Paolo Tomassetti
Paolo Tomassetti
Curriculum vitae of Paolo Tomassetti Areas of Expertise Industrial relations, collective bargaining and productivity. Labour market and employment contracts. International labour standards and European social dialogue. Education Ph.D. Candidate in Human Capital Development and Labour Relations, University of Bergamo, ADAPT-CQIA. Principal subjects: industrial relations, collective bargaining and productivity; labour market and employment contracts; school-to-work transition. Research topic: Decentralized collective bargaining in the metalworking industry in Lombardy. Master’s degree in Labour Law and Social Security, University of Rome “Sapienza”. Principal subjects: industrial relations, labour law, social security, occupational health and safety. Final dissertation on: The role of social partners in the construction of the European Law. Final remark: 110/110, with honours. Master’s degree in International Studies, University of Rome “Sapienza”. Principal subjects: International Law, International Economics, International Relations. Final dissertation on: Transnational Collective Bargaining. Final remark: 110/110, with honours. Work Experience CONFCOMMERCIO from January 2013 to January 2014 research fellow at Confcommercio/Confederazione Generale Italiana delle Imprese, delle Attività Professionali e del Lavoro Autonomo, D.G. Labour and Welfare Policies. Application and interpretation of the national collective agreement for the commerce sector employees. Legislative and contractual drafting. Delegated to EuroCommerce and in charge of European social dialogue activities. TECHNICAL ADVISOR of the Italian delegation to the 102nd International Labour Conference, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 5-21 June 2013. TECHNICAL ADVISOR of the Italian delegation to the 9th European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization, Oslo, Norway, 8-11 April 2013. ADAPT ( from July 2010 to September 2012 was research fellow at Adapt/Associazione per gli studi internazionali e comparati in diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali. In charge of the Industrial Relations Research Unit, carried out training, consultancy and research activities in the field of collective bargaining and industrial relations. PROJECT MANAGER of the consultancy project carried out by Adapt on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Estonia to revise the national legislation on collective labour dispute, European Social Found, CPV classifier of the procurement: 79111000-5, October 2010 – October 2011. ARAN ( from January 2009 to September 2010 was consultant at ARAN/Agenzia per la rappresentanza negoziale delle pubbliche amministrazioni, D.G. Industrial Relations. He drafted a number of national reports in response to the European Commission’s consultations within the framework of the European Social Dialogue. He dealt with the application and interpretation of the national collective agreements for public sector employees. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT from February to September 2008 he served as an intern at the D.G. International Trade and Enterprises of the Ministry of Economic Development. He assisted the Director in co-ordinating the promotion of SME’s Import/Export activities. Language Skills Fluent in English and Spanish. Working knowledge of both languages. Ability to active and passive translation of both languages. IT Skills Advanced knowledge of Office and the main internet browsers. Personal and Social Skills Generosity, courage, passion, adaptability, creativity, determination, lucidity, fairness, tact, diplomacy, ability to listen, willing to engage, self-control. Awards and e Acknowledgments 2012 –The Hans Böckler Foundation scholarship to participate the Summer School on “Industrial Relations and Crisis Management in Germany: a model for Europe?” (Berlin, Germany, 17-23 September 2012) 2011 – FYRE – Fostering Young Researchers scholarship founded by Fondazione Cariplo (renounced). 2009 – Scholarship to carry out research abroad for MA dissertation (Brussels, Belgium). 2006 – Erasmus student at Universidad del Paìs Vasco (Bilbao, Spain). Non-professional Interests Good music maniac, cinema, reading of economic, political and social essays. Contributor at References Michele Tiraboschi – Professor of Labour Law at University of Modena e Reggio Emilia: [email protected]. Paola Bozzao – Professor of Labour Law at Sapienza University of Rome: [email protected]. Maria Vittoria Marongiu – Manager at D.G. Industrial Relations, ARAN: [email protected]. Leopoldo Franza – Manager at Ministry of Economic Development: [email protected].
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