Modelling of an infrared halogen lamp in a rapid thermal system
Modelling of an infrared halogen lamp in a rapid thermal system
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Thermal Sciences journal homepage: Modelling of an infrared halogen lamp in a rapid thermal system P.O. Logerais a, *, A. Bouteville b a b Université Paris-Est, Centre d’Études et de Recherche en Thermique Environnement et Systèmes (CERTES), IUT de Sénart, Avenue Pierre Point, 77127 Lieusaint, France Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LAMPA, 2 boulevard du Ronceray, BP 93525, 49035 Angers Cedex 01, France a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 24 November 2009 Received in revised form 26 February 2010 Accepted 8 March 2010 Available online 10 April 2010 The heat flux distribution of an infrared halogen lamp in a Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) equipment is studied. An overview of lamp modelling in RTP systems is given and for the first time, the infrared lamp bank is modelled by taking into consideration with accuracy a lamp portion in the bank environment. A three-dimensional (3D) lamp model, with a fine filament representation is largely presented. The model assumptions are in particular exposed with focusing on the thermal boundary conditions. The lamp temperature is calculated by solving the radiative heat transfer equation by means of the MonteCarlo method for ray tracing. Numerical calculations are performed with the finite volume method. A very good agreement is found with experimental data in steady state. The heat amount provided by the lamp is also determined. As a first development, transient calculations are performed with the validated model and the dynamic behaviour of the lamp during heating process is determined with precision. Lastly, the model is discussed and further developments are proposed. Ó 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Keywords: Infrared halogen lamp Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) Modelling Numerical simulation Monte-Carlo method Lamp temperature 1. Introduction Rapid Thermal Processes (RTP) are essential in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices such as integrated circuits, memories or solar cells. They correspond to key stages in the wafer production operations like annealing (RTA), oxidation (RTO) or Chemical Vapour Deposition (RTCVD) [1e3]. As feature size decreases towards the nanometre scale and wafer diameter increases, a deep knowledge of the phenomena involved in the processes is crucial. Indeed, there is a growing demand from rapid thermal equipment manufacturers and users to improve control, uniformity and repeatability of wafer processes. As wafer temperature requirement is especially moving to a drastic 1 K precision, wafer heating has to be mastered with high accuracy. Development of numerical tools has accompanied with success the evolution of RTP over the last two decades. Numerical tools have allowed a better understanding of the various aspects of the processes such as wafer heating, gas flow, thin film deposition, system control etc. Heat and mass transfer have been namely simulated by using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method in an efficacious way [4,5]. In RTP systems, a silicon wafer is heated up at a very high rate by the radiative heat provided by halogen infrared lamps (Fig. 1a). Process times vary from a few seconds for implant annealing up to * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 1 64 13 46 86; fax: þ33 1 64 13 45 01. E-mail address: [email protected] (P.O. Logerais). 1290-0729/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2010.03.003 a few minutes for high-K annealing or curing [6]. The main technological challenge is to obtain a well controlled uniform temperature at the wafer surface. So the perfect knowledge of radiative heat emitted by the infrared lamps is necessary. The infrared lamps are usually arranged in banks in the furnace of RTP equipments (Fig. 1b). For information, in a cold wall reactor, the wafer is placed in a chamber and the wall is kept cooled by means of a water flow. A quartz window separates the chamber from the furnace. The radiative heat is transported from the lamps to the wafer through the quartz window and by reflections on the chamber wall. A controller, commonly of Proportional Integral Derivate (PID) type, connected to a pyrometer fixes the input lamp power to respect the setpoint wafer temperature. Halogen infrared lamps consist of a tungsten filament in a middle of a quartz bulb (Fig. 1a). The latter is filled with nitrogen under around 4 bar of over pressure to reduce the tungsten filament evaporation. Halogen gases with Iodine (I), Bromine (Br), Chlorine (Cl) or Fluorine (F) are added. The created halogen cycle helps tungsten redeposition on the filament. By this method, the lamp lifetime and lamp brightness are increased. Then, the tungsten filament and the electrical power to apply can both remain stable. The lamp bases containing the connectors must be kept under 600 K. Consequently, pulsed air is flowed on the lamp bases during process. The RTP systems were modelled in different ways. The realized models tend to be more and more accurate to best follow the trends of microelectronic manufacturing requirements. 1438 P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Nomenclature Ai Al Aop Aop,l Ast Ast,l cp d e h0 i I(r,U) Ib(r) k kl L M Mij ! n nl ~l n Ns p p0 P Patm qi Qi r Rop Rop,l Rst Rst,l Sh ! SM t T area of the patch i surface spectral absorptivity absorptivity for an opaque surface spectral absorptivity for an opaque surface absorptivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume spectral absorptivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume specific heat capacity radiation travelled distance distance between the centres of two neighbour lamps specific total enthalpy specific internal energy function of the temperature T and the density r radiation intensity function of both position r and direction U intensity of blackbody radiation at the temperature of the medium thermal conductivity spectral absorption index length of the lamp molar mass radiation exchange matrix (fraction of radiation emitted by patch i and absorbed by patch j) unit normal vector at the surface location spectral refractive index spectral complex refractive index total number of patches static pressure initial pressure lamp applied power atmospheric pressure heat flux density for the patch i heat flux of the patch i radial position reflectivity for an opaque surface spectral reflectivity for an opaque surface reflectivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume spectral reflectivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume additional source term namely the one due to radiative transfer additional momentum source term time temperature Plévert et al. represented the lamp banks of an RTP equipment as a continuous surface emitting infrared radiation [7]. This assumption led to an overestimation of the radiation emitted since only the lamp filaments radiate. Balakrishnan and Edgar used two ways for modelling lamps in the RTP equipment they considered [8]. Firstly, the relationship between the lamp power and the wafer temperature is evaluated from the heat balance of the whole system. This relationship is valid for lamps in steady state because temperature variations are low. Secondly, the wafer temperature response and the lamp power regulation system are identified as transfer functions. The dynamics of the lamps are returned by a first order model. The time constant of the lamp depends on the filament temperature Tfil. It is proportional to T3 fil . Tfil Tj Tst Tst,l T0 u, v, w ! V x, y, z filament temperature average temperature of patch j transmissivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume spectral transmissivity for a semi-transparent parallel geometry volume initial temperature velocity components in the x, y and z directions velocity vector Cartesian coordinates Greek symbols al spectral absorption coefficient al,q spectral and directional absorptivity dij Kronecker delta D4long longitudinal net exchanged heat flux between two adjacent portions D41e2 lateral net exchanged heat flux between lamp 1 and lamp 2 k absorption coefficient 3 surface emissivity 3j emissivity of the patch j 3l spectral emissivity 3l,q spectral and directional emissivity l radiation wavelength n kinematic viscosity U propagation direction of the outgoing radiation beam U0 propagation direction of the incoming radiation beam 4bot average heat flux at the bottom of the furnace portion 41/2 heat flux emitted by lamp 1 towards lamp 2 F(U) phase function of the energy transfer from the incoming direction to the outgoing direction U r density r surface reflectivity s scattering coefficient s StefaneBoltzmann constant (5.669 108 W m2 K4) s transmissivity sij viscous stress tensor q radiation direction q1 angle of incidence with the surface normal in the medium 1 q2 angle of refraction with the surface normal in the medium 2 Subscripts i patch number j patch number Kersch and Schafbauer modelled a rapid thermal system in which measured values for the lamp power are entered in the studied RTP system model [9]. Habuka et al. studied an RTP system with circular lamps [10]. The filament lamp is modelled by source points. The DARTS method (Direct Approach using Ray Tracing Simulation) is used for ray tracing. The lamp connectors are taken into consideration in the model equations and their effect is found significant on the wafer temperature which is lower by a few percent just below them. Chao et al. calculated view factors and approximated the radiative properties [11]. The representation of the lamps in the model is a set of concentric rings. A uniform applied power is treated. Lamps are represented in the same way in other modelling works like the one of Park and Jung [12]. P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 1439 Fig. 1. a) Infrared halogen lamp. b) Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) system configuration. Chang and Hwang modelled linear infrared lamps by representing the complete lamp geometry [13]. The boundary conditions are applied to the quartz bulb and to the filament: their absorptivities, their transmissivities and the applied heat power are entered. Ray tracing and simulation of the absorption, reflection, refraction and diffusion of the light are performed by using the TracePro and ANSYS programs as well as the Monte-Carlo method. A 1 kW lamp power is supplied. To continue all these efforts, in a previous work, we (Logerais et al.) modelled an RTP equipment [14]. As the lamp filament consists of a large number of turns which are very close one to the other, its representation in three dimensions has been approximated by a hollow cylinder with an imposed uniform temperature in its outer surface. However, this representation involves a greater tungsten volume than the one of the real helix shaped filament. So, for a given supplied electrical power, the hollow cylinder representation should lead to an overestimated filament temperature. In the present work, our aim is to determine the heat distribution of an infrared halogen lamp in an RTP system according to the supplied electrical power. In the model, a high accurate representation of the filament is realized. The model is presented with emphasis on the equations and on the assumptions. Numerical calculations are performed to achieve better knowledge of the thermal behaviour during thermal processes. In a last part, the realized lamp model and its results are discussed. 2. Lamp model In this work, the infrared lamp used in the AS-One 150 equipment developed by the AnnealSys Company is modelled [15]. The lamp shape and arrangement of this RTP system are common to most of the RTP systems, thus the presented results can be transferred to a lot of other systems. The portion is in fact a slice of the furnace taken at mid-distance between a lamp and its direct neighbour lamps respectively to the right and to the left. Its width is therefore equal to the distance between the centres of two adjacent lamps. Its length is equal to one tenth of the lamp. Finally, its height is equal to the one of the upper part of the furnace. This representation can be first justified by the results obtained in Caratini’s work [16]. The latter indicates that the heat flux emitted by the filament remains almost uniform along it. Even in the presence of support rings and also close to the edges of the lamp, the emitted flux decrease is low (maximum of 5%). So considering one tenth of the lamp is representative. The portion dimensions will be more justified in the below part 2.2 and 2.5 with the mesh cell number and the boundary conditions. 2.2. Meshing The realized meshing for the lamp is shown on Fig. 2. The lamp filament was achieved by generating helix curves with CFD’GEOM software [17]. The number of whorls and the distance between two consecutive turns were specified after being measured with a calliper rule. A hybrid mesh was entered. The filament and nitrogen trapped in the bulb quartz is a tetragonal unstructured mesh whereas the quartz bulb and the air in the portion are represented by a structured mesh. The size of the cells was chosen to be as most balanced as possible to facilitate the numerical solving. The domain is composed of around 150 000 cells. This huge cell number ensures a very accurate representation of the filament, so the view factors are implicitly known perfectly. Furthermore, this model is less time consuming because a full filament lamp representation would involve an enormous number of cells and nonending calculations. 2.1. Geometry 2.3. Equations The model consists of a three-dimensional (3D) representation of one tenth of the lamp in a furnace portion (Figs. 2 and 3a). The equations governing the conservation of mass, momentum and energy are solved [18]. The mass conservation equation and the 1440 P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Fig. 2. Lamp model geometry with its mesh. momentum conservation equation are respectively given by expressions (1) and (2). ! vr þ div r V ¼ 0 vt (1) ! ! v rV ! ! ! ! þ r V div V ¼ gradp þ mD V þ S M vt (2) ! ! vðrh0 Þ vp vðusxx Þ v usyx þ divðr V h0 Þ ¼ divðkgradTÞ þ þ þ vt vt vx vy v vsxy v vsyy vðuszx Þ þ þ þ vz vx vy v vszy vðwsxz Þ v wsyz þ þ þ vx vz vy vðwszz Þ þ Sh ð3Þ þ vz in which h0 is the specific total enthalpy defined by the following expression (4): p r þ 1 2 u þ v2 þ w2 2 (4) ! One can remark that vp/vt, divð V sij Þ and (1/2) (u2 þ v2 þ w2) are negligible in equations (3) and (4), and that the convective heat transfer can be overlooked with respect to the radiative heat transfer. So, afterwards, the flow field is not shown. The radiative heat transfer equation for an emitting-absorbing and scattering medium can be presented as found below [18,19]. ! UgradðIðr; UÞÞ ¼ ðk þ sÞIðr; UÞ þ kIb ðrÞ Z 0 0 s Iðr; UÞF U /U dU þ 4p (5) 0 U ¼ 4p ! where, UgradðIðr; UÞÞ is the gradient of the intensity in the specified propagation direction U; (k þ s)I(r,U) represents the changes in intensity due to absorption k and out-scattering s; kIb(r) R U0 ¼ 4p Iðr; UÞFðU0 /UÞdU0 is the gain due to in-scattering where F(U0 /U) is the phase function of the energy transfer from the incoming U0 direction to the outgoing U direction; and the intensity at the surface is evaluated by: Iðr; UÞ ¼ 3Ib ðrÞ þ r p Z nU The heat transfer is calculated by solving the energy conservation equation (3): h0 ¼ i þ corresponds to the emission; ðs=4pÞ 0 0 0 jnU jI r; U dU (6) 0 The radiative heat transfer equation (5) is solved by using the Monte-Carlo method. The used scheme is detailed in the work of Mazumder and Kersch [20]. In this scheme, the rays emitted by each surface of the system, called “patch”, are traced until they are absorbed by the same surface or any other surface. Thus, the equation (5) solution corresponds to a radiation energy exchange between a given patch i and all the other patches j: Qi ¼ qi Ai ¼ NS X Mij dij 3j sTj4 Aj (7) j¼1 where NS is the total number of patches and Mij is the radiation exchange matrix (fraction of radiation emitted by patch i and absorbed by patch j). A photon issued of a patch i, undergoes many events before being absorbed by a surface. When radiation strikes a body, the processes of absorption, reflection (diffuse, specular or partially specular) and transmission can occur [21]. Each of these events will depend on the radiation wavelength, the radiation propagation direction, the patch orientation and the patch optical properties. The optical properties are described by the complex refractive ~ l given by expression (8) which depends on the incident index n radiation wavelength and also the patch temperature [22]. It allows to determine the absorptivity, emissivity, reflectivity and transmissivity of the different surfaces which can be semi-transparent or opaque. ~ l ¼ nl ikl n (8) For semi-transparent parallel geometry like the quartz bulb, several assumptions presented in the book of Morokoff and Kersch are considered like a constant absorption coefficient al in the material volume [23]. The Snell law, the Fresnel formulas and P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 s ¼ edal al ¼ 4pkl l 1441 (13) (14) in which q1 is the angle of incidence with the surface normal in the medium 1, q2 is the angle of refraction with the surface normal in the medium 2 and d is the radiation travelled distance. For opaque surfaces, like the tungsten filament, obviously transmissivity is equal to zero. The reflectivity is calculated knowing the absorptivity: Rop ¼ 1 Aop (15) In both the semi-transparent and opaque cases, the absorptivity is equal to the emissivity for a spectral and a directional condition as stipulated by Kirchhoff’s law [25]: al;q ¼ 3l;q (16) Al ¼ 3l (17) Most of all, the Monte-Carlo method is used to determine the wavelength, the direction and the trajectory of the photons from their emission point to their absorption point. These characteristics are obtained by inversing cumulated distribution functions [19]. Representative bundles of photons are considered. Their trajectories must be perfectly randomised to reproduce namely the diffuse emission phenomena. Hence, the choice of the Monte-Carlo method is fully justified. 2.4. Volume properties and initial values Each part of the lamp (the tungsten filament, the nitrogen gas in the bulb, the quartz bulb and the air in the furnace) is considered as a volume. All the volume and initial data are reported in Table 1. They come from different sources [26e28]. Viscosities, specific heat capacities and thermal conductivities all vary with temperature. The hypothesis of ideal gas law is supposed for the bulb nitrogen and the air. The halogen gases in the bulb, which are in minor quantities compared to nitrogen, are not introduced in the model. 2.5. Boundary conditions Fig. 3. Choice of the dimensions and boundary conditions. a matrix approach are used [24]. Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity for the semi-transparent parallel geometry are given by the below expressions (9)e(11): Ast ¼ ð1 rÞð1 sÞ 1 rs " Rst ð1 rÞ2 s2 ¼ r 1þ 1 r 2 s2 Tst ¼ (9) # ð1 rÞ2 s 1 r2 s2 (10) (11) where r¼ ! 1 tan2 ðq1 q2 Þ sin2 ðq1 q2 Þ þ 2 tan2 ðq1 þ q2 Þ sin2 ðq1 þ q2 Þ (12) The boundary condition description will allow us to explain fully the choice of the lamp representation. The dimensions and boundary conditions of the portion are chosen to stay the closest to the furnace conditions. The thermal conditions, in particular the radiative boundary conditions of the portion are depicted on the schematic diagrams of Fig. 3. The choice of the portion dimensions is linked to the heat fluxes. The absorptivity, emissivity, reflectivity and transmissivity for all the surfaces are shown on Fig. 4. Their values are calculated according to the material optical data provided by the book of Palik [22]. In Fig. 3b, a few lamps close one to the other in the furnace are considered. This diagram is practical to show the influence between lamps next to one another. In fact, in a lamp bank, the lamps are mutually heated. This mutual heating occurs mainly between a lamp and its first neighbour lamp (lamp number 1 and 2). In a section located midway between the two adjacent lamps 1 and 2, the heat flux emitted by the lamp 1 towards lamp 2 and the one received by lamp 1 from the nearby lamp 2, noted respectively 41/2 and 42/1, are equal in absolute value and opposed regarding the midway plan. The net exchanged flux D41e2 is therefore equal to zero in this plan. Hence, an adiabatic boundary condition is chosen for the lateral boundary condition of the portion. 1442 P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Table 1 Volume and initial properties. Volume designation Volume property Value Filament (tungsten) Density, r Initial temperature, T0 Specific heat capacity, cp Thermal conductivity, k 19 300 kg m3 300 K 0.0255T þ 124.35 J K1 kg1 3.3 105T2 0.1144T þ 199.7 W m1 K1 Nitrogen in the bulb Molar mass, M Initial pressure, p0 Initial temperature, T0 Kinematic viscosity, n Specific heat capacity, cp Thermal conductivity, k 28 g mol1 400 000 Pa 300 K 7 106 þ 4 108T 6 1012T2 m2 s1 993.1 þ 0.161T J K1 kg1 0.0068 þ 7 105T 7 109T2 W m1 K1 Bulb (quartz) Density, r Initial temperature, T0 Specific heat capacity, cp Thermal conductivity, k 2649 kg m3 300 K 212.3 þ 4.75T 6.26 103T2 þ 3.66 106T3 7.8 1010T4 J K1 kg1 0.96 þ 2.43 103T 2.29 106T2 þ 7.94 1010T3 W m1 K1 Air in the furnace Molar mass, M Initial pressure, p0 Initial temperature, T0 Kinematic viscosity, n Specific heat capacity, cp Thermal conductivity, k 29 g mol1 100 000 Pa 300 K 8 106 þ 4 108T m2 s1 951.71 þ 0.194T J K1 kg1 0.0078 þ 6 108T W m1 K1 An adiabatic boundary condition is also considered for the walls in the longitudinal direction. When one moves along the axis of the lamp, the heat flux is uniform. By considering two portions put one beside the other, in the section between the two portions, the emitted and received fluxes will cancel out (D4long ¼ 0). Hence, the choice of an adiabatic condition is considered for the longitudinal boundary condition of the portion. The “mirror” radiative property, that is to say a perfectly reflective surface, is chosen for the lateral and longitudinal walls. Indeed, the rays emitted respectively by the nearby lamp and the portion beside are equivalent to those reflected by these perfectly reflective walls. The upper wall which is the furnace wall is made of stainless steel and its temperature is estimated at 573 K. Finally, the convective and the radiative heat has to be evacuated, otherwise the temperature inside the portion is going to increase indefinitely. The hot air evacuation outside the portion towards the furnace is reproduced by applying an atmospheric pressure outlet condition at 300 K at the bottom portion. This boundary condition is called “hot air evacuation” on Fig. 3b and c. To take into account the radiation evacuation out of the portion to the rest of the thermal system, the bottom portion optical property is considered like the one of a blackbody at 300 K with an absorptivity equal to 1 (Fig. 4). This boundary condition is mentioned on Fig. 3b by the name “far”. In an RTP system, there are other radiations besides the ones emitted by the infrared lamps centred on 1 mm. These radiations are for example emitted by the silicon wafer or by the quartz window. Consequently, a “farfield” condition is considered to take into account these incoming radiations with their various widespread wavelengths. We can specify that the model is valid for lamps near the walls of the furnace as well. The distance between the lamp and the furnace wall is of the same order than the one between two adjacent lamps. As the wall is very reflective, the boundary condition with the mirror radiative property is then a good approximation. 2.6. Numerical calculations The numerical calculations are performed using the finite volume method which consists in integrating the conservation equations (1)e(3) and (5) over each domain cell of the geometry system [29,30]. A second order method is chosen for the spatial resolution. The ray tracing is performed for five millions rays in order to ensure an accurate result. An at least four order magnitude decrease of the residual sum is made sure during calculations to have a satisfactory convergence. The numerical calculations are carried out by using the CFD’Ace code on a PC type AMD Athlon 64, processor 32 with 1 Gb RAM. As an idea, the convergence is achieved for steady-state calculations in about 3 h and in about 12 h for the transient state ones. In a previous work, the lamp filament temperature had been determined experimentally for five constant heating powers [14]. The filament resistance had been deduced from measurements of the tungsten filament electrical voltage and intensity during heating processes. As the filament resistivity is function of temperature, the filament temperature could be determined. Five percentages had been studied: 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% of the maximum lamp power had been applied. The obtained filament temperatures were within 1700 and 2300 K, which are commonly utilized values in RTP processes. The values of the measured electrical power density are entered in the present model for the tungsten filament in order to compare the lamp temperatures. Firstly, steady-state calculations are performed and confronted to the above mentioned experimental results. Secondly, transient simulations are performed with the unconditionally stable Euler first order method for time solving. 3. Results and discussion Fig. 5 shows the result of a steady-state calculation for a 25% applied power. We can see the incandescent tungsten filament and the hot gases and bulb around it. For each applied power, the filament temperature simulated varies by about 30 K around the average filament temperature which represents a deviation less than 2%. The lamp average temperature is then presented in all this work. Since variation of the filament temperature is very rapid in transient state, the time response uncertainty is important. Thus, a steady-state comparison is more reliable. The steady-state calculated filament temperatures are confronted to the experimental ones on Fig. 6 versus the five lamp power values [14]. The experimental uncertainty intervals are also indicated. A very good P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 1443 Fig. 4. Surface radiative properties: a) Tungsten of the filament. b) Quartz of the bulb. c) Steel of the upper wall. d) Mirror. e) Far of the hot air evacuation. agreement can be noticed between experimental and calculated filament temperatures. All the calculated values are within the accuracy interval and the differences found are less than 5%. So, this validated model allows an accurate estimation of the heat flux density flowing towards the bottom of the furnace and the reaction chamber. As this heat is evacuated out of the considered lamp portion, its value is negative. This heat flux density is called 4bot. Its absolute average value, j4botj is reported on Fig. 7 versus the lamp applied power. The relation deduced from this figure will be practical for the user to predict the heat flux received by the substrate according to the applied power to the infrared lamps. Moreover, this result is of great interest if we intend to study an entire RTP system in which the lamp bank is difficult to represent due to the numerous details. In fact, the upper part of the furnace which includes the lamp bank can be simplified by a wall with an imposed heat flux with the determined values of Fig. 7. This simplification was realized in the work of Plévert et al. but the wall heat flux values were just estimated [7]. This validated model can also be simulated in transient state. Fig. 8 shows the simulated dynamics of the lamp for the five considered constant heating power. It allows to evaluate the lamp response time. Thereafter, a reflection is done on the possible developments that can be put forward to the present precise lamp model. As a first remark, the modelling method exposed in the present work is not limited to the AS-One 150 system. It can be applied to model cylindrical halogen infrared lamps of other RTP equipments by adapting the dimensions and the mesh. An application of this method to spherical bulbs is possible too with a preliminary study on the mesh to realize. Besides, the present model is interesting to complete rapid thermal system models where the lamp temperature was entered as a source term, like the ones we realized or those in other achievements [10,14]. The source term values can be previously calculated with the lamp model before simulating the system. Moreover, different power applied instructions can be entered according to the processes [6,31]. The wafer temperature 1444 P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Fig. 5. The heated infrared lamp filament (25% applied power). evolution can be related to the one of the lamps in order to optimise the thermal budget received by the wafer. Furthermore, modelling several nearby lamps would give even more precise results for the filament temperature. A better knowledge of the mutual heating would be provided, namely if the amount of electrical power is different from one lamp to another. In the present study, a uniform heating of all the lamps was taken into consideration. But, in many rapid thermal systems, the lamps can be piloted by groups in order to get a uniform wafer temperature [32,33]. Developments of the present model to study the internal phenomena involved during RTP utilizations are also possible. With increasing computer capacities, it would be interesting to model at least one quarter of the lamp with its base to see the temperature decrease towards the edge. Here, a uniform temperature was considered and the portion is supposed to be taken more towards the mid part. We can mention that the Joule effect in the filament can be simulated by coupling the electrical current continuity equation to the heat conservation equation in the model [18]. Going further, by adding the rings in the model, their thermal influence on both the filament and the wafer could be appreciated. In spite of the high pressure and the halogen gases in the bulb, there is an inevitable reduction of the tungsten filament volume by evaporation with use and ageing. So, the introduction of a kinetic model for the tungsten evaporation would permit to find a relationship between the lamp lifetime and the number of rapid thermal cycles. As a final note, this model can be instrumental in controlling and regulating the wafer temperature in a tight way during lamp heating process. For example, it can be integrated as a predictive model. The addition of a physical predictive model to the controller of RTP machine permits an optimization of the thermal budget received by the silicon wafer from the infrared lamps [8,34]. Specially, a wafer temperature very consistent with the required one can be obtained with a gradual rise before reaching the setpoint wafer temperature. Fig. 7. Absolute average heat flux density calculated at the bottom of the portion, j4botj versus the supplied power in steady state. Fig. 8. Evolution of the simulated filament temperature for different lamp supplied power. Fig. 6. Comparison between the experimental filament temperatures and the calculated ones versus the supplied power in steady state. P.O. Logerais, A. Bouteville / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (2010) 1437e1445 Nevertheless, further developments are necessary for a wafer mass production. The physical model must be as close as possible to reality to master the wafer process control, what we endeavoured to with the realisation of an accurate lamp model. 4. Conclusion The infrared halogen lamp model developed in the present study gives a better knowledge of the provided heat amount according to the supplied power in the considered Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) system. In the present work, an overview of infrared lamp models in RTP systems is first given. A new threedimensional deep model with a faithful representation of the lamp filament with its helix shape is afterwards largely developed. The model assumptions are indeed described with interest to the surface radiative properties and the solving of the radiative heat transfer equation by means of the Monte-Carlo method. The model is validated in steady state by a very good matching between experimental and simulated infrared lamp filament temperature. A relation is established allowing the user to predict the heat flux received by the substrate according to the applied power of the lamps. This heat flux can be used to simplify forthcoming entire RTP system models. Moreover, the dynamics of the lamp is better understood by the calculated temperature responses realized. Subsequently, they will allow to optimise the wafer thermal budget. Many other developments are exposed in the last part in order to go further in the mastering of lamp modelling accuracy, to improve RTP system models and wafer control temperature. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully thank the French Ministry of Education and Research and the AnnealSys Company, especially Mr. Franck Laporte for his help and fruitful discussions and Mr. Éric Dupuy for technical assistance. References [1] B. Liu, J. Gao, K.M. Wu, C. Liu, Solid State Communications 149 (17e18) (2009) 715e717. [2] R.A. Ismail, D.N. Raouf, D.F. 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