RCM SMWG Student Midwives Conference 2011 Wendy Bascal
RCM SMWG Student Midwives Conference 2011 Wendy Bascal
RCM SMWG Student Midwives Conference 2011 Wendy Bascal Throughout the world for generations women have used a shawl or scarf to wrap around their baby to carry him/her, without the need for a pram! In South America and in particular in Mexico this scarf/shawl is known as a Rebozo. Traditional Midwives In pregnancy In labour Postnatally Aim is normality “Rebozo can be like an extension of your arms” Michelle Schnaars, Doula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1uM-4ZUiP8 A myriad of uses!! I have used 2 techniques within my personal practice following attendance on the study day ◦ relief of backache in OP labour ◦ opening up the pelvis in advanced labour (hip squeeze) reference MIDIRS Cochrane review (Hunter 2007) said insufficient evidence to recommend this intervention but women should be encouraged to find comfortable positions Anderson (1999) and other midwives like her suggested that midwives should incorporate OFP advice in the absence of evidence of harm to mother or baby. There is evidence that walking and upright positions in the first stage of labour reduce the length of labour and do not seem to be associated with increased intervention or negative effects on mothers' and babies' wellbeing. Women should be encouraged to take up whatever position they find most comfortable in the first stage of labour Epidural v non-epidural analgesia or no analgesia in labour Cochrane Review (2005, awaiting update from 2010 review) “Further research on reducing the adverse outcomes with epidurals would be helpful”. RCM (2008) Persistent Lateral and Posterior Fetal Position at the Onset of Labour Lawrence et al. (2008) Maternal positions and mobility during first stage labour http://www.birthingnaturally.net/cn/tool/reboz o.html http://www.homebirth.net.au/2008/03/rebozotechnique.html http://www.midwiferytoday.com/articles/transc ript.asp http://portlandmidwifery.com/2011/04/12/using -a-rebozo-to-open-up-the-pelvis/ http://www.comfort-measures.com/laborprogress.html http://vimeo.com/14190294 http://rebozoway.org/images/stories/pdfs/broch ure.pdf http://empoweredmommies.com/blogs/doula_m omma/ Special acknowledgement to Angelina Martinez Miranda, 3rd Generation Traditional Mexican Midwife who regularly gives talks at international conferences. To Caroline Blamey, Midwife, for facilitating an extraordinary workshop in Rebozo in May 2011. To Liz Nightingale for organising the workshop. To all the wonderful inspirational midwives (working independently or within NHS) To my dear friend Laura for always looking for fresh ideas. Finally thank you to my 4 gorgeous children for teaching me the amazing power of birth! And last but not least my eldest daughter Hannah for her PowerPoint expertise