants gained a new awareness of and appreciation for other cultures, characteristics that are so beneficial to a well-rounded education and to one’s capacity to function as a global citizen. Group members included John Michael Broussard, Ailena Davault, Dylan Quebodeaux, Kayla Stargel, and Tyler Turpin (Moss Bluff Middle School students); Clarity Thoreson, Wanda Cruseturner, and Cyran Hounnou (MBMS French and social studies teachers); Veronica Broussard and Melissa Quebodeaux (parents); Marcus Bufford, Lindsay LaBove, and Elise Quinn (LSU and McNeese students); and Jeston Cruseturner (spouse) and Susan Thoreson (parent). Beta Winners S.P. Arnett Middle School’s Beta Club won first place with their wreath at the National Junior Beta Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, in June. The wreath was made by the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade Beta students with hand-beaded flowers and a guitar. The theme of convention was “Grand ‘Ole Beta”. Nicole Hogan, Megan Ortego, and Taylor Whitley traveled to Nashville to attend convention and compete with the wreath. Beta Club sponsors are Shelly Ellender and Alyson Chance. Westwood Elementary students will recognize local veterans by inviting a friend or relative who is a veteran to eat lunch with them any day during the week of November 5-9. Each guest veteran will receive a card and a bag of homemade treats prepared by our students. Westwood students are collecting toiletries for the area homeless veterans. BETA club members will sort and bag items to be delivered. — Karen Ashworth Suddenlink, Partners in Education, donated breakfast for the faculty & Staff at John J. Johnson II, August 16, 2007. It was very tasty. 1st PTO Meeting and Open House was held on Thursday, September 20, 2007. Officers Elected Page 4 SHARE were; President, Linda Carrier, Vice President, M/M Michael Bradley, Secretary, Shantel Stewart, Asst. Sect. Diana Ceasar, Chaplain, Rev. Leonard Brown. Title One Pack Representatives, at Johnson Elementary are as follows: M/M Darol King School Representative- Cynthia Stewart Our Six Week Parenting Workshop “Supporting Schools Success Workshops” continues every Thursday for the next six weeks. Quality In-service on September 25, 2007. Laura Phenice gave our faculty a clearer understanding of the concepts behind Quality classroom goals. Specifically, the goals are for the student to take ownership of their behavior and academics, maintain quality processes, feel proud of their achievements and strive to meet high standards. The goals for teachers are to make students more accountable, use data to guide decision-making, create a student-centered classroom, and work smarter, not harder. More information and many great ideas about Quality can be found on CPSB Blackboard. We have implemented the PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) curriculum. This program’s goal is to assist our students by empowering them in the areas of emotional development, self-regulation, and social problem-solving skills. The Pre-K classes of Theresa Hardy & Ethel Thibodeaux visited the Pumpkin Patch in Sulphur, October 23, 2007. Each student purchased a small pumpkin to take home. The 2nd and 3rd graders are learning about the parts of a plant in our Science Lab. They have made a picture of the part of a plant and are growing their own plants to see how a plant grows from a seed. On October 2, 2007. Berard & Griffith’s 5th grade classes went on a field trip to Cameron, La. This was an educational field trip with emphasis on the fact that children will view first hand many of the concepts they are studying in science and social studies. Fourth and Fifth grade students are excited about the upcoming Student Council elections. Noteworthy Cox, Cox, Filo, Camel & Wilson, partners in education, donated $10,000 to John J. Johnson II Elementary School. — Ethel Thibodeaux by volunteers on weekends. The Career Center students will help in the separation of these, also. The McNeese Farm has several native grasses planted in test fields. — Cheryl Kibodeaux Doris Lemonier Receives French Grant Teachers in 6-12th grade mathematics, kindergarten, and fourth grade are participants in the 2007-2008 CBT Project. The purpose of this program is three-fold: 1) to ensure every district classroom teacher has at least one new computer every four years for instructional use with students, 2) to provide ongoing technology integration professional development, and 3) to provide classroom tools that support 21st Century learning. The focus of the CBT Project professional development is on differentiating instruction (DI) with technology, creating activities and lessons with DI strategies, and enhancing parent communication through the use of a classroom Blackboard website. The teachers attend three face-to-face professional development days which are enhanced with an online Blackboard collaboration component. Upon completion of the sessions, each teacher receives a new internetready, multimedia-capable computer with the Microsoft Office Suite, a laser printer, and Inspiration or Kidspiration. The equipment and software is funded by district technology funds and the professional development is a collaborative venture supported by district, Title II, and Enhancing Education Through Technology federal funds. — Diane Mason A check for $1,154.75 was recently given by David Marcantel, member of the Lafayette Richelieu Club, to Doris Lemonier, French teacher at T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School. The money will be used to enhance the French program at T.S Cooley. She teaches about 200 students in grades 2-5. Richelieu International is a French-speaking service club organization that has clubs throughout the world. The Richelieu Club in Spa, Belgium held a fundraiser to send money to help promote French programs in Louisiana, especially in the areas affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Pictured with Doris Lemonier are David Marcantel and Wayne Savoy, Superintendent of Calcasieu Parish schools. Seed Separation Calcasieu Career Center students are helping the Louisiana Native Plant Initiative group in their effort to restore native prairie and grassland areas to Louisiana. CiCi Richmond visited the Career Center on November 1, 2007, with a PowerPoint on Louisiana native prairie and grasslands. Ms. Richmond also demonstrated techniques to separate the seeds. The 32 students enrolled in Family & Consumer Science and Environmental Science classes separated the seeds from the stalks and hulls. Rattlesnake Master is the first plant for the Career Center to separate. These seeds are stored in paper bags waiting for individuals and groups with greenhouses to plant Louisiana once had 2 ½ million acres of native habitats. Much of this land is now rice, soybeans, and sugar cane. The plants to be restored are found along unplowed sections of old railroad tracks—approximately 200 acres. There is currently no commercial source of native seeds. Native seeds are of interest as they can survive our unique climate. Rattlesnake Master is in the Yucca family. Stories of historical interest are that the Indians wrapped their ankles to protect against snake bites; the other is that the plant was used as an anti-venom preparation. The plant is an important pollinator. The flowers in July and August have a slight honey fragrance. Rabbits and deer feed on the young, tender leaves. Rattlesnake Master may also be found in south Texas. Other native plants are collected Volume 32, Number 1 concerning the implementation of the TAP program throughout the district. — Darcy Oreilly Eurpoean Tour Contest Finalist Congratulations to Hannah Rodriguez, a fi fth grade student at Frasch Elementary. Hannah was a finalist in the Adventure Cove Logo Contest. On Wednesday, October 18, Henry Heights Elementary held a Family Reading Night in conjunction with the Fall Book Fair. The children and their parents participated in many reading based activities such as Phonics Bingo, Newspaper Scavenger Hunt, Comic Strip Sequencing and of course shopping at the book fair in the Library. The favorite activity was the Book Character Scavenger Hunt. The faculty and staff were dressed as book characters and students had to identify them by solving a clue. Congratulations go to Jake Adaway and Samuel Zahm for each placing 3rd in a chess tournament at ICCS. Jake also placed 3rd in a tournament at OLI in Jennings. CITGO Fire Safety CITGO provided E. K. Key with a Fire Safety Awareness Program for all students. The students received many goodies and an opportunity to discuss fire equipment. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes were excited to cast their ballot for the candidates of their choice. The classed held a mock election on Friday, October 12th. They were able to compare the actual results with the over-all result s of the classes. — Pamela Bell, Curriculum Assistant In June of 2007, a group of fifteen, including five Moss Bluff Middle School students as well as parents, teachers, and university students, travelled to Europe for a twelve-day tour of the famous cities of London, Paris, and Rome. The group explored such places as St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, London Bridge, and Houses of Parliament in London; experienced the Champs-Élysées, Louvre museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Versailles, and Eiffel Tower in Paris; continued on to Florence and then Rome to take in the Vatican City and Colosseum; and ended the trip with visits to the famous archeological site of Pompeii and the Isle of Capri. Participants discovered first hand some of the most important hallmarks and history of modern western culture and civilization and were encouraged to link their discoveries to their scholastic studies. In addition, participants gained a new awareness of and appreciation for other cultures, characteristics that are so beneficial to a well-rounded education and to one’s capacity to function as a global citizen. Group members included John Michael Broussard, Ailena Davault, Dylan Quebodeaux, Kayla Stargel, and Tyler Turpin (Moss Bluff Middle School students); Clarity Thoreson, Wanda Cruseturner, and Cyran Hounnou (MBMS French and social studies teachers); Veronica Broussard and Melissa Quebodeaux (parents); Marcus Bufford, Lindsay LaBove, and Elise Quinn (LSU and McNeese students); and Jeston Cruseturner (spouse) and Susan Thoreson (parent). Say BOO to Drugs LeBlanc Middle School participated in a Drug Awareness Week. Homerooms decorated doors with an anti-drug theme “Say Boo to Drugs.” Students also wore red bracelets to show their choice to say no to drugs as well as wearing Red Socks, Hats, and Sunglasses on various days. Teachers took the opportunity during Homeroom to discuss Substance Abuse Awareness. Coach Judy Melancon and Science Teacher, Michelle Ortego, tied for the winning door decoration contest. The Library Service Awards Winners are: DeQuincy Elementary - 1st place in district for total number of circulations: 82,727, Bell City - 1st place for K-12 schools in total number of library circulations (31,623) & average number of books checked out by students (58), J.I. Watson - 1st place for K-8 schools in total number of library circulations (35,832) & average number of books checked out by students (38), E.K. Key - 1st place for elementary schools for average number of library books checked out by students (159), W.W. Lewis - 1st place for middle schools for total number of library circulations (32,452) & average number of library books checked out by students (41), DeQuincy HS - 1st place for high schools for total number of library circulations (17,139) & average number of library books checked out by students (51). AA Nelson Elementary is a 2007 recipient of the Innovation Grant from the Jordan Fundamentals Grant Program. The Jordan Fundamentals Selection Panel for your region and the Jordan Brand in partnership with COMPASS Consulting have agreed to award $2,500 for the implementation of the Go for the Goal program. The process was very competitive and you should be assured that your submission was among one of the best across the country! Combre-Fondel was the proud host of State Superintendent Paul G. Pastorek and TAP founder Lowell Milken. Several schools were invited to attend to participate in a round table discussion Page 5 Congratulations The Bayou Writers Group has chosen Sydney Guidry, a junior at Sam Houston High School, as the first place winner in the high school category for her short story writing entry. Hannah George, also a junior at Sam Houston, was given honorable mention distinction. Sydney wrote a short story intitled “Noises in the Night” and Hannah wrote “In My Heart.” The selections were graded on grammar/punctuation, style/flow, continuity/focus and overall quality. Sam Houston is proud of these students’ accomplishments. — Doug McCullor DeQuincy Middle School student, McKenzie Cooper, was selected as Fox 29 Student of the Month for October. McKenzie is an 8th grade honor student and is a member of BETA, Student Council, the school volleyball and track teams, 4-H, and the school choir. McKenzie is also a participant in the National Little Britches Rodeo Association and the National High School Rodeo Association - Wrangler Division. — Adri LeBlanc The Sam Houston High School Marketing Department and Jamie Quattrone would like to congratulate the following senior DECA students for passing the National Retail Professional Customer Service Exam. Sam Houston is the only area school to gain certification in offering this exam. These students will receive an endorsement in customer service on their high school diplomas. Sam Houston is proud of these students: Leslie Clark, Brittany Barnhart, Eric Fontenot, Jason Fontenot, Cassie Thornton, Morgan Hooper, Brittany McGee, Tommy Singleton, Brittney Victorian, Lori Shelton, Alexis Patrick, Jayce Harvey, Valerie Koonce, Jaclyn Meigurg, Blake Mueggenborg, Allison Ballard, Haley Trahan, Jessica Wright, Heyden Gay, Emily Smythe, Winter Duhon, Justin Wong, Megan McElroy, Leah Derks and Tristan Maben (a junior in COOP education). Sam Houston thanks these students for their efforts and hard work. They have added to Sam Houston’s academic success. — Jamie Quattrone Irma Johnson, a senior student at the Calcasieu Career Center, represented her school in the 10th Annual World’s Greatest Rice Cook Contest sponsored by the Calcasieu-Cameron Rice Growers Association held at the Port of Lake Charles on September 20, 2007, during National Rice Month. — Cheryl Kibodeaux Congratulations to Vinton Middle School. Billy White of BW Services has donated enough money to purchase 15 multi-media computers for the AT lab. The 25 Men of Distinction, a civic organization, donated $250 dollars to purchase school supplies for students in need. They also donated $300 dollars to the library. The Knights of Columbus, Council 6103, donated $450 to our Special Education department. — Peggy Paige Westwood Elementary Art teacher, Melinda Harrell, has been selected to present at the state conference for the Louisiana Art Educators Association in November. — Karen Ashworth The following Westwood Elementary teachers recently won a grant to receive a Promethean ActivBoard for their classroom: Sissy Elliott, Jessica Malveaux, Julie Turnage, Kaci Vinson, and Joann Winfrey. The ActivBoards provide a fun, interactive, hands-on approach to learning. — Karen Ashworth Lewis Middle School will be recognized as a school of exemplary academic growth based on its School Performance Score for 2006-07. — Kathy Walsh Gabby Higginbotham, Jayci Stutes, Laura Lindgren, Allie Young, Kaci Dennis, Daniel Areno, Landon Vincent, Austin Nelson, Hunter Forman, and Michael Breaux are a select group of students who auditioned for the privilege of participating in the All State Chorus. These students travelled to Baton Rouge on October 11-13. They spent two days practicing with All State Chorus members from across the state. On Saturday, October 13 the combined group of Louisiana All State Chorus members performed a concert for the family, friends, and community members. — Trina L. Gann St. John Elementary has two students who won 1st and 3rd place in a statewide art contest. The art contest theme was “Inclusion Equals Everyone”. Darian Seago won 1st place and Randall Arabie won 3rd place in the K-5 Division. We are so proud of all our students who entered this contest. The participants from St John Elementary were 4th grade: Alacia Houston, Asia Ardion, Darian Seago, Emmalee Nichols, Randall Arabie, Sydney Morales, Page 6 Brianna Watkins, Bethanie Farber, Courtney Couvillion, Gabby Garner, Madison Lafargue, Rebecca Bernat, and Zachary Honeycutt. The following St John teachers have won a Title I ActiveBorad Grant; Tevya O’Quain, Nichole Thibodeaux, Sonia Miller, and Countney Dressler. LeBlanc Student John Hogg was chosen the Fox 29/Lake Charles Toyota student of the month for the month of September. John was chosen by his teachers for his outstanding attitude toward others as well as his impressive academic standing. John was then chosen by Fox 29/Lake Charles Toyota among all candidates submitted. Congratulations to John. — Carla Craddock Frasch Elementary was spotlighted at the United Way luncheon/meeting in October for having an 88% increase in employee contributions this year. — Katie Dupre Dale Bernard salutes Oak Park Elementary 20072008 Teacher of the Year Venessa Livingston and Support Person of the Year Felecia Louis. WalMart Grant winners – PreK teacher Karen Lee and 1st Grade teacher Kimbia Fobbs from Oak Park Elementary. Mac Delafosse congratulates the 2007-2008 Drew Grant Recipients for Oak Park Elementary teachers – William Bundy and Audrette Metoyer. Congratulations to Oak Park Elementary student Klay Williams –2nd place DDC Inclusion Art Contest Winner. Klay will be visiting the Governor of Louisiana to receive this special award. Art teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary, Sandy Buteau, received an award from the Artsonia website. She posted the students’ artwork on this site, and because there was so much artwork and fan clubs created from the artwork the school was ranked 4th in the state. — Sherina Snead Ruthie Paris and Meg Reed, teachers at Moss Bluff Elementary, entered lesson plan for the Technology Department -Making Connections Two. Meg Reed won a laptop and Ruthie Paris won a digital camera. — Sherina Snead 5th grader Malik Avery’s name was submitted by principle Louana Brown for the Adventure Cove Park’s drawing. Malik’s name was drawn and he wrote an article published in the American Press Newspaper. His article consisted of 100-150 words about his ideas of how the park would look. — Sheila Slaughter Bell City High received the Library Service Award recently. The school was first place for K-12 level schools for the 2006-2007 school year. — Elizabeth Armentor The physical education department at the Calcasieu Career Center received a grant from the Children’s Miracle Network for $569.00 to help purchase technology equipment to be used by the students in that department. Coach Coates, P.E. instructor, and the students wish to thank the Children’s Miracle Network for their generous grant. — Marsha Coats Lexie Reed and Kenneth Smith were nominated from Moss Bluff Middle School to attend a Mayor’s Luncheon with Randy Roach on Friday, October 19. They were presented with a certificate and thanked publicly for their contributions to the school and to the community. Mary Beth Glas and Katie Chantlin also attended. — Molly Duhon A school-wide assembly was held October 8, 2007 to hear the Milken Foundation representatives, and their founder, Mr. Milken, present educator Sabra Soileau with an award of $25000. The school received a letter complimenting the behavior of the students during the assembly. — Molly Duhon On Saturday, October 20, the following MBMS students auditioned and qualified to participate in the District V Honor Chorus: McKenzie Ball, Darian Ewing, Zennah Landry, Taylor Livingston, Kortney Loftin, Joshua Loftin, Bianca Orsot, Rebecca Ramsey, Anna Rounds, Dylana Smith, and Cheyanne Zirkle. — Molly Duhon The participants toured the port, met the owner of Tony Chachere’s and met an international chef from Mexico. The Moss Bluff club won $200 and many other gifts. — Molly Duhon Congratulations to four E. K. Key teachers: Carmen Brown, Angie Cancellieri, Martha Gary, and Jennifer Sherrill. They applied and received an ACTIVboard to be used in their classrooms. — Carmen Brown, Joanna Grimes,Christie Flores Congratulations to Kyle McComb, fi fth grader, for winning the Golden Rule Award. The following students were selected by audition to participate in the Louisiana Elementary All-State Choir: Marianne Alexis, Bradley Bryant, Daja Williams, Taylor Marshall, Kelvin Henry, Carlie Walton, Brooke Townsley, and John Trouth. They traveled to Baton Rouge Oct. 11-13 to rehearse with the 190member choir composed of the most outstanding singers from grades four, five, and six. The final concert was at 1:30 p.m., October 13, in Baton Rouge. Nine chess members from T.S. Cooley competed at the ICCS Chess Tournament on Saturday , September 15. Five students placed at the tournament. K-2 Section winners were Jack Dietz - 3rd Place; Trey Gregory and Zach Mercy - 2nd Place and 3-5 Section winners were Gabriel Osburn and Aaron Yen, both 2nd Place winners. — Hanaiah M. - student “How ‘bout those COLTS!” Two UNDEFEATED teams walk the halls at SJ Welsh Middle School. Colt Pride is easy to find at S J Welsh Middle School this fall. The Varsity Girls VOLLEYBALL team ended their season UNDEFEATED. Congratulations to Coach Voight and her assistants. To make winning at SJW even sweeter – Tuesday night, October 23, at LaGrange High School Stadium, the SJ Welsh FOOTBALL team had the final word in CPSB Middle School Football. The SJW COLT football players finished the season UNDEFEATED. Congratulations to Head Coach Brad Durio and his assistants. Colt fans everywhere are looking for more victories this school year. Bring on the basketball, golf and track. Way to go COLTS! SJW Art teacher, Julie Dallas’ artwork will be displayed at the Imperial Calcasieu Museum during LAEA state conference. The juried exhibits are by art teachers in Louisiana. Way to go – COLT teacher – Julie Dall as! Special congratulations to SJW seventh grader, Justice Fontenot. Justice was chosen to serve on the Mayor’s Youth Partnership Council. Congratulations to Justice! This past summer was no exception for SJ Welsh Cheerleaders and Colt Dance-line Kickers. Both of these squads had team members named to the ALL STAR TEAMS at their respective camps. Dedicated cheerleader sponsor, Coach Christy Sonnier and Colt Kickers’ Co-sponsors, Angela McManemin and Rhonda Dixon (SJW librarians) work hard throughout the year, including the summer, to support these special athletes. SJW Cheerleaders won First Place in Cheer Division Award of Excellence and First Place in the Dance Division Champions. They were awarded the Spirit Stick all three evenings. All-American Cheerleaders were Kristian Salvador, Kaylin Quinn , Kelsey Fontenot, and Brandi Courville. Charlesetta Victorian won First Place in the Tumbling Contest and in the Jump-off Contest. SJW Colt Kickers, Deven Stanley and Molly Jones, were named UDA ALL-STARS while attending dance camp with the Colt Kickers. Both girls have the opportunity to perform in the Houston Thanksgiving Day Parade. — Teresa Chance Ian James, a first grade student at College Oaks Elementary School, won third place in a golf tournament held in Houston, Texas. — Arlene Hobaugh Trudy Phelps, first grade teacher, received a Jordan Fundamentals Grant for $10,000. Funds will be used to purchase Palms for the entire first grade for implementation of the “Math Masters Grant”. Madison Cantu was named “Fox 29 Student of the Month”. She was nominated by her second grade teacher, Pat Fetter. Devyn Jones, third grader, received the Kiwanis Golden Rule Award. He was nominated by his teacher, Kate Valentine. The MBMS Hospitality Team won 1st place in the Port of Lake Charles Rice Cooking Contest. They also won 1st place in the heart healthy category. Jourdan Fruge, 8th grader, represented the club. The competition included 19 schools in 3 parishes. SHARE Partners in Education Sasol, Westwood’s Partner in Education, provided donuts and juice to the fi rst six weeks Honor/Banner Roll students and they also provided treats for those students meeting their AR goals for the fist six weeks. — Karen Ashworth City Savings Bank has opened School Bank Days at Lewis Middle where Lewis students may deposit money in their own accounts monthly. — Kathy Walsh Our Partners in Education have gone above and beyond in providing support and assistance since our school year began. Targa visited our school with a much appreciated $1000 donation which will be used for technology and school supplies for our 567 students. Global Industries made it possible for us to purchase new and improved planners for the school year with their very generous $1000 donation. In addition, Global purchased McDonald’s After School Snack Coupons for all of our VSE students. The children were delighted, not to mention their parents! Cameron State Bank helped us to implement an extra special Red Ribbon Week by purchasing red “2 Smart 2 Start Drugs” wrist bands for all faculty and students. Our Star Students for 20072008 will receive T-shirts provided to us courtesy of Cameron Communications. This is always a very special honor and we extend sincere thanks to this business for its support. The Westlake Group helped our teachers kick off the new school year by providing breakfast at our Back to School in-service. This is a tradition that the VSE staff enjoys and looks forward to. — Pamela Fry LeBlanc Middle School received a $500.00 donation from Steamatic, Inc., its P.I.E. The school will use the donation for various expenditures. — Carla Craddock Partners in Education provided breakfast and door prizes for the Back to School inservice at Oak Park Elementary. — Jaquetta Fontenot Oak Park Elementary Book Keeper Bell City’s Partner in Ed. City Savings Bank, has started a banking program at the school. The program involves grades K-12 students. Bell City had over eighty students who are participating in this program. — Elizabeth Armentor A big THANK YOU to Citgo, Partner-in-Education with the Calcasieu Career Center!!! Citgo gave each faculty and staff member a new red school bag fi lled with school supplies during teacher in- service days at the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year. — Liz Hoffpauir Moss Bluff Elementary has received outstanding support from the school’s partners. Beci, Sonic, State Farm Melanie Perry, Jeff Davis Bank, Wendy’s, Service Tire and Auto of Moss Bluff, Textbook Rentals, Verizon Wireless, and A-1 Sewer have gone above and beyond to assist Moss Bluff Elementary in any way possible. — Sherina Snead Dwight Law Firm, PIE for Moss Bluff Middle, honored the students of the 6 weeks along with administrators Sabra Soileau and Kendall Fontenot by going out to lunch on Thursday, October 11. The students for the 1st 6 weeks were Marieangelie Colon and Kenneth Smith from 8th grade, Adam Chase and Taylor Livingston from 7th grade, and Morgan Watson and Gabriel Hodges from 6th grade. — Molly Duhon The American Heart Association is holding its annual Heart Walk November 10 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Moss Bluff Middle School’s Partner in Education, Stephen Dwight (Dwight Law Firm) is this year’s chairman. In an effort to show support for our PIE, the school had an ice cream sandwich fundraiser in October. The motto was “Beat the heat and help a heart!” We raised over $150 to be donated by our teachers’ walking team in November. Look for pictures of our team in the next SHARE newsletter. — Molly Duhon W.W. Lewis would like to recognize and thank our three Partners in Education. Carl Vincent with State Farm Insurance – Carl spoils us every year with a delicious back to school breakfast that he cooks himself. His banner roll pizza parties and honor roll ice cream parties have come to be much anticipated events each six weeks. He has treated the faculty to ice cream sundaes after school. And, he supplied homemade cookies for our annual Parent Coffee meeting. Dondra Hayes and Jeff Davis with City Savings Bank (CSB) welcomed the staff back to school with insulated mugs. They have implemented a new program called Teach Children to Save in which students are offered the opportunity to open and maintain savings accounts here at school. A bank representative comes to school once a month for students to make deposits. Students making five or more deposits throughout the year will be treated to a pizza party. CSB donated juice for the annual Parent Coffee meeting. They treated the staff to a tailgating party in their parking lot during the SHS homecoming parade. In the Schools The following Westwood Elementary 5th grade students will be inducted into this year’s National Jr. Beta Club: Kyle Langley, Brant Morton, Michael Reed, Morgan Rosteet, Jacob Deranger, Kyle Griffen, Brennan Kelley, Chance LaPoint, Alexa Mirchi, Jalen Thomas, Ryan Buller, Ada Crochet, Michael Kee, Kayla Ray, Kayleigh Abbott, Braiden Hardesty, Shannon Johnston, and Ryan Racca. Beta recognizes those students with outstanding achievement, social responsibility, and service involvement in school and community. — Karen Ashworth Lewis Middle School dedicated its football stadium to the memory of its fi rst principal by naming the stadium “Joe Mount Stadium.” — Kathy Walsh Paulette Szymanski’s 3rd grade class read 100 books for Scholastic’s Kids in Need. Because we read 100 books, Scholastic will send 100 books to kids in need. — Paulette Szymanski St. John PreK and DDP students enjoyed a visit to the pumpkin patch on October 16. St John Quiz Bowl has been getting prepared for their fi rst tournament which is January 29, 2008. They had a practice against Prien Lake Elementary on October 22. The Frasch 4-H Club is collecting food for the Care/Help program this year. — Katie Dupre During the summer, the faculty of Fairview Elementary attended the Kagan training held at the school. The faculty learned cooperative learning and how to build powerful learning teams in the classroom. — Sheila Slaughter Fairview Elementary held its Open House on October 2, 2007. The school had an enormous parental turn out. The fi rst six-weeks report cards were also given out. — Sheila Slaughter Congratulations to Carrie Verret, Donna Ortego, Tiffany Hill, and Esther Augustine on winning the promethean ACTIVBoard for their classrooms! These teachers were chosen by writing a grant about how they would implement the use of the board in their classrooms. — Sheila Slaughter Volume 32, Number 1 Karen Alexander N.I.E. (Newspaper in Education) Coordinator for the American Press came to visit the T.S. Cooley Newsletter Class! She taught them how newspapers are made. She also showed them a video about the processes the editors, reporters, photographers, and the printers go through everyday publishing the newspaper. The fi rst and second graders had two ladies read to them! They were trying to set a national record by reading to lots of people! The Story of Ferdinand by Munvo Leaf was read by Charlotte McCann of the Junior League of Lake Charles, Inc. Hillary Nixon read that book to the 2nd grade classes. Hillary Nixon chose this project because her favorite hobbies are reading and public speaking. She, also, loves children. The second graders had another visit! Corporal Cheryl Leichliter came to read to them! She really enjoyed reading to the second graders. She read the books Not Afraid Of Dogs and Franklin and the Thunderstorm. She started this program because she loves children and when she was a child she was treated very nicely by police officers. She is going to go visit other schools, too. At the department, she covers the traffic division. T.S. Cooley would like to thank Chief Don Dixon of the Lake Charles Police Department for supporting the promotion of literacy through this wonderful reading program. — Daniela C., student On October 12, 2007, the Lake Charles Fire Department visited Fairview Elementary School. The students learned about fi re safety and enjoyed touring the fi re truck. — Sheila Slaughter Nine DeQuincy Elementary Students were selected by audition to participate in the Louisiana Elementary All-State Choir. They traveled to Baton Rouge, La., on October 11th-13th, to sing, and perform with the most gifted students from across the state of Louisiana, with guest clinician Paul Caldwell. William Clement is the music director. — Pam Martarona Jackie Landry, paraprofessional at Moss Bluff Elementary, received an HP Laptop computer from First Financial in a parish wide drawing. — Sherina Snead Moss Bluff Elementary PTO did a great job of organizing the schools annual cookie-dough fund raiser. The school profited twenty-two thousand seven hundred twenty-five dollars. Moss Bluff Elementary would like to say thanks to all that worked so hard to make this a great success. — Sherina Snead Donna Richard and Chuck Grant with Chemical Waste Management (CWM) has made their annual monetary donation which is used to fund our Homework Hotline telephone service and also pays for the student agendas that each student receives at no cost. All three of our PIE donated computer mouse pads to our computer enrichment class. — Connie O. Duffy A PTW Volunteer has come through again. Ms. Fran Sanchez, SJW Mom, coordinates the maintenance and care of the Memorial Garden located in front of the school. The colorful flowers and professional landscaping reflects the community support by many businesses who are friends of SJ Welsh. Special thanks to all our parent volunteers and business partners for sharing their “COLT PRIDE.” — Teresa Chance Our new Partner in Education, Tonya Griffith, Broker of AG Edwards provided treats and ice cream sundaes for all students that achieved Banner and Honor Roll for the 1st six weeks. We are excited to have her as our Partner. — Pamela Bell, Curriculum Assistant T.S. Cooley’s Partner in Education, Sleep Disorder Center of Louisiana, purchased recyling containers for each classroom to encourage the students to recycle paper. Kelly Rhodes, Nurse Practioner Assistant at the Sleep Disorder Center of Louisiana and T.S. Cooley mother, received a certificate of appreciation and recognition from Team Green of Southwest Louisiana for the center’s contribution to the recycling program at Cooley. Barbara Monroe, President of Team Green of Southwest Louisiana, spoke to the students at a school-wide assembly explaining the importance of recycling. The students were also encouraged to recycle old phone books by bringing them to the Team Green trucks stationed throughout the city. Team Green of Southwest Louisiana contributed a large recycling bin at the school. Cooley parent, Trish Botsko, suggested the recycling program when she realized that there was not one at the school. She has lived in various parts of the United States where recyling was done on a daily basis and feels it is important to teach children the impact they could make on the environment by recycling. Cooley’s Junior Beta Club members and janitorial staff are assisting with the progam by emptying out the recycling containers on a weekly basis. Cooley students and faculty would like to thank Dr. Kaimal, the doctor at the Sleep Disorder Center of Louisiana, for supporting this project at the school. — Mary Lanier Dolby Elementary welcomes two new partners in education--Home Furniture Company and Saundra Bridges Real Estate. S J Welsh Middle School is taking on a different look. The teachers and students are implementing THINKING MAPS this year throughout the middle school curriculum. As you walk through the halls and into classrooms, you will see students’ work displayed everywhere. The use of THINKING MAPS to increase student understanding of the information teachers are presenting has been proven to help students succeed. SJW teachers are always anxious to learn new and innovative ways to engage students in meaningful learning. “Hats off” to the GREAT job our SJ Welsh teachers continue to do every year. Jr. BETA members, Beverly Crawford (SJW teacher), and parents volunteered to help build Adventure Cove last Saturday. They got to paint, put soap on screws, move and spread sand, mix and pour concrete, and meet Mayor Randy Roach. Several of the parents were “skilled” workers that cut and assembled parts of the playground equipment. Mr. Gatti’s provided free pizza and drinks at the end of the work day. SJ Welsh participated in the Joint-Community Choir Concert with Barbe High School and FK White Middle School choirs. The choirs performed for a standing-room only audience earlier this month. SJW teacher, Rebekah Bernard directs the SJ Welsh choir. SING ON SJW! — Teresa Chance Kaufman Elementary was one of several of the parish schools to host the Body Walk exhibit. Students were able to walk through the simulated organs, muscles, and tissues comprising the body while learning which foods enhance their growth. The Body Walk is coordinated by the LSU AgCenter and sponsored by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation. — Marj Gustine Creative thank-you posters decorated the halls and cafeteria one recent October week to show appreciation for M.J. Kaufman’s custodian, housekeeper, and cafeteria worker. — Marj Gustine Students in Marj Gustine’s class were pictured in the October 31 American Press displaying their learning maps - Circle Map and Double Bubble Maps - following storytime about a good witch and a bad witch. — Marj Gustine Page 7 Pumpkin Patch On Wednesday, October 24, 2007, the Pre-k classes at Vincent Settlement went to the Ward 1 Fire Station, the Pumpkin Patch and Carlyss Park for a picnic! Some of our family members came with us and we had a ball! Messiah Missionary Baptist Church Dontates Supplies Messiah Missionary Baptist Church dontated supplies for the students at Brentwood Elementary. Our students were truly blessed by their generosity. Northrup Grumman Dontates Supplies Northrop Grumman generously donated school supplies for our students at Brentwood Elementary. We appreciate their continued support. School Supply Drive Louisiana Counselor of the Year TNT Conference Billy Navarre Chevrolet recently donated a check for $2000 to the Calcasieu Parish School Board for their annual School Supply Drive. Billy Navarre Chevrolet was the drive’s main sponsor. Pictured left to right are Ryan Navarre, general manager of Billy Navarre Chevrolet in Sulphur, Billy Navarre, owner of Billy Navarre Chevrolet, Dolores Hicks, administrative director of Calcasieu parish elementary schools, and Jareth Navarre, Billy Navarre Chevrolet sales manager. Cassandra Austin, a counselor last year from Combre/Fondel Elementary, was awarded the Louisiana Elementary Counselor of the Year, sponsored by the Louisiana School Counselors’ Association. She was recognized at a luncheon last month in Baton Rouge at the LCA Conference. Her principal last year was Harold Winey. She is currently serving as 7th grade counselor at SJ Welsh Middle school. Her current principal is Buzz Sarver. Organizers from the five-parish region held their ninth annual Teaching aNd Technology (TNT) Conference October 13, 2007 from 8 AM – 3 PM at the Calcasieu Parish School Board Technology Training Center and Reynaud Middle School. This conference was open to educators in Calcasieu, Cameron, Allen, Beauregard and Jeff Davis parishes and was sponsored by the Calcasieu Parish School Board Technology Department, the Calcasieu Association of Educators, Region V LACUE and Region V TLTC. School Wins State Health Award Veterans Honored Blackboard Showcase Site M. J. Kaufman Elementary School was selected as a recipient of the annual School Health Award for the 2006-07 school year. The School Health Award was created to recognize activities around the state that promote opportunities for students to develop lifelong healthful eating and physical activity habits The award is sponsored by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education BESE the Louisiana Department of Education and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. A reception was held in their honor at the Claiborne Building in Baton Rouge then the award was presented during the BESE meeting. Page 8 Recognition of War Veterans/Honorary High School Diploma were Mr. Atlas James Johnson and Mr. Dale Henry Smith Dawn Hooper, a second grade teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary, was selected by blackboard to have her blackboard site show cased. Mrs. Hooper is an excellent teacher with outstanding technology skills. SHARE Noteworthy Terri Johnson fi fth grade teacher at DeQuincy Elementary presented at the TNT9 Institute Oct. 13, 2007. A Kinetically, Innovative Novelty Session of homegrown pumpkins with vines of technology harvest crops of relishable learning. — Pam Martarona Westwood Elementary has received a special inviation from the Louisiana Department of Education to participate in the Louisiana Educators Kick Off Summit in Baton Rouge on November 5, 2007. Westwood has been identified as a “Pacesetter School” for meeting our growth target for more than three consecutive years. Representing Westwood at the summit will be: Phyllis Hess, principal; Julie Turnage, 4th grade teacher; Sissy Elliott, 5th grade teacher; and Frances Burgin, 3rd grade teacher. They will share ideas contributing to the consistent high achievement levels of students at our school with educators from across the state. — Karen Ashworth Julie Richard and Libby Ford went to the LATM conference in Lafayette on Oct. 11 – 13. They learned new games to play in Math that costs little money and they were also shown how the LEAP rubric works for constructed response questions. — Libby Ford The following teachers won the Activboard Title I grant at St. John Elem. Wanda Harrington, Courtney Dressler, Nichole Thibodeaux, Sonia Miller, Tevya O’Quain, Sandi Desadier, and Sid Barras. Frasch Student Council members prepared gift baskets for the cafeteria workers in recognition of School Lunch week. — Katie Dupre Fairview Elementary held its annual Grandparent’s Day luncheon on September 20, 2007. Several proud grand parents were in attendance to see all the accomplishments their grandchildren have made. They were also treated to a delicious lunch. — Sheila Slaughter Fairview Elementary was proud to have 95% of its staff attend the annual TNT conference held at Reynaud Middle School and C& I. Fairview represented so well that Roxann Clark, Judy Clark, Shun Clark, Ladoris Politte, David Coffey, Betty Carrier, and Doris Hayes all won door prizes. — Sheila Slaughter The faculty and staff of Fairview Elementary School contributed more than $5,000 to United Way. Over 90% of the staff participated. Way to go! — Mary Cole This year, DeQuincy Elementary did a wonderful job for our local United Way! Our school averaged over $145 per person in donations, with 100% participation! Our school received an award from Calcasieu Parish for our increase in donation level. Congratulations to DeQuincy Elementary and all of our United Way Heroes! — Pam Martarona Rachel Harmon, Lauren Giffi n, and Gloria Rasco attended and presented sessions at the TNT9 Conference held in Lake Charles recently. Rachel presented a Math Web Quest; Lauren presented Activboards for Promethean, and Gloria presented Activboards as a co-presenter with the ASAP grant recipients.The grant provided a Promethean board, laptop, and projector for Gloria Rasco’s classroom. — Molly Duhon WAY TO GO 7TH GRADE COLT COUNSELOR, CASSANDRA AUSTIN. Cassandra Austin was recently named the Louisiana Elementary Counselor of the Year in a special presentation during the LA State Counselor’s Conference. Cassandra Austin moved to SJW from Combre-Fondel Elementary in August. We are proud to have Cassandra Austin as a new SJW COLT. Leslie Brinkley and Norma Fruge of the LDE REGION V office presented a Vocabulary Workshop to the newest SJ Welsh faculty members. These LaTAAP teachers are completing their requirements to fulfi ll Louisiana teacher certification. REGION V serves the schools in Calcasieu by providing valuable instructional resources. We appreciate Stacey Smith, SJW LINCS Coordinator, for arranging this in-service opportunity for our LaTAAP teachers. — Teresa Chance Technology grants for Promethean ActivBoards were awarded to the following College Oaks Elementary teachers: Kathy Elliott, Penny Pentecost, and Maranda Busby. — Arlene Hobaugh Kiara Cruz was the Kwanza winner for College Oaks Elementary School. She also won a $100 gift card to Wal-Mart for being named a winner in the Citgo Art Contest. — Arlene Hobaugh Laura Church, Laurie Tate, and Nikki Welch, M. J. Kaufman Elementary teachers, received Promethean Boards for their classrooms through a grant with Title 1 and the Tech Center. — Marj Gustine Frieda Rigmaiden, Curriculum Coordinator, at J. D. Clifton, received a Drew Grant award of more than $9,000. The grant project is titled, Read to Succeed and focuses on K-2nd grade reading success. The grant purchased a wide variety of reading support tools. The reading tools include Reading games, Geo Safari Phonics Pads, Whisper phones, and K- 2nd grade libraries just to name a few. — Camella Hardy Kristen Orndoff, fi fth grade teacher at T.S. Cooley, presented a program called “If” at the TNT conference held October 13 at the tech center. The session demonstrated how to use Tech4learning Pixie and WebBlender software to create projects in the elementary classroom within a six weeks time frame using digital cameras, web searches for pictures and clipart, and incorporated language arts writing skills. She shared some of the projects created by her own fi fth graders at Cooley. — Mary Lanier The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students at Brentwood Elementary were able to write, shoot, direct, and produce their own movie shorts through our partnership with the Digital Arts Alliance. The students have also been able to communicate with students from Africa via Nokia Video phone and Webcam. Our very own Peggy Blanchard, Technology Coordinator, and Principal, E. Brent Washington helped to make this endeavor possible. We are all so excited about what is going on here at Brentwood Elementary. — Pamela Bell, Curriculum Assistant Twenty-four Dolby teachers attended the annual TNT Conference. Angela Ardoin, Shawna Dufrene, Trudy Phelps, Lori Bertrand, Kathie Istre, and Pam Quebodeaux made presentations at the conference. Quality Corner Welcome New Quality Mentor Laura Phenice joined the Quality Department in August. She has over fi fteen years experience in the elementary and middle schools. She hit the ground running and is anxious to assist the district with her Quality expertise. Laura can be reached via email, [email protected], or by phone at 217.4130 Ext. 1106. Webpage Redesigned The Quality Corner website has been redesigned. The Quality Mentors invite you to visit the site to see what is new. District Alignment Alignment is defined as the arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines. When talking about an organization it can mean a group of people who work together for a common purpose. Based on these two definitions, district alignment within Calcasieu Parish School System requires a common understanding of vision, mission, and measures to support goals and action plans to improve performance results. In September, stakeholders from across the system met to address the alignment issue. The meeting which was facilitated by Tom Hatfield, Director of Quality and Training at PPG, resulted in the proposal of a vision and a mission statement. Four focus areas and five core values were also decided. Since that meeting, each department within the CPSS has been meeting to develop a dashboard, a key tool used to identify essential measures for each focus area. Once the measures have been identified, then a Goals Plan is developed Volume 32, Number 1 outlining key action steps. The dashboards will be posted outside each department as a method to communicate the focus areas to stakeholders. Quality Tool Spotlight Plus (+)/Delta (∆) The Plus/Delta is probably the most recognized and improperly implemented Quality tool. As a result it is often met with annoyance. The purpose of the Plus (+) Delta (∆) is to improve personal and team performance through targeted development by opening lines of communication. The evaluation can be customized to address specific developmental needs of a particular individual or a group. Participants are allowed to answer individually and share collectively to identify the right solution and determine the appropriate course of action for continuous improvement. Plus/Delta can be used with groups of any size. To be successful with Plus/Delta • Reinforce each suggestion in a positive and constructive manner. • Keep focused on suggestions for improvement. • Be sure to reinforce the “pluses” and to act upon the “deltas.” • Allow anonymous postings. Once participants realize changes are being made, the Plus/Delta becomes an effective quality tool whose use will be met with enthusiasm. When to use a Plus/Delta • End of the day, end of the week, end of the year • Close out a meeting, a project, a lesson, a test, an observation • After completing any unit Personal reflection of participants • What am I doing to improve my learning? • What do I need to do to improve my • learning? Blackboard • • Informal assessment Variations of the traditional Plus/Delta • Assessment of a report, test, or project • Hand back with final grade • Provides better understanding of what was done well and what improvements are needed • Survey parents • Evening homework session • Project • School year (can be done several times throughout year) • Open Houses, Meet and Greets, assemblies, etc. • Ticket out the Door • Have sticky notes available for each participant • One plus and one delta needed to exit class, meeting, cluster, etc. • Identify Driving and Preventing forces (aka Drivers and Preventers) • What are you doing to help you achieve your goal? (Drivers) • What is keeping you from reaching your goal? (Preventers) • Combine with Enthusiasm and Learning chart • Add a comment or “what next?” section to the Plus/Delta then categorize using affinity diagram • Evaluate field trips, reward activities, etc. • Assessing collaborative activity: • How do you feel about your partner problem solving task? • How do you feel your group worked today? • Insert Activity Column and Plus/Delta each activity • Plus/Delta/Rx asks for possible solutions to address the Deltas • Have/Need • What do we have to be successful? • What do we need to be successful? • Stop/Start/Continue • What do we need to stop doing? • What do we need to start doing? • What do we need to continue doing? Page 9