Limnomysis data sheet for CABI
Limnomysis data sheet for CABI
DATASHEET FOR CABI INVASIVE SPECIES COMPENDIUM INVASIVE AQUATIC SPECIES – Limnomysis benedeni By Karl J. Wittmann Medical University of Vienna, Dept. Ecotoxicology, Waehringer Strasse 10, A-1090 Vienna, Austria TEXT SECTIONS 1. IDENTITY SECTION NOTES ON TAXONOMY AND NOMENCLATURE Scientific names in use Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882 is the only currently acknowledged species of the genus Limnomysis Czerniavsky, 1882. Together with the first description of this genus and species, Czerniavsky (1882) produced a great number of additional names at generic, specific, subspecific, and infrasubspecific level, all of which are currently considered as junior synonyms. The same is for Mysidella bulgarica described by Valkanov (1936) from freshwater populations in Bulgaria. This taxon was synonymized by Băcescu (1940) based on examination of the type material. Since then, the genus Limnomysis remained monotypic in the primary scientific literature. Nevertheless some of the invalid names are erroneously available as valid taxa in current secondary literature, particularly in internet databases (e.g. ITIS, 2009; ZipcodeZoo, 2009). Common names No specific names are currently used in English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The English terms ‘mysid‘, ‘mysid shrimp‘, or ‘opossum shrimp‘ designate any species belonging to the family Mysidae. Specific common names are used for L. benedeni in several countries along rivers Rhine and Danube: The Dutch names ‘(Kaspische) slanke aasgarnaal’ mean ‘(Caspian) slender mysid’. German ‘Donau-Schwebgarnele’ means ‘Danube mysid’. Hungarian ‘pontusi tanúrák’ means ‘Pontian mysid’. Slovakian (Czech) ‘vidlonožec dunajský‘ means ‘Danubian mysid‘, or more literally ‘Danubian schizopod‘. In each case the English term ‘mysid‘ may be replaced by ‘mysid shrimp‘ or by ‘opossum shrimp‘. SUMMARY OF INVASIVENESS Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882, is a mysid shrimp (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) native to brackish and freshwater of the Ponto-Caspian region. Starting shortly before 1946, it spread across continental Europe by intentional and unintentional introductions, arrived in coastal brackish waters of the Baltic and the North Sea, and is soon to be expected at the Mediterranean coast. The westward spread occurred mainly through multiple invasion waves along waterways of the southern corridor, from the Danube Delta, through the MainDanube Channel, and in the River Rhine down to the North Sea. Main vectors of expansion are ships, with construction of navigation canals as main associated factor. Overland transfers are evident but probably of minor importance. Estimates of invasiveness are mainly based on local, often transient, mass occurrences in the colonized waters, where this species became for limited periods by number or biomass the most dominant macrozoobenthic component, with potential consequences on habitat structure, food webs, and biodiversity. This species is not in ISSG list and IUCN Red List. 2. DISTRIBUTION SECTION DISTRIBUTION – FURTHER INFORMATION Native areas Up to the 1940s, L. benedeni was confined to coastal waters and tributaries of the Caspian Lake and the Azov, Black and Marmora seas (Băcescu, 1940; Wittmann, 2007). From the oligohaline reach in the mouth area it penetrated several hundred kilometers into the large Ponto-Caspian river systems (Fig. 2). For example, the original distribution in River Danube reached up to about river-km 460 (Băcescu, 1940; by convention, km 0 is in the city of Sulina at the Black Sea coast), in no case into or beyond the former cataract stretch between km 941 and km 1040 in the Carpathian breakthrough. The only possible mention of a native population outside the Ponto-Caspian basins is an unclear notice by Băcescu (1948) in Romanian language, interpreted by Mordukhai-Boltovskoi (1964), Kelleher et al. (1999), and Wittmann and Ariani (2000) as record for Lake Beysehir in the highlands of Anatolia (southern Turkey, Levantine Basin, eastern Mediterranean). However, inspection of this lake by the present author in June 2006 yielded no Limnomysis. HISTORY OF INTRODUCTION/SPREAD Spread in the Danube system In 1946, L. benedeni surprisingly appeared in the winter harbor of Budapest at Danube-km 1644 (first record for Hungary; Dudich, 1947; Woynárovich, 1955), this was almost 1200 km above the previously known, native distribution range. In 1950, specimens from the newly discovered populations near Danube-km 1623 were successfully transplanted to seven stations in Lake Balaton in order to enrich the basis of fish food (Woynárovich, 1955). During the following five decades, L. benedeni expanded its upstream distribution in 14 documented steps (Wittmann, 2007) up to the root of the Main-Danube-Channel in Kelheim at km 2410 in 1998. These expansions were probably not influenced by intentional transfers and yielded the first records for Slovakia (Brtek, 1953), Austria (Weish and Türkay, 1975), and Germany (Wittmann, 1995). The city of Kelheim marks the end of the navigable reach in the main course of this river, and remarkably this species did not expand further upstream in this course, so far documented up to 2008 (Wittmann and Ariani, 2009; additional sampling stations summarized in Wittmann, 2008). Most Danubian expansions are attributed to unintentional transport by ships (Wittmann, 1995, 2007; Reinhold and Tittizer, 1997). Molecular genetic data by Audzijonyte et al. (2009) suggest at least three westward invasion waves through the middle and upper reaches of the Danube from differentiated sources in the delta area. Spread to and within the Rhine system Probably shortly before 1997, L. benedeni transgressed the Main-Danube-Channel (officially opened 1992) where it was first recorded in 1998 by Reinhold and Tittizer (1998). In 1997-1998 it suddenly appeared in vast areas of the Rhine system probably by downstream expansion (drift) from this channel within the Main-Rhine system (first record for the Netherlands in 1997 by Kelleher et al., 1999). By subsequent upstream spread it appeared already in 1998 in the French reach (Wittmann and Ariani, 2000) and 2005 in the Swiss reach (Wittmann, 2007) of River Rhine. Further expansions within and from the Rhine system continued into tributaries and navigation canals in France (Wittmann and Ariani, 2009), Germany (Wittmann, 2007), and the Netherlands (Usseglio-Polatera and Beisel, 2003), yielding 2005 the first record for Belgium (Vercauteren and Wouters, 2008). A recent surprise in the Rhine system was the appearance in Lake Constance, marking the common borders of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, in 2006 (Fritz et al., 2006; ANEBO, 2007). Most range expansions to, within, and from the Rhine system are attributed to the break-up of natural hydrographic barriers by construction of waterways in combination with ship traffic and passive drift, but also other modes of transfer may have played some role (Tittizer, 1997; Reinhold and Tittizer, 1997; Kelleher et al., 1999; Tittizer et al., 2000; Van der Velde et al., 2000; Wittmann and Ariani, 2000, 2009; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Dumont, 2006; Wittmann, 2007). Three major corridors were discussed for the unintentional anthropogenic spread of Ponto-Caspian aquatic species to western Europe (Schleuter et al., 1998; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002). Before the availability of genetic data it was not clear (Wittmann, 2007) whether the Limnomysis populations in NWGermany originate from invasions only along the southern corridor via Danube, Main-Danube-Channel, and Rhine or in part also from non-indigenous populations in tributaries of the Baltic. Molecular genetic data by Audzijonyte et al. (2009) finally indicated that western Europe was so far invaded only along the southern corridor. Spread in eastern Europe Starting in 1947 with a hydropower reservoir of the Dnieper River (Ukraine), a great number of water bodies in the former Soviet Union were intentionally stocked with L. benedeni in order to enrich the food supply for fish (Zhuravel, 1950; 1959; Ioffe, 1968; Grigorovich et al., 2002; Minchin and Rosenthal, 2002). Populations taken 1960 from the introduced population in the Dnieper hydropower reservoir and stocked in the Kaunas reservoir (Lithuania) spread along River Neman down to the Curonian Lagoon at the Baltic coast (Olenin and Leppäkoski, 1999; Arbaciauskas, 2002). Molecular genetic data by Audzijonyte et al. (2009) confirmed the supposed origin of the Curonian population from the Dnieper reservoir. This clade was so far not found anywhere in western Europe. Surprisingly, the Limnomysis taken 2004 in the Tsymliansk reservoir, this is above the native range of this species in River Don (Azov Sea drainage), belong genetically to a Caspian clade (Audzijonyte et al., 2006, 2009). Spread from populations in River Volga via the Volga-Don canal (finished 1951-1952) could plausibly explain this case. In 2003, the first finding for Poland was made in River Odra by Michels (2005). As shown in Fig. 2, these stations are almost equidistant from known populations in Lithuania and NW-Germany, therefore possible source areas of the Polish population cannot be judged unless genetic data are available. In 2007, L. benedeni appeared at three stations along River Pripyat (first records for Belarus by Semenchenko et al., 2007) where it may have spread via the central corridor from introduced populations in hydropower reservoirs of River Dnieper. Spread to Lake Aral The Asian populations were originally confined to coastal waters and lower reaches of tributaries pertaining to the Black Sea and the Caspian Lake. Appearance in Lake Aral (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) in 1975 was possibly due to inadvertent stocking (Aladin et al., 2003), performed in this lake with fish and diverse invertebrates mainly in the late 1950s and the 1960s. Among mysids, several species of Paramysis were intentionally stocked from River Don (Aladin et al., 2003). RISK OF INTRODUCTION Limnomysis benedeni is not listed as a quarantine pest. Extrapolations from its range extensions in the 1990s2000s suggest that it is only a question of time until it will be present in all major river systems of the European subcontinent with appropriate environmental conditions. As in the past, future range extensions will probably occur mainly along navigable waterways. However, increasing importance of overland transfers was recently noted by Wittmann and Ariani (2009). Considering that natural modes of overland transport are highly unlikely (Woynárovich, 1955), such transfers are supposed to result from human activities such as inadvertent stocking with plants or commercially interesting animals, runoff from aquaria (aquarium trade), and quick overland transport of boats (Wittmann and Ariani, 2009). Expansion of Limnomysis along waterways from NE-France down to the Mediterranean coast is to be expected within a few years (Wittmann, 2007), with unknown consequences for the indigenous populations of the closely related genus Diamysis Czerniavsky, 1882, represented by a number of species and subspecies in freshwater and brackish to metahaline waters all around the Mediterranean (Ariani and Wittmann, 2000; Wittmann and Ariani, 2000, 2009). Ricciardi and Rasmussen (1998) listed L. benedeni among 17 Ponto-Caspian animals that due to their salinity tolerance are likely to be transported overseas in ship ballast water, and could appear as future invaders of the Laurentian Great Lakes and other inland waters of North America. One among five mysid species listed by these authors, Hemimysis anomala, has fulfilled this prediction already in 2006 (Pothoven et al., 2007). So far, there is no clear evidence that L. benedeni actually had transgressed any sea basins outside its native range. 3. BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY SECTION DESCRIPTION A detailed description of L. benedeni is available in Băcescu (1954). These mysids are distinguished from other species of the family Mysidae by the following set of morphological characters (Fig. 1): eyes normal, the cylindrical eyestalks are 1.4-2.3 times the length of the cornea. Antennal scale setose all around, with distinct, sexually dimorph apical segment, tip rounded with indistinct or weak ventral flexure in females (Fig. 1B), whereas more acute and with stronger flexure in males (Fig. 1C). Anterior margin of the carapace extends into a pair of lateral spine-like processes. Pleopods reduced to small setose plates in both sexes, except third and fourth pleopods in males. Third male pleopod fused to a two-segmented plate; fourth male pleopod (Fig. 1D) with small, distinct endopod, exopod much longer but basally fused with the two-segmented sympod, exopod terminally of unique shape (Fig. 1D; occasionally with bifid tip). Telson short, with spines all along lateral margins; the short, rounded apical incision armed with a number of laminar processes (Fig. 1E). Body size of adults, measured as total length from the tip of the rostrum to the end of the telson, is typically in the range of 6-13 mm, inclusion of rare cases gives 5-15 mm. Maximum sizes are typically observed when the over-wintering generation matures in spring to early summer, minimum sizes in late summer to early autumn. Males were on the average larger than females in waters of Moldavia (Dediu, 1965) and in the Danube floodplain of Vienna (Wittmann, 2002b) whereas an inverse relation was found in Lake Constance (Gergs et al., 2008). The young leave the brood pouch already resembling miniature adults, although lacking secondary sexual characteristics. SIMILARITIES TO OTHER SPECIES Juveniles and adult females may eventually be confounded with Diamysis pengoi (Czerniavsky, 1882), so far known, with exclusively Ponto-Caspian distribution. Its distribution covers almost the entire native range of L. benedeni but is more restricted to freshwater. A detailed description of D. pengoi is available in Băcescu (1954). It is distinguished from L. benedeni by a non-dimorphic, much shorter, terminally rounded, and forward oriented, apical segment of the antennal scale. The cornea is slightly larger and visibly darker in living and freshly fixed specimens. The endopod of the fourth male pleopod is not fused with its sympod, it is rod-like, two-segmented, with a long, terminal, modified seta. The telson is more quadrangular, with a greater number of laminae on its only superficial apical incision. For sorting large quantities of any size class it proved convenient to check the statoliths in the basis of the endopods of uropods with a low-power stereomicroscope. According to Ariani et al. (1993) the statoliths of D. pengoi are composed of the mineral fluorite (CaF2), which is transparent in transmitted light, those of L. benedeni consist of vaterite, a metastable CaCO3 mineral, which is less transparent, almost opaque. It needs some training for fast and secure sorting with this method. NOTES ON HABITAT In most water bodies, Limnomysis is found in shallow (0.5-5 m) near-shore locations, unless disturbance by strong currents or wave motion. Under conditions of bright light, it shows a generally phytophilic habit, preferring stands or spots of dense submerged vegetation, such as macrophytes, stonewort, roots of trees, and flooded terrestrial weeds (Băcescu, 1954; Dediu, 1966a; Weish and Türkay, 1975; Wittmann, 1995; Wittmann et al., 1999; Gergs et al., 2008). It shows, however, a great plasticity by selecting many other types of structured habitats, if dense vegetation is not closely available. Such structures could be spaces between stones or boulders, stones overgrown by mussels, empty shells, branches of submerged trees, coarse debris, … . Such structures may be rare in harbours; nonetheless high densities of mysids may be found there in the shadow of pontoons, or in and on the coat of filamentous algae covering concrete walls (Wittmann, 2007). A few specimens are regularly found even on the bare surfaces of soft sediments or concrete walls. In shallow habitats, the animals are usually found solitary or in small groups with weak cohesiveness. They tend to ‘stay’ a few cm above the substrate or to rest directly on it. In the turbid waters of coastal lakes or in the dim deep waters of clear continental lakes (Limnomysis found up to 33 m depth by Steinmann, 2009) they may form aggregations of hundreds or thousands of individuals, especially under conditions of mass occurrence. Aggregation densities were observed by the present author over a wide distribution range in summer as well as in winter. At night, L. benedeni shows a more scattered distribution, part of the population is found in the water column up to the surface, part on or near to the ground. In coincidence with this, catches of drift nets exposed in rivers over night are larger than those exposed during the day (Wittmann et al., 1999). However, the relative yield of daytime drift nets is larger in L. benedeni compared to the two remaining mysid species, Hemimysis anomala and Katamysis warpachowskyi, currently abundant in the upper reach of River Danube. This suggests an overall stronger daytime swimming activity in L. benedeni compared to the two other species. BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Genetics Based on sequencing a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene, Audzijonyte et al. (2006) found a clear genealogical split between populations of the Caspian basin versus the Black Sea/Azov basin. As an exception, haplotypes from the Tsymliansk reservoir (River Don, Azov drainage) were of Caspian-type. Spread from populations in River Volga (Caspian drainage) via the Volga-Don canal (finished 1951-1952) could be a plausible explanation of this finding. Additional sequencing by Audzijonyte et al. (2009) indicated a strong genetic differentiation among populations in tributaries of the Black Sea. A high diversity and differentiation of haplotypes in the Lower Danube and its delta was reflected by an unexpectedly high differentiation between invaded localities, suggesting that at least three invasion waves from differentiated sources have occurred along the southern corridor from the Danube Delta to the North Sea. Most invaded sites showed only one or two lineages, often different from other invaded sites, suggesting that there is only limited genetic contact between the populations of invaded localities (Audzijonyte et al., 2009). Reproduction As in all Mysidae species so far examined, L. benedeni shows a strictly amphigonic propagation. The eggs are fertilized upon or shortly after deposition in the brood pouch. The young undergo two larval stages in the brood pouch and moult to the fully mobile juvenile stage upon liberation. For invasion success it may have some importance that a single female with fertilized eggs or with larvae in the brood pouch may principally suffice for founding a new population. In waters of Romania, breeding females are found from March/April to October/November (Băcescu, 1954), in Moldavia from early summer to winter (Dediu, 1965). Available data suggest a reproductive cycle near to that of ‘warm-season breeders’ (Wittmann, 1984) with an over-wintering generation reproducing in spring/summer, followed by one or two summer generations reproducing in summer to autumn (winter). Breeding females carry typically 12-40 eggs (range 2- 46) in the brood pouch, with egg or larvae numbers increasing with increasing body size of the parent (Kelleher et al., 1999; Wittmann and Ariani, 2000; Gergs et al., 2008). In addition, egg numbers and parental body sizes vary with season (Dediu, 1965; Gergs et al., 2008). The females are iteroparous, i.e. produce several subsequent egg clutches, as can be directly observed through the partly transparent body of living specimens carrying egg mass in the ovarian tubes simultaneously with larvae in the brood pouch. High fecundity together with iteroparity and plausibly more than one generation per year, give Limnomysis a very high reproductive potential. Besides ambient factors this potential is apparently an important prerequisite for local mass occurrences as observed by Wittmann (2007) and Wittmann and Ariani (2009). Nutrition Studies on stomach contents (Wittmann and Ariani, 2000) and feeding experiments (Gergs et al., 2008) unanimously showed that L. benedeni is mainly microphagous, feeding mostly on organic matter with small particle size, i.e. phytoplankton, epilithion, and detritus. Animal prey plays only a minor role. PHYSIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS As in many freshwater animals of remote marine origin, salinity is a primary limiting factor for L. benedeni. Most populations live in freshwater, however mass occurrences were mainly observed in coastal and continental lakes with salinities of S = 0.5-5 (salinity expressed as dimensionless equivalent of electric conductivity; Wittmann, 1995, 2007). Only few populations are known for S = 6-14 (Băcescu, 1954; Komarova, 1991; Ovčarenko et al., 2006). A low tolerance for salinities above S = 10 was found in the laboratory by Băcescu (1940). Sudden salinity changes in laboratory were survived up to S = 19 (Ovčarenko et al., 2006). Mass occurrences were only found at pH > 7.7 (Wittmann, 2007). A favourable development in alkaline waters is also suggested by the lower oxygen consumption by juvenile Limnomysis at pH 8.4 than at pH 5.4 (Szalontai et al., 2003). A lower oxygen limit of 3.75 mg/l for natural occurrence of Limnomysis in freshwater is comparatively high for freshwater invertebrates, however it is below the values so far demonstrated for other species of freshwater Mysidae (Băcescu 1940; Wittmann, 2007). Oxygen consumption of L. benedeni under comparable conditions in laboratory was higher than in amphipods taken together with this species from Lake Balaton (Hungary; Szalontai et al., 2003). The establishment of new populations in the 1990-2000s may have been facilitated by the improved water quality (ionic content, oxygen, etc.) in the Rhine and Danube systems as compared to the 1960-1980s (Kelleher et al., 2000; Van der Velde et al., 2000; Wittmann, 2007). Limited ability to swim against water current may have been the main reason why the natural occurrence of L. benedeni was limited to the lower reach of rivers before human intervention. By far most populations are found in standing waters. Normally the animals avoid currents greater than 0.5 m/s (Wittmann, 1995; Wittmann and Ariani, 2000). Not counting drift samples, this species was however occasionally found up to current velocities of 1.5 m/s (Wittmann, 2007). One cannot exclude that populations found at ‘high’ velocities are mainly constituted and/or stabilized by the import of individuals drifting from upstream locations. So the upper limit for the long-term existence of populations without import may possibly be lower than 1.5 m/s. MOVEMENT AND DISPERSAL Natural dispersal The areal distribution up to the 1930s (Behning, 1938; Băcescu, 1940) suggests that active swimming and passive drift along waterways were once the only modes of natural spread in L. benedeni. Simple experiments by Woynárovich (1955) make natural modes of overland spread, such as transfer by water birds, appear very unlikely. Accidental introduction The time series of records (Wittmann, 1995, 2007; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009) together with genetic data (Audzijonyte et al., 2009) suggest that western Europe was mainly colonized along the southern invasion corridor from the Danube Delta, via Main-Danube-Channel and River Rhine down to the North Sea. A high frequency of harbours as documented distribution limits (Wittmann, 1995, 2007) points to ships as main vectors with construction and widening of navigation canals as associated factors. Recent findings of L. benedeni in poorly accessible water bodies (Wittmann et al., 1999; Fritz et al., 2006; Iftime and Tatole, 2006; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009) indicate that overland transfers could play a minor but significant role for the spread of this species. Proposed vectors were inadvertent stocking with aquatic plants or commercially interesting animals (Van der Velde et al., 2000; Dumont, 2006; Iftime and Tatole, 2006), aquarium trade, and quick overland transport of boats (Wittmann and Ariani, 2009). Appearance of L. benedeni in Lake Aral in 1975 was possibly due to inadvertent stocking with fish and diverse invertebrates in the 1950-1960s (Aladin et al., 2003). It is a matter of definition, if intentional stockings with mysids not sorted to species level were to be termed ‘inadvertent’, as in the case of 35 Mio specimens, mainly belonging to diverse species of Paramysis as main target animals together with some Limnomysis, taken 1957-1966 in the lower reach of the rivers Don and Volga, and transferred to hydropower reservoirs along the middle reach of River Volga (Borodich and Havlena, 1973; Borodich, 1976). Intentional introduction Starting in 1947 and culminating in the 1950-1960s, a great number of water bodies in the former Soviet Union were intentionally stocked with L. benedeni in the frame of fisheries management (Pauli, 1957; Zhuravel, 1959; Ioffe, 1968; Grigorovich et al., 2002). The most important stockings for the final distribution of Limnomysis were 1947-1949 in reservoirs along River Dnieper (Ukraine; Zhuravel, 1950, 1965; Pligin and Yemel'yanova, 1989), 1950 in Lake Balaton (Hungary; Woynárovich, 1955), and 1960 in the Kaunas reservoir (Lithuania; Olenin and Leppäkoski, 1999; Arbaciauskas, 2002). Most of these activities were stopped in the 1980s after it became clear that mysid introductions could have adverse effects at the ecosystem level (Rieman and Falter, 1981; Fürst et al., 1984; Ketelaars et al., 1999). NOTES ON NATURAL ENEMIES Like other species of freshwater Mysidae, also L. benedeni plays an important role in the diet of fish (Băcescu, 1940, 1954; Zhuravel, 1956; Zhadin and Gerd, 1961; Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1979b; Kelleher et al., 1999), no matter if indigenous or introduced. For enrichment of the basis of fish food, Limnomysis was deliberately introduced into many continental water bodies of eastern Europe (e.g. Zhuravel, 1950, 1965; Woynárovich, 1955; Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, 1979a). 4. IMPACTS SECTION IMPACTS Economic impact Austin and Alderman (1987) listed L. benedeni among the host species of the burn spot disease, a bacterial shell disease known as a mortality factor in cultured shellfish, particularly lobsters. Frequency and severity of possible impacts on aquaculture are still unknown. Impact on habitats and ecosystem functioning Olenin and Leppäkoski (1999) judged the non-native population of Limnomysis in the strongly eutrophic Curonian Lagoon on the Baltic coast as a by biomass dominant component of the nektobenthic community with major significance in modifying sediment/habitat by pelletisation. For the same population, Olenin et al. (2007) assessed the effect by its invasion on habitats as weak (H1, this is alteration of habitat, but no reduction of spatial extent of a habitat). They classified the impact on ecosystem functioning as moderate (E2, this is weak modification of ecosystem performance and/or addition of a new, or reduction of existing, functional groups). Wittmann and Ariani (2000) found no marked effects at ecosystem level, following the invasion of L. benedeni into a backwater of River Danube in Vienna (Austria), whereas Gauer and Imesch (2008) did not exclude potential modifications of the food web in freshwaters of Switzerland. Impact on biodiversity From basic information on abundance and distribution in Limnomysis, Olenin et al. (2007) assessed the effect of its invasion in the Curonian Lagoon as moderate (C2, this is decline in abundance and reduction of the distribution range of native species). According to Wittmann and Ariani (2000), Limnomysis may outcompete species of the closely related genus Diamysis if it succeeds to invade brackish and freshwater tributaries of the Mediterranean. Bernauer and Jansen (2006) noted a loss of native species in the upper Rhine river in Germany after the appearance of a number of invasive macroinvertebrates, including L. benedeni. According to Austin and Alderman (1987), Limnomysis shares the vulnerability to the burn spot disease (a bacterial shell disease) with a number of further higher crustacean taxa. Quantitative data on the importance as vector of this disease are still wanting. 5. MANAGEMENT SECTION PRODUCTIVE USES AND MANAGEMENT Economic value and environmental services Limnomysis benedeni is often found in stomach of freshwater fish in eastern Europe and is, therefore, often emphasized as important factor for the nutrition of fish, particularly foraging fish (e.g. Zhuravel, 1959; Rezsu et al., 2005). Increasing aquarist use (Piepiorka and Walter, 2006) of L. benedeni as fish fodder and as ornamental ‘shrimp’ is accompanied (Wittmann and Ariani, 2009) by increasing numbers of internet offers. INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT Prevention and Eradication No specific prevention measures were so far proposed for L. benedeni. Unspecific measures may be important such as exchange and treatment of ballast water (Taylor et al., 2002). No means (other than destructive ones on the environment) are known to remove L. benedeni once it has established as alien species in a water body. DATASHEET FOR CABI INVASIVE SPECIES COMPENDIUM INVASIVE AQUATIC SPECIES – Limnomysis benedeni By Karl J. Wittmann Medical University of Vienna, Dept. Ecotoxicology, Waehringer Strasse 10, A-1090 Vienna, Austria REFERENCE LIST Aladin NV, Plotnikov IS, Filippov AA, 2003. Opportunistic settlers in the Aral Sea. In: First International Meeting "the invasion of the caspian sea by the comb jelly mnemiopsis - problems, perspectives, need for action", Baku, Azerbaijan, 24-26 April 2002, Attachement 9, 3 pp. Alekseev VR, ed. 1995. Tom 2. Crustacea. In: Tsalolikhin SJ, ed. Key to freshwater invertebrates of Russia and adjacent lands. St. Petersburg, Russia: Russ. Akad. Nauk., 631 pp. Alexandrov B, Boltachev A, Kharchenko T, Lyashenko A, Son M, Tsarenko P, Zhukinsky V, 2007. Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine. Aquatic Invasions, 2(3):215-242. ANEBO, 2007. Aquatische Neozoen im Bodensee. Limnomysis benedeni. Akmurdov MK, Karyeva O, Smirnova N, Ataev A, eds., 2006. 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CLASS: Crustacea SUPERFAMILY: ORDER: Mysida FAMILY: Mysidae SUBORDER: SUBFAMILY: Mysinae NON-PREFERRED SCIENTIFIC NAMES AUTHOR (taxonomic authority) Limnomysis behningi Zhadin and Gerd, 1961 (lapsus), invalid name Limnomysis brandti Czerniavsky, 1882 (junior synonym), invalid name Limnomysis schmankewiczi Czerniavsky, 1882 (junior synonym), invalid name Mysidella bulgarica Valkanov, 1936 (junior synonym), invalid name Onychomysis mingrelica Czerniavsky, 1882 (junior synonym), invalid name OTHER NAMES INTERNATIONALLY USED COMMON NAME/S INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE OTHER COMMON NAMES COUNTRY (add language if necessary) (use defined areas listed under ‘Distribution’) Donau-Schwebgarnele Austria, Germany pontusi tanúrák Hungary slanke aasgarnaal, Kaspische slanke aasgarnaal Netherlands vidlonožec dunajský Slovakia 2. DISTRIBUTION SECTION DISTRIBUTION (table) Current Distribution: (P) present, no further details; (W) widespread; (L) localized; (O) present, few occurrences; (C) present only in captivity/cultivation; (G) present, only under cover/indoors; Absent: (D) reported in the past, but no longer present; (E) eradicated; (I) absent, intercepted only; (J) invalid record (recorded in error); (K) unreliable record. Aquatic template 1 Country/Region Reference Include citation (author/s, date), ensuring that full bibliographic details are in the reference list Current distributio n Select one from the codes above. Also include year of last report (N)ative/ (I)ntroduced Also year of first introduction if known Cultivated/ domesticated/ in captivity (P)resent (W)idespread (L)ocalized Invasive? Y(es) N(o) ? (not known) Note e.g. locality, particularly note island distribution if known (max. 1000 characters, or use text section) Y In estuarine coastal waters of the Baltic (first recorded 1963) and the North Sea (first recorded 1998 from Haringvliet Netherlands). Populations of the Curonian Lagoon (Baltic) originate from intentional introduction into the Kaunas reservoir in 1960 (Ioffe, 1968) and following this, downstream secondary spread. SEA AREAS – please refer to FAO sea areas in Appendix ATLANTIC, NORTHEAST Ioffe, 1968; Razinkovas, 1996; Kelleher et al., 1999; Arbaciauskas, 2002; Olenin et al., 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA Băcescu, 1954; Komarova, 1989; Daneliya, 2003; Özbek and Ustaoğlu, 2006; Wittmann, 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 L I - 1960 - L N - N In small rivers, estuaries and lakes on the coasts of the Sea of Azov, Black Sea, and the Marmora Sea. L N - N In tributaries and coastal waters of the Caspian Lake. L N - N River Rioni and Lake Palaeostom on the Black Sea coast. ASIA AZERBAIJAN GEORGIA (REPUBLIC OF) Czerniavsky, 1882; Băcescu, 1954 Czerniavsky, 1882; Derjavin, 1924; Băcescu, 1954 In tributaries (rivers Sefid Rud and Rud Amol) of the Caspian Lake. Recent data are wanting. Native in coastal waters and tributaries of the Caspian Lake. Introduced into the middle reach of River Ural. Inadvertently introduced into Lake Aral (first recorded 1975). IRAN Băcescu, 1954 L N - N KAZAKHSTAN Behning, 1938; Zhadin and Gerd, 1961; MordukhaiBoltovskoi, 1979a; Aladin et al., 2003 L mostly N, I in Lake Aral - generally N, locally ? L N - N In small rivers, estuaries and lakes on the coasts of the Black Sea and the Marmora Sea. L I - ? Intentionally introduced into inland waters. L I - ? Inadvertently introduced into Lake Aral (first recorded 1975). Y In waters of the River Danube drainage system (first recorded 1973), also in lakes Constance and Neusiedlersee. TURKEY TURKMENISTAN UZBEKISTAN Băcescu, 1954; Wittmann, 1995, 2007; Özbek and Ustaoğlu, 2006; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 Akmurdov et al., 2006 MordukhaiBoltovskoi, 1979a; Aladin et al., 2003 EUROPE AUSTRIA Aquatic template Weish and Türkay, 1975; Wittmann, 1995, 2002a; Wittmann et al., 1999; Gergs et al., 2008; Moog et al., 2008 W I - 2 Country/Region Reference Include citation (author/s, date), ensuring that full bibliographic details are in the reference list Current distributio n Select one from the codes above. Also include year of last report (N)ative/ (I)ntroduced Also year of first introduction if known BELARUS Semenchenko, et al., 2007 L BELGIUM Vercauteren and Wouters, 2008 L BULGARIA Băcescu, 1949; Russev and KanevaAbadjieva, 1973; Wittmann, 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 W N - N CROATIA Bogut et al., 2007; Wittmann, 2007 L I - ? FRANCE Wittmann and Ariani, 2000, 2009 L I - ? GERMANY Wittmann, 1995, 2003; Geissen, 1997; Reinhold and Tittizer, 1998; Wittmann et al., 1999; Tittizer et al., 2000; Bernauer and Jansen, 2006; Fritz et al., 2006; Gergs et al., 2008; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 Cultivated/ domesticated/ in captivity (P)resent (W)idespread (L)ocalized Invasive? Y(es) N(o) ? (not known) I - ? I - ? W I HUNGARY Dudich, 1947; Woynárovich, 1955; Borza, 2007 W I -first recorded 1946 - Y LITHUANIA Ioffe, 1968; Razinkovas, 1996; Arbaciauskas, 2002; Olenin et al., 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 L I - 1960 - Y MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF Makarov, 1938; Băcescu, 1940; Dediu, 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1967; Komarova, 1991; Audzijonyte et al., 2006 W generally N, locally I 1961 - N NETHERLANDS Kelleher et al., 1999; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Usseglio-Polatera and Beisel, 2003 W I - first recorded 1997 - Y Aquatic template - Y Note e.g. locality, particularly note island distribution if known (max. 1000 characters, or use text section) Pripyat River (first recorded 2007) Ponds in Prinsenpark (Retie; first recorded 2005) In waters of the River Danube drainage system; in coastal lakes and estuaries of the Black Sea. Rivers Danube and Drava, nature reserve Kopacki rit (first recorded 2004). In waters of the River Rhine drainage system (including River Moselle) and in navigation canals of NE-France (first recorded 1998). In waters of the Danube (first recorded 1993) and Rhine systems; also in Lake Constance. In navigation canals, lakes etc. of northern Germany, also in tributaries of the North Sea. In waters of the River Danube drainage system, including River Tisa; intentionally introduced in Lake Balaton. In hydropower reservoirs along River Kaunas (first recorded 1961), in the Curonian Lagoon (first recorded 1963), in lakes Simnas and Daugai. Populations originate from intentional introductions in the 1960s (Ioffe, 1968) and following this, secondary spread. Native in Black Sea tributaries (rivers Prut and Dniestr; Kuchurgan and Dniestr limans). Itentionally introduced into hydropower reservoirs belonging to the Danube and Dniestr drainage systems. Lower Rhine and its tributary system, including rivers Ijssel and Meuse; navigation canals. 3 Country/Region Reference Include citation (author/s, date), ensuring that full bibliographic details are in the reference list Current distributio n Select one from the codes above. Also include year of last report (N)ative/ (I)ntroduced Also year of first introduction if known POLAND Michels, 2005 L I - first recorded 2003 ROMANIA Băcescu, 1940, 1954; Popescu and PrunescuArion, 1960; Wittmann, 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 W N Central Russia Zhuravel, 1955; Borodich, 1976 L I -1947 Southern Russia Behning, A.L., 1938; Borodich, 1976; MordukhaiBoltovskoi, 1979b; Alekseev, 1995; Grigorovich et al., 2002; Audzijonyte et al., 2006, 2009; Petryashev and Daneliya, 2006 Cultivated/ domesticated/ in captivity (P)resent (W)idespread (L)ocalized Invasive? Y(es) N(o) ? (not known) Note e.g. locality, particularly note island distribution if known (max. 1000 characters, or use text section) - ? River Odra and some of its backwaters - N In waters of the River Danube drainage system; in coastal lakes and estuaries of the Black Sea; also in navigation canals. - ? Intentionally introduced into hydropower reservoirs, rivers (Volga, Seym). generally N, locally ? Endemic in tributaries and coastal waters of the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, and Caspian Lake. Intentionally introduced into a great number of hydropower reservoirs, rivers and lakes. - Y In waters of the River Danube drainage system, including River Tisa; in navigation canals connecting Tisa and Danube. - ? In waters of the River Danube drainage system. - ? Upper Rhine (harbour of Basel), Lake Constance generally N, locally ? Native in tributaries and coastal waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Possibly invasive along artificial waterways. Intentionally introduced into a number of hydropower reservoirs, rivers and lakes. RUSSIA* W generally N, locally I 1948 I - first recorded 1977 SERBIA BTF, 1999; Wittmann, 2007 W SLOVAKIA Brtek, 1953; Šporka, 2003; Wittmann, 2007 L SWITZERLAND Wittmann, 2007; Gergs et al., 2008 L UKRAINE Băcescu, 1940; Zhuravel, 1950, 1955,1960; Dediu, 1966; Komarova, 1991; Daneliya, 2001; Grigorovich et al., 2002; Daneliya, 2003; Cristescu and Hebert, 2005; Alexandrov et al., 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 I - first recorded 1953 I - first recorded 2005 generally N, locally I 1947 W - - HISTORY OF INTRODUCTION (table) Introduced to country; use defined areas listed under ‘Distribution’ Introduced from country; use defined areas listed under ‘Distribution’ AUSTRIA SLOVAKIA Aquatic template Year or range Reason please choose from list under Means of Movement and Dispersal: Causes e.g. ‘Horticulture’ Established/ naturalized (yes, no, unknown) before 1973 navigation ? yes Comment Reference Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list Weish and Türkay, 1975; Wittmann, 1995 4 BELARUS UKRAINE BELGIUM NETHERLANDS CROATIA SERBIA (HUNGARY) FRANCE GERMANY GERMANY HUNGARY AUSTRIA ROMANIA or SERBIA before 2007 shortly before 2005 before 2004 shortly before 1998 navigation, construction of waterways yes Semenchenko, et al., 2007 construction of waterways yes Vercauteren and Wouters, 2008 unknown yes Bogut et al., 2007; Wittmann, 2007 navigation, construction of waterways yes Wittmann and Ariani, 2000 shortly before 1993 mainly navigation yes before 1946 essentially unknown; within Hungary partly by intentional stocking yes Range expansion recorded in six steps of 1-173 km length along River Danube (1973-1993) Wittmann, 1995, 2007 Dudich, 1947; Woynárovich, 1955 Ioffe, 1968; Razinkovas, 1996; Arbaciauskas, 2002; Olenin et al., 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 Kelleher et al., 1999; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009; Audzijonyte et al., 2009 LITHUANIA UKRAINE 1960 intentional stocking yes NETHERLANDS GERMANY shortly before 1997 navigation, construction of waterways yes POLAND GERMANY (LITHUANIA) before 2003 navigation, construction of waterways yes SERBIA ROMANIA unknown yes Wittmann, 2007 SLOVAKIA HUNGARY unknown yes Brtek, 1953 SWITZERLAND GERMANY yes Wittmann, 2007 TURKMENISTA N RUSSIA ? ? UZBEKISTAN RUSSIA before 1975 before 1977 19471952 shortly before 2005 navigation, construction of waterways intentional stocking inadvertent stocking Source areas discussed in the text section. unknown yes Lake Aral Michels, 2005 Akmurdov et al., 2006 MordukhaiBoltovskoi, 1979a; Aladin et al., 2003 3. BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY SECTION HABITAT TABLE Present X/1/ 2 Terrestrial - Managed Cultivated / agricultural land Protected agriculture (e.g. glasshouse production) Managed forests, plantations and orchards Managed grasslands (grazing systems) Industrial / intensive livestock production systems Disturbed areas Status N/P/ H Freshwater Brackish Rail/roadsides Urban areas Buildings Irrigation channels Present X/1/ 2 2 Status N/P/ H P Lakes 1 N Reservoirs 2 P Rivers/streams 1 N Ponds 1 N Estuaries 1 N Lagoons 1 N Inland saline areas Marine Inshore marine Coral reefs Aquatic template 5 Terrestrial - Natural / Semi-natural Natural forests Pelagic zone (offshore) Natural grasslands Benthic zone Riverbanks Sea caves Other Wetlands Host Cold lands / tundra Vector Land caves Stored products Rocky areas / lava flows Soil Scrub / shrublands Ice Additional Deserts Please specify Arid regions Littoral Coastal areas Coastal dunes Mangroves Mud flats Intertidal zone Salt marshes ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS TABLES Preferred (mark with ‘X’) Climate (modified Koeppen classification of major climatic regions) Tolerated (mark with ‘X’) A. Equatorial climates Af Equatorial full humid rainforest Am Equatorial monsoon As Equatorial savannah with dry summer Aw Equatorial savannah with dry winter B. Arid climates BS Steppe X BW Desert climate X C. Warm temperate climates Cs Warm temperate climates with dry summer Cw Warm temperate climate with dry winter Cf Warm temperate fully humid climate D. Snow climates Ds Snow climate with dry summer Dw Snow climate with dry winter Df Snow climate, fully humid E. Polar climates EF Tundra climate ET Frost climate X X X Latitude range °N °S Approximate limits north to south 40-56 - Air temperature Lower limit Upper limit Mean annual temperature (°C, lower/upper tolerance limits) Mean maximum temperature of hottest month (°C, lower/upper tolerance limits) Mean minimum temperature of coldest month (°C, lower/upper tolerance limits) Absolute minimum temperature (°C) (= minimum lowest temperature tolerated/ever recorded) Water tolerances table Parameter Aquatic template Indicate optimal and tolerated values or ranges Preferred Tolerated Remark 6 Parameter Indicate optimal and tolerated values or ranges Preferred Tolerated Remark Water temperature (°C) 10-25 0-31 related to number of populations observed Salinity (ppt) 0.1-3 0-14 related to number of populations observed Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) >5.9 >3.7 related to number of populations observed Water pH 7.3-8.6 5.5-9.6 related to number of populations observed Hardness (mg/l CaCO3) 100-200 50-540 related to number of populations observed Turbidity (JTU) 10-70 1-300 Velocity (cm/h) 0-72,000 0-360,000 Conductivity (µmhos/cm) 500-6,000 52-23,000 measured in the field as NTU (= nephelometric turbidity units) high velocities may be coped by physical contact to the substrate (unless drifting away) related to number of populations observed Depth (m b.s.l.) Other (describe and give units) 0.5-5 0-33 related to number of populations observed Carbon dioxide (mg/l) Ammonia [unionised] (mg/l) Ammonium [ionised] (mg/l) MOVEMENT AND DISPERSAL TABLES Causes for introduction and dispersal table Cause Why a species is transported, whether accidentally or deliberately Notes Long-distance (D) and/or Local (L) (Exclude exceptional circumstances that are unlikely to be repeated) Note details of countries of origin and introduction in the History of Introduction Table References Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list Acclimatization societies Agriculture Aid Animal production Aquaculture Aquarium trade D, L Use as fodder animals or as ornamental animals. Rey et al., 2005; Piepiorka and Walter, 2006; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 D, L For enrichment of the food basis Ioffe, 1968; Biological control Botanical gardens/ zoos Breeding/ propagation Cut flower trade Digestion/excretion Disturbance Erosion control/ dune stabilization Escape from confinement/ garden escape Fisheries Flooding/ other natural disaster Food Forage Forestry Garden waste disposal Harvesting fur/wool/hair Hedges/ windbreaks Hitchhiker Horticulture Hunting/angling/sport/racing Industrial purposes Intentional release Aquatic template 7 Cause Why a species is transported, whether accidentally or deliberately Notes Long-distance (D) and/or Local (L) (Exclude exceptional circumstances that are unlikely to be repeated) Note details of countries of origin and introduction in the History of Introduction Table References Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list for fish, stockings were carried out in continental waters of eastern Europe, mainly in the 1950-1960s. Grigorovich et al., 2002; Aladin et al., 2003 Tittizer, 1997; Reinhold and Tittizer, 1998; Ricciardi and Rasmussen, 1998; Tittizer et al., 2000; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Van der Velde et al., 2002; Wittmann, 2007; Audzijonyte et al., 2008 Interbasin transfers Interconnected waterways D, L Since its opening in 1992, the Main-Danube Channel represents a major short cut for faunal exchange between the Rhine and Danube drainage systems. The Mittellandkanal (constructed 1938) was expanded in 2003 and is now a short cut between the Rhine system and other systems pertaining to the North Sea and the Baltic. Internet sales D, L Offers on aquarist internet sites. Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 D, L Inadvertent stocking with aquatic plants; with commercially interesting animals (mainly fish, mussels, and shrimp). Van der Velde et al., 2000; Aladin et al., 2003; Dumont, 2006; Iftime and Tatole, 2006 ; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 D, L Navigation is probably the main factor for range expansions in the Danube and Rhine systems (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Netherlands). Behning, 1938; Wittmann, 1995; Kelleher et al., 1999; Van der Velde et al., 2000; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Wittmann and Ariani, 2000, 2009 L (D) Unexpected appearance of Limnomysis in poorly accessible, but navigable lakes of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 Landscape improvement/ landscaping industry Live food/feed trade Fisheries Medicinal use Military movements Nursery trade Off-site preservation/ ex-situ conservation Ornamental purposes People foraging People sharing resources Pet trade Research Seed trade Self-propelled Smuggling Stocking Timber trade Other cause (e.g. worm cultivation), please specify) Navigation Overland transport of boats Vectors for introduction and dispersal table Aquatic template 8 Vector How a species is transported, i.e. the physical means or vector (on, in or with the following) Notes Long-distance (D) and/or Local (L) e.g. frequency, life stage, density and condition Reference Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list Aircraft Aquaculture stock Bait Bulk freight/cargo Clothing/footwear and possessions Consumables (food on cruise ships etc.) Containers and packaging (wood) Containers and packaging (non-wood) Debris and waste associated with human activities Floating vegetation/debris Germplasm (e.g. plant collections, etc.) Hides/trophies/ feathers Host organism (e.g. insect vector) Live seafood Luggage (incl. sailors’ sea chests) Machinery/equipment Mail/post Mulch/straw/baskets/sod etc. Livestock D, L Inadvertent stocking with aquatic plants; with commercially interesting animals (mainly fish, mussels, and shrimp). Van der Velde et al., 2000; Aladin et al., 2003; Dumont, 2006; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 D, L For inland navigation of minor importance compared to bilge water (rest water) and cooling water filters. Reinhold and Tittizer, 1997, 1998; Ricciardi and Rasmussen, 1998 D, L Bilge water (rest water) together with cooling water filters are probably main factors for the transcontinental dispersion of Limnomysis. Reinhold and Tittizer, 1997, 1998; Bij de Vaate et al., 2002; Wittmann, 2007 D, L Mysids attached to the outside hull of ships. Behning, 1938; Wittmann, 1995; Reinhold and Tittizer, 1997, 1998 D, L Increasing numbers of offers of living mysid shrimps are noticed on aquarist internet pages since the 1990s. Rey et al., 2005; Piepiorka and Walter, 2006; Wittmann and Ariani, 2009 Pets and aquarium species Plants or parts of plants Ship ballast water/sediment Ship bilge water Ship/boat structures above the water line/ holds and cabins Ship/boat hull fouling Soil, sand, gravel etc. Land vehicles Water Wind Other (please specify) Runoff from aquaria Vector species table Vector species Scientific name and authority Aquatic template Countries where known to occur Notes Reference: Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list 9 NOTES ON NATURAL ENEMIES (text section) NATURAL ENEMY Scientific name and authority TYPE OF ATTACK herbivore/ carnivore, parasite, or pathogen PART/STAGE ATTACKED Example species Parasite Larva Pisces (a great variety of fish species) carnivores any stage COUNTRIES WHERE KNOWN TO OCCUR (optional data) (followed by dates of introduction if known and ‘I’ if indigenous) Canada (2002) Smith et al., 2003 Mexico (I) Richards, 1968 - SPECIFICITY (S) to species (G) to genus (NS) not specific USED AS A BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AGENT (Y/N) S Y NS N 4. IMPACTS SECTION Impact summary table P(ositive) or N(egative) or PN (both) IMPACT TYPE Potential pest and disease transmission Modification of habitat Modification of food web P(ositive) or N(egative) or PN (both) IMPACT TYPE PN Potential modification of ecosystem functioning Loss of native species N PN Threat to native species N N N Threatened species table THREATENED SPECIES scientific name and authority CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANCE (e.g. state whether on the IUCN red list or national endangered species list) Species of the genus Diamysis Czerniavsky WHERE IS IT THREATENED? Enter country name if known and locality MECHANISM Enter number from the Impact Mechanisms list competition REFERENCE: Please write (name, date) citation here and include full bibliographic details in reference list Wittmann and Ariani, 2000 SUMMARY OF INVASIVENESS Risk and impact factors table Invasiveness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is the species invasive in its native range? Has it proved invasive outside its native range? (i.e. is it an invasive alien species)? Does it have a broad native range? Is it abundant in its native range? Is it highly adaptable to different environments? (i.e. does it exhibit phenotypic plasticity?) Aquatic template Please indicate Y(es), N(o), U(nkown), NA (not applicable) N Y Y Y Y 10 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Is it a habitat generalist? Does it tolerate, or benefit from, competition, cultivation, browsing pressure, fire? Is it pioneering in disturbed areas? Is it tolerant of shade? Is it capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food? (i.e. is it polyphagous?) Is it highly mobile locally? Does it benefit from human association? (i.e. is it a human commensal?) Is it long lived? Is it fast growing? Does it have high reproductive potential? Is it gregarious? Does it have propagules that can viable for more than one year (e.g. as eggs, pupae, seeds)? Does it reproduce asexually? Does it have high genetic variability? Impact outcomes 20. Altered trophic level 21. Changed gene pool/ selective loss of genotypes 22. Conflict 23. Damaged ecosystem services 24. Ecosystem change/ habitat alteration 25. Host damage 26. Increases vulnerability to invasions 27. Infrastructure damage 28. Loss of medicinal resources 29. Modification of fire regime 30. Modification of hydrology 31. Modification of natural benthic communities 32. Modification of nutrient regime 33. Modification of successional patterns 34. Monoculture formation 35. Negatively impacts agriculture 36. Negatively impacts cultural/traditional practices 37. Negatively impacts forestry 38. Negatively impacts human health 39. Negatively impacts animal health 40. Negatively impacts livelihoods 41. Negatively impacts aquaculture/fisheries 42. Negatively impacts tourism 43. Reduced amenity values 44. Reduced native biodiversity 45. Soil accretion 46. Threat to/ loss of endangered species 47. Threat to/ loss of native species 48. Transportation disruption 49. Negatively impacts animal/plant collections 50. Damages animal/plant products 51. Negatively impacts trade/international relations Other, please specify Impact mechanisms 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Allelopathic Antagonistic (e.g. micro-organisms) Causes allergic responses Competition - monopolising resources Competition - shading Competition - smothering Competition - strangling Competition - other Pest and disease transmission Filtration Aquatic template U U U NA N Y N N N Y Y N N Y Please indicate Y(es), N(o), U(nkown) U N N N Y N U N N N N Y N N N N N N N U N U N N Y N U Y N N N N Please indicate Y(es), N(o), U(nkown) N N N N N N N Y Y N 11 63. Fouling 64. Herbivory/grazing/browsing 65. Hybridization 66. Induces hypersensitivity 67. Interaction with other invasive species 68. Parasitism (incl. parasitoid) 69. Pathogenic 70. Poisoning 71. Pollen swamping 72. Predation 73. Rapid growth 74. Rooting 75. Trampling 76. Produces spines, thorns or burrs Other, please specify N Y N N U U N N N N N N N N Likelihood of entry/control 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Is it highly likely to be transported internationally (a) accidentally? (e.g. as a contaminant). Is it highly likely to be transported internationally (b) deliberately? (e.g. as an ornamental) Is it highly likely to be transported internationally (c) illegally Is it difficult to identify / detect as a commodity contaminant? (e.g. due to small size) Is it difficult to identify / detect in the field? (e.g. similarities to other species, inconspicuousness) Is it difficult / costly to control? (e.g. resistance to pesticides) Please indicate Y(es), N(o), U(nkown) Y Y U N N Y 5. MANAGEMENT SECTION USES TABLE Please mark with ‘X’ Soil conservation Oils Soil improvement Pearls General Wildlife habitat Pesticide, pest repellent Botanical garden/zoo Windbreaks Resins Use Rubber/latex Capital accumulation Draught animal Materials Shell Laboratory use Alcohol Silk Pet/aquarium trade Bark products Skins/leather/fur Research model Baskets Tanstuffs Ritual uses Beads Sociocultural value Bones Souvenirs Sport (hunting, shooting, fishing,racing) Working animals (miscellaneous) Cane Wax Wood/timber (see table of Wood products) Wool Carved material Chemicals Cosmetics Dyestuffs Medicinal, pharmaceutical Source of medicine/ pharmaceutical Traditional, folklore Environmental Essential oils Agroforestry Feathers Amenity Fertilizer Biological control Boundary, barrier or support Commercial pollinator Erosion control, dune stabilization Firebreak Fibre Graft stock Lac Land reclamation Lipids Landscape improvement Manure Human food and beverage Beverage base Revegetation Miscellaneous Cereal Shelterbelts Mulches Eggs Aquatic template Fuel (fuelwood) Green manure Gums Hair Horn Veterinary Fuels Biofuels Charcoal Fuelwood Miscellaneous fuels 12 Emergency (famine) food Genetic Importance Animal feed, fodder, forage Bait, attractant Flour, starch Food additive Fruits Gene source Progenitor of … Fishmeal Gum, mucilage Honey, honey flora Leaves (for beverage) Meat/fat/offal/blood/bone (whole, cut, fresh, frozen, canned, cured, processed or smoked) Milk and dairy products Fodder/animal feed X Forage X Invertebrate food X Meat and bonemeal Related to … Test organisms (for pests and diseases) Ornamental Christmas tree Cut flower Nuts Drugs, stimulants, social uses – materials Hallucinogen Oil, fat Masticatory Pulse Narcotic Root crop Psychoactive Seeds Religious Spices & culinary herbs Smoking Sugar Stimulants Potted plant Propagation material Seed trade Additional (please specify:) Aquarist use X Vegetable 6. FURTHER INFORMATION SECTION LINKS TO WEBSITES Give details of any sites on the internet, which are of relevance to this datasheet, these may be organizations/networks of expertise, databases and other significant compilations. NAME ADDRESS (URL) ORGANIZATIONS Give details of any organizations which are of significant relevance to this datasheet (with specific focus/expertise at the national, regional or global level). NAME ACRONYM ADDRESS COUNTRY URL ILLUSTRATIONS Please see Instructions to Authors for further essential information regarding illustrations. Please supply full details for each illustration that you send. Aquatic template 13 Pic No. Please supply a clear, descriptive caption for each illustration (supply on a separate sheet if necessary) 1 Limnomysis benedeni. Lateral view of female with incipient egg clutch in the thorax, simultaneously bearing nauplioid larvae in the brood pouch. 2 Dense aggregation of Limnomysis benedeni (field photograph). 3 Limnomysis benedeni from River Danube. A, adult female in dorsal view; B, C, antennal scale in female (B) and male (C); D, fourth male pleopod; E, telson. 4 Distribution and range expansion in Limnomysis benedeni. Years indicate first records. Overlapping symbols are arranged with the older records on top. Type: Slide Print Artwork? Photo (electronic ) Photo (electronic ) Electronic artwork (B/W with some grey) Electronic artwork (RGB colours) Rights to illustration held by? Immediate return required? (mark with ‘X’) Onderwaterwereld (ask for permission) ? Onderwaterwereld (ask for permission) ? Karl J. Wittmann Karl J. Wittmann Please indicate any other potential source of pictures for this datasheet NAME Onderwaterwereld Aquatic template ADDRESS (postal or email) nedeni 14
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